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API Development Manual:

AMTPalmLite SDK For Windows

API Version: 12.0

Doc Version: 1.0

June 2022

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AMTPalmLite SDK For Windows API Development Manual

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AMTPalmLite SDK For Windows API Development Manual

About the Company

ARMATURA is a leading global developer and supplier of biometric solutions which incorporate the
latest advancements in biometric hardware design, algorithm research & software development.
ARMATURA holds numerous patents in the field of biometric recognition technologies. Its products
are primarily used in business applications which require highly secure, accurate and fast user

ARMATURA biometric hardware and software are incorporated into the product designs of some of
the world’s leading suppliers of workforce management (WFM) terminals, Point-of-Sale (PoS)
terminals, intercoms, electronic safes, metal key lockers, dangerous machinery, and many other
products which heavily rely on correctly verifying & authenticating user’s identity.

About the Manual

This manual introduces the operations of AMT FaceLite SDK For Windwos.

All figures displayed are for illustration purposes only. Figures in this manual may not be exactly
consistent with the actual products.

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Document Conventions
Conventions used in this manual are listed below:

GUI Conventions

For Software

Convention Description

Bold font Used to identify software interface names e.g. OK, Confirm, Cancel.

Multi-level menus are separated by these brackets. For example, File >
Create > Folder.

For Device

Convention Description

<> Button or key names for devices. For example, press <OK>.

Window names, menu items, data table, and field names are inside square
brackets. For example, pop up the [New User] window.

Multi-level menus are separated by forwarding slashes. For example,



Convention Description

This represents a note that needs to pay more attention to.

The general information which helps in performing the operations faster.

The information which is significant.

Care taken to avoid danger or mistakes.

The statement or event that warns of something or that serves as a

cautionary example.

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AMTPalmLite SDK For Windows API Development Manual

Table of Contents
1 OVERVIEW ........................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

1.1 ABOUT AMTPALMLITE 12.0 ALGORITHM .................................................................................................. 6

1.2 FEATURES ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 ADVANTAGES OF THE SDK ........................................................................................................................... 9

2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ...............................................................................................10

2.1 ARCHITECTURE .............................................................................................................................................. 10

2.1.1 SDK FILE ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.1.2 DEVELOPMENT SETUP ................................................................................................................................... 12
2.1.3 USB INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................................... 12
2.2 PROGRAMMING GUIDE ................................................................................................................................. 13
2.2.1 PALM DETECTION PROCESS ........................................................................................................................ 13
2.2.2 REGISTRATION PROCESS .............................................................................................................................. 14
2.2.3 VERIFICATION/IDENTIFICATION PROCESS ................................................................................................. 16

3 SDK INTERFACE DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................18

3.1 TEMPLATE FORMAT ....................................................................................................................................... 18

3.2 AMTPALMAPI LIBRARY ............................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.1 AMTPALMAPI.DLL ........................................................................................................................................... 18

4 UNDERLYING LIBRARY DESCRIPTION .................................................................................35

4.1 DEVICE LIBRARY............................................................................................................................................35

4.1.1 AMTPALMCAP.DLL .......................................................................................................................................... 35
4.2 ALGORITHM LIBRARIES ................................................................................................................................43
4.2.1 AMTIRPALMSERVICE.DLL ............................................................................................................................ 43

APPENDIX ...........................................................................................................................................56

APPENDIX 1 - GLOSSARY ..........................................................................................................................................56

APPENDIX 2 - AMTPALMAPI LIBRARY .................................................................................................................... 57
PARAMETER CODE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................ 57
ERROR CODE..................................................................................................................................................................... 59
APPENDIX 3 - DEVICE LIBRARY ................................................................................................................................60
PARAMETER CODE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................ 60
ERROR CODE..................................................................................................................................................................... 62
APPENDIX 4 - ALGORITHM LIBRARY ........................................................................................................................63
PARAMETER CODE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................ 63
ERROR CODE..................................................................................................................................................................... 63

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AMTPalmLite SDK For Windows API Development Manual

1 Introduction

This document will provide with basic SDK development guide and technical background to
help with better use of AMTPalmLite SDK document. From the perspective of a developer, the
key design objective of this SDK is its compatibility and ease of execution.

This development manual contains the product development documentation for developers that
describes the functions provided by the SDK and its related usage, which eases the
development environment.

The following sections explain all the required information on how to perform and integrate
AMTPalmLite SDK.

1.1 Overview of the SDK

The palm has a complex vascular pattern that is unique to every person. Since the vein
patterns lie under the skin, they are almost impossible to replicate/spoof and allow for highly
secure authentication with false Near-infrared (NIR) light palm recognition employs a particular
image capture technology in which the mounted NIR LED light illuminates the palm, the camera
captures the infrared light instead of visible light reflected from the illuminated palm and forms
grayscale level images.

NIR light can penetrate the palm skin, the palm surface and the subcutaneous tissue have
different levels of infrared light absorption, thus the IR camera captures the pattern
characteristics from both palm surface print and subcutaneous vessels (or palm veins). Such
biometric patterns are unique and stable to the individuals, not changing with age.

NIR light has different wavelengths from visible light, it allows the camera less impacted by the
visible light, therefore the technology can be applied to a vast variety of lighting conditions,
especially in very poor-lighted environments.

