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03 TD Desarrollo de Modelo de Madurez para Evaluar La Implementación de Industria 4.0

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Production Planning & Control

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Development of maturity model for assessing the

implementation of Industry 4.0: learning from
theory and practice

Aniruddha Anil Wagire, Rohit Joshi, Ajay Pal Singh Rathore & Rakesh Jain

To cite this article: Aniruddha Anil Wagire, Rohit Joshi, Ajay Pal Singh Rathore & Rakesh Jain
(2020): Development of maturity model for assessing the implementation of Industry 4.0: learning
from theory and practice, Production Planning & Control, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2020.1744763

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Development of maturity model for assessing the implementation of Industry

4.0: learning from theory and practice
Aniruddha Anil Wagirea, Rohit Joshib, Ajay Pal Singh Rathorea and Rakesh Jaina
Mechanical Engineering Department, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, Jaipur, India; bIndian Institute of Management
Shillong, Shillong, India


Today many manufacturing firms expect a significant impact of ‘Industry 4.0’ on their supply chains, Received 8 October 2019
operations, and business models. However, its complex characteristics are yet to be fully compre- Accepted 13 March 2020
hended by most of them. As a result, there are several apprehensions pertaining to its structure,
techno-organisational capabilities, and methodologies for shaping the vision of Industry 4.0. We pro-
Industry 4.0; maturity
pose an Industry 4.0 maturity model, which is empirically grounded and technology-focussed for model; readiness
assessing the maturity level of Indian manufacturing organisations. The model comprises of 7 dimen- assessment; indian
sions and 38 maturity items. Further, the model is validated in an auto-component manufacturing manufacturing industry;
company to reinforce the learning from the model. The results reveal that the company is in ‘Digital maturity index;
Novice’ maturity level with a maturity score of 2.88 against the highest maturity score of 5. The study maturity level
demonstrates that the model is validated in a real-life environment and is easy for self-assessment.

1. Introduction is interconnected in real-time and manufacturing systems are

highly automated with in-built intelligence which are driven
In the manufacturing landscape, organisations are facing sev-
autonomously (Bibby and Dehe 2018). The transformation in
eral challenges like demographic changes, globalisation, cut-
the manufacturing environment is expected to deliver huge
throat competition and faster depletion of natural resources
benefits in terms of operational and product flexibility, prod-
(World Economic forum 2018). Organisations keep on
uctivity and process efficiency, increased visibility, better cus-
addressing these challenges from time-to-time through tomer service and shorter product launch time (Rockwell
growing technological advancements (Sharma 2017). These Automation 2014; PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2016).
technological advancements are anticipated to realise sub- Academicians and practitioners believe that this on-going
stantial improvements in industrial productivity, flexibility, disruptive transformation is yet another industrial revolution
operational efficiency and customer interaction to a great which is symbolised as ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ or
extent (Hermann, Pentek, and Otto 2016; Helo and Hao, ‘Industry 4.0’ (Kagermann et al. 2013; Liao et al. 2017).
2017; Bibby and Dehe 2018). Nonetheless, this rapid progres- Industry 4.0 develops digital networks consisting of intelli-
sion in technology brings with it considerable barriers for its gent and self-optimised factories wherein man, machine,
adoption. They range from organisational, technological, eco- material and systems of production are completely inte-
nomic, socio-political to legal barriers (Zhou, Liu, and Zhou grated and work autonomously with a minimum manual
2015; Fatorachian and Kazemi 2018; Schroeder et al. 2019). intervention (Keskin et al. 2018; Mittal et al. 2018). Further,
To counterweight these challenges, manufacturing organisa- the companies in the supply chain are digitally connected
tions will need certain competencies to manage their supply (Hofmann and Ru €sch 2017; Ghobakhloo 2018) and horizon-
and value chain with immense agility and increased flexibility tally integrated with each other that enable unprecedented
(Agrifoglio et al. 2017; Fatorachian and Kazemi 2018). Digital collaboration and partnership among stakeholders (Hermann,
and physical infrastructure are the prime enablers for organi- Pentek, and Otto 2016; Akdil, Ustundag, and Cevikcan 2018).
sations to have complete integration and cooperation along The linking of Information Technology (IT) with Operation
the product life cycle (Schumacher, Erol, and Sihn 2016). Technology (OT) will support the enterprise to optimise deci-
The future trend in production technology is expected to sion making in real-time which eventually improves the visu-
be entirely different from the existing practices of technology alisation, resource utilisation, and profitability (Zhou, Liu, and
adoption. Currently, several technologies are sporadically Zhou 2015; Go €lzer and Fritzsche 2017).
adopted and are working in the silos (Kagermann et al. 2013; The varieties of emerging technologies such as Cyber-
Lichtblau et al. 2015). The new production environment will be Physical Systems (CPSs), Internet of Things and Services (IoT/
highly digitalised wherein the entire value chain of companies IoS), Cloud Computing (CC), Big Data (BD), Big Data analytics

CONTACT Aniruddha Anil Wagire Mechanical Engineering Department, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, Jaipur,
Rajasthan, India
ß 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

(BDA) and Cyber Security (CS) are key pillars of Industry 4.0 The study aims to develop an assessment framework that
(Zhou, Liu, and Zhou 2015; Oesterreich and Teuteberg 2016; will support organisations for evaluating its ‘As-Is’ situation
Agrifoglio et al. 2017; Basl 2018; Kamble, Gunasekaran, and and suggests the areas of improvement towards Industry 4.0
Dhone 2019; Wagire, Rathore, and Jain 2019). Manufacturing journey. The framework is in the form of maturity model
executives today are confronted with a variety of promising having 38 maturity measurement items unequally categor-
new technologies, all of them offering some combination of ised into organisation, people and technology-focussed 7
cost savings, quality improvements and increased flexibility. dimensions. ‘People and Culture’, ‘Industry 4.0 awareness’,
The leading manufacturers and consulting firms (Lichtblau ‘Organisational Strategy’, ‘Value chain and Processes’, ‘Smart
et al. 2015; PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2016) observed that Manufacturing Technology’, ‘Product and Services oriented
this revolution is unavoidable and the economies across the Technology’ and ‘Industry 4.0 base Technology’ are the
world cannot afford to ignore or miss it. Although Industry dimensions comprises in the maturity model to evaluate the
4.0 is evolved in the developed nations for securing the maturity level of the organisation. The maturity items and
future of their manufacturing industry (Kagermann et al. dimensions are prioritised based on its importance levels
2013), it is bound to influence manufacturing organisations resoluted using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP). The
from developing economies as well (Luthra and Mangla model is tested, validated and implemented across five
2018; Kamble, Gunasekaran, and Sharma 2018). If ignored, Indian manufacturing companies out of which one case from
Industry 4.0 will negatively affect the production base of auto-component manufacturing industry is presented in
developing nations whose strength has been rooted in low- this study.
cost manufacturing for decades (Kamble, Gunasekaran and
Gawankar 2018). Hence this revolution is ineluctable for the
2. Literature review
manufacturing organisations from both developed and
developing nations (Mehra et al. 2017). A developing country Since the capabilities of an organisation develop through dif-
like India has a strong domestic market and has an abundant ferent maturing stages over a period of time (Kohlegger,
opportunity to improve upon the manufacturing technology. Maier, and Thalmann 2009), evaluating its maturity level is
The manufacturing industry contribution to the nation’s recognised as a topic of great interest in Industry 4.0
Gross Domestic Products (GDP) is almost 16% of its total research domain. It is imperative for organisations to under-
GDP. Indian manufacturing sector still has enormous poten- stand its ‘maturing state’ or ‘as-it-is’ state for Industry 4.0
tial to improve its contribution in GDP by embarking on because the digital transformation evolves through continual
Industry 4.0 at an early stage and consequently reap the significant changes in the business strategy, processes and
benefits therefrom (Mehra et al. 2017). It is also noticed that technologies and information systems (Voß and Pawlowski
every nation and company needs to devise an indigenous 2019). The purpose of readiness assessment and maturity
and tailored road for Industry 4.0. Therefore it is necessary evaluation is to guide the organisation and its stakeholders
for organisations to assess own goals and the current situ- through their maturing process or transformation phases
ation or status-quo (Schuh et al. 2018) in order to decide (Kohlegger, Maier, and Thalmann 2009) in a more effective
future action plan for Industry 4.0. and efficient way. The next subsection throws some light on
However, it is a fact that Industry 4.0 is a relatively recent the maturity and readiness assessment tools presented in
phenomenon among the academicians and practitioners the extant literature.
working in the manufacturing domain. Industry 4.0 is not so
far adequately standardised, spread and lacks the clear boun-
2.1. Introduction to maturity model and readiness
daries (Schuh et al. 2018). The majority of organisations are
assessment tool
still unclear about the benefits of Industry 4.0 and its impli-
cations to their businesses (Akdil, Ustundag, and Cevikcan The assessment of manufacturing organisations’ maturity is
2018; Schuh et al. 2018). Literature suggests that the compa- an important starting point for the effective realisation of
nies are facing serious difficulties for understanding the con- Industry 4.0. In general, the concept ‘Maturity’ is defined as
cept from their organisational perspective. Even ‘state of being complete, perfect, or ready’ (Simpson and
organisations failed to relate Industry 4.0 to a specific indus- Weiner 1989). It suggests improvements in the development
try perspective (Oesterreich and Teuteberg 2016; Bibby and of business processes, systems, technology and organisation
Dehe 2018). Further, they are unable to determine the ‘as-it- as a whole (Kohlegger, Maier, and Thalmann 2009). Through
is’ state of an organisation regarding Industry 4.0 a course of time, the systems of organisations accomplish its
(Schumacher, Erol, and Sihn 2016; Bibby and Dehe 2018; future state by consistent improvements in its capabilities
Schuh et al. 2018) and therefore incapable to recognise the (Schumacher, Erol, and Sihn 2016). The maturity can be eval-
substantive action plan and projects (Lichtblau et al. 2015). uated qualitatively and/or quantitatively; either discrete or in
In order to overcome these difficulties and to support the a continuous manner (Kohlegger, Maier, and Thalmann
organisations in the successful realisation of Industry 4.0, 2009). To measure the maturity of systems, various ‘Maturity
new methods and tools are needed. These tools may facili- Models’ have been developed in the past (Ngai et al. 2013;
tate organisations in identifying their strengths and weakness Schumacher, Erol, and Sihn 2016; Vivares, Sarache, and
and accordingly assist in prioritising the actions for improve- Hurtado 2018). Kohlegger, Maier, and Thalmann (2009)
ments (Kagermann et al. 2013; Lichtblau et al. 2015). describe the maturity model as ‘phases of increasing

