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Composite Materials Lecture - 1

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Formulation the composites design problem. Design principles of articles and units made of composites.

Technical progress, from the one hand, requires working out new structural materials, from another hand, technical progress is stipulated by worked out materials abilities. One way of existing structures perfection is application of up-to-date materials which allow realizing new structural solutions and manufacturing processes. Last 40 years technical progress in all branches of technique, national economy is closely related with composites application. To improve physical-mechanical properties of composites it is necessary to study properly their mechanical behavior. Successful realization of high composites potential abilities depends on designer knowledge level about these abilities, principles of composites design and analysis methods. Moreover the majority of literature sources about composites is oriented on pure science but not on applied engineering methods. That is why quite actual problem is to work out quite simple, brief and reliable methods of composites properties analysis, design approaches and structures manufacturing techniques. Generally mechanics of materials as pure and applied science is quite alive one so its branches are under development now. The main idea of this course is attempt to compose design approaches according to the rule from MATERIAL properties to STRUCTURE properties. Combination of various substances is one of the basic way for new materials creation. The majority of modern structural materials are compositions which allow technical products to possess certain operational properties (for example, concrete reinforced with metal rods, glass plastic pressure vessels, automobile tires etc). In all these cases it means creation the system of different materials; moreover each of these components fulfill definite role in considered finished article. Teamwork of different materials gives the effect equivalent to creation a new material, which property both quantitatively and qualitatively differ from properties of each its components. Any composite material as structural one carries operational loads (mechanical, thermal, environmental influence etc). Therefore these factors define structural and operational requirements to composite materials. That is why knowledge of laws

defining material physical, mechanical, thermal, manufacturing and other properties allows to use efficiently existing materials and to create new ones. Composite materials are artificial heterogeneous systems obtained from at least of two components with individual properties. Following distinctive features are typical for composite materials: composition and shape of components are previously defined; quantity of each component guarantees required properties of composite; components possess different (from each other) chemical composition and welldefined boundary can be seen between different components; final composite possesses new properties not inherent to separated components; final composite is uniform at macro-level and non-uniform at micro-level. In majority of composites its components differ from each other by geometrical feature. Matrix (binder) is continuous through composite volume substance. Reinforcing material is discontinuous through composite volume substance. To study mechanics of composites engineer should remember about main directions of this science reciprocal development: structural mechanics, building mechanics, fracture mechanics and technological mechanics. Structural mechanics studies dependence of composite properties on its components properties, composite arrangement and type. Building mechanics (or mechanics of solids) studies composites behavior under external loading, stress analysis of structural elements. Fracture mechanics studies ultimate states and fracture criteria of composites. Technological mechanics deals with composites properties dependence on its manufacturing parameters. From the course of Aviation material we know about main composites advantages and drawbacks. Analysis of these properties shows that high efficiency of composites depends on following factors: high strength bonding between reinforcing materials and matrix through composite volume (solidity of composite); application of matrices with possessing values of maximum allowable deformations as close as it possible to reinforcing material deformation or more then

this value (selection of such kind of matrices permits to realize full strength properties of reinforcing material); to escape of possible negative thermal-elastic phenomena of structural behavior and reducing influence of composite drawbacks (low bearing strength, shear strength, peeling strength etc) due to using special rational structural and manufacturing solutions; maximum possible realization of reinforcing material strength, rigidity and special properties. Practical realization permits to compose following main principles of composites design: 1. It is necessary to transfer loads directly by reinforcing materials or by geometrically shortest way. 2. Only thermally-balanced reinforcing schemes have to be selected as loadcarrying schemes of structural units. 3. Components of composite have to be chemically and mechanically compatible with each other. 4. Selected manufacturing process for making composite should ensure required level of design properties. Demonstration of these principles is shown at the fig. 1. Main concepts of composites articles design To choose rational structural and manufacture solution for an article made of composite we should accept the concept of article mainframe arrangement. There are two basic concepts of article mainframe forming in aviation according to design principles of composite articles (fig. 2). The first concept contains synthesis of frame members. Reinforcing fibers in these members are directed in such way due to ensure the best resistance of construction to all regulated types of loads (see fig. 2, a). This principle is called synthesizing or integrating principle. The second concept includes structurally underlined members. Every of these elements can withstand definite type of regulated load and almost cant carry other

types of loads (see fig. 2, b). This principle is called differential design principle.

