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11 Keynote Lecture s10 Fredlund

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The paper was published in the proceedings of XVI Pan-

American Conference on Soil Mechanics and
Geotechnical Engineering (XVI PCSMGE) and was edited
by Dr. Norma Patricia López Acosta, Eduardo Martínez
Hernández and Alejandra L. Espinosa Santiago. The
conference was held in Cancun, Mexico, on November
17-20, 2019.
From Research to Applied Geotechnics 291
N.P. López-Acosta et al. (Eds.)
© 2019 The authors and IOS Press.
This article is published online with Open Access by IOS Press and distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0).

Technical Session #10

“Natural Hazards”


Dr. Fredlund received his training from the University of Saskatchewan and Texas A&M
University and has published over 50 research papers on topics related to database design,
finite element modeling, and unsaturated soil knowledge-based systems. In 1997 he
started SoilVision Systems Ltd. with a database software product called SoilVision
which could be used to estimate unsaturated soil behavior. He has since directed the
development of eight finite element software packages covering areas of groundwater
flow, contaminant transport, geothermal analysis, air-flow analysis, stress / deformation,
and slope stability.
More recent work has involved supervising the development of the state-of-the-art
2D/3D SVSLOPE slope stability software and the SVDESIGNER 3D conceptual
modeling software. This work has continued with the expansion of 3D slope stability
analysis into the areas of mining such as the analysis of open pits, tailings dams, power
dams and performing landslide risk analysis.
292 From Research to Applied Geotechnics
N.P. López-Acosta et al. (Eds.)
© 2019 The authors and IOS Press.
This article is published online with Open Access by IOS Press and distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0).

Developments in Landslide Analysis

Murray D. FREDLUNDa,1, Delwyn G. FREDLUND b and
Gilson de F. N. GITIRANA Jr. c
Bentley Canada Inc.
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Federal University of Goias, Goiania, GO, Brazil

Abstract. Some of the first analytical tools developed in soil mechanics aimed at
evaluating the stability of slopes. In recent years there has been numerous changes
proposed on how best to model the behavior of slopes and the mechanisms of
instability. “Limit Equilibrium” methods of slices have gone through a series of
changes as the computer has provided increased ability to solve complex and
nonlinear formulations. In recent years numerous new methods have been proposed
for the analysis of slopes. These methods have provided new methodologies for the
calculation of the normal forces along any proposed slip surface as well as new
search routines that attempt to directly determine the shape and location of the most
critical slip surface. Each new method of analysis required testing against a history
of experience and previous methods of analysis. Recent developments in the
analysis tools used for slope stability have augmented the ability of the practicing
engineer to analyze slopes. Three-dimensional (3D) analysis is today easily possible
and, therefore, its use in the regulatory environment dominated by 1.3 and 1.5
factors of safety must be understood. The influences of slip shape, new searching
methods in 3D, geostrata, loading conditions, anchors, water tables as well as
advanced methods of representing surface topology must be considered. How do we
now consider the influence of 3D anisotropic bedding planes in rock environments?
How do we account for probability? What are new searching methods to determine
the slip surface in 3D? How do we determine spatial factors of safety over large land
areas? The objective of this paper is to provide the practicing geotechnical engineer
with information that allows the assessment of newly proposed methods for
determining the factor of safety of soil and rock masses.

Keywords. 3D slope stability, stability, limit equilibrium, factor of safety, rock

stability, 3D stability analysis

1. Introduction

Slope stability studies have constituted an important part of geotechnical engineering

practice. The ability to analyze a soil or rock mass and calculate a factor of safety has
lent considerable credibility to the engineering profession. This analytical ability has also
been profitable for geotechnical engineers.
Changes in methodologies for the analysis of slopes have been considerable over a
matter of a few decades and this has given rise to concerns over what is the best

Corresponding Author, Murray Fredlund, Bentley Canada Inc., Saskatoon, SK, Canada E-mail:
M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies 293

methodology to use in practice. Some slope stability methods emerged in the early years
of soil mechanics. More recently new analytical forms of analysis have emerged. This
often leaves the practicing geotechnical engineer with questions regarding the
significance of the new methodologies. The advent of the computer has proven to be a
valuable tool for analysis purposes. At the same time the computer has birthed other
more complex computational tools.
The main objective of this paper is to provide a summary of the history of slope
stability analysis while at the same time clarifying some strengths and weaknesses
associated with the analyses. Another objective is to summarize some of the new
methods associated with 3D analysis which have the potential to improve the current
state of practice. This paper emphasizes the gradual change that has taken place with the
use of limit equilibrium methods. However, changes in slope stability analyses have
spread beyond the restrictions of limit equilibrium analyses. This has been largely due to
the growth and availability of computing ability.
The geotechnical engineer is left with the task of sorting out the strengths and
weaknesses of various slope stability techniques. This paper attempts to not only show
the progressive changes that have taken place in slope stability analyses but also illustrate
how one methodology has built upon the findings of another technology. This has lead
to the place where today it is possible to extend two-dimensional analyses involving one
central section through a soil mass into complex three-dimensional analyses. The
potential differences with 3D analysis are clarified as well as the new issues that 3D
analysis introduces. The methodologies developed to date for improving 3D analysis are
presented and clarified. A particular focus of the paper is related to handling probability
and the spatial variation of the computed factor of safety in real-world settings. The scope
of this paper is limited to sliding earth & rock masses that are quite readily amenable to

2. History of Limit Equilibrium Analyses

The earliest application of statics to a sliding mass considered a planar sliding surface
because of its ease of analysis. The movement of a large earth mass into the Goteborg
harbour in Sweden showed the characteristics of a circular shape [1]. The entire sliding
mass was considered as a single unit and the tending overturning moment was used to
estimate the shear resistance of the soft sediments (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Early history of slope stability analysis by Petterson [1] and Fellenius [2].
294 M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies

Further landslides in the same harbor almost 20 years later resulted in a re-visitation
of possible stability analysis that could be performed. Fellenius [2] subdivided the sliding
mass into vertical slices, consequently, the name “method of slices”. Assumptions were
made regarding the inter-slice shear and inter-slice normal forces existing between each
of the slices as shown in Figure 2. The assumption was to simply ignore all inter-slice
forces. The analysis was considerably simpler to perform but later would become the
focus of concerns related to the accuracy of the analysis.

Figure 2. Free-body diagram for Fellenius method.

Little additional research was undertaken to improve the method of slices until the
1950s. In 1955 Bishop (Imperial College, London) published the results of his PhD thesis.
Figure 3 shows the free-body diagram of one slice for a sliding mass with a circular
shaped slip surface. All inter-slice forces were shown along with a separation of the pore-
water force and the force associated with the effective stresses (i.e., an effective stress
analysis). Also indicated was the force related to partial submergence of the slope.

Figure 3. Bishop’s Simplified method of slices [3].

Bishop [3] derived three main equations; namely, i.) a moment equilibrium equation
for the overall mass with respect to the center of rotation, ii.) a force equilibrium equation
for the overall mass in the horizontal direction, and iii.) a vertical force equilibrium
equation for each slice comprising the sliding mass. While the equations associated with
complete equilibrium of the sliding mass were derived, it was not possible to
simultaneously satisfy both the horizontal equilibrium and moment equilibrium
M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies 295

equations using longhand calculations. Consequently, it was suggested that the overall
horizontal force equilibrium be ignored along with the inter-slice shear forces, for the
calculation of the factor of safety, giving rise to the Bishop Simplified method of slices
(Figure 4).