Recently, significant progress has been made on palm recognition algorithms and imaging
sensors, and the palm recognition technology provides advanced features such as touchless
authentication, recognition from wide range distance, high pose tolerance and less privacy
concern comparing to face recognition technology, the palm recognition-based applications
have been widely explored and deployed, especially in access control and security industries.

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AMTPalmLite SDK For Windows API Development Manual

AMT Palm SDK is a wrapper of Armatura near-Infrared light palm recognition algorithm. It is an
excellent 3-in-1 combination of Palm, Palm print and Palm Vein near infrared palm recognition
algorithm developed for resist complex ambient light, high tolerance of gesture and large
capacity recognition. The algorithm focuses on improving the wide adaptation to the user
environment and user habits, thereby greatly improving the robustness and pass rate of palm

The SDK provides the rich interfaces to access the algorithm’s functionalities for palm
recognition process, including palm detection, feature extraction, liveness detection, template
creation and palm identification.

The PalmLite SDK utilizes the widely supported libusb API for palm module communication,
supports common-used Windows, Android and Linux operation systems, frees the developers
from intimidating hardware operations. It is a developer-friendly toolkit to empower the biometric
features on the software application with easy pickup.

The simple library components aid in supporting and enhancing the security requirements
through biometric palm recognition which avoids spoofing and has been widely used in various
systems, including attendance, security, video monitoring and so on.

1.2 Feature of the SDK

▪ Adaptable to Various Environments:

The PalmLite algorithm uses the region-based image process to improve the palm image
quality, or it is to find the area covered by the palm on the image then apply image-
enhancing algorithm to improve the image quality. This approach prevents the ambient
light’s interference on the captured image and increases the recognition rate even on blurred
palm images.

Compared to visible light imaging approach, the infrared light imaging approach is more
robust under various lighting condition, it makes the PalmLite algorithm well adapted to
perform palm recognition on the images captured from a broader range of deployment

▪ High Tolerant on Palm Posture

The uniqueness of the PalmLite algorithm is highly tolerant to the palm postures, it can
identify the palm in various postures, including the palm in relaxed or tightly tensed postures,

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or in wide yaw, pitch or roll angles. The algorithm is highly adaptable to the way the palm
device is installed and allows user to scan the palm in a natural and comfort posture in
enrollment or identification scenarios.

▪ Accurate and Robust Palm Recognition:

The PalmLite algorithm selects the palm's stable features and breaks into multi-dimensional
vector features such as palm print and palm vein spacing, bifurcations, textures, and
curvatures for recognition process. Such features are rich in details, long-lasting,
distinguishable, and unique to individuals.

During the process to register the palm template, the PalmLite algorithm takes the averaging
approach on multiple templates (5 templates consecutively) to build a stable and robust
representation of the candidate palm.

The combination of above processes ensures the algorithm to achieve highly accurate and
robust recognition performance.

▪ Liveness Detection:
The pattern from live subcutaneous tissues is invisible to human eyes and non-duplicatable,
naturally it provides anti-spoofing security, the combination of NIR camera and PalmLite
algorithm makes the palm recognition super secure.

▪ High Recognition Performance

The PalmLite algorithm uses a multi-level matching mode to provide a high
verification/identification speed while ensuring stable verification/identification effect. The
performance tested on the single-core CPU from standard PC can reach 1 million times per

▪ Algorithm Integrity:
Combined with Armatura near-infrared light palm module, the PalmLite algorithm ensures
the quality of images along with data integrity for genuine and accurate image recognition

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1.3 Advantage of the SDK

• Easy to use by other developers.

• Thorough documentation to explain how your code works.

• Enough functionality so it adds value to other applications.

• Does not negatively impact.

• Plays well with other SDKs.

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2 Technical Specifications

Development Language

This SDK provides a standard Win32 API interface and supports C, C++, and C# language

Platform Requirements

The SDK must be used on 32-bit/64-bit operating system with Windows XP SP3 or higher.

Technical Parameters

Parameter Description
Image resolution 480 x 640
Template size 8848 bytes
Gesture adaptability Yaw ≤20, Pitch ≤20, Roll ≤90,Bend ≤ 15
Palm detection < 50 ms
Palm feature extraction < 80 ms
Palm Verification/Identification (1:6000) < 150 ms
Palm Storage Capacity 6000
Accuracy TAR = 98.2% when FAR = 0.05%

The preceding algorithm capability indicators are all measured based on the actual image data
set (resolution of 480 x 640), 8GB memory and quad-core Inter(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU
@2.5GHz processor.

2.1 SDK Architecture

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2.1.1 SDK File

Copy the following files (DLL directory) to the Windows terminal.

File Name Description

Dynamic link library for underlying communication interfaces of
the device
AMTIRPalmCore.dll Palm algorithm core dynamic library
AMTIRPalmService.dll Dynamic link library for the palm recognition algorithm interface
AMTPalmCap.dll Dynamic link library for palm capturing
AMTPalmApi.dll Palm Interface Dynamic Library

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2.1.2 Development Setup

SDK dynamic library files can be copied and installed directly

Before installing AMTPalmLite SDK, please make sure that your operating system, computer
configuration or Windows mobile terminal device meets the requirements for software operation.

