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CA-August 2022 1017

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Test is part of Rau’s IAS Test series for Preliminary Exam 202 3

Test ID
Time Allowed: 1 Hour Maximum Marks: 100




2. This Test Booklet contains 50 items (questions). Each item is printed in English Only. Each item
comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the
Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response
which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.

3. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet (OMR sheet) provided.
Read the directions in the Answer Sheet.

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7. Penalty for wrong answers:



(i) There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a
wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third of the marks assigned to that
question will be deducted as penalty.

(ii) If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of
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that question.

This test is part of Rau’s IAS Test series for Preliminary Exam 202 3
1. With respect to the Financial Services (a) NITI Aayog
Institutions Bureau (FSIB), consider the (b) The Ministry of Social Justice and
following statements: Empowerment

1. The FSIB has been set up to (c) The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food
recommend the names of the heads of and Public Distribution
the Nationalised Banks; Public Sector (d) Food Corporation of India (FCI)
Insurance Companies; and selected
financial institutions. 4. Which of the following is/are the likely
2. Unlike the Banks Board Bureau (BBB), impact(s) of setting up of the India
International Bullion Exchange (IIBX)?
the FSIB has been set up as a statutory
body through an Act of the Parliament. 1. The IIBX would become the gateway for
bullion imports, where bullion for
3. The FSIB functions under the Reserve
domestic consumption shall be
Bank of India (RBI).
channelized through the Exchange.
Which of the statements given above is/are 2. The IIBX would enable India to dictate
correct? the prices of gold in the international
(a) 1 only market.

(b) 2 and 3 only 3. The IIBX would enable India to

drastically cut down on gold imports
(c) 3 only
and eliminate trade deficit.
(d) 1 and 3 only Select the correct answer using the code
given below:
2. Which of the following statements, related (a) 1 only
to the National Food Security Act (NFSA), (b) 1 and 2 only
2013, is incorrect? (c) 2 and 3 only
(a) The NFSA seeks to provide food security (d) 1, 2 and 3
to 75% of the rural population and 50%
of the urban population. 5. Consider the following statements related
(b) All the households covered under the to the Telecom Equipment and Services
Export Promotion Council (TEPC):
NFSA are entitled to get 35 kg of food
grains per month at subsidised prices. 1. The TEPC has been set up as a
statutory body under the Indian
(c) The NFSA seeks to provide for maternity
Telegraph Act, 1885, to promote export
benefit of Rs. 6,000 to the pregnant and
of telecom equipment and services.
lactating mothers.
2. The Union Minister of Commerce and
(d) The eldest woman (18 years and above) Industry is the ex-officio Chairperson of
would be considered as the head of the the TEPC.
household for issuing ration cards Which of the statements given above is/are
under the NFSA. correct?
(a) 1 only
3. Which of the following agencies has (b) 2 only
published the the first-ever edition of the (c) Both 1 and 2
State Ranking Index for National Food (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Security Act (NFSA)?

RAUSIAS-1017 1
6. Consider the following pairs of Indices and 9. Which of the following agencies publishes
their publishing agencies: the “Global Gender Gap Index”?
Index Publishing Agency – (a) UN Women
1. The India Innovation Index NITI Aayog (b) The World Bank
2. The International IP Index The World (c) The World Economic Forum
Economic Forum
(d) Oxfam International
3. The Global Innovation Index World
Intellectual Property Organization
(WIPO) 10. The term “MiCA”, recently seen in the
Which of the pairs given above is/are news, deals with which of the following?
correctly matched? (a) RBI’s norms related to ‘digital lending’.
(a) 1 only (b) The UN Framework to check money
(b) 1 and 2 only laundering and terror financing.
(c) 2 and 3 only (c) OECD Framework to check base erosion
(d) 1 and 3 only and profit shifting (BEPS).
(d) EU’s new law to regulate crypto
7. Consider the following statements: currencies.
1. Karnataka has the highest installed
capacity of solar power in India.
11. With respect to inward remittances into
2. India’s largest floating solar power plant
India, consider the following statements:
has been installed in Telangana.
1. The share of inward remittances from
Which of the statements given above is/are
the Gulf region has declined in the last
4-5 years.
(a) 1 only
2. Presently, the UAE accounts for the
(b) 2 only
highest source of remittances into India.
(c) Both 1 and 2
3. Presently, remittances into India are
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
higher than the Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI).
8. With respect to the Renewable Purchase
Obligation (RPO) policy, consider the Which of the statements given above is/are
following statements: correct?

1. The RPO policy requires the DISCOMs (a) 1 only

to purchase certain percentage of (b) 1 and 2 only
electricity from various renewable (c) 2 and 3 only
energy sources, including ocean energy.
(d) 1 and 3 only
2. The annual targets under the RPO are
set by the Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (CERC). 12. The “Global Findex Database” is published
by which of the following agencies?
Which of the statements given above is/are
correct? (a) The Alliance for Financial Inclusion
(a) 1 only (b) The International Monetary Fund
(b) 2 only (c) The World Bank
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) The World Economic Forum
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

RAUSIAS-1017 2
13. Which of the following statements are 3. The Constitution Amendment Bill needs
correct regarding the Inner Line Permit to be passed by each House of the
(ILP)? Parliament by a majority of the total
1. The ILP, as a government issued travel membership of that House and by a
document, allows inward travel of an majority of not less than two-thirds of
Indian citizen into a protected area for a the members of that House present and
limited period. voting.
2. The ILP is an offshoot of the Bengal Which of the statements given above is/are
Eastern Frontier Regulation, 1873. correct?
3. Despite the fact that the ILP was (a) 3 only
originally created by the British to (b) 1 and 2 only
safeguard their commercial interests, it (c) 1 and 3 only
continues to be used in India to protect (d) 2 only
the tribal cultures in north-eastern
16. Which of the following pairs are correctly
Select the correct answer using the code
given below:
(a) 2 and 3 only S.N. Constitution Additions made in
Amendment the Constitution
(b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 1 and 3 only 1. Constitution It added the term
1st “reasonable” before
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Amendment, restrictions and also
1951 added “public order”
14. Consider the following statements: as ground to restrict
1. The Constitution (Twenty-seventh the Fundamental
Amendment) Act, 1971, provides special Rights under Article
provisions for the state of Manipur. 19, along with
2. Special provision for Manipur through addition of the Ninth
Article 371-C not only safeguards the Schedule.
interests of the tribal community living 2. Constitution It added the
in the “Hill Areas”, but also incorporates 42nd Fundamental Duties,
the idea of asymmetrical federalism. Amendment, Administrative and
Which of the statements given above is/are 1976 other Tribunals and
correct? decreased the voting
(a) 1 only age among others.
(b) 2 only 3. Constitution The Parliament
(c) Both 1 and 2 101st enacted the landmark
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 Amendment, GST laws in India.
15. With respect to the amendment of the 4. Constitution It allowed the states
Constitution of India, consider the following 105th and the Union
statements: Amendment, Territories to prepare
1. The Parliament, in the exercise of its 2021 their own list of
constituent power, may amend by way socially and
of addition, variation or repeal any educationally
provision of the Constitution, which has backward classes.
been included as part of the Basic Select the correct answer using the code
Structure. given below:
2. An amendment of the Constitution may (a) 2, 3 and 4 only
be initiated by the introduction of a
(b) 1, 3 and 4 only
Constitution Amendment Bill in the Lok
Sabha only. (c) 1, 2 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

RAUSIAS-1017 3
17. With reference to the Rules of Procedure 19. Which of the following Constitutional
and Conduct of Business in the Council of Directives promote a healthy and welfare
States, the Chairman has which of the society?
following powers? 1. Article 38
1. Suspension of the members.
2. Article 39
2. Withdrawal of the members.
3. Article 39A
3. Ensure automatic suspension of a
4. Article 47
4. Adjourn the Council or suspend its Select the correct answer using the code
sitting. given below:

Select the correct answer using the code (a) 1, 3 and 4 only
given below: (b) 2, 3 and 4 only
(a) 1, 2 and 4 only (c) 1, 2 and 3 only
(b) 2, 3 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1, 3 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
20. Consider the following statements about
the grievance redressal mechanism:
18. Consider the following statements:
1. The nodal agencies in the Central
1. The Legal Services Authorities Act,
Government handling public grievance
1987, provides for the constitution of
are the Department of Administrative
the District Legal Services Authority by
Reforms and Public Grievances
the Central Government in every
(DARPG) and the Directorate of Public
district, to be chaired by the District
2. DARPG has established the Centralised
2. Appointments, postings and promotion
Public Grievance Redress and
of the District Judges in any state is
Monitoring System (CPGRAMS), an
made by the Governor of the state, in
online platform available to the citizens
consultation with the High Court
to lodge grievances against service
exercising jurisdiction in such state.
3. The Under Trial Review Committees are
headed by the District and Session 3. Despite the federal principle of
Judges, who are also the Chairpersons governance, the grievances relating to
of the District Legal Services Authority, the states are not forwarded to the
and have played active role in the concerned State Government for
release of the under trial prisoners. appropriate action through CPGRAMS.