Figure 4. Free-body of a slice for the Bishop’s Simplified and Janbu’s Simplified methods.

In 1954, Janbu had suggested using the overall force equilibrium equation along
with an omission of the inter-slice shear forces and moment equilibrium during the
calculation of the factor of safety of a slope. This gave rise to the Janbu Simplified
method of slices. Janbu also suggested a more elaborate analysis referred to as the Janbu
Generalized method. This method made used of a moment equilibrium for each slice to
generate a “line of thrust” to define the point of application of the inter-slice forces [4, 5].
Mainframe digital computers came on the scene in the mid 1960s and with them
came additional computing power. Morgenstern and Price [6] were some of the first to
take advantage of the increased computational ability. Most importantly it became
possible to obtain a factor of safety solution that satisfied both moment and force
equilibrium conditions if one additional variable, referred to as Lambda, λ, was
introduced into the formulation [6]. It was also suggested that the inter-slice shear and
inter-slice normal forces be related through use of an arbitrary but reasonable
mathematical function. Morgenstern and Price [6] noted that the slope stability analysis
was indeterminate because of a lack of physical understanding of the internal stress state
along the sides of each slice. It was also suggested that it might be possible to introduce
additional elements of physics into the analysis to render the analysis determinate
(Figure 5). While the use of an additional stress analysis might be possible, it was not
done until 1983 by Wilson and Fredlund.

E = ∫ σ x dy X = ∫ τ xy dy
width of
slice, a
b σy b
Morgenstern &
Elevation (m)

β τxy
σx Price, 1965
Elevation (m)

σx τxy
a a
Area = Inter-slice Area = Inter-slice
normal force (E) shear force (X)
Distance (m) Distance (m)

It is possible to calculate E forces first and invoke an

assumption for the calculation of X forces
Figure 5. Morgenstern-Price [6] method of analysis.
296 M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies

In 1967 Spencer published a method of slices analysis for calculating the factor of
safety of a soil mass [7]. The method satisfied both force and moment equilibrium
conditions and assumed that the slope of the inter-slice resultant be maintained at a
constant slope. Consequently, the formulation was a special case of the Morgenstern-
Price [6] method.
In 1977, Fredlund and Krahn published a general set of force and moment
equilibrium equations based on the basic assumptions associated with a limit equilibrium
analysis. This did not result in a new method of slope stability analysis; however, it
showed the inter-relationship and the limitations associated with each of the methods of
analysis that had previously been published. The summary of limit equilibrium analytical
methods could be visualized through a common set of Newtonian equilibrium equations
and a shear strength criterion. Other suggested limit equilibrium methods of slices were
also shown to be related to the common set equilibrium equations [8, 9].

3. Fundamentals of Limit Equilibrium Analysis

The evolution of limit equilibrium methods can be presented in terms of a consistent set
of Newtonian equations of statics. Within this context, all limit equilibrium methods of
slices can be visualized in terms of the i.) elements of statics that have been satisfied in
the formulation, and ii.) the assumption(s) invoked to render the analysis determinate.
A limit equilibrium analysis must start with a designated free-body diagram. Herein
lies the first problem since the boundaries of the free-body are not known (Figure 6). The
ground surface geometry and the stratigraphy associated with the soil layers may be
known but the shape and location of a sliding mass are not known at the start of the
analysis. All proposed limit equilibrium methods of slices have made the following
recommendations to resolve these problems; namely, i.) the shape of the slip surface is
assumed, and ii.) the location of the critical slip surface will be found through a trial and
error process.

The boundaries for a

not known

-The SHAPE for the slip surface must be assumed
-The LOCATION of the critical slip surface must be
found by TRIAL and ERROR

Figure 6. Basic limitations of limit equilibrium methods of analysis.

Figure 7 shows all the forces that need to be applied to an individual slice from the
sliding mass. The forces are all shown as total forces without a need to separate the forces
between total and effective stress conditions. The selected slip surface was first assumed
to be circular but might also deviate from a circular shape.
M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies 297

Figure 7. Forces acting on each slice.

The force of greatest interest in Figure 7 is the shear force mobilized, Sm. It is of
interest because it is the variable that is calculated by different means in each of the
methods of slices. The shear force mobilized changes in the various methods of slices
because it is dependent upon the normal force, N, which is calculated differently in the
various methods of slices.
All limit equilibrium methods assume that the soils involved behave as Mohr-
Coulomb materials. In other words, the soil has a frictional component and a cohesive
component. The frictional component is most fundamentally designated as the effective
angle of internal friction, φ’, and the cohesion intercept is designated as the effective
cohesion, c’. Another commonality of all limit equilibrium methods is the assumption
that the factor of safety for the cohesive component is equal to that of the frictional
component. In addition, the factor of safety is assumed to be the same for all slices of the
sliding mass.
It is noteworthy that the pore-water pressure does not appear on the free-body
diagram because it is internal to the shear strength equation which is part of the shear
force mobilized, Sm. The shear force mobilized can be written as follows in terms of the
shear strength criteria.

Sm =
[ (σ n
− uw ) tan φ '] β
Fs Fs

where β = length along the base of a slice; σn = normal stress along the base of a slice;
uw = pore-water pressure at the base of a slice; and Fs = factor of safety for the entire
sliding mass. The designation of the shear strength mobilized can also be written in a
form such that it applies for both saturated and unsaturated materials as shown in Eq. (2).

[ (σ − u a ) tan φ '] β  ( u a − u w ) tan φ b  β

c'β n (2)
Sm = +
Fs Fs Fs

where ua = pore-air pressure at the base of a slice, and uw = pore-water pressure at the
base of a slice; and φb = friction angle with respect to matric suction. Other variables
have been previously defined.
298 M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies

Before attempting to formulate factor of safety equations within the context of a

limit equilibrium framework, a list should be made of the known element of statics and
physics available for solving the problem. The following is a list of the known elements
of physics that are available for the derivation of factor of safety equation.

Equations that can be listed as “knowns” are:

− n moment equilibrium equations
− n vertical force equilibrium equations
− n horizontal equilibrium equations
− n Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion equations

The above elements of physics can be applied to each slice giving a total of 4n
“knowns” where n is equal to the number of slices into which the sliding mass has been
divided. The “unknowns” variables associated with the analysis can be listed as follows:

− n total normal forces at the base of a slice

− n shears forces at the base of each slice
− n-1 inter-slice normal forces, E
− n-1 inter-slice shear forces, X
− n-1 points of application of the inter-slice E forces
− n points of application of the normal force on each slice
− 1 factor of safety, Fs

The tabulation of “knowns” and “unknowns” show that there are a total of (6n -2)
“unknowns” that need to be computed while there are 4n equations to use. Since (6n-2)
is greater than 4n, the analyst must conclude that the problem is indeterminate. The
analyst has a choice to make regarding solving for the factor of safety. Either he/she can
attempt to invoke further elements of physics to solve the problem or he/she can estimate
(or omit) some of the known forces. An examination of the research literature shows that
the choice has been made to assume a relationship between some forces or else simply
omit some of the forces.
It is possible to derive a general force and moment equilibrium factor of safety
equation even prior to a decision being made with regard to rendering the problem
determinate. Eq. (3) shows the moment equilibrium that is applicable for both saturated
and unsaturated soils. The pore-air pressure has been assumed to be zero in this equation.

  tan φ b  
∑ c ' β R +  N − u β tan φ '  R tan φ '

Fm =     (3)
∑Wx − ∑ Nf
Eq. (4) shows the horizontal force equilibrium that is applicable for both saturated
and unsaturated soils with pore-air pressure equal to zero.

