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Cambridge International AS & A Level

Paper 1 Core Physical Geography May/June 2021
Maximum Mark: 60


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner Report for

Cambridge International will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge International is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2021 series for most Cambridge
IGCSE™, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some Cambridge O Level components.

This document consists of 15 printed pages.

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9696/11 Cambridge International AS & A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2021

Generic Marking Principles

These general marking principles must be applied by all examiners when marking candidate answers.
They should be applied alongside the specific content of the mark scheme or generic level descriptors
for a question. Each question paper and mark scheme will also comply with these marking principles.


Marks must be awarded in line with:

• the specific content of the mark scheme or the generic level descriptors for the question
• the specific skills defined in the mark scheme or in the generic level descriptors for the question
• the standard of response required by a candidate as exemplified by the standardisation scripts.


Marks awarded are always whole marks (not half marks, or other fractions).


Marks must be awarded positively:

• marks are awarded for correct/valid answers, as defined in the mark scheme. However, credit
is given for valid answers which go beyond the scope of the syllabus and mark scheme,
referring to your Team Leader as appropriate
• marks are awarded when candidates clearly demonstrate what they know and can do
• marks are not deducted for errors
• marks are not deducted for omissions
• answers should only be judged on the quality of spelling, punctuation and grammar when these
features are specifically assessed by the question as indicated by the mark scheme. The
meaning, however, should be unambiguous.


Rules must be applied consistently, e.g. in situations where candidates have not followed
instructions or in the application of generic level descriptors.


Marks should be awarded using the full range of marks defined in the mark scheme for the question
(however; the use of the full mark range may be limited according to the quality of the candidate
responses seen).


Marks awarded are based solely on the requirements as defined in the mark scheme. Marks should
not be awarded with grade thresholds or grade descriptors in mind.

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9696/11 Cambridge International AS & A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2021

Section A

Answer all questions in this section. All questions are worth 10 marks.

Hydrology and fluvial geomorphology

Question Answer Marks

1(a)(i) Fig. 1.1 and Fig. 1.2 show catchment flows in a drainage basin system 1
before and after urbanisation.

Calculate flow X in Fig. 1.1.


Need % for the mark.

1(a)(ii) Name flow Y in Fig. 1.2. 1

Run off / overland / surface or any variation on this.

1(b) Using Fig. 1.1 and Fig. 1.2, describe the changes to catchment flows 3
after urbanisation.

Evapotranspiration has reduced 10% or from 40% to 30%. (1)

Infiltration has reduced 35% or from 50% to 15 %. (1)

Runoff / overland flow has increased 45% from 10% to 55%. (1)

Max. 2 if no specific reference to data.

1(c) Explain why catchment flows change after urbanisation. 5

• Decrease in vegetation means less evapotranspiration, thus more water

reaches the ground surface.
• Less interception leads to more water reaching the surface and possibly
more overland flow.
• Reduction in roots, as a result of less vegetation, leads to decrease in
infiltration as fewer pathways for water to go.
• Impermeable surfaces, a result of urbanisation, reduces infiltration,
increasing overland flow and directing flows of water through artificial
drainage, percolation, throughflow and base flow reduced.
• Human impacts on flows – abstraction of groundwater reducing
groundwater flow, dam building/drainage systems, associated with

1 mark for each simple explanation, 2 marks for each developed

explanation, or 3 marks for each well developed explanation up to the
maximum. Development might come as depth of explanation, the linking of
factors together, or the relationship to a specific modification caused by

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9696/11 Cambridge International AS & A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2021

Atmosphere and weather

Question Answer Marks

2(a) Fig. 2.1 is two photographs which show a type of precipitation. 2

Describe the characteristics of the type of precipitation shown in Fig.


Hail/ice (1 mark), pellets/spheres of ice (1 mark), vary in size/small/0.5 cm to

1.0 cm diameter (1 mark), some indication of colour/opaqueness (1 mark),
hard/solid state.

2(b) Briefly explain the formation of the type of precipitation shown in Fig. 3

The main points are:

• Produced through turbulence and convection in cumulonimbus clouds.

• Results in condensation on cooling, which can lead to freezing and the
formation of hail.
• Repeated strong uplift and downdraughts of moving air allowing growth
as they get coated with more ice (sublimation is a relevant process).

General point about formation of precipitation is a simple explanation.

1 mark for a simple explanation, 2 marks for a developed explanation, or 3

marks for a well developed explanation.

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Question Answer Marks

2(c) Explain why the type of precipitation may vary in one location. 5

Candidates may suggest:

• Stability of air means a lack of uplift and adiabatic cooling limits the
development of clouds and rainfall.
• Discussion about the moisture content of air, or anti cyclonic conditions
compared with cyclonic conditions changing over time at any one
• Diurnal variations of heating and cooling or seasonal variations with
reasons given.
• Cause of rainfall can give rise to characteristically different types of
precipitation – convectional rainfall leading to short heavy outbursts,
frontal rainfall leading to continuous rain.
• Passage of fronts can cause changes in the type of precipitation in one
• Cooler conditions / freezing (leads to snow).

