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Antibiotics, Acne, and
Staphylococcus aureus Colonization
Matthew Fanelli, MD; Eli Kupperman, BA; Ebbing Lautenbach, MD, MPH;
Paul H. Edelstein, MD; David J. Margolis, MD, PhD

Objectives: To determine the frequency of Staphylo- and 7 (19%) had S aureus in both their nose and their
coccus aureus colonization among patients with acne and throat. When patients with acne who were antibiotic us-
to compare the susceptibility patterns between the pa- ers were compared with nonusers, the prevalence odds
tients who are using antibiotics and those who are not ratio for the colonization of S aureus was 0.16 (95% con-
using antibiotics. fidence interval [CI], 0.08-1.37) after 1 to 2 months of
exposure and increased to 0.52 (95% CI, 0.12-2.17) af-
Design: Survey (cross-sectional) study of patients treated ter 2 months of exposure (P =.31). Many of the S aureus
for acne. isolates were resistant to treatment with clindamycin and
erythromycin (40% and 44%, respectively), particularly
Setting: Dermatology outpatient office practice the nasal isolates. Very few showed resistance rates
(⬍10%) to treatment with tetracycline antibiotics.
Participants: The study included 83 patients who were
undergoing treatment and evaluation for acne. Conclusion: Unlike current dogma about the long-
term use of antimicrobial agents, the prolonged use of
Main Outcome Measure: Colonization of the nose tetracycline antibiotics commonly used to treat acne low-
or throat with S aureus. ered the prevalence of colonization by S aureus and did
not increase resistance to the tetracycline antibiotics.
Results: A total of 36 of the 83 participants (43%) were
colonized with S aureus. Two of the 36 patients (6%) had Arch Dermatol. 2011;147(8):917-921.
methicillin-resistant S aureus; 20 (56%) had S aureus solely Published online April 11, 2011.
in their throat; 9 (25%) had S aureus solely in their nose; doi:10.1001/archdermatol.2011.67

TAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS IS A nized, but, fortunately, in the community,
ubiquitous organism that is MRSA organisms colonize fewer than 5% of
found in both hospital and the population.1 Patients with acne are gen-
community settings.1,2 While erally young and healthy and are often ex-
S aureus colonizes the skin, it posed to antibiotics for extended periods be-
can also be responsible for localized cu- cause long-term antibiotic therapy, oral (eg,
taneous infections and life-threatening sys- tetracycline, erythromycin, trimethoprim-
temic infections.1,2 At one time, it was sen- sulfamethoxazole) and/or topical (eg, clin-
sitive to many antibiotics and antimicrobial damycin or erythromycin), is a standard of
agents. However, because of its ability to care in the treatment of acne.3-5 Some of the
antibiotics used to treat acne are also among
those recommended for the treatment of
See Practice Gaps community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA)
at end of article infections.1,4,6 According to rates among the
Author Affiliations: general population, approximately one-
Departments of Epidemiology adapt to these therapies and become re- third to one-half of patients with acne are
and Biostatistics (Drs Fanelli, sistant, clinical scenarios now exist in likely to be colonized by S aureus.7 These
Lautenbach, and Margolis and which few therapeutic options remain to patients could therefore become a reser-
Mr Kupperman), Medicine
treat this organism. Therefore, methicillin- voir for CA-MRSA as well as a source of
(Dr Lautenbach), Pathology
(Dr Edelstein), and
resistant S aureus (MRSA) has become non–CA-MRSA antibiotic-resistant S au-
Dermatology (Dr Margolis), commonplace.1,2 reus strains.
University of Pennsylvania Colonization with S aureus in general is One cause of the emergence of MRSA
School of Medicine, relatively widespread, with approximately may be long-term exposure to antibiotics
Philadelphia. 40% to 50% of the population at large colo- and antimicrobial agents. For example,



