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Using The MAST Virtual Observatory To Study Light

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Using the MAST virtual observatory to study light profiles in elliptical galaxies

Article  in  Revista Mexicana de Fisica · November 2008

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2 authors, including:

Julio Saucedo
Universidad de Sonora (Unison)


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Using the MAST virtual observatory to study light profiles in elliptical galaxies
F. Ávila-Castro and J. Saucedo-Morales
Departamento de Investigación en Fı́sica, Universidad de Sonora,
Apartado Postal 5-088, Hermosillo, Sonora, 83190, México,
Recibido el 15 de julio de 2008; aceptado el 29 de agosto de 2008

In this paper we use high quality images from the M.A.S.T. Virtual Observatory to elliptical galaxies with redshift z < 0.02 to explore the
differences between the classic de Vaucouleurs r1/4 and Sérsic r1/n surface light profiles. With the data obtained from the light profiles fits
for a sample of 20 elliptical galaxies, we study the fundamental plane of elliptical galaxies. The Fundamental Plane involves several physical
quantities of the galaxy such as luminosity, dispersion velocity and effective radius. While it is known that the Sérsic profile gives a better
physical description of an individual galaxy, it was surprising that this data does not fit the Fundamental Plane for a sample of galaxies as
well as the classical de Vaucouleurs fit does.

Keywords: Virtual observatory; elliptical galaxies; surface light profile; fundamental plane.

En este artı́culo usamos imágenes de alta calidad del Observatorio Virtual MAST, de galaxias elı́pticas con un corrimiento al rojo de z < 0.02
para explorar las diferencias en el ajuste al perfil de brillo superficial dados por de Vaucouleurs r1/4 y Sérsic r1/n . Con los datos obtenidos
por estos ajustes a una muestra de 20 galaxias elı́pticas, estudiamos el Plano Fundamental de galaxias elı́pticas. El Plano Fundamental
involucra varias cantidades fı́sicas de una galaxia como su luminosidad, velocidad de dispersión y radio efectivo. Aunque es conocido que
el perfil de Sérsic da una mejor descripción de una galaxia individual, fue una sorpresa encontrar que para la muestra completa los datos
obtenidos por el perfil de de Vaucouleurs se ajustó mejor al Plano Fundamental.

Descriptores: Observatorio virtual; galaxias elı́pticas; perfil superficial de luminosidad; plano fundamental.

PACS: 98.52.Eh

1. Introduction Law [1] which fits to a r1/4 surface light profile:

r 1
Traditionally, in astronomical research, the data has been ob- −7.67[( ) 4 − 1]
tained in big observatories on top of mountains. However, I(r) = Ie e re (1)
the number of astronomers has increased and the observ-
ing time has become more scarce. On the other hand, the Here, the effective intensity Ie is defined as I(re ), where re
amount of digital data generated by the observatories is get- is the effective radius that contains half of the galaxy lumi-
ting larger and larger, mainly because after the research of the nosity. However, as the quality and resolution of the images
astronomers, the data just sits there unused. For example, if increased, a more general description has become more use-
an astronomer takes images of a hundred elliptical galaxies ful. This is Sérsic’s Law.
for a project in galactic cannibalism, the same data could be r 1
−bn [( ) n − 1]
used by another astronomer looking for supernovae without I(r) = Ie e re (2)
the need of going to an observatory. This situation and the
development of faster computer systems, produced the con- This r1/n profile was proposed by Sérsic [2] in 1968 and
cept of the Virtual Observatory (VO). The VO can be seen revisited by Caon, Capaccioli and D’Onofrio [3]. When
as a huge database of astronomical data. This database can n = 4, this equation becomes de Vaucouleurs’ Law. The
be accessed in multiple ways to retrieve the desired data in a term bn = 2n − 0.327 was proposed by Capaccioli [3] from
short time. This represents a new opportunity for researchers results of numerical fits. Besides the better fit of Sérsic Law,
and students as it provides access to a huge quantity of data one of the most interesting results are the correlations be-
of high quality. In this paper we set to find out how easy it is tween Sérsic parameters (n, re , Ie ) and galactic properties
in reality to access high quality data. such as absolute magnitude and size of the galaxy.
If we model an elliptical galaxy as a sphere of particles,
then the Virial Theorem (VT) may be used to study it. From
2. Theory the VT, several relations have been found, including Tully-
Fisher [4], Freeman Law [5] and Faber-Jackson [6]. Using
Elliptical galaxies appear to be simple objects at first view.
this relations the Fundamental Plane (FP) was obtained:
Just a smooth blob of light, sometimes round, sometimes
very elliptical. However, the reality is quite different. For in- L ∝ σ0α reβ (3)
stance, the light profile of the galaxy can give us information
on its shape, size and brightness. One of the most successful In this equation we have the luminosity L, the velocity disper-
descriptions on the surface brightness is the de Vaucouleurs’ sion σ0 which is related to the virial properties of the galaxy,

