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Linux Commands

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Linux Commands

Linux Commands

All commands are in simple

[Ctrl] + [Atl] + F2 F2 to F6 virtual consoles

[Ctrl] + [Atl] + F1 GUI mode

[Ctrl] + d log out from the system

[Ctrl] +l clear screen

# vim /boot/grub/grub.conf grub

# vim /etc/grub.conf

# vim /etc/inittab run levels

The runlevels used are:

0 - halt (Do NOT set initdefault to this)
1 - Single user mode
2 - Multiuser, without NFS (The same as 3, if you do not have networking)
3 - Full multiuser mode
4 - unused
5 - X11 / GUI
6 - reboot (Do NOT set initdefault to this)

# init [run level]

Change default run level:

systemctl set-default;
systemctl set-default;

To switch from graphical to multi-user:

systemctl isolate;

To switch from multi-user to graphical:

systemctl isolate;

# chkconfig httpd on
# chkconfig - -level 235 httpd [on / off]



$ man [command]
$ man ls

: /[search pattern]
: n /f next page

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:p/b previous page


# cal view the Calendar

# cal [month] [year] # cal 2016 # cal 5 2016

# date view the current date and time

# history view recently used commands

# !3 execute the 3rd command in the history
# history 5 Show the last five commands from the history list
# !! Execute the last command again
# !-5 Execute the fifth command from the bottom of the history list
# !ls Execute the most recent ls command

# [variable name] = [value] BASH shell variables


# echo $[variable name] View the variable

# echo $HISTSIZE

“which” command to display the full path to the command

# which date  /bin/date
# which cal  /usr/bin/cal

Alias # alias mycal="cal 2014"

# mycal

# echo /etc/t*  /etc/terminfo /etc/timezone


# chsh change shell

# chsh –l list of shell programs

# echo $SHELL view the current used shell


# command [option] [parameter]

# shutdown –h now shutdown commands

# power off
# halt

# shutdown –r now restart

# reboot

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#w current users in the system

# whoami present user
# pwd present working directory
# uname displays information about the current system
# uname –n / # uname --nodename
# whereis to find where a command (or its man pages) is located
# useradd add a new user to the system
# passwd change the password of the user

$ ls list files, directories

$ ls –l list files with details
$ ls –lh list details of files with human friendly format
$ ls –al list hidden files
$ ls –a /home/student
$ ls –all long format

# date

# watch ls -lh
# watch du ./newfile.txt

# cat view files

# more
# less

# touch [file name] create new file

# mv [source file] [destination file] move a file to a new location

# mv /home/test/test.txt /home/new/test.txt

# cp [source file] [destination file] copy a file

# cp –r /home/student /tmp r = recursive

# mkdir [directory name] create a directory

# rmdir [directory name] delete a directory

# rm [file name] delete a file

# rm -rf [file name] forcefully delete a file

# rm -rf dir [directory name]/ forcefully delete a directory

$ cd change directory

# su login to root without changing environment

# su - login to root
# su – [user name] switch user

# echo $HOME current user directory

# vim /etc/sudoers allows particular users to run various commands as the root user, without needing

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the root password.

[user name] ALL=(ALL) ALL

# env show environment variables

# env | less

~ home directory

.. previous directory

# du –sh /home
# du –h /home/student
# du –h free space

# mount file systems currently mounted

yum install samba samba-client cifs-utils

mkdir /mnt/mymount
mount.cifs // /mnt/mymount -o user=Girish.KG

umount /mnt/mymount

Process ID

# nice –n -5 update db
# renice –n -2 –p 3128

# pidof [service] process id of a service

# pidof httpd

# pgrep [service] process ids of a service

# pgrep httpd

# kill [nice] [process id] (-9) forcefully exit (-15) finish the process and stop
# kill -15 3128

Search: # grep [search pattern] [search location]

# grep tty1 file1

# w | grep tty1

view the file | filter command

# cat /etc/passwd | grep student

# cat /etc/passwd View list of users in the system:

# vim /etc/inittab

# runlevel show current run level

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# pstree show process tree


# chown [root] .[group][file name]

# chown root file1 Change ownership of a file
# chown –R student.student ~/test change ownership of a directory

# chmod [ugo][+-=] [rwx] [file name] u = user, g = group, o = other owners of the file
r = read, w = write, x = execute permissions
# chmod u+wx, go+r

rwx rwx rwx

421 421 421
111 110 110
7 6 6

# chmod 766 test

Connect to a remote server
# ssh login with the current user

# ssh root@ login with specific user

# ssh –X root@ X - graphical configuration tools

Copy a file through ssh

# scp [user]@[destination pc ip add.]: [source file] [destination]
# scp root@ /home/allusers/test.txt /home/allusers

File archiving and compressing

Archive # tar -cvf [archive file] [directory]

# tar -cvf dir1.tar dir1
# tar –tvf Display the contents of a tar file
# tar –xvf Extract the contents of an archive

Zip # zip [output file zip] [source file]