Syllabus lists clouds, rain, hail, snow, dew, fog.

If there is clearly more than one location, then little credit unless there is
variation within one of the locations.

1 mark for each simple explanation, 2 marks for each developed

explanation, or 3 marks for each well developed explanation. Development
might come as depth of explanation, the linking of factors together, or the
relationship to a specific aspect of the variation.

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Rocks and weathering

Question Answer Marks

3(a)(i) Fig. 3.1 shows the global pattern of tectonic plates. 1

Name the type of plate shown as X in Fig. 3.1.

Oceanic plate.

3(a)(ii) Name the type of plate boundary shown as Y in Fig. 3.1. 1

Conservative, transform, transverse.

3(b) Draw a sketch of plate boundary Z in Fig. 3.1. Label the main features. 4

The following features can be labelled:

• Subducting plate
• Fold mountains forming on continental crust
• Ocean trench
• Volcanoes on the continent
• Accretionary wedge
• Oceanic crust / continental crust, sima/sial, Nazca/South America
• Benioff zone
• Convection currents
• Magma chamber/melting oceanic plate

One mark for each accurately located feature whether in a cross-section or

plan form.

3(c) Explain the formation of one of the features you identified in (b). 4

Candidates may choose any valid feature including:

• Fold mountains
• Ocean trench
• Accretionary wedge
• Subduction zone
• Volcanoes on continent but not island arcs

Accept a feature that is relevant but not identified and a feature which is
included in the diagram but not labelled.

Credit a feature identified in part (b) even if the diagram is for the wrong

Explanation could include the role of plate movement, convection currents,

type of plate, subduction and development of feature.

1 mark for a simple explanation, 2 marks for a developed explanation, or

3/4 marks for each well developed explanation. Development might come
as depth of explanation, the linking of factors together.

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Section B

Answer one question from this section. All questions are worth 30 marks.

Hydrology and fluvial geomorphology

Question Answer Marks

4(a)(i) Define the fluvial terms cavitation and suspension. 4

Cavitation: explosion of air bubbles (1) trapped in river banks by water

action (1).

Suspension: the transport of fine particles/sediment (1) within/on the

water/not in contact with bed or banks (1).

4(a)(ii) Describe the formation of a point bar within a river. 3

• Related to deposition in meandering river channels.

• Eroded material from the outside bend is carried across the channel and
deposited on the inside bend.
• Where velocity is slower, thus leading to build up of sediment into a
point bar or slip off slope.

1 mark for a simple description of the formation, 2 marks for a developed

description of the formation, or 3 marks for a well developed description of
the formation.

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Question Answer Marks

4(b) Explain how a river flood can impact people. 8

The impact of a river flood will be dependent on the size and location as well
as the management of the flood event. There are a variety of impacts, and
the answers may discuss economic and social impacts as well as refer to
case study examples. Short term and long term impacts may be contrasted.
Emphasis is on people rather than the environment in general.
Impacts can also be beneficial, e.g. cultivation on flood plains.

Award marks based on the quality of explanation and breadth of the

response using the marking levels below.

Level 3 (6–8)
Response clearly explains how a flood can impact people. Specific
examples and impacts are discussed. Response is well founded in detailed
knowledge and strong conceptual understanding of the topic. Any examples
used are appropriate and integrated effectively into the response.

Level 2 (3–5)
Response explains some ways a flood may impact people. Response
develops on a largely secure base of knowledge and understanding.
Examples may lack detail or development.

Level 1 (1–2)
Response suggests the impact a flood can have on people. Knowledge is
basic and understanding may be inaccurate. Examples are in name only or
lacking entirely.

Level 0 (0)
No creditable response.

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9696/11 Cambridge International AS & A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2021

Question Answer Marks

4(c) ‘The intensity of precipitation is the most significant influence on the 15

shape of a storm hydrograph.’

With the aid of examples, how far do you agree?

Candidates are free to develop their own approach to the question and
responses will vary depending on the approach chosen. Whichever
approach is chosen, essays which address the question and support their
argument with relevant examples will be credited. There may be detailed
consideration of a case study/one or more examples, or a broadly conceived
response, drawing on several examples to illustrate the factors involved.

Candidates can consider a range of factors which influence a storm

hydrograph, including drainage basin characteristics, type of precipitation,
soil type, and land use. Candidates should evaluate the significance of the
intensity of precipitation against other factors. Emphasis should be on
intensity but amount will be a valid discussion point. Characteristics of the
storm hydrograph (lag, peak discharge, rising and falling limbs) need
description and explanation.

