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Structural Characterization, Degree of Esterification and Some Gelling Properties of Krueo Ma Noy (Cissampelos Pareira) Pectin

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Carbohydrate Polymers 58 (2004) 391–400

Structural characterization, degree of esterification and some gelling

properties of Krueo Ma Noy (Cissampelos pareira) pectin
Jittra Singthonga, Steve W. Cuib,*, Suwayd Ningsanonda, H. Douglas Goffc
School of Food Technology, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima 30000, Thailand
Food Research Program, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 93 Stone Road West, Guelph, Ont., Canada N1G 5C9
Department of Food Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ont., Canada N1G 2W1
Received 7 April 2004; revised 26 July 2004; accepted 27 July 2004
Available online 2 October 2004


Pectins extracted from Krueo Ma Noy (Cissampelos pareira) leaves mainly consisted of galacturonic acid with trace amount of neutral
sugars. The dominant structure of Krueo Ma Noy pectin was established as a 1,4-linked a-D-galacturonan by a combination of carboxyl
reduction and methylation analysis, and confirmed by FT-IR spectroscopy. The degree of esterification of Krueo Ma Noy pectins was 41.7
and 33.7% for crude and dialyzed pectins, respectively. Krueo Ma Noy pectin has an average molecular weight of 55 kDa, radius of gyration
of 15.2 nm and intrinsic viscosity of 2.3 dl/g. Krueo Ma Noy pectin exhibited gelling properties in aqueous solutions at 0.5% (w/v) at 5 8C.
Gels were formed at concentrations of 1.0% (w/v) and above even at room temperature. The gel strength, melting point, and melting enthalpy
of Krueo Ma Noy pectin increased with polysaccharide concentration.
Crown Copyright q 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Krueo Ma Noy pectin; Cissampelos pareira; FT-IR spectroscopy; Degree of esterification; HPSEC; DSC

1. Introduction Krueo Ma Noy, Cissampelos pareira, is a woody,

climbing vine from the family Menispermaceae. It is
Pectin is a complex heterogeneous polysaccharide found found throughout the warm regions of Asia, East Africa,
in the primary cell walls of most plants, in which it provides and South America (Smitinand & Larsen, 1991). It is
mechanical strength and flexibility due to its interaction widespread in the northeast of Thailand. Krueo Ma Noy
with other cell wall components. The dominant structural leaves (up to 30 cm in length) are commonly used as a herb
feature of pectin is a linear 1/4-linked chain of poly-a-D- by indigenous people due to their analgesic properties and
galacturonic acid with varying degrees of esterification of they have been used for many years for ailments of women.
the carboxylic groups. However, pectins also contain a-L- The dark green gel formed after cold extraction of the leaves
rhamnopyranosyl residues in the backbone chain and branch with water has been used by indigenous peoples as cooling
chains of arabinan and galactan and their fine structure vary medicine for treating fever. Local medicine also uses this
considerably. In the food industry, pectin is an important plant for a number of ailments such as asthma and
gelling agent and thickener. Its gelling properties are dysentery, as a diuretic and for treatment of traumatic
primarily dependent on the degree of esterification and the pain (Mukerji & Bhandari, 1959). It is interesting to note
molecular weight of the polysaccharides (Barros et al., that the formation of the gel occurs in a very short period of
2002; Manrique and Lajolo, 2002). time after water extraction of the leaf. Singthong,
Ningsanond, Cui, and Goff (2004) have recently shown
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C1-519-829-2400; fax: C1-519-829-
that the polysaccharide responsible for gelation of Krueo
2600. Ma Noy extract is a pectin, but the structure of this pectin
E-mail address: (S.W. Cui). has not been determined.
0144-8617/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright q 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
392 J. Singthong et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 58 (2004) 391–400

