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Chinese 1

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IB Subject Group: Language Acquisition 

Course: Chinese 1 Year: 4 

Unit title  Key concept  Related  Global context  Statement of Inquiry  Objectives  ATL skills  Content 
Creativity Purpose Personal and Cultural Personal expression Criterion B Thinking Students will be able to:
Clothing expression through clothing choices Criterion C
Context ● Communicate preferences and
can be influenced by ● Critical Thinking wishes related to clothing
culture and by the context L&L: Evaluate evidence ● Ask for and give information about
in which we live. and arguments clothing items, including prices
Reading, writing, and
using language to gather
and communicate Students will learn and apply:  
information ● Stem-changing verbs: pensar,
Read critically and for querer, preferir
comprehension ● Demonstrative adjectives
Read a variety of sources ● Numbers 200-1000
● Direct object pronouns*
for information and for

Practice using reading

strategies such as text
marking and summarizing
Use graphic organizers to
visually manipulate the
Expressing Communica Form Identities and The ability to have Criterion A Thinking Learn about the identity and values of others
pastime tion relationships creative communication Criterion D by:
preferences and multiple modes of ● Creative Thinking Skills • Communicate about pastimes
across communication allows
• Extend, accept, and decline invitations
us to share our identity When working on
cultures • Communicate about places in the community
and values with others the pastimes unit,
and become a more students will create where we can do pastimes
active member of a original works and ideas; • Identify some Chinese-speaking
global society. use existing works and countries and popular pastimes there.
ideas in new ways. We
• Identify some famous Chinese-speaking
need to model the process
of creating a profile in people and their favorite
Chinese. For pastimes.
example we will start out • Identify pastimes in Chinese-speaking
by examining an exemplar, countries and compare them
then utilizing a rubric to
to those in the U.S.
help students self
evaluate. Students will learn and apply to discuss their
values and identities:
Social Skills Present tense of ir
• Question words
● Collaboration • Near future (ir a + infinitive)
When working on the • Present tense of jugar
pastimes unit, students
use social media networks
appropriately to build and
develop relationships.
Students will be taught the
appropriate way to use the
internet when doing
research about cultures
and pastimes.

● Media Literacy
When working on the
pastimes unit, students
seek a range of
perspectives from multiple
and varied sources. We
need to teach students
about avoiding making
generalizations about
other people’s cultures
and identities by using
varied sources.

IB Subject Group: Language Acquisition  Course: Chinese 2 Year: 4/5 
Unit title  Key  Related  Global context  Statement of  Objectives  ATL skills  Content 
concept  concept(s)  Inquiry 
Routine Diary Identity Idiom Identities and Creating personal, Criterion A Skill Category: Self-Management Students will be able to*:
Relationships physical and Criterion B Communicate about what they do for a daily routine
Purpose social identity is Criterion C Skill Cluster: Reflection Communicate about health and hygiene
based upon how ● When working on the Communicate about past family celebrations and
we use idioms and unit, students will holidays
our purpose of reflect upon their own Identify children’s stories, fables, or songs from
language. daily routines. Chinese-speaking countries and compare them with
those from the U.S.
Skill Category: Communication Identify and describe family celebrations and holidays
in Chinese-speaking countries and compare them with
Skill Cluster: Critical Thinking those in the U.S.
● Students will interpret Students will learn and apply:
meaning through The present tense: regular and irregular verbs Indirect
various cultural object pronouns Verbs that use indirect object
contexts. pronouns
Chinese idioms and their uses and origins

How many Identity Purpose Identities & Creating personal, Criterion D: Using Skill Category: Self-Management Students will be able to*:
Children Idiom Relationships: Students physical and language in spoken Skill Cluster: Reflection Communicate about what they did when they were
will explore identity; social identity is and/or written form ● When working on the children
unit, students will
beliefs and values; based upon how write and speak Communicate about what they were like as children
reflect upon their own
personal, physical, we use idioms and using a basic range daily routines. Communicate about past family celebrations and
mental, social and our purpose of of vocabulary, holidays
spiritual health; human language. grammatical Skill Category: Communication Identify children’s stories, fables, or songs from
relationships including structures and Skill Cluster: Critical Thinking Chinese-speaking countries and compare them with
families, friends, conventions; those from the U.S.
● Students will interpret
communities and when speaking, use meaning through Identify and describe family celebrations and holidays
cultures; what it means clear pronunciation various cultural in Chinese-speaking countries and compare them with
to be human. and intonation contexts. those in the U.S.

use language to suit Students will learn and apply:

the context. The imperfect tense: regular and irregular verbs Indirect
object pronouns Verbs that use indirect object
Use of preterite and imperfect Reciprocal verbs* (if

Cooking Creativity Audience Personal and Cultural Culture and Criterion B Skill Category: Students will be able to:
expressions history are Criterion D
Context Social Skills Communicate about foods
through the Skill Cluster: Communicate about cooking and recipes
creativity of food
Collaboration Identify some Chinese -speaking countries
● Group-decision Identify and describe dishes and foods from
making Chinese-speaking countries and compare them to those
● Accepting in the U.S.
● Self-evaluation and
google forum.
● Assigning job roles
and responsibilities on
a capture sheet prior
to starting.
● Teach mini lesson on
how to work
collaboratively in
groups and make
decisions together.

The community Communitie Point of view Orientation in time and Communities are Criterion A Skill Category: Students will be able to:
s space oriented in time Criterion C Communicate about what they did in places in the
Thinking skills
and space based community
upon point of view Skill Cluster:
Ask for and give directions for getting to places
and personal Transfer
Identify customs related to shopping in open-air
● Analysis markets in Chinese-speaking countries and compare
them to shopping customs in the U.S.
● Application
● Acquisition of Identify characteristics of neighborhoods in
knowledge Chinese-speaking countries and compare them with
those in the U.S.
● Transfer skills- think
about the directions
first in English. Then Students will learn and apply:  
put them into Chinese.
Direct object pronouns

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