Which of the statements given above are Which of the statements given above are
correct? correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only (a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3

RAUSIAS-1017 4
21. With respect to the landmark judgments 23. Which of the following are among the
pronounced by the Supreme Court, reasons for poor financial state of the
consider the following pairs: Urban Local Bodies?

S.N. Supreme Changes 1. Decline in the share of tax and non-tax

Court Introduced
Judgment 2. High dependency on inter-governmental
1. Kesavananda Basic Structure;
3. Decreasing expenditure on operations
Bharati Declared Article
and maintenance.
31C as invalid.
Select the correct answer using the code
2. K.S. Made the Right to given below:
Puttaswamy Privacy an absolute (a) 2 and 3 only
right under Article (b) 1 and 2 only
21 without any (c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
3. Hussainara Allowed the release
Khatoon of the under trials 24. Which of the following statements is/are
through Public correct regarding the Indian Antarctic Bill,
Interest Litigation. 2022?
1. An Indian expedition does not require
Which of the pairs given above is/are
any permission to enter or remain in
correctly matched?
(a) 1 and 2 only
2. It does not prohibit nuclear explosion or
(b) 3 only disposal of radioactive wastes.
(c) 1 and 3 only 3. The Bill specifies penalties for
(d) 2 only contravention of its provisions.
Select the correct answer using the code
22. Consider the following statements about given below:
the Nominated Members of the Rajya (a) 1 only
Sabha: (b) 1 and 2 only
1. They do not enjoy all the powers, (c) 3 only
privileges or immunities available to the (d) 1, 2 and 3
elected members.
2. They have a right to vote in the election 25. Consider the following statements with
of the Vice-President of India. respect to the Antarctic Treaty:
3. They are not entitled to vote in the 1. It provides complete freedom to all the
election of the President of India. party countries to carry out scientific
4. They cannot participate in the
impeachment process of the President. 2. All stations and equipment should be
open for inspection at all times.
Which of the statements given above are
Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) 1 and 2 only
(a) 1 only
(b) 3 and 4 only
(b) 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) 1 and 4 only (d) Neither 1 nor 2

RAUSIAS-1017 5
26. Consider the following stations: (a) It is about assessing collective progress
1. Bharati toward achieving the purpose of the
2. Maitri Paris Agreement in a comprehensive
and facilitative manner.
3. Himadri
(b) It is about assessing collective progress
Which of the stations given above is/are
toward achieving the purpose of the
not located at Antarctica?
Nuclear Proliferation Treaty.
(a) 1 only
(c) It denotes the overall inventory of core
(b) 2 only
food items necessary to sustain the
(c) 3 only world for one complete year.
(d) 1 and 2 only (d) It denotes the total value of all stocks
(national and international) held by the
27. Consider the following statements: Government of India.
1. The Hasdeo Aranya lies in the
catchment area of the Hasdeo River and 30. Consider the following statements:
is spread in Madhya Pradesh. 1. Reduction in emission intensity by at
2. The Hasdeo River is a tributary of the least 45%, from the 2005 levels by
Mahanadi. 2030.
Which of the statements given above is/are 2. At least 40% of total electricity
correct? generation to come from non-fossil
(a) 1 only renewable sources.
(b) 2 only 3. An increase in forest cover to create an
(c) Both 1 and 2 additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.
Which of the statements given above is/are
not part of India’s updated Intended
28. Consider the following statements
regarding the E-Waste Management Rules, Nationally Determined Contributions to the
2016: Paris Climate Deal?

1. Manufacturer, dealer, refurbished and (a) 1 and 2 only

Producer Responsibility Organization (b) 2 and 3 only
(PRO) have been introduced as (c) 3 only
additional stakeholders in the Rules. (d) 1, 2 and 3
2. Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) and
other mercury containing lamp brought 31. Consider the following statements
under the purview of the Rules. regarding the Banni Grasslands in India:
Which of the statements given above is/are 1. They are distributed in Kutch and
correct? Saurashtra only.
(a) 1 only 2. They were declared a Protected Forest
(b) 2 only in 1955, under the Indian Forest Act,
(c) Both 1 and 2 1927.
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 Which of the statements given above is/are
29. Which of the following statements best (a) 1 only
describes the term “Global Stocktake”, (b) 2 only
often in the news? (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

RAUSIAS-1017 6
32. With reference to the Ramsar sites in India, 35. Consider the following statements about
consider the following statements: Amir Khusrau:
1. The Pallikaranai Marsh Reserve Forest 1. He is accredited with inventing Sitar
is a freshwater marsh in Chennai. and Qawwali.
2. The Pala Wetland, Mizoram, is the 2. He served during the times of both
largest natural wetland in Mizoram. Balban and Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq.
3. Sakhya Sagar is an integral part of the 3. He wrote primarily in Hindavi.
Madhav National Park in Shivpuri,
Which of the statements given above are
Madhya Pradesh.
Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 1 and 3 only
(a) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
36. Consider the following statements about
the Champaran Satyagrah:
33. Consider the following statements
regarding the Ramsar Convention: 1. Rajendra Prasad invited Gandhiji to
personally visit and investigate the state
1. A human-made site, such as fish
of the farmers at Champaran.
ponds, rice paddies, reservoirs and salt
pans can also be declared as Ramsar 2. The Europeans forced the farmers to
site. grow indigo at Champaran.
2. The Convention emphasizes on the 3. The Champaran Satyagrah was a
maintenance of its ecological character, failure, as the government did not agree
achieved through the implementation of to any of Gandhi's demands.
ecosystem approaches, within the Which of the statements given above is/are
context of sustainable development. correct?
Which of the statements given above is/are (a) 2 only
(b) 1 and 3 only
(a) 1 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(b) 2 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
37. Consider the following statements about
the Konark Sun Temple:
34. Consider the following statements:
1. During the medieval times, the temple
1. The National Emblem of India is based used to attract the ships into the shore,
on the emblem on the top of the
leading to shipwrecks.
Ashokan pillar at Sarnath.
2. The temple was constructed by king
2. The motto on the Emblem has been
Kharavela of Kalinga.
sourced from the Rig Veda.
Which of the statements given above is/are
Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

RAUSIAS-1017 7
38. Consider the following statements about 41. Which of the following are the members of
Kanaganahalli: the I2U2 and the G20 groupings?
1. It is located in Andhra Pradesh on the 1. Israel
banks of the Krishna River.
2. USA
2. Ashoka of the Mauryan Empire is
3. UAE
referred to as 'Ranyo Ashoka', in the
inscriptions at the site. 4. India

Which of the statements given above is/are Select the correct answer using the code
correct? given below:
(a) 1 only (a) 1, 2 and 4 only
(b) 2 only (b) 2, 3 and 4 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 4 only
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) 3 and 4 only

39. Consider the following statements about 42. How many of the following countries
Vinayak Damodar Savarkar:
shares/share its/their border(s) with the
1. He founded the Abhinav Bharat Society
Mediterranean Sea?
along with his brother.
1. Syria
2. He founded the Free India Society in
association with Madame Bhikaji Cama. 2. France

3. He was the President of the Rashtriya 3. Tunisia

Swayam Sevak Sangh. 4. Jordan
Which of the statements given above are Select the correct answer using the code
correct? given below:
(a) 1 and 2 only (a) Only one
(b) 1 and 3 only (b) Only two
(c) 2 and 3 only
(c) Only three
(d) 1, 2 and 3
(d) All four

