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Intensive supervised rehabilitation versus less supervised

rehabilitation following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction? A
systematic review and meta-analysis
Andrew R. Gamble a,∗ , Evangelos Pappas a , Mary O’Keeffe b,c , Giovanni Ferreira b ,
Christopher G. Maher b , Joshua R. Zadro b
Discipline of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Australia
Institute for Musculoskeletal Health, The University of Sydney and Sydney Local Health District, Australia
School of Allied Health, Faculty of Education and Health Sciences, University of Limerick, Ireland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objectives: To investigate whether intensive supervised rehabilitation following ACL reconstruction leads
Received 29 October 2020 to superior self-reported function and sports participation compared to less supervised rehabilitation.
Received in revised form 1 March 2021 Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
Accepted 3 March 2021
Methods: We included randomised controlled trials (RCTs) comparing supervised rehabilitation to
Available online xxx
rehabilitation with a similar protocol that used less supervised sessions for athletes following ACL recon-
struction. Two reviewers independently screened studies and extracted data. The Physiotherapy Evidence
Database (PEDro) scale was used to evaluate methodological quality and GRADE to evaluate overall qual-
ity of evidence. Self-reported function and sports participation were the primary outcomes. Data were
Remote pooled using random effects meta-analyses.
Home Results: Our search retrieved 4075 articles. Seven articles reporting on six RCTs were included (n = 353).
Supervision Very-low to low-certainty evidence suggests intensive supervised rehabilitation is not superior to less
ACL surgery supervised rehabilitation following ACL reconstruction for improving self-reported function, sports par-
ticipation, knee flexor and extensor strength, range of motion, sagittal plane knee laxity, single leg hop
performance, or quality of life.
Conclusion: Based on uncertain evidence, intensive supervised rehabilitation is not superior to less super-
vised rehabilitation for athletes following ACL reconstruction. Although high-quality RCTs are needed to
provide more certain evidence, clinicians should engage athletes in shared decision making to ensure
athletes’ rehabilitation decisions align with current evidence on supervised rehabilitation as well as their
preferences and values.
© 2021 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Practical implications • There is a need for large, high-quality randomised controlled

trials implementing progressive rehabilitation protocols to inves-
• Physiotherapists managing athletes following ACL reconstruc- tigate the value of intensive supervised rehabilitation following
tion could focus less on regular supervised sessions and more ACL reconstruction.
on education to support independence with rehabilitation.
• Physiotherapists could provide supervised sessions on an ‘as
needed’ basis to ensure athletes are competent performing their 1. Introduction
exercises independently and are able to identify “warning signs”
of inappropriate rehabilitation such as poor progress, loss of The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the most fre-
range of motion or substantial knee joint edema after activity. quently injured knee ligaments.1 Most ACL ruptures occur during
non-contact cutting and change of direction movements in sport.2
The annual incidence of ACL ruptures is estimated at 68.6 per
100,000 person-years in the United States1 with females at 2–10
∗ Corresponding author. times higher risk of rupturing their ACL during pivoting and cut-
E-mail address: (A.R. Gamble). ting sports (e.g. basketball, football) compared to males.3 ACL
1440-2440/© 2021 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Gamble AR, et al,Intensive supervised rehabilitation versus less supervised rehabilitation following anterior
cruciate ligament reconstruction? A systematic review and meta-analysis, J Sci Med Sport,
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JSAMS-2483; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
A.R. Gamble et al. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

