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Direction : In the following passage, some words have ;gk¡to ,d preposition gS vkSj seeing mldk object
been deleted. Read the passage carefully and select gS tks fdverb dh noun form esa fn;k x;k gSA
the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.
blfy, option esa ls gesa ogh
option select djuk gksxk tks
SET-1 fd verb dh noun form esa gSA
Competition is a necessary prospect for (1)________ in-
blfy, Distinguishing lgh mÙkj gSA

dividuals with particular qualities, but only those who
can (2)__________ their minds to work, work hard ev- 2. (d) ;g question Collocations ij vkèkkfjr gSA
ery day, and prove themselves will be able to Make up one’s mind = to decide something

l i s
(3)_____________ this arduous battle. It's a never-end-
ing race to the finish line, and only those who put in
the effort and dedication will make it to the end. The
(oqQN r; djuk
Put/Set/Turn one’s mind to something = to

decide you want to achieve something and give
outcome of any exam does not (4)__________ on the last
this all your attention./oqQN ikus dk fu'p; djuk

day, during your paper — your success is ensured with
vkSj mlesa viuk attention
iwjk nsukA

every morning that you put in work. Students must be
(‘Get one’s mind’ vkSj
Divert one’s mind lgh ugha

aware of the tough environment they are entering and
prepare (5)______________ in order to improve their gSA blfy, bUgsa gVk fn;k tk,xkA)


E b nt y
(SSC CHSL - 24/05/2022 Shift-III)
(a) distinguished (b) distinguishes
(c) distinguishing (d) Distinguish
(a) get
(c) made
(b) divert
(d) put
3. (a)

blfy, Put lgh mÙkj gSA

Overcome (V1) = to succeed in dealing with

something unpleasant (cqjs nkSjface
dks djds ckgj

(Overcome + injury / battle/ fear / tempta-

3. (a) overcome (b) overload tion / addiction / adversities / barriers)
(c) overpaid (d) overjoyed
• Overload (V1) = to put too great a load on some-

4. (a) awake (b) arise
(c) arrive (d) abase thing (T;knk otu j[kuk)

5. (a) reluctantly (b) consequently • Overpaid (V2) = to pay someone too much
(c) accordingly (d) exponentially (fdlh dks t:jr ls vf/d iSls nsuk)
• Overjoyed (adjective) = extremely happy

1. (c) 2. (d)

r aAnswer Key
3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (c)
(vR;fèkd [kq'k)
;gk¡ ge'able to' ds cknverb dk base form use djsaxs
blfy, overpaid rks gV tk,xk D;ksafdV2 gS
;s vkSj
joyed adjective gS blfy, ;g Hkh gV tk,xk vkSj

1. (c) ‘For’ ,d preposition gS] vkSj preposition
ge ds ckn load rks blcontext ls gh ckgj gSA
verb dh noun form vFkkZr~gerund (V1 + ing) use blfy, overcome lgh answer gksxk D;ksafdverb ;g
djrs gSA dh base form gSA
Rankers Mantra
(Actually gesa
preposition ds ckn mldkobject pkfg,
gksrk gS tks fd dksbZ
noun ;k pronoun gh gks ldrk gSA ) Overcome = to succeed in dealing with or
(1) We are looking forward to see you again. [×] controlling a problem
(2) We are looking forward to seeing you again. [] (fdlh problem ls fuiVus ;k mls
control djus esa liQy gksukA)
Come over = (1) to affect somebody/something

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(fdlh dks izHkkfor djuk) 5. (a) average (b) plentiful

(2) to visit somebody/something. (fdlh ls feyuk) (c) meagre (d) minor
Get over = to overcome. [mcj ikuk (fdlhsituation ls)] Answer Key
4. (c) 1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (c)
• Awake = to wake up/txkuk EXPLANATION
1. (c) bl iz'u ds fy, gesa fdlhgrammar rule dh t:jr ugha
• Arise = to begin to exist/fn[kuk 'kq: gksuk
gSA ;g lcdks irk gksrk gS fd euq"; dh rhu t:jrs
• Arrive = to come when you have been wait-
gksrh & gSa
[kkuk] diM+k vkSj jgus ds fy, ?kj gksuk pkf
ing/vk igq¡puk
blfy, clothing lgh mÙkj gSA
• Abase = to lower in rank or esteem
2. (a) Suitable = appropriate for a particular/mfpr
(Rank ;k lEeku de djukA)
• Purpose = (Suitable + place/location/candidate)
;gk¡ ys[kd fdlhexam ds ifj.kke ds ckjsdescribe
esa dj • Authoritative = having authority (Authorita-
jgk gSA blfy,Awake, Arise vkSj Abase bl context tive + tone / voice/ manner)/ftl ij [kqn dk

ls ckgj gks tk,saxsA
‘Arrive’ lgh answer gksxkA
(c) ys[kddescribes dj jgk gS Nk=kksa dks bl rjg ls rS;kjh

vfèkdkj gksrk gSA tSls (vkokt@<ax vkSj rjhdk)
Decent = of good standard / quality (Decent +
meal/ place / wage /sleep / job / person)

• Temporary = lasting for a short time/vYi le;
djuh pkfg, tks ml dfBu okrkoj.k ds fy, mi;qDr gksaA ftlesa rd pyus okyk] tSls &

Temporary job, Temporary

os izos'k dj jgs gSA

i r
Reluctantly = in a way that involves hesitat-

ing before doing something/f>>drs gq,
vxj fdlh O;fDr ds ikl mi;qDrprofesstion (is'kk) gks
rks mldhbaisc needs vlkuh lsfulfil gks ldrh gSA

y s
Consequently = as a result/iQyLo:i

Accordingly = in a way that is appropriate to
‘Temporary profession udkjkRed
gSA D;ksafd
(negative) yxrk
;g needs iwjh ugha dj ldrk gSA
gesa"Decent profession" dh Hkh t:jr ugha cqfu;knh

E b nt
what has been said in a particular situation/
blds vuqlkj t:jrksa dks iwjk djus ds fy,
• Exponentially = in a way that becomes faster blfy, ‘Suitable’ lgh answer gSA
and faster/vkSj rsth ls 3. (d) Passage dks i<+us ds ckn ge vklkuh ls fu"d"kZ fud
blfy, 'Accordingly' context ds fglkc lslgh gksxkA ldrs gS fd ys[kd nq%[kh gS yksxksa ds ikl dksbZ tkW

Human beings have three basic needs: food, shelter,
and (1) ______. All of these requirements can be met
satisfactorily only if an individual has money, and for

ugha gS)
Rightfully = according to the law or what is right/
fu;e ds vuqlkj
Regressively = in a way in which something

earning this money, the individual must be employed, is becoming less advanced/izxfr esa ck/k iM+uk
i. e., have a/an (2)______ profession. (3)______, there • Repressively = in a way that involves control-
ling people by force/cyiwoZd yksxksa dks djuk

are a lot of people throughout the globe who have been control
unable to obtain a job. As a direct (4) ______, they have • Regrettably = used to describe ‘regret’ that you

a/an (5)______ amount of income, and unemployment are sorry about something and wish it had not
is the term used to describe this condition of jobless- happened./iNrkrs gq,/[ksn ds lkFk
ness. blfy, 'Regrettably' context ds fglkc ls lgh gSA


(SSC CHSL - 24/05/2022 Shift-I)
4. (b)

Attack = the act of trying to hurt someone us-
ing force/vkØe.k djuk
Consequence = a result (especially unpleas-
ant) /nq"ifj.kke
3. (a) Rightfully (b) Regressively (To suffer/face/ produce/have + consequences)
(Dire / disastrous/ negative/adverse/direct/
(c) Repressively (d) Regrettably
unintended/inevitable/serious + conse-
4. (a) attack (b) consequence quences)
(c) sequence (d) Confrontation

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• Sequence = a set of events, actions/?kVukvksa or dkidealised or otherwise (4) _______ figure, but of a
Øe unique (5) ________ of flesh and blood.
• Confrontation = A situation in which there is (SSC CHSL - 24/05/2022 Shift-II)
anger between people or groups/,slh fLFkfr ftlesa1. (a) despite (b) under
yksxksa ;k lewg ds chp xqLlk gksrk gSA (c) through (d) towards
ys[kd crkrk gS yksxksa
job ugha 2.
dks feyus ls cgqr vfiz; ifj.kke (a) whose (b) whom
(c) who (d) Which
gks ldrk gSA
3. (a) every (b) self
blfy, ;gk¡ 'Consequence' lgh answer gksxkA (c) last (d) Present
Rankers Mantra 4. (a) callous (b) absent
(c) ordinary (d) Profuse
Consequence = A result of something that has
5. (a) organism (b) being
happened, especially a bad result/nq"ifj.kke
(c) cripple (d) stance
Result = Something that is directly caused or Answer Key

produced by something else/ifj.kke 1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (b)
Outcome = The result of an action or process not
directly related/ifj.kke

i s
Repercussion (Formal) = An indirect and usually
bad result of an action that may happen some 1. (d) ge lkekU;r%

‘Attitude’ ds lkFk
preposition 'towards'
time afterwards

i r
(fdlh dke dk indirect vkSjusually nq"ifj.kke tks dqN

time ckn gksus okyk gS)
use djrs gSdirection fn[kkus ds fy,A
Attitude + towards + somebody/something
To have/take/adopt + a positive/nega-

Note = ‘Consequence’ means ‘Importance’ too. tive/social + attitude

‘Despite’ dk use 'contrast' dksrefer djus ds fy,


(c) iwjkpassage i<+us ds ckn vklkuh ls ;g fu"d"kZ fudkyk tk fd;k tkrk gSA

E b nt
ldrk gS fd yksxjob ikus esa vleFkZ
(failed) gSa ;k mudh (His voice was shaking despite all his efforts
vk; cgqr de gSA blfy, gesa ;gk¡ vk; dh jkf'k
(amount to control it.)
of income) dks crkus ds fy,
negative connotation • Under dk use ‘position’ dksrefer djus ds fy, fd;k
ds word dh vko';drk gSA tkrk gSA

Average = normal, not special/lkekU;
Ple ntiful = avail able in l arge amou nts
(Positive)/ T;knk ek=kk esa gksuk (ldkjkRed)
Meagre = small in quantity or low in quality

Have you looked under the bed?
‘Through’ dk use ‘means’ dksrefer djus ds fy,
fd;k tkrk gSA
(You can achieve success through hard work.)

(Negative)/vi;kZIr • “Attitude toward something” = ftl rjg ls dksbZ O;fDr
• Minor = not very large, important, or serious fdlh pht ds ckjs esa lksprk ;k eglwl djrk gSA
(Negative)/(cgqr cM+k egRoiw.kZ ;k xaHkhj
/rqPN ugha)

r a
'Minor' dks ek=kk
(quantity) ds fy, mi;ksx ugha djrs
blfy, ‘meagre’ lgh answer gSA
blfy, 'Attitude' lgh answer gSA
(d) A man's life ________ they can therefore re-
count as God Himself
gesa ;gk¡
relative pronoun dh t:jr gSA tksfdtransitive

Novelists when they write novels tend to take an al-
most god-like attitude (1) _________their subject, pre-
tending to a total comprehension of the story, a man's
life, (2) ________they can therefore recount as God Him-
self might, nothing standing between them and the
naked truth, the entire story meaningful in (3)

verb 'recount' ds object ds :i esa use gksx

o relation n'kkZrk gSA

'Who' O;fDr;ksa ds fy,
man's life" bl relative pronoun dk antecedend gksxkA
'Whose' O;fDr;ksa dsuse fy, gksrk gSA tksfd

use gksrk gSAsubject

;g ds :i
_________ detail. I am as little able to do this as the
novelist is, even though my story is more important to
esause gksrk gSA
me than any novelist's is to him – for this is my story; • 'Whom' O;fDr;ksa ds fy, use fd;k tkrk gSA ;gobject
it is the story of a man, not of an invented, or possible, ds :i esa use gksrk gSA

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• 'Which' oLrqvksa
(things) ds fy, use gksrk ;g
gSAsub- ,d dkYifud fopkj dks n'kkZ jgs gSaA vFkkZr~ ml pht d
ject vFkok
object nksuksa dsusefy, gks ldrk gSA jgs gS tks fd orZeku esa ugha djrh gSA blfy,
exist 'or' ds
blfy, ‘Which’ lgh answer gksxkA }kjk bu rhuksa
words ds lkFk ge mlword dksconnect
3. (a) ‘Self’ ,d noun gSA gesa;gk¡determiner vFkok djsxsa tks fd buds tSlk gh gksxkA
adjective dh t:jr gSA • Callous = cruel and not caring about other
vxj ge last dkuse djrs gS rks blls igys gesa fdlh
pre- people’s feelings./dBksj] funZ;h
modifier dh t:jr gSA tks fd fn;k ugha gSA • Absent = not present/vuqifLFkr
Last detail – (×) • Ordinary = not different in any way/lkekU;
The last detail – () • Profuse = produced in large amounts/cM+h ek=kk
blfy, 'Every' lgh answer gSA ls mRikfnr
Rankers Mantra blfy, ;gk¡ ij ‘absent’ context ds fglkc ls lgh gSA
5. (b) Story esas bldk Li"V mYys[k gSstory fd ;g 'man' ls
Give = It is a general term, it is applicable to any

related gSA
passing over of anything by any means/nsuk
• Organism = A living thing that is extremely
(Example:- She gave a pen to Ranu.)

small (A term of ‘Biology’.)
Present = to give something to somebody,

• Being = A living creature such as human be-
especially formally at a ceremony/migkj nsuk
ings/,d thfor (tSls fd euq";)

l r
(Example:- She was presented with an award.)
Donate = to give money, food, clothes etc to a • Cripple = a disabled person (Cripple is an ‘of-

charity/nku nsuk fensive’ term.)/fodYkkax O;fDr


n g
(Example:- He donated thousands of pounds to

• Stance = The opinion that somebody has about
something/fdlh oLrq ds ckjs esa jk;
blfy, ‘Being’ lgh answer gSA

Bestow = to give something to somebody,
especi ally to show how much th ey are

E b nt
respected/lEeku ds :i esa iznku djukA
In terms of education, children must receive proper
(Bestow something on/upon somebody)
care, (1)______ and schooling. By (2)______ child mar-
Confer = to give somebo dy an aw ard, a riage, the best possible future of children can be
university degree or a particular honour/vokWMZ] (3)______. When there is an economic crisis, many
fMxzh vkfn nsuk

programmes must be held so that they can (4)______
(An honorary degree was conferred on him by how to fight for themselves (5)______ and efficiently.
Oxford University in 2019.) (SSC CHSL - 25/05/2022 Shift-III)

Afford = to give something to somebody, 1. (a) guidance (b) dress
especially a natural or legitimate consequence
(c) food (d) help

of the character of the giver/izkÑfrd :i ls iznku djukA
2. (a) violating (b) allowing
(The tree affords some shelter from the sun.)
(c) ignoring (d) outlawing
(b) ‘Or’ dk use negative sentences esa mlh sense esa 3. (a) envisioned

4. (b) navigated
fd;k tkrk gS ftl sense esa‘and’ dk use positive (c) awaited (d) scheduled

sentences esa fd;k tkrk gSA 4. (a) learn (b) plan
'And' dkuse same structure/idea okys words dks (c) Educate (d) teach

tksM+us ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA'or' blfy,
dk use Hkh same 5. (a) eloquently (b) effectively
Idea okysword dks tksM+us ds fy, fd;k tk;sxkA (c) abruptly (d) affectively
 ‘Invented’ = assumed, fabricated, imaginary, Answer Key
fictional/dfYir] eux<+r (x<+k gqvk) dkYifud 1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (b)
 ‘Possible’ = imaginable/dYiuh;
 ‘Idealised’ = involving thinking of someone or EXPLANATION
something as better than that person/thing
1. (a) Guidance = advice given by somebody with
is./fdlh O;fDr ;k oLrq dks tks og okLro esabetter
gS] mlls
ekuuk more experience/fdlh vuqHkoh O;fDr }kjk nh tku
;s rhuksawords
gh (invented, possible, idealised) okyh lykg

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Dress vkSjfood physical reference j[krs gSA tcfd Rankers Mantra

intellectual reference pkfg, tks fdGuidance gSACONFUSING WORDS
Plan = Something that we have decided or
Help dk use lkFk&lkFk physical reference ds fy,
arranged to do
Hkh fd;k tkrk gSA
(dqN tks geus
arrange (O;ofLFkr) djus dk
decide fd;k gSA)
blfy, Guidance gh ;gk¡ ij vdsyk ,slkword gS tks
Aim = What we try to achieve (tks ge ikus dh dksf'k'k
dsoy intellectual reference j[krk gS vkSj
djrs gSaA)
tion ls related gSA
Purpose = Something that is a reason for doing
blfy, (a) guidance ghcorrect answer gksxkA something
2. (d) (,slk dqN ftls djus dk ,d dkj.k gks)
• Violating = to refuse to obey a law (Negative
Point (Informal) = The purpose or aim of
connotation)/fu;e (law) dks ikyu djus ls badkj djuk something
(Negative sense) Idea = A mental formulation of doing something

• Allowing = to let somebody/something do some-
Intention = What you intend to do
thing/fdlh dks oqQN djus nsuk
(tks djus dk vkidk bjknk gksa)

• Ignoring = to pay no attention to something/
fdlh dh vksj è;ku u nsuk
/ignore djuk 5. (b) ‘And’ nks leku vFkZ okys 'kCn dks djrk gSA

Outlawing = to make something illegal (to ban

l r
something) (Positive sense)/oqQN izfrcafèkr djuk

‘Efficiently’ is a word which has a positive con-
notation./,d 'kCn gS tks ,d ldkjkRed vFkZ gSA
Eloquently = in a way that uses language and

Outlaw + bonded labour/caèkok]

expresses your opinions well, especially when
cky fookg cPpksa ij udkjkRed izHkko Mkyrk gS blls cpiu you are speaking in public. (A term related to

lekIr gksrk gS vxj ge cPpksa dk csgrj Hkfo"; cukuk pkgrs speaking)/Hkk"kk dk mi;ksx djus dk vkSj vkiuh jk;

gSA cky fookg izfrcafèkr gksuk pkfg,A

vPNh rjg ls O;Dr djus dk rjhdk [kkldj tc vki

E b nt
blfy, ‘Outlawing’ lgh answer gksxkA lkoZtfud :i ls cksy jgs gSA
3. (a) • Effectively = in an effective way (Positive con-
• Envision = to imagine what a situation will be notation)/,d izHkkoh rjhds ls
like in the future /Hkfo"; fd lEHkkfor fLFkfr dh dYiuk • Abruptly = in a sudden, unexpected or unpleas-
djukA ant way (Negative connotation)/vpkud ls]

mldkscontrol djukA

Navigate = to plan and direct the course of ship,
plane, car/tgkt ds xfr o LFkku dh tkudkjh j[kuk vkSj

Await = to wait for somebody/something/ bartkj

• Affectively = in a way that is connected with
emotions and attitudes (A term of ‘psychology’)/
,d rjg ls HkkoukvksaAttitude
vkSj ls tqM+k gqvk
blfy, ‘Effectively’ lgh answer gksxkA


a s
Schedule = to arrange for something to happen/
oqQN O;ofLFkr djuk
tksspeaker gS oks cky fookgban
Psychologists discovered that there are two routes (1)
_______ achievement: conformity and originality. Con-
formity means following the crowd (2) _______ conven-
dksdjus dh ckr dj jgk gSAtional paths and (3) ______ the status quo. Originality

4. (a) bl okD; esa

P r
blfy, lgh answer ‘envisioned’ gksxkA
‘They’ Nk=kksa dh djus ds fy, gSA
;gk¡writer dg jgk gS fd dbZprogramms dk vk;kstu
is taking the road (4) ____ travelled, championing a
set of novel ideas that go against the grain but (5) _______
making things better.

fd;k tk jgk gS rkfd Nk=k lh[k lds fd oSQls mUgsa ifjfLFkfr;ksa

dk lkeuk oqQ'kyrk iwoZd djuk gSA
1. (a) against
(SSC CHSL - 25/05/2022 Shift-I)
(b) on
(c) off (d) to
‘Plan’ word 'out of context' gSA 2. (a) down (b) beside
There are some certain verbs after which (c) since (d) At
(How to + V1) is used. 3. (a) building (b) supplying
(Know / Understand/Learn + ‘how to’ + V1) (c) serving (d) Maintaining
blfy, 'Learn' lgh answer gksxkA 4. (a) quietly (b) far

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(c) frequently (d) Less 4. (d)
5. (a) superficially (b) disinterestedly • Quietly = in a peaceful way/'kkafriw.kZ rjhds ls
(c) advertently (d) ultimately
• Far = at a greater distance/vfèkd nwjh ij
Answer Key
• Frequently = often/vDlj
1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (d)
EXPLANATION • Less = not so much/T;knk ugha
1. (d) ,sls cgqr lkjs
expressions gS ftuesa
to ,d fixed (fuf'pr) ys[kd ds vuqlkj originality dk eryc u;s vkSj vyx
preposition ds :i esa use gksrk gSA fopkjksa ds fy, yM+ukwelltks fdestablished system
 Be + a route to + something = to be a particu- (vPNh rjg ls LFkkfir iz.kkyh)againtds gS vkSj ;s rks
lar way of achieving something. common sense dh ckr gS dsoriginality vkSjnew
 Be + a home to + somebody/something = to be ideas dk jkLrk rks
ultimately de gh yksxksa }kjk viuk;k
a place where you are living.
tkrk gSA
 Be + a help to + somebody/something = to be a
blfy, lgh answer ‘less’ gksxkA

person/thing that helps somebody.
ys[kd dk o.kZu gSconformity
fd vkSjoriginality gh 5. (d) Passage dh vafre line positve gSA ys[kd o.kZu djrk

oqQN gkfly djus ds nks rjhds gSA gS fd varr%‘originality’ gh phtksa dks csgrj cuk jgk gS

blfy, ‘to’ lgh answer gksxkA varr%= originality

l r
2. (a) gesa mfprpreposition dh t:jr gS blank dks Hkjus ds blfy, lgh answer ‘Ultimately’ gksxkA

• Superficially = not carefully or seriously

• Beside = next to or at the side of somebody/ (Negative connotation)

something (It denotes ‘position’.) • Disinterestedly = in a way that is not influ-
enced by personal feelings/Hkkoukvksa ls izHkkfo

(fdlh ds cxy esa

E b nt y
Since = from a time in the past until now
(It denotes ‘point of time’.)
(Past ds fdlh le; ls vc rd)
At = where or when something happens/tgk¡
;k tc oqQN gksrk(Zero
gSAdimensional object)

Advertently = in a careful way/lkoèkkuh iwoZd
Ultimately = finally/vkf[kjdkj

Rankers Mantra

Down = along, towards the direction
(lkFk esa] ml fn'kk dh vksj)
(Down + the road/path/streets)
blfy, lgh answer ‘down’ gksxkA
Last = It refers to something that comes at the
end of a series.
(tks fdlh series ds vUr esa vkrk gS)
(Last page of the book)

(d) ‘Status quo’ (Latin term) = the state of affairs
that exists at a particular time./fdlh fo'ks"k le;

ij ekStwn ekeyksa dh fLFkfr
Final = It refers to something that definitely
closes a series, process or progress.
(tks fdlh series, process ;k progress dks can dj nsa)

;gk¡ fn;k x;kword 'status quo' situation dksrefer (Final day of school)
dj jgk gSA vkSjblank
;g esause dh tkus okyh
verb dk Terminal = It refers to a limit of extension,

object gksxkA growth or development. (Terminal phase of a
vkSj ;g rks
clear gS gh fdsituation dks u rks
(;g extension (foLrkj)growth (o`f¼)] ;kdevelopment
fd;k tk ldrk gS] u build fd;k tk ldrk gS vkSj u gh
(fodkl) dh lhek (limit) dks n'kkZrk gSA
serve fd;k tk ldrk gSAsituation dkshandle ;k
Ultimate = It refers the last stage or degree of a
maintain gh fd;k tk ldrk gSA
long process beyond which further progress or
blfy, correct answer gksxk (d) 'maintaining' change is impossible
Collocation:- (The ultimate collapse of the system)
(To defend/ restore/ maintain/preserve + the
(;g fdlh long process dh last stage ;k degree dks
status quo)

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crkrk gS ftlds vkxs

progress ;k change vlaHko gSA) course. It has a positive connotation. (Example:-
She enjoys long solitary walks.)
NOTE = All these words are generally used before
a noun.
;g choose fd, gq, vdsysiu dks n'kkZrk positive
gSA (
Lonely = It refers to the state of being alone in
Yoga is a personal journey for everyone as now most which a person feels unhappy.
people are turning to it, not for fitness (1)________, but
for the union of both, body and soul. Yoga is an ancient
vdsysiu dh og voLFkk ftlesa O;fDr [kq'k uk gksaA (
practice that (2)________ in India. It involves movement, connotation)
meditation and breathing (3) _________ to promote men- (Example:- She lives alone and has no friends,
tal and physical well-being. There are many styles of so she feels lonely.)
yoga. A person should (4) __________ a style based on Lone = It refers to the fact of being without any
their goals and fitness level. If yoga and pranayam are other people.
complemented with other forms of spiritual practice to ;g fdlh vkSj ds fcuk gksusfact
ds dks crkrk gSA
purify the mental body and other bodies, then a person Desolate = It refers to the state of being lonely

can achieve rapid spiritual progress in his lifetime. and unhappy. It is a high-degree word.
Thus a person can make progress to achieve the pur- (Desolate = Very lonely and unhappy)

pose of life which is to (5) __________ with God.
2. (c)

(SSC CHSL - 25/05/2022 Shift-II)
• Settle = to decide or arrange something finally

1. (a) rather (b) change
(finally dqN r; djuk ;k O;ofLFkr djuk
(c) apart
2. (a) settled
(c) originated

g i r
(d) alone
(b) came
(d) involved

Come = to move towards a person or place (vkuk)
Originate = to start in a particular place

3. (a) senses (b) techniques (mRiUu gksuk
/'kq: gksuk)

• Involve = to make somebody take part in some-

(c) phases (d) pursuit
4. (a) choose (b) familiarise thing ('kkfey gksuk)

E b nt
(c) make (c) strike ‘Originated’ lgh answer gS D;ksafd ;ksxk dh 'kq#vk
5. (a) compete (b) progress India esa gh gqbZA
(c) merge (d) mark 3. (b)
Answer Key • Senses = good understanding and judgement

1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (c) /vPNh le{k vkSj fu.kZ;
• Techniques = a particular way/skill of doing
EXPLANATION something/oqQN djus dk ,d fo'ks"k rjhdk dkS'ky
vuqlkj ;ksxk

s h
(d) fn, gq,passage esa ys[kd ;ksxk ds egRo dks crk jgk gSA mlds Phases = a stage in a process of change
fitness ds lkFk&lkFk vkRek
,d kdkjdjus dk lk/u gS yksx dsoy

vkSj o 'kjhj dks • Pursuit = The act of trying to get something
fitness ds fy, gh ugha (In pursuit of something)/oqQN ikus dh dksf'k'k djuk
;g ij breathing ls related word 'techniques' gSaA

vk jgsA bl lanHkZ esa mi;qZDr fodYi gSA
GRAMMATICAL POINT- blfy, 'Techniques' lgh answer gSA
(;gk¡ oqQN

adjective gS tks
noun ds igysuse ugha fd;s Rankers Mantra
tkrs gSaA vFkkZr~ budks use ugha fd;k tkrk gSA)
Attributively Some phrases related to ‘Breathing’

(A) Breathing exercise = An exercise intended to
Afloat Afraid Alike Alive Alone
Asleep Awake Addicted Ablaze Ashamed promote effective and healthy breathing/bl
Rankers Mantra exercise ls lk¡l esa izHkkodkjh vkSj LokLF;oèkZd vlj i<
Alone = It refers to the objective fact of being (B) Breathing techniques = Techniques intended
without any other people with slighter notion of to promote effective breath control/;g rduhd
emotional involvement. izHkkodkjh
breathing dkscontrol djrh gSA o bls
;g HkkoukRed :i lsinvolve u gksus dks n'kkZrk gSA mote djrh gSA
(Example:- He is afraid of being alone with his (C) Breathing space = A short rest in the middle
of a period of mental or physical effort./oqQN le;
Solitary = It refers to isolation as a chosen

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ds varjky esa ekufld o 'kkjhfjd ifjJe djus ds ckn vkjke

k nsu
4. (a) broken (b) bent
(D) Heavy breathing = deep breathing that you can (c) changed (d) mended
hear especially when a person is asleep./xgjh 5. (a) strategies (b) tricks
lk¡l@vki fo'ks"k :i ls rc lqu ldrs gSaA tc dksbZ O;fDr
gks lks jgk(c) practices (d) bonds
4. (a) Answer Key
• Choose = to decide which thing or person you 1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (d)
want out of the ones that are available/;g r;
djus ds fy, tks phts ;k O;fDr vki ds fy, miyCèk gS muesa EXPLANATION
ls vki D;k pkgrs gksA 1. (b)
• Familiarise = to make something/somebody • Bonding = to join two things strongly together/
well known/fdlh dks izfl¼ djus ds fy, nks phtksa dks etcwrh ls lkFk tksM+uk
(Familiarise someone with something) • Showing = to point to something/fdlh pht dh
• Make = to create or prepare/cukuk rjiQ b'kkjk djuk] dqN n'kkZuk

• Strike = to hit someone or something/fdlh dks (Show + something + in something)
hit djuk e.g. – She showed great ability in mathemat-

l i s
;gk¡clearly crk j[kk gS fd ;ksxk ds dbZ izdkj gksrs gSA vkSjics.
;gk¡selection dk sense gSA
blfy, lgh answer ‘choose’ gksxkA
• Using = to do something with a machine, a
method, an object./iz;ksx djuk

5. (c)

Hkkx ysuk

g i r
Compete = to take part in a contest/izfr;ksfxrk eas
• Choosing = to decide which thing/person
you want out of ones that are available/pquuk]
Select djuk

(Compete + with + somebody)
Context ds according 'showing' lgh answer gSA

• Progress = to improve or develop over a period

of time/lqèkkj o fodkl djuk
Trust fdlh O;fDr ;k oLrq confidence,
esa faith, vkSj

E b nt
• Merge = to combine two things to form a single
one/nks phtksa dks ,dlkFk tksM+uk hope dksshow djrk gSA
(Merge + with + someone/something) ;gk¡'showing' verb dh continuous form ugha gSa]
• Mark = to characterize, draw, indicate/fpfUgr djuk cfYdGerund gSA 'showing confidence, faith...'
‘compete’ vkSj‘merge’ verbs ds cknpreposition ;gk¡ ij complement dk dke dj jgk gSA

‘with’ dk use djrs gSaA Trust = showing confidence, faith and hope in
someone or something.
euq"; ds thou dk mís';God ds lkFk izfr;ksfxrk esa Hkkx ysuk

2. (b)
ugha gks ldrkA blfy,'compete' answer ugha gks ldrkA • Calm = not excited, nervous, upset and admired
euq"; ds thou dk mís';God ds lkFk fey tkuk gSA by many people/'kkar

a s
blfy, lgh answer ‘merge’ gksxkA
Trust is (1) ______confidence, faith and hope in some-

(Keep/stay/remain + calm)
Honest = always telling the truth, and never
cheating/ges'kk lp cksyus okyk vkSj dHkh èkks[kk u ns

one or something. There are many ways to show trust. • Extraordinary = unexpected, surprising or
If you want to be trusted, just be (2)_____. Trust takes strange, better than usual/vlkekU;] vn~Hkqr
years to build, seconds to (3) ______ and forever to re-
• Heroic = showing extreme courage/cgqr T;knk

pair. Trust is like a mirror you can fix if (4) ____ but still
see the cracks in that reflection. Whether it is a friend- lkgl fn[kus okyk(Heroic + efforts/deed/poem)
ship or a relationship, all (5)_____are based on trust. ;s lkjsoptions positve sense esa gS ysfduoption
(SSC CHSL - 26/06/2022 Shift-III) trust ls lcls T;knkrelated gS] og'honest' gSA
1. (a) bonding (b) showing blfy, 'honest' lgh answer gSA
(c) using (d) choosing Rankers Mantra
2. (a) calm (b) honest CONFUSING WORDS
(c) extraordinary (d) heroic Calm = It refers to the lack of excitement or
3. (a) crack (b) change nervousness. ( excitement esa dehA)
(c) break (d) burst Quiet = It refers to the lack of noise. ('kksj dh deh)

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Placid = It refers to an undisturbed appearance Friendship ;k relationship ,d izdkj dk bound
and often implies a degree of complacency. (ca/u) gS ftlesastrategy, trick ;k prectice dk dksbZ
('kkyhu] 'kkar] ijs'kkuh iSnk u djus okyk) egÙo ugha gksrkA
Peaceful = It refers to the lack of strife, war or
violence. ('kkfUr fiz;] >xM+k ilan uk djus okyk) blfy, ‘bonds’ lgh answer gSA
3. (c) SET-8
• Poetry and novels became very (1)_________ in the 18th
Crack = to break without dividing into sepa-
rate parts/VwVuk] rksM+uk] pVduk century. Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe was pub-
lished in 1719. This is regarded as the first successful
(Ice/bone + cracks) English novel. It is partly based on the true life adven-
• Change = to become/make something differ- tures of a traveller called Alexander Selkirk. Jonathan
ent/cny nsuk ;k cny tkukA Swift’s Gulliver’s travels was written in 1726 and (2)
_________ four imaginary journeys of a ship’s doctor
(Change + circumstances/my life) named Gulliver. Poetry (3)_________ around British

• Break = to do something against law or promise/ people and places. Poets also considered nature as a
law ;k promise ds against oqQN djukA source of (4) _________. The poets wrote in a simple
style and language so that the (5)_________ masses

(Break + law/rule/promise/trust/agreement/
could understand it.

(SSC CHSL - 26/05/2022 Shift-I)
• Burst = to break apart because of pressure

l r
1. (a) popular (b) desired
Pressure dh otg ls iQV tkukA (c) influential (d) likely

Passage esa

(Balloons/dams + burst)

si 2. (a) describes
fd dks cukus esa (c) discloses
clearly cksyk x;k gS trust
3. (a) revolved
lkyksa yx tkrs gS] ysfdu rksM+us esa cl lsd.M yxrs gSA
(b) represents
(d) expresses
(b) encircled

E b nt y
vr%‘break’ lgh answer gSA
Rankers' Collocation related to trust:-
1. Absolute/complete/mutual/public + trust
2. Build/build up/create/develop/engender/
establish +truth
(c) revolutionised
4. (a) incentive
(c) impulse
(a) modern
(c) ordinary
(d) executed
(b) inspiration
(d) motivation
(b) traditional
(d) typical

3. Earn/gain/inspire/win + trust 1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (c)
4. Rebuild/re-establish/restore + trust

5. Betrayal/breach/breakdown/lack + of + trust EXPLANATION
4. (a) 1. (a)

• Popular = liked or enjoyed by a large number
• Broken (adj.) = VwVk/gqvk
rksM+k x;kA of people/cgqr lkjs yksxksa dh ilanA
Bent (adj.) = >qdk gqvkA

• • Desired = required or wished for/ftldh gesa bPNk gksA
• Changed (adj.) = cnyk gqvkA • Influential = having a lot of influence on some-


Mended (adj.) = repair fd;k gqvkA
;g question, collocations ij based gS geverb

‘break’ dk ghuse djrs gSmirror ds VwVus ds fy,A
‘broken’ lgh answer gSA

body/something/fdlh O;fDr ;k oLrq ij cgqr T;knk
(influence) Mkyus okyhA
Likely = probable or expected/laHkkforA
Passage esa fn;k x;k gS Daniel
Robinson Crusoe 1719 esa
fd Defoe ds }kjk
publish gqvk Fkk vkSj ;g
igyk successful english novel ekuk x;kA vc ge
• Strategy = A plan intended to achieve something/ vuqeku yxk ldrs gS fd poetry vkSj
novels,18th cen-
oqQN ikus dsplan
fy, djukA tury esa fdrus lkjs yksxksa }kjkenjoy
ilan vkSj
dh xbZ gksxhA
• Trick = a good method
‘desired’ vkSj
‘likely’ ;gk¡out of context gaSA
• Practice = doing an activity or training regularly
blfy, ‘popular’ lgh answer gSA
• Bond = a strong connection

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2. (a) (ftls Nqik jguk pkfg;s Fkk mls dj nsukA

open )
• represent = to show something, especially in a Expose = to tell the truth about a person or a situ-
picture. ation, and show them to be dishonest, illegal etc.
show djuk/fn[kkuk especially ,d picture esaA
) (fdlh person ;k situation ds ckjs esa lp crkuk vkSj mUg
csbZeku] xSjdkuwuh
Show djukA )
var% ;s
context ds fglkc ls lgh ugha gSA
Betray = to give information about somebody/
• disclose = to give someone information about
something to an enemy (/ks[kk nsuk)
something that was previously secret.
Display = to show a quality, feeling, skill or type of
( dksbZ
secret open djukA
) behavior
• express = to show a feeling, an opinion etc by (quality, feeling, skill dksshow djukA)
words, looks or actions.
4. (b)
( feeling, opinion O;Dr djuk) • Incentive = a person/thing that encourages
vr% ;g Hkh context ds fglkc ls xyr gSaA you to do something/dksbZ O;fDr ;k oLrq tks vkidk
oqQN djus ds fy,
encourage djsaA

(Express + view/opinion/hope/desire/fear/
doubt/interest/gratitude/oneself) • Motivation =a person/thing that causes you

• describe = to convey the details in words. to want to do something/dksbZ O;fDr ;k oLrq tks
(o.kZu djuk) vidks dksbZ dke djus ds fy, izsfjr djsA

nary ;k=kkvksa
Gulliver’s travels dswriter usGulliver dh 4 imagi-

dks fd;k gSA
• Inspiration = a feeling of enthusiasm you get
from someone or something/izsj.kk

blfy, ‘describes’ lgh answer gSA • Impulse = a sudden desire to do something/

3. (a) oqQN djus dh vpkud bPNk

• Encircle = to surround somebody/something Passage dh theme positive gS blfy, gesa ,d

completely in a circle/fdlh ds pkjksa rjiQ
circle esa positive word pkfg,A

gksuk (?ksj ysuk)

E b nt y
(E.g. – The island is encircled by a coral reef.)
Revolutionise = to completely change the way
that something is done./fdlh dke dks djus dk
rjhdk iwjh rjg cnyukA
‘Impulse’ positive connotation dk 'kCn ugha gS ;g
fcuk ifj.kke dh lksps vpkud oqQN djus dh bPNk crkrk
‘Incentive’ izk;% iSlksa ls phtksa use
related esa gksrk gSA
‘Motivation’ ,d driving force gS tks gesa oqQN djus d
fy, foo'k djrk gSA

• Execute = to do a piece of work, perform a duty,
‘Inspiration’ ,d [kha
pus okysforce dh rjg gS tks
put into action, etc/fdlh lkSis x;s dke dks iwjk djukA
citement ls Hkjk gqvk gSA ;g oqQN djus ds fy,
force ugha
• Revolve = to go in a circle around a central point.

djrk gSA
,d central point (dsUnz fcanq) ds pkjksa rjiQ ?kweukA
Logically, 'nature' inspiration dk ,d source cu

Revolve around (phrasal verb) = to have some-
thing as the main subject. ldrh gSA ;gpoets dksattract djrh gSA
(main subject ds :i esa gksukA) vr%‘inspiration’ lgh answer gSA

Writer passage esa crkrk gS fd ml le;poetry vkSj 5. (c)
novels Britsh people vkSj

Britsh places ds vkl&ikl
?kwers Fks vFkkZr~ mUgha poetry
vr%‘revolved’ lgh answer gSA
dk ftØ gksrk
Fkk esaA

Modern = of the present/recent time/orZeku le; dk
Traditional = following older methods and
ideas rather than new ones/iqjkus rjhds vkSj lksp

dksfollow djus okykA
] ijaijkxr
Rankers Mantra
CONFUSING WORDS • Ordinary = normal and of no special quality/lkekU;
Disclose = It implies a discovering but more often • Typical = having the qualities of a particular
an imparting of information previously kept se- group of things or persons./fo'ks"k xq.kksa ls ;qDr
cret. Passage esa fy[kk gSpoet
fd ussimple style vkSj Hkk"kk
(dksbZ ,slh
information ftls igys Secret j[kk x;k Fkk mls [kkst
) ysukA esa
poetry fy[kh gS rkfd ftu yksxksa special
ds ikl un-
Reveal = to make something known what has derstanding ugha gS] os Hkh le> ik;saA
been or should be concealed especially supernatu- vr%‘ordinary’ lgh answer gSA
ral or inspired revelation of the truth

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SET-9 ds fy, tree plantation djuk gSA

Tree plantation is the (1)______ of transplanting sap- vr% ‘afforestation’ context ds fglkc lssuitable
lings or seeds to maximise the amount of greenery and answer gSA
focus on promoting (2)______. Planting trees can be a
3. (d)
very rewarding and fruitful (3)______! Not only is it
(4)______ beneficial for this planet, but it also contrib- • Plan = something that you intend to do or
utes to helping create an environmentally friendly achieve/;kstuk
place to live, as trees help reduce pollutant (5)______. • Labour = work or task/dk;Z
(SSC CHSL - 26/05/2022 Shift-II) • Order = (1) the state of being carefully and
1. (a) aspect (b) process neatly arranged accoding to a sequence or
(c) tool (d) mechanism pattern/lgh Øe esa O;ofLFkr djuk
2. (a) vegetation (b) afforestation (2) an authoritative command/vkns'k
(c) land reservation (d) deforestation • Endeavour = an attempt to achieve a goal./
3. (a) plan (b) labour fdlh y{; dks gkfly djus dk iz;klA

(c) order (d) endeavour Writer crkrk gS fd
trees dksplant djuk ,d fruitful
4. (a) ecologically (b) physically attempt gS D;ksafd blls
pollution de gksrk gS vkSj

(c) socially (d) economically vironmentally friendy txg feyrh gS jgus ds fy,A

5. (a) problem (b) concentration
vr%‘endeavour’ lgh answer gSA
(c) method (d) calculation

l r
4. (a)
Answer Key
• Ecologically = in a way connected with ecology/

1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (b)
ecology ls tqM+sA gksuk

1. (b)

n g

• Physically = connected with body rather than
their mind/'kkjhfjd :i ls

• Aspect = a particular part or feature of a situation,
• Socially = in a way that is connected with soci-
an idea, a problem/igyw

E b nt
ety/lkekftd :i lsA
(The + various aspects + of + life/culture/debate/
• Economically = in a way connected with
• Process = a series of actions that you do for a economy/vkfFkZd :i lsA
particular purpose/izfØ;k Physically, Socially vkSjEconomically out of
context gSaA

• Tool = a thing that helps you to do something/
dksbZ pht tks oqQN djus esa vkidh
help djs] midj.k ;g passage ‘Plantation’ ds vkil ikl ?kwe jgk gS gesa
• Mechanism = a method or a system for doing irk gksuk pkfg,
‘plantation’ term ‘Ecology’ ls re-

something/dqN djus dkmethod. lated gSA
Tree plantation = the process of planting tree
vr%‘ecologically’ lgh answer gSA

2. (b)
seedlings, generally for forestry.
Tree plantation dh definition ls ge vlkuh ls le>

ldrs gSfd ‘process’ lgh answer gSA
Rankers' Vocabulary for Ecology
Biosphere = The part of the earth, including air,
land, surface rocks, and water, within which life

• Vegetation = plants in general, especially the
plants that are found in a particular area./ (i`Foh dk og Hkkx ftlesa Hkwfe]
ok;q] èkjkryh; pV~Vkus vkS
lfEefyr gS] ftlesa thou gksrk gSaA)

fdlh particular area esa ik;s tkus okys ikS/sA
• Afforestation = planting large number of trees Carnivore = An animal that eats only other animals
on an area of land in order to form a forest./ (,d tkuoj tks nwljs tkuojksa dks [kkrk gSA)
taxy cukus ds fy, cgqr lkjs isM+ yxkukA Carrying Capacity = The largest population that
• Land reservation = the alienation of land for an area can support
construction of public utilities./public utilities (cgqr T;knk
population ftls ,d {ks=k
support dj ldrk gSA)
ds construction ds fy, Hkwfe dk vf/xzg.kA Pioneer Species = The first species to populate
• Deforestation = the action of process of clearing an area.
of forests/txayksa dh dVkbZ
(,d area dkspopulate djus okyh igyh iztkfrA)
Passage esa
clearly fn;k x;k gS fdgreenery dks c<+kus

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Commensalism = A symbiotic relationship in which another substance/,d rjy esa nwljs rjy dh ek=kkA
one organism benefits and the other is unaffected • Method = a particular way of doing something/
(,d relationship ftlesa ,d organism dks ykHk gksrk gS vkSj oqQN djus dk ,d [kkl rjhdkA
nwljk vizHkkfor jgrk gSA) • Calculation = the process of using your judge-
Community = All the different populations that ment to decide something/vius judgement ds
live together in an area base ij fu.kZ; ysukA
(lHkhdifferent populations tks ,d lkFk ,d {ks=k esa jgrh gSA) lgh answer ‘concentration’ gSA
Consumer = An organism that obtains energy by
feeding on other organisms. Ex: herbivores, carnivores,
In April 1945, during the Conference to set up the
(,d tho tks nwljs thoksa ds [kkus ls ÅtkZ izkIr djrk gSA)
United Nations (UN) held in San Francisco, represen-
Ex: 'kkdkgkjh] ek¡lkgkjh tatives of Brazil and China proposed that an interna-
Decomposer = Organisms that return nutrients tional health organization be (1)______ and a confer-
to the soil and break down dead organisms ence to frame its constitution convened. On 15 Febru-

(,sls tho tks feV~Vh dks iks"kd rRo
[Nutrients] ykSVkrs gS vkSj e`r1946, the Economic and Social Council of the UN
instructed the Secretary-General to (2)___________such
thoksa dks rksM+rs gSA)

a conference. A Technical Preparatory Committee met
Ecology = The study of how living things interact in Pari s from 18 March to 5 April 1946 and

with each other and their environment (3)___________ proposals for the Constitution which
( Living things oSQls ,d nwljs ds lkFk vkSj i;kZoj.k ds lkFk

l r
were presented to the International Health Conference
interact djrs gS bldk vè;;u] ikfjfLFkfrdh) in New York City (4) _______ 19 June and 22 July 1946.

g i
Food Chain = series of events in which one or- On the basis of these proposals, the Conference drafted
ganism eats another ([kk| J`a[kyk)

and (5)___________ the Constitution of the World Health
Organization, signed 22 July 1946 by representatives
Habitat = The environment in which an organ- of 51 Members of the UN and of 10 other nations.

('kkdkgkjh) n
E b nt y
ism lives (izkÑfrd vkokl)
Herbivore = An animal that eats only plants.
1. (a) establishes

Limiting Factor = Anything that restricts the num- 2. (a) sit

ber of individuals living in a population
(c) establish

(c) convene
(SSC CHSL - 27/05/2022 Shift-III)
(b) established
(d) Establishing
(b) collect
(d) Disperse
(oqQN Hkh tks yksxksa dh tula[;kdjrk gSA)

3. (a) drew off (b) drew down
Mutualism = A symbiotic relationship in which (c) drew up (d) drew away
both organisms benefit 4. (a) between (b) from

(,slh symbiotic relationship ftlesa nksuksa thoksa dks ykHk gksrk
(c) gSA)
among (d) While
Omnivore = An animal that eats both plants and 5. (a) adapted (b) adopted
animals (lokZgkjh)

Parasite = An organism that lives on or in a host
and causes harm

(,d tho tks ftl ij jgrk gS mlh dks uqdlku igq¡pkrk gSA)
(c) maintained

(b) 2. (c)
(d) revoked
Answer Key
3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (b)

ds fy,A)

P r
Predation = An interaction in which one organ-
ism hunts and kills another animal for food

Problem = A thing is difficult to deal with

(,slk interaction ftlesa ,d tho nwljs dk f'kdkj djrk gS] [kkus
(b) tc Sentence dk Subject doer ugha gksrk gS] rc ge
verb dh Passive form use djrs gSA
Structure of passive form - ['be' +v3]
vr% 'established' lgh answer gSA
2. (c)
(ftls deal djuk eqf'dy gksA)
• Sit = to take a seat/seat ysukA
• Concentration = (1) The ability to direct all • Collect = to bring things together from differ-
your effort and attention on one thing/vius ent people or places/bdV~Bk djukA
lkjsefforts vkSj
attention ,d dke ij yxkus dh ability (Collect + data/evidence/information/
(2) The amount of a substance in a liquid or in samples/stamps/coins)

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• Convene = to arrange for people to come to- ;g particular question nks preposition 'between'
gether for a formal meeting/v;kstu djuk vkSj'among' ij based gSA
(Convene + a meeting/a board of inquiry/con-
• 'between' dk use preposition dh rjg 'and' ds lkFk]
• Disperse = to scatter something or to move nks ;k T;knk
'days, years, events, points esa gksrk gSA
apart/dqN iQSykuk ;k vyx&vyx djukA • 'among' dk use, preposition dh rjg group esa
‘disperse’, ‘collect’ vkSj
‘sit’ out of context gSA include gksus sense
ds esa gksrk gSA
vr% 'Convene' lgh Answer gSA • 'from' dk use preposition dh rjg ¶dc@dgk¡ ls 'kq:
Rankers Mantra gqvk gS¸] ml sense esa gksrk gSA
CONFUSING WORDS • 'while' ,d conjuction gS] vRk%answer
;g ugha gks ldrkA
Gather = It is the general word to mean to come or Between  one-to-one relationship dksrefer
bring together into a group, mass or unit. (bdêòk djrk gSA tcfd
) Among  indistinct (vLi"V)relationship dksre-

[A crowd soon gathered.]
fer djrk gSA
Collect = It implies careful selection or orderly
'between' lgh answer gS D;ksafdbldk use nksdates

arrangement. (lko/kuh ls pquuk/bdêòk djuk)
(19 June & 22 June 1996) dks vyx djus esa gqvk gSA

(To collect + data/evidence/information)
5. (b)
Assemble = It implies an ordered union or orga-

l r
nization of persons or things often for a definite • Adapt = to change something in order to make
it suitable for a new use or situation/ubZ


(fdlh definit purpose ds fy, yksxksa ;k phtksa dks O;ofLFkr

(Avengers assembled for a war.)

