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Return Service Agreement in the Context of the Universal Health Care Act: Using
International and Local Experiences to Guide Application of the RSA

Article  in  Acta medica Philippina · December 2020

DOI: 10.47895/amp.v54i6.2614


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5 authors, including:

Theo Prudencio Juhani Z. Capeding Ma-Ann Zarsuelo

University of the Philippines Manila University of the Philippines Manila


Ma. Esmeralda Silva

University of the Philippines Manila


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Return Service Agreement in the Context of the

Universal Health Care Act: Using International and
Local Experiences to Guide Application of the RSA
Theo Prudencio Juhani Z. Capeding, MD, MPM,1,2 Ma-Ann M. Zarsuelo, RND, MSc,1,2
Michael Antonio F. Mendoza, DDM, MA,1,3 Leonardo R. Estacio Jr., MCD, MPH, PhD1,4
and Ma. Esmeralda C. Silva, MPAf, MSPPM, PhD1,5
University of the Philippines Manila Health Policy Development Hub
Institute of Health Policy and Development Studies, National Institutes of Health, University of the Philippines Manila
College of Dentistry, University of the Philippines Manila
College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Manila
College of Public Health, University of the Philippines Manila


Background. Philippines is in a constant struggle to address shortage and maldistribution of health professionals,
affecting equity in service delivery. The government endeavors to generate adequate supply of health workforce
through scholarship and training programs which have been further expanded with the enactment of the Universal
Health Care (UHC) Act. This article aimed to give a background for discussion on the application of return service
agreement (RSA) provisions in the light of attaining universal health care.

Methods. A modified systematic review of literature was conducted guided by the key issues determined by the
Department of Health with focus on the extent of scholarship grants and on number of recipients.

Results. The Philippine government enacted policy reforms through implementing RSA in response to the progressive
decline of the net flow of health professionals. However, the criticisms lie in that RSA is not a long-term solution. With
the RSA provisions in the UHC Law, metrics on determining the under-produced and maldistributed professional
cadre must be created. These should be responsive in addressing facility-level and health system-level gaps.

Conclusion and Recommendation. Paucity of current local literature impedes attaining a conclusive body of
evidence, therefore, further research is needed. Operationalization of RSA should not be viewed as a singular means
to solve the health workforce gaps, but as part of holistic assessment, taking into consideration epidemiological,
geographical, political, and social determinants. Stakeholders must ingress in collaborative intersectoral policy actions
to warrant bottom-up support. Activities related to mapping, monitoring, and incentivizing medical and health-related
professionals must be established to support a system conducive for workforce retention.

Key Words: health workforce, medically underserved area, return service


A worldwide health human resource crisis

Approximately half of the global population live in
rural areas, yet only around a quarter of the world’s health
workforce live and serve in these areas.1 The World Health
Organization (WHO) identified 57 countries including the
Corresponding author: Theo Prudencio Juhani Z. Capeding, Philippines, whose health worker to population ratio is below
MD, MPM the critical threshold of 2.3 per 1,000.2 These critical areas lag
UP Manila Health Policy Development Hub behind in health outcomes, even with considerable funding
National Institutes of Health
University of the Philippines Manila
support for certain vertical programs. Implementation and
623 Pedro Gil St., Ermita, Manila 1000, Philippines sustainability of these programs have had gaps and challenges,
Email: in which lack of health workers is a major contributor.


