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DELTABLOC Corporate Brochure E

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We protect

For more
than 20 years.

Home of Road Safety

|| The only full-range
provider of concrete
safety barriers, steel
guardrails and noise
protection systems

|| Leading provider of We protect

licenses and components
worldwide roads
|| Sole full-range supplier
in the industry
|| More than 30 patents
For more
|| Over 300 crash tests than 20 years.
|| 20 years experience,
140 employees,
45 countries

is the leading global provider of premium

safety barriers and noise protection systems.
1 Who we are



We will tell you what makes
our team stand out and what
makes our partnership so

Kirchdorfer Milestones

The Worth knowing
overview product
Road safety has never before been
presented in such a clear and concise
manner: Here you can see our product
range 39–40
Vision Zero
Facts & figures
range at a glance.
Our vision is a world without
road traffic fatalities. Here you
33–34 can find out how we contribute.


f.l.t.r. CSO Ingo Stoffels, COO Wolfgang Ganster,
CEO Thomas Edl, CFO Werner Fink

And today we offer all of this worldwide. We have several
subsidiaries in Europe and South Africa, licence partners
worldwide and our restraint systems are installed in over
45 countries . As the number of international projects grew,
the DELTABLOC® brand became known worldwide. Thanks to
Dear Partner, our expertise, we have won the largest single contract ever
We are pleased about your interest and invite you to get an awarded in this industry. Currently, 1,000 kilometres of road
overview of DELTABLOC® and our extensive product portfolio. in Romania are being equipped with our innovative safety
As the leading developer of concrete and steel vehicle re- systems.
straint systems and of modern noise protection systems, we
are proud to have raised road safety to a new level and thus Of course every project involves a lot of commitment, effort
to be well positioned globally. and work. But considering how many people we protect on
their way, one thing is clear: With every single project we
For 20 years now, we have been doing our utmost to create increase road safety. The thought of being able to save lives
a safe environment for all road users. As it often happens in motivates us and our employees to achieve perfection every
life, it was an incremental process. Even though we set new day. In doing so, we will contribute to the goal of "Vision Zero" :
standards in passive road safety two decades ago, we have no more deaths on the roads!
continued to change and shape the market and grow steadily
– to new challenges, to technical progress and to your needs Speaking of vision: We are looking forward to the future and
and wishes. This has made us a reliable, innovative and wondering what changes the next 20 years will bring. But what
high-quality supplier of vehicle restraint systems and noise we already know: Our products are becoming more and more
barriers. important. And what is also certain: We'll be ready.

All this is also appreciated by our customers. They want We will never stop shaping the future for restraint systems
innovative products, safety at the highest level and a reliable and noise protection barriers. Together we are DELTABLOC®.
partner. We are proud to be able to offer exactly this from a

„Home safe.
single source according to their needs. From concrete safety
barriers to temporary work zone barriers, noise protection
systems and steel guardrails, we are the only full-range
supplier in the industry with impressive product diversity and
specialist expertise.

Every day.“
One thing is for sure: Every-
body starts small. But the trust
in your vision and the efforts of
your team lead to success.

The Kirchdorfer Group is a privately owned

international building materials corporation
based in Kirchdorf/Upper Austria. What be-
gan in 1888 with a family business has sys-
tematically developed over the decades into
an internationally successful, dynamic group
of companies with various business divisions.

Construction Minerals, Concrete Solutions

and Road & Traffic sectors.
flexibility have always been the indispensa-
ble basis for the qualitative and quantitative
growth course. Moreover, the tradition of the
Group enables it to maintain a stable course
even in a difficult market environment.

There are also plans for the future. The pri-

The Kirchdorfer Group is active in the Cement,
vate industrial group has set itself the goal of
exploiting selective growth opportunities, de-
veloping innovative solutions for sustainable
market niches and further internationalising
Skilled and motivated employees, long-term its services. To manifest this approach the
investment in research and development, Kirchdorfer Group established the sector
intelligent product innovations, short de- Road & Traffic in 2019.
cision-making paths and a high degree of
As Kirchdorfer Road &
is part of the
Home of Road Safety

Founded in 2000, DELTABLOC® is the leading developer of concrete and steel vehicle restraint
systems and modern noise protection systems. As Kirchdorfer Road & Traffic, it is part of
the Kirchdorfer Group.