Copy the DLL files such as libamtsensorcore.dll, AMTIRPalmCore.dll, AMTIRPalmService.dll,

AMTPalmCap.dll, AMTPalmApi.dll in the AMTPalmLite SDK to the path specified by the user.

2.1.3 USB Information

Palm recognition devices

Device Name Vendor ID Product ID

AMT-PVM-10 0x34c9 0x2121
AMT-PVR-10 0x34c9 0x2181

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2.2 Programming Guide

The AMTPalmLite SDK provides two sets of APIs to meet different requirements of developers.

AMTPalmApi library is recommended.

• When you use the device library (AMTPalmCap.dll) and algorithm library
(AMTIRPalmService.dll), you need to control the registration process and palm detection
process manually.
• If you use AMTPalmApi, the SDK integration will be simpler and faster, because
AMTPalmApi encapsulates the AMTPalmCap and AMTIRPalmService interfaces to
implement the registration process and palm detection process automatically.

This section describes the key processes of palm recognition to help developers understand the
palm registration and detection processes implemented by AMTPalmApi library.

2.2.1 Palm Detection Process

The palm device supports infrared imaging, and the application calls the image capturing
function to acquire palm images. When a palm approaches the device, the device turns on the
near-infrared LED light, captures palm images, and returns the images. If palm images cannot
be captured, the device returns a failure message. After capturing the palm images, the
application calls the algorithm library to extract a template. If the template is extracted
successfully, the application notifies the device. If the device does not receive the notification
within the timeout period (5s by default), it turns off the near-infrared LED light.

Note: Skip this process if you are using AMTPalmApi library for SDK integration.

Process Description

• After the palm device is successfully opened, the device API SDK (AMTPalmCap.dll)
starts to capture palm images continuously.

• The device API SDK (AMTPalmCap.dll) notifies the application to acquire the image
status through the AMT_Palmsensor_Capture function.

• After the AMT_Palmsensor_Capture returns the acquisition, the algorithm API SDK
(AMTIRPalmService.dll) is called to extract the template data.

• After extracting the template successfully, it calls the AMT_Palmsensor_SetParameter

(hDevice, 2010, 0x03) of the device API (AMTPalmCap.dll) to notify the device that the
extraction is successful.

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Palm Detection Process Flow

2.2.2 Registration Process

In the palm registration process, the palm device must collect five pre-registered templates and
merge them into a registered template. For details about different types of templates, see the
interface description.

Registration Process Flow Using 1:N Identification

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Process Description

• After the palm device is successfully opened, the device API SDK (AMTPalmCap.dll)
starts to capture palm images continuously.

• The application layer obtains the acquired image status by calling the device API SDK
(AMTPalmCap.dll) AMT_Palmsensor_Capture.

• After the AMT_Palmsensor_Capture returns the acquisition, the

AMTPalmServiceExtractTemplate interface of the algorithm API SDK

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(AMTIRPalmService.dll) is called to extract the preregistered template and identification

template data.

• Call the AMTPalmServiceDBIdentify interface of the algorithm API SDK

(AMTIRPalmService.dll) to perform a 1:N identification to determine whether the current
template is registered, and if prompted, prompt the user, and end the registration process.

• If less than five templates have been captured, the application continues to capture the
next template.

• After collecting five palm templates, the application merges the templates. If the
registration fails, the application returns a message and ends the registration process.

• After the registration is successful, call AMTPalmServiceDBAdd of the algorithm API SDK
(AMTIRPalmService.dll) to add the registration template to the library and save the
registration template to the database.

• The registration process is completed.

2.2.3 Verification/Identification Process

1:N Identification Process

To implement 1:N palm identification, it is required to add all the registered templates to the
database. It is recommended to call the AMTPalmServiceDBAdd function to add all registered
templates to the database after successful algorithm initialization.

Process Description

• After the palm device is successfully opened, the device API SDK (AMTPalmCap.dll)
starts to capture palm images continuously.

• The application layer obtains the acquired image status by calling the device API SDK
(AMTPalmCap.dll) AMT_Palmsensor_Capture.

• After AMT_Palmsensor_Capture returns the acquisition the

AMTPalmServiceExtractTemplate interface of the algorithm API SDK
(AMTIRPalmService.dll) is called to extract the identified template data.

• Call the AMTPalmServiceDBIdentify interface of the algorithm API SDK

(AMTIRPalmService.dll) for 1:N identification template verification/identification process.

