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Spss Kelas A Anfisman

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Nilai T tabel

no Nilai Derajat Osteoatritis t0.025

1 1 12.71
2 4 2.78
3 2 4.3
4 2.5 3.57
5 2 4.3
6 3.5 2.94
7 4.5 2.66
8 5 2.57
9 4 2.78
10 4.5 2.66
11 3 3.18
12 3 3.18
13 4 2.78
14 3 3.18
15 3 3.18
16 2 4.3
17 2.5 3.57
18 3.5 2.94
19 3.5 2.94
20 5 2.57
21 2 4.3
22 3 3.18
23 4 2.78
24 0  
25 2.5 3.57
26 1.5 6.02
27 2 4.3
28 1 12.71
29 2 4.3
30 1 12.71
31 3 3.18
32 2 4.3
33 3 3.18
34 2 4.3
35 2.5 3.57
36 3 3.18
37 2 4.3
38 2 4.3
39 1.5 6.02
40 2 4.3
41 1 12.71
42 2 4.3
43 1.5 6.02
44 1.5 6.02
45 2 4.3
46 1.5 6.02

Uji normalitas

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
sebelum_Sholat_Dhuha .113 23 .200* .964 23 .540
Setelah_Sholat_Dhuha .198 23 .020 .922 23 .073
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
Uji T berpasangan

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences
95% Confidence Interval of the
Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Lower Upper t df Sig. (2-tailed)
Pair 1 sebelum_Sholat_Dhuha - 1.39130 .90399 .18849 1.00039 1.78222 7.381 22 .000

no Nama Sebelum Sholat Dhuha Setelah Sholat Dhuha

1 Suhartina 1 0
2 Mutaqin Kurniawan 4 2.5
3 Marniatun 2 1.5
4 Fitriatin miftahul j 2.5 2
5 Nadira fitriani 2 1
6 Marhidayanti 3.5 2
7 Manda 4.5 1
8 Maya 5 3
9 Dhini Putri Kharisma 4 2
10 Ani Avta viani 4.5 3
11 Feni febrianti 3 2
12 Kurniawati 3 2.5
13 Putrali aulia 4 3
14 Muhibbin Ihsani 3 2
15 Arizatul aslamiya 3 2
16 Lia handayani 2 1.5
17 Alfan efendi 2.5 2
18 Nurfadila Arifin 3.5 1
19 Dendi Rahman budiaman 3.5 12
20 Aulia urwaini 5 1.5
21 Eka setiani 2 1.5
22 Diyas widya abitama 3 2
23 Mita sari 4 1.5

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