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long-term exposure to antibiotics used to treat acne could clindamycin) for acne treatment. Other exposures were also
create pressure on organisms colonizing the skin, such evaluated as confounding variables, as listed below.
as S aureus, to adapt and to become resistant. The goals
of this study were to identify the prevalence of S aureus OUTCOME AND CONFOUNDING VARIABLES
colonization in patients with acne and to assess the
resistance phenotypes (ie, those that are susceptible to Our outcome of interest was a positive S aureus culture, whether
methicillin, erythromycin, tetracyclines, and trimetho- from the nose or throat, which was then evaluated for methi-
prim-sulfamethoxazole) of S aureus. We also sought to cillin resistance. Confounding was evaluated with respect to
compare susceptibility patterns between patients with acne age, sex, race/ethnicity, presence and severity of acne, oral and/or
who are using antibiotics and those who are not using topical antibiotic use for acne, and presence of diabetes.
The initial analysis for every variable consisted of character-
izing the distribution of that factor. Characterization
POPULATION AND DATA COLLECTION depended on the data and consisted of estimating the mean
(standard deviation) for each evaluation. Initial univariate
This was a cross-sectional study involving 83 consecutive con- assessments of association, when appropriate, were per-
senting patients with clinically diagnosed acne who were ac- formed using 2 ⫻ 2 tables and the Mantel-Haenszel statistic.
tively undergoing treatment at the University of Pennsylvania, For variables with more than 1 category, R ⫻ C ␹2 statistics
Philadelphia. The patients were recruited from the University was performed. Our primary question was to assess the
of Pennsylvania dermatology clinic and approached at the end effect of various risk factors, particularly the use of oral anti-
of their clinic visit. Informed consent approved by the Univer- biotics for acne, on the development of both methicillin-
sity of Pennsylvania institutional review board was obtained susceptible S aureus and MRSA colonization.
from all participants. No patients were excluded from enroll- To assess the magnitude of the association of a given risk
ment in the study. factor with the outcome of interest, single variable and multi-
All participants were asked to fill out a comprehensive sur- variable logistic regression models were created. Both unad-
vey form; all underwent a visual examination for acne pres- justed (from a 2-variable logistic model) and fully adjusted (from
ence and severity; and all had oropharyngeal and nasal swab a multiple-variable logistic model) prevalence odds ratios (pORs)
cultures performed for S aureus. The comprehensive survey form were evaluated, with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). The se-
assessed age, sex, race/ethnicity, history of acne, history of acne lection of variables for the multivariable model was based a priori
treatment, current or recent antibiotic use, indication for any on purposeful selection. All covariates thought to be clinically
antibiotic use, duration of antibiotic use, and any past skin or important were included in the original multivariable model.
soft-tissue infections attributed to S aureus. Additional covariates were added systematically to the model,
Specimens were obtained with a sterile, flocked, polyester, and if the pOR changed by more than 15%, then that particu-
fiber-tipped swab that had been premoistened with the trans- lar covariate was kept for the final multivariate model.9 Ulti-
port solution (Copan eSwab Liquid Amies Transport System; mately, variables were removed if they had no effect (⬍15%
Copan Diagnostics, Corona, California). Samples were taken change) on the pOR. Values were considered significant at
from the anterior nares by rotating the swab 5 times in each P⬍.05. Statistical analyses were performed with Stata version
nostril and lightly scraping each quadrant of the nasal mu- 11.0 software (StataCorp, College Station, Texas).
cosa. They were obtained from the oropharynx by swabbing
each tonsil, as well as the posterior pharynx, using a different
swab from that used in the nose. The specimens were placed RESULTS
in the transport solution and hand-delivered to the laboratory
within 4 hours of collection. The swab in the transport system The median age in our study population was 24 years
was then vortexed to produce a homogeneous suspension. Next, (mean [SD] age, 25.6 [9.5] years). There were 51 fe-
100 µL of the suspension was transferred to a selective and dif-
male and 32 male participants (Table 1). Of the 83 total
ferential S aureus plate (BBL CHROMagar S aureus Medium;
BD Diagnostic Systems, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey) and an- participants, 28 (34%) were using topical antibiotics and
other 100 µL was transferred to a medium for the detection of 23 (28%) were using oral antibiotics for acne at the time
MRSA (BBL CHROMagar MRSA Medium; BD Diagnostic Sys- of enrollment. In total, 36 (43%) received either a topi-
tems). The plates were then streaked and incubated at 37°C for cal or an oral antibiotic for acne. Nine participants (11%)
up to 48 hours, after which they were read for the presence of had received antibiotics for reasons other than acne in
S aureus as well as for MRSA organisms. For those samples that the previous 30 days.
were found to be positive for S aureus, susceptibility testing was Thirty-six of the 83 participants (43%) were colo-
performed using disk diffusion testing with clindamycin, eryth- nized with S aureus, 2 of the 36 (6%) with MRSA.
romycin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, ciprofloxacin, tet- Twenty of the participants (56%) had S aureus solely in
racycline, doxycycline, and minocycline. Standard methods for
their throat; 9 (25%) had S aureus solely in their nose;
disk diffusion susceptibility testing, including the detection of
inducible clindamycin resistance, were used for antimicrobial and 7 (19%) had S aureus in both their nose and their
susceptibility testing.8 throat (Table 2). Both specimens came from the throat
of the 2 patients who were colonized with MRSA
The participants who were currently using oral
Primary exposure was defined via the survey form by patient antibiotics for acne were significantly less likely to be
report and chart documentation of at least 1 month of current colonized by S aureus (5 of 23 [22%]) than those with
oral or topical antibiotic use (eg, tetracyclines, erythromycin, acne who were not using oral antibiotics (31 of 60



