Rubies From The Niassa and Cabo Delgado Regions of Northern Mozambique
Rubies From The Niassa and Cabo Delgado Regions of Northern Mozambique
Rubies From The Niassa and Cabo Delgado Regions of Northern Mozambique
Rubies from the Niassa and Cabo Delgado regions of Northern Mozambique.
5 4,560
5 authors, including:
Vincent Pardieu
VP Consulting, Manama, Bahrain.
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Vincent Pardieu on 07 August 2014.
Rubies from the Niassa and Cabo Delgado regions of Northern
A preliminary examination with an updated Field Report Annex
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean
Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl.
*GIA Laboratory, Bangkok
March 22 n d 2009, latest update: September 13 t h 2009
Figure 1: Unheated faceted and rough rubies weighting from 0.9 to 5.4 carats for the faceted stones and believed to have been
mined from Niassa province of Mozambique. The oval stone, first row, on the right might in fact originate from Winza, Tanzania.
Stones courtesy: J&W Gems. Photo: V.Pardieu
During the past few months, new rubies reported as “Mozambique” appeared in the
market in Bangkok and Chanthaburi: After some enquiries in Thailand, Tanzania and
Mozambique it seems that this new material is coming from an area near the famous
Niassa National Park in Northern Mozambique.
Figure 2: The Niassa province is located in the North West of Mozambique, close to the Tanzanian border. The new ruby deposit is
expected to belong to the famous “Mozambique Belt” of East Africa, a complex geological region hosting many gem deposits
producing rubies, sapphires, garnets, spinels, emeralds, tanzanite,… Many East African gemstones are then exported to Bangkok in
Thailand where the author first saw some of them. Map: V.Pardieu/GIA Laboratory Bangkok, 2009
At the end of October 2008, Tanzanian broker Abdul M’sellem informed one of the authors
(VP) that some new unknown material quite similar to the Winza stones but from another
origin probably in the south of Tanzania started to be available in the Mpwapwa gem
market, located near the Winza mining area in Tanzania. M’sellem reported that some
Tanzanian gem dealers recently started to travel to Songea and Namtumbo to get these
stones. After further enquiries, at the end of November, A. M’sellem was able to locate the
new deposit in Mozambique near Lichinga, the capital of the Niassa province in the north of
Mozambique in an area bordering the famous Niassa National Park.
As the ruby supply from Winza has reportedly become scarce, the new material was
welcomed by Thai and Sri Lankan gem dealers that had buying offices in Mpwapwa. Within
a few weeks VP was informed that many Winza miners moved to the new deposit while
several important buyers moved their office from Mpwapwa to Songea in order to buy the
new material but also more traditional Songea and Tunduru gems.
In December 2008 VP (who is Supervisor of Field Gemology at GIA Laboratory, Bangkok)
visited the Chanthaburi and Bangkok gem markets to find and study the new rubies
reported to him by A.M’sellem from Tanzania. Rapidly several ruby parcels of probable
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
Page 2
Mozambique origin could be studied in market conditions and 10 unheated rubies reported
as “Mozambique rubies” were taken to the GIA laboratory Bangkok for examination. The
stones were provided by Wilarwan Thongtham from A&W Gems Company
( in Chanthaburi, a company VP met in April 2008 in Tanzania while
visiting the Winza ruby deposit. The current report is of a preliminary study on these rubies
collected in the Thai market. These results will of course need to be confirmed by the study
of samples collected on site, at the source, in the future. The GIA Laboratory Bangkok is
currently preparing an expedition to the new Niassa mining area in Mozambique and other
sources of interest in East Africa, in order to collect reference specimens.
On March 05, 2009, an article on Internet
brought an official confirmation that ruby mining became important recently in the Niassa
region of Mozambique: It reported (March 05th 2009) that illegal ruby mining in Niassa
province was on the agenda at a meeting in Maputo organized by the Mozambique
Ministries of Mineral Resources and of the Interior on "Implementation of Mining Legislation
and its Main Constraints". It was also reported that the Mozambique government has sent a
team from the National Directorate of Geology to undertake a survey at M'sawize to
establish the size of the ruby deposit and that some stones had been seized from illegal
miners and traders.