quantitative or qualitative capability … . in order to assess identification of the existing models. The various combina-
its advances with respect to defined focus areas.’ According tions of keywords are used to identify relevant articles such
to Becker, Knackstedt, and Po €ppelbuß (2009), the maturity as ‘Industry 4.0’, ‘Industrie 4.0’, ‘Smart Manufacturing’ and
model can be understood as ‘artifacts which serve to solve ‘Maturity Model’, ‘Readiness Model’ and ‘Readiness
the problems of determining a company’s status quo of its Assessment Tool’. The keyword search is performed in vari-
capabilities and deriving measures for improvement there- ous electronic databases like Scopus, Web of Science, Taylor
from’. At large, ‘Maturity Model’ is ‘a sequence of stages and Francis, IEEE Xplore, Science Direct, Emerald, Springer,
used to assess situations, and guide potential improvements’ SAGE and other few web portals such as Google Scholar and
(Vivares, Sarache, and Hurtado 2018). It can be utilised to Google search engine. 96 articles have appeared in the
find out the ‘as-it-is’ state of an organisation on the path of search results through the combination of keyword searches.
transformation. The maturity models frequently mentioned To get more insight into the maturity model search, the
as readiness assessment models (Schumacher, Erol, and Sihn references listed in these papers are also reviewed. These
2016) in the extant literature with the aim to attain starting efforts ended up with 13 more maturity models related to
point and to facilitate the initialisation of the development our research interest. This study includes articles published in
process. However, Pacchini et al. (2019) mentions that matur- the journals and conference proceedings from the year 2011
ity is different from readiness and has given interesting when term Industry 4.0 was coined, till the end of
approach to evaluate degree of readiness of organisations September 2019. The other articles like white papers, maga-
for implementation of Industry 4.0 related technologies. zine articles or reports, etc. are also included in the dataset.
The term ‘readiness’ is defined as ‘the state of being fully The authors employed a systematic article refining process
ready or prepared for something’ or ‘willing to do something’ by introducing explicit inclusion and exclusion criteria as the
(Simpson and Weiner 1989) and its assessment occurs before first elimination process of the articles. In the first step, the
maturing process or stage (Pacchini et al. 2019). It can be keywords, abstract and introduction section of each article
thought of as a forward-looking state which is on the verge are reviewed and properly evaluated for its suitability and
of realisation in the future or has almost arrived (Schumacher, relevance to our research objectives. 24 articles are extracted
Erol, and Sihn 2016). Pacchini et al. (2019) describes readiness at the end of this article refining process. These articles are
as the ‘state in which an organization is ready to accomplish completely reviewed to its full length for understanding its
a task’ and maturity as ‘the level of evolution that an organ- scope in the context of Industry 4.0 maturity or readiness
ization has accomplished with respect to a task’. model. The authors also identified few maturity models
In recent time, the ‘maturity models’ and ‘readiness mod- developed by consulting firms such as IMPULS, Rockwell
els’ have captured growing attention in the areas of engin- Automation, Capgemini, PwC, and Baker Tilly, Singapore
eering including energy and utility management for Smart Industry Readiness Index etc. The authors identified 13
sustainable manufacturing processes (Ngai et al. 2013), pro- maturity and/or readiness models that are suitable and have
ject management (Backlund, Chroneer, and Sundqvist 2014), the capability to investigate the status of Industry 4.0.
designing a portfolio management (Nikkhou, Taghizadeh, Table 1 shows the studies focussed on evaluating the matur-
and Hajiyakhchali 2016), business process management ity or readiness in the context of Industry 4.0. The maturity
(Tarhan, Turetken, and Reijers 2016) and manufacturing sys- models which are not itemised in Table 1 have a scarcity of
tems (Vivares, Sarache, and Hurtado 2018). A handful number information regarding the development procedure, structure
of maturity and readiness models are available targeting the and assessment methodology which are invariably useful for
digitalisation and/or Industry 4.0 research areas including IT the reproduction of results.
Management (Becker, Knackstedt, and Po €ppelbuß 2009), A variety of tools have been developed recently to evalu-
Information Systems (Proença and Borbinha 2016), Industry ate Industry 4.0 readiness and maturity of an organisation.
4.0 (Lichtblau et al. 2015; Schumacher, Erol, and Sihn 2016; The systematic approach suggested by Becker, Knackstedt,
Bibby and Dehe 2018; Lucato et al. 2019; Pacchini et al. and Po €ppelbuß (2009) and Kohlegger, Maier, and Thalmann
2019) and smart manufacturing (Mittal et al. 2018). However, (2009) is comprehensively adapted for analysing the readi-
the scarcity of scientifically developed and empirically vali- ness and/or maturity models. Based on the guidelines given
dated maturity and readiness models to assess Industry 4.0 in the earlier studies a set of criteria such as ‘scope of
maturity of manufacturing organisations appears to be a model’, ‘purpose’, ‘completeness’, ‘clarity of dimensions’ and
research gap (Schumacher, Erol, and Sihn 2016; Go €kalp, ‘objective of the study’, ‘importance weights for maturity
Şener, and Eren 2017; Mittal et al. 2018) that calls for fur- items and dimensions’ are used to critically review the exist-
ther studies. ing models. Accordingly each model is evaluated and conse-
quently, the contribution and limitation of the models are
recorded in Table 1.
2.2. Review of existing readiness and maturity
It can be attributed from the above studies that the
assessment tools
maturity dimensions and assessment criteria for evaluating
A systematic literature review approach is followed to collect Industry 4.0 readiness or maturity are completely dependent
existing maturity models and readiness assessment tools on the perspective of the researchers (Bibby and Dehe 2018;
related to Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 maturity models and Pacchini et al. 2019) and their understanding of Industry 4.0
readiness assessment tools are a starting point for the dimensions (Mittal et al. 2018). Further, most of the studies

Table 1. Analysis of existing Industry 4.0 maturity models.

