Semis Exam Nat&pat
Semis Exam Nat&pat
Semis Exam Nat&pat
Discuss why and how Filipinos acquired strong personalities. What are the most important factors that
strengthen Filipino character?
Filipinos are known for having a strong personalities. And there is some reason why and how
they acquired strong personalities. Also, there are factors that strengthen Filipino characters and of
course, there is one most important factor among all those factors.
Filipinos have been described as friendly, outgoing, sensitive, easily offended, nosy, garrulous,
direct, hospitable, feisty, irreverent, good-natured, clever, witty, gregarious, happy, generous, easy to
laugh, gracious, easy to befriend, casual, fun-loving, sensitive and hospitable. Personal and family honor
are stressed, as well as dignity and pride. Education is highly valued and families make great sacrifices to
educate their children. Hiya (shame) is instilled in Filipinos at an early age. To be shamed is the greatest
form of disgrace. Filipino culture developed over centuries in tandem with and in response to Western
culture introduced by the Spanish and later Americans. And that makes Filipino have strong
personalities. The religion, the influence of Asian, Spanish, and American countries. The Filipinos
adopted some traits from them. Also, the culture affects how Filipino should act in everyday life. The
festivals make them get along with others. With that, Filipinos learn to respect, help, and get along with
On the other side, the most important factor that strengthen Filipino character is the social
environment. It is because Filipinos are living in a place where everyone understands each other. Where
everyone is generous. Therefore, the social environment is the best factor because it molds Filipinos to
have a strong character. The Filipinos learned how to deal with neighbors and they can have fun with
others in just less time. Filipinos are naturally helpful and generous people. They give as much as they
can and extend help to family members — and even strangers — when needed. This is seen through the
abundance of charity drives and foundations in the country, especially when calamities arise.
In conclusion, Filipinos have built strong characters and personalities. And there are many
factors in how they acquired that. Filipinos are like a sword that needs to be forged in fire to become
strong and to be able to cut everything it passes. Filipinos have been through hard situations and
endured a lot of pain in the past. In addition, one of the most important personalities of Filipinos is being
God-fearing people. All of the struggles, hindrances, and problems of Filipinos are just being laughed at
by them because they have faith in God and that everything is just a trial, God will help always.
Q2 ON CHARACTER. Under this category, explain yourself in not less than 100 words.
I am Jamaica Abat Delos Santos, I live in a place where everyone knows each other. I am from
Malabago, Calasiao, Pangasinan. I am a friendly one. Anyone who gives me smile, I am sending them
back. I am also hardworking. Since I’m still studying, I’m giving my best in my studies. Not for being a
crab mentality, but every time there’s someone above me, it makes me feel I’m still lacking something
and I want to know what that is. I am generous, I share all my blessings with my friends and family. I am
respectful, I always say po, opo, and oho with elders. And lastly, I am God-fearing. I can overcome all my
problems with the help of our Lord God. I’m always telling him what is my situation and what help I
need. I will always serve him until the end of my life, because I know I will be one of those saved when
the end of the world comes.
The strengths and weaknesses of the Filipino have their roots in many factors such as: (1) the
home environment, (2) the social environment, (3) culture and language, (4) history, (5) the educational
system, (6) religion, (7) the economic environment, (8) the political environment, (9) mass media, and
(10) leadership and role models.
1. Hospitality
This is one of the most popular qualities of Filipinos. Foreigners who have gone to the
Philippines find themselves falling in love with the warm hospitality they are shown. It's a
different kind of value system, which has existed for thousands of years. Here are some
examples of the hospitality that Filipinos show, not only to foreigners, but also to their fellow
When a person visits a friend's house, the host greets him or her with a very warm
welcome. The host will immediately let their visitor sit down and will prepare a meal or a snack
plus drinks for the visitor. The host will insist that the friend not leave the house with an empty
stomach. A host will always make sure you had a great time visiting them.
People offer their guest room to visitors if they're going to spend the night.
Meals offered to guests are very special. A host always finds a way to prepare great
tasting food that her visitor wants to eat.
Filipinos love to get together for big family meals.
2. Respect
This is often observed—not just by younger people—but also by people of all ages.
Children respect elders by saying "po" and "opo," which mean "yes," when answering
their elders.
Children or young adults also show respect by putting their elders' hands on their
Filipinos also show respect at work by making a bow to their employers.
3. Strong Family Ties and Religions
Filipinos value their families so much that they tend to keep families intact through the
Families go to church and pray together because their religion is important and creates
a strong bond, marking God as the center of their lives.
Families make sure to have quality time together especially after a day's work. Just
watching television or eating a family meal will be valued and prioritized in everybody's
Everyone helps out and gathers together at Filipino parties.
4. Generosity and Helpfulness
Filipinos are generous people. Even when we have very little, we always share with
those around us.
During special occasions such as birthdays or "fiestas" —parties when people from other
places visit your home to celebrate with you—there are lots of foods specially prepared for
everyone! Friends, family, friends of friends, and even strangers can gather and they are always
willing to share food and help out.
When a neighbor is in trouble, Filipinos are always ready to help them.
5. Strong Work Ethic
One example of a hardworking person is a farmer. They earn so little but they still work
very hard for not much compensation.
Filipinos always find creative ways to earn a living, like creating a small business from
their home where they sell foods or other items for the convenience of their neighbors.
Filipino farmers work hard for very little money.
6. Love and Caring
Men are so sweet and romantic when it comes to love. They will send their beloved
flowers, bring her to a very romantic place, text her sweet quotes, and tell often how special
she is to them.
Filipino women are also romantic and very caring, which often makes foreigners want to
marry them. Women tend to prepare dinner before their husband comes home. They are
loving, and value the relationship, always staying faithful to their husbands. They love deeply
and sincerely.
Negative Traits of Filipinos
Fatalism: An attitude of "what goes around, comes around" or "come what may." We
have a tendency to surrender our future to fate. We often accept bad news or circumstances
without trying to stop or change them. This can sometimes be helpful in adversity, but it can
also keep us from finding ways out of situations. Also, constantly expecting the worst can get
pretty depressing.
Crab mentality: This is prevalent in politics where people tend to push each other down
to clear the way for their own gain. Politicians, especially, try their best to ruin each other, but
this can also happen among regular people. I think it goes to the point of selfishness
Q4 The following from one another moral person to an ethical person to a virtuous person.
Moral person - A moral person behaves in a way that is believed by most people to be good and right.
The people who will be on the committee are moral, cultured, competent people.
Ethical person- Ethical comes from the Greek ethos "moral character" and describes a person or
behavior as right in the moral sense - truthful, fair, and honest. Sometimes the word is used for people
who follow the moral standards of their profession.
Virtuous person- "Virtues" are attitudes, dispositions, or character traits that enable us to be and to act
in ways that develop this potential. They enable us to pursue the ideals we have adopted. Honesty,
courage, compassion, generosity, fidelity, integrity, fairness, self-control, and prudence are all examples
of virtues.