# zip file1.txt
# unzip

Gzip # gzip [file name]

# gunzip [gz file]

Bzip2 # bzip2 [file name]

# bunzip2 [bz2 file]

Xz # xz [file name]
# unxz [xz file]

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Symbolic link: # ln –s [target] [file name]
# ln –s /etc/sysconfig/iptables /home/admin/Desktop/iptables

Hard link: # ln [target][filename]

# ln /etc/sysconfig/iptables /home/admin/Documents/iptables

Package Installation (YUM)

# vim /etc/yum.conf
*** if behind a proxy proxy =

Search packages
# yum search [package name]
# yum search httpd

Repository list
# yum repolist

# yum –enable repo=remi update firefox -y

Install package
#yum install [package name]

Bypass signature check

# yum install - -nogpgcheck [package name]

Uninstall a package
# yum remove [package name]

Yum processors
# ps aux | grep yum

Update a package
# yum update -y [package name] -y = yes

# yum history
# yum history info [transaction id]
# yum history undo [transaction id]

# yum shell
.> Install htap
.> remove ntfs-3g
.> run

Check package installed or not.

# rpm –qa q = quary a = all
# rpm -qa [package name]
# rpm -qa httpd*
# rpm -qa coreutils*

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# rpm -q [package name] - -filesbypkg

# rpm -q httpd - -filesbypkg
# rpm -q coreutils - -filesbypkg less

View the content of a file

# rpm –qf [file name] shows the package owns files
# rpm –ql [package name] lists the files in the package
# rpm –V [package name] verifies package installation

# rpm –ivh [package file.rpm] -i = install v = verbose h = visual progress of installation

# rpm –Uvh [package file.rpm] -U = update

# rpm –evh [package file] -e = erase (uninstall)

# yum whatprovides /bin/ls

Special Devices

# vim /dev view information on devices

File mounting
Check mounted file systems
# mount | column –t

# cat /etc/mtab

# cat /proc/mounts

# fdisk –l /dev/sda

Create a disk image

# dd if = /dev/cdrom of = /home/student/cd.img

# mount t [fs type] –o [mount option] [device] [mount point]

# mount –o loop /home/allusers/cdimage.iso /mnt -o = mount potion

# mount –o ro /dev/sda1 /mnt ro = read only

Mount a disk
# mount [device (flash drive)] [mount point]
# mount sd1 /home/student/dir1
# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt

# umount /media /[device (flash drive)]

# watch ls –lh

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# watch du ./newfile

# vim /etc/selinux/config [enforcing / permissive / disabled]

PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)

# vim /etc/pam.d
TCP Rappers
# vim /etc/hosts.allow
# vim /etc/hosts.deny

# vim /etc/sysconfig/network define host name and gateway
# vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 network interface configuration

Multiple IP addresses for single interface

# vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:1
# vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:2

# system-config-network
# ifconfig
# ipaddr
# netstat
# tcpdump
# route view routing table
# route -n
# ping –c4

# service network [start / restart / stop / status]

# /etc/rc.d/init.d/network [start / stop]

Firewall (iptables)

Filtering point table

filter nat mangle
chain INPUT X X

# iptables –L view firewall rules

# iptables –L –n view firewall rules with numerical values

# iptables –L –t [table name] view a specific table

# iptables –L –t filter

-A append
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-D delete

# iptables –A INPUT –S –j DROP
# iptables –p tcp –m tcp –dport 25 –s [ip add.] –j ACCEPT

# at command

# crontab –l list all schedules

# crontab –l –u [user name] list all schedules specific to user

# crontab –l –u admin

# crontab –e edit schedules

# crontab –r remove schedules

# cat /etc/crontab cron configuration file

# Example of job definition:

# .---------------- minute (0 - 59)
# | .------------- hour (0 - 23)
# | | .---------- day of month (1 - 31)
# | | | .------- month (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr ...
# | | | | .---- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
#| | | | |
# * * * * * user-name command to be executed


Apache web server

# service httpd [start / restart / stop / status]
# vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
# tail -f /var/log/httpd/access_log

# curl -I [domain name]

# curl -I

# service smb [start / restart / stop / status]
# vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
# testparm check for syntax errors
# cat smbusers

# smbclient –L [ip address]

# smbclient –L

# smbclient –L [ip address] –U [username]

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# smbclient –L –U user1

Bind (DNS)
# service named [start / restart / stop / status]
# vim /etc/resolve.conf
# vim /etc/named.conf

# cat named.localhost

NTP (Network Time Protocol)

# service ntpd [start / restart / stop / status]
# vim /etc/ntp.conf

# System-config-date

NFS (Network File Sharing)

# service nfs [start / restart / stop / status]

# vim /etc/exports
/exports * (rw sync) * = all hosts in network / ip address of specific host

# exports
# exportfs –r reload exports

# mount –t nfs [network share] [mount point]

# mount –t nfs ip address:/exports /mnt

Check for file systems on hosts

# showmount –e [ip address]
# rpcinfo –p [ip address]

Squid Proxy

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