377-Bca 601N - (A)
377-Bca 601N - (A)
377-Bca 601N - (A)
3. ÁR;sd Á’u ds vad leku gSaA vki ds ftrus mRrj lgh gksaxs] mUgha ds vuqlkj vad Ánku fd;s
4. lHkh mRrj dsoy vksŒ,eŒvkjŒ mRrj i=d (O.M.R. ANSWER SHEET) ij gh fn;s tkus
gSaA mRrj i=d esa fu/kkZfjr LFkku ds vykok vU;= dgha ij fn;k x;k mRrj ekU; ugha gksxkA
5. vksŒ,eŒvkjŒ mRrj i=d (O.M.R. ANSWER SHEET) ij dqN Hkh fy[kus ls iwoZ mlesa fn;s
x;s lHkh vuqns’kksa dks lko/kkuhiwoZd i<+ fy;k tk;A
6. ijh{kk lekfIr ds mijkUr ijh{kkFkhZ d{k fujh{kd dks viuh vksŒ,eŒvkjŒ ‘khV miyC/k djkus ds ckn
gh ijh{kk d{k ls ÁLFkku djsaA
7. fuxsfVo ekfdZax ugha gSA
egRoiw.kZ % & Á’uiqfLrdk [kksyus ij ÁFker% tkWp dj ns[k ysa fd Á’uiqfLrdk ds lHkh i`”B HkyhHkkWfr Nis gq, gSaA ;fn
Á’uiqfLrdk esa dksbZ deh gks] rks d{k fujh{kd dks fn[kkdj mlh lhjht dh nwljh Á’uiqfLrdk ÁkIr dj ysaA
Rough Work / jQ dk;Z
(A) SET.
(B) SSL.
(D) PGP.
28. Which process will ensure that the issues of the credit card is an approved
transactions ?
state ?
37. Which of the following usually observe each activity on the internet of the victim,
(A) Malware
(B) Spyware
(C) Adware
38. It can be a software program or a hardware device that filters all data packets
(A) Antivirus
(B) Firewall
(C) Cookies
(D) Malware
(B) It may be possible that in some cases, it can be referred to as a legal task
(D) Never
40. Which of the following refers to the violation of the principle, if a computer is no
more accessible ?
(B) Confidentiality
(C) Availability
41. Which one of the following refers to the technique used for verifying the integrity
of the message ?
(C) Protocol
42. In system hacking, which of the following is the most crucial activity ?
(A) Antivirus
(B) Firewall
(D) Script
44. Which of the following are famous and common cyber-attacks used by hackers to
45. Hackers usually used the computer virus for _______ purpose.
(A) To log, monitor each and every user’s stroke
(B) To gain access the sensitive information like user’s Id and Passwords
(C) To corrupt the user’s data stored in the computer system
(D) All of the above
46. Which of the following statements is correct about the firewall ?
(A) It is a device installed at the boundary of a company to prevent unauthorized
physical access
(B) It is a device installed at the boundary of an incorporate to protect it against the
unauthorized access
(C) It is a kind of wall built to prevent files form damaging the corporate.
(D) None of the above
(A) Trojans perform tasks for which they are designed or programmed, need host
(B) Trojans, need host program, replicates them self’s or clone them self’s through
an infections
52. Which of the following is a type of independent malicious program that never
(B) Worm
(D) Virus
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