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The Effects of Technological Modernization To The Catholic Beliefs and To Ways of Living A Religious Life Thesis

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The Negative Effects of Technological and Societal Modernization to the Catholic

Beliefs and To Ways of Living a Religious Life

A Thesis Project Presented to the High School English Department

Of Seven Pillars Catholic School

In Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements in English 10

Presented By;

Shaina Dyanne A. Gonzales


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Problem and Background of the Study

Introduction…………………………………………………………………… [7-9]]

Thesis Statement…………………………………………………………..………[9]

Statement of the problem……………………………………………………......[10]

Significance of the study……………………………………………………...[11-12]

Scope and Limitations…………………………………………………………...[12]

Conceptual Framework……………………………...………………………[13-14]]

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature


Harrison, 2004.……...…………………………………………………………[15]



Bandas, pg. 6…..……………………………………………………………….[16]

Hurkheim pg. 22……………………………………………………………….[14]

Hurkheim, 2014…..……………………………………………………………[15]

Bianchi, 2016…....……………………………………………………………...[17]

Bianchi, 2015…………………………………………….…………..………....[17]]

Summer pg. 230…………………………………………………………….......[16]

Horan, 2017.………………………………………….………………………...[18]]





Definition of terms…………………………………………………………..…[21-22]

Chapter 3: Methodology


Research Approach and Design……………………………………….……..[23-24]

Research setting……………………………………………………………....[24-25]

The Population and Sample of study…………………………………………....[25]

Sampling Criteria………………………………………………………………...[26]

Data Collection Instrument……………………………………………………...[27]

Data Collection Procedure…………………………………………….………....[28]



Ethical Consideration…………………………………………………………[30-31]

Chapter 4: Analysis and Interpretation of data



Textual Interpretation…………………………………………………………..[33]

Figure 1.2………………………………………………………………………...[34]

Textual Interpretation…………………………………………………………..[35]


Figure 2.1………………………………………………………………………………...[37]

Textual Interpretation…………………………………………………….…………….[37]

Figure 2.2………………………………………………………………….….……….....[38]

Textual Interpretation……………………………………………………………..……[38]


Figure 3.1……………………………………………………………………….….…….[40]

Textual Interpretation…………………………………………………………….…….[40]

Figure 3.2………………………………………………………………………….……..[41]

Textual Interpretation…………………………………………………………….…….[41]


Figure 4.1……………………………………………………………………......….……[43]

Textual Interpretation…………………………………………………….…,,,………..[43]

Figure 4.2………………………………………………………………,,…….…………[44]

Textual Interpretation……………………………………………………..……………[44]

Figure 4.3……………………………………………………………….……….……….[45]

Textual Interpretation……………………………………………………….………….[45]


Figure 5.1……………………………….………………………………………………...[47]

Textual Interpretation……………………………………………………………...……[47]

Figure 5.2………………………………………………………………………………….[48]

Textual Interpretation……………………………………………………………………[48]

Figure 5.3……………………………………………………………………………...…..[49]

Textual Interpretation………………………………………………………,………...….[49]


Figure 6.1………………………………………………………………………….……….[51]

Textual Interpretation…………………………………………………………………….[51]

Figure 6.2…………………………………………………………………………………. [52]

Textual Interpretation…………………………...………………...….…….[52-53]

Figure 6.3…………………………………………………………..…………….[53]

Textual Interpretation…………………..………………...…………………[53-54]


Figure 7.1……………………………………………………….………………..[55]

Textual Interpretation……………………………………..……………………[55]

Figure 7.2………………………………………………………………………...[56]

Textual Interpretation………………...……………………………………..[56-57]


Figure 8.1………………………………………………………………………...[58]

Textual Interpretation…………………………………………………………..[58]

Fugure 8.2………………………………………………………………………..[59]

Textual Interpretation…………………………………………………………..[59]

Figure 8.3…………………………………………………………………………[60]

Textual Interpretation…………………………………………...………………[60]


Figure 9.1…………………………………………………………………………[62]

Textual Interpretation…….……………………………………...…………..….[62]

Figure 9.2…………………………………………………………………………[63]

Textual Interpretation……………………………………………………………[63]

Figure 9.3………………………………………………………………………….[64]

Textual Interpretation……………………………………………...…………….[65]


Figure 10.1………………………………………………………..……………….[66]

Textual Interpretation……………………………………...…………..……..[66-67]


Chapter 5: Concluscion and Recommendation







Chapter 1

Problem and Background of the study


According to Daniel Lerner, Modernization is the current term for an old process

which is the process of social change whereby, less developed societies acquire

characteristics common to more developed societies. It is defined as the transformation from

a traditional, rural, and agrarian society to a secular, urban and industrial society. Moreover,

this process is activated by an international or inter-societal communication which spells the

passing of traditional society and defines the policy planning of the social change.

Furthermore, the researcher gained the motivation to start this study because the

researcher herself is bothered of the technological and societal modernization that is now

happening not only in the community but also inside the Catholic church which serves as a

hindrance to the holiness and solemnity of the celebration of the Holy mass. Also, these

modernizations also affect the practice of the traditional catholic beliefs and the way the

people live their Christian life, in which instead of the original beliefs to be followed and to

be instructed. Consequently, it is being altered and changed in a way that is far from its

original ones which makes a big effect on the people’s beliefs and Christian way of life.

Based on the 20th Sunday Homily of Rev. Fr. Edwin Lusterio , the Parish priest of

Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish about the Catholic beliefs, he quoted that “ Catholic

beliefs and ways of living a religious life are now being altered because not all people

are having the same beliefs and insights towards their religion and living such religious life.

It is because there are some who assume that their insight or idea about that certain belief is

right without even having an assurance if the one that they believe in is really a true belief, in

what everyone should believe in.” For example, the popular Catholic belief that there are

only two genders that exist in this world is based on the biblical scripture that can be found

in the book of Genesis 1:27 which says “ So God created a man in his image; in the image

of God He created him; male and female he created them.” This evidently proves that there

is no such thing as more than two gender complementary. For there are only two original

gender complementary and it is only male and female respectively.

Nowadays, Gender Identity Crisis is the most complicated and extensive issue that we

are facing is also considered as a negative effect of technological and societal

Modernization. Because not all people believe in this said Catholic beliefs for there are

some people who do not only consider two genders and sexuality, instead they consider such

thing as they called the “LGBTQI” that stands for (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexuality,

Transgender , Queer or questioning and Intersex) as an addition to the classification of a

person’s gender identity.

Although it is already in the Biblical Scripture and is already been taught by the

Catholic church. Some people still insist that having more than one gender is not a wrong

thing and it is not violating God’s law. They wanted the acceptance and respect of the

society towards their gender identity expression even though that they are disobeying the

Christian morality and cause discrimination towards the natural gender law.

Also, the researcher already had a lot of encounters and experiences, these are

negative effects of technological and societal modernization. The posts in social media

(specially on Facebook) which contain threats to people may also posts who uses God as

their subject just to get likes shares and reactions from million of people. Chain

mails/messages can also be considered as one of negative factors of technological

modernization. Because it does not only frighten the people in social media, but it also makes

a strange effect towards them.