Return Service Agreement

The World Health Assembly formulated a Medium- UHC Act and RSA
Term Strategic Plan to mitigate the gaps of demand and The UHC Act prescribes the formulation and
supply of health workforce. The strategic plan identified implementation of a National Health Human Resource
the three obstacles faced by the countries: 1) limited Master Plan, which would include strategies for health
production capacity; 2) geographical imbalance in the workforce generation, recruitment, retention - three primary
distribution of health workers; and 3) migration from poor to strategies that would involve financial incentives for health
developed countries.2 professionals at different stages of their careers. Stipulated in
In the Philippines, the health human resource the Act is the creation of a national health workforce system
(HRH) crisis is mainly caused by the maldistribution of that prioritizes deployment to Geographically Isolated and
health workers and emigration of health professionals to Disadvantaged Areas (GIDA).This illustrates the current
developed countries. Studies showed that concerns about reality of lack of health professionals in certain areas of
career opportunities, job satisfaction, landscape of continued the country, and that the health human resource crisis is
privatization of the health system, and better salaries and an obstacle to the implementation of the Universal Health
working conditions were some of the accounted reasons why Care Act. As such, the Act also explicitly states in Section
health professionals opt to serve in urban areas and consider 25 the creation and expansion of government scholarships
emigration for employment.3 As a policy response, the and training programs through the collaboration of DOH,
government implemented programs in order to decrease the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), and Technical
net migration outflow of health professionals, one of which Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).
is the implementation of a return-for-service agreement or Furthermore, DOH and PRC, in coordination with PRC-
return service agreement (RSA). accredited professional societies, shall set up a registry
of medical and allied health professionals, including the
RSA to address health workforce gaps current number of practitioners and location of practice.
The RSA is a financial incentive strategy which Complementary to this provision is Section 26 stating the
involves the provision of scholarships and other education return service agreement among all graduates of allied and
subsidies with enforceable return of service.1 There are four health-related courses who are recipient of government
identified ways where return service agreements bundled scholarships have to serve at least three years in priority areas
with scholarships may work. First, it would decrease in the public sector. Further, “graduates of allied and health
the number of health professionals emigrating to other professionals of SUCs and private schools shall be encouraged
countries, at least for the early part of their careers.4 Second, to serve in these areas.” This provides a clear window of
potential health professionals who would not attain a degree opportunity for policy makers to impact the future of
without scholarship would be added to the pool of national Philippine health workforce and strengthen their retention.9
health workforce. Third, from a regulatory standpoint, Moving forward, the paper makes two key assumptions:
one can prolong the retention of health professionals by that increasing HRH density will improve health outcomes,
increasing the number of years required to stay in rural or and that the RSA will be used by the government with the
underserved areas. Fourth, it might have positive effect on intent to fill gaps and increase HRH density in underserved
retention of personnel by increasing the number of health areas. This paper recognizes that while the current scientific
professionals in an area, thereby decompressing workload evidence is mixed, and that health worker density in
and social isolation.5 isolation may not result to improved health outcomes across
the board;10,11 attracting, recruiting, and retaining health
Issues surrounding return service agreements professionals in underserved areas has still been consistently
Issues surrounding accessibility of higher education arise recommended by the WHO.12
if it comes with mandatory service agreements, such as in
the case of Republic Act (RA) 10931, otherwise known as Methods
Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act, where
there was a motion to remove the provision that requires A modified systematic search of literature was conducted
return service for students who benefit from the free tuition.6 guided by the key issues determined by the Department of
The dispute was clarified in succeeding hearings wherein Health including the scope of academic fields that would
the remedial strategy is to leave the scope of agreements fall under RSA and the extent of scholarship grants and
to the institution’s discretion.7 Return service agreement is number of recipients. Non-empirical articles were excluded.
also criticized for being a band aid solution in increasing Screening was conducted at three levels: by title, by abstract,
the number of health workers in underserved areas as it is and by full text reading of the resources. Two searches were
does not guarantee retaining the number of professionals done. The first search process aimed to generate resources
in the long term.8 Nevertheless, in a survey among health discussing the current situation of health human resource in
professionals, the implementation of RSA is justified, the Philippines. MEDLINE was searched using the terms
especially for those who receive government scholarships.3 “Health Workforce [MeSH] AND Philippines” yielding