Congregate = It implies a gathering of people for a
) djukA sltuation ds vuqdwy cukukA
[Adapt (oneself) + to + change/environments/

religious service in a church. • Adopt – 1. to take somebody else’s child into

E b nt
(fdlh /kfeZd mís'; ls yksxksa dk bdV~Bk) gksukA your family/fdlh vkSj ds cPps dks xksn ysuk
(They congregated to sing the hymn.) 2. to accept something/dqNaccept djuk
Hoard = to collect and keep large amounts of food, (especially a method/position/attitude/policy)
money, etc. often secretly • Maintain = to make something continue at the
(cM+h ek=kk esamoney vkfnbdV~Bk djds NqikukA same level/ftl condition esa gS mlhcondition esa

food, )
(Never think of hoarding a lot of money.) cuk;s j[kukA
3. (c) ;g question phrasel verb dh understanding ij • Revoke = to officially cancel something/offi-

based gSA

s h
Drew off = to remove a small amount of liquid
from a larger amount./liquid dh cM+h ek=kk esa ls
dqN ek=kk fudkyukA
cially dqNcancle djukA
;gk¡writer crkrk gS fdproposal ds basis ij Inter-
national Health Conference esa
cept gqvk gSA vr%
constitution ac-
'adopted' lgh answer gSA

Drew down = to reduce amount or deplete by

using or spending./use djus ls ;k [kpZ djus ls ek=kk
(amount) dk de gksukA
Personification gives (1)________ qualities to non-liv-

• Drew up = to prepare a written document/ ing things or ideas. Imagery is a language used by po-
( written document rS;kj djuk ) ets, novelists and other writers to create images in
the mind of the (2) _______. Rhyme scheme is the (3)
tSlsµ agreements, proposals etc. ___________ that is created at the end of the lines of
• Drew away = to move away from a person/fdlh poetry. Irony is defined as when (4) _________ meaning
O;fDr ls nwj tkukA is completely (5) __________ from the literal meaning.
ys[kd crkrk gS ds technical preparatory commit- (SSC CHSL - 27/05/2022 Shift-I)
tee us izQk
al esa ,d proposal rS;kj fd;kA 1. (a) supernatural (b) divine
(c) animal (d) human
blhfy,] 'drew up' lgh Answer gSA
2. (a) actors (b) speakers
4. (a) bl question esapreposition dh requirement gSA

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(c) readers (d) Humans stand/n`'; dk ,d fp=k] ftldk bLrseky fdlh ckr dks
3. (a) pattern (b) visual le>us esa vklku cukus esa fd;k tkrk gSA
(c) word (d) Idea • Word = term/'kCn
4. (a) actual (b) common
• Idea = a plan, thought or suggestion./fopkj ;k lq>ko
(c) superficial (d) Unintentional
gesa ;gk¡ blank
ij dksfill djus ds fy, rhyme scheme
5. (a) different (b) similar
dh definition tkuuk t:jh gSA
(c) parallel (d) against
 Rhyme scheme = A rhyme scheme is the pat-
Answer Key
tern of rhymes at the end of each line of a
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (a) poem or song.
EXPLANATION blfy, correct answer ‘pattern’ gSA
1. (d) 4. (a)
• Supernatural = not existing in nature and can- • Actual = used to emphasize something that is
not be explained by the laws of science/vykSfdd real or exists in fact/okLrfod

(Supernatural + powers/strength/talent)
• Common = happening often and ordinary/lkekU;
• Divine = related to God/bZ'oj ls lacafèkr • Superficial = not looking at something care-

(Divine + law/love/will/intervention) fully/lrgh rkSj ijA

• Animal = relating to the physical needs and
• Unintentional = not done intentionally/tks tku
basic feelings of people/tkuojksa ls lacaf/r] 'kkjhfjd
cw>dj u fd;k x;k gksA

l r
vko';drkvksa ls lacafèkrA

(Animal + desire/passion/instincts/magnetism)

Human = connected with people rather than
We should fill in the next (5th) blank to under-
stand this one.
tc actual meaning literal meaning ds fcydqy

animals, machines and gods./yksxksa ls lacafèkr
opposite gks rks ;g
'irony' dgykrk gSA

(Human+ body/brain/life/development/activ-

ity/behavior/remains/qualities) blfy,] ‘actual’ correct answer gSA

E b nt
Personification objects, qualities dks human 5. (a)
beings ds :i esarepresent djus dh practice gSA • Different = not like somebody/something
else/fdlh oLrq ;k O;fDr ds leku ughaA
Personification ‘personify’ verb dh noun form
gSA ftldk eryc fdlhperson ;k object dh quality dks • Similar = like somebody/something/O;fDr@oLrq
show djukA ds leku

2. (c)

blfy, correct answer ‘human’ gSA

Actor = one who performs on the stage

Speaker = one who gives a talk or makes a

Parallel = very similar/cgqr leku
Against = opposing with somebody/something/
fdlh dk@fdlh pht dk fojksèk djuk
fn, x, sentence esa'completely' ,d adverb gS]


Reader = one who reads

Human = a person rather than an animal
;gk¡reader vkSjwriter ds chpbond gSApassage dk
blfy, gesa ,d adjective dh t:jr gSA blfy, against
dk use ugha gksxk] D;ksafd
‘Similar’ vkSj
against ,d preposition gSA
‘Parallel’ dk Hkhuse ugha gksxk D;ksafd
'to' preposition ds lkFkassociated gSaA

dyk gSA
writer reader dks lghinformation provide djrk gS
vkSjreader information dksaccept djrk gS] dYiuk

o.kZukRed 'kCnksa ds ekè;e ls image cukus dh
writer bl language esa Nfo;ksa ds ekè;e ls
reader dksinformation nsrk gSA
blfy, dsoy 'from' preposition cprk gS vkSj

ds :i esa fd;k tkrk gSA

blfy, correct answer ‘different’ gSA
Rankers Mantra
from dk
use adjective 'different' ds lkFkfixed preposition

blfy, 'readers' correct answer gSA CONFUSING WORDS

3. (a) Different = It implies little more than separate-
• Pattern = the regular way in which something ness but it may also imply contrast. (fofHkUu)
happens or is done/rjhdk bldk use ^vf/d separate* ds sense esa fd;k tkrk gSA
• Visual = a picture, map, piece of film used to ysfdu ;g contrast Hkh
show djrk gSA
make an article or a talk easier to under-
(Different foods)

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Diverse = It implies both dissimilarity and con- Admit to something  When you agree or say
trast together. (;g vlekurk vkSj fojks/kHkkl nksuksa dks ,d that you have done something wrong
lkFk crkrk gSA) (tc vki lger gksa ;k dgs fd vkius oqQN xyr fd;k gSA)
(Such diverse interests as dancing and football) Admit of something  When you show that
Divergent = It implies movement away from each something is possible or likely as a solution,
other in different directions. an explanation or an answer
(;g ,d&nwljs dk foijhr fn'kkvksa esa
Movement crkrk gSA
) (tc vki lger gks fd oqQN laHko gSA)
(Divergent paths) 1. The facts admit ___ no other explanation. (Use ‘of’)
Disparate = So different from each other that they 2. Don’t be afraid to admit ______ your mistakes.
cannot be compared. (,d&nwljs ls bruk vyx fd rqyuk u dh (Use ‘to’)
tk lds ) fn, x, passage esawriters question dksmention
(Disparate notions of freedom) djrk gSA ftldksimple answer ugha gksxkA
Various = It implies the number of sorts and kinds. blfy,] correct answer ‘of’ gSA

(;g kinds dh la[;k dks crkrk )gSA 2. (a) Negative sentence esa'nor' dk use mlh sense esa
(Various types/forms/kinds of somebody/some- gksrk gS ftlsense esapositive sentence esa'or' dk

s use gksrk gSA vFkkZr~

nor Hkh and dh rjg same rank/

SET-12 idea ds word dksconnect djrk gSA
A question like "How big is Faerie?” does not admit

blfy, gesa'land' vkSj'principality' ds leku sense

g i r
(1)_________ a simple answer. Faerie, after all, is not
one land, one principality or (2)_________ Maps of Faerie
are unreliable, and may not be (3)_________ upon. Faerie •
okysword dh requirement gSA
Dominion = an area controlled by one political
leader/fdlh jktusrk ds fu;a=k.k dk {ks=k

is bigger than England, as it is bigger than the world.
In the middle of a wood so thick it was very nearly a • Organism = a living thing, especially extremely

E b nt y
forest was a small hut, (4)_________ of thatch and grey
clay. A yellow bird in a cage sat on its perch outside
the house. It did not sing, and sat (5)_________ silent.

1. (a) about
(c) off
(SSC CHSL - 27/05/2022 Shift-II)
(b) of
(d) in accordance

small (A term of ‘biology’)/,d cgqr NksVh thfor oLrq
Entity = something that exists separately from
other things/oqQN ,slk tks nwljksa ls vyx ekStwn g
Unit = a single thing/,d gh oLrq
Correct answer ‘dominion’ gS D;ksafddominion,
land vkSj
principality similar words gSA

2. (a) dominion (d) organism
3. (a) ge bl question dksfixed preposition dh knowl-
(c) entity (d) unit
edge ls solve dj ldrs gSaA

3. (a) depended (b) wobbled
(c) steady (d) stabilized • Depend = to rely on somebody/something/fdlh
ij Hkjkslk djuk

4. (a) created (b) built
(c) build (d) carved • Wobble = to move from side to side in an un-
5. (a) blissfully (b) mournfully steady way/,d txg ls nwljs txg tkus ds fy, Mxexkuk

(c) gaily (d) chirpily • Steady = to stop someone/something from moving
fdlh dks fgyus ls jksduk] fLFkj cukukA

Answer Key
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (b) • Stabilize = to become steady or to make some-
thing steady/(fLFkj gksuk

(Depend on somebody/something) is a correct
1. (b) Sentence esa ,dpreposition dh requirement gSA blfy, correct answer ‘depended’ gSA
‘In accordance with’ ,d correct phrase gS u fd Rankers Mantra
'in accordance' blfy, bldk use ugha gksxkA CONFUSING WORDS
okLro esa 'in accordance with' ,d phrasal Steady = It implies a lack of fluctuation or inter-
ruption of movement.
preposition gSA
(movement u gksuk (fLFkj jguk)
Prepositions ‘Off’ vkSj
‘About’ dk use ‘admit’ ds
[Steady decline/progress/progress]
lkFk ugha gksrkA Even = It implies a lack of variation in quality or

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character. (c) repercussions (d) causes
(character vkSjquality esavariation (fHkUurk) dh dehA
) 4. (a) comprehensive (b) complicated
[An even distribution/pace] (c) compound (d) combined
Equable = It implies a lack of sudden sharp change. 5. (a) triumphant (b) prevalent
[(leku) vpkud ls cnyko (Change) esa dehA ] (c) swift (d) hidden
[Maintain an equable climate] Answer Key
4. (b) 1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (b)
• Created = made/cuk;k x;kA EXPLANATION
• Build (base form) = to make something, espe- 1. (c) Sentence esa ,d hint gS- 'and'. 'And' dk use
cially a building/dksbZ pht cukuk sentence esa 'informally' vkSj'symbolically' ds chp
• Built = past participle form of 'build' gqvk gSA gessa ;gk¡determiner
,d ,sls dh vko';drk gS
• Carved = made by cutting away material from ftldk pair co-relative conjunction ds :i esa'and'
a piece of wood/stone/ydM+h ;k iRFkj ls dkVdj ds lkFk cu ldsA
cuk;k x;kA 'like' vkSj'to' preposition gSa blfy,out of context


sentence esaverb dh past participle form dh re- gSA 'like' dk use similarity ds fy, vkSj'to' dk use

quirement gSA blfy,'build' lgh ugha gksxhA destination ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA
geshut, house, ;k building ds fy, 'build' verb dk Neither ,d determiner gS ftldk use nks

• persons
use djrs gS vkSj
build dk past participle gSbuilt. ;k things dksdenote djus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA(nega-


g l i r
blfy, correct answer ‘built’ gSA
(b) Passage dh last line dk theme negative gSA blfy,
gesanegative connotation ds word dh need gSA

tive sense)
both Hkh ,ddeterminer gS ftldk use nkssame
rank ds ideas ds fy, gksrk gSA 'both' dk pair 'and'

s ds lkFk gksrk(both....
gSA and)
• Blissfully = in a way that makes you extremely

happy/vkuaniwoZd (positive connotation) 2. (b) Passage dh first line esa writer ‘sleepwalking’ ds

E b nt y
Mournfully = in a very sad way/nq[kiw.kZ rjhds ls
(negative connotation)
Gaily = in a cheerful and attractive way/mYykliw.kZ
vkSj vkd"kZd rjhds ls
(positive connotation)
Chirpily = in a lively and cheerful way/thoar vkSj
iziqQfYyr djus okysslsArjhd
general idea dksexpress djrk gSA blpassage esa
fdlh specific person dksmention ugha fd;k x;k gSAa
;gk¡ ij ,d general statement (ftlesa lHkh yksx 'kkfey
gSa) ds ckn'however' dk use fd;k x;k gS vkSj ge tkurs
gSa fd'However' dk use contrast cukus esa gksrk gS

(positive connotation) blfy, gesa ,d determiner dh vko';drk gS tks fdall
;gk¡ ij dsoy mournfully ghnegative conotation ds contrast esa gksA
all ds contrast esa ;gk¡ ij ,d gh
dk word gSA determiner gS- some

s h
blfy, correct answer ‘mournfully’ gSA
In everyday language, the phrase ‘sleepwalking’ can
be used (1)_____informally and symbolically to describe

blfy, some gh correct answer gSA
Both dkuse nks specific persons or things ds fy,
fd;k tkrk gSA blfy, ;gsuitable answer ugh gSA
Few dk use 'almost nothing' (u ds cjkcj) ds sense


a lack of energy or attention. However, for (2)___infants
and adults, sleepwalking is a genuine disorder with esa fd;k tkrk gS blfy, ;s Hkh
suitable answer ugha gSA

serious (3)____. Sleepwalking, also known as somnam- 3. (c) ge vklkuh ls irk yxk ldrs gSa genuine fd disorder ds
bulism, is a sleep-related behaviour condition that oqQN negative results gSaA gesa negative connota-
tion ds word dh vko';drk gSA

causes people to walk or execute other (4)_____ acts
while they are still partly sleeping. It is more (5)_____ • Impetus = something that encourages a pro-
in children than in adults, and it is more likely to de-
cess or activity to develop more quickly/izsj.kk
velop if a person has a family history of the illness, is
sleep deprived or has many nightly awakenings. (positive connotation)
• Impulsions = a strong desire to do something
(SSC CHSL - 30/05/2022 Shift-III)
/oqQN djus dh n`<+(positive
bPNk connotation)
1. (a) neither (b) like
• Repercussions = an indirect and usually bad
(c) both (d) to result of an action that may happen after some
2. (a) both (b) some time/fdlh action ds ckn vk;kbad result
(c) few (d) all (negative connotation)
3. (a) impetus (b) impulsions

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• Causes = the person/thing that makes some- (Writer ;gk¡describe djrk gS fd bl disorder esa
thing happen/O;fDr ;k oLrq ftldh otg ls dqN gksA person viuh sleep esa oqQN
unusual act djrk gS] tks
;gk¡writer, infants vkSjadults ds ckjs esa ckr djrk gS le>us esadifficult gSA)
vkSj dgrk gS fd
sleep walking ,d genunie disor- blfy, 'complicated' context dsaccording fit gSA
der gS] ftlds oqQN
indirect vkSjbad result gSA blfy, ;gh answer gksxkA
blfy, ‘repercussions’ context dsaccording fit gSA5. (b)
blfy, ;gh answer gksxkA • Triumphant = very successful in a way that
4. (b) causes great pleasure /fotsrkA
• Comprehensive = including all or almost all • Prevalent = very common/cgr lkèkkj.k
items/details/facts/information etc/O;kid] foLr`rA (Prevalent + among /in + somebody/some-
• Complicated = difficult to understand/le>us esa thing)
eqf'dy] tfVy • Swift = happening or done very immediately/
(Complicated+issue/process/system/story/ rsth ls gksus okyk @ djus okykA
questions/acts) • Hidden = secret or kept in a place where it

• Compound = formed of two or more parts/nks ;k can’t be seen /xqIr ;k fNik gqvkA
vfèkd phtksa ls fufeZr (writer mention djrk gS fd ‘Somnambulism’

feydj cuk gqvkA

l i s
Combined = having two or more different fea-
tures/nks ;k vfèkd
different features okyh oLrqvksa ls
adults ls T;knk
children esa
common gSA)
blfy, ‘prevalent’ contextually and grammati-
cally correct gSA

g i r Rankers Mantra


E b nt
Liking Verb
After a linking verb,
only nouns, pronouns

Transitive Verb

After a transitive verb,

an object is used
Intransitive Verb

An intransitive verb
doesn't take any
Stative Verb

Stative verbs are not

used in continuous

and adjective can be without any preposition. objects. tenses in their basic
used. We cannot use meanings.
an adverb

with linking verbs as a
compliment of the


(Linking verb dscknfliQZ (Transitive verb ds ckn (Intransitive verb ds (Stative verbs dk use

ldrs gSA

r a
Noun, Prounoun vkSj Object dk Use fcukfdlh lkFkobject dk use ugha Continuous tenses esa
Ddjective dk use dj
ge linking verb
dk use adverb ds lkFk
Preposition dsdjrsgSA
) djrsgSaA
) mudsbasic meaning esa
djrs gSaA

Subject ds compliment
dh rjg ugha
dj ldrs gSaA)

Is, Am, Are, Was,

Were Look, Seem,
Give, Play, Get, Attack,
Resemble, Read
Refuse, Make, offer,
Happen, Occur, Go,
Disappear, Rain,
Have, Own, Possess,
Love, Feel, Hear, See,
Appear, Become, Feel, Smile, Run, Walk, T h i n k L i k e , L ov e ,
Grow, Turn, Prove, Leave, lend, Sing, Vomit, Smile, Hate, Detest, Know,
Remain, Keep Come, Respect, Cancel Etc. Collapse, Rise, Lie, Believe, Weight, Want,
Etc. Need, Possess, Etc.

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SET-14 Rankers Mantra

Most of the valley had been (1)_______ over the ages by CONFUSING WORDS
the river waters, (2)_______rainfall, and fierce winds. Empty = It refers to a complete absence of things/
All except for one giant monolith, a (3)______ tower- persons [kkyh
like mountain of a single rock. It stood at a proud [An empty bucket]
(4)______ of eight hundred and fifty metres from the Vacant = It refers to an absence of appropriate
valley floor, towering well above the (5)____ shoulders. things/persons (mi;qDr O;fDr ;k oLrq dh vuqifLFkfr
(SSC CHSL - 30/05/2022 Shift-I) [A vacant room]
1. (a) dried (b) decoded Void of something = It refers to a complete ab-
(c) eroded (d) Wiped sence of things/persons.
2. (a) empty (b) heavy (A statement void of meaning)
(c) less (d) Scanty (fdlh O;fDr ;k oLrq dh iwjh rjg ls vuqifLFkfrA blds
'of ' lkFk
3. (a) humongous (b) small preposition use gksrh gSaA
(c) neat (d) Tiny Vacuous = It refers to the absence of intelligence

or sensitive feelings
4. (a) weight (b) height
(Intelligence vkSjSensitive feelings dh dehA )
(c) length (d) Width

[A vacuous facial expression]
5. (a) shelf’s (b) mountain

3. (a)
(c) valley (d) valley’s
• Humongous = very big/vkdkj esa cgqr cM+k

l r
Answer Key
• Small = not large in size/vkdkj esa NksVk
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (d)

(Small+ town/village/amount/group/piece)

1. (c)

n g s

Neat = tidy and in order/lkiQ lqFkjk ,oa O;ofLFkr
Tiny = very small in size/vkdkj esa cgqr NksVk
(Tiny + baby / basket / town / village)

• E b nt y
Dry = to become dry/lw[k tkuk
Decode = to find the meaning or signal of some-
thing that is difficult to understand/,slh oLrq tks
le>us esa eqf'dy gks ml dk vFkZ ikuk
(Decode + context/jargon/documents)
Erode = to gradually destroy the surface of
4. (b)

'Small' & 'tiny' – opposite to the context
'Neat' – out of the context
blfy, answer (a) 'Humongous' correct gSA

Weight = the amount that somebody/some-

thing weighs

something/èkhjs&èkhjs u"V djuk • Height = the measurement from the bottom
• Wipe = to rub something in order to remove to the top of an object
dirt or liquid from a surface/fdlh lrg ls èkwy vkfn • Length = the size of something from one end

to the other.
dks lkiQ djuk • Width = the distance across something from
(;g mention fd;k x;k gS fdriver waters, rainfall

one side to the other
vkSjfierce winds usvalley dksdestroy dj fn;k gSA) Weight, Length & width – out of the context
blfy, ‘eroded’ correct answer gSA (lc tkurs gSa fd gjmountain dh ,d fuf'pr height

(b) ‘And’ same idea ds nkswords dksconnect djrk gSA gksrh gSA)
'Fierce winds' dk vFkZ ,slh gok ls gS tks cgqr rst gks vkSj blfy, correct answer ‘height’ gSA

gkfu igq¡pk ldrh gksA 5. (d) ge noun ls igys articles ;k possessive adjec-
tives dk use djrs gSA iwjk
passage 'valley' ds vklikl

gesarain fall dh c<+rh gqbZ
intensity dks n'kkZus ds fy,
,d adjective pkfg,A ?kwe jgk gSA
• ‘Heavy’ = greater in weight, intensity or de- blfy, valley dkspossessive case esa fy[kuk gksxkA
gree /otu] rhozrk vkfn esa cM+k blfy, valley's lgh answer gksxkA
• ‘Empty’ = having nothing inside/[kkyh • Shelf = a flat board of wood for things to be
• ‘Less’ = a small amount of something/de placed on /ydM+h dh cuh ,d oLrq ftldk mi;ksx lkeku
• ‘Scanty’ = too little in amount/vYi ek=kk esa j[kus ds fy, gksrk gSA
‘Less’ & ‘Scanty’ – opposite to the context. • Mountain = a very high hill/cgqr Å¡ph igkM+h
‘Empty’ – out of the context. • Valley = an area of low land between hills and
blfy, ‘Heavy’ correct answer gSA mountains. ?kkVh

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SET-15 • Since = from a time in the past until now/

The contract (1) ____ the author and the reader is a past ls ysdj vc rd ds le; ds fy,
game. And the game is one of the greatest inventions • About = on the subject of something/fdlh O;fDr@
(2) _____Western civilisation: the game of telling sto- oLrq ds fo"k; ls
ries, inventing characters and creating the (3) ____
paradise of the individual, from when no one can be ;gk¡writer describe djrk gS fd cgqr lh ,slhinven-
expelled (4) ____, in a novel, no one owns the truth and tions gS tks
western civilization ls belong djrh gS
everyone has the right to be (5) ____ and understood. vkSjgame muesa ls ,d gSA
(SSC CHSL - 30/05/2022 Shift-II) ;gk¡correct answer ‘of’ gSA
1. (a) as (b) between 3. (b)
(c) before (d) beside • Plausible = reasonable and likely to be true/
2. (a) in (b) of mfpr vkSj lR; gksus dh laHkkouk okyk
(c) since (d) about (Plausible + explanation/excuse/story)
3. (a) plausible (b) imaginary

• Imaginary = existing only in mind or imagi-
(c) drastic (d) transparent nation/dkYifud
4. (a) beside (b) across

(Imaginary + line/friend/world/problems)
(c) beyond (d) because
• Drastic = extreme in a way that has a sudden,

5. (a) prejudiced (b) neglected
serious or violent effect.

l r
(c) heard (d) removed
Answer Key
(ftldk sudden vkSjserious effect gks

(Drastic + measures/changes/action/reduc-

1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (c)

• Transparent = allowing you to see through or

easy to understand/le>us esa vklku] ikjn'khZ

1. (b) (Transparent+ attempt/lie/play/honesty/

E b nt
• ‘As’ dkuse fdlh person ;k thing dks fdlh vkSj :i esa glass/plastic)
ns[kus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA use
bldkfdlh ds particular ;gk¡‘paradise’ noun dks describe djus ds fy,
job ;kfunction vkfn dsfact dksdescribe djus ds fy, Hkh adjective dh t:jr gSA
gksrk gSA Writer ;gk¡mention djrk gS fdstories crkuk vkSj
‘Between’ dk use ml time, space ;k difference

• character invent djuk game dk part gS vkSj ;s
dksrefer djus ds fy, gksrk gS] tks nks yksxksa
ideas dk;k character real ugha gksrs gaSA
separate djrk gSA blfy, ;gk¡ ‘Imaginary’ context dsaccording lgh gSA

s h
‘Before’ rFkk'Beside' dk use position dksrefer
djus ds fy, gksrk gSA)
blfy, ;s nksuksa ;gk¡
sentence esa nks
outij of context gSaA
hint fn, x, gSA igykhint
Rankers Mantra

Clear = It refers to the absence of confusion or

'contract' gSA (Li"V] ftlesa dksbZ lansg u gks)

 Contract = an official written agreement which [Clear evidence/glass/water]
is made between two parties or persons. Clean = It refers to the absence of something dirty

'Contract' ds lkFk
between preposition dkuse gksrk gSA or harmful substances. (xank u gksuk] lkiQ)
nwljhhint 'conjunction' gSA
Between ds lkFk
'and' [Clean water/air]
conjunction dk use gksrk gSA Transparent = It refers to something that allows
blfy, Correct answer ‘between’ gSA you to see through it. (ikjn'khZ] ftllslight completely
2. (b) pass gks lds )
• In = into an object, an area or a substance/ [A transparent glass]
fdlh oLrq] LFkku ;k inkFkZ ds vanj Translucent = It refers to something that allows
light to pass through but not completely clear.
• Of = belonging to somebody/something/fdlh ls
[ftlls light partially pass gks lds]
(but not completely)]
[Translucent frosted glass]

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Limpid = It refers to the soft clearness of liquids. 1. (a) massive (b) passive
completely lkiQ vkSj
transparent (liquid) (c) intrusive (d) conclusive
[Her eyes are limpid pools of blue.] 2. (a) harshness (b) masculinity
(c) vengeance (d) elegance
4. (d)
3. (a) perpendicular (b) peculiar
• Beside (preposition/adverb) = next to or at the (c) vertical (d) circular
side of somebody/something/ds cxy esa 4. (a) crossed (b) unequal
• Across (preposition/adverb) = from one side to (c) equals (d) conical
the other side of something/fdlh pht ds ,d rjiQ 5. (a) depression (b) expression
ls nwljh rjiQ (c) running (d) inspiration
• Beyond (preposition/adverb) = more than, in Answer Key
excess of something/fdlh ls vfèkd 1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (b)
• Because (conjunction) = for the reason that
(------no one can be expelled ____________ , in

a novel, no one owns the truth----)
1. (a)
(Clause-1) (adverb phrase) (Clause-2)

i s
(,d conjunction nks
words, clauses vkSj
dksconnect djrk gSA

sentences • Massive = very large, heavy and solid/cgqr cM+k
Hkkjh vkSj etcwr

(Massive + rock/walls/buildings/increase/
‘Beside’, ‘Across’ and ‘Beyond’ dk use conjunc-
tive adverb ds :i esa ugha fd;k tkrk ‘Conjunctive

• Passive = accepting what happens or what

adverbs’ osword gS tks nks
independent clauses dks
people do with trying to change anything/fuf"Ø;

tksM+rs gSaA (Passive + role/observer/expression/activity/

blfy, correct answer ‘because’ gSA

5. (c) • Intrusive = too direct, easy to notice in a way

E b nt
• Prejudice = to unfairly influence somebody’s that is annoying /gLr{ksi djus okyk
opinions or decisions/iwoZ/kj.kk • Conclusive = proving something in a way that
• Neglect = not to pay attention to somebody/ is certain and allows no doubt/bl rjg ls prove
something/è;ku u nsuk djuk fd dksbZ lansg u jgsA

• Hear = to listen or pay attention to somebody/ (Conclusive+ evidence/proof/results)
something/è;ku ls lquuk ge tkurs gS fddome dksdescribe djus ds fy, massive
• Remove = to take somebody/something away
lcls suitable word gSA
from a place/gVkuk

( 'right to be herd' ,d specific term gSA ;g bl

fact dksrefer djrk gS fd fdlh Hkh O;fDr dh dks
ckr lqus
blfy, ‘massive’ correct answer gSA

tkus vkSj xaHkhjrk ls fy, tkus dk vfèkdkj gS] vkSj mls [kqn dks
Rankers Mantra

Passive = It refers the deliberate submissive-
affect djus okysmatters esaopinion nsus ;k fojks/ djus ness. It means ‘Accepting what happens or what

dk vf/dkj gSA) people do without trying to change anything’. /
blfy, correct answer ‘heard’ gSA fuf"Ø;

SET-16 e.g.- A passive observer of events)
The Hall of Dharma was in a circular building, built of Idle = It refers to somebody that is not working
stone and mortar, with a (1)________ dome. The deli- hard or is without work./fuf"Ø;] vkylh
cate (2)________of the dome was believed to represent (negative connotation)
the feminine while the typical temple spire represented e.g.- Workers were idle in the field.
the masculine. The hall was also (3)________ . All rishis Lazy = It refers to somebody who doesn’t want to
sat as (4)________ without a moderating ‘head’, debat-
work or he works as little as possible./vkylh
ing issues openly and without fear, freedom of
(5)________at its zenith. (negative connotation)
(SSC CHSL - 31/05/2022 Shift-III) e.g.- He is too lazy to complete this task.

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Inactive = It refers to somebody/something that cone/'kaoqQ
ds vkdkj dk
is not in action or at work./tksreact u djsA ;gk¡ ys[kddescribe djrk gS fd lHkh
½f"kopenly vkSj
(negative connotation) fcuk fdlh Hk; ds vkSj
equal freedom ds lkFkdebate
e.g.- The volcano has been inactive for 50 years. djrs gSaA
Inert = It refers to something which is powerless
blfy, correct answer ‘equals’ gSA
to move or react. (vfØ;] tks react u dj ik;s)
5. (b)
e.g.- Inert gases
• Depression = A condition in which a person
2. (d)
feels very sad./,d ,slh fLFkfr ftlesa yksx cgqr nq[kh gk
• Harshness = the fact of being cruel, severe
and unkind or being too strong and rough/cgqr gSA
funZ;h] dBksj vkSj owzQj gksuk • Expression = things that people express/
• Masculinity = the qualities that are consid- vfHkO;fDr
ered to be typical of men/,slh qualities tkses- • Running = the act of managing or operating
something/fdlh pht ds izcaèku ;k lapkyu dh izfØ;k

pecially 'man' dh ekuh tkrh gS u fd
'woman' dh
• Vengeance = the act of punishing or harming • Inspiration = a thing or person that is the rea-

somebody in return for what they have done son why someone creates or does something/
to you/izfr'kks/ izsj.kk

Elegance = the quality of being attractive/

vkd"kZ.k gksus dk xq.k

(;gk¡writer describes djrk gS fd lHkh Íf"k;ksa ds ikl
leku vfèkdkj vkSj egRo gSA osdebate
vkSj fcuk fdlh Hk; ds viuk
[kqydj dj ldrs gS
opinion express djus dk

(Strength, vitality, greatness, superiority vkfn

n g
iq#"kksa ds xq.kksa ds :i esa ekus tkrs

gSa tcfd
sympathy, grace, prettiness, inferiority vkfn
females ds xq.kksa ds :i esa ekus tkrs gaSA)
right gSA)
blfy, ‘Expression’ context ds according lgh gSA

blfy, correct answer ‘Elegance’ gSA

E b nt
The most urgent areas of attention and immediate ac-
3. (d) tion are nutrition, health and education of children,
• Perpendicular = (of lines and surfaces) being whose well-being (1)__________ the health of the soci-
horizontal/{kSfrt gksuk ety and caring outlook of the polity. Since the causes
of malnutrition of children are many, like exploding
• Peculiar = (someone/something) strange and

population, (2)__________ against the female child, weak
unusual/vthc vkSj vlkekU;
and suffering mothers, the remedy calls for ‘care of the
• Vertical = standing or pointing straight up/ mother and care by mother’,(3)__________, an effective
[kM+k gqvk ;k ,dne lhèkk

control over population explosion. Ignorance on what
• Circular = shaped like a circle/xksy vkdkj esa food should be taken is another (4)__________ factor that

results in malnutrition among women and children.
(;g passage esamention gS fdDrama dk hall ,d
The implementation of various schemes to fight the
circular building FkhA blfy, ge dg ldrs gS fd
(5)__________ of malnutrition and undernourishment

building dk hall circular gksxkA) of children requires planning, coordination and moni-
blfy,] correct answer ‘circular’ gSA toring by high-powered bodies right down to the village
4. (c)

Crossed (adjective) = in a position where one


thing (arm/leg/finger) is placed over the other 1. (a) reflects

one/ml fLFkfr esa tgk¡ ,d pht dks nwljh pht ds Åij j[kk (c) groups
tkrk gSA
Unequal (adjective) = not equal in quantity,
2. (a) bias
(c) neutral
(SSC CHSL - 31/05/2022 Shift-I)
(b) thinks
(d) efforts
(b) advanced
(d) law
size or value/ek=kk] vkdkj ;k egÙo esa cjkcj ugha 3. (a) regardless (b) against
• Equals (noun) = a person/thing who has the (c) Instead (d) besides
same ability, rights, value, importance as 4. (a) advisory (b) explanatory
another/ek=kk] vkdkj ;k egÙo esa cjkcj (c) contradictory (d) contributory
• Conical (adjective) = having the shape of a 5. (a) menace (b) solace

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(c) balance (d) embrace suspicion, fear or intolerance.
Answer Key (A mindless prejudice against the unfamiliar)
1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (a) Predilection = It implies a strong liking for some-
EXPLANATION (Predilection for bright colours)
1. (a) Sentence esas ,dverb dh requirement gSA Prepossession = It implies a preconceived idea
about something
• Reflect (verb) = to show or be a sign of some-
(Ill-formed prepossessions)
3. (b)
(Reflect + facts/views/interest/changes)
• Think (verb) = to have a particular idea or opin- • Regardless (adverb) = paying no attention, even
ion about something/fopkj djuk if the situation is bad/[kjkc fLFkfr esa Hkh è;ku u ns
• Group (noun) = to gather into a group/lewg • Against (preposition) = opposing or disagree-
ing with somebody/something/ds foijhr ;k vlger
• Effort (noun) = an attempt/iz;Ru

(Make + an effort) • Instead (adverb) = in the place of somebody/
Effort ,d noun gS blfy,suitable ugha gS D;ksafd gesa something/ds LFkku ij

• Besides (preposition/adverb) = in addition to
,d verb dh vko';drk gSA
somebody/something/ds vfrfjDr

(Passage esawriter describe djrk gS fd cPpksa dk
gSA)dgrk gS fd cPpksa esa dqiks"k.k esa lq/kj ds fy
vPNk ,oa LoLFk gksuk lekt ds LokLF; vkSj ns[kHkky dks n'kkZrk


g l r
blfy, correct answer ‘reflects’ gSA

(a) Sentence esa ,d noun dh requirement gSA
‘Advanced’ vkSj‘Neutral’ adjectives gS blfy, ;s
phtksa dh t#jr gS& tula[;k ij fu;a=k.k vkSj ekrk dh ns[k
o ekrk }kjk cPpksa dh ns[kHkky
;gk¡replacement dk dksbZ sense ugha gSA
answer ugha gks ldrsA

n y s
'Law' out of context gS blfy, ;sanswer ugha gks ldrkA
blfy, Instead lgh Answer ugha gSA
gesa dqiks"k.k o tula[;k foLiQksV ds f[kykiQ [kM+k

E b nt
• Bias (noun) = a strong feeling of favour towards blfy,] lgh Answer gksxk against.
or against one group of people, prejudice or par- 4. (d)
tiality/iwokZxzg • Advisory = having the role of giving profes-
• Advanced (adjective) = ‘having the most mod-
sional advice/fdlh dks lykg nsus dk dk;Z
ern ideas’ or ‘at a high level’/u, fopkj gksuk

(Advisory + committee/body/service)
• Neutral (adjective) = impartial or unbiased/
• Explanatory = giving the reasons for something
/fdlh pht dk dkj.k crkuk

• Law (noun) = a rule/,d fu;e
(Explanatory + notes/title)
Writer ;gk¡describe djrk gS fd childrens esa

• Contradictory = containing or showing the lack
malnutrition (dqiks"k.k) ds dbZ dkj.k gS tSls&
explod- of agreement between agreements, facts/rF;ksa
ing population, prejudice vkSj detksj ihfM+r
ds chp fojksèkkHkkl

ents ds cPpsA
(Contradictory + statements/advice/facts)
ge bias ds lkFktowards/against preposition dk

• Contributory = helping to cause something /
use djrs gSA lg;ksxkRed
blfy, ‘bias’ contextually fit gSA (Contributory+factor/cause/negligence/


Rankers Mantra

Bias = It implies an unreasoned and unfair distor-

tion of judgement in favour of or against one group
of people.
(This article examines gender bias in our schools)
(;gk¡passage esawriter describe djrk gS fd mal-
nutrition dk ,d dkj.k rksproper food diet ij è;ku
u nsuk gSA)
blfy, correct answer ‘contributory’ gSA
Prejudice = It implies an unreasonable dislike of 5. (a)
or preference for a person, group, custom, etc. es- • Menace = A person/thing that causes seri-
pecially when it is based on their race, religion,
ous harm/damage/danger/[krjk] ladV
sex etc. It connotes a feeling which is rooted in

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(Negative connotation) (;g story gesa hard work vkSjfuture planning dh
• Solace = a feeling of emotional comfort when value dksdescribe djrh gSA ;g passage esaclearly
you are sad (Positive connotation)/'kkafr dh Hkkouk mention gS fd gesa hard work dh importance dks
• Balance = a situation in which different things realise djuk pkfg,A)
exist in equal, correct or good amounts/larqyu blfy, correct answer ‘value’ gSA
(Positive connotation)
2. (a) ‘As’ and ‘that’ are generally associated with
• Embrace = the act of accepting an idea, a pro- ‘such’.
posal, a set of beliefs/fdlh fopkj dks Lohdkj djukA • (SUCH-AS) – ‘As’ is used as a kind of relative
(Positive connotation) pronoun, after ‘such’./'Such' ds lkFk‘As’ dkuse
gesanegative connotation ds word dh vko';drk gSA relative pronoun ds :i esa gksrk gSA
(Malnutrition ,d negative connotation dk word • (SUCH-THAT) – ‘That’ is used as just a con-
gSA bldks fcuk fdlh
proper planning, coordination junction, not relative pronoun./'Such' ds lkFk
vkSjmonitoring ds nwj ugha fd;k tk ldrkA
) ‘That’ dk use relative conjuction ds :i esa gksrk gSA

blfy, ‘Menace’ correct answer gSA (1) He is not such an arrogant person as people
say. I have known him for years. On the con-

SET-18 trary, he is one of the most modest people I
The (1) ___________ that comes out of the story The have ever met.

l i
Grasshopper and the Ant has to be subtly put to the

children in such a way (2) ___________ they realize the
worth of hard work, the pleasures of hard work and the
(2) He has such an Interesting hair style that he
gets a lot of attention while walking in the street.
blfy, , correct answer ‘that’ gSA

comfort it offers. Laziness, which is a (3) __________

3. (d)
trait here, should be discouraged, (4) ___________ em-

• Laziness = the fact of being unwilling to work
phasizing on the (5) ________ note which is hard work.
or be active./dke djus dk vkyL;

1. (a) value (b) enjoyment

(c) morals (d) ending Word ‘Laziness’ negative connotation dk word

E b nt
2. (a) that (b) who gSAblfy, , ‘pleasant’ vkSj
‘positive’ ruled out gks x;sA
(c) whom (d) Which • Pleasant = attractive or giving pleasure/
3. (a) pleasant (b) positive vkuannk;d
(c) horrible (d) Negative (A pleasant+ atmosphere/aroma/smell/sur-

4. (a) yet (b) thus
(c) but (d) while • Positive = effective, good or approving/vPNk]
5. (a) positive (b) important ldkjkRed

(c) essential (d) critical (A positive+impact/result/effect/outcome/re-
Answer Key

• Horrible = making you feel very shocked and
1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (a)
frightened/ftlls vki cgqr lnesa esa gks ;k Mj x, gksA

(horrible + noise/mistake/experience/
EXPLANATION crime/death/nightmare/accident)
1. (a) D;ksafd ;gk¡ verb ‘comes’ vk;k gS blfy, gesa ,d Negative = bad or harmful/cqjk] udkjkRed

singu- •
lar subject dh t:jr gSA (A negative+ impact/result/effect/outcome/

• Value = moral principle and beliefs that they
think are important/uSfrd fl¼kar vkSj fo'okl ftUgsa
yksximportant ekurs gSaA blfy,] correct answer ‘negative’ gSA
• Enjoyment = the pleasure that you get from Rankers Mantra
Horrible/Horrifying = Making you feel very
• Morals = principles of good behaviour/vPNs shocked and frightened.
O;ogkj ds fl¼kar
/ethics, based on truth (tks vkidks cgqr pkSadk ns vFkok ) Mjk nsA
• Ending = the last part /vafre Hkkx Horrified = Extremely shocked or frightened
(happy + ending) or (ending to something) (cgqr Lrc/ ;k Mjk gqvkA )

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A. He was horrified when he discovered the condi- 1. (a) down (b) off
tions in which they lived. (c) by (d) out
B. It was a horrible/horrifying experience. 2. (a) in (b) over
4. (d) (c) at (d) on
• Yet (conjunction) = despite what has just been 3. (a) even though (b) however
said/fiQj Hkh (c) otherwise (d) besides
• Thus (adverb) = in this way/bl izdkj 4. (a) even so (b) neither
fdlh ,sls word ;k phrase dksintroduce djsa tks igys (c) either (d) nevertheless
dgk x;k gksA 5. (a) oozing (b) spewing
(c) razing (d) vomiting
• But (conjunction) = ysfdu
Answer Key
bldk use fdlh word, phrase ;kclause esa igys dgh xbZ
1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (d)
ckr dkscontrast djus esa gksrk gSA
• While (conjunction) = during the time that

something is happening/ml le; ds nkSjku tc oqQN
1. (b) This particular question calls for the under-
gks jgk gksA

standing of prepositions.
[While +V1+ ing] – elliptical style of writing

• Down = from a high point to a lower on
[‘while + subject + verb ‘be’ + V1 + ing’]

• Off = It denotes separation.

 He saw a lion while he was going through the
dense forest. • By = in what way something is done


g si
He saw a lion while going through the dense

blfy, correct answer 'while' gSA

Out = away from inside
Rip = to remove something quickly or violently

Writer describe djrk gS& fd flight ds nkSjku
roof mM+

5. (a)
tkrh gSA
gesa ;gk¡ ‘separation’
ij dk sense feyrk gSA

E b nt
• Positive = effective, good or approving/vPNk]
blfy, correct answer gS‘off’.
2. (d)
• Important = of great value, necessary/vR;Ur
• In = bldk use area ds vanj gksus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gS
dke dk] vR;ko';d
Over = ;g fdlh pht dh higher position dksrefer

• Essential = completely necessary/cgqr t:jh •
• Critical = expressing disapproval or extremely djrk gSA
important/vLohÑr djuk ;k vR;ar egRoiw.kZ At = ;g fdlh ds point ;k proximity dksrefer djrk gSA


Writer ;gk¡mention djrk gS fd positive note ij • On = ;g ‘surface ds fy, use fd;k tkrk gSA

emphasize djrs le; gesanegative trait dks grksRlkfgr
‘On the plane’ is used to mean that someone
djuk pkfg,A is physically sitting in a seat on an airplane./
blfy, ‘positive’ contextually fit gSA

fdlh lrg ds Åij
SET-19 ‘In the plane’ refers more to the enclosure of

Connie Sellecca plays first officer Mimi Thompkins who
manages successfully to land Flight 243 after its roof

is ripped (1)_________ mid-flight due to mental fatigue.
She is not the only one (2)__________ that flight, since
there was also a flight attendant who kept checking on
people. And telling them they were going to be fine
the aircraft than the actual flight that is be-
ing taken. It refers to an incident or occur-
rence, rather than to describe the act of flying
from one place to another e.g.
(1) She has never been in a plane.
(2) I managed to grab a couple of hours’ sleep on
(3)__________ they had giant pieces of aeroplane car-
the plane.
pet stuck to their heads. I can’t (4)_________ land a plane
or tell the wounded people that they would be fine soon, (;gk¡ ij writer real fight ds ckjs esa ckr dj jgk gSA)
due to the fact that I would be (5)_________ too hard and blfy, , 'On' correct answer gSA
throwing out what ever food I had throughout the day.
(SSC CHSL - 01/06/2022 Shift-III)

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Rankers Mantra gksrk gSA

‘COLLOCATIONS’ RELATED TO ‘TRAVEL AND TOUR- [______too hard + and + throwing out what ever
ISM’ food I had throughout the day]
Go on/ be on + holiday/vacation/leave/a trip/tour
‘‘Throwing out what ever food I had through-
Plan + a trip/holiday/a vacation/itinerary
out the day’’ show djrk gS fd‘vomiting’ lgh an-
Book + a hotel room /a flight/ tickets
swer gSA
Have/make /cancel + a reservation
Pack + your bags/ suitcase
Although everyone wants to be successful in life, there
Experience + severe turbulence
are (1) _________ people who know the elements of suc-
Buy/bring back + souvenirs cess, the factors that go to build up success. Today,
3. (a) success is being (2) _________ with making money, with
• ‘Even though’ (adverb/conjunction) = It is used amassing millions and billions. Some people equate it
to contrast two statements with power and position. Many of us tend to equate suc-

cess with visible material acquisitions. Outer things
• However (adverb) = It is used to refer the fact
and external achievements are not a (3) _________ of
that the second point contrasts with the first.

success. Power, prestige, position, social influence and
• Otherwise (adverb) = It is used to state what the higher degrees awarded by universities — all these

result would be if something did not happen are outer things. They only touch the fringe of life; they

• Besides (adverb) = It is used to mean ‘in addi- do not enter the depths within. A man may have all

i r
tion to somebody/something’. these and yet maybe intellectually barren; he may be
Sentence esaconjunction dh requirement gSA emotionally barren and spiritually sterile. Would you

blfy, ‘even though’ correct answer gSA
call such a man (4)________? What then is success all

about? What is true success? Success can be defined

4. (c) Correlative conjunctions work in pairs to join as the ability to be happy and make others happy; the

words, phrases, or clauses. ability to love and be loved; the ability to remain in

E b nt
'both....and,' 'either....or,' peaceful (5)________ with oneself; with those around
you and with God’s cosmic laws.
'neither....nor,' 'not....but'
(SSC CHSL - 01/06/2022 Shift-I)
'not only....but also.'
1. (a) a few (b) most of
'Either....or' dk use sentence esa affirmative sense (c) lot of (d) a majority

esa rc gksrk gS tcpossibilities
nks ds chpchoice djrs gSA2. (a) challenged (b) confused
'Neither....nor' dk use fdlh sentence esanega- (c) decreased (d) Amazed

tive sense esa rc gksrk gS] tcstatement
nks true ugha 3. (a) reason (b) measure
gksA (c) thought (d) Gift

4. (a) sober (b) successful
‘or’ dh help ls ge ;s decide dj ldrs gS fd orrelative
(c) sensible (d) Thoughtful
conjunctions cukus ds fy, gesa ‘either’ dh vko';drk gSA

5. (a) harmony (b) inner beauty
blfy,] either gh lgh answer gSA (c) pride (d) praise

5. (d) Answer Key
• Oozing = to flow slowly out/èkhjs ls cguk 1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (a)

• Spewing = to expel or be expelled in large quan-
tity rapidly & forcibly / cM+h ek=kk esa 'kh?kzrk iwoZd dqN EXPLANATION
ckgj fudyuk ;k fudkyukA 1. (a) ‘Lot of’ vkSj‘a majority’ grammatically correct
• Razing = to completely destroy a building, ugha gSA
correct phrases gS– a lot of / lots of vkSja
town/fdlh bekjr dks iwjh rjg u"V djuk majority of
• Vomiting = to bring food etc. up from the stom- blfy, ‘Lot of’ vkSj
‘a majority’ lgh answer ugha gks ldrsA
ach and out of mouth/mYVh djuk Although ,d 'contrast' conjuction gSA bldk
And dk Use nks
same idea ds words dks tksM+us ds fy, ,d statement dksintroduce djus esa rc gksrk gS tc

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main statement fdlh sentence esasurprising (successful + experiment/completion/career/

izrhr gksrh gSA
• Sensible = able to make good judgements/lgh
Writer ;gk¡describe djrk gS fd izR;sd O;fDr
cessful cuuk pkgrk gS ysfdu
success ds elements
fu.kZ; ysus esa l{ke] le>nkjh Hkjk + way/
cgqr de yksx tkurs gSaA
• Thoughtful = showing that you think about and
blfy,] correct answer ‘a few’ gSA care for others/fopkj'khy] fopkjiw.kZ
2. (b) (thoughtful +silence/approach)
• Challenge = to question whether a statement
;gk¡Writer critically :i ls convey dj jgk gS ftl
or an action is right, legal/pqukSrh nsuk
person ds ikl dsoy outer things ;k external
• Confuse = 1. to make somebody unable to
think clearly or understand something/fdlh achievements gS mls successful ugha dgk tk ldrk gSA
dks Li"V :i ls lkspus esa vleFkZ cukuk ;g iwjkpassage 'the true measures of success'
ds vkl ikl ?kwerk gSA

2. to think wrongly that somebody/something
is somebody/something else/fdlh ds ckjs esa xyr blfy, ;gk¡ 'successful' contextually fit gSA
rjhds ls lkspuk

l i s
(Confuse + somebody/something + with + CONFUSING WORDS
somebody/something else)
Rankers Mantra

Serious = Thinking about things in a careful and

• Decrease = to become smaller in size, num- sensible way.
ber/vkdkj@la[;k esa de djuk

(phtksa ds ckjs esa lko/kuh o le>nkjh ls
) lkspukA

• Amaze = to surprise somebody very much ‘Con-
(Be serious for a moment.)
fused’ is the correct answer./fdlh dks gSjku djuk

Grave = Serious in manner, as if something
Writer dguk pkgrk gS fd orZeku eas yksx mak-

money sad, important, or worrying has happened.

ing gSaA djksM+ksa vjcksa #i;s bdB~Bk djus okyksa dks ghtcyksx
(xaHkhj dqN nq[kn] egÙoiw.kZ ;k fparktud ?kfVr
) gqv

E b nt
liQy ekurs gSaA (He looked very grave as he entered the room.)
3. (b) Solemn = Looking or sounding very serious, with-
• Reason = a cause or an explanation for some- out smiling or being happy.
thing that has happened (reason for some-
(ns[kus o lquus esa cgqr xaHkhj] fcuk g¡ls) vkSj [kq'k gq,A
thing)/dksbZ dkj.k ;k tks oqQN gqvk gS] mldk fooj.k

(A solemn expression)
• Measure = 1. a way of judging the importance,
value or effect of something/ fdlh pht ds egRo] Sedate = Slow, calm and relaxed
ewY; ;k ifj.kke ds ckjs esa lkspuk (/hes] 'kkUr vkSj vkjke
) (It esa

is used before a noun)
2. an official action that is done in order to (A sedate pace)

achieve a particular aim Sober = Serious and sensible (xaHkhj vkSj le>nkj)
(safety/austerity/temporary/emergency/se- (A sober assessment of the situation)
curity / accurate/ performance + measure)

5. (a)
• Thought = something you think/fopkj • Harmony = a state of peaceful existence and

• Gift = a thing that you give to somebody on a agreement/'kkafriw.kZ] leUo; dh fLFkfr
special occasion/migkj (In harmony + with something)

;gk¡writer convey djrk gS fdouter things vkSj • Inner beauty = the personality of a person in-
external achievements liQyrk ds lgh ekiu ugha gSA cluding his mind and character/eu ;k pfj=k dh
fdlh ds external achievement ls gesa fdlh dh lqanjrk
success dksmeasure ugha djuk pkfg,A • Pride = a feeling of being pleased that you get/
tks izkIr fd;k gS] ml ij vR;fèkd izlUu gksukA
blfy, ‘measure’ correct answer gSA
(Pride + in + something)
4. (b)
• Praise = a verbal expression of approval/iz'kalk
• Sober = serious and sensible or ‘not drunk’ / (Praise + for something + from somebody)
xaHkhj vkSj le>nkj
(sober + assessment/reflection)
;gk¡ ij preposition 'with' ,d hint gSA pkjksa
options esa ls
• Successful = achieving your aims/ liQy dsoy 'harmony' gh'with' ds lkFkassociate gks ldrk gSaA
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blfy, , correct answer ‘harmony’ gSA ugha gks ldrs gSaA

SET-21 ‘Adverse’ ;gk¡contextually fit gSA ;gk¡ ij vaccines
Claims have been made that vaccines are responsible ds negative results ds ckjs esa
use gqvk gSA
for certain (1) ______ health conditions, particularly Rankers Mantra
autism, speech disorders and inflammatory bowel dis- CONFUSING WORDS
ease. Some of those claims focused on thimerosal, a
Contemptuous = Showing contempt
mercury-containing compound used as a preservative
in vaccines. Some people believed that autism (frjLdkj djus okyk)
(2)_______ a form of mercury poisoning, caused specifi- Contemptible = Deserving contempt
cally by thimerosal in childhood vaccines. Those claims (frjLÑr fd, tkus ;ksX;)
have been discredited. Still, misinformation and fear
Contemptible behaviour = Behaviour which
ge nerated by false claims abou t associ atio ns
(3)__________ autism and vaccines had a significant deserves contempt
impact on individuals’ perceptions about vaccine safety. Contemptu ous look = Look which shows

(4)__________, most individuals in countries where vac- contempt
cination is widespread have never personally experi- 2. (c) Sequence of tenses ds according subordinate

enced vaccine-preventable disease. Thus, the focus of
clause Principal clause ds tense dksfollow djrk
concern for some people shifted from the negative ef-

fects of vaccine-preventable disease to the possible gS vFkkZr~Principal
;fn clause past tense esa gS rks

subordinate clause past tense esas gh gksxkA ysfd

negative effects of the vaccines (5) __________.
(SSC CHSL - 01/06/2022 Shift-II) tc subordinate clause universal truth express
1. (a) contemptuous
(c) affirm
2. (a) will
g i
(b) adverse
(d) disperse

(b) shall
djs rc mlspresent tense esa fy[krs gSaA (rc
nate clause principal clause dksfollow ugha djrk


(c) was (d) were
(A) I assumed that you are going to be late. []

E b nt
3. (a) one another (b) between
(c) each other (d) through (B) I assumed that you were going to be late. []
4. (a) for instance (b) therefore Some people believed {that autism __________
(c) In addition (d) likewise a form of mercury poisoning}.
5. (a) themselves (b) yourself
gesaverb dh past form dh t:jr gS blfy, 'will' vkSj

(c) ourselves (d) itself
'shall' eliminate gks tkrs gSaA
Answer Key
‘Autism’ ,d singular subject gS blfy, 'were' Hkh

1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (a)
answer ugha gks ldrkA

s blfy, ‘was’ ghcorrect answer gSaA

1. (b) Sentence dks ,d adjective dh requirement gSA ‘Autism’ singular subject gSA
blfy, , ‘was’ cor-

a rect answer gSA

• Contemptuous = feeling or showing that you
have no respect for somebody/something/

frjLdkjiw.kZ 3. (b) Sentence esa ,d preposition dh requirement gSA
(A contemptuous + look / disregard / voice) Each other vkSjone another reflexive pronoun

(Be contemptuous of somebody/something) gS] ftldk use mutual relationship dksindicate
• Adverse = negative and unpleasant/udkjkRed djus esa gksrkEach
gSA other dk use nkspersons/
vkSj vfiz; things ds lkFk vkSj
one-another dk use nks ls T;knk
(Adverse + change/circumstances/weather
persons/things ds lkFk gksrk gSA
• Affirm = to state clearly that something is true 'Though' dk use fdlh O;fDr@oLrq dsend
,d ls nwljs
or confirm/Li"V :i ls crkuk end rd ds fy, gksrk gSA
• Disperse = to move in different directions/ Between ds lkFk'and' dk use gksrk gSA
vyx&vyx fn'kk esa fc[ksjuk
blfy, 'and' dh help ls ge vklkuh ls irk yxk ldrs gS
‘Affirm’ vkSj
‘disperse’ verbs gSaA
blfy, ;s answer
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fd lgh answer 'between' gSA pqids ls /hjs&/hjs c<+uk

4. (a) 2. To follow somebody stealthily/ fdlh dk pqids ls
• For instance = for an example/mnkgj.k ds fy, ihNk djuk
• Therefore = It is used the logical result of • Sleep = to have a sleep
something that has just been mentioned./ • Walk = to move or go somewhere
blhfy, Writer ;gk¡describe djrk gS fd ,d person ,d
• In addition = as an extra person/thing/vfrfjDr side ls Bridge dh nwljh
side tk, rks mls vius lkFk xeZ
O;fDr ;k oLrq diM+s vkSj
shoes igudj bridge ds bl rjiQ ls ml rjiQ
• Likewise = in a similar way/leku :i ls x;kA
writer ;gk¡ ,d mnkgj.k nsuk pkgrk gSA blfy, ‘walked’ contextually fit gSA
blfy, correct answer ‘for instance’ gSA 2. (c)
5. (a) • Under = It denotes ‘position’.