Moreover, The researcher is really bothered on these particular issues and their

negative effects. The people should believe on something morally sound to their religious

life. Modernization gets severe that can surely and completely sweep the traditional and

original beliefs away and rather alter values. Popular trends and strong social media sites

should be monitored closely among Christians and church goers.

Thesis Statement

The severe uprising of technological and societal modernity which includes different

popular societal trends and secularized mentality of the society have negative effects to the

Catholic beliefs and ways of living a religious life.


Statement of the Problem

The main problem that the researcher is bothered about is the negative effects of

technological and societal modernization to the Catholic beliefs and ways of living a religious

life. These may be hindrances to the holiness and solemnity of the celebration of the Holy

mass and the ways people should live their lives. Through this study, the researcher would

like to find answers to these following questions:

1.) What negative effects does technological and societal modernization bring to the

changing of Catholic beliefs?

2.) How does the uprising of the popular trends and modernized technology influence

a person’s way of living a religious life? In what way/s?

3.) What do you think are the possible ways that can solve these issues?

Significance of the study

The goal of this study is to determine the negative effects of technological and

societal modernization to the Catholic beliefs and to ways of living a religious life. Also,

through this study, the researcher would be able to contribute different information, facts and

other knowledge that can be shared to the society, to the future researchers, to the dear alma

mater, and to the whole Catholic community.

By conducting this study, the researcher can also give the readers and future

researchers a reference of information concerned to religion and modernization.

For the society, this can help them to be aware of the dangerous and negative effects

and be cautious of their activities in dealing with technology.

For the Catholic community, this study can give them a knowledge on how to live a

religious life that is based on the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Christian morality

should be applied to their everyday lives.

Furthermore, If they are able to read this particular study, this can also help them to

come up of an idea to be more of a traditional and religious minded people for their spiritual


For Catholic schools, this can help them on how to coincide the modern tehnology

and religionto be able to educate the young millenial Catholics that the practice of

Catholicism is very essential. Also, for them to know more about God and his words.

For my dear family and friends, this research will help them to lead good spiritual

lives. Proper studying and understanding of the true doctrine and beliefs can lessen the

uprising modernity in the society. They should focus on avoiding worldly and materialistic


Lastly, For the future researchers, this study can be used as a reference and to speed

up the finishing of their study and for them to easily defend it.

Scope and Limitations

This study was conducted in July 28,2019 and is finished on January 14, 2020. The

maximum number of respondents is 100 respondents. But due to lack of time and because

not all respondents being handed out of the survey questionnaires have returned and

answered the hard copy survey questionnaires. So, the researcher have changed the maximum

number of respondents from 100 respondents to 30 respondents. For it is the only number of

respondents that have greatly contributed to the completion of the data needed to complete

the research study.

Conceptual Framework


 Independent variable

 Catholics who practice religious traditional beliefs and culture

 Catholics who practice secularized and modernized beliefs and culture
 Young millennials, servers of the church, catechists, religious people,
seminarians, deacons and Christian living educators.
 Catholic priests residing at Sta. Rosa, Laguna, Pila, Laguna and Tagaytay city
 Catholics who are at the age of 13-60 years old
 Young millennials and adults who are highly connected on social media

 Dependent variable

 Negative effects of technological and societal modernization

 Negative effects of modernization upon living a religious life
 Types of Modernization
 Influence of popular trends and modernized technology on a person’s way
of living a religious life
 Negative effects of secularism upon the proper practice of Catholic
religious beliefs and religious way of life.


 Set the research setting/s

 Identify the profile of the respondents
 Distribute the survey questionnaires through hard copy and online surveys
 Gathered other needed data through personal interviews
 Tally the results of the gathered data
 Analyze and interpret the gathered data from the sources of the data
 Evaluate and make a concluscion based on the results of overall data.


 Many of the Catholics nowadays were really affected by the negative effects of
technological and societal modernization due to the strong influence of popular
trends, social media and modern technology

 Secularism inclines due to the societal trends and advance modern technology
which leads many people specially young millennials to forget about the religious

 Modernization also leads to make such a “medieval” perspective towards

practicing a religious way of life

 Due to the lack of Christian living education, many people either young and old
were still confuse on what to believe in due to many fake news in the social

 Because of social media, many Catholics choose to be materialistic and practice

hedonism rather than giving importance towards their religion.

 It is needed that the Catholic church should make an approach to reach out those
Catholics who have lost their ways from the practice of Catholicism through
physical evangelization like Bible study, values formation conference to be able
to discuss the proper practice Catholic religion to be able for them to also
educate the others about the Catholic beliefs and on how to live a religious life.

 Modern technology can be used by the Catholic church to do evangelization

through posting articles that can help contemporary Catholics to understand and
to have knowledge about the origin of the Catholic doctrines, practices and
beliefs and on how to practice the Christian way of life.

 The church should reach out to the Catholic people to attend the Sunday holy
mass regularly by having a special holy mass in malls and airports to be able for
the Catholics to still be updated on what the holy gospel wanted to teach.

 In the homily or sermon of the priests during holy masses, they can mention the
importance of the practice of religious way of life and of the Catholic beliefs and
practices so that the church goers will be able to be educated of both the holy
gospel and its real life application.


Review of Related Literature


This chapter presents a report of an investigation regarding this topic. Also, this
section provides a basis of answers on the questions that are indicated on the statement of the

Modernization has already influenced our lives including our common needs, our

mentality, our clothing, our lifestyle , our religion, our attitude and our morality. Because as

we can see in our society nowadays, most of the people have become modernists that resulted

into the ignorance of the importance of religion in your life. For, Catholics, although are
imperfect are trying our best to show true faith and extend such Christendom. 1 (Harrison,
2004) But because of the modernization dominating the whole world and even the world of
religion which causes the Sacramental and liturgical rites to be changed in which that instead
of it to be focused on God alone, they start to focus on the people’s satisfactions, wants, and
comfort Because of this majority of the churches and even members of the clergy would like

to celebrate the new order mass instead of the Tridentine Latin mass because they find the

new order mass a way to reach out and to be close to people who have a modernist
perspective when it comes to religion. Also, many traditional Catholics were being
persecuted because of the practice of the Traditional Roman Catholic rites in the modern era.

Lastly, modernization is the main reason why the dogma of the faith changed which
resulted into the 2nd Vatican Council that lead to the rise of the New Order Holy Mass which
is now being celebrated on majority of the Catholic churches today (Brophy, 2018).

Related Literature

Christendom-Christianity as a territorial phenomenon.

On the book entitled ``The Catechetical Instructions of St. Thomas Aquinas’ ’Rev. Fr.
Rudolph G. Bandas stated that The forms of teachings and beliefs that are not thoroughly
assimilated2 nor understand can negatively affect the spiritual growth of a person. Which can
drastically lead into misconceptions and misinterpretation towards certain beliefs practices
(Bandas, Pg.6).