Return Service Agreement

three titles after the first level screening. All three were and private investments in health human resource is
included in the review. The other search used the terms important to ensure that the produced workforce can be
“Health Workforce [MeSH] AND Medically Underserved absorbed by the health system. Objective 2 of the WHO
Areas [MeSH] which generated 286 articles. First level Global Strategy for Human Resources for Health 2030
screening resulted to 28 titles, which was reduced to 7 titles states that investments in human resources should be aligned
upon second level screening, finally reaching 6 titles after full with current and future needs of the population, considering
text reading. From the references cited by these 6 articles, labor market dynamics, education policies, and government
a snowball sampling approach was used to include articles capacity to recruit and retain health professionals.13
and reports which specifically covered health education To help guide policy direction, the WHO recommended
and financial incentives. For Philippine-related policies, the the ‘pipeline’ framework for health worker generation.14
Official Gazette was explored while performance reports of Figure 2 shows a framework designed for eye care health
national government agencies such as PRC were cited based system, in which the main context can be adopted in
from their official websites. Figure 1 shows the article search general health systems. This includes process of selection,
diagram of all the records used in review. training, accreditation, employment, distribution, retention,
and productivity. The RSA would affect selection, training,
Results and Discussion employment, distribution, and consequently retention.
Screening of eligible candidates for RSA should be
The health workforce pipeline meticulous to capture the target subgroup and that accessible
While RSA is one of the policy options the Philippine and available capacity building must be in place. These pave
government can implement to generate healthcare workers, it the way for the human resource to be absorbed in the right
should come with complementary policy strategies to ensure job, location, and work condition. The figure also details
that various gaps in the health workforce are addressed. For the set of attributes that needs to be accounted in using the
the operationalization of RSA to be effective, it should be pipeline framework: starting with determining the needs
viewed holistically, through the lens of the health workforce of the health system, examining both the education sector
pipeline; for example, ensuring that there is enough public and the labor market, and finally, preparing the investments
and policies to address the gaps.15

Records identified through electronic database searches: Conditional scholarships in the Philippines
Health workforce and Philippines (n=3)
Providing conditional scholarships has been part of the
Health workforce and Medically Underserved Areas (n=286)
Philippine educational system.The Department of Science and
Technology (DOST) offers scholarships under the provisions
Records after screening titles (n=28)
of RA 7687 or the “Science and Technology Scholarship
Records excluded after
Act”, and RA 2067 or “An Act to Integrate, Coordinate,
review of abstract (n=21) and Intensify Scientific and Technological Research and
Development and to Foster Invention” for merit scholarships,
Full-text articles assessed for eligibility (n=7) with the goal to produce career scientists.16 From the private
sector, one foundation provided medical scholarships with
Records excluded after the condition that they are required to apply to the Doctors
full-text reading (n=21)
to the Barrios program of the DOH and to serve for two
Full-text articles included (n=6) years.17 Recently, the DOH has revived the midwifery and
medical scholarship programs, offering scholarships that
Records included from prioritize students residing in underserved areas or are
references of the eligible members of vulnerable groups such as indigenous people. In
articles (n=16) the context of the health workforce pipeline, eligibility for
conditional scholarships varies depending on the program.
Full-text articles included in the study (n=22) For the DOST scholarships, the target would be high
aptitude individuals with interest in science and technology;
Other Sources: while for medical scholarships, recipients are selected from
Official Reports (n=6) certain groups that are willing to be deployed to underserved
Laws (n=2)
areas, provided that set academic requirements are met.
White paper (n=6)
Presentation (n=1)
The return service agreement as part of a value
Records reviewed with full text (n=37) system of training institutions
The Training for Health Equity Network (THENet)
Figure 1. PRISMA diagram of article search. was formed to better respond to the needs of underserved