40. Consider the following statements about

the Santhal Revolt: 43. How many of the following
countries/Group is/are the member(s) of
1. Damin-i-Koh, the location where the
Santhals were based, is in present day both G7 and G20 groupings?
Odisha. 1. China
2. Birsa Munda played a key role in this 2. Japan
Revolt. 3. The European Union
3. The Revolt was against the British land 4. Canada
revenue policies, money-lenders and the
Select the correct answer using the code
local Zamindars.
given below:
Which of the statements given above is/are
correct? (a) Only one

(a) 2 and 3 only (b) Only two

(b) 1 and 3 only (c) Only three
(c) 3 only (d) All four
(d) 1, 2 and 3

RAUSIAS-1017 8
44. Consider the following pairs: 47. Consider the following statements:
S.N. Region in the news Country 1. The funds allotted to the states for
afforestation purposes under the
1. Karakalpakstan Kazakhstan Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act,
2. Odessa Ukraine 2016, can be reviewed and audited by
the Comptroller and Auditor General of
3. Zaporizhzhia Russia
Which of the pairs given above is/are 2. The Compensatory Afforestation Fund
correctly matched? Act, 2016, provides for the
(a) 1 only establishment of the funds under the
Public Accounts of India and the Public
(b) 1 and 2 only
Accounts of each state.
(c) 2 only
3. According to the Biological Diversity Act
(d) 2 and 3 only (2002), whenever forest land is diverted
for non-forest purposes, an equivalent
45. Which of the following islands are parts of area of non-forest land has to be taken
Taiwan? up for compensatory afforestation.
1. The Matsu Islands Which of the statements given above are
2. The Kinmen Islands correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only
3. The Penghu Islands
(b) 2 and 3 only
Select the correct answer using the code
given below: (c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
(a) 1 only
(b) 1 and 2 only
48. With respect to the constitutional office of
(c) 2 and 3 only
India’s Vice-President, consider the
(d) 1, 2 and 3 following statements:
1. An election to fill the vacancy caused by
46. Which of the following statements about the expiration of the term of the office of
the Comptroller and Auditor General of the outgoing Vice-President is required
India is/are correct? to be completed before the expiration of
1. The Constitution of India provides for the term of five years.
the appointment of the Comptroller and 2. The Vice-President is elected by the
Auditor General of India at the Central elected members of both the Houses of
level and other Comptroller and Auditor the Parliament, in accordance with the
Generals at the state level. system of proportional representation
by means of the single transferable vote.
2. The Comptroller and Auditor General at
the Centre is appointed by the 3. In the indirect election of the Vice-
President, the elector has to mark
President, whereas at the level of the
preferences against the names of the
state, is appointed by the Governor.
3. The Comptroller and Auditor General
4. The Election Commission, in
shall not be eligible for further office,
consultation with the Central
either under the Government of India, Government, appoints the Secretary
or under the Government of any state, General of the Lok Sabha only as the
after he has ceased to hold his office. Returning Officer to elect the Vice-
Select the correct answer using the code President.
given below: Which of the statements given above are
(a) 1 and 2 only correct?
(b) 2 only (a) 1 and 4 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(d) 3 only (c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 2 and 4 only

RAUSIAS-1017 9
49. Consider the following statements about 50. Consider the following statements about
Nari Adalats: Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyaan:
1. They will be formed under the Ministry 1. It is a scheme under the Ministry of
of Law and Justice. Rural Development.
2. They will act as a grievance redressal 2. The scheme will develop governance
mechanism for resolving cases of petty capabilities of rural local bodies to
nature concerning women. deliver on SDGs.
3. They will be operational at Gram 3. Central component of the scheme will
Panchayat level. be fully funded by the Union
Which of the statements given above is/are Government for all states.
correct? Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) 2 and 3 only correct?
(b) 1 only (a) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (b) 1 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3

RAUSIAS-1017 10
Answers &

TEST ID: 1017


CA: August 2022

CA: August 2022
GS Paper-I: (1017)

1. Answer: (a) security by ensuring access to adequate

Explanation: quantity of quality food at affordable prices.
The Banks Board Bureau (BBB) was set up Thus, it strengthens Article 21 enshrined in
in 2016 as a non-statutory body to the Constitution.
recommend the names of the Whole-Time The NFS Act, 2013: Salient Features –
Directors (WTDs) and the Non-Executive Coverage: Upto 75% of the rural
Chairmen (NECs) of the Nationalised
population and 50% of the urban
Banks; Public Sector Insurance
population (67% of the total population).
Companies; and selected financial
institutions, such as the EXIM Bank; Entitlement:
SIDBI; NHB; NABARD; IIFCL; and IFCI.  Priority households: 5
However, last year, the BBB was declared kg/person/month
an incompetent authority by the Delhi High  Antyodaya households: 35
Court. To end this logjam, the BBB had to kg/household/month
be struck down and a new body, namely,
Subsidized prices of Rs. 3/2/1 per kg for
the Financial Services Institutions Bureau
rice, wheat and coarse grains, respectively.
(FSIB), had to be put in place.
Establishment of the FSIB: Set up under Nutritional Support: Meals for the
the Department of Financial Services, the pregnant women and lactating mothers
Ministry of Finance. (PWLMs), and children (6 months-14
Functions: years).
 Recommends persons for appointment Maternity benefit of Rs. 6,000 for the
as the Whole-Time Directors (WTDs) PMLMs.
and the Non-Executive Chairpersons Women Empowerment: The eldest woman
(NECs) on the Boards of Directors in the (18 years and above) would be considered
Public Sector Banks (PSBs); Public as the head of the household for issuing
Sector Insurance Companies (PSIs); and ration cards.
selected financial institutions, such as
Grievance redressal at the district and state
Accountability through social audits and
 Advises the government on the matters
relating to appointments, transfer, or Vigilance Committees.
extension of term of office and Food security allowance in case of non-
termination of services of the said supply of food.
Is FSIB a statutory body? 3. Answer: (c)
No, since it has not been set up through an Explanation:
Act of the Parliament.
The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food
and Public Distribution has released the
2. Answer: (b) first-ever edition of the State Ranking
Explanation: Index for National Food Security Act
The National Food Security Act (NFSA), (NFSA), 2013. It attempts to document the
2013, provides food and nutritional status and progress of implementation of

RAUSIAS-1017 1
the NFSA (2013) and various reform  The Global Innovation Index (GII):
initiatives across the country. Published by WIPO
 The Global Competitiveness Report:
4. Answer: (b) Published by the World Economic
Explanation: Forum
Details about the India International  The International IP Index: Published
Bullion Exchange (IIBX): India's first by the US Chamber of Commerce's
International Bullion Exchange is situated Global Innovation Policy Centre
in GIFT-IFSC in Gujarat. The Exchange will  The India Innovation Index: Published
not only facilitate the trading of gold, but by NITI Aayog
would also set up necessary infrastructure
to store physical gold and silver. 7. Answer: (c)
Benefits: Explanation:
 Gateway for imports where all bullion India’s largest floating solar power plant of
imports for domestic consumption shall 100 MW Capacity, belonging to the
be channelized through the Exchange. National Thermal Power Corporation
 Efficient price discovery (Synchronised (NTPC), has been commissioned at
prices with the global gold prices). Ramagundam (Telangana). It is spread over
 Assurance of quality of gold. 450 acres on Sri Ram Sagar Project
 Impetus to the financialization of gold in reservoir, located on the Godavari River.
India. This is the largest floating solar plant in the
The third statement provided in the country in a single location as of now.
question is extremely worded. It says that Presently, Karnataka has the highest
the IIBX would enable India to drastically installed capacity of solar power in India.
cut down on gold imports and eliminate
trade deficit. Hence, the statement is 8. Answer: (a)
incorrect. Explanation:
Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) –
5. Answer: (d) What is it?
Explanation: The DISCOMs are required to purchase
The Telecom Equipment and Services certain percentage of electricity from
Export Promotion Council (TEPC) have various renewable energy sources.
been set up by the Government of India to Framework for the RPOs: Laid down
promote and develop export of telecom under the Electricity Act, 2003, and the
equipment and services. National Tariff Policy, 2016.
It is not a statutory body. Types of the RPOs: Solar RPOs and Non-
It is not headed by the Union Minister of solar RPOs. In 2020, the government
Commerce and Industry. The Chairperson declared that the procurement of power
of the TEPC is appointed by the from large hydropower projects (more than
Government. 25 MW) and ocean energy would be
considered as ‘Non-solar RPO’.
6. Answer: (d) Who lays down the targets for the RPOs?
Explanation: Annual targets are laid down by the State
Important Indices to measure Electricity Regulatory Commissions
Innovation – (SERCs). Long-term targets are laid down
by the Ministry of Power.