Under the management of CEO Dr. Thomas Edl, DELTABLOC International GmbH has estab-
lished itself as a global market and technology leader. With the product brands DELTABLOC®,
STEELBLOC®, PHONOBLOC® and CITYBLOC® , DELTABLOC International GmbH is constantly
breaking new ground in passive road safety and noise protection.

The keyword "new ways" generally plays a major role in the future planning of the company.
In order to be able to go this way, you also need the corresponding goals.

DELTABLOC International GmbH does not only protect road users but also the environment.
We act sustainably, the products are ecological and save resources. As the market leader, we
are always aware of our responsibility towards people and nature.

Speaking of people: YOU are the focus of our attention. We consider our work not only as such,
but above all as an opportunity to bring you safely to your destination with our projects. That is
why all our products are crash tested and comply with the EN 1317 standard. We test without
exception at renowned test facilities and accredited laboratories.

We are able to do this because we have years of experience and extensive expertise. It is our
aim that you consider DELTABLOC® as the partner who takes care of you and your protection
on all traffic routes. You can always rely on us!
Still unheard of
in the world
turns 20.
We celebrate our anniversary and

– up until now. look forward to many more years.

Further subsidiaries are founded in Eng-

land and South Africa . The hour of birth

of PHONOBLOC® has come. The innovative,
space-saving 2-in-1 system, which combines
vehicle restraint systems with noise barriers,
is the first to enter the noise protection mar- Safety in numbers.
takes road safety to a ket. Everything is going great: DELTABLOC

We protect International is elected Austria's most suc- Since 2016 DELTABLOC® is also represented by a subsidiary
new level.

cessful export company . in Slovenia and is active in more than 43 countries. More than
internationally. 800,000 barriers have been permanently installed.
The big test phase began. As early as the 1980s, concrete
safety barriers were being tested based on the "New Jersey After the official foundation of DELTABLOC
model", which was invented in the 1960s and served as the International GmbH, not only concrete safe-
basis for concrete safety barriers. ty barriers but also international business
relations are established through license

Safety, no
1995: 2018:
matter where.
Security on A piece of perfec-
A further milestone is the development
the market. tion instead of a
of the DELTABLOC® EP series, with which
safety requirements can be met everywhere
The first prefabricated safety and regardless of the surface. It is the first piece of concrete.
barriers of DELTABLOC Eu- Tremendous in-situ concrete barrier system that meets
ropa GmbH found a new home: all standard and durability requirements. Romania joins the group of DELTABLOC ®
The day of the official market growth Without compromises. branches. 2018 is also the year in which
entry in Austria. another life-saving innovation is created. The
in safety. patented "Zero Debris Concrete" makes the
barrier incredibly robust and in the case of an
The first subsidiaries are impact has no breakouts or detached parts.
founded in 2006 in France
and Germany and in 2008
in the Netherlands . The
considerable number of 30
licenses in 24 countries
speaks for the successful
We are a team guided
by road safety!

"The only way to do

great work is to love
what you do." – Steve Jobs

Although we work with concrete and steel, single employee contributes to successful Our worldwide customers are aware of our
we especially pay attention to "soft skills" teamwork and to the success of the compa- primary goal of offering the best quality – in
such as the ability to work as a team. We are ny with skill, motivation, enthusiasm and many diverse ways.
therefore particularly proud of the fact that commitment. This is also how teamwork
in our company we always stick together performs beyond the borders of Austria, Speaking of "diversity": Looking at all the em-
and that goals are developed together. Every where the same success has been achieved. ployees of the DELTABLOC® Group, they all have
one thing in common, regardless of where they
come from or what line of business they work
in. The thought of saving lives through their
own commitment motivates them again and
again. And what better way to put this motiva-
tion to work than with DELTABLOC®, where road
users are protected every day?

That's right, nowhere! Our team is ready for

the daily challenges. Protecting lives is our
motivation - and we are proud of it!

