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Turnkey Agreement-Land

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Date this day of 200…


(as the Owner)


(as the Turnkey Contractor)


AN AGREEMENT made on the day of



the First party whose name(s) and particulars appear in Section 1 of the
First Schedule annexed hereto (hereinafter called "the Owner") of the one


the Second party whose name (s) and particulars appear in Section 2 of
the First Schedule annexed hereto (hereinafter called "the Turnkey
Contractor") of the other part.


A. By a Sale and Purchase Agreement made on the date stated in

Section 3 of the First Schedule annexed hereto between ….
(Company No. ….), a company incorporated in Malaysia and
having its place of business at …. (hereinafter called "the Vendor")
of the one part and the Owner of the other part (hereinafter
referred to as "the Sale and Purchase Agreement"), the Vendor sold
and the Owner purchased all that piece of vacant Lot described in
Section 4 of the First Schedule annexed hereto (hereinafter referred
to as "the said Lot" and "the Project Land" respectively).

B. The Owner is desirous of appointing the Turnkey Contractor to

construct a building on the said Lot of a design and specifications
prepared by a duly qualified Architect whose full name, LAM
("Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia") registration number and address are
given in Section 5 of the First Schedule annexed hereto (hereinafter
called "the Architect") who shall be engaged by the Turnkey

C. The Architect has prepared the drawings and specifications as set

out in the Second Schedule annexed hereto for a bungalow with a
total gross built up area as described in Section 6 of the First
Schedule annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as "the said
Building") to be erected upon the said Lot.

D. The Owner has agreed to appoint the Turnkey Contractor and the
Turnkey Contractor has agreed to construct the said Building in
accordance with the drawings and specifications for the
consideration as stated in Section 7 of the First Schedule annexed
hereto (hereinafter referred to as "the Contract Sum ") and upon
the terms and conditions set out herein.



1. The Turnkey Contractor for the consideration hereinbefore

mentioned shall at its own proper costs and charges forthwith erect
and build in a substantial and workmanlike manner upon the said
Lot the said Building in accordance with the requirements and
standard and the several plans elevations and specifications signed
by both parties and subject to any changes requested by the local


2. The plans details drawings and specifications shall be and remain

the copyright of the Architect and during the progress of the work
the same shall be in the custody of the Architect. Should there be
any discrepancy between the plans details drawings and
specifications, the specifications shall prevail (notwithstanding the
drawings) and be deemed to be correct and binding.


3.1 The Owner shall deliver to the Turnkey Contractor possession of

the said Lot upon obtaining possession thereof in accordance with
Clause 12 of the Sale and Purchase Agreement of the said Lot. The
Owner shall sign all relevant forms and applications and deliver
them to the Turnkey Contractor for the purpose of submission and
approval of the building plans to the appropriate authorities.

3.2 The Turnkey Contractor and the Architect hereby agree to submit
the building plans for approval of the relevant authorities. In the
event that any material modifications or variations are required by
the relevant authorities, the Owner would be informed and

3.3 It is hereby agreed that the Contract Sum shall include: -

(i) all fees and expenses of the Architect and other professionals
and consultants; and

(ii) all costs and expenses in applying for and obtaining the consent
of the relevant authorities to the building plans.


4. (a) The Turnkey Contractor shall complete the said Building in

accordance with the specifications set out in the Second
Schedule annexed hereto and remove all surplus materials and
rubbish from the said Lot within twenty-four (24) months from
the date of handing over possession of the said Lot or upon the
approval of the building plans, whichever is the later, from the
Owner to the Turnkey Contractor AND the Turnkey Contractor
shall, should it fail to complete the said Building within the
stipulated period, pay immediately to the Owner liquidated
damages at the rate of twelve per centum (12%) per annum
calculated on daily basis until such time as the said Building is
completed and duly handed over to the Owner.

(b) Completion of the said Building referred in Clause 4 (a) above

shall mean as and when the Architect issue the Certificate of
Practical Completion in respect of the said Building.