The focus of the model
No. of Practically
Maturity/readiness dimensions No. of tested Technology Governance People Value
assessment Research (sub- maturity Maturity /validated/ and and and chain and Industry 4.0 Contribution
model (source) context/area dimensions) items levels employed Organisation Infrastructure Cyber-security culture processes Awareness and limitations
Industry 4.0 Maturity Industry 4.0 9 62 1–5 Yes. 冑 冑 冑 冑 冑  The model is an extension of existing
Model maturity models and focuses on discrete
(Schumacher, Erol, manufacturing firms
and Sihn 2016)  The structure of the model and

assessment process are clearly defined

 Maturity items are empirically developed
and its importance weights are
determined through a short survey
 Employed quantitative assessment for
evaluating readiness
 The model is tested and validated
through a case study approach
 Lack of details regarding maturity items
and inadequate information regarding
maturity levels
Maturity Model (Bibby Industry 4.0 3 (13) 23 1–4 Yes 冑 冑 冑 冑  The focus of the model is on ‘Factories
and Dehe 2018) of Future’ with eight key technologies
and the model is tested and validated in
the defence industry
 The model structure and assessment
process are clearly defined however
items are not empirically developed
 Employed quantitative assessment for
evaluating readiness with different range
of maturity levels
 Importance levels of items and
dimensions are not considered
 The model is inclined towards few
technologies and lacks the detailed
documentation about the model
IMPULS-Industrie 4.0 Industry 4.0 6 18 0–5 Yes 冑 冑 冑 冑  The model is empirically grounded and
Readiness offers details about the dimensions
(Lichtblau and items
et al. 2015)  Based on the readiness scores, the
evaluating firms are categorised into
three segments i.e. newcomers, learners
and leaders.
 At the end of maturity assessment,
action items are elaborated along with
measures to handle barriers to
Industry 4.0
 The model does not consider a few key
technologies such as AI, AR, VR, smart
glasses and Blockchain technology
 The weights of each dimension is
decided but not for the items. The
weights are decided with the help of a
survey conducted in the firms
Table 1. Continued.
The focus of the model
No. of Practically
Maturity/readiness dimensions No. of tested Technology Governance People Value
assessment Research (sub- maturity Maturity /validated/ and and and chain and Industry 4.0 Contribution
model (source) context/area dimensions) items levels employed Organisation Infrastructure Cyber-security culture processes Awareness and limitations
Industry 4.0: Building PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2016)
the digital
(Geissbauer et al.
Digital Enterprise/ 7 33 1–4 Yes 冑 冑 冑 冑 冑  Online self-assessment tool developed to
Digital maturity measure the enterprises’ digital readiness
 The model has categorised given
dimensions as essential and optional
dimensions while evaluating readiness.
 The model captures the current state as
well as expected maturity state and
based on results, it guides companies
towards Industry 4.0 vision
 The scientific documentation of the
model is missing
 Importance levels of items and
dimensions are not considered
The Connected Connected 4 Missing 1–5 Not mentioned 冑 冑  The model focuses on the facets of
Enterprise Maturity Enterprise- existing IT/OT network and inadequately
Model (Rockwell IT readiness addresses the organisational and
Automation 2014) operations related dimensions
 The model has insufficient details about
its structure and maturity items and
notably missing the scientific
 Empirical development, validation and
testing of the model is not reported
 Importance levels of items and
dimensions are not considered
SPICE-based Industry Industry 4.0- IT 5 Missing 0–5 No 冑 冑 冑 冑  SPICE based conceptual model proposed
4.0-MM (G€ okalp, to measure readiness for Industry 4.0
Şener, and  The readiness evaluation process is not
Eren 2017) explained in detail
 The model lacks on account of scientific
and empirical-based development
 No testing and validation of the model
in real-life application
 Importance levels of items and
dimensions are not considered
Industry 4.0 maturity Industry 4.0 3 13 0–3 Yes 冑 冑 冑  The model is scientifically developed and
model (Akdil, based on Industry 4.0 principles and
Ustundag, and technologies
Cevikcan 2018)  The evaluation process is presented with
relevant assessment formulae and the
characteristics of maturity levels are
elaborated in detail
 The model fails to provide empirical
validation of maturity items

 Importance levels of items and

dimensions are not considered

Table 1. Continued.
The focus of the model
No. of Practically
Maturity/readiness dimensions No. of tested Technology Governance People Value
assessment Research (sub- maturity Maturity /validated/ and and and chain and Industry 4.0 Contribution
model (source) context/area dimensions) items levels employed Organisation Infrastructure Cyber-security culture processes Awareness and limitations
An Industry 4 Industry 4.0 6 43 1–4 Yes 冑 冑 冑 冑  The model structure is elaborated along
readiness with details about sub-dimensions,
assessment tool however, it has fewer details regarding
(Agca et al. 2018) maturity assessment and identification of

maturity level
 The model is not scientifically developed
and no empirical validation in a real-life
environment is done
 Importance levels of items and
dimensions are not considered
Maturity Scoring Industry 4.0 6 missing 0–5 Yes 冑 冑 冑 冑  The model is developed to identify the
Model (Bittighofer readiness of companies from Germany
et al. 2018) and France and to develop a base to
compare its maturity levels
 The model is missing crucial dimensions
like organisational awareness and
 Its reliability and validity has not
been checked
 The details about the maturity
assessment process and readiness levels
are missing
 Importance levels of items and
dimensions are not considered
Keskin et al. (2018) Industry 4.0 6 43 missing Yes 冑 冑 冑 冑 冑  The model is developed in three stages
to identify readiness with help of MCDM
tools such as AHP and TOPSIS
 The model offers flexibility to select the
relevant maturity dimensions and items
based on the specific industry
 Importance weights of each selected
dimensions and criteria could be
calculated with the help of AHP
 The model does not offer scientific
documentation and empirical validation
Industrie 4.0 Maturity Industry 4.0 4 missing 1–6 Yes 冑 冑 冑 冑 冑  The model offers the Industry 4.0
Index (Schuh maturity index for companies in four
et al. 2018) different functional areas of a business
 The detailed information regarding the
structure of the model is given but; the
quantitative assessment process
is missing
 Importance levels of items and
dimensions are not considered
SIMMI 4.0 (Leyh IT 3 missing 5 No 冑 冑  The model consists of five stages to
et al. 2016) system assess the readiness of organisations for
landscape Industry 4.0 particularly IT
system landscape
Table 1. Continued.
The focus of the model
No. of Practically
Maturity/readiness dimensions No. of tested Technology Governance People Value
assessment Research (sub- maturity Maturity /validated/ and and and chain and Industry 4.0 Contribution
model (source) context/area dimensions) items levels employed Organisation Infrastructure Cyber-security culture processes Awareness and limitations
 Vertical integration, Horizontal
integration, Digital product development
and Cross-sectional technology criteria
are used to assess the maturity level
 The model is missing in crucial
dimensions like organisational awareness
and cybersecurity
 The scientific documentation of model
development is missing
 The model is not empirical developed,
validated and tested
 The details about the maturity
assessment and readiness level
are missing
 Importance levels of items and
dimensions are not considered
Industry 4.0 readiness Industry 4.0 – 8 1–6 Yes 冑  The focus of the model is on evaluating
assessment model degree of readiness of organisations for
(Pacchini Industry 4.0 implementation with eight
et al. 2019) key technologies as enablers
 The model is tested and validated in the
Brazilian auto-parts manufacturing
 The degree of adoption of enabling
technologies is represented with help of
radar chart and reinforced the results
with help of a scale of colours
 The model primarily focuses on
measuring degree of readiness of
 Importance levels of items and
dimensions are not considered