RAUSIAS-1017 2
Present Targets: Long-term target to be 11. Answer: (d)
met by 2022. Explanation:
Total RPO: 21% (Solar RPO: 10.5% + Non- The RBI's Report on Inward Remittances
solar RPO: 10.5%). –
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs): Remittances into India: India continues
The DISCOMs that exceed their RPO to be the largest remittance recipient
obligations can sell the RECs to other country in the world in 2021 ($ 87bn) and
DISCOMs that fail to meet the RPO target. has been so since 2008. The remittances
Note: 1 REC is equal to 1 Mwh. into India account for 4% of the GDP.
Compositional shift in inward
9. Answer: (c) remittances: The share of remittances
Explanation: from the Gulf region in India’s inward
remittances has declined from more than
The World Economic Forum publishes
50% in 2016- 17 to about 30% in 2020- 21.
the "Global Gender Gap Index". It
measures the gender gap between men and Top source countries for inward
women across four fundamental categories remittances to India: The US has
(sub-indexes): surpassed the UAE as the top source
country, accounting for 23% of the total
 Economic Participation and
remittances in 2020-21. The UAE is
followed by the UK, Singapore and Saudi
 Educational Attainment;
 Health and Survival; and
States receiving the highest remittances
 Political Empowerment. in India: Maharashtra, Kerala and Tamil
10. Answer: (d) Importance of remittances: Remittances
Explanation: in India have been substantially higher
Recently, the European Parliament has than even the Foreign Direct Investment
formulated a new law "Markets in Crypto- (FDI) and the flow of remittances is much
Assets (MiCA)", to regulate crypto less fluctuating than that of the FPI.
Salient Features of MiCA – 12. Answer: (c)
Applicability: The issuers of crypto assets, Explanation:
crypto exchanges and service providers that Recently, the World Bank has published
are currently not regulated. the Global Findex Database, 2021, to
Scope: Covers almost all forms of crypto measure the performance of the extent of
assets, such as private crypto currencies, financial inclusion across world.
stable coins etc. However, as of now, Non- Highlights –
Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are not covered. Account ownership: Worldwide, the
Legal Framework for crypto assets: All account ownership increased by 50% in the
the entities issuing crypto assets would be 10 years, spanning 2011 to 2021, to reach
required to get license and comply with 76% of the global adult population.
certain prudential rules. For assets with no India's performance –
issuer, such as Bitcoin, the exchanges will
Bank accounts: Almost 78% of the adults
be required to offer a white paper about
have opened bank accounts in India. 78%
potential risks, with the possibility of being
of women also have access to bank
liable for misleading contents.

RAUSIAS-1017 3
Inactive accounts: India has the highest 14. Answer: (c)
share of inactive accounts. Almost 35% of Explanation:
the accounts in India are inactive.  The North-Eastern Areas
(Reorganisation) Act, 1971, provided for
13. Answer: (d) the establishment of the states of
Explanation: Manipur, Tripura, Meghalaya and of the
Union Territories of Mizoram and
 The Inner Line Permit (ILP) is an official
Arunachal Pradesh by reorganisation of
travel document, issued by the
the then state of Assam.
Government of India, to allow inward
 This led to the Constitution (Twenty-
travel of an Indian citizen into a
seventh Amendment) Act, 1971, adding
protected area for a limited period.
Article 371-C providing special
 It is obligatory for the Indian citizens provision with respect to the state of
from outside those states to obtain a Manipur.
permit for entering into the protected
 The Hill Areas of Manipur are
state. predominantly inhabited by the
 The document is an effort by the members of the Scheduled Tribes. To
government to regulate movement to safeguard their interests, special
certain areas located near the provisions were made in the Government
international border of India. This is an of Union Territories Act, 1963, for a
offshoot of the Bengal Eastern Committee of the Legislative Assembly
Frontier Regulation, 1873, which of the Union Territory of Manipur,
protected Crown’s interest in the tea, oil consisting of the members from the Hill
and elephant trade by prohibiting the Areas. Once, the Union Territory of
“British subjects” from entering into Manipur became a state, the safeguard
these “Protected Areas” (to prevent them provided to the people of the Hill Areas
from establishing any commercial was ensured through the 27th
venture that could rival the Crown’s Constitutional Amendment and
accordingly, provisions were made in
Article 371-C of the Indian Constitution.
 The word “British subjects” was
 Thus, Article 371-C overall ensures
replaced by the “Citizen of India” in
asymmetry in Indian Federalism, as it
1950. Despite the fact that the ILP was
provides special protection to the Hill
originally created by the British to
Areas in the state, as declared by the
safeguard their commercial interests, it
continues to be used in India, officially
to protect the tribal cultures in north-
15. Answer: (a)
eastern India.
 There are different kinds of ILPs, one for
The Parliament, in the exercise of its
the tourists and others for the people
constituent power, may amend by way of
who intend to stay for long-term
addition, variation or repeal any
periods, often for employment purposes.
provision of the Constitution. However,
 The system of ILP is applicable in those provisions which have been
Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur included as part of Basic Structure
and Mizoram. The state of Manipur was cannot be amended (Kesavananda
added in the Inner Line Permit System Bharati case) even by a Constitution
in December, 2019. Amendment Bill. For the first time the

RAUSIAS-1017 4
Supreme Court propounded the ‘Basic  The State Government shall, in
Structure Doctrine’ and held that certain consultation with the Chief Justice of
basic features of the Constitution cannot be the High Court, constitute a body to be
amended, while others can be done so called the District Legal Services
without having a sweeping change in the Authority for every district in the state
Constitution. to exercise the powers and perform the
Article 368: An amendment of this functions conferred on it.
Constitution may be initiated only by  A District Authority shall consist of
the introduction of a Bill for the purpose the following:
in either House of the Parliament, and (a) The District Judge, who shall be its
when the Bill is passed in each House by a Chairman;
majority of the total membership of that (b) Such number of other members,
House and by a majority of not less than possessing such experience and
two-thirds of the members of that House qualifications, to be nominated by
present and voting, it shall be presented to that government in consultation
the President, who shall give his assent to with the Chief Justice of the High
the Bill and thereupon the Constitution Court;
shall stand amended in accordance with (c) The State Authority shall, in
the terms of the Bill. consultation with the Chairman of
the District Authority, appoint a
person belonging to the State
16. Answer: (b)
Judicial Service, not lower in rank
Explanation: than that of a Subordinate Judge or
Voting age was reduced from 21 years to 18 a Civil Judge posted at the seat of
years by the Constitution 61st Amendment, the District Judiciary as Secretary of
1988. the District Authority, to exercise
such powers and perform such
duties under the Chairman of that
17. Answer: (a)
Article 233 - Appointment of the District
The Speaker of the Lok Sabha has the Judges:
power of ‘Automatic Suspension of a
 Appointments of persons to be, and the
Member’, as per the Rules of Procedure
posting and promotion of, the District
and Conduct of Business in the Lok
Judges in any state shall be made by
Sabha. the Governor of the State in
Whereas the Rules of Procedure and consultation with the High Court
Conduct of Business in the Council of exercising jurisdiction in relation to
States empowers the Chairman of the Rajya such state.
Sabha for the withdrawal of the members,  A person not already in the service of
suspension of the members and also to the Union or of the state shall only be
adjourn the Council or suspend its sitting. eligible to be appointed a District Judge,
if he has been for not less than seven
18. Answer: (b) years an advocate or a pleader and is
recommended by the High Court for
The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987,
Under Trial Review Committees (UTRCs):
provides for the constitution of the District
 The Under Trial Review Committees
Legal Services Authority (DLSA) by the
(UTRCs) are headed by the District and
state government in every district, to be
chaired by the District Judge. Session Judges, who are also the

