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Seminar Report Screenless Display

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Imagine a scenario where you tap your little handheld device, and the whole desktop flashes in front
of you, mid-air, ‘screenless’, literally, and you fiddle around with icons in this sans-screen setup.
You move your fingers through the air, sliding, zooming in and out, etc – all without a screen/but-
tons/any kind of hardware! Several patents are still researching on this new technology which can
change the whole view of the displays.

Screenless display is a fast evolving technology, and it will soon make its debut in the market.It
would be not wrong in saying that the Screenless display technology would be a life-changing
concept and also one of the most interesting topics for the research. This technology also solves the
problem of the space of display in one place. It is a system of displaying information/data though an
electronic video source without using screen at all. Screenless display technology is the present
evolving computer-enhanced technologies. It will surely be the one of the greatest development in
the field of technology in the upcoming future. Several patents are still researching on this new
technology which can change the whole view of the displays. Screenless Display Technology was
such an excellent thought that had come into many experts in order to solve the major problems re-
lated to the size of the device. For less space taking screen displays have made the need of Screen-
less displays more than ever. Screenless, by the word clearly means „no screen‟. So, Screenless
Displays can be defined as a display which helps to display and even transmit any information
without the help of screens.

Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College


Screenless display is the present evolving technology in the field of the computer enhanced techno-
logies. Screenless display technology has the main aim of displaying (or) transmitting the informa-
tion without any help of the screen (or) the projector.
It is going to be the one of the greatest technological development in the coming future years. In
this technology, users are able to interact with a three dimensional image projected into thin air.
Imagine your desktop floating in the space before your eyes waiting for your interaction!
There are three types of Screenless display that are under development,
1. visual image display
2. Retinal display
3. Synaptic interface
Screenless display is nothing but a display which can be shot at any place wherever the user wishes
to have the screen. It can be at any direction or place such as on the wall or in the open space.
Nowadays the technology is changing very rapidly in the existing machines and in the tools in order
to solve the problem at the high level.

Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College


Reto Meier, is an “Android Developer Advocate for Google” he recently laid out a fairly science
fiction account of where computer (or at least mobile) interfaces are headed [1]. One thing that will
definitely change the use of working on the average laptop, itis like working on a desk that is as big
as a sheet of the paper. That is why all our “files” are quite inch high. The solution to the productiv -
ity and immersion is more, bigger screens - hence the proliferation of external monitors, another
secondary reading devices and even cell-phones with improbably large screens [2]. So-called
“Pico” projectors that are named for their tiny size already exist and also the HD version of it exists.
And there are huge no. of mobile phones, which have built-in Pico projectors such as the Samsung
Show, - so outside of market demand there’s nothing that will to stop this prediction from becoming
a truth.

In 2013 screenless display market has witnessed factual growth and according to the MIT latest
technology review, it has become a new rage of development for the next GEN-X . Screenless dis-
play was first introduced by the mobile phone named OWASYS 2CC [8]. Google, Microsoft, Apple
are the key players in the global market, hence several researches renowned IT sector companies are
being driven for the future development of this emerging new technology such as mobile phones for
elderly, blind people, bionic contact lenses, virtual reality headsets and holograms [4]. Google is re-
searching more on screenless tablet computers and smartphones, Google Glass and Cardboard Vir-
tual Reality use the concept of screenless display. In cardboard, two polarized lenses show two im-
ages, which helps the brain combines to create a 3D image. Given the illusion of depth the brain of -
fers a type of virtual reality. Goggle offers another wearable way to interact with screenless display
which is named Google glass and anyone can wear it [9]. Therefore, using virtual retinal display
several companies had already raised with the aim of commercializing personal gaming and cinema
devices. In the field of the hologram projection screenless displays are also broadly applicable be-
cause holographic images can be generated in three dimensions . Recently researchers at Swinburne
University of Technology have discovered nanoscale pixels of refractive index through a photonic
process and found the capacity of a technique using graphene oxide and complex laser physics to
create a pop-up tiny floating 3D holographic image which is visible to the opened eye. Graphene
enabled floating display is based on the principle of holography because it is a two dimensional car-
bon material with extraordinary electronic and optical properties. Though there is no limitation for
the up scalability of graphene 3D display it can allow images up to 1cm only.

Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College


The first screenless display that needs mentioning is Google Glass. Google glass sits on the face
like a pair of glasses, and on one eye it has a block of glass that allows you to see augmented real -
Images can be displayed right in front of your eye, as well as text and information about objects and
places that are in front of you. This technology is only in its early stages, but definitely shows that
screenless displays will become a natural form of media consumption in the future.