• And once the registered template is identified, the application ends the registration

Identification Process Flow

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3 SDK Interface Description

3.1 Template Format

Template Type Data Length Description

Only used for merging into a registered
Pre-registered template 99120 bytes

Registered template 8848 bytes Registered template

27120 bytes Only used for palm verification/identification

3.2 AMTPalmApi Library

3.2.1 AMTPalmApi.dll

The AMTPalmApi.dll dynamic library simplifies the calling process of the palm collection library
AMTPalmCap.dll and the palm algorithm library AMTIRPalmService.dll interface, helping
customers integrate SDK more easily and quickly

Function List

Interface Description

AMTPalm_Init Initializes the SDK resources

AMTPalm_Terminate Releases the SDK resources

AMTPalm_GetVersion Gets the SDK version

Turns on the device and initializes the
AMTPalm_GetDeviceCount Gets the number of connected devices
Turns off the device and releases the
AMTPalm_SetParameter Sets parameters

AMTPalm_GetParameter Gets parameters

Collects palm images and extract
AMTPalm_CapturePalmImageAndTemplate preregistered template data and
verification/identification template data
AMTPalm_Verify Performs 1:1 palm verification

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AMTPalm_VerifyByID Performs 1:1 verification with the specified id

AMTPalm_MergeTemplates Consolidated registration template

AMTPalm_DBAdd Adds a registered template to the database

Removes the specified registered template
from the database
Gets the number of registered templates in
the database
AMTPalm_DBClear Clears the database

AMTPalm_DBIdentify Performs 1:N palm identification

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Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalm_GetVersion(char *version,int size)


Gets the SDK version.


Parameter Description
Out: Returns the version number (recommended to pre-allocate
64 bytes, sufficient to use)
size In: Memory size allocated by version (number of bytes).


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalm_Init ()


Initializes the SDK.


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


Click here to view the Function List.

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Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalm_Terminate()


Releases the SDK resources.


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


Call this function at the end of the program.

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Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalm_OpenDevice(int index,void** handle)


Turns on the device and initializes the algorithm.


Parameter Description
index In: Device index 0~(n-1), n=AMTPalm_GetDeviceCount
handle Out: Device operation instance handle


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


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Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalm_GetDeviceCount(int *devcnt)


Gets the number of connected devices.


Parameter Description
devcnt Out: Returns the number of devices


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code

Remarks: Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalm_CloseDevice(void *handle)


Turns off the device and releases the algorithm.


Parameter Description
handle In: Device operation instance handle


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0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


Call this function at the end of the program

Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalm_SetParameter

void *handle,
int paramCode,
unsigned char* paramValue,
int size


Sets the parameters.


Parameter Description
handle In: Device operation instance handle
paramCode In: Parameter code (see Parameter Code Description)
paramValue In: Parameter value
size In: Parameter value length


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


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When setting the status of the external light, please refer to Parameter Code Description.

Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalm_GetParameter

void *handle,
int paramCode,
unsigned char * paramValue,
int *size


Gets the parameters.


Parameter Description
handle In: Device operation instance handle
paramCode In: Parameter code (see Parameter Code Description)
paramValue In: Parameter value
In: Parameter value pre-allocated buffer size
Out: Actual parameter value occupied size


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


Click here to view the Function List.

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Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalm_CapturePalmImageAndTemplate

void *handle,
unsigned char*imgBuffer,
int cbImgBuffer,
int extractType,
unsigned char *rawTemplate,
int *cbRawTemplate,
unsigned char *verTemplate,
int *cbVerTemplate,
int *quality,
void *reserved


Collects the palm images and extracts the pre-registered template data and
verification/identification template data.


Parameter Description

handle In: Device operation instance handle

In: Return palm image data (the original image data with a
grayscale image bit depth of 8 bits)
In: imgBuffer allocated memory size (recommended pre-allocation
1 Represents the extraction of pre-registered features,
verification/identification features, mainly used in the
registration process
2 Represents the extraction of verification/identification
features, used in the verification/identification process

Out: Returns the pre-registered template data (It is recommended

to pre-allocate 99120 bytes, and not less than 99120 bytes)

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In: memory size allocated by rawTemplate

Out: actual pre-registered template data size
Out: Returns the verification/identification template data
verTemplate (recommended to pre-allocate 27120 bytes, and not less than
27120 bytes)
In: the memory size allocated by verTemplate
Out: the actual verification/identification template data size

Out: Returns the quality score of the verification/identification

quality template and pre-registered
Out: Returns the four coordinate points p0.x p0.y p1.x p1.y p2.x
p2.y p3.x p3.y in the counterclockwise order of the palm frame
(upper right coordinate point, upper left coordinate point, lower left
coordinate points, lower right coordinate points).
The application layer allocates an int type array with the array
length of 8.
reserved Reserved parameters, just pass NULL


0 Success

Other Failure Error Code


• It is recommended to allocate 99120 bytes for palm pre-registration template data,

and pre-allocate 27120 bytes for verification/identification templates.
• This interface is a non-thread safe interface.

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Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalm_Verify

void *handle,
unsigned char *regTemplate,
int cbRegTemplate,
unsigned char *verTemplate,
int cbVerTemplate,
int *score


Performs 1:1 palm verification.


Parameter Description
handle In: Device operation instance handle
regTemplate In:Registration template data (see AMTPalm_MergeTemplates)
cbRegTemplate In: Registration template data length

In: Verification template data (see


cbVerTemplate In: Verification template data length

Out: Returns the corresponding verification score (more than 576
score can be
considered successful)


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


• Score range: 0 to 1000

• More than 576, the recognition is successful.

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Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalm_VerifyByID

void *handle,
unsigned char *verTemplate,
int cbVerTemplate,
const char *id,
int *score


Performs 1:1 verification with the specified id


Parameter Description
handle In: Device operation instance handle
In: Verification templates (see
cbVerTemplate In: Verification template data length
id In: Specified ID
In: Returns the corresponding verification score (more than 576
can be considered successful)


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


• Score range: 0 to 1000

• More than 576, the recognition is successful.