reconstruction surgery followed by rehabilitation is recommended We included trials enrolling recreational and elite athletes aged
for most athletes wishing to return to sport, particularly athletes 15 years or older following ACL reconstruction.
involved in sports that require pivoting and cutting.4 Although The included trials had to compare two post-operative rehabil-
there is evidence that some athletes can return to sport without itation protocols that only differed by the number of supervised
surgery following an ACL rupture,5 the use of ACL reconstruction (or clinic-based) sessions athletes received. The protocol that had
continues to rise.3 Following ACL reconstruction, 65% of athletes fewer number of supervised sessions was defined as ‘less super-
will return to their pre-injury level of sports participation and 1 in vised rehabilitation’. Trials evaluating rehabilitation protocols with
4 of those who return to sport will experience a subsequent ACL the same number of supervised sessions or evaluating rehabili-
rupture.6 tation protocols with different intervention parameters between
Rehabilitation following ACL reconstruction aims to return ath- groups (e.g. type of exercises, intensity, duration) were excluded.
letes to their previous level of function and sports participation Self-reported knee function (e.g. Lysholm scale) and sports
while reducing the risk of re-injury. Maximising strength, func- participation (e.g. Tegner scale) were our primary outcomes. Sec-
tional performance, and addressing psychological factors such as ondary outcomes included knee muscle strength (e.g. assessed
fear of re-injury are key targets of rehabilitation.7 Achieving the isometrically, eccentrically or concentrically using a dynamome-
right balance between training and rest during rehabilitation is also ter), knee flexion and extension range of motion, sagittal knee plane
important because both under- and over-loading may increase the laxity (e.g. assessed using an arthrometer), single leg hop perfor-
risk of injury.8 Guidelines recommend using a battery of tests to mance (e.g. assessed using the LSI for single leg hop for maximum
ensure important deficits in strength and functional performance distance, single leg timed hop for 6 m and single leg vertical hop for
are addressed.9 For example, achieving >90% of quadriceps strength maximum height), and quality of life.
and single leg hop performance compared to the unaffected limb
(i.e. Limb Symmetry Index, LSI > 90%) can reduce the risk of re-injury
by 84%.10
2.3. Data sources and searches
There is currently no consensus on the ‘best’ rehabilitation
protocol. Many aspects of rehabilitation are of unknown value,
The following electronic databases and clinical trial registries
such as the need for intensive supervision by a health profes-
were searched using terms synonymous with “ACL”, “surgery” and
sional. Numerous randomised controlled trials and systematic
“rehabilitation” from the earliest record to April 2020: MEDLINE,
reviews have demonstrated that intensive supervised rehabilita-
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), EMBASE,
tion is not superior to less supervised or primarily home-based
CINAHL, SPORTDiscuss, Scopus Web of Science,,
rehabilitation for a range of orthopaedic and musculoskeletal pre-
The Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR)
sentations, including post-lumbar disc surgery,11 post-knee12 and
( and The World Health Organisation (WHO)
hip arthroplasty,13 and rotator cuff tendinopathy.14 A systematic
International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) (https://apps.
review by Papalia et al. – the most recent review on this topic – Our search strategy is in Appendix B. Two
found that intensive supervised rehabilitation was not superior to
researchers (AG and JZ) independently performed the selection
less supervised rehabilitation following various knee operations,
of studies by screening titles and abstracts, followed by full-text
including ACL reconstruction.15 However, several methodological
articles according to the inclusion criteria. All disagreements were
issues with this review warranted an update of the evidence on
resolved by discussion. To ensure no eligible trials were missed
this topic (specifically following ACL reconstruction). The review
from the above searches, these authors hand-searched reference
by Papalia et al.15 did not use meta-analysis, did not evaluate the
lists of included trials and relevant reviews,15,18 performed cita-
overall quality of the evidence (e.g. using the GRADE approach), it
tion tracking, and contacted investigators known to be involved in
included non-randomised trials (which is inappropriate for assess-
trials that were yet to be published.
ing the effectiveness of interventions as per Cochrane guidelines16 ),
and only provided a brief description of the rehabilitation protocols.
The aim of this systematic review was to investigate whether
intensive supervised rehabilitation following ACL reconstruction 2.4. Data extraction and quality assessment
leads to superior self-reported function, sports participation and
various secondary outcomes (strength, range of motion, sagittal Using a standardised data collection form, two researchers (AG
plane knee laxity, single leg hop performance and quality of life) and JZ) independently extracted data on trial characteristics (e.g.
compared to less supervised rehabilitation. setting, country, sample size, intervention, comparison) and out-
come measures (i.e. baseline and follow-up time points) for each
trial. Disagreements were resolved by discussion and re-checking
2. Methods the trial report. Intervention details were extracted according to the
TIDieR checklist (see Appendix C).19 We extracted four time points
2.1. Protocol and registration for outcome data in this review: up to 3 months post-operatively
(or time point closest to 3 months), 3–6 months (or time point clos-
This systematic review was prospectively registered on PROS- est to 6 months), 6–12 months (or time point closest to 12 months)
PERO (CRD42020163007) and conducted in accordance with the and >12 months (or last time point beyond 12 months). When rele-
PRISMA statement17 and AMSTAR-2 checklist (Appendix A). Two vant outcome data was missing, we extracted data from published
deviations from the protocol were made. We did not restrict par- plots using WebPlotDigitizer (version 4.1) and contacted authors
ticipants’ age to 16 years and older as we wanted to capture all to clarify if needed.
trials on this topic. We used the Physiotherapy Evidence Database Methodological quality was assessed using the PEDro scale
(PEDro) scale to assess risk of bias instead of the Cochrane Risk of (0−10, where higher scores indicate higher methodological
Bias tool as the authors had more experience using the PEDro scale. quality). Trials indexed in PEDro are independently rated for
methodological quality by two trained evaluators, with a third eval-
2.2. Study selection uator arbitrating any disagreements. We extracted these scores for
each trial report from PEDro ( Trials
We only included randomised controlled trials (RCTs). scoring ≥7 were considered to have high methodological quality.