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Table 1. Basic Demographics of Study Participants Table 2. Recovery of Staphylococcus aureus
Presented With Sample Size or Percentage of Individuals Based on Location
With That Attribute and the Prevalence Odds Ratios (pORs)
for the Likelihood of Colonization With 95% Confidence Throat
Intervals (CIs)
Positive Negative Total, No. (%)
Demographic Sample Size a pOR (95% CI) Nose
Female sex 51 (62) 0.90 (0.37-2.21) Positive 7 9 16 (19)
Age, mean (SD), y 25.6 (10) 0.98 (0.94-1.03) Negative 20 47 67 (81)
Self-reported race/ethnicity Total, No. (%) 27 (32) 56 (68) 83 (100)
White 63 (76) 1 [Reference]
Asian/Pacific Islander 2 (2) Not reportable
African American/black 18 (22) 1.58 (0.53-4.65)
Hispanic 6 (8) 2.22 (0.58-8.58) ingly, those patients who were colonized with S aureus
Acne severity grade were less likely to report a recent history of pharyngitis
1 9 (11) 1 [Reference] (pOR, 0.13; 95% CI, 0.03-0.59).
2 36 (43) 1.79 (0.39-8.29)
3 25 (30) 1.33 (0.27-6.61)
4 11 (13) 1.67 (0.27-10.33) COMMENT
5 2 (2) Not reportable

