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Exploring functional and non-functional requirements of social media on

knowledge sharing

Article · November 2016


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5 authors, including:

wu Liming Noraini Che Pa

Universiti Putra Malaysia Universiti Putra Malaysia


Rusli Abdullah Wan Nurhayati Wanabrahman

Universiti Putra Malaysia Universiti Putra Malaysia


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Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
30th November 2016. Vol.93. No.2
© 2005 - 2016 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195


Department of Software Engineering and Information System, Faculty of Computer Science and
Information Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Selangor Serdang 43400, Malaysia
College of Management, HeBei University, BaoDing 071002, China
E-mail: wlming2000, 2, 3 rusli, 4 wnurhayati,


Social media (SM) are designed for easily online information sharing and communicating among people,
and the sites relate to entertainment, educational and business domains. From requirement elicitation and
analysis, social media provide effective communication and sharing on the knowledge and information of
system development among stakeholders. This paper aims to identify the relevant functional and non-
functional requirements for knowledge sharing (KS), and explore the relationships between the
requirements and perceived social media to support knowledge sharing. Hence, a survey was conducted that
involve software requirements practitioners in order to gather the requirements on KS. Besides that, partial
least squares (PLS) method was used to evaluate the hypothesis and research model. The findings of this
study represented that there was a positive and strong relationship between functional requirements and
Perceived SM to support requirements knowledge sharing (RKS), however, non-functional requirements
has a weak relationship with Perceived SM to support RKS.
Keywords: Social Media, Functional, Non-functional, Requirements, Knowledge Sharing

1. INTRODUCTION acquiring, knowledge sharing, and knowledge

transferring. The process is combined interaction
At the edge of technology expansion, it seems and communication process together. During this
that social media become a platform for individuals process, the individuals are able to share experience,
or organizations creating, sharing, exchanging, ideas of problem solution, information and resource,
discussing information, ideas and pictures or videos knowledge know-how, and knowledge know-what
[1,2]. There are some types of social media tools on social media [4,5,6]. Therefore, regarding social
are widely used in this model society, which media as a platform, the related work on knowledge
include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, sharing has been discussed by many researchers.
YouTube, WeChat, WhatsApp, Blogs and Email Via weblog, the factors that affect knowledge
[3]. sharing behavior had been explored [7]. According
to the functions of Blog, a design of individual
Todays, people expend their time by the use of
knowledge sharing platform was developed [8]. The
social media to make friends with others, keep in
correlation between Wikipedia and knowledge
touch with others, notice trend, express opinions,
sharing on job performance was examined [9]. The
measure feelings on issues, check updates, and do
concept of Communities of Practice (CoPs) had
business. These behaviors are allowed based on the
been highlighted as an effective method for
following functions of social media, which are
knowledge sharing by many organizations [25].
identity, conversations, presence, relationships and
reputation [2]. More and more individuals and organizations pay
attention to identifying social media as the tools to
Recently, social media has been applied for
support knowledge sharing. They try to use much
knowledge sharing based on the functions of
more functions of social media to perform
communication and sharing. Knowledge sharing is
knowledge sharing behaviors, such as the functions
a process of knowledge seeking, knowledge

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
30th November 2016. Vol.93. No.2
© 2005 - 2016 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