As the new mining area is located in the Niassa region, we decided to use in the present
report the short‐form “Niassa ruby” to describe these gems also commonly called in the
trade “Mozambique ruby”. The fact is that Mozambique, as other in countries of the gem
rich Mozambique belt, probably host several ruby deposits and thus the use of
“Mozambique ruby” might be confusing in the future, on the other hand it is also interesting
to associate a beautiful gem with the famous Niassa National Park using the name “Niassa
Availability of Niassa rubies in Thailand gem markets
Rubies reported from the Niassa region in Mozambique are available in Bangkok and
Chanthaburi as unheated stones, but also either as flux heated or lead glass filled material.
Unlike the Winza stones it seems that the low quality Niassa material is suitable for heat
treatment either using the flux or lead glass technologies depending on the quality of the
rough. In both cases the results look promising as the treated stones seen by VP in the
Thailand gem markets look attractive. Faceted unheated stones from 0.5 to about 3 carats
and heated rubies up to 15 carats were seen in the market. Glass filled stones up to 20
carats were also available. Larger stones heated or not up to 50 carats were reported but
the authors had no chance to study them. The fact that low quality material can be turned
into attractive stones using Thai treatment technology (flux or lead glass) is something
which can be seen as promising for the future of the deposit as it means that miners will
find markets not only for the small percentage of high quality material, but also for the rest
of their production thus miners might get more regular revenue and mining activity may
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
Page 3
remain for a longer period. The conditions will then be present for exceptional stones to be
found from time to time.
The study of rough samples in the market was interesting. The rough reported from Niassa
was composed mainly of fractured crystals with rare crystal faces visible, most of the stones
were heavily fractured, and no stones were presenting the water‐worn or dissolved aspect
respectively typical of alluvial and basalt related type deposits. A Thai dealer reported to VP
that the new deposit in fact consists of several different areas and that the deposit is not
really new; he said that it was known for many years but it seems that the recent interest
for Winza rubies could be the reason for the “rediscovery” of these rubies from the Niassa
region. At first glance, the stones look quite similar to the Winza material.
Figure 3: Lead glass filled rubies reported from Mozambique (Niassa) origin seen in Bangkok market, the stones range from 7 to 15 carats.
Stones courtesy: Mahiton Thondisuk, Photo: V.Pardieu
Gemological description of the Niassa ruby material:
Gemological studies on the 10 unheated rubies provided by A&W Gems Company were
performed at the GIA Laboratory, Bangkok by the authors. The unheated nature of the
stones was confirmed by microscopic examination and spectroscopy.
The material used for the study was from pink to red and dark red and were representative
of the Niassa rubies seen in the Thai market. They are often dark in tone but some stones
were a very attractive bright red and clean. Compared to the Winza rubies (which are
sometimes mixed with Niassa rubies) Niassa rubies are often less transparent; probably due
to their silk inclusions. Blue color zoning, a common feature in Winza material, was not
noticed in the current Niassa samples.
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
Page 4
Generally speaking, the visual appearance of Niassa rubies is reminiscent of Thai‐Cambodian
gems and of other iron rich rubies from East Africa; like those from Winza and Umba in
Tanzania, from Baringo and Simba in Kenya, and from Madagascar and Malawi.
Thus rubies from the Niassa area can be easily be separated from the iron poor marble type
ruby deposits from East Africa like those of the Tsavo area in Kenya or the Mahenge and
Matombo areas of the Morogoro province of Tanzania and from the other marble type
rubies resulting from the Himalayan Orogeny like those from Burma, Vietnam, Tajikistan,
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal.
The chemistry of the rubies from the Niassa area was analyzed using EDXRF (Energy
Dispersive X‐ray fluorescence). The instrument employed was the Quant’x by Thermo
Electron, using fundamental parameters (Theoretical) and in‐corundum elemental
standards; only Ti, V, Cr, Fe, and Ga were analyzed.
The quantitative data obtained provides some insight on their source type and helps
regarding the origin determination of these Niassa rubies. Their chemistry is characterized
by high levels of iron and low levels of Ga, Ti and V; quite similar to what is established for
rubies from Winza in Tanzania .
Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 set out the determined Ti, V, Cr, Fe and Ga concentrations for
three reportedly Niassa rubies of slightly differing colors from pink to pinkish red and bright
Table 1: Pink Niassa ruby, 2.326cts
Units Ti V Cr Fe Ga
oxide wt % 0.07 bdl* 0.125 0.336 0.005
elemental ppmw 41 bdl* 855 2618 38
elemental ppma 17 bdl* 335 955 11
* bdl‐below detection limit
Table 2: Dark pinkish red Niassa ruby, 2.28cts
units Ti V Cr Fe Ga
oxide wt % 0.0077 0.000 0.371 0.282 0.004
elemental ppmw 46 0.0 2540 2191 29
elemental ppma 19 0.0 996 800 8
Table 3: Bright red Niassa ruby, 0.956cts
Units Ti V Cr Fe Ga
oxide wt % 0.009 0.000 0.484 0.296 0.004
elemental ppmw 54 0.0 3314 2304 30
elemental ppma 23 0.0 1299 841 8
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
Page 5
UV Fluorescence
The 10 rubies were observed under both short wave and long wave ultra violet light using a
UVP, UVLS‐28 EL series, 8 watt, UV lamp with both 365 and 254nm radiation. Their reaction
was found to be similar to known iron rich rubies from other known deposits like
Thailand/Cambodia, Madagascar, Malawi, Kenya and Tanzania (see Table 4).
Table 4: Long‐wave and short‐wave ultraviolet fluorescence
SWUV (253nm) Inert to weak red to orangy‐red
LWUV (365nm) Weak to moderate red to orangy‐red
UV‐Vis‐NIR Spectrometry
The UV‐Vis‐NIR spectra were collected on the 10 samples studied at GIA laboratory,
Bangkok using a Perkin Elmer Lambda 950 UV/Vis Spectrometer and its appropriate
accessories. The spectra are dominated by Chromium and Iron absorptions (Figure 4) with
Cr3+ absorption bands around 405–410nm, 465/480 nm and 560 nm. The absorptions at
468, 475 and 476 are known as the "B" lines (Emmett, 2009). They result from absorption
from the ground state of Cr3+ to the 2T2g level that is split into three components by the
spin orbit interaction and the trigonal field (Figure 5).
3 Cr3+
330 380 430 480 530 580 630 680 730 780
Wavelength (nm)
Figure 4: A typical UV‐Vis spectrum of rough ruby from Niassa, Mozambique.
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
Page 6
100300031465 Niassa Ruby Rough 2.374cts
3.6 O-ray
Absorption coefficient
3.2 Cr3+
3 475
460 465 470 475 480 485 490
Wavelength (nm)
Figure 5: UV‐Vis: Details on the Cr3+ related peaks around 475‐476nm showing some good dichroism.
The absorption peak around 388nm is related to the absorption of single Fe3+ ions. In
addition, the spectra generally displayed a strong “background absorption” starting around
600 nm and increasing toward the UV edge as it was also observed for the Winza material
(Schwarz D., 2008). The Cr “doublet” at 694 nm was visible in all spectra.
Infrared spectroscopy
Infrared spectra were collected using a Thermo Nicolet 6700 FTIR 1 and appropriate
In most of the unheated Niassa rubies we studied two large absorption bands around
3081cm‐1 and 3312cm‐1 were present (Figure 6). These may be attributed to the boehmite
present within the intersecting tubes associated with twinning in the Niassa rubies
examined. The presence of such a boehmite related IR spectrum is a good indication that
the stone has not been heated. However, in clean material only a small peak at 3309cm‐1
was recorded (Figure 7).
FTIR: Fourier Transformed Infra‐red spectrometry
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
Page 7
100300031468 Niassa ruby 0.952ct
4.75 3312
Absorption coefficient
3550 3450 3350 3250 3150 3050 2950 2850 2750
Wavenumber (cm )
Figure 6: FTIR spectrum of a Niassa ruby with Boehmite filled intersection tubes associated with twinning type inclusions.
Absorption coefficient
3450 3400 3350 3300 3250 3200 3150 3100 3050 3000
Wavenumber (cm )
Figure 7: Details on FTIR spectrum of a 2.326 cts unheated pinkish Niassa ruby.
It is interesting to note that in one bright red stone with a peak at 3160cm‐1, commonly seen
in unheated Winza material, was found (Schwarz, 2008). The stone (see Figure 1) had no
visible inclusions and its chemistry fell within the Winza ruby range. As both Winza and
Niassa rubies are purchased in the same trading centers in Tanzania and then sorted and
faceted in Thailand, the presence of a Winza ruby in a parcel reported to originate from the
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
Page 8
Niassa region in Mozambique should not be surprising. The stone owner: Wilarwan
Thongtham, from A&W Gems Company, confirmed that in the Tanzanian trading centers the
gems were purchased by her father from many miners/brokers coming from different areas
and then commonly sorted by appearance and type more than based on their actual origin.
Thus, she was not surprised when VP reported to her that GIA gemologists suspected that
one of the stones supplied to the lab was probably from Winza and not from Niassa.
