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Uber Marketing and Business Environment Marketing and Business

Environment Global MBA

Article · January 2020


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Kola Akintola
Berlin School of Business and Innovation


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Uber Marketing and
Business Environment

Marketing and Business Environment  
Global MBA 
Term 2, October 2019 
Dr Ahmed S. Gaara 
Kola Akintola / q1004477@students.berlinsbi 

Uber Marketing and
Business Environment

Executive Summary 
Uber’s  sharing-economy  business  model  dealt  a  blow  to  the  traditional  taxi  industry.  It  has 
changed  the  way  people  live  by  introduction  a  smartphone  application  to  get  on-demand 
transportation system by connecting passengers with drivers via its smartphone application.  
Uber  is  currently  facing  a  number  of  issues  as  expected  from  a  unicorn  start-up.  some  of  the 
main challenges Uber is facing are; 
1. Lack  of  focus  with  its  growth  plan.  Uber  is  trying  to  take  over  the  transportation 
industry  at once by being solution greedy. As its solving the car-sharing problem which 
is  its  core,  it  is  trying  to  solve  both  the  air  and  water  transportation challenges as well 
and  not  leaving  the  massive  investment  it  has  poured  into  self-driving  car technology. 
These  actions  put  its  financial  statement  in  the  red  zone  and  recorded  a  loss  of  over 
5billion dollars in the first quarter of 2019 
2. Uber’s  untimely  inaction  to  solve  some  of the issues raised by its drivers on it platform 
might  cause  a  big  problem  for  it  later  down  the  line. It hasn’t been listening enough to 
some of the complaints by its drivers to reach out to solve their problems 
Here are a few recommendations for Uber to consider and  
1. Uber  should  focus  on  being  a  profitable  company  first  with  its  car-sharing  business 
which  is  its  primary  business  before  trying  to  solve  other  transportation  industry’s 
problems.  This  could derail the company from. Achieving its full potential if the investor 
decides  to  call  it  a  quite  for  whatever  reason.  Uber  can  easily  find  growth  in  the 
emerging car-sharing business and become profitable  
2. Uber  should  be  more  proactive  and  empathetic  enough  by  listening  to  solve  some  of 
its  drivers  complains  before  the  regulator’s  steps  in  and  create  laws  that  could 
jeopardize its business model and ultimately affect its bottom line. 

Uber Marketing and
Business Environment

Table of Contents 
1. Introduction....................................................................................................4 
2. Marketing Mix Analysis.................................................................................5  
2.1 Product........................................................................................................5 
2.2 Price.............................................................................................................5 
2.3 Place............................................................................................................6 
2.4 Promotion....................................................................................................6 
3. SWOT Analysis…….......................................................................................7 
3.1 Strength.......................................................................................................7 
3.2 Weakness.....................................................................................................8 
3.3 Opportunity...................................................................................................9 
3.4 Threat............................................................................................................9 
4. PESTEL Analysis...........................................................................................10 
4.2 Economy......................................................................................................10 
4.3 Social...........................................................................................................11 
4.5 Legal............................................................................................................11 
4.6 Environmentl................................................................................................11 
5. Emerging Factor Affecting Uber....................................................................12 
6. Recommendations........................................................................................12 
7. Conclusion....................................................................................................13 
8. Bibliography..................................................................................................14 

Uber Marketing and
Business Environment

1. Introduction
The traditional taxi transportation industry was disrupted in 2010 by an unknown
company called Uber. It disrupted the market with a new business model called
sharing economy. Uber Inc is an online marketplace for ride-sharing. It was
founded in 2010 and went public in 2019. Uber connects passengers looking for
car sharing with drivers via its mobile application platform(

This report serves to examine Uber’s marketing and business environment. It will
narrowly examine one aspect of Uber’s car-sharing business which is its primary
business. Uber’s mission is to create opportunity through movement (
Uber's CEO, Dara, testified to three key components that made Uber a hugely
successful start-up which is the global booming of smartphones, the invention of
smartphone app stores and people's desire for on-demand work (Dara
Khosrowshahi, 2019). It's currently working on some future projects such as
self-driving technology and urban air transport so as to help people in the
hospitality and healthcare industries to make transportation seamlessly (Uber,

Uber's biggest market in the United States with about 70% and the second biggest
market is in Brazil with 17million users as of November 2019 (Statista, 2019). It's
biggest European market is in London with 3.5million users and was reportedly
doing over 5 million weekly rides in India(Statista, 2018).