Return Service Agreement

Figure 2. The pipeline framework of health workforce generation used for the eye health system.14

areas.1 It is a group of medical schools that focuses on approach are the Ateneo de Zamboanga University School
recruitment from underserved communities, with learning of Medicine (ADZU SOM) and the University of the
programs that are community-based and involve community Philippines Manila School of Health Sciences (UPM SHS).
participation in the curricula, and emphasizes commitment The UPM SHS with campuses in the provinces of
to public service to their graduates.18 These schools use Leyte, South Cotabato, and Aurora uses the unique SHS
an approach called “socially-accountable health professional Step-Ladder Curriculum where there will be only one
education (SAHPE).” This approach uses preferential entry point for all students, and each student will have the
admission policies to focus recruitment from communities. opportunity to become a midwife, or nurse, or physician,
In the Philippines, two medical schools that adopt SAHPE depending on the curriculum level the recipient decided to


Return Service Agreement

finish. One unique aspect of the UPM SHS model is its needed in underserved areas. The WHO also recommends
admission policy, wherein recruitment de-emphasize past to increase investments to boost market-based demand and
academic performance but rather focus on the commitment supply of health workforce, and align them with population
of the applicant to provide community service. Return service needs, including developing strategies and incentives to
obligation includes two years of service for each year of study.19 deploy health workers in underserved areas.1 This calls for
Meanwhile, the Ateneo de Zamboanga University School the need to detail the mechanisms that affect the scope of
of Medicine (ADZU SOM) focuses on recruiting within RSA degree programs, mainly by identifying underproduced
the Zamboanga Peninsula Region, with 35% of students and maldistributed professional cadres.
availing scholarships with return-of-service requirements. Approaches and strategies in assessing health workforce
Both universities explicitly foster service commitment to needs vary in scope; from determining the needs of a facility,
the applicants which is essential to SAHPE schools. to programs, and to health systems in general.26  One example
It is interesting to note that both schools have is the Workload Indicators for Staffing Needs (WISN)
demonstrated higher graduate retention and deployment developed by the WHO to determine staffing needs per
rate to underserved areas compared to ‘conventional’ medical facility based on the actual workload. This is in contrast
schools.20 However, the success of SAHPE schools may to earlier standards that use population to health human
not be solely attributed to the value systems with social resource and institutional size such as bed capacity of a
accountability. Literature showed that other social and hospital.27 It applies business planning principles to provide
geographical determinants play roles in retention such as facility managers guidance in analyzing and determining
university location, extensive community exposure of the health worker requirements for their facility.1 These
student, and student background.21 Attributes that both assessment strategies need to be guided by key principles
apply to UPM SHS and ADZU SOM include, being such as the objectives of the policy, expectations from the
located in sub-urban areas and featuring longer community workforce, and the interests of the labor market.28 These three
exposure than other schools, total of 18 months and concerns should be first clearly illustrated and addressed
16 months, respectively. 22 before moving forward to granting scholarships. Further, it
is crucial to first pour investments to the health system to
Expanding the availability of scholarships to the increase its capacity to absorb incoming health workforce
private sector to avoid overproduction and unemployment.1
Expanding the availability of scholarships to the
private setting may not only be an issue of service and Philippine health workforce statistics: current
profit, but also of the location. The WHO recommends to production and projected need
locate schools outside of major cities, as their graduates are After securing the efficient targeting system of eligible
more likely to work in rural areas. Similarly, the training scholarship recipients, capacity building, and placement
location of students has high impact in retaining graduates in quality academic institutions, the next challenge is to
in underserved areas.1,23 A 2015 study in Australia noted guarantee provision of employment in the right areas.
that through a decentralized training model, there is a high Stipulated in Section 25 of the UHC Law is the collaborative
correlation between the location where students were trained role of PRC in providing scholarships and training programs.9
and the area of their future practice.24 Private institutions may To project the need of educational resources, mapping
also augment the few number of quality public institutions and profiling of the academic and training institutions to
to produce and capacitate health professionals. Hence, estimate the current capacity to produce health professionals
offering government-funded scholarships in these private are needed. The passing rate of medical and allied health
schools could be a complementary strategy to increase the professionals is an important factor to consider in health
pool of health professionals who would practice in rural and workforce production. Figure 3 shows the average passing
underserved areas. It is imperative that standards for these rate of medical and allied health professionals from 2008 to
private schools shall be monitored and assessed, moreover, 2018 based on PRC records.
awarded academic accreditations. This is to safeguard Next to consider is the productive capacity of the nation
quality education from substandard requirements which for health professionals. Policy makers can estimate HRH
were observed during the boom of private nursing schools productive capacity based on enrolment and graduation data.
wherein varying standards for a nursing degree were noted.25 Table 1 shows the production of HRH per cadre (2013)
Increasing the availability and accessibility of government which can also be utilized as a variable in the equation in
scholarships without strict monitoring and compliance might projecting workforce requirements for a country (Table 2),
expose the system to this risk. considering the expected changes in population structure.
Other approaches in health worker planning, aside from
Determining the need for health professionals health workforce to population ratio, are utilization-based
The UHC Act explicitly states that conditional scholar- or demand-based assessment (e.g. the WISN approach),
ships would be offered for programs that are specifically needs-based assessment, and target-setting. These approaches