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2.5. Data synthesis and analysis the percentage of females from 19 to 48%, and the sample size was
All outcome data were converted to mean (SD) and entered in
Review Manager (version 5.3) for analysis. Outcome data expressed 3.2. Trial characteristics
using mean (range), median (interquartile range, IQR) and median
(range) were converted to mean (standard deviation, SD) using the The included trials were conducted in the United States
calculator by Wan et al.21 Standard errors (SE) were converted to (n = 2),28,29 Canada (n = 1),25 Australia (n = 1),30 United Kingdom
SD using the Review Manager calculator.22 For studies that did not (n = 1),31 and Sweden (n = 1).32 Three trials reported funding,25,29,31
report a SD and it could not be calculated using the above methods, while three reported no funding28,30,32 (Appendix F).
we used the SD from the trial with the highest PEDro score in that
analysis (in accordance with Cochrane).16 If two or more trials had
3.2.1. ACL reconstruction details
identical PEDro scores, we took the SD from the trial with the largest
Time from ACL rupture to reconstruction was a minimum of
sample size.
6 weeks in two trials,25,28 less than 3 months in two trials,30,32
We used random effects meta-analyses to summarise the mean
and between 12 and 132 months in one trial.31 One trial did
intervention effect of intensive supervised rehabilitation (rela-
not report time since ACL rupture for participants.29 ACL graft
tive to less supervised rehabilitation) on self-reported function,
types included bone-patella tendon-bone autograft (n = 3),25,29,31
sports participation and all secondary outcomes. Two measures
bone-patella tendon-bone, not specified as autograft or allograft
of self-reported function were assessed by trials in our review:
(n = 1),30 bone-patella tendon-bone autograft or allograft (n = 1),28
the Lysholm score and International Knee Documenting Commit-
bone-patella tendon-bone or semitendinosus autograft (n = 1)32
tee (IKDC) score. We only pooled data using the Lysholm score
(Appendix F).
because it was reported in more trials than the IKDC score and no
trial reported the IKDC score without reporting a Lysholm score.
3.2.2. Setting
Based on previous research, we defined the minimally important
Participants saw a physiotherapist at an outpatient orthopaedic
clinical difference (MCID) as 10 on a 0−100 scale for the Lysholm
clinic in two trials,31,32 an outpatient physical therapy department
score.23 Pooled estimates were reported using weighted mean
in one trial,30 a University physical therapy clinic in one trial29
difference (MD) and 95% confidence intervals (CI). Heterogeneity
and a University sports medicine clinic in one trial.25 One trial
was assessed using the I2 statistic and interpreted as follows: (a)
did not provide details on the setting.28 In four trials,29–32 partici-
0–40%, unlikely to be important heterogeneity; (b) 30–60%, mod-
pants in both groups (i.e. intensive vs. less supervised groups) were
erate heterogeneity; (c) 50–90%, substantial heterogeneity; and
seen by the same physiotherapist. In one trial,25 participants in the
(d) 75–100%, considerable heterogeneity.24 Since no meta-analysis
intensive supervised group were able to choose their own physio-
included more than 10 trials, we did not assess publication bias.
therapist, while participants in the less supervised group saw the
We were unable to perform a sensitivity analysis restricted to tri-
same physiotherapist at a University sports medicine clinic. One
als with high methodological quality (i.e. PEDro score ≥7) because
trial did not specify whether participants in the intensive super-
only one trial had high methodological quality.25 Due to a limited
vised and less supervised groups saw the same physiotherapist28
number of trials, we were unable to perform sub-group analy-
(Appendix F).
ses investigating whether trial characteristics influenced our main
The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development 3.2.3. Rehabilitation protocols
and Evaluation (GRADE) approach was used to evaluate the over- Duration of prescribed rehabilitation for both the intensive and
all quality of evidence and strength of recommendations.26 Quality less supervised groups was 6 weeks in one trial, 29 3 months
of evidence was rated as high, moderate, low, or very low. Quality in one trial,25 6 months in three trials,28,31,32 and 9 months in
of evidence started at “high” (due to the inclusion of RCTs only) one trial.30 Rehabilitation began immediately post-operatively in
and was downgraded for each of the following issues encountered: five trials.25,29–32 One trial did not specify when rehabilitation
limitations in the study design, imprecision, inconsistency, indi- commenced.28 Rehabilitation protocols were largely comparable
rectness, and publication bias. Quality of evidence was downgraded across trials. All protocols transitioned participants through range
by one level if the limitation was judged as ‘serious’ or by two levels of motion exercises, aerobic exercises, muscle strengthening exer-
if it was judged as ‘very serious’. Criteria on how we judged each cises (with increasing range of motion and stability demands) and
domain are available in Appendix D. sport-specific activities (Appendix F).