RAUSIAS-1017 5
Chairpersons of the DLSAs, which have age of children are not abused and that
been established in all the districts. citizens are not forced by economic
 The UTRCs are an oversight mechanism necessity to enter avocations unsuited to
that is headed by a judicial officer and their age or strength.
find representation from the district Article 39A - Equal justice and free legal
administration, probation, police and aid: The state shall secure that the
prison departments. operation of the legal system promotes
 They periodically visit the jails to justice, on a basis of equal opportunity,
conduct reviews of the cases of the and shall, in particular, provide free legal
under trials, who have visibly stayed aid, by suitable legislation or schemes or in
longer in the prison than necessary. any other way, to ensure that opportunities
 The mechanism calls upon these actors for securing justice are not denied to any
to guarantee fair trial rights as citizen by reason of economic or other
enshrined in the Constitution and other disabilities.
statutes to those who have not been Article 47 - Duty of the state to raise the
able to exercise them. level of nutrition and the standard of
 During last year, a total of 21,148 living and to improve public health: The
meetings of the UTRCs were held, state shall regard the raising of the level of
resulting in the release of 31,605 under nutrition and the standard of living of its
trial inmates. people and the improvement of public
health as among its primary duties and, in
 The Union Minister for Law and Justice
particular, the state shall endeavour to
appealed the State Legal Services
bring about prohibition of the consumption
Authorities to further intensify their
except for medicinal purposes of
efforts to provide legal counsel/aid to
intoxicating drinks and of drugs which are
the under trial prisoners, so that in co-
injurious to health.
ordination with the Under Trial Review
Committee, maximum number of under
trial prisoners are released. 20. Answer: (a)
19. Answer: (d)  There are primarily two designated
Explanation: nodal agencies in the Central
Government handling these grievances.
Article 38 – The state to secure a social
These agencies are:
order for the promotion of welfare of the
people: The state shall strive to promote 1. The Department of Administrative
the welfare of the people by securing and Reforms and Public Grievances,
protecting as effectively as it may a social Ministry of Personnel, Public
order in which justice, social, economic and Grievances and Pensions.
political, shall inform all the institutions of 2. The Directorate of Public
the national life. Grievances, Cabinet Secretariat.
Article 39 - Certain principles of policy The Department of Administrative Reforms
to be followed by the state: The operation and Public Grievances (DARPG):
of the economic system does not result in  It is the nodal agency in respect of
the concentration of wealth and means of policy initiatives on public grievances
production to the common detriment; there redress mechanism and citizen centric
is equal pay for equal work for both men initiatives.
and women; health and strength of  Role of the DARPG – To undertake
workers, men and women, and the tender citizen centric initiatives in the fields of

RAUSIAS-1017 6
administrative reforms and public  The system enables the
grievances to Ministries/Departments to take
o ensure quality delivery of public appropriate action and upload the
services to the citizens in a hassle- Action Taken Report (ATR) on the
free manner; and system, which can be viewed by the
o eliminate the causes of grievances. citizens online with the help of the
Unique Registration Number.
 The Allocation of Business Rules, 1961,
allocates to the DARPG the
responsibility for Policy, Coordination 21. Answer: (b)
and Monitoring of the issues relating Explanation:
to S.N. Supreme Changes
o Redress of public grievances, in Court Introduced
general; and Judgment
o Grievances pertaining to the Central 1. Kesavananda o Declared the
Government agencies, in particular. Bharati Basic Structure
 In accordance with the federal Doctrine.
principle of governance, the o The Supreme
grievances relating to the states are Court held the
forwarded to the concerned State first part of
Government for appropriate action. Article 31C as
 Towards this end, the DARPG has valid, as it
established the Centralised Public identified a
Grievance Redress and Monitoring limited class of
System (CPGRAMS). legislation and
CPGRAMS: exempted it from
 The Centralised Public Grievance operation of
Redress and Monitoring System Articles 14, 19
(CPGRAMS) is an online platform and 31.
available to the citizens 24x7 to lodge o Whereas the
their grievances to the public second part of
authorities on any subject related to Article 31C was
service delivery. declared invalid,
 It is a single portal connected to all the as it barred
Ministries/Departments of the judicial review by
Government of India and the states. the courts. The
Every Ministry and state has role-based Court held that
access to this system. they have the
The CPGRAMS is also accessible to the power to inquire

citizens through standalone mobile whether the law
application downloadable through has achieved the
Google Play Store and mobile objectives
application integrated with UMANG mandated under
(Unified Mobile Application for New-age Article 39(b) and
Governance). The CPGRAMS also Article 39(c).
facilitates tracking grievances through a 2. K.S. The Supreme Court,
system generated Unique Registration Puttaswamy in Justice K.S.
Number. Puttaswamy (Retd.)

RAUSIAS-1017 7
v/s the Union of between the
India, has ruled the objects and the
Right to Privacy as means adopted
an integral part of to achieve them.
the Right to Life 3. Hussainara Allowed the release
and Personal Khatoon of the under trials
Liberty, as through Public
guaranteed under Interest Litigation
Article 21 of the (PIL).
Indian Constitution. The first reported ca
The Court held that se of PIL, in 1979,
these rights are focused on the
recognised by the inhuman conditions
Constitution as of the prisons and
inhering in each the under trial
individual as an prisoners.
intrinsic and
inseparable part of
the human element 22. Answer: (c)
which dwells Explanation:
within. However, About the Nominated Members of the
the Right to Privacy Rajya Sabha –
is not absolute and  Conditions of Appointment: He
the state can make should be a citizen of India above 30
law to restrict the years of age and possessing such other
Right to Privacy. A qualifications as may be prescribed by
law on invasion of law of the Parliament.
life or personal  The Nominated Members enjoy all
liberty must meet the powers, privileges and
the three-fold immunities available to any elected
requirement of members of the Parliament.
1. Legality, which  They can take part in the proceedings of
postulates the the House in the normal manner.
existence of law,
 While the Nominated Members of the
i.e., the state
Rajya Sabha have a right to vote in the
action must have
election of the Vice-President of India,
a legislative
they are not entitled to vote in the
election of the President of India.
2. Need, defined in
 They can participate in the
terms of a
impeachment process of the
legitimate state
aim, i.e., there
 A Nominated Member of a House shall
must be a
be disqualified for being a member of
legitimate state
the House if he joins any political party
after the expiry of six months from
3. Proportionality,
the date on which he takes his seat
which ensures a
after complying with the requirements
rational nexus
of Article 99.

RAUSIAS-1017 8
 A Nominated Member has also been  Most ULBs were highly dependent on
exempted from filing his assets and external grants between 2012-13 and
liabilities under Section 75A of the 2016-17, where IGTs accounted for
Representation of the People Act, 1951, about 40% of the ULBs’ total revenue.
which requires the elected member to  Concern - Dependence on IGTs dipped
do so within 90 days of his making or over the years due to modest increase in
subscribing oath/affirmation. own revenue, the scale of IGTs in India
 Under Rule 3 of the Members of Rajya remained at around 0.5% of the GDP,
Sabha (Declaration of Assets and which is far lower than the international
Liabilities) Rules, 2004, only elected average of 2% to 5% of the GDP.
members of the Council are liable to  Increase in Operations and
furnish the declaration of their assets Maintenance (O&M) Expenditure for
and liabilities, and assets of their the ULBs - O&M expenses are crucial
spouse and dependent children. for the upkeep of infrastructure and for
 The American Senate has no Nominated maintaining the quality of service
Members and all its members are delivery. The share of O&M expenses in
elected. the ULBs’ total revenue expenditure
 The first woman Nominated Member of increased from about 30% in 2012-13
the Rajya Sabha was Smt. Rukmini to about 35% in 2016-17.
Devi Arundale (1952-56 and 1956-62).  O&M expenses inadequate - Despite
the increase in the share of O&M
23. Answer: (b) expenses of the ULBs, studies found
that it remained inadequate. For
instance, O&M expenses incurred in
The economic and developmental promise
2016-17 covered only around a fifth of
envisaged for the Urban Local Bodies
the requirement forecast by the High-
(ULBs) through the Constitution 74th
Powered Expert Committee for
Amendment, 1992 seems to be weakening
estimating the investment requirements
due to increasing strains in municipal
for the urban infrastructure services.
finance, especially post-GST
implementation and COVID pandemic.
Recently, the Indian Institute for Human 24. Answer: (c)
Settlements (IIHS) analyzed data from 80 Explanation:
ULBs across 24 states between 2012-13 Central Committee: The Central
and 2016-17 to understand ULB finance Government will establish a Committee on
and spending, and found some key trends Antarctic Governance and Environmental
on declining municipal finances. Protection. The Committee will be chaired
Major Reasons: by the Secretary of the Ministry of Earth
 Lower ratio of ULB’s own revenue v/s Sciences.
Total revenue reflects financial  10 members, not below the rank of joint
health and autonomy - This ratio also secretary, will be nominated from
reflects the ULBs’ ability tap unclaimed various Ministries and organisations,
sources and their dependency on the such as defence, external affairs,
Inter-Governmental Transfers (IGTs). National Centre for Polar and Ocean
Cities with a higher share of own Research and the National Security
revenue are more financially self- Council Secretariat.
sustaining.  In addition, two experts from Antarctic
environment and geo-political fields will

