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Differential Head Flowmeters (Usbr - Gov) (ISO-5167 Stolz Equation) .HTML

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3. Differential Head Flowmeters

This class of flowmeters includes venturi, nozzle, and orifice meters. When properly installed and
used, these meters have a potential accuracy of "1 percent. These meters have no moving parts
but use the principle of accelerating flow by some form of constriction. Heads are measured
upstream where the meter is the size of the approach pipe and downstream where the area is
reduced to a minimum. The basic energy balance relationship is written as discussed in
chapter 2. The velocity at one of these locations is solved for in terms of the difference of head
between the two locations. Using the product of the upstream velocity and area results in
discharge expressed as:


Qa = discharge
A1 = upstream approach area
A2 = area of the throat or orifice opening
h1 = upstream head measurement
h2 = downstream head
g = gravity constant
C = coefficient determined experimentally

The term, h1 - h2, often written in shorter form as h, is the differential head that gives the name
to this class of meters.

The values of the effective discharge coefficient in both of the equation forms, for the same
differential flowmeter, are the same. The coefficients are the same because the area divided by
the square root of the denominator in each equation has the same value.

Equation 14-1 is valid for the venturi, nozzle, and orifice meters using proper respective effective
coefficients. Each kind of flow meter has a different value of effective discharge coefficient. More
details concerning what is accounted for by the effective discharge coefficient are covered in
chapter 2.

With differential flowmeters, the pressure difference between the inlet tap and the throat or
minimum pressure tap is related to discharge in tables or curves using the suitable coefficients
with the proper equation. An example discharge curve is shown for an 8-inch (in) venturi meter
on figure 14-1. Thus, the meters may serve as reliable flow measuring devices.
Figure 14-1 -- Typical calibration curve for an 8-in venturi
meter - one kind of differential flowmeter.

(a) Venturi Meters

Venturi meters (figure 14-2) are one of the most accurate type of flow measuring device that can
be used in a water supply system. They contain no moving parts, require very little maintenance,
and cause very little head loss. Tables or diagrams of the head difference versus rate of flow may
be prepared, and flow indicators or flow recorders may be used to display the differential or rate
of flow. Venturi meters are often used in the laboratory to calibrate other closed conduit flow
measuring devices.

Figure 14-2 -- Sectional view of venturi meter.

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (1983) and International Organization for
Standardization (1991) contain details of pipeline meter theory, equations, coefficients, and
tables with application instructions.

The effective discharge coefficient for venturi meters ranges from 0.9 to about unity (Streeter,
1951; American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1983) with turbulent flow, and it varies with
diameter ratio of throat to pipe.

The smaller commercial venturi meters are made of brass or bronze and are available for pipe
sizes up to about 2 inches (in) diameter. Larger meters are usually made of cast iron with inner
bronze linings. Some larger venturi meters have been constructed of concrete with the
convergence and the throat made of finished metal. Large venturi meters have not been
standardized for general irrigation practice, and the sizes, shapes, and coefficients are not well
known. Accuracy and performance should be specified by purchase contract for large venturi
meters. Some relatively simple and effective venturi meters have been made from precast
concrete (Summers, 1952; 1953) and plastic (Replogle and Wahlin, 1994) pipe sections and

In the past, the expense of venturi meters and the fact that they must always operate with full
pipelines have restricted their use on a broad scale in irrigation systems. The increasing demand
for accurate flow measurements in pressure conduits will likely result in greater use of venturi
meters in the future. Because venturi meters have smoothly varying flow boundaries, they have
been used for measuring sewage and flow carrying other materials. Sometimes, this usage may
require clean water backflushing for clearing manometer tubing. With trash-carrying flow that
would require frequent flushing, small continuous purging flows have been used to keep material
from plugging or entering the pressure taps between and during pressure head measurements.
Many variations of the meter exist, each of which is tailored to meet the requirements of specific
types of installations.

(b) Nozzle Meters

In effect, the flow nozzle is a venturi meter that has been simplified and shortened by eliminating
the gradual downstream expansion (figure 14-3). The streamlined entrance of the nozzle causes
a straight jet without contraction, so its effective discharge coefficient is nearly the same as the
venturi meter. Flow nozzles allow the jet to expand of its own accord. This feature causes a
greater amount of turbulent expansion head loss than the loss that occurs in venturi meters,
which suppress exit turbulence with a gradually expanding tube boundary.