Enzymatic hydrolysis, NMR, and FT-IR are proven to be The pectate was then incubated with pectate lyase, which
an effective method for determining structures of poly- cleaves the polygalacturonic acid and releases unsaturated
saccharides, including pectins (Voragen, Pilnik, Thibault, (4,5-ene) oligosaccharides that gave an absorbance at
Axelos, & Renard, 1995). The degree of esterification (DE) 235 nm.
and the percent of the total number of carboxyl groups The amount of unsaturated product produced was
esterified has a significant effect on the strength of the gel calculated as:
and the gelling mechanisms of pectins (Walter, 1991).
Unsaturated product Z DAbs !1=L !1=3
Several methods for determining the DE have been
reported, e.g. a titrimetric method adopted by Food where DAbs is the change of reaction absorbance minus
Chemical Codex (FCC, 1981) and USP 26 NF 21 (2003). blank absorbance measured after 30 min, L is the cuvette
The DE of pectins can also be determined by HPLC path length (Z1 cm) and 3 is the molar extinction
(Levigne, Thomas, Ralet, Quemener, & Thibault, 2002; coefficient of the reaction product (4600 MK1cmK1). A
Plöger, 1992) and 1H-NMR spectroscopy (Grasdalen, value of more than 0.5!10K5 of the unsaturated product
BakØy, & Larsen, 1988). Recently, FT-IR becomes a indicates the presence of pectin and conversely an
preferred technique for determining the DE due to its ease of unsaturated product concentration less than 0.5!10K5
use (Filippov, 1992; Manrique & Lajolo, 2002). In previous indicates the absence of pectin (Hansen, Thuesen, &
paper, we reported the chemical composition and solution Soderberg, 2001).
properties of the pectic polysaccharide extracted from
Krueo Ma Noy (Singthong et al., 2004). The objectives of
2.4. Methylation and GC–MS of partially methylated
the present paper were to determine the structural features of
alditol acetate (PMAA)
Krueo Ma Noy pectin, its DE, molecular characteristics and
gelling properties.
Methylation analysis of pectic substances has been a
difficult task due to the presence of large quantities of uronic
acids. In this study, we first reduced the uronic acid into
2. Materials and methods
neutral sugars then carried out the normal methylation
analysis for neutral sugars. The two steps are described in
2.1. Preparation of standard samples
the following sections.
Pectin standards with known DE, 26, 59 and 94%, were
obtained from SIGMA (Steinheim, Germany). Standards 2.4.1. Reduction of uronic acids
with known DE, such as 42.5 and 76.5%, were prepared by The reduction of the uronic acid was conducted
mixing appropriate amounts of the three commercial following a procedure described by Taylor and Conrad
standards. (1972) and York, Darvill, McNeil, Stevenson, and Alber-
sheim (1986) with slight modification (Fig. 1). Sample
2.2. Preparation of pectin from Krueo Ma Noy (5 mg) was dissolved in deuterium oxide (2 ml) and 50 mg
of 1-cyclohexyl-3-(2-morpholinoethyl)-carbodiimide
Krueo Ma Noy leaves, procured from the farm market in methyl-p-toluenesulfonate (CMC, Sigma) was added. The
the Northeast of Thailand, were cleaned with water then pH was adjusted and maintained at 4.75, using 0.1 M HCl in
dried at 60 8C for 3 h. The dried leaves were ground and deuterium oxide. After 1 h, 800 mg of sodium borodeuteride
stored at room temperature (25 8C) in vacuum. Krueo Ma dissolved in 5 ml of deuterium oxide was added over a
Noy pectins were extracteded according to a method period of 0.5 h, and the pH of the reaction mixture was
described previously (Singthong et al., 2004). To extract maintained at 7.0, using 2.0 M HCl in deuterium oxide
pectin, the dry powder (2% solids) was stirred in distilled during the reduction reaction.
water at 25–28 8C and natural pH (3.8–4.0). Alcohol The reaction was allowed to continue with constant
precipitation and drying produced a crude extract; further stirring for 0.5 h at pH 7.0, after the addition of sodium
dialysis against distilled water and lyophilization produced borodeuteride. After titration of the solution to pH 4.0, the
a purified extract. reduced polysaccharide was separated from salts by dialysis
against distilled water overnight at 22 8C (3500 molecular
2.3. Enzyme assay for identification of pectin weight cut off), and the solution was lyophilized. The
polysaccharide was dissolved in distilled water and 10%
The identification and confirmation of pectins from acetic acid in methanol was added. The mixture was dried
Krueo Ma Noy leaf extract was carried out using an assay with a stream of nitrogen to remove boric acid. This process
available in a kit from Megazyme (Megazyme International was repeated 3–4 times to ensure that most of the boric acid
Ireland Ltd, Ireland). The sample was dissolved in was removed. Finally, a few drops of methanol were added
de-ionized water, and the pH adjusted to 12 to catalyze and the solution evaporated (two times) to remove any boric
the deesterification of the 6-methyl galacturonic acid. acid remained.
J. Singthong et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 58 (2004) 391–400 393