RAUSIAS-1017 9
be nominated by the Central (iii) Discharge of garbage, plastic or other
Government. substance into the sea, which is
 The functions of the Committee harmful to the marine environment.
include: Offences and Penalties: The Bill specifies
o Granting permits for various penalties for contravention of its provisions.
activities; For instance, conducting a nuclear
o Implementing and ensuring explosion in Antarctica will be punishable
compliance of relevant international with an imprisonment of 20 years, which
laws for the protection of Antarctic may extend to life imprisonment and a fine
environment; of at least Rs. 50 crore. Drilling for mineral
resources or introducing non-native
o Obtaining and reviewing relevant
animals or plants in Antarctica without a
information provided by the parties
permit will be punishable with
to the Treaty, Convention and
imprisonment up to seven years and a fine
Protocol; and
between Rs. 10 lakh and Rs. 50 lakh. The
o Negotiating fees/charges with other
Central Government may notify one or
parties for activities in Antarctica.
more Sessions Courts to be the Designated
Need for Permit: A permit by the Committee Court(s) under the Bill and specify its
or written authorisation from another party territorial jurisdiction to try offences
to the Protocol (other than India) will be punishable under the Bill.
required for various activities, such as:
(i) An Indian expedition to enter or
25. Answer: (c)
remain in Antarctica;
(ii) A person to enter or remain in an
Indian station in Antarctica;
(iii) A vessel or aircraft registered in India to
enter or remain in Antarctica;
(iv) A person or vessel to drill, dredge or
excavate for mineral resources, or
collect samples of mineral resources;
(v) Activities which may harm the native
species; and
(vi) Waste disposal by a person, vessel or
aircraft in Antarctica.
Before a permit is granted by the
Committee, the applicant has to carry out
an environmental impact assessment of the
proposed activities. Moreover, a permit
must not be granted unless a waste
management plan has been prepared for
the expedition by the Committee.
Prohibited activities: The Bill prohibits
certain activities in Antarctica,
including: 26. Answer: (c)

(i) Nuclear explosion or disposal of Explanation:

radioactive wastes; India presently has two research
(ii) Introduction of non-sterile soil; and stations at Antarctica, namely ‘Maitri’
and ‘Bharati’. At both the stations,

RAUSIAS-1017 10
research and investigations are undertaken 28. Answer: (c)
to understand the Polar processes and Explanation:
phenomenon. Observations and studies are The E-Waste Management Rules, 2016:
carried out in atmospheric, biological, 1. Manufacturer, dealer, refurbished and
geological, ecological sciences etc. Maitri Producer Responsibility Organization
station has been in operation since 1989. (PRO) have been introduced as
With Himadri station in Ny-Alesund, additional stakeholders in the Rules.
Svalbard, Arctic, India now belongs to 2. The applicability of the Rules has been
the elite group of nations that have extended to components, consumables,
multiple research stations within the spares and parts of the EEE (electrical
and electronic equipment), in addition
Polar Regions.
to the equipment as listed in Schedule I.
3. Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) and
27. Answer: (b) other mercury containing lamp brought
Explanation: under the purview of the Rules.
The Hasdeo Aranya Region – 4. Collection mechanism-based approach
has been adopted to include collection
centre, collection point, take back
system etc., for collection of e-waste by
the producers under the Extended
Producer Responsibility (EPR).
5. Option has been given for setting up of
PRO, e - waste exchange, e-retailer,
Deposit Refund Scheme as additional
channel for implementation of the EPR
by the producers to ensure efficient
channelization of e - waste.
6. Provision for Pan India EPR
Authorization by the CPCB (The Central
Pollution Control Board) has been
The Hasdeo Aranya (Aranya means
introduced, replacing the state-wise
forest) lies in the catchment area of the
EPR authorization.
Hasdeo river and is spread across 1,878
7. Collection and channelization of e-
sq. km. in north-central Chhattisgarh.
waste in the Extended Producer
The Hasdeo River is a tributary of the
Responsibility - Authorisation shall be
Mahanadi River, which originates in in line with the targets prescribed in
Chhattisgarh and flows through Odisha Schedule III of the Rules. The phase-
into the Bay of Bengal. The Hasdeo forests wise collection target for e - waste,
are also the catchment area for the Hasdeo which can be either in number or
Bango Dam, built across the Hasdeo River, weight, shall be 30% of the quantity of
which irrigates six lakh acres of land, waste generation, as indicated in the
crucial to a state with paddy as its main EPR Plan during the first two years of
crop. Besides, the forests are ecologically implementation of the Rules, followed
by 40% during the third and the fourth
sensitive due to the rich biodiversity they
years, 50% during the fifth and the
offer and due to the presence of a large
sixth years and 70% during the seventh
migratory corridor for elephants.
year onwards.

RAUSIAS-1017 11
29. Answer: (a)  The forestry target has not been
Explanation: touched.
Global Stocktake (Article 14): A “global
stocktake” to take place in 2023 and every 31. Answer: (b)
5 years thereafter, will assess collective Explanation:
progress toward achieving the purpose of The grasslands of Gujarat constitute
the Paris Agreement in a comprehensive about 4.33% (8,490 sq. km.) of the total
and facilitative manner. It will be based on geographical area, distributed in eight
the best available science and its long-term districts and three different climatic
global goal. Its outcome will inform the regions – Kutch, Saurashtra and central
parties in updating and enhancing their Gujarat. A majority of grasslands in
actions and support, and enhancing Gujarat (41%) are found in the Kutch
international co-operation on climate district. Banni Grassland was declared a
action. Protected Forest in 1955, under the Indian
Forest Act, 1927.
30. Answer: (b)
Explanation: 32. Answer: (d)
India’s original NDC (Nationally Determined Explanation:
Contribution) contained three main targets The Ramsar Convention is also called the
for 2030: “Convention on Wetlands”. India has added
 A 33% to 35% reduction in emissions five new Ramsar Wetlands Sites of
intensity (or emissions per unit of the international importance. With the latest
GDP) from the 2005 levels. addition, the total number of Ramsar sites
 At least 40% of total electricity in India has reached 54.
generation to come from non-fossil New Ramsar Sites include:
renewable sources. 1. The Pallikaranai Marsh Reserve
 Increases in forest cover to create an Forest, Tamil Nadu: It is a freshwater
additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion marsh in Chennai. It is the only
tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. surviving wetland ecosystem in
 At the Glasgow meeting last year, Modi Chennai. It is counted among the last
promised to strengthen India’s climate remaining natural wetlands of South
commitments. He made five promises, India.
and called it the ‘Panchamrit’, the 2. The Karikili Bird Sanctuary, Tamil
nectar that the Indians prepare using Nadu: It is a protected area located in
five ingredients. Two of these were Kancheepuram district of Tamil Nadu. It
upward revision of existing targets, the is located near Chennai.
ones that have been made official and 3. Pichavaram Mangrove, Tamil
put in the updated NDC. Nadu: It is located near Chidambaram
Accordingly: in Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu. It
 India will now reduce its emission is counted among the largest mangrove
intensity by at least 45%, instead of just forests in the country.
33% to 35%, from the 2005 levels by 4. Pala Wetland, Mizoram: It is the
2030. largest natural wetland in Mizoram. The
 Also, it would now ensure that at least wetland is surrounded by green
50% of its total electricity generation, woodlands. It is known for rich diversity
not just 40%, would come from of animal species, including several
renewable sources by 2030. species of animals and birds.