The researcher describes this statement as a claim that not all the teachings and
beliefs that are being taught and practice are being understood and applied. Because some
people commit misconceptions and misinterpretations towards a certain belief or teaching,
which can negatively affect a person’s spiritual growth. This can also cause such confusion
which can make a person’s certain belief more complex than it is. Because if people have
been being taught by a preacher who has a different conception or interpretation , there is also
a possibility that they will also have the same interpretation.
All of us has different interpretations on certain beliefs, practices and culture. It is
only up to us how we respect other people’s interpretations towards a certain thing.

According to the book “Becoming Religion: Alfred North WhiteHead and

Contemporary Philosophical Reflection” “The religious thought had successfully cleared
itself. For there is something in religion, which has an ability to survive all particular symbols
eternally.” (Hurkheim, Pg. 22). Although most of the forms of the beliefs, prayers, and
practices were drastically changed because of the Protestantism 3, there are still some people
or specifically members of the clergy who practice and preserve the Traditional ways and
forms that were once being practiced by our Catholic forefathers. This implies that only half
percent of the population of the world are able to maintain. He also quoted that “Moral
Living is not contextually nor adequately accountable for interacts integrably towards each of
the actions moral meaning.” The practice of Catholicism should be recognized in all ages.
For Catholicism can be taught even to toodlers for them to be familiar of the sect that they
belong in. (Hurkheim, 2014).

Alessandro Bianchi on his article under THE GUARDIAN entitled “The Pope Just Took
Another Step to Modernize the Catholic Church stated that The Vatican was making changes
on how sacrament of marriage works. In such way that they allow the fast and free cost of

Assimilated- to cause something to be resembled
Protestantism- is a form of Christian faith and practice. It began in northern Europe in
the early 16th century. Also the religion established by Martin Luther in 1529 in

annulment, which allows the local church to accept appeals regarding marriage. (Bianchi,

The researcher argues about the changes on the function of the sacrament of marriage.
Based on the covenant 4of this sacrament, it is said by Jesus Christ in Matthew Chapter 19
verse 4 that divorce should not be practiced. For it is written in the scripture that “a man will
leave his parents house to unite with his wife. Although they are in forms of two flesh, if they
unite they will become only one flesh because God is the one who united them and no one to
separate them.”
It has been stated in their covenant that they will love each other until death do
them apart. Thus, this issue is a big one because it violates the commitment that this
matrimonial sacrament has. Consequently, those who file annulment cases will somehow be
happy of having their marriage annulled. Because the Pope would like to make the process of
annulment a fast and free cost process, this will cause them no more to go through a long
process of annulment.5 Thus, this implies that those couples who want to take the sacrament
of marriage should be committed to each other. The sacrament of marriage is a covenant not
just between couples, but is between the couple and God. A few people nowadays never
know that the belief that having an annulment is a sin. It is said by Jesus Christ that divorce
should not be practiced (Bianchi, 2015).

Esteban T. Salibay on his book entitled “Christian Morality in Contemporary Society

stated” that We, as God’s creation who are made in his own image were gifted with
intelligence and freewill. We are also given an opportunity to eat communion with Him
(Salibay,2013). Thus, this means that all of us have the freedom to different perspectives and
insights towards everything. Some are basing their perspectives in science, philosophy,
psychology, while others based religion, culture, and social affliations. Freewill and
intelligence is now being abused by many. In such way that they use these to take advantage
of fooling people with fake information, do corruption, and other immoral things. This
correlates to the negative effects that the modernization bring towards the beliefs of
Catholicism and the practice of a religious life.

Based on Summer’s theory of Cultural Relativism, it has no universal nor absolute

moral standards of the society. For such standards are relative on a particular culture of a
certain region in the world accordingly ( Summer Pg. 230). This agrees to the issue of the
negative effects of societal modernization because the culture of other people is the main
source of the popular trends that are now being adopted by most of the people worldwide

Covenant-meaning a coming together.
Annulment-is a legal procedure within secular and religious legal systems for declaring
a marriage null and void.

which causes the change of cultures and beliefs about things in the surroundings either
tangible or intangible.

Daniel P. Horan on the article entitled “The Catholic Church Is Suffering from Holy
Spirit Atheism” under the column of Faith Seeking and Understanding explains that some of
the Catholic church leaders are starting to have such self-presumptous 6and proud attitude. In
such way that they sometimes rely their beliefs based on how they think, understood, and
interpret it.This now finds the accurate principle on how we should look at the church. -
(Horan, 2017)
Furthermore, they do not recognize Sensus Fidelium 7although that their mentors taught
them of the doctrine and the canon law, still some presume to their own reasoning. But, this
does not mean that these members of the clergy are not preaching properly. They are just
like us, ordinary people, who have their own opinions, perspectives and interpretations
towards a certain thing.

Rev. Fr. Peter Carota on his journal entitled “Who is a Traditional Catholic?” defines
that Traditional Catholics have discovered and identified what have made us into who we are
now. One of it is being discovered that the modernization of the church started when the
protestant advisers who are involved at the Second Vatican Council had successfully
converted the traditional mass into the Novus Ordo or also known as new order mass. In such
way that they drastically changed the Roman Catholic Missal in 1969 with the support of
Pope Paul VI. Furthermore, as we can observe at the New Order mass, instead of God to be
the center of the holy mass, the people are the focus of the gathering in the congregation.
(Carota, 2016)

People come to the holy mass just to feel comfortable. They only prefer the priest
that they like, to do the things they want to do and dress how they want, Most of the men
and women are wearing immodest clothing. They talk whenever they want, and when they
are hearing the homily, they tend to use their mobile phones to take texts, chats and calls
when they are bored. These are very distant from the Latin mass. We should enter and leave
the church quietly. People should dress modestly wherein women wear veils and long dress
or skirt. Men must wear formal attire. They should be respectful to Jesus in the tabernacle,
and do kneeling during the mass.

Presumptuous-failing to observe the limits of what is permitted or appropriate.
Sensus Fidelium-  "the supernatural appreciation of faith on the part of the whole people,
when, from the bishops to the last of the faithful, they manifest a universal consent in matters
of faith and morals."

He also said in the article that there are changes in the catechism which had caused
some families to become atheists,8 agnostics9, protestants or non-denominationals.10
As result, some people no longer believe in sin and live their life immorally. Like,
they wanted to legalize the same-sex marriage, practice homosexuality, and even recognize
themselves as righteous.
In addition to that, traditional Catholics believe that the heresies of the modernization,
secularism, and progressivism have caused all the problems in the Catholic church. Tese
were being condemned by the former Pope Pius X in the Pascendi Domini Gregis 11
in September 8, 1907. These problems are also considered as the negative factors of
modernization technologically and socially, make the Catholic people have a negative
perspective towards Catholic beliefs and avoids them to live morally (Carota , 2015).

Wayne Jackson on the article “The Influence of the Modern Trends on the Church”
argees that The modern trends are one of the factors of the negative effect of societal
modernization towards Catholism. Nowadays, as we notice, our society has been being
conquered by modernity which also causes the church to be affected because even during the
ancient times, modernism had already evolved, which had also reflected the incline towards
the rejection of the propositional truth that is based on the divine authority. The idea of
Catholicism and Protestantism has become pervasive because of the heritage restoration that
is been being influenced by heresy12 (Jackson, 2018).

