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CLASS:XI Ans: measurement, the process of associating

SUBJECT:PHYSICS numbers with physical quantities and phenomena.

WORKSHEET:2 Measurement is fundamental to the sciences; to
MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS engineering, construction, and other technical fields;
1. Which of the following pairs has the same dimensions? and to almost all everyday activities.
(a) specific heat and latent heat
(b) lmpulse and momentum 3. Define the horizontal range of the projectile.
(c) surface tension and force Ans: The displacement in the horizontal direction is the
(d) moment of lnertia and torque projectile's range. Because gravity only acts vertically,
Ans(b)Impulse and momentum there is no acceleration in this direction. The range of
2. The dimensions of kinetic energy is the projectile, like the time of flight and maximum
(a) [M 2L2T] (b) [ML 2T]
height, is determined by the initial speed.
(c) [ML 2T-2] (d) [ML 2T-1]
4. At what angle a ball must be thrown to get maximum
Ans; (c) [ML 2T-2]
horizontal range?
3. A body is traveling in a circle at constant speed. It
Ans:45 degrees
(a) has an inward acceleration
5. Why are the lubricants used in machines?
(b) has constant velocity.
Ans: Lubrication reduces friction and allows moving
(c) has no acceleration
(d) has an outward radial acceleration
machine parts to slide smoothly past each other.
Ans: (a) has an inward acceleration
1. Why it is not possible to establish a physical relation
4. The dimensions of kinetic energy is same as that of
involving more than three variables using the method of
(a) force (b) pressure
(c) work (d) momentum
Ans: (c) work Ans: If a quantity depends on more than three factors
5. The angular velocity depends upon the rate of change of than dimensional formula cannot be derived.
the? 2. Can a particle accelerate when its speed is constant?
(a) Angular acceleration (b) Angular Distance. Explain.
(c) Angular Displacement. (d) torque Ans: If speed is constant, particle may still have an
Ans: (a) Angular acceleration acceleration. e.g. in uniform circular motion, speed is
ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: constant but as the direction of motion changes
1. Define light year. continuously, velocity changes and there is
Ans: Light-year is the distance light travels in one acceleration.
year. Light zips through interstellar space at 186,000
miles (300,000 kilometers) per second and 5.88 trillion 3. A stone dropped from the window of a stationary railway
miles (9.46 trillion kilometers) per year. carriage takes 2 seconds to reach the ground. At what
2. What do you mean by the term measurement? time the stone will reach the ground when the carriage is
moving with (a) the constant velocity of 80kmh-1(b) would give you Its.1000 otherwise you have to pay the
constant acceleration of 2ms-2? same to me. A was sure that you can never hit that
Ans: t = 2 h / g In both cases, the stone will fall through bird. However, killing a bird is not good for the
the same height as it is falling when the railway environment. Assume the muzzle speed to be fixed,
carriage is stationary. Hence, the stone will reach the and neglect air resistance
ground after 2 seconds 1. Is betting a good practice?
Ans: No
4. When a ball falls from a height its momentum increases.
Ans: When a ball falls from a height its velocity
increases due to acceleration of gravity.
5. When a high jumper leaves the ground, where does the
force which accelerates the jumper upward comes from?
Ans: When a high jumper leaves the ground, the jumper
was forced upward by the ground, which is the force that
causes the jumper to accelerate upward.
1. The professor of class X asked Madan and Prathiva to
find the distance of the moon from the Earth. Pratibha
said it is impossible to find. But Madan was excited to
know. He observed the moon from two diametrically
2. How A is sure that the bullet could not hit the target?
opposite points A and B on Earth. The angle q subtended
Ans: Max horizonatal range = u2 g
at the moon by the two directions of observation is 1°54′.
Given the diameter of the Earth to be about (1.276 ×
[∵ muzzle velocityin fixed]
107 m). ie Rmax = u^2/ g = 2–√3= 3.464 km g
1. A.Which values arc depicted by Madan? So, the bullet can not hit the target which is 4 km
Ans: The values depicted by Madan are : away.
(a) Curiosity
(b) Sincerity 3. Which values are depicted in the above question?.
(c) Willing to know and implement the scientific ideas.
2. B. Which mathematical concept is used in the above problem? Ans: Values depicted are:
3. Ans: Parallax method (a) Concern for environment and living creature
2. A and B are the two students of class X. A fired a (b) Avoid betting
bullet at an angle of 30° with the horizontal which (c) Intelligent
hits the ground 3 km away. B told that I could hit a
bird that is 4 km away by adjusting its angle of
projection. A immediately betted, He told if you can I

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