Click here to view the Function List.

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Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalm_MergeTemplates

void *handle,
unsigned char **rawTemplates,
int mergedCount,
unsigned char* pMergeTemplate,
int *cbMergeTemplate


Combines five pieces of palm pre-registered template data into one registered palm template.


Parameter Description
handle In: Device operation instance handle
In: Palm pre-registration template data (multiple templates, it is
rawTemplates recommended to pass 5 pre-registration templates, only support
up to 5)
In: Number of pre-registered template data (It is recommended to
pass 5 preregistered templates, and only support up to 5)
pMergeTemplate Out: Palm registration template data after successful merge
In: pMergeTemplate memory allocation size (It is recommended to
cbMergeTemplate pre-allocate 8848 bytes, which cannot be less than 8848 bytes)
Out: Returns the actual pMergeTemplate data length


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


• For the palm registration template, it is recommended pre-allocating 8848 bytes

• This interface is a non-thread safe interface.

Click here to view the Function List.

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Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalm_DBAdd

void *handle,
const char *id,
unsigned char *pRegTemplate,
int cbRegTemplate


Adds a registered template to the database (SeeAMTPalm_MergeTemplates).


Parameter Description
handle In: Device operation instance handle

id In: Palm id (<= 24-byte string)

pRegTemplate In: Registration template (see AMTPalm_MergeTemplates)

cbRegTemplate In: Registration template length


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


• This interface is a non-thread safe interface.

• Palm id supports up to 24 bytes

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Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalm_DBDel(void *handle,const char *id)


Deletes the registration template with the specified id from the database.


Parameter Description
handle In: Device operation instance handle
id In: Palm id


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


• This interface is a non-thread safe interface.

Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalm_DBCount(void *handle,int *count)


Gets the number of registered templates from the database.


Parameter Description
handle In: Device operation instance handle
count Out: The total number of templates returned to the library

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0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


• This interface is a non-thread safe interface.

Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalm_DBClear(void *handle)


Clears the database.


Parameter Description
handle In: Device operation instance handle


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


• This interface is a non-thread safe interface.

Click here to view the Function List.

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Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalm_DBIdentify

void * handle,
unsigned char *verTemplate,
int cbVerTemplate,
char * id,
int *score,
int minScore,
int maxScore


Performs 1:N palm identification.


Parameter Description
handle In: Device operation instance handle
In: Identification templates (see
cbVerTemplate In: Template data length
Out: Returns the palm ID of the successful recognition (at least 24
id bytes are
score Out: Return score
In: Minimum matching score (identification passing threshold,
recommended to set to 576)
maxScore In: The highest number of matches (just pass 1000 directly)


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


• This interface is a non-thread safe interface.

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• Score range: 0 to 1000

• minScore is recommended to be set to 576

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4 Underlying Library Description

If you choose to use the device or algorithm more flexibly, you can use the following device or
algorithm interfaces or just call ARMATURA's device SDK or algorithm SDK. For details about
the palm detection process and registration process, see sections 4.6.1 and 4.6.2.

4.1 Device Library

4.1.1 AMTPalmCap.dll

AMTPalmCap.dll dynamic library is the base library for palm collection. Mainly used for palm
image data collection and some device parameter setting and acquisition.

Function List

Interface Description

AMT_Palmsensor_GetVersion Gets the SDK version

AMT_Palmsensor_Init Initializes the collection library

AMT_Palmsensor_Free Releases the collection library resources

AMT_Palmsensor_GetCount Gets the number of devices

AMT_Palmsensor_Open Opens the device

AMT_Palmsensor_Close Closes the device

AMT_Palmsensor_Capture Acquires the image data

AMT_Palmsensor_SetParameter Sets the parameters

AMT_Palmsensor_GetParameter Gets the parameters

AMT_Palmsensor_SetParameterEx Setting parameter expansion interface

AMT_Palmsensor_GetParameterEx Gets the parameter extension interface

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Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMT_Palmsensor_GetVersion(char *version, int len);


Gets the SDK library version number.


Parameter Description
version In: Buffer pointer (recommended to pre-allocate 64 bytes, enough to use)
len In: buffer length allocated by version.


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMT_Palmsensor_Init();


Initializes the collection library.


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


Before calling all functions (except AMT_Palmsensor_GetVersion), please initialize the device list

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Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMT_Palmsensor_Free();


Releases the collection library.


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMT_Palmsensor_GetCount();


Gets the number of devices.


0 No current collectordevice access

Current number of connected


Click here to view the Function List.


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Function Syntax

void* __stdcall AMT_Palmsensor_Open(int index);


Opens the collectordevice.


Parameter Description
In: Device index 0~(n-1), n=AMT_Palmsensor_GetCount
(generally pass 0)


Device operation instance handle

NULL void* Open failed

Other void* Success


Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMT_Palmsensor_Close(void *context);


Closes the collectordevice.


Parameter Description
context In: Device operation instance handle


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code

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Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMT_Palmsensor_Capture

void *context,
unsigned char *imageBuffer,
int imageBufferSize


Acquires the images.