Principle 1

Loading type

Reinforcing scheme

Axial Shear, torsion 1 2 Principle 2

Reinforcing agent purpose 1 to transfer longitudinal loads; 2 to transfer lateral loads ; 3 to transfer transversal loads; 2, 3 to prevent lateral and transversal peeling and interlaminar shear 1,2 to carry shear forces

Thermally balanced scheme

0 + 4 5 - 4 5

> H

Thermally non-balanced scheme

- 4 5 + 4 5 0

Principle 3

> H

1 fiber stress-strain diagram; 2 matrix stress-strain diagram; R realized stress level in fibers.

0 m

0 f

0 f

0 m

1 Principle 4

Absence of chemical interaction between fibers and matrix has to be guaranteed.

Selection of proper manufacturing process type, parameters of this process (time, temperature, pressure etc) to achieve required properties (quality parameters) of final composite.

Fig. 1 Realization of composites design principles

P2 S P1 + + =

a P2 P1 S S P2 a P1

S P1 n1 f2 +


P2 a n2 b Fig. 2 Scheme of composite articles and units design main concepts: a synthesizing principle; b differential principle Masses of constructions designed according to synthesizing and differential principles are different. In net realization synthesizing principle arent used practically. The cause of this rear use is the following. Majority of panel and shell constructions is thin walled and consists of small quantity of layers. That is why their general or local stability but not their strength defines the main load carrying ability of these structures.

To increase stability of mainframe members of panel and shell type one can use so called sandwich structure (fig. 3). This structure has increased integral stiffness. It consists of thin load carrying layers and light usually honeycomb filler. Layers can take all internal loads and filler ensure combined deformation of layers at their loading. Usually filler are loaded with shear.
M 2 2h M N q q N

q q N N



a n

Fig. 3 Rigidity efficiency of sandwich panel Let consider two panels: smooth two-layered and sandwich. One can see that stiffness of sandwich panel is 101000 times more than smooth panel. Instability of sandwich panel is unlikely. Its difficult to use reinforcement in different directions in thin layers (as synthesizing principle needs) because of low manufacturability of this process laborcontent of individual layer (monolayers) cutting is high, presents of defects (porosities, folders) in joining zone is guaranteed, therefore mass of such structure is high too. That is why synthesizing design principle can be used for average loading level through entire article area. So reinforcing scheme of entire article is the same (is defined by the most loaded article zone). As a conclusion one can see that synthesizing principle doesnt permit to decrease structure mass significantly due to mentioned restrictions. Nowadays for synthesizing design principle following reinforcing scheme are widely
o used 0n , m , 90k . Indexes n, m, k means quantity of monolayers in correspondent

direction ( 0, 90 or ) . Generally direction with 0 means longitudinal axis of a unit. Differential principle is widely used in aircraft structures for design wing spars, control surfaces, wings and fuselage.

Typical reinforcing schemes of aircraft articles and units All typical structural elements of aircraft can be divided by four groups: rods (pivots), panels, shells and solids. Rods are elements which length approximately more than 10 times more comparing with width and height (thickness). Panels are elements having width and length of the same order but thickness is approximately 10 times less comparing with width and length. Panels can be flat and curved (with single and double curvature). Moreover less radius of curvature should be at least 10 times more than less plane dimensions (width or length). Shells are closed elements with radius not less than length or open elements with radius of curvature of the same order with less plane dimension (width or length). Solids are elements having all three dimensions of the same order. Classification of typical structural elements of aircraft and recommended for thir design reinforcing schemes are shown at the fig. 4. All aircraft articles and units are designed based on above-mentioned structural elements (analysis schemes). Moreover possibilities of technological equipment permit to manufacture all articles of an assembly at the same manufacturing stage or separately. So complex structures made of the single manufacturing cycle are known as integral structures (in this case it doesnt matter that some of articles were previously produced during another manufacturing cycle). We should draw attention that this term refers to manufacturing method but not to load-carrying scheme of a unit.

Fig. 4 Classification of typical structural elements

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