This payslip is for Pravinkumar Mohan Narale for the month of March 2023. It shows his earnings of Rs. 158,484 which includes his basic salary of Rs. 70,000, house rent allowance of Rs. 35,000, and other allowances. Deductions of Rs. 38,145 are listed which include provident fund, professional tax, and income tax. The net pay for the month is Rs. 120,339.
This payslip is for Pravinkumar Mohan Narale for the month of March 2023. It shows his earnings of Rs. 158,484 which includes his basic salary of Rs. 70,000, house rent allowance of Rs. 35,000, and other allowances. Deductions of Rs. 38,145 are listed which include provident fund, professional tax, and income tax. The net pay for the month is Rs. 120,339.
This payslip is for Pravinkumar Mohan Narale for the month of March 2023. It shows his earnings of Rs. 158,484 which includes his basic salary of Rs. 70,000, house rent allowance of Rs. 35,000, and other allowances. Deductions of Rs. 38,145 are listed which include provident fund, professional tax, and income tax. The net pay for the month is Rs. 120,339.
This payslip is for Pravinkumar Mohan Narale for the month of March 2023. It shows his earnings of Rs. 158,484 which includes his basic salary of Rs. 70,000, house rent allowance of Rs. 35,000, and other allowances. Deductions of Rs. 38,145 are listed which include provident fund, professional tax, and income tax. The net pay for the month is Rs. 120,339.
No.34, IT Highway, Navallur, Amount in INR Chennai – 600130
Employee Code 8100834 Employee Name PravinkumarMohan Narale
Virtusa Employee Bank Name HDFC Bank code Designation Consultant - Technology Account Number 50100287775861 Department 400 PAN ARYPN9281D Location Hyderabad DOB 19-07-1990 PF Number APHYD00615370000048919 DOJ 16-07-2021 UAN 101796601133 Work Days 31 LOP Days 0 Global DOJ Gender M Regime Type New Regime LOP Reversal 0 PAY MODE ACTIVE
Earnings Amount YTD Deductions Amount YTD
Basic Salary 70,000.00 560,000.00 Provident Fund 8,400.00 67,200.00 House Rent Allowance 35,000.00 280,000.00 Professional Tax 200.00 2,400.00 LTA Taxable 833.00 9,996.00 LWF EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION 0.00 2.00 Child Education Allowance 200.00 1,000.00 Income Tax 29,495.00 192,354.00 Special Allowance 40,451.00 476,123.00 Employee Welfare Fund 50.00 600.00 Spot Award 0.00 4,000.00 Telephone Taxable 12,000.00 12,000.00 Gross Earnings 158,484.00 1,343,119.00 Gross Deductions 38,145.00 262,556.00 Total Gross Earned : 158,484.00 Total Gross Deduction : 38,145.00 Net Pay : 120,339.00 Amount in words : One Lakh Twenty Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Nine Only
** This is a computer generated payslip and does not require signature and stamp.