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AS-Imp Q&A 1 PDF

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1. Define automotive safety.

Automobile safety is the study and practice of design, construction, equipment and
regulation to minimize the occurrence and consequences of automobile accidents.Vehicle safety
systems are designed to protect occupants during accidents. They include primary systems, such
as bumper bars & seat belts; and secondary systems, such as air bags.All the systems (Anti-lock
braking system, Adaptive cruise control, Traction control, Electronic stability control, Seatbelts,
Airbags) are designed to help the passengers of an automobile escape injury during an accident.

2. What are the different safety features incorporated with vehicle body?
Seat belt, Airbag, Crumble zone, Anti-lock braking system, Traction control, Safety cage,
Electric windows, Adaptive cruise control, Electronic stability control, Back up camera,
Tire pressure monitoring system, Low Step-in Height, Smart Climate Control, Reading
Lamps,243-Degree Doors, Power Outlets.

3. State the energy equations when two moving vehicles are making a head on collision.

K=(m- Δm) V2/2 = (σ2/2E) Al

m=Total mass of the vehicle, E=Youngs Modulus, A= Cross sectional area, σ=Stress
in the material Δm=Movable mass in the vehicle(Passenger,Load,etc.), V=Velocity

4. List out different engine location.

1. Front engine 2. Rear engine 3. Central mid-engine

5. What is meant by crumple zone?

The crumple zone of a vehicle such as an automobile is a structural feature

designed to compress during an accident to absorb energy from an impact. Typically, crumple
zones are located in the front part of the vehicle, in order to absorb the impact of a head-on
collision. This innovation was first patented by Mercedes-Benz in the early 1950s.

6. Differentiate active and passive safety.

The active safety features are mainly the features that work to prevent the risk of
a collision or an accident. These are so named because they are always active, and working
to prevent an accident. Eg. ABS(Anti lock braking system, Traction control, Adaptive cruise
control, etc.

Passive Safety Features, on the other hand, are systems that are passive until called into
action. They become active during the accident and aim to help minimized the damage from the

7. What is meant exterior safety?

The term "exterior safety" covers all vehicle-related measures which are designed to
minimize the severity of injury to pedestrians and bicycle and motorcycle riders struck by the
vehicle in an accident. Those factors which determine exterior safety are:

Vehicle-body deformation behavior,

Exterior vehicle body shape.

8. Define the term conditional safety

It is nothing but the conditional standards which includes the safety norms. It results from
keeping the physiological stress that the vehicle occupants are subjected to by vibration, noise, and
climatic conditions down to as low a level as possible. If a vehicle is manufactured 30 years ago
or many years ago then the vehicle must be altered for certain periodic safety accessories.

9. What do you mean by perceptibility safety?

The perceptibility safety system is defined as the extent to which the system
can be perceived by the senses or the mind. The objective here is to study which safety systems
are more easily perceived by the user and to identify design attributes that affect this level of
perception. Lighting equipment (see Lighting), Acoustic warning devices (see Acoustic signaling
devices), Direct and indirect view-Mirror

10. List out examples for the interior safety in an automotive system.
Interior Safety Features are Safety Belts, Air Bags, Driving assist, Emergency
exit, Reverse camera, Voice sensor, Fire protection, Deformation behavior (vehicle body),
Collapsible Steering system, Brake assist, etc

PART – B and C

1. Explain the factors to be considered while designing the automotive body in safety aspects.

Design of vehicle body for safety

The safety of a vehicle and its passengers can be improved by properly designing
and selecting the material for vehicle bodies. The vehicle body structure is subjected to static
and dynamic service loads during the life cycle. It also has to maintain its integrity and
provide adequate protection in survivable crashes. At present there are two designs of vehicle
body constructions: 1. Body over frame structure and 2. Uni body structure.
Necessary features of a safe vehicle body:
1. Deformable yet stiff front structure with crumple zones to absorb the crash kinetic energy
from frontal collisions
2. Deformable rear structure to safeguard rear passenger compartment and protect the fuel
3. Properly designed side structures and doors to minimize intrusion in side impact and
prevent doors from opening due to crash loads
4. Strong roof structure for rollover protection
5. Properly designed restraint systems with working in harmony with the vehicle structure
6. Accommodate various chassis designs for different power train locations and drive train