Return Service Agreement

Figure 3. Average passing rate of medical and allied health professionals,2008 to 2018.29

differ on the identification of health service requirements In the Philippines, there are stark differences among
which policy makers can take advantage of in combining regions, and between provinces, in terms of health worker
context- and country setting-appropriate assessments.31 distribution. There is higher density of health workers in
Australia initially started with a demand-based assessment urban areas, and who are hospital-based.2 In the case of the
using current service utilization patterns, then matched it volume of physicians and midwives in the National Capital
with the current needs of age and gender cohorts. These were Region (NCR) and the Autonomous Region of Muslim
used to project population structure change to guide health Mindanao (ARMM) (Table 3), the significant gap could
workforce planning.32 be a consideration when offering scholarships to residents
of the corresponding regions. As a caveat, relying solely
Table 1. Production of HRH per cadre per year in the on health worker density to estimate scholarship volume
Philippines, 201330 should be avoided. Regional variation in political, social,
Production Number of and geographical context for each region or area must be
HRH cadre
per year colleges/schools examined thoroughly to increase effectivity. In addition,
Nurses 45,000-100,000 355 with the advent of the UHC, where province-wide health
Doctors 2,000 30 systems will be used to coordinate the distribution of
Midwives 1,500 129 health resources, a more granular look at the needs of the
Dentists 2,000 31 provinces, down to the municipal level, would aid the policy
Pharmacists 1,500 35 makers and health system managers.
Physical therapists 1,000 95
Occupational therapists 200 95

Table 2. Projected workforce requirements in the Philippines, 2005-203033

Projected Workforce Requirements
2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Doctors 17,797 19,402 21,158 23,080 25,185 27,491
Nurses 170,423 185,788 202,603 221,010 241,166 263,244
Dentists 8,629 15,954 9,871 10,761 11,735 12,802
Medical Technologists 6,386 6,393 6,633 7,033 7,553 7,779
Physical Therapists 7,036 7,644 8,346 9,117 9,964 10,893
Occupational Therapists 5,285 5,733 6,250 6,820 7,443 8,126
Pharmacists 21,572 23,518 25,646 27,976 30,527 33,322
Midwives 17,338 18,897 20,603 22,469 24,513 26,751
Source: Lorenzo, F. E. (2008).  The Philippine HRH Master Plan (2005-2030). Retrieved from