  tan φ b  
∑ c ' β cos α +  N − u β tan φ '  tan φ ' cos α 

Ff =     (4)
∑ N sin α
M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies 299

A general form for vertical force equilibrium on each slice can also be derived as
shown in Eq. (5).

c ' β sin α β sin α tan φ b

W −( XR − XL ) − + uw
F F (5)
sin α tan φ '
cos α +

The normal force equation applies for both saturated and unsaturated soils; however,
the pore-air pressure has been set to zero. Various limit equilibrium methods differ with
respect to how the inter-slice shear force term, (XR – XL) will be computed and which
overall statics will be satisfied. All methods of slices, except for the Fellenius method,
are nonlinear in the sense that the variables being computed by moment and force
equilibrium also appears in the equation to compute the normal force at the base of the
slice. Consequently, an iteration procedure is required to obtain convergence to the factor
of safety.
At this point a decision must be made regarding how to render the analysis
determinate. This must be done before proceeding to solve for the factor of safety.
Table 1 contains a summary of the equilibrium conditions that have been satisfied and
the assumptions that have been made regarding the inter-slice forces for various methods
of analysis. The Fellenius method completely ignores all inter-slice forces while the
Bishop Simplified and Janbu Simplified methods ignore the inter-slice shear force but
keep the inter-slice normal forces. The Morgenstern-Price (GLE) and Spencer methods
attempt to calculate the inter-slice shear forces and then use these values in the
calculation of the factor of safety that satisfies both moment and force equilibrium.

Table 1. Equilibrium conditions that are satisfied and assumptions that are made for various limit equilibrium
methods of slices.
Method of Analysis Equilibrium Assumptions
Ordinary or Moment, Perpend. E and X = 0
Fellenius to base
Bishop’s Simplified Vertical, Moment E is horizontal, X = 0
Janbu’s Simplified Vertical, E is horizontal, X = 0;
Horizontal empirical factor f0 applied
Janbu’s Vertical, E is located by an
Generalized Horizontal assumed line of thrust
Spencer Vertical, X/E constant
Morgenstern-Price Vertical, X/E = λ f(x)
& GLE Horizontal,
Corps of Vertical, X/E is equal to the
Engineers Horizontal slope of the ground
Lowe & Karafiath Vertical, X/E is equal to the average
Horizontal of the slopes of the
surface and base of slice

The Morgenstern-Price [6] method introduced an additional unknown, λ, and a

functional distribution as shown in Eq. (6):
300 M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies

X = Eλ f ( x ) (6)

where f(x) is a mathematical function that defines the slope of the ratio of X/E. Various
inter-slice force functions suggested by Morgenstern-Price [6] are shown in Figure 8.
Wilson and Fredlund [10] used a linear elastic analysis in an attempt to compute
typical inter-slice force functions.

Figure 8. Suggested forms for the inter-slice force function [6].

The results consistently showed that the inter-slice force function took the form of
an extended error function as shown in Figure 9 with the peak of the function near the
middle of the slope.

Figure 9. Inter-slice force function based on a linear elastic stress analysis [10].

The interslice force function takes the form of an extended error function [10]. Once
the crest and the base of the slope is defined, other variable in the function bear a unique
relationship to the steepness of the slope.

n n
f ( x ) = e− C ω 2
M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies 301

where: e is the base of the natural log, C is a variable used to define the inflection point
along the interslice force function, n is a variable used to describe the steepness of the
slope, and ω defines the dimensionless distance along the x-axis.

3.1. Comparison of Moment and Force Equilibrium Factors of Safety

It is possible to compare moment equilibrium and force equilibrium solutions for various
geometries (i.e., ground surface profiles) and various shapes of slip surfaces. It is also
possible to compare the computed factors of safety from methods that do not satisfy all
the elements of statics with methods that satisfy both moment and force equilibrium.
Various inter-slice force functions can also be compared through use various percentages
of the Lambda, λ, variable.
Figure 10 shows a comparison of the various computed factors of safety when
considering a circular slip surface.
2.25 Comparison of
2.20 Ff factors of
safety for Circular
2.15 Simplified
Slip Surface
2.10 Fm
Factor of safety

Morgenstern-Price solution

2.00 Janbu’s
Ordinary = 1.928
1.90 Fredlund and Krahn
Morgenstern-Price (1975)
f(x) = constant
0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Figure 10. Comparison of moment and force equilibrium factor of safety equations [11].

The following observations can be made from Figure 10 regarding a slope stability
analysis where the slip surface is circular.
1. The Morgenstern-Price factor of safety is the cross-over point where moment
and force equilibrium are satisfied.
2. The moment equilibrium factors of safety are quite insensitive to the inter-slice
force function.
3. Consequently, the Bishop Simplified factor of safety is quite close to the
Morgenstern-Price method factor of safety which satisfies both moment and
force equilibrium.
4. The Fellenius (or Ordinary) method gives a factor of safety that is lower than
the factor of safety satisfying moment and force equilibrium.
5. The force equilibrium factor of safety is quite sensitive to the selected inter-
slice force function.
6. The Spencer method is a special case of the Morgenstern-Price method.
Figure 11 shows the results of a comparison of the various computed factors of
safety when considering a planar slip surface.
302 M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies

Figure 11. Comparison of moment and force equilibrium factors of safety when the slip surface is planar.

The following observations can be made from Figure 11 regarding a slope stability
analysis where the slip surface is planar.
1. The Morgenstern-Price factor of safety is the cross-over point where moment
and force equilibrium are satisfied.
2. The moment equilibrium factors of safety are quite sensitive to the inter-slice
force function.
3. The Bishop Simplified factor of safety is below the Morgenstern-Price method
factor of safety which satisfies both moment and force equilibrium.
4. The moment equilibrium factor of safety is quite sensitive to the selected inter-
slice force function.
5. In general, the independent solving of the moment equilibrium and force
equilibrium factor of safety equation shows the relationship of the shape of the
slip surface to the relationship between moment and force equilibrium.
Figure 12 shows the results of a comparison of the various computed factors of
safety when considering a composite slip surface (i.e., part circular and part planar).

Figure 12. Comparison of moment and force equilibrium factors of safety when the slip surface is composite
(i.e., part circular and part planar).
M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies 303

The following observations can be made from Figure 12 regarding a slope stability
analysis where the slip surface is composite.
1. The Morgenstern-Price factor of safety is the cross-over point where moment
and force equilibrium are satisfied.
2. Both the moment and force equilibrium factors of safety are quite sensitive to
the selected inter-slice force function.
3. The Bishop Simplified factor of safety is below the Morgenstern-Price method
factor of safety which satisfies both moment and force equilibrium.
4. The independent solving of the moment equilibrium and force equilibrium factor
of safety equation shows the relationship of the shape of the slip surface to the
relationship between moment and force equilibrium.
The Morgenstern-Price (and GLE) methods of analysis satisfy both moment and
force equilibrium conditions and provide considerable flexibility with respect to the
selection of an inter-slice force function. The proposed Wilson and Fredlund [10] inter-
slice force function is based on a linear elastic analysis of the soil mass. It could be argued
that this function is not an accurate reflection of the actual stress state in the soil mass;
however, the function has features that are supported by earth pressure theory and
appears to always ensure convergence of the factor of safety calculations.
All limit equilibrium methods, (with the exception of the Fellenius method), use
Eq. (5) for the calculation of the normal force at the base of the slice. An examination of
Eq. (5) shows that under certain conditions it is possible for the denominator to come
close to (or exactly) zero and as a result the calculated normal force approaches infinity.
This is one of the limitations associated with limit equilibrium methods and in part, has
given rise to the consideration of other methodologies.