Fig. 1. Flow chart of the carboxyl reduction procedure of uronic acids. Fig. 2. Flow chart of methylation analysis procedure.

Samples of reduced uronic acid (2–3 mg) were dried at 2.5 h after adding 0.3 ml methyl iodide. The methylated
80 8C for 4–5 h and then stored over night under vacuum polysaccharide was then extracted with 1 ml methylene
over phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) in desiccators. chloride. The methylene chloride extract was passed
through a sodium sulphate column (0.5!15 cm) to remove
2.4.2. Methylation analysis water, and then evaporated by a stream of nitrogen. The
The methylation analysis of the pectin samples after dried methylated polysaccharide was hydrolyzed in 0.5 ml
reduction of the uronic acid was carried out according to the of 4.0 M trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) in a sealed test tube at
method of Ciucanu and Kerek (1984) with slight modifi- 100 8C for 6 h and the TFA was removed by evaporation
cation (Fig. 2). The dried samples were dissolved in under a stream of nitrogen and dissolved in 0.3 ml distilled
anhydrous DMSO at 85 8C for 2 h with constant stirring water. The hydrolysate was reduced, using sodium borodeu-
and then sonicated for 4 h to ensure that the samples were teride (1–5 mg) and acetylated with acetic anhydride
completely dissolved. Dry sodium hydroxide (20 mg) was (0.5 ml). Aliquots of the resultant partially methylated
added, and the mixture was stirred for 3 h at room alditol acetates (PMAA) were injected on to GC–MS system
temperature (22 8C). The mixture was stirred for additional (ThermoQuest Finnigan, San Diego, CA) fitted with
394 J. Singthong et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 58 (2004) 391–400