Return Service Agreement

Table 3. Health workers in institutions per 10,000 population in 20172

Group of islands Region Doctors Nurses Midwives Medical Technologists
NCR 1 NCR 10.6 12.6 3.3 3.2
2 CAR 6.4 15.8 9.9 2.2
3 Ilocos (I) 4.0 11.2 5.6 1.4
4 Cagayan Valley (II) 3.4 12.1 6.9 1.4
The rest of Luzon 5 Central Luzon (III) 3.6 7.5 3.3 1.2
6 Calabarzon (IV-A) 2.8 6.5 2.3 0.6
7 Mimaropa (IV-B) 1.9 5.8 5.2 0.6
8 Bicol (V) 2.5 7.8 5.1 0.9
9 Western Visayas (VI) 3.1 7.2 4.9 1.0
Visayas 10 Central Visayas (VII) 3.1 10.4 4.3 1.3
11 Eastern Visayas (VIII) 2.6 7.0 4.7 1.3
12 Zamboanga Peninsula (IX) 2.6 9.5 4.8 1.1
13 Northern Mindanao (X) 2.9 9.3 5.2 0.9
14 Davao Region (XI) 3.0 7.1 3.0 1.0
15 Soccksargen (XII) 2.3 7.6 4.8 1.0
16 Caraga (XIII) 2.1 7.9 5.3 1.1
17 ARMM 0.9 4.2 2.6 0.3
Philippines 3.9 8.6 4.1 1.3
Source: Dayrit MM, Lagrada LP, Picazo OF, Pons MC, Villaverde MC. The Philippines Health System Review. Vol. 8 No. 2.
New Delhi: World Health Organization, Regional Office for South- East Asia; 2018.

Going beyond the Return Service Agreement be addressed using the least restrictive alternative principle of
While the UHC Act is explicit in going forward with policy creation.36 Moreover, other incentives could be used in
the conditional scholarship strategy, the RSA will only be conjunction with the conditional scholarships. One common
effective if retention of health workforce in underserved example is the provision of higher salaries in underserved
areas is addressed. The main challenge is to appropriately areas which can entice scholars to opt serving in these areas.
contextualize the gaps and challenges in retention specific Finally, the WHO recognizes that there is a dearth of
to the area.10 Despite the available policy instruments sound evidence related to strategies for addressing the lack of
recommended to improve retention, the mechanisms health workers in underserved areas.1 Most of observational
behind these remain unclear due to several factors affecting studies suggested factors that might improve health worker
cost-effectiveness of incentives. Further, in the economic retention, and make return-for-service arrangements more
valuation, controlling for these factors poses compounded impactful. However, these findings were not free of bias
challenges. In using SAHPE models for rural-based schools, and some confounding factors were observed in the studies,
it should be noted that community participation in direct even the ones cited in this paper.37 The RSA strategy is
healthcare provision could result to familiarity with the an opportunity to do a well-designed research since it is
local settings, health system, and colleagues.22,34 Hence, these expected to subsequently increase the number of potential
factors can be assimilated into the curriculum, in relation health professionals in underserved areas.
to the prescribed community exposure.
It was also observed that professionals who applied for Summary of Recommendations
financial-incentive programs such as conditional scholarships
are more likely to leave their initial area of assignment Determining the scope of the scholarship grants would
compared to those who are not obligated.7 There could be strongly rely on a systematic assessment of the health human
multiple reasons behind this, encompassing external and resource needs of the country. It is also important to define at
internal considerations such as work environment and what level does a health system assessment cover, as situations
work satisfaction, respectively. Hence, without significant may differ from an LGU to another, and between political
investments in improving the local health system, including regions. Scholarships are also likely to be offered to private
structural domain (e.g. water, electricity, communication, and institutions, but with criteria that could include the quality
transportation, etc.), maldistribution of the health workforce of training and the location of the schools. In addition to
would still exist. As such, it would be beneficial to provide, social accountability, considerations must include other
even the contractually obligated health professionals, a concrete representations of this value that affect admissions
reasonable space to negotiate the terms of their return service, and the curriculum. This entails extensive community
such as the area of deployment.35  Deployment concerns may exposure for both pre-graduate and residency programs,


Return Service Agreement

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