Week 4 Assignment 4: Assignment Submitted On 2023-02-22, 21:45 IST
Week 4 Assignment 4: Assignment Submitted On 2023-02-22, 21:45 IST
Week 4 Assignment 4: Assignment Submitted On 2023-02-22, 21:45 IST
(https://swayam.gov.in) (https://swayam.gov.in/nc_details/NPTEL)
NPTEL (https://swayam.gov.in/explorer?ncCode=NPTEL) » NBA Accreditation and Teaching and learning in Engineering (NATE) (course)
Course outline
Week 4 Assignment 4
How does an NPTEL The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
online course work? Due on 2023-02-22, 23:59 IST.
M1 U19. Computing
4) Identify two Dos from the following in writing COs 1 point
Attainment of COs
Make the CO as general as possible
M1 U20. Computing Use at least two action verbs with each CO
PO and PSO
Make the CO statements as detailed as possible and measurable
Attainment (unit?
unit=43&lesson=48) Do not use words including ‘like’, ‘such as’, ‘different’, ‘various’ ‘etc.’ with respect to knowledge elements.
Week 6: Design 6) Which one of the following statements is true regarding tagging a CO with Knowledge Categories? 1 point
Phase and
Development Phase A CO statement should always include elements from the category of Factual Knowledge.
(Module 2: Course
CO statement itself may not explicitly indicate all the concerned knowledge categories
Design and
Instruction) () A CO statement does not include any categories of knowledge.
A CO statement will always include two categories of knowledge
Week 7: Implement Yes, the answer is correct.
and Evaluate Score: 1
Phases (Module 2: Accepted Answers:
Course Design and CO statement itself may not explicitly indicate all the concerned knowledge categories
Instruction) ()
7) How is direct attainment of COs computed? 1 point
Week 8: Instruction
(Module 2: Course Through the performance of students in CIE
Design and Through the performance of students in CIE and SEE
Instruction) ()
Through the performance of students in SEE
Through the semester end student surveys
Week 9: Instruction
Design (Module 3: Yes, the answer is correct.
Instruction and Score: 1
Accreditation) () Accepted Answers:
Through the performance of students in CIE and SEE
Week 10: Instruction
Design & NBA 8) The two criteria that need to be considered in setting CO attainment targets are 1 point
Criterion 1 (Module
3: Instruction and Targets should be set for each student based on his/her previous performance
Accreditation) () The attainment gap should enable the teacher to plan for improvement of instruction for each CO
Different targets are necessary for different groups of students
Week 11: NBA The CO attainment computations can be automated
Criteria 2 to 5
(Module 3: No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Instruction and
Accreditation) () Accepted Answers:
The attainment gap should enable the teacher to plan for improvement of instruction for each CO
The CO attainment computations can be automated
Week 12: NBA
Criteria 6 to 10
(Module 3: 9) For any activity to be considered for computing the attainment of POs/PSOs 1 point
Instruction and
Performance of all students in semester end examinations
Accreditation) ()
All students of a program are required to participate.
Performance in all core courses and electives
Books () Performance in some of the extra-curricular activities