3.2.4. Level of supervision

2.6. Role of the funding source Level of supervision (i.e. the number of supervised sessions)
was the only difference in rehabilitation protocols between groups
The authors received no funding for conducting this review. in each trial. Four trials provided participants in the intensive
supervised group a greater number of one-on-one physiotherapy
sessions to differentiate between the intensive and less supervised
3. Results protocols.25,28–30 The mean (SD) total number of physiotherapy
sessions in the intensive vs. less supervised group was 14.4 vs. 2.85
3.1. Search results (no SD) visits over 6 weeks in one trial,29 14 (1) vs. 3 (1) visits over
3 months in one trial,25 19.9 vs. 5 (no SD) over 6 months in one
Our database searches retrieved 4075 articles. After removing trial, 28 and 18 vs. 4 (no SD) visits over 9 months in one trial.30
duplicates and screening titles and abstracts, we reviewed the full Two trials provided participants in the intensive supervised group
text of 30 articles (Fig. 1). Seven articles reporting on six two-arm an additional supervised exercise class to differentiate between the
RCTs were included (n = 353 participants). A list of excluded arti- intensive and less supervised protocols.31,32 One trial implemented
cles is in Appendix E. The findings of one Canadian-based trial was the exercise class at 4–6 weeks post-operatively and provided
reported as a 3 month25 and 2−4-year follow-up.27 Across the six participants in the intensive supervised group an additional 24
trials, the mean age of participants ranged from 15 to 48 years old, supervised sessions,31 and one implemented the exercise class at

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Fig. 1. PRISMA flow diagram.

6 weeks post-operatively and provided participants in the inten- separately in this section.25,27 All trials used true randomization to
sive supervised group with 13–36 additional supervised sessions.32 allocate participants to groups and reported point measures and
The exercise class ran until 6 months post-operatively in both trials variability measures. Six trials reported between-group statisti-
(Appendix F). cal comparisons,25,27,28,30–32 five blinded outcome assessors25,29–32
and five specified the eligibility criteria.25,28–30,32 Baseline charac-
3.2.5. Outcomes teristics were similar between groups in three trials.25,27,30 Two
To assess self-reported function, five trials used the Lysholm trials had low loss to follow up,28,29 two used intention to treat
Scale28–32 and two used the IKDC.31,32 One trial measured func- analyses,25,31 and one used concealed allocation.25 No trial blinded
tion using the Lysholm Scale showing no significant difference participants or therapists.
between groups at 12 months but did not report the preoper-
ative data or SD.29 Three trials used the Tegner scale to assess 3.4. Effects of intervention
sports participation.30–32 Knee flexion and extension strength
were assessed in four trials.25,30–32 Two trials measured isometric 3.4.1. Primary outcomes
strength,30,32 three measured concentric strength,25,30,31 and one There was low-certainty evidence that intensive supervised
measured eccentric strength30 using the LSI. Flexion and exten- rehabilitation following ACL reconstruction did not improve self-
sion range of motion was assessed in three trials.25,28,32 One trial reported function compared to less supervised rehabilitation at 3
measured flexion in supine (active assisted), extension in prone months (MD −1.24, 95% CI: −6.09 to 3.61; 3 trials, n = 114) and 3–6
(passive) and flexion and extension during walking using video- months (MD 1.80, 95% CI: −0.91 to 4.50; 4 trials n = 149), and very-
analysis. 25 One trial measured active flexion without specifying low-certainty evidence at 6–12 months (MD −0.92, 95% CI: −3.73
the position,28 and one measured active flexion and extension in to 1.88; 3 trials n = 114) (Table 2; Appendix G).
supine.32 Sagittal plane knee laxity was measured in three tri- Similar results were found for sports participation, with low-
als using an arthrometer.25,29,31 One trial did not report mean certainty evidence at 3 months (MD 0.50, 95% CI: −0.35 to 1.35; 1
scores for laxity but reported graft failures (defined as side-to-side trial n = 40), 3–6 months (MD 0.52, 95% CI: −0.01 to 1.04; 3 trials
differences in laxity of >4 mm).29 Three trials measured func- n = 96), and 6–12 months (MD 0.91, 95% CI: −1.04 to 2.86; two trials
tional performance using Limb Symmetry Index of single leg hop n = 77) (Table 2; Appendix H).
tests.28,30,32 One trial reported that it measured hop testing but
their assessment method was not specified and they did not report 3.4.2. Secondary outcomes
their results.28 Two trials measured single leg hop for maximum Compared to less supervised rehabilitation, intensive super-
distance,30,32 and one also measured single leg timed hop for 6 m vised rehabilitation did not improve concentric, eccentric and
and single leg vertical hop for maximum height.30 For quality of isometric knee extension (low-certainty; Appendix I–K) or flex-
life, one trial used an ACL-specific measure of quality of life25 and ion strength (low-certainty; Appendix L–N), flexion (very-low to
one used the Sickness Impact scale29 (Appendix F). low-certainty; Appendix O) and extension range of motion (low-
certainty; Appendix P), sagittal plane knee laxity (low-certainty;
3.3. Methodological quality Appendix Q), single leg hop for maximum distance (low-certainty;
Appendix R), single leg timed hop for 6 m (low-certainty; Appendix
PEDro scores ranged from 4 to 7 across the trials (Table 1). The S), single leg vertical hop for maximum height (low-certainty;
two articles by Grant et al. that report on the same trial had dif- Appendix T) and quality of life (low-certainty; Appendix U) at any
ferent PEDro scores (n = 7 and 4, respectively) and were considered time point, except for eccentric knee extension strength at 3–6