(c) The Turnkey Contractor shall at their best endeavour and at its
own costs and expenses, duly comply with all requirements of
the Appropriate Authority which are necessary for the issuance
of the Certificate of Fitness for Occupation in respect of the said

(d) The Owner shall be liable for and shall pay, within fourteen (14)
days after the receipt of a notice requesting for payment of the
deposit for the installation of water, electricity, telephone and
gas meters from the Turnkey Contractor.


5. The Turnkey Contractor shall provide all materials and all

scaffolding plant tools and tackle necessary for the purpose of
constructing and completing the said Building (the said Building
and all such materials and equipment shall hereinafter referred to
collectively as "the Works"). All such materials shall be in
accordance with the agreed specifications and shall be the best of
their respective kind to the Architect's satisfaction. If any material
shall be brought on the site which shall not be approved by the
Architect, the Turnkey Contractor shall be at his own costs and
expenses remove them and in lieu thereof, provide such materials
as the Architect may approve.

6. The Turnkey Contractor shall forthwith take down and rebuild any
works or part of the Building which is not to the satisfaction of the


7. The Turnkey Contractor shall conform to the provisions of every

Act of Parliament Statutory Instrument, By-Law or Regulation for
the time being in force affecting the said Building and will give all
necessary notices and obtain every requisite sanction in respect of
the Works under every statute instrument bye-law or regulations
and will keep the Owner indemnified against all fines, penalties
and losses incurred by reason of any breach of any such statute,
instrument, by-law or regulation.


8. If the Owner shall required any deviation from the said plan
drawings and specifications, it is hereby agreed that the Owner
shall first obtain the consent from the Turnkey Contractor and
bear the additional cost of the construction, professional fees and
other related costs upon certification by the Architect and grant an
extension of time of a duration mutually agreed upon for the
completion of the said Building.


9. If there are any additional finishes or change in the finished Works

to be carried out on request by the Owner then the Turnkey
Contractor will carry out the Works according to such requirement
and also as regards to the additional or other work in a substantial
and workmanlike manner within the prescribed time at a fair value
to be agreed upon by both parties and the Owner shall upon
completion and Certification by the Architect pay to the Turnkey
Contractor the amount of such valuation.


10. In any of the following cases namely where delay is caused by

events hereunder mentioned: -

(i) strike or lockout of workmen;

(ii) accident to the work for which the Turnkey Contractor is not
(iii) exceptional bad weather;
(iv)force majeure;
(v) the acts of the enemy of the State;
(vi)shortage of materials; or
(vii)other reasonable cause,

the Architect shall grant such extension of time for completion of

the Works as shall appear to him to be reasonable.


11. The Contract Sum shall be paid by the Owner to the Turnkey
Contractor by instalments of such amounts and at such times as
set out in the Third Schedule (Schedule of Payments of the
Contract Sum) annexed hereto. All such instalments shall be paid
by the Owner or his financier to the Turnkey Contractor within
Fourteen (14) days from the date of receipt of the notice in writing
from the Turnkey Contractor requesting the payment of any such
instalments due. Every such notice shall be supported by the
requisite Architect's certificate and shall be accepted without
objection or enquiry by the Owner as conclusive proof of the fact
that the works therein referred to have been completed. Should the
Owner or its financier fail to pay the instalment within Fourteen
(14) days from the date of the receipt of the aforesaid notice, the
Owner shall be liable for any interest at the rate of twelve per
centum (12%) per annum from the date the sum become due to the
date of payment.


12 (a) If the Owner is desirous of obtaining a loan (hereinafter referred to

as "the Loan") to finance the payment of the Contract Sum of the
said Building, the Owner shall, within fourteen (14) days after the
receipt of a stamped copy of this Agreement make a written
application for the Loan to the Turnkey Contractor who will
endeavour (but shall not be obliged) to obtain for the owner from a
bank, finance company, building society or a financial institution
(hereinafter referred to as "the Financier"), the Loan and if the Loan
is obtained, the Owner shall within a reasonable time execute all
necessary forms and documents and pay all fees, legal costs and
stamp duty in respect thereof.

(b) If the Owner fails to accept the Loan or defaults in complying with
the necessary requirements for the application or is disqualified as
a result of which the Loan is withdrawn by the Financier, or does
not make the application to the Turnkey Contractor under Clause
12 (a) above, as the case may be, the Owner shall then be liable to
pay to the Turnkey Contractor the whole of the Contract Sum or
such part thereof as shall then remain outstanding together with
interest on all outstanding payments.

