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Impression technique for a complete-arch prosthesis with

multiple implants using additive manufacturing technologies
Marta Revilla-León, DDS, MSD,a José Luis Sánchez-Rubio, RDT,b Jesús Oteo-Calatayud, DMD, PhD,c and
Mutlu Özcan, DDS, DMD, PhDd

When fabricating implant- ABSTRACT

supported fixed dental pros-
This article describes an impression technique for a complete-arch prosthesis supported by mul-
theses (FDPs), the accurate tiple implants where additive manufacturing technologies were used to fabricate a splinting
reproduction of the implant framework and a custom tray. The technique presented uses a shim method to control the ho-
position on the definitive cast mogenous splinting acrylic resin and impression material during the procedure, thereby reducing
is essential. The definitive cast laboratory and chairside time and the number of impression copings and laboratory analogs
has to represent the 3- needed. (J Prosthet Dent 2016;-:---)
dimensional (3D) orientation
of the implants in position.1 The precision of the defini- Additive manufacturing (AM) technologies have the
tive cast is essential for the fit of an implant-supported potential to substitute for subtractive ones.12 The ASTM
FDP, and a precise impression technique is needed to International committee F42 on AM technologies has
produce an accurate implant position on the definitive defined 7 categories: stereolithography, material jetting,
cast.2 The accuracy of impressions is affected by splinting material extrusion, binder jetting, powder bed fusion,
impression copings,3 implant angulation,4,5 number of sheet lamination, and direct energy deposition.13 Among
implants, polymerization shrinkage of the impression these categories, direct metal laser sintering is a metal
material,6-8 setting expansion of the dental stone,6-8 and AM technology that is based on a high-power laser beam
the design and rigidity of the impression tray.6-8 Among focused onto a bed of powdered metal that fuses into a
all possible factors affecting the accuracy of impressions, thin, solid layer. When a framework is fabricated in this
splinting or not splinting seems to be the most signifi- way, the unused remaining powder is filtered and used in
cant,3 especially when 4 or more implants are present in the next batch.14,15 AM technologies use a design created
the dental arch. in a 3D modeling software and digital light processing
During splinting, distortion of the splint materials (DLP) technology to print the 3D object.16,17 In this
and/or fracture of the connection between the splint technique, a vat of a liquid polymer is exposed to light
material and the impression copings may affect accu- from a DLP projector under light-protected conditions.
racy.10 Also, polymerization shrinkage of autopolyme- The DLP projector then displays the image of the 3D
rizing acrylic resin produces inaccuracy in the definitive model onto the liquid polymer, and the exposed liquid
impression. This shrinkage ranges between 7% and 9%, polymer sets. The process is repeated until the 3D model
with 80% occurring within 17 minutes when materials is complete and the vat is drained of liquid, revealing the
were mixed at room temperature.11 solidified model.

MSD Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash; Private practice, Seattle, Wash; Project Manager and Researcher,
Revilla Research Center, Madrid, Spain; Affiliate faculty, Graduate Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash; and
Affiliate faculty, Graduate Aesthetic Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
Dental Technician and Researcher, Revilla Research Center, Madrid Spain; and Director, 3Dental Dental Laboratory, Madrid, Spain.
Assistant faculty, School of Dentistry, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
Professor and Head, Dental Materials Unit, Center for Dental and Oral Medicine, University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland.


2 Volume - Issue -

Figure 1. A, Impression coping abutments attached to implant fixtures. B, Irreversible hydrocolloid impression. C, Preliminary impression poured with
acrylic resin for impression copings. D, Preliminary cast obtained by pouring irreversible hydrocolloid impression.

Previous studies have demonstrated acceptable ac- AG) was referred for a metaleacrylic resin implante
curacy of intraoral scanning devices,18-22 but procedures supported FDP. The following technique describes a
requiring multiple steps can accumulate errors that could situation where direct metal laser sintering was used for
result in poor fit between the implants and the restorative the metal splinting structure and DLP for the custom tray
components.23 Modified techniques for splinting im- fabrication
plants in a complete-arch implant impression procedure
1. Remove the healing abutments with a specific
have been described.24,25 The present report describes an
screwdriver (Straumann screwdriver; Straumann
impression technique for the complete arch with multiple
AG) and irrigate the internal connection of each
implants where AM technologies were used to fabricate a
implant at the preliminary impression appoint-
splinting framework and a custom tray that reduces the
ment. For a conventional impression, secure the 6
manual procedures.
open tray impression copings (Straumann AG) to
the implants to a preload of 15 Ncm with a torque
wrench (Straumann AG). Make a preliminary
A patient with an edentulous maxilla having 6 implants irreversible impression using hydrocolloid impres-
(4 Tissue Level RN and 2 Tissue Level NNC; Straumann sion material in a conventional metal impression