4. Other Methodologies for Determination of Normal Force on a Slice

One of the first methodologies given consideration for the calculation of the stress state
in a soil mass involves the use of a numerical modeling approach such as the finite
element method. The search can be put in the form of a question, “Can the stress state
within a soil mass be more accurately calculated by switching-on the gravity force (i.e.,
unit weight of the soil)?” Stated another way, the question can be asked, “Can the
complete stress state from a finite element analysis be “imported” into a limit equilibrium
framework where the normal stresses and the actuating shear stresses are computed along
any selected slip surface?” (See Figure 13).

Figure 13. Procedure for “importing stresses” from a finite element analysis into a limit equilibrium analysis.
304 M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies

Limit Equilibrium Finite Element Based

Method of Slices Method of Analysis

Sm τCdl τCdl

How should the Normal Stress

at the base of a slice be computed?

Figure 14. Comparison of the limit equilibrium and stress analysis calculations of the normal stress at the base
of a slice.

It can be argued that the stresses computed from “switching-on” gravity are more
reasonable than the stresses computed when using a single vertical slice as the free body
diagram even though stress-strains conditions might be nonlinear and near failure. Let
us compare the free-body diagrams shown in Figure 14. The limit equilibrium free-body
diagram shows that the normal force on the base of a slice is largely dependent upon the
single slice being analyzed. On the other hand, the finite element simulation also
considers overall changes in the ground surface when calculating the stress state at the
base of a slice.
The difference in the normal stress at the base of slices can be calculated by
comparing the results of a limit equilibrium analysis and a finite element stress analysis.
Figure 15 compares the two sets of normal stresses for a slip surface the exits at the toe
of the slope. The finite element simulation produces results that reveal that the ground
surface geometry goes horizontal after the toe of the slope. However, the limit
equilibrium analysis does not show any effect of the geometry past the toe of the slope.
In this sense, the finite element analysis would appear to produce a more accurate
indication of the normal stresses.

Figure 15. Comparison of limit equilibrium and stress analysis normal forces for slip surface exiting at the toe.

Finite element stress-deformation analyses have been used in different ways for
analyzing the stability of a slope. The methodologies can be divided into two broad
categories. In the first category there are methods where the stress state information from
the stress-deformation analysis are used within the framework of a limit equilibrium
M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies 305

analysis. In this case, the normal stress and the actuating shear stresses are “imported”
into a limit equilibrium analysis framework. This class of analysis is referred to an
“Enhanced Limit” analysis. There are several “Enhanced Limit” analyses that have been
proposed and the methods mainly differ in terms of the equation used to define the factor
of safety as shown in Figure 18. It appears that the factor of safety definition proposed
by Kulhawy [12] seems to have gained the widest acceptance in geotechnical engineering.

4.1. Enhanced Limit Analyses

There are two categories of slope stability analysis that make use of the results from a
finite element analysis. The first category, (i.e., Enhanced Limit analyses) where a linear
elastic analysis is used to calculate the stress state throughout the soil mass and the
second category (i.e., Strength Reduction analyses) where an elasto-plastic analysis is
used. There are also two types of Strength Reduction methodologies that have been
proposed; namely, i.) methods where the applied load (or gravity forces) are increased
until failure occurs or ii.) methods where the strength of all soils is decreased until failure
occurs. The two categories of finite element slope stability are first explained followed
by an explanation of the relationship between the two analytical procedures.
Figure 16 is a flowchart that shows the types of finite element stress-deformation
analyses that have been proposed for slope stability studies. Consideration is first given
to the use of an “Enhanced Limit” type of analysis.

Finite Element Slope Stability Methods

Strength Reduction Methods

(finite element analysis only)
Enhanced Limit methods
(finite element analysis
with a limit equilibrium Load increase Strength decrease
analysis) to failure to failure
Definition of Factor of Safety

Strength Level Stress Level Strength & Stress Level

Kulhawy 1969 Rezendiz 1972 Adikari and Cummins 1985
Zienkiewicz et al 1975

Figure 16. Classification of methodologies that can be used to incorporate stress analysis results.

The factor of safety equation proposed by Kulhawy [12] is shown in Eq. (8) and is
most consistent with the equation used in geotechnical engineering.

FK =
∑ ( c '+ σ ' tan φ ') ΔL (8)
∑ (τ ) ΔL
where ∆L represents increments along the slip surface.

5. Use of the “Enhanced Limit” Analysis

There are some distinct differences between a “Limit Equilibrium” analysis and an
“Enhanced Limit” analysis. A stress analysis is first performed when undertaking an
306 M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies

Enhanced Limit analysis. The normal stress on any orientation of a slip surface can be
calculated because the complete stress state is known. In other words, the Enhanced
Limit analysis becomes determinate and the factor of safety equation becomes linear. On
the other hand, there are some similarities to a limit equilibrium analysis. It is still
necessary to assume a shape for the slip surface and the location of the critical slip surface
must be located by trial and error. The Kulhawy [12] definition for the factor of safety is
illustrated in Figure 19. For every section along the base of a slip surface, there are two
stresses that must be retrieved from the stress-deformation analysis. These are: i.) the
normal stress, and ii.) the mobilized shear force. The normal stress is inserted into the
shear strength numerator of the factor of safety equation while the shear force mobilized
is used in the denominator as shown in Eq. (9).

∑S r
∑S m

where FFEM is the Kulhawy [12] factor of safety definition, Sm is the shear force mobilized
and Sr shear strength resistance.
An example problem illustrates the similarities and the differences between an
Enhanced Limit analysis and a limit equilibrium analysis. As part of the Enhanced Limit
analysis it is possible to calculate a local factor of safety corresponding to each section
along the slip surface, in addition to the global factor of safety. Let us consider a 2:1
slope that is 20 meters high with a piezometric line at 2/3 the height of the slope but
exiting at the toe of the slope. Any Young’s modulus can be assumed for the analysis.
The Poisson’s ratio is set to 0.33 since it has some effect of the calculated stresses.
Figure 17 shows a plot of the shear strength and the actuating shear stresses at each
section across the slope. Note that at all points along the slip surface, the shear strength
values are consistently higher than the actuation shear force meaning that all local factors
of safety are greater than 1.0.

Figure 17. Shear strength and actuating shear force across the slope.

The results from an Enhanced Limit analysis can also be plotted as shown in Figure
18. The results are shown for Poison’s ratios of 0.33 and 0.48. The plots of local factor
of safety are different for the two Poisson’s ratio values; however, the global factors of
safety differ by only 0.1%. Also shown are the global factors of safety obtained when
M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies 307

the example problem is analyzed using the various limit equilibrium methods of analysis.
The global factor of safety using the Morgenstern-Price method was 2.356 or a difference
of about 1.0% from the Enhanced Limit analysis. It may seem to be a surprise to find
such a similarity in the factors of safety when using two dis-similar methods of analysis.

Figure 18. Comparison of Local and Global factors of safety.

The most logical explanation would appear to lie in the fact that both methodologies
conserve the potential energy of problem and for this reason are quite similar.
Figure 19 provides a comparison between the results of a parametric study of limit
equilibrium analyses and Enhanced Limit analysis. A wide range of cohesion and friction
angles were selected and the results are plotted versus the Stability Number. The results
are extremely close to each other but it must also be remembered that the problem being
analyzed only consists of simple slopes.