• ‘Themselves’ = the reflexive form of ‘they’ [Lower than something]
• ‘Yourself’ = the reflexive form of ‘you’ • Inside = It denotes ‘location’.

• ‘Ourselves’ = the reflexive form of ‘we’ [To or on the inner part of something]
• ‘Itself’ = the reflexive form of ‘it’

• Off = It denotes ‘separation’.
‘Yourself’, ‘itself’ vkSj‘ourselves’ out of context gS [Away from a place or at a distance in space or

l r
D;ksafd ;gk¡
‘you’ ‘It’ vkSj
‘we’ dksmention ugha fd;k x;k gSaA time]
blfy, correct answer ‘themselves’ gSA

• Over = It denotes ‘position’.

g SET-22 [Higher than something]

Just before midnight he put on warm clothes and his ‘Turn off’ ,d phrasal verb gSA bldk eryc gS

new shoes and (1) _______ across the bridge. He turned to leave a road.

(2)_______ the road and along the sound below the ;gk¡ ij writer convey djrk gS fdman usbridge

E b nt
church. Ice had formed on the sound and inside the old
harbour, but further out he could see a dark belt of cross fd;k vkSjroad NksM+kA
(3)_______water. As he stood there, the lights on the blfy, 'off' correct answer gSA
(4)________of the church went out, and it was dark all 3. (d)
around him. It was (5) ____ cold and stars filled the sky. • Wet = containing liquid

(SSC CHSL - 02/06/2022 Shift-III) (Wet + clothes/hair/grass/outfield/weather)
1. (a) danced (b) stalked • Closed = not open
(c) slept (d) walked (Closed + door/container/eyes/park/society)

2. (a) under (b) inside • Dried = no wet or having no water
(c) off (d) over

(Dried + flowers/herbs/fruit)
3. (a) wet (b) closed
• Open = allowing things or people to go through,
(c) dried (d) open not covered

4. (a) architecture (b) tunnel
(Open + window/borders/mouth/hand/water)
(c) vent (d) facade

5. (a) some (b) abundantly Open water = a stench of water which is not
(c) sparingly (d) icy enclosed by land, ice or other barriers.
(Writer ;gk¡describe djrk gS fd gkykafd

Answer Key old harbour
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (d) ds vanj ciZQ us ikuh dk passage (ladh.kZ jkLrk)
cuk fn;k Fkk fiQj Hkh
openog water dh ,d dark belt
EXPLANATION ns[k ldrk Fkk tks ciZQ ls <+dh gqbZ ugha FkhA)
1. (d) blfy, correct answer ‘open’ gSA
• Dance = to move your body to the sound and 4. (d)
rhythm of music/u`R; • Architecture = the art and study of designing
• Stalk = 1. to move slowly and quietly towards buildings/oLrqdyk
somebody (specially in order to harm or kill • Tunnel = an underground passage/lqjax
him)/ fdlh dks ekjus ;k uqdlku igq¡pkus ds fy, mldh rjiQ • Vent = an opening that allows air, gas or liquid

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to pass out/tgk¡ lsair, gas vkSjliquid fudyrh gks (SSC CHSL - 02/06/2022 Shift-I)
• Facade = the front of a building 1. (a) to be holding (b) holds
;gk¡writer describe djrk gS fd tSls ghChurch ds (c) holding (d) hold
lkeus dhlight off gks xbZ vkSj mlds pkjksa vksj vaèksjk
2. gks
(a) x;kA
and (b) so
(c) but (d) although
blfy,] 'facade' correct answer gSA
3. (a) tacked (b) slacked
5. (d)
(c) mounded (d) stacked
• Some = a small number/amount of something
4. (a) cropped (b) uploaded
de ek=kk@la[;k esa (c) cut (d) downloaded
• Abundantly = in large quantities 5. (a) it (b) them
(Abundantly + clear/found)/izpqj ek=kk esa (c) the (d) that
• Sparingly = in a way that is careful to use only Answer Key
a little of something, frugally/fdlh pht dk 1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (b)

è;kuiwoZd bLrseky djuk EXPLANATION
• Icy = very cold or covered with ice 1. (c) ;gk¡subject vkSjmain verb nh xbZ gS blfy, sen-


l i s
(Icy + cold/winds/water)/cgqr BaMk ;k ciZQ ls <+dk tence esa fdlh nwljh
main verb dh t:jr ugha gS blfy,
verb dh non-finite form dk use gksxkA

;g passage esaclear gS fd ogk¡ ij BaM ciQZ dh rjg tek Holds – (Singular no. 3rd person verb) &
nsus okyh gS vFkkZr~
icy gSA Hold – (V1 = base form of the verb) ;s nksuksa gh


blfy, ‘icy’ contextually fit gSA

Rankers Mantra

verb gS blfy, nksuksa gh
suitable ugha gSaA
ge noun dks describe djus ds fy, present
participale (adjective) dk use dj ldrs gSaA

Ample = It refers to a generous sufficiency to sat-

E b nt
(1) It is never a good idea to disturb a sleeping bear.
isfy a particular requirement.
(Present Participle)
(fdlh particular requirment dks iwjk djus esa l{ke)
(2) She saw Ted feeding the birds at the park.
e.g. They have ample money for the trip. (Present Participle)
(particular requirement genrous amount) (3) Thinking quickly, Sita grabbed a wrench to

la[;k esa miyC/

) a
Plentiful = A great or rich supply or (available or
existing in large amounts or numbers) (cMh ek=kk ;k

e.g. These vegetables are a plentiful source of vi-
fix the leaky pipe.
;gk¡ ij sleeping, feeding vkSjthinking - Present
Participle (vFkkZr~adjective) gSaA
blh izdkjsentence esa'holding' dk use Hkh

participle ds :i esa fd;k x;k gS–
Abundant = greater or richer supply than ‘Plenti-

... holding the telephone, Salander sat for a
ful’ (cMh ek=kk ;k la[;k esa )miyC/
e.g. The stream is abundant with fish.

blfy, , 'holding' correct answer gSA
 Plentiful < Abundant
'to be holding' dk use ugha dj ldrs D;ksafd
while ;gk¡

P SET-23 preposition dk dke dj jgk gS vkSj

preposition ds ckn

Salander sat for a while (1) _________ the telephone

mldk object vkrk gS blfy,infinitive dk use ugha dj
after Armansky hung up. She went to her work corner ldrsA
in the living room (2) ______ looked at the notes she 2. (a)
had pinned up on the wall and the papers she had • And = ;g co-ordinating conjunction gSA bldk use
(3)_________ on the desk. What she had managed to nks ;k nks ls T;knk
words, phrases vkSj
clause dksJoin
collect was mostly press cuttings and articles
djus ds fy, gksrk gSA
(4)_________ from the Internet. She took the papers and
dropped (5) ______ in a desk drawer. • So = bldk use reason crkus ds fy, gksrk gSA ;g nk
clauses dksconnect djrk gSA

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• But = bldk use fdlh word, phrase ;k clause esa ;s clearly irk yxk ldrs gSa ds
downloaded correct
igys dgh xbZ ckr dks
contrast djus esa gksrk gSA answer gSA
• Although = bldk use ,d statement dks fdlhsen- 5. (b) She took the papers and dropped ______ in a
tence esa
introduce djus ds fy, rc gksrk gS tc
main desk drawer.
statement surprising rc gksrk gSA ge nouns ds repetition dksaviod djus ds fy, pro-
Sentence dksbZresult vkSj
contrast dksshow ugha djrk nouns dk use djrs gSA ;gk¡papers
ij ds LFkku ij ,d
gS blfy, so, but vkSj
although dksbZ
sense ugha cukr
sA pronoun dk use djuk gSA
blfy, ‘and’ correct answer gSA blfy,] 'them' correct answer gSA
She went to her work corner in the living room. Note:- the ,d determiner gS bldkuse noun ds
+ She looked at the notes she had pinned up lkFk ugha gksrkA
on the wall.
'It' vkSj'that' dk use singular noun dh txg ij
= She went to her work corner in the living
room and looked at the notes she had pinned gksrk gSA blfy,] ;g suitable
Hkh ugha gSA
3. (d)

• Tack = to fasten something in place with up

on the wall. tacks/fdlh pht dks tdM+uk ;k dl dj
blfy,] 'them' gh correct answer gSA

ck¡/ nsukA

l i r
While I was sitting there (1)_______over my failure to
• Slack = to work less hard than you usually keep from having to spend (2) ______ glistering sum-
do or should do/jkstkuk ls de dke djuk mer months on the freaking Cote of Azur, Grandmere

g si
• Mound = to form a mound (Mound is a large
started (3)_______ me from the phone. She kept
(4)______ her fingers on the phone to catch my atten-
pile of earth or stones)/<sj yxkuk fo'ks"k :i ls iRFkj
tion. I just sat there blinking at her until finally she

;k feêðh dk

put her hand over the receiver and (5)_____ (so that
• Stack = to arrange objects neatly in a pile/ nobody listens), “Amelia! In my bedroom, there is some-

E b nt
oLrqvksa dks lgh rjhds ls bdV~Bk djukA thing for you”.
(SSC CHSL - 02/06/2022 Shift-II)
;gk¡writer convey djrk gS fdSalander uspapers dks
1. (a) smirking (b) sulking
desk ij j[kk gqvk FkkA blfy,
‘mound’ bl context ds
(c) grinning (d) clapping
fy, suitable ugha gSA D;ksafd
mound dk use meterials

2. (a) ours (b) me
( stones, sand vkfn) ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA (c) my (d) mine
‘Tacked’ vkSj‘slacked’ out of context gSaA 3. (a) disconcerting (b) beckoning

4. (d)

s h
blfy, ‘stacked’ correct answer gSA

• Crop = to cut a part off a photograph or pic-

ture so that it is a particular size or shape / 5.
(c) upsetting
(a) piquing
(c) peering
(a) commended
(d) dismissing
(b) snapping
(d) tapping
(b) cheered

fdlh photo dspart dks dkVdj mlds shape vkSjsize (c) lauded (d) hissed
Answer Key
dksadjust djukA

P r
• Upload = the process of putting information or
programs on a web server.
(Upload + Something + on + Something)
Download = the process of getting information
or programs from a web server.


2. (c) 3. (b)

4. (d) 5. (d)

• Smirk = to smile in a silly or unpleasant way

that shows that you are pleased with yourself.
(Download + something + from + something)
/ew[kZrkiw.kZ ;k vfiz; rjhds ls eqLoqQjkuk
• Cut = to reduce the amount of something/to
(negative connotation)
make something shorter/fdlh pht dh ek=kk dks
• Sulk = to look angry and refuse to speak or
?kVkukA smile because you want people to know that
budefinitions vkSjpreposition 'from' fd help ls ge you are angry/xqLls ls fn[kuk

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(negative connotation) distinctness and consideration upon some-
• Grin = to smile widely/[kqy dj eqLdqjkuk thing that has come to be clearly before the
(positive connotation)
4. Gaxe = To look intently, long, and steadily upon
• Clap = to show approval by clapping/rkyh ctkuk
an object.
(positive connotation)
5. Glance = Look casually or momentarily
gj fdlh dks viuh failure ij cqjkfell gksrk gSnega-
6. Stare = To look with a fixed intensity such as
tive feeling gSA gesa negative
,d connotation ds
is the effect of surprise, alarm, or rudeness.
word dh ghneed gSA
7. Watch = It brings in the element of time and
Writer ;gk¡convey djrk gS fd og pqi Fkk vkSj vius often of wariness; we watch for a movement
failure ds dkj.k xqLls esa FkkA or change, a signal, the approach of an en-
emy, etc.
blfy, correct answer ‘sulking’ gSA
8. Peer = To look closely or carefully at some-
2. (c)

thing, especially when you cannot see it
• ‘Ours’ = possessive pronoun. clearly

• ‘Me’ = personal pronoun. It is used as an 4. (d)

• Piquing = to make somebody annoyed or
• ‘My’ = possessive determiner. upset/ (ukjkt ;k ijs'kku djuk)

l r
‘Mine’ = possessive pronoun.

(Sentence esa ,ddeterminer dh requirement gS]

determiner dk use noun ls igys gksrk gSA)

Snapping = to break something suddenly with
a sharp noise/rst vkokt ds lkFk fdlh pht dks rksM+uk
Peering = to look closely or carefully at some-

3. (b)
blfy, ‘correct’ answer 'my' gSA

n y

thing/fdlh pht dks è;ku ls ;k utnhd vkdj ns[kukA
Tapping = to hit somebody/something quickly
and lightly/FkiFkikuk

E b nt
• Disconcerting = to make somebody feel anx-
(Writer ;gk¡describe djrk gS fd og mls ikl vkus dk
ious, confused or embarrassed/fdlh dks fpafrr ;k
'kfe±nk eglwl djkukA b'kkjk dj jgh gS vksj mldk è;ku ikus ds fy, ij
hit dj jgh gSA)
• Beckoning = to give somebody a signal using
blfy, ‘tapping’ is contextually fit gSA

your finger or hand, especially to call them
near/ ladsr ls vius ikl cqykuk 5. (d)
• Commend = to praise somebody/something,

• Upsetting = to make somebody feel unhappy,
anxious or annoyed/fdlh dks ukjkt] fpafrr ;k ijs'kku especially publicly/lkoZtfud :i ls iz'kalk djuk

• Cheer = to shout loudly in order to show sup-
• Dismissing = to decide that somebody/some- port or praise for somebody/fdlh dks izksRlkfgr djus
thing is not important/;g fu.kZ; djuk fd dksbZ ds fy, tksj ls fpYykukA

r a
O;fDr@oLrq T;knk egRoiw.kZ ugha gSA
Writer describe djrk gS fd mls b'kkjs ls cqyk;k x;kA
blfy, correct answer ‘beckoning’ gSA

Laud= to praise somebody/something/fdlh
O;fDr@oLrq dh iz'kalk djuk
Hiss = to say something in a quiet voice//hjs ls

‘Upsetting’, ‘dismissing’ vkSj
of context gSaA
Rankers' Vocabulary
‘disconcerting’ out

1. See = To become conscious of an object of

dqN dguk] iqQliqQlkuk
bl question ds fy, passage esa ,dclear hint gSA
'so that nobody listens'.
passage i<+dj ge vklkuh ls vuqeku yxk ldrs gS fd
mlus cgqr /hjs ls oqQN dgkA
2. Look at = To make a conscious and direct blfy, ‘hissed’ correct answer gSA
endeavor to see
3. Behold = To fix the sight and the mind with

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Rankers Mantra

(tc nks
fdlh rjg ls (bldk iz;ksx
munksphtksa(bldk iz;ksxclause of (bldk iz;ksx
fdlh example (bldk iz;ksxclause of
,d leku gksrhgSa]
muds dk Comparison djus esa reason dks introduce dks;k mentioned fdlh ckr reason dks introduce
chp Comparison ds gksrk gStksfdlh rjg leku djusrFkkmlsexplain djus dks explain djus ds fy, djusrFkkexplain djus esa
fy, As-As dk use gksrkgksrh
gSA) esa
fd;k tkrkgSA) fd;k tkrkgSA) fd;k tkrkgSA)

(;g positive rFkk (; g

ds o y neg at i ve [(So+adjective/adverb) [ S u c h + ( A / An ) + [ S u ch + ( A / A n ) +
+ that clause) Adjective + Noun] Adjective + Noun] +
negative nksuksa
rjg ds statements esa
use gksrk

that clause)
statements esause

l i s
Example Example Example Example Example
In my opinion your I would like to remind She spoke so quietly He is not such an He has such high

new manager is not you that I do not earn that we could not hear arrogant person as marks that he has

as skilled in dealing so much money as you her at all from the people say. applied for a
with problems as do. second row. scholarship.

Rakesh is.

E b nt y
Many of the major supermarket chains have come un-
der fire with accusations of (1)__________ unethical acts
over the past decade. They've wasted tonnes of food,
they've underpaid their suppliers and they've contrib-

(b) brought
(d) resigned
(b) every
(d) some
Answer Key

uted to excessive plastic waste in their packaging, 1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (d)
which has had its impact on our environment. But su-
permarkets and grocers are (2)______ to sit up and take

notice. In response to (3)______ consumer backlash EXPLANATION
against the huge amounts of plastic waste generated 1. (a)

a s
by plastic packaging, some of the largest UK supermar-
kets have (4)_______ up a pact promising to transform
packaging and cut plastic wastage. In a pledge to re-
use, recycle or compost all plastic wastage by 2025, su-
• Various (Usually before noun) = several differ-
ent/fofHkUu izdkj ds
(Various + types/forms/kinds/aspects/rea-

permarkets are now beginning to take (5)__________ • Most = 1. the largest in number or amount
responsibility for the part they play in contributing to 2. more than half of somebody/something
the damage to our environment, with one major su-

• Same = exactly the one or ones referred to or
permarket announcing their plan to eliminate all plas-
mentioned/fcYoqQy leku
tic packaging in their own-brand products by 2023.
• Much = a large amount of something (Used
(SSC CHSL - 03/06/2022 Shift-III)
with uncountable nouns)/T;knk ek=kk
1. (a) various (b) most
(‘Same’ ls igys‘the’ dk use gksrk gSA
‘Much’ dk use
(c) same (d) much
2. (a) being start (b) starting uncountable nouns ds lkFk gksrk gSA)
(c) start (d) being starting Hence, same & much are ruled out.
3. (a) believing (b) enlarging Writer ;gk¡ dbZ vyx&vyx unethical acts ds ckjs esa
(c) developing (d) growing ckr dj jgk gS] u fdunethical acts dh majority ds
ckjs esaA
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blfy, correct answer ‘various’ gSA sign fd, gSA

2. (b) Auxiliary verb ‘be’ ds ckn ge ;k rks
verb dh continu- • ‘Every’ dk use singular nouns (countable + un-
ous form ;k verb dh passive form dk use djrs gSaA countable) ds lkFk'all' ds sense esa gksrk gSA
‘Start’ verb dh base form gS blfy, ;g Hkh lgh • ‘Any’ dk use positive sentences esasingular
answer ugha gSA nouns ds lkFk gksrk gSA usebldk'one of many'
‘Being start’ vkSj ‘being starting’ ungrammati- (vFkkZr~ vusdksa esa ls dksbZ
ds gksrk gSA
cal gSaA
correct phrase gS– ‘Being started’ • ‘Some’ dk use uncountable nouns vkSjplural
blfy, correct answer gS– ‘starting’. countable nouns ds lkFk fdlh pht dsamount ;k
Complete sentence gksxk – “Supermarkets and number ds fy, gksrk gSA
grocers are starting to sit up and take notice.”
blfy, 'some' correct answer gSA
3. (d)
Writer ;gk¡describe djrk gS fdsupermarkets us
• Believing = to think that something is true,
correct or real/fo'okl djuk ;g Lohdkj fd;k gS fd
environment dksdamage djus

• Enlarging = to make something large or be- esa mudk Hkh oqQN gkFk jgk gSA
come large/cM+k cukuk SET-26

i s
[Enlarge+ area/vocabulary/image]
• Developing = to change into a more advanced

stronger form/fodflr djuk vkSj etcwr cukuk
Readers have been (1) ______ conditioned that they feel
embarrassed to admit that they find it hard (2) _____ stom-
ach the work of a literary giant for fear it would betray

g r
[Develop + technology/products/strategy/sys-

• Growing = to increase in size or number/la[;k
their plebian taste. The (3) ______ is that a few read, and
fewer enjoy, the novels of those who sit on the literary
pedestal. We have (4) _____ ourselves to be persuaded

that a book with a story can't be quite in the same class
esa ;k vkdkj esa c<+uk

as a book that leaves us to (5) ____ what is unsaid.

‘Growing’ correct answer gSA bldk use ;g describe (SSC CHSL - 03/06/2022 Shift-I)

E b nt
djus ds fy, gqvk gS consumer
fd backlash ds tks c<+us
1. (a) well (b) deeply
ds response esaUK ds lcls cM+s supermarket us (c) rightly (d) So
plastic wastage esa dVkSrh djus dk iSQlyk fd;k 2. gSA(a) in (b) at
blfy, 'growing' correct answer gSA (c) to (d) On
4. (a) bl question esa hint ‘up’ gSA 3. (a) story (b) term

‘Sign up’, ‘settle up’ and ‘bring up’ are phrasal
• Sign up = to sign a form or contract
• Bring up = to care for a child/ to mention a 5.
(c) myth
(a) cared
(c) transited
(a) deny
(d) Fact
(b) thrown
(d) Allowed
(b) accept

subject and start to talk about it/,d cPps dh (c) malign (d) interpret
ns[kHkky djuk@fdlh subject dksmention djuk vkSj Answer Key

mlds ckjs esa ckr djuk 1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (d)
(Bring up + children / issues)

P r
Settle up = to pay all of an amount you owe/
cdk;k jkf'k dk Hkqxrku djuk
• Resign up = ;g ,d incorrect phrase gSA
;gk¡person us fdlhform, contract ;k pact ij sign
fd;k gS blfy, ‘signed’ contextually fit gSA
1. (d) gesa
'Conditioned' adjective dksqualify djus ds fy,
adverb dh t:jr gSA
• Well = in a good, right or acceptable way/vPNh]
rjg ls (Well + done/aware/suited/worth)
5. (d) • Deeply = very deep/cgqr xgjkbZ(Deeply
ls + reli-
• ‘Little’ dk use uncountable nouns ds lkFknegli- gious/personal/rooted/held beliefs/grateful)
gibility ^u ds cjkcj quantity' ds fy, gksrk gSA ;g • Rightly = for a good reason/vPNs dkj.k ds fy,
question dk answer ugha gksxk D;ksafdsupermar- (ge "so that" conjunction dk use nkssentences
kets usplastic wastage dks de djus ds pact ij dkscombine djus essa gksrk
So gSA
that conjunction dk

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use fdlh clause ds /kjkreason dksexplain djus ds • Transit = to pass across or through an area/
fy, gksrk gSA) ikj djuk
A clause (action) + so that + A clause (reason/ Allow = to let somebody/something do some-
explanation) thing/fdlh dks oqQN djus nsuk
;g blank ‘that’ clause dh help ls fill gksxkA blfy, Writer ;gk¡describe djrk gS fd geus [kqn
allow fd;k
correct answer ‘so’ gSA gS fd ge eku ysa fd ,dstory book ml book ls vyx
2. (c) English esa ,sls vusdadjective gSa ftuds ckn
infini- gksrh gS ftlesa fd ge vudgh ckrksa dks Lo;a
tive vkrk gS tSls
– djuk iM+rk gSA
delighted, eager, likely, determined ‘Transmit’, ‘thrown’ vkSj‘cared’ are not suit-
pleased, prepared, motivated, lucky able in this context ds according suitable ugha gSA
sad, nice, hard, difficult blfy, correct answer ‘allowed’ gSA
‘Stomach’ is not a noun in the sentence. It is 5. (d)
a verb (V1). blfy, ge (to + V1) vFkkZr~
infinitive dk Deny = to say that something is not true/;g


use djsaxsA dguk fd oqQN lgh ugha gS

Hard to stomach = hard to accept (Deny + allegation/charge/accusation)
Stomach (verb) = to be able to watch, listen to, • Accept = to take willing something that is of-

accept something that you think is unpleasant./ fered/oqQN Lohdkj djuk

Lohdkj djus yk;d gksukA

(Accept + apology/offer/proposal/job)
blfy, correct answer gksxk ‘to’. ;g 'to' preposi-

• Malign = to say bad things about somebody/

tion u gksdjinfinitive dk part gSA something publicly/lkoZtfud :i ls fdlh ds ckjs esa

‘In’, ‘on’ vkSj
‘at’ prepositions gSaApreposition
ge ds cqjk dguk

cknverb dksGerund (V1 + ing) form esause djrs gSaA • Interpret = to explain the meaning of some-

3. (d)

E b nt y
blfy, in, on, at ;gk¡suitable ugha gSaA

• Story = a description of events and people that

the writer or speaker has invented in order to
entertain people/dgkuh
thing, to understand that something has a par-
ticular meaning/fdlh pht dk meaning explain
djuk dksbZ fo'ks"k vFkZ le>uk
Passage i<+us ds ckn ge dg ldrs gS fd
pkgrk gS fd ftlbook esa
writer dguk
story gS] og nwljh ls vyx gS tks
gesa og le>us dks NksM+ nsrh gS tksfd mlesa ugha dg

(Love / adventure/detective/bedtime/original
true + story) blfy, correct answer ‘interpret’ gSA
• Term = a word or phrase used as the name of

something, especially one connected with a
type of language/ 'kCn WORD MEANING ANTONYM

(Technical/legal/generic/better + term)
• Myth = fallacy or a story from ancient times/

feFkd] Hkzkafr ;k izkphu dky dh ,d dgkuh
Fact = used to refer to a particular situation
1. Admit = To agree that something is true –

Agree = To say ‘yes’ / to have the same opinion
– Refuse

that exists or a thing that is known to be true/ 3. Allow = To let somebody do something – Forbid
rF; 4. Permit = Officially let somebody do something

– Prohibit
;gk¡writer describe djrk gS fd ;g fact gS fd de yksx 5. Accept = To take willing something that is
ghi<+rs gS vkSj mlls Hkh de yksx lkfgR; ij vk/kfjr offered – Decline
novels dk vkuan ysrs gSaA 6. Obey = To do what you are told – Defy
blfy, correct answer ‘fact’ gSA 7. Select = To choose sbd/sth from a group – Reject

4. (d) SET-27
• Care = to feel that something is important and Relate comic things (1) ______ pompous fashion.
Irregularity, in other words the unexpected, the
worth worrying about/ ijokg djuk
surprising, the astonishing, are essential to and
• Throw = to move something/somebody sud- characteristic (2)_______ beauty. Two fundamental
denly and with force/isaQd nsuk

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literary qualities: supernaturalism and irony. The blend e.g.Ram is in love.
(3)______ the grotesque and the tragic are attractive to She got in her car and went to school.
the mind, as is discord to blasé ears. Imagine a canvas • AT = It denotes ‘target/direction/a point of
for a lyrical, magical farce, for a pantomime, and time and place/proximate location’.
translate it (4) ______ a serious novel. Drown the whole e.g.He will be at home.
thing in an abnormal, (5) ______ atmosphere, in the She pointed a gun at her.
atmosphere of great days – the region of pure poetry. • OF = It denotes ‘relation/possession’
(SSC CHSL - 03/06/2022 Shift-II) e.g.I met with a friend of mine yesterday.
1. (a) off (b) over I like the paintings of Rahul.
(c) at (d) In ge ‘of’ preposition dkuse Noun ‘characteristic’
2. (a) by (b) in ds lkFk fdlhperson/thing dk relation mldh fdlh
(c) at (d) Of quality dksshow djus ds fy, djrs gSA
3. (a) up (b) of
Hence, 'of' lgh answer gSA
(c) to (d) On

4. (a) into (b) beside 3. (b) gesa
preposition dsuse vkSj understanding dks tkuus
(c) for (d) Off dh t:jr gSA
5. (a)

l i s (b) dreamy
(d) hygienic
Answer Key
• ‘Up’ - bldk use higher position dksdenote djus ds
fy;s gksrk gSA
‘To’ - bldk use destination/recipient ds fy, gksrk gSA


1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (b) • ‘On’ - bldk use 'surface'/'line' dksdenote djus esa

(d) gesa

preposition dsuse vkSj
understanding ds ckjs esa

gksrk gSA
‘Of’ - bldk use 'relation'/'possession’ dksdenote
djus ds fy;s gksrk gSA


tkuus dh t:jr gSA ‘Blend’ ,d pleasant (vPNk) ;k different (vyx&

E b nt
• Off = ;g separation dksdenote djrk gSA vyx) phtksa dkuseful combination gSA vr%
You need to take the top off the bottle first! preposition ‘of’ dkuse noun ‘blend’ ds lkFk lgh gSA
• Over = ;g position dksdenote djrk gSA bldk use vr%‘of’ lgh answer gSA
fdlh object dkscover djus dssense esa fd;k tkrk gSA
4. (a)

e.g. She put a blanket over the sleeping child. • Beside = next to or at the side of somebody/
There was a lamp hanging over the table. something/cxy (cjkcj) esa ;k fdlh ds ,d rjiQA
• At = ;g target/direction/a point of time vkSj e.g. He sat beside me yesterday.

e.g.He will be at home.

s h
place/proximate location dksdenote djrk gSA

She pointed a gun at her.

• In = ;g area/enclosure/a period of time dks
• For = bldk use ‘reason/intention/purpose’ dks
show djus ds fy, gksrk gSA
e.g.It is a book for children.)
The town is famous for its cathedral.
denote djr gSA

e.g.Ram is in love.

She got in her car and went to school.
‘Fashion’ popular gksus dh fLFkfr gSA ‘In’vr%
• Off = ;g separation dksdenote djrk gSA
e.g. He fell off the ladder.
• Into = ;g ‘inside something’ (fdlh pht ds vUnj)
;k ‘a change in state’ (fLFkfr esa cnyko
) dksdenote

2. (d) gesa ;gk¡

preposition gSA
preposition ds usage dks le>us dh t:jr gSA
• BY = It denotes ‘the way of doing something/
the doer of an action/means’.
e.g.Switch it on by pressing this button.
You should travel by bus.
djrk gSA
e.g.He came into the room.
The fruit can be made into jam.
‘Translation’ language esa ,dchange gSA vr%
lgh answer gSA

The chair was broken by Ram. 5. (b)

• IN = It denotes ‘area/enclosure/a period of • Plentiful = available in large amounts/
time’ numbers/T;knk
amounts/numbers esa

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(miyCèk) fdlh ds existance (vfLrRo) dks Lohdkjuk

• Dreamy = having a lot of imagination, but not • Beliefs (plural noun) = bldk use fo'ks"k :i ls
very realistic/dkYifud (u fd okLrfod) religious, political tSlsadjectives ds lkFk fd;k
• Littered = spread around a place, making it look tkrk gS ysfdupassage dk religious vkSj political
untidy/fdlh LFkku ds pkjksa vksj iSQykuk] xank djus ds fy,Aviews ls dksbZconnection ugha gSA
• Hygienic = clean and free of bacteria/lkiQ vkSj
vr% ‘Belief’ lgh answer gSA
bacteria ls free.
2. (a)
;gk¡ ,d clear hint gS fd ,d lyrical, magical farce,
• ‘Above’ dk use fdlh ls Å¡psplace ;k position ds
pantomime (ewd vfHku;) ds fy, ,d canvas,
sense esa gksrk gSA
imagine djuk gSA
• ‘Before’ dk use fdlh pht ds igys dk time ;k
vr%‘dreamy’ contextually lgh gSA
position crkus esa gksrk gSA
SET-28 • ‘For’ dk use, ‘intention/reason/purpose crkus

Science, according to popular (1)_________, is a remote
esa gksrk gSA
and enigmatic idea that is (2)__________ the
‘Beyond’ dkuse fdlh ls T;knk gksuk ;k fdlh lhfer u

comprehension of ordinary minds and peace-loving people. •
gksuk sense
ds esa gksrk gSA

This is most likely why the words 'scientist' and 'mad'
have been used interchangeably for centuries. But, given (Beyon d + beli ef/repai r/re cogn itio n/

l r
that science is the foundation upon which our lives are comprehension/understanding)
built, isn't it (3)__________ that science appears to be ;gk¡writer describe djrk gS fddksbZ pht ^le> dss*

g i
beyond the common mind's comprehension? Similarly,
mathematics, the (4)___________ of science, gives

meaning to the concept of quantification and
(Beyond comprehension) gS A
blfy, correct answer gS'beyond'.

n y
(5)__________ value for us humans. There are a few 3. (a)
examples of how science and mathematics rewire our Ironic = tksexpress gks mlds

E b nt
• opposite meaning
brains, just go and check. gksuk ;k
funny gksuk D;ksafd rqeus tSlkfd;k Fkk
(SSC CHSL - 06/06/2022 Shift-III) mlls vyx gksukA
1. (a) believe (b) believes (Ironic + comment/glance/situation)
(c) belief (d) Beliefs
• Logical = sensible or reasonable/le>nkj vkSj

2. (a) beyond (b) above
(c) before (d) For
(Lo gical + conclusi on/e xplanati on/
3. (a) ironic (b) logical

argument/ way)
(c) obvious (d) Gracious • Obvious = easy to see or understand, leaving

4. (a) glory (b) secret no doubts/ns[kus ;k le>us esa vklku] fcuk fdlh
(c) crest (d) Bedrock
5. (a) unapparent (b) incomprehensible

• Gracious = kind, polite and generous/kind
(c) unequivocal (d) undecipherable
), polite vkSj

Answer Key
Writer crkrk gS fd
science ,d foundation gS ftl
1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (c)
ij gekjk thou cuk gqvk gS fiQj Hkh lkekU; vkSj 'kkf

yksx bls ugha le> ldrs gSAsituation
bl dks‘Irony’
EXPLANATION dg ldrs gSA tksexpect dj ldrs gS ;g mlls ,dne
1. (c) ‘Popular’ ,d adjective gS vkSj ge tkurs gS fd ,d vyx gSA
adjective, ,d noun dksqualify djrk gS] vr% gesa blfy, correct answer gS‘Ironic’.
bl blank dksfill djus ds fy, noun pkfg,A 4. (d)
• ‘Believe’ vkSj
‘believes’ verb dh forms gSA blfy, • Glory = great success that praise and
osruled out gks xb±A honour/efgek] 'kksHkk
• Belief (uncountable noun) = A feeling of certainty • Secret = something that is known about by
that something exists, is true or is good. few people/jgL;

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• Crest = the top part of a hill/hill (igkM+h) dk1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (a)
lcls Å¡pk fgLlkA
• Bedrock = a strong base for something, EXPLANATION
especially the facts or the principles on which 1. (a)
it is based./fdlh pht ds fy, ,d strong base • Chatter = continuous rapid talk about
gksukA unimportant things/csdkj dh phtksa ij yxkrkj ckrsa
lHkh tkurs gSmathematics
fd ] science ij based gSA djukA
vr%‘bedrock’ contextually lgh gSA • Fritter = a piece of fruit, meat or vegetable/
5. (c) fdlh iQy] lCth dk VqdM+kA
• Unapparent = not easy to see or understand • Rattle = a series of short loud sounds made
/ns[kus ;k le>us esa vklku u gksukA when hard objects hit against each other/
(negative connotation)
tc nks dBksj phts vkil esa Vdjkrh gS rks mlls mR
• Incomprehen sibl e = that can not be vkoktsaA
( Teeth/ windows + rattles.)

understood/ftls le>k u tk ldsA • Patter = the sound that is made by something
(negative connotation) repeatedly hitting a surface quickly/dksbZ pht

• Unequivocal = expressing your opinion or yxkrkjsurface ij fxjus ;k iM+us ij mRiUu vkoktA
intention very clearly/opinion ;k intention, The patter of (rain on the roof/feet/footsteps)

l i
dks Li"V :i lsexpress djukA
(Positive connotation)

Writer crkrk gS fd tchost i<+uk 'kq: djrk gS rc lHkh
unimportant ckrsa can gks tkrh gSA

• Undecipherable = impossible to read or vr%, ‘chatter’ lgh answer gSA

understand/i<+us ;k le>us esa ukeqefdu

(negative connotation)

Writer ;gk¡mathematics ds positive aspects ds
2. (b)
• Chaos = a complete lack of order/vO;oLFkk

(Economic/political/domestic/total + chaos)
ds ckjs esa ckr djrk gSA • Silence = a complete lack of sound/'kkafr

E b nt
vr% gesa ,slk ,dword pkfg, ftldh connotation (Absolute/embarrassed/awkward/
positive gksA uncomfortable deafening + silence)
• Din = A loud, unpleasant noise that lasts for
vr%, unequivocal lgh answer gSA a long time/cgqr le; rd pyus okyk 'kksjxqyA

(Make + an awful din)
Our host started to read and the (1) _________ stopped. • Noise = A sound, especially when it is loud,
There was a sweet (2) _________ as each person read, unpleasant or frightening/'kksj

not one that felt forced or imposed in any way. People
(Make a noise)
did not seem to (3) _________ or cough, but perhaps that
tc ckrsa can gks tkrh gaS] rc ogka dksbZ vkokt ugha

is just how I remember i t now . I kn ow I was
increasingly self-conscious as the readings came closer sentence esa adjective ‘Sweet’. Hkh ,dhint gS fd
to me and that when it was my turn I think I (4) gesa ,d ,slkword pkfg,A ftlesa
positive connotation

1. (a) chatter a
_________ through most of it, probably without making
any sense of the (5) _________.

(SSC CHSL - 06/06/2022 Shift-I)
(b) fritter
‘Chaos’, ‘Din’ vkSj
j[krs gSA vr%
Noise, negative connotation
‘silence’ lgh anwser gSA

3. (c)
(c) rattle (d) patter
• Sleep = to rest with eyes closed and your
2. (a) chaos (b) silence
mind and body not active/lksuk
(c) din (d) noise
• Sing = to make musical sounds with your
3. (a) sleep (b) sing
(c) fidget (d) distract
• Fidget = to move about restlessly, nervously
4. (a) played (b) mumbled
or impatiently/cspSu gksdj ?kweukA
(c) grumbled (d) dozed
5. (a) poetry (b) music • Distract = to take somebody’s attention away
(c) dance (d) pottery from something/fdlh pht ls è;ku gVkukA
Answer Key Writer crkrk gS fd ;g ,d ehBh 'kkafr gSA dksbZ Hkh

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body, hands ;k feet move u gh a dj jgk] (c) methodologies (d) designs

nervousness ;k excitement dh otg lsA 4. (a) marketplace (b) literacy
vr%‘fidget’ contextually lgh gSA (c) portfolios (d) burden
4. (b) 5. (a) authentication (b) utility
• Play = to do things to enjoy yourself/[ksyuk (c) performance (d) subscription
• Mumble = to say or speak something in a Answer Key
quiet voice in a way that is not clear/èkheh 1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (b)
vkokt esa oqQN dguk
• Grumble = to complain about something that EXPLANATION
is not very serious/f'kdk;r djuk 1. (d)
• Doze = to sleep lightly for a short time/FkksM+h nsj • Unsolicited = not asked or not wanted/tks iwNk
ds fy, lksuk] >idh ysuk x;k u gks vkSj ftldh t:jr u gksA
‘Play’, ‘grumbled’ and ‘dozed’ ;gk¡ dksbZ
sense ugha gSA (Unsolicited + advice)

5. (a)

vr%‘mumbled’ lgh answer gSA

Pottery = the skill of making pots./cjru cukus

Pro hibi ted = not permitte d/ e u k g ksu k]
permission u gksuk (Prohibited + substance)
Unspecified = not stated clearly or definitely

dh dykA /fuf'pr :i ls u crk;k x;k (Unspecified + date)

l r
• Shared = owned or experienced by more than
• Music = a pleasant arrangement of sounds./laxhr
one person/,d ls T;knk yksxksa ds lkFk ck¡Vk x;k

• Dance = a series of movements and steps

that are usually performed to music/u`R; (Shared + interest/ownership)
bl question ds answer ds fy, gesacomputer ls

• Poetry = poems in general/dkO;
reated oqQN technical words irk gksus gh pkfg,A

bu lHkh
options esa fliZQ
poetry gh i<+usrelated
ls gSA

E b nt y
vr%‘poetry’ lgh answer gSA
Cloud computing is a type of Internet-based computing
that provides (1)_____ computer processing resources
and data to computers and other devices on demand.
Shared resouces, computer ds data
information dksrefer djrk gSA ftls ,dhardware
device LAN ds }kjk vklkuhaccess
vr% 'shared' lgh answer gSA
ls fd;k tk ldrk

Cloud computing and storage solutions provide users 2. (d) 'From' preposition dk use 'source/origin
and enterprises (2)_____ various capabilities to store
denote djus esa gksrk gSA
and process their data in third-party data centres. Local
'Into' preposition, inwords motion/change dks

computers no longer have to do all the heavy lifting
when it comes to running applications. The goal of cloud denote djrh gSA

computing is to apply traditional supercomputing or 'For' dk use 'reason' crkus esa djrs gSaA
high-performance computing power, normally used by
Preposition 'with' dk use 'assocition'/'tools'
military and research (3)______, to perform tens of

trillions of computations per second, in consumer dksdenote djus esa gksrk gSA
oriented application such as financial (4)______, to gesa'provide' ds lkFkuse gksus okyh
preposition ds

deliver personalised information and to provide data
storage. In 2013, it was reported that cloud computing

had become a highly demanded service or (5)______ due
to the advantages of high computing power, cheap cost
of services, high performance, scalability, accessibility
as well as availability.
ckjs esa irk gksuk pkfg,A
provide ds lkFkpreposition
'with' dk use djrs gSA
(A) The company supplied/provided/presented
schools with sports equipment.
(B) The company supplied/provided/presented
sports equipment to schools.
(SSC CHSL - 06/06/2022 Shift-II) vr% 'with' lgh answer gSA
1. (a) unsolicited (b) prohibited 3. (a)
(c) unspecified (d) shared • Facilities = buildings, services, equipments
2. (a) from (b) into etc. that are provided for a particular purpose/
(c) for (d) with fdlh particular purpose ds fy, provide fd;s x;s
3. (a) facilities (b) support Building] services] Equipment vkfn lqfo/k,¡A

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• Support = something that you give to touching clothes and people who (3)_____healthy one
somebody in order to help them/lgk;rk day might be dead the next. Faced with such a
• Methodology = a set of methods and principles mysterious and horrifying illness, many believed that
used to perform a particular activity/ this was a divine (4)_____ for their sins. Researchers
(methods vkSjprinciples dk ,d set tks fdlh in Hong Kong at the end of the nineteenth century
particular activity dksperform djsaA) discovered that the disease is caused by the bacteria
‘Yersinia Pestis’. Modern (5)______ practices and
• Design = an arrangement of something
medicine have greatly subdued the impact of the
(drawing/plan/model)/izk:i] :ijs[kk
bubonic plague, but have never completely eliminated
writer ;gk¡ crkrk gS cloud
fd computing dk goal, it.
high-performance computing power dh (SSC CHSL - 07/06/2022 Shift-III)
facilities dksprovide djkuk gS tks fd izk;%
1. (a) by (b) at
vkSjresearch centres ds }kjkuse dh tkrh gSA (c) through (d) during
vr% 'facilities' lgh answer gSA 2. (a) settling (b) reckoning

4. (c) (c) keeping (d) leaving
• Marketplace = the activity of competing with 3. (a) departed (b) seemed
other companies to buy and sell goods,

(c) became (d) kept
services etc/nwljhcompanies ds lkFkcompete

4. (a) order (b) accolade
djuk@izfrLi/kZ djuk
(c) oracle (d) punishment

Literacy = the ability to read and write/fy[kus 5.

• (a) cultural (b) unhygienic
vkSj i<+us dh {kerkA

(c) ongoing (d) sanitary

• Burden = a duty, responsibility, etc that
Answer Key
causes worry/,d ,slh duty ;k responsibility

1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (d)
tks fpark dk dkj.k cusaA



E b nt y
Portfol ios = a coll ecti on o f fi nancial
investments like stocks, bonds etc.
Passage i<+us ds ckn ;g clear gks tkrk gS fd1.
'portfolios' lgh answer gSA

Authentication = the act of proving that



,d preposition ds :i esa'by' dkuse, ‘means’ (lkèku)

vkSj'doer' dksdenote djus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA
e.g. He went there by train.

something is real, true or what somebody
The chair was broken by Ram.
claims it is./izkekf.kdrk
• Utility = a service provided for the public./ • At dk use ‘specific time/location’ vkSjtarget

Public ds fy, provide dh xbZ service. dksdenote djus esa gksrk gSA
• Performance = the act of performing e.g. He arrived late at the station.