(Rockwell Automation 2014; PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2016; cultural differences and human resource factors (e.g. skills,
Agca et al. 2018; Go €kalp, Şener, and Eren 2017; Akdil, qualification, working population and demographic dividend)
Ustundag, and Cevikcan 2018; Bibby and Dehe 2018; play a significant role (World Economic forum 2018) in evalu-
Bittighofer et al. 2018; Pacchini et al. 2019) have not adopted ating the maturity. Hence while developing maturity models
importance weights for dimensions and assessment criteria one must think of the above-mentioned socio-economical
whereas other maturity models (Lichtblau et al. 2015; differences between already economically consolidated
Schumacher, Erol, and Sihn 2016; Keskin et al. 2018) have nations and emerging nations due to the unique require-
considered different priority weights for dimensions and/or ments and realities within developing worlds.
maturity items while evaluating the maturity level. In add- Despite the number of published Industry 4.0 readiness
ition, there is no agreement across Industry 4.0 researchers assessment and maturity models, this topic seems yet to be
on the criteria which will successfully implement Industry 4.0 fully envisioned, addressed and empirically assessed from an
(Bibby and Dehe 2018; Pacchini et al. 2019). organisational awareness and technological perspectives.
While, the majority of models developed in the past have Here, we see an opportunity to develop a user-friendly
their focus on evaluating the readiness and/or maturity of framework comprising of the organisational awareness
organisations from the developed countries or organisations aspect (e.g. usefulness, awareness about Industry 4.0 bene-
that are more matured for Industry 4.0, the readiness and/or fits/implications) and emerging technologies (e.g. Cobots,
maturity assessment from an emerging economy context
Augmented and Virtual reality (AR/VR), 3 D printing,
appears to have been dealt inadequately (Samaranayake,
Manufacturing Execution System (MES), Blockchain
Ramanathan, and Laosirihongthong 2017; Pacchini et al.
Technology (BT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), CS, RFID etc.) that
2019). Further, the cultural aspect which can be considered
may have critical role in the successful realisation of Industry
as a collective mental programming of an organisation is not
4.0. The proposed framework could facilitate decision-makers
adequately reflected in some models (Rockwell Automation
to understand the complex relationships among Industry 4.0
2014; Leyh et al. 2016; Agca et al. 2018; Go €kalp, Şener, and
attributes and the current level of Industry 4.0 maturity.
Eren 2017; Akdil, Ustundag, and Cevikcan 2018; Pacchini
Moreover, managers can easily understand the present
et al. 2019). However, few studies have partly included cul-
tural and geographical aspects which is limited to certain strengths and weaknesses of their companies compared to
behavioural aspect of culture (Lichtblau et al. 2015; competitors. The next section exemplifies the research frame-
Geissbauer et al. PwC 2016; Schumacher, Erol, and Sihn 2016; work used for the development of the maturity model.
Bibby and Dehe 2018; Bittighofer et al. 2018; Keskin et al.
2018; Schuh et al. 2018). There is little evidence concerning
the maturity models which are specifically designed for the
emerging nations. The major reason for dedicated maturity 3. A research framework for the development of
model for emerging nations is that the base and starting the maturity model
point for evaluating the Industry 4.0 readiness and maturity
For the development of the maturity model, the systematic
would be entirely different since the industrialisation and
stepwise approach is appropriately developed based on the
automation level of organisations from the developing
guidelines suggested by Hevner et al. (2004) and Becker,
nations is much low as compared to developed economies
Knackstedt, and Po €ppelbuß (2009). These step-by-step guide-
(Aulbur and Gangal 2017; Mehra et al. 2017; Kamakoti 2018).
lines to develop a maturity model have a strong theoretical
It can also be attributed from existing literature that the
background from the design science research. Similar meth-
adoption of higher-end technologies in emerging nations is
odology and approach have been utilised in the earlier stud-
more challenging as compared to their counter partners in
ies (Schumacher, Erol, and Sihn 2016) for the development
developed nations (Dalenogare et al. 2018). Since the emerg-
ing economies have been concentrating on extraction and of maturity models. The research framework followed in our
commercialisation of commodities, the level of industrialisa- study is as shown in Figure 1.
tion and adoption of technologies in these economies is low The research framework comprises a multi-methodological
and frequently lagging to developed economies. In other approach to develop a maturity model including literature
words, the assimilation and acculturation to ongoing indus- review, comparison of existing maturity models, experts’
trial revolution is at slow pace in emerging economies than interview, modelling and conceptual design, testing and val-
economically developed countries. Moreover manufacturing idation of the model in real-life application. The research
organisations, especially operating in emerging nations, have framework has four distinct phases including understanding
serious issues in grasping the concepts of Industry 4.0 and about Industry 4.0 concept, core development phase - con-
therefore lacks clear understanding about prerequisites and ceptual modelling, digital assessment form, testing, valid-
maturation stages of Industry 4.0. Therefore model should ation, and the scientific documentation and implementation
comprise of maturity items relevant to their capabilities and in a real-life production environment. The process adopted
have somewhat different layers of maturity for organisations in the framework is an iterative process that helped in evalu-
from emerging nations. Currently, the organisations from ating, refining and enhancing the maturity model. The pro-
developing nations are still confronting the challenge of cess of development of the maturity model is divided into
building the basic perquisites for Industry 4.0. Arguably, the four phases as explained below:

Figure 1. A research methodology for the development of the maturity model.

3.1. Building a thorough understanding of Industry 4.0 2018; Bittighofer et al. 2018; Pacchini et al. 2019). It is also
concepts and identifying the underlying problems mentioned in the literature that the concept is not com-
in its implementation pletely and clearly understood by the top management of
several companies (Schumacher, Erol, and Sihn 2016; Go €kalp,
It is imperative for manufacturing organisations to know Şener, and Eren 2017). Therefore, it is imperative in our study
about the abilities required to conquer the Industry 4.0 to precisely understand the domain complexities and thereby
vision in a systematic way. At the current state Industry 4.0 clearly define the aspects of Industry 4.0 and its attributes.
concept is in the initial stages of its development, therefore, For the first phase interviews with practitioners, research
there are no agreements or general consensus among the scholars and consultants in the field of Industry 4.0 assisted
researchers and practitioners about the aspects of Industry us to determine the underlying problems particularly related
4.0 (Akdil, Ustundag, and Cevikcan 2018; Bibby and Dehe to the developing country context.

3.1.1. Reviewing and comparing the existing matur- product’. Therefore, to identify the contribution of each
ity models maturity item in determining the maturity level of the organ-
The literature is thoroughly explored to collect various isation, the multi-criteria decision-making technique Fuzzy
maturity and readiness assessment models related to our Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) is used. With the help of
subject. Thereafter these identified models are completely experts’ opinions and decisions, pairwise comparison matri-
analysed, categorised and compared according to the pre- ces of the dimensions and items within each dimension are
decided assessment criteria and characteristics of models as prepared. This helped us to determine the importance of
mentioned in section 2.2. The pros and cons of the models weights of maturity dimensions and measurement items.
are listed and the suitability of these models is evaluated for FAHP methodology steps are followed from earlier stud-
our model, domain (manufacturing or service sectors) and ies, details of which could be seen in various researches (Van
geographical context (particularly for developing nations). Laarhoven and Pedrycz 1983; Opricovic and Tzeng 2003;
The detailed review of these studies helped us to determine Heo, Kim, and Boo 2010; Lin, 2010, 2013; Jakhar and
the concepts relevant to build the model structure such as Barua 2014).
assessment methods (qualitative or quantitative or mixed), The broader steps of the FAHP method used to evaluate
number of maturity levels (from level 1-lowest to 5-highest priority weights are explained as below:
maturity), dimensions (minimum 3 dimensions to maximum
of 16 dimensions) and assessment items (13–62 items), mode i. Define the problem i.e. calculating priority weights of
of assessment (self-assessment or external) and presentation maturity items and dimensions.
style (generally numerical presentation and graphically repre- ii. Create a hierarchy of goal i.e. hierarchy of maturity
sented through radar charts). dimensions and measurement items
iii. Data collection: To conduct a pairwise comparison of
maturity dimensions and measurement items, a group
3.2. The core development phase of a maturity model of 15 professionals is formed. The selection criteria for
selection of experts are kept as a professional having
3.2.1. Development of model structure and maturity items
an experience in the field of Industry 4.0, digital trans-
In this phase, the Maturity Model’s structure is developed
formation, data sciences, industrial engineering,
including dimensions and measurement items as well as the
advanced manufacturing, and competent in decision-
levels of maturity along with its relevant characteristics. For
making. The profile of experts is as follows: eight
finalising and validating the maturity items, we referred to
industry experts are selected from the manufacturing
the triangulation method; literature review of existing matur-
industry out of which three experts are from the auto-
ity models, the consultation with the experts in the field of
motive and auto-ancillary sectors, three are from
manufacturing and digitalisation, and structured interview
machine component manufacturing firm and one
sessions with the directors of the institutes working in the
expert from food and electronic industry sector each.
field of Industry 4.0. The case study approach is also adopted Further three experts from academia and two from
along with the above methods to recognise and confirm the consultancy firms working in the field of advanced
maturity items’ practicability for our study. An evaluation technology, Industrial engineering, operations manage-
form is designed wherein a short description of the measure- ment and strategic management. Two experts who par-
ment item is given and attributes for each maturity items are ticipated are Industry 4.0 solution providers. All the
described. For this, the characteristics or attributes men- industry experts have an experience of at least 15
tioned in the existing studies are examined in detail for its years. The formal request was sent to each expert to
appropriateness to our model. The recognised maturity items participate in this task and after their confirmation; a
at the end of this task are subsequently used for determining pairwise comparison is completed during inter-
the importance level of each item while evaluating the active sessions
maturing stage. iv. Create pairwise comparison matrices for each dimen-
sion and maturity measurement items within particular
dimension separately
3.2.2. Determining the importance level of maturity items
v. Construct a fuzzy judgment matrix and perform fuzzy
and dimensions
synthetic extent calculations
During the interaction with practitioners and experts in the
vi. Examine consistency of pairwise comparison matrices
field of Industry 4.0, it is revealed that every maturity item
vii. Final step is to determine the priority weights of each
has a different level of contribution or importance in the
dimension and maturity item
maturing process of the organisation towards Industry 4.0.
The existing literature also supports this presumption that
every maturity item has different priority weights or signifi- 3.2.3. Calculating the maturity score of dimension and
cance levels while assessing the maturity level (Lichtblau overall maturity score
et al. 2015; Schumacher, Erol, and Sihn 2016; Keskin et al. Considering the fact that each maturity item has different
2018). For example, the ‘Blockchain technology’ adoption level of contribution in Industry 4.0 maturity measurement,
may contribute differently to Industry 4.0 maturity than the there is definite need to evaluate maturity of each dimension
item ‘Smart Product - Intelligent sensors embedded into the along with overall maturity for an organisation. Therefore for

