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Client Log

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System Memory:
Memory Load: 56%
Available Physical Memory: 3523m/8155m
Available Page File: 7892m/16859m
Available Virtual Memory: 134213456m/134217727m
Available Extended Virtual Memory: 0m
Process Memory:
Peak Working Set Size: 32m
Working Set Size: 32m
Quota Peak Page Pool Usage: 252k
Quota Page Pool Usage: 250k
Quota Peak Non Paged Pool Usage:18k
Quota Non Paged Pool Usage: 17k
Page File Usage: 6m
Peak Page File Usage: 6m
[00:00:00]: PersistRootStorage is now APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/
[00:00:00]: Starting Up
[00:00:00]: Version: 555256
[00:00:00]: Current time: Wed May 03 17:48:17 2023

[00:00:00]: Don't Starve Together: 555256 WIN32_STEAM

[00:00:00]: Build Date: 1972
[00:00:00]: Mode: 64-bit
[00:00:00]: Parsing command line
[00:00:00]: Command Line Arguments:
[00:00:00]: Initializing distribution platform
[00:00:00]: Initializing Minidump handler
[00:00:00]: ....Done
[00:00:00]: Steam AppBuildID: 11134114
[00:00:00]: ....Done
[00:00:00]: PersistUserStorage is now APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1284199984/
[00:00:00]: Fixing DPI
[00:00:00]: ...Done
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'GAClient' (2040)
[00:00:00]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main()
[00:00:00]: ProfileIndex:4.80
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:01]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:01]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:01]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:01]: THREAD - started 'IC' (4172)
[00:00:01]: Texture Streaming: ENABLED
[00:00:01]: Texture Streaming: DISABLED
[00:00:01]: Threaded Renderer: ENABLED
[00:00:01]: THREAD - started 'SimUpdateThread' (3908)
[00:00:01]: THREAD - started 'RenderThread' (15040)
[00:00:01]: [Connect] PendingConnection::Reset(true)
[00:00:01]: Platform: 1
[00:00:01]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
[00:00:01]: Authorized application D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Don't Starve
Together\bin64\dontstarve_steam_x64.exe is enabled in the firewall.
[00:00:01]: WindowsFirewall - Application already authorized
[00:00:01]: THREAD - started 'StreamInput' (15188)
[00:00:01]: loaded ping_cache
[00:00:01]: Offline user ID: OU_76561199244465712
[00:00:01]: Cached userid loaded:
[00:00:01]: SteamID: 76561199244465712
[00:00:01]: THREAD - started 'AsynTextureLoadthread' (1204)
[00:00:01]: THREAD - started 'AsynTextureLoadthread' (5752)
[00:00:01]: HardwareStats:
name Майкрософт Windows 10 Pro
version 10.0.19045
platformSpecific SP 0.0
architecture 64-разрядная
clockSpeed 3300
name Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz
manufacturer GenuineIntel
numCores 2
features SSE,SSE2,SSE3,SSSE3,SSE41,SSE42,AVX
megsOfRam 8192
megsOfRam 4095
videoModeDescription Цвета: 1920 x 1080 x 4294967296
name NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
driverDate 20221205000000.000000-000
refreshRate 75