(c) In the event that the Turnkey Contractor is not be able to obtain
the Loan for the Owner, the Turnkey Contractor shall not in any
way liable to the Owner for any loss, damage, cost or expense
whatsoever arising or incurred and such failure to obtain the loan
shall not be a ground for any delay in the payment or for any non
payment on the due dates of any of the instalments of the Contract
Sum set out in the Third Schedule annexed hereto.

(d) The Loan will be released by the Financier directly to the Turnkey
Contractor in accordance with Clause 11 hereof and the Third
Schedule annexed hereto PROVIDED HOWEVER that before the
release of the Loan by the Financier is made to the Turnkey
Contractor that he shall pay to the Turnkey Contractor the
difference between the balance of the Contract Sum and the Loan
in the manner set out in the Third Schedule annexed hereto.

(e) The Owner covenants with the Turnkey Contractor that unless and
until the Contract Sum has been paid in full he shall not apply for
a release or a discharge from the Financier without the consent of
the Turnkey Contractor that he will not do any act or thing to be
done as a result of which the Financier delays or withholds the
Loan or fails to release any part thereof failing which the Turnkey
Contractor shall have the right to terminate this Agreement in
accordance with Clause 13 hereof.



13 (a) Any instalments referred to in Clause 11 above shall remain

unpaid by the Owner or its financier at the expiration of the said
period of fourteen (14) days (and in this respect time shall always be
of the essence) interest on such unpaid instalments shall
commence to run immediately thereafter and be payable by the
Owner at such interest to be calculated from day to day at the rate
of twelve per centum (12%) per annum.

(b) If the Owner fails to comply with any of the terms of this Agreement
or any such unpaid instalments and interest shall remain unpaid
for a period of more than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the
said period of fourteen (14) days, the Turnkey Contractor shall be
entitled at its option on giving the Owner not less than fourteen (14)
days notice in writing to treat this Agreement as having been
repudiated by the Owner unless in the meanwhile such default
and/or breach alleged is rectified or such unpaid instalments and
interest thereon shall have been paid, this Agreement shall at the
expiration of the said notice (and in this respect time shall be of the
essence) be annulled. Upon the repudiation of this Agreement, the
Owner shall pay to the Turnkey Contractor within Fourteen (14)
days all the instalment(s) due and the interest payable under this
Agreement together with liquidated damages equivalent to twenty
per centum (20%) of the Contract Sum.


14. If the Turnkey Contractor shall be wound up or enters into any

arrangement with or for the benefit of his creditors or become
unable or refuse or neglect to carry out the Works the Owner (or the
Architect) by notice in writing sent to the Turnkey Contractor by
registered post or by records of delivery service or left on the site of
the said Building may determine this Agreement. Upon the service
of such notice, all claims of the building under this Agreement shall
cease. In such event, the Owner shall thereafter be entitled to
effectuate and enforce the Performance Bond referred to Clause 15
hereof against the Turnkey Contractor together with liquidated
damages equivalent to fifteen per centum (15%) of the Contract
Sum payable by the Turnkey Contactor to the Owner and the
Owner shall have the right to appoint and engage other contractor
or workmen either by contract by measure and value or by day
work to perform and complete the Works and all works charges and
expenses of such completion shall be paid by the Owner without
prejudice to the Owner's right to claim for damages against the
Turnkey Contractor. The Architect hereby agrees that the plans and
drawings may be used by the new contractor without further cost or


15.1 The Turnkey Contractor shall, where applicable and in compliance

with the statutory laws of Malaysia, be liable during the validity
period (including the defect liability period as hereinafter defined)
of this Agreement to insure or cause his appointed subcontractor
to insure the following property/persons or insure against the
following: -

(a) all works and buildings constructed or in the course of

construction in pursuance or for the purpose of this
Agreement and all materials and other things delivered on
the site and approved by the Architect and ready for
incorporation in such woks and buildings;
(b) any employee of the Turnkey Contractor or his appointed
subcontractor whilst in the course of and arising out of
employment of the employee or employees concerned; and

