Recall Notice SHPL
Recall Notice SHPL
Recall Notice SHPL
Without Prejudice
Dear Sir(s),
M/s Sarga Hotel Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as Borrower)- Recall Notice
2. We advise that under provisions of SARFAESI Act and pursuant to the execution of
Assignment Agreement dated September__ .09, .2020 between Srei Equipment Finance Limited
and Rare ARC, we have acquired financial assets pertaining to Borrower together with all
underlying security interest and all its rights & title with interest and benefits in respect therein
more specifically mentioned in Annexure I of this notice. Pursuant to the referred Assignment
Agreement, Srei Equipment Finance Limited has assigned the debts, together with all security
and all rights in respect thereof. The Borrower has been advised of the said Assignment of debt
vide our letter dated September 16, 2021.
3. The Borrower has availed financial facility, more precisely a Term Loan Facility from
Srei Equipment Finance Limited (debt since assigned to Rare ARC) which are secured against
assets as detailed at Annexure I and the Corporate Guarantee of Shristi Infrastructure
Development Corporation Limited.
4. The Borrower has failed and neglected to pay to Rare ARC, the installments of principal,
interest and other monies, the particulars whereof are given in ANNEXURE II hereto.
5. Since the Borrower has committed defaults in the payment of principal, interest and other
monies and also in observance and performance of the other conditions of the Term Loan
Facility availed by you, Rare ARC has become entitled to recall the entire principal amounts of
the Loan, interest and other monies due in respect of the Loan thereof.
7. In the Premises, we hereby call upon the Borrower and demand to pay to Rare ARC at
Ahmedabad, within a period of 15 days from the date hereof, the aforesaid sums aggregating
Rs.________________/- (Rupees ___________________________ Only) as on September__,
2021 in respect of the Loan availed by the Borrower from Srei Equipment Finance Limited
(since assigned to Rare ARC), as per the details given in Annexure –II hereto, together with
interest, further interest, penal charges thereon with effect from the respective due dates at the
contractual rates upon the footing of compound interest, until payment/realization.
8. In case, the Borrower fails to make the payments as aforesaid and comply with the
requirements, Rare ARC shall be constrained to take such steps as may be necessary for
enforcing the securities and realizing its dues at your own risk as to the costs and consequences
Kindly note that the above notice is issued without prejudice to the rights and remedies of
Rare ARC against the Corporate Guarantor of the Loanviz. of Shristi Infrastructure Development
Corporation Limited.
Yours faithfully,
(Authorised Signatory)