RAUSIAS-1017 12
5. Sakhya Sagar, Madhya 34. Answer: (a)
Pradesh: This Lake is an integral part Explanation:
of the Madhav National Park in About the National Emblem:
Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh.
 Adopted as the State Emblem of India
The Ramsar Convention was established by on January 26, 1950.
UNESCO in 1971. It is an
 Based in Sarnath Buddhist Complex in
intergovernmental environmental treaty,
Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh).
named after Ramsar city in Iran, because it
was signed there. The Convention came  The Motto on the Emblem
into effect in 1975. It encourages the ‘Satyameva Jayate’: "Truth Alone
international co-operation and national Triumphs", from "Mundaka Upanishad",
action to conserve the wetlands and a part of the Upanishads.
sustainably use their resources. Under it,  The Emblem forms a part of the official
the wetlands of international importance letter-head of the Government of India
are identified worldwide. and appears on all Indian currency,
along with the passport.
33. Answer: (c)
Explanation: 35. Answer: (a)

The Ramsar Convention uses a broad Explanation:

definition of wetlands. It includes all lakes About Amir Khusrau: Amir Khusrau
and rivers, underground aquifers, swamps (1253–1325 AD) was an Indo-Persian Sufi
and marshes, wet grasslands, peatlands, singer, musician, poet and scholar, who
oases, estuaries, deltas and tidal flats, flourished under the Delhi Sultanate. In
mangroves and other coastal areas, coral the Indian sub-continent's cultural history,
reefs and all human-made sites, such as he is a legendary person. He was a mystic
fish ponds, rice paddies, reservoirs and salt and a spiritual follower of Delhi's
pans. Nizamuddin Auliya. He mostly wrote
Under the “Three Pillars” of the Convention, poetry in Persian, although he also wrote
the Contracting Parties commit to: in Hindavi.

 work towards the wise use of all their Amir Khusrau - An Epitome of Classical
wetlands; Music:
• Amir Khusrau was a Sufi musician,
 designate suitable wetlands for the list
poet and philosopher from South Asia.
of Wetlands of International Importance
(the “Ramsar List”) and ensure their • He served during the times of both
effective management; and Balban and Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq.
 co-operate internationally on • He was a spiritual follower of Delhi's
transboundary wetlands, shared Nizamuddin Auliya.
wetland systems and shared species. • Khusrau is sometimes referred to as
The Convention defines wise use of "India's Parrot."
wetlands as “the maintenance of their • His music may be heard in a number of
ecological character, achieved through the Dargahs throughout the country.
implementation of ecosystem approaches, • Khusrau is known for being the "Father
within the context of sustainable of Qawwali."
development”. Wise use can, thus, be seen • He is accredited with inventing Sitar
as the conservation and sustainable use of and making a substantial contribution
wetlands and all the services they provide, to the creation of Ghazal.
for the benefit of the people and nature.

RAUSIAS-1017 13
• He is also accredited with infusing people. They opened schools and taught
Persian and Arabic influences into the how to improve sanitation.
Indian classical music and being the • The British Government realized
creator of Khayal and Tarana genres of Gandhi's strength and his devotion to
music. the cause. They themselves then
• He wrote legendary love story between setup a Committee to enquire into
Laila-Majnu and Ashiqa. the grievances of the cultivators.
• He was a classical poet who served in They invited Gandhi to serve on that
the royal courts of Delhi Sultanate for Committee and he agreed. The result
more than seven rulers. was that, within months, the
• His connections with numerous Sultans Champaran Agrarian Bill, 1917 was
allowed him to travel and reside in passed. It gave great relief to the
many regions of India, exposing him to cultivators and the land tenants.
a variety of local customs. This aided
him in assimilating a wide range of 37. Answer: (a)
musical influences. Explanation:
About the Konark Temple:
36. Answer: (a)  Sun Temple at Konark, located on the
Explanation: eastern shores of the Indian state of
Champaran Satyagrah-1917: In Odisha.
Champaran district of Bihar, the  The Europeans called it the Black
Europeans forced the cultivators to grow Pagoda, due to its dark colour and its
indigo, a blue dye, and this imposed on magnetic power that drew ships into the
them untold sufferings. They could not shore and caused shipwrecks.
grow the food they needed, nor did they  Listed as a World Heritage Site by
receive adequate payment for the indigo. UNESCO.
The Champaran Satyagraha:  The Sun Temple is an exceptional
• A Bihar farmer, Rajkumar Shukla, testimony, in physical form, to the
pleaded Mahatma Gandhi, to visit 13th-century Hindu Kingdom of
and personally investigate the Orissa (Odisha), under the reign of
matter. Gandhi visited Champaran Narasimha Deva I (AD 1238-1264) of
with Rajkumar Shukla. the Eastern Ganga Dynasty.
• The magistrate ordered Gandhi not to  Belongs to the cult of Surya, the Sun
stay in Champaran. He was latter God. Thus, it is directly and materially
summoned, but released. linked to Brahmanism and the Tantric
• Gandhi investigated the matter through belief system.
cross examination of about 8,000  Built in the Kalingan temple
cultivators. architecture, with all its defining
• Gandhi concluded that the ignorance of elements in complete and perfect form.
the cultivators was the main reason  A chariot of the Sun God, with twelve
why it was possible for the European pairs of wheels, drawn by seven horses,
planters to repress them. Gandhi, evoking its movement across heavens.
therefore, set up voluntary
 It is embellished with sophisticated and
organizations to improve the economic
refined iconographical depictions of
and educational conditions of the
contemporary life and activities.

RAUSIAS-1017 14
 Vimana (The principal sanctuary) was Satavahana phase; and the Later
surmounted by a high tower with a Satavahana phase, during the 3rd
Shikhara (The crowning cap), which century B.C. and the 3rd century A.D.
was razed in the 19th century.  While the Stupa is believed to be the
 To the east, Jahamogana (The audience largest of its time, the stone-portrait is
hall) dominates the ruins with its the only surviving image of the Mauryan
pyramidal mass. emperor, which had inscription ‘Ranyo
 Further to the east, Natmandir (The Asoko’ in Brahmi on it.
dance hall), today unroofed, rises on a
high platform. 39. Answer: (a)
 Various subsidiary structures are still Explanation:
to be found within the enclosed area of  Vinayak Damodar Savarkar founded the
the rectangular wall, which are Abhinav Bharat Society (initially as
punctuated by gates and towers. Mitra Mela, 1899) along with his
brother G. D. Savarkar in 1904.
38. Answer: (b)  It was a secret society, which also had
Explanation: connections with London.
 The Kanaganahalli Buddhist site was  He was involved with the India House
excavated by the Archaeological Survey (founded by Shyamji Krishna Varma in
of India (ASI) during 1994-2001. London, to promote nationalist ideas
However, it was left neglected for among the youth).
around 20 years.  Savarkar went to London in 1906. He
 This is an ancient Buddhist site, soon founded the Free India Society,
situated on the banks of river Bhima, along with Madam Bhikaji Cama, based
near Kanaganahalli in Kalaburagi on the thoughts of the Italian
district in Karnataka. nationalist Giuseppe Mazzini.
 The Kanaganahalli Buddhist Stupa was  He functioned as the President of the
constructed using the locally available Hindu Mahasabha from 1937 to 1943.
limestone. Most drum slabs, dome He called against the Quit India
slabs, inscribed sculptures and other Movement.
structural remains were recovered in  Savarkar was convicted and sentenced
broken condition. to 50-year imprisonment, also known as
 In 1986, the Kali Temple, situated in Kala Pani, and was transported in 1911
the Chandralamba Temple complex in to the Cellular Jail in the Andaman and
Sannati, got collapsed. While clearing Nicobar Islands.
the debris, Ashokan edicts were  He was released in 1924.
discovered from the complex.
 He later joined Tilak’s Swaraj Party.
 During excavation, an abandoned well
 He advocated for the use of Hindi as the
was discovered, which turned out to be
national language. He also fought
the “Maha Stupa”. The Maha Stupa is
against untouchability and caste-based
referred to as “Adholoka Maha Chaitya”
in the Ashoka’s inscriptions.
Literary Works:
 It is likely that the Maha Stupa has
• The Indian war of Independence, 1857
been developed in three constructional
(on the Revolt of 1857)
phases: The Mauryan phase; the Early