(c) any member of the public who is a third party to is

Agreement and any property of the said third party which is
located on the or in the immediate vicinity of the site upon
which the works are being or shall be carried out by the
Turnkey Contractor or his appointed sub-contractor;

in respect of or against loss, damage, death or personal injury

caused by the following respective risks:-

(i) fire, storm, tempest, lightning, flood, landslide, earth quake,

aircraft or anything dropped there from, aerial objects, riot
and civil commotion, theft or burglary;

(ii) any compensation awarded by a court of law or the

Commissioner for Labour, as the case may be, in respect of
liability arising at "Common Law" as well as under the
Workmen's Compensation Ordinance, 1952 as amended to
date or in respect of liability arising under the Employees'
Social Security Act 1969 as amended to date; and

(iii) any compensation, cost or expense for liability arising at

"Common Law" or by virtue of any statute pertaining to
anyone accident or occurrence to any member of the public
who is a third party to this Agreement or to any property of
the said third party arising out of or in the course of or
caused by the execution of the works by the Turnkey
Contractor or his appointed sub- contractor happening on or
in the immediate vicinity of the aforesaid site

15.2 The insurance coverage to be taken up by the Turnkey Contractor

or his appointed sub-contractor with regard to Clause 15.1 hereof
shall be in the form of a "Contractors' All Risks" and "Workmen
Compensation" (with the additional coverage for Employer's
Liability) insurance policies. In addition, the Turnkey Contractor
shall take up a Performance Bond in favour of the Owner for a sum
equivalent to five per centum (5%) of the Contract Sum to
guarantee the performance of the Works to the satisfaction of the

15.3 The Turnkey Contractor shall or cause to deposit with the Architect
or Owner the said insurance policies and Performance Bond
together with every endorsement issued there under as well as the
official receipts for the premiums paid for such insurance coverage
and performance bond within thirty (30) days from the
commencement of the Works, failing which the Owner shall
terminate this Agreement whereupon the Turnkey Contractor shall
unconditionally refund all monies paid to and received by the
Turnkey Contractor (hereinafter referred to as "the said monies") to
the Owner within fourteen (14) days from the date of receipt of a
written notice of such termination from the Owner, failing which
the Turnkey Contractor shall pay the Owner interest charges on
the said monies at the rate of twelve per centum (12%) per annum
from the expiry of the said fourteen (14) days' period until and
including the date of the refund of the said monies, and upon such
refund being made by the Turnkey Contractor, this Agreement
shall then be null and void and shall have no effect whatsoever and
neither party shall have any claim(s) against the other SAVE AND
EXCEPT for any antecedent breaches.


16. Any defects, shrinkage or other faults in the said Building which
shall become apparent within period of twelve (12) calendar
months (hereinafter referred to as “the defect liability period") after
the date of handing over of vacant possession with connection of
water and electricity supply to the said Building, to the Owner and
which are due to defective workmanship or materials or the said
Building not having been constructed in accordance with the
drawings and specifications as set out in the Second Schedule
annexed hereto shall be repaired and made good by the Turnkey
Contractor at the costs and expenses of the Turnkey Contractor
within thirty (30) days of the receipt by the Turnkey Contractor of
a written notice thereof from the Owner and if the said defects,
shrinkage or other faults in the said Building have not been made
good by the Turnkey Contractor, the Owner shall be entitled to
recover from the Turnkey Contractor the cost of repairing and
making good the same and the Owner may deduct such costs from
any sum which has been held by the Architect as the Stakeholder
for the Turnkey Contractor:

PROVIDED THAT the Owner shall, at any time after the expiry of the said
period of thirty (30) days, notify the Turnkey Contractor of the cost of
repairing and making good the said defects, shrinkage or other faults
before the commencement of the Works and shall give the Turnkey
Contractor an opportunity to carry out the works himself within
fourteen (14) days from the date the Owner has notified the Turnkey
Contractor of his intention to carry out the Works.