As a result, heresies that occurred had worsen the modernization because

contemporary people are more of a scientific minded in which they only focus on sciences
and they will not even believe on certain thing unless that they saw it visibly with their naked
eyes. Furthermore, there is another factor of the modernization that affects the religious life
and it is the postmodernism 13which is defined as worst than modernism which condemns

Atheist-a person who disbelieve or lacks belief in the existence of God 
Agnostics-a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.

Non-denominals-consists of churches which typically distance themselves from
the confessionalism or creedalism of other Christian communities.

Pascendi Domini Gregis-is a papal encyclical letter, subtitled "On the Doctrines of the

Modernists", promulgated by Pope Pius X on 8 September 1907.

Heresy-belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine.
Postmodernism-a late-20th-century style and concept in the arts, architecture, and criticism that
represents a departure from modernism and has at its heart a general distrust of grand theories and
ideologies as well as a problematical relationship with any notion of art.

real knowledge and only consider subjective and at least objective perspective of a one
individual. The modern trends were also being generated caused by such different societal
and cultural diffusion which had caused the rise in the popularity of trends which affects the
Catholicism because the church thinks that they should be close and to get in touch with the
people to be able for them to go to church and attend the Holy mass which makes the Novus
Ordo to rise for sometimes it does not specifically focusing on God but rather getting in
touch with the people and the priests.

“We engage in verbal violence online because we can get away with it."

Social media may be the term used for websites that allow people to interact online, she added, but "it
doesn't seem social to someone on a screen in the privacy of their own room." ( Zsupan-Jerome, 2015)

Definition of terms:

 Christendom -Christianity as a territorial phenomenon


 Assimilated- to cause something to be resembled

 .
Protestantism- is a form of Christian faith and practice. It began in northern Europe in
the early 16th century. Also the religion established by Martin Luther in 1529 in


Chapter 3



This chapter contains the methods being used to gather the needed data for this

particular research. It also contains the criteria and profile of the chosen respondents who

will answer the survey questionnaire. This also contains the scope and limitations that

includes the research setting where the sample datas are being gathered. The researcher also

discusses here on how she gathered and collected the data on the chosen specific research

setting where the respondents are residing at. The instruments being used in collection and

gathering are also contained here which helped the researcher to easily reach her


Research Approach and Design

This particular study had used of both qualitative and quantitative kind of approach.

The quantitative kind of approach was defined by Babbie, Earl R. as a method that

emphasize objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of

data collected through polls, questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing

statistical data using computational techniques that focuses on gathering numerical data and

generalizing it across groups of people or to explain a particular phenomenon.. The statistical

method being used on this particular research is a descriptive survey which is a kind of

research method that describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon that is

being studied.

This methodology focuses more on the “what” of the research subject rather than the

“why” of the research subject. On the other hand, qualitative kind of approach was defined by

the Statistics solutions as the kind of approach that “seeks to tell the story of a particular

group’s experiences in their own words, and is therefore focused on narrative. This can be

challenging for researchers more accustomed to the traditional deductive approach.” The

researcher chose a descriptive type of survey because she found more accessible and

convenient for the research setting where she will held her distribution of survey

questionnaires is just within where her respondents resides at.

Research Setting

The research setting is referring to the specific area or place where the sample data

was gathered and collected. In which that the setting being chosen by the researcher herself

was accessible and hassle free for the researcher was also residing on the said research setting

that can help the researcher to easily collect and gather data from the said respondents and

respondees.. The research setting being chosen is within Laguna Belair, Brgy. Don Jose Sta.

Rosa Laguna, San Pablo, Laguna and Pila, Laguna. The said settings were known to have

many young millennials and adults who are highly connected to social media and were also

known to have religious people and members of the clergy who are known to have a

knowledge of the original Catholic beliefs and practice such a religious life and those who

are fond on social media but still practice the Catholic beliefs being thought by the church.

Also, the researcher have chosen specific places where she can conduct the survey

and the collection of data and these areas are: Catholic schools, seminaries, parish churches,

and convents within the said areas.

The population and sample of the study

The Population and sample of the study consists of the young and adult Catholics and

religious people residing at Laguna, Cavite and Tagaytay area. All young and adult

Catholics who are under ages 13-60 years old were the scope of the population and

sample of the study. A sample of 30 respondents were being selected to be the source of

the gathered data. Also, the respondents being chosen have passed the criteria of the

researcher’s ideal respondees ; in which that all of the respondees being interviewed and

being given of the survey questionnaires are surely having a knowledge about Catholic

beliefs and who are living a religious way of life.

The total of the respondents who are willing to contribute to the research studies were

30 respondents and the scope and limitation is possible to increase if the researcher will

make her scope broader and if the researcher was able to distribute the survey

questionnaires exactly on the time proper. The word "sample" was defined as a finite part

of a statistical population whose properties are studied to gain information about the


Sampling Criteria

The researcher had set a criteria for the chosen respondents that will answer the

survey questionnaires to be able to have a reliable source of data and the respondents that will

be answering the questionnaires must possess the following :

*Must be a Catholic

*Must have a knowledge about the original Catholic Beliefs

*Must be practicing such a religious way of life

*Must be a person/people who are though exposed to popular trends and social

medias are still into the morality based in the teachings of the Catholic church.

*Must be a person/people who are expertise when it comes to the originalCatholic

beliefs and practice of a religious life.

*Must be a person/ people who is serving at the church and has the knowledge of

the Catholic catechism, beliefs and doctrine.

* Must be a person/ people who are knowlegeable about their faith

*Must be a person who has an educational background about Christian Living,

Catholic Catechism and Catholic doctrines and beliefs.

*Must be under the age of 13-60 years old


Data Collection Instrument

The researcher have chosen instruments to be used for data collection and it is through

physical hardcopy survey questionnaires which will be handed out to the chosen respondents

and just in case that the hardcopy survey questionnaires will not be handed out personally, the

researcher have also decided to made use of online surveys through Google docs by sending

the link to those respondents through the use of private message to be able to gather more

data from those respondents who are residing farther from the researcher’s address. The

researcher had given all of her respondents of both online and physical survey. She had

chosen these data collection methods because of these reasons:

*It guarantees a high percentage of response from the respondents

*It makes the researcher to have an easy way of computing and compiling the data

being gathered

* It makes the researcher to know the opinions of different people from different ages

about the negative factors of technological and societal modernity to the Catholic

beliefs and how should a Catholic live a religious life

*It makes the gathered data to be easily analyzed and interpreted

*It makes the respondents to define and cite their opinions about the problem that is

indicated on the researcher's research study.


Data Collection Procedure

The data collection procedure that is being done by the researcher is that she

distributed the survey questionnaires to the chosen respondents on the research setting that

she have chosen which is within Laguna, Cavite and Tagaytay area in which that she asked

some help of some friends to distribute some of the survey questionnaires. Also, the

researcher have made an online survey for those respondents whom she cannot reach out due

to the long distance of the location of the respondents. Furthermore, The researcher have

also held an interview with some of the respondees because the researcher wants to gather

more informations that can exceed to the answer of the respondents on the survey

questionnaire. The data was being collected in 1 month.