a SP-2330 (Supelco, Bellefonte, Pa) column (30 m! Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc., Columbia, MA,
0.25 mm, 0.2 mm film thickness, 160–210 8C at 2 8C /min, USA) according to a method described by Wang, Wood,
and then 210–240 8C at 5 8C/min) equipped with an ion trap Huang, and Cui (2003). The column set consisted of two
MS detector. columns in series, a Shodex OhPak KB-806M (Showa
Denko K.K., Tokyo, Japan) and an Ultrahydrogel linear
2.5. Determination of the degree of esterification (Waters, Milford, CT, USA) maintained at 40 8C during
measurements. The mobile phase was 50 mM NaNO3 (pH
2.5.1. Titrimetric method 5.8) with 0.03% (w/w) NaN3 with a flow rate of 0.6 ml/min.
The DE of pectin from Krueo Ma Noy pectin was Triple detectors, a right angle laser light detector, a
determined by the titrimetric method of Food Chemical refractive index detector and a viscosity detector, were
Codex (FCC, 1981) and USP 26 NF 21 (2003) with slight used for characterizing the molecular weight and molecular
modification. Dried sample (500 mg) was transferred to a weight distribution.
250 ml flask, moistened with 2 ml of ethanol and dissolved
in 100 ml of carbon dioxide-free water. After the sample 2.7. Rheological properties
was completely dissolved, five drops of phenolphthalein
were added, the sample was titrated with 0.5 M sodium All rheological properties were determined on a Bohlin
hydroxide and the result was recorded as the initial titer. CVO Rheometer (Bohlin Instruments, East Brunswick, NJ).
Then, 10 ml of 0.5 M sodium hydroxide were added, the A parallel plate geometry (40 mm diameter, 1.0 mm gap)
sample was shaken vigorously, and allowed to stand for was used for oscillatory measurements. The viscoelastic
15 min; 10 ml of 0.5 M hydrochloric acid were added and properties, storage modulus (G 0 ) and loss modulus (G 00 ),
the sample was shaken until the pink color disappeared. were determined through small amplitude oscillatory test at
Phenolphthalein (five drops) were added and the solution frequencies from 0.1 to 10 Hz. Prior to any dynamic
was titrated with 0.5 M sodium hydroxide to a faint pink experiments, a strain sweep test at a constant frequency of
color that persisted after vigorous shaking (end-point). This 0.1 Hz determined the linear viscoelastic region. All
volume of titration was recorded as the saponification titer oscillatory tests were performed at a strain value of 0.02
(the final titer). (2%) (within the linear viscoelastic region). A thin layer of
The DE was calculated from the following formula: low viscosity mineral oil was used to cover the sample in
%DEZthefinaltiter=ðtheinitialtiterCthefinaltiterÞ!100 order to prevent solvent evaporation during measurements.
Temperature sweeps were performed between 5 and 80 8C.
Samples were loaded onto the rheometer in a gel state at
2.5.2. FT-IR spectroscopic method
5 8C and the heating rate was 1 8C/min.
Pectin standards and Krueo Ma Noy pectin were dried
and desiccated in a vacuum jar prior to FT-IR analysis. FT-
IR spectra of pectins were obtained using a Golden-gate 2.8. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
Diamond single reflectance ATR in a FTS 7000 FT-IR
spectrometer equipped with a DTGS detector (DIGILAB, Thermal analyses were performed using a differential
Randolph, MA). The spectra were recorded at the scanning calorimeter (2920 modulated DSC; TA
absorbance mode from 4000 to 400 cmK1(mid infrared Instruments, New Castle, DE, USA). Sample size was
region) at a resolution of 4 cmK1 with 128 co-added scans. about 80–90 mg, and the scanning rate was 5 8C /min. The
At least triplicate spectra were recorded for each sample. reported values are means of duplicate measurements.
Because the DE is defined as (number of esterified
carboxylic groups/number of total carboxylic groups)!
100, it is inferred that the ratio of the area of the band at Table 1
1730 cmK1 (corresponding to the number of esterified Determination of content of unsaturated oligosaccharides in pectin and non-
pectin polysaccharides
carboxylic groups) over the sum of the areas of the bands at
1730 and 1600 cmK1 (corresponding to the number of total Polysaccharide type Unsaturated
carboxylic groups) should be proportional to the DE, i.e. oligosaccharides !10K4
DEZA1730/(A1730CA1600) (Manrique & Lajolo, 2002; Carrageenan 0.009
Chatjigakis et al., 1998). Amidated low ester pectin 1.660
Low ester pectin 2.738
Sugar beet pectin 0.928
2.6. Molecular characterization High ester pectin 1.522
Dialyzed extract 2.362
Molecular weight, molecular weight distribution, radius
Average of duplicate results. Calculations: blank absorbanceZenzyme
of gyration and intrinsic viscosity of Krueo Ma Noy pectin blank Csample blank, DabsorbanceZreaction absorbanceKblank absor-
were determined by high performance size exclusion bance, unsaturated productZDAbs!1/L!1/3, where: L, cuvette path
chromatography (HPSEC, Shimadzu SCL-10Avp, length (Z1 cm); 3, molar extinction coefficient (4600 MK1 cmK1).
J. Singthong et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 58 (2004) 391–400 395