The following design techniques/strategies are to be followed while designing a car body
(especially front structure) to reduce the impact of crash and increase the safety of the car and

Desired dummy performance:

Dummy is a physical model representing humans inside a car. To model a car for safety, it
should be modeled for proper crash energy management. As the human beings are to be
safeguarded, the interaction of the human beings with the restraint system during a crash has to
be studied first. This branch of study is widely known as bio-mechanics. The reaction of a human
being for a crash pulse has to defined and studied in depth. The following steps are involved in
this procedure
Stiff cage structural concept:
Stiff cage is the passenger compartment structure which provides protection for the passengers in
all modes of survivable collisions. The necessary features of a good stiff cage structure are: 1.
sufficient peak load capacity to support the energy absorbing members in front of it, 2. High
crash energy absorption. The stiff cage structure should withstand all the extreme loads and the
severe deformation.
Controlled progressive crush and deformation with limited intrusion:
To make the impact of crash less, the crush event has to be controlled and the deformation should
be made such that the intrusion of other components into the passenger compartment is less. Axial
mode of crush is preferred to bending mode of crush as bending mode has lower energy content.
To achieve this objective three different crush zones are identified: 1. Soft front zone: Reduces the
aggressively of crash in pedestrian / vehicle and vehicle / vehicle collisions
2. Primary crush zone: It consists of the main energy absorbing structure before the power train.
It is characterized by a relatively uniform progressive structural collapse.

3. Secondary crush zone:

Lies between the primary zone and passenger compartment and sometimes extends into the
passenger compartment up to firewall. It provides a stable platform for the primary zone
and transfers the load to the occupant compartment as efficiently as possible.
4. Weight efficient energy absorbing structures:
The architecture of the structural frame (structural topology) design depends on the ability to
design the primary crush zone for bending, folding, mixed folding and bending.
2. Discuss the deceleration on impact with Stationary obstacle with neat sketch.

It is important to study the deceleration inside passenger compartment to know

the effect of crash completely, so that the crash avoidance systems can be suitably
designed. For example, if the deceleration of the passenger after crash is very high, the
air bag system and the seat belt system has to be so designed that the activation time for
them is reduced to a lower value. Otherwise it may lead to injuries and fatalities.
Usually tests are conducted to know the deceleration behavior after the crash with a
stationary obstacle. The tests are conducted at the following speeds:
1. 15 mph (miles per hour)
2. 20 mph
3. 40 mph
4. 50 mph

15 mph test:
The following pictures show the body deformation and acceleration graph after crash. The body
deformation is less as the vehicle speed is low. The crash occurs at time 0 seconds. From the graph,
we can know that after the crash, deceleration occurs which is shown in the negative (lower) portion.
Its value is up to 20g. After some time the acceleration slowly comes to zero (the car stops)

20 mph test:
In the 20 mph test, the body deformation is more than 15 mph test. Moreover, the acceleration has
reduced to a further lower value (up to 35 g) in the negative direction. In this case the maximum
deceleration is obtained in 50 milli seconds whereas for 10 mph test it was 35 milli seconds. The
rebound velocity for this case is1.7 mph whereas for 10 mph it is 1.3 mph.40 mph test: In the 40 mph
test, we can see that the acceleration curve goes down (deceleration) then suddenly goes up in the
positive region (acceleration). This is due to the fact that, at 40 mph, the deformation is more and the
accelerometer (sensor) mounting area has buckled and resulted in an increase in acceleration value.
The body deformation is also high such that the accelerometer mounting area is also damaged. So, we
have to carefully analyze the graph to study the situation.
40 mph test:

In the 40 mph test, we can see that the acceleration curve goes down (deceleration) then
suddenly goes up in the positive region (acceleration). This is due to the fact that, at 40 mph, the
deformation is more and the accelerometer (sensor) mounting area has buckled and resulted in
an increase in acceleration value. The body deformation is also high such that the accelerometer
mounting area is also damaged. So, we have to carefully analyze the graph to study the situation.