17. Should the Turnkey Contractor fail in the due performance of the
Works or any part thereof or to proceed with the same to the
satisfaction of the Architect, the Owner may by notice in writing
determine the Agreement so far as regards the performance or
completion of the same by the Turnkey Contractor but without
affecting the other respects. On such determination of the contract
as aforesaid, the further use by the Turnkey Contractor of the
plant implements and materials then upon the ground shall cease
and the Owner shall thereafter be entitled to effectuate and enforce
the Performance Bond referred to Clause 15 hereof against the
Turnkey Contractor and shall also have the right to employ other
contractors or workmen either by contract, by measure and value
or by day work to perform and complete the works or himself
complete and perform the same and all works charges and
expenses of such completion shall be paid by the Owner without
prejudice to the Owner's right to claim for damages against the
Turnkey Contractor and furthermore, the Turnkey Contractor
shall, within thirty days from the receipt of the said written notice
of determination, compensate the Owner by paying liquidated
damages of a sum equivalent to fifteen per centum (15 %) of the
Contract Sum to the Owner.


18. Until this contract shall be completed the Turnkey Contractor shall
be and remain responsible in every respect for and shall replace
and make good all loss injury or damage to the Works or site or to
the said Lot or the said Building or to the Owner or occupiers or
any land or building adjoining which may be caused or done by
him or his workmen and shall indemnify the Owner against the
same and all claims in respect thereof.


19. Time wherever mentioned shall be of the essence of this Agreement.


20. The costs and expenses of and incidental to the preparation of this
Agreement including stamp duty shall be borne and paid by the


21. In the Agreement where the context so admits the term "the
Turnkey Contractor" shall include his successors and assigns, the
term "the Owner" shall include his heir successor personal
representative and permitted assigns and when there are two or
more persons included in the term "the Owner" their liabilities
under this Agreement shall be joint and several, words importing
the masculine gender shall be deemed and taken to include the
feminine and neuter gender and the singular to include the plural
and vice versa.


22. Any notice request and demand requiring to be served by either

party hereto to the other under the provisions of this Agreement
shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be sufficiently served: -

(a) if it is given by the party or his or its solicitor by post in a

registered letter addressed to the party to be served at his or
its address hereinbefore mentioned and such a case it shall
be deemed (whether it is actually delivered or not) to have
been received at the time when such registered letter would
in the ordinary course be delivered; or
(b) if it is given by the party or his or its solicitor or solicitors and
despatched by hand to the party to be served on his or its
solicitor or solicitors; or
(c) if it is given by the Owner pursuant to Clause 14 hereof is left
on the site of the , said Building.


23. This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors-in-title and

assigns of the Turnkey Contractor and the heirs, personal
representatives, successors and permitted assigns of the Owner.


24. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this

Agreement or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof shall be
settled by arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the
Arbitration Act 1952 (Revised 1972) or any statutory modification
or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force. The
performance of this Agreement by the Turnkey Contractor and the
Owner shall continue during the arbitral proceedings.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands
and seal the day and year first above written

Signed by the above named Owner )

in the presence of :- )

Signed by the above named )

Turnkey Contractor )
in the presence of: - )

(which is to be taken, read and construed as an essential part of this



1. Name(s), description(s) and

address(es) of the Owner(s)

2. Name(s), description(s) and

address(es) of the Turnkey

3. Date of the Sale and Purchase


4. Description of the said Lot

5. Name, LAM registration

and Address of the Architect

6. Description of the said

7. The Contract Sum


(Clause 11)
(which is to be taken, read and construed as an essential part of this


Item Instalments Payable % (RM)

1. Immediately upon the signing of this 5

2. Upon approval of the Building Plan
being obtained

3. Within fourteen (14) days after receipt

by the Owner of the Architect’s
Certificate of the Completion of
Works for: -

(a) The foundation and footing works of 20

the said Building

(b) The reinforced concrete framework of 20

the said Building

(c) The walls of the said Building with 15

door and window frames

(d) The roofing of the said Building 10

(e) The electrical wiring, plumbing 10

(without fitting), gas piping (if any)
and internal telephone trunking and
cabling (if any) to the said Building
The internal and external plastering 10
of the said Building
On handing over of vacant possession 5
with connection of water and
electricity supply to the said Building


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