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Request For Proposal: Safe City Project of Delhi Police

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Request for Proposal


Selection of Master System Integrator (MSI) for Implementation,

Operation & Maintenance of Surveillance System under

Safe City Project of Delhi Police

RFP No.: CDACP/Safe City/MSI/2020/313,

Dated: 18 December 2020

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing

A Scientific Society of Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India
Innovation Park, Panchavati, Pashan Road, PUNE- 411008.
Tel: +91-20-25503673
RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police


The information contained in this Request for Proposal document (“RFP”) or subsequently
provided to Bidders/prospective MSI, whether verbally or in documentary or any other form by
or on behalf of C-DAC or any of its Directors, employees or advisers, is provided to
Bidders/prospective MSI on the terms and conditions set out in this RFP and such other terms
and conditions subject to which such information is provided.

This RFP is neither an offer nor agreement by C-DAC to the Bidders/prospective MSI or any other
person. The purpose of this RFP is to provide interested parties with information that may be
useful to them in the preparation of their Proposals (Bids) pursuant to this RFP. This RFP includes
statements, which reflect various assumptions and assessments arrived at by C-DAC. Such
assumptions, assessments and statements do not purport to contain all the information that each
Bidder/prospective MSI may require. This RFP may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is
not possible for C-DAC, its Directors, employees or advisers to consider the objectives, technical
expertise and needs of each party who reads or uses this RFP. The assumptions, assessments,
statements and information contained in this RFP, may not be complete, accurate, adequate or
correct. Each Bidder/prospective MSI should, therefore, conduct own investigations and analysis
and should check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of the
assumptions, assessments and information contained in this RFP and obtain independent advice
from appropriate sources at their own cost.

The information given is not an exhaustive account of statutory requirements and should not be
regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of requirements. C-DAC accepts no
responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on the facts,
requirements and legal provisions expressed herein.

C-DAC, its Directors, employees and advisers make no representation or warranty and shall have
no liability to any person including any Bidder/prospective MSI under any law, statute, rules or
regulations or tort, principles of equity or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, damages,
cost or expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on account of anything contained
in this RFP or otherwise, including the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability or
completeness of the RFP and any assessment, assumption, statement or information contained
therein or deemed to form part of this RFP or arising in any way in this Selection Process.

C-DAC shall not be liable for any loss, damage, costs etc. of any nature whether resulting from
negligence or otherwise, howsoever caused, arising from reliance of any Bidder/prospective MSI
upon the statements contained in this RFP.

C-DAC may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update,
amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumption contained in this RFP.

Issuance of this RFP does not imply that C-DAC is bound to select a MSI or to appoint the selected
MSI. C-DAC reserves the right to reject all or any of the Proposals (Bids) without assigning any
reasons whatsoever.

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under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Bidder/prospective MSI shall bear all the costs associated with or relating to preparation and
submission of proposal including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees,
expenses associated with any demonstrations or presentations which may be required by C-DAC
or any other costs incurred in connection with or relating to its Proposal. All such costs and
expenses shall remain with the Bidder/prospective MSI and C-DAC shall not be liable in any
manner whatsoever for the same or for any other costs or expenses incurred by
Bidder/prospective MSI in preparation or submission of the Proposal,
presentation/demonstration/proof of Concept etc. regardless of the conduct or outcome of the
selection process.