and the effective radius re we obtain from the surface light wavelenght of 0.8 microns. This filter is commonly used in
profile. Looking at the equation, we ask ourselves: Which galactic studies because it is not severely affected by dust ex-
effective radius should we use, the one that fits the de Vau- istence.
couleurs profile, or the more general r1/n ? Will there even
be a difference? We think there will be a difference for a
3. Results
sharper profile, where the light is more concentrated at the
center of the galaxy, the effective radius will be smaller. A The galaxies were selected with the next criteria:
more gentle slope in the profile will give us a larger effective
radius. With this reasoning, we see that the de Vaucouleurs 1. They are part of the New General Catalog (NGC),
profile sometimes will give values below or above the given 2. They should be true elliptical galaxy. In the prelim-
by Sérsic. We saw that using a small sample of high resolu- inary sample we found two that were the results of
tion images of elliptical galaxies is a quick way to find out if mergers and did not give a clean fit for the light profile
there are differences. To obtain this type of images in short (each previous core produced a bump in the profile),
time, a Virtual Observatory is the best way to do it. even when they appeared to be ellipticals,
The Multimission Archive at STScI is a NASA funded 3. The galaxy must be near to us so it presents a big angu-
project to support and provide to the astronomical commu- lar size in terms of pixels to get more resolution for the
nity a variety of astronomical data archives, with the primary light profile fitting. Most galaxies in the SDSS have
focus on scientifically related data sets in the optical, ultra- an angular size around 5 pixels in contrast to over 30
violet, and near-infrared parts of the spectrum. Of special pixels in MAST and will not show a big difference be-
interest to us, is the High Level Science Products (HLSP). tween the two profiles as there are too few data points,
These are community contributed images and spectra. This
data is fully processed (reduced, cleaned of cosmic rays, etc), 4. They are well known and there is a lot of information
so it is ready for scientific analysis. The access is simple. of them in Hyperleda ( From
Right in the webpage is a search box. Hyperleda we used the apparent magnitude, absolute
We simply introduce the name of the object (for example, magnitude and velocity dispersion, and
NGC 1399) and it will tell us if there are HLSP available for 5. It must have a HLSP image, and it should not be over-
download. exposed.
The data used in this work came from the Hubble Space We started with over 30 galaxies, but the last criteria re-
Telescope (HST). The images were captured with the Wide duced the sample to 20 galaxies. It is expected that as times
Field Camera which has four CCDs. Three of this CCDs goes by, more and more data will be available as HLSP. One
are arranged in an L-shaped array with a resolution of 0.1” of the benefits of using images of the HLSP, is that they are
per pixel. The filter used is F814W with an approximate ready for analysis. Typical astroimaging reduction (cosmic
rays, flat sky, dark current subtraction, etc.) is already done
for us.
Once we obtained the images, we used the IRAF software
for the analysis. We used it because it has a special task to
fit elliptical isophotes to an image (Fig. 1), and construct a
table of information of several parameters including inten-
sity, radial distance from the center, ellipticity among many
others. The isophotes are regions that have the same pixel
values. It is possible using this table, to reconstruct a model
of the galaxy. This is useful in some cases to find inner struc-
ture such as multiple cores or bars and can be done by simple
substracting the model from the real image.
While doing the fitting, we observe that there are a couple
of problems. At the center of the image, the CCD sensor may
be saturated and this gives us a plateau in the profile. In the
outer part of the galaxy the problem is how to know where
the galaxy ends and where the background light starts. This
presents a catch-22 because if the image has a low exposure
time, then the center will be all right while the outer part will
be lost. If we increase the exposure to have a better grasp
on the real size of the object, then most of the center will be
F IGURE 1. Ellipse fitting using the ellipse task from IRAF, for saturated. From the HLSP we used images with a slight satu-
NGC 1427. Each ring has the same value in brightness (isophote). rated center. A python program was used to do the fittings in
Image from STScI. both light profiles. The program did a non-linear fit using a