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months (low-certainty; Appendix K and Table 2). A summary of



the data entered in Review Manager (version 5.3) for each meta-

analysis is in Appendix V.
Total score
(/10)a 4. Discussion

measures and 4.1. Summary of main findings and key implications
Report point

Very-low to low-certainty evidence suggests there is no differ-


ence in self-reported function, sports participation, strength, range

Y of motion, sagittal plane knee laxity, single leg hop performance
or quality of life between athletes who have intensive supervised

rehabilitation following ACL reconstruction and those who have


less supervised rehabilitation. This evidence is based on seven


small trials at high risk of bias which may not have implemented
N contemporary rehabilitation protocols. Although there is a need

for high-quality RCTs using progressive rehabilitation protocols to

treat analyses
Intention to

investigate the value of intensive supervised rehabilitation follow-

ing ACL reconstruction, these findings may have some potential
implications for how physiotherapists can approach the reha-


bilitation of athletes following ACL reconstruction. For example,

instead of supervising the performance of all exercises, physiother-
Low loss to

apists may be able to offer supervised sessions on an ‘as needed’


basis to ensure athletes are competent performing their exercises

independently and to identify “warning signs” of inappropriate


rehabilitation such as slow progress, loss of range of motion or

substantial knee joint edema after activity.29
Blinding of


4.2. Strengths and limitations of this review




Key strengths of this review include that it was conducted

according to recommendations from PRISMA17 and Cochrane,16
Blinding of

fulfils most of the AMSTAR-2 criteria (Appendix A), and two review-
ers independently performed the selection of studies and extracted
n = number of participants included in meta-analysis; N: no; PEDro: Physiotherapy Evidence Database; Y: yes.

data. The main limitation is that our conclusions are based on very

low- to low-certainty evidence and 6 of the 7 included studies

had poor methodological quality (i.e. PEDro scores of 4 or 5 out
Blinding of

of 10). The RCTs included were small, likely underpowered and

poorly reported their rehabilitation protocols (see TIDieR checklist

in Appendix C). Key elements commonly not reported were compo-

nents of exercise volume and intensity (e.g. repetitions, sets, load,
stics similar

rate of perceived excretion) and progression criteria. This makes



replication and comparison to evidence-based rehabilitation guide-

lines difficult.