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Table of Contents
: Instructions For Bidders (IFB) ......................................................................................................... 11
1.1. Required Assistance to Bidders ....................................................................................................................... 11
1.2. On-Line Bid Submission ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Registration on e-procurement Portal ............................................................................................ 11
Preparation of Bids & adequate attention to NIT, corrigendum, uploading formats, others ......... 11
Successful Submission of bids ....................................................................................................... 12
1.3. Fact Sheet & Calendar of Events ...................................................................................................................... 12
1.4. Acronyms- list of abbreviations ....................................................................................................................... 14
1.5. Purpose ...................................................................................................................................................................... 20
1.6. Definitions ................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Interpretation .................................................................................................................................. 22
1.7. Introduction to the Project- Delhi Safe City ................................................................................................ 23
Safe City Need in the National Capital Territory, Delhi ................................................................ 23
Important Stakeholders for important guidance and contributions ................................................ 23
Delhi Police Functioning Structure and administration ................................................................. 24
Governance Structure for Safe City Project of Delhi Police.......................................................... 24
1.8. General ....................................................................................................................................................................... 24
1.9. Eligible Bidders....................................................................................................................................................... 25
Compliant Bids/Completeness of Response .................................................................................. 25
Bidder to Inform (clarification) ..................................................................................................... 25
Bid Preparation Costs .................................................................................................................... 26
Pre-Bid Meeting & Clarification ................................................................................................... 26
Responses to Pre-Bid Queries and Issue of Corrigendum ............................................................. 26
RFP Document Fee ........................................................................................................................ 27
Contents of Bid .............................................................................................................................. 27
Validity of Bids .............................................................................................................................. 30
Language of Bids ........................................................................................................................... 30
Authentication of Bids ................................................................................................................. 30
Amendment of Request for Proposal........................................................................................... 31
Bid Price ...................................................................................................................................... 31
Deviations and Exclusions .......................................................................................................... 31
Total Responsibility..................................................................................................................... 31
Late Bids...................................................................................................................................... 32
Right to Terminate the Process .................................................................................................... 32

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Non-Conforming bids .................................................................................................................. 32

Acceptance/ Rejection of Bids .................................................................................................... 32
Confidentiality ............................................................................................................................. 33
Bid Disqualification..................................................................................................................... 33
Fraud and Corrupt Practices ........................................................................................................ 33
Conflict of Interest ....................................................................................................................... 34
Sub-Contracting........................................................................................................................... 35
Right to vary quantity .................................................................................................................. 35
Withdrawal, Substitution, and Modification of Bids ................................................................... 35
Site Visit for preparation of the bid ............................................................................................. 35
Conditions of Contract ............................................................................................................................ 37
2.1. Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) ............................................................................................................. 37
Signing of Agreement and Release of Payments ........................................................................... 37
Bid Security/ Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) ............................................................................... 37
Pre-Qualification / Eligibility Criteria ........................................................................................... 37
Exemptions .................................................................................................................................... 41
Opening of Bids ............................................................................................................................. 41
Clarification on Bids ...................................................................................................................... 41
Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC) ............................................................................................ 41
Evaluation Process ......................................................................................................................... 42
PoC Evaluation Guidelines ............................................................................................................ 46 Approach to be undertaken for the Demonstration of Proof of Concept (PoC) .......................... 47 Field Components Setup.............................................................................................................. 47 Network Setup ............................................................................................................................. 47 Software and Server Setup .......................................................................................................... 48 Team setup for PoC by bidder ..................................................................................................... 48 Flow for the PoC ......................................................................................................................... 49 PoC Setup Document .................................................................................................................. 49 PoC setup Requirement ............................................................................................................... 50
PoC Demonstration – salient points ............................................................................................ 50 PoC Scope and Technical Evaluation Parameters............................................................... 53
Award of Contract /Order ............................................................................................................ 85
Notification of Award.................................................................................................................. 85
Locations for Delivery and Project Implementation ................................................................... 85
Prices ........................................................................................................................................... 85

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Performance Security .................................................................................................................. 86

Timelines linked with Payment Schedule ................................................................................... 87
Warranty ...................................................................................................................................... 94
Operations and Maintenance ....................................................................................................... 95
Liquidated Damages .................................................................................................................. 104
Penalties for Non/Under Performance ....................................................................................... 104
Termination ............................................................................................................................... 105
Consequence of Termination ..................................................................................................... 105
Limitation of Liability: .............................................................................................................. 106
Indemnity................................................................................................................................... 107
Security and Safety .................................................................................................................... 107
Confidentiality ........................................................................................................................... 107
Events of Default by MSI .......................................................................................................... 108
Severability and renegotiation ................................................................................................... 109
Non-Waiver: .............................................................................................................................. 109
Fall Clause: ................................................................................................................................ 109
Jurisdiction ................................................................................................................................ 109
2.2. General Conditions of Contract (GCC) ........................................................................................................ 109
Term and Extension of the Contract ............................................................................................ 109
Dispute Resolution ....................................................................................................................... 111
Time is of the essence .................................................................................................................. 111
Conflict of interest ....................................................................................................................... 111
Publicity ....................................................................................................................................... 112
Insurance ...................................................................................................................................... 112
Project Audits and Testing ........................................................................................................... 112
Final Acceptance at Site Test Procedure (FAT Procedure): ........................................................ 114
Transfer of Ownership ................................................................................................................. 115
Exit Management Plan .............................................................................................................. 115
Intellectual Property Rights ....................................................................................................... 116
Failure to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP ........................................................ 117
Schedule of Requirements ................................................................................................................. 118
3.1. SoR Format ............................................................................................................................................................ 118
Hardware and Software and Networking Components................................................................ 118
Civil Works and interiors of C4i .................................................................................................. 139
Civil Works and interiors of C3i .................................................................................................. 154

