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377-Bca 601N - (A)

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Paper Code Á’uiqfLrdk Øekad

Question Booklet No.

Roll No.----------------------
3 7 7
(To be filled in the
OMR Sheet)

O.M.R. Serial No. Á’uiqfLrdk lhjht

Question Booklet Series
BCA (Sixth Semester) Examination, July-2022
Computer Network Security
Time : 1:30 Hours Maximum Marks-100

tc rd dgk u tk;] bl Á’uiqfLrdk dks u [kksysa

funsZ’k % & 1. ijh{kkFkhZ vius vuqØekad] fo”k; ,oa Á’uiqfLrdk dh lhjht dk fooj.k ;FkkLFkku lgh& lgh Hkjsa]
vU;Fkk ewY;akdu esa fdlh Hkh Ádkj dh folaxfr dh n’kk esa mldh ftEesnkjh Lo;a ijh{kkFkhZ dh gksxhA
2. bl Á’uiqfLrdk esa 100 Á’u gSa] ftues ls dsoy 75 Á’uksa ds mRrj ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa }kjk fn;s tkus gSA
ÁR;sd Á’u ds pkj oSdfYid mRrj Á’u ds uhps fn;s x;s gSaA bu pkjksa esa ls dsoy ,d gh mRrj
lgh gSA ftl mRrj dks vki lgh ;k lcls mfpr le>rs gSa] vius mRrj i=d (O.M.R.
ANSWER SHEET) esa mlds v{kj okys o`Rr dks dkys ;k uhys cky IokabV isu ls iwjk Hkj nsaA
;fn fdlh ijh{kkFkhZ }kjk fdlh iz’u dk ,d ls vf/kd mŸkj fn;k tkrk gS] rks mls xyr mŸkj ekuk

3. ÁR;sd Á’u ds vad leku gSaA vki ds ftrus mRrj lgh gksaxs] mUgha ds vuqlkj vad Ánku fd;s
4. lHkh mRrj dsoy vksŒ,eŒvkjŒ mRrj i=d (O.M.R. ANSWER SHEET) ij gh fn;s tkus
gSaA mRrj i=d esa fu/kkZfjr LFkku ds vykok vU;= dgha ij fn;k x;k mRrj ekU; ugha gksxkA
5. vksŒ,eŒvkjŒ mRrj i=d (O.M.R. ANSWER SHEET) ij dqN Hkh fy[kus ls iwoZ mlesa fn;s
x;s lHkh vuqns’kksa dks lko/kkuhiwoZd i<+ fy;k tk;A
6. ijh{kk lekfIr ds mijkUr ijh{kkFkhZ d{k fujh{kd dks viuh vksŒ,eŒvkjŒ ‘khV miyC/k djkus ds ckn
gh ijh{kk d{k ls ÁLFkku djsaA
7. fuxsfVo ekfdZax ugha gSA
egRoiw.kZ % & Á’uiqfLrdk [kksyus ij ÁFker% tkWp dj ns[k ysa fd Á’uiqfLrdk ds lHkh i`”B HkyhHkkWfr Nis gq, gSaA ;fn
Á’uiqfLrdk esa dksbZ deh gks] rks d{k fujh{kd dks fn[kkdj mlh lhjht dh nwljh Á’uiqfLrdk ÁkIr dj ysaA
Rough Work / jQ dk;Z

Series-A BCA 601(N) / K-377 Page - 2

1. Which of the following is a type of asymmetric key cryptographic technique ?
(A) Playfair cipher
(B) Deffie hellman cipher
2. Which of the following is not a service of data security sent over network ?
(A) Data confidentiality
(B) Data integrity
(C) Authentication
(D) None of the above
3. Which of the following is not an active attack ?
(A) Masquerade
(B) Modification of message
(C) Denial of service
(D) Traffic analysis
4. Brute force attack means :
(A) Brutally forcing the user to show useful info like pins and password
(B) Trying every possible key to decrypt the message
(C) One entity pretends to be some other entity
(D) The message or info is modified before sending it to receiver
5. A mechanism to encrypt and decrypy data :
(A) Ctyptography
(B) Cryptology
(C) Crypyanalysis
(D) None of the above