Subscription = paying money regularly in
order to receive or use something/fdlh pht

dks izkIr djus ;k iz;ksx djus dsregularly
Writer crkrk gS fd
cloud computing ds }kjk
pay djukA

We left at 2 o’clock.
‘Through’ ,d preposition gS ftldkmean, ¶,d
end ls nwljs rd tkuk¸ gSA
e.g. The burglar got in through the window.

ds fy, services 'kq: dh xbZ Fkh] tks fd vPNh
performance, accessibility vkSjavailability ds

lkFk&lkFk de dher ij miyC/ FkhA 'utility'
contextually lgh gSA
• ‘During’ ,d preposition gS ftldkuse ‘duration’
crkus esa gksrk gSA
e.g. He was taken to the hospital during the
ge lcdks irk gS fda century, 100 lky dk le; gSA
One of the most devastating periods in European history vr%'duration' lgh answer gSA
came (1)____ the fourteenth century, with the epidemic 2. (d)
of bubonic plague, also known as the ‘Great Plague’ and
• Settling = to decide something finally or to
later dubbed the ‘Black Death’. At the time of its first
put an end to something/finally oqQN decide
pandemic, the bubonic plague was a terrifying disease,
killing indiscriminately and (2)____ cities and towns djuk ;k oqQN iwjk djukA
devastated in its wake. It appeared to spread just by (To settle + a dispute/a matter/an issue/

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case) ge lc tkurs gS fd ,d O;fDr dks mlds ikiksa ds fy, ltk
• Reckoning = to think something or have an feyrh gSA
opinion/oqQN lkspuk ;kopinion
dksbZ gksukA Writer crkrk gS fd oqQN ykskxsa ds
• Keeping = to stay in a particular position/
mysterious vkSjhorrifying illness ,d divine
fdlh particular situation esa jgukA punishment gSA
(Keep + somebody/something + adjective)
• Leaving = to make or allow somebody/
vr%‘Punishment’ lgh answer gSA
so meth ing to remai n i n a particul ar 5. (d)
condition/fdlh dks fdlhparticular situation esa • Cultural = connected with the culture of a
NksM+ukA society/(society vkSjculture ls tqM+k gksukA)
constructions:- (Cultural + differences/diversity/ exchange/
“Keep + somebody/something + adjective” vkSj
• Unhygienic = not clean therefore causing
“Leave + somebody/something + adjective”
disease or infection/lkiQ u gksuk ftlds dkj.k chekjh gks

grammatically lgh gSA
(Unhygienic + conditions/food/kitchen)
‘Keep’ progress dksdenote djrk gS tcfd ‘leave’

• to exist/yxkrkjvfLrRo
result dksA
esa jgukA

l i
;gk¡ 'kgjksa dk rckgbubonic
gksuk plague dk ifj.kke gSA

vr%‘leaving’ lgh answer gSA
(Ongoing + debate/discussion/process/
Sanitary = relating with cleanness/liQkbZ ls

3. (b) ‘Healthy’ ,d adjective ( subjective •

complement) gSblfy, gesasentence esalinking
verb pkfg,A

n s
(Sanitary + conditions/practices/facilities)
Writer crkrk gS fd
medicine dkuse vkSj lkiQ&liQkbZ

• Depart = to leave a place, especially to start
a trip/,d LFkku NksM+uk]
especially ,d trip 'kq: djus bubonic plague ds impact dkscontrol djrs gSaA

E b nt
ds fy,A ‘Unhygienic’ context ds opposite gSA vkSj
• Seem = to give the impression of being ‘cultural’ vkSj
‘ongoing’ context ls ckgj gSA
something/izrhr gksukA vr% ‘Sanitary’ lgh answer gSA
• Become = to start to be something./gksuk SET-32

ugha gks ldrkA

Keep = to stay in a particular position/fdlh
particular situation esa jgukA
Depart ,d linking verb ugha gS] blfy, ;g
The (1) ____ of roads in the 1700s and 1800s made the
(2)____ of goods and people much easier. Many nobles
and businessmen (3)_______ their wealth in building
bridges and tunnels. John Metcalfe was one of the most

(4)_______ road builders of this period. He was blind and
‘Become’ state esa
change n'kkZrk
gS He became felt the surface of the road. This was done to make
happy. ysfdu sentence esastate esachange ugha sure that it met his (5)_____.

r a
fd;k gSA blfy, ;ganswer ugha gks ldrkA
Keep dk use Hkh link verb dh rjg dj ldrs gSA 1.
ysfdu ;gk¡ ij ;g illogical gksxkA
(SSC CHSL - 07/06/2022 Shift-I)
stagnation (b) recovery
(d) Improvement
(b) delivery

blfy, 'seemed' gh lgh answer gSA
(c) shipment (d) Transportation
4. (d)
3. (a) donated (b) supported
• Order = the state that exists when people
(c) promoted (d) Invested
obey laws, rules/vkns'k 4. (a) credulous (b) fascinated
• Accolade = praise or an award for an (c) attentive (d) Remarkable
achievement that people admire/rkjhiQ ;k vokWMZ
5. (a) desire (b) requirements
• Oracle = the message of gods./nsorkvksa dk lans'k (c) wish (d) condition
• Punishment = the act or way of punishing Answer Key
somebody/naM ;k ltk 1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (b)

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something, especially a charity
EXPLANATION • Support = to help or encourage somebody/
1. (d) something/fdlh dh help djuk/encourage djukA
• Stagnation = the fact of no longer developing • Promote = to help sell a product, service etc.
or making progress/ (progress dk :d tkukA) to make it more popular/fdlh product ;kservice
• Recovery = the process of becoming well dks cspus esa enn djuk] mls vkSj cukukA
again after an illness or injury/chekjh ds ckn • Invest = to spend money on something in
iqu% LoLFk gksukA order to make a profit/fuos'k djuk
• Setback = a difficulty or problem that delays (Invest something in something)
or prevents something/ck/k] izfrjks/ Passage esawriter crkrk gS fdbusinessmen
• Improvement = the act of making something viuk iSlkbridges vkSj
tunnels (lqjax) cukusinvest
better or a change in something that makes djrs gSA
it better/lq/kj vr%‘Invested’ lgh answer gSA
gesa nksuksa
x;k gSA vr%

blanks ij focus djuk gSA oqQN
ldrs D;ksafdcontext
easy cuk;k 4.
dsopposite gSA
ugha vk
• Credulous = too ready to believe things and
therefore easy to trick/phtksa ij vklkuh ls Hkjkslk

change gSA
ugha gSA
l i
‘Recovery’ ,d process gS vkSj

‘Improvement’ ,d
‘The process of roads’ dk dksbZ
‘health conditions and economy’ ds lkFk

djus okyk] ftls vklkuh ls csoowQiQ cuk;k tk ldsA
Fascinated = very interested/vkdf"kZr

• Attentive = listening or watching carefully/

'Recovery' dk use T;knk gksrkwriter

gSA road dh
form esachange/lq/kj ykus ds ckjs esa ckr dj jgk gSA •

vr%‘improvement’ lgh answer gSA
è;ku ls ns[kuk ;k lquukA
Remarkable = special in a way that makes
people be impressed/mYys[kuh;
2. (d)

• E b nt y
(The _________ of goods and people)
;gk¡ ftl word dh requirment gS oggoods vkSj
people nksuksa dscontext
fy, ds according fit gksuk

Traffic = the vehicles that are on a road at a

‘Fascinated’ ,d ungradable adjective gS blfy,
ge blds lkFkmore ;k most dkuse ugha dj ldrs gSA
vr% ;sanswer ugha vk ldrkA
‘Credulous’ ,d negative connotation dk word
gSA tcfdsentence dh theme positive gSA vr% ;g

particular time/vehicles okgu tks fd lh
particular time ij road ij gSaA
Delivery = the act of taking something to the
people they have been sent to./fdlh ls oqQN ysuk
answer ugha gksxkA
‘Attentive’ context ls ckgj gSA
vr%‘remarkable’ lgh answer gSA

5. (b)
tks muds }kjk Hkstk x;k gksaA • Desire = a strong wish to have or to do
• Shipment = the process of sending goods from
something/oqQN djus dh cgqr bPNk gksukA

one place to another/,d LFkku ls nwljs rd lkeku
• Requirements = something that you need or
HkstukA want/vko';drk

Transportation = a system for carrying people
or goods from one place to another/yksxksa ;k lkeku

dks ,d LFkku ls nwljs rd ys tkukA
‘Traffic of people’ context dsaccording lgh ugha gSA
‘Delivery’ vkSj ‘Shipment’ fliZQ goods (lkeku) ds

Wish = a desire to do something/oqQN djus dh bPNkA
Condition = the circumstances of situation
in which people live/,slh fLFkfr ftlesa yksx jgrs gSa
‘Meet the requirements’  to completely
fulfill or satisfy the conditions required for
fy, use gksrs gSA vr% ;sanswer ugha gks ldrs gSA something/t:jrksa dks iwjk djukA
‘Transportation’ dkuse people rFkk goods nksuksa ds ‘Meet the requirement ,d fixed phrase gSA
fy, gksrk gS vr% 'transportation' lgh answer gSA ‘requirement’ lgh answer gSA
3. (d) SET-33
• Donate = to give money, food, clothes etc./ The next Faerie Market was held (1)_________ schedule
iSls] [kkuk] diM+s vkfn eqÝrtoesa nsukA

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(2)_________ the other side of the wall. The two boys 2. The car was stopped at the side of the road
were not allowed to go to the market, but they wanted with its hazard lights flashing.
to. This was a source of great (3)__________ to the boys. 3. (b)
The younger of the two had a kitten. She grew slowly • Abhorrence = a strong feeling of hating
but was the sweetest cat in the world, until, one somebody/something, especially for moral
evening, she began to (4)_________ around the house reasons/fdlh ls cgqr uiQjr djuk
impatiently. The cat was off in the dark and the boy
never saw the cat again. He was (5)_________ for a while. • Irritation = the state of being annoyed/ukjkt
(SSC CHSL - 07/06/2022 Shift-II) gksuh dh fLFkfrA
1. (a) on (b) by • Ebullience = the quality of being full of
(c) at (d) upon confidence, energy and good humou/
2. (a) at (b) on confidence ls Hkjk gqvk gksus dh fLFkfrA
(c) upon (d) in • Hatred = a very strong feeling of dislike/ukilUn
3. (a) abhorrence (b) irritation djuk] ?k`.kk

(c) ebullience (d) hatred Passage esaclearly crkrk x;k gS fd nks
boys market
4. (a) sleep (b) march tkuk pkgrs gSbut mUgsaallow ugha fd;k tkrk gSA ge

s easily crk ldrs gS fd bldk meaning 'Annoyed'

(c) prowl (d.) trot

5. (a) petrified (b) inconsolable ds sense esa gSA
(c) sanguine (d) blithesome

vr%]‘irritation’ lgh answer gSA
1. (a) 2. (b)

Answer Key
3. (b)

i r 4. (c) 5. (b)
4. (c)
• Sleep = to rest with your eyes closed and your
mind and body not activ/lksuk

1. (a)


y s
This question is based on the phrases related
• March = to walk with stiff regular steps like
a soldier/Solidier dh rjg regular steps ls pyukA

E b nt
to ‘schedule’.
• Prowl = to walk around a room, an area, etc.
• On schedule = at the expected or planned
especially you are bored, anxious, etc./,d
room ;k area ds pkjksa rjiQ Vgyuk]especially tc
(We have a good track record and have repaid
vki bore gks jgs gksA
a loan of £30,000 on schedule.)
Trot = to run or walk fast, talking short/rst

• Behind schedule = not according to the •
schedule or late. pyuk ;k nkSM+ukA
Writer crkrk gS fd nksuksa yM+dksa esa NksVs ds ik

(We're running about five minutes behind
schedule.) cPpk[kitten] FkkA og bl nqfu;k dh lcls
sweet fcYyh
Writer crkrk gS fdFaerie Market, planned time

FkhA ,d fnu] impatient
oks Fkh vkSj fpark esa ds
ij yxkbZ xbZ FkhA pkjksa vksj Vgy jgs FkhA
vr%'on' lgh answer gSA vr%‘prowl’ lgh answer gSA

2. (b)
ugha gSA

r a
‘By’, ‘at’ vkSj
‘upon’ dk‘schedule’ ds lkFk dksbZ

‘Side’ = either of two halves of a surface, an

5. (b)
• Petrified = extremely frightened/cgqr T;knk Mjk
gqvk(A petrified expression)

object or an area that is divided by an • Inconsolable = very sad and unable to accept
imaginary central line. help or comfort/cgqr nq[kh gksuk vkSj
help u ys ikukA
vr% ‘On the other side of something’ is (Inconsolable grief)
grammar ds fglkc ls fit gSA • Sanguine = cheerful and confident about the
‘At the side of something’ lgh gS ysfdu bldk future/(future dks ysdjcheeful vkSjconfident)
meaning, physically fdlh ds side gksuk gS vkSj blds (Take a sanguine view)
fy, lcls common word 'beside' gSA blphrase esa • Blithesome = filled with pleasure/[kq'kh ls Hkjk
‘side’ dk meaning fdukjkgSA gqvkA
(A blithesome person)
1. There is a café on the other side of the lake. yM+dk fcYyh dks ugha ns[k ldrk vkSj nq[kh vkSj fpaf

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‘Sanguine’ vkSj‘blithesome’ context dsopposite ‘Spread’ context ds according ugha gSA

gS] vkSj
‘petrified’ context ls vyx gSA vr% ‘create’ lgh answer gSA
vr%]‘inconsolable’ lgh answer gSA 2. (c)
SET-34 • Prevail = to continue to exist/vfLrRo esa cus jgukA
Living organisms (1)_________ their own kind through • Exist = to be present in a place or situation/
a process called reproduction. Plants also increase in vfLrRo esa gksukA
number through the process of reproduction. Different • Survive = to continue to live or exist despite
plants reproduce in different ways. Most of the flowering
a dangerous event/[krjukd ifjfLFkfr ds ckotwn thfor
plants produce seeds. Plants produce many seeds. Few
of these seeds (2)_________ and germinate into new jgukA
plants. When a seed gets the (3)_________ amount of • Bear = to deal with something unpleasant/
air, water, soil and sunlight, it grows into a plant. Fruits lgu djuk/cnkZ'r djuk
have seeds (4)_____ them. When a fruit (5)_________ Writer crkrk gS fd T;knkrj isM+ cht
produce djrs gS
up, the seeds inside it can be used to grow new plants
ls oqQN gh dj ikrs gS vkSj

of the same kind.
(SSC CHSL - 08/06/2022 Shift-III)
esaliQy gksrs gSA

1. (a) design (b) construct vr%]‘Survive’ lgh answer gSA

(c) spread (d) create Prevail vs Survive

2. (a) prevail (b) exist Prevail  nature ls lacaf/r ifjfLFkfr;ksa dks >syd

(c) survive
(a) helpful
(c) right

g i r
(d) bear
(b) equal
(d) valid
Hkh cp tkukA (bldk
ds fy, gksrk gSA)
use lkekU;r%
plants, trees vkfn

Survive  cgqrdifferent situations (war etc.)

4. (a) interior (b) inside
ls cp tkukA (bldkuse lkekU;r%
human beings d s

(c) inner (d) inward

(a) soaks
(c) wipes

(d) 2.

E b nt
3. (c)
(b) dries
(d) dehydrates
Answer Key
4. (b) 5. (b)
3. (c)

fy, gksrk gSA)

Helpful = able to improve a particular

(Helpful + advice/information/hints/tips/

1. (d) comments/person)
• Design = to decide how something will look, • Equal = the same in size, quantity, value/
work etc. by drawing plans, making models/ size, quantity vkSj value esa lekuA

dksbZ pht oSQlh fn[ksxh ;kdecide
yxsxh ;s
djukA (Equal + number/amount/parts/measure/
(D esig n + buil ding /product/we bsite/ partners/rights/access)

kitchen/programme / course) • Right = correct/suitable for a particular
• Construct = to build or make something/oqQN situation/thing/lgh

cukuk tSls
buildings, roads etc. (Right + way/direction/decision/amount/
(Construct + a building/shelter/frame) number)

• Spread = to make something affect, be known • Valid = that is legally or officially acceptable/
by, or be used by more and more people/iQsykuk] tkslegal ;k officially ekU; gksA

cgqr lkjs yksxksa rd igq¡pkuk
/igq¡puk (Valid + passport/claim/reason)
(Spread + rumours/flames) Writer crkrk gS fd tc cht dks mi;qDr
• Create = to make something happen or exist/ air, water] soil vkSjsunlight feyrh gSA rc og
dqN u;k cukuk/vfLrRo esa ykuk
[plant] curk gSA
(Create + jobs/opportunities/ problems/
position/impression/kind) lkjsoptions esa fliZQ
'right' dks'suitable' dh txg
‘Design’ especially models/buildings ds fy, use dj ldrs gSA
use gksrk gS Construct,
vkSj buildings/machines vr% 'right' lgh answer gSA
ds fy,A blfy, ;g answer ugha gks ldrsA 4. (b)
• Interior (adj.) = connected with the inside

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part of something/fdlh pht ds vUnj ds fgLls ls tqM+k (c) prevail (d) value
gqvkA 2. (a) despite (b) even though
(Interior + walls/regions/angles) (c) although (d) in spite
• Inside (preposition/adj.) = the inner part of 3. (a) established (b) stood
something/fdlh pht ds vUnj dk fgLlk (c) erected (d) edified
1. Go inside the house. (Preposition) 4. (a) furrow (b) trench
2. It is inside information. (Adjective) (c) jut (d) line
• Inner (adj.) = close to the centre of something 5. (a) sequenced (b) lined
or private and secret/fdlh pht ds centre ds (c) queued (d) furnished
close ;k secret (Inner + turmoil/life/voice) Answer Key
• Inward (adj.) = inside your mind or towards 1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (b)
the centre of something/vUnj dh rjiQA
(Inward + smile/ panic/flow/curve) EXPLANATION

'Interior', 'inner' vkSj'inward' ajective gSA 1. (b)
vr% ;g answer ugha gks ldrsA ysfdu 'inside' • Appreciate = to recognize the good qualities

adjective ds lkFk&lkFkpreposition Hkh gksrk gSA vkSj of somebody/something/fdlh O;fDr ;k oLrq dh

fn;s x;ssentence esaseeds vkSjthem dksconnect vPNhqualities dks egÙo nsuk] rkjhiQ djuk

djus ds fy, ,d preposition pkfg,A (Appreciate + beauty/music/literature/

5. (b)

g r
blfy, 'inside' lgh answer gSA


Achieve = to obtain something by making an
effort for a long time/yEcs le; rd iz;kl djds

• Soak = to make something wet/xhyk djukA oqQN ikukA

• Dry up = to become completely dry or make

(Achieve + success/results/goal/objective/
something dry/iwjh rjg lw[k tkuk aim/desire)

E b nt
• Wipe = to erase or to rub a surface in order to • Prevail = to become effective/izHkko'kkyh gksuk
clean something/feVkuk ;k oqQN lkiQ djus ds fy,
(;g ,d intransitive verb gSA
surface dksrub djukA
• Value = to think that something/somebody
• Dehydrate = to remove the water from is important/fdlh O;fDr@oLrq dks egÙo nsukA

something, especially food, in order to
Sentence esa ,dtransitive verb dh requirement
preserve it/fdlh pht ls ikuh fudkyukA fo'ks"k :i ls
gSA vr%
'prevail' answer ugha gks ldrkA
mls lqjf{kr djus ds fy,A

Value vkSj
appreciate dk Hkh ;gk¡ dksbZ
sense ugha gSA
‘Dry up’ ,d phrasal verb gSA ysfdu ‘Dehydrate
up’ dk dksbZsense ugha gSA‘Soaks’ context ds vr%‘achieve’ lgh answer gSA

opposite gS vkSj
‘wipes’ context ls vyx gSA
vr%‘dries’ lgh answer gSA

2. (c) Sentence esa ,dconjunction pkfg, tks nks
dksconnect djsaA vr%
gksaxs] D;ksafd ;s
‘despite’ vkSjinspite ugha
prepositions gSA

There was once a young man who wished to (1)_____ even though dk use djus ij sentence
his heart’s desire. And while that is, as beginnings go, superfluous gks tk;sxk D;ksafd
sentence esa already

there was much about this young man and what 'even' fn;k gqvk gSA
happened to him that was unusual, (2)______ even he
vr%'Although' lgh Answer gSA
never knew the whole of it. The tale started. The town
of Wall stands today as it has (3)______ for six hundred Even dk use fdlh unexpected pht dksemphasize
years, on a high (4)______ of granite slab amidst small djus esa gksrk gSA
forest woodland. There is a road from Wall, a winding 3. (b)
track rising sharply up from the forest, where it is
• Establish = to set up something/oqQN LFkkfir
(5)_______with rocks and small stones.
• Stand = to be or put something/somebody in
(SSC CHSL - 08/06/2022 Shift-I)
a vertical position somewhere/[kM+k gksuk
1. (a) appreciate (b) achieve
• Erect = to create or build something/fuekZ.k

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djukA people and the administration must work (3)______ to

• Edify = to improve people’s minds or make this a (2)______. Girl's education must be made
characters by teach ing them abo ut mandatory so that they do not become (4)______,
uneducated, and unable to support themselves. Women
something/yksxksamind ds vkSjcharacter dks must be (5)______ equal rights and opportunities in all
improve djukA fields, regardless of their gender.
Writer crkrk gS fdtown of Wall vkt Hkh [kM+h gS (SSC CHSL - 10/06/2022 Shift-II)
D;ksafd action,
;g six hundred years ls fd;k x;k gSA1. (a) selected (b) several
vr%‘stood’ (vFkkZr~
3 form of stand) lgh answer gSA
rd (c) counted (d) chosen
4. (c) 2. (a) anonymously (b) cooperatively
• Furrow = a long cut in the ground, especially (c) singlehandedly (d) forcefully
one made by a plough for planting seeds/ 3. (a) reality (b) dream
ground esa ,d cM+k cut especially cht cksus ds fy,A (c) truth (d) fiction
• Trench = 1. a long deep hole dug in the ground, 4. (a) ignorant (b) arrogant

for carrying away water/ikuh Hkjus /ys tkus ds fy, (c) experienced (d) indifferent
tehu esa fd;k x;k ,d yack xgjk xM~<k@[kkbZA5. (a) taken (b) accepted

2. a long deep hole dug in the ground, which (c) satisfied with (d) accorded

soldiers can be protected from enemy Answer Key
attacks. 'k=kqvksa ds vkØe.k ls cpus ds fy, lSfudksa }kjk
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (d)

g l
cuk;k x;k [kand@cadjA

dks fudyk gqvk gksA

i r
Jut = something that sticks out/oqQN tks ckgj
1. (b)

Line = a long mark on the surface of

n y
something/fdlh surface ij ,d yEck Mark
• Selected = that has been chosen/pquk x;kA
Several = a few or a number of something/

E b nt
(fu'kku)A dbZ
‘Furrow’, ‘trench’ vkSj
‘line’ context esa
suitable • Counted = used to say numbers in the
ugha gSA correct order/numbers (count fd, x,)
blfy, correct answer gS‘jut’. • Chosen = selected as the best or most
suitable/ lcls csgrj pquk x;kA

5. (b)
• Se quen ce = to arrange thi ngs into a Writer ;gk¡ crkrk gS women
fd dksempower djus
sequence/phtksa dks
sequence esa j[kuk ds dbZ rjhds
writer us dksbZselected
Hkh rjhdk ugha

h crk;k gSA blfy, ge

'selected' vkSj
‘chosen’ dk use
• Line = 1. a long mark on the surface of
something/fdlh surface ij ,d yEck Mark ugha dj ldrs gSA


a s
2. a track or route/jkLrk
Queue = to wait in a line of people in order to
2. (b)

do/get something/oqQN djus ;k ysus ds fy, yksxksa dk
vr%‘several’ lgh mÙkj gSA

Anonymously = by somebody who does not

want their name to be known or made public/
,d iafDr esa [kM+sa gksdj bartkj djukA fcuk viuk ukepublic fd,
• Furnish = 1. to put furniture in a house/?kj esa • Cooperatively = together with others towards

furniture j[kuk@yxkukA
2. to provide somebody with something/fdlh
dks oqQN miyC/ djkukA
(Writer crkrk gS fd ogk¡
track, rocks rFkk
Wall esa ,droad gS vkSj
small stones ls lined gSA)

a shared aim/lg;ksxkRed :i ls] lkFk feydj
Singlehandedly = on your own with nobody
helping you/Lo;a ls] fcuk fdlh
help dsA
Forcefully = in a way that uses force/cyiwoZd
Writer ;g crkuk pkgrk gS fd izR;sd O;fDr vkSj iz'kk
vr%‘lined’ context ds fglkc lsfit gSA dks lkFk feydj
women empowerment dsaim ij
SET-36 dke djuk pkfg,A
There are (1)____ ways to empower women. Individual vr%‘cooperatively’ lgh answer gSA

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3. (a) (c) Complexity (d) Opportunity
• Reality = the true situation that actually 2. (a) Summation (b) Indication
exists/okLrfodrk (c) Connection (d) Contribution
• Dream = a state or situation in which things 3. (a) effectively (b) hopefully
don’t seem real/LoIu (c) carelessly (d) Judiciously
• Truth = the true facts / statements about 4. (a) extraction (b) greed
something/lR; (c) wastage (d) Storage
• Fiction = a thing that is invented or untrue/ 5. (a) sewage (b) stored
dkYifud] feF;k ckr (c) cold (d) drinking
Writer crkrk gS ;fn ge lc rFkk
administration ds Answer Key
lkFk feydj dke djsaxswomen
rks dksempower djus 1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (d)
dk y{; okLro esa gkfly
gks ldrk gSA
vr% ‘reality’ lgh answer gSA EXPLANATION

1. (a)
4. (c)
• Ignorant = not having much knowledge or • Responsibility = a duty to take care of

information about something/vufHkK] vutku something/somebody or to do something/fdlh
O;fDr ;k oLrq dk è;ku j[kus dh ftEesnkjh

• Arrogant = behaving in a proud way/?keaM+h
• Facility = something (buildings, services,

• Experienced = having a lot of experience/

vuqHkoh equipment) that is provided for a particular

• Indifferent = having or showing no interest

‘And’ nks

n g
in somebody/something/mnklhu

same connotation vkSj
connect djrk gSA
idea ds words dks
• Complexity = the state of being complex/
tfVy fLFkfr

• Opportunity = chance, a time when a
Uneducated dk vFkZ gS& vf'kf{krA vr% particular situation makes it possible to do

E b nt
;gk¡suitable word gSA or achieve something/volj@ekSdk
‘Arrogant’, ‘Indifferent’ & ‘experienced’ – out Writer crkrk gS fd ;gk¡
water dksconserve djuk
of context. ge lcdh duty gSA ;g fliZQ
government dhduty ugha
5. (d) Verb passive form esa gS vkSj object fn;k gSA bldk gSA

eryc ;g gS fd verb ditransitive gSA ‘facility’, ‘complexity’ rFkk‘opportunity’ ;gk¡
• Take  mono-transitive and di-transitive suitable ugha gSA

vr%‘responsibility’ lgh answer gSA
• Accept  mono-transitive verb.
2. (d)

• Satisfy with  mono-transitive verb.
• Summation = a summary of what has been
• Accord  di-transitive verb.
done or said./tks dgk ;k fd;k x;k gks mldk lkjka'k

;gk¡ dsoy nks
options esa
verb di-transitive gSA
(A fair summation of the discussion)
‘Taken’ out of context gSA • Indication = a remark or sign that shows that

P r
blfy, ‘accorded’ lgh answer gSA
Conservation of water is not the (1)______ of only the
government. Common citizens can also make a
significant (2)______ in this field. To begin with, we
must be conscious that water is life, that it is a precious

something is happening/ladsr
(Indication of something)
Connection = something that connects two
(Connection + between A and B or connection
with something)
natural resource and needs to be used (4)_____. Being
• Contribution = an action or a service that
conscious will help us to avoid (4)______. There are a
few simple things that all of us can do. We must not helps to cause or increase something/;ksxnku
use (5)______ water to clean our car or house. (Contribution + to/towards + something)
(SSC CHSL - 08/06/2022 Shift-II) (Make + a contribution)
1. (a) Responsibility (b) Facility

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;gk¡ nks
hint gSaA igyk
hint gS– writer 'conservation kept for use/lajf{kr
of water' dks izR;ssd O;fDr dh
responsibility crkrk gSA • Cold (adjective) = having a low temperature/
;g fliZQgovernment dh duty ugha gSA lkekU; O;fDr;ksa BaMk
dks Hkh blesa ;ksxnku djuk pkfg,A • Drinking water (compound noun) = water that
blfy, contibution lgh answer gSA is suitable /safe for drinking/ihus dk ikuhA

nwljh hint gS& collocations. Verb Make ds lkFk

(;fn ge ikuh cckZn djuk ugha pkgrs rks gesa og ikuh tk
;ksX; gS mls ?kj dh liQkbZcar
;k djus esause
vusdcollocations gSA ‘To make a contribution’
ugha djuk pkfg,A)
muesa ls ,d gSA
vr%‘drinking’ lgh answer gSA
blfy, correct answer ‘contribution’ gSA
3. (d)
(1) ______ areas are also known as the ’countryside’ or
• Effectively = in a way that produces the
a ‘village’ in India. It has a very low population (2) ______.
intended result/izHkko'kkyh rjhds ls In rural areas, agriculture is the chief source of

• Hopefully = It is used to express what you livelihood along with fishing, cottage (3) _____, pottery
hope will happen/vk'kk djrs gq, etc. The (4) _______ to discover the real rural India still

• Carelessly = in a way that shows no interest/ continues in great earnest. Almost (5) _______ economic

ykijokgh ls agency today has a definition of rural India.
(SSC CHSL - 09/06/2022 Shift-III)

• Judiciously = in a way that shows good

i r
judgement/vPNk fu.kZ; ysrs gq,
passage esa ;gclearly dgk x;k gS fd ty gh thou


gS[water is life]. ty dk mi;ksx gesa lko/kuh iwoZd
(b) country
(d) rural
(b) bulk

(c) mass (d) thickness
djuk pkfg, ftlls fd og waste u gksA

3. (a) industrialist (b) industriousness

4. (c) E b nt y
Carelessly, context dsopposite gSA
‘Hopefully’ vkSj
ugha gSA
‘Effectively’ context esa

vr%‘judiciously’ lgh answer gSA

suitable 4.

(d) industries
(b) quest
(d) discovery
(b) none
(d) all

• Extraction = the act of process of removing Answer Key
or obtaining something from something 1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (a)
else/fdlh ,d pht ls nwljh pht izkIr djukA

• h
Greed = a strong desire for more wealth,
power etc./ykyp

Wastage = the act of wasting something/
1. (d)


Ruler (noun) = a person who rules or governs;

a king/'kklu djus okyk

r a
Storage = the process of storing something/
bdV~Bk djukA
Writer crkrk gS fd ;fn ges
natural resoures dks
• Country (noun) = an area of land that has its
own government and laws/Hkwfe dk ,d
tgk¡ [kqn ds fu;e
vkSjgovernment (ljdkj) gksA

yacs le; rd use djuk gS rks gesa budh
wastage dks • City (noun) = a large and important town/
jksduk gksxkA 'kgj
• Rural (adj.) = connected with or like the
vr%‘Wastage’ context ds fglkc ls lgh gSA
countryside/ xzkeh.k {ks=k ls tqM+k gqvkA
ckdhoptions out of context gSaA
(Rural + areas/population/economy/way/
5. (d) community)
• Sewage (noun) = used water or waste
substances that are produced by human
bl sentence esa‘areas’ dksdescribe djus ds fy,
adjective pkfg,A
bodies / use fd;k gqvk ikuh] vif'k"V inkFkZ
• Stored (adjective) = conserved, not used or vr%‘rural’ lgh answer gSA

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2. (a) 5. (a) Sentence esa ,d determiner pkfg, tksnoun
• Density = the quality of being dense, the 'agency' dksdetermine djsA
degree to which something is dense/l?kurk
• Every (determiner) = bldk iz;ksxsingular
• Bulk = the main part of something/fdlh pht countable nouns ds lkFk gksrk gSA ;g dss lHkh
dk eq[; HkkxA members dksrefer djrk gSA
• Mass = a large amount of something/fdlh pht • None (pronoun) = not any/dksbZ ugha
dh cM+h ek=kk • Both (determiner) = ;g plural countable
• Thickness = the size of something between
nouns ds lkFk ^nksuksa*
use gksrk gSA
opposite surfaces or sides/ opposite sides ds
• All (determiner) = ;g plural countable nouns
chp dk vkdkj] eksVkbZ
• Population density = the number of people
ds lkFkuse gksrk gSA ;g fdlh pht dh iwjh (the
living in each unit of area/ tula[;k ?kuRo whole number of something) dks crkrk gSA
Population density ,d technical term gS] ;g ‘None’ ,d pronoun gS blfy, ;g use ugha gks ldrkA

per unit area population dh eki gSA blfy, All rFkk
both, Plural countable noun ds lkFk
'density' lgh answer gSA gksxsa rks ;s Hkh ugha vk;sxsA
3. (d)

i s
Industrialist = a person who owns or manages

a large industrial company/m|ksxifr
'agency' ,d singular countable noun gSA
blfy, ‘every’ lgh answer gSA

• Industriousness = the fact of working hard/ The term ‘health’ refers to human beings’ state of
esgurh gksuk

g i
;g industrious dh noun form gSA

physical, psychological and (1)________ well-being.
Health and fitness are (2)______ linked and we must
concentrate on maintaining our health and (3)_______.

• Industrial = connected with industry

If we need to be healthy, we must (4)_______ our
• Industries = the people and activities wellness. We (5)______ start taking care of ourselves

E b nt
involved in producing something, providing because health is wealth.
a service./yksx rFkk
activities tks dqN cukus esa@ (SSC CHSL - 09/06/2022 Shift-I)
produce djus esa ;k dksbZ
service provide djus esa 1. (a) political (b) cultural
'kkfey gksA (c) social (d) economic
(Fishing/food/film /music/steel/oil +

2. (a) diametrically (b) explicitly
industry) (c) solely (d) inextricably
vr%industries ;gk¡context ds fglkc ls lgh gSA 3. (a) fitness (b) flatness
4. (b)

Resistance = Opposition to a plan, an idea,

etc.; the act of refusing to obey/fdlh plan ;k
idea dk fojks/

(d) fatness
(b) consider
(d) foresee
(b) must

• Quest = a long search for something, (c) could (d) can
especi ally for some quali ty such as Answer Key

• P r
happiness/fdlh pht dh xgjkbZ ls [kkst
The quest for happiness/truth/knowledge.
Flight = a journey made by air, especially in
a plane/gokbZ ;k=kk
Discovery = the process of finding something
1. (c)


2. (d) 3. (a)

4. (c) 5. (b)

Political = connected with politics/ jktuhfr ls

that was not known before/,slk oqQN [kkstuk ftlds lacaf/r] jktuhfrd
ckjs esa igys irk u gksaA • Cultural = connected with the culture of a
‘Flight’ vkSj
‘discovery’ out of context gSaA particular group/ laLÑfr ls lacaf/r] lkaLÑfrd
‘Resistance’ context ds opposite gSA • Social = connected with activities in which
people meet each other for pleasure/lkekftd
vr%‘quest’ lgh answer gSaA

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• Economic = connected with economy/vkfFkZd ;gk¡writer crkuk pkgrk gS fd ;fn ge healthy gksuk
 Health dh definition ds according ;g human pkgrs gS rks 'wellness'
gesa dkspriority nsuh pkfg,A
beings dh physical, psychological rFkksocial blfy, ‘priority’ lgh answer gSA
fLFkfr vPNh gksus ds ckjs esa crkrk gSA 5. (b)
Social change gekjh
psychological condition dks • May  ;g possibility vkSj
permission dksdenote
izHkkfor djrk gSA djrk gSA
;g question u rksgrammar based gS vkSj u gh • Must  ;g ‘necessity’ vkSj'deduction' show
vocab based. ;g common sense dkquestion gSA djrk gSA
blfy, correct answer gS‘Social’. • Could  ;g can dh past form gS rFkk polite
2. (d) request ds sense esa Hkhuse gksrk gSA

• Diametrically = completely/iwjh rjg ls • Can  ;g ability vkSj'permission' show djrk gSA

(Diametrically + opposite/opposed/different) Writer dgrk gS fd ;g cgqr vko';d (necessary) gS

fd ge [kqn dk è;ku j[kuk 'kq: djsa D;ksafd

• Explicitly = clearly or directly, so that the 'Health is
meaning is clear/lhèks rjhds ls rkfd meaning

Li"V gksA blfy, ‘must’ lgh answer gSA

• Solely = only; not involving somebody/ SET-40
something else/vdsys] fdlh dks
involve u djrs The Union Budget, 2018-19, has proposed to treat school


g l i r
Inextricably = in a way that is unable to be
separated/bl rjg ls ftlesa vyx gksuk vlEHko gksA
education holistically without (1)__________ from pre-
nursery to Class 12. Samagra Shiksha - an overarching
programme for the school education sector extending

from pre-school to class 12 has been, therefore, (2)
Collocation  (Inextricably + linked/bound ______ with the broader goal of improving school

n y
up/mixed) effectiveness measured in terms of equal opportunities
Writer crkrk gS fd health vkSj fitness ,d nwljs ls (3) _______ schooling and equitable learning outcomes.

E b nt
tqM+s gSA The Goal SDG-4.1 states that, “By 2030, ensure that
all boys and girls complete free, equitable and quality
blfy, ‘inextricably’ lgh answer gSA primary and secondary education (4) _______ to relevant
3. (a) and effective learning outcomes”. Further the SDG 4.5
• Fitness = the state of being physically states that, “By 2030, eliminate gender (5)___________

healthy/'kkjhfjd :i ls LoLFk gksus dh fLFkfrA in education and ensure equal access to all levels of
• Flatness = the quality of being level and education and vocational training for the vulnerable,
including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples
smooth/,d lk ;k lery gksukA

and children in vulnerable situations”.
• Fineness = the quality of being fine./vPNk gksuk
(SSC CHSL - 09/06/2022 Shift-II)

• Fatness = the state of being fat/eksVk gksuk 1. (a) attachment (b) segmentation
;gk¡Writer ‘health' vkSj'fitness’ ds ckjs esa ckr dj jgk (c) accord (d) Agreement

2. (a) prepared (b) prepares
vr% fitness lgh answer gSA (c) preparing (d) Prepare

3. (a) for (b) to
4. (c)
(c) on (d) At
• Perceive = to unde rstan d or think of
4. (a) to be leading (b) leading

somebody/something/fdlh O;fDr ;k oLrq ds ckjs (c) leads (d) Lead
esa lkspuk ;k le>uk 5. (a) agreement (b) harmony
• Consider = to think about something (c) similarity (d) disparities
carefully/fdlh ds ckjs esa è;kuiwoZdlkspukA Answer Key
• Prioritise = to treat something as being more 1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (d)
important than other things/fdlh dks ckdh phtksa EXPLANATION
ls T;knkimportant ekuukA 1. (b)
• Foresee = to predict or foretell something/ • Attachment = the act of joining one thing to
igys ls vuqeku yxkukA another/tqM+ko] yxko

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(Attachment of something to somebody) blfy, ‘leading’ lgh answer gSA bldkuse ;gk¡ ,d
• Segmentation = the act of dividing something adjective (present participle) dh rjg use gqvk
into different parts/fdlh pht dks vyx&vyx VqdM+ksa gS] tks
education (noun) dksdescribe djrk gSA
esa ck¡VukA 5. (d)
• Accord = a formal agreement between two
• Agreement = a promise or a contract made
organizations, countries etc./nks
countries ;k
by somebody/fdlh ds }kjk fd;k x;k oknk
organizations ds chp ,d formal agreement.
• Ag reement = a contract made wi th ;k contract.
somebody/fdlh O;fDr ds lkFk gqvk contract.
dksbZ • Harmony = A state of peaceful existence and
agreement./,d 'kkafriw.kZ vkSj leUo; dh fLFkfrA
;gk¡writer crkrk gS fdschool dh education dks • Similarity = the state of being similar to
divide ugha fd;k tkuk pkfg,] blfy,
‘Segmentation’ somebody/something./lekurk
suitable word gSA • Disparities = A difference, especially one
connected with unfair treatment./vlekurk

2. (a)
• Prepared = ;g verb dh past, perfect vkSj
ges tkuuk pkfg, fdGender disparity ,d lkekftd
form gSA

Prepares = ;g verb dh present form gSA

number 3 person form gSA ;gpresent

?kVuk gS ftlesa vkneh rFkk vkSjr dkstreat
fd;k tkrk gSA
,d tSlk

vr%'disparities' ;gk¡context ds fglkc ls lgh gSA

g i r
indefinite tense es use gksrh gSA
Preparing = ;g verb dh continuous form gSA
Prepare = ;g verb dh base form gSA
Everything (1) _______us makes our environment.

Living and non-living things form the (2) ______ of our
;gk¡ ‘Samagra Shiksha - an overarching surroundings. Plants, animals and microbes are parts

3. (a)

E b nt
form esa vk;sxhA

programme’ doer (drkZ) ugha gSA blfy,

blfy, correct answer gS‘prepared’.

verb passive of our environment. Humans have affected the
environment in multiple (3) _____ like clearing of
forests, building houses and farms, making roads, etc.
This is the root (4) _____ of air, water and land pollution
on the planet. Ecologists across the globe are making
efforts to educate mankind about the (5) _____ of nature,
For = ;g intention/purpose ;k reason ds fy, the crisis we face and the methods of managing these

use gksrk gSAbeneficiary
;g (ykHk ikus okys) ds fy, crises.
Hkhuse gksrk gSA (SSC CHSL - 10/06/2022 Shift-III)

• To = ;g destination (y{;) vkSj recipient (ikus 1. (a) over (b) beyond
(c) across (d) around
okyk) dks denote djrk gSA

2. (a) fractions (b) ingredients
• On = ;g surface, line ;k topic dksdenote djrk gSA (c) components (d) fragments
• At = ;g proximity (fudVrk), point vkSj target dks 3. (a) plans (b) courses

denote djrk gSA (c) means (d) ways
4. (a) cause (b) source

;gk¡‘for’ lgh answer gS D;ksafd gesa ,dpreposition
,slh (c) origin (d) motive
pkfg, tks‘intention’ show djsA 5. (a) surprise (b) wonders

;gk¡writer ‘opportunities’ ds ckjs esa ckr djrk gS (c) compassion (d) sensation
ftudk intention- schooling vkSjequitable Answer Key
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (b)
learning outcomes gSA
4. (b) ;gk¡subject rFkkmain verb nh gqbZ gS blfy, vxj vc
fdlh verb dk use gksxk rksnon
og finite verb gksxh 1. (d)
infinitive, gerund ;k participle) • Over = It denotes ‘a position higher than
blfy, ‘to be leading’, ‘leads’ rFkk
‘lead’ dk use something’ and ‘topic’./;g position vkSjtopic
ugha dj ldrsA dksdenote djrk gSA
• Beyond = It means ‘on the further side of

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something’ and ‘not within the limits of begins./ ,slk point tgk¡ ls oqQN 'kq: gksrk gS
something’./ds ml ikj] limit (lhek) ls ckgj (Origin + of + life)
• Across = It means 'from one side to the other • Motive = a reason for doing something/fdlh
side'./,d rjiQ ls nwljh rjiQ
rdA pht dks djus dk dkj.k] mn~ns';
• Around = It means ‘surrounding somebody/ (Motive + for + the murder)
something’./vkl&ikl ;k pkjksa vksjA Collocation:-
;g crk;k x;k gS fd lc oqQN tks gekjs vki&ikl ;k pkjksa Root cause = the fundamental reason for
vksj gS mlh ls i;kZ;oj.k curk gSA something
blfy, around lgh answer gSA ;gk¡writer pollution ds basic reasons ds ckjs esa
All other prepositions don’t make any sense. ckr dj jgk gSA
2. (c) blfy, 'cause' grammatically lgh answer gSaA
• Fraction = a small part or amount of 5. (b)
something/fdlh pht dk NksVk fgLlkA • Surprise = a sudden or unexpected event,
news etc/dksbZ ?kVuk ;k tks vpkud gks ;k

• Ingredient = one of the things from which news
something is made, especially one of the unexpected gksA
foods/og pht ftlls oqQN curk gS] fo'ks"kdj [kkus lsa

What a pleasant surprise to see you!
lacaf/rA • Wonders = the feeling of surprise or pleasure

l i
Component = a part or element of a larger
whole, especially a part of a machine./ cgqr

lkjsparts ls feydj cuh fdlh cM+h oLrq@e'khu dk ,d
caused by something strange./ fdlh vthc pht
;k dqN vthc gksus ds dkj.k vk'p;Z ;k [kq'kh dh Hkko

It is a wonder that it took almost 10 years.

• Compassion = a strong feeling of sympathy
• Fragment = a small part of something that

for people or animals who are suffering/
has broken off or comes from something

larger/fdlh cM+h pht ls vyx gksus okyk mldk ,d NksVk fdlh ds fy, n;k dh HkkoukA

3. (d)

E b nt y
Passage esa crk;k x;k gS living
gekjs i;kZ;oj.k important
fd vkSj
parts gSaA
blfy, ‘Components’ lgh answer gSA
• Sensation = a feeling that you get when
something affects your body/laosnuk
‘Sensation’ vkSj
vyx gSA
‘compassion’ context ls ,dne

;gk¡writer fdlh specific surprise dh ckr ugha dj jgk

• Plan = something that you intend to do (A gS blfy, 'surprise of nature’ dk dksbZ
sense ugha gSA
plan to build new offices)/;kstuk blfy, ‘wonders’ lgh answer gSA
• Course = a direction or a series of lessons

on a particular subject (To change course)/ SET-42
fdlh particular subject ij lessons dh ,d series.First of all, planting trees should be given (1) _____

attention. Above all, tree is the (2) _______ of oxygen.
• Means = an action or a system by which a
Unfortunately, due to (3)______ of buildings many trees
result is achieved/lk/u
have been cut down. This (4)______ reduces the amount

(A means of communication) of oxygen in the environment. Growing trees means
• Way = a method, style or manner of doing (5) _____ oxygen. Hence, growing more trees would

something/rjhdk mean better life quality.
laØked chekfj;k¡ cgqr lkjs rjhdksa
(ways) ls gks ldrh gSA (SSC CHSL - 10/06/2022 Shift-I)

Passage dks i<+dj ge vklkuh ls crk ldrs gS fd1. (a) lesser (b) massive
‘ways’ lgh answer gSA (c) trivial (d) Minor
4. (a) 2. (a) source (b) base
• Cause = someone / something that makes (c) foundation (d) Tank
something happen/dksbZ pht ;k balku ftldh otg3. (a) planning (b) destruction
ls dqN gksA
(Cause + of + poverty) (c) construction (d) Renovation
• Source = a place, person or thing that you 4. (a) certainly (b) doubtfully
get something from/lzksr (c) rarely (d) Hardly
(Source + of + information) 5. (a) no, more (b) more, more
• Origin = the point from which something (c) less, more (d) more, less

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Answer Key for something /fdlh pht ds fy, dksbZ
plan cukukA
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (b) (Careful/Strategic + planning)
• Destruction = the act/process of destroying
EXPLANATION something/fdlh dke ;k pht dksdestroy (cckZn)
1. (b) ;g passage isM+ksa dh
importance ds ckjs esa crkrk gS djukA
vr% gesa blank dksfill djus ds fy, ,d positive • Construction = the process of building or
making something, especially buildings,
connotation dk word pkfg,A
roads/ building, road vkfn dk fuekZ.k
;gk¡ ‘lesser’, ‘trivial’ rFkk'minor' context ds
• Renovation = the act or process of repairing
opposite gSA and painting an old building, piece of
Hence, the correct answer is ‘massive’. furniture etc./iqu#¼kj
• Lesser = not as great in size, amount or
importance as something else Writer describe djuk gS fdbuildings cukus ds fy,
• Trivial = not important or serious cgqr lkjs isM+ dkVs tkrs gSA
vr% lgh answer ‘construction’ gSA

• Minor = not very large, important or serious
• Massive = very large, important or serious
4. (a) ;g sentence isM+
yxkus dspositive aspects ds ckjs
massive dks NksM+ dj ckdhwordsrhuksanegative

esa crkrk gSA
connotation ds gSaA

• Certainly = without doubt; definitely/fuLlansg]
2. (a)
fuf'pr :i lsA

l r
• Source = a place, person or thing that you
get something from/dksbZ ,d balku ;k oLrq ftlls • Doubtfully = in a way that shows you are

vki oqQN ys ldrs gSA uncertain and feeling doubt/lansg ds lkFk

(A source of something)
Base = the main thing/,d main (egRoiw.kZ) phtA • Rarely = not very often/T;knkrj ughaA


• Hardly = almost no/yxHkx ugha] eqf'dy ls

• Foundation = a principle, an idea or a fact

that something is based on and that it grows ‘Hardly’, ‘doubtfully’ rFkk
‘rarely’ sentence dks
principle (fl¼kar)
, idea ;k fact (rF;)

E b nt
okLro esa xyr cukrs gSA
tks fdlh dk vk/kj gksA Hence, the correct answer is ‘certainly’.
• Tank = a large container for holding liquid/ 5. (b) Passage dh last line ‘growing more trees' dk
(liquid j[kus okyk
large container.) eryc gS'better life quality’ blds base ij ge ikrs
‘Tank’, base vkSj
foundation, out of context gSaA gS fdoption (a), (c) rFkk
(d) illogical gSA

3. (c)
vr%'source' lgh mÙkj gSA
We all know that we get oxygen from trees.

ge lc tkurs gS fd gesa isM+ksa ls vkDlhtu feyrh gSA
ys[kd crkuk pkgrk gS fd T;knk isM+ksa dks yxkus
vkWDlhtu feyrh gS vr% T;knklife
(xq.koÙkk) vPNh gksrh gSA

Hence, correct answer is option 'b'.

dh quality

Planning = an act or process of making plans

P r
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Direction : In the following passage, some words have EXPLANATION
been deleted. Read the passage carefully and select
1. (a)
the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.
• Population = The total number of people,
SET-43 animal, plants in a particular area. (tula[;k)
The rise in the Irrawaddy dolphin (1)____ in

• Clan = A group of families related to each
Chilika can be attributed to the eviction of (2) ____ fish
other (oa'k)
enclosures. After thousands of hectares of Chilika lake

were made (3) ____ free, Irrawaddy dolphins found un- • Natives = Pe opl e w ho were born in a
particular area (ewy fuoklh)

obstructed area for movement. (4) ____, due to the
COVID-19 lockdown last year, there were comparatively • Inhabitants = A person or animal that lives

l r
fewer tourist boats on Chilika lake, which made it (5)
in a particular area (fuoklh)
_____ for dolphins to move from one part of the lake to

'Rise' dk use number, quantity, level etc. ds

(SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Shift-01) fy, fd;k tkrk gSA
passage dolphins ds ckjs esa gSA ;gk

n s
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

dolphins dh la[;k c<+us dh ckr dh tk jgh gSA
blfy, 'Population' correct answer gSA

E b nt
(a) population (b) clan 2. (b)
(c) natives (d) inhabitants • Unwarranted = Not reasonable, unjustified/
2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank (vuqfpr)
no.2. Unwarranted criticism
Illegal = Not allowed by the law/(xSj dkuwuh@voSè

(a) unwarranted •
(b) illegal illegal activities
(c) illegitimate • Illegitimate = born to parents not married to

(d) unconstitutional

s h
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

each other , Unauthorized or not sanctioned
by customary practices/(lkekftd fu;eksa ds f[kykiQ)
illegitimate son
Unconstitutional = not allowed by the consti-

(a) trespass (b) confiscation
tution of a country/(vlaoSèkkfud)
(c) intervention (d) encroachment

Unconstitutional amendment
4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
no.4. Passage ds vuqlkj]dolphins dh population xSj
dkuwuh xfrfofèk;ksa ds fu"dklu dh otg ls c<+ jgh gS

(a) Whereas (b) Moreover
(c) Nevertheless (d) However
blfy, 'Illegal' correct answer gSA
3. (d)
5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
• Trespass (verb) = to enter land that you don't
have permission/(tcju ?kql tkuk)
(a) Conducive (b) hurtful
(c) detrimental (d) disturbing • Confiscation (noun) = the act of officially tak-
ing something away from somebody, as a pun-
Answer Key
ishment/(tCr dj ysuk)
1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (a)
• Intervention (noun) = action taken to improve
or help a situation/(gLr{ksi)

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• Encroachment (noun) = the act of slowly cov- •
Have/hold/host/attend + an international
ering more and more of an area/(vfrØe.k) conference/a G20 summit
Trespass ,d verb gS tcfd sentence esanoun • Send/head/lead/meet + a high-level/an
official/a trade delegation
dh requirement gSA blfy, ;g answer ugha gks
• Begin/start/continue/resume + peace talks
• Negotiate/achieve + a lasting political
'Confiscation' & 'Intervention' are out of context. settlement
Passage ds according 'illegal fish enclosure' esa • Broker/sign + a peace deal/agreement/
ls voSèk :i ls eNyh idM+us okyksa dks fudky dj treaty
7Chilika lake ds gtkjksa gsDVs;j ds {ks=k dks vfrØe.k
• Conflict
eqDr cuk fn;k x;k gSA ;g
dolphins ds fy, vPNk gSA • Be/constitute/pose + a threat to global
blfy, 'Encroachment' correct answer gSA
• Compromise/endanger/protect + national
Rankers Mantra

‘INTERVENTION’ means ‘action by a country to
• Threaten/authorize/launch/take/support/
become involved in the affairs of another

oppose + unilateral/pre-emptive military
country when they have not been asked to do so’

l i r
mls ,slk djus ds fy, ugha dgk x;k gksA)
• Close/protect/secure/patrol + the border
(fdlh ns'k }kjk] nwljs ns'k ds ekeyksas esa 'kkfey gksuk] tcfd
• Fu nd/run + a fore ign/a lo cal/an

international NGO

International relatation ls lacaf/rdqNcollocations • Reduce/eradicate + child/global/world

(1) Trade ls related poverty
Conflict ls related

• Facilitate/regulate + trade (with other countries) (4)

E b nt y
Live in/compete in + a global/the world economy
Support/promote + free trade
Ere ct/i mpose/re duce /remove + trade
Impose/lift/raise/eliminate + import tariffs
(on something)

Be/constitute/pose + a threat to global security
Compromise/endanger/protect + national
oppose + unilateral/pre-emptive military


Have/run + a huge/large/growing + trade
Embrace/resist/drive + globalization
Politics and law ls related

Close/protect/secure/patrol + the border
Fund/run + a foreign/a local/an international
Reduce/eradicate + child/global/world

• Conduct/handle/talk about/discuss + foreign
4. (b)

• Whereas (con.) = Used to compare or contrast
• Pursue + an aggressive/a hawkish + foreign
two facts.