Parameter Description
context In: Device operation instance handle
imageBuffer Out: Image data collected(>=(width*height) Bytes)
In: imageBuffer pre-allocated buffer size (generally allocated >=
(width*height) bytes is sufficient)


Success (Returns the actual image

data size)
Other Failure Error Code


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Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMT_Palmsensor_SetParameter

void *context,
int paramCode,
int paramValue


Sets the parameters.


Parameter Description
context In: Device operation instance handle
paramCode In: Parameter code (see Parameter Code Description)
paramValue In: Parameter value (see Parameter Code Description)


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMT_Palmsensor_GetParameter(void *context,int paramCode);


Gets the parameters.


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Parameter Description
context In: Device operation instance handle
paramCode In: Parameter code (see Parameter Code Description)


Success (returns the obtained parameter

Other Failure Error Code


Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMT_Palmsensor_SetParameterEx

void *context,
int paramCode,
char *paramValue,
int paramLen


Sets the parameters.


Parameter Description
context In: Device operation instance handle
paramCode In: Parameter code (see Parameter Code Description)
paramValue In: Parameter value (see Parameter Code Description)
paramLen In: Parameter value length

>=0 int Success

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Other Failure Error Code


Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMT_Palmsensor_GetParameterEx

void *context,
int paramCode,
char *paramValue,
int *paramLen


Gets the parameters.


Parameter Description
context In: Device operation instance handle
paramCode In: Parameter code (see Parameter Code Description)
paramValue In: Parameter value (see Parameter Code Description)
In: Parameter value length
Out: actual parameter value occupied size


>=0 int Success

Other Failure Error Code

Remarks: Click here to view the Function List.

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4.2 Algorithm Libraries

4.2.1 AMTIRPalmService.dll

AMTIRPalmService.dll dynamic library is a palm algorithm interface library. Mainly used for
palm template extraction, registration, verification/identification, etc.

Function List

Interface Description

AMTPalmServiceVersion Gets the palm algorithm version number

AMTPalmServiceInit Palm algorithm initialization

AMTPalmServiceFinal Free palm algorithm resources

AMTPalmServiceSetParam Set parameters

Extract pre-registered templates and
AMTPalmServiceExtractTemplate verification/identification templates from palm
AMTPalmServiceVerify Performs 1:1 palm verification

AMTPalmServiceVerifyByID Performs 1:1 verification with the specified id

AMTPalmServiceMergeTemplates Consolidated registration template

AMTPalmServiceDBAdd Adds a registered template to the database

Deletes the specified registration template from
the database
AMTPalmServiceDBCount Gets the number of templates in the database

AMTPalmServiceDBClear Clear the database

AMTPalmServiceDBIdentify Performs 1:N palm identification

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Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalmServiceVersion

int *versionData,
int *major,
int *minor,
char *version,
int size


Gets the SDK library version number.


Parameter Description
versionData Out: Returns the date of the version number
major Out: Major version number.
minor Out: Minor version number
Out: Return the version number (recommended to pre-allocate 64
bytes, enough to use)
size In: Memory size allocated by the version (number of bytes)


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


Click here to view the Function List.

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Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalmServiceInit

void** handle,
int width,
int height,
bool IsMallocDb


Palm algorithm initialization.


Parameter Description
handle Out: Algorithm handle
width In: Palm image width (480 can be passed)
height In: Palm image height (only 640 can be passed)
IsMallocDb In: Pass true


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


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Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalmServiceFinal()


Releases palm algorithm resources.


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


Call this function at the end of the program.

Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalmServiceSetParam

void *handle,
int paramIndex,
int paramValue


Sets the parameters.


Parameter Description
handle In: Just pass 0
paramIndex In: Parameter code (see Parameter Code Description)
paramValue In: Parameter value

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0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalmServiceExtractTemplate

void *handle,
unsigned char *imgBuffer,
int extractType,
unsigned char *rawTemplate,
int *cbRawTemplate,
unsigned char *verTemplate,
int *cbVerTemplate,
int *quality,
int *pAMTPalmRect


Extracts the verification/identification templates and registration templates from palm images.


Parameter Description
handle In: Just pass 0
In: Palm image data (original image data with 8-bit grayscale image bit
Represents the extraction of pre-registered features,
verification/identification features mainly used in the registration

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Represents extraction of verification/identification features, used in the

verification/identification process

Out: Return pre-registered template data (It is recommended to pre-

allocate 99120 bytes, not less than 99120 bytes)
In: rawTemplate pre-allocated memory size.
Out: actual pre-registered template data size.
Out: Return verification/identification template data (recommended to
verTemplate pre-allocate 27120
bytes, not less than 27120 bytes)
In: VerTemplate pre-allocated memory size
Out: actual verification/identification template data size
Out: Returns the quality score of the verification/identification template
quality and pre-registered
Out: Return the four coordinate points p0.x p0.y p1.x p1.y p2.x p2.y
p3.x p3.y of the palm rectangular frame in the counterclockwise order
pAMTPalmRect (upper right coordinate point, upper left coordinate point, lower left
Coordinate points, lower right coordinate points). The application layer
allocates an int type array with an array length of 8.


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalmServiceVerify

void * handle,
const unsigned char *regTemplate,
unsigned char *verTemplate

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Performs 1:1 palm verification.