Series-A BCA 601(N) / K-377 Page - 3

6. The data encryption standard is an example of :
(A) Symmetric cipher
(B) Asymmetric cipher
(C) Logical cipher
(D) Standard algorithm
7. Public key cryptography is :
(A) Symmetric
(B) Asymmetric
(C) Both symmetric and asymmetric
(D) None of the above
8. For confidentiality, The private key, in asymmetric key cryptography, is used by :
(A) Sender
(B) Receiver
(C) Sender and receiver
(D) None
9. For Authentication, the private key, in public key cryptography, is used by :
(A) Sender
(B) Receiver
(C) All of the above
(D) None of the above
10. Which one of the following algorithm is not used as asymmetric-key cryptography ?
(A) RSA algorithm
(B) Diffie-Hellman algorithm
(C) Electronic code book algorithm
(D) DSS algorithm

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11. In conventional cryptography, the order of the letters in a message is rearranged
(A) Transpositional ciphers
(B) Substitution ciphers
(C) Both Transpositional ciphers and Substitution ciphers
(D) Asymmetric ciphers
12. What is data encryption standard (DES) ?
(A) Block cipher
(B) Stream cipher
(C) Bit cipher
(D) Byte cipher
13. Cryptanalysis is used ________.
(A) To find some insecurity in a cryptographic scheme to get original message or
key or both
(B) To increase the speed of execution
(C) To encrypt the data
(D) To make new ciphers
14. Cryptographic hash function takes an arbitrary block of data and returns _______.
(A) Fixed size bit string
(B) Variable size bit string
(C) Both fixed size bit string and variable size bit string
(D) Variable size byte string
15. RSA _______ be used for digital signature.
(A) Must not
(B) Cannot
(C) Can
(D) Must

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16. A digital signature is :
(A) A bit string giving identity of a document/user
(B) A unique identification of a sender
(C) An authentication of an electronic record by binding it uniquely to a key only a
sender knows
(D) An encrypted signature of sender
17. The key of a key pair used to verify a digital signature ________.
(A) Public key
(B) Private key
(C) Verifying key
(D) Secret key
18. Digital signature provides _______.
(A) Authentication, integrity
(B) Nonrepudiation, authentication
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
19. Using Kerberos, the client requests from the KDC a _________for access to a
specific asset.
(A) Ticket
(B) Key
(C) Token
(D) Public key
20. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) security system uses :
(A) Symmetric key cryptosystem
(B) Asymmetric key cryptosystem
(C) Symmetric & asymmetric key cryptosystem
(D) None of the mentioned

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21. Public key cryptosystem is used for the encryption of :
(A) Messages
(B) Session key
(C) Session key & Messages
(D) None of the mentioned
22. PGP offers ________ block ciphers for message encryption.
(A) Triple-DES
(D) All of the mentioned
23. The key size of DES is :
(A) 56 bits
(B) 64 bits
(C) 128 bits
(D) 168 bits
24. S/MIME stands for ________.
(A) Standard multipurpose internet mail extensions
(B) Secure multipurpose internet mail extensions
(C) Secure multipurpose international mail extensions
(D) Standard multipurpose international mail
25. The _______ acts as financial institutions who provides a payment card to a card
(A) Payment gateway
(B) Card holder
(C) Acquirer
(D) Issuer
Series-A BCA 601(N) / K-377 Page - 7
26. Who will be responsible for processing the payment from the customer’s account to
the merchant account ?
(A) Acquirer
(B) Certification authority
(C) Issuer
(D) Payment gateway
27. ________ is used for hiding the payment information from the merchant and order

information from payment authority.

(A) SET.

(B) SSL.


(D) PGP.

28. Which process will ensure that the issues of the credit card is an approved

transactions ?