of posting, chatting, creating groups. However, the RQ3: What are the functional requirements of
main objective of social media is designed for social media towards supporting knowledge sharing?
keeping social relationships among people, and it is
This paper is organized as follows. In section 2,
not developed only for knowledge sharing.
the related work on functional and non-functional
Therefore, it has limitations to use social media
requirements of social media, requirement
functions to support knowledge sharing. This gives
elicitation and analysis, and knowledge sharing are
us the motivation to examine the functional and
given. Section 3 proposes research model and
non-functional requirements of social media that
hypothesis. Section 4 describes research
relate to supporting knowledge sharing. However,
methodology. Data analysis and result are discussed
lack of research highlights this aspect.
in section 5. The paper concludes with future work
In the field of requirements elicitation and in section 6.
analysis, there has involve communicating among
stakeholders on requirements information such as
functionalities and non-functionalities of the
2.1 Requirement Elicitation And Analysis
system. In order to obtain a correct, complete,
Requirement Elicitation is the first phase of
reliability and understanding of requirements, the
requirement engineering which include four phases,
stakeholders and software developers should
namely requirements elicitation, requirements
communicate and share their knowledge with each
documentation, requirements validation and
other. However, the main problem in requirements
verification, and requirements management [14,20].
elicitation is lacking of adequate communication
Requirement elicitation is the activity of eliciting
and shared understanding [11, 12]. Based on this
the relevant requirements from different
premise, we noticed that several problems can be
stakeholders. The raw requirements mainly
partially solved or mitigate by using social media
gathered from the various viewpoints of customers,
for communicating on requirements information.
other requirements obtained from sponsors,
To resolve the problem in requirements developers, quality assurance teams, analyst,
elicitation and analysis, it needs to enhance the business objectives, system operating environment,
quality of communication and sharing of the constraints, and marketing environment [14,
requirements knowledge. Social media has proven 15].
to be useful as a platform on which information can Requirement analysis is the process of examining
be shared during requirements elicitation and the high level requirements. In this process, the
analysis [10]. The feasibility of using popular social requirements are determined to see whether they
media (i.e. Facebook) to support end users to are clear, complete, and free of contradictions. If
participate in requirements elicitation and analysis there are some issues on that, it needs to define the
was discussed [13]. The issues regarding social strategy to resolve the issues [16]. There are a set of
media-supported approaches need to be identified activities to check the obtained requirements in this
clearly. However, there is a lack of discussion by phase, which involve checking the needs of
researchers on examining how the functional and stakeholders, the consistency of expressed
non-functional requirements of social media to requirements, the completeness of requirements,
support knowledge sharing. To address this and the feasibility of requirements [17].
research gap, this paper aims to identify the
For gathering and analyzing the requirements
requirements of social media towards supporting
during requirements elicitation and analysis, the
knowledge sharing. According to that identification
several basic activities is to understand the
of requirements, this paper will propose and
application domain, to identify the requirements
evaluate a research model to investigate the
sources, to analyze the stakeholders, to select and
relationships of functional and non-functional
use the eliciting techniques, approaches, and tools,
requirements with supporting knowledge sharing at
to elicit the requirements [18]. When there is a
social media. The following research questions (RQ)
knowledge gap or conflict understanding or
define the focus of this research:
misunderstanding, negotiation and communication
RQ1: What are the functional requirements of are involved to resolve the issues. The shared
social media towards supporting knowledge sharing? understanding is very important for software
developers and stakeholders to achieve a common
RQ2: What are the non-functional requirements
understanding of requirements through negotiation
of social media towards supporting knowledge
and communication [19]. During communication,
the activities are revolved around knowledge

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
30th November 2016. Vol.93. No.2
© 2005 - 2016 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