Consequently, some of the respondents were not able to give back the physical survey

questionnaires and some of the respondents that the researcher have sended an online survey

were not able to answer the online survey. So, the researcher just held an interview to some

of the respondents.


Reliability was defined as the quality of being trustworthy or of performing

consistently well. Furthermore, the proof of the reliability of the answers and questions is the

consistency of the answers of the respondents in each of the questions indicated in the survey

questionnaire. The proof of the reliability of the data that is indicated in the survey

questionnaires (which includes both online and physical) and of the interview can be shown;

In such way that the researcher herself was the only one who held the interview and the

distribution of the survey questionnaire that are in the form of hard copy with the proper

consent of the respondents. As for the interview/s, the researcher have organized the schedule

of each respondents that she will interview.

The researcher also made the questions understandable and explained briefly to be

able for the respondents to have a reliable answer that can also make the questions reliable

and valid. In addition to that, the researcher have no posted her online survey to any of the

social media sites (such as facebook, Instagram, and others) so that the researcher can

monitor if a person is qualified to be a respondent by basing on the criteria of the



Validity is defined as how well a scientific test or piece of research actually measures

what it sets out to, or how well it reflects the reality it claims to represent. The proof of

the validity of the data that is indicated in the survey questionnaires (which includes both

online and physical) and of the interview can be shown; the researcher have clearly

explained to her respondents of the things that should be done and on how the survey

should be answered accordingly. For them to understand of the concept of the survey

questionnaire and for them to put their shoes on the given scenario.

The way of answering the survey questionnaires is in the way of only giving brief

explanations and giving simple insights about the given situation; also for them to have a

convenient way of stating their responds on each situation/s being focused on. Lastly,

the researcher have asked her respondents to state their answers with honest answers. So

that the visibility of data will be shown.

Ethical Consideration

Before the gathering of data through the distribution of the survey questionnaires and

held an interview with the respondents, the researcher have become considerate to some of

the respondents because of the late return of the hard copy survey questionnaire because

they have no answered it yet or they have not finished answering it yet. The researcher have

approached her respondents whom she had given the surveys with and asked them of the

surveys but some were not able to bring it back due to their personal schedules and agendas.

So the researcher have given them an extension of the deadline of the survey so that they will

not be forced and be pressured to answer the survey questionnaire and for them to have a

longer time of thinking of the answers and the researcher have also sent them of the online

form of the survey so that they will have more convenience of answering the survey

questionnaire. The researcher have not give any prizes or anything in exchange for answering

the survey to avoid biased data.

The respondents should take note of these parts being incuded on the informed

consent so that the collection of the data will be more fast and is easy to be computed. These

are the following:

 The significance of the study

 The punctuality on returning the survey questionnaires

 The methods and procedures being used in the study

 The information that they shoud give are the types of informations that are related

to the topic

 The benefits of the research to the society and to the researcher

 The respondents should know whom to contact if ever that they have

clarifications and questions about the survey questionnaires. 


Chapter 4

Analysis and Interpretation of Data


This Chapter shows the findings, analysis and interpretation of data being gathered

whose main objective is to know what makes modern technology and societal trends a

negative effect towards the Catholic beliefs and to ways of living a religious life. Also, this

consist of all the numbers of the data samples being collected by the researcher. More

specifically, the researcher ought to answer the following questions.


1.) Do you think that the usage of modern technology affects a person’s beliefs towards




Yes No

Textual Interpretation

Twenty-nine (29) respondents (97%) out of 30 respondents answered Yes, which means that

they are being affected while One (1) respondent (3%) out of 100 respondents answered

No which also means that he is not being affected.


How /why?


Atheism 2
shows advancement and progress of person as a Catholic 2
can use the social media to do evangelization 2
personal effect on the user 3
ng on modern technology (gadgets, socia media more often 3
at makes change to the views and opinions of the Catholics 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Textual Interpretation

Five respondents (16%) out of 30 respondents answered that it is due to the influence of

opinions and value / principle formation of users that makes change to the views and opinions

of the Catholics, 3 respondents (10% ) out of 30 respondents answered that it is the

propagating of beliefs, views / opinions to distribute information, 3 respondents (10%) out of

30 respondents answered that it is focusing on modern technology (gadgets and social

media) more often, 2 respondents (7%) out of 30 respondents answered strong persuasion

impact to those do not deeply know their faith, 3 respondents (10%) answered personal effect

on the user, 2 respondents (6%) answered depends on the belief of the person on what he/ she

is believing at, 2 respondents (6%) can use social media to do evangelization, 4 respondents

(13%) answered adding knowledge and wisdom to the Catholic people, 2 respondents (6%)

answered shows advancement and progress of a person as a Catholic, 3 respondents (10%)

answered spreading false teachings, and 2 respondents (6%) answered atheism.


Majority of the Catholic people thinks that the usage of modern technology highly

affects their beliefs towards religion,.which implies that they are affected in a way that they

easily got brainwashed or rather by a person or group of people who posted such things

towards religion which influences them to have the same mentality and beliefs towards


The remaining 3% implies that the respondent’s belief towards religion was not being

affected due to his use of modern technology.


According to the book “Becoming Religion: Alfred North WhiteHead and

Contemporary Philosophical Reflection” “The religious thought had successfully cleared

itself. For there is something in religion, which has an ability to survive all particular symbols

eternally.” (Hurkheim, Pg. 22). The remaining 3% implies that the respondent’s belief

towards religion was not being affected due to his use of modern technology due to his

answer that he believes in God more than anything else.

Also, It is evidently seen on the graph that the power of social media is very strong

upon influencing people in many ways that causes them to change their lifestyle, beliefs and

opinions about things which is for others are not that bad but due to the heresies of the

modernization, secularism, and progressivism had caused all the problems in the Catholic

church (Carota , 2015) that is being caused by the wrong usage of the social media.

2.) How often do you see some religion-based posts in social media which contain different

opinions of other people?

17% 3%



always sometimes seldomly occassionally never

Textual Interpretation

Nine (9) respondents (30%) out of 30 respondents answered Always, Eleven (11)

respondents (37%) out of 30 respondents answered Sometimes, Five (5) respondents

(17%) out of 100 respondents answered Occasionally, Four (4) respondents (13%) out of

30 respondents answered Seldomly and Lastly, One (1) respondent out of 30 respondents

answered Never.

Does it affect your insight and belief towards Catholic beliefs?



It affects/ influences me It does not affect me

Textual Interpretation

10 respondents (33%) out of 30 respondents answered that it affects/influence me, while 20

respondents (67%) out of 30 respondents it does not affect/influence me


Almost half of the sample population said that they only see religion based posts

SOMETIMES and also a few of them were not being affected about these particular posts

containing the opinions of other people because they said that they based will still based on

the original teachings, doctrines and beliefs being taught of the Catholic church and they

will just stick to it even though that the contemporary society was focused on technological

media or social media.