Rev. Mex. Fı́s. S 54 (2) (2008) 107–110


Levenberg-Marquardt routine. With this, we obtained the ef-

fective radius, the luminosity of the galaxy, and in the Sérsic
fit, the n parameter. The non-linear fit was used because the
term Ie depends on re and might introduce a bias if we do a
linear fit.
For the fitting, the program took in consideration the next
F IGURE 3. Luminosity versus Velocity Dispersion. Left is Sérsic
1. The sky value, needed to determine where the galaxy and right de Vaucouleurs. The data points are the same because
ends. It is done in a case by case basis, they do not come from the light profile fit, while the slope is differ-
ent because the FP fit was not the same.
2. Apparent magnitude of the galaxy (taken from the Hy-
perleda database),

3. Velocity of the galaxy. Also taken from Hyperleda and

needed to get the distance to the object. For this, the
Hubble constant value of H0 = 71 + −4 (km/s)/Mpc
from WMAP ’03 was used,

4. A scale parameter used to convert from angular size

in pixels, to kpc. The CCD of the HST camera has a F IGURE 4. Luminosity versus Velocity Dispersion. Sérsic (on the
resolution of 0.100 per pixel. left) has more dispersion on the fit, and has less range in the x-axis.
de Vaucouleurs gave a better fit to the FP.
In all the cases the Sérsic profile was the better fit. If we
compare the errors, we also observe that the Sérsic fit was the
most consistent too (Fig. 2).
Now, we calculated the parameters for the FP to do the
comparison. The FP equation was transformed into a lineal
log(L) = α log(σ0 ) + β log(re ) + γ (4)

TABLE I. Errors for the Fundamental Plane fit. From the values we
see that de Vaucouleurs was a better fit to the Fundamental Plane.
The R2 values the closer to 1.0 the better they are.
Std. Error R2 Adj. R2
Sérsic 0.303 0.632 0.588
de Vaucouleurs 0.269 0.709 0.675

F IGURE 5. Sersic’s index histogram. There is no preference for

n = 4 that corresponds to de Vaucouleurs, but we can see a peak
around n = 2 in this sample.

With the Fundamental Plane expressed like this, we used

the method of linear regression to obtain the coefficients. The
equation for the Fundamental Plane using the Sérsic data is
log(L) = 0.07 log(σ0 ) + 2.33 log(re ) + 4.70. For de Vau-
couleurs was log(L) = 0.48 log(σ0 ) + 1.09 log(re ) + 7.31.
The errors are presented in the Table I.
The better fit for the FP was de Vaucouleurs, even when
the fits for the effective radius were not as good as Sérsic’s.
Another thing we can see, is that for the Sérsic fit, the effec-
tive radius has a bigger presence, and the velocity dispersion
F IGURE 2. χ2 value for each light profile fit, and galaxy. Straight is barely taken in account. At the moment, we do not have
line are the Sérsic fit and the dotted line is from de Vaucouleurs’. It an explanation as to why this happened. In the graphic of
is clearly seen that Sérsic is more consistent and with less error. luminosity against dispersion velocity (Fig. 3) there are no