15 16
Our products at a glance

17 18

Protecting lives is Getting noise Taking another Securing

our motivation under control perspective urban life

DELTABLOC® concrete safety barriers can be surface mounted, pile driven or anchored, and are available in PHONOBLOC® noise protection systems pro- STEELBLOC® steel guardrails eliminate complexity by using a single type of post with one pile driving depth, CITYBLOC® offers solutions for the urban living space. The design of the individual elements utilizes proven
various heights. They are primarily used on the central reserve or verge of the higher-ranking road network. tect against noise along high traffic roads and setting new standards in design and installation on construction sites. DELTABLOC® steel components to guarantee highest possible safety.
railway lines and also ensure safety.
DELTABLOC® concrete safety barriers are crash-tested according to EN 1317 and set standards worldwide in The introduction of the new STEELBLOC® product group makes the company the world's first full-range supplier The field of application of the CITYBLOC® protection system ranges from construction sites, cycle tracks and bus
the field of passive road safety. The wide PHONOBLOC range, easy installa-
of passive vehicle restraint systems. stops, airports and railway stations.
tion and uncomplicated maintenance make
our noise protection systems the most
attractive option.
“Thank you
for letting me
count on you.”
The only thing I cared about and had time for was my
career. As a result, the most important thing in my life came
up short: my family. I am all the more grateful that my wife
and children have always stood behind me and that we now
take more time for each other again. For example during our
holiday at the lake, which we now plan every year. That's
what makes one happy. The gratitude for all the good things
one experiences. And we feel the same when we think of
DELTABLOC ® concrete safety barriers. Thank you for

23 24
protecting us and for getting us home safely.
Protecting lives is
our motivation

Certainly you have noticed them often: the The product range grew with the success: Concrete safety || Leading producer of precast
concrete safety barriers on the higher rank- barriers can be surface mounted, pile driven or anchored, and
ing road network that protect road users are available in various heights. They were supplemented by concrete safety barriers since 1995
along the central reserve or verge. Road an equally innovative in-situ concrete solution and extended
safety has a name: DELTABLOC®. by an integrated noise barrier system . Since the risk potential
in construction site areas is particularly high due to narrow-
|| First to offer both precast and
With the development of the original ing of the roadway, DELTABLOC® also offers a large rental pool
DELTABLOC® safety barrier technology in of temporary work zone safety barriers.
in-situ concrete barriers
the mid 90s the Austrian company became a
pioneer in passive road safety. More than 300 With the DELTABLOC® range, all requirements of passive road || Introducer of slim-type workzone barriers
crash tests not only prove the effectiveness safety can be met and the "Creating safety barriers is our
of the product range, but also make it the business. Protecting lives is our motivation." vision put into
most successful, safest and most advanced practice every day.
|| Biggest range of concrete

25 26
on the market worldwide.
safety barriers worldwide
|| Inventor of Zero Debris Concrete
“The quieter it is,
the more I can hear.”

I hear the crickets in the garden. I

hear the beautiful melody of the
music box. And I hear the soft
breathing of my greatest treasure.
I was worried it wouldn't be like
that. I wanted to protect my loved
ones and our well-being. But when
I knew that we were protected by
noise barriers from all the noise
on the neighbouring motorway, I
realised that the move was the
right decision. My child can sleep
peacefully and my husband will
return home safely from his work
trips. Thanks to PHONOBLOC® I too
can come to rest.

27 28

||  Concrete,
aluminium and Anyone who has ever tried to fall asleep during permanent
noise knows how quickly this can become a burden. That is
transparent why noise protection along roads and railway lines is a central
topic in the modern planning of traffic routes. Fortunately,
acoustic panels people all over the world have heard of PHONOBLOC®.

|| Tested and The original PHONOBLOC® wood concrete absorber impress

not only as noise protection, but also with its attractive

certified durability surface structures and a wide range of colours. The wood
concrete absorbers are also environmentally friendly: The
fresh wood chips are a local and renewable raw material and
|| Highest acoustic reduce carbon emissions.

performance The latest generation of noise protection panels combines

optimum noise protection with a wide range of applications.
||  Completely The panels are available in three series: PHONOBLOC® BHB
with a concrete core, PHONOBLOC® AHB with an innovative
CE-certified lightweight frame and PHONOBLOC® AL made of aluminium.

In addition, PHONOBLOC® DB NBF as a unique combination

|| First EN 1317 of restraint and noise protection system ensures safety on
the roads. It secures the central reserve or verge and is so
crash-tested space-saving that the noise protection device can be posi-
tioned closer to the traffic.
noise barrier


29 30
made of steel.”