50 mph test:
The body deformation is very high as the speed is more. The acceleration curve shows that
the maximum deceleration is around 35g and happens in time duration of 45 milli seconds.
The rebound velocity is 1.6
3. Give the broad classification of active safety systems and explain them in detail.

Active safety:

Prevention of accidents

Driving safety

It is the result of a harmonious chassis and suspension design with regard to wheel
suspension, springing, steering and braking, and is reflected in optimum dynamic vehicle

Conditional safety

It results from keeping the physiological stress that the vehicle occupants are subjected to
byvibration, noise, and climatic conditions down to as low a level as possible. It is a
significant factor in reducing the possibility of mis actions in traffic. Vibrations within a
frequency range of 1 to 25 Hz (stuttering, shaking, etc.) induced by wheels and drive
components reach the occupants of the vehicle via the body, seats and steering wheel. The
effect of these vibrations is more or less pronounced, depending upon their direction,
amplitude and duration. Noises as acoustical disturbances in and around the vehicle can come
from internal sources (engine, transmission, prop shafts, axles) or external sources (tire/road
noises, wind noises), and are transmitted through the air or the vehicle body. The sound
pressure level is measured in dB(A) (see Motor-vehicle noise measurements and
limits).Noise reduction measures are concerned on the one hand with the development of
quiet-running components and the insulation of noise
sources (e.g., engine encapsulation), and on the other hand with noise damping by means of
insulating or anti-noise materials. Climatic conditions inside the vehicle are primarily
influenced by air temperature, air humidity, rate of airflow through the passenger
compartment and air pressure (see Environmental stresses for additional information).

Perceptibility safety

Measures which increase perceptibility safety are concentrated

Lighting equipment (see Lighting),
Acoustic warning devices (see Acoustic signaling devices),

Direct and indirect view (see Main dimensions) (Driver's view: The angle of
obscuration caused by the A-pillars for both of the driver's eyes binocular must not be
more than 6 degrees).

Operating safety

Low driver stress, and thus a high degree of driving safety, requires optimum design of the
driver surroundings with regard to ease of operation of the vehicle controls.
4. Describe the deformation behavior of vehicle body.
Deformation behavior of vehicle body

Due to the frequency of frontal collisions, an important role is played by the legally
stipulated frontal impact test in which a vehicle is driven at a speed of 48.3 km/h (30
mph) into a rigid barrier which is either perpendicular or inclined at an angle of up to 30°
relative to the longitudinal axis of the car.

Because 50 % of all frontal collisions in right-hand traffic primarily involve the left-hand half
of the front of the vehicle, manufacturers worldwide conduct left asymmetrical front impact
tests on LHD vehicles covering 30 ... 50 % of the vehicle width. Enlarge picture Fig 3
Distribution of accidents by type of collision, Symbolized by test methods yielding equal
results in a frontal collision, kinetic energy is absorbed through deformation of the bumper,
the front of the vehicle, and in severe cases the forward section of the passenger compartment
(dash area). Axles, wheels (rims) and the engine limit the deformable length. Adequate
deformation lengths and displaceable vehicle aggregates are necessary, however, in order to
minimize passenger-compartment acceleration.