3. Results and discussion the identity of the polysaccharide. When pectin is

demethylated and treated with pectate lyase, the glycosidic
3.1. Pectin identification assay bonds of the galacturonide chain are cleaved by b-
elimination, introducing a 4,5 double bond in the galactur-
Preliminary tests indicated the extracts from Krueo Ma onosyl moiety. The double bond absorbs at 235 nm. The
Noy leaves were acidic polysaccharides, and possibly a contents of unsaturated oligosaccharides in the dialyzed
pectin. A pectin identification assay was used to confirm extract of Krueo Ma Noy was much greater than 0.5!10K5

Fig. 3. Chromatogram of GC and Mass spectrum of dialyzed extract. (a) GC, (b) MS.
396 J. Singthong et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 58 (2004) 391–400

Fig. 4. Fourier transform infrared spectra of commercial pectin standards and Krueo Ma Noy pectins.

(Table 1), suggesting the presence of pectin (Hansen et al., 3.3. FT-IR spectrum and the degree of esterification
2001). For comparison purposes, commercial pectin stan- of pectins
dards and non-pectin samples were also examined (Table 1).
The FT-IR spectra of Krueo Ma Noy pectin
and commercial pectin standards are presented in Fig. 4.
3.2. Methylation analysis
The functional groups of pectins and their corresponding
Carbodiimide-activated reduction of the carboxyl frequencies and the nature of the bands are presented in
groups of glycosyluronic acids with sodium borodeuteride Table 2. The broad, strong areas of absorption between 3600
(NaBD4) resulted in an easily identified sugar (deuter- and 2500 cmK1 are caused by O–H stretching absorption
ized). There was only one major peak detected from the due to inter- and intra-molecular hydrogen bonds. The O–H
GC–MS analysis of the partially methylated alditol stretching vibrations occur within a broad range of
acetate (PMAA) derived from the carboxyl reduced
Krueo Ma Noy pectin (Fig. 3a), and its corresponding Table 2
mass spectrum is displayed in Fig. 3b. The combination FT-IR spectrum of pectin: wave numbers and intensities of functional
of the fragmentation pattern and retention time of the
PMAA suggested that the reduced polysaccharide is made Wave number (cmK1) Functional groups Intensity
of 1,4-linked D-galactosyl residues. The diagnostic 3600–2500 O–H stretching Broad, strong
fragment m/z 235 is shifted two mass units higher than 3000–2800 C–H stretching, Sharp, occasionally
the m/z 233 expected from a 4-linked hexopyranosyl unit symmetric, double overlapping
(Biermann & McGinnis, 1989). Because there were no asymmetric with O–H
1760–1730 CZO, esterified Strong
GC peaks detected from the non-reduced Krueo Ma Noy 1630–1600 COO-asymmetric Strong
extract, there were no D-galactosyl residues in the stretching
polymer. The major peak in Fig. 3a represents 4-O- 1400 COO-symmetric Weak
substituted D-galacturonic acid. This result indicates that stretching
1380 C–H bending Weak
Krueo Ma Noy extract is a pectin that has a linear
1300–1000 CZO stretching Weak
backbone chain of 1/4-linked a-D-galacturonic acid
units (Walter, 1991). Adopted from Gnanasambandam and Proctor (2000) and Filippov (1992).
J. Singthong et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 58 (2004) 391–400 397