acquisition, knowledge sharing, knowledge A survey was done to show the universal features
negotiating, knowledge integration, and knowledge of social network, the basic elements involved
acceptance [19, 21]. social actors, social relations, content,
communication tools, privacy and content visibility,
The techniques for requirement elicitation
ratings, activities timeline, wall, home, and profile
comprise Interview, Use Case, Observation and
social analysis, Focus group, Brainstorming and
prototyping [17]. 2.4 Non-Functional Requirements Of Social
2.2 Knowledge Sharing
Non-functional requirements are the constraints
Knowledge sharing is a process to share and
of the services provided by software system. With
exchange knowledge among individuals, teams and
different definition to functional requirements, the
organizations [4,5]. In this process, the knowledge
non-functional requirements are not directly
or resource are given by one individual or
describe the specific services of software system,
organization and received by another, actually, the
and they usually describe how good the software
knowledge should be passed between knowledge
system does. The constraints are involved of the
source and recipient [22]. Hence, knowledge
constraints on development process, standards, and
sharing involves senders, receivers and techniques
time [28].
The non-functional requirements in software
The knowledge sharing behaviors are discussed engineering are discussed by some authors. They
on some social media platform. From the are involved in usability, reliability, security,
perspective of why people decide to give or acquire availability, portability, operability, maintainability,
knowledge with others, the paper proposed flexibility, and efficiency [28, 31, 32, 33].
knowledge sharing behaviors including knowledge
contributing and knowledge collecting [24]. The
shared knowledge derives from the knowledge 3. RESEARCH MODEL AND HYPOTHESIS
owner, and received by knowledge demander, the
behaviors are involved knowledge transfer,
knowledge sending and knowledge receiving [8]. The research model is provided in Figure 1. This
The communication path for exchanging model is comprised of three components which are
knowledge, the identification of needs for Functional requirements, Non-Functional
knowledge, and the constraints for sharing requirements, and Perceived social media (SM) to
knowledge are highlighted before knowledge support knowledge sharing (KS). The purpose of
sharing [26]. In order to keep continued knowledge this paper is to identify the functional requirements
sharing, the factors of driving knowledge and non-functional requirements of social media
contribution and knowledge seeking are discussed towards supporting knowledge sharing.
[27]. Furthermore, this model is divided into two parts.
The first part is to explore the quantitative
2.3 Functional Requirements Of Social Media
relationship between the functional requirements
Social media are computer-mediated tools, and
and perceived SM to support KS. The second part
social media can be taken as high interactive
is to explore the quantitative relationship between
platform for people to create, share and exchange
non-functional requirements and perceived SM to
information, knowledge, and other resources [1, 2].
support requirement knowledge sharing (RKS).
Functional requirements describe what the
software system should do. The functional
requirements mainly are the statements of the Functional
services that the system should provide, how the requirements H1
system react to inputs, and how the system should
behave in some particular situations [28]. Perceived
There are six groups of functionalities of social SM to
network which are discussed to facilitate the Non- support RKS
modularization and integration of different social functional
network applications. The six basic functionalities requirements H2
consist of identity management, expert finding,
context awareness, contact management, network
Figure 1: Research Model
awareness, and exchange [29].

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
30th November 2016. Vol.93. No.2
© 2005 - 2016 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

3.1 Functional Requirements Of Social Media resist errors. Moreover, the software system need
Toward Knowledge Sharing developed easily to add new functionalities and
According to the definition of social media [1, delete unwanted capabilities. The set of non-
2], social media is taken as a tool to allow functional requirements leads to the following
individuals or organizations share and exchange hypothesis.
information or knowledge. The identification of H2: Non-Functional requirements are positively
information requirements is very important to related to Perceived social media to support
enhance knowledge sharing [26]. For requirements knowledge sharing.
elicitation and analysis, the developers and
customers must collaborate to get the right
requirements. They need to recognize the In this research, we carry out a primary study to
knowledge needed based on the tasks, the propose a model. In order to test the research
objectives, the constraints. The functionalities of model, a survey of using questionnaire was done.
new knowledge added, information changing, Furthermore, the method of partial least squares
knowledge providing, knowledge searching are (PLS) was used to evaluate the hypothesis and
important for knowledge sharing. Offering a research model.
consultation service is highlighted as a functional
requirement of knowledge sharing [34]. For sharing 4.1 Measurements
The items in this questionnaire were developed
knowledge with others, the individuals need the
based on literature review. Some items come from
functionalities of interaction, communication,
the core idea of other measures that were
discussion, commenting, and chatting. The
functional requirements related to knowledge previously validated; other items were developed
sharing are summarized as the followings: according to the relevant definition. There are three
constructs and 18 items in the research model, as
managing information, searching information,
shown in table 1. All variables were measured
notification of information changing, exchanging
using Likert scales (1= strongly disagree,
information and knowledge, communicating
information and knowledge, group discussion, 2=disagree, 3=agree, 4=strongly agree).
comment, sharing and discussing. The set of Table 1: Questionnaire Items
functional requirements will lead to the
successfully sharing behaviors of software Construct Item Source
developers and customers at social media. This FR1 I believe social media
leads to the following hypothesis. should provide the
H1: Functional requirements are positively function for managing
related to Perceived social media to support information.
knowledge sharing. FR2 I believe social media
should provide the
function for searching
3.2 Non-functional Requirements Of Social information.
Media Toward Knowledge Sharing FR3 I believe social media
should provide the
function for the
According to the definition of non-functional [29]
Functional notification of
requirements [28], these requirements are the
critical constraints to show how good the system requirements information changing
services are provided. Although knowledge sharing (e.g., updated profile
is a process of exchanging and sharing knowledge, information).
to achieve that, some non-functional requirements FR4 I believe social media
are demanded by individuals. Usability, which should provide the
describes how the software system designed to be function for
easily understood, learned, and used, is an exchanging
important non-functional requirement [35]. When information.
individuals share knowledge through social media, FR5 I believe social media
they want the software system is secure for the should provide the
shared information and knowledge. They also hope function for
the responds from the software system are efficient. communicating
The software system need developed to be strong to