Figure 14-3 -- Sectional view of nozzle meter.

The effective coefficient of discharge for flow nozzles in pipelines varies from 0.96 to 1.2 for
turbulent flow and increases as the throat-to-pipe-diameter ratio increases.

Frequently, the upstream pressure connection is made through a hole in the wall of the conduit at
a distance of about one pipe diameter upstream from the starting point of the flare of the nozzle
(ASME, 1983). Thus, the pressure is measured before it curves to enter the nozzle. The
downstream pressure connection may be made through the pipe wall just above the end of the
nozzle tube (ASME, 1983).

Flow nozzles have been made from precast concrete pipe and used in the field. Flow nozzles
have not been used extensively for measuring irrigation water, probably because this application
lacks standardization. Discharge tables provided by a manufacturer agreed closely with
independent calibration tests and studies (Summers, 1952).

(c) Orifice Meter

The most common differential-pressure type flowmeter used in pipelines is the sharp-edged
orifice plate (figure 14-4). These meters are frequently used in irrigation applications for
measuring well discharges and agricultural chemicals that are injected into irrigation flows. The
latter are usually small with details of installation and operation furnished by the manufacturers.
Therefore, only larger diameter orifice plates in round pipes will be discussed here. Personal
computers and the generalization of discharge coefficients renewed interest in the orifice as a
primary device (Furness, 1987).
Figure 14-4 -- Sectional view of orifice meter.

Applications with proper water quality, careful attention to installation detail, and proper operation
techniques (Hobbs, 1987) make these flowmeters capable of producing accuracy to within 1
percent. However, the usual maintenance and pipe conditions that generally occur in irrigation
pipe systems limit field accuracies to within 3 to 5 percent of actual.

Advantages of the orifice plate are its simplicity and the ability to select a proper calibration on
the basis of the measurements of the geometry (Dijstelbergen, 1982). Disadvantages of the
orifice plate include the long, straight pipe length requirements and the limited practical
discharge range ratio of about one to three for a single orifice hole size. However, the location of
the range can be shifted by using sets of plates for changing orifice hole sizes. This shift, in
effect, provides a range ratio increase. Calibrations based on tap locations relative to pipe
diameter, rather than orifice diameter, make this feasible because the same tap locations can be
used for different orifice plate hole sizes.

(1) The Flow Rate Equation

The equation now commonly used to calculate the flow rate from the pressure differential and
other relevant parameters is:


Q = the discharge
C d = the product CC v
C = a coefficient determined experimentally
C v = the velocity of approach factor
A = the area of the orifice hole
g = the acceleration of gravity
h = the differential head

If differential pressure sensing equipment is used as the secondary measuring devices, then 2g
h must be replaced with 2 P/D, where P is differential pressure and D is the density of the
flowing water.

(2) Standardization of Tap Locations

Originally, the so-called vena-contracta tap (minimum contracted orifice jet diameter) was
standardized. For those, the location of the downstream tap depended on the orifice hole size in
the orifice plate. This diminished the possibility of altering the range by changing orifice plates
because the tappings would also have to be relocated for each new plate size.

More recent orifice standards are based on extensive experimental data and can be applied with
a fair degree of confidence. Studies carried out in Germany, the United States, France, and
Britain resulted in the present ISO-5167 (1991) (adapted from British Standards-1042 [1943], and
Dijstelbergen [1982]). The standards list the geometry of the devices, the installation conditions
to be observed, and the equation relating flow and pressure differential. Three types (figure 14-5)
of differential measuring taps as internationally standardized are:

Corner taps
Flange taps
D-D/2 taps

Figure 14-5 -- Flange and D-D/2 pressure taps for orifice


(3) Orifice Plate and Hole Requirements

Orifice plates require careful installation. The orifice plate coefficient is generally affected more
by misalinement and disturbed velocity distributions than other differential-pressure meters
because the abrupt pressure changes take place near the plate. Poor installation of an otherwise
properly designed orifice plate can cause as much as a 20-percent error (Humphreys, 1987). The
orifice plate should be mounted in such a way that it is possible to inspect at least the orifice plate
and preferably the adjacent piping.