frequencies and indicate several features of a compound,

including free hydroxyl groups stretching bonds that occur
in samples in vapor phase and bonded O–H bands of
carboxylic acid (Silverstein, Bassler, & Morril, 1991). In the
case of pectin samples, absorption in the O–H region was
due to the inter- and intra-molecular hydrogen bonding of
the galacturonic acid backbone. Bands around 2950 cmK1
(3000–2800 cmK1) refer to C–H absorption, these include
CH, CH2 and CH3 stretching and bending vibrations.
Typically, two moderately intense bands are observed in
the C–H region of aliphatic compounds. In pectin samples,
the C–H stretching and bending vibrations are seen, usually,
as a band superimposed upon the broader O–H band
that ranges from 2500 to 3600 cmK1 (Filippov, 1992;
Kačuráková, Capek, Sasinková, Wellner, & Ebringerová, Fig. 5. Calibration curve of absorbance from the FT-IR spectra of pectin
2000). standards: ratio of the peak area at 1730 cmK1 over the sum of the peak
These absorbencies can be observed with all pectin areas at 1730 and 1600 cmK1 versus degree of esterification of pectins (%).
standards studied. In the case of esterified pectins, an variation of the ratios were less than 2%, indicating an
O–CH3 stretching band would be expected between 2950 excellent reproducibility. The high value of the square of the
and 2750 cmK1 due to methyl esters of galacturonic acid. linear correlation coefficient (r2Z0.98) indicated a highly
However, due to a large O–H stretching response occurring linear relationship between the DE and the absorbent area at
in a broad region (3600–2500 cmK1), the O–CH3 activity 1730 and 1600 cmK1. Using this calibration curve, the DE
is masked and therefore is not a reliable indicator of pectin from Krueo Ma Noy extracts were calculated and
of methoxylation. Stronger bands occurring between the results are presented in Table 3. The DE of Krueo Ma
1760–1730, and 1630–1600 cmK1 are derived from the Noy pectins were 41.65 and 33.69% for crude and dialyzed
ester carbonyl groups and carboxylate ion stretching band, pectin samples, respectively. The DE of dialyzed extract
respectively (Chatjigakis et al., 1998; Manrique & Lajolo, was lower than that of crude extract; this observation
2002). It was observed that the intensity of the absorbance suggests that some small molecules of pectin with higher
or band area of the ester carbonyl groups increased with DE were removed during the dialysis process.
the increase in DE, in contrast, the absorbance intensity To evaluate the validation of the FT-IR method, the DE
or the band area of the carboxylate stretching band values obtained by FT-IR method were compared against
(1730–1760 cmK1) decreased (Fig. 4). In a similar manner, those obtained from the titrimetric method (Table 3). The
the intensity of the absorbance or band area of the free results confirmed that FT-IR is a reliable method for
carboxylate groups (1630–1600 cmK1) increased with the determining the DE of pectins since there was no significant
decrease in DE. These observations established the basis difference observed between the DE from the two methods
for quantitative analysis of DE of pectins by FT-IR: the for both samples.
1760–1730 cmK1 bands represents ester carbonyl groups
while the 1630–1600 cmK1 band represents the free 3.4. Molecular characterization
carboxylate groups.
It is also worth noting that the carboxylate groups showed Molecular weight, molecular weight distribution, radius
two bands, an asymmetrical stretching band near 1650– of gyration and intrinsic viscosity of Krueo Ma Noy pectin
1550 cmK1, and a weaker symmetric stretching band near were determined by high performance size exclusion
1400 cmK1. In pectin samples, the weaker symmetric chromatography (HPSEC) according to a method described
(COOK) stretching is followed by moderately intense by Wang et al. (2003) (Table 4). The weight average
absorption patterns between 1300 and 800 cmK1; these molecular weight (Mw) of dialyzed Krueo Ma Noy pectin
collectively are referred to as the fingerprint region for
pectins. Other bands of lesser importance in pectin samples Table 3
The degree of esterification of pectins from crude and purified extracts of
are C–H bending, occurring at 1380 cmK1, and CaO
Krueo Ma Noy obtained from different methods
stretching occurring at 1300–1000 cmK1 (Coimbra, Barros,
Barros, Rutledge, & Delgadillo, 1998; Gnanasambandam & Method Degree of esterificationa (%)
Proctor, 2000). Crude extract Dialyzed extract
In order to quantify the DE of pectins, a calibration curve FT-IR spectroscopy 41.7G0.0b 33.7G0.2b
was constructed based on pectin standards of known DE. Titrimetric 43.2G1.0b 36.2G3.0b
The calibration curve was established from the ratio of a
Values are means of triplicate measurements.
A1730/(A1730CA1600), as presented in Fig. 5. For every triplet b
Values with different letters in each column are significantly (P%0.05)
measurements of pectin standards, the coefficients of different from each other.
398 J. Singthong et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 58 (2004) 391–400