(A) Payment capture

(B) Payment authorization

(C) Purchase request

(D) Purchase reply

29. IPsec is designed to provide security at the _______.

(A) Transport layer

(B) Network layer

(C) Application layer

(D) Session layer

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30. IPsec protects the _______, in tunnel mode.
(A) Entire IP packet
(B) IP header
(C) IP payload
(D) IP trailer
31. Which component is included in IP security ?
(A) Authentication Header (AH)
(B) Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)
(C) Internet Key Exchange (IKE)
(D) All of the mentioned
32. An attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users is
(A) Denial-of-service attack
(B) Virus attack
(C) Worms attack
(D) Botnet process
33. Which one of the following is not a higher-layer SSL protocol ?
(A) Alert Protocol
(B) Handshake Protocol
(C) Alarm Protocol
(D) Change Cipher Spec Protocol
34. The full form of SSL is :
(A) Serial Session Layer
(B) Secure Socket Layer
(C) Session Secure Layer
(D) Series Socket Layer

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35. Which protocol consists of only 1 bit ?
(A) Alert protocol
(B) Handshake protocol
(C) Upper-Layer protocol
(D) Change Cipher Spec protocol
36. Which protocol is used for the purpose of copying the pending state into the current

state ?

(A) Alert protocol

(B) Handshake protocol

(C) Upper-Layer protocol

(D) Change Cipher Spec protocol

37. Which of the following usually observe each activity on the internet of the victim,

gather all information in the background and send it to someone else ?

(A) Malware

(B) Spyware

(C) Adware

(D) All of the above

38. It can be a software program or a hardware device that filters all data packets

coming through the internet, a network etc. it is known as the _______.

(A) Antivirus

(B) Firewall

(C) Cookies

(D) Malware

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39. Can it be possible that in some cases, hacking a computer or network can be legal ?

(A) No, in any situation, hacking can be legal

(B) It may be possible that in some cases, it can be referred to as a legal task

(C) Can’t be said

(D) Never

40. Which of the following refers to the violation of the principle, if a computer is no

more accessible ?

(A) Access control

(B) Confidentiality

(C) Availability

(D) All of the above

41. Which one of the following refers to the technique used for verifying the integrity

of the message ?

(A) Digital signature

(B) Decryption algorithm

(C) Protocol

(D) Message Digest

42. In system hacking, which of the following is the most crucial activity ?

(A) Information gathering

(B) Covering tracks

(C) Cracking passwords

(D) None of the above

Series-A BCA 601(N) / K-377 Page - 11

43. To protect the computer system against the hacker and different kind of viruses, one

must always keep _______ on in the computer system.

(A) Antivirus

(B) Firewall

(C) Vlc player

(D) Script

44. Which of the following are famous and common cyber-attacks used by hackers to

infiltrate the user’s system ?

(A) DDos and DOS

(B) Malware & Malvertising

(C) Phishing and Password attacks

(D) All of the above

45. Hackers usually used the computer virus for _______ purpose.
(A) To log, monitor each and every user’s stroke
(B) To gain access the sensitive information like user’s Id and Passwords
(C) To corrupt the user’s data stored in the computer system
(D) All of the above
46. Which of the following statements is correct about the firewall ?
(A) It is a device installed at the boundary of a company to prevent unauthorized
physical access
(B) It is a device installed at the boundary of an incorporate to protect it against the
unauthorized access
(C) It is a kind of wall built to prevent files form damaging the corporate.
(D) None of the above

Series-A BCA 601(N) / K-377 Page - 12

47. Which one of the following statements is correct about Email security in the
network security methods ?
(A) One has to deploy hardware, software and security procedures to lock those
apps down
(B) One should know about what the normal behavior of a network look likes so
that he/she can spot any changes, breaches in the behavior of the network
(C) Phishing is one of the most commonly used methods that are used by hackers
to gain access to the network
(D) All of the above
48. Which of the following statements is true about the VPN in Network security ?
(A) It helps to ensure that communication between a device and a network is
(B) It is usually based on the IPsec (IP Security) or SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
(C) It typically creates a secure, encrypted virtual “tunnel” over the open internet
(D) All of the above
49. Which of the following type of text is transformed with the help of a cipher
algorithm ?
(A) Transformed text
(B) Complex text
(C) Scalar text
(D) Plain text
50. Which type of the following Malware does not replicate or clone them self’s
through infection ?
(A) Rootkits
(B) Trojans
(C) Worms
(D) Viruses

Series-A BCA 601(N) / K-377 Page - 13

51. Which of the following statements is true about the Trojans ?

(A) Trojans perform tasks for which they are designed or programmed, need host


(B) Trojans, need host program, replicates them self’s or clone them self’s through

an infections

(C) Trojans do nothing harmful to the user’s computer systems

(D) Trojans replicate

52. Which of the following is a type of independent malicious program that never

required any host program ?