Uber Marketing and
Business Environment

2. Marketing Mix(4Ps)
A brief description of Uber’s marketing mix shows how it has positioned itself to
interpret its mission by creating opportunity through movement

2.1 Product
Uber’s main product is its mobile application for its two-sided platform connecting
drivers and users with its different services such as UberPool where a user can
share ride with other people and while UberGO and UberX offer the possibility of a
single user to order and ride the car alone without sharing it with anyone. Also,
there is UberTaxi that allows users to book a ride for a whole day to travel to long
distance. There are some other services that are available in some countries such
as UberRUSH, Uberfreight and UberEats. There are also options to track via GPS
and share your ride with loved ones and as well as wifi service in some part of the
world according to the peculiarity of the market(

2.2 Pricing

Uber’s mobile application is absolutely free to download from the Google play
store and Apple store but it comes at a cost to use any of its services for
movements, via its application. Uber uses an algorithm called dynamic pricing to
adjust its pricing based on time of the day, distance, traffic, route and demands at
that particular moment(

on the other hand, Uber uses a penetration pricing strategy to acquire the majority
of its users. it gives a free ride to first-time users and gives out free rides for
referrals as well. The free ride is part of its customer’s acquisition cost.

Uber Marketing and
Business Environment

Figure 1: Fares of Uber, base price and prices for every mile, minute and
cancellation fees for two types of vehicles.

2.3 Place

Uber’s presence is in 40+ countries and 600+ cities(Statista, 2019). It started from
California in the United States and then ran a successful experiment in Paris for its
international market lunch in 2011. Ever since then, its growth has been explosive
and rapid. Uber primarily operates vis smartphone mobile application from Google
Playstore for android users and on Apple store for IOS users. There is also a
possibility of using Uber via a web. There are Uber help desks in some Airports and
Malls. User mode of entering a city is based on development, infrastructure and

2.4 Promotion

Uber relied heavily on word of mouth through its referral-based marketing

especially in its early days to penetrate the market. It uses this to build the
network effect on its platform. The increasing number amount of users and drivers
that join the platform make it more valuable to both players on the platform and
hence create a huge barrier of entry for a new entrant. Uber also uses out of home
advertising and as well Television ads to promote its brand.

Uber Marketing and
Business Environment

3. SWOT Analysis

Strengths Opportunities
● It is a pioneer and market ● New technology: self-driving
leader in its category. car
● Uber has a strong network ● Finding growth in emerging
effect markets
● It has strong platform ● Inefficiencies in the Taxi market
governance procedures for its around pricing and waiting
users. period
● it has a low operating cost.

Weaknesses Threats
● Its overreliance on the Drivers ● Government policy
on its platform to make its ● Overreliance on customer’s data
service plausible ● Taxi union association
● Broken and weak work culture ● Bad customer service
● Overreliance on internet experience with its drivers
● Overreliance on data for
running smooth oper

Figure 2; Uber SWOT Analysis Quadrant

3.1 Strengths

● It is a pioneer and market leader in its category. Uber brand is synonymous

to the sharing economy business model. Hence, a strong brand and good
network effect.
● Uber has a strong network effect. The number of users on both sides of its
platform makes the platform so valuable and creates a strong barrier of
entry for new users. The gap between Uber and its closest competitor(Lyft)
is so huge because of the same reason
● it has strong governance procedures for its users. The drivers and users
have a set of rules they must abide with on the platform. the drivers on the
platform have to go through some rigorous test be they can be allowed to
join the platform
● it has a low operation cost. Uber doesn’t own any of the cars on its platform
nor employs any driver on its platform on a full-time basis but rather as a

Uber Marketing and
Business Environment

Figure 3: Uber United States Market Share

3.2 Weaknesses:

● Uber’s overreliance on the drivers on its platform to make its service

plausible could be a catastrophe if they decide to boycott its service for
whatever reason. so attention needs to be paid to how it treats its drivers
on the platform. There was a recent protest from the drivers’ side about
some of the unfavourable treatment received from Uber in recent times.

● Uber’s culture has come under scrutiny with the way it treats women at its
work[place. Several allegations were made by some women in the company
against some top executives to low-level staff about the behaviour of men
towards women in the company. This painted the company in a bad image
that it forces its founder Travis out of the company as the CEO.

● it overreliance on customer’s data to run a smooth operation could be

devastating if the government should make further privacy law concerning
customer’s data protection by making it difficult for technology companies
to harvest and use those data.
3.3 Opportunities

● The emergence of new technology in the transportation industry with

self-driving car bound to be a great opportunity for Uber. This will help
Uber to mitigate the effect of problems that might come from dealing with
drivers on its platform. this is a classic example of how Artificial Intelligence
will take over from human being. The research and experiments are still in

Uber Marketing and
Business Environment

the infant stage. This could be deployed in some of the advanced cities
where Uber has a presence.

● Also, the emerging market presents a great opportunity for Uber to find
growth. Most of the transportation system in the emerging markets are
inefficient compared to how transportation is being run in advance

● Moreover, the inefficiency in the traditional Taxi industry is a good

opportunity to explore and this is why Uber was started in the first place.
Uber was started to solve the problem of inadequate pricing being charged
by the Taxi industry and the long waiting time for passengers to get a Taxi.