[00:00:01]: cGame::InitializeOnMainThread
[00:00:01]: WindowManager::Initialize
[00:00:01]: CreateWindow: Requesting 1920,1080 - 5/6/5 - -1/-1/-1 - 0
[00:00:01]: CreateEGLContext: 12 configs found
[00:00:01]: 0: 8/8/8 - 0/ 0/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 1: 8/8/8 - 0/16/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 2: 8/8/8 - 0/24/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 3: 8/8/8 - 0/24/ 8 - 0
[00:00:01]: 4: 5/5/5 - 0/ 0/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 5: 5/5/5 - 0/16/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 6: 5/5/5 - 0/24/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 7: 5/5/5 - 0/24/ 8 - 0
[00:00:01]: 8: 8/8/8 - 8/ 0/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 9: 8/8/8 - 8/16/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 10: 8/8/8 - 8/24/ 0 - 0
[00:00:01]: 11: 8/8/8 - 8/24/ 8 - 0
[00:00:01]: WindowManager::SetFullscreen(0, 1920, 1080, 75)
[00:00:02]: SetCommonDefaultControlMapping
[00:00:02]: X-pos and Y-pos available (Left Stick)
[00:00:02]: X-rot and Y-rot available (Right Stick)
[00:00:02]: GLInfo
[00:00:02]: ~~~~~~
[00:00:02]: GL_VENDOR: Google Inc.
[00:00:02]: GL_RENDERER: ANGLE (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650)
[00:00:02]: GL_VERSION: OpenGL ES 2.0 (ANGLE
[00:00:02]: THREAD - started 'WindowsInputManager' (11732)
[00:00:02]: OpenGL extensions (19, 19):
[00:00:02]: GL_ANGLE_depth_texture
[00:00:02]: GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_blit
[00:00:02]: GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample
[00:00:02]: GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays
[00:00:02]: GL_ANGLE_pack_reverse_row_order
[00:00:02]: GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3
[00:00:02]: GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5
[00:00:02]: GL_ANGLE_texture_usage
[00:00:02]: GL_ANGLE_translated_shader_source
[00:00:02]: GL_EXT_read_format_bgra
[00:00:02]: GL_EXT_robustness
[00:00:02]: GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1
[00:00:02]: GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888
[00:00:02]: GL_EXT_texture_storage
[00:00:02]: GL_OES_get_program_binary
[00:00:02]: GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil
[00:00:02]: GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8
[00:00:02]: GL_OES_standard_derivatives
[00:00:02]: GL_OES_texture_npot
[00:00:02]: GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 16384
[00:00:02]: GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE = 16384
[00:00:02]: GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 16384, 16384
[00:00:02]: GL_MAX_VARYING_VECTORS = 10
[00:00:02]: GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS = 16
[00:00:02]: 4 compressed texture formats
[00:00:02]: texture format 0x83f0
[00:00:02]: texture format 0x83f1
[00:00:02]: texture format 0x83f2
[00:00:02]: texture format 0x83f3
[00:00:02]: Renderer initialize: Okay
[00:00:03]: AnimManager initialize: Okay
[00:00:03]: Buffers initialize: Okay
[00:00:03]: cDontStarveGame::DoGameSpecificInitialize()
[00:00:03]: GameSpecific initialize: Okay
[00:00:03]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:00:03]: AppVersion::GetArchitecture() x64
[00:00:03]: LOADING LUA
[00:00:03]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:00:03]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:00:06]: taskgrouplist: default Together
[00:00:06]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic
[00:00:06]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground
[00:00:06]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge
[00:00:06]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge
[00:00:06]: Running main.lua

[00:00:06]: loaded modindex

[00:00:06]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence.

[00:00:06]: Event data unavailable:

[00:00:24]: PlayerDeaths loaded morgue 142
[00:00:24]: PlayerHistory loaded player_history (v2) len:207
[00:00:24]: ServerPreferences loaded server_preferences 2
[00:00:24]: ConsoleScreenSettings loaded consolescreen 18
[00:00:24]: bloom_enabled true
[00:00:24]: EnableShadeRenderer: true
[00:00:24]: loaded shardsaveindex
[00:00:24]: OnFilesLoaded()
[00:00:24]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:00:24]: Klump load on boot started.
[00:00:24]: Klump files loaded: 0
[00:00:25]: Load FE
[00:00:34]: Load FE: done
[00:00:34]: THREAD - started 'FilesExistAsyncThread' (2516)
[00:00:34]: FilesExistAsyncThread started (22365 files)...
[00:00:34]: OnLoadPermissionList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1284199984/client_save/blocklist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:34]: OnLoadPermissionList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1284199984/client_save/adminlist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:34]: OnLoadUserIdList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1284199984/client_save/whitelist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:34]: [MOTD] Downloading info from
[00:00:34]: Check for write access: TRUE
[00:00:34]: Check for read access: TRUE
[00:00:34]: Available disk space for save files: 133740 MB
[00:00:34]: Reset() returning
[00:00:35]: [MOTD] Done Loading.
[00:00:45]: Do AutoLogin
[00:00:45]: [Steam] Auth Session Ticket requested...
[00:00:45]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
[00:00:45]: [Steam] Got Auth Session Ticket
[00:00:47]: [200] Account Communication Success (3)
[00:00:47]: Logging in as KU_yeIVsn9m
[00:00:48]: There is no active event to get the status of.
[00:00:48]: could not load pending_keyvalues_prod
[00:00:49]: loaded inventory_cache_prod
[00:00:49]: using inventory state token from cached file
[00:00:51]: saved
[00:00:51]: saved
[00:00:52]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 1, matching: 1
[00:00:52]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 1 results
[00:00:52]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1240565842
[00:00:52]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:00:52]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:00:56]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 1, matching: 1
[00:00:56]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 1 results
[00:00:56]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1240565842
[00:00:56]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:00:56]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:01:00]: Getting top mod details...
[00:01:00]: Frontend-Unloading mod 'all'.
[00:01:00]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 1, matching: 1
[00:01:00]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 1 results
[00:01:00]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1240565842
[00:01:00]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:01:00]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:01:00]: GOT top mod details...50
[00:01:00]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 1, matching: 1
[00:01:00]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 1 results
[00:01:00]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1240565842
[00:01:00]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:01:00]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:01:32]: Frontend-Unloading mod 'all'.
[00:01:32]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 1, matching: 1
[00:01:32]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 1 results
[00:01:32]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 1240565842
[00:01:32]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:01:32]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:01:35]: [Workshop] CancelDownloads for all pending downloads
[00:01:36]: Friends are currently playing in 0 games(s)!
[00:01:36]: You belong to 1 clan(s)!
[00:01:36]: Downloaded server listings - chunk 4 (us-east-1): 1592 filtered
completed: 964
[00:01:37]: Downloaded server listings - chunk 3 (eu-central-1): 6807 filtered
completed: 3475
[00:01:38]: Downloaded server listings - chunk 2 (ap-southeast-1): 8812 filtered
completed: 8583
[00:01:40]: Downloaded server listings - chunk 1 (ap-east-1): 23963 filtered
completed: 22694
[00:01:44]: [Connect] Got new join server request from lua
[00:01:44]: [Connect] Init client connection to (S) <4151484757473070726>
[00:01:44]: [Connect] PendingConnection::Reset(true)
[00:01:45]: [Workshop] CancelDownloads for all pending downloads
[00:01:45]: [Connect] InternalInitClient <6492359684022702432>
[00:01:45]: [Shard] Starting shard mode as player
[00:01:45]: [Connect] Starting online connection to|10999
[00:01:45]: [Connect] Server name: Fireflies's World
[00:01:45]: [200] Account Communication Success (13)
[00:01:45]: [Connect] Sending ping(s)...
[00:01:45]: [Connect] DirectConnect Ping|10999
[00:01:45]: [Connect] Ping response from|10999
[00:01:45]: [Connect] Joining server from ping response (silent)...
[00:01:45]: [Connect] PendingConnectionDoConnect to|10999
[00:01:45]: [Connect] DirectConnect to|10999
[00:01:45]: Connection accepted to|10999 <4151484757473070726>
[00:01:45]: Network external address discovered:|51857
[00:01:45]: SendClientHandShakePacket to <4151484757473070726>
[00:01:46]: DeserializeHandShakeServerListing
[00:01:46]: Network tick rate: U=10(3), D=15
[00:01:46]: Platform: 1
[00:01:46]: Version: 555256
[00:01:46]: SendClientInventoryHandShakePacket to <4151484757473070726>
[00:01:47]: Begin Session: 3AF14EA45857649C
[00:01:47]: Done Downloading Client Object Data
[00:01:47]: DownloadMods and temp disable
[00:01:47]: Downloading [0] From: server_temp
[00:01:48]: 0 (38%) 1/1 server_temp/server_save 114000b / 291851b
[00:01:48]: 0 (77%) 1/1 server_temp/server_save 228000b / 291851b
[00:01:48]: 0 (100%) 1/1 server_temp/server_save 291851b / 291851b
[00:01:48]: Download complete[0] Files: 1 Size: 291851
[00:01:48]: Collecting garbage...
[00:01:48]: lua_gc took 0.15 seconds
[00:01:48]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
[00:01:48]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy()
[00:01:48]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
[00:01:48]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
[00:01:48]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
[00:01:48]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:01:48]: Cancelling LuaQueryCallback handle [5]
[00:01:48]: [Workshop] CancelDownloads for all pending downloads
[00:01:48]: FilesExistAsyncThread aborted.
[00:01:48]: ... FilesExistAsyncThread complete
[00:01:48]: lua_close took 0.19 seconds
[00:01:48]: ReleaseAll
[00:01:48]: ReleaseAll Finished
[00:01:48]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:01:48]: AppVersion::GetArchitecture() x64
[00:01:48]: LOADING LUA
[00:01:48]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:01:48]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:01:49]: taskgrouplist: default Together
[00:01:49]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic
[00:01:49]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground
[00:01:49]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge
[00:01:49]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge
[00:01:49]: Running main.lua