Other limitations include that only one study reported data on

Item one (‘eligibility criteria’) is not counted in the PEDro total score.

patients who had a hamstring graft which is by far the most popu-

lar graft,33–36 and no trial investigated a home-exercise program

Physiotherapy Evidence Database scale score of included studies.

without supervision so it is possible the difference in the num-


ber of supervised sessions (ranged from 2 to 5 times between



groups across trials) was not enough to show significant differ-


ences between groups. It is also possible the number of supervised

sessions was not high enough to make a difference. Differing time
PEDro scale checklist

periods from ACL rupture to reconstruction across trials and the


fact that the number of supervised sessions may vary in clinical

practice should also be considered when interpreting these results.
Furthermore, only one trial included elite athletes, no trial assessed

adherence to home-exercise, we do not know whether partici-

pants in the less supervised groups performed their exercises at



home or a gym, and athletes willing to participate in trials testing a

% of Studies fulfilling

less supervised approach might have more motivation to perform

home-exercise than athletes in the general population.
Hohmann (2011)
Revenas (2009)
Schenck (1997)
Fischer (1998)
Author (year)

Beard (1998)

Grant (2005)
Grant (2010)

each item

4.3. Meaning of the study

Table 1

Based on uncertain evidence, intensive supervised rehabili-


tation is not superior to less supervised rehabilitation for any

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Table 2
Summary of findings for comparisons between intensive supervised and less supervised rehabilitation following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.

No. of participants (studies) Between-group effects Certainty of evidence

Self-reported function (Lysholm score, 0−100) MD (95% CI) GRADE

Up to 3 months 114 (3 RCTs) −1.24 (−6.09 to 3.61) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
3–6 months 149 (4 RCTs) 1.80 (−0.91 to 4.50) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
6–12 months 114 (3 RCTs) −0.92 (−3.73 to 1.88) Very-lowa,b,c ⊕

Sports Participation (Tegner score, 0−10) MD (95% CI) GRADE

Up to 3 months 40 (1 RCT) 0.50 (−0.35 to 1.35) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
3–6 months 96 (3 RCTs) 0.52 (−0.01 to 1.04) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
6–12 months 77 (2 RCTs) 0.91 (−1.04 to 2.86) Lowa,b ⊕⊕

Concentric quadriceps strength (LSI) MD (95% CI) GRADE

Up to 3 months 190 (3 RCTs) −0.56 (−4.98 to 3.86) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
3–6 months 59 (2 RCTs) 4.58 (−3.53 to 12.70) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
6–12 months 40 (1 RCT) 3.20 (−9.26 to 15.66) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
12–24 months 88 (1 RCT) 7.00 (−2.33 to 16.33) Lowa,b ⊕⊕

Concentric hamstring strength (LSI) MD (95% CI) GRADE

Up to 3 months 190 (3 RCTs) −0.03 (−3.98 to 3.91) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
3–6 months 59 (2 RCTs) 6.31 (−0.81 to 13.42) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
6–12 months 40 (1 RCT) 5.10 (−9.91 to 20.11) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
12–24 months 88 (1 RCT) −1.10 (−7.66 to 5.46) Lowa,b ⊕⊕

Eccentric quadriceps strength (LSI) MD (95% CI) GRADE

Up to 3 months 40 (1 RCT) 3.00 (−7.03–13.03) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
3–6 months 40 (1 RCT) 9.40 (2.37–16.43) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
6–12 months 40 (1 RCT) 5.20 (−2.26–12.66) Lowa,b ⊕⊕

Eccentric hamstring strength (LSI) MD (95% CI) GRADE

Up to 3 months 40 (1 RCT) 5.60 (−6.18 to 17.38) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
3–6 months 40 (1 RCT) −4.20 (−12.89 to 4.49) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
6–12 months 40 (1 RCT) −2.10 (−13.20 to 9.00) Lowa,b ⊕⊕

Isometric quadriceps strength (LSI) MD (95% CI) GRADE

Up to 3 months 40 (1 RCT) −14.70 (−24.86 to −4.54) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
3–6 months 77 (2 RCTs) 3.08 (−11.23 to 17.39) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
6–12 months 77 (2 RCTs) 6.18 (−1.14 to 13.51) Lowa,b ⊕⊕

Isometric hamstring strength (LSI) MD (95% CI) GRADE

Up to 3 months 40 (1 RCT) −0.20 (−13.96 to 13.56) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
3–6 months 40 (1 RCT) −2.70 (−10.65 to 5.25) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
6–12 months 40 (1 RCT) 3.70 (−1.01–8.41) Lowa,b ⊕⊕

Flexion range of motion (degrees for between-limb difference or surgical limb) SMD (95% CI) GRADE
Up to 3 months 182 (2 RCTs) 0.03 (−1.06 to 1.13) Very-lowa,b,c ⊕
3–6 months 90 (2 RCTs) −0.31 (−0.84 to 0.23) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
6–12 months 37 (1 RCT) 0.00 (−0.67 to 0.67) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
12–24 months 88 (1 RCT) 0.20 (−0.22 to 0.62) Lowa,b ⊕⊕

