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Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world with an area of 1,910,931 km² stretching from Sabang to Merauke, from Miangas Island to Rote Island. Geographically, Indonesia is located in a
strategic position, at the crossroads of two continents (Asian and Australian Continent) and two oceans (Indian and Pacific Ocean). This makes Indonesia rich in cultural diversity and traditions as well
as having fertile soil and beautiful natural scenery. That is what causes Indonesia to become one of the most popular tourism destinations worldwide. However, its beautiful nature and geographic
conditions make Indonesia also prone to various disasters.

Disasters can be caused by natural events (natural disasters) or by human activities (man-made disasters). According to the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN-ISDR),
disasters can be categorized into geological hazards, hydrometeorological hazards, biological hazards, technological hazards, and environmental degradation.
Indonesia is located at the confluence of four tectonic plates: The Asian Continental plate, The Australian Continental plate, The Indian Ocean plate, and The Pacific Ocean plate. Indonesia is also
traversed by the ring of fire in the form of two mountain paths i.e. The Circum-Pacific Belt in the east and The Mediterranean mountains in the west. This causes Indonesia to have 127 active volcanoes
and more than 5,000 rivers which 30% of them pass through highly populated areas, making Indonesia a disaster-prone country. In the southern and eastern parts of Indonesia there is a volcanic belt
(volcanic arc) that extends from Sumatra, Java, Nusa Tenggara, to Sulawesi, which are old volcanic mountains and lowlands at the side, some are dominated by swamps. These conditions are highly
potential to cause volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, and landslides. A study states that Indonesia is one of the countries that has a high level of seismicity in the world, ten times higher
than The United States. Earthquakes caused by the interaction of tectonic plates can cause tidal waves if they occur in the ocean. With an area that is heavily affected by the movement of these
tectonic plates, Indonesia also frequently experiences tsunamis in some areas.

As an archipelago, Indonesia consists of 17,508 islands, most of them face the open sea with a coastline of more than 81,000 km. Indonesia has a tropical climate with two seasons, dry and rainy,
causing extreme changes in weather, temperature, and wind direction. These geographical factors potentially cause hydrometeorological disasters such as floods, landslides, droughts, extreme
weather (hurricanes), extreme waves and abrasion as well as fires.
Important issues related to disaster potential is high population growth and demographic diversity in Indonesia. Indonesian population in January 2023 reach 273.52 million people consisting of
various ethnicities, groups, religions, and customs. On the other hand, the pace of development has resulted in an increase in people's access to science and technology. The negative impact of
construction is the exploitation of natural resources, especially on a large scale. This results in ecosystem damage which often causes an increase risk of disasters such as forest fires and landslides.

The uneven distribution of the population which tends to be concentrated in several areas has resulted in the formation of densely populated settlements in big cities. Densely populated settlements
in urban areas cause various forms of environmental pollution such as air pollution, water pollution by industrial and household waste, and garbage accumulation. This causes a decrease in water and
air quality and the risk of flooding. Dense settlements accompanied by non-standard building structures and lack of road access will make it easier for fire to spread when fire occurs at one point.
Fragile building structures can also increase the risk of loss in an earthquake.
Along with the high population growth in Indonesia, infrastructure development is also growing rapidly. This is also supported by the massive use of technology, especially social media, which
facilitates the information spread and people mobilization to access any kind of attraction. This can be a potential disaster if not accompanied by proper regulations and people awareness. As an
example, The Itaewon tragedy in South Korea, which was originally intended to celebrate Halloween, ended up being a man-made disaster that killed 159 people and injured 196 people. In Indonesia, a
similar incident occurred in Kanjuruhan. The soccer match between Arema FC and Persebaya took the lives of 132 people, 596 victims with minor and moderate injuries, and 26 victims with major

Considering high number of disasters and consequences arising from disasters, both natural disasters and man-made disasters, public awareness needs to be increased. For this reason, it is necessary
to organize a special forum for disaster education for doctors, other health care providers, and general population. In the end, it is hoped that all layers of society will become more aware of all
potential disasters so that losses and casualties can be minimized.

Letnan Jenderal TNI (Purn) Dr. Tatang Sulaiman, S.Sos., M.Si

Brigadir Jenderal TNI Dr. Chairussani Abas Sopamena, S.IP, M.Si

Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D.

Dr. Agus Subagyo, S.I.P., M.Si.

Dr. Asep Kurniawan, S.E., M.T., ASCA., CHRA.

Dewi Ratih Handayani, dr., M.Kes.

Brigjen TNI (Purn) Dr. Sutrisno, dr., SH.,M.A.R.S.,M.H.Kes. Flsqua

Steering Committee
Prof. Dato' Sri Dr. Abu Hassan Asaari

Yudith Yunia Kusmala, dr., Sp.PD.,M.Kes.

Daswara Djajasasmita, dr., M.Kes., Sp.S.

Sylvia Mustikasari, dr., M.Med. Ed.

Dr. Welly Ratwita, dr., M.Kes

Dr. dr. Tri Wahyu Murni Sulisetyowati, Sp.B., Sp.BTKV(K), MH.Kes

Arifin Kurniawan Kashmir, dr., Sp.A

Organizing Committee

Chairman Fitriardi Sejati, dr., SpB, FinaCS

Co-chairman Glen Glady Prakasa, dr.