[00:01:49]: loaded modindex

[00:01:49]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence.

[00:01:49]: Event data unavailable:

[00:01:49]: PlayerDeaths loaded morgue 142
[00:01:49]: PlayerHistory loaded player_history (v2) len:207
[00:01:49]: ServerPreferences loaded server_preferences 2
[00:01:49]: ConsoleScreenSettings loaded consolescreen 18
[00:01:49]: bloom_enabled true
[00:01:49]: EnableShadeRenderer: true
[00:01:49]: OnFilesLoaded()
[00:01:49]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:01:49]: Loading world: client_temp/server_save
[00:01:49]: Save file is at version 5.141
[00:01:49]: Klump load on boot started.
[00:01:49]: Klump files loaded: 0
[00:01:49]: Unload FE
[00:01:49]: Unload FE done
[00:02:03]: LOAD BE
[00:02:42]: LOAD BE: done
[00:02:42]: OVERRIDE: setting healthpenalty to none
[00:02:42]: OVERRIDE: setting wildfires to never
[00:02:42]: OVERRIDE: setting shadowcreatures to rare
[00:02:42]: OVERRIDE: setting darkness to nonlethal
[00:02:42]: OVERRIDE: setting hunger to nonlethal
[00:02:42]: OVERRIDE: setting temperaturedamage to nonlethal
[00:02:42]: OVERRIDE: setting brightmarecreatures to rare
[00:02:42]: OVERRIDE: setting lessdamagetaken to always
[00:02:42]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml )
[00:02:42]: Loading 19 new character(s)
[00:02:46]: Total 19 character(s) loaded
[00:02:46]: World generated on build 554561 with save version: 5.141, using seed:
[00:02:46]: OVERRIDE: setting hounds to rare
[00:02:46]: OVERRIDE: setting ghostenabled to always
[00:02:46]: OVERRIDE: setting resettime to none
[00:02:46]: OVERRIDE: setting basicresource_regrowth to none
[00:02:46]: OVERRIDE: setting portalresurection to always
[00:02:46]: OVERRIDE: setting spawnmode to fixed
[00:02:46]: OVERRIDE: setting ghostsanitydrain to none
[00:02:46]: Reconstructing topology
[00:02:46]: ...Sorting points
[00:02:46]: ...Sorting edges
[00:02:46]: ...Connecting nodes
[00:02:46]: ...Validating connections
[00:02:47]: ...Housekeeping
[00:02:47]: ...Done!
[00:02:47]: Check for write access: TRUE
[00:02:47]: Check for read access: TRUE
[00:02:47]: Available disk space for save files: 133740 MB
[00:02:47]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
[00:02:47]: Reset() returning

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