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Civil Works and interiors of C2i .................................................................................................. 158

Civil Works and interiors of Data Centre .................................................................................... 163
: Specifications and allied Technical Details ............................................................................... 186
4.1. Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 186
At a Glance- summarized scope for implementation ................................................................... 186
4.2. Aim, Objectives and Benefits of Delhi Safe City to be realized through MSI .............................. 186
Aim .............................................................................................................................................. 186
Objective ..................................................................................................................................... 187
Intended Benefits ......................................................................................................................... 189
4.3. Delhi Safe City- Targeted Impact & Outcome on Delhi Police and Citizens through successful
Project Implementation by MSI .................................................................................................................................... 190
4.4. Key components- Project Requirement & understanding for MSI ................................................. 191
4.5. Implementation Approach- Essential & Planned approach by MSI............................................... 195
4.6. Physical Layouts of Civil Infrastructure Areas with essential components as envisaged .... 206
4.7. System Functional Requirements and Key Performance Indicators............................................. 211
4.8. Component-wise Functional Requirements (with KPIs) and Technical Requirements........ 215
4.14 CHANGE Management- Training, Capacity Building ................................................................ 582
4.15 DC & C4i drawings ..................................................................................................................... 586
4.16 Layout drawings of C3i ............................................................................................................... 586
4.17 Certifications for Project components.......................................................................................... 587
4.18 Coordinates of all Police Stations (C2i locations)- district wise and the status of civil
infrastructure ................................................................................................................................ 590
4.19 Location details of 3351 field sites and the respective number of deployable cameras .............. 590
4.20 Details of the poles to be erected/ installed (5361 no.) ................................................................ 590
4.21 Important Instructions for Application Software ......................................................................... 590
: Price Bid Format .................................................................................................................................. 592
Contract Form (Draft).......................................................................................................................... 613
6.1. Scope of work ....................................................................................................................................................... 615
6.2. Key Performance Measurements ................................................................................................................. 615
6.3. Commencement and Progress....................................................................................................................... 615
6.4. Standards of performance............................................................................................................................... 615
6.5. Approvals and Required Consents .............................................................................................................. 616
6.6. MSI’s Obligations................................................................................................................................................. 616
6.7. C-DAC’s Obligations ........................................................................................................................................... 623
6.8. Payment Terms.................................................................................................................................................... 624
6.9. Ownership and Retention of Documents .................................................................................................. 626
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6.10. Information Security ......................................................................................................................................... 626

6.11. Records of contract documents .................................................................................................................... 627
: Standard Formats................................................................................................................................ 628
7.1. Annexure – 1: Covering Letter ...................................................................................................................... 628
7.2. Annexure – 2: Format for Power of Attorney to Authorized Signatory ....................................... 630
7.3. Annexure – 3: Undertaking towards EMD................................................................................................ 631
7.4. Annexure – 4: Documents Check-List......................................................................................................... 632
7.5. Annexure – 5: Undertaking for Non-Malicious Code ........................................................................... 635
7.6. Annexure – 6: Manpower Plan ...................................................................................................................... 636
7.7. Annexure – 7 : Manufacturers' Authorization Form ............................................................................ 640
7.8. Annexure – 8: Total Responsibility Certificate ....................................................................................... 642
7.9. Annexure - 9: Unconditional and Irrevocable Performance Bank Guarantee Format ........... 642
7.10. Annexure – 10: Non-Blacklisting Declaration by JV Members......................................................... 644
7.11. Annexure – 11: Brief company profile (required for both bidder and JV member) ............... 645
7.12. Annexure - 12: Change Control Note .......................................................................................................... 646
7.13. Annexure – 13: JV Agreement........................................................................................................................ 648
7.14. Annexure – 14: Pre-Qualification Criteria Document Index List .................................................... 650
7.15. Annexure – 15: Integrity Pact ........................................................................................................................ 651