This illustrates the difficulty gemological labs face when collecting specimen to study from
gem markets: It is not without risks and in fact a visit to the mining area is still the best
solution to build a reliable reference collection.
Microscopic examination
Microscopic examination was performed in Chanthaburi and Bangkok markets using a 10x
GIA instruments dark field loupe and at GIA laboratory Bangkok using various GIA Gemolite
microscopes at between 10 and 65x magnifications. The inclusion photos presented in this
study were done using a Nikon Coolpix 4500 digital camera adapted on the GIA Gemolite
The first global characteristic which can be reported so far for Niassa rubies are that the
stones looks very different from the Asia and African iron poor marble related rubies and
quite different from the traditional iron rich basalt related rubies like those from Thailand,
Cambodia and Kenya, but Niassa rubies share some similarities with rubies of metamorphic
origin from other known East African deposits like Winza and Umba in Tanzania and
Chimwadzulu in Malawi.
The stones presented in the Thai market as “Mozambique rubies’ and which probably origin
from the Niassa region present an even color distribution, silk and unhealed fissures are
very common, but so far no star rubies from Niassa were seen or studied by the authors.
The silk observed in Niassa rubies is interesting (see Figure 8, Figure 9 and Figure 10) as it is
different from the silk seen in marble type rubies from Asia or African deposits, and quite
similar to what can be seen in some other iron rich rubies: The needles orientated in a
60/120 degrees pattern usually look incomplete, broad, long or short, commonly looking
like well formed elongated weakly iridescent hexagonal platelets reminiscent of the thin
films present in some basalt related rubies.
The numerous unhealed fissures were usually clean and the classic iron stain seen in many
gems from alluvial type deposits was not observed, twinning (see Figure 18) was very
commonly found, usually associated with intersection tubules filled with boehmite. Crystal
inclusions were very rare and while present in two samples studied we were not able to
identify them using Raman spectroscopy (see Figure 17, Figure 11). Secondary healed
fissures (see Figure 13, Figure 14) were also present in some samples associated in some
case with tabular type negative crystals in planes. The secondary healed fissures where
mostly perpendicular to the c axis reminiscent of the rosette like structures seen in rubies
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
Page 9
from Tajikistan or in sapphires from Kashmir. It was interesting to see negative crystals
(see Figure 16, Figure 17) containing a multiphase probably polycrystalline substance.
As microscopic examination seems then be a useful resource to separate Niassa rubies from
iron rich rubies from other deposits like Winza. A photo gallery (Figure 8 to Figure 19)
concludes this initial description of Niassa rubies, further and more comprehensive data will
be published once verifiable material from this locality is obtained and examined.
Unheated Niassa Rubies Inclusion Photo Gallery:
Figure 8: Silk in Unheated 2.374cts Niassa ruby (Dark field illumination, 64x). Photo: V. Pardieu
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
Page 10
Figure 9, 2009: Silk in 1.054cts Niassa unheated ruby associated with unhealed fissures partially filled with dry foreign substance, probably
of natural origin (Dark field illumination, 40x)Photo: V. Pardieu
Figure 10: Silk in unheated 2.326cts Niassa ruby: It is clearly composed of elongated or short broad hexagonal like platelets and of long or
short needles (Dark field illumination, 50x) Photo: V. Pardieu
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
Page 11
Figure 11: Two colorless, transparent, euhedral crystals of unknown nature associated with silk and a healed fissure in a 2.280cts Niassa
unheated ruby. (Dark field illumination, 30x) Photo: V. Pardieu
Figure 12: Healed fissure in 1.510cts unheated Niassa ruby seen under dark field illumination (30x), note the negative crystals associated
with secondary healed fissures on the left. Photo: V. Pardieu
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
Page 12
Figure 13: The same stone in the same position but this time using fiber optics illumination (30x): a galaxy of particles and needles,
orientated perpendicular to the c axis, is now clearly visible. Photo: V. Pardieu
Figure 14, 2009: Plane of negative crystals associated with secondary healed fissures in a 1.510cts Niassa unheated ruby. (Dark field
illumination, 30x) Photo: V. Pardieu
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
Page 13
Figure 15: Negative crystals associated with healed fissures orientated more or less perpendicular to the C axis (Dark field illumination,
30x) in 1.510cts unheated Niassa ruby. Photo: V. Pardieu
Figure 16: Negative crystals in unheated 1.510cts Niassa rubies seen under bright field illumination (64x) Photo: V. Pardieu
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
Page 14
Figure 17: The same stones as in the previous photo but seen using cross polars (64x). The negative crystals appear then filled with a
polycrystalline substance. Photo: V. Pardieu
Figure 18: A Black opaque rounded crystal inclusion in an unheated 2.374cts Niassa ruby (Dark field illumination, 64x).