Figure 19. Comparison of factors of safety versus stability number for a range of soil properties.

In general, the global factors of safety appear to be similar between Enhanced Limit
and limit equilibrium methods. There is; however, some differences in the location of
the critical slip surface locations. This appears to be mainly related to the differences in
the calculated normal stresses between the two methodologies. Figure 20 illustrates how
the critical slip surface determined by the limit equilibrium method exits at the toe of the
slope while the critical slip surface may extend beyond the toe for the Enhanced Limit
308 M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies

There appears to have been limited interest in geotechnical engineering practice for
the use of Enhanced Limit analyses for calculating the factor of safety of a slope.

Figure 20. Comparison of the location of the critical slip surfaces.

There may be several reasons for its slow acceptance. First, additional soil properties
are required when performing a stress-deformation analysis (e.g., Young’s modulus and
Poisson’s ratio). While the effect of Young’s modulus appears to be negligible, there is
less confidence in working with deformation soil properties. There is also the perception
of inaccuracy in the stresses when performing an analysis corresponding to near failure
conditions. There is also the lack of an experience database associated with the Enhanced
Limit method. There is the possibility that consideration might be given to use of the
Enhanced Limit method when analyzing complex geometries but at present, geotechnical
engineering practice is quite committed to using limit equilibrium methods of analysis.

5.1. Comparison Between a Linear Elastic and Elasto-Plastic Stress Analyses

The above comparisons between Enhanced Limit analysis and limit equilibrium analyses
were undertaken using a linear elastic stress-deformation analysis. The next question to
be addressed is related to whether it might be preferable to use an elasto-plastic analysis
rather than using an elastic analysis. This question is examined by comparing the results
of a linear elastic and an elasto-plastic analysis when the computed overall factor of
safety is; i.) well above 1.0, ii.) near 1.0, and iii.) below 1.0 [13, 14]. The soil properties
for the dry slope are shown in Figure 23. The Dynamic Programming technique,
described later in this paper, was used to perform the analyses.

Figure 21. Stress-deformation analysis of a homogeneous dry slope with a factor of safety of approximately 1.3.
M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies 309

Figure 21 shows the computed factors of safety along with the location of the critical
slip surfaces for an elastic and elasto-plastic analysis when the factor of safety is
approximately 1.3. Also shown are the results of a limit equilibrium analysis (i.e.,
Morgenstern-Price method). All of the critical slip surfaces have a similar location and
the overall factors of safety are the same (i.e., Fs = 1.365).
Figure 22 shows a comparison of the calculated local factors of safety across the slip
surface. The calculation of the local factors of safety provides an indication of whether
there was a re-distribution of stresses along the slip surface (i.e., any plastic zones).

Figure 22. Local factor of safety when the global factor of safety is about 1.3.

The local factors of safety were similar across the slip surface with the exception of
some re-distribution of stresses near the toe of the slope, preventing the local factor of
safety from going below 1.0.

Figure 23. Stress-deformation analysis of a homogeneous dry slope with a factor of safety of approximately 1.0.

Figure 23 shows the computed factors of safety along with the location of the critical
slip surfaces for an elastic and elasto-plastic analysis when the overall factor of safety
approaches 1.0. The shear strength parameters have been adjusted to bring the overall
(global) factors of safety close to 1.0. Also shown are the results of a limit equilibrium
310 M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies

analysis (i.e., Morgenstern-Price method with Fs = 1.054). The critical slip surfaces have
a similar location and the global factors of safety show very slight differences.

Figure 24. Local factor of safety when the global factor of safety is about 1.0.

Figure 24 shows the computed local factors of safety along the slip surfaces for an
elastic analysis and an elasto-plastic analysis. The results correspond to the case where
the global factor of safety approaches 1.0. There is clearly a significant redistribution of
stresses forcing the shear strength to move into the plastic mode. Consequently, the local
factors of safety for the elasto-plastic analysis move towards 1.0. The local factors of
safety from the elastic analysis show an over-stressing of the soil near the crest and near
the toe of the slope.

Figure 25. Stress-deformation analysis of a homogeneous dry slope with a factor of safety less than 1.0.

Figure 25 shows the computed factors of safety along with the location of the critical
slip surfaces for an elastic and elasto-plastic analysis when the global factor of safety
from a limit equilibrium analysis goes less than 1.0. The shear strength parameters have
been adjusted to bring the limit equilibrium factor of safety less than 1.0 (i.e., Fs = 0.862).
The location of the critical slip surface, and the global factors of safety, for the limit
equilibrium analysis and the elastic stress analysis remain essentially the same. However,
the elasto-plastic stress analysis undergoes a wide re-distribution of stresses causing the
M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies 311

global factor of safety to remain near 1.0. The re-distribution of stresses is clearly shown
in Figure 26.

Figure 26. Local factor of safety when the global factor of safety is less than 1.0.

The conclusion from this small comparative study shows that an elastic stress model
and an elasto-plastic stress model give similar values in a slope stability analysis as long
as the global factor of safety is greater than 1.0. However, an elasto-plastic model should
not be used to calculate the in-situ stress state when using a finite element stress-based
analysis for calculating the factor of safety in a slope stability analysis. Rather, it is an
elastic stress-strain model that should be used to estimate the in-situ stresses in a soil
mass. An elasto-plastic model results in a re-distribution of stresses thereby preventing
the factor of safety from ever going below 1.0.
Earlier in this paper (i.e., Figure 16) it was shown that there were two ways in which
the results from a finite element stress analysis could be used to assess the factor of safety
of a slope; namely, i.) the Enhanced Limit approach and the ii.) Strength Reduction
approach. Whereas the Enhanced Limit approach made use of the results from an elastic
model, the Strength Reduction approach makes use of an elasto-plastic model of

5.2. Strength Reduction method

The Strength Reduction method constitutes an approach whereby the results of a finite
element analysis can be used as part of a slope stability analysis. There are two ways
whereby the strength reduction method can be implemented. For example, the load (e.g.,
gravity forces) could be increased until the calculated deformation showed that failure
was imminent, or the strength of the soil could be decreased until failure was imminent.
It is the latter case that has received most attention in geotechnical engineering [15].
The definition for the factor of safety must be changed to be based on a deformation
criterion that signifies a “failure state” for the Strength Reduction method. “Failure state”
is related to an excessive deformation state such that convergence was not attainable in
the finite element stress-deformation model. For this to happen, it is necessary to use a
Mohr-Coulomb shear strength type soil model. The factor of safety is equal to the ratio
of the actual shear strength parameters (e.g., c’ and tan φ’), to the reduced shears strength
parameters corresponding to a non-converged solution. Stated another way, the factor of
312 M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies

safety is equal to the maximum reduction in the original shear strength parameters where
convergence could still be obtained. One of the driving forces behind the Strength
Reduction method is the fact that fewer “a priori” assumptions are required regarding the
failure mechanism.
Figure 27 uses a measure the amount of movement on the ordinate versus the factor
of safety on the abscissa. Two example analyses are shown. When the full value of the
strength parameters is used, the measure of deformation for example 1 was
approximately 0.4 (unitless).

Figure 27. Failure condition specified for the Strength Reduction, method, SRM.