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: Instructions For Bidders (IFB)

1.1. Required Assistance to Bidders
Any query relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to CPP Portal in
general may be directed to the 24x7 CPP Portal Helpdesk on :- 0120-4200 462, 0120-4001 002,
0120-4001 005, 0120-6277 787, e-mail for Technical -

From C-DAC, the following credentials may be referred for assistance on RFP document: .

1.2. On-Line Bid Submission

The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their techno-commercial bids electronically
through the CPP Portal, using valid Digital Signature Certificates.

Registration on e-procurement Portal

a. Bidders are required to enroll on the e-Procurement module of the Central Public
Procurement Portal (url: ).
b. As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique
username and assign a password for their accounts.
c. Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part
of the registration process. These would be used for any communication from the CPP
d. Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital Signature
Certificate (Class II or Class III Certificates with signing key usage) issued by any
Certifying Authority recognized by CCA India with their profile.
e. Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are
responsible to ensure that they do not lend their DSCs to others, which may lead to
f. Bidder then can log into the site through the secured login by entering their user ID /
password and the password of the DSC / e-Token.

Preparation of Bids & adequate attention to NIT, corrigendum,

uploading formats, others
a. Bidders should take into account any corrigendum published on the Tender
Document before submitting their bids.
b. Bidders should go through the tender advertisement and the Tender Document
carefully to understand the documents required to be submitted as part of the bid.
Please note the number of covers in which the bid documents have to be submitted,
the number of documents – including the names and contents of each of the
documents that need to be submitted. Any deviations from these may lead to rejection
of the bid.
c. Bidders, in advance, should get the bid documents ready to be submitted as indicated
in the Tender Document / schedule and generally, they can be in PDF / XLS / RAR /
DWF formats. Bid documents may be scanned with 100dpi with black and white
option and should be readable.
d. To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of standard
documents which are required to be submitted as a part of every bid, a provision of
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uploading such standard documents (e.g. PAN card copy, annual reports, auditor
certificates etc.) has been provided to the bidders. Bidders can use `My Space’ area
available to them to upload such documents. These documents may be directly
submitted from the `My Space’ area while submitting a bid, and need not be uploaded
repeatedly. This will lead to a reduction in the time required for bid submission

Successful Submission of bids

a. Bidder should log into the site well in advance for bid submission so that the bid could
be uploaded in time i.e. on or before the bid submission time. Bidder will be
responsible for any delay due to other issues.
b. The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as
indicated in the Tender Document.
c. The server time (which is displayed on the bidders’ dashboard) will be considered as
the standard time for referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the
bidders, opening of bids etc. The bidders should follow this time during bid
d. The uploaded Bid documents become readable only after the tender opening by the
authorized bid openers.
e. The hard copy of the Tender Fee document should be posted/couriered/given in
person to the Tender Inviting Authority, within, on or before bid submission due date
and time as indicated in the tender.
f. Upon the successful and timely submission of bids, the portal will give a successful
bid submission message and a bid summary will be displayed with the bid no. and the
date & time of submission of the bid with all other relevant details.

1.3. Fact Sheet & Calendar of Events

Sr. No. Item Description

1 RFP- in 7 Chapters Chapter 1: Instructions to Bidders

Chapter 1 details the instructions with respect to the bid process
management, Pre-qualification, technical evaluation framework,
technical & financial forms along with the bid submission

Chapter 2: Conditions of Contract

Chapter 2 includes Prequalification criteria, opening of Bids,
Timelines and Payment Schedule etc., General conditions of the
contract, Special conditions of the contract, SLA, Penalties, POC
Evaluation formats etc.

Chapter 3: Schedule of Requirement (SoR)

Chapter 3 details about the type and number components required
at Data Center, and Command and Control Centers as well as at
field locations. This Chapter will also include information about
POC Evaluation formats, Testing and Audits etc.

