Panasonic txp42x20b Fault Code
Panasonic txp42x20b Fault Code
Panasonic txp42x20b Fault Code
When an abnormality occurs in the unit, the “SOS Detect” circuit is triggered
and the TV shuts down. Please follow this guide for the listed 2010 models
( TXP50S20B,TXP42/46S20B,TXP50X20B TXP37/42X20B )
this information to enable you identity the fault condition accurately.
Please use this information with the block diagram and schematic diagrams.
The Purpose of the Blink Timing Chart
• All dealers should be reminded about the purpose of the power led blinking
timing chart. The design of this chart is to provide guidance for the service
engineer only.
• Its contents enable the engineer to focus on the area of the Fault .Thus, reducing
Time spent on basic fault finding. However, this dose mean the process of fault
finding should be engaged .PCBs are not to be replaced at will. Please check the
content list which suggests checks are made to supply rails and signal
• If you are still unsure please contact Technical Support Department.
Power LED Error Code Definition
Slide 3
Power LED Error Code Definition
Slide 4