I want to be a superhero. Someone who's aw-

fully strong and has a body of steel. Because
my daddy told me that this can protect me.
That's why there's steel on the motorway, so
that we don't drive off the road or collide with
another car, daddy said. I want my racetrack
to have STEELBLOC® protection in the play-
room. That would be awesome!

Taking another This is STEELBLOC®:
|| Only one post type
perspective needed
|| One pile-driving depth
||  F
 ewer screw
||  Reduced complexity
|| Shorter installation time


"Protecting roads" is a very complex issue. We believe that this is precisely why solutions are
needed that can guarantee protection in the simplest possible way.

STEELBLOC® steel guardrails therefore set new standards in terms of design and installation.
Unlike conventional steel guardrails, only one type of post is used with one pile-driving
depth for all essential applications. This eliminates complexity. Fewer components and screw
connections also contribute to simplification and time savings during installation. The product
series "Prodigy" therefore lives up to its name!

STEELBLOC® PRODIGY S is available in construction heights of 75 and 90 cm fulfilling

the restraint classes N2, H1 and H2. With our STEELBLOC® PRODIGY C bridge system,
which is anchored on concrete and fulfils the restraint classes N2 and H1, we take road safety
to a new level.

33 34
“Not always I As a child, I loved the country life. Being outside in the open air there was nothing to fear, not
even from the handful of cars that drove through the village per day. But at some point I got
the feeling that I wanted to change something in my life. So here I am, in the big city. So many

have to take the

opportunities, people, roads and traffic. I still don't know exactly where my path will take me,
but it is good to know that thanks to CITYBLOC® I will arrive safely at my destination.

shortest way.
What matters
is that I get
there safely.”

urban life

The United Nations forecasts that by 2030 around 60 % of the world’s pop-
ulation will live in cities (U.N. 2016). Of course, this also means changes in

Traffic in urban areas is becoming more intensive every year and requires
This is mobility concepts that ensure the protection of all road users. For this reason,
DELTABLOC® developed CITYBLOC®, a guide and protection system for urban
CITYBLOC®: traffic areas, which for the first time has been successfully crash-tested
according to EN 1317-2.

||  Versatile Whether on construction sites, cycle and footpaths, bus stops, airports or
railway stations – the CITYBLOC® system is modular and therefore versatile.
urban Due to the nature of the individual elements, the system ensures the highest
possible safety even in the case of small-scale protection . So rest assured
applications that we will protect your little ones on their way to school and you to your
place of work.
||  Fully modular
|| Small-scale
|| Crash-tested
|| Easy

Zero Zero fatalities
The fact is: Congestion on the roads is
constantly increasing. It makes no differ-
ence whether we are talking about urban
or rural areas, about roads or motorways:
The increased volume of traffic increases
the potential danger. Against this backdrop,
"Vision Zero" was developed with one very
clear vision: Zero fatalities on roads.

We at DELTABLOC® want to contribute to this

vision with our innovative vehicle restraint
systems, because our products already meet
the safety standards of the future.

We are proud to be able to make an essential

input to your protection through our work,
innovations and untiring commitment and to
be part of "Vision Zero".

on roads!

39 40
Facts & figures:
// 800.000+ permanently installed South Africa, United Kingdom //
concrete safety barriers // VINCI production and sales partners in
Innovation Award // 2017: 2,860 over 45 countries // more than
km of roads equipped with safety 100,000 m² PHONOBLOC® per
barriers // more than 300 crash year // DELTABLOC® DB 80 (6 m)
tests // global market and techno- weighs 3,125 kg – the weight
logy leader // hidden champion of an entire family of hippos //
of the WK0 // largest order in 37 patents and registrations
the company's history: EUR 100 // British Precast Innovation
million for one single barrier Award // Karl Ritter von Ghega
project in Romania (250,000 m³ Award // WKO Export Prize
concrete = 4,000 single family // European Business Award
houses) // 20 years of DELTABLOC® // Full-range supplier // Zero
//140 Employees // 7 subsidiaries Debris Concrete // Export share
worldwide in Germany, France, of 92 % // the DELTABLOC® team
Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia, speaks over 16 languages //

Industriestrasse 28
2601 Sollenau, Austria
V1, May 2020. All rights reserved.
Subject to typographical or printing errors.

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