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Chapter 4: Scope of work

Chapter 4 includes the Project Scope including Functional
Requirement Specifications & Technical Requirement
Specifications, Key Performance Indicators, Approach of the
solution, Design & Standards, Planning & Execution, Testing,
Approvals, Operation & Maintenance Phase, Technical Details of
Data Center, Near DR, C4i, C3i, C2i, SLAs for the project etc.
Physical Layouts of Data Center, C4i, C3i, C2i, SLAs for the project

Chapter 5: Price Bid Format

Chapter 5 contain financial bid (.xls file) as per the format given on
CPP portal.

Chapter 6: Contract Form

Chapter 6 contains the Master Service Agreement (MSA), which
covers the contractual, legal terms & conditions applicable for the
proposed engagement.

Chapter 7: Standard Formats

Chapter 7 contains formats of required documents referred in the
FRP document.

2 Method of Selection QCBS (Quality cum Cost-Based Selection): The weightage given to
the technical and financial score will be 70% and 30%

Each Technical Bid will be assigned a Technical score out of a

maximum 100 marks. Only the Bidders who secure minimum 15
marks for parameter G of QCBS and an overall Technical score of
70% or more in the Technical Evaluation Framework (Parameter
A-H) as given in the RFP will qualify for Financial Evaluation stage.
Failing to secure minimum marks shall lead to technical rejection
of the Bid.

The Contract will be awarded to the Bidder who will gain

maximum marks through QCBS terms and conditions (Technical-
cum-Commercial scores) laid down in the RFP.

3 Availability of RFP Download from

4 RFP Document INR 5,000/- (INR Five Thousand Only)- inclusive of taxes
Fee/ Tender
document fee
and Not –

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5 Bid Security/ Declaration as per format given at Annexure - 3

Earnest Money
Deposit (EMD)
6 Bid validity Bid must remain valid up to 180 (One Hundred &
Eighty) days from the actual date of submission of the Bid.
7 Currency Currency in which the Bidders may quote the price
and will receive payment is INR only.
8 Bank Details for Name of Account: Centre for Development of Advanced
depositing Tender Computing
fee/ EMD Name of Bank: IDBI Bank, Gokhale Road, Pune – 411016,
Account No: 600104000083030
IFSC / NEFT Code: IBKL0000600

9 Release of RFP 18th December, 2020

10 Last date of sending 28th December, 2020, 1700 Hrs.

pre-bid queries on
11 Pre-bid Meeting 30th December, 2020, 1200 Hrs. (maximum 2 member
date representation for prospective MSI bidders with Authorization
12 Venue for pre-bid Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, S. No 34,
meeting Innovation Park, Panchavati, Pashan Road, Pune – 411 008.
14 Last date for 23rd January, 2021, 1500 Hrs.
submission of Bids
15 Opening of 25th January, 2021 1500 Hrs
Technical Bids
16 Opening of Will be notified later.
Commercial Bids

1.4. Acronyms- list of abbreviations

Sr. No Term/Acronyms Description

1. AAA Authorization, Authentication and Accounting
2. AFIS Automatic Fingerprint Identification System
3. AI Artificial Intelligence
4. ANPR Automatic Number Plate Recognition
5. API Application Programming Interface
6. APT Advanced Persistent Threats
7. AVLS Automatic Vehicle Location System
8. BOQ Bill of Quantities
9. BDCR Big Data and Correlation Tool

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Sr. No Term/Acronyms Description

10. C2i Command & Control
11. C3i Command, Control & Communication
12. C4i Integrated Command, Control, Communication & Compute
13. CAD Computer Aided Dispatch
14. CAPEX Capital Expenditure
15. CCIS Crime Criminal Information System
16. CCTNS Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems
17. CCTV Closed Circuit Television
18. CDR Call Detail Record
19. CERT-IN Computer Emergency Responses Team – India
20. CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration
21. CMOS Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor chip
22. CoAP Constrained Application Protocol
23. COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf
24. CPPP Central Public Procurement Portal
25. CPU Central Processing Unit
26. CRUD Operations Create, Read, Update and Delete operations
27. CSV Comma-Separated Values
28. CTFS The Combined Technical and Financial Score
29. DAS Digital Address System
30. DC Data Center
31. DCP Deputy Commissioner of Police
32. DDos Denial of Service Attack
33. DG Set Diesel generator
34. DHQs District Headquarters
35. DPIP Detailed Project Implementation Plan
36. DRC Disaster Recovery Center
37. DSC Digital Signature Certificate
38. DVI Digital Video Interface
39. DVM Digital Video Manager
40. EMD Earnest Money Deposit
41. EMS Enterprise Management System
42. EOC Emergency Operation Center
43. ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
44. ERSS Emergency Response Support System
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Sr. No Term/Acronyms Description