Depending upon vehicle design (body shape, type of drive and engine position), vehicle
mass and size, a frontal impact with a barrier at approx. 50 km/h results in permanent
deformation in the forward area of 0.4 ... 0.7 m. Damage to the passenger compartment
should be minimized. This concerns primarily dash area (displacement of steering system,
instrument panel, pedals, toe-panel intrusion), underbody (lowering or tilting of seats), the
side structure (ability to open the doors after an accident).
Acceleration measurements and evaluations of high-speed films enable deformation
behavior to be analyzed precisely. Dummies of various sizes are used to simulate vehicle
occupants and provide acceleration figures for head and chest as well as forces acting on
thighs. Head acceleration values are used to determine the head injury criterion (HIC). The
comparison of measured values supplied by the dummies with the permissible limit values
as per FMVSS 208 (HIC: 1000, chest acceleration: 60 g/3 ms, upper leg force: 10 kN) are
only limited in their applicability to the human being. The side impact, as the next most
frequent type of accident, places a high risk of injury on the vehicle occupants due to the
limited energy absorbing capability of trim and structural components, and the resulting
high degree of vehicle interior
deformation. The risk of injury is largely influenced by the structural strength of the side of
the vehicle (pillar/door joints, top/bottom pillar points), load-carrying capacity of floor cross-
members and seats, as well as the design of inside door panels (FMVSS 214, ECE R95, Euro-
NCAP, US-SINCAP).In the rear impact test, deformation of the vehicle interior must be
minor at most. It should still be possible to open the doors, the edge of the trunk lid should
not penetrate the rear window and enter the vehicle interior, and fuel-system integrity must be
preserved (FMVSS 301).Roof structures are investigated by means of rollover tests and
quasi-static car-roof crush tests(FMVSS 216).In addition, at least one manufacturer subjects
his vehicles to the inverted vehicle drop test in order to test the dimensional stability of the
roof structure (survival space) under extreme conditions (the vehicle falls from a height of 0.5
m onto the left front corner of its roof).

5. Discuss the concept of crumple zone and its effects on safety with neat sketch.
Crumple zone

The crumple zone of an automobile is a structural feature designed to compress

during an accident to absorb energy from the impact. Typically, crumple zones are located in
the front part of the vehicle, in order to absorb the impact of a head-on collision, though they
may be found on other parts of the vehicle as well. Some racing cars use aluminum or
composite honeycomb to form an 'impact attenuator' for this purpose.

Crumple zones absorb and dissipate the force of a collision, displacing and diverting
it away from the passenger compartment and reducing the deceleration impact force on the
vehicle occupants. Vehicles will include a front, rear and maybe side crumple zones (like
Volvo SIPS) too.

The crumple zone is a structural feature mainly used in automobiles and recently
incorporated into railcars.
The crumple zone of a vehicle such as an automobile is a structural feature designed
to compress during an accident to absorb energy from an impact. Typically, crumple zones
are located in the front part of the vehicle, in order to absorb the impact of a head-on
collision, though they may be found on other parts of the vehicle as well.

Crumple zones are designed to absorb the energy from the impact during a traffic
collision by controlled deformation. This energy is much greater than is commonly realized.
A 2000 kg car travelling at 60 km/h (16.7 m/s), before crashing into a thick concrete wall, is
subject to the same impact force as a front-down drop from a height of 14.2m crashing on to
a solid concrete surface. Increasing that speed by 50% to 90km/h (25m/s) compares to a fall
from 32m - an increase of 125%. This is because the stored kinetic energy (E) is given by E
= (1/2) mass × speed squared. It increases as the square of the impact velocity.

Typically, crumple zones are located in the front part of the vehicle, in order to
absorb the impact of a head-on collision, though they may be found on other parts of the
vehicle as well. According to a British Motor Insurance Repair Research Centre study of
where on the vehicle impact damage occurs: 65% were front impacts, 25% rear impacts, 5%
left side, and 5% right side. Some racing cars use aluminium or composite/carbon fibre
honeycomb to form an impact attenuator that dissipates crash energy using a much smaller
volume and lower weight than road car crumple zones. Impact attenuators have also been
introduced on highway maintenance vehicles in some countries.

Crumple zones work by managing the crash energy so that it is absorbed within the
frontal section of the vehicle (energy is transformed by the deformation instead of being
directly transmitted through the body of the occupants), while also preventing intrusion into
or deformation of the passenger cabin. This acts to ensure that car occupants are better
protected against injury. In simplistic terms, this is achieved by controlled weakening of
outer parts of the car while strengthening the inner (passenger cabin) part of the body by
using more reinforcing beams and increasingly, higher strength steels.
6. Explain the various active safety systems in automobiles with neat sketches.