Google Glass was developed by Google X, the facility within Google devoted to technological ad-
vancements such as driverless cars. The Google Glass prototype resembled standard eye-
glasses with the lens replaced by a head-up display. In mid-2011, Google engineered a prototype
that weighed 8 pounds (3.6 kg); by 2013 they were lighter than the average pair of sunglasses.

1. Touchpad: A touchpad, similar to that of one on a laptop, is located on the side of Google
Glass, allowing users to control the device by swiping through a timeline-like interface dis-
played on the screen. Sliding backward shows current events, such as weather, and sliding
forward shows past events, such as phone calls, photos, and circle updates.
2. Camera: Google Glass has the ability to take 5 MP photos and record 720p HD video. Glass
Enterprise Edition 2 has an improved 8MP 80° FOV camera.

Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College

3. Display: The Explorer version of Google Glass uses a liquid crystal on silicon, field-sequen-
tial colour system, LED illuminated display.


Screenless display technology is divided into three categories:

I. Visual Image Display
II. Retinal Display
III. Synaptic Interface/Brain Computer Interface

Visual Image screen less display includes any screen less image that the eye can perceive The fol-
lowing are few examples of the visual image display: holographic display, virtual reality goggles,
heads up display, etc. The working principle of this display states that the light gets reflected by
the intermediate object before reaching the retina or the eye.. By using the components like He-
lium Neon Laser, an object, a Lens, a holographic l m and mirror, the Holographic Displays dis-
play the three dimensional (3D) images. A 3D image will be projected and appears to be floating
in the air whenever the laser and object beams overlaps with each other. Hologram The most
common example of Visual Image screenless display is Hologram. Holo-grams were used mostly
in telecommunications as an alternative to screens. Holograms could be transmitted directly, or
they could be stored in various storage devices the storage device can be hooked up with a holo-
projector in order for the stored image to be accessed.
Retinal display as the name itself indicates the display of image directly onto the retina. Instead of
using some intermediate object for light reflection to project the images, this display directly pro-
jects the image onto the retina. The user will sense that the display is moving freely in the space.
Retinal display is commonly known as retinal scan display and retinal projector. This display al-
lows short light emission, coherent light and narrow band colour. The user sees what appears to
be a conventional display floating in space in front of them. A virtual retinal display (VRD), also
known as a retinal scan display (RSD) or retinal projector (RP), is a display technology that draws
a raster display directly onto the retina of the eye.
Synaptic Interface screen less video does not use light at all. Visual information completely by-
passes the eye and is transmitted directly to the brain. This technology is already tested on hu-
mans and most of the companies started using this technology for elective communication, educa-
tion, business and security system. This technology was successfully developed by sampling the

Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College

video signals from horse crab eyes through their nerves, and the other video signals are sampled
from the electronic cameras into the brains of creatures.


Visual Image screen less display includes any screen less image that the eye can perceive. The most
common example of Visual Image screen less display is a hologram, heads up display etc...
The working principle of this display states that the light gets reflected by the intermediate object
before reaching the retina or the eye. The intermediate object can be a hologram, Liquid Crystal
Displays (LCD)s or even windows.


Holograms were used mostly in telecommunications as an alternative to screens. Holograms could
be transmitted directly, or they could be stored in various storage devices (such as holo discs) the
storage device can be hooked up with a holoprojector in order for the stored image to be accessed.
Holographs can work by using a laser beam that can interfere with an object beam.
This is form of a photography that provides a three dimensional image, and some technologies are
now creating images using lenses, helium neon and holographic film. The word holography comes
from the Greek words λος (holo; "whole") and γραφή (graph; "writing" or "drawing").

Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College

A 3D image will be projected and appears in the air whenever the laser and object beams overlaps
with each other. The Hologram provides high quality images and videos and those images can be
viewed by human eye, and that does not require any special observation device.


Holographs can work by using a laser beam that can interfere with an object beam. When these two
beams get in the way of one another, they can create what looks like a three dimensional image.
This image can then be recorded for processing by recording the diffraction of the light and the way
in which the beams interfere with one another.

Heads up display are also named as transparent displays. These displays are applied in different ap-
plications such as aeroplanes, computer games and automobiles, etc. Many of the users do not need
to look away from their field of view because the device displays the information on a windshield.
An ordinary heads up display comprises of following components: a projector unit, combiner and a
computer. The projector unit projects the image, and the combiner redirects the displayed image by
that projected image, and the field of view are seen simultaneously. The screenless computer acts as
an interface between the projector and the combiner.

Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College



Retinal display also known as a retinal scan display (RSD).The Retinal Display technology includes
the images directly reaching the retina of the viewer’s eyes. No screen, no projector, no source of
deflection or reflection! You will be the only person who will view the images, since it reaches only
your retina. This technology can prove to be of great use in times when privacy is to be maintained.