Modernization has already influenced our lives including our common needs, our

mentality, our clothing, our lifestyle , our religion, our attitude and our morality. Because as

we can see in our society nowadays, most of the people have become modernists that resulted

into the ignorance of the importance of religion in your life. For, Catholics, although are

imperfect are trying our best to show true faith and extend such Christendom.14 (Harrison,


While some others said that they are being affected for the reason that they said that the

religion-based posts and articles that they read were helpful towards their understanding of

their faith specially when they cannot understand some of Catholic beliefs .

3.) Is it recommended that all the Catholic people should be taught of the original Catholic

doctrines and beliefs?

Christendom-Christianity as a territorial phenomenon.


yes no

Textual Interpretation

Thirty (30) respondents (100%) out of 30 respondents answered Yes which means that the

computed data that were having the same opinions and ideas that can make the percentage of

the graph to look like a whole sized cake.






it isthat
thea Catholic
beliefs religion
about the doctrines and beliefs of the
Catholic church

Textual Interpretation

12 respondents (40%) out of 30 respondents answered it helps Catholics to have more

knowledge about the doctrines and beliefs of the Catholic church, 7 respondents (23%) out of

30 answered it is the foundation of the Catholic religion, 5 respondents (17%) out of 30

respondents answered that it is the the one that makes a person a Catholic, 6 respondents

(20%) out of 30 respondents answered that every Catholic should have the same beliefs.


Majority of the respondents said that it is needed to educate the Contemporary

Catholics of the Catholic doctrines and beliefs because many had also said when the

Contemporary Catholics are being taught it can build up a strong foundation of our faith and

truth as Roman Catholics and it is also needed to learn of the Catholic doctrines for it is

included there of our faith as Catholics.

Because according to an expert , Fr. Carl Pua “ It is not sufficient that people are just

sacramentalized but instead, it is also needed that the Catholic people should be taught of the

proper religious instructions that are imperative in order to know how to live the rule of

thumb. Lex orandi, lex credenda, lex vivendi (as we worship, so we believe and so we


4.) Do you support same sex marriage?




yes no

Textual Interpretation

Twenty-seven (27) respondents (90%) out of 30 respondents answered No and Three (3)

respondents (10%) out of 30 respondents answered Yes.

Do you think that it violates any of the Traditional Catholic beliefs?


If yes, why?


It violates the Natural Law

It is forbidden according to the Holy scripture
It descerates the sacrament of marriage

Textual Interpretation

10 respondents (37%) out of 30 respondents answered that it violates the natural law, 2

respondents (7%) out of 30 respondents answered that it desecrates the sacrament of

marriage, 15 respondents (56%) out of 30 respondents answered that it is forbidden

according to the Holy Scripture.


If no, Why not?


Because Love between two people is not based on gender

Textual Interpretation

3 respondents (100%) out of 30 respondents answered because love between two people is

not based on gender.



Most of the respondents had responded that they do not support the same sex marriage and

only a few said they do support the same-gender marriage. The most common reason why

most people said t hat they do not support same gender marriage is simply because of the

particular belief that can be found on the biblical scripture and can be found on Genesis 27:1

that states that “ So God created a man in his image; in the image of God He created him;

male and female he created them.” Contemporary based, it is also forbidden because it is

against the Natural Law and the human dignity of a person..

Those 3 respondents are supporting same sex marriage because they said that love

between two people are not measured or based in the gender of a person; which is contrary to

both natural law and the gender complementary. Further more, the problem of having two

genders can also somehow rooted from modernization. How? it is through the use of the

social media because according to Rev. Fr. Peter Carota, “Some people no longer believe in

sin and live their life immorally. Like, they wanted to legalize the same-sex marriage,

practice homosexuality, and even recognize themselves as righteous.”

In addition to that, traditional Catholics believe that the heresies of the modernization,

secularism, and progressivism have caused all the problems in the Catholic church.

5.) Is the legalization of annulment and separation between married couples against the

Catholic beliefs of the Catholic Church?



yes no

Textual Interpretation

Sixteen (16) respondents (53%) out of 30 respondents answered Yes and Fourteen (14)

respondents (47%) out of 30 respondents answered No.


If yes, why?



marriage is a bind
Marriage covenant
a couple
man God
to serve
not until
be separated
death anymore

Textual Interpretation

5 respondents (31%) answered that marriage is covenant between man and woman, 7

respondents (44%) answered that marriage is a bond between man in woman and they should

not be separated anymore, and 4 respondents (25%) out of 30 respondents answered that

marriage is a promise by a couple to serve one another until death.


If no, why?




Annulment is being legalized by the Catholic church

Only divorce is against the Catholic church
It depends on the marriage life of a couple

Textual Interpretation

7 respondents (50%) out of 30 respondents answered that annulment was being legalized by

the Catholic church, 4 respondents (29%)out of 30 respondents answered that only divorce is

against the Catholic church, and 3 respondents (21%) out of 30 respondents answered that it

depends on the marriage life of a couple.


Most of the respondents said that the legalization of annulment and separation is

against the Catholic church because of these evidence “Based on the covenant of this

sacrament, it is said by Jesus Christ in Matthew Chapter 19 verse 4 that divorce should not

be practiced. For it is written in the scripture that “a man will leave his parents house to unite

with his wife. Although they are in forms of two flesh, if they unite they will become only

one flesh because God is the one who united them and no one to separate them.” (Christian

Community Bible, Catholic Pastoral edition)

Thus, the legalization of annulment and separation is not against the Catholic beliefs

because it has been already being legalized by the Catholic church due to those who have

marriage problems and wanted to disregard the marriage. Either way it is still against the

Catholic beliefs because the couple that took the sacrament of matrimony although literally

separated were being binded by matrimony and with God.


6.) Do you agree that the uprising popular trends are the main cause of the decline of the

practice of religious life?

some it depends
how 10%


yes no somehow it depends

Textual Interpretation

Twelve (12) respondents (40%) out of 30 respondents answered Yes, Fourteen (14)

respondents (47%) out of 30 respondents answered No, Three (3) respondents (10%) out of

30 respondents answered It depends and Lastly, One (1) respondent (3%) out of 30

respondents answered Somehow


If yes, How?

14% 21%


7% 29%

are diverted
is and
to be and
on relativistic
ideas than absolute truth

Textual Interpretation

2 respondents (14%) out of 30 answered the popular trends appeal mostly to sensual and

selfish things and focuses on relativistic ideas than absolute truth, 4 respondents (29%)

answered it could forget God and focus on secularized mentality, 1 respondent (7%)

answered people see religious life as something medieval and outdated, 4 respondents (29%)

answered immoral acts starts to be practiced because it is starting to be a modern trend, and 2

respondents (14%) answered the attention of the people are diverted to materialism.

If no, How?