Photo: V. Pardieu
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
Page 15
Figure 19: Twinning seen in a 0.989cts Niassa ruby (Cross polars illumination, 40x): Photo: V. Pardieu
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
Page 16
Annex A
An update on the ruby and sapphire mining in Northern
Mozambique received from the current expedition to the area lead
by Vincent Pardieu dated Sept 12, 2009
Rubies are known in Mozambique for many years (Koivula, 1991) but very little information
has been published about them with the production being small and with most of the
stones produced being of cabochon quality. Nevertheless recently, the gem markets in
Bangkok and other places started to see an increase in rubies coming from Mozambique.
Most of the stones seen were heavily fractured and mainly used as base material for the
lead glass treatment but some stones seen at the GIA Laboratories in Bangkok, New York
and Carlsbad were fine enough to be faceted and used in jewelry without any treatment.
After some enquiries it became obvious that there were several sources and a GIA Field
Expedition to the different ruby mining areas in Northern Mozambique is currently ongoing.
Rubies and sapphires in Northern Mozambique have been mined in the recent years from 4
different deposits, 3 of them located in the Niassa province and one in the Cabo Delgado
Niassa (Ruombeze) deposit
The oldest Northern Mozambique ruby deposit is the Niassa (Ruombeze) deposit. The
deposit is located between Marrupa and Mecula in the Niassa province. The deposit was
reported by local people to have been discovered more than 20 years ago and is producing
dark red (appears orangy or brownish) cabochon grade material sometimes suitable for lead
glass treatment (Figure 20). Local people also reported that the deposit never produced a
large volume as it is very remote: After leaving the Marrupa – Mecula road, a 60 km drive on
bush tracks only suitable for motorbikes is necessary to reach the deposit. Nevertheless, the
expedition was also informed that production in Ruombeze increased after 2006 in line with
the period the material entered the market in Bangkok and possibly with to the arrival and
the trading of the lead glass treatments.
Rubies were reported to be collected there in deep holes sometimes up to 30 meters deep.
The expedition had no time to visit this deposit, which is possibly located in a private
hunting block and mined mainly by illegal miners. Nevertheless, we could study some
samples in Lichinga from some licensed gem dealers and at the Lichinga mining office.
These gem dealers usually foreigners from West or East Africa will typically take the stones
to Songea (Tanzania), Bangkok (Thailand) or Hong Kong (China). Note: Most of the parcels
we saw in Lichinga were in fact a mix between stones from Ruombeze and M’sawize. A
microscopic examination of the samples using a GIA dark field loupe enabled members of
the expedition to see that the material had only a few mineral inclusions (usually colorless
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
Page 17
zircon like crystals). The most common inclusions are twinning planes and their associated
intersection tubes. Healed fissures are also common but the material is usually heavily
fractured with many open fissures filled with what is possibly limonite (which may explain
the orangy or brownish appearance of the crystals).
Figure 20: Rubies from Niassa (Ruombeze deposit) Photo: JB Senoble, 2009
Niassa (M’sawize) deposit
The Niassa (M’sawize) deposit is located in “L2 hunting block” about 43km east of M’sawize
village also in Niassa province. Reportedly, a local hunter who was trying to catch an animal,
which was hiding underground, discovered the deposit in Sept 2008. While digging to catch
the animal the hunter found a stone. He sold that stone to a Tanzanian trader who received
a lot of money for it in Tanzania and came back to get more. Rapidly many people (possibly
up to 3,000) from Mozambique and all over Africa (Tanzania, Kenya, Congo, Nigeria, Guinea,
Mali, Senegal, Somalia, Burundi etc.) started mining there and trading in M’sawize and
This was not without creating problems with the people from the Niassa reserve. While
trying to visit the area on September 9, 2009 the expedition was stopped by Park Rangers as
a result of what seems to have been a communication problem between the people from
the Mining Department who were taking the expedition to visit the ruby deposit and the
Park Rangers. Though not able to visit the mining site, the expedition gained interesting
information about the conflict between the illegal miners and the hunters. The local rangers
reported that the arrival of the illegal miners in that area had created many problems
including poaching and destruction of the natural environment. Some local Rangers also
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
Page 18
reported that they had to send a force to deter the illegal miners a few months earlier. It
seems that as a result most miners have left to go to the new ruby find near Montepuez (in
Cabo Delgado province). Nevertheless, as people were still coming to the area a joint force
between the “Forca Guarda Fronteira” policemen and the Niassa Reserve Rangers are
working together to discourage all illegal miners. Currently it seems that all ruby mining has
stopped in Niassa (M’sawize) because of this conflict.