a Values
The long-term use of oral antibiotics to treat acne is a
other than age are expressed as number (percentage).
common practice, which may have some untoward con-
sequences.11,12 Concern has been noted in the lay press
[52%]) (pOR, 0.26; 95% CI, 0.09-0.79). Overall, those about the long-term use of antibiotics and the creation
who used topical antibiotics to treat their acne were of multidrug-resistant microbes.13 In our study, we found
also less likely to be colonized by S aureus (pOR, 0.30; that the overall colonization rates for both S aureus (43%)
95% CI, 0.11-0.82). Overall, the use of any antibiotics and CA-MRSA (2%) were similar to previous esti-
(oral or topical) to treat acne was associated with a mates.7,14 Long-term use of antibiotics decreased the preva-
decreased risk of S aureus colonization (pOR, 0.31; lence of S aureus colonization by nearly 70% (pOR, 0.31;
95% CI, 0.12-0.79). 95% CI, 0.12-0.79). A decreased rate of colonization was
Individual variables were selected a priori to test for noted with the use of both oral and topical antibiotics.
confounding. None of the variables added (age, sex, His- Fewer than 10% of the isolates of S aureus were resistant
panic lineage, grade of acne severity, or race/ethnicity) to tetracyclines, the most commonly used antibiotic fam-
had a direct relationship with the colonization rates of S ily to treat acne. Resistance to erythromycin and clinda-
aureus (ie, any change in the effect estimate between an- mycin was mostly prevalent among our isolates and was
tibiotic exposure and the presence of S aureus was less noted in the patients who did and did not use antibiot-
than 15%). We therefore report only our unadjusted es- ics. Finally, the ability to identify patients who are colo-
timates. As a secondary analysis, we looked at how long nized by S aureus is enhanced by culturing from 2 sites.
the patients had been using oral antibiotics and how that Colonization with S aureus in general is relatively com-
related to S aureus colonization. The duration of cur- mon in that approximately 40% to 50% of people will be
rent exposure was dichotomized as oral antibiotic use for colonized.1,14,15 However, MRSA colonizes fewer than 5%
2 or fewer months or for more than 2 months. Of 7 pa- of patients, and colonization with CA-MRSA is depen-
tients who were using oral antibiotics for fewer than 2 dent on geographic location and comorbidities.1,2,16 Prior
months, only 1 (14%) was colonized with S aureus. Of investigations by Levy et al7,17 looked at the coloniza-
10 patients who were using oral antibiotics for more than tion rates of S aureus in young, healthy populations simi-
2 months, 3 (30%) were colonized with S aureus. When lar to our study population. They looked at both acne
patients with acne who were users were compared with and nonacne populations but obtained cultures from the
nonusers, the pOR for the colonization of S aureus was oropharynx only. Our observed oropharyngeal coloni-
0.16 (95% CI, 0.08-1.37) after 1 to 2 months of expo- zation rate of 30% is similar to their findings, as they found
sure and increased to 0.52 (95% CI, 0.12-2.17) after 2 a 29% S aureus colonization rate in patients with acne
months of exposure. A test for trend was not statisti- and a 26.2% rate in patients without acne, but because
cally significant (P = .31). Many of the S aureus isolates they failed to sample the nares, their overall coloniza-
were resistant to clindamycin and erythromycin (39.5% tion rate was lower.17 Levy and colleagues also investi-
and 44.2%, respectively), especially nasal isolates. Low gated the difference between antibiotic users and non-
antimicrobial resistance rates (⬍10%) were detected for users in patients with acne and, indeed, found that
all other antibiotics tested (Table 3). antibiotic users had a lower colonization rate (22% vs
In previous studies, we observed an association be- 29%), but their results were not statistically significant,
tween oral antibiotic use for acne and the self-report of possibly because they sampled only the orophar-
a “sore throat” in the 30 days prior to the survey.10,11 We ynx.15,18-20 In one study by Levy et al,7 as well as our cur-
did note a pOR of 1.57 (95% CI, 0.50-4.90) for sore throat rent study, the use of antibiotics for the treatment of acne,
among patients exposed to oral antibiotics. This finding whether oral or topical, was associated with a decreased
was not statistically significant, but the effect estimate S aureus colonization rate. In our study, the use of oral
was similar to that in our previous studies. Interest- antibiotics showed the strongest negative association for



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Table 3. Percentage of Staphylococcus aureus Recovered by Site Resistance to Tested Antimicrobial Agents

Clindamycin Erythromycin Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole Ciproflaxacin Tetracycline Doxycycline Minocycline