Extension range of motion (degrees for between-limb difference or surgical limb) MD (95% CI) GRADE
Up to 3 months 129 (1 RCT) −1.00 (−1.81 to −0.19) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
3–6 months 37 (1 RCT) 0.00 (−1.99 to 1.99) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
6–12 months 37 (1 RCT) 0.00 (−2.02 to 2.02) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
12–24 months 88 (1 RCT) 1.00 (−0.09 to 2.09) Lowa,b ⊕⊕

Sagittal plane knee laxity (mm) MD (95% CI) GRADE

Up to 3 months 150 (2 RCTs) −0.91 (−3.02 to 1.19) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
3–6 months 19 (1 RCT) −2.50 (−5.75 to 0.75) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
6–12 months 37 (1 RCT) 0.00 (−1.71 to 1.71) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
12–24 months 88 (1 RCT) 0.90 (−0.03 to 1.83) Lowa,b ⊕⊕

Single leg hop for maximum distance (LSI) MD (95% CI) GRADE
Up to 3 months 40 (1 RCT) −0.40 (−15.34 to 14.54) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
3–6 months 77 (2 RCTs) −0.56 (−7.18 to 6.06) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
6–12 months 77 (2 RCTs) 0.29 (−5.74 to 6.31) Lowa,b ⊕⊕

Single leg timed hop for 6 m (LSI) MD (95% CI) GRADE

Up to 3 months 40 (1 RCT) 7.90 (−6.81 to 22.61) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
3–6 months 40 (1 RCT) 0.10 (−9.77 to 9.97) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
6–12 months 40 (1 RCT) −4.70 (−22.27 to 12.87) Lowa,b ⊕⊕

Single leg vertical hop for maximum height (LSI) MD (95% CI) GRADE
Up to 3 months 40 (1 RCT) 10.20 (−5.50 to 25.90) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
3–6 months 40 (1 RCT) 8.90 (−4.48 to 22.28) Lowa,b ⊕⊕

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Table 2 (Continued)

No. of participants (studies) Between-group effects Certainty of evidence

6–12 months 40 (1 RCT) 1.30 (−0.37 to 2.97) Lowa,b ⊕⊕

Quality of life (ACL QoL or SIP, 0−100) MD (95% CI) GRADE

6–12 months 37 (1 RCT) −0.10 (−0.21 to 0.01) Lowa,b ⊕⊕
12–24 months 88 (1 RCT) −10.10 (−18.10 to −2.10) Lowa,b ⊕⊕

GRADE Working Group grades of evidence

High certainty (⊕⊕⊕⊕): We are very confident that the true effect lies close to that of the estimate of the effect.
Moderate certainty (⊕⊕⊕): We are moderately confident in the effect estimate: the true effect is likely to be close to the estimate of the effect, but there is
a possibility that it is substantially different.
Low certainty (⊕⊕): Our confidence in the effect estimate is limited: the true effect may be substantially different from the estimate of the effect.
Very low certainty (⊕): We have very little confidence in the effect estimate: the true effect is likely to be substantially different from the estimate of

ACL: anterior cruciate ligament; CI: confidence interval; LSI: limb symmetry index; MD: mean difference; SMD: standardised mean difference; QoL: quality of life; RCT:
randomised controlled trial; SIP: sickness impact profile.
Downgraded by one level because >25% of the trials, weighted by their sample size, were at high risk of bias (i.e. scored <7 on the PEDro scale).
Downgraded by one level because there is only one study, or where there is more than one study the total sample size is less than 400 (imprecision).
Downgraded by one level because I2 ≥ 80% (inconsistency).