RAUSIAS-1017 15
• Essentials of Hindutva
• A Biography of Mazzini

40. Answer: (c)

The Santhal Revolt:
• After getting political and economic
control of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa
(Odisha), because of victory in the
Battle of Buxar, the East India 43. Answer: (c)
Company imposed ‘Permanent Explanation:
Settlement’ there (Lord Cornwallis). G7 members - Canada, France, Germany,
• They invited many Santhals to settle Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the
in a specific forest area (Damin-i-Koh) United States and the European Union.
in the Rajmahal hills (Jharkhand). G20 members – Australia, Argentina,
• But, the Santhals were exploited by the Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany,
Zamindars and the English police. India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, the Republic
• In June, 1855, two Santhal leaders, of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia,
Sidhu and Kanhu, declared rebellion South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom,
against the East India Company. the United States and the European
Farmers, villagers and women took wide Union.
participation. They fought the police,
damaged communication systems and 44. Answer: (c)
used guerrilla warfare. Explanation:
• The British used the Martial Law to Karakalpakstan – Uzebkistan
curb the rebellion and were successful 18 people were killed and 243 wounded
by January, 1856. during a government crackdown on the
protesters in Uzbekistan’s autonomous
41. Answer: (c) province of Karakalpakstan.
The members of I2U2 – India, Israel, USA
and UAE.
The members of G20 - Argentina,
Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, G
ermany, India,
Indonesia, Italy, Japan, the Republic of
Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South
Africa, Turkey, the United
Kingdom, the United States and
the European Union.

42. Answer: (c)


Russia has rejected appeals for a complete

demilitarisation of the area around the

RAUSIAS-1017 16
Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant in southern office in like manner and on the like
Ukraine. grounds as a Judge of the Supreme Court.
As per Article 148(4), the Comptroller and
Auditor General shall not be eligible for
further office, either under the Government
of India, or under the Government of any
State, after he has ceased to hold his office.

47. Answer: (a)

Compensatory Afforestation: The Forest
(Conservation) Act, 1980, mandates that
whenever forest land is diverted for non-
forest purposes, an equivalent area of
non-forest land has to be taken up for
compensatory afforestation. The funds
for this are to be imposed on whomsoever
is undertaking the diversion. The land
45. Answer: (d) chosen for afforestation, if viable, must be
Explanation: in close proximity of the reserved or
protected forest, for ease of management by
the forest department.
The Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act,
2016, provides for the establishment of
funds under the Public Accounts of India
and the Public Accounts of each state
and crediting thereto the monies received
from the user agencies towards
compensatory afforestation, additional
compensatory afforestation, penal
compensatory afforestation, net present
value and all other amounts recovered from
such agencies under the Forest
(Conservation) Act, 1980.
The Comptroller and Auditor General of
India, while auditing the CAMPA
Afforestation Fund Management and
46. Answer: (d) Planning Authority) Fund, has found
Explanation: concentration of plantation activities in
easily accessible areas, like land along the
Article 148 provides for the appointment of
pathways, leaving the degraded patches in
the Comptroller and Auditor General of
the middle of dense forest unplanted in
India (CAG) only at the Centre and not at
Odisha. The audit agency further said that
the states. The CAG is appointed by the
as the database of degraded forest and
President by warrant under his hand and
non-forest land was not available with the
seal, and shall only be removed from the
department, target for compensatory
afforestation programmes under the

RAUSIAS-1017 17
Compensatory Afforestation Fund  As per Article 66 of the Constitution
Management and Planning Authority was of India, the Vice-President is elected
not achieved within the stipulated period of by the members of the Electoral
three years and hence, could not College consisting of the members of
compensate the forest cover against the both the Houses of the Parliament, in
diversion of forest land. accordance with the system of
proportional representation by means
48. Answer: (c) of the single transferable vote and
Explanation: the voting at such election shall be
by secret ballot.
The Term of the Office of the Vice-
President – Article 67:  The Electoral College to elect a
person to the office of the Vice-
 The Vice-President shall hold office for a
President consists of all members of
term of five years from the date on
both the Houses of the Parliament.
which he enters upon his office unless
 The Election Commission, in
o the Vice-President, by writing under
consultation with the Central
his hand addressed to the President,
Government, appoints the Secretary
resigns his office.
General of the Lok Sabha and the
o the Vice-President is removed from
Rajya Sabha, by rotation, as the
his office by a resolution of the
Returning Officer.
Council of States passed by a
 Accordingly, the Secretary General of
majority of all the then members of
the Lok Sabha was appointed as the
the Council and agreed to by the
Returning Officer for the present
House of the People.
election to the office of the Vice-
 The Vice-President shall,
President of India.
notwithstanding the expiration of his
 Political parties cannot issue any whip
term, continue to hold the office until
to their MPs in the matter of voting in
his successor enters upon his office.
the Vice-Presidential election.
 No resolution for the purpose of removal
from the office shall be moved unless at
least fourteen days’ notice has been 49. Answer: (a)
given of the intention to move the Explanation:
resolution. Nari Adalat a new component for providing
Election to be done before the expiry of women with an alternate Grievance
the term of the Vice-President: Redressal Mechanism for resolving cases of
 The term of the office of Shri M. petty nature (harassment, subversion,
Venkaiah Naidu, the Vice-President of curtailment of rights or entitlements) faced
India, ended on 10th August, 2022. by women at Gram Panachayat level will be
implemented in a phased manner. Nari
 As per Article 68 of the Constitution of
Adalats or women collectives will be formed
India, an election to fill the vacancy
of committed and socially respected women
caused by the expiration of the term of
chosen for that purpose. This platform will
the office of the outgoing Vice-President
also be utilized for engaging with the public
was required to be completed before the
for awareness generation and getting
expiration of the term.
feedback for improvement in the schemes
 The Election Commission (EC), and for effective public delivery of services.
accordingly, conducted the election for These will be provided logistic support
the office of the Vice-President of India through Gram Panchayats in convergence
on 6th August, 2022.

RAUSIAS-1017 18
with the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, The revamped RGSA will comprise Central
Ministry of Rural Development, and and State components. The Central
Common Service Centres (CSCs) run by the Components of the scheme will be fully
Ministry of Electronics and Information funded by the Government of India. The
Technology. funding pattern for State Components will
be in the ratio of 60:40 among Centre and
50. Answer: (a) States respectively, except NE, the Hilly
States and Union Territory (UT) of J&K
where Central and State share will be
Revamped Rashtriya Gram Swaraj
90:10. However, for other UTs, Central
Abhiyan (RGSA): The approved scheme of
share will be 100%.
RGSA will help more than 2.78 lakh Rural
The scheme will have both Central
Local Bodies including Traditional Bodies
Component - National Level activities.
across the country to develop governance
capabilities to deliver on SDGs through The implementation and monitoring of the
inclusive local governance with a focus on activities of the scheme will broadly be
optimum utilisation of available resources. aligned for achieving the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). Panchayats are
The key principles of SDGs, i.e. leaving no
the focal points for all the developmental
one behind, reaching the farthest first, and
activities and implementation of schemes of
universal coverage, along with gender
various Ministries/ Departments and State
equality will be embedded in the design of
governments to achieve SDGs.
all capacity-building interventions
including training, training modules, and It is a scheme under the Ministry of
materials. Panchayati Raj.
Priority will be given to subjects of national
importance principally under themes,
namely: (i) Poverty free and enhanced
livelihood in villages, (ii) Healthy Village, (iii)
Child-Friendly Village, (iv) Water Sufficient
Village, (v) Clean and Green Village, (vi)
Self-Sufficient Infrastructure in Village, (vii)
Socially Secured Village, (viii) Village with
Good Governance, and (ix) Engendered
Development in Village.

RAUSIAS-1017 19

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