Nasal, % 59 59 6 6 12 12 12
Throat, % 27 35 0 0 8 4 4

S aureus colonization, with a pOR of 0.26 (P =.02; 95% et al7 were able to determine the true carriage rates in their
CI, 0.09-0.79). study population. Had we swabbed for S aureus solely
Assuming that antibiotic resistance is acquired over in 1 location, our results could have been significantly
time, we evaluated the association of time of exposure different. The sensitivity of combined nares and throat
to the use of oral antibiotics on colonization status. We cultures for MRSA colonization was previously shown
hypothesized that the rates of S aureus colonization would to be 90%.15 Further studies are needed to evaluate the
be higher among patients who were receiving longer- importance of culturing from more than 2 sites.
term oral antibiotics (⬎2 months of exposure for their Our study does have some limitations. It focused on
acne treatment) because of antibiotic resistance. A patients who were seen in a dermatology clinic for acne,
2-month period was chosen to differentiate between short- so our results may not be generalizable to all individu-
and long-term exposure to the antibiotics; however, no als. We also cannot be certain that we identified all of
statistically significant difference was shown (P =.31). A the patients who were colonized with S aureus because
trend may have been established in that 14% of patients we swabbed only the oropharynx and the anterior na-
who were on an oral regimen of antibiotics for 2 months res. We did not examine all time points after commenc-
or less were colonized vs 30% of patients who were on ing antibiotic therapy so it is possible that we did not see
an oral regimen of antibiotics for more than 2 months. a time-dependent association that truly exists. We rec-
However, contrary to what might have been expected ommend a prospective study that would start before the
based on concerns that microbial resistance increases af- onset of antibiotic use for acne treatment, with continu-
ter long-term antibiotic exposure, at no time was the rate ous culture attempts at weekly intervals.
of colonization with S aureus greater in patients who were In conclusion, this cross-sectional study looked at the
receiving antibiotic therapy than in those who were not prevalence of S aureus in a healthy population of indi-
receiving antibiotic therapy. viduals with acne. With respect to the use of tetracy-
The mechanism responsible for the decreased coloni- cline antibiotics, it contradicts previous ideologies that
zation of S aureus noted in this study is likely straightfor- long-term prescribing of antibiotics causes increased
ward (eg, tetracycline antibiotics are active against both S prevalence of and resistance to S aureus. Specifically, in
aureus and MRSA, and resistance is poorly acquired). An our study, the prolonged use of antibiotics from the tet-
increasing trend in colonization rates was noted over time, racycline class that are commonly used to treat acne low-
but this trend was not statistically significant. The S au- ered the prevalence of colonization by S aureus and did
reus isolates were often resistant to treatment with clinda- not increase resistance to the tetracycline antibiotics. Fu-
mycin and erythromycin. These isolates were more likely ture research should be conducted with respect to other
obtained from the patients who were using antibiotics to organisms and antibiotics.
treat their acne.14 However, there was no evidence of high
levels of resistance to the other antibiotics tested, such as Accepted for Publication: February 2, 2011.
the tetracylines and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Over- Published Online: April 11, 2011. doi:10.1001
all, the patients who were using antibiotics to treat their /archdermatol.2011.67
acne were less likely to be colonized. In the future, pro- Correspondence: David J. Margolis, MD, PhD, Depart-
spective studies looking at the colonization status of S au- ment of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of
reus immediately after the initiation of antibiotic therapy Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 815 Blockley Hall, 423
on a weekly basis may help to further elucidate whether Guardian Dr, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (dmargoli@cceb
there is a point past which S aureus colonization is in-
creased with longer duration of use. Author Contributions: All authors had full access to all
It is necessary to evaluate multiple anatomical loca- the data in the study and take responsibility for the in-
tions for the presence of S aureus. As in other recent stud- tegrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
ies, S aureus colonization was found just in the orophar- Study concept and design: Edelstein and Margolis. Acqui-
ynx and not in the anterior nares in more than half of sition of data: Fanelli, Edelstein, and Margolis. Analysis
the patients in our study.15,18,19 It was found in the ante- and interpretation of data: Fanelli, Kupperman, Lauten-
rior nares but not in the oropharynx in one-fourth of our bach, and Margolis. Drafting of the manuscript: Fanelli,
patients, leaving fewer than 20% of S aureus–positive pa- Kupperman, Edelstein, and Margolis. Critical revision of
tients with colonization in both the anterior nares and the manuscript for important intellectual content: Fanelli,
the oropharynx. This finding deviates from a recent study Kupperman, Lautenbach, Edelstein, and Margolis. Sta-
by Nakamura et al,21 who found that 55.7% of S aureus tistical analysis: Fanelli, Kupperman, Lautenbach, and
carriers in a pediatric intensive care unit were colonized Margolis. Obtained funding: Margolis. Administrative, tech-
in both locations. This importance of culturing from both nical, and material support: Edelstein and Margolis. Study
the nares and the throat begs the question of whether Levy supervision: Edelstein and Margolis.