29% 14%



Some of the popular trends do not affect a person's way of living a religious life
It is just one of the reasons for the decline of practice of religious life
It depends on the person or a group of people who makes its cause
Not all people who are always in trend forgets God

Textual Interpretation

2 respondents (14%) out of 30 respondents answered some of the popular trends do not affect

a person’s way of living a religious life, 3 respondents (21%) answered it is just one of the

reasons for the decline of practice of religious life, 5 respondents (36%) answered it depends

on the person or group of people who makes it cause, and 4 respondents (29%) answered

not all people who are always in trend forgets God.



Wayne Jackson on the article “The Influence of the Modern Trends on the Church”agrees

’”The modern trends are one of the factors of the negative effect of societal

modernization towards Catholism. Nowadays, as we notice, our society has been being

conquered by modernity which also causes the church to be affected because even during

the ancient times, modernism had already evolved, which had also reflected the incline

towards the rejection of the propositional truth that is based on the divine authority. The

idea of Catholicism and Protestantism has become pervasive because of the heritage

restoration that is been being influenced by heresy (Jackson, 2018).

Because not all in the internet are considered and proven to be true. If ever that there will

be a true and proven content in the social media maybe there will only be few that will be

found. For today, in the internet many are posting to spread fake news just to get

popularity: which is not good because it makes all its readers to believe on something

without having any assurance.


7.) Can modern technology (e.g social media) help the Catholic church to reach out the

people when it comes to their religious beliefs and ways of life?



Yes no probably somehow

Textual Interpretation

Twenty-two (22) respondents (76%) out of 30 answered Yes, Zero (0) respondents (0%)

answered No, Three (3) respondents (10%) out of 30 answered Probably and lastly, Four (4)

respondents (14%) out of 30 answered Somehow.


In what ways?



36% religious practices and beliefs and teach Cat-

Using technology to propagate
echism to Catholics
to reach out those Catholics who do not attend mass through making medias
that contains Catechisms and teachings that is based on the Catholic doctrines
and beliefs

Textual Interpretation

9 respondents (41%) out of 30 respondents answered using technology to propagate religious

practices and beliefs and teach Catechism to Catholics, 8 respondents (36%) out of 30

respondents answered to reach out those Catholics who do not attend mass through making

medias that contains Catechisms and teachings that is based on the Catholic doctrines and

beliefs, 5 respondents (23%) out of 30 respondents answered the Catholic church is not only

focus in spiritual in each approach holistic development but also focuses on temporal.


Majority of the respondents said that modern technology can be helpful to reach out people

when it comes to their religious beliefs and ways of life. How? it is by using the modern

technology (specially the social media) to evangelize. Because most of the people nowadays

not only locally but on some parts of the world are on media.

Evangelizing on social media can help the Catholic church bring back those Catholics who
have ignored their religion and can somehow help the people in every parts of the world to
convert into the Catholic religion. Because most of the people nowadays not only locally but
on some parts of the world are on media. Evangelizing on social media can help the Catholic
church bring back those Catholics who have ignored their religion and can somehow help the
people in every parts of the world to convert into the Catholic religion. Although some will
just criticize nor disregard the post, then so he it. Because evangelization is not all about
forcing everyone to be converted, still it is their own choice.

We engage in verbal violence online because we can get away with it."

Social media may be the term used for websites that allow people to interact online, she
added, but "it doesn't seem social to someone on a screen in the privacy of their own room."

( Zsupan-Jerome, 2015)

8.) .) Do you consider gender identity crisis as a negative effects of technological and societal





Yes No Somehow

Textual Interpretation

Fourteen (14) respondents (47%) out of 100 answered Yes, Seven (7) respondents (23%)

answered No, Nine (9) respondents (30%) answered Somehow.


If yes, why?



















ci e














o n



Textual Interpretation



r is




7 respondents (50%) answered Gender Identity Crisis is rooted in the false ideologies being




shown in media, 3 respondents (21%) answered Influence of bad contents of social media




that contains immoral acts which is imitated by netizens, 4 respondents (29%) answered




influence of people through modern technology that encourage modern society to influence




one another.


If no, why?



since in the past, before technologies evolved there are already people who are going
through gender identity crisis
It is a question of acceptance

Textual Interpretation

3 respondents (43%) answered since in the past and before technologies evolved, there aare

already people who are going through gender identity crisis and 4 respondents (57%)

answered it is a question of acceptance.


Majority of the respondents said that gender identity crisis is a form of the negative effects

of technological and societal modernization in such way that because of the influence of

media, some people were able to adapt the nature of homosexuality and making it as their life

style which specially prone to young millennials. Because they taught that expressing their

self being on a certain gender that is not man or woman is an act of being true to yourself.

Which is not. “Gender identity crisis is sometime the root of homosexuality. Some others call

it an “uncured illness” because it cannot be prevented by any medicine it is just coming to the

nature of a person naturally.” (Salibay, 2016 Pg. 35)


9.) .) Does the modernized technology influence a person's morality and how he/she lives her

religious life?



yes no

Textual Interpretation

Twenty (20) respondents (67%) out of 30 respondents answered Yes and Ten (10)

respondents (33%) answered No.


If yes, In what way/s?

Chart Title


Influence of posts

Textual Interpretation

20 respondents (60%) answered influence of posts.


If no, In what way/s?

It depends on how a person uses technology


Textual Interpretation

10 respondents (40%) answered it depends on how a person uses technology



“Moral Living is not contextually nor adequately accountable for interacts

integrably towards each of the actions moral meaning.” The practice of Catholicism

should be recognized in all ages. For basic Catholicism can be taught even to toodlers

for them to be familiar of the sect that they belong in. (Hurkheim, 2014).

Majority said that modern technology can influence a person’s morality simply

because many people who are into media are being influenced in such way that they were

able to adapt the culture of other people who have a different culture and traditions.

Thus, modern technology really affects the morality of a person because technology is very

vast and powerful when it comes on influencing people through different kinds of modern


10.) What do you think are the possible ways that can solve these issues?

All of the above

The church should organize a bible study and values

formation to educate young millenials and the adults
about the negative effect of modernization
Study the original Catholic beliefs to have more
knowledge about it

Avoid secularized mentaity and practice religious life

Proper usage of modern technology

0 2 4 6 8 10 12


Textual Interpretation

Ten (10) respondents (33%) out of 100 answered that proper usage of modern

technology is a solution, Three (3) respondents (10%) answered that avoiding the

secularized mentality and practicing of religious life is a solution, Three (3) respondents

(10%) answered that studying the original Catholic beliefs is a solution , Five (5)

respondents (17%) out of 100 answered that the church should organize a way of reaching

out the young and adult Catholics which is through educating them of the negative

effects of modernization towards religion.



These solutions indicated on the graph will surely help to solve the negative effects of

technological and societal modernization. Because these are the ones that lacks to lessen the

secularized mentality of contemporary people. Getting involved with modern technology and

societal trends is not that bad, it is just you have to not forgot about God because technology

might also teach you on how to act immorally.


Chapter 5

Concluscion and recommendation


This Chapter presents the concluscion and the recommendations being made by the

researcher which contains the results of the gathered data .


