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Dynamics-Kinematics (Intro) PDF

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Engineering Mechanics



D L S U - D / C E A T / 1 ST  S E M S Y 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5


• Dynamics includes:
-  Kinematics: study of the geometry of motion. Kinematics is
used to relate displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time
 without reference to the cause of motion.
-  Kinetics: study of the relations existing between the forces 
acting on a body, the mass of the body, and the motion of the
 body . Kinetics is used to predict the motion caused by given
forces or to determine the forces required to produce a given

12.1 Introduction

Rigid-body Deformable-body fluid

Static Dynamics
Equilibrium body Accelerated motion body

(Geometric aspect of motion)

(Analysis of force causing the motion)


  Rectilinear motion: position, velocity, and

acceleration of a particle as it moves along a straight
 Curvilinear motion: position, velocity, and
acceleration of a particle as it moves along a curved
line in two or three dimensions.


Road Map

Kinematics of

Rectilinear motion Curvilinear motion Relative motion

x-y coord. n-t coord. r- coord.



• Particle moving along a straight line is said to be in rectilinear


Determination of the Motion of a Particle

• Recall, motion of a particle is known if its position is known for all time t .

• Typically, conditions of motion are specified by the type of acceleration

experienced by the particle. Determination of velocity and position requires
successive integrations.

• Three types of motion may be defined for:

- acceleration given as a function of time, a = f (t )
- acceleration given as a function of  position, a = f ( x)
- acceleration given as a function of velocity, a = f (v)

Graphical Solution of Rectilinear Motion

• Given the x-t  curve, the v-t  curve is equal to

the x-t  curve slope.

• Given the v-t  curve, the a-t  curve is equal to

the v-t  curve slope.

Kinematic Equations

 Consider particle which occupies position P  at time t  

and  P’  at t +Dt ,

D x
 Average velocity 
D x
 Instantaneous velocity  v  lim
    0 Dt 
Dt 

• Instantaneous velocity may be positive or negative.

Magnitude of velocity is referred to as particle speed .

Kinematic Equations

 Consider a particle with velocity v at time t  and v’  at

t +Dt ,

 Instantaneous acceleration  a  lim
    0 Dt 
Dt 


  Average velocity: V = dS/dt

  Average acceleration: a = d2S/dt2 = dV/dt
 Constant acceleration:
 V – V 0 = at
S = V 0t + ½ (at2 )
 V 2 – V 02 = 2aS
 This applies to a freely falling object :

a d s  v d v 2
a  9 .8 1 m /  s  
   3 2 . 2  f t  / s

 Application Problem 1

 Consider a particle moving a straight line and

assume that its position is defined by the equation
 where x is in meters and t in seconds.
2 3
 x  6t 
     t 

 Show the graphical representation of the 3 motion

curves where x is a function of t, v as a function of t
and a as a function of t.

 Application Problem 2

 The brake mechanism used to reduce recoil in certain types of guns as

shown in the given figure consists essentially of a piston attached to the
 barrel and moving in a fixed cylinder filled with oil. As the barrel recoils
 with an initial v 0, the piston moves and oil is forced through orifices in
the piston, causing the piston and the barrel to decelerate at a rate
proportional to their velocity; that is a = -kv. Express a.) v in terms of t
 b.) x in terms of t c.) v in terms of x and d.) draw the corresponding
motion curves.

 Application Problem 3

 Cars A and B approached each other on a straight

road from a point where the 2 cars are 450 meters
apart. Car A has an initial velocity of 70 kph and is
 being decelerated at a rate of 0.40m/s2. Cars B has
an initial velocity of 20 kph and is accelerating at a
rate of 0.30m/s2. When will the cars meet and how
far will Car A have traveled? Show accompanying


In the absence of air resistance, it is found that all bodies at the

same location above the earth fall vertically with the same
Furthermore, if the distance of the fall is small compared to the
radius of the earth, the acceleration remains essentially
constant throughout the fall.
This idealized motion, in which air resistance is neglected and
the acceleration is nearly constant, is known as  free-fall. 
Since the acceleration is constant in free-fall, the equations of
kinematics can be used.

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

 Father of Kinematics
 Concluded that all objects fall
at same rate of acceleration.
 Demonstrated the scientific
method in developing the
kinematics of free fall
 Tested his hypothesis
through experimentation.

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

 Father of dynamics
 Published ‘Three laws
of motion’ and
universal law of
gravitation in 1687.
 Inertia

 F=ma

 Action/reaction

 Acceleration Due to Gravity

 Galileo calculated that all freely falling objects

accelerate at a rate of

9.8 2
This value, as an acceleration, is known as g

Free Fall – An Object Dropped

Initial velocity is zero

Use the kinematic equations

 Generally use y instead of x since y

is vertical
vo= 0
 Acceleration is

a = g
 ay = g = 9.80 m/s2 

Section 2.7

Free Fall – Object Thrown Upward

Initial velocity is upward,

so positive
The instantaneous velocity

vo≠ 0 
at the maximum height is a = - g

a y  = -g = -9.80 m/s2 

everywhere in the motion

Section 2.7

 Application Problem 1

  A ball is tossed with a velocity of 10m/s directed vertically upward from a window of a
 building located 20 meters above the ground. Determine the following:
  Velocity v of the ball at any time t with graphical motion diagram

 Elevation y of the ball at any time t with graphical motion diagram

 Highest elevation in meters reached by the ball and value of time in seconds

 Time in seconds when the ball hits the ground

 V 0= 10m/s

20 m

 Application Problem 2

  A stone is thrown vertically upward over the top of a well with a velocity of
21m/s and the splash is heard in 5.05 sec. If the velocity of sound is constant at
350m/s, determine the depth of the well to which the stone falls.
 v 0= 21m/s




 Particle moving along a curve other than a straight

line is in curvilinear motion
  Position vector of a particle at time t  is defined by a
 vector between origin O of a  fixed reference frame 
and the position occupied by particle.

Plane Curvilinear Motion


Speed and Velocity



 Visualization of Motion

The Coordinate System

 POLAR, r-

Rectangular Coordinate System


Projectile Motion (x-y coordinate )


 Application Problem 2

  A rocket has expended all its fuel when it reaches point A, where it has
 velocity u at angle   with respect to the horizontal. It then begins
unpowered flight and attains a maximum added height h at position B
after traveling a horizontal s from A. Determine the expression for h
and s, the time t of flight from A to B and the equation of the path. For
the interval concerned, assume a flat earth with a constant acceleration
g and neglect any atmospheric resistance.

Normal-Tangential Coordinate System


 Acceleration (n-t coordinate )


 Acceleration (n-t coordinate )


Direction of Acceleration (n-t coordinate)


Circular Motion (n-t coordinate)


 Application Problem 1

  When a skier reaches point A along the parabolic path, he has a speed of 6m/s
 which is increasing at 2m/s2. Determine the direction of his velocity and
direction and magnitude of his acceleration at this instant. Neglect the size of
the skier.

Polar Coordinate System


 Velocity and Acceleration (r-)


Geometric Interpretation (r-)


Circular Motion (r-)


 Application Problem 1

 The searchlight shown in the given figure casts a spot of light along the face of a
 wall that is located 100m from the searchlight. Determine the magnitudes of
the velocity and acceleration at which the spot travels across the wall at the
instant  = 450. The searchlight at a constant rate of 4 rad/sec.

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