Regarding the stones produced in this area (Figure 21); after checking some samples
collected from different independent and trustable sources in Niassa province with field
equipment it appears that this is where the stones studied in GIA Laboratory Bangkok in Feb
2009 (Figure 1) came from, i.e., iron rich rubies usually with a purplish secondary color.
Regarding the inclusions, the examination of the rough in the field using a 10x dark field
loupe revealed few mineral inclusions but many twinning planes and their associated
intersection tubes (Boehmite) and a few healed fissures. Some stones seem also to host
some low‐density rutile type needles or particles. Nevertheless, to confirm if this material is
the same as the stones studied in Bangkok, it will be necessary to study the reference
samples collected in the field at the GIA Laboratory in Bangkok after the expedition returns
from the field.
Figure 21: Rubies from Niassa (M’sawize deposit). Photo: J.B. Senoble 2009
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
Page 19
Niassa (Ngauma) deposit
The Niassa (Ngauma) blue sapphire mining area was reportedly discovered about one year
ago southwest of Lichinga between Lione (an area known for many years for its aquamarine)
and Itepela. It produces large dark blue sapphire crystals with many fissures and twinning
(Figure 22).
Figure 22: Sapphires from Niassa (Ngauma deposit). Photo: J.B. Senoble 2009
Cabo Delgado (Montepuez) ruby deposit
The Cabo Delgado (Montepuez) ruby deposit is located near Namaunbiri village between
Montepuez and Pemba in the province of Cabo Delgado. It was discovered in February 2009
and its production increased rapidly as many illegal miners chased by the Rangers from the
M’sawize ruby mining area (see above) and by the police from the Mavuco tourmaline
mines moved to this new area. As with the ruby deposit in M’sawize it is located in a private
hunting block and rapidly the illegal miners were in conflict with the local hunting block
rangers who called the police. A police operation was launched in July 2009 but as the
expedition prepares to visit the deposit it seems that the local situation is still not
completely under control.
Many stones from this area are available in Nampula. The overall average quality of the
stones produced appears to be higher compared to those produced in M’sawize. Large
faceting quality stones of up to 20 carats have been reported from the area. The
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
Page 20
Montepuez material usually seems to be slightly purplish red to red but less pink than the
M’sawize material. It visually appears to be iron rich (not yet analyzed). Most of the
material looks to be slightly milky and needle inclusions are common.
Currently a field expedition lead by GIA Laboratory Bangkok’s Supervisor of Field Gemology,
Vincent Pardieu, is still underway and a visit to the Montepuez deposit is scheduled in the
next few days. More information will be published upon Vincent’s return from East Africa.
Special Thanks are due to the Tanzanian gem broker Abdul M’sellem and to Eric and Mark
Saul of Swala Gem Traders Company (Tanzania) for their collaboration, to Wilarwan
Thongtham from A&W Gems Company and Mahiton Thondisuk (Thailand) who have
provided information and samples for this study. Particular thanks are also due to Moussa
Konate from Mozambique Gems, and Fofana Sete, Silva Manuel and Bento Tanieki from the
Lichinga Direccao Provincial dos Recursos Einerais e Energia.
Many thanks also to Ken Scarratt and Dr. John Emmett for their support.
Emmett, J. E., (2009). V. Pardieu, "B" lines,
Koivula, J. I., Kammerling, R.C. (1991) Gem News (Mozambique ruby). Gems & Gemology.
27. 1. 48
Schwarz, D., Pardieu, V., Saul, J.M., Schmetzer, K., Laurs, B.M., Giuliani, G., Klemm, L., Malsy,
A.‐K, Erel, E., Hauzenberger, C., Du Toit, G., Fallick, A.E., Ohnenstetter, D. (2008) Rubies and
Sapphires from Winza. Central Tanzania. Gems & Gemology. 44. 4.
Vincent Pardieu*, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad*, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl (2009) Rubies from the Niassa
and other Regions of Mozambique . September 13 2009. On‐going Research,
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