calculating the maturity of individual items and overall users of the maturity model, certain changes in the maturity
maturity score (Mo) of the organisation, the following steps model are executed. The three iterations were performed to
are suitably developed: finalise maturity items and dimensions and this iterative pro-
The maturity model has ‘i’ maturity items in each ‘j’ cess helped us to improve the quality, usability and validity
maturity dimensions. The responses from ‘K’ respondents are of the maturity model. This model is subsequently imple-
recorded separately for each ‘i’ maturity items of ‘j’ maturity mented in the real-life situation and empirically tested in
dimensions. Subsequently, based on these responses, the various organisations.
maturity score for a particular maturity item is calculated by
taking the weighted average of ith measurement item of jth
maturity dimension as given in Equation (1). 4. The proposed Industry 4.0 maturity model
XK 4.1. Structure of model
Maturity score for item ¼ ðDj Ii ÞAW ¼ W Rk
k¼1 k
The proposed maturity model includes 38 maturity measure-
where Rk is the Kth response; Wk is the weight of respondent
ment items spread across 7 Industry 4.0 dimensions. The
(for this study we assumed equal weights for all the respond-
prime focus of our maturity model is on the emerging tech-
ents); k ¼ 1, 2, … ., K. where ‘K’ is the total number of
nologies as well as the critical aspects of organisations such
respondents; Dj is the jth dimension; Ii is the ith maturity
as strategies, people and culture, awareness about the con-
item; ðDj Ii ÞAW is the weighted average for ith maturity item
cept, usefulness and sensitivity for Industry 4.0 transform-
of jth dimension.
ation. The dimensions and details of maturity items are
The maturity score for each dimension is calculated with
enlisted in Table 2.
the Equation (2) as given below,
The measurement items included in each assessment
dimension are derived from the previous studies and
Maturity score for dimension ¼ MDj ¼ Wi  ðDj Ii ÞAW
recognised with the help of experts in the domain. The next
(2) sub-section discusses the evaluation of maturity scores and
interpretation of maturity level of organisation and their
where, Wi is the importance weight for ith measurement attributes to achieve Industry 4.0 vision.
item derived from the FAHP approach; MDj is the maturity
score for dimension ‘j’.
The overall maturity score (Mo) for the case organisation 4.2. Evaluating the maturity scores of dimensions and
is calculated with the Equation (3) as given below, overall maturity score
The organisational maturity is calculated through structured
Overall Maturity score ¼ Mo ¼ Wj  MDj (3)
closed-ended questions for each maturity item separately as
listed in Table 2. The five-point Likert scale, ‘1’ for ‘No or low
Where, Wj is the importance weight for jth maturity dimension level of maturity’ while ‘5’ represents ‘high level of maturity
derived from the FAHP approach. for Industry 4.0 vision’ is adopted to record the responses for
m ¼ number of dimensions (in our case, ‘m’ equals to each maturity item in the questionnaire. For example, as
seven dimensions) shown in Table 3, the maturity item ‘the company’s digital
vision and roadmap for Industry 4.0 adoption and implemen-
tation’ for the dimension ‘organisational strategy’.
3.2.4. Development of maturity assessment tool In Table 3, rating ‘1’ represents ‘no digital vision and road-
In order to simplify the calculations and evaluation of the map is developed by organisation for Industry 4.0 and/or
maturity levels for the case organisation, the questionnaire is Industry 4.0 is not part of business strategy’; rating ‘2’ shows
integrated into a spreadsheet developed in Microsoft Excel. ‘organisation is developing digital vision for Industry 4.0 but
Based on the responses received from the case organisation, roadmap is not prepared and/or Industry 4.0 is not inte-
individual responses can be fed into a specially designed grated into business strategy but it is recognised at depart-
spreadsheet. Once the response sheet is filled, the calcula- ment level only’; rating ‘3’ represents ‘vision for Industry 4.0
tions are automatically performed and maturity results are is developed and currently preparing a roadmap for pilot
numerically and graphically displayed on a dashboard. This projects and/or Industry 4.0 is part of business strategy’; the
dashboard portrays the maturity scores for each dimension rating ‘40 signifies ‘vision for Industry 4.0 is developed and
and maturity items in both numeric and graphical form company is preparing roadmap for its complete implementa-
(radar charts). This helps the company to interpret the tion and/or Industry 4.0 strategy is communicated across
results distinctly. organisation and widely understood’ and lastly rating ‘5’
characterises ‘Industry 4.0 is part of organisational strategy
and accordingly progressing towards Industry 4.0 as per
3.3. Testing and implementation phase
developed vision and roadmap’.
The model is subsequently tested in the real-life environ- Likewise, attributes for each maturity items have been
ment and feedback from the experts is sought for its practic- listed and are used while seeking responses from respondents
ability. Based on the response from the practitioners and on each maturity item. Because of space constraints, all of