• Moreover (adv.) = in addition to something/
• Establ ish/break off/sever/restore +
diplomatic relations (ds vfrfjDr)

• Foster/promote/strengthen + regional • Nevertheless (adv.) = despite something that
cooperation you have mentioned/(fiQj Hkh)
• Facilitate/achieve + economic/political • However (adv.) = despite something that you
integration have mentioned/(gkykafd)
• Exercise/defend/protect/transfer/restore/ Irrawaddy dolphins found unobstructed
re gain + n atio nal/state/fu ll/l imited area for movement. (positive statement for
sovereignty dolphins)
• Consolidate/extend/lose/retain + your ________ due to the COVID19 lockdown last
power (in the region) year, there were comparatively fewer tourist
(3) Meetings and agreements ls related boats on Chilika lake. (positive statement for

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nksPositive okD;ksa dks tksM+us ds fy, gesa

conjunctive (a) correlation (b) membership
adverb pkfg,A (c) exemption (d) scholarship
'Nevertheless' vkSj'However' out of context gSA Answer Key
vkSjwhereas dk use nks foijhr
rF;ksa dks tksM+us ds
1. fy, (c) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (b)
fd;k tkrk gSA
blfy, 'Moreover' gh lgh answer gksxkA EXPLANATION
1. (c) Passage dh lcls igyh line ds vuqlkjphysical ex-
5. (a)
ercise ls heart attack dh lEHkkouk de gks tkrh gSA
• Conducive = beneficial/(vuqowQy)
(positive sense)
• Increasing = becoming greater in number,
• Hurtful = unkind, making you feel upset
amount or value/(c<+rk gqvk)
(gkfudkjd)(negative sense)
(opposite to the context)
• Detrimental = harmful/(gkfudkjd)
• Emphasising = giving special importance to

(negative sense) something/(tksj nsrs gq,)
• Disturbing = making you feel upset (out of the context)

Sentence dk Hkko
(ijs'kku djus okyk)
(negative sense)
positive gSA
vkSj ;gk¡ fn;s x;s
options esa ls dsoy ,d ghword positive sense

• Minimising = reducing something
(de gksrk gqvk)

• Maximising = becoming greater in number,
esa gSA amount or value/(vfèkd gksrk gqvk)


blfy, 'conducive' gh lgh answer gksxkA (opposite to the context)
blfy, 'minimising' gh correct answer gSA

The importance of physical exercise in (1)____ the in- (d) Passage ds according, heart attack dh c<+rh la[;k

cidence of heart attacks cannot be under estimated.
cM+h fpark dk dkj.k gSA ;g Hk;kog ( gSA

E b nt
The rise of heart attacks has been attaining (2) _____
proportion in recent times causing grave concern spe- • Low = below the usual value/(t#jr ls de)
cially to the medical (3)_____. Walking is the best mode (opposite to the context)
of physical exercise which (4) ____ no equipment,
• Capacious = having a lot of space to put things
money, material or (5)____ of a club.
in/(i;kZIr txg) (out of context)

(SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Shift-02)
• Soothing = that make somebody feel calmer
1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
) (opposite to the context)

number 1.
(a) Increasing (b) emphasising • Alarming = causing worry and fear ([krjukd)
blfy, context ds according lcls suitable word

(c) Minimising (d) maximizing
Alarming gSA
2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

number 2. Rankers Mantra
Emphasi ze = It mean s ‘to gi ve speci al
(a) low (b) capacious
importance to something’ (fdlh pht dks fo'ks"k egRo

(c) soothing

number 3.
(a) creed
(c) fraternity
r (d)

(b) dass
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

P persons
nsuk ;k fdlh ckr ij tksj nsukA
English language esa cgqr lkjs ,sls
clauses gksrs gSa] ftudk mi;ksximportant
dkshighlight djus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA

4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

1. This case emphasizes/highlights the
number 4. importance of h onest co mmun ication
(a) loses (b) gains between managers and employees.
(c) requires (d) finds 2. Effecti ve commu nication ski lls are
5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 5. 3. It should be noted that this study considers

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only verbal communication. Non-verbal tks rqe pkgrs gks)
(out of the context)
communication is not dealt with here.
(Gain + entry / power/ reputation / experience /
4. It is important to remember that/An momentum / support / profit / knowledge)
important point to remember is that non-
verbal communication plays a key role in • Require = to need something/(fdlh dh t#jr gksuk)
getting your message across. (Don't use this verb in continuous form)
5. Communication is not only about the words • Find = to get something by chance or by searching
you use but also your body language and,
especially/above all, the effectiveness with (fdLer ;k <w<+us ls fey tkuk)
(out of the context)
which you listen. blfy, context ds according lgh 'kCn'requires' gSA
6. I would like to draw attention to the role of 5. (b) With the help of 'of' preposition and context, we
listening in effective communication.
can easily find the correct answer.
7. Choose your words carefully: in particular,
• Correlation = A connection between two
avoid confusing and ambiguous language.
things in which one thing changes as the

8. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, you
other does. (lg lEcUèk)
must learn to listen as well as to speak
(Correlation between A and B) or (correlation

3. (c)
of A with B)
• Creed =A set of principles and beliefs

• Membership = The state of being a member
of group, a club, or an organization) (lnL;rk)

l r
• Class = a group of students or people that are
(Membership of a group/ club / organization)
at same social level (

g i
Fraternity = a group of people sharing the

same profession, interests (fcjknjh)
• Exemption = Official permission not to do
something or not to pay something/(NwV)
(Exempt someone from something) or (exemp-

Persons = humans as an individual (O;fDr;ks)a

• tion from something) (out of the context)
Medical/Banking/Racing ds lkFkfraternity

E b nt
• Scholarship = An amount of money given to
suitable phrase cukrk gSA somebody by an organization to help pay for
their education/(Nk=ko`fÙk)
(out of the context)
blfy, lgh answer 'Fraternity' gSA
'of' preposition ds ckn vkSj
context ds fglkc ls vkus
okyk lgh 'kCn 'membership' gSA

1. Genuine desire (not, good desire)
2. Invasion of the English language (not, attack
vr% ;gh lghanswer gSA
of the English language) SET-45

ftlesa dkiQh
space gksA
Capacious = having a lot of space, roomy. cM+k@fo'kky]
(;s capacity dk adjective form gS

How should one read a story to a child? Usually, a per-
) sonality or character of the story (1) ____ the child’s
interest the most. (2)_____ , use different voices (3)
Capricious = changing suddenly (vpkud cnyuk@ludh) ______each character or act out various (4)______ from
"caprice" noun dh adjective form gS] ftldk vFkZ gksrk

the story, to bring life to those characters. (5) _____
gS] ^^euksHkko esa vpkud cnyko gks tkuk)** out parts from the story will make story sessions fun

and memorable for the kids.
Example :
(SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Shift-03)
(1) The gourmands want their own capacious

stomachs filled, no matter how many are 1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
starving. number 1.
(2) Nobody likes Vinod as he is capricious. (a) caught (b) catch
4. (c) Sentence esa crk;k x;k gS fd gesa
walking ds fy, (c) catches (d) has caught
fdlh equipment, money vkfn dh vko';drk ugha2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
gksrh gSA number 2.
• Lose = to be unable to find something/(oqQN uk ikuk) (a) Either (b) So
(out of the context) (c) Also (d) However
• Gain = to obtain something that you want/(ik ysuk 3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 3.

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(a) for (b) by ( imagination dk use djds cukbZ xbZ ,lhstory
(c) with (d) from ftlesaaction vkSjadventure Hkjiwj gksA
4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank 4. Parable = A short story that teaches a moral
number 4. or spiritual lesson, especially one of those
told by Jesus as recorded in the Bible
(a) pages (b) sheets
(,d ,slh short story tks moral ;k speritual
(c) parts (d) words
(vkè;kfRed) lcd fl[kkrh gS] fo'ks"k :i Bible
ls esa
5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank fy[kh gqbZstory
oks tksjesus }kjk crkbZ xbZ gSA)
number 5.
5. Anecdote = A short, interesting or funny
(a) Saying (b) Acting story about a real person or event
(c) Telling (d) Asking
(,d okLrfod ?kVuk] ;k O;fDr ds ckjsshort,
Answer Key interesting ;k funny story.)
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (b)

2. (b) We need a conjunction to connect two sen-

Either  pronoun/adverb/determiner
1. (c) Usually, a personality or character of the story Also  adverb

______ children's interest the most.
However  adverb

;g okD; ,d General truth/universal truth dks

So  conjunction (;g purpose fn[kkus ds fy,
n'kkZrk gS ftlds fy,
present indefinite tense dk
fd;k tkrk gSA)
use gksrk gSAusually

igpku ldrs gSA

'kCn dh otg ls ge ,sls okD;ksa dks
blfy, 'so' ghcorrect answer gSA
(a) Use = To do something with a method or an

(Generally, usually, often, every day, always,
object (iz;ksx djuk

never, daily dk use izk;%present indefinite

E b nt
Use something for something.
tenses esa fd;k tkrk )gSA
Use something for doing something.
Hence the correct answer is 'catches'.
(fdlh pht dks fdl purpose ds fy, use dj jgs gS ;g
Rankers Mantra
fn[kkus ds fy,
preposition "for" mi;qDr gSA)
The passage talks about a story.
Given sentence 
;g passage ,d story ds ckjs esa crkrk gSA
( Story ls related dqNword)

1. Allegory = A story, play, picture etc in which
Use different voices for each character.
Hence the correct answer is 'for'.
(c) Act out = to perform or act a part (dk;kZfUor djuk@
vfHku; djuk)

each character or eve nt i s a symbol
representing an idea or a quality, such as Act out + the incident/the role/the parts (Re-
truth, evil, death, etc lated collocations)

(dksbZ dgkuh] ukVd ;k vkfn] ftlesa izR;sd ik=k
picture • Page = i`"B@dkxt
;k ?kVuk] fdlh
idea ;k quality dks crkus okyk • Sheet = pknj

gksrk gSA) • Part = fgLlk@va'k@Hkkx
(lR;] cqjkbZ] e`R;q
etc.) Word = 'kCn


2. Fable = A traditional short story that teaches ge fdlh dkxt] pknj ;k 'kCn ls vfHku;
(act out) ugha
a moral lesson, especially with animals as
djk ldrs gS gk¡ fdlhmovie, story vkfn dk part
vko'; play (vFkkZr~
act out) dj ldrs gS
(,d ,lh ikjaifjd short story, ftlesa fo'ks"k :i ls
Hence, the correct answer is 'parts'.
ik=k]Animals gksrs gSa rFkk tks gesa(moraluSfrdrk
5. (b) Say out & Tell out are not phrasal verbs.
lession) fl[kkrh gSA
Act something out (phrasal verb) = to perform
3. Tale = A story created using the imagination,
or act
especially one that is full of action and
adventure Ask someone out (phrasal verb) = to invite
someone to go out with you

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• Saying – dguk Answer Key

• Acting – vfHku; djuk 1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (c)

• Telling – crkuk
• Asking – iwNuk 1. (c)
Act out gh suitable phrase gS vkSj
Context ds • Maximum (adjective) = as large, fast as is pos-
according Hkh gSA sible (vfèkdre)
Hence, the correct answer is 'acting'. • Utmost (adjective) = greatest, most extreme
Rankers Mantra (T;knk ls T;knk)
Difference between ‘say’ and ‘tell’ • Most (adverb) = to the greatest degree (used
Say = mono transitive verb (it has single object) to form superlative of adjectives) (vfèkdka'k)
• Main (adjective) = being the largest or most
(blesa dHkh person
Hkh dksobject ds :i esa ugha
important of its kind (eq[;)

(Say something)

(Say something to somebody)

Tell = di transitive verb (it has 2 objects)

;gk¡ ij ;g structure use fd;k x;k gS &
(One of the + superlative degree + adjective +

plural noun)
1. indirect object 2. direct object
;gk¡ ij adjective 'unfortunate' ds ckjs esa vkSj vf/d

l i r
(Tell + somebody + something) Or
(Tell + somebody + that clause)

g SET-46
tkudkjh nsus ds fy,Adverb dk use gksxk u fd
tive dkA vkSj fn;soptions
- most
esa dsoy ,d ghadverb

An old man lived in the village. He was one of the
blfy, 'most' ghcorrect answer gksxkA

(1)_____unfortunate people in the world. The whole vil-

E b nt y
lage was tired (2)_____him; he was always gloomy, he
(3) ______complained and was always in a bad mood.
The (4)_____he lived, the more vile he was becoming
and the more (5)______were his words.

(SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Shift-01)
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
Rankers Mantra

Main muadjectives esa ls ,d gS] ftUgsa fliQZnoun

ls igys (vFkkZr~
Attributively use fd;s tkus okysadjectives :-
attributively) use fd;k tk ldrk gSA

number 1. Main Principal Prime Chief Nearby
(a) Maximum (b) utmost Sole Mere Elder Living Sheer

(c) Most (d) main Antenatal Aspiring Eventual High-flying Utter

2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank Ulterior Standout Mitigating Lone
number 2.
(a) From
(c) By

a s
(b) Of
(d) At
Predicatively (vFkkrZ
adjectives :-
noun ds ckn) use fd;s tkus okys

3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank Afloat Addicted Afraid Alike Alive
number 3.
Alone Ashamed Asleep Awake Aloof

(a) Mostly (b) commonly
Ablaze Aghast
(c) cyclically (d) constantly
4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank 2. (b) Tired ds nks vFkZ fudyrs gS ,d from' – og Fkdk
number 4. gqvk gS vkSj mls vkjke dh vko';drk gSA nwljk
'tired of'–
(a) Long (b) Lengthy og fdlh pht ls ijs'kku gks pqdk gS @ mQc pqdk gSA
(c) Longer (d) Longest (A) I take the bus when my legs get tired ______
walking. (Use 'from')
5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
(B) I am really tired _______ people complaining
number 5. about us. (Use 'of')
(a) Fatal (b) Mortal
Context ds according yksxold man ls ijs'kku gks
(c) Poisonous (d) Toxic

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pqds gSA vr%

tired of lgh mÙkj gSA education, she joined a French university.
3. (d) (SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Shift-02)
(a) Mostly = generally or mainly/ (T;knkrj) 1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 1.
(b) Commonly = usually or very often/ (vkerkSj ij)
(a) Early (b) ignorant
(c) Cyclically = in a way that is repeated many
(c) Infant (d) young
times, always in the same order/ pØh;@oqQN le;
2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
ds vUrjky ij
number 2.
(d) Constantly = all the time or repeatedly/ (a) Bruised (b) Blithe
(ges'kk yxkrkj)
(c) Brutal (d) Bloated
Sentence ds vuqlkj] vkneh ges'kk [kjkc
mood esa vkSj3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
nq[kh jgrk gS vkSj yxkrkj f'kdk;r djrk jgrk gSA number 3.
blfy, constantly lgh answer gSA (a) Prompted (b) promised


Mostly, Commonly & Cyclically out of context gS
(c) ;gk¡Fix structure use gksxkA
comparative degree
(c) proposed (d) projected
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 4.

ds fy, lkekU;r% ge ;gstructure use djrs gSa

(a) Distinguished (b) Dishevelled

(The + Comparative degree + clause)

(c) Disgruntled (d) Disfigured
e.g. The more I thought about his suggestion, the

5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
more doubtful I became.

number 5.
Hence, the correct answer is 'longer'.

(a) At (b) from
5. (c) Vile ,d Negative word gSA nwljk okD;
'and' conj. ls (c) to (d) by

• n
E b nt
dkiQhconfusing gSA

tqM+k gS rks og okD; Hkh gh gksxkAoption

Poisonous = 1. containing poison


2. very unpleasant person/ relationship/situ-


(a) 2.

Answer Key
3. (a)

4. (c) 5. (c)

(both literal and figurative meaning) • Early = near the beginning of a period of time,

Toxic = containing poison
(only literal meaning)
Fatal = causing or ending in death (?kkrd)

an event (izkjEHk esa)
Infant = New and not yet developed (uotkr)
Young = Not fully developed (toku)
Ignorant = not aware and educated (vutku]

e.g. Fatal accident / illness
• Mortal = that cannot live forever (u'oj) vufHkK)
In the early stages/years/days – Collocation

e.g. Man is mortal.
Hence, the suitable word is 'Early'.
( Fatal and Mortal nksuksa
context dsaccording ugha gSA)
2. (b)

Poisonous – fo"kkDr (;g

Toxic – fo"kkDr@tgjhyk
Modern English esa
ation ds fy, use gksrk gSA)

P 'Poisonous' T;knk
common gSA
Hence, the most suitable option is 'poisonous'.

Bruised = Badly affected or damaged
(pksV ds fu'kku iM+ukA)
(Negative sense)
Blithe = Happy and not anxious (izlUufpÙk)
(Positive sense)
Brutal = Violent and cruel (owzQj)
SET-47 (Negative sense)
Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland. At an • Bloated = overfilled and extended with liquid
(1)_____age, she displayed a brilliant mind and a gas, food etc. (lwtk gqvk)
(Negative sense)
(2) _____personality. Her great exuberance for learn- Passage dk Theme positive gS D;ksafdwriter us
ing (3)_____her to study further. However, she became
Marie dh vPNh fo'ks"krkvksa dh O;k[;k dh gSA gesa
(4) ______when she learned that the university was
closed (5)______women. Determined to receive a higher tive sense okysword dk p;u djuk gksxkA

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Hence, the most suitable word is 'Blithe'. • Disgruntled (adj.) = Annoyed or disappointed
Rankers Mantra (ukjkt ;k vlarq"V)
CONFUSING WORDS RELATED TO ‘INJURY’ • Disfigured (adj.) = Damaged (appearance of a
Injury ls related dqNconfusing words person, thing or place) (foÑr] [kjkc vkÑfr)
Bruise = To make a blue, brown mark appear on iwjs
Passage dks i<+us ds ckn gesa ;g irk pyrk gS &
the skin after somebody has been hit. 'However' 'kCn lstheme cny tkrk gSA ;gk¡
(fdlh dks pksV yxus ds ckn]
skin ij Blue, Brown fu'kku esa fn;k x;k gS Marie
fd ,d brilliant yM+dh Fkh vkSj
fn[kkbZ nsukA) og vkxs dhstudy ds fy, university xbZ ysfdu fiQj
Injure = To harm somebody physically, especially Hkh mldk admission ugha gqvk D;ksafduniversity
in an accident Nk=kkvksa ds fy, ugha Fkh ftlls ge vanktk yxk ldrs g
(fdlh dks Physically uqdlku igqapkukA
especially fdlh eSjh dks ;g ckr vPNh ugha yxhA
nq?kZVuk esa) Hence, the Answer is 'Disgruntled'.

Wound = To injure part of body, especially by 5. (c) (Closed + to + sb/sth) is a correct phrase.
making a hole in the skin using a weapon. It is
The university was closed to women.

used to talk about people being hurt in war or
in other attacks that affects a lot of people. Nk=kkvksa ds fy,
university esaadmission dh vuqefr

l i
('kjhj ds fdlh part dks pksV igqapkuk fo'ks"k :i ls fdlh

gfFk;kj dkuse djds skin esa ?kko djukA)
ugha FkhA
(Close + to + sb/sth) – to be near.

(bls ;q¼ ;k geyksa esa yksxksa dks pksV igqapkus ds ckjs Our house is close to the school.
esa ckr

djus ds fy, bl word dk use fd;k tkrk gS] tks cgqr ls Hence, the correct answer is 'to'.

yksxksa dks izHkkfor djrk gSA) SET-48

n y
New cycle routes have been built in and around the
Sprain = To injure part of body, especially your
ankle, wrist or knee, by suddenly twisting it. centre of Birmingham and speed limits have been

E b nt
(1)______on selected roads. The scheme has now been
( Body part tSls&?kqVus] dksguh] V[kus ij eqM+us
in dh otg ls
(2)______for a year and has been hailed as a (3)
pksV yxukA) ______success. Since the new speed limits were
Strain = To injure yourself or part of body by (4)______, the number of accidents in the area have
making it work too hard. fallen (5)________.

( hard work dh otg ls [kqn dks pksV igqapkuk) (SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Shift-03)
3. (a) 1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

• Prompt – To encourage somebody to do some- number 1.
thing (fdlh dks oqQN djus ds fy, izsfjr djuk) (a) Shortened (b) scaled

• Promise – To tell somebody that you will do (c) Lessened (d) reduced
something (fdlh dks oknk djuk) 2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

• Propose – to suggest a plan or an idea. number 2.
(oqQN lq>ko nsuk) (a) Operation (b) activity

(c) Process (d) agency
• Project – to estimate, to plan an activity
(vkadyu djuk] ;kstuk cukukA) 3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

number 3.
Promised, proposed & projected ;gk¡out of con-
(a) Greater (b) more greater
text gSaA
writer crkrk gS fd eSjh ds ikl ,dbrilliant
(c) greatest (d) great
mind gS vkSj mldh lh[kus dh mRlqdrk mldks vkSj vfèkd
i<+us ds fy, izsfjr djrh gSA 4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 4.
Hence, the suitable answer is 'Prompted'
(a) Compelled (b) dictated
4. (c)
(c) enforced (d) exacted
• Distinguished (adj.) = Very successful (liQy)
5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
• Dishevelled (adj.) = Very untidy (hair, clothes)
number 5.
(cs<ax] ykijokg) (a) Desperately (b) extremely

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(c) drastically (d) terribly • Compel – to force somebody to do sth (fdlh dks
Answer Key oqQN djus ds fy, etcwj djukA)
1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (c) • Dictate – To tell somebody what to do. (fdlh dks
crkuk fd oks D;k djsA)
EXPLANATION • Enforce – To make sure that people obey a
1. (d) rule (fdlh ls tcjnLrh dksbZ fu;e vkfn euokukA)
• Shorten = To make something short (fdlh pht • Exact (verb) – To demand and get something
dks NksVk djuk)a from somebody. (cyiwoZd izkIr djukA)
• Scale = To change the size of something (fdlh pht Note : Exact (adj.) – correct in every detail
dk vkdkj cnyuk)
e.g. It is an exact copy of the original document.
• Lessen = To make something less. (fdlh pht (adj.)
dks de dj nsuk) She was determined to exact a promise from him

• Reduce = To make something smaller in
number, quantity or price. (fdlh la[;k] ek=kk ;k 'Enforce' ,d dkuwuh 'kCn gSA

l i s
dher dks de dj nsuk)
(Shorten) – It is used with duration of time/
(Enforce + a law/right/ceasefire)
Hence, the correct answer is 'Enforce'.

distance/name/career/course/life etc.
5. (c)
Lessen – It is used with uncountable noun

• Desperately = In a way that shows you have
Passage esa okguksaspeeddh limit dks de djus

little hope and ready to do anything without
(reduce djus) dh ckr dh tk jgh gSA worrying. (de mEehn ds lkFk)

n y s
Hence, the correct answer is 'Reduced'
Rankers Mantra
• Extremely = (to a very high degree) (cgqr T;knk)
(bls fcukadj./adverb ds iz;ksx ugha dj ldrs)

E b nt
Lessen (Verb) = To make something less or • Drastically = In a way that has a sudden
diminish effect. (vpkud ls)
(de djuk) • Terribly = Very badly (Hk;kud rjhds ls)
Lesson (Noun) = Something that we learn (Reduce + drastically)


(dqN ,slk tks ge lh[krs gSa)
e.g.- (1) The accident taught me a lesson I will never

(2) The doctor gave him an injection to lessen

The passage has a positive theme.
Hence, 'Drastically' is contexually fit.
The other three words – Desperately, Extremely,
Terribly have negative sense.

the pain
Hence 'Drastically' is correct answer.
2. (a) (In operation) – Being in the effect (izHkko esa gksuk)
Rankers Mantra

In process – This phrase doesn't exist.
In the process – While you are doing some-

thing else. (izfØ;k esa) 1. The police officers broke into the building
heavily armed.
e.g. We bathed the dog yesterday and we all got
(Carrying a lot of weapons-cgqr lkjs gfFk;kj j[kuk

wet in the process. )
Only one of our telephone lines is currently 2. Several people got badly injured when the
in operation. bomb blew up. (Very serious-cqjh rjg ?kk;y
Hence, the suitable answer is 'operation' 3. It was terribly disappointing that Ram’s
3. (d) Passage crkrk gS fd
scheme lapkyu esa gS vkSj ;g ,d father could not to his birthday party. (Very
great success gSA
;gk¡ dksbZ
comparison ugha dh xbZ gSA disappointing-cgqr fujk'kktud
blfy, gesa ;gk¡adjective dh positive degree dk 4. I don’t remember her name, but she was
iz;ksx djuk gksxkA vaguely familiar. (Slightly familiar- FkksMk
blfy, mi;qDr 'kCn"Great" gSA ifjfpr )
4. (c) 5. Roh it i s actively involved i n sports

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competition. (Taking part in competition- darkness than light.
izfr;ksfxrk esa Hkkx
) ysuk (iii) Divorce is much more socially acceptable.
SET-49 2. (b)
If you thought that yoga was all about bending and twist- • on – Line, Area, Topic ds fy,
ing your body in odd shapes, it’s time to rethink. Yoga is • To – Recipient/izkIrdrkZ
, Destination/eafty ds fy,A
(1)______more. In very simple words, giving care
(2)______your body, mind and breath is yoga. Derived • At – Point, Target, Proximity ds fy,
(3)_______the Sankrit word ‘yuj’ which means ‘to unite • For – Beneficiary/ykHkkFkhZ
, Reason ds fy,
or integrate’, yoga is (4)_______5,000-year-old Indian
body of knowledge. Yoga is all about harmonising the Give + somebody + something
(ditransitive v.) obj 1 obj 2
body (5)_______the mind and breath through means of
various breathing exercises, yoga poses (asanas) and Give + something + to + somebody/something
Giving care to your body ;gh correct phrase gSA
(SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Shift-01)

Hence, the correct answer is 'to'.
1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank 3. (b)

number 1.
• By – agent, nearness, means fn[kkus ds fy,
(a) Many (b) much

(c) all (d) few • From – origin/source, range fn[kkus dss fy,

l r
2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank • Of – relation, possession fn[kkus ds fy,
Out – away from inside fn[kkus ds fy,

number 2. •

(a) on (b) to Derive – to get something

s (fdlh Source ls dqN izkIr djus sense

ds esa bldkuse
(c) at (d) for

djrs gSA)

3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 3.

E b nt
(a) by (b) from
Derive + something + from + something
(c) of (d) out
Hence, the correct answer is 'from'.
4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
4. (b) A – general/indefinite (consonant sound ls igys)
number 4.
An – general/indefinite (vowel sound ls igys)

(a) one (b) a
(c) the (d) an The – fdlh particular definite noun ds igys
One – la[;k 1 dks n'kkZus ds fy,

5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 5. Kamal helped a man who was a foreigner.

(a) on (b) across (Classification)
(c) at (d) with Kamal helped the man who was a foreigner.

Answer Key (Identification = Which one ?)
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (d) Yoga is ____ 5000 – year old Indian body of

EXPLANATION bl sentence esawriter 'the number of body' (vFkkZr~

1. (b) 5000) dksstress ugha dj jgk gS] og bldks
definite ugha
• Many more – Countable Noun ds fy, iz;ksx djrs gSA cukuk pkgrk gs D;ksafd ;gk¡
identification dh ugha cfYd
classification dh ckr gks jgh gSA
• Much more – Uncountable Noun ds fy, iz;ksx djrs gSA
• Few more – It doesn't exist. blfy, consonant sound dh otg ls 'a' dk iz;ksx djsaxsA
• A few more – countable Noun ds lkFk iz;ksx djrs gSA Hence, the correct answer is 'a'.

Yoga ,d Uncountable Noun gS

blfy,] lgh Answer 'much' gSA
(i) Could you give me a few more details.
(ii) In winter, there are many more hours of

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It is used to indicate
Singular countable noun any non-speci?ed The car was found
A beginning with a member of a group abandoned in a nearby town.
consonant sound. or category.
It is used to indicate
any non-speci?ed Police found several guns
member of a group or in an abandoned car.
There were three
Singular/ plural It is used to indicate a questions. The ?rst two

The countable nouns de?nite and speci?c noun. were relatively easy but
Uncountable nouns.
the third one was hard.


l i s It is used to mean ‘a
large number of something’.
Many people feel that the
law should be changed.


g i r
Singular countable noun
+ Singular verb
It is used to mean ‘a
large number of something’.
Many a good man feels
that the law should be


n y s
Uncountable nouns
It is used to mean ‘a
When the band started
out, they couldn’t afford

E b nt
large amount of something’.
much equipment.

It means ‘almost no’.

He could not go to Delhi as
FEW Plural countable nouns (It denotes a negligible
he had few rupees.

Uncountable Nouns

It means
‘Almost No’.
(It denotes a negligible
You will not be selected
for this job because you
have little experience.


Plural countable nouns

It means ‘Some but not many’.
I met Radha a few days
ago at a party in Delhi.

It takes a little time to
A LITTLE Uncountable Nouns It means ‘Some but not adjust to the climate here.


Plural countable nouns

Uncountable Nouns
It refers to ‘a de?nite
small number’.

It refers to ‘a de?nite
small amount’.
He had to suffer for the
few mistakes he had
committed in the childhood.

I will give him the little

money I have.

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5. (d) iwjk
passage ;ksx dsImportance ds ckjs esa crkrk gSA t#jr gSA
Harmonize (verb) – to go together in a pleas- (All the while) – During the entire time
ing way. (vuq:i djuk] lkeatL; cSBkuk) Phrase(iwjs le; ds nkSjku)

Harmonious (adj.) – Friendly, Peaceful (lkeatL;iw.kZ) Wayside – Road ds side dk {ks=k

Harmony (noun) – A state of peaceful exist- Interval – nks

events ds chp dk le;
ence and agreement.(leUo;@lejlrk) Bit – A little, a small amount/FkksM+k
(All the + plural noun)
(Togetherness (,dtqVrk) ds fy, use gksus okyh
All the children have gone to school.
sition "with" gSA
Wayside, Interval & bit ;gk¡plural ugha gaSA
(Harmonize + with + something/somebody)
Hence, the correct answer is 'while'.
The most suitable answer is 'with'.
2. (b) gesa ;gk¡ ij ,d ,slkword pkfg, tks fd verb 'watch'
SET-50 ds object ds :i esa dke dj ldsA

The greedy man rushed home to tell his wife and daugh-
ter about his wish, all the (1) ______touching the ob-
jects in his path and watching (2)______convert into

There – ;g ,d
Their – ;g ,d
adverb gS tks
place dks fn[kkrk gSA
possessive determiner gSA

gold. Once he got home, his daughter (3)______to greet • Those – ;g demonstration ds fy, use gksrk gSA

him. As soon as he bent (4)______to scoop her up in ;g Hkh ,d determiner gSA

i r
his arms, she turned into a golden statue. He was
(5)______and started crying and trying to bring his
daughter back to life.

• Them - ;g ,d personal pronoun gSA bldk
object ds :i esa gksrk gSA

(SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Shift-02) Hence, the correct answer is 'them'.

(d) iwjk
passage past tense esa gS D;kasfd ;g ,d ykyph

1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank 3.
balku dh ,d old story gSA

E b nt
number 1.
(a) while (b) wayside Past tense dksnarrative tense Hkh dgrs gSA vkSj ;gk
(c) interval (d) bit past tense dksshow djus okyk ,d ghword gS-
2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 2. Hence, the correct answer is 'rushed'.

(a) there
(c) their
(b) them
(d) those

Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 3.
4. (d) Bend
Bend (v) = to lean in a particular direction.
(,d fuf'pr fn'kk esa >qduk)

(a) Rushing (b) was rush Bent (adj.) + on + determined to do something.
(c) has rushed (d) rushed (oqQN djus dk n`<+ fu'p; dj ysuk)

4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank Passage dks i<+us ds cknclear
;g gks tkrk gStcfdcsVh
us vius firk dks vfHkoknu fd;k rks og uhps dh vksj >wd

number 4.
(a) Along (b) up mlus csVh dks viuh ckgksa esa mBk fy;kA
(c) through (d) down blfy, correct answer 'down' gh gksxkA

(a) Demolished
(c) determined
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 5.
(b) devasted
(d) destroyed
Answer Key
5. (b)

Demolished = destroyed (building, house)
(u"V gqvk)
Devastated = extremely upset and shocked.
1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (b)
• Determined = showing determination
(n`<+ ladYi okyk)
(positive tone)
1. (a) Phrase (All the .... touching) esa ,d noun dh • Destroyed = completely ruined (somebody's

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life or reputation) (cjckn] rckg) (c) Whatever (d) However

Passage esa fn;k gS fd tc mldh csVh
golden statue 4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 4.
esaconvert gks tkrh gS rks og cgqr nq[kh vkSjgks
(a) Distinguished (b) recognized
tkrk gSA
(c) Noticed (d) known
Hence, the only possible answer is 'Devastated'.
5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
Rankers Mantra
Efface = To make something appear (a) Booth (b) coach
(c) Bus (d) rail
(feVk nsuk ;k gVk nsuk)
Deface = To damage the appearance of Answer Key
something especially by drawing or writing on it. 1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (b)
(fdlh pht ij fy[k dj ;k drawing cukdj mls [kjkc dj

Damage = Reparable harm 1. (b) General facts ds fy, ge present indefinite

i s
( Damage ls related dqNconfusing words.)
Destruction = Irreparable harm

tense use djrs gSA
lcls mi;qDranswer 'are' gh gS D;ksafd vU; lkjs fodYi

Ransack = To make a place untidy, causing grammatically & contextually Bhd ugha gSA
damage, because you are looking for something

2. (d) Writer us igys gh crk fn;k gS fd ogk¡ symbol
oqQN &

e.g. - Burglars ransacked her home.
Demolish = To pull or knock down a building signage gSA cgqr lkjs symbols
yksx dh importance


y s
e.g - The factory is going to be demolished next

n •
dks ugha tkurs gSA
Senses – An understanding about something
or to judge something (fdlh pht dks le>uk)

E b nt
Sabotage = To destroy something deliberately in
order to prevent an enemy from using it.
• Charge – Responsibility (ftEesnkjh)
e.g - The main electricity supply had been
sabotaged by the rebels. • Worth – The financial value (dher)
SET-51 • Meanings – The idea that a sound, word, sign,
symbol represents.(eryc@vFkZ)

There is always something so fascinating about trains
and journeys. There (1)______certain symbols and (The meaning of + word/signage/symbol etc)
signages inside and outside of the train . The

Hence, the correct answer is 'meanings'.
(2)______of most of them might not be known to every-
one. (3)_______you are a frequent traveller or not, you 3. (a) (Whether – or not)

may have (4)_______the letter X or a cross mark on ;g phrase ;g crkus ds fy, use gksrk gS fd impor-
the back of the last (5)_________of the train. tant ugha gs fd nksuksa esa lspossibilty
dkSu lh lR; gSA

(SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Shift-03) e.g. Whether he wants to or not, he will have to
1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank clean his room.

number 1. 1. Whichever – tks Hkh
(a) Were (b) are
2. Whatever – tks oqQN

(c) had been (d) will be
3. However – gkykafd
2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 2. ;g rhuksa
out of context gS
(a) senses (b) charge Hence, the correct answer is 'whether'.
(c) worth (d) meanings 4. (c) Writer vuqeku yxk jgk gS fd geus ihNs ds cross
Hkkx esa
3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank dk fu'kku ns[k fy;k gSA
number 3. • Distinguish – to recognize the difference (varj
(a) Whether (b) Whichever igpkuuk)
• Recognize – To know sb/sth because you have

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seen. (fdlh dks igpku ysuk D;ksafd vkius igys ns[kk

river so that they could travel to a (2) _______ farm
to steal food. The small fox (3) _________ swim, so the
• Notice – to become aware of sb/sth (fdlh pht
camel said to his friend, ‘Climb (4) _________ onto my
dk irk gksuk@è;ku nsuk) back and I will swim across the (5) _________.’
• Know – to have information in your mind. (SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Shift-01)
(ekywe gksuk)
1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
'Distinguished', 'Recognized' and 'known'
number 1.
context ds according lgh ugha gSA
(a) deciding (b) will decide
Hence, the correct answer is 'noticed'.
(c) decided (d) are decide
Rankers Mantra
CONFUSING WORDS RELATED TO ‘CAREFUL 2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
ATTENTION:- number 2.
Notice = To hear, see or become aware of (a) nearby (b) near

somebody/something (c) nearest (d) nearly
Note = To pay attention to something , especially
3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

used in business English
number 3.
e.g. - Note that the prices are inclusive of VAT.

(a) ought to (b) may not
Detect = To discover or notice something that

l r
is not easy to see, hear. (c) might (d) could not
(fdlh ,slh pht dks Notice djuk ;k [kkstuk ftls
easily 4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

g i
ns[kk vkSj lquk tk lds ;k tklwlh djukA)

Observe = It is a formal term. It means ‘To see
or notice somebody/something’.
number 4.
(a) over (b) across

(c) up (d) above

(;g ,d formal term gS] ftldk eryc gS& fdlh dks ns[kuk
5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

E b nt
;k Notice djuk) number 5.
Witness = To see something happen (a) sea (b) ocean
(ftlus dqN gksrk gqvk ns[kk gks@xokg) (c) lake (d) river
Discern = To see apart all the objects. (Discern Answer Key
is a stative verb.)

1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (d)
(vUrj igpkuuk] ;g ,d stative verb gS)
Discriminate = To judge apart all the objects by

real differences
1. (a) Story ds fy, Past tense dk use djrs gSA
(okLrfod vUrj dks ns[kdj lHkh oLrqvksa dks vyx djuk)

a s
Distinguish = To recognize by some special
mark or manifest difference
(fdlh special mark dh help ls vUrj igpkuuk)
e.g. - An officer is readily distinguished from a
Decided gh ,d past tense dk word gS
vr%correct answer 'decided' gSA
(b) They could travel to a ____ farm.

(i) Nearest – a ds lkFk ugha
the ds lkFksuperlative
common soldier by his uniform.
degree dk use djrs gSA vr% ;g
answer ugha gks ldrkA
5. (b) Booth – fdlh particular activity ds fy, NksVk lk

LFkku (ii) Nearly – ;g ,d adverb gS tcfd gesa
adj pkfg,A
Coach – Train esa ,d vyx section (Adverb) – Almost
Bus – A large road vehicle (iii) Near (Adj.) – a short distance away.
Rail – Railways as a means of transportion. (,d NksVh nwjh
gesatrain ds Part tSlk ,d word pkfg,A bldksattributively use ugha dj ldrs
Hence, the correct answer is 'Coach'. (a) A near house (×)
SET-52 (b) His house is very near.()
The camel and the fox were very good friends and very (iv) Nearby – Near in position.(utnhd)
good thieves. One day, the two friends (1)______ to cross

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bldks izk;%
attributively use fd;k tkrk gSA Chief Ministers and (4) _______ by the politicians have
(a) A nearby town.() all become part of the (5) __________ .
(b) The town is nearby.(×) (SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Shift-02)
Hence, the correct answer is 'nearby'. 1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
3. (d) The small fox was unable to swim. number 1.
dgkuh ds fy,past tense use djrs gS blfy, gesa
verb (a) rose (b) arose
dh past form pkfg,A (c) rise (d) arises
'Could not' is grammatically and contexually 2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
fit. number 2.
lgh mÙkj
could not gSA (a) donations (b) awards
4. (c) Climb up – to go up using hands and feet.(Åij (c) gifts (d) rewards
p<+uk) 3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

Climb over + a wall/Fence/Horizon(fdlh pht
dks ikj djds nwljh rjiQ gksuk)
Over – So as to cross something and be on
number 3.
the other side.

l i r
Climb above + temperature/unemployment
rate (A standard)/temp./unemployment rate)
4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 4.

(a) interventions (b) intersections
(dk Åij c<+ tkuk)


n g s
Above – More than something (a level/stan-
(c) interjections (d) intermissions
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

number 5.
(a) The temperature climbed above 30°C.

E b nt
(a) jest (b) game
(b) The boys climbed over the wall.
(c) They climbed up a ladder. (c) sport (d) line
Answer – 'up' Answer Key
1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (b)
5. (d) Starting esa gh
writer us crk;k Fkk fd nks fe=kksa us unh ikj
djus dk fu'p; fd;kA

Ans. – River

sea, ocean & lake – out of context gSA

Rankers Mantra
(d) General statement ds fy, Present indefinite
tense dksuse djrs gSA
Ans.– Arises
Debate – singular gSA

Rise Rose Risen – Intransitive verb
Seas (Noun) = leqnz
Arise Arose Arisen – Intransitive verb

It is the plural form of noun ‘sea’.
Raise Raised Raised – Transitive verb
• ‘Sea’ is the mass of water.

Rise – to come or go upwards.
Sees (Verb) = ns[kuk Arise – to start to exist, Occur (A problem)
It is the singular form of verb ‘see’.

(Opportunity/Questions/Problems/Issue +
• ‘To see’ means ‘to become aware by using Arise)
Rankers Mantra
Seize (Verb) = to grab, arrest or capture (tCr djuk) CONFUSING WORDS AND HOMOPHONES
SET-53 ( Confuse djus okyswords vkSj leku vkokt okyswords)
Not a year passes without a controversy over the na- Rise (Intransitive verb) = To come or go up, or
tional sports awards. The debate that (1) _______ every
increase (Åij mBuk ;k c<+uk)
year following the announcement of the (2) _______
often leads to accusations of bias, regionalism and E.g. The sun rises in the east.
manipulations. (3) _______ to the Sports Minister and Raise (Transitive verb) = To move something
upwards, to cause something, to bring up (The

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burglars raised the gun and fired.) the needs physical effort or skill. ([ksy)
(fdlh pht dk Åij mBkuk] fdlh pht dks Åij mBkus dk • Line – Thin mark, Queue (iafDr)
dkj.k cuukA)
• Game – ,d rjg dh activity or business
Arise (Intransitive verb) = to happen or occur (gksuk
(The game of politics)
;k ?kfVr gksuk)
(All part of the Game) – collection
e.g. - A serious problem can arise if the heart
stops pumping effectively. Hence, Game is the correct answer.
Arouse (Transitive verb) = to make somebody SET-54
have a particular feeling (mdlkuk ;k fdlh esa dksbZListening plays (1)______ role in the interactive pro-
particular feeling txkuk) cess of business transactions. It enables a person to
e.g. - These types of questions can arouse my gather proper and (2) ________ information so that he
interest in Mathematics. can understand the matter with clarity. For this, he
Raze (Verb) = To completely destroy a building , should have a positive attitude towards the speaker

and the (3) ________ . He should also (4) _________ on
town etc. (fdlh building, town vkfn dks iwjh rjg
what is being spoken and then evaluate it with refer-
/oLr djuk)

ence to the (5) __________ .
e.g. - The village was razed to the ground.

(SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Shift-03)
Rays (Plural form of noun ‘Ray’) = A line of light
( light dh ,d fdj.k) 1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank


g l r
e.g. - Ultraviolet rays damage the skin.

(b) ys[kdNational sports awards ds controversy ds
ckjs esa ckr djrk gSA
number 1.
(a) a paltry
(c) a trivial
(b) a significant
(d) an abundant

3. (b)

n s
Hence, the correct answer is 'awards'.

2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 2.

E b nt
(a) approximate (b) vague
• Illustration – An example that clearly shows
(c) accurate (d) superficial
the truth about something.(mnkgj.k)
3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
• Representations – Formal statements made
number 3.
to sbd in authority.(izfrfufèkRo)

(a) writer (b) words
• Delegation – A group of people who respresent
(c) topic (d) orator
their views.(izfrfufèk eaMy)
4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

• Exhibitions – A collection of things. (Works of
number 4.
art) (izn'kZuh)

(a) neglect (b) concentrate
Collocation – Representations + to + somebody
(c) distract (d) disperse
Hence, the correct answer is 'Representation'.

5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
4. (a)
number 5.
• Interventions – action taken to improve or

(a) paragraph (b) context
help a situation. (gLr{ksi)
(c) selection (d) excerpt
• Intersections – the act of intersecting sth

Answer Key
1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (b)
• Interjections – exclamation (foLe;kfncksèkd 'kCn)
• Intermission – a period of time during which EXPLANATION
sth stops before continuing again.(eè;karj) 1. (b) Passage dks i<+dj ge ;g dg ldrs gS fd ;g ,d
Hence, 'interventions' is grammatically and positive aspect (igyw) dks n'kkZrk gSA
contexually correct.
(i) Paltry – too small to be considered.
5. (b)
(rqPN@uhp@fudEek) ( sense)
• Jest – Joke (etkd)
(ii) Trivial – not important/ekewyh@ux.;
• Sport – activity that you do for pleasure and

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( negative sense) • Disperse – to go away in different directions ( iSQykuk)

(iii) Abundant – existing in large quantities. Concentrate + on + something
(Hkjiwj ek=kk(positive
esa) sense) Distract somebody + from + something
(iv) Si gn ifican t – I mportant en ou gh to be Hence, the correct answer is 'concentrate'.
noticed.(egÙoiw.kZ)(positive sense) Rankers Mantra
'Paltry' and 'Trivial' don't have positive con- CONFUSING WORDS RELATED TO ‘IGNORANCE’
notation. ( Ignorance ls related confusing words)
'Abundant' is used to denote 'quantity'. Neglect = to give insufficient attention to
Hence, the answer is 'significant'. something that deserves one’s attention
A + key/significant/central/crucial/vital/ + (ml ckr ij de è;ku nsuk tks T;knk è;ku
deserve djrh gks)
role Disregard (formal term) = to treat something as
2. (c) 'And' – word, phrase ;k sentence dksconnect unimportant

djus ds fy, bldk use djrs gSaA same
;g value ds (fdlh dks unimportant dh rjg treat djukA)
word dks tksM+rk gS (nksuksa 'kCn
Positive gksaxs)A Ignore = to fail to regard something obvious

dk gksxkA

l s
To gather proper and ____ information

;gk¡blank esa tks
word vk,xk ogpositive connotation
(ns[kdj vuns[kk djuk)
Overlook = to ignore something because of lack
of care or time


Vague – Not clear (vLi"V)r
Approximate – not completely correct or

( Time de gksus ds dkj.k fdlh pht dks vuns[kk djuk)
Forget = either to fail to remember something
or to willfully ignore something


(;kn j[kus esa vliQy gksuk ;k tkucw>dj
Ignore djuk)

• Accurate – Correct and accurate (lVhd)

5. (b) Writer dguk pkgrk gS fd gesa lrdZ jguk pkfg, fd D;k
• Superficial – not having any depth of under-

E b nt
standing (lrgh] Åij&Åij ls)
cksyk tk jgk gSA vkSj fiQj gesa dks ns[krs gq,
ewY;kadu djuk pkfg, tks fd gesa le>usa esa lgk;rk d
fn;s x;soption esa ls'accurate' gh ,d positive 'kCn gS
• Paragraph – A section of a piece of writing
Hence, the correct answer is 'accurate'.
3. (c) Writer crkrk gS fd ;fn ge ekeys dks le>uk pkgrs gS rks

• Context – The situation that helps us to un-
gesaspeaker & topic ds izfr positive attitude
derstand something.(lUnHkZ)
j[kuk gksxkA
• Selection – Choice, the act of selecting some-

• Writer – One who writes (ys[kd)
thing. (p;u)
• Words – Something you say ('kCn)

• Excerpt – A short piece of writing. (va'k)
• Topic - a subject that you talk, right or learn Hence, 'Context' is the most suitable word.
about (fo"k;] izlax)

• Orator – One who makes formal speeches in
There is so much (1)_______ and confusion in life to-

day because the goal of human beings is not clear.
Writer, words & orator contexually fit ugha gS Each person (2)______ to fulfil his desires and dreams

Hence, the correct answer is 'topic'. without (3) ______ the interest of the other. When we
have a (4) ______ motive, we lose the sense of the
4. (b) Passage esa blquestion ds fy, Hint preposition
higher objective of attaining happiness. Therefore,
'On' gSA there is lots of (5) ______ in our life.
• Neglect – to not give enough attention to (SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Shift-01)
something (utjankt djuk)
1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
• Concentrate – to give all your attention to number 1.
something (è;ku dsafnzr djuk)
(a) certainty (b) positivity
• Distract – to take somebody's attention away
(c) Uncertainty (d) reliability
from something (fopfyr djuk] è;ku gVkuk)
2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

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number 2. • Considering – to think about something.
(a) has want (b) want (ekurs gq,)
(c) have want (d) wants • Di sreg ardi ng – to i gn ore so me th in g.
3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank (vuns[kh@vogsyuk)
number 3. • Excluding – not to include something (ds vykok)
(a) considering (b) disregarding • Describing – to mention something. (crkrs gq,)
(c) excluding (d) describing
Writer dguk pkgrk gS fd gj dksbZ vius lius dks iwjk dj
4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
pkgrk gS fcuk fdlh nwljs ds ckjs esa lkspsA
number 4.
So we have to face some dire consequences.
(a) selfless (b) selfish
Hence, the correct answer is 'Considering'.
(c) humane (d) noble
4. (b)
5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
Selfish – LokFkhZ

number 5. •
(a) strife (b) concord • Selfless – LokFkZjfgr

s Humane – n;kyq
(c) peace (d) harmony •

i Noble – egku
Answer Key •

1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (a)

gesa ,d negative sense ds word dh requirment
vkSj ;gk¡ ij dsoyselfish gh vdsyk ,slkword gSA

g si
(c) 'And' dk use same value ;k connotation ds nks
words dksconnect djus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA 5.
blfy, 'selfish' gh lgh answer gSA
(a) Passage esa crk;k x;k gS fd vxj geselfish cusaxs rks

E b nt

gSA blfy, gesa

__________ + and + confusion
and ds cknnegative connotation dk word fn;k gqvk
and ls igys Hkh
negative connotation

gesa mldsnegative results dksface djuk iM+sxkA
Strife – Anger or violence or conflict between
Concord – Peace and agreement(lkeatL;)
Peace – The state of being calm.('kkfUr)
word dh gh vko';drk gSA

• Certainty = The state of being certain • Harmony – A state of peaceful existence
(fuf'prrk) (leUo;)

• Uncertainty = The state of being uncertain 'Concord', 'Peace' vkSj
'Harmony' context ds op-
(vfuf'prrk) posite gSaA
blds vykok;s rhuksa
positive words gaS tcfd

a s
Positivity = The state of being positive
(ldkjkRedrk )
Reliability = The fact of being true. (fo'oluh;rk)
fn;s x;soptions esa ls dsoy
uncertainty ghnegative
context dsaccording negative word dh vko';drk
Hence, the correct answer is 'Strife'.