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Financial Disclosure: None reported. be associated with upper respiratory tract infections. Arch Dermatol. 2005;
Funding/Support: This study was supported in part by
12. Margolis DJ, Hoffstad O, Bilker W. Association or lack of association between
grant R01AR051185 from the National Institutes of tetracycline class antibiotics used for acne vulgaris and lupus erythematosus.
Health. Br J Dermatol. 2007;157(3):540-546.
Additional Contributions: Martha A. C. Edelstein and 13. Interlandi J. Are we running out of antibiotics? Newsweek. December 7, 2010:
Andrew Baltus provided excellent technical assistance. 46-50.
14. Mendes RE, Sader HS, Deshpande LM, Diep BA, Chambers HF, Jones RN. Char-
acterization of baseline methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates re-
REFERENCES covered from phase IV clinical trial for linezolid. J Clin Microbiol. 2010;48(2):
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Dermatologists Do Not Yet Fully Understand the

Clinical Significance of Antibiotic Use and Bacterial
Resistance in Patients With Acne

S ince the 1970s, the prevalence of antibiotic-

resistant strains of Propionibacteriums acnes has
increased. There are public health concerns about
the development of antibiotic resistance among patho-
genic organisms, including Staphyloccocus aureus. Fur-
risk of practice gaps increases. In a cross-sectional analy-
sis of 83 patients with acne, Fanelli et al2 found that pa-
tients using oral or topical antibiotics had a decreased
risk of S aureus colonization in the nose and throat com-
pared with nonusers and that fewer than 10% of these
thermore, with the use of tetracyclines in the treatment isolates demonstrated tetracycline resistance. However,
of methacillin-resistant S aureus, concern has been raised a similar study by Levy et al3 demonstrated a 3-fold in-
regarding the potential contribution of bacterial resis- crease in Streptococcus pyogenes colonization in patients
tance resulting from the widespread use of tetracyclines with acne using antibiotics compared with nonusers and
in the treatment of skin diseases such as acne.1 a statistically significant increase in the rate of resis-
Despite these data demonstrating resistance, antibi- tance of S pyogenes to at least 1 tetracycline antibiotic
otics are effective in improving acne and are widely used (85%) compared with a 20% rate of resistance among non-
for this chronic condition. Each day, many dermatolo- users. As mentioned by Fanelli and colleagues, closing
gists choose between what works best for a single pa- the gap in our understanding of the effects of antibiotic
tient (using antibiotics to improve acne) and what works use on colonization rate and the development of antibi-
best for population health (avoiding antibiotic resis- otic resistance among bacteria will require prospective
tance). If the antibiotic regimens we prescribe for acne trials in which appropriate culturing techniques for vari-
lead to clinically relevant pathogen resistance in our pa- ous bacteria are performed before and at various points
tients or communities and we continue to use those medi- during antibiotic therapy.
cations when there are alternatives, there is a practice gap. A major practice gap includes a lack of knowledge re-
Unless dermatologists keep abreast of the literature, the garding the ideal duration of antibiotic treatment to maxi-



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