Table 2. Structure of the maturity model and importance weight for dimensions and items.
Industry 4.0 dimension Assessment criteria/ (FAHP
(FAHP weights) measurement item Description for measurement item weights)
People and culture (0.12) Leadership Support The leadership support towards digital transformation activities 0.38
Continuous Improvement Culture The company’s continuous improvement culture to adopt 0.12
Industry 4.0
Dedicated teams The existence of dedicated teams in the company to drive 0.17
digitalisation across the organisation
Digital skills and qualification The company’s alignment towards employees’ digital skills 0.33
and qualifications to adopt Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 awareness (0.06) Familiarity with Industry 4.0 The Company’s familiarity with the term ‘Industry 4.0’ 0.35
Sensitivity towards the impact of The sensitivity of the company towards the impact of digital 0.22
digital transformation transformation through Industry 4.0
Usefulness of Industry 4.0 The perception regarding the usefulness of Industry 4.0 to 0.17
to company company’s performance
Preparedness for Industry The perception regarding the company’s preparedness for the 0.26
4.0 adoption introduction of new technologies of Industry 4.0
Organisational strategy (0.18) Digital vision and roadmap The company’s digital vision and roadmap for Industry 4.0 0.28
Customer integration The company’s ability to integrate customers’ need and/or 0.15
preferences in the product development and
production processes
Collaboration The company’s collaboration efforts with external 0.12
organisations (e.g. with Industry 4.0 solution providers,
consultants, suppliers and academia) to embrace
Industry 4.0
Zero Paper Strategy The company’s ability to control, display and exchange 0.19
information/data without paper i.e. ‘Zero paper Strategy
Financial Investment The company’s level of investments for transformation to 0.26
Industry 4.0
Value chain and Digitalisation of Vertical value chain The degree of digitalisation of the product development 0.26
processes (0.17) phase to the production phase
Real-time monitoring and control The company’s ability to monitor the production in real-time 0.14
and dynamically react to the changes in demand
End-to-End IT-enabled planning and The company’s level of an end-to-end IT enabled planning 0.19
steering process and steering process from sales forecasting, production to
warehouse planning and logistics
Digitalisation of The company’s level of digitalisation of production 0.15
production equipments equipments (sensors, IoT connection, digital monitoring,
control, optimisation and automation)
Digitalisation of Horizontal The degree of digitalisation of your value chain from 0.26
value chain customer order to supplier, production and logistics
to service
Smart manufacturing Autonomous and Collaborative The company uses advanced robots for automating activities 0.12
technology (0.13) robots (Cobots) (such as handling, welding and painting) and AGVs for
logistics. These systems work autonomously and are
consciously aware of the surroundings that make them
work collaboratively with the human.
Software Systems like ERP, MES, CRM The organisation uses digital software systems for sharing 0.15
and PLM tools information and obtains real-time feedback from the shop
floor and other functional areas of the organisation to
support in decision making at machine control level,
production control level and corporate management level.
Identifiers like Bar code, QR code or The company uses identifiers for the asset (e.g. product, parts, 0.12
RFID and RTLS equipments or people) tracking and locating it in various
areas of the company such as manufacturing plants,
warehouse and maintenance.
Intelligent sensors, actuators, The company employs intelligent sensors, actuators and PLCs 0.15
embedded systems and PLCs on machines and equipments to facilitate digitalisation of
manufacturing processes.
Machine to Machine (M2M) and The company has a communication system with 0.19
Human to Machine (H2M) interoperability to exchange the information through the
communication networked machines at the shop floor and human at
different hierarchical levels.
Digital platforms (DP) for supplier The company provides digital platforms to exchange real-time 0.15
integration information about manufacturing schedules, operation
activities and inventory levels with other manufacturing
units, suppliers and warehouses.
Digital platforms (DP) for customer The digital platforms provided to the customers to know the 0.12
integration manufacturing status of their product, tracking product
delivery and attending specific customer demands.
AR, VR and MR 0.22

Table 2. Continued.
Industry 4.0 dimension Assessment criteria/ (FAHP
(FAHP weights) measurement item Description for measurement item weights)
Product and services oriented The company uses technological devices for ‘design process
technology (0.15) enhancement by visualising issues in product development
life cycle’; ‘productivity improvement by providing smart
glasses to the workers that assist them to improve
turnaround time in supply chain and
manufacturing processes’.
Additive Manufacturing (AM), 3D The company employs 3DP technique at various stages of 0.21
Printing (3DP) production i.e. from product conceptualisation -
manufacturing to after-sales. For example: in the design
phase of the new product, rapid prototyping, R & D and
for after-sales spare parts supply.
Mobile Devices and Wearables The company uses mobile devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets) 0.19
and Wearables (e.g. smartwatches, glasses and gloves) to
access the information and to communicate with several
systems on a real-time basis.
Blockchain Technology (BT) The company uses BT for effective and efficient e-value 0.10
chains. For example, 1) transparent supply chain involving
of tracking and tracing parts from supplier to their origin;
tracking purchase orders and enhancing procurement data
accuracy. 2) Smart contracts that include automatically
verifying orders; product delivery and invoices
from suppliers.
Smart Product The company develops smart products by embedding 0.28
intelligent sensors into the products that enable products
to sense the environment around them.
Industry 4.0 base Cloud Computing (CC) network for The company uses cloud systems for remotely connecting and 0.11
technology (0.18) resource sharing sharing hard resources (e.g. equipments and robots) and
soft resources (e.g. data, documents and software)
Cloud Computing (CC) network for The company stores and retrieves the information from the 0.12
data storing cloud network.
Internet of Things (IoT) The company has communication technologies like Wi-Fi, 0.17
ZigBee, and Bluetooth etc. for wireless communication and
networking between the machines, robots, systems and
people. The company has the capability to connect the
physical things with the internet and enabling them to be
as smart things.
Internet of services (IoS) The company provides services via web-based technologies, 0.15
allowing the company and other users to combine, create
and offer new kind of value-added services.
Big Data (BD), real-time The company has the capability to collect, store and manage 0.15
data processing the BD (structured and unstructured) effectively which is
captured from physical objects and external elements to
improve plant productivity and to minimise downtime
through predictive analytics.
Simulation tools The obtained data then used to simulate what-if scenario 0.09
considering several affecting parameters to build futuristic
scenarios for business decision support.
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine The company makes use of AI-based cognitive technologies 0.10
Learning (ML) and Deep like Natural language processing, Speech recognition, Rule-
Learning (DL) based systems and Computer vision for ‘higher
personalisation of products and services’ and ‘improving
the efficiency of production and business processes’.
Industrial Cyber Security (CS) The company has adopted various security measures like 0.11
encryption, authentication and authorisation measures that
help to establish secured communication protocols to
ensure IT security and data protection, as a threat may
arise due to connected ecosystem.
ERP: Enterprise resource planning; MES: Manufacturing Execution System; CRM: Customer relationship management; PLM: Product lifecycle management; QR
Code: Quick Response Code; RTLS: Real-time Location System; PLCs: Programmable logic controllers; DP: Digital platforms; AR: Augmented Reality; VR: Virtual
Reality; MR: Mixed Reality AM: Additive Manufacturing; 3DP: 3 D Printing; BT: Blockchain Technology; CC: Cloud Computing; IoT: Internet of Things; IoS: Internet
of Services; BD: Big Data; AI: Artificial Intelligence; ML: Machine Learning; DL: Deep Learning; CS: Industrial Cyber Security, AGVs: Automated Guided Vehicles.

the attributes for each maturity items have not been men- The maturity scores for each measurement item, dimen-
tioned here. Broadly the rating 1 symbolises if company has sion and overall maturity of company is evaluated using
no exposure to any Industry 4.0 aspects or minimal plans or Equations (1)–(3) respectively as explained in section 3.2.3 of
implementation activities for Industry 4.0 realisation. Whereas, this work. These calculated scores are subsequently used to
scale rating 5 describes whether company has successfully determine maturity level of organisation for Industry 4.0,
adopted the particular aspect of Industry 4.0 completely. which is discussed in next sub-section.

Table 3. Representative question to measure a maturity item.

Sample question Response on 5-point likert scale
How do you rate your company’s digital vision and roadmap for Industry 4.0 adoption and implementation? ‹ › fi fl 