Rankers Mantra
connotation dk word gSA
blfy, correct answer 'uncertainty' gSA

(1) Declare/ make/ wage + war (on somebody/
2. (d) fn;s x;ssentence esasubject 'each person' sin- something)
gular number 3 person gSA
subject verb (2) Incite/ lead/ crush/ suppress + a revolt/
aggrement ds rule ds according ;gk¡ ij verb Hkh rebellion
singular number 3rd person gh pkfg,A (3) Enter/ invade/ occupy + somebody’s territory
(4) Lead/ launch/ resist/ repel + an invasion
fn;s x;soption esa ls dsoywants suitable verb
(5) Adopt/ develop/ implement/ pursue + a military
form gSA strategy
blfy, correct answer gksxk'wants'
& (6) Carry o ut/ execute/ perform + military
3. (a) operations
(7) Send/ deploy/ pull back/ withdraw + troops

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(8) Employ/ use + guerrilla tactics number 3.
(9) Fight/ crush/ defeat + the rebels (a) survival (b) Distinction
(10) Suffer/ inflict + a crushing defeat (c) appearance (d) extinction
(11) Achieve/ win + a decisive victory
4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
(12) Order/ force + a retreat number 4.
(13) Attack/ strike/ engage/ defeat/ kill/ destroy + (a) eradicate (b) sustain
the enemy
(c) radiate (d) introduce
(14) See/ report/ be engaged in + heavy fighting
(15) Use biological/ chemical/ nuclear + weapons 5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 5.
(16) In flict/ suffe r/ sustain + heavy l osse s/
casualties (a) ruin (b) preserve
(17) be hit/ killed + by enemy (c) destroy (d) neglect
(18) Harm/ kill / target/ prote ct + inn ocen t/ Answer Key

unarmed civilians 1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (b)
(19) Cause/ avoid/ limi t/ minimize + civilian

casualties/ collateral damage EXPLANATION

(20) Impose/ enforce/ lift + a curfew
1. (d) iwjsPassage esa ys[kd
smoke & pollution ds Hk;kog
(21) Fear/ threaten + military/ violent reprisals
ifj.kke ls voxr djkuk pkgrk gSA
promote + peace

g l i r
(22) make/ brin g/ w in/ achi eve/ mai ntai n/

(23) call for/ negotiate/ declare + a ceasefire/ a

Generated – to produce something intention-
ally. (tkucw>dj oqQN iSnk djuk)

temporary truce Absorbed – to take in a liquid, gas from the
surface. (vo'kksf"kr)

(24) sign + a ceasefire agreement

y Created – to make something happen.(oqQN gksus

(25) call for/ bring/ put an end to + hostilities

E b nt
(26) demand/ negotiate/ accept + the surrender of ds fy, oqQN djuk)
somebody/ something
Emitted – to send out something such as
(27) sign/ accept/ reject/ break/ violate + a peace light, heat, sound, gas etc.(mRlftZr)
Smoke, gas dh ,d form gS tks fd
factory dh fpeuh

esa ls fudyrk gSA
Pollution is destroying nature. The smoke that is (1)
_____ from the chimneys of the factories, and from ve- Hence, the correct answer is 'Emitted'.
(a) Imbalance – Variance/(vlarqyu)

hicles is the mixture of poisonous gases. Due to envi- 2.
ronmental pollution, there is (2) _____ in nature, so,
( Pollution dh otg ls Nature esaimbalance gSA)

many birds, animals, and plants are on the verge of (3)
_____ day by day. The only way to (4) _______ environ- Difference – A lack of similiarity/(varj)
mental pollution is to plant many trees. By planting Inequality – Difference/(vlekurk)

trees, we can get rid of many harmful poisonous gases.
(Group of sociaty esaMoney, advantages, vkSj
It is the responsibility of everyone to (5)______ and pro-
opportunities ds vk/kj ij] Inequality dk use ge

tect our environment.
difference fn[kkus ds fy, djrs gS
(SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Shift-02)

1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank Balance – Stability (larqyu)
number 1. Hence, the correct answer is 'Imbalance'.
(a) generated (b) absorbed 3. (d) Survival – The state of continuing to live or
(c) created (d) emitted exist. (thfor jguk)

2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank Distinction – A difference or contrast between
number 2. things.(Hksn@fof'k"Vrk)
(a) an imbalance (b) a difference Appearance – The way that sb/sth looks.(fn[kkoV)
(c) an inequality (d) a balance Extinction – A situation in which a plant, an
3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank animal, a way of life etc stop existing.(foyqIr

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gksuk) killing of people of a racial, political, or cultural

Contextully, izÑfr(Nature) esa] vlarqyu ds dkj.k bl
(fdlh tkrh;] jktuhfrd] ;k lkaLd`frd lewg dh tkucq>dj
x`g(Planet) ds tho&tUrq] ikSèks vkSj i{kh foyqIr
vkSj O;ofLFkr:i ls ekjuk] tkfr lagkj)
tion) dh dxkj ij gS vr% lgh mÙkj
Extinction gSA
e.g. - [ICHRRF officially recognises the Kashmiri
4. (a) Speaker dguk pkgrk gS fd vxj gesa pollution ls Hindu Genocide, 1989-1991] – It is the headline
NqVdkjk ikuk gS rks gesa T;knk ls T;knk isM+ pkfg,Aof an article published by ‘Business Standard’.
Eradicate – to get rid of something bad.(mUewyu Suicide = The act of killing oneself deliberately
djuk) ([kqn dks ekjuk] vkRegR;k)
Sustain – to maintain something (cuk, j[kuk) e.g. - Never try to commit suicide.
Carnage = The violent killing of a large number
Radiate – to give off something (fdj.ksa iSQykuk) of people especially in a battle
Introduce – to make known (ifjp; nsuk@vkjEHk (,d ;q¼ esa cgqr lkjs yksxksa dk ekjk tkuk)

djuk) e.g. - The carnage of the First World War
(Eradicate + Racism/ Diphtheria/ Terror- Hara-kiri = An act of killing somebody by cutting

ism/Pollution) open his stomach with a sword

lgh mÙkj
Eradicate gSA (ryokj ls fdlh dk isV dkVdj ekjuk)

l r
5. (b) ____ + And + protect Suffocation = An act of killing somebody by not
letting him breathe air
'protect' word ds similar word gh pkfg,A

the context.

g si
'Ruin', 'Destroy' vkSj'Neglect' are opposite to
(fdlh dks lkal jksd dj ekjuk)
Smother = An act of killing somebody by
covering his face so that he cannot breathe

Ruin – to damage something (cckZn)
(fdlh dk eqag <d dj ekjuk rkfd og lkal u ys ik, (ne

E b nt y
Destroy – to damage something badly(u"V djuk)
Neglect – to ignore something(mis{kk djuk)
Preserve – to save, protect(lqjf{kr j[kuk)
(And) vkSj ls tksM+us ds fy, ds lekukFkhZ dsoy
Preserve gh gS vr% lgh mÙkj
Preserve gSA
Extermination = The act of killing all the
members of a group of people or animals
(fdlh group ds lkjs O;fDr;ksa ;k tkuojksa dks ekjuk)
Assassination = The murder of an important or

famous person, especially for political reasons
Rankers Mantra (fdlh famous O;fDr dh gR;k
especially jktuSfrd dkj.kksa ls)
CONFUSING WORDS ( Confuse djus okyswords)

e.g. - Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi
Extinction = A situation in which a plant, an Execution = The act of killing somebody,
animal, a way of life, etc. stops existing.

especially as a legal punishment.
(,slh fLFkfr ftlesa ikS/s] tkuoj] thou thus dketc.
way (fdlh dks ekjukespecially dkuwuh ltk ds :i esa)
exist djuk can gksrk gSA)

e.g. - The extinction of the dinosaurs occurred
millions of years ago. A banker taped a picture, drawn by one of his small

children, to his office wall. When he (1) _____ at work
Death = the fact of somebody dying or being
the next morning, he found the (2) _________ was cov-
killed./e`R;q ered by a (3)________ notice, saying he was in

e.g. - He suffered a slow and painful death.
Massacre = The killing of a large number of
people or animal, especially those who are not
involved in any fighting or have no way of
defending themselves.
(cM+h la[;k esa yksxksa ;k tkuojksa dk ekjk tkuk
especially os 1.
(4)_________ of company policy which required personal
items to be put away at night. (5) __________ a reac-
tion was not just petty, it risked demotivating the
banker completely. In short, it defined common sense.
(SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Shift-03)
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
tks fdlh yM+kbZ esa u gks ;k [kqn dks
involve defend (cpk) number 1.
u dj ik;sA (ujlagkj) (a) turned (b) achieved
e.g. - Jallianwala Bagh massacre (c) reached (d) arrived
Genocide = The deliberate and systematic
2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

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number 2. Rankers Mantra
(a) tape (b) office GRAMMAR POINT
(c) child (d) picture Some verbs don’t require a preposition. They are
directly followed by objects.
3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 3.
(dqN ,slhverbs ftudksa preposition dh requirement
ugha gksrh gS os object ysrh gSA)
(a) substantial (b) large
(c) generous (d) considerable VERBS WITHOUT VERB WITH
4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank PREPOSITION PREPOSITIONS
number 4.
(a) violation (b) damage Enter a place Come into a place
(c) interruption (d) disruption
Reach a place Arrive at/in a place
5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

number 5. Tell somebody Say something
(a) That (b) Such something to somebody

(c) This (d) Which
Investigate a matter Look into a matter

Answer Key

1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (b)

Penetrate something Pass through something


g i
(a) (When he _______at work next morning)

(;gk¡ blank ds ckn preposition gS vFkkZr~ gesa ,d
Comprise something

Resemble a person
Consist of something

Look like a person

E b nt
intransitive verb dh vko';drk gSA)
(Arrive + at + something) is a correct con-

(Arrive + at + work/station/agreement/con-
(Enter into an agreement/
a negotiation/business)
is grammatically correct.
(‘Be comprised of’ is a
correct phrase.
‘Comprise’ is followed by
‘Of’ in the passive
'reach' & 'achieve' transitive verb gS

2. (b) Passage ls Li"V gS fdpicture dksa notice ls
'turned' out of context gSA
cover fd;k x;k FkkA vFkkZr~ <+dk x;k FkkA
blfy, 'arrived' lgh 'kCn gSA Tape, office vkSjchild 'out of context' gSA

s h Rankers Mantra
(Magnitude ls related confusing words.)
blfy, Picture lgh answer gSA

r a
3. (b)

Substantial = Large in (Amount, Value or im-
• Considerable = Great in (Amount, Impor-
tance) (;)
portance) (larks"ktud)
D;kasfd ;gk¡ fn;k x;k gS fd was covered by a
• Large = Big in (Size or Quantity)(cM+k)
notice rks ge vuqeku yxk ldrs gSNotice
fd picture
• Generous = willing to give freely.(mnkj) ls cM+k gSA mi;qDr 'kCngSA

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Hence, the correct answer is 'Large'. (c) unlucky (d) unlimited

4. (a) 5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
• Violation (noun) = The act of going against a number 5.
law, an agreement or a policy.(mYya?ku) (a) certain (b) exciting
Violate (verb) = to go against a law, policy. (c) boring (d) popular
(mYya?ku djuk) Answer Key
• Damage = Physical harm (gkfu@uqdlku) 1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (b)
• Interruption = The act of interrupting sb/sth
• Disruption = A situation in which it is diffi- 1. (a)
cult for sth to continue. (foPNsn@Hkax) • For = it is used with 'a length of time'
Policy ds vuqlkj]personal items dks jkr esa
office • To = it is used for 'direction' or 'recipient'.

ls nwj j[kuk pkfg, blfy, vkWfiQl dh nhokj ij
picture • Since = It is used with 'a point of time'
yxkukPolicy (fu;e) dk mYya?ku gSA • From = The time of the origin of something

Hence, the correct answer is 'Violation'.

(b) (Such + a/an + adj + Noun) is a correct phrase.

'A whole year' is a length of time.
Hence the correct answer is 'for'.

e.g. Such a beautiful day 2. (a)
Such a handsome person • Depressed – very something/worried/mnkl

g i
Such an interesting story
'Such' ,d pre determiner gSA
determiner gS

'a' ,d central
Adsoy Pre-determiner ghcentral
• Devoted – having great love for sb/sth/lefiZr
(opposite to the context)

E b nt y
determiner ls igys vk ldrs gS
Hence, the correct answer is 'such'.
I decided to stay away from television (1)_______ a
whole year. After a week, I started feeling (2) _____.
But, my friend Bess cheered me up. She (3) _______

Delighted – Very pleased/izlUu
(opposite to the context)
Deceived – beguiled/èkks[kk [kk;k gqvkA
(out of context)
TV ls nwj jgus ds ckn ys[kd t:j gh
mnklgks x;k gksxk blfy,

me every day and would take me places. It was mlds nksLr mldks [kq'k djusx;s easgksxsa
(4)_______ how much fun we had without TV. My life
Hence the correct answer is 'depressed'.
had become more (5) ______ without the good old idiot box.

(SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Shift-01)

Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 1.
Rankers Mantra
(Happiness ls related confusing word)
Happy = Pleased about something nice

(a) for (b) to
(c) since (d) from
(fdlh vPNh pht dks ysdj ;k ds ckjs esa [kq'k gksuk)

Glad (used predicatively) = Happy about something
2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank or grateful for it
number 2.
(fdlh pht ds fy, [kq'k ;k vkHkkjh gksuk mlds fy,)

(a) depressed (b) devoted
Pleased (used predicatively) = Happy about
(c) delighted (d) deceived something that has happened or something that
3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank you have to do.
number 3. (fdlh pht ds ckjs esa [kq'k gksuk tks gks pwdh gks ;k rqEgs
(a) thanked (b) requested Delighted = Very pleased or happy
(c) encouraged (d) attended (cgqr [kq'k)
4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank Proud = Pleased and satisfied about something
number 4. (fdlh pht ls [kq'k vkSj
satisfy gksuk)
(a) unbelievable (b) unhealthy Relieved = Feeling happy because something

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unpleasant has stopped e.g. - It was a dull moment.
([kq'k gksuk D;ksafd dqN cqjk gksuk :d x;k gks) Tedious = Lasting or taking too long and not
Thrilled (used predicatively) = Extremely pleased
and excited about something (cgqr nsj rd #duk ;k cgqr le; ysuk)
(fdlh pht ls cgqr T;knk [kq'k vkSj mRlkfgr gksuk) e.g. - A tedious journey
3. (c) SET-59
• Thank = to tell somebody you are grateful for One day, a few hunters came into the forest and took
something ('kqfØ;k) the lion with them. They tied him up (1) _______ a
• Request = to ask somebody to do sth politely. tree. The lion was (2) ________ to get away and started
to whimper. (3) ________ , a mouse walked past and
(vuqjksèk fd;k)
noticed the lion in trouble. He quickly ran and (4)
• Encourage = to give somebody support@
hope __________ on the ropes to set the lion free. Both of
(izksRlkfgr) them then (5) ________ into the jungle.

• Attend = to be present at an event (Hkkx ysuk) (SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Shift-02)
ys[kd mnkl Fkk blfy, mlds nksLr us mls izksRlkfgr
1. fd;kSelect the most appropriate option to fill in blank

'Encouraged' is contextually fit.

Hence the correct answer is 'encouraged'.

number 1.
(a) along (b) over

4. (a) (c) above (d) against

• Unbelievable = Incredible (vfo'oluh;) 2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

number 2.
• Unhealthy = not having good health(chekj)

(a) struggle (b) struggles
• Unlucky = Unforturnate (cnfdLer)

(c) struggling (d) struggled

E b nt
Unbelievable gSA
Unlimited = having no limit (vlhfer)
Writer nq[kh Fkk ysfdu

Hence the correct answer is 'unbelievable'.

ogds fcuk Hkh eLrh dj jgk FkkA
;g ,d cM+k vfo'oluh; Change Fkk vr% mi;qDr 'kCn

Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 3.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

5. (b) number 4.
• Certain = definite, having no doubts (fuf'pr) (a) chews (b) Gnawed

• Exciting = having great excitement (jksekapd) (c) nibble (d) bitten
• Boring = not interesting (mckÅ) 5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank


a s
Popular = liked or admired by many people

TV ds fcuk Hkh ys[kd [kq'k Fkk

Life jksekapdAFkh
ds fcuk Hkh mldh
number 5.
speed off
speeds out
speed away
speed up

Answer Key
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (a)
blfy, 'exciting' lgh answer gSA

Rankers Mantra
(fdlh Interesting pht ls related confusing words) • Along = beside the length of (ds lkFk&lkFk)
Boring = Not interesting; making you feel tired • Over = higher than- movement from one side
and impatient (ds Åij)
( Interesting u gksuk
] mckÅ) • Above = higher than – number, age, money,
e.g. - Such a boring man! time. (ls Å¡pk)
Dull = Not interesting and exciting • Against = close to, touching sth/sb
( Exciting vkSjInteresting uk gksuk (lqLr))

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(oqQN Li'kZ djrs gq,) • Nibble = to bite sth with small bites especially
(i) They walked slowly along the road. food.

(ii) They held a large umbrella over her. (fdlh pht ds NksVs VqdM+ks especially
esa dkV nsuk
food dh)
(iii) They informed me that the water level • Bite = to cut sth with your teeth.
has risen above the point. (nkar ls dqN dkVuk
(iv) Put the piano there, against the wall. (v1) (v2) (v3)
The lion can be tied up against the tree.
Bite Bit Bitten
All other options are not possible.
Nibble Nibbled Nibbled
fn, gq, Meanings ls Li"V gS fd fliZQ
'against' gh Chew Chewed Chewed
correct answer gksxkA
Gnaw Gnawed Gnawed
2. (c) The lion was _____ to get away....
5. (a) ;gka ij gesa
speed dh past form dh t:jr gS
Was 'be' verb dk 2nd form gSvkSj blds ckn fujUrjrk
fn[kkus ds fy,

verb dh ing form dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
The use of 'struggled' is the logically incorrect.
'Sped out',
'Speed away' and 'Speed up' are ruled out.
'Sped' is the past form of verb 'speed'.

Hence 'struggling' is the correct answer.
blfy, 'sped off' gh lghanswer gksxkA

3. (b)

have just said. (fiQj Hkh

Nevertheless = despite something that you

Soon = in a short time. (tYnh)
Rankers Mantra

Forest = A large area of land that is covered with

• trees

• Although = it is used to show contrast. (gkykafd) (tehu dk ,d cM+k fgLlk tks isM+ksa ls f?kjk gks)

E b nt y
But = it is used to introduce a word that con-
trasts with what was said before. (ysfdu)
When a mouse noticed the lion in trouble.
He quickly ran to help the lion.
This process become in a short time when
Floor = The surface inside a house
(?kj ds vUnj dk iQ'kZ)
Ground = The surface outside a house
(?kj ds ckgj dk iQ'kZ)
Land = The surface of the earth that is not sea

the lion started to whimper. (i`Foh dksurface tgka leqnz u gks)
bl passage dks i<+dj ;s vklkuh ls dgk tk ldrk gS fd Roof = The cover of a building

;gk¡ ij dksbZ
contrast ugha fn[kk;k x;k gSA ( Building dh Nr)
Nevertheless, although vkSjbut answer ugha gks Ceiling = The top inside surface of a room


(b) Ran + and + ____

a s
Hence, the correct answer is 'soon'.
( Room ds vUnj dk Åij dksurface)


v v 2 For an average Indian, driving in any of the major In-
dian cities is equivalent to (1) ______ a daily war. The
Ran, verb dh second form gS ftlds cknconjunc-
everyday struggle of (2) ________ traffic, pollution and

tion 'and' dk iz;ksx gqvkand
gS] ls ge nks leku phtksa
rash drivers is (3) __________ biggest cause of chronic
dks tksM+rs gS and
blfy,ds cknverb dh second form stress and other (4) ___________ problems. On an aver-
dk use gksxkA age a person spends (5) ___________ between thirty
'Chews', 'Nibble' and 'bitten' are not the past minutes to two hours of their day driving.
form. (SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Shift-03)
Hence the correct answer is 'Gnawed'. 1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
• Gnawed = to keep biting someting (dqN dqrjuk) number 1.
(a) making (b) waging
• Chew = to bite something continuously
(c) raising (d) rushing
( Continuosly dqN pckrs jguk)

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2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank particular medicine when given to others
number 2. 4. Altruism = The quality of unselfish concern
for the welfare of others
(a) stopping (b) dodging
(nwljks dk Hkyk pkguk)
(c) boarding (d) lodging
5. Conflict = An open clash between two
3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank opposing groups
number 3. (nksOpposite groups ds chp [kqyk la?k"kZ)
(a) one (b) the 6. Conformity = Correspondence in form, type,
(c) an (d) a or appearance
4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank (vuq:irk)] form, type ;k appearance esa leku gksukA
number 4. 7. Credibility = The quality of being believable
or trustworthy
(a) societal (b) ecological
(c) psychological (d) spiritual
number 5.

Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
8. Crowding = A situation in which people or
things are crowded together
(,d situation ftlesa yksxks ;k phtksa dh HkhM+&H

(a) everywhere (b) nowhere
9. Individualism = The quality of being single
(c) anywhere (d) elsewhere

(fdlh oLrq ;k O;fDr dk vdsyk gksuk)] fof'k"Vrk
1. (b) 2. (b)

Answer Key
3. (b)

i r
4. (c) 5. (c)
10. Delusion = An erroneous belief held in the
face of contrary evidence
(foijhr izek.k(evidence) ds ckotwn fdlh ij iwjk Hkjkslk

1. (b)

n y s djukA)
11. Extrovert = A person directed toward others

E b nt
• Make = to create (dqN cukuk) as opposed to the self
• Wage = carry on (especially a war or campaign) (cfgeqZ[kh) O;fDr
(tkjh j[kuk
) 12. Introvert = A person who tends to shrink
from social contacts
• Raise = to increase, put up something
(vareZq[kh) O;fDr
(dqN increase djuk)

(tYnh ls dqN djuk)

Rush = to do something fast

Collocation – (Wage + War/ Battle/ Compaign)

13. Readiness = Being temporarily ready to
respond in a particular way
(vLFkk;h :i ls rS;kj gksuk fdlh
tokc nsus ds fy,A
particular way esa

Åij fn, gq, meanings ls Li"V gS fd lghanswer 14. Aphasia = Inability to use language because
'waging' gksxkA of a brain lesion
(fnekxh {kfr ds dkj.k Hkk"kk dk bLrseky u dj ik

Rankers Mantra

(Pshycology ls related vocabulary) 15. Contempt = Lack of respect accompanied by
a feeling of intense dislike
1. Phobia = An anxiety disorder characterized

by irrational fear (ilan u gksus ds dkj.k] lEeku esa deh)
(cscqfu;kn Mj ls mRiUu
anxiety, disorder) 2. (b)
2. Hypothesis = An idea or explanation that is • Stop = to no longer move.
not yet verified or tested • Dodge = to move quickly in order to avoid
(,d Idea ;k explanation ftldk vHkh rd ijh{k.k something
u gqvk gks) • Board = to get on a ship, train, bus or plane.
3. Placebo = A substance given to someone who • Lodge = to submit, accomodate, board
is told that it is a particular medicine, either Writer crkuk pkgrk gS fd lHkh
traffic, pollution,
to make that person feel as if they are
getting better or to compare the effect of the

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and rash drivers avoid fd;s tkus pkfg,A communication between the management and the
Åij fn, x, meanings rFkkPassage ds Hkko ls Li"V
gS fd'dodging' gh lghanswer gksxkA (SSC CGL 21/04/2022 (Shift-01)
1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
3. (b) Superlative degree adj. ds lkFkarticle 'the' dk
number 1.
use gksrk gSA
(a) No (b) Slow
(The + superlative degree adjective + noun) (c) Ultimate (d) Rapid
e.g. – The biggest cause of chronic stress.
2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
Hence, 'the' is the correct answer. number 2.
4. (c) (Chronic stress + and + ____ problems) (a) dissuade (b) discourage
'And' is used to connect two words/phrases of (c) persuade (d) deactivate
equal rank.
3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

(Stress = Mental pressure) number 3.
• Societal = Related to Society (a) Intermittent (b) Irregular

• Ecological = Related to Ecology (c) Regular (d) Improper

• Psychological = Related to a person's mind 4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 4.

• Spiritual = Related to the human spirit.

g r
Hence, 'Psychological' is the correct answer.

Stress 'kCnmind ls related gS] fn, x, options esa
psychological 'kCnmind ls related gSA 5.
(a) hamper
(c) Imitate
(b) enhance
(d) decrease
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

5. (c)

n y s
blhfy, 'psychological' gh lghanswer gSA
number 5.
(a) by (b) through

E b nt
(c) throughout (d) with
• Everywhere = at every place Answer Key
• Nowhere = at no place 1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (b)
• Anywhere = (Generally in negative/interroga-
tive sentences) EXPLANATION

Elsewhere = somewhere else.
fn, x, passage ls Li"V gS fd ;gk¡ approximate
(yxHkx) dkmeaning pkfg, tks fdsomewhere nsrk
gS ysfduSSC us fodYiksasomewhere
esa ugha fn;k rFkk
1. (d) knowledge dk upgradation djuk positive sense
esa cgqr t:jh gS
blfy, 'No' vkSj'Slow' gV tk,xsaA

Ultimate = 1. Final
Anywhere dks lgh mÙkj ekuk gS tks fd xyr gS vxj vkxs (An + ultimate + goal/aim/target)
fn, x, preposition, between dh txg from gksrk rks 2. Basic

r a
Anywhere mÙkj lgh gksrkA
Note:– Anywhere from ....... to .......
(Range fn[kkus ds fy,)
(The ultimate truths of science)
Rapid = happening in a short time.
(Rapid + change/expansion/ growth/decline)

Hence, 'Rapid' is the correct answer.
Somewhere around, between etc.
fn, x, passage ds Hkko ls Li"V gS fdpositive
gesa 'kCn
( approximation fn[kkus ds fy,) pkfg,] blhfy, no vkSjslow mÙkj ugha gksxsa
SET-61 ultimate context ds ckgj gS
(1) _______ changes in science and technology lead to
vr%'rapid' lgh mÙkj gksxkA
modernisation of technology as well as upgradation of
knowledge. In order to upgrade or modernise technol- Rankers Mantra
ogy, management must (2)______ employees to accept CONFUSING WORDS
new technology. (3)________ training of staff becomes Fast = It describes a person or thing that moves
necessary to update their knowledge and to (4) _______ or is able to move at great speed.
their skills. This is possible only (5) _______ effective

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(;g fdlh O;fDr ;k oLrq dh rst xfr dks

denote djrk gSA) (fdlh oLrq ;k balku dh udy djuk)
Quick = It describes something that is done in • Decrease = to become smaller in number/
a short time or without delay. size. (fdlh number ;k oLrq ds
size dks de dj nsuk)
(;g fdlh dke ds de le; esa ;k fcuk nsjh ds iwjk gks tkus
;gka ij hamper vkSjimitate out of context gS
dksdenote djrk gSA)
decrease sentence ds according ugha gS vkSj blds
Rapid = It describes th e spee d at w hich
something changes vykok ;g negative word gSA
(;g ml speed dks crkrk gS ftl ij dqN
change gqvk gksaA) fn, x, passage ds Hkko ls Li"V gSpositive
fd 'kCn
pkfg,] blhfy, 'enhance' 'kCn lgh gSA
Fast Car Train Bowler pace Lane 5. (b)
Quick Glance Look Reply Decision Way • By = It is used to show in what way some-
thing is done.
Rapid Change Growth Increase Decline Progress

• Through = By means of
2. (c)
It was _____ him that I got the job.

• Dissuade = To persuade somebody not to do
(a) through ()
something/fdlh dks dqN u djus ds fy, jkth djukA

(b) by (×)
• Persuade = to make somebody do something/

l r
It was through him = As a result of his help.
fdlh dks dqN djus ds fy, jkth djukA
• Throughout = In the every part of sth

• Discourage = to try to prevent somebody from

(Throughout the world/history)
doing something/fdlh dks dqN djus ls jksduk]

• With = Preposition of 'Togetherness' or 'Tool'.
grksRlkfgr djukA

Ans. – 'Through' is contextually fit.

• Deactivate = to make something stop working.
(dqN dke can djokuk) fn, x, meanings rFkkExamples ls Li"V gS fd

E b nt
through gh lgh Ans. gksxkA
Åij fn, gq, meaning ls Li"V gS fd
'persuade' lgh
answer gksxkA
Dance as an artistic form of (1)______ is extremely old.
3. (c) To update the knowledge of staff, Regular
Evidence of dance as a (2)_____form is available in
training in necessary.

ancient literary texts, painting and sculpture.
Passage dh theme positive gS blfy, gesa
posi- (3)_______of the dance forms trace their roots to the
tive sense dk word pkfg,A (4)_______of movement codified in the Natya Shastra

(5)______by Bharat Muni.
• Intermittent = Stopping and starting often,
(SSC CGL 21/04/2022 (Shift-02)

• Irregular = Not regular 1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
• Regular = Without gap number 1.

Improper = Not proper

'Intermittent', 'Irregular' and 'Improper' are
opposite to the context. 2.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

;gk¡ fn, x;soptions esa ls dsoy
regular ghpositive number 2.
word gSA (a) creating (b) Creative
(c) created (d) creation
blfy, 'regular' gh correct answer gksxkA
3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
4. (b)
number 3.
• Hamper = to prevent somebody from doing
(a) More (b) Much
something (fdlh dks dqN djus ls jksduk)
(c) Any (d) Many
• Enhance = to improve the quality ( quality dks
4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
improve djuk)
number 4.
• Imitate = to copy somebody/something

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(a) capacity (b) techniques vf/drj dance forms esamovement ds le;
(c) procedure (d) delivery vyx&vyx techniques dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank blfy, Li"V gS fd'techniques' lgh answer gksxkA
number 5. 5. (d)
(a) captured (b) disbursed • Capture = to take control, to catch, etc. (fu;af=kr
(c) dispersed (d) compiled djuk ;k dqN idM+uk)
Answer Key • Disburse = to pay money (Hkqxrku djuk)
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (d) • Disperse = to scatter sth (fdlh pht dks iQSyk nsuk)
• Compile = to collect information in order to
EXPLANATION produce a book. (fdlh O;ofLFkr Øe esa tkudkfj;ka
1. (c) Succession – series, regular pattern, taking bdB~Bk djuk
especially books vkfn ds fy,)
position 'Natya sastra' arts dh performing ij ,d laLÑr

Suggestion – an idea or plan laxzg gSA
Expression – a strong show of feelings, form
fn, x, meaning ls Li"V gS fdcompiled gh lgh

Impression – a feeling that you get about
Answer gksxkA

Dance is an artistic form of expression. Rankers Mantra

l r
fn, x, passage ls Li"V gS fd
'expression' ghsuit-
Catch = To stop and hold a moving object or
able answer gksxkA

(b) (A + ____ + noun)

Sentence esa ,d adjective dh requirement gSA
person, especially in your hands.
(fdlh xfr djrs gq, lkeku dks idM+uk ;k O;fDr dks jksd
especially vius gkFkksa lsA

• Creating = verb (continuous form)

e.g. Catch the ball.
• Creative = adjective

E b nt
• Created = verb (past form) Hold = To hold something static in your hands.
• Creation = noun (fdlh fLFkj pht dks idM+uk gkFkksa esa)
bu options esa dsoy ,d ghadjective gS& creative e.g. She held a large box.
Hence the correct answer is 'creative'. Capture = to catch a person or animal and keep
(d) Dance forms ,d plural countable noun gS them as a prisoner or shut them in a space that

they cannot escape from.
'More' - comparative form
(;g many & much dk comprative form gSA)
(fdlh O;fDr ;k tkuoj dks idM+uk canh cukus ds fy, rkf

oks Hkkx u ik;saA)
ysfdu ;gk¡ dksbZ
comparison ugha gSA
e.g.The animals are captured in nets.
'Much' dk use uncountable nouns ds lkFk gksrk gSA

Bag =
'Any' izk;%negative and interrogative sen- 1. To put something into bags.
tences esause fd;k tkrk gSA

( Bag esa dqN j[kuk)
'Many' dk use countable nouns ds lkFk gksrk gSA
2. To catch or kill an animal

Dance forms ,d plural Noun gS fn, x, option esa
(fdlh tkuoj dks idM+uk ;k ekjuk)
ls many ,slk 'kCn gS plural
tks noun ds igys iz;ksx gksrk

gSA blhfy,
'many' correct answer gksxkA
Birbal immediately smiled and went up to Akbar. He
4. (b)
announced the (1)_______ ; he said there were twenty-
• Capacity = Ability to do something (dqN djus dh one thousand, five hundred and twenty-three crows
{kerk) (2)_______ the city. When asked how he (3)________
• Procedure = A way of doing something (dqN the answe r, Bi rbal replie d, “A sk yo ur men to
(4)__________the number of crows. If there are more,
djus dk rjhdk)
then the relatives of the crows must be visiting them
• Delivery = The act of making sth available to from (5)________cities. If there are fewer, then the
people. (fdlh oLrq dks yksxks rd igqapkus dk rjhdk)
crows from our city must be visiting their relatives
• Techniques = The skill to do something (dqN who live outside the city.”
djus dk [kkl rjhdk) (SSC CGL 21/04/2022 (Shift-03)

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1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank contains a countercharge or counterattack
number 1. (djkjk tokc)
(a) answer (b) response 2. (a)
(c) question (d) rejoinder • In = It refers to an area
2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank • On = It refers to surface or line
• At = It refers to a point
number 2.
• Off = It refers to separation.
(a) in (b) at
City 'kCn ls Li"V gS fd fdlh
area dh ckr gks jgh gS vkSj
(c) off (d) on
area ds lkFkpreposition 'in' dk use gksrk gSA
3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
number 3. blhfy, lgh answer 'in' gksxkA
(a) known (b) know 3. (c) Sentence dkscorrect djus ds fy, gesa ;gkaverb dh
(c) knew (d) knowing past form dh t:jr gS
4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank 'Know', 'known' and 'knowing' are ruled out.
blhfy, 'knew' lgh answer gksxkA

number 4.
(a) count (b) judge 4. (a)
(c) consider (d) calculate • Count = to say numbers in order

5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank • Calculate = to use numbers to find out a total

number 5. number, amount, distance etc.
• Consider = to think about something carefully.

(a) vicinity (b) Near

(c) close (d) nearby • Judge = to form an opinion about sth based
on the information.

Answer Key

(Count + the number of something)
1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (d) We don't calculate the numbers we count


EXPLANATION Hence, the correct answer is 'count'.

E b nt y
(a) ge fdlh iz'u dk mÙkj nsrs gSPassage

(We answer a question)

vkSj esa lkiQ&lkiQ
fy[kk gS fd chjcy ls ,d iz'u iwNk x;k gSA

Response is a reaction that comes from somebody.

Rejoinder is a reply, especially quick and critical.
blhfy, 'Answer' lgh mÙkj gksxkA
fn, x, passage ds meaning ls Li"V gS fd
lgh mÙkj gksxkA
(d) From + _____ + cities.

(adj.) (N)
Close = Near in space/time
(It is used predicatively.)

• Near = at a short distance
Rankers Mantra (It is used predicatively.)
CONFUSING WORDS RELATED TO ‘ANSWER’ • Nearby = A short distance away

( Answer ls related dqNconfusing word) (It is used attributively.)
Answer = It implies the satisfying of a question, fn;s x;ssentence esa gesa ,d ,sls
adjective dh t:jr

demand, call, or need.
(fdlh question, demand, call ;k need dh larqf"V] tcko)

Response = It implies a quick or spontaneous
reaction to a person or thing
gS tksattributively use gksrk gksA
blfy, 'Nearby' correct answer gSA

P r
(fdlh O;fDr ;k oLrq dk
quick reaction)
Reply = It implies a thorough response to all
issues, points or questions raised.
(lkjs issues, points ;k Question tks mBk;s x, gS mudk
Rejoinder = It implies a reply to an objection,
especially a quick, critical or funny
(fdlh objection dk reply especially tYnh ;kfunny)
Retort = It implies a reaction to an implicit or
explicit charge, criticism, or attack which

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In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives
given. Select the most appropriate option for each number.

The working of the stomach was 1.______ by a strange accident. In 1822, a man named Alexis St. Martin
was 2. ______ hit by a shot gun. The bullet had seriously 3. ______ the chest wall and made a hole in 4.

______ stomach. He was brought to an American army 5. ______ William Beaumont. The doctor saved the

patient but he 6. ______ not close the hole properly.
Beaumont took it as a 7.______ opportunity to see the inside of the stomach 8. ______ the hole. He made

g l i r
some wonderful observations. Beaumont 9. ______ that the stomach was churning food. Its wall secreted
a fluid 10. ______ could digest the food. He also observed that the end of the stomach opens into the
intestine only after the digestion of the food inside the stomach is completed.

(SSC CGL Mains - 08/08/2022)

1. A. Discover B. Discovering C. Discovered D. To be discovered

2. A. Poorly B. Extremely C. Badly D. Nicely

E b nt
3. A. Damaged B. Devastated C. Decreased D. Decayed
4. A. Its B. His C. Him D. Her
5. A. Colonel B. Major C. Registrar D. Doctor
6. A. Could B. Should C. Would D. Had
7. A. Great B. Countless C. Strong D. Fast

8. A. Through B. Between C. Across D. Along
9. A. Acquired B. Imagined C. Found D. Obtained

10. A. What B. Who C. Which D. Whom

a s
bl sentence esa fn;s x;s action dk doer subject u gksdj dksbZ vkSj sentence
fdlh Hkhsentece dkspassive voice esa fy[kus ds fy,&
vkSjV3 ds :i esa ;gk¡ ij tksverb nh xbZ gS option
gS bl dkspassive voice esa fy[kk tk;sxkA
[subject + 'be' verb + v3] structure dksfollow fd;k tkrk gSA
C esa gSA

Confusing words
P r
blfy, option C (vFkkZr
Note:- Option D esa Hkh
discovered) bldk lgh Answer gksxkA
V3 ;kfu discovered nh gqbZ gS ysfdu
'be' verb already nh gqbZ gS vkSj double
Rankers Mantra
Answer ugha gks ldrk D;ksafd
ge 'be' verb dk use ugha dj ldrs gSA

Invent = to produce or design something that has not been existed before
sentence esawas ds :i esa

(cukuk ;k dqN
design djuk tks igys lsexist u gks)
e.g. Who invented the steam engine?
Discover = to find something that was hidden
(fdlh pht dks <wM+uk tks [kks;k gqvk Fkk)
e.g. Scientists discovered two fungi that were new to science.
Ascertain = to find out the true or correct information about something
(fdlh pht ds ckjs esa lgh tkudkjh izkIr djuk)
e.g. The police are trying to ascertain what really happened.

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bl iwjspassage dks i<+us ds ckn] ;g irk pyrk gS fd & st. Martin cgqr cqjh rjg ?kk;y FksA
 Poorly  bldk vFkZ gksrk gS ¶dqN ,slk tks T;knk vPNk ugha gSA¸ ;g ,d
negative connotation dk word gS ysfdu
sentence esa vf/d strength okysadverb dh t:jr gSA blfy, ;s Answer ugha gks ldrkA
 Nicely  bldk vFkZ gksrk gS& ¶vPNh rjg ls¸A ;g connotation dk word gS ysfdu blsentence esa gesa ,d
Negative connotation okysword dh vko';drk gSA
 Extremely  bldk vFkZ gksrk gS& cgqr T;knk@vR;f/dA use fdlh
bldkadjective ;k adverb ds lkFk fd;k tkrk gSA
bldks fdlh verb ds lkFk ugha fy[kk tkrkA ;gnegative
,d connotation dk word gSA
 Badly  bldk use bl ckr ij tksj M+kyus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gS fd dksbZ ?kVuk ;k fLFkfr fdruh xaHkhj gSA ;g fdlh
;k adverb dh degree dks fn[kkrk;ggSA
Hkh ,d negative connotation dk word gSA

Such as:- [Badly + damaged/injured/hurt]
blfy, bldk lgh Answer-'Badly' gksxkA



l r
to injure a part of body by making a hole in the skin using a weapon

fdlh gfFk;kj dk mi;ksx djds

body ds fdlh part dks pksV igq¡pkukA
to harm somebody physically especially in an accident (It emphasizes that the part of body

has been damaged in some way)

fdlh nq?kZVuk esa 'kkfjfjd :i ls pksV igq¡pkuk (;g bl ckr ij tksjBody
nsrk ds
gS fdlh
fd Part dks fdlh Hkh



E b nt y
rjg ls pksV igq¡ph gksA
to cause physical pain to somebody.
fdlh dks 'kkjhfjd d"V ;k ihM+k nsukA
to injure a part of your body especially your ankle, wrist or knee by suddenly twisting it
;g [kklrkSj ij rc use fd;k tkrk gS tc dykbZ ;k ?kqVus esa vpkud eqMus dh otg ls pksV vk tk;sA

Strain = to injure yourself or part of your body by making it work too hard
cgqr T;knk esgur okyk dk;Z djds vius vki dks ;k fdlh Hkh
Body part dks pksV igq¡pk ysukA

Bruise = to make a blue, brown or purple mark appear on the skin after somebody has been hit
pksV yxus ds cknskin ij Blue, Brown ;k purple fu'kku fn[kkbZ nsukA

 Damage = to have a bad/harmful effect on someone/something
fdlh ij@fdlh pht ij csdkj ;k gkfudkjd izHkko gksukA
 Devastate =

r a
to completely destroy a place or an area (Literal meaning) to make somebody feel very
shocked and sad (Figurative meaning)
fdlh Hkhplace ;k Area dks iwjh rjg ls u"V dj nsukA
(literal meaning)

fdlh dks cgqr gSjku ;k nq[kh dj(figurative
nsukA meaning)
 Decrease = to become or make something become smaller in size, number etc.
fdlh pht dk vkdkj ;k la[;k esa de gksukA
 Decay = to be destroyed gradually by natural processes [Happening]
(Natural process}kjk fdlh pht dk /hjs&/hjs u"V gks tkukA)
Hence, ‘damaged’ is grammatically and contextually fit.
blfy, bl Sentenceds according option (A) 'damaged' bldk lgh Answer gksxkA

bl sentence esa gesa

stomach (noun) dksqualify djus ds fy, ,d determiner;k ,d adjective dh vko';drk gSA
'Her' ,d possassive determiner gksrk gS tksshe
fd (pronoun)ds fy, vkrk gSA

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'Its' ,d possassive determiner gksrk gS tksItfd(pronoun) ds fy, use gksrk gSA

blfy, ;gk¡ ij option (B) 'His' bldk lgh answer gksxkA
;g Question gekjhlogical thinking ij vk/kfjr gSA
tc fdlh O;fDr dks cUnwd ls xksyh ekjh tk;s Colonel,
rks mls major ;k register ds ikl ys tkus ds ctk; doctor ds ikl ys
tk;k tk;sxk
blfy, bldk lgh Answer option (D) 'Doctor' gksxkA
The doctor saved the patient but he ________ not close the hole properly.

Close, verb dh Base form gksrh gS blfy, blls igys
"had" dk use ugh fd;k tk;sxkA
bl sentence esaDoctor dh vleFkZrk@vk;ksX;rk dks fn[kk;k x;k gShole fd og
mlBhd ls can ugha dj ik jgk FkkA
tSlk fd ge tkurs gS]

i s
past dh fdlh aleility dks fn[kkus ds fy,
blfy, option (A) could bldk lgh answer gksxkA

'Could' dk use fd;k tkrk gSA

 Great

g i r
= very good or pleasant
= many, too many to be counted or mentioned [It denotes ‘number’.]


Strong = having physical/great power [It denotes ‘strength’.]


 Fast = moving or able to move quickly [It denotes ‘speed’.]

E b nt
Hence 'Great' is contextually and grammaticlly correct answer.
 Through = from one side to another side & by means of
[For 3-D & closed objects]

fdlh ds ,d Nksj ls nwljs Nksj rd ;k fdlh ekè;e ls tkus ds fy, bldk
use (3D ;k canobject ds fy,)
fd;k tkrk gSA

 Between = in or into the space separating two or more points, objects, people, etc
nks ;k nks ls vf/d oLrq ;k yksxks dks fn[kkus ds fy,A

 Across = from one side to the other side of something [For 2-D & open objects]
2D ;k [kqys
objects esa] ,d Nksj ls nwljs Nksj rd

 Along = in a line that follows the side of something long
;g ,d line dksrefer djrk gS tks fd fdlh pht ds fdukjs] mlds lkFk&lkFk pyususe
ds fy,
fd;k tkrk gSA

P r
bl passage esa fn;k gS Beaumont
fd us isV ds vUnj
blfy, option (A) 'through' bldk lgh Answer gksxkA
Acquire =
hole ds ekè;e ls ns[kkA

to gain something by your own efforts, ability or behaviour

vius vki ds iz;kl] {kerk ;k O;ogkj ls dqN izkIr djukA
 Imagine = to form a picture in your mind of what something might be like
fdlh pht dh vius fnekx es ,d dkYifud image cukukA
 Find = to get to know something or discover something unexpectedly
vpkud ls dqN irk yxuk ;k dqN [kkst fudkyukA
 Obtain = to get something by making an effort
vius iz;klks ls dqN gkfly djukA

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blesawriter us ;g crk;k gS fdBeaumont dks vius voyksdu ls ;g irk pyk fd isV esa [kkuk b/j&m/j ?kwe jgk FkkA blf
bldk lgh Answer, option (c) 'found' (2nd form of verb 'find') gksxkA
Rankers Mantra
Confusing words
Find vs Found


(1) They found a car abandoned on the top of the cliff yesterday

bl sentence esa'fluid' Noun ds fy, ,d ,slk relative pronoun pkfg, tks fdNominative case esa gksA

What = It is used without antecedent.


bldks fcuk fdlhantecedent ds fy[kk tkrk gS

 Who =

g i
It is used as a subject for a person.
;g fdlh person ds fy,] subject dh rjg use fd;k tkrk gSA

 Whom = It is used as an object for a person.

;g fdlh person ds fy,] object dh rjg ls use fd;k tkrk gSA

E b nt
 Which = It is used as both subject and object for things and animals.
bldk use, things vkSjanimals nksuksa dssubject
fy, vkSjobject nksuksa rjg ls fd;k tk ldrk gSA
blfy, bldk lgh Answer 'which' gksxkA

a s
P r

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In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives

given. Select the most appropriate option for each number.

Human activities are changing Earth's natural greenhouse 1 ______. Burning fossil fuels like coal and

oil puts 2______ carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. NASA has 3 ______ increase in the amount of carbon
dioxide and some other greenhouse gases in 4______ atmosphere. Too much of these greenhouse gases

l r
can 5 ______ Earth's atmosphere to trap more and more heat. This causes Earth to warm up.
(SSC CGL Mains - 08/08/2022)
1. A. Affect
2. A. Much
3. A. Observed
g i
B. Impact

B. Most
B. to observe
C. Aspect
C. More
C. Observe
D. Effect
D. Many
D. Observing
4. A. ours
5. A. effect
 Affect (verb)
E b nt y
B. their
B. reason

C. its
C. cause

to have an influence on somebody/something

fd lh ij izHkko Mkyuk ;k mlesa cnyko ys vkukA
D. Our
D. source

Affect (noun) = fdlh fLFkfr dk dksbZ [kkl Hkkx ;k fo'ks"krkA

Impact (noun)
Aspect (noun)
 Effect (noun)

,d izHkko ;k ifjorZu
the powerful effect that something has on somebody/something
A particular part or feature of a situation
A change, a influence
 The greenhouse effect

a s = The problem of the slow steady rise in temperature of the earth’s atmosphere,
caused by an increase of gases such as carbon dioxide in the air surrounding
the earth, which trap the heat of the sun
i`Foh ds vklikl ds okrkoj.k esa dkcZu MkbZ&vkWDlkbM
(CO2) tSlh xSlksa esa o`f¼ gksus ds d

i`Foh ds rkieku dk /hjs&/hjs c<+uk ftlls fd i`Foh lw;Z ls vkus okyh fdj.kksa dks
xehZ dks vo'kksf"kr djus yxrh gSA

‘The greenhouse effect’ is a term related to the environment.
Hence, the correct answer is ‘effect’.
 Much = A large amount of something
fdlh pht dh cM+h ;k vf/d ek=kkA
 More = A large amount/number of something (It is used as the comparative degree of ‘much’, ‘many’
and ‘a lot of’.)
fdl h pht dh vf/d ek=kk@la[;kA
[More, Much, Many vkSj a lot of dh comparative degree gksrh gSA
 Many = A large number of something
fdlh pht dh cgqr vf/d la[;kA
 Most = The largest in number/amount

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la[;k ;k ek=kk esa lcls vf/d

(superlative degree)
bl sentence esa ;g crk;k x;k gS fd tc dks;ys] rsy tSls thok'e bZ/u dks tyk;k tkrk gS] rks blls gekjs CO
dh esa
ek=kk c<+ tkrh gSA tks fd igys dh rqyuk esa vf/ddescribe
ek=kk dks
dj jgh gSA
blfy, bldk lgh Answer option (c) 'More' gksxkA
Have ds cknVerb dh perfect form vFkkZr~
3rd form dk use fd;k tkrk gSA
blfy, option (A) 'oleserved' bldk lgh Answer gksxkA
bl passage dh 2nd line esa"Our atmosphere" fy[kk x;k gS] ftldhhelp ls ge ckdh options dkseliminate dj
ldrs gS vkSj bldk lghAnswer option D 'our' gksxkA

to make something happen/dqN gksus dk dkj.k cuukA

 Effect (verb) =
(effect + a cure/change/recovery)

Reason (verb)

Cause (verb)

g l r
to form a judgement about a situation by considering the facts

fLFkfr ds ckjsfacts
esa dk è;ku esa j[krs gq,] fdlh fu.kZ; ysukA
to make something happen/ dqN gksus dk dkj.k cuukA

 Source (verb) =

n y s
(Cause + something + to + v1)
to get something from a particular place
fdlh particular txg ls dqN izkIr djukA

E b nt
Question esa
students dh structures dh knowledge dkstest fd;k x;k gSA
Cause ds ckn(to + v1) dk use fd;k tkrk gSA ckdh
options esa nh xbZ
verb fcuk'to' ds vkrh gaSA
blfy, bldk lgh answer option (c) 'cause' gksxkA
Rankers Mantra

natural environment.
Environmental hazard - A substance or an event which has the potential to threaten the surrounding

substance ;k event ftlds ikl natural enviornment dks uqdlku igqapkus dk
potential gksA

(2) Conservation – the protection of plants, animals and natural resources, usually by planned human action.
(isM+&ikS/ksa] tkuojksa rFkk izkd`frd lalk/uksa dh j{kk] yksxksa ds dke ds }kjk)

(3) Wildlife – animals that live in the wild in natural conditions. Birds, fish and insects are often included
in the definition.

(tkuoj tks natural condition esawild jgrs gSa] fpfM+;ka] eNyh vkSj dhM+s&edksM+s ) vkfn blh esa vkrs gSA
(4) Fauna – the animals of a particular region or habitat.

(fdlh particular region esa jgus okys tkuoj)
(5) Flora – the plants of a particular region or habitat.
(fdlh particular region esa jgus okys tkuoj)
(6) Vegetation – the collective name for all the plants growing in a particular place or area.
(fdlh [kkl {ks=k esa mxus okys lHkh isM+ ikS/ksa dk ,d lkewfgd uke)
(7) Endangered species – a species that is in serious danger of extinction.
(iztkfr;ka tksfd foyqIr gksus ds [krjs esa gksA)
(8) Diverse – varied and very different from one another.
(9) Extinct species – a species of which there are no more alive.
(iztkfr;ka tks vc thfor ugha gS] foyqIr iztkfr;ka)
(10) Biodiversity – the variety of animal and plant life found in a particular region.

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(tkuoj vkSj isM+&ikS/ksa ds thou dh(variety)

fofo/rk tks fdlh particular region esa ik;h tkrh gSA)
(11) Habitat – the natural home or environment of an animal, plant or other organism.
fdlh tkuoj] isM+&ikS/s ;k vU; tho dk home ;k environment (i;kZoj.k)
(12) To evolve – change or develop gradually.
(/hjs&/hjs cnyuk ;k fodflr gksuk)
(13) To adapt – to change or adjust in response to new conditions.
(ubZ fLFkfr ds fglkc ls cnyuk ;k djukA)
(14) Thrive – to grow and develop well or quickly.
(vPNh rjg ls c<+uk vkSj fodflr gksuk)
(15) Nocturnal – active at night.