3.4 Threats

● Government policies and regulations could pose a threat to Uber’s

operations especially in Europe where technology companies are being
regulated with the data privacy laws. Regulating how companies should
collect and use customer’s data. this could limit its ability in some ways. in
recent times, there have been problems with some local authorities in some
cities with licencing. this is a great threat to its operations.

● Moreso, it overreliance reliance on internet connection could be devasting

for its operations if anything should go wrong to any of the internet service
providers. if perhaps internet connection in a country were cut off for
whatever reason, it is going to have a massive impact on its operations and
thereby affect its revenue.

● Legal cases against Uber from its drivers and trade union could be
devastating. Trade union and association requests on Uber could be

Uber Marketing and
Business Environment


4. 1 Political

Due to its nature of its business model, Uber has generated controversies recently
from its drivers, due to the low margins they are making on its platform. This spark
a new law called California law, which states, Uber should treat its drivers like and
employees rather than as contractors which will definitely raise its operating cost
and thereby eats into its profits.

The Taxi Industry has recently started a protest about wanting each Uber driver to
get the same Taxi permit they have. This has prompted local authorities to look
into the effect of Uber’s business model in their communities. Thereby causing new
laws to regulate the ride-sharing company. Uber’s licence has recently been
revoked in some cities thereby causing a disruption in its operations.

4.2 Economic

Uber’s sharing business model is a new dynamic to how business is being run. It
affords people to work independently on a part-time basis. and therefore, brings
more people into employment. it enters into partnership with some car dealers
and commercial lenders to creates some loan facilities for drivers to buy and own a
car after they have finished paying for it in some countries especially in the
emerging market. And while some own cars and employ drivers to drive the car for
the sake of making money from the new business model. It is clear that there are
layers of opportunities created from sharing economy business model which Uber
happens to be the leader in that front.

Uber also forces competition in the Taxi industry making the traditional taxi
industry to be more competitive in their offering my reducing their fees and
extorting users, making them be more professional and cut down on their lateness.

Economic Development Research Group released a study on Uber's economic

impact in the United States. the following statistics were culled from the report on

● Uber’s platform supports $17 billion dollars of gross domestic product in

the U.S. per year over the study period.
● The net economic value-add to drivers is $5.7 billion annually. Schedule
flexibility is the most commonly reported amenity benefit for drivers. 80%
of drivers cite the importance of schedule flexibility that the Uber app

Uber Marketing and
Business Environment

● Nearly a quarter (23%) of drivers nationwide were unemployed prior to

driving with Uber.
● Overall, 11.6% of Uber trips in the United States are taken by out-of-town
visitors. And 26.7% of visitors report spending more during their trip
because Uber enabled them to visit additional locations.
● 1 in 10 trips connects to a bus or rail line, according to riders.
● Another 14% of Uber trips in the United States allowed riders to visit
destinations they could not access without Uber ( 2018) .

4.3 Social

Uber’s disruption to the traditional Taxi industry is in itself social change to many
people. It alters the way we commute to work and makes it something of social
status to some sets of people, especially the working class. while on the other hand,
its reputation was recently attacked from allegations and offences such as
unauthorised driver using its platform, The California law et al.

4. 4 Technology

The Internet has made it possible to be able to scale its business model with ease.
its mobile application that is primarily used for running the service wouldn’t have
been possible without the internet connectivity enabled to connect passengers
with drivers on its platform.

Artificial intelligence(AI) is another powerful technology that is being used by Uber

for running smooth and effective service. AI is used for its dynamic pricing
algorithm. it determines. Also, Uber is currently using AI to power its self-driving
car that is currently in the testing phase.

4. 5 Legal

The sharing-economy business model is a new phenomenon to deal with for

government and regulators and hence they move to put regulations in the market.
This has recently sparked a law called California law where Uber was compelled to
treat its drivers as employees whereby Uber has to cater for their

Uber was fined in France over illegal driving and its licence was revoked in the UK
over allowing the unauthorised driver to continue using its platform

4. 6 Environment


Uber Marketing and
Business Environment

Uber is not left out in the sustainability topic. It has introduced sustainable efficient
cars in some advanced countries like Germany where users are giving the option of
ordering a sustainable powered car called Uber Green.

5. Emerging Issue Affecting Uber

Uber lack of focus on its path to profitability has been its biggest issue. it has
continued to bleed money without making a profit since its inception. It reported
over $5billion loss in the first quarter of 2019. Even though, the financial market is
still backing it because of the expectation that it would make a profit soon. Uber
strategy has been to keep growing its market share in the transportation industry
by lunching different similar service along the verticals in some markets and while
the financial market is still backing it but this could easily weary the investors at
some points. Uber is being solution greedy. It wants to caputure all the possible
technology solution to dirrerent forms of transportastion that exist.