Table 4. Industry 4.0 maturity level. which is a leading supplier of technology products and serv-
Maturity score (Mo) range Maturity level ices in the area of mobility solutions, consumer goods, and
4.00  Mo  5.00 Level 4: Expert building technology. XYZ (name of the company is disguised
3.00  Mo < 4.00 Level 3: Experienced as desired by the company) is operational in India for the
2.00  Mo < 3.00 Level 2: Digital Novice
1.00  Mo < 2.00 Level 1: Outsider last 95 years. In the mobility solution business, the company
Level of
thrived as a global leading automotive component supplier
in the year 2018 with a revenue of around 47.6 billion euros.
Low The company’s automotive component manufacturing busi-
ness contributes around 85% of its overall business in India.
It has a stronghold on the Indian automotive market with a
market share of about 70%. The XYZ company is located in
4.3. Industry 4.0 maturity levels east-central part of Rajasthan, India. It has more than 1000
employees including contractual employees.
Based on the obtained overall maturity score, Industry 4.0 matur-
Three plant visits and semi-structured interview sessions
ity level of organisation is determined from the below men-
were conducted from April 2019 to July 2019 to understand
tioned Table 4. The organisation under research can be classified the current status of the company regarding Industry 4.0.
into one of the four maturity levels. The level 1 represents matur- From shop floor visits and interview sessions with top man-
ity ‘Outsider’ whereas level 4 signifies ‘Expert’ maturity state. agement employees it is revealed that XYZ has implemented
Maturity Level 1 can be described as the ‘Outsider’ for those a number of digital transformation-related pilot projects and
companies which scored between 1 and 2. These companies committed for driving Industry 4.0 strategy. While moving
have no exposure to any Industry 4.0 aspects or minimal plans from the mechanical world to a connected world through
or implementation activities for Industry 4.0 realisation. While Industry 4.0 and the IoT, the company is driving necessary
highest maturity Level 4 describes the ‘Expert’ maturity for changes in a few critical functions and processes of the busi-
those companies which scored between 4 and 5. These com- ness. It can be corroborated from the fact that XYZ company
panies have successfully adopted all the aspects of Industry has invested around 1.1 million euros over last 3 years on
4.0 and have the intense application of emerging technolo- Industry 4.0 related projects.
gies. The other maturity levels between level 1 and level 4 are Thirteen experts were requested to participate in the
denoted as follows: level 2 designates the company as ‘Digital Industry 4.0 maturity assessment. Due care is taken to ensure
Novice’ and level 3 represents as ‘Experienced’ maturity state. the accuracy of the results through developing basic under-
During the evaluation process, due care is taken to ensure standing and knowledge among respondents about the pro-
that the responses to each question should be genuine and posed Industry 4.0 maturity model and its assessment
exemplifies the factual state of the organisation for Industry criteria. The selection of experts is based on the criteria that
4.0. For that respondents are well-briefed regarding the basic each selected expert should have at least 10 years of experi-
concepts of Industry 4.0 and maturity model before under- ence in the manufacturing functions. In addition, an expert
taking the Industry 4.0 evaluation process. The maturity should have strong capability to analyse the company’s man-
model is tested and validated in five case organisations from ufacturing processes with respect to Industry 4.0 and have a
different manufacturing sectors such as automotive, auto- fair knowledge about the organisation’s strategy for digital-
ancillary, food and beverages and electrical and electronic isation. Experts were selected from various value streams of
equipment manufacturing companies to verify its structure the plant including Industry 4.0 coordinators, plant head,
and suitability to the domain as well as investigating its prac- team leaders, managers, and senior managers. They were
tical usability for the organisations. Owing to space con- selected based on their ability to assess the Industry 4.0
straint the results of one case-study from auto-component activities across the organisation as well as activities in rela-
manufacturing sector are presented in the next section. tion to technical functions, supply chain and in-plant logis-
We choose to present particular case in this paper because tics, quality and maintenance, operations and
the automotive sector in India is at the cusp of technological human resource.
innovations like electrification, connectivity and autonomy. The As explained in section 3.2.4, the evaluation scores of
sector has significant contribution (approx. 7.5%) to India’s each expert are recorded in the spreadsheet. The scores are
Gross Domestic Product and is expected to reach Rs 16.16–18.18 recorded against each questionnaire item mentioned in
trillion (US$251.4  282.8 billion) by 2026 (IBEF, 2019). Table 2. Based on the scores given by the experts, the overall
maturity score and maturity level related to specific readiness
dimensions and the overall maturity level of the organisation
5. Case study in XYZ Ltd
are calculated. The collection of the data and evaluation of
The maturity model proposed in this study is employed to maturity allowed us to benchmark the Industry 4.0 practices
assess Industry 4.0 maturity level of a case organisation, against each dimension.

People and Culture


Industry 4.0 Base 4 Industry 4.0
Technology 3.7 Awareness

Product and Services 2.4 2.8 Organisaonal
oriented Technology Strategy

Smart Manufacturing Value Chain and
Technology process

Overall Maturity Score (2.88) Dimensionwise Maturity Score

Figure 2. Industry 4.0 maturity scores in seven dimensions.

5.1. Maturity assessment results and discussion Figure 2 shows that the maturity level for ‘Product and
Services oriented Technology’ dimension is low (2.4) among
The assessment results for the case organisation are com-
all the dimensions. This may be due to the reason that the
pleted for all seven dimensions and the maturity score for
company has limited adoption of product and services
the main dimensions are depicted in the radar chart as related technologies such as 3D printing, Blockchain and AR/
shown in Figure 2. VR for producing customised products and offering the prod-
The assessment study shows that ‘Product and Services ori- uct-oriented services. Take an example of 3D printing tech-
ented Technology’ (2.4) dimension has the lowest maturity nology which is presently employed in the manufacturing
score while the dimensions ‘Industry 4.0 awareness’ (3.7), toolings and prototypes instead of the actual manufacturing
‘People and culture’ (3.5) and ‘Smart Manufacturing of products. Likewise, the company utilises VR technology to
Technology’ (3.2) have a moderately high score among the train the employees in quality-related aspects only.
others. The study reveals that maturity scores vary from 2.4 to Next, the assessments for maturity items within dimen-
3.7. The overall maturity score is 2.88 which means that the sions are calculated with the help of eq. (1) and the results
case company resides in ‘Digital Novice’ maturity level. It can are depicted in Figure 3. Among all the assessment items,
be also revealed from the maturity score that the company is ‘usefulness of Industry 4.0 for business’ item exhibits a higher
very near to obtain the next maturity level ‘Experienced’. This maturity score of 4.8. It is observed that the higher author-
assessment can be corroborated because the case company ities of plant and middle-level management are highly aware
has adopted several aspects of Industry 4.0 but at isolated pla- regarding benefits associated with Industry 4.0 technologies,
ces in the organisation. The organisation claims that they are its implications to operations, productivity and overall busi-
improving in the productivity and other benefits related to ness growth. The maturity item ‘familiarity with Industry 4.0’
operations through Industry 4.0 pilot projects. However, there shows a maturity score of 3.5. The probable reason for the
is still a wide scope for the company to horizontally integrate high maturity score is that the case company considers
with customers to enhance product customisation or personal- themselves as one of the early adopters of Industry 4.0 as
isation as well as horizontally connect with business partners they have started the first pilot project in the year 2015.
to enable real-time production visibility. Therefore over the period of time, the familiarity regarding
Further, the assessment study exposes a comparatively Industry 4.0 is developed across the organisation.
higher maturity points for ‘Industry 4.0 awareness’ dimension The case company has adopted several smart manufactur-
(3.7). This is likely for the case company because of its cur- ing technologies in its plant and at the business operation
rent efforts and significant investment for building a new level. For example, the radar chart Figure 3 shows that the
facility ‘Industry 4.0 academy’ for conducting awareness highest maturity score (4.3) is for the ‘Intelligent sensors,
drives regarding Industry 4.0. The facility is being used for actuators, PLCs for manufacturing processes’ dimension. The
educating managerial level employees about Industry 4.0 high maturity for this dimension is owing to the fact that the
practices and emerging technologies. Next, the company has case company has employed numerous sensors, actuators
adopted quite a few manufacturing systems related technol- and PLCs on its machines and equipments to facilitate auto-
ogies such as intelligent sensors, actuators, PLCs, RFID, barco- mation of manufacturing processes. However, the case com-
des, MES and ERP systems; the reason why the case pany fails to establish the full machine-to-machine
company shows relatively high score in ‘Smart communication (2.8) due to the technological and organisa-
Manufacturing Technology’ (3.2) dimension. In the year 2018 tional barriers such as old machines, hardware and software
the company has invested around 128,000 euros on VR/AR, incompatible with latest IT systems. Another important chal-
3 D printing technology and Energy management projects. lenge for the company is that the new compatibility platform

Figure 3. Industry 4.0 maturity score for all maturity items of dimensions.

