Book Automation Software
Book Automation Software
Book Automation Software
Scope of the Project
System Overview
Product Functions
User Characteristics
Design & Implementation Constraints
0-level DFD
1-level DFD
2-level DFD
The Book Automation Software is a tool for requesting and granting the books of store through
online by the customer. It provides the proper management tools and easy access to the book
This Book Automation Software Requirement Specification (SRS) main objective is to provide a
base for the foundation of the project. It gives a comprehensive view of how the system is
supposed to work and what is to be expected by the end users.
The Book Automation Software’s SRS document is intended for the requesting and granting of
books that can be made through online. Book Automation Software will consists of Booking
Management System, DBMS Server, and Receipt Generator. Customers will be able to check for
book’s availability, select the books, and pay for the books. Manager will have access to update
or modify booking details. Sales Clerk will able to view the book status report and able to
update book information such as author and category.
System Overview:
The remaining sections of this documentations describes the overall descriptions which
includes product perspective and functions, characteristics of users. It also consists of
Assumptions, and Constraints.
User Characteristics:
Sales Clerk:
Manager have every access to the Store system. Manager is solely responsible for managing Store
resources and staffs. Manager can view any report such as book status report, customer information,
granting information analyze them and take the decision accordingly.
Manager’s sole purpose is to provide the quality customer service. He/She have lesser access than sales
clerk. He/She can manage the booking details. He/She can search for availability of books, add the
customer, confirm the granting, and update the requesting details.
Staff’s sole purpose is to provide the quality customer in the shops and to help the manager with their
necessary errands.
Supplier supplies the book asked by the manager to the shop.
Customers are vital part of the system. Customer have access to view the book information and date
range. They should be able to request the book and cancel it if necessary. Customers have access to
customer service desk portal to forward their inquiry. Customer should at least be capable to use the
web UI interface.
Shop Owner:
Shop owner is one of the most important part of the system. They overall sees the whole functionality of
the shop and do the necessary requirements for betterment.
Memory: System will have only 10GB space of data server.
Language Requirement: Software must be only in English.
Budget Constraint: Due to limited budget, LMS is intended to very simple and just for basic
functionalities. UI is going to be very simple.
Implementation Constraint: Application should be based on Java only.
The user interface for system shall be compatible to any type of web browser such as
Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer.
) Functional Requirements:
Logging in
Requesting Books
Manager Access
Cost Management System
Performance Requirements:
All external communications between the date's server and client must be encrypted
All data must be stored, protected or protectively marked.
Payment Process should use HTTP over Secure protocol to secure the
payment transactions
Database should be backed up every hour.
Under failure, system should be able to come back at normal operation under an hour.
0-level DFD
1-level DFD
2-level DFD