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Student Project Example

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What are

rights Resources
1. PBS:
2. Wikipedia:https://en.wikipedia.

Woman suffrage
Woman suffrage is
women's right to vote.
Woman's suffrage was How they have changed over
granted on June 4, 1919. the years and how WW2
changed how women were
Women's rights are basic viewed
human rights.
Kenya Caruth
What we could The effects
WW2 of WW2
improve says, “With their men
Improvements over the away, women became more self-
sufficient. Many brought tools home
from work and used them on their
Women's rights have own home repairs.” This shows that
significantly improved but when the men were at war the
there are still many women proved to themselves and
improvements to be made. to others that they could do “men's”
Things that have significantly work. After WW2 women had
improved are women's many of the men's jobs but when
suffrage, where women can the men returned they took the
work, and how men view majority of their jobs back, so
women. women went back to being a
Improvements that can
be made During WW2 most men
Wikipedia says, “States must
also differentiate with regard
were away because they
to healthcare by ensuring needed to go to war. PBS
that women's health – says, "During the Second
particularly with regard to World War, women proved
reproductive health such as that they could do "men's"
pregnancy and childbirth – is work, and do it well." This
not neglected.” Women shows that women proved
should get given the right to to men that they could do
decide what happens to "men's work" just as well as
their bodies. men could.

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