The orifice hole diameter should be at least 0.5 in, and its upstream edge should be free of
visible dents, burrs, and rounding. The orifice hole must be bored perpendicular to the plate. The
bore hole cylinder length must be between 0.005 and 0.02 times the pipe diameter (D). If the
plate is thicker than 0.02D, the downstream orifice must be beveled at an angle between 30 to 60
degrees from horizontal. Centering of the plate orifice hole, as specified in the standard, is
particularly difficult to meet for small pipes.

The plate shall be mounted perpendicular to the pipe axis. The orifice plate material should be
thick enough so it will not bow under the differential pressure. The plate faces shall be flat and
parallel. The plate thickness shall be less than 0.05 times the pipe diameter, and its upstream
face shall be have a quality finish.

(4) Meter Approach and Exit Requirements

Downstream from pipe fittings, the required length of straight pipe approaching orifice meters
varies with type, number, and orientation of fittings and increases in proportion to (ratio of orifice
to pipe diameter). For example, a single 90​degree bend requires from 6 to 18 di-ameters of
straight approach pipe ahead of the upstream pressure tap for increasing from 0.2 to 0.75 (ISO,
1991). Two 90-degree bends in the same plane require 7 to 21 diameters for the same range.
Two or more bends in different planes require 17 to 35 di-ameters. Globe valves require 9 to 18
diameters for increasing from 0.2 to 0.75. Gate valves require 6 to 15 approach diameters. An
expander fitting requires 8 to 19 diameters. A reducer fitting requires 5 to 15 diameters of straight
pipe upstream for ranging from 0.5 to 0.75, which differs from the previously mentioned values.
Four to eight diameters of straight pipe are required downstream from the pressure taps.

(5) Coefficient of Discharge

Accurate values for C d have been developed for the standard tap locations. If the orifice-plate
geometry and its installation conform to the orifice specifications of ISO 5167, a good estimate of
performance can be developed by applying the Stolz equation appearing in those standards.
This equation was developed by Stolz, who logically showed that the coefficients of the different
taps normalized by pipe diameter are related. Thus, the value of the coefficient of discharge, C d,
depends on the particular tapping arrangement, the Reynolds number (Re) (VD/ ), and the
diameter ratio, , as defined in equation 14​3. Originally, the older coefficients were separately
determined for each tapping arrangement for specific orifice hole sizes.

In large pipe diameters, for example, the coefficient of the corner taps and flange taps should not
differ. For small area ratios, all coefficients for different taps should be equal. Stolz statistically
fitted the available data resulting in the unified equation given in ISO 5167 covering all tapping
arrangements. This equation for C d is:

C d = 0.5959 + 0.0312 2.1 - 0.1840 8 + 0.0029 2.5(106/Re)0.75+ 0.0900(L

4/(1 - 4)]-

0.0337 (L2/D) 3 (14-3)


C d = coefficient of discharge
L1 = the tap distance from the upstream face of the plate
L2 = the tap distance from the downstream face of the of the orifice plate
D = the pipeline diameter
= the ratio of orifice diameter to pipe diameter
Re = the Reynolds number (VD/ )
V = the pipeline velocity
= the kinematic viscosity of the water

The minimum allowable Reynolds number varies with diameter, tapping arrangement, and .
The Reynolds number (VD/ ) for flange and (D-D/2) taps must be greater than 1,260 2D. For

corner taps Reynolds number must be greater than 10,000 for greater than 0.45. For less
than 0.45, the Reynolds number must be greater than 5,000.

The first three terms of equation 14-3 give the corner tap coefficient when Reynolds number (Re)
effect is insignificant. The fourth term introduces Reynolds number effect. The last term accounts
for the distance of flange and D-D/2 taps from the upstream face of the orifice plate. Although the
equation appears to give a coefficient value for all tapping locations, standardized or not, it was
not developed with data for other than standard locations and, therefore, is not recommended for
nonstandard tapping locations. The coefficients by this equation are substantially the same as
found in older presentations. Differences come mainly from the data fitting method. Uncertainty of
the coefficient is claimed to be less than "1 percent, exceeding the usual requirements for
irrigation use.

The equation which relates flow rate to head differential and other parameters may seem to be
rather complicated but is a minor inconvenience with modern computer capabilities. For the
usual irrigation practice that accepts meter accuracies within "3 percent or more, the above
precautions can be relaxed considerably.

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