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
30th November 2016. Vol.93. No.2
© 2005 - 2016 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

information. which related to

FR6 I believe social media requirement
should provide the knowledge.
function for group SMKS3 I believe social media
discussion. Adapted is a good interactive
FR7 I believe social media from platform for sharing
should provide the [13] and discussing
function to enable the requirements
users to comment on knowledge.
ideas. SMKS4 I believe social media
FR8 I believe social media provides a better user
should provide the convenience for
function for chatting. dissemination of
FR9 I believe social media Adapted requirement
should provide the from [2] knowledge.
function for sharing,
such as share text,
4.2 Data Collection
video, picture etc.
NFR1 I believe the user
interface of social The population of this study refers the
media should be individuals who are involved in the process of
designed to be easily software system development. The main
understood, learned, respondents are software developer, programmer,
and used. analyst, tester, project manager, and end user who
NFR2 I believe social media have experience of using social media. The
should be developed to
questionnaire was distributed to the possible
be efficient in
respondents by hardcopy, and the online
questionnaire web-link was sent to the respondents
performing actions and Adapted
through email, WhatsApp, WeChat and Facebook.
the time taken to from
For this study, the participation in this survey was
respond. [35]
voluntary. Overall, 276 valid responses were
Non- NFR3 I believe social media
collected for further analysis, and the characteristics
Functional should be developed to
of the respondents are shown in Table 2.
requirements be strong to resist
errors. Table 2: Characteristics of Respondents
NFR4 I believe social media Measure Items Frequency Percent
should be developed to (%)
be security to resist the
Gender Male 112 40.6
attempts from risk and
Female 164 59.4
Age 20-29 130 47.1
NFR5 I believe social media
30-39 125 45.3
should be developed
Adapted 40-49 20 7.2
easily to extend new
from 50 or older 1 0.4
functionalities and
[36] Role project or team 24 8.7
delete unwanted
Analyst 56 20.3
SMKS1 I believe social media
manager 11 4.0
is very helpful for
programmer 122 44.2
Perceived SM requirements
Adapted end users 23 8.3
to support knowledge sharing.
from [1] tester 17 6.2
requirement SMKS2 I believe social media
[2] engineer 8 2.9
KS is an important
Designer 3 1.1
platform to share idea,
other 12 4.3
opinion and experience

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
30th November 2016. Vol.93. No.2
© 2005 - 2016 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

SM using Almost 262 94.9 Construct Item Loading

frequency everyday Functional FR1 0.712
Several times a 10 3.6 requirements FR2 0.730
week FR3 0.679
Several times a 2 0.7 FR4 0.711
month FR5 0.785
Seldom 2 0.7 FR6 0.784
FR7 0.812
FR8 0.745
FR9 0.782
The suggested model in this study was evaluated Non-functional NFR1 0.867
via partial least squares (PLS). PLS-SEM is a requirements NFR2 0.886
common technique used to analyze the path NFR3 0.826
coefficient between latent variables. PLS is NFR4 0.891
involved in two phases: 1) the assessment of the NFR5 0.835
measurement model, which includes the measures Perceived SM to SMKS1 0.842
of reliability and discriminant validity. 2) The support RKS SMKS2 0.883
assessment of the structural model, which is SMKS3 0.868
comprise of the measurements on path coefficients SMKS4 0.784
and R square values.