6. Recommendation
Uber should focus on trying to be a profitable gaint leader and reconsider its
expansion plan by doing it in phases pending the time its honeymoon with the
financial market is over. it should focus on solving the right problem rather trying
to be everywhere. Like Google, over 70% of its revenue is from advertising which
is AdWords (Statista, 2018). Uber shouldn’t be too bothered about other players
capturing the other segments of the transportation industry such as air and water
but should continue its investment in those segments in a more conservative way.
It should try to solidify its position not just as a market leader in the technology
transportation Industry but a formidable and profitable company. Even though its
brand asset and network effect make it formidable but its financial statement
makes it more venerable with any serious new entrant with strategic assets,
capability and huge war chest such as Amazon, Apple, Google et al. If Uber can
maintain positive balance sheet, it could easily acquire other perceived small
competitors to strengthen its empire.

furthermore, localization should be parts of its mantra. It should be opened to treat

each country with its transportation needs rather than just using one size fits all
approach based on its classifications. Some of the emerging market should be
Uber’s focus because of their transportation challenges. It failed to quickly capture
India’s ride-sharing market to an Indigenous local rival called Ola who has about
60% of the market share. Failure to do this will breed competition from some of
the locals who will ultimately solve the right problem. Uber would have
established the sharing-economy ecosystem in the emerging market but would fail
to solve the right problem. it should focus on solving the right problem. it can’t be
solution greedy.

Uber Marketing and
Business Environment

Uber should be proactive and be at the forefront of some of the issues that could
arm its operations especially some of the topics that have surfaced in recent times.
Uber should try to start the conversation on these issues rather than wait for
government /regulators to step into some of these issues. Starting the
conversation and trying to solve some of these issues in a diplomatic way and this
will make it brand look responsible and listening. it will show empathy and the
aggrieved parties will most likely want to sit and resolve the issue with Uber rather
than wait for regulators to come up with laws or lawsuits that could literarily
destroy its business overnight. Fighting with regulators could be a distraction it
might want to avoid it especially at this stage of its business lifecycle. Microsoft’s
anti-trust’s fight in the USA was a big distraction for it. It makes them failed to see
some of the early opportunities in the internet search era. Microsoft misses out on
search advertising, system networking, social media etc (Gates, 2019).

Moreover, Uber should step up its customer service to its drivers so as to avoid
them forming a Union membership based whereby they can present their case as
one in a strong voice. If that should happen, their demands will be endless and if
they should realise the amount of power they command on the platform. Uber
should do everything possible to make sure that they are not one and try to be on
the front foot their customer’s concerns. Can you imagine Amazon’s marketplace
sellers forming union on Amazon. It would be so devastating.

7. Conclusion
Uber has a lot of potential to solve humongous problem in the transportation
industry with technology. but based on careful analysis of Uber’s marketing and
business environment with how its struggling to mitigate some issues. Uber should
engage in tactical empathy to solve some of its problems on it platform. It need to
listening well and quickly come up with solutions that can alleviate these
problems. it is better to be the driver of how these problems are solve rather than
wait for external bodies such as regulators/ courts to pass a law on its business
that could have serious consequence. Uber should try to become a profitable
company and expand from them. It should take a second look at its expansion plan
by focusing on some high impact emerging economy to find growth.

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Uber Marketing and

Business Environment

8. Bibliography
● Dara Khosrowshahi, 2019. ​A letter from our CEO. [​ Online]  
Available at:
[Accessed 19 January 2020]. 
● Statista, 2019. ​Statista. [​ Online]  
Available at:
[Accessed 2019 January 2020]. 
● Uber, n.d. ​About us. [​ Online]  
Available at: ​  
[Accessed 19 January 2020]. 
● Statista, 2019. ​Statista. [​ Online]  
Available at:
● Bill Gates ​(2018)​ ​Masters of Scale ​[Podcast]​ ​How to Accelerate History.​ 
(Accessed:​ ​19​ ​January​ ​2020). 
● Aayushi Deohans, Amisha Kumari, Jagriti Saha, KVNS JayaKalyani, 
Samridhi Sharma,(2019). Management Analysis of Uber. A Technical 
report(online). Available at;
alysis_of_Uber​ (Accessed; 19 January 2020) 
● Statista(2019, )Market share of the leading ride-hailing companies in the 
United States from September 2017 to November 2019. Viewed on 18 
January 2019 
● BusinessofApps(2019, )Uber Revenue and Usage Statistics (2019). 
Viewed on 18 January 2019 
● BuildFire(2019, )Uber Revenue and Usage Statistics (2019). Viewed on 
18 January 2019 <​​> 


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