(tks jkr esa lfØ; jgrs gSaA)
(16) Migrate – to move from one region or habitat to another, usually when the season changes.

i s
(,d LFkku ls nwljs LFkku ij djuk fo'ks"k :i ls tc season change gksrk )gSA
(17) Degradation – The process in which the quality of something is damaged or destroyed.
(,slh izfØ;k ftlesa fdlh pht dhQuality [kjkc gks tk, ;k [kRe gks tk,)

l r
(18) Depletion – The reduction in the number or quality of something.

(fdlh pht dh quantity ;k number esa fxjkoV)

(19) Biodegradable – Able to decompose naturally without harming or polluting the environment.

n y s
( enviornment dks fcuk uqdlku igq¡pk, fdlh phtdecompose
dks djuk)
(20) Safeguard – take action to protect something from harm or damage

E b nt
(fdlh pht dks uqdlku ls cpkus ds fy,
action ysukA)

a s
P r

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In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives

given. Select the most appropriate option for each number.

Over the past year, Dr Hemmings has been conducting research on the big cat phenomenon and has
already 1________the remains of some wild animals that may have been eaten by 2_______ far larger than

any of the country’s known carnivores. The project has 3_________an analysis of twenty skeletal animal

l r
remains 4________ from across Gloucestershire and other nearby counties. The bones were selected because
the 5___________of their death led people to believe that these animals may have been killed by a big cat.

1. A. invented
2. A. people
g si
B. identified
B. individuals
C. decided
C. mortals
(SSC CGL Mains - 08/08/2022)
D. Settled
D. Creatures
3. A. involved
4. A. redeemed
5. A. affairs
 Invent =
E b nt y
B. connected
B. revoked
B. circumstances
C. concerned
C. recovered
C. opportunities

to produce or design something that has not existed before

D. Related
D. Reclaimed
D. potential

vfo"dkj djuk] oqQN ,slk cukdj rS;kj djuk tks igys dHkh vfLrRo esa ugh FkkA



to recognize somebody/something and be able to say who or what they are
fdlh d ks igpkudj] mlds ckjs esa oqQN crk ikuk fd ;s D;k gS ;k dkSu gS\

to think carefully about the different possibilities that are available and choose one of them
v fodYiksa ij vPNs ls fopkj djds] muesa ls fdlh ,d dks pquukA
 Settle =

a s
to put an end to an argument or a disagreement
fdlh e rHksn dks lekIr djukA
;gk¡writer describe djrk gSfd fiNys dqN o"kks± Dr. esa
Hemmings dqN taxyh tkuojks
blfy, option (B) 'Identified' (3rd form of 'identify') bldk lgh answer gksxkA
a ds vo'ks"kksa dks igpku pqds gSaA


People =

Individual =
P r
human beings, men, women and children
euq"; (iq:"k] efgyk vkSj cPps)
a person considered separately rather than as part of a group
fdlh dks,d group dk fgL
lk ekuus ds ctk; vyx&vyxconsider dj ukA
 Mortal = a human, especially an ordinary person with little power
,d lk/kj.k O;fDr] ftlds ikl cgqr de power gksA
 Creature = a living thing, real or imaginary, that can move around such as an animal
,d okLrfod ;k dkYifud living thing tks df ,danimal dh rjg move dj ldsA
People, Individuals and mortals refer to a person, hence they all are ruled out.
Hence, the correct answer is ‘creatures’.
People, individuals, vkS
j mortal ;slHkhperson d ksrefer dj rs gSaA
blfy, ;s lHkheliminate gks tk;saxsA
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blfy, option (D) 'creatures' bldk lgh answer gksxkA

 Involve = to include as an important part
(fdlh pht dk important part ds :i esa 'kkfey jgukA
 Connect = to join together two or more things
(nks ;k nks ls vf/d phtksa dks ,d lkFk tksM+ukA)
 Concern = to be about something, to relate to something
(fdlh pht ds ckjs esa gksuk ;k mlls lEcfU/r gksukA)
 Relate = to show or make a connection between two or more things
(nks ;k nks ls vf/d phtksa ds chp esa laca/ crkuk)

important part gSA

bl sentence esa ;g crk;k x;k gS fd 20 skeletal animals ds vo'ks"kksa dk tks
analysis gS] oks bl
project dk ,d cgqr


l i
blfy, option (a) 'involved' (3rd form of 'involve') bldk lgh answer gksxkA

 Redeem = to make somebody/something seem less bad

 Revoke =

(fdlh dks iwjh rjg ls csdkj uk gksus nsukA)

to officially cancel something so that it is no longer legally acceptable

(fdlh pht dks officially, cancel dj nsuk D;ksafd mls dkuwu :i ls Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk ldrkA)



E b nt y
to return to a normal state after an unpleasant period of difficulty
(cgqr eqf'dy vkSj csdkj fLFkfr ds ckn] okilnormal
viuh fLFkfr esa vk tkuk)
to get something back after it has been lost
(fdlh pht dks [kks nsus ds ckn] mls okil izkIr dj ysukA)
‘From’ is used as a fixed preposition with ‘Recovered’.

 Affairs =

Hence, the correct answer is ‘recovered’.

events that are of public interest or importance

(,lh ?kVuk,a tks lkoZtfud :i ls egRoiw.kZ gksA)
 Circumstances = the conditions and facts that are connected with and affect a situation
(dqN ,slh ifjfLFkfr fact
;k tks ;k rks fdlh fLFkfr ;k LFkku ls tqM+h gqbZ gks ;k) mls izHkkfor



r aa chance or a time when a particular situation makes it possible to do or achieve something

(dqN gkfly djus dk ekSdk@volj)
the possibility of something happening or being developed

P (dqN gksus dh ;k fdlh pht develope

fo'okl fnyk fn;k Fkk fd] bu tkuojksa dks

ds gksus dh laHkkoukA)
bl sentence esa ;g fy[kk x;k gS fd gfM~M;ksa dks blfy, pquk x;k D;ksafd fact
Big,dcat }kjk ekjk x;k gSA
Hence the correct answer is ‘circumstances’
Rankers Mantra
ds us yksxksa dks


(‘SITUATION’ ls related confusing words)
Situation = All the things that are happening at a particular time and in a particular place
(lHkh phts tks ,dparticular time vkSjplace ij gks jgh gSaA)
Example:- The present economic situation
Circumstances = the facts that are connected with and affect a situation, an event or an action, especially
related to somebody’s financial problem

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( facts tks ,d situation, event ;k action ds izHkkoconnect

ls gks]
especially fdlh ds financial problem ls)
Example- His circumstances are not good.
Position = The situation that somebody is in, especially when it affects what they can or cannot.
(,slh situation ftlesa dksbZ O;fDr D;k dj ldrk gS D;k ugha bl ij izHkko iM+rk gS)
Example To be in a position of power
Conditions = The circumstances in which people live, work or do things; the physical situation such as
food, shelter that affects how something happens
(,slh ifjfLFkfr;ka ftlesa yksx jgrs gks ;k dke (physical
djrs gS situation) tSls [kkuk] jguk] tks bl pht ij izHkko Mkyrk
phtsa dSls gksrh gS\)
Example- He worked in freezing conditions.
Things (Informal) = the general situation (dksbZ lkekU; fLFkfr)

Example – Hello! Ram, How are things?
The case = The true situation (,d lPph fLFkfr)

Example – If that is the case, we need more staff.

g l i r
n y s
E b nt
a s
P r

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In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives

given. Select the most appropriate option for each number.

In August every year, thousands of twins descend on a town in Ohio called Twinsburg, named by identical
twin brothers 1.________two centuries ago. The Twins Days Festival is a threeday 2.________consisting of

talent shows and look-alike 3.___________that has become one of the world’s 4._____________ gatherings

l r
of twins. There have been 5.___________ festivals in Nigeria, a country where 1 in 22 births to the Yoruba
people 6.__________twins, identical or fraternal, which is a much higher 7.__________than anywhere else

in the world. This has been 8.___________to the eating of yams, but the theory is 9._____________. Biomedical

and experiments.

n g
researchers attend these events, regarding them as a 10._______________ opportunity to conduct surveys

s (SSC CGL Mains - 08/08/2022)

1. A. quite
2. A. matter
3. A. episodes
4. A. heaviest
5. A. common
6. A. presents
E b nt y
B. fairly
B. act
B. incidents
B. tallest
B. alike
B. provides
C. usually
C. event
C. contests
C. smallest
C. similar
C. produces
D. Nearly
D. Process
D. Functions
D. Largest
D. Mutual
D. Prepares
7. A. deliverance
8. A. indicated
9. A. suspected
10. A. precious

B. incidence
B. distributed
B. projected
B. dubious
C. frequency
C. attributed
C. accepted
C. pompous
D. Urgency
D. Dedicated
D. Disputed
D. routine

 Quite = to some degree, completely/d qN gn rd] iwjh rjg ls

(bls Negative sense esause ugha fd;k tk ldrk] bldksadjective vkS
j adverb dslkFkuse fd;k tkrk gS)
= in the way that is usual or normal/ lkekU;r%

 Usually
 Fairly = to some extent but not very/ dqNgn rd ysfdu cgqr T;knk Hkh ughaA
(bldksadjective vkS
j adverb dslkFkuse fd;k tkrk gS)
 Nearly =

not completely, almost
bl sentence esawriter ;g crkuk pkgrk gS fd yxHkx 2 lky igys
Hence the correct answer is ‘nearly’.
Rankers Mantra
Ohio ds ,d 'kgj dk uke Twinsburg j[ kk x;kA

Quite (adverb) = to some degree/ (dqN gn rd)
e.g. He made it quite clear that he never wanted to see her again.
Quit (verb) = to leave something, especially permanently.
:i ls) dqN NksM+ nsuk
e.g. He has decided to quit as manager of the team.

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Quiet (adjective) = making very little noise/('kkar] fcuk 'kksj fd;s)

e.g. It is a quiet place with just a handful of shops, bars and restaurants.
 Matter = a subject or situation that you must consider or deal with; problem
dksbZ leL;k@ fLFkfr ftl ij fopkj djuk cgqr t:jh gksA
 Act = a particular thing that somebody does
fdlh ds }kjk fd;k x;k dk;ZA
 Event = a planned public or social occasion
vk;ksftr fd;k x;k lkekftd dk;ZØeA
 Process = a series of things that happen

gksus okys dkeksa dh ,d izfØ;k@Øe
bl sentence esawriter ;g crk jgk gS fd]Twins days festival ,d ,slk event gS] ftlesa dbZ
Talent shows gksrs gSaA


l i s
blfy, bldk lgh answer option C 'event' gksxkA

 Episodes = parts of a story that is broadcast
fdlh Story ds Hkkx] ftUgsa izlkfjr fd;k tkrk gSA
 Incidents =

g si
something that happens, especially something unpleasant
,slh ?kVuk,a]mostly
tks vfiz; gSA

 Contests = competitions in which people try to win

 Functions =

E b nt y
,lh izfr;ksfxrk,¡ ftuesa yksx thrus dh dksf'k'k djrs gSaA
a special activity or purpose of a person or thing
fdlh O;fDr ;k fdlh pht dk fo'ks"k mn~ns'; ;k xfrfof/A
bl sentence esawriter ;g crkuk pkgrs gSa fd ml
'kkfey FkhA
Twins days festival ,d ,slk volj gS] ftlesa cgqr lkjh izfr;ksfxrk,a

blfy, 'Contests' bldk lgh Answer gksxkA

 Heaviest = weighing most
lcls vf/d otu@Hkkj okykA

 Tallest = having the greatest height
lcls vf/d Å¡pkbZ gksukA

 Smallest = having the least size, number, degree or amount
lcls de la[;k@vkdkj ;kDegree gksukA
 Largest =

P r
having the biggest size, quantity
ek=kk@vkdkj esa lcls cM+k gksukA
Heavist, tallest, ;s nksuksa
words ghcontext ls ckgj gS] blfy, ;seliminate gks tk;saxsA
'Smallest' context ds opposite gS blfy, ;s Hkh
blfy, 'largest' lgh answer gksxk
eliminate gks tk;sxkA

 Common = shared by two or more people
ftls nks ;k nks ls vf/d yksxksa
share }kjk fd;k x;k gksA
 Mutual = used to describe feelings that two or more people have for each other equally
bldk use ,slh Hkkoukvksa dks crkus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gS] tks nks ;k nks ls vf/d yksx ,d&nwljs ds
:i ls j[krs gSaA
 Alike = very similar/,d tSlk@feyrk&tqyrk
(bldk use predicatively fd;k tkrk gS)

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 Similar = like somebody but not exactly the same/ feyrk&tqyrk ysfdu fcYdqy leku ughaA
(bldk use attributively fd;k tkrk gS)
bl sentence esa"Common vkSjMutual" nksuksa gh
passage ds context ls match ugha djrs gSaA
alike vkSjsimilar nksuksa ds vFkZ ,d tSls gSa ysfdu
alike dksnoun ls igys ugha fy[kk tk ldrkA
blfy, bl Question dk lgh answer 'Similar' gksxkA
 Present = to show or offer something for other people
fdlh dks dqN fn[kkuk ;k izLrko j[kukA
 Produce = to have a baby or to create something with skill

cPps dks tUe nsuk ;k viuh
skills dksuse djds dqN cukukA
 Provide = to give something to somebody

 Prepare =

i s
fdlh dks dqN nsuk ;k miyC/ djkukA
to make somebody/something ready

l r
fdlh dks rS;kj djukA

bl sentence esawriter ;g crk jgk gS fd]Nigeria esa izR;sd
22 O;fDr;ksa esa
1 O;fDr
ls Twins dks tUe nsrkProduce
gS@ djrk gSA


n g
blfy,] 'produces' bldk lgh answer gksxkA

 Deliverance = the state of being rescued from danger, evil or pain

E b nt
[krjk@cqjkbZ ;k nnZ ls eqDr gksuk ;k NqVdkjk ikukA
(Deliverance from something)
 Incidence = the occurrence, rate or frequencey of a disease, crime or other undesirable thing.
fdlh vfiz; ?kVuk] chekjh ;k Økbe dk gksuk@ckj&ckj gksuk



= the rate at which something happens
fdlh pht dk ckj&ckj gksukA
= the quality of needing to be dealth with happen immediately
ftldk rqjUr gksuk cgqr vko';d gksA

bl sentence esawriter ;g crk jgk gS fd]Nigeria esa22 O;fDr;ksa esa
esa fdlh vkSj txg dh rqyukNeigeria

esa esa cgqr vf/d gksrh gSA
blfy, incidence bldk lgh Answer gksxkA
1 O;fDr
ls Twins dks tUe nsrk gS vkSj ;g ?kVuk] nqf


Indicate (something)

P r
Distribute (something between/among somebody)

to show that something is true or exists
;g fn[kkuk fd dksbZ pht lp gS ;k vfLrRo esa gSA
to give things to a large number of people
cgqr lkjs yksxks ds chp esa phtksa dks ckaVukA
 Attribute (something to something/somebody) = to say that somebody/something is responsible for
doing something or the result of a particular thing.
dqN djus ds fy, ;k fdlh pht ds result ds fy, fdlh dks
ftEesnkj crkukA
 Dedicate (something to somebody) = to give a lot of your time and effort to a particular
activity or purpose
fdlh fo'ks"k xfrfof/ ;k mn~ns'; ds fy, viuk cgqr lkjk le;
nsuk ;k cgqr iz;kl djukA
Prepposition dh help ls Indicate vkSj
Distribute nksukas
eliminate gks tk;saxsA

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bl sentence esa crk;k x;k gS fd] ukbthjh;k

22 esa
O;fDr;ksa esa1 O;fDr
ls twins dks tUe nsrk gS vkSj ;g ?kVuk nqfu;k esa
vkSj txg dh rqyuk esa] ukbthfj;k esa vf/d gksrh gS rFkk[kkus
yams ;g dk ifj.kke gSA
blfy, 'attrileuted' bldk lgh answer gksxkA
 Suspect = believed to be guilty of something / believed to have probably happened
fdlh pht ds fy, nks"kh ekuukA
 Project = planned or calculated
vuqeku yxk;k tkuk ;k ;kstuk cukukA
 Accept = given approval
Lohdkj djukA
 Disput =

causing or being contentious or likely to cause people disagree
vlger gksuk@fookn djuk

Sentence esa fn, x,'But' conjunction ls] blesa nks fojks/h ckrksa ds gksus dk irk pyrk gSA


l i
blfy, suspected, projected vkSjaccepted rhuks

eleminate gks tk;sxs vkSj
disputed bldk lgh Answer gksxkA

 Dubious = doubtful

 Routine =

lansg iw.kZA

done or happening as a normal part

fdlh dke dk lkekU; :i ls izfrfnu fd;k tkukA

Pompous =

Precious =

E b nt y
showing that you think you are more important than other people
vius vki dks nwljksa dh rqyuk esa vf/d egRoiw.kZ fn[kkukA
valuable or important
dherh vkSj egRoiw.kZ
bl sentence esawriter us fy[kk gS fd]
biomedical researchers, bl ?kVuk dks
experiment djus ds fy,] cgqr cM+k vkSj

egRoiw.kZ volj ekurs gSA
blfy, "Precious" bldk lgh Answer gksxkA

 Valuable = worth a lot of money



a s
dherh vkSj ewY;okuA
rare and worth a lot of money, important and loved very much
dqN ,lk tks] cgqr nqyZHk] ewY;oku] egRoiw.kZ vkSj cgqr fiz; gksA
extremely valuable and loved very much

Irreplaceable =

Invaluable =

P rvR;ar ewY;oku vkSj fiz;

too valuable or special to be replaced
bruk vf/d ewY;oku vkSj egRoiw.kZ] ftls fdlh vkSj pht ls uk cnyk tk ldsA
extremely valuable or useful
vR;ar ewY;oku vkSj mi;ksxhA

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Direction: In the following passage, some words (Out of context)

have been delete(d) Read the passage carefully and
• Bond = something that forms a connection
select the most appropriate option to fill in each
between people or groups, such as feeling of
xksa ds chp esa xgjk lacaèk tSls nksLrh
(Out of context)
The child is the father of man. Childhood is a (1) _____
of what one is going to be when one (2) _____ maturity. • Plight = a difficult and sad situation/,d eqf'dy
The natural instincts of a man are (3) _____ in his vkSj cqjh voLFkk
(Out of context)

childhoo(d) Time modifies them but cannot (4) _____
them. History contains numerous examples of great

men who gave (5) _____ of their future when they were
• Promise = it has two meanings
1. A statement that tell someone that you will
definitely or not do something./, d statement

children. A child's mind is (6) _____ and flexible. The
mould he receives before his clay (7) _____ becomes tks fdlh dks crk,x
h dh rqe t:j oqQN djksxs ;k ughaA

l r
his permanent mark.The values and standards of (8) 2. A sign or reason for hope that something good
______ which will determine his life as a man (9) _____ may happen/,d b'kkjk ;k dkj.k ftlls oqQN vPNk

g i
in childhood itself. There may be certain (10) _____ of
course. A bright morning may end in a storm!

(SSC CGL Main - 29/01/2022)
gksus dh mEehn gksA
fn, x, sentence esa ys[kd o.kZu djrk gS“childhood”

tks fd thou dk ,d important phase (p j.k) gS] fuf'pr

1. (a) contract (b) promise
:i ls mlds Hkfo"; ds ckjs esa ladsr nsrk gSA

E b nt
(c) bond (d) plight
2. (a) secures (b) completes blfy, option (b) 'promise' correct answer gSA
(c) scores (d) attains ANSWER EXPLANATION-2
3. (a) distributed (b) contributed • Secure = to obtain or achieve something.
(c) disposed (d) determined Especially using a lot of effort/cgqr iz;kl ds ckn dqN

(a) finish
(c) efface
(a) preparations
(c) suggestions

(b) delete
(d) cancel
(b) indications
(d) estimations •
izkIr djukA
(Secure + a contract/deal/funding/ place/
Complete = to finish making or doing something./

(a) obstinate
(c) sensible
(a) refines

a s (b) rigid
(d) impressionable
(b) precipitates

dqN djus/cukus dk dkefinish dj ukA
(Complete + a course / project / task / mission
/ education / training/ degree / survey)
Score = to win points, goals etc. in a game or

(c) contracts (d) hardens
competition/fdlh [ksy esa vad] y{; vkfn izkIr djukA
8. (a) attitude (b) manipulation
(Score + a goal / victory / point / run / marks)
(c) conduct (d) tactics

• Attain = It has two meanings -
9. (a) are developed (b) is developing
1. To succeed in getting something after a lot of
(c) develops (d) has developed
efforts/cgqr iz;kl djus ds ckn oqQN ikus esa liQy
10. (a) concessions (b) rejections
gksuk(Attain + degree / level /proficiency /
(c) exceptions (d) exemptions
ANSWER EXPLANATION-1 2. To reach a particular age, level, or condition.
• Contract = an official written agreement/vuq
caèk /fdlh fo'ks"k vk;q] Lrj ;k fLFkfr ij igq¡puk
(Attain +
speed / maturity)

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fn, x, sentence esa ;g fdlh dhlife esamaturity ds e.g. - An annual subscription to Netflix
level ij igq¡pus ds
context esa fn;k x;k gSA Repayment = An amount of money that you pay
regularly to a bank etc until you have returned
blfy, option (d) 'attains' correct answer gSA all the money that you owe
ANSWER EXPLANATION-3 (fdlh Bank etc. dks rc rd iSls pay djuk tc rd vki
• Distribute = to give things to a large number of lkjs iSls u ykSVk nsa] tks vkius fy;s Fks)
people./cM+h la[;k esa yksxksa dks(Distribute
oLrq nsuk e.g. - The repayments on the loan
something among / between something /
Deposit = An amount of money that you pay as
the first part of a larger payment
• Contribute = to give something, especially money
or goods, to help achieve something./oqQN gkfly (fdlh cM+s
amount dk igyk part tks vkiuspay fd;k
djus esa enn djus ds fy, fdlh dks iSlk ;k lkeku nsuk gS)
(Contribute something to somebody / something) e.g. - All deposits are non-refundable.
• Dispose = to arrange things or people in a Instalment = One of a number of payments that
particular way or position./yksxksa ;k oLrqvksa dks ,dyou make regularly over a period of time until you
have paid for something
fo'ks"k rjhds ls O;ofLFkr djukA

De termine = to discover the facts abo ut
something./rF;ksa dh [kkst djuk

fn, x, sentence esa ;g fdlh ds childhood ds nkSjku
(fdlh cM+s
amount dkspay djus ds fy, nh tkus okys
amount, tc rd lkjk amount pay u gks tk,)
e.g. - You can pay in three instalments.

use gqvk gSA

l i
fdlh natural izo`fÙk dh [kkst ;k fuekZ.k

ds esa

Finish = to stop doing something or making
something because it is complete./oqQN djuk ;k cukuk

blfy, option (d) 'determined' correct answer gSA

#d tkuk D;ksafd ;g
complete gks x;k gSA
Rankers Mantra

(Finish + a project / race / school / the chapter)

• Delete = to remove something that has been

( Money ls related confusing words) written or printed or that has been stored on a

E b nt
Payment = An act of paying, An amount of computer./fdlh written ;k printed pht dksremove
money that you pay or expected to pay djuk tkscomputer esastore gSA
( Pay djus dk dke] iSlks dh ,damount tks vkidks
pay (Delete + files / a word / name / email)
djus gks ;k dksbZ vkidksa
pay djsaA) • Cancel = to decide that something that has been
e.g. - They accept payment in cash/ by cheque. arranged will not now take place./fdlh ,slh pht

Premium = An amount of money that you pay
once or regularly for an insurance policy

(iSlks dk ,d amount tks vki ,d ckj ;k fu;fer :i ls
fdlh Insurance policy ds fy, pay djrs gSa)
dks gVkus ds fy,
decide djuk tks vc ugha gksxhA
) gSA
/tks vc

(Cancel + a trip / flight / a show / an event / a

meeting / plan)

e.g. - A premium for express delivery
Contribution = 1. A sum of money that you pay

regularly to your employer or the government in
order to pay fo r be nefi ts such as heal th
• Efface = to make something disappear; to remove
something./fdlh pht dks feVkuk
(Efface + memories / identities / distinctions /

insurance, a pension 2. A gift or payment that is
e.g. - Time will efface those unpleasant memories.
made to a person or donation
fn, x, sentence esa ;g fdlh dschildhood esadevelop

( 1. iSls tks vkiregular vius employees dkspay djrs
natural instincts dksremove djus ds context esa
gks ;kgovernment dkspay djrs gkshealth insurance
use gqvk gSA
;k pension tSlsbenefits ds fy,] 2. donation nsukA)
e.g. - To make a substantial contribution to blfy, option (c) 'efface' correct answer gksxkA
Subscription = An amount of money you pay in Sentence dh starting esa
writer childhood dspromise
advance to receive a service
or sign dksdescribe djrk gS fd tc dksbZ maturity
(fdlh service ds fy, advance esa iSls
pay djuk) attains djus okyk gSA

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• Preparation = the act or process of getting ready on reason and experience rather than emotion/
for something./izkIr djus dh fØ;k
(Out of context) Hkkoukvksa ds ctk;] vuqHko vkèkkfjr vPNs fu.kZ; ysu
• Suggestion = an idea or a plan that you mention • Impressionable = easily influenced or affected by
for someone else to think about./,d idea ftlds someone/something.’/vklkuh ls fdlh ls izHkkfor gksu
ckjs esa vki fdlh dks lkspus ds mention
fy, djrs gSaA okykA
(Out of context) conjunction 'and' same ideas dksconnect djrk gS
• Estimation = Judgement or opinion about the blfy, gesa ,d ,slk word pkfg, tksflexible tSlk sense
value or quality of someone/something./fdlh j[krk gksA
O;fDr@oLrq ds ewY; ;k xq.koÙkk dk vkadyuA
Obsinate & Rigid  opposite to the context
(Out of context)
Sensible  out of the context
• Indication = sign that shows that something is
going to happen./ladsr tks n'kkZrk gS fd oqQN gksus okykImpressionable
gSA vkSjflexible ,d tSlk sense j[krs gSA
fn, x, sentence esa ;g fdlh egku O;fDr childhood
ds blfy, option (d) 'impressionable' correct answer
esa mlds
bright future dksindicate djus dscontext esa gSA

blfy, option (b) 'indications' correct answer gSA
Rankers Mantra
We must have some knowledge of the figurative
and contextual use of words.
Mould  A hollow container used to give shape

to moltan or hot liquid material when it cools and
Sign = An event, an action or a fact that shows hardens./fdlh liquid dksshape nsus okyk (fdlh :i

that something exists.

{existance} fn[kkrk gS)

i r
(,d Event, action ;k fact tks fd fdlh pht dk vfLrRo

esa <kyus okyk)
Clay  A type of heavy, sticky earth that becomes
hard/,d izdkj dh fpifpih feV~Vh tks dBksj gks ;k dB

Indication = A remark or sign that something

shows that something is happening

( remark ;k sign tks ;g show djrk gS fd dqN gksus

gks tkrh gSA
Refine = to make a substance pure by taking

E b nt
other substances out of it./fdlh substance esa ls
okyk gS) nwljs
substances fudkydj mlspure cukukA
(‘Indication’ often comes in the form of something • Precipitate = to force someone/something
that somebody says.)
suddenly into a particular state./fdlh O;fDr ;k
Symptom = A change in your body or mind that
oLrq dks vpkud fdlh fo'ks"k n'kk esa Mky nsukA

shows that you are not healthy
Contract = to become less or smaller./NksVk cukuk
change tks ;g show djsa fd •
(Body ;k mind esa dksbZ
vki healthy ugha) gSa • Harden = to become or make something become

s h
Symbol = A person, an object or an event that
represents a more general quality or situation
(dksbZ O;fDr ;k oLrq ;k ?kVuk tks
;k situation dksrepresent djsaA)
fdlh quality
solid or stiff./etcwr cukuk] dBksj cukukA
fn, x, sentence esa ;gmention fd;k x;k gS fdthings
;k impressions fdlh child ds mind esa rd rd
imprinted jgrs gSa] tc
mind feV~Vh dh rjg soft gksrk gSA

r a
In dicator = A sig n th at sh ows y ou w hat
something is like or how a situation is changing
(,d sign tks ;g show djrk gS fd dqN] D;k gS ;g dSls
situation bl izdkj cny jgh gSA)
,d ckj tc mind dBksj gks tkrk gS rks
mind esa permanent gks tkrs gSA

blfy, option (d) 'hardens' correct answer gSA.


ANSWER EXPLANATION-6 The context of the passage is not ‘negative’./
• Obstinate = refusing to change your opinions./ Passage dk context negative ugha gSA
viuh jk; cnyus ls badkj djuk • Attitude = the way that you think and feel about
• Rigid = very strict and difficult to change./cgqr l[r someone/something./ftl rjg ls vki fdlh ds ckjs esa
vkSj cnyus esa eqf'dy lksprs ;k eglwl djrs gSA
• Sensible = able to make good judgements based • Manipulation = the behaviour that controls or

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influences someone/something./og behaviour tks plural gSA

fdlh dks control djrk gS ;k fdlh dks izHkkfor djrk gSA Subject action verb dk actual doer ugha gSA blfy,
(Negative connotation) gesa
verb dh passive form dk use djsaxsA
• Tactics = the particular method you use to
blfy, option (a) 'are developed' correct answer gSA
achieve something. (Strong-arm tactics)/og fo'ks"k
rjhdk] ftldk mi;ksx vki oqQN gkfly djus ds fy, djrs gSaA ANSWER EXPLANATION -10
(etcwr gkFk dh jktuhfr
) • Concession = something that you allow or do or
allow someone to have, in order to end an
• Conduct = The manner in which a person
argument or to make a situation less difficult./
behaves/O;ogkj (fo'ks"kdj uSfrd)
fdlh roZQ dks lekIr djus ;k fLFkfr dks de dfBu cukus
fn, x, sentence esa fdlhperson dh value vkSj fy, fj;k;rsa nsuk (NwV (Make
nsuk)Aa concession)
standard ds ckjs esa dgk x;k gS tks ,d O;fDr dh rjg
• Rejection = the act of refusing to accept or
mlds thou dks lghshape nsus esa
help djrs gSaA consider something./fdlh pht dks Lohdkj djus ;k
blfy, option (c) 'conduct' correct answer gSA fopkj djus ls budkj djus dh izfØ;k
ANSWER EXPLANATION -9 • Exemption = official permission not to do

something or pay something that you would
bl question esaSubject Verb Agreement dk basic
normally have to do or pay. or
concept use fd;k x;k gSA

Freedom from an obligation or liability imposed
• Is developing = ;g ,d singular verb gS]bldk use

on others
present continuous tense esa gksrk gSA
oqQN u djus dk vkfèkdkfjd vuqefr (fdlh pht ls NwV)

g l
answer ugha gks ldrkA

i r
(sentence dk subject plural gSA blfy, ;g correct

Develops = ;g verb singular gS] vkSj

first form esa gSA

Exception = a person or a thing that is not
included in a general statement./viokn
Passage esa fn;k x;k gS fd fuf'pr :i ls dqN viokn gks

n y s
blfy, ;g Hkh answer ugha gks ldrkA
Has developed = ;g verb dk perfect form gS] vkSj
ldrs gS] ,d bright morning dk var ,d storm esa gks
ldrk gSA

E b nt
singular number gSA blfy, ;g Hkh correct answer blfy, option (c) 'exceptions' correct answer gSA
ugha gks ldrkA
• Are developed = ;g verb dk passive form gS] bldk
use simple present tense esa gSA
(sentence dk subject

a s
P r
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CLOSE TEST (SSC CGL MAINS, 2020) Tsang came to India during the rule of King
Direction: In the following passage, some Harsha.
words have been delete(d) Read the passage (fn, x, passage ls gesa irk pyrk gS fd jktk
Harsh ds
carefully and select the most appropriate option to le; Hieun Tsang Hkkjr vk;k FkkA)
fill in each blank.
“Authority” = the power to give orders to people./
SET-69 yksxksa dks vkns'k nsus dh 'kfDr

In ancient times, Hieun Tsang, a Chinese traveller
“Command” = an order given to a person or an
came to India during the (1)______ of King Harsh(a) He
animal./fdlh O;fDr ;k tkuoj dks fn;k x;k vkns'k

praised the Indians (2)______ ‘people with pure moral
principles’. In 2014, India (3)______ 85th in the “Vigour” = energy, force or enthusiasm./ÅtkZ cy

corruption perception index of the Transparency ;k mRlkg
International. What (4)______ downfall! Isn’t it ironical

l r
“Reign” = the period during which a king, queen,
that we Indians (5)______ by the ideals of honesty and
emperor e t(c) rules. (Duri ng the reign of

integrity, self-denial and (6)______ but in practice
someone)/og dky ftlds nkSjku ,d jktk] jkuh] lezkV 'kklu

willingly resort to the (7) ______ forms of corruption to
promote our interests? The (8)______ of corruption is djrs gSa (fdlh ds 'kkludky ds nkSjku)

n s
eating into the (9) ______ of our society and we have
become helpless (10)______ of our own degradation.

(SSC CGL Main - 29/01/2022)
Hence , option(B) Reign is contextually fit.
blfy, , option B (Reign) lgh gSA

E b nt
Rankers Mantra
1. (a) authority (b) reign HOMOPHONES
(c) command (d) vigour
(lkeku vkokt okys 'kCn)
2. (a) as (b) by
Rain (Noun) = Water that falls from the sky in
(c) like (d) such
separate drops

3. (a) ranked (b) piled
(ikuh tks vkleku ls cqanksa ds :i esa fxjrk gS)
(c) graded (d) stacked
Rain (Verb) = To fall (of water) from the sky in
4. (a) a (b) the

(c) some (d) any
(vkleku ls caqnksa ds :i esa fxjuk)

5. (a) declare (b) affirm
Reign (Noun)= The period during which a king,
(c) swear (d) assert queen, emperor et(c) rules
6. (a) prejudice (b) sacrifice (jktk ;k jkuh }kjk jkt fd;k tkus okyk le;)

(c) omission
(a) viler
(c) more vile

r a (d) erosion
(b) vile
(d) vilest
Reign (Verb) = To rule as king, queen or emperor
(jktk] jkuh ;k lezkV dh rjg 'kklu djuk)

8. (a) melancholy (b) malaise
(c) despair (d) deficiency “By” as a preposition is used to show how or in
what way something is done./“By” preposition dk
9. (a) threats (b) vitals
use dksbZ dke oSQls vkSj fdl rjg ls fd;k x;k gS]
(c) necessity (d) imperative
djus ds fy, gksrk gSA
(BY+ air/bus)
10. (a) onlookers (b) visionaries
“Like” as a preposition shows “similar to
(c) sorcerers (d) performers
someone/something”./“Like” preposition dk use
ANSWER EXPLANATION-1 fdlh O;fDr ;k oLrq ds lkFk similarity fn[kkus ds fy,
The writer of this passage describes that Hieun

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gksrk gSA
(He is like his father.) Ranking ds ckjs esa crkrk gSA
“Such” as a determiner is used to emphasize the “The” as a definite article is used before singular
great degree of something./“Such” determiner dk countable nouns, plural countable nouns and
use fdlh dh degree dksemphasize djus ds fy, gksrk uncountable nouns.
gSA(Such a horrible dream) (“The” definite article dk use singular countable
“As” as a preposition is used to describe nouns, plural countable nouns vkSj uncountable
someone/something or the fact that someone/
nouns ls igys gksrk )gSA
something has./“As” preposition dk use fdlh ds
fact dksdescribe djus ds fy, gksrk gSA “Some” as a determiner is used with uncountable
nouns or plural countable nouns to mean “an
She works as a courier. (It is her profession. She
amount of” or “a number of” when the amount
is a courier)/(;g mldk profession gSA)
is not given.
She works like a courier. (It is not her profession,
her activities are similar to a courier. She is not (“Some” determiner dk use uncountable nouns vkSj
a courier)/(;g mldk profession ugha gS] mldh
activities plural countable nouns ds lkFk gksrk gSA ftldk eryc
gS] tks
courier dh rjg similar gSA) “an amount of” vkSj“a number of” gS tc amount
“As” is used to mention the description of Indians ugha nh xbZ gSA
moral values.

by Hieun Tsang i.e. Indians are people with pure

“As” dk use Hieun Tsang }kjkIndians dksdescribe

“Any” as a determiner is used with uncountable
or plural nouns in negative sentences and

djus ds fy, gqvk gSA
(“Any” deter miner dk use uncountable vkSj

l r
nouns esanegative sentences vkSjquestion okys
Pile = to put things one on top of another./phtksa sentence ds lkFk gksrk) gSA

g si
dks ,d ds Åij ,d j[kuk (Pile on = to increase quickly)
Grade = to arrange people or things in groups
“A” as an indefinite article is used before the
countable nouns (no vowel sounds) that have not
according to their ability, quantity etc./yksxksa ;k phtksa been mentioned before.

E b nt y
dks mudh {kerk] ek=k vkfn ds vuqlkj lewgksa esa O;ofLFkr

Stack = to arrange large numbers or piles of

objects./cM+h la[;k esa oLrqvksa dks ,df=kr djuk
Rank = to give someone/something a particular
positio n on a scale according to quali ty,
(“A” ,d definite article gS] ftldkuse igys lsmention
ugha fd, gq,countable nouns ls igys gksrk gSA)
What + a + beautiful house
Hence, option A (a) is the correct answer.

importance etc./fdlh O;fDr@oLrq dks xq.koÙkk ds vuqlkj
blfy, option A (a) correct answer gSA
iSekus ij fo'ks"k LFkku nsuk

NOTE:- RANK as a verb is not used in the
pro gressive ten ses./'RA NK' verb d k u se The writer describes that as Indians we vow to
progressive tense esa ugha gksrk gSA establish the ideals honesty and integrity./Writer

a s
In the given sentence, “Ranked” is used to
mention that India got 85th position in the
corruption perception index that was released by
Transparency International.
describe djrk gS fdIndians ds :i esa ge honesty
vkSjintegrity dh 'kiFk ysrs gSaA
“Declare” = to say something officially or publicly.
/vkèkkfjd :i ls oqQN dgukA

P r
(fn, x, sentence esa“Ranked” dk use dh Rank dks
mention djus ds fy, gqvk gS corruption
tks perception
index 85th position gS] ;gindex Transparency
International }kjkrelease fd;k tkrk gSA)
blfy, Option A (ranked) correct answer gSA
“Affirm” = to state clearly or publicly that
something is true./Li"V :i ls crkuk fd lp D;k gSA
“Assert” = to state clearly and definitely that
something is true./Li"V vkSj fuf'pr :i ls ;g crkuk
fd lp D;k gSA
“Swear” = to make a serious promise to do
The writer talks about downfall of India in
something./xaHkhj oknk djuk
corruption perception index./Writer India dh
Only ‘Swear’ is contextually fit./dsoy ‘Swear’ gh
corruption perception index esaIndia dh fxjrh

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contextually :i ls fit gSA “More vile” is the form of comparative degree

Hence, option C (Swear) is the correct answer. adjective “vile”./“More vile” vile adjective dh
comparative degree gSA
blfy, option C (Swear) correct answer gSA
“Vilest” is the superlative degree of adjective
‘vile’./“Vilest” vile adjective dh superlative degree
Notice that ‘honesty’, ‘integrity’, and ‘self-denial’
are nouns and have positive connotations./ge
We all know that the definite article (THE) is used
tkurs gS fd‘honesty’, ‘integrity’, vkSj‘self-denial’
with superlative degrees./ge tkurs gS fddefinite
nouns gS vkSj rhuksa
positive connotations gSaA
article (THE) dk use superlative degree ds lkFk gksrk
For the given blank, we need a noun of positive
connotation./fn, x, blank dksfill djus ds fy, gesa
Hence, option D (vilest) is the correct answer.
positive connotation dh t:jr gSA
“Prejudice”= an unreasonable dislike for a person,
blfy, option D (vilest) correct answer gSA
group et(c)/,d O;fDr ;k lewg ds fy, ,d vuqfpr ukilanxh ANSWER EXPLANATION-8
(Negative connotation) “Melancholy” = a feeling of being very sad that

“Omission”= the act of not including someone/
something or not doing something./fdlh dks 'kkfey

u djus ;k oqQN u djus dh izfØ;k
(Negative connotation)
lasts for a long time and often cannot be
explaine(d)/“Melancholy” = cgqr yacs le; rd nq[kh
gksus dh Hkkouk ftls le>k;k ugha tk ldrk

“Erosion” = the process by which the surface of

l r
something is gradually destroyed through the
action of wind, rain et(c)/og process ftlds }kjk
“Despair” = the feeling of having lost all hope./
lHkh vk'kkvksa dks [kks nsus dh Hkkouk

“Deficiency” = the state of not having, or not

wind, rain vkfn dh fØ;k ls dksbZ pht èkhjs&èkhjs u"V having
gks enough of, something that is essential./
tkrh gSA oqQN vko';d pht de gksus dh voLFkk

(Negative connotation)

“Sacrifice” = the fact of giving up something (Deficiency Of Vitamin B in the diet)

E b nt y
important valuable to you in order to get or do
something that seems more important./oqQN ikus ;k

rF; vfèkd egRoiw.kZ gksrk gSA connotation)

“Malaise” = a general feeling of being ill, unhappy
or not satisfied, or that something is wrong in
djus ds fy, vius fy, oqQN egRoiw.kZ ewY;koku NksM+us dk without being able to explain or identify
what is wrong. (Malaise = Unease)/chekj] nq[kh ;k
Hence, option B (Sacrifice) is the correct answer. larq"V ugha gksus dh ,d lkekU; Hkkouk dks [kjkc d
lekt esa oqQN xyr gS] tks xyr gS mls le>ks ;k oqQN

blfy,] option B (Sacrifice) correct answer gSA
gS] tks xyr gS mls le>us ;k igpkuus esa l{ke ugha gSA
(Economic/ Financial/social + malaise)

The writer describes a contrast. Although we
The writer describes that the unease built up due
indians vow by the ideals of honesty and
to the corruption in our society, is making our

integrity, self-denial and sacrifice, we use the
vilest forms of corruption to promote our society worse.
interests./Writer fojksèkkHkkl dks djrk gSA ;|fi
describe (Writer describe djrk gS fdcorruption gekjhsociety

ge indians honesty vkSjintegrity, self-denial vkSj

corruption ds lcls f?kukSus :iksa

usedkdjrs gSA
dh cSpsauh dk dkj.k gS] tks gekjs lekt dks cnrj cuk
sacrifice dh 'kiFk ysrs gSA ge vius fgrksa dks c<+kus ds gSA)

Hence, option B (Malaise) is the correct answer.

“Viler” is the comparative degree of adjective blfy, option B (Malaise) correct answer gSA
“vile”. Comparative degree is used for comparison
between two entities./“Viler” vile adjective dh
“Threats” = a statement in which you tell someone
comparative degree gScomparison djus ds fy, gksrk gSA that you will punish or harm them, especially if
“Vile” is the positive degree adjective. It means they do not do what you want./“Threats” = ,d
extremely unpleasant or ba(d)/“Vile” adjective dh c;ku ftlesa vki fdlh dks crkrs gSa fd vki mUgsa
positive degree gSA bldk eryc vR;ar vfiz; vkSj cqjk gSA djsaxs ;k uqdlku igq¡pk,axs] [kkldj ;fn os og ugha djr

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vki pkgrs gSaA

(Corruption cannot destroy threats, 'kks] laxhr dk;ZØe vkfn esa n'kZdksa ds fy, izn'kZu djr
it is illogical.) “Onlookers” = a person who watches something
“Necessity” = the fact that something must that is happening but is not involved in it./,d
happen or be done. /rF; fd oqQN vo'; gksuk pkfg, ,slk O;fDr tks oqQN gksrs gq, ns[k jgk gS ] ysfdu mles
;k fd;k tkuk ugha gSA
“Imperative” = a thing that is very important and In the given blank, ‘Onlookers’ is contextually fit./
needs immediate attention or action./,d ,slh pht
fn, x, blank esa
‘Onlookers’ contextually fit gSA
Hence, option A (Onlookers) is the correct answer.
tks cgqr egRoiw.kZ gS vkSj rRdky è;ku ;k dkjokbZ dh t:jr
gSA blfy, option A (Onlookers) correct answer gSA
“Vitals” = necessary or essential aspect of Rankers Mantra
something./fdlh pht dks vko';d cukuk
The writer describes that uneasiness generated ( witness ls related confusing words)
by the corruption is destroyin g th e ve ry Witness = A person who sees something happen
fundamentals or essential aspects of our Indian and is able to describe it to other people
society. (,d O;fDr ftlus dqN gksrs gq, ns[kk vkSj bls nwljs yks
(Passage esa
mRiUu cspSuh indian
writer describe djrk gS fdcorruption ls

gekjh society ds ewyHkwr ;k vko';d
igyqvksa dks u"V dj jgh gSA)
describe dj ldrk gS)
Observer = A person who sees something happen
(,d O;fDr ftlus dqN gksrs gq, ns[kk gS)

Hence, option B (Vitals) is the correct answer.

l r
blfy, option B (Vitals) correct answer gSA
person who watches something
that is happening but is not looked in it.
(,d ,slk O;fDr ftlus ns[kk dqN gks jgk gS ysfdu ml

g si
The writer describes that we Indians have become
helpless and we are helplessly looking to our own
'kkfey ugha gS)
Passer-by = A person w ho is g oin g past

somebody/something by chance, especially when

destruction or degradation of Indian ethos. We something unexpected happens
are doing nothing to stop the corruption.

E b nt
(,d O;fDr tks vius past esa pyk tkrk gS tc dqN
(Passage esawriter describe djrk gS fd ge Indian
unexpected gksrk gS)
Helpless gks x, gSa vkSj ge Lo;a fouk'k vkSj Hkkjrh; yksdpkj
Bystander = A person who is near and can see
ds iru dh vksj ns[k jgsa gSaA ge
corruption dks jksdus ds what is happening when such as an accident or
y, oqQN ugha dj jgs gSaA) fight takes place

a (,d O;fDr tks ikl esa gS vkSj D;k gks jgk gS ns[k ldrk
“Visionaries” = a person who has the ability to
think about or plan the future in a way that is
tSlsaccident ;k yM+kbZ)
intelligent and shows imagination.//,d ,slk O;fDr

tks Hkfo"; ds ckjs esa lkspus ;k Hkfo"; dh ;kstuk cukusEyewitness = A person who has seen a crime or
accident and can describe it afterward
{kerk j[krk gS] tks cqf¼eku vkSj dYiuk (Positive
fn[kkrk gSA

connotation) (,d O;fDr ftlus crime gksrs gq, ns[kk gS vkSj ckn es
“Sorcerers” = a man with magic powers, who is describe dj ldrk gS)

helped by evil spirits./tknw dh 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djus
okyk ,d vkneh] ftlesa cqjh vkRekvksa }kjk enn dh tkrh gSA

“Performers” = a person who performs for an
audience in a show, concert et(c)/,d O;fDr tks ,d

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CLOSE TEST ( SSC CGL MAINS,2020) “Grasp” = to take a strong hold of someone/
Direction: In the following passage, some words something./fdlh dks etcwr idM+ ysuk
(Grasp + a
have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and chance / opportunity)
select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank. “Become” = to start to be something./oq
QN cuus ds
SET-70 fy, 'kq: djuk

Nature has been suffering mutely for hundreds
“Assume”= To take or adopt something./oq
QN ysus
of years but the problem did not (1)______ serious
;k viukus ds fy,

proportions so long as the damage was (2)______ and

not beyond self-repair. These limits were crossed with With the help of context, We can easily deduce
(3)______ technological breakthroughs accomplished that ‘Assume’ is the correct answer.

l r
during the recent years. The developed nations

(4)______ benefitted most from these were the first to

(5)______ the environmental diseases bred by advanced
(Context dh help ls ge dg ldrs gSa fd ‘Assume’
correct answer gS

technology. Hence, option D (Assume) is the correct answer.

(SSC CGL Main - 29/01/2022) blfy, option D correct answer gSA

A. receive
C. become
A. countable
C. credible
E b nt y
B. grasp
D. assume
B. containable
D. attainable
‘Beyond repair’ means ‘that cannot be repaired’.
/‘Beyond repair’ dk eryc gS ftldh ejEer ugha dh tk
‘Not beyond repair’ means ‘that can be repaired’.
3. A. paltry B. habitual /‘Not beyond repair’ dk eryc gS] ftldh ejEer dh

C. commonplace
A. whose
C. who a
D. spectacular
B. whom

D. which
“Countable” = something that can be counted./
QN ,slk ftls fxuk tk ldsA
(Countable Noun)
“Credible” = something that can be believed or

5. A. interact B. encounter
trusted./,slk oqQN ftl ij fo'okl fd;k tk ldsA(A
C. derive D. undergo credible story)

ANSWER EXPLANATION-1 “Attainable” = something that you can achieve./
QN ,slk tks vki izkIr dj ldrs gSaA
(Attainable goals/

The writer describes that nature has been
objectives/ targets)
suffering mutely for hundreds of years but the
“Containable” = able to control something to keep
nature did not accept all the problems for long.

within limits./lhek ds Hkhrj j[kus ds fy, oqQN fu;af=
(fn, x, passage esa
writer crkrk gS fdnature lSdM+ks
a djus esa l{ke
o"kks± ls ekSu :i ls ihfM+r gSA ysfdu
nature T;knktime rd The writer mentions that damage done to the
problems dksaccept ugh a djrk gSA) nature was able to be controlled and nature was
repairing itself.
“Receive” = to get or accept something that is sent Hence, option B (containable) is the correct
or given to you./Hksth xbZ oLrq dks izkIr djuk ;k Lohdkj answer.

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ANSWER EXPLANATION – 3 quickness but less force than ‘Seize’. It is similar

to ‘Steal’.
‘Breakthroughs’ is a noun having positive
connotation, so we need a word of positive (Nhuuk] vpkud vkSj tYnh ls Nhuuk (idM+uk)
but seize
connotation for the given blank. esa de ncko esaAsteal
;g (pksjh) ds leku gSA)
(‘Breakthro ughs’ , d nou n gS tksposi ti ve E.g. Someone tried to snatch her purse.
connotation gSA blfy, fn, x, blank esapositive ANSWER EXPLANATION-4
connotation word dk use gksxkA) The developed nations _____________ benefitted
“Paltry” = too small to be considered as important most from these were the first (Sub-1) (Relative
or useful./cgqr NksVk ftls egRoiw.kZ ;k mi;ksxh ughapronoun
ekuk (verb-2) (verb-1) + sub-2)
tk ldrkA (Negative connotation) ‘Who’ and ‘Which’ are used as subjects in the
“Habitual” = usual for or typical of someone/ sentences. ‘Whom’ is used as an object and
‘Whose’ is used as a possessive determiner.
something./fdlh ds fy, lkekU; ;k fof'k"V
“Commonplace” = done very often, or existing in (‘Who’ and ‘Which’ sentence esa subject ds :i esa use
many places, and therefore not unusual./cgqr ckj gq, gSaA
whom object ds :i esa vkSj
whose possessive
fd;k x;k ;k tks cgqr txgksa ij ekStwn gS blfy, vlkekU; determiner ds :i esause gq, gSA)

ugha gSA Who (subject) = (A reference of ‘somebody’)
“Spectacular” = very impressive./cgqr izHkko'kkyh Which (subject) = ( A reference of ‘something’)

(Positive connotation)
(A) His best movie, ___(which)____ won several

The writer describes that breakthroughs in the
awards, was about the life of Gandhi.
technology were very impressive.

l r
(B) Mohit, ___(who)___ has a lot of experience, will
(Writer describe d jr k gS fd techno logy e sa be joining the school in September.

breakthroughs cgqrimpressive FkhA

Hence, option D (which) is the correct answer.
Hence, option D (Spectacular) is the correct
blfy, , option D (which) correct answer gSA


blfy, option D (Spectacular) correct answer gSA ANSWER EXPLANATION – 5


E b nt y
Rankers Mantra

Take = It is a general term applicable to any

man ner of g etti ng something into on e's
possession or control.
(;g ,d general term gS tksfd dqN ikus dk dksbZ rjhdk
The writer describes that the environmental
diseases were born out of advancements in
technology, and the developed nations were the
first to experience the environmental diseases.
(fn, x, passage ls writer crkrk gS fd
diseases technology esa
advancements ls iSnk gqbZ gS

vkSjdeveloped nations bu chekfj;ksaexperience
dks djus
fdlh ds control esa ijapplicable gSA
okysfirst nations gSaA)
E.g. Take your coat when you leave.