"Active safety" is used to refer to technology assisting in the prevention of a

crashThe first, mainly used in the US, refers to safety systems that help avoid accidents, such
as good steering and brakes.

In the automotive sector the term Active Safety (or Primary Safety) refers to safety systems
that are active prior an accident.
However, Active Safety is increasingly being used to describe systems that use an
understanding of the state of the vehicle to both avoid and minimise the effects of a crash.
These include braking systems, like brake assist, traction control systems and electronic
stability control systems, adaptive cruise control and collision warning/avoidance/mitigation
systems are also considered as active safety systems under this definition.

Active Safety Systems, some examples

good visibility from driver's seat,

low noise level in interior,
legibility of instrumentation and warning symbols,
head up displays,
anti-lock braking system,
Electronic Stability Control,
Chassis assist,
Intelligent speed adaptation,
brake assist,
traction control,
collision warning/avoidance and adaptive or autonomous cruise control system.

ABS (Anti-lock Braking System)

ABS is a life saving technology which allows the driver to steer while braking heavily

• ABS allows the driver to maintain steering control of the vehicle while in hard
braking situations .
• Computerized ABS is designed to keep the wheels from locking as the brakes are
• Anti-lock braking system (ABS) is an automobile safety system that allows the
wheels on a motor vehicle to maintain tractive contact with the road surface according
to driver inputs while braking preventing the wheels from locking up (ceasing
rotation) and avoiding uncontrolled skidding. It is an automated system that uses the
principles of threshold braking and cadence braking which were practiced by skillful
drivers with previous generation braking systems. It does this at a much faster rate
and with better control than a driver could manage.

Diagram 2: Wheel speed sensor (A), ABS control module (B),

hydraulic motor and pressure release valves (C), Brake pipe leading to caliper (D)
ABS in detail
Diagram 2 (above) shows the whole process in more detail. The four wheels shown are
braking heavily as a result of heavy brake pedal application, and the green wheel is about to
lock up due a low friction surface such as ice. The ABS control module (B) detects the onset
of a skid through the sensor (A) in this wheel and reacts by releasing the brake pressure
slightly by rapidly opening a pressure release valve (C). This lowers the pressure in the brake
pipe (D) which causes the brake caliper to loosen its grip on the brake disc on the locking
wheel. If this corrects the locked wheel, the hydraulic motor (C) will build up the pressure
again to the optimum braking force and the valve will revert to the closed position.

Three versus four channel systems

There are two main types of modern ABS systems: three and four channel. Three channel
systems control the braking pressure on both front wheels independently, but control the rear
wheels together as a single unit. Four channel systems (as shown in Diagram 1) control the
brake force on each wheel independently (assuming you're in a four wheeled vehicle!). In
three channel systems, although both rear wheels are monitored by sensors, if wheel lock if
detected on a single wheel the hydraulic braking pressure is reduced equally on both wheels.
This does not provide the level of control of a four channel system, and thus three channel
versions are compromised and usually only fitted to cars to save on cost.

Electronic Stability Program(ESP)

• Electronic stability program (ESP), also referred to as electronic stability control
(ESC) or dynamic stability control (DSC), is a computerized technology that
improves the safety of a vehicle's stability by detecting and reducing loss of traction.

• When ESC detects loss of steering control, it automatically applies the brakes to help
"steer" the vehicle where the driver intends to go. Braking is automatically applied to
wheels individually, such as the outer front wheel to counter over steer or the inner
rear wheel to counter under steer.

Traction Control is a worthwhile option that improves traction and directional

stability on slippery roads, using a combination of electronics, drive train control, and
ABS. Some systems adjust engine power output while gently applying the brakes to
particular wheels during acceleration and cornering. BMW, Cadillac, and Mercedes-
Benz offer new electronic stability-control systems on their higher-priced models.
These systems help stabilize a vehicle's handling when it's pushed to the limits. Look
for these systems to appear on less expensive models in the near future.

Electronic stability Program

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