involves higher financial investment for enabling real-time 5.2. Learning from the maturity model and
communication. This reflects that despite encouraging efforts maturity assessment
at the organisational level; the case plant’s ‘preparedness for
The outcome of maturity level assessment leads to critical
Industry 4.0’ (2.8) is very less which is almost equals to over-
all maturity score (2.88). One of the main reasons for the low learnings regarding aspects on which company needs to
preparedness of the company is its legacy hardware, focus on improvements. The current assessment shows that
machines and equipments. Therefore, the company is finding the case company is in ‘Digital Novice’ maturity level and it
it very difficult to integrate and communicate with the latest has a better chance to move to the next maturity level
IT systems. ‘Experienced’. The maturity evaluation reveals that the case
The assessment work also depicts that, ‘AI, ML and DL’ (1.6), organisation strength resides in its ERP, MES, Sensors and
‘IoT’ (2.4), ‘IoS’ (1.5) and ‘Simulation tools’ (2.2) maturity items PLCs. However, its integration with each other is significantly
show comparatively very low maturity score. The reason missing which prevents the company from collecting real-
behind low maturity may be that the case company has lim- time data from various stages of production and resources.
ited capability to collect, store, monitor and control the real- Next RFID, Bar code, Cloud Computing are recognised as
time data from production units. However, the case company relatively highly used technologies whereas Smart Product,
is significantly using a cloud network for storing the data and IoT and IoS and Big data analytics are identified as areas for
sharing the cloud-based applications for internal users as well improvements. There is a prospect for the case company to
as external customers. The case company has cloud systems improve upon ‘Smart Manufacturing Technology’ dimension.
for remotely connecting and sharing the soft resources (e.g. For instance, the case company has currently deployed RFID
data, documents and software) but no cloud connectivity for tags and barcode systems for ordering and tracking of goods
the hard resources (e.g. equipments and robots). in the limited places of the assembly areas and in the

supermarket areas. This could be scaled up to other areas of important reference point and possibly it is a new domain
value streams where RFID implementation can be deployed for future studies regarding replicating or refining the model.
at all relevant assembly lines and the supermarket areas for This study brings up multiple, self-adjusting, unpredictable
reaping the full benefits out of these technologies. Likewise, and interacting pathways operated in the manufacturing pro-
the case company may target the crucial areas or technolo- cess that are extracted from the macro to micro-level journey
gies where they scored low maturity such as Cobots, Big towards Industry 4.0.
Data, vertical and horizontal integration. Next, the model is tested in an auto-component manufac-
turing company having a strong market share in India as well
as in the world. A structured questionnaire is used to collect
6. Conclusion, limitations and future scope
the responses from experts from the case company who are
This section expounds on the research contribution, its impli- selected on the basis of explicit selection criteria. The study
cations for academics and practitioners and the limitation of concludes, based on the results of the Industry 4.0 maturity
the model guiding towards future research scope. assessment, that the case organisation resides in the ‘Digital
Novice’ level of maturity with overall maturity score (2.88)
against the maximum maturity score (5).
6.1. Research contribution Based on the assessment study, the company can develop
This study contributes to the literature in the domain of a strategy for the adoption of digital emerging technologies.
Industry 4.0 by proposing a maturity assessment framework The company needs to demystify technologies and resist
in the form of a model to help companies to assess their using it for the sake of using the latest and the greatest. The
maturity to Industry 4.0. The assessment framework comprises proposed assessment framework enables companies to self-
of 7 dimensions and 38 maturity items which are identified assess their maturing stage for Industry 4.0. Further, it helps
from the extant literature and recognised through experts’ in deciding the assessment criterion on which the company
opinion. An evaluation form is designed systematically to needs to focus on enhancing the readiness and maturity
seek the responses from the respondents against each matur- level. This evaluation process supports the company in priori-
ity item. The questionnaire is designed in such a way that the tising its areas of improvement and maturing towards
respondents can self-assess the company’s maturing stage. Industry 4.0. The top management can utilise the assessment
This study proposes different weights for each dimension results for allocating financial budgets, resources and to set
and maturity items comprised in the assessment framework. targets for development. Additionally, it is also recom-
For instance, the maturity dimension ‘People and Culture’ or mended that the organisation can make use of the results
‘Industry 4.0 awareness’ might have different importance lev- for sharing the best practices and knowledge with its supply
els in the assessment process than ‘Industry 4.0 base tech- chain network companies. The outcome of the study offers
nology’ dimension of the maturity model. FAHP technique is organisations the practical guidelines for developing a robust
adopted to determine the priority weights of dimensions Industry 4.0 adoption strategy that is in line with their busi-
and measurement items. The experts’ judgment and their ness strategy. Based on the maturity results an indigenous
opinion are used to finalise its importance level. Based on and tailored roadmap to digital transformation can be devel-
the evaluation score and priority weights, the maturity score oped. For managers, it is a valuable instrument that allows
for each maturity item and dimension is calculated and sub- the assessment of the ‘as-it-is’ state of an organisation and
sequently depicted using radar charts. Based on the maturity helps them to rationalise improvement actions. Finally lever-
scores the level of maturity is determined and its related aging the assessment results will pave the way for an inclu-
characteristics can be referred to decide the company’s over- sive and comprehensive approach to the deployment of
all maturing stage. Industry 4.0.

6.2. Theoretical and practical implications 6.3. Limitations and future research scope
The output of this study reveals several theoretical and prac- Although the developed model is supported by prior litera-
tical implications. In terms of theoretical implication, this ture, expert consultation and case study, the experts’ judg-
study has conducted a systematic analysis of existing matur- ment and opinion involved in this process still contain a
ity models. A systematic and scientific methodology is certain level of subjectivity. Therefore the proposed model
adopted to develop a maturity model and it is validated in needs to be tested for its applicability with the aim to gener-
consultation with users of the maturity model. The proposed alise in other industrial organisations and manufacturing sec-
maturity model explicitly fills the research gap of Industry 4.0 tors such as textile, pharmaceutical and cement industry. To
assessment tool and maturity level measurement from critical enhance confidence of users towards this model, the maturity
insights of a developing country. Hence the study adds value items comprised in the assessment model should be devel-
in providing a maturity assessment tool specifically for oped empirically with more use cases. The present study
organisations from developing countries. Though this frame- assumes that the maturity measurement items comprised in
work is designed and tested in Indian manufacturing organi- the model are critical and a response to each item is needed
sations, it would be beneficial to industrial companies for calculating the maturity level where Not-Applicable
beyond India. The proposed maturity model serves as an answers are not allowed. Further efforts may be directed to

measure the degree of readiness of organisation for Industry Rakesh Jain is a professor in Mechanical Engineering
4.0 as suggested by Pacchini et al. (2019), which is based on Department at Malaviya National Institute of
the assessment of prerequisites adopted by organisation, for Technology Jaipur, India. His research areas include,
supply chain management, lean manufacturing, new
each maturity items mentioned in this study. product development, strategic management and
Next, the identified importance weights of each maturity total quality management. He has authored over 45
item are based on opinion received from comparatively a research articles in these areas. He is a life member
limited number of experts. In future a large scale survey may of ISTE. He is member of IIIE and chairman of Jaipur
chapter of IIIE.
be conducted to recognise the importance level of maturity
items for the organisations of different industries. Further
small changes in the existing model will facilitate its users to
decide importance level (weights) of maturity items and Agca, O., J. Gibson, J. Godsell, J. Ignatius, J. Wyn Davies, and O. Xu 2018.
An Industry 4 readiness assessment tool. WMG International Institute
dimensions based on their company’s strategy. Additionally,
for Product and Service Innovation University of Warwick (2017).
more maturity items related to legal and regulatory issues Agrifoglio, R., C. Cannavale, E. Laurenza, and C. Metallo. 2017. “How
could be introduced in the existing model. The model could Emerging Digital Technologies Affect Operations Management
further be embedded with the activity plans based on the through co-Creation. Empirical Evidence from the Maritime Industry.”
assessment results from the case organisation. Production Planning & Control 28 (16): 1298–1306. doi:10.1080/
Akdil, K. Y., A. Ustundag, and E. Cevikcan. 2018. “Maturity and Readiness
Model for Industry 4.0 Strategy.” In Industry 4.0: Managing the Digital
Transformation, 61–94. Cham: Springer.
Disclosure statement Aulbur, W., and R. Gangal. 2017. “Industry 4.0 and India’s automotive
industry– Theme Paper”, Roland Berger Report in 2nd ASSOCHAM
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
automotive Forum and Awards. Accessed 15 January 2018. https://
Notes on contributors
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Aniruddha Anil Wagire is a lecturer in Automobile
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National Institute of Technology Jaipur. He has Systems.” In International Conference on Research and Practical Issues
earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Automobile of Enterprise Information Systems, 57–68. Cham: Springer.
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Technology, Rajaramnagar, Shivaji University, Bibby, L., and B. Dehe. 2018. “Defining and Assessing Industry 4.0
Maharashtra, India. His areas of research interests include Industry 4.0, Maturity Levels–Case of the Defence Sector.” Production Planning &
smart manufacturing, Latent semantic analysis, Advance manufacturing Control 29 (12): 1030–1043.
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Rohit Joshi is an Associate Professor in IIM Shillong,
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Ajay Pal Singh Rathore is a professor in Department Assessment Model for Industry 4.0: Industry 4.0-MM.” In International
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