Award marks based on the quality of the response using the marking levels

Level 4 (12–15)
Response thoroughly discusses the significance of the intensity of
precipitation on the shape of the storm hydrograph. Response has good
contextual understanding of factors affecting storm hydrographs. Examples
used are appropriate and integrated effectively into the response. Response
is well founded in detailed knowledge and strong conceptual understanding
of the topic.

Level 3 (8–11)
Response discusses the significance of the intensity of precipitation on the
shape of the storm hydrograph but may be unbalanced. Examples may lack
detail or development. Response develops on a largely secure base of
knowledge and understanding.

Level 2 (4–7)
Response shows general knowledge and understanding of the significance
of the intensity of precipitation on the shape of the storm hydrograph.
Response is mainly descriptive or explanatory with limited use of examples
and understanding of the topic may be partial or inaccurate. Some
concluding remarks. General responses without the use of example(s) will
not get above the middle of Level 2 (6 marks).

Level 1 (1–3)
Response may broadly discuss the significance of the intensity of
precipitation on the shape of the storm hydrograph but does not address the
question and does not come to a convincing conclusion. Response is
descriptive, knowledge is basic and understanding is poor.

Level 0 (0)
No creditable response.

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Atmosphere and weather

Question Answer Marks

5(a)(i) Describe two ways incoming (shortwave) solar radiation can be 4


The main ways are:

• Clouds with reference to type of clouds, colour, etc.

• Surfaces (e.g. snow, ice, water, various vegetation and crop types,
building, road surfaces) with different albedos.
• Scattering by particulate matter.

Mark as 2/2, 1/3, 3/1 depending on level of detail.

5(a)(ii) Briefly explain the latitudinal radiation deficit in the global energy 3

The greatest radiation deficit is in the higher latitudes where there is more
outgoing radiation than incoming radiation as a result of:

• The high albedo in this area.

• Lack of insolation for several months results in a radiation deficit in the
• The low angle of the sun’s rays means that insolation has to pass
through more atmosphere and is spread over a greater area,
contributing to the radiation deficit.

1 mark for a simple explanation, 2 marks for a developed explanation, or 3

marks for a well developed explanation. Development might come as depth
of explanation, the linking of factors together.

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Question Answer Marks

5(b) Explain how ocean currents influence surface temperatures on land. 8

Ocean currents (including the great global ocean conveyor belts) transfer
heat from warmer equatorial areas north and south. Other currents bring
cooler water back in a continuous cycle. This is a horizontal transfer of
energy, ensuring a more even distribution of temperature. The sea
temperatures and ocean currents influence the development of winds which
transfer heat to land, with areas nearest to the coast being most affected.

Award marks based on the quality of explanation and breadth of the

response using the marking levels below.

Level 3 (6–8)
Response clearly explains how ocean currents influence surface
temperatures. Response is well founded in detailed knowledge and strong
conceptual understanding of the topic. Any examples used are appropriate
and integrated effectively into the response.

Level 2 (3–5)
Response explains how ocean currents influence surface temperatures.
Response develops on a largely secure base of knowledge and
understanding. Examples may lack detail or development.

Level 1 (1–2)
Response contains some understanding of how ocean currents influence
surface temperatures. Knowledge is basic and understanding may be
inaccurate. Examples are in name only or lacking entirely.

Level 0 (0)
No creditable response.

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9696/11 Cambridge International AS & A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2021

Question Answer Marks

5(c) ‘The most significant effect of human activity on urban climates is on 15


With the aid of examples, how far do you agree?

Candidates are free to develop their own approach to the question and
responses will vary depending on the approach chosen. Whichever
approach is chosen, essays which address the question and support their
argument with relevant examples will be credited. There may be detailed
consideration of a case study/one or more examples, or a broadly conceived
response, drawing on several examples to illustrate the factors involved.

Candidates should discuss the effect that human activity has on urban
climates and consider the most significant effect. Humidity, which is lower in
urban areas, needs to be discussed and explained. Candidates will need to
discuss temperature, winds and precipitation in order to evaluate the
significance of humidity.

Award marks based on the quality of the response using the marking levels

Level 4 (12–15)
Response thoroughly discusses that humidity is the most significant effect of
human activity on urban climates. Response has good contextual
understanding of the effect human activity has on urban climates and the
significance of the effects. Examples used are appropriate and integrated
effectively into the response. Response is well founded in detailed
knowledge and strong conceptual understanding of the topic.

Level 3 (8–11)
Response discusses that humidity is the most significant effect of human
activity on urban climates but may be unbalanced. Examples may lack detail
or development. Response develops on a largely secure base of knowledge
and understanding.