As the shear strength parameters are reduced, the deformation measure slowly
decreases to about 0.5 and suddenly the deformation measure rapidly increases to more
than 1.5. Further reductions in the shear strength analysis causes the analysis to become
unstable (i.e., non-convergence). There is no clear or distinct value for the factor of safety
at failure. Rather, failure is defined as a range of values as shown in Figure 29. This
behavior is somewhat bothersome to the geotechnical engineer who has been used to
working with a precise value for the computed factor of safety when using other

Figure 28. Use of deformed meshes to show zones of excessive deformation.

M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies 313

Figure 28 illustrates how the deformed mesh reveals the zone (or zones) where
failure conditions are being approached. In other words, the Strength Reduction method
provides the geotechnical engineer with information on the shape and location of failure
Additional soils information (e.g., Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio) must be
input by the modeler when using an elasto-plastic model. Consequently, the Strength
Reduction method require more “know how” than limit equilibrium methods. While this
may appear to be a disadvantage for the Strength Reduction methodology, it is noted that
the Mohr-Coulomb strength envelope dominates the analysis as failure conditions are
approached. The convergence rules (i.e., criterion) may require some user intervention
in refining the failure tolerance and this has been viewed as a negative aspect by initial
users of the Strength Reduction method. Countering the negative concerns is the fact that
the Strength Reduction method provides additional valuable information particularly
when analyzing complex geological and geometric conditions.
Figure 29 shows one more example where the results of a Strength Reduction
analysis are compares with the results of a limit equilibrium analysis. The values differ
slightly but can be considered to be essentially the same from a practicing engineering

Figure 29. Comparison of the results of a Strength Reduction analysis and a Limit Equilibrium analysis.

The shear strength reduction methodology has also been extended to three-
dimensional analyses [16, 17].

6. 3D Analysis and Digital Twins

The traditional application of the limit equilibrium method (LEM) has been in the context
of a 2D plane strain analysis. Geotechnical engineers have become complacent with the
use of 2D slope stability as it is easy to perform. 2D analysis suffers from fundamental
limitations foremost of which are i) the slip shape is assumed to be cylindrical, ii) the
slope geometry is assumed to be unchanged in the 3 rd dimension, iii) the geo-strata is
assumed to not vary in the 3 rd dimension, iv) the water table must only vary in the down-
slope direction, v) the application of distributed and point surface loads is not considered
in the 3rd dimension, and vi) the application of anchors, micropiles, and geomembranes
is approximated [18]. Such assumptions have proven 2D analysis to be conservative with
314 M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies

respect to the true 3D factor of safety in the amounts between 10-50% [19]. If unsaturated
aspects of slope stability are considered then the difference can be as high as 60% [20].
Therefore, significant opportunity exists to optimize existing designs through the
application of 3D slope stability analysis. It should be noted that the difference between
a 2D and a calculated 3D factor of safety is different in each situation. Therefore, it is
impossible to assume a specific 2D/3D difference for a particular scenario.
The theory for the 3D LEM has been in existence for decades and is therefore not
new. Early theoretical development efforts are available in research literature [21, 22, 23,
24, 11]. The primary limitation of all presented theory is that the slip direction is
assumed to happen exactly along the x-coordinate axis. Such a limitation introduces a
significant problem for the practical application of 3D slope stability analysis. This paper
presents an extension to the traditional 3D LEM, which allows for the analysis of slips
at any direction. Several benchmark examples are presented such that the implementation
of the methodology is proven sound. The technique may be applied to Bishop,
Morgenstern-Price, GLE, Spencer and other analysis methods.
The application of 3D slope stability LEM in practical geotechnical analysis requires
consideration of the aforementioned 3D influences on the factor of safety. This paper
focuses on the effects of slip surface shape and ground surface shape. A recommended
approach for the application of 3D slope stability analysis in the practice of geotechnical
engineering is also presented.
The application of software tools to analyze slope stability in 3D has traditionally
been highly limited. Recent developments allow for the easy application of 3D stability
analysis in typical problems [20, 25, 26]. The SVSLOPE software developed by
SoilVision Systems Ltd. is utilized for the analysis presented in this paper.

6.1. Continuity between 2D and 3D LEM

It is of importance to understand the difference between the slip shape analyzed in a 2D

analysis as opposed to a 3D analysis. In a 2D analysis the slip shape is ultimately
extended infinitely in the 3rd dimension and shear on the end surfaces is not considered.
An example 2D analysis is presented in Figure 30. The equivalent 3D analysis is shown
in Figure 31 where there is no shear strength applied to the vertical end surfaces.

Figure 30. Example 2D stability analysis.

M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies 315

Figure 31. Equivalent 3D analysis (slip surface exploded out of slope).

It should be noted that a simple proof of a 3D analysis can be done by creating a 3D

model of a 2D extruded slip surface and applying zero shear strength to the end-walls.
This is an easy way to prove the 3D equivalent scenario of any 2D analysis. It also
highlights the fundamental limitation of a 2D analysis which i) considers the slip to be
of infinite length in the 3rd dimension and ii) does not consider the influence of shear
strength on the end surfaces.

7. Directional Three-Dimensional Slope Stability Analysis

Three-dimensional stability analysis of asymmetrical geometries requires the

determination of the critical slide direction. Yamagami and Jiang [27, 28] presented a
relatively simple solution to this problem by computing the factor of safety using regular
one-direction methods and varying the slide direction. The critical slide direction
becomes the result of an optimization analysis in search for the minimum factor of safety.
Huang and Tsai [29] presented a 3D two-directional moment equilibrium analysis that
allow the determination of the critical slide direction. The authors considered
semispherical and composite slide surfaces. The developed method is based on the
principles of the method of columns and Bishop’s assumption regarding the interslice
shear forces. The equations for the moment equilibrium factor of safety in two directions
is made as a function of the slide direction and the critical slide direction is shown to
correspond to equal values of factors of safety. The critical direction is determined in a
iterative manner. The method was verified using three different asymmetrical slopes,
demonstrating is potential to identify failure mechanisms with lower factors of safety.
Later, Cheng and Yip [30] presented a more general approach, based on moment and
force equilibrium, the corresponds to extensions of Bishop’s simplified, Janbu’s
simplified, and Morgenstern-Price’s methods. The authors explain that past approaches
are unstable when the slope is subjected to transverse horizontal forces and that the
316 M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies

proposed methods eliminate such instability. A careful examination is presented of the

relevance and implications of assuming that all columns move in the same direction or
that divergent movement takes place.
Figure 32 presents an illustration of the use of directional 3D slope stability analyses
to asymmetrical slopes. The problem consists of a wedge failure with dimension of 2 and
4 m for which the analytical solution is FS = 0.280, a slide direction of 26.5 o, and a dip
angle of 65.91o. This problem was analyzed by Huang and Tsai [29] and by Cheng and
Yip [30] and is analyzed here using SVSLOPE and two implemented approaches: a brute
force method similar to what was introduced by Yamagami and Jiang [27, 28] and a one-
directional automated method (Gao’s method). Both methods produce correct results that
match the analytical solution. However, the automated method required approximately
10% of the computation time of the brute force approach.

Figure 32. Asymmetrical wedge surface model.

8. Probabilistic approaches for slope stability analysis

From a deterministic standpoint, a slope with an expected factor of safety E[FS] = 1.5 is
safer than a slope with E[FS] = 1.2. The two probability density functions (PDFs)
presented in Figure 1 show that a PDF with higher E[FS] may also present a higher
probability of failure. Therefore, E[FS] alone may provide incomplete or misleading
information about the stability of a slope. Reliability-based approaches provide a way of
incorporating parameter uncertainty into the slope modeling process. Reliability-based
approaches are based on a method of computation of the probability density function
(PDF) of the performance variable (e.g., the factor of safety, FS). Measures of reliability
are defined based on the central tendency and variability of FS [31].
M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies 317

Figure 33. Probability density function of the factor of safety, FS, and probability of failure, Pf.