Table 4 (50–59 nm) with molecular weights ranging from 90,000 to

Averages (number average, weight average and z-average) of molecular 200,000 Da (Corredig et al., 2000). Although the flow rate
weight, radius of gyration, intrinsic viscosity and polydispersity of dialyzed
and solvent had some influence on the values of Rg, the
experimental data from different laboratories are still
Molecular characterization MeansGSDa comparable.
Number average (Mn!10K3 Da) 29.08G2.45
Weight average (Mw!10K3 Da) 55.08G2.62
Z-average (Mz!10K3 Da) 99.00G7.55 3.5. Rheological properties
Radius of gyration (Rg, nm) 15.21G0.28
Intrinsic viscosity ([h], dl/g) 2.30G0.04 The viscoelastic properties of Krueo Ma Noy pectin were
Polydispersity (Pd, Mw/Mn) 1.90G0.11
examined by oscillatory experimental measurements
Each result represents the average of three determinationsGSD. (Fig. 6). Crude extract exhibited a strong gel structure at
1.0% (w/v) as its storage modulus G 0 was much greater than
was 55 kDa, which is significantly lower than the literature the corresponding loss modulus G 00 and the two moduli were
values from 85 to 103 kDa reported for citrus pectin but in independent of frequency (Fig. 6a). The dialyzed Krueo Ma
the general range of 104–105 Da for pectins from various Noy pectin exhibited similar rheological behavior, but the
fruit sources (Corredig, Kerr, & Wicker, 2000). The gel strength was stronger than that of crude extract (Fig. 6b).
polydispersity parameter of 1.9 indicated a broad molecular The stronger gel strength of the dialyzed pectin may be
weight distribution of dialyzed Krueo Ma Noy pectin. The caused by a higher effective polymer concentration. The gel
HPSEC method also provided the radius of gyration (Rg)
and intrinsic viscosity [h] of dialyzed Krueo Ma Noy pectin
(15.2 nm and 2.3 dl/g, respectively), which reflect the
conformation of the polymer in the solvent system.
The Rg (15.2 nm) value of dialyzed Krueo Ma Noy pectin
was much lower than that of four commercial pectins

Fig. 7. Temperature dependence of storage (G 0 ,—$—) and loss (G 00 ,—

Fig. 6. Frequency dependence of storage (G 0 , —$—) and loss (G 00 ,—%—) %—) modulus during heating from 5 to 80 8C at rate of 1 8C/min for
modulus of 1%(w/v) of Krueo Ma Noy pectin. (a) Crude extract, (b) 1%(w/v) of Krueo Ma Noy pectin (pH 3.8). (a) Crude extract, (b) dialyzed
dialyzed extract. extract.
J. Singthong et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 58 (2004) 391–400 399

At the same polymer concentration, the DH values of

dialyzed extract were higher than that of crude extract, this
might be due to the higher effective concentration of the
dialyzed pectin sample.