A virtual retinal display (VRD), also known as a retinal scan display (RSD) or retinal projector
(RP), is a is a Screenless display technology that draws a raster display (like a television) directly
onto the retina of the eye, instead of image being reflected by any substance. This can create an ef-
fect of image viewing from several feet away or at a wider and clearer view of any object that is us-
ing special lasers or LEDs to scan light essentially into the optic nerve by mixing the primary col-
ours .The user sees what appears to be a conventional display floating in space in front of them. The
same concept applies to the computer monitor, who mainly focuses on the viewed image onto the
retina that needs to be converted into signals for the brain, but by the optic nerve however the VRD

Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College

is more efficient and effective. Glyph has also developed a Virtual Retinal Display it also uses a
MEMS (micro electro mechanical system) type of system.



Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College


Like the Retinal Display, this form of screenless technology would include the images directly
reaching the viewer – with the exception that the images now reach the viewer’s brain instead of
their retina. Information is directly transmitted to the brain, and this technology can be immensely
helpful to the blind. It displays by sending the signals directly into the brain with the help of the op-
tic nerve.


Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College

There are no light that are involved, basically the electrical impulses. This method is tested on the
horseshoe crabs by recording their nerve images. Therefore, further the neural code transmitted to
the brain by the optic nerve. This display offers the possibility of providing sight for the blind
people by using implanted electronics to the bypass non functional parts of the eye. It can give
users the benefit to view images in a greater coordination and complexity than the eyes capable of
producing it. However this method requires more research and development for their further pro-
duction of worldwide application can be implemented.

Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College



There are several new emerging ways for the technological development of the working principle
of the screen less displays. Several software’s are merging for the GEN-X wonder view. Any com-
puter system that can run the mu doc software can present text that has been set in interactive mov-
able type. Most of the mu docs that are consumed in the next few years will be consumed with con-
ventional personal computers, e-book readers, and other kinds of display and projection devices that

Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College

are now in use. Very soon it appears to be a new kind of input/output system will facilitate commu -
nication and interaction between the computer and the computer user.

This new human/computer interface is the tele reader terminal. Visual Image is a bitmap manipula-
tion and composition product. Bitmaps can be manipulated independently, in the Image Mode or
multiple bitmaps can be composited Together in the Object Mode to create a "collage". Visual Im-
age can create and Manipulate images of any size: the only limitation is the amount of memory re-
sources your system has.

1.Creating Visual Catalogue Files with Visual Image

Visual Image gives you the ability to create files in the EYE file format for use in the Visual Cata-
logue program. These EYE files can be used to create catalogues of images in logical sub group-
ings: for example, you can create a catalogue file in the EYE format that lists all images of building
materials (brick, concrete, stone, etc.). The File, Export Project command creates an EYE file that
refers to all of the images that are currently loaded into Visual Image.
When you select this command, you are prompted to enter a filename for the EYE file that is to be
created. If you have created any image in Visual Image that are not yet saved to disk you will be
asked if you wish to include those images in the EYE file and if so, you are prompted to store those
images as bitmaps. The File, Exports Editor Command in Visual Image allows you to pack and
choose those image files on disk that you wish to include in a catalogue EYE file. When you select
File in Export Editor, a file browser appears from which you can choose the image files to include.
Use this browser to select images to add to a project file for use in Visual Catalogue.

2.Additional Software and Hardware Requirements

1. To facilitate the interactivity

2. To optimize the user’s perceptual and cognitive capabilities
3. To provide the most healthful visual environment for the user.
4. Responding to a variety of user commands (using voice, hand, foot, or other signal methods)

Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College

5. Providing blink cues or blinks responses

6. Modifying output to compensate for changes in user’s physiology or reaction time, etc. The
new software and hardware will enable the user and the system to better exploit each other’s
capabilities and to function as a fully integrated team.

Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College


1. Low power requirements- Only six diodes are required and a few of a watts to deliver their
images to the user’s eyes.

2. Higher resolution images- The pixels in the images projected by the diodes can be made
smaller than is possible with any CRT or flat panel display, so higher resolution can be
achieved. With retinal projectors, the only limitation in the resolution of visual images will
be the resolving power of the users’ eyes.

3. Greater portability- The combination of diodes, lenses, and processing components in a ret-
inal projector system will weigh only a few ounces.

4. Wider angle of view- Retinal projectors will be able to provide a wider field of view than is
possible with display screens.

5. More accurate colour- By modulating light sources to vary the intensity of red, green, and
blue light, retinal projectors can provide a wider range of colours and more fully saturated
colours than any other display technology.