The design and decision-making process for slope stability requires not only the
quantification of geo-hazards, but also the assessment of the vulnerability and risks, the
establishment of acceptable risk levels and the selection of managing actions. Several
techniques for assessing vulnerability and selecting acceptable risk levels are available
and a number of management actions can be taken. Finally, it is important to point out
that slope hazard assessment approaches may be implemented at various scales and that
most slope hazards occur in the vadose zone and depend on the near ground surface soil
characteristics and state. Unsaturated soil mechanics provides the required theoretical
background for the quantification of slope hazards because slides are often triggered by
the reduction in soil suction and shear strength.

8.1. Overview of reliability analysis methods

A probabilistic method that yields the PDF of the factor of safety is required in order to
assess slope stability hazards. The main probabilistic methods available are the Monte
Carlo simulation, the Taylor series method, and the Point Estimate methods. The Monte
Carlo method was first developed by Hammersley and Handscomb [32]. Sets of input
variables are obtained using random number generators. Each randomly generated set
must be used to calculate a realization of FS and then used to define the PDF of FS. The
Monte Carlo method requires a large number of trials, as shown by Harr [33].
The Taylor series method provides an approximate approach for obtaining the first
few moments of the PDF of a function of random variables, such as the factor of safety,
FS. Unlike the Monte Carlo method, the Taylor series method does not provide the
complete PDF of FS. Therefore, the PDF of FS must be assumed for the computation of
the probability of failure, Pf. The use of the first-order, second-moment equation
provides a good approximation if FS is a linear function of the input parameters.
Unfortunately, the derivatives of FS must be approximated using numerical approaches.
Point Estimate methods (PEM) are probabilistic methods for calculating the
moments of the PDF based on the calculation of FS at pre-determined input variable
values. The pre-determined values are combined with corresponding discrete
probabilities. Evans [34] proposed an early PEM for independent random variables.
318 M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies

However, the first popular PEM approach is generally credited to Rosenblueth

(1975)[35]. Several other point estimate methods where proposed (e.g., Li [36];
Panchalingam and Harr [37]). More recently, Gitirana Jr. [38] and Franco et al. [39]
introduced a hybrid or alternative PEM based on the combination of the Taylor series
approximation and the Rosenblueth two-point estimation for the estimation of the
derivatives in Taylor’s expansion. The method was show to be as accurate as previous
method, and yet required a reduced number of analyses. Figure 34 presents a comparison
of the number of evaluations required by different probabilistic approaches.

Number of required evaluations of Fs , N






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of input random variables, n

Rosenblueth (1975), 3-point or Decision Tree, 3 branches: N = 3^n

Rosenblueth (1975), 2-point or Decision Tree, 2 branches: N = 2^n
Alternative PEM, all correlated: N = (n^2 + 3n + 2)/2
Alternative PEM, all independent: N = 2n + 1
Taylor series: N = n + 1

Figure 34. Number of evaluations of FS required by several probabilistic methods.

8.2. Implementation of probabilistic analysis in practice

A variety of issues must be addressed for the use of probabilistic methods in the practice
of slope stability analysis and design. Many issues are related to protocols for data
collection and the definition of the level of detail required for data collection. Soil
properties may be accessed with various levels of detail. Estimates of soil properties may
be obtained based on predictive approaches or knowledge-based systems [40]. Site
vulnerability and risk levels must be accessed. There are several approaches available
for the assessment of vulnerability based on the travel distance of a slide mass and the
presence of neighboring structures and facilities. Probability of failure, site vulnerability
and consequences must be combined with clearly defined levels of acceptable risks.
According to Whitman [31] and Becker [41], the typical range of acceptable probabilities
of failure adopted in slope and foundation engineering projects varies from 0.1 to slightly
M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies 319

lower than 1%. Acceptable risk levels can be established by compiling observed
frequencies and consequences of natural and man-made events and use these values as a
comparative basis. Computationally software is now available for computing
probabilities of failure in 2D and 3D analysis.

9. Rock Stability Analysis Considering Anisotropy

The analysis of anisotropy is especially relevant in rock masses. Anisotropy can result
from the geologic deformation of rock structures. A shear plane failing across a
anisotropic structure is typically a strong failure plane while a shear plane that follow
parallel to the bedding plane typically demonstrates weak behavior.
The modeling of such anisotropy in slope stability software has encountered two
challenges historically. Firstly, the constitutive strength model to represent anisotropy
needed to be developed. Pioneering work was performed by Mercer [42] in the Snowden
Mining Industry Consultants in 2005 related to development of the Anisotropic Linear
Models (ALM).
When the ALM constitutive model was first developed by Snowden Mining Industry
Consultants in 2005, it assumed a linear relationship, both upslope and downslope
between shear strength and the orientation in the rock mass. This orientation in the rock
mass is known as the Angle of Anisotropy, which is measured as the orientation of an
arbitrary slice relative to the orientation of the bedding plane (usually the weakness
plane). As the ALM strength model evolved, the fourth generation ALM4 now has
differences from its predecessors. Most notably, it now includes defined equations to
represent the relationship between the Angle of Anisotropy and the shear strength at any
orientation. Simply put, this advancement allows the user to determine shear strength at
any orientation in the rock mass.
ALM4 presents other significant information, such as shear strength differentials in
the upslope and downslope directions; percentages of shear strength differential; and
relationships between the Angle of Anisotropy and the percentage of shear strength
differential. ALM4 accommodates simple input parameters to provide valuable modeling
information in anisotropic environments.
The second challenge of modeling anisotropy is having a methodology to represent
anisotropic weak planes in 2D and 3D numerical models. Historical effort has focused
on specifying weak surfaces as lines in 2D or as flat planes in 3D. However, this
configuration rarely fits the real-world. Therefore a methodology of representing
bedding planes in 3D space was developed (Figure 35; Figure 36).
Bedding Guides are surfaces used to conveniently define a series of beddings for
rock layers. They are an ordered series of grids or meshes that define two or more known
geometries for beddings. Any number of beddings are linearly interpolated between each
adjacent pair of guides during model analysis. The effect of a bedding is to modify the
shape of the generated trial slip surfaces such that they may follow the weak bedding.
This is particularly useful for Anisotropic Linear Model materials, where the slip surface
shape must be able to interact with the rock beddings in order to find an accurate factor
of safety.
320 M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies

Figure 35. Bedding planes defined in 3D space showing daylighting above the ground.

Figure 36. Projection of bedding planes onto 2D space.