4. Conclusion

The polysaccharide extracted from Krueo Ma Noy

(C. pareira) leaves consisted mainly of pectin. The
dominant structure of the dialyzed pectin was a 1/4
linked a-D-galacturonan. FT-IR spectroscopy confirmed the
pectin structure. Two characteristic peaks, 1730 and
1600 cmK1, absorption of the esterified and non-esterified
carboxyl groups of pectin, respectively, were used to
quantify the DE of Krueo Ma Noy pectin using standards
Fig. 8. DSC thermograms of dialyzed Krueo Ma Noy pectin. of known DE to construct the calibration curve. The DE of
Krueo Ma Noy pectins were estimated to be 41.7 and 33.7%
strength increased with increasing sample concentration
for crude extract and dialyzed pectin samples, respectively;
(data not shown).
these results were confirmed by titration. The weight
A Krueo Ma Noy pectin gel did not show a clear melting
average molecular weight, radius of gyration and intrinsic
point when it was heated at 1 8C/min at constant frequency
viscosity of the dialyzed extract were determined to be
(0.1 Hz) (Fig. 7). At the beginning of the heating, G 0
55 kDa, 15.2 nm and 2.3 dl/g, respectively. This study also
decreased with the increase of temperature. The storage
showed that Krueo Ma Noy pectin forms gels from aqueous
modulus G 0 and loss modulus G 00 showed a crossover
solutions and the gel strength is a function of pectin
around 67 8C (Fig. 7a), which indicated a melting point for
concentration (0.5–3.0%). In addition, the melting point
crude extract. The rate of decrease of G 0 was much faster at
and melting enthalpy of Krueo Ma Noy pectin gels
temperatures O40 8C, this is especially true for dialyzed
also increased with increasing polymer concentration
extract (Fig. 7b). The melting point of Krueo Ma Noy pectin
(1.0–3.0%). Since pectin from Krueo Ma Noy leaves is
gels was difficult to determine due to the sensitivity and
easy to extract and the raw material is readily available at
operation limitations of the rheometer.
low cost and the material exhibited unique gelling proper-
ties and has a long history for food consumption in Southern
3.6. Differential scanning calorimetry East Asia (Singthong et al., 2004), there is significant
commercial potential for this new pectin.
The effect of Krueo Ma Noy pectin concentration on the
melting temperature and melting enthalpy involved was
determined by DSC (Fig. 8, Table 5). The increase of
polymer concentration had a positive influence on the
melting enthalpy (DH) and melting temperature (Tm). For
This research was supported by the Thai government,
crude extract, the DH values increase from 0.11 to 10.84 J/g
Thailand. The authors wish to thank Mrs Cathy Wang,
and Tm increased from 75.15 to 113.49 8C when polymer
Mrs Honghui Zhu, Dr Chris Young, Mr Ben Huang and
concentration was increased from 2 to 4%. The DH and Tm
Miss Elizabeth Weber from the Food Research Program,
values of dialyzed extract increased from 0.56 to 5.85 J/g
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for technical assistance.
and 76.10 to 104.21 8C, respectively, when the polymer
We also would like to thank Dr Qi Wang for her
concentration was increased from 1% to 3% (Table 5).
constructive discussions on molecular weight characteriz-
Table 5 ation of pectin samples.
Thermal properties of crude and dialyzed extracts determined by DSC

Krueo Ma Noy pectin Tm (8C)a DH (J/g)a

2% Crude extract 75.2G0.5 0.11G0.02
3% Crude extract 105.1G0.9 2.48G0.13
4% Crude extract 113.5G1.6 10.84G1.37 Barros, A. S., Mafra, I., Ferreira, D., Cardoso, S., Reis, A., Lopes da Silva,
1% Dialyzed extract 76.1G0.8 0.56G0.15 J. A., Delgadillo, I., Rutledge, D. N., & Coimbra, M. A. (2002).
2% Dialyzed extract 92.7G2.4 0.65G0.05 Determination of the degree of methylesterification of pectic poly-
3% Dialyzed extract 104.2G0.5 5.86G1.77 saccharides by FT-IR using an outer product PLSI regression.
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