(A) Trojan Horse

(B) Worm

(C) Trap Door

(D) Virus

53. Name of RSA algorithm is based on :

(A) Name of the mathematicians who proposed it

(B) Name of the technique

(C) Resource secure algorithm

(D) Revises secure algorithm

54. DNS translates a Domain name into _________.

(A) Hex
(B) Binary
(C) IP

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55. SNMP means :
(A) Secure network management process
(B) Strong network management protocol
(C) Simple network management protocol
(D) Simple network management process
56. The application-level protocol in which a few manager stations control a set of
agents in called _______.
57. The main difference between SNMPv3 and SNMPv2 is ________.
(A) Management
(B) Integration
(C) Classification
(D) Enhanced security
58. SNMP is the framework for managing devices in an internet using the _______.
(A) TCP/IP protocol
(D) None
59. A manager is a host that runs a SNMP _______ process.
(A) Client
(B) Server
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

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60. An agent is a host or computer that runs a SNMP _______ process.
(A) Client
(B) Server
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
61. Which mode of IPsec should you use to assure the security and confidentiality of
data within the same LAN ?
(A) AH transport mode
(B) ESP transport mode
(C) ESP tunnel mode
(D) AH tunnel mode
62. Which type(s) of encryption protocol(s) can be used to secure the authentication of
computers using IPsec ?
(A) Kerberos version 5
(C) MD5
(D) Both SHA and MD5
63. Which provides authentication at the IP level ?
(A) AH
64. IPsec defines two protocols :_______ and _______.

Series-A BCA 601(N) / K-377 Page - 16

65. Public key encryption/decryption is not preferred for confidentiality of message
because :
(A) It is slow
(B) It is hardware/software intensive
(C) It has a high computational load
(D) All of the mentioned
66. Which one of the following is not a for public key distribution ?
(A) Public-Key Certificates
(B) Hashing Certificates
(C) Publicly available directories
(D) Public-Key authority
67. What is the PGP stand for ?
(A) Permuted Gap Permission
(B) Permuted Great Privacy
(C) Pretty Good Permission
(D) None of the mentioned
68. Which of the following public key distribution systems is most secure ?
(A) Public-Key Certificates
(B) Public announcements
(C) Publicly available directories
(D) Public-Key authority
69. Which system uses a trusted third party interface ?
(A) Public-Key Certificates
(B) Public announcements
(C) Publicly available directories
(D) Public-Key authority

Series-A BCA 601(N) / K-377 Page - 17

70. Which of the following is not an element/field of the X.509 certificates ?
(A) Issuer Name
(B) Serial Modifier
(C) Issuer unique identifier
(D) Signature
71. Playfair cipher is an example of _______.
(A) Mono-alphabetic cipher
(B) Poly-alphabetic cipher
(C) Transposition cipher
(D) Additive cipher
72. Rail fence cipher is an example of ________.
(A) Mono-alphabetic cipher
(B) Substitution cipher
(C) Transposition cipher
(D) Additive cipher
73. Which of the following ciphers are created by shuffling the letters of a word ?
(A) Substitution cipher
(B) Transposition cipher
(C) RSA cipher
(D) DSS cipher
74. Which of the following is are two types of traditional cipher ?
(A) Transposition cipher and replacement cipher
(B) Transposition cipher and substitution cipher
(C) Transforming cipher and substitution cipher
(D) Transforming cipher and replacement cipher