5.1Measurement Model Table 4: Internal Consistency and Convergent Validity

of Research Model
Reliability is the consistency of a set of
Construct Cronba Composite AVE Convergent
measurements, and it is the degree to which a
ch’ reliability Validity
variable or concept is measured consistently.
Alpha (CR) (AVE >
Cronbach’s alpha is one of the most commonly
used indicators of internal consistency. Values
above 0.7 are considered acceptable; however, Functional 0.902 0.920 0.563 Yes
values above 0.8 are preferable [37]. From table 4, requirements
the Cronbach’s alpha values for each of the Non-functional 0.913 0.935 0.742 Yes
constructs range from 0.865 to 0.913, all of which requirements
exceeded the suggested threshold value of 0.7. Perceived SM 0.865 0.909 0.714 Yes
Convergent validity and discriminant validity to support RKS
were evaluated to validate the measurement model.
Using PLS, the composite reliability (CR), average Table 5: Correlation Between Constructions
variance extracted (AVE), and factor loadings were
Perceived Functional Non-functional
calculated to assess the convergent validity. The
minimum recommended level of composite SM to requirements requirements
reliability is 0.708 [38], and 0.5 is the minimum support
acceptable level of the AVE [39], the loadings of RKS
each of indicators should be higher than 0.708 in Perceived SM
PLS-SEM [38]. From Table 3, only one indicator to support 0.845
(FR3-0.679) failed to meet the threshold value of RKS
0.708, other factor loadings range from 0.711 to Functional
0.891. However, this indicator with low loading is 0.473 0.750
retained because, on average, convergent validity Non-
has been achieved for each of constructs. In this
functional 0.356 0.614 0.861
study, composite reliability and AVE were above
the threshold values. As shown in Table 4, the
Note: Diagonal elements shaded and highlighted in bold
composite reliability (CR) values range from 0.909 represent the square root of AVE. Off diagonal elements are
to 0.935, the AVE values range from 0.563 to simple bivariate correlations between the constructs.
0.742. Therefore, the indicator FR3, was retained In order to evaluate the discriminant validity, the
Table 3: Factor Loading values of square root of each construct’s AVE
should larger than correlation between latent

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
30th November 2016. Vol.93. No.2
© 2005 - 2016 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

variable and other latent variable (by row and by Table 6: Results of hypothesis testing
column). In Table 5, for each construct, the square Hypothesis Result
root of the AVE value was larger than the H1: Functional requirements are positively supported
correlation coefficient values with any other related to Perceived social media to support
variable; consequently, it was verifying the knowledge sharing
discriminant validity of this study. H2: Non-Functional requirements are Not supported
positively related to Perceived social media
5.2 Structural Model to support knowledge sharing.