45. FIR First Information Report
46. FPS Frames Per Second
47. FRS Facial Recognition System
48. GCC General Conditions of Contract
49. GI Galvanized Iron
50. GIS Geographical Information System
51. GOI Government Of India
52. GPS Global Positioning System
53. GPU Graphics processing unit
54. GSM Global System for Mobile
55. GST Goods and Services Tax
56. GUI Graphical User Interface
57. HA High Availability
58. HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface
59. HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
60. HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
61. HVAC system Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
62. IAM Identity and Access Management
63. ICCC Integrated Command & Control Center
64. ICCP Integrated Command & Control Platform
65. ICJS Integrated Criminal Justice System
66. ICT Information & Communications Technology
67. IFB Instructions For Bidders
68. IoT Internet of Things
69. IP Internet Protocol
70. IPPBX Internet Protocol Private Branch Exchange
71. IPS Intrusion Prevention System
72. ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
73. ISMS Information Security Management System
74. ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library
75. ITMS Integrated Transportation Management System
76. JV Joint Venture
77. LAN Local Area Network
78. LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
79. LOI/LOA Letter of Intent/Letter of Award
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Sr. No Term/Acronyms Description

80. MAC Media Access Control
81. MAF Manufacturers'/Producers’ Authorization Form
82. MCC Mobile Command Centers
83. MCCV Mobile Command Control Vehicles
84. MeitY Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
85. MFA Multi-Factor Authentication
86. MHA Ministry of Home Affairs
87. ML Machine Learning
88. MoU/MoA Memorandum of Understanding/ Memorandum of Agreement
89. MoWCD Ministry of Women and Child Development
90. MPLS Multi-Protocol Label Switching
91. MQTT Message Queue Telemetry Transport
92. MSA Master Service Agreement
93. MSI Master System Integrator
94. MUX Multiplexer
95. NAC Network Access Control
96. NAS Network Attached Storage
97. NCR National Capital Region
98. NCRB National Crime Record Bureau
99. NCT National Capital Territory
100. NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
101. nDRC Near Data Recovery Center
102. NIC National Informatics Centre
103. NIT Notice Inviting Tender
104. NMS Network Management System
105. NOC Network Operations Center
106. O&M Operation & Maintenance
107. OCR Optical Character Recognition
108. OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
109. OFC Optical Fiber Cable
110. OGC Open Geospatial Consortium
111. ONVIF Open Network Video Interface Forum
112. OPEX Operation Expense
113. OSPF Open Shortest Path First
114. PA System Public Address System
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Sr. No Term/Acronyms Description

115. PB Petabyte
116. PBG Performance Bank Guarantee
117. PCC Police Clearance Certificate
118. PCR Police Control Room
119. PCR Vans Police Control Room Vans
120. PDU Power Distribution Unit
121. PHQ Police Headquarters
122. PiB Pebibyte
123. P-IRIS Picture Intelligence Recording and Investigation System
124. PIU Picture Intelligence Unit
125. PKI Public Key Infrastructure
126. PoC Proof of Concept
127. PoE Power Over Ethernet
128. PoP Point of Presence
129. PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
130. PTZ Pan–Tilt–Zoom
131. QCBS Quality and Cost Based Evaluation
132. QoS Quality of Services
133. RFP Request for Proposal
134. RoW Right of Way
135. RPO Recovery Point Objective
136. RTO Recovery Time Objective
137. RTS Real Time Streaming
138. RTSP Real Time Streaming Protocol
139. SAN Storage Area Network
140. SCC Special Conditions of Contract
141. SDK Software Development