Series-A BCA 601(N) / K-377 Page - 18

75. In which of the following cipher the plain text and the ciphered text have same
letters ?
(A) Autokey cipher
(B) Rail fence cipher
(C) Vigenere cipher
(D) Additive cipher
76. DES follows :
(A) Hash Algorithm
(B) Caesars Cipher
(C) Feistel Cipher Structure
(D) SP Networks
77. The DES Algorithm Cipher System consists of _______ rounds (iterations) each
with a round key.
(A) 12
(B) 18
(C) 9
(D) 16
78. In the DES algorithm the round key is _______ bits.
(A) 48
(B) 64
(C) 56
(D) 32
79. In the RSA algorithm, we select 2 random large values ‘p’ and ‘q’. Which of the
following is the property of ‘p’ and ‘q’ ?
(A) p and q should be divisible by Φ(n)
(B) p and q should be co-prime
(C) p and q should be prime
(D) p/q should give no remainder

Series-A BCA 601(N) / K-377 Page - 19

80. In RSA, Φ(n) = _______ in terms of p and q.
(A) (p)/(q)
(B) (p)(q)
(C) (p-1)(q-1)
(D) (p+1)(q+1)
81. Dual signature is a concept used in :
82. Key management in IPSEC uses :
(A) Oakley key mgmt. protocol, Deffie hellman
(B) ISAKMP, Oakley key mgmt. protocol
(C) Deffie hellman
83. Message authentication code, a cryptographic scheme is used for which security
service ?
(A) Authentication
(B) Integrity
(C) Key exchange
(D) Confidentiality
84. SET is used for :
(A) Payment by debit card for online purchase
(B) Payment by credit card for online purchase
(C) Payment by any card
(D) None of the above

Series-A BCA 601(N) / K-377 Page - 20

85. X.509 uses the basic concept of :
(A) Digital signature
(B) Encryption
(C) Public key certificate
(D) Compression
86. Which is not an entity of SET ?
(A) Acquirer
(B) Issuer
(C) Payment gateway
(D) Payment authorization
87. Which of the following combination is symmetric cipher ?
(B) MD5, SHA1, DSS
88. Conventional encryption and public keyencryption are also called _______ and
_______ respectively.
(A) Asymmetric encryption, symmetric encryption
(B) Symmetric encryption, one key encryption
(C) Symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption
(D) None of the above
89. Masquerade is a/an :
(A) Active attack
(B) Passive attack
(C) Cryptanalysis
(D) None of the above

Series-A BCA 601(N) / K-377 Page - 21

90. Which is harmful effect of virus ?
(A) Damage file, slows down the system
(B) Increasing efficiency
(C) Decreasing file size
(D) None of the above
91. A computer program that copies itself to other computer across the internet is
known as :
(A) Virus
(B) Trojan horse
(C) Worm
(D) Bot
92. Nonce in Cryptography :
(A) Is used to verify fraudulent digital signature
(B) Is used in authentication protocol to defend against replay attack
(C) Used to check the integrity of message
(D) All of the above
93. The process through which an illegitimate website pretends to be a specific
legitimate site is known as :
(A) Snigffing
(B) Snoofing
(C) Backdoor
(D) Intrusion detection
94. Network layer firewall works as a _______.
(A) Frame filter
(B) Application gateway
(C) Content filter
(D) Packet filter
95. A _______ is an extension of an enterprise’s private intranet across a public
network such as the internet, creating a secure private connection.
Series-A BCA 601(N) / K-377 Page - 22
96. Which of the following is a disadvantage of Circuit-level gateway firewalls ?
(A) They’re expensive
(B) They’re complex in architecture
(C) They’re complex to setup
(D) They do not filter individual packets
97. Which of the following about VPNs is correct ?
(A) Always more expensive than leased lines
(B) Always cheaper than leased lines
(C) Usually more expensive than leased lines
(D) Usually cheaper than leased lines
98. A firewall is installed at the point where the secure internal network and untrusted
external network meet which is also known as ________.
(A) Barrier point
(B) Chock point
(C) Firewall point
(D) Gatekeeper point
99. A proxy firewall filters at _______.
(A) Application layer
(B) Data link layer
(C) Network layer
(D) Transport layer
100. Packet filtering firewalls are vulnerable to _______.
(A) Inrusion
(B) MiTM
(C) Phishing
(D) Spoofing


Series-A BCA 601(N) / K-377 Page - 23


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