Therefore, it is proven that Technological and Societal Modernization is the negative

effect of modernization to the Catholic beliefs and to ways of life. Because based on the

results of the gathered data it shows the big percentage of answers related to the negative

effects of both technological and societal modernization towards the Catholic beliefs and

religious way of life. For it is already proven in the data results that the negative effects of

technological and societal modernity which also proves the researcher’s thesis statement that

“ The severe uprising of technological and societal modernity which includes different

popular societal trends and secularized mentality of the society have negative effects to

the Catholic beliefs and ways of living a religious life.” Thus, it is evident that

technological and societal modernization really affects a person’s belief towards religion and

the practice of Christian way of life.

Furthermore, because of the strong influence of modern technology specifically,

social media many people either young or adult are being exposed to immoral acts that are

done by other people which influences their practice of morality which makes them to

neglect the practice of proper morality that is according to the Catholic beliefs and practices

being taught by the Catholic church. Lastly, modern technology and societal trends has a

great impact on the practice of religious life. For it is based on the data results which visibly

shows that societal and technological modernity hinders the practice of Catholicism if it is

being used improperly in which that you focus yourself on the modern technology and always

go with the flow on the modern trends.


The researcher recommends that the Catholic church should use the modern

technology to do evangelization worldwide and they should teach the Catholics of the origin

of the Catholic doctrines, practices, and beliefs. Also, the researcher recommends that the

church should do physical evangelization through a bible study and values formation

conference for the contemporary people specially the Catholic ones to discuss to them the

proper usage of technology when it comes to religion and the negative effects of

technological and societal modernity to the Catholic beliefs and to religious way of life.

Furthermore, the resesrcher recommends that the church should be active not on

spiritual but also on technological aspect. In such way that they should make religious

organizations and post religion-based articles which can help the social media users to be

knowledgeable of the Catholic beliefs and on how to practice the religious way of life.

In addition to that, they can also make technological religious programs like making a

channel specialized for religious purposes which contains live coverage of holy masses and

Biblical foundation containing daily gospels and word of God to serve as a religious guide for

those elders and disabled people who are not capable of going to church to attend the holy

mass because of their illness and disability. Lastly, the researcher wants to recommend that

the church should make ways to reach out those who are lost and confused on their faith and

the Catholic people themselves as soon as possible should know on how to improve

themselves when it comes on their spiritual life through seeking God by doing self-study

about the word of God and through seeking spiritual guidance of the members of the clergy,

religious people, Christian Living educators and those who are expertise of the Catholicism.


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Jackson, Wayne. "The Influence Of Modern Trends On The Church". Christian

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Kumar, Krishan. "Modernization". Britannica.Com, 2015, Accessed 14 Mar 2020.

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Lusterio, Edwin. Gender Complementary Crisis. 2019, p. 54.

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Salibay, E. (2013). Christian Morality In Contemporary Society. 1st ed. C&E

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October 5, 2019

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October 6, 2019

Mr. or Mrs. Librarian name

School Librarian

Adventist University of the Philippines

Putting kahoy, Silang Cavite

Dear Mr. or Mrs./ Ms.

Good Day!

I, Shaina Dyanne A. Gonzales, a Grade 10 student of Seven Pillars Catholic School,

would like to ask permission from your good office to allow me to use your library books.

This is to help provide me reliable academic resources as vital parts to my Chapter 2-

Review of Related Literature. My research “The Negative Effects of Technological and
Societal Modernization to the Catholic Beliefs and To Ways of Living a Religious Life”,
which is a requirement to completing my English 10 subject, hopes to contribute to the
academe and the society.

Should you have any questions and for proper scheduling of my visit to your library,

please contact me on the following: Mobile no- 0947-187-0927

Your consideration is highly appreciated. Thank you so much.

Sincerely yours,

Shaina Dyanne A. Gonzales

Noted by:

Aselo Santiago Bautista

Thesis Adviser & School Principal


October 4, 2019

To whom it may concern,

Please excuse my daughter, Shaina Dyanne A. Gonzales for not being able to attend
on half of her Friday classes. She will be going to the library today in order to obtain needed
information in fulfillment of her thesis entitled “The Negative Effects of Technological and
Societal Modernization to the Catholic Beliefs and To Ways of Living a Religious Life.” On
their Chapter 2-Review of Related Literature.

I am hoping for your kind consideration. Thank you!

Sincerely yours,

Sharon A. Gonzales

Hi! I am Shaina Dyanne A. Gonzales, a Grade 10 student from Seven Pillars Catholic School. I am
currently conducting my survey in completion of my thesis entitled “The Negative Effects of
Technological and Societal Modernization to the Catholic Beliefs and To Ways of Living a Religious
Life.” The goal of this thesis research is to spread awareness to parents and to young millennials of
the modern era of the negative effects of technological and societal modernization to the Catholic
beliefs and on ways of living a religious life. This survey questionnaire is STRICTLY FOR ACADEMIC
PURPOSES ONLY. Rest assured that any personal information (e.g name, age, gender, etc.) will be
STRICTLY CONFEDENTIAL and anonymous to anyone but me as I am the only one who is going to be
handling the information input into this survey questionnaire. Taking your time to answer these
questions truthfully and willingly would be very much appreciated. Thank you very much and have a
great day!





1.) Do you think that the usage of modern technology affects a person’s beliefs towards


o NO

If yes, How/why?

If no, Why not?


2.) How often do you see some religion-based posts in social media which contain different
opinions of other people?

o Always

o Sometimes

o Seldomly

o Occasionally

o Never

Does it affect your insight and belief towards Catholic beliefs? How?/Why? Support your answer.


3.) Is it recommended that all the Catholic people should be taught of the original Catholic
doctrines and beliefs?


o NO

Why do you say so?


4.) Do you support Same-sex marriage?


o NO

o OTHERS:________________ (please specify)

Do you think that it violates any of the traditional Catholic beliefs? Why/why not?


5.) Is the legalization of Annulment and Separation between married couples against the
Catholic belief/s of the Catholic Church?


o NO

Why/Why not?




6.) Do you agree that the uprising popular trends are the main cause of the decline of the
practice of religious life?


o NO

o OTHERS:_______________(please specify)



7.) Can modern technology (e.g social media) help the Catholic church to reach out the people
when it comes to their religious beliefs and ways of life?


o NO



In what way/s? Is it effective?


8.) Do you consider gender identity crisis as a negative effect of technological and societal


o NO




9.) Does the modernized technology influence a person’s morality and how a he/she lives
his/her religious life?


o NO

In what way/s?


10.) What do you think are the possible ways that can solve these issues?

o Proper usage of technology (e.g social media) for religious purposes

o Avoid secularized mentality and practice such a religious life based

on Catholic ways of life

o Study the original Catholic beliefs so that Catholic people will have a
knowledge about the origin of Catholic beliefs

o The church should organize a bible study and values formation to

show awareness to the Catholic people (specially young millennials
and adults) of the negative effects of technological and societal
modernization to the Catholic beliefs and on ways of living a
religious life.


Why do you say so?



Do you think it will be effective to solve the issues of the negative effects of technological
and societal modernization? Support your answer.


Thank you for your cooperation! God bless you!




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