outcome, despite 2–5 times more supervised sessions across the might not be necessary for a variety of musculoskeletal and
six trials. There were also no clinically relevant effects sizes. For orthopaedic presentations.39 For example, intensive supervised
example, between-group differences for self-reported function rehabilitation is not superior to less supervised rehabilitation
(a primary outcome) were well-below the MCID of 10 (range: or primarily home-based rehabilitation following knee and hip
0.9–1.8).23 arthroplasty (systematic reviews that both include 5 RCTs,
Since all groups with less supervision in our review had some n = 524 and n = 234 participants, respectively),12,13 following lum-
level of physiotherapist supervision, we cannot recommend home- bar disc surgery (systematic review of 5 RCTs, n = 272),11 for the
exercise without any physiotherapy oversight. Nevertheless, a key management of rotator cuff tendinopathy (one RCT, n = 86),14
implication of these findings is that large amounts of supervised following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair (RCT, n = 117),40 and post-
rehabilitation may not be necessary following ACL reconstruction, immobilization of ankle fractures (Cochrane review of 4 RCTs,
particularly for recreational athletes (as only one trial included n = 366)41 and upper limb fractures (systematic review of 3 RCTs,
elite athletes). This finding is good news for athletes who cannot n = 167).42
afford supervised rehabilitation, have poor access to physiotherapy Guidelines for rehabilitation following ACL reconstruction vary
or have high motivation to perform their rehabilitation inde- in their recommendations for the use of intensive supervised
pendently. It is also comforting considering the effects of the rehabilitation.43 Some guidelines recommend intensive supervised
COVID-19 pandemic, where individual and social circumstances physiotherapy for some people,44 some recommend home-based
have changed access to attend clinic-based appointments. Since protocols for motivated athletes,45 and others highlight the uncer-
intensive supervised rehabilitation does not demonstrate superior tainty of the evidence on this topic (similar to our study).9 Some
outcomes compared to less supervised rehabilitation, clinicians cohort studies suggest intensive clinic-based rehabilitation might
should involve athletes in shared decision making to ensure ath- be superior to primarily home-based programs.46 However, rig-
letes’ rehabilitation decision align with their preferences and orous RCTs are needed to confirm these findings before strong
values. recommendations supporting intensive supervision are made.
Goal setting, pre-operative assessment and education with peri-
odic assessment of objective measures post-operatively could be
4.5. Implications for research and unanswered questions
vital for athletes undergoing ACL reconstruction, particularly those
who prefer to perform most of their rehabilitation with less super-
Very low- to low-certainty evidence in this review highlights the
vision. Goal setting could help individualise programs and increase
need for large, methodologically rigorous RCTs investigating the
athlete motivation to rehabilitate independently. Pre-operative
effectiveness of intensive supervised rehabilitation compared to
education on the use of crutches, importance of early loading and
less supervised rehabilitation following ACL reconstruction. Since
exercise (e.g. weight bearing, range of motion, quadriceps exer-
trials were published between 1997 and 2011 and rehabilitation
cises) with advice on preventing flares in symptoms or jeopardising
protocols were poorly reported, there is also a need to investi-
the integrity of the graft could improve athletes’ confidence and
gate the value of intensive supervised rehabilitation following ACL
self-efficacy.9 Pre-operative assessment could be used to iden-
reconstruction with rehabilitation protocols that are adequately
tify range of motion or strength deficits that an athlete could try
reported (e.g. adhere to the Consensus on Exercise Reporting Tem-
to address before surgery.9 A systematic review of eight RCTs
plate (CERT) or TIDieR checklist) and reflect contemporary practice
(n = 451 athletes) found that pre-operative education and exercise
(i.e. progressive rehabilitation, goal-based progression). Only one
was superior to usual care for improving self-reported function
trial assessed long-term outcomes (i.e. > 12 months)27 . Long-term
and quadriceps strength following ACL surgery.37 Finally, periodic
data is needed to understand whether intensive supervised reha-
assessment of objective measures such as knee strength and hop
bilitation has any long-term benefits (e.g. reduced injury risk,
performance could be used throughout rehabilitation to ensure
increased sports participation, more optimal progression of exer-
athletes reach performance milestones that are associated with a
cises). Another important gap in the literature is whether intensive
reduced risk of re-injury.38
supervision is needed for elite athletes. Elite athletes may have
more advanced rehabilitation needs compared to recreational ath-
4.4. Comparison to existing literature letes and require intensive supervision from a physiotherapist. On
the other hand, they might have higher motivation to complete
Our review adds to the findings of numerous RCTs and sys- rehabilitation with less supervision or might already be working
tematic reviews which suggest intensive supervised rehabilitation with strength and conditioning coaches.

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There is currently no consensus on the ‘best’ rehabilita- Appendix A. Supplementary data

tion protocol or optimal progression of exercises and training
parameters during rehabilitation (e.g. volume, intensity, duration, Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in
frequency) following ACL reconstruction. Some physiotherapists the online version, at doi:
use pre-specified rehabilitation protocols, while others base pro- 003.
gression and training parameters on objective assessment (e.g.
range of motion, swelling and functional testing). Protocols of
different intensities and durations appear to be equally effica-
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