Parameter Description
handle In: Just pass 0
regTemplate In: Register template data
verTemplate In: Compare template data


Returns the corresponding verification

Other Failure Error Code


• Score range: 0 to 1000

• More than 576, the recognition is successful

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Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalmServiceVerifyByID

void *handle,
const unsigned char *verTemplate,
const char *id


Performs 1:1 verification with the specified id.


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Parameter Description
handle In: Just pass 0
verTemplate In: Verifies the template data
id In: Palm id


Returns the corresponding

verification/identification score
Other Failure Error Code


• Score range: 0 to 1000

• More than 576, the recognition is successful

Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalmServiceMergeTemplates

void *handle,
unsigned char **rawTemplates,
int mergedCount,
unsigned char* pMergeTemplate,
int *cbMergeTemplate


Combines five pieces of palm pre-registered template data into one registered palm template.


Parameter Description

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handle In: Just pass 0

In: Palm pre-registration template data (multiple templates, it is
rawTemplates recommended to pass 5 pre-registration templates, only support
up to 5)
In: Number of pre-registered template data (It is recommended to
pass 5 preregistered templates, and only support up to 5)
pMergeTemplate Out: Register template data in the palm after successful merge.
In: pMergeTemplate memory allocation size (It is recommended to
cbMergeTemplate pre-allocate 8848 bytes, which cannot be less than 8848 bytes)
Out: Returns the actual pMergeTemplate data length


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalmServiceDBAdd

void *handle,
const char *id,
unsigned char *regTemplate,
int count


Adds the registration template to the database.


Parameter Description

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handle In: Just pass 0

id In: Palm id
regTemplate In: Register template data
count In: Number of registered template data (pass 1)


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


This interface is a non-thread safe interface.

Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalmServiceDBDel(void *handle, const char *id)


Delete the specified registration template from the 1:N bottombase library.


Parameter Description
handle In: Just pass 0
id In: Palm id to delete


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


This interface is a non-thread safe interface.

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Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalmServiceDBCount(void * handle)


Gets the total number of templates stored in the database.


Parameter Description
handle In: Just pass 0


Returns the number of registration templates stored in the

Other Failure Error Code


This interface is a non-thread safe interface.

Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalmServiceDBClear (void *handle)


Clear the database.


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Parameter Description
handle In: Just pass 0


0 Success
Other Failure Error Code


• This interface is a non-thread safe interface.

• Click here to view the Function List.


Function Syntax

int __stdcall AMTPalmServiceDBIdentify

void *handle,
const unsigned char *verTemplate,
char *id,
int minScore,
int maxScore


Performs 1:N palm identification.


Parameter Description
handle In: Just pass 0
verTemplate In: identifies the template data
id Out: Returns the matched palm id (at least 24 bytes are allocated)
In: Minimum matching score (identification passing threshold,
recommended to set to 576)
maxScore In: Highest match score (just pass 1000 directly)

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>=0 Match score

Other Failure Error Code


• This interface is a non-thread safe interface.

• Score range: 0 to 1000
• minScore is recommended to be set to 576
• Click here to view the Function List.

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Appendix 1: Glossary

The following definitions will help you understand basic functions of a palm recognition
application and complete integrated development of such an application.

Re-registered template

Pre-registered templates are only used to merge captured palm features into a registered

Verification/Identification template

Verification/Identification templates are palm templates used for 1:1 or 1:N palm recognition.

1:1 Palm Verification

1:1 palm verification, also called palm verification, is a process of verifying whether a user has a
valid identity based on the user ID and palm template or determining whether a registered
template and several verification templates are extracted from the same palm.

That is, 1:1 biometric verification process authenticates a person’s identity by comparing the
captured biometric template with a biometric template of that person pre-stored in the database.

1:N Palm Identification

1:N palm identification, also called palm recognition, is a process of determining whether a user
exists in the system based on the palm of the user, without the user ID. Specifically, the
application looks up the palm template database based on the input palm template and returns
the name of the user meeting the threshold, palm similarity degree, and other related

So thus, A one-to-many (1:N) biometric identification process instantly compares the person’s
captured biometric template against ALL stored biometric templates in the system.

Registered template

A registered template is a palm template returned by the AMTPalm_MergeTemplates or

AMTPalmServiceMergeTemplates interface.

Registered palm

The palm collectordevice captures five palm images of the same user to extract pre-registered
templates, merges the pre-registered templates into a registered template, and then loads it to
the backend database as a registered palm for subsequent palm recognition.

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Appendix 2: AMTPalmApi Library

Parameter Code Description

Parameter code Data type/length Attribute Description

1 Int/4Bytes R Gets the palm image width
2 Int/4Bytes R Gets the palm image height
1103 Int/4Bytes R Gets the serial number of the device
2004 Int/4Bytes W Controls the LED status lights
10010 Int/4Bytes R Get device firmware version


When using parameter code 2004 to control the LED light. The paramValue parameter value
needs to be passed in two bytes. The high byte indicates the flash time. The flash time is
required to be set with specific value (*100ms). After the set time is exceeded, the device
automatically turns off the flash light. The low byte indicates the type of LED light color.

