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Adrar el Jebli, otherwise Adghagh, is a plateau north-east of

the wounds with the ``first field dressing'' -- a packet of

Fig. 1. A, Five specimens of Echinorhynchus acus,

poster does not set forth an argument as does the newspaper

reformer. His programme was to attack notorious abuses one

above. The larval period commences at about the thirty-sixth

Agathocles); Polybius ix. 23; Schubert, Geschichte des

Christian ministers declined to receive temporal emoluments,

the outer and Turkestan ranges dip and pass to an irregular

schistose rocks flanked on each side by a zone of Mesozoic

the capital of the country, situated on the Mediterranean in

Xerxes. In support of the former view it is alleged, among

again without a ruler. For three years he was occupied in

metaphysical or abstract; in the third it is positive or

(1891); Chr. Tsountas, Mukenai (1893); Chr. Tsountas and

by Robert Boyle to denote the determination of the

ground and covered with waterproof sheets and blankets; of these

a ``Conscience Whig,'' presiding over the Buffalo Convention

hundreds, teachers and pupils combined. Very few of the

baths and porticos, and laying out gardens. He also first

the Young Christian,---all of which had enormous circulations.

of the Pontifex Maximus, the annual edicts of the praetor,

the remains of the infirmary with the table hall, the

on Montgomery in order to attack Sherman in flank and rear.

(990-994). The Latin preface to the first series enumerates

attempts the 18th century was brought to an end. In 200

victim. In the case of men or children, it has been usual

preserve demesne land, and there are many devices for insuring

Col du Glandon (Bourg d'Oisans to La Chambre), carriage

{NaAl(SiO3)2 and (Mg,Fe) (Al,Fe)2SiO6.

the sacrament by themselves whenever they chose. In the old

term sometimes denoting the lower part of the capsule called

straw of the cereals, and a very large proportion of that of

Saxony) corps. He was succeeded in command of the XII. corps

occurred owing to its explosion under not easily explained

is streaming through it. It is, however, in complete accordance

it is extremely valuable, being a clear, comprehensive and

widest sense the rearing of live-stock as well as the raising of

mains were composed of copper, and that accidents had

(``Morocco City''). He is distinguished as Yusef I. In

Monkhouse, British Contemporary Artists (London, 1899).

says:--``The Afridi lad from his earliest childhood is taught

on Cardinal Newman as an Anglican (1892), and his article

``adoptionist'' or humanitarian. Basing their views on the

This ordinance remained in force till the reign of Louis XIV.

with the two senses, sight and hearing. Two questions

developed. The richness of the Aegean capitals and columns

but it was not until the beginning of the 19th century

body politic of the empire and a hastener of its impending

central area; the same number existed in the original church

occur on hills at Dunecht, where the dun encloses an area

occupata circa Institutionum Medicarum Emendationem (1673);

to which Norwegian towns, built largely of wood, have been

ministrorum, De viduis, De virginitate and De paenitentia.

fortnight, and Alarcon's name became famous throughout the

on the coast of Holland and Denmark. On the shores of the

in other parts of France, with 24 foreign members, divided

it is the ideal method of treatment. The cause of death

extreme tendency to identify aesthetic with moral perception.

d'Ailly himself had not long before taken part in the drawing


Saglio, Dict. d. antiq. grecq. et rom. (1873) i. 235-238; F.

1623. In 1622 he took the island of Ormuz from the Portuguese,

his power as an exorcist. His fame collected round him a

insisted on her release. She died in prison on the 5th

the molecule, until the highest members of the series are

But if ease of communication is favourable to the rise of

as a borough in 1854 and was chartered as a city in 1868.

He was successful in restoring the authority of Maximilian

EXODUS [BOOK]). The same sentiment recurs in Yahweh's

the Indians under Pontiac was, however, far from being as

and Bona and 76 m. from the latter, is Guelma (6584), the Roman

alum.'' It fuses at 92 deg. C. in its own water of crystallization.

the making of a road which would lay open their fastnesses

womanly devotion; the first being followed by the two other

Judaism in ``Asia'' (cf. Rev. ii. 9, iii. 9, and see Sir W.

Geuther, who looked upon his compound C6H10O3 as being

consideration is the occasional absence of this colour in

combination of apparatus devised by J. J. T. Schloesing and E.

Moors. He died shortly after, in 1185. Alphonso was a man of

opinion, as asserting the authority of a master in matters

large grain market, cotton presses, ginning factories and oil

educated in the sciences and arts of life, and this want was

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