Secretary Gusti Ayu Sinta Deasy Andani, dr., M.Biomed., AIFO-K

Ris Kristiana, dr., SpPA

Oki Meilani, dr. SpPA

Jovy Yudha Tamba, dr.

Secretariat Ardiansyah Abas Waliono, S.Tr.Kom

Rinna Marlina, A.Md

Darjo Siswantoro

Tanti Marlina, S.I. Pust.

Asti Kristianti, dr., SpTHT-KL, M.Kes.

Risma Novianti, S.Ak

Riska Ingried R, SE

Neng Beby Andrayani, S.E

Odih Fahruzi, dr., SpAn

Siska Telly Pratiwi, dr., M.Kes

Rhea Veda Nugraha, dr., M.Kes

Arini Ghaisa Atsari, dr., SpM

Atep Supriadi, dr., Sp.EM

Bagus Tjahjono, dr., MPH

Efi Oktaviani, dr.

Miranda Alinda, dr.

Rika Cahya, dr.

Medyna Wulandari Harahap, dr.

Resti Agustina, S.S.I

Alya Nur Shafira, S.S.I

Fitri Detya

Yulia Widiastuti, A.Md.Keb

Endry Septiadi, dr., M.Kes

Rina Munirah, dr., MKM., SpDV

Towifah Fauziah Choerunisa, dr., Sp.PK

Sony Ramdhani, dr., MH.Kes

Dewi Nurlaeni, dr.

Lucky Wardani, dr., MM


M. Suracahyana Ferry, SE

Putik Kristiati, Amd.Ak.

Hendra Sopandi, S.Kom

Iis Inayati, dr., M.Kes

Dr. Wendra, dr., M.Kes

Sri Handayani, Amd.AK

Funds and Exhibition
Usep Sukarya, Amd.Ak

Churun Agustini, SE

Rini Roslaeni, dr., SpPK.,
Dr. Tezza Adriansyah Anwar, S.IP, MM MMRS.
R. Dewi Kusumo, dr., SpKJ
Dinar Mutiara, dr., M.Kes.
Emma Mardliyah, dr., M.Kes., SpKKLP.,
Nita Lestari, S.Sos
Human Relation Kiki Puspitasari, dr., SpKJ
Food and Beverage
Fitrianingsih Saputra, Amd.Ak
Masbukin, S.Sos

Asep Tovik Neneng Irma

Saleh Santika

Ridono Caesar Suhud, SE., MBA Dedi Sutardi

Dian Octorina, dr.

Ali Taufan, dr., MH.Kes
Nabella Meriem, dr.

Gilang Supriatna, S.Tr.Kom

Publication and Documentation Suwito, AMAK
Muhamad Irfan Firmansyah, Amd

Ajie Laksmono, S.Sos Agus Sutisna

Endjang Arip Hermansjah, S.Sos

Riski Setiawan, SM Anno Apriyaldi, Amd. Ak.

Hindun Sa'adah, dr., M.Biomed

Encang Jayusman
Iin Heryani, dr.
Yuke Ireka, dr., SpPA
Hendra Sopandi, S.Tr.Kom
Endang Hamdan, S.Kom.

Ajat Sudrajat, SE Wahyu Budiwarsono, S.Kep.

Cecep Mulyana
Rosidin Nur
Rifqi Eka Satria, ST

Febrina Kartika Devi, SH

Nurdiana Suciyanti, S.Si

Anita Ismayanti Ason

Discover the Treasure and Wealth of
Disaster Experiences at Unjani,
Bandung, Indonesia

International Major Incident Exercise and Competition in

Conjuction with Annual Scientific Meeting XIV : Update
International Disaster Response : Lessons Learned and Share
Experiences Faculty of Medicine Unjani 2023

Holiday Inn Pasteur - Bandung


Special Prize will be awarded for the best oral and

poster presentation (selected by judges and

Day 1 - June 1st 2023


Day 2 - June 2nd 2023

D A Y 1
D A Y 2

Scientific Meeting Jamboree

Jamboree IDR 6.000.000 Per Team (5 Person)

*20% Discount on Scientific Meeting for

International Jamboree Participant

Dies Natalis

5K RUN IDR 150.000 Include Race Pack

10K RUN IDR 200.000 Include Race Pack

Bank Account :
PT BPD Jawa Barat dan Banten, Tbk
Bank BJB
City : Cimahi
Account : 0011001100111
Swift Code : PDJBIDJA
5K & 10K RUN
5K & 10K RUN
International Jamboree Dies Natalis

dr. Glen Prakarsa dr. Endry Septiadi, M.Kes

+62 822 2133 2009 +62 812 2483 0002

Scientific Meeting
dr. Rhea Veda Nugraha,
dr. Odih Fahruzi, SpAn
+62 813 1094 1113
+62 822 4474 2375 SCAN ME!
Nurdiana Suciyanti Anita Ismayanti
+62 812 2033 8004 +62 813 217 88 752


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