Level 2 (4–7)
Response shows general knowledge and understanding of the significant
effect of human activity on the humidity of urban climates. Response is
mainly descriptive or explanatory with limited use of examples and
understanding of the topic may be partial or inaccurate. Some concluding
remarks. General responses without the use of example(s) will not get
above the middle of Level 2 (6 marks).

Level 1 (1–3)
Response may broadly discuss whether the most significant effect of human
activity on climate in urban areas is on humidity but does not address the
question and does not come to a convincing conclusion. Response is
descriptive, knowledge is basic and understanding is poor.

Level 0 (0)
No creditable response.

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Rocks and weathering

Question Answer Marks

6(a)(i) Define the weathering terms pressure release (dilatation) and 4


Pressure release (dilatation): the reduction of pressure on rock by surface

unloading (1) leads to the fracturing of the rock (creation of joints) (1).

Hydrolysis is a chemical process involving water (1) reacting with certain

rock minerals leading to the decomposition of the rock/producing soluble by-
products/hydroxides (1). The best example is the weathering of feldspar to
clay (1).

6(a)(ii) Briefly explain the role of water in mass movement. 3

• Water increases lubrication which reduces the friction between the

sliding surfaces.
• It may also increase the weight of the soil.
• Pressure from pore water is increased which reduces strength allowing
movement to take place, e.g. mudflows.
• Wetting and drying of soils may lead to soil heave and creep.
• Freeze-thaw in joints on rock cliffs (free faces) may lead to rockfall.

1 mark for a simple explanation, 2 marks for a developed explanation, or 3

marks for a well developed explanation. Development might come as depth
of explanation, the linking of factors together.

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9696/11 Cambridge International AS & A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2021

Question Answer Marks

6(b) Explain how temperature affects physical weathering processes. 8

Candidates may discuss the way fluctuating temperatures around 0 degrees

Celsius enable physical weathering processes like freeze thaw to take
place. Heating / cooling is relevant (exfoliation, granular disintegration) with
the focus on the temperature regime which leads to the resulting weathering
activity. Salt crystallisation is also relevant (evaporation produces salt
crystals which increase in size; certain salts also expand on heating).
Temperature helps to increase root action. Reference to the Peltier diagram
should be credited where this helps to explain the answer. Diagrams should
be credited where they help to explain an answer.

Award marks based on the quality of explanation and breadth of the

response using the marking levels below.

Level 3 (6–8)
Response clearly explains the role of temperature in physical weathering
processes. Response is well founded in detailed knowledge and strong
conceptual understanding of the topic. Any examples used are appropriate
and integrated effectively into the response.

Level 2 (3–5)
Response explains the role of temperature in physical weathering
processes. Response develops on a largely secure base of knowledge and
understanding. Examples may lack detail or development.

Level 1 (1–2)
Response contains some understanding of the role of temperature in
physical weathering processes. Knowledge is basic and understanding may
be inaccurate. Examples are in name only or lacking entirely.

Level 0 (0)
No creditable response.

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9696/11 Cambridge International AS & A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2021

Question Answer Marks

6(c) ‘Attempts to reduce mass movement are not always successful.’ 15

With the aid of examples, how far do you agree?

Candidates are free to develop their own approach to the question and
responses will vary depending on the approach chosen. Whichever
approach is chosen, essays which address the question and support their
argument with relevant examples will be credited. There may be detailed
consideration of a case study/one or more examples, or a broadly conceived
response, drawing on several examples to illustrate the factors involved.

Content may include a discussion of the success or otherwise of specific

attempts to control mass movement (stabilisation of slopes by a variety of
means, afforestation, drainage, slope regrading, netting, pinning, concreting,
etc.) with an assessment as to why some schemes fail. Accept avalanches
as mass movements.

Award marks based on the quality of the response using the marking levels

Level 4 (12–15)
Response thoroughly discusses whether attempts to reduce mass
movement have been successful. Response has good contextual
understanding of the effects of managing mass movement. Examples used
are appropriate and integrated effectively into the response. Response is
well founded in detailed knowledge and strong conceptual understanding of
the topic.

Level 3 (8–11)
Response discusses whether attempts to reduce mass movement have
been successful but may be unbalanced. Examples may lack detail or
development. Response develops on a largely secure base of knowledge
and understanding.

Level 2 (4–7)
Response shows general knowledge and understanding of whether
attempts to reduce mass movement have been successful. Response is
mainly descriptive or explanatory with limited use of examples and
understanding of the topic may be partial or inaccurate. Some concluding
remarks. General responses without the use of example(s) will not get
above the middle of Level 2 (6 marks).

Level 1 (1–3)
Response may broadly discuss whether attempts to reduce mass
movement have been successful but does not address the question and
does not come to a convincing conclusion. Response is descriptive,
knowledge is basic and understanding is poor.

Level 0 (0)
No creditable response.

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