Beddings influence a trial slip surface ellipsoid similarly to fully specified wedges
or weak surfaces. Where the ellipsoid would cut through and beneath the bedding, instead
it follows the bedding (the bedding effectively clips the ellipsoid below the bedding).
This allows for parts of the sliding mass to be ellipsoidal shaped while other parts to
follow the bedding shape.
Beddings are special in that each ellipsoidal trial will be tested with each individual
bedding, one at a time (in addition to only the ellipsoid with no beddings). This means
that it’s not necessary to know ahead of time which bedding a slip surface should follow.
Because only one bedding is active at a time it is not possible for a slip surface to follow
one bedding in one area and a different bedding in another area.
M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies 321

10. Spatial Stability Analysis

One of the secondary issues with a standard 2D geotechnical analysis is that the
geotechnical engineer may not know the correct location of the 2D plane which produces
a critical factor of safety. A classic example of such a problem was presented by Jian [43].
The example presents a simple slope to illustrate two problems with conventional 2D
plane-strain stability analysis; namely that the location of the slip as well as the correct
factor of safety can be difficult to determine from this relatively straightforward example.
Multi-plane analysis (MPA) allows the engineer to quickly perform hundreds or
thousands of analyses around a slope quickly using parallel computations. In the 2D
MPA analysis method the slope is sliced into 2D profiles each of which is a full 2D LEM
analysis. Each slice is analyzed, and the results are then plotted over top of the original
3D slope therefore giving a spatial perspective to the many 2D slices. Each slice is
oriented such that the primary slip direction is the steepest slope. Since the slip may not
happen on the steepest slope the MPA analysis method can be specified such that
multiple orientations, such as +/- 10 degrees can be analyzed. In this way the most likely
slip orientation can also be determined.
The analysis of slope can be seen in Figure 37. From the analysis we can see the
critical zone clearly outlined as to the left of the nose of the hill. This is counter-intuitive
from the sense that most engineers would feel that the point of the nose of this model
would yield the lowest FOS value. Therefore, this illustrates the value of using analytical
procedures to determine the correct location of a probable failure zone in an irregular
topology. This result must also be noted that it is only the result of 2D slices through
differing spatial locations in the 3D model. There is no relation implied or computed
between the slices so the 3D lateral effects on the slope are not considered. Therefore,
the model must be considered as an indication of a probable failure zone but not a
definitive analysis which considers 3D effects.

Figure 37. Example of slope difficult to analyze in 2D plane strain [43] – analysis by 2D MPA.
322 M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies

10.1. 3D Spatial Stability Analysis

The benefit of the multi-plane analysis is that it can easily be applied in 3D space using
the same slicing planes established for the 2D analysis only with the analysis of a 3D
ellipsoid at each slicing plane location. Similar searching techniques such as Entry &
Exit, Cuckoo Search, Slope Search, or Auto Refine methods can be applied to the
searching technique. The aspect ratio of the ellipsoid as well as faults and fractures can
be considered as well in the analysis.
An enormous amount of information is generated with each slice being considered
as a full 3D analysis. The 3D results can therefore be presented as a series of individual
critical slip surfaces or contoured to produce a contoured map of the relative factor of
safety over an area. The results of such an analysis for an open pit are shown in Figure
38. It can be seen that MPA is a useful methodology for i) understanding the relative
factor of safety of a large spatial area as well as ii) locating potential zones of instability
which may exist. The 3D results also provide a higher and computationally more realistic
analysis of the true 3D FOS.

Figure 38. Example of 3D MPA applied to the analysis of an open pit.

11. Summary and Conclusions

Following are a few general conclusions that can be made regarding some of the more
recently proposed methods of slope stability analysis and the historically proposed limit
equilibrium methods of analysis.
1.) The Morgenstern-Price (or GLE) method of analysis is recommended for use
when the limit equilibrium methodology is selected for the calculation of the
M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies 323

factor of safety. Other limit equilibrium methods may not give an accurate
assessment of the factor of safety depending on the shape of the slip surface
(i.e., whether the slip surface is circular or planar). This recommendation holds
true for both 2D and 3D analysis.
2.) Most of the more recent alternate methods of analysis appear to give factors of
safety quite similar to the Morgenstern-Price (or GLE) method when simple
slope geometries are analyzed. The reason for the similarities in the calculated
factors of safety appears to be mainly due to the common ground surface
geometry which controls the overall potential energy imparted to the slope.
3.) Some general conclusions can be made with regard to the finite element based
methods of analysis:
a.) First, it is recommended that the Kulhawy [12] definition for the factor
of safety be used when using the Enhanced Limit method of analysis.
Also, the finite element stress-deformation analysis should be
performed using a linear elastic model.
b.) A Mohr-Coulomb model should be used when performing a Strength
Reduction finite element stress-deformation analysis. The Strength
Reduction method does not provide the engineer with as precise a
calculation for the factor of safety; however, the values appear to be
essentially the same as those obtained for a limit equilibrium analysis
where both moment and force equilibrium are satisfied. The Strength
Reduction method can provide the geotechnical engineer with
additional concerning the shape and location of the critical slip surface.
There are other aspects associated with the analysis of slopes where consensus
would be of value to the geotechnical engineer. Some of these areas are as follows:
4.) There has been considerable attention given to the use of three-dimensional
slope stability analyses in recent years [44]. It is commonly concluded that in
general, the calculated three-dimensional factor of safety is higher than the two-
dimensional factor of safety and as a result it has been brushed aside as being
of limited value. However, this does not appear to be a wise conclusion since
many slope geometries are truly three-dimensional and cannot be modeled
using a two-dimensional analysis. In addition, all slope failure in the field are
three-dimensional in character. Two-dimensionand and three-dimensional
analysis should be performed in the majority of cases.
5.) Mass movements are often used to back-calculate the shear strength parameters
for the soil. While a “forward or design” analysis of a slope involves a search
for the minimum factor of safety, the “back-analysis” of a failed slope required
a search for the opposite soil parameter conditions.
Stated another way, the factor of safety from a 3-dimensional “forward or
design analysis” may typically be 4 to 20% higher than the Fs obtained from a
2-dimensional analysis. On the other hand, the factor of safety is fixed at 1.0 for
a “back-analysis” and the shear strength parameters are computed. As a result,
the shear strength parameters (i.e., c’ and φ’) may be 4 to 20% lower in a 3-
dimensional analysis than in a 2-dimensional analysis. Or it can be said that the
search is for the minimum factor of safety in a “forward analysis” whereas the
search is for the maximum required shear strength parameters in a “back
analysis”. Consequently, the role of the “searches” reverses when considering
a “forward analysis” as opposed to a “backward analysis”. Understanding the
324 M.D. Fredlund et al. / Developments in Landslide Analysis Methodologies

reversed roles is complicated when taking into consideration the differences

between a 2-D and a 3-D slope stability analysis.
It should also be noted that a “forward or design” analysis involves a search for
one variable (i.e., minimum Fs), whereas a “back-analysis” involves a search
for two variables (i.e., maximum required c’ and φ’). Consequently, further
information related to the relationship between the two variables is required to
make the analysis determinate.
6.) Geotechnical engineers need to be aware of the limitations associated with so-
called three-dimensional slope stability methods. For example, it can be argued
that present three-dimensional formulations are not truly three-dimensional in
character since all movement must be limited to a single direction. Recent
developments where the direction of movement can be searched for critical
conditions are welcomed and useful in the assessment of mining pit and
riverbank stability studies.
The calculation and importation of pore-water pressures from either an independent
saturated-unsaturated seepage analysis is of considerable value in geotechnical
engineering. The imported pore-water pressures may also be induced by applied loads
under undrained or partial drainage conditions. These interactions between slope stability
and pore-water pressures requires the ability to “combine” more than one software
As 3D analysis techniques become more common and easily applied the
geotechnical engineer must understand the differences between a 2D and a 3D analysis.
A 2D equivalent “cylindrical” shape failure can be simulated with a 3D analysis.
Probabilistic analysis can provide a more reliable understanding of the risk related to a
certain slope and can be performed in 2D and 3D with reasonable computing times.
Anisotropy and complex 3D bedding planes can now be accommodated in a 2D or 3D
limit equilibrium analysis. Spatial analysis of slopes is possible with multi-plane
technologies over larger areas and opens up new analysis possibilities for determining
the location of the most critical failure surface.


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