- 2016 3

Figure 2. A, Digital preliminary cast obtained by digital impression technique using intraoral scanner. B, Digital design of splinting framework for

tray. When the impression material has polymer-

ized, recover the impression and remove the
impression copings (Fig. 1A). For digital impres-
sions, secure the intraoral scan-bodies (Scan-
bodies for RN Straumann implant; 3Shape). Make
an intraoral digital impression with an intraoral
scanning device (Trios; 3Shape) and remove the
intraoral scan-bodies. Then replace the healing
abutments on each implant.
2. Transfer the data to the specific dental software to
design the splinting structure and the custom tray.
For the conventional impression, load a disposable
syringe (Monoject 412 Syringe; Salvin Dental) with
a thin mix of autopolymerizing acrylic resin (1 part
polymer to 2 parts monomer) (Pattern Resin; GC Figure 3. Splinting framework produced through direct metal laser
Corp) and inject the material into the impression sintering additive manufacturing technology.
coping sites inside the preliminary impression
(Fig. 1B). After polymerization, pour the rest of the Leave a uniform space of 2 to 3 mm for the
impression with die stone (Fujirock EP; GC Corp) impression material. Send the STL file to the lab-
at a ratio of 22 mL water to 110 g dental stone oratory for fabrication (Rapidshape D40; 3Dental
mixed under vacuum for 30 seconds. Recover the Dental Laboratory) (Fig. 5).
preliminary cast after the dental stone has 5. Remove the healing abutments; irrigate the inter-
completely set (Fig. 1C). For the intraoral digital nal connection of each implant with chlorhexidine
impression, spray a thin, homogenous layer of the before making the definitive impression. Secure
specific scanning spray (Cerec Optispray; Dentsply the impression copings with a preload of 15 Ncm
Sirona) and use an optical laboratory scanner with a torque wrench (Fig. 6).
(3Shape; 3Dental Dental Laboratory). Import the 6. Evaluate the splinting structure and the custom
data from the digital impression to the software tray in the patient’s mouth.
(3Shape) to obtain the digital preliminary cast. 7. Apply autopolymerizing resin (Pattern Resin; GC
3. Use the tools of the dental software to design the Corp) around the impression copings with intrao-
splinting framework (Fig. 2) from the digital cast. ral tips on the composite resin syringe. Pick up one
Leave a uniform space of 1.5 mm around each impression coping at a time, and after the acrylic
impression coping. Send the stereolithography resin has completely polymerized, continue with
(STL) file to the laboratory for fabrication (EOS the subsequent copings (Fig. 7).
M270 printer; 3Dental Dental Laboratory) (Fig. 3). 8. Evaluate the custom tray for border extension and
4. Use the tools of the dental software to design the mold the borders as in the conventional complete
custom tray over the splinting structure (Fig. 4). denture impression procedures (Fig. 8). Then


4 Volume - Issue -

Figure 4. A, Digital design of custom tray for impression on digital cast. B, After removal from cast.

Figure 5. A, Custom tray produced through DLP additive manufacturing technology. B, Splinting framework positioned in custom tray.

remove, clean, and dry the tray, and coat adhesive DISCUSSION
(Impregum adhesive; 3M ESPE) on its internal
The presented method describes an implant impression
surface and over the modeling plastic impression
technique for a complete arch where AM technologies
compound at the borders.
were used to fabricate the custom tray and the metal
9. Dispense medium viscosity impression material
splinting structure. Figure 10 shows radiographic evalua-
(Impregum; 3M ESPE) into both the impression
tion of metaleacrylic resin implantesupported prosthesis.
syringe and the custom tray. Inject the impression
The clinical procedures for the impression making are
material underneath the splinting structure with a
similar to previously described techniques.24 However, the
polyether syringe and seat the custom tray.
application of AM technologies provides different advan-
10. Recover the impression after the polyether impression
tages to the conventional procedures: manual procedures
material has polymerized completely and pour the
are eliminated, homogeneous space for the splinting
impression following conventional procedures (Fig. 9).


- 2016 5

Figure 7. A, Impression copings secured in 3D printed metal splinting

framework. B, Autopolymerizing acrylic resin around impression copings.
C, Complete polymerization of acrylic resin before making polyether

Figure 6. Periapical radiographs showing complete seating of

impression copings. A, Maxillary right first molar and canine. B,
Maxillary right central incisor, maxillary left central incisor. C,
Maxillary left second premolar and first molar.

material between the impression abutments and the

splinting structure is achieved, uniform space for the
impression material between the splinting structure and Figure 8. Border molding custom tray.
the custom tray is controlled, and an open custom tray
around the impression abutments is maintained. Furthermore, the cast model would allow fabrication of the
During the described technique, and as an alternative to custom splinting structure and the open custom tray.
conventional procedures, an intraoral scanning device was Compared with methods where the custom tray and
used to obtain the preliminary cast. The function of the the splinting structure were fabricated with a manual
preliminary cast model was to represent the 3D implant protocol,24,25 this technique using AM could eliminate
position and replicate the surrounding buccal structures. some of the laboratory procedures. Possible limiting


6 Volume - Issue -

Figure 9. A, Definitive impression with polyether impression material. B, Definitive cast.

factors such as implant angulation, interimplant distance,

and open mouth limitations should be evaluated in
future studies.

The described impression technique uses AM technolo-
gies to fabricate a splinting framework and a custom tray
for a complete arch containing multiple implants.

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