6. Greater brightness and better contrast- Retinal projectors can provide higher levels of con-
trast and brightness than any other display system.

7. Ability to present 3D images- With their capability of presenting high definition image-
pairs, retinal projectors can deliver the most highly realistic stereoscopic movies and still
pictorial images to their users.

8. Ability to present far point images- The human visual system is a far-point system. With
today’s desktop and laptop computers users must employ their near-point vision. The ex-
cessive use of our near-point vision in using computers, reading, sewing, playing video
games, etc., is making myopia a very common impediment. The use of the far-point images

Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College

that can be provided by retinal projector systems could reduce the incidence of myopia and,
hence, the growing need for and use of eyeglasses.

9. Lower costs- The present cost of retinal projector systems is high. Nevertheless, there are no
hard-to-overcome manufacturing problems in mass-producing and low-cost components, so
inexpensive systems will soon become available. Environmental and disposal costs of these
tiny delivery devices will also be minimal because toxic elements such as lead, phosphorus,
arsenic, cadmium, and mercury are not used in their manufacture .

Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College


1. Currently very expensive.

2. Very limited quantities available.

3. Uncertainty regarding vision and general health problems.

4. Risky investment for companies since customer acceptance of the product is not guaranteed.

5. More time is allocated to training employees about the products to assist customers.

6. The principle disadvantage is that Virtual retinal display (VRD) is not yet available in the
significant number.

7. Prototypes and special experimental models are now being Built, but their cost per unit is

8. The VRD technology is still under progress and Development.

Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College


1. Medical field: By allowing the physician to view a virtual X-Ray of infected areas informa-
tion that is concerning that patient during surgery. Virtual images produced by VRD could
be laid-down with the patient by tracking the view of the physician in relation to the position
of the patient.

2. Manufacturing field: The same concept as that is used in medical field can be used in manu-
facturing environment by viewing virtual blue print that uses C3 images to identify parts
placement and operation information.

3. Transportation system: It can be beneficial in any transportation system by proving the dis-
play that can project virtual map of the surrounding area therefore in siding vision of provid-
ing reference state train characteristics and craft instrumentation

4. Mobile phones for old and blind people: The main use of the screen less displays are
used for the development of the mobile phones which are mainly used by the old
and blind people.

5. TV/Laptop: Imagine that watching the TV picture that seems to be magically appear -
ing in the thin air. The picture just floats on in front of the viewer; this would be a latest
emerging technology in the future.

Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College


For the futuristic development of this evolving new technology, several researches are being organ-
ized and the several well-known IT sector companies and the other best labs that are present in the
world are handling over the project of the Screenless display technology.

1. In year 2001 Microsoft had begun the work on an idea for an Interactive table that mixes
both the physical and the Virtual worlds.

2. Multi touch is an interaction technique for human ,which allows users to compute it without
any conventional input devices.

3. Development & enhancement of the micro vision also gives the revised and the futuristic
view of the screen less displays. This technology of the micro vision is the very well useful
in the Artificial Retinal Display properties.

4. Japanese scientists have invented the pair of intelligent Glasses that are able to remember
time where people saw their keys, Hand-bags, iPods, and mobile phones.

5. Some laboratories are working under progress on the electron beam lithography which in-
cludes the advanced improvement of the innovative screen less display

6. Adobe systems are also working on development and arrangement cross stage of the several
applications which are to be viewed without the real screen.

7. Cool Google is developing the compact video camera which films everything the wearer
looks at and it directly sends the information to the glasses hence there is no need of any
screen or projector. Multi touch is a human computer interaction technique and the hard-
wires devices which allow the users to compute without unoriginal input devices.

Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College


This report has been elaborately discussed about the Screenless Display Technology which is one
of the most emerging computer technologies and has become a new exciting one for the upcom-
ing generations as a field of the futuristic technology. Due to the ability of having various advant-
ages which are involved in the making, designing, coding of the Screenless, this needs the plenty
of knowledge and the process for the development is still under the improvement. May be in the
future the world may be dominated by the screen less display technologies and this enriches the
world of technological empowerment in the field of the computer technology. Screenless display
technology promises the cost effective aspect and also the brighter future in the computer techno-

In the future the world may be dominated with the screen less display technologies and this en-
riches the world of technological empowerment in the field of computer technology. Screen less
displays promises the cost effective aspect and also brighter future in the information technology.
Screenless Display Technology, though a seemingly difficult field of study, is not impossible.
Within the next decade or so, we will probably get to experience this amazing no-screen techno-
logy and the tech gurus will be eagerly waiting for the developments in this field.

Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College


Department of Computer Engineering Govt.Polytechnic College

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