The specific color types of the lights are as follows

Types of LED color code Description

0 Turns off all LEDs
1 Turns on the red LED
2 Turns on the green LED
3 Turns on the blue LED

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Set to light up red, and the light-up time is: 500ms

Function Syntax

int nParamValue = 0;

int nLedTime = 5;//The actual flash time of the device is (5*100ms)

int nRedLed = 1;//Red light

nParamValue = (nLedTime<<8) + nRedLed;

int paramSize = sizeof(int);

int ret = AMTPalm_SetParameter(m_hDevice,2004,(unsigned


Get the width and height of the palm image

Function Syntax

int paramSize = sizeof(int);

int nWidth = 0;

int nHeight = 0;

int ret = AMTPalm_GetParameter(m_hDevice, 1, (unsigned char*)&nWidth, &paramSize);

paramSize = sizeof(int);

int ret = AMTPalm_GetParameter(m_hDevice, 2, (unsigned char*)&nHeight,


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Error Code

0 Successful operation
-1 Operation failed
-2 Device is not connected
-3 Null pointer
-4 Invalid parameter
-5 Interface is not supported
-6 Failed to initialize algorithm library
-7 Invalid handle
-8 No palm detected
-9 Insufficient software memory allocation
-13 Failed to extract template
-14 Failed to load dynamic library of palm algorithm
-15 Incorrect template format
Failed to add registration template to the library (algorithm allocates memory
-17 Template conversion failed
-18 The verification/identification template data to be synthesized is incorrect
-19 Failed to open device
-103 No such id in the database (1:N bottombase library does not have this id)
-105 The characteristics of the id of the database are invalid (1: N bottombase library)
-106 Duplicate id added
-200 The database is full (1:N bottombase library)
-1000 Dongle error

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Appendix 3: Device Library

Parameter Code Description

Parameter code Data type/length Attribute Description

1 Int/4Bytes R Gets the palm image width
2 Int/4Bytes R Gets the palm image height
1103 Int/4Bytes R Gets the serial number of the device
2004 Int/4Bytes W Control LED status lights
Notifies the device if palm is away
2010 Int/4Bytes W
from the recognition area
Set the time-out period of the near
2012 Int/4Bytes W
infrared fill light off
10010 Int/4Bytes R Get device firmware version


• The parameter code 2010 is used to notify the device whether the palm is away from the
recognition area, and the paramValue parameter value: 0x03 means there is a palm
placed in the recognition area, 0x04 means that the palm is away from the recognition
• The parameter code 2012 is used to set the near-infrared LED light off timeout. The
timeout unit is: 1000ms (that is, the set value * 1000ms)
• The parameter code 2004 is used to control the LED light. The paramValue parameter
value needs to be passed in two bytes. The high byte indicates the flash time. The flash
time is the specific value to be set (*100ms). After the set values of the flash time is
exceeded, the device automatically turns off the light. The low byte indicates the type of
LED light color

The specific color types of the lights are as follows

Types of LED colour code Description

0 turns off all LEDs
1 turns on the red LED
2 turns on the green LED
3 turns on the blue LED

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Set to light up red, and the light-up time is: 500ms

Function Syntax

int nParamValue = 0;
int nRedLed = 1;//Red light
nParamValue = nRedLed;
int ret = AMT_Palmsensor_SetParameter(m_hDevice,2004,nParamValue);

Get the width and height of the palm image

Function Syntax

int nWidth = AMT_Palmsensor_GetParameter(m_hDevice, 1);

int nHeight = AMT_Palmsensor_GetParameter(m_hDevice, 2);

Notify the device if the palm is away from the recognition area)

Function Syntax

//Notifies the device that the palm is away from the recognition area
int nParamValue = 0x04;
int ret = AMT_Palmsensor_SetParameter(m_hDevice,2010, nParamValue);
//Notifies the device that there is a palm placed in the recognition area
nParamValue = 0x03
ret = AMT_Palmsensor_SetParameter(m_hDevice, 2010, nParamValue);

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Get the firmware version number

Function Syntax

int ret = AMT_Palmsensor_GetParameter(pHandle->hDevice, 10010);

char szFWVersion[24] = { 0x0 };
// High byte is the major version number
int major = (ret & 0xFF00) >> 8;
// The low byte is the minor version number
int minjor = ret & 0xFF;
int fwVerLen = sprintf(szFWVersion,"V%d.%d",major,minjor);

Error Code

Error code Description

0 Successful operation
-1 No device found
-2 Not supported (wrong parameter code)
-3 Invalid handle
-4 Error pointer (null pointer)
-5 Wrong parameter value
-6 Insufficient software memory allocation
-7 Data check error (wrong data tail)

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Appendix 4: Algorithm Library

Parameter Code Description

Data type/length Attribute Description
Sets the template extraction detection
100 Int/4Bytes W

Error Code

Error code Description

0 Successful operation
Incorrect parameters, no palm detected, low palm quality, and
feature extraction failure
-3 Null pointer
-4 Invalid parameter
-6 Failed to initialize algorithm library
-9 Insufficient memory allocated by software
-14 Failed to load dynamic library of palm algorithm library
-103 No such id in the database (1:N base library without this id)
The characteristics of the id of the database are invalid (1: N
bottombase library)
-106 Duplicate id added
-200 The database is full (1:N base library)
-1000 Dongle error

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