Rev. Mex. Fı́s. S 54 (2) (2008) 107–110


differences. After all, neither of these parameters depend on

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consider, is that the Fundamental Plane contains information
the fit used. In other words, is the same data for both cases. of the virialization of the galaxy. The light profiles, as the
However, when the effective radius is involved there is a name implies, only give information on the visible mass of
difference (Fig. 4). In the Sérsic case, the data has more dis- the galaxy. Perhaps the difference observed between the fits
persion in the y-axis (as the errors in the fit tell us), and has is another favor of the ΛCDM scenario, because the effec-
less range in the x-axis. An explanation is that most of the tive radius was calculated from the visible mass of the galaxy
galaxies in the sample had a Sérsic index < 4 so the effective and into the Fundamental Plane the total virialized mass is
radius was smaller and the luminosity more concentrated in taken in account. Finally, we can not exclude the possibility
the center of the galaxy. For de Vaucouleurs, the effective ra- that the FP equation may be better fitted if we use the velocity
dius spreads over a wider range. Plotting dispersion velocity dispersion as the independent variable, because a dependence
and effective radius give us a similar result. between the luminosity and the effective radius may exist. A
Another interesting result is found when a histogram comparison should be made in the future, hopefully with a
(Fig. 5) is made of the values obtained for n. Blanton [7] bigger sample. Besides a new sample, the use of techniques
using a bigger sample from SDSS, finds a peak in the distri- to use high dynamic range images stacking several images
bution around n ∼ 1, also for close galaxies. It is clear that of different exposures, will give us more information for the
there are no preferences for a n = 4 in the light profiles. light profile fit. There is a lot of work ahead, because the
sample used is very limited and very near to us to fully un-
4. Conclusions derstand the evolution of elliptical galaxies. A similar line of
work can be extended to study Compact Groups of Galaxies
The most important result, is that it is possible and very at a farther distance, because elliptical galaxies may be the
convenient to use data from a VO. With a broadband Inter- result of the merger of the member of a Compact Group and
net connection, the data can be obtained in just one day. It present physical differences at different redshifts.
was interesting to observe a difference in the Fundamental
Plane using the Sérsic fit. One should expect that because the
Sérsic profile follows more precisely the shape of the galaxy, Acknowledgments
it would be more useful to describe it with the classical FP.
There are other studies [7,8] in which they find similar results This work has been possible thanks to the CONACyT schol-
and hint that using a spherical model for an elliptical galaxy arship, and the Ph. D. Program in Physics of the University
is no longer enough to describe the physical properties given of Sonora. We also want to thank Dr. Alfredo Santillán and
the information on the real three dimension shape that can M.I. Liliana Hernández from UNAM for the workshop on
be obtained using high resolution images. Another thing to Handling and Reduction of Large Astronomical Databases.

1. de Vaucouleurs, Ann. Astrophysics 11 (1948) 247. 5. K.C. Freeman, Ap.J. 160 (1970) 811.
2. J.L. Sérsic, Generalized R 4 Law., Atlas de Galaxias Australes
6. S. Faber and B. Jackson, Ap. J. 204 (1976) 668.
(Córdova, Argentina: Observatorio Astronómico, 1968).
3. N. Caon, M. Capaccioli, and D’Onofrio, MNRAS 265 1993 7. M. Blanton et al., Ap. J. 594 (2002) 186.
4. R. Tully and J. Fisher, A&A 54 (1977) 661. 8. N. Padmanabhan, et al., New Astron. 9 (2004) 329.

Rev. Mex. Fı́s. S 54 (2) (2008) 107–110

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