“Interact”= to communicate with someone./fdlh
Seize = It implies a sudden and forcible
movement in getting hold of something tangible. ds lkFkcommunicate djus ds fy, ckrphr(Interact +

with + someone/ something)
(fdlh vpkud vkSj ncko esa gksusmovement
okyk fdlh
“Derive” = to come or develop from something./
Nwus okyh pht dks idM+uk) fdlh pht ls vkus ;k fodflr gksus ds fy,(Derive +

E.g. She tried to seize the gun from him. from + something)
Grasp = It stresses a strong hold of something,

“Undergo” = to experience something especially
esp. hand or wrist a change or something unpleasant./oqQN fo'ks"k :i
(fdlh pht tSls gkFk] dykbZ
etc tksj ls idM+ukA) ls ifjorZu ;k oqQN vfiz; vuqHko(todjuk go through)

E.g. She grasped my hand and shook it warmly.
Clutch = It suggests avidity or anxiety in seizing
or grasping and may imply less success in
(U ndergo + tests/trial s/re pairs/su rgery/
“Encounter” = to experience something especially
something unpleasant or difficult unexpectedly
(paxqy] dqN idM+us esa ?kcjkuk vkSj de liQyrk ikuk) while you are trying to do something else./tc vki
E.g. He felt himself slipping and clutched at a oqQN vkSj djus dh dksf'k'k dj jgs gksa rks vizR;kf'kr
branch. oqQN fo'ks"k :i ls vfiz; ;k dfBukbZ vuqHko djukA
(to meet)
Snatch = It suggests more suddenness or blfy, option B (Encounter) correct answer gSaA

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CLOSE TEST (SSC CGL MAINS, 2020) 10. A. message B. diary

Direction: In the following passage some words have C. notebook D. copy
been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the
options given. Select the most appropriate option
for each number. SINCE = It denotes ‘point of time’./;g point of
SET-71 time denote djrk gSA
(Since + Tuesday / 2 pm /

Castles are home to a rich history. From blood 2006 / breakfast)
feuds to tragic pasts, (1)______ love affairs to alleged TILL = Up the point in the time./le; ls fcanq rd

ghosts, no castle is ever (2)______ a secret to unveil. WITH = It denotes ‘Togetherness’./Togetherness
Known locally as Chateaux Picomtal, Picomtal Castle dksdenote dj rk gSA

l i
(3) ______ came under new ownership. During

renovation of the (4)______, a surprising discovery was
made. Messages (5) ______long ago were found on the
FROM = It denotes ‘Source, Origin or Range’./; g
fdlh pht ds ‘Source, Origin ;k Range dksdenote

i djrk gSA
floorboards of (6) ______ upper chambers. The messages

were written (7) ______1880 and 1881 by Joachim

Martin; the carpenter (8)______ installed the flooring.

His messages were a diary of 72 entries of his daily
(From ------------ To) is a grammatical pair which
is used to denote ‘Range’ of something./ , d

(9)______, personal thoughts along with his emotions grammatical pair gS ] ftldk use fdlh dh Range dks

E b nt
and feelings. Joachim’s (10) ______ is indeed a very denote djusds fy, gksrk gSA
personal account of the history of those times. The
discovery gives us an honest look at an average “From blood feuds to tragic pasts” is mentioned
person’s daily life over 135 years ago. here.
(SSC CGL Main - 03/02/2022) Hence, option B (From) correct answer gSA

1. A. since B. from ANSWER EXPLANATION-2
C. till D. with “With” as a preposition is used to show “in the
2. A. with B. including company or presence of someone/something”./


C. without
A. momentarily
C. recently
A. property
s h D. excluding
B. presently
D. justly
B. land
“With” preposition dk used “in the company' vkSj
fdlh d hpresence show djusds fy, gksrk gSA
“Including” as a preposition is used to show
“having something as part of the group or set”.

a /“Including” preposition d kuse fdl h group ;k set

C. possessions D. commodity
5. A. wrote B. written part show djus dsfy, gksrk gSA
dk dksbZ



C. to write
A. the
C. an
A. between
C. across
A. who P r D. writing
B. this
D. a
B. among
D. from
B. that
“Excluding” as a preposition is used to show “not
including”./“Excluding” preposition dk use dksbZ
fdlh dk part ughaSgfn[kkus ds fy, gksrk gSA
“Without” as a preposition is used to show “not
having or showing something”.
‘Without’ is an antonym of ‘with’./“Without” with
C. which D. what
dk antonym gSA
9. A. time B. being
‘Excluding’ is an antonym of ‘Including’./
C. life D. breath
‘Excluding’ ‘Including’ dk antonym gSA

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The writer describes that there is no castle that Property (Formal) = A thing or things that are
does not have any secret to unveil. owned by somebody
(Passage esa
writer describe djrk gS fd ,slk dksbZ
castle (lkeku tks fdlh dk gks)
ugha gS ftldk dksbZ
secret uk gksA) Possessions = Things that you own, especially
something that can be moved
blfy, option C (Without) correct answer gSA ([kqn dk lkeku
especially ftls move fd;k tk ldrk gS)
ANSWER EXPLANATION-3 Junk = Things that are considered useless or of
The writer describes that Picomtal Castle got the little value
new owner./Passage esawriter describe djrk gS fd (fcuk dke ;k fcuk dher dk lkeku)
Picomtal Castle dks u;kowner feyk gSA Belongings = Possessions that can be moved,
especially ones that you have a particular time
“Momentarily” = for a very short time./cgqr de le;
Goods (Technical or rather formal) = Possessions
ds fy, (Momentarily + blinded) that can be moved
“Presently” = to show that something happened ( possessions ftugsamove fd;k tk ldrk gS)
after a short time./;g fn[kkus ds fy, dh NksVs le; ds Valuables = Things that are worth a lot of money,
ckn oqQN gqvk gSA especially small personal things such as jewellery

or cameras
“Justly” = for a good reason./vPNs dkj.k ds fy,(To
be treated justly)
(,slh phtsa tks cgqr eagxha gks
especially NksVh phtsa tSls

jewellery ;k cameras)
“Recently” = not long ago i.e. something that just

happened./cgqr igys ugha ANSWER EXPLANATION-5

“Wrote” is the second form of the verb./“Wrote”

In the given context, ‘Recently’ is the most
verb dh 2nd form gSA
suitable word./fn, x, context esa
‘Recently’ suitable

g i
“To write” is the infinitive form of the verb./“To
word gSA
write” verb dh infinitive form gSA

blfy, option C (Recently) correct answer gSaA “Writing” is a continuous form of verb./“Writing”

verb dh continuous form gSA

“Land”= surface of earth./i`Foh dh lrg “Written” is the past participle form of verb. It

E b nt
“Possessions”= belongings./lkeku works as an adjective./“Written” verb dh past
participle form gS] tks adjective ds :i esa dk;Z djrh
“Commodity”= a product or a raw material that
can be bought and sold./,d product ftls [kjhnk ;k gSA
cspk tk ldrk gSA We don’t need a verb in the given blank, because

the verb of the subject is given in the sentence.
“Property”= a thing or things that are owned by
someone./,slh oLrq ftl ij fdlh dk ekfydkuk gd gSA (fn, x, blank esaverb dh vko';drk ugha gSA D;ksafd
subject dh verb sentence esa nh xbZ gSA)

Land, Possessions and Commodity are not
renovated. Messages ______long ago were found on the
floorboards (Subject) (Verb)

(Renovate a property) is a common collocation.
blfy, option A (Property) correct answer gSaA blfy, option B (Written) correct answer gSA

r a
Things (informal) = Objects, clothing or tools that
you own or that are used for a particular purpose
(lkeku] diM+s ;k vkStkj tks particular
fdlh purpose ds
We need a suitable word for the given blank.
(fn, x, blank dksfill djus ds fy, gesa ,dsuitable
word dh t:jr gSA)
(On the floorboards of ______ upper chambers.)
fy, use gksaA)

Stuff (Formal) = It is used to refer to a group of
objects when the names are not important when
the names are not important or when it is
obvious what you are talking about
(;g lkeku ds group dksrefer djrk gS tc vkidh muds
‘A’, ‘An’ and ‘This’ are ruled out because they are
used with singular countable nouns./‘A’, ‘An’ vkSj
‘This’ dk use singular countable nouns ls gksrk gSA
blfy, budk use ugha gksxkA
The suitable answer is ‘The’. ‘The’ is used with
countable (both singular and plural) and
uke u irk gks] tc ukeimportant u gks ;k ;g irk gks fd uncountable nouns./Correct answer ‘The’ gSA ‘The’
vki fdl ckjs esa ckr dj jgs gksa) dk use with countable vkSjuncountable nouns ds
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lkFk gksrk gSA /“Which” relative pronoun dk use things ds lkFk

‘The’ will be used before the noun “chambers” gksrk gSA
which is plural in nature. Also, it is easily “What” as a relative pronoun is used to ask for
understood because the reference in the form of particu lar info rmation abou t so meon e/
“Picomtal Castle” has already been mentioned. something./“What” relative pronoun dk use fdlh
(“Chambers” plural noun gSA blfy, blls igys'The' ls oqQN
particular information iwNus ds fy, gksrk gSA
dk use gksxk] lkFk gh bls vklkuh ls le>k tk ldrk gS “Who” as a relative pronoun is used for persons./
, “Picomtal Castle” dsreference esa igys gh gqvk “Who” relative pronoun dk use persons ds lkFk gksrk
gSA) gSA
Hence, option A (the) correct answer gSA Here, it is used for “Joachim Martin: the
ANSWER EXPLANATION-7 carpenter”./ ;gk¡ ;g “Joach im M arti n: the
“Among” as a preposition is used to show “being carpenter” ds fy, use gqvk gSA
included or happening in groups of things or blfy, option A (Who) correct answer gSA
people”./“Among” preposition dk use ¶phtksa ;k yksxksa ANSWER EXPLANATION-9
ds lewgksa esa 'kkfey gksus¸ ij gksrk gSA This particular question is based on a common

“Across” as a preposition is used to show “from phrase./ ;g particular question ,d common
one side to the other side of something”./“Across”
phrase ij vkèkkfjr gSA
preposition dk use fdlh oLrq dks ,dside ls nwljs

DAILY LIFE = Regular activities or events (Daily
rd show djus ds fy, gksrk gSA

+ time / being / breath) = illogical construction
“From” as a preposition is used to show when/
blfy, option C (Life) correct answer gSA

where something starts./“From” preposition dk


g i r
use when/where something starts fn[kkus ds fy, gksrk

“Between” as a preposition is used together with

“His messages were a diary of 72 entries of his
daily life”. In this line ‘Diary’ has been mentioned

“and” to show “in the period of time that which is related to Joachim Martin./bl line esa tks

‘Diary’ mention gS] ogJoachim Martin ls related

separates two days, years, events, e tc.”/
“Between” preposition ds lkFk ges'kk
“and” dk use gSA

E b nt
¶nks fnuksa] o"kks±] ?kVukvksa vkfn dks vyx djus okys le; dh
“Message” = a piece of information sent to
vofèk esa gksrk gSA¸ someone./fdlh ds ikl lwpuk Hkstuk
Between = w hen refe rrin g to one -to-one “Notebook” = a small book of plain paper for
relationships/,d&ls&,d dk ftØ djrs le; ds chp ds writing notes./notes fy[kus ds fy, lkns dkxt dh ,d
fj'rsa NksVh fdrkc

Among = wh en referring to indi stin ct
relationships/vLi"V fj'rksa dk ftØ djrs le;

blfy, option A (Between) correct answer gSA
“Copy” = a thing that is made to be the same as
something else, especially a document./fdlh
document dh gw&c&gw udy djukA
“Diary”= a book in which you write down the

experiences, your private thoughts etc. you have
“That” as a relative pronoun is used when the each day./,d ,slh fdrkc ftlesa vki vius vuqHko] fuft
noun it refers is made specific. It is usually used
fopkj vkfn fy[krs gSaA

with the words like “the little”, “the few”, “the
only”, “the same” etc. In the passage, it is clearly mentioned that

Joachim had a book in which he used to write
(“That” relative pronoun dk use fdlh specific noun
down personal accounts of his daily life./fn, x,
dk refer djus ds fy, gksrk gSA bldkuse “the little”,
passage esajoachim dh book dk mention gqvk gS] ftlesa

“the few”, “the only”, “the same” vkfnwords ds lkFk
og vius futh accounts fy[krk FkkA
gksrk gSA)
“Which” as a relative pronoun is used for things.
blfy, option B (Diary) correct answer gSA

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CLOSE TEST (SSC CGL MAINS, 2020) Pollution’ ds impact ds ckjs esa crkrk gSA
Direction: In the following passage some words ‘Many’ is used with plural countable nouns to
have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help mean a large number of something / somebody./
of the options given. Select the most appropriate ‘Many’ dk use plural countable nouns ds lkFk gksrk
option for each number. gS ftldk use fdlh person/thing dh large quantity
SET-72 show djus ds fy, gks
rk gSA

The air has become very dirty in (1) ______ parts ‘Much’ is used with uncountable nouns to mean
of the world. This is of course (2) ______ to your health. a large amount of something./‘Much’ d k use

Experts say many people die (3) ______ it each year.
uncountable nouns d s lkFk dksbZ oLrqlarge dh
There is a new study on (4 ) ______ pollution which

comes from the expe rts of the World Health amount dksshow djus ds fy, gksrk gSA

Organization (WHO) (5)______ is an agency of the United ‘Every’ is used with singular nouns to refer to all

g r
Nations. If you (6) ______ unhealthy air for long periods

of time, you could (7) ______ sick. Air pollution has been
linked to many diseases (8)______ stroke and cancer.
The WHO says that seven million (9)______ die each
the members of a group./‘Every’ dk use singular
nouns dslkFk fdlhgroup ds l Hkh
djus dsfy, gksrk gSA
members dksshow

n y s
year as a result of the (10)______ air.
(SSC CGL Main - 03/02/2022)
‘Any’ is generally used in Interrogative or Negative
sentences with uncountable or plural countable
nouns./‘Any’ dk use Interrogative vkS j Negative

E b nt
1. A. many B. much
C. every D. any sentences esauncountable vkSjplural countable
2. A. harmful B. wasteful nouns ds l kFk gksrk gSA
C. useful D. helpful ‘Parts’ is a plural noun and the sentence is
3. A. through B. by neither Interrogative nor negative./‘Parts’ , d
plural noun gS vkSj
given sentence u Interrogative

C. from D. with
4. A. land B. noise vkSju ghnegative gSA
blfy, option A (Many) correct answer gSA

C. air D. water
5. A. what B. who ANSWER EXPLANATION-2

C. which D. whom The writer describes that the air has become very
6. A. draw B. gulp dirty. We can easily deduce that the dirty air has
some negative impacts on health. We need a word

C. inhale D. gasp
7. A. became B. becoming having negative connotation.
(Passage esa
writer describe djrk gSfd air cgq
r dirty

C. becomes D. become
8. A. similar B. like gks xbZ gSA ge vklkuh ls dg ldrs gS fd air gekjh
health i j negative impact Mkyrh gSA blfy, gesa

C. such D. same
9. A. human B. individual negative connotation word pkfg,A)
C. people D. person “Wasteful” = using more of something than is
10. A. polluted B. grimy necessary./t :jr ls T;knk mi;ksx djuk (Negative
C. grubby D. muddy connotation)
“Useful” = something that can help you to do or
achieve what you want. Thus, option C is wrong./
The writer of this passage talks about the impact tks rqE
gsa oqQN izkIr djus
of ‘Air Pollution’./ bl passage d k writer ‘Air

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(Positive connotation) 4. Deg rade eco systems/ habitats/ the
“H elpful” = able to improve a particul ar environment
situation./fdlh fo'ks"k fLFkfr dks vkSj vPNk cukuk
(Positive 5. Harm the environment/ wildlife/ marine life
connotation) 6. Threate n natural habitats/ coastal
“Harmful” = causing damage to someone./fdlh dks ecosystems/ a species with extinction
gkfu igq¡pkuk
(Negative connotation) 7. Deplete natural resources/ the ozone layer
8. Pollute rivers and lakes/ waterways/ the air/
Although “Wasteful” has a negative connotation,
the atmosphere/ the environment/ oceans
it is out of context./;|fi “Wasteful” negative
9. Contaminate groundwater/ the soil/ food/
connotation gS tks
context ls ckgj gSA crops
The writer describes that the dirty air causes 10. Long forests/ rainforests/ trees
damage to our health./Writer describe djrk gS fd
11. Aaddress/ combat/ tackle the threat/ effects/
dirty air health dksdamage djrh gSA impact of climate change
blfy, option A (Harmful) correct answer gSA 12. Fight/ take action on/ reduce/ stop global
13. Limit/ curb/ control air/ water/ atmospheric/

Generally, Prepositions ‘Of’ and ‘from’ are used environmental pollution
with ve rb ‘Die’./Ge nerally ‘Of’ v kSj‘fro m’
14. Cut/ reduce pollution/ greenhouse gas
prepositions dk use ‘Die’ verb ds lkFk gksrk gSA

Hence, ‘By’, ‘Through’ and ‘With’ are ruled out.

15. Offset carbon/ CO2 emissions
“Through” is used to show from one end or side 16. Reduce (the size of) your carbon footprint

l r
of something/someone./“Through” dk use fdlh oLrq 17. Achieve/ promote sustainable development
ds ,d end ls nwljs
end rd fn[kkus ds fy, gksrk gSA

18. Preserve/ conserve biodiversity/ natural

“By” is used for showing how or in what way resources
something is done./“By” dk use dSls vksj fdl rjg

19. Protect endangered species/ a coastal
ls oqQN fd;k x;k gS] fn[kkus ds fy, gksrk gSA


“With” is used to show the company or presence 20. Prevent/ stop soil erosion/ overfishing/

E b nt
of someone/something./“With” dk use fdlh dh massive deforestation/ damage to ecosystems
company ;k presence dksshow djus ds fy, gksrk gSA 21. Raise awareness of environmental issues
21. Save the plane t/ the rainforests/ an
“From” is used to show the source of something./
endangered species
“From” dk use fdlh dh company ;k presence dks
show djus ds fy, gksrk gSA ANSWER EPLANATION – 5

blfy, option C (From) correct answer gSA

In the very first line of the passage, (The air has
World Health Organization ‘WHO’ ______ is an
agency (Antecedent) (Subject) (Verb)
We need a relative pronoun for this blank.//fn,
x, blank esa ,drelative pronoun dh need gSA

become very dirty in many parts of the world.)
“What” as a relative pronoun is used in a
The writer describes that the air has become sentence when no antecedent is given./“What” as
dirty. It means he is talking about ‘Air Pollution’./ a relative pronoun dk use rc gksrk gS tc

Writer describe djrk gS fdair cgqrdirty gks xbZ gSA
antecedent ugha fn;k x;k gksrk rc gksrk gSA
bldk eryc og 'Air pollution' ds ckjs esa crk jgk gSA

“Who” as a relative pronoun is used for persons./
‘Land’, ‘Noise’ and ‘Water’ are out of context.
“Who” relative pronoun dk use persons ds fy, gksrk
blfy, , option C (Air) correct answer gSA

(A reference to somebody.)
“Whom” is the objective case of relative pronoun
1. Cause/ contribute to climate change/ global
warming “Who”./“Whom” who pronoun dk objective case gSA
2. Produce pollution/ CO2/greenhouse (gas) “Which” as a relative pronoun is used for things,
emissions ideas etc. (A reference to something.)/“Which”
3. Damage/ destroy the environment/ a marine relative pronoun dk use things, ideas vkfn ds lkFk
ecosystem/ the ozone layer/ coral reefs
gksrk gSA

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blfy, option C (Which) correct answer gSA leku ughaA

ANSWER EXPLANATION-6 “Such” is a determiner. It is used to emphasize
The writer has mentioned that a person may be the great degree of something./“Such” ,d
sick if he breathes in unhealthy air for long determiner gSA bldk
use fdlh dh great degree dks
periods of time./Writer mention djrk gS fd vxj ,d emphasize djus ds fy, gksrk gSA
person unhealthy air esa yEcs le; rd lk¡l ysrk gS rks “Same” is an adjective. It means exactly the ones
og chekj gks ldrk gSA or ones referred to or mentioned./“Same” ,d
“Draw” = to make pictures. (Draw + a picture / adjective gSA bldk vFkZ gS Bhd ogh mention
gS] tks
map /diagram) fd;k x;k gSA
“Gulp” = to swallow large amounts of food or “Like” is a preposition. It means “for example”./
drink quickly./cM+h ek=kk esa ;k tYnh Hkkstu fuxyrkA “Like” ,d preposition gSA
“Gasp” = to take a quick deep breath with your Here, the only option that is used as a preposition
mouth open./viuk eq¡g [kksydj ,d rst xgjh lkal ysuk is ‘Like’. It is used to show the examples of

E.g. (She gasped at the horrifying view.) diseases.
“Inhale” = to take air, smoke, gas etc. into your (;gk¡ ij dsoy ,d option gS'Like' tkspreposition gSA

lungs as you breathe./vius lungs esagas, air, bldk use disease ds example show djus ds fy, gksrk

smoke ysus ds fy,breathe ysukA
(Inhale = Breathe gSA)


blfy, option B (Like) correct answer gSA
blfy, option C (Inhale) correct answer gSA


‘Seven million’ denotes a huge number of

“Became” is a second form of verb./“Became” verb something. We must use a plural countable noun

dh 2nd form gSA after it./‘Seven million’ ,d large amount dksdenote

E b nt y
“Becoming” is a continuous form of verb./
“Becoming” verb dh continuous form gSA
“Becomes” is a singular form of verb./“Becomes”
verb dh singular form gSA
djrk gS gesa blds ckn ,d
use djuk gSA
plural countable noun dk

“Human” = a person rather than an animal or a

machine./animals vkSje'khu dh ctk, ,d vkneh
(Human is a singular countable noun)
“Individual” = a person considered separately

“Become” is a plural form as well as a base form
of the verb./“Become” verb dh plural form vkSj
base rather than as part of the group./fdlh lewg ls vyx
form nksuksa gSA
,d vkneh (Individual is a singular countable noun)

The blank is preceded by a modal verb. We

always use a base form of the verb after MODALS.
(fn, x, blank ls igys model verb gSA ge
modals ds
“Person” = human as an individual./,d O;fDr ds
:i esa ,d ekuo (Person is a singular countable
“People” is a plural noun, and it means human

cknverb dh base form dk use djrs gSA) beings. We can use it after the numeral./“People”
Hence, option D (Become) is the correct answer.
,d plural noun gS] ftldk meaning gS ekuoA ,d

numeral ds ckn bldkuse djrs gSA
The only option that is a plural countable noun
is ‘People’./dsoy option 'People' gS] tks

Air pollution has been linked to many diseases plural
________ stroke and cancer. countable noun gSA
(A preposition is needed here.)/(;gk¡ ,d preposition blfy, option C (People) correct answer gSA
dh need gSA
“Similar” is an adjective. It means like someone/ The writer of this passage talks about the impact
something but not exactly the same./“Similar” ,d of ‘Air Pollution’./ bl passage dk writer ‘Air
adjective gSA
It means fdlh dh rjg oqQN ysfdu fcYoqQy Pollution’ ds impact ds ckjs esa crkrk gSA

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“Grimy” = covered with dirt./xaneh ls <+dk gqvk Dirty = not clean, covered with dust, soil mud,
(Grimy + hands / windows / clothes) oil etc.
“Grubby” = rather dirty, usually because it has (xUnk ;k /wy ls Hkjk gqvk)
not been washed or cleaned./cgqr xank D;ksafd bls èkks;kDusty = Full of dust, covered with dust
;k lkiQ ugha fd;k x;k (Grubby
gSA + hands / clothes) (/wy ls Hkjk gqvk ;k /wy ls <dk gqvk)
“Muddy” = full of or covered in mud. Thus, option Filthy = Very dirty and unpleasant
D is wrong./dhpM+ ls Hkjk ;k <+dk gqvk + field/
(cgqr xank ;k vfiz;)
“Polluted” = made dirty by adding harmful Muddy = Full of or covered in mud
substances to land, air, water etc/Land, air, wate (^dhpM+* ls Hkjk gqvk ;k nck gqvk)
vkfnesasubstance feyk dj xank djuk Soiled (Formal) = Dirty, especially with waste
(Polluted + air/water/river/areas) from the body
‘Polluted’ is contextually fit here./‘Polluted’ ;gk¡ (xankespecially body dh xanxh)
contextually fit gSA Grubby (Informal) = Rather dirty, usually because
it is has not been washed
blfy, option A (polluted) correct answer gSA
(xank tks /ks;k u x;k gks)

Rankers Mantra
CONFUSING WORDS RELATED TO SOMETHING Stained (Often in compound words) = Covered

NOT CLEAN with stains,

(dqN tks ^lkiQ* u gks lds mlesa

related confusing words)
(,slk xank tks nkx /Ccs ls Hkjk gks)

l i r
g si
E b nt y
a s
P r
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CLOSE TEST (SSC CGL MAINS, 2020) Enter + somethi ng = to come or go i nto
Direction: In the following passage some words have something/fdlh esa vkus ;k tkus ds fy,
been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the Enter into something = to become involved in
options given. Select the most appropriate option something/fdl h pht esa 'kkfey gksuk
for each number. He entered _________ an agreement. (Use ‘into’)
SET-73 He entered ________ the room behind me. (No

A new swarm of locusts entered Rajasthan’s Jaisalmer preposition)
on Sunday. This is the fifth swarm to (1)______ the state blfy, option C (Enter) correct answer gSA

in four days from (2)______ western border with
Pakistan. Since the first locust swarm (3)______ the ANSWER EXPLANATION-2

l i
state’s Sri Ganganagar district on April 11, as many
as 25 swarms (4)______ entered

Rajasthan. Some swarms moved to Chhattisgarh and
We need a possessive adjective for this blank.
Hence, ‘It’ is ruled out./fn, x, blank esagesa ,d

possessive adjective dh t:jr gSA ‘It’ ruled out gSA

Madhya Pradesh, (5) ______ which agricultural
departments issued advisories to farmers asking them ‘His’ and ‘Their’ are used with persons. Hence,

to be on high alert.
both are ruled out./‘His’ vkSj
their persons ds lkFk

(SSC CGL Main - 03/02/2022)

use gk
srs gSA
1. A. introduce B. come

E b nt
C. enter D. insert Hence, ‘Its’ is the correct answer. ‘Its’ has been
2. A. its B. it used here to connect “western border” with
C. his D. their
3. A. invaded B. invade (blfy, , ‘Its’ correct answer gSA ;gk¡
'Its' d k use
“western border” dks“Rajasthan” ls cannect djus

C. was invading D. is invading
4. A. having B. have ds fy, gqvk gSA)
C. to have D. has

blfy, option A (Its) correct answer gSA
5. A. until B. before

C. since D. after
ANSWER EXPLANATION-1 A particular past event took place on April 11.
We use the past indefinite tense to refer to any

The passage talks about the arrival of swarm of
locusts./Passage esafVfM~M;ksa ds >qaM ds vkxeu ds action
ckjs which took place at a past point.
esa crk;k x;k gSA (dksb
Zparticular event 11 April dksgqvk FkkApast

“Introduce” = to mention something for the first
time in a piece of writing./“Introduce” = igy s ls

mYysf[kr pht ds ckjs esa ifjp; djkuk
“Come” = to move towards something./fdlh pht
dh rjiQ vkuk(Come + preposition + place)
indefinite dk use fdlh action ds past esafdlh point
ij g ksus refer
ij djrs gSaA)
(1) He went to Delhi yesterday. (Correct)
(2) He has gone to Delhi yesterday. (Incorrect)

“Insert” = to put something into something else./ blfy, option A (invaded) correct answer gSA
fdlh v kSj pht esa oqQN Mkyus ds fy, Rankers Mantra
“Enter” = to come or go into something./dghaij VOCABULARY RELATED TO ‘INVASION’

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Hostile = Aggressive or unfriendly and ready to
( Invasion ls related vocabulary) argue or fight
Army = A group of soldiers
(vkØed ;k vfe=k (unfriendly) vkSj yM+us Argue
( Soldier (lSfudksa) dk ,dgroup) (cgl) djus dks rS;kjA
Artillery = Large, heavy guns which are often Bellicose = Having or showing a desire to argue
moved on wheels or figh
(cM+h] Hkkjh
guns tks vDlj ifg;ksa ijmove djrh gS) (yM+us vkSj
Argue djus dh bPNk gksuk)
Battalion = A large group of soldiers for a ANSWER EXPLANATION -4
particular purpose
We need a helping verb for this blank./fn, x,
(fdlh particular purpose ds fy, soldiers dk ,d
blank esa gesa
helping verb dh need gSA
“Swarms” is plural subject and plural helping
Command = A part of an army, air force, etc. that
verb “have” is used in accordance with subject
is organized and controlled separately
verb agreement./“Swarms” ,d plural subject gS vkSj
(,d army, airforce etc. dk ,d fgLlk tks vyx ls

subject verb agreement ds vuqlkj gesa
plural helping
O;ofLFkr vkSj daVªksy fd;k tk ldrk gS) verb “have” dh t:jr gSA


l i s
Defend = to protect somebody/something from

(fdlh O;fDr ;k oLrq ds geys ls j{kk djuk)

blfy, , option B (Have) correct answer gSA

g i r
Invade = to enter a country, town etc. using
military force in order to take control of it
The wri ter describe s th at agricultu ral
departments issued advisories regarding swarm
of locusts following the movement of swarms to

(fdlh country ;k town etc. esa tkuk
military force other states like Chhattisgarh and Madhya

ds lkFk] ml ij dCtk djus ds fy,)

(Writer describes djrk gS fd locusts ds >qaM vkus ds

E b nt
Regiment = A large group of soldiers that is
commanded by a colonel ckn agricultural department us nwljs states tSls
( soldier dk ,d cM+kgroup ftls ,d clone command Chhattisgarh vkSjMadhya Pradesh esa muds >q¡M dh
djsa) movement dksfollow djus dhadvisory tkjh dh gSA)

Tactics = The particular methods you use to “Until” = up to the point in time or the event
achieve something mentioned./le; ;k ?kVuk ds fcanq rd
(dqN ikus ds fy,use fd; x, particular methods.) “Before” = earlier than someone/something./fdlh

navy etc.
Arms = Weapons, especially as used by the army,

(gfFk;kjespecially tksarmy, navy etc. }kjkuse fd,
ls igys
“Since” = used to denote a point of time./point
of time dksdenote djus ds fy, iz;ksx gksrk gSA

tkrs gSA) “After” = “next to and following someone/
something”./fdlh ds vkxs ;k ckn esa

Arsenal = A place where military weapons and
explosives are made or stored
blfy, , option D (After) correct answer gSA
(,d LFkku tgk¡military ds gfFk;kj vkSj foLiQksVd inkFkZ

cuk, vkSj j[ksa tkrs gSaA)
Casualty = A person who is killed or injured in
war or in an accident
(,d O;fDr tks fdlh ;q¼ (war) ;k accident esa ?kk;y
gqvk gks ;k ekjk tk,A)

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SET -1 2. (a) Knowledge = The information, understanding

Direction: In the following passage, some words have and skills that you gain through education
been deleted. Read the passage carefully and select (tkudkjh le> vkSj dkS'ky dk Kku tks vki f'k{kk d
the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.
As the education of girls becomes similar (1)______ that
ekè;e ls izkIr djrs gSA)
of boys, their home life will also become similar. Their (Knowledge + of something)
present greater (2)______ of domestic affairs will also Familiarity = The state of being familiar with
disappear. After a (3)______ age, boys and girls should somebody/something

have a share in parental occupations and (4)______, but
not in excess as it would interfere with their education. (fdlh ls ifjpr gksus ds voLFkk ;k Hkko)

Yet, (5)______ of the problems of adult life helps boys (Familiarity + with something)

and girls understand and appreciate the efforts of their Instruction = Detailed information on how to


do or use something
1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
(dqN djus ;k mi;ksx djus ds ckjs esa foLr`r tkudkjh)
no. 1.
(a) to

(b) as

si Power = The ability to control people or things;


(c) from (d) than

no. 2
(a) knowledge
(c) instruction
2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

E b nt
(b) familiarity
(d) power
3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
(yksxksa vkSj phtksa dks fu;af=kr djus dh {kerk)
Passage ls gesa irk pyrk gS fd
domestic affaiss ls
selated information, skills undesstanding vc
disappear gks xbZ gSA 'Knowledge'
blfy;s Contexheally

no. 3.
fit gSA
(a) fixed (b) certain
3. (b) Fixed = Not changing, stable

(c) settled (d) decided
4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank (u cnyus oyk] fLFkj)
no. 4.
(a) reluctance
(c) anxieties

a s
(b) mistrusts
(d) hesitation
Certain = Used to mention a particular thing,
person or group without giving any more details
about them

5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank (fcuk foLrqr tkudkjh ds fdlh fo'ks"k pht] O;fDr ;k lew
no. 5.
dk mYys[k djukA)

(a) awareness (b) aloofness
(c) attentiveness (d) Alertness Settled = Not likely to change or move
EXPLANATION (cnyus ;k LFkkukarfjr gksus dh laHkkouk ugha gSA)
1. (a) Similar, attached, attracted, adhere, Decided = Obvious and having very strong
Prone, accustomed, addicted, kind opinions
Allergic, Indifferent, married + TO
(Li"V vkSj cgqr etcwr jk; j[kus okyk)
Known, superior, related
;g Question fixed pepsition based gSA ge ;gk¡Correct answer cestain gS] ;g ;gk¡Partialas
'Similar' adjective ds lkFk'to' preposition dk use age dksmention djus ds fy, gqvk gS] age
tks ds ckjs
djrs gSA esa T;knk
detail nsaA
blfy;s correct answer 'to' gSA blfy;s 'Certain' Contextually fit gSA
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4. (c) Reluctance = Unwillingness to do something (c) traditional (d) habitual
(dqN djus dh bPNk u gksuk) 4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
Mistrusts = A feeling that you cannot trust
(a) heritage (b) settlement
(c) birthright (d) Estate
(,d ,slh Hkkouk ftl ij vki fdlh ij Hkjkslk ugha djrs)5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
Anxieties = The state of being nervous and no.5.
worried (a) a citation (b) an incentive
(?kcjkgV vkSj fpafrr gksus dh fLFkfr) (c) an instance (d) a precedent
Hesitation = The act of being slow to speak or EXPLANATION
act 1. (a) ;g question collocation ij based gSA gesa
(cksyus ;k dk;Z djus esa /hek gksus dh izfØ;k) 'consumption behaviour' ds ckjs esa irk gksuk pkfg,A
Consumption behaviour = The study of how
;g describe fd;k x;k gS fd ,d Certain age ds ckn people make decisions about what they buy,
boys vkSjgirls dks Parental occupations vkSj want, need or act in regards to a product,
worries esa 'kkfey gksuk pkfg,A service, or company
‘Reluctance’, ‘mistrusts’ and ‘hesitation’ don’t (bl esa ge i<+rs gSa fd yksxs D;k [knhuk pkgrs gSA
make any sense here. fdl pht dh t:jr gSA)

5. (a) Awareness = Knowing something

(fdlh pht dks tkuuk)
blfy, correct answer 'anxieties' gSA blfy, Correct answer 'behaviour' gSA
2. (c) Quite = ge 'quite' dk use adjective ;k adverb ds
lkeus ;g fn[kkus ds fy, gksrk gS dksbZ ekeyk dkiQh g

Aloofness = Unfriendly behavior that shows a
lack of interest in other people

gS] ysfdu cgqr gn rd ughaA Quite word very vkSj
'extremely' ls less emphatic gSA

Further = ‘Further’ means to a greater extent
(vfe=k O;ogkj tks vU; yksxksa esa :fp dh deh dks n'kkZrk gSA)

or degree; in addition
Attentiveness = The quality of listening and Even = ge 'even' dk use comparative adjective
showing carefully and with interest

n y s vkSjadverb ds lkFkemphasis djus ds fy, djrs gSA

(è;ku ls vkSj :fp ds lkFk lquus vkSj fn[kkus dh xq.kork) Rather = ge 'rather' dk use rc gksrk gS tc ge

E b nt
Alertness = The ability of think quickly and to fdlh ,slh ckr dks lq/kj jgs gksrs gS] tks geus vHkh&
notice things dgh gSA [kkldj ge fdlh [kkl fo'ks"k fLFkfr dk o.k
(tYnh lkspus vkSj phtksa dks uksfVl djus dh {kerk) djrs gksa] ;g dgus ds ckn fd og D;k ugha gSA
;gk¡ Writer describe djrk gS fd odult life dh 'lesser (comparative degree) vkSjcontext fd help
problems dks tkuus ls

gSaA blfy,
boys and girls vius Parents

'awareness' contextually fit gSA

ls gesa vklkuh ls irk yxk ldrs gSa'even'
ds iz;klksa dks le>us vkSj mudh ljkguk djus esa enn djrsanswer gSA
fd correct

3. (c) Sanctioned = Approved by an authority

(fdlh izkf/dj.k }kjk LohÑr)

a s
Concerned and responsible Indian citizens can
encourage sensible consumption (1)______. This can be
done by shopping less and wasting (2)______ lesser; by
buying local products to keep the cottage industries
Prescribed = Decided by a doctor, set by a rule
or order
(,d doctor }kjk fu/kZfjr] ,d fu;e ;k vkns'k)
Traditional = Following older methods; being

and (3)______ crafts alive. In essence, by valuing their
rich (4)______ and living simple and meaningful lives,

Indians can set (5)______ and show the West that India
is much more than a well of business opportunities.
1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
part of the beliefs, customs or way of life of a
particular group of people
(iqjkus rjhdksa dk ikyu djuk fo'oklksa dk ,d fgLlk gks
Habitual = doing something that has been a
(dqN ,slk djuk tks vknr cu xbZ gSA)
(a) behaviour (b) Decorum ‘Cottage Industry’ is a small business in which
(c) presence (d) delivery the work is done by people in their homes.
2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank We must know that traditional industries
no.2. include handloom, handicrafts, tiles and bricks
(a) quite (b) further and other household industrial activities.
(c) even (d) rather blfy, correct answer 'traditional' gSA
3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank 4. (a) Heritage = Features belonging to the culture of
no.3. a particular society, such as traditions,
(a) sanctioned (b) prescribed
languages, or buildings that were created in the
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past and still have importance no. 3.

Settlement = An official agreement that ends an (a) later (b) last
argument between two people or groups (c) latest (d) latter
Birthright = A thing that somebody has a right 4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
to because of the family or country they were no. 4.
born in, or because it is a basic right of all
(a) contact (b) access
(c) entry (d) approach
Estate = An area of land with a lot of house or
factories of the same type on it 5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
no. 5.
Among the options, ‘heritage’ is contextually fit.
All other words are not suitable. (a) squandered (b) regressive
5. (d) A citation = Words or lines taken from a book (c) Celestial (d) Ubiquitous
or a speech EXPLANATION
(fdlh Hkk"k.k ;k iqLrd ls fy, x, 'kCn ;k iafDr;k¡) 1. (d) Ancient = Belonging to a period of history that
An incentive = Something that encourages you is thousands of years in the past
to do something (bfrgkl ds ml Hkkx ls lacaf/r tks gtkjksa o"kZ iwoZ

(dqN ,slk tks vidksa dqN djus ds fy, izksRlkfgr djs)
An instance = A particular example or case of
Olden = A long time ago in the past
(cgqr lky igys)

Elder = Older of the two members of the same
(,d fo'ks"k mnkgj.k ;k dksbZ ekeyk)


g r
A precedent = An official or decision that has

happened in the past and that is seen as an
example ; a similar action or eve nt that
(,d gh ifjokj ds nks lnL;ksa esa ls cM+k)
Previous = Happening or existing before the

event or object that you are talking about.
happened earlier

n y
(,d ,slk fu.kZ; tksPast esa fy;k x;k gS vkSj ftls ,d

E b nt
(vki ftl ?kVuk ;k oLrq ds ckjs esa ckr dj jgs gS] mll
leku ?kVuk ;k dk;ZokbZ ds ckjs esa ns[k tk ldrk gS tks igysigys ?kfVr ;k fo|eku)
gqbZ gSA)
'Set a precedent' ,d collocation gS] ftldk eryc
;gk¡ ij previous generation dh life ds ckjs esa ckr
gqbZ gSA
dqN fu.kZ; djuk ftldkuse ,d mnkgj.k ;k fu;e ds :i blfy, correct answer previous gSA
esa Hkfo"; esa fd;k tk,A

blfy, 'Precedent' correct answer gSA
SET-3 2.
Ancient and oldr past esalong time period dks
denote djrs gSaA
(c) Feeds = To give food to a person or an animal

a s
While the older generation of Indians would buy a new
product only when the (1)______ one's useful life had
ended, the young generation (2)______ to fall for novelty.
(fdlh O;fDr ;k i'kq dks Hkkstu nsuk)
Keeps = To continue to have something
(dqN djus esa yxs jguk)

Young people want the (3)______ gadgets because they Tends = To be likely to do something or to
have money and more (4)______ to such goods. They happen in a particular way
are made to believe, by (5)______ publicity, that the new

products will enhance their happiness.
(dqN djus ;k fdlh fo'ks"k rjhds ls gksus dh laHkkouk
Bears = To deal with something
1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
no. 1. (fdlh ckr ls fuiVus ds fy,)
(a) ancient (b) olden blfy, correct answer 'Tends' gSA
(c) elder (d) previous ‘Bear’, ‘feed’ and ‘keep’ are not followed by an
infinitive phrase.
2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
no. 2. 3. (c) Article 'The' dk use superlatine degrees ds lkFk
(a) feeds (b) Keeps gksrk gSA'Last' vkSj'latest' Last dh superlative
degree gSaA
(c) tends (d) bears
3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank 'Later' ,d adverb/adjective gS ftldk use time
ds lkFkrelation fn[kkus ds fy, gksrk gSA bldk eryc
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Hkfo"; esa dqN gksus okyk gSA (SET-4)

'latter' ,d adjective gS] tks nks esa ls ,d dk
During my first year of teaching, I was quite (1)
______to find that the school principal, supervisor and
comparison djus ds fy, gksrk gSA 'latter'
;gk¡ dk teachers (2) ______ to be unaware of their professional
eryc ckn esa gksus okykA responsibilities and (3) ______ in executing their duties.
"Last" refers to the "end" of something. For example, my principal's main (4) ______ were that
all window shades be at the same (5)______ , the
(fdlh pht ds var ls lacaf/r) classrooms be quiet and the rose beds should not be
"Latest" refers to the aspect of being "new" (i.e., stepped upon.
most recent in time) 1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank
(fdlh pht ds 'new' ls lacaf/r gSA) no. 1.
Writer ;gk¡describe djrk gS fd young people (a) calm (b) keen
vHkh ds u,gadgets pkgrs gSA (c) content (d) upset
blfy, 'Latest' grammatically vkSjcontextally fit 2. Select
no. 2.
the most appropriate option to fill in blank
gSA (a) appeared (b) have appeared
4. (b) Contact = An official written agreement (c) appear (d) appearing
(vf/dkfjd fyf[kr le>kSrk) 3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

Access = The opportunity or right to use no. 3.
something or to see somebody/something (a) incompetent (b) incorrigible

rd igq¡ps

li s
Access– fdlh pht ds mi;ksx ds volj ;k vf/dkj (c) inconvenient (d) incredible
4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank

Entry = An act of going into or getting into a no. 4.

place (a) options (b) choices

(fdlh LFkku ij tkus ;k izos'k djus dh izfØ;k)

Approach = A w ay o f deali ng w itho ut

(c) benefits
no. 5.
the most
(d) concerns
appropriate option to fill in blank

(fdlh O;fDr@oLrq ds fcuk O;ogkj djus dk rjhdk) (a) layer (b) level

E b nt
(c) grade (d) Stage
;gk¡writer describe djrk gS fdYoung People vc EXPLANATION
Latest gadgets pkgrs gSa] D;skafd muds Moneyikl 1. (d) Calm = Not nervous, upset
vkSjOpportunities gS vkSj ,sls goods dk use djus
(ijs'kku ugha] 'kkar)

dk vf/dkjA
Keen = Very interested in something
'Access' word preposition' to' ds lkFk vkrk gSA (fdlh pht esa cgqr fnypLih)

5. (d)
Squandered = Misused or waste
(nq:i;ksx ;k cckZnh)
s h
blfy, 'access' gramatically and contexteally fit Content = Happy and satisfied with what you
(vkids ikl tks gS ml ls [kq'k vkSj larq"V)

Upset = Unhappy and disappointed because
of something that has happened
Regressive = Becoming or making something
less advanced

(vkdk'k dk ;k LoxZ dk)

P r
(izfrxkeh cuuk ;k dqN de mUUkr djuk)
Celestial = Of the sky or of heaven
(tks dqN gqvk gS ml dkj.k nq[kh vkSj fujk'k)
;gk¡wtiter ds vuqlkjschore principal, supervisor
vkSjteachess viuh professional responsibilites
ls vatku FksA ;g ,dnegative igyq gS] blfy, gesa
negative connotation ds word dh Need gSA
Ubiquitous = Seeming to be everywhere or in
blfy, 'upset' correct answer gSA
several places at the same time
2. (a) ;gk¡writer vius past experience ds ckjs esa ckr dj
(,d gh le; esa dbZ txgksa ij izrhr gksuk)
Writer ;gk¡describe djrk gS fd young people
jgk gSA blfy, gesa
verb past form dh need gSA
believe djrs gSa fd
New product mudhhappihess blfy, 'appeared' correct answer gSA
dksenhance djsaxsA ;g ,d gh le; esa izpkj djds3. (a) Incompetent = Not having the skill or ability
fd;k tkrk gSA to do something
blfy, 'ubiquitous' correct answer gSA
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(dqN djus dk dkS'ky ;k {kerk u gksuk) ______ fights off its infection. Components in honey can
help bees live longer, (4) ______ their tolerance of harsh
Incorrigible = That cannot be corrected
conditions such as intense cold and increase their (5)
(ftls Bhd ugha fd;k tk ldrk) ______ to fight off infections and heal wounds.
Inconvenient = Causing troubles or problems, 1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
especially in connection with what you need blank no. 1.
(ijs'kkuh ;k leL;k iSnk djuk] fo'ks"k :i ls vkidks tks(a) we (b) them
pkfg, ml lacU/ esa) (d) it (d) they
2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Incredible = That cannot be believed
blank no. 2.
(ftl ij fo'okl ugha fd;k ldrk) (a) singular (b) parallel
;gk¡ ij writer describe djrk gS fd og school (c) similar (d) different
principal, superiors vkSjteachess dks viuh 3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
perfossional responsibilites esaunaware ikdj blank no. 3.
upset gSA vkSj os viuh duties djus esa
exeate djus (a) best (b) more

esa l{ke ugha gSA (c) most (d) better
4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blfy, 'Incompetent' contextually fit gSA

blank no. 4.

4. (d) Options = Something that you can choose to (a) boosts (b) boosted
have or do

l r
(c) boosting (d) Boost
(dqN ,slk ftls vki pqu ldrs gSaA)

5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the

Choices = The act of choosing something blank no. 5.
(dqN pquus dh izfØ;k)

(a) ability (b) aptitude

n y
Benefits = An advantage that something gives

E b nt
(,d ykHk tks vkidks dqN nsrk gSA)
Concerns = A feeling of worry
(d) talent

(d) Skill
bl sentence esa ,d noun dh requirement gS]
ftldk use nominative case esa'bees' ds Place ij
gks ldrk gSA
(fpark dh Hkkouk)

5. (b)
'Concern' Contexteally fit gS] ;g Negative
Connotation gSlkjs bl Context esaSuitable gSA

'Shade' dk meaning bl passage esausually
'We' dk use person ds fy, gksrk gSA blfy, blank
esafill ugha gksxkA
gksrk gS vkSj
'It' dk use singular object ds fy,
'them' dk use object ds :i esa gksrk gSA

meaning ls different gSA

a s
‘Shade’ = An area that is dark and cool under
or behind something
2. (d)
blfy, ;s lHkhruledout gks tk,saxsA
Singular = Connected with singular forms;
very great and obvious

(Singular Forms ls Connected, cgqr cf<+;k vkSj Li"V)
(,d {ks=k tks fdlh pht ds uhps ;k ihsNs va/sjk vkSj BaMk gks)
'Shade' = ,d material tks f[kM+dh coverdks djrk Parallel = That are the same distance at every

gS] ftlesa vDlj diM+s dk jksy gksrk gS tks f[kM+dh ds

blfy, 'level' most suitable word gSA


top ij fixed gksrk gS vkSj Åij vkSj uhpsa [khapk tk ldrk (tks gj fcanw ij leku nwjh ij gks)
Similar = Like somebody/something but not
exactly the same
(fdlh ds leku@dqN ,slk ysfdu fcYdqy oSlk gh ugha)
(SET-5) Different = Not the same as somebody/
It should come as no surprise that bees know a lot something
about honey. They aren't only honey producers; (1)
(fdlh O;fDr@oLrq ds leku ugha)
______ are also consumers, and pretty sophisticated
ones at that. Offer a sick bee (2) ______ varieties of Passage i<+us ds ckn ge vklkuh ls irk yxk ldrs gSa
honey, for example, and it will choose the one that (3)

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fd 'Different correct answer gSA 5. (a) Ability = The fact that someone is able to do
If we offer a sick bee different types of honey, something, the level a skill
it will choose one of them that fights off its (RkF; dh dksbZ dqN djus esa l{ke gS] ,d dkS'ky dk L
infection. Aptitude = Natural skill at doing something or
3. (a) The best word to fill in this blank is ‘best’ due talent
to the comparison of ‘one versus all’.
(dqN djus dk izkÑfrd dkS'ky ;k izfrHkk)
bl blank dksfill djus ds fy, best word 'best' gS Talent = A natural ability to do something
'one versus all' ls comparison ds dkj.kA
(dqN djus dh izkÑfrd {kerk)
A sick bee will choose one of the all the types
Skill = A particular ability to do something
of honey if offered. (SOMETHING LEARNT)
4. (d) ge lc tkurs gSa fdmodal verb ds ckn geverb dh (dqN djus dh ,d fo'ks"k {kerk)
base form dk use djrs gSaA blfy,
correct answer
;gk¡writer describe djrk gS fd 'kgn esa ?kVd viuh
'boost' gSA
abilities dksincrease dj ldrs gSa rkfd os laØe.k ls
(A) Components in honey can help bees live
yM+us esa l{ke gksA

(B) Components in honey can boost their
tolerance of harsh conditions.

blfy, 'ability' correct answer gSA

Components in honey can help bees live
longer and boost their tolerance of harsh

g l i r
n y s
E b nt
a s
P r

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