In this section, we use PLS-SEM to examine the

hypothesis. The structural model is useful in
indicating the interrelationship between exogenous
and endogenous variables. The path coefficients Social media has been popular used for
and R2 values were calculated to test the structural individuals and organizations to share and
equation model. The path coefficients indicate the exchange information. The functionality of social
strengths of the relationships between the media is highlighted for knowledge sharing. This
endogenous and independent variables. The R2 paper discussed the functional and non-functional
values represent the amount of variance explained requirements of social media toward requirements
by the independent variables. As shown in Fig.2, knowledge sharing. The related functional
this model interprets 23.1% of the variance in the requirements for supporting knowledge sharing are
variable “Perceived SM to support RKS”. Fig.2 the notification of knowledge changing (i.e. new
demonstrates the results of the path coefficients, added knowledge, modification, new posting),
and t value. For the level of acceptance, p value knowledge managing, knowledge sharing,
should less than 0.05, and t value need larger than communicating, discussion, and knowledge
1.645 [38]. In Fig.2, the path coefficient (ß) from searching. The non-functional requirements are
Functional requirements to Perceived SM to involved of usability, security, efficiency, and
support RKS is positive, and it is statistically robust. Then, this paper proposed research model
significant (ß=0.408, t value=5.757>1.645, p and hypothesis, and using PLS-SEM to evaluate the
value=0.000<0.01). This means that Functional model. The findings show that functional
requirements have a positive effect on Perceived requirements of social media is positively related
SM to support RKS, thus verifying hypothesis 1. with Perceived SM to support KS, however, non-
The path coefficient (ß) from Non-functional functional requirements has insignificant effect on
requirements to Perceived SM to support RKS is that.
positive, but, it is no statistically significant There are some functional requirements
(ß=0.106, t value=1.509<1.645, p identified in this study are similar with some
value=0.066>0.05). This means non-functional requirements described in current literature. The
requirements have an insignificant effect on requirements of “knowledge changing notification”,
Perceived SM to support RKS. Therefore, “knowledge searching” and “knowledge
hypothesis 2 is not supported. The results of communication and discussion” were pointed out in
hypothesis testing using PLS are summarized in this study. Approximately, [34] indicated the
Table 6. functional requirements of knowledge sharing
system including “alerting users about new added”,
Functional 0.408** “offering a consultation service”, and “offering an
requirements t=5.757 efficient search engine”. For non-functional
Perceived requirements, the “easy to use” and “reliability”
SM to were both emphasized in this and [34]. However,
the fields of the two studies are different. This
Non- R2=0.231 study discussed the requirements of knowledge
functional 0.106 sharing at social media in the requirements
requirements t=1.509 elicitation and analysis environment. [34] only
discussed the requirements of a knowledge sharing
* p <0.05, **p<0.01 system at public academic institution.
Figure 2: Results of SEM analysis In addition, this study explored the general
requirements of social media for knowledge sharing
which could be used for various types of social

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
30th November 2016. Vol.93. No.2
© 2005 - 2016 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

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© 2005 - 2016 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

APPENDIX A. profile information).

Survey Questionnaire Items in This Study 4 FR4. I believe social media should
provide the function for exchanging
Part A: Respondent Background (Please √ the information.
answer) 5 FR5. I believe social media should
1. What is your gender? provide the function for communicating
Male information.
Female 6 FR6. I believe social media should
provide the function for group
2. What is your age? discussion.
19 or younger 7 FR7. I believe social media should
20-29 provide the function to enable the users
30-39 to comment on ideas.
40-49 8 FR8. I believe social media should
50 or older provide the function for chatting.
9 FR9. I believe social media should
provide the function for sharing, such as
3. What is your role?
share text, video, picture etc.
Project or team leader
Non-Functional requirements towards
knowledge sharing
programmer 1 NFR1. I believe the user interface of
End Users social media should be designed to be
others (please specify) easily understood, learned, and used.
2 NFR2. I believe social media should be
developed to be efficient in performing
4. How often do you use social media? actions and the time taken to respond.
Almost everyday 3 NFR3. I believe social media should be
Several times a week developed to be strong to resist errors.
Several times a month 4 NFR4. I believe social media should be
seldom developed to be security to resist the
never attempts from risk and damage.
5 NFR5. I believe social media should be
Part B: Functional, non-functional developed easily to extend new
requirements of social media to support functionalities and delete unwanted
knowledge sharing capabilities.
Perceived SM to support RKS
Please choose your answer according to the Likert 1 SMKS1. I believe social media is very
scale given. 1-Strongly Disagree; 2-Disagree; 3- helpful for requirements knowledge
Agree; 4-Strongly Agree sharing.
2 SMKS2. I believe social media is an
No. Item important platform to share idea,
Functional requirements towards knowledge opinion and experience which related to
sharing requirement knowledge.
1 FR1. I believe social media should 3 SMKS3. I believe social media is a good
provide the function for managing interactive platform for sharing and
information. discussing requirements knowledge.
2 FR2. I believe social media should 4 SMKS4. I believe social media provides
provide the function for searching a better user convenience for
information. dissemination of requirement
3 FR3. I believe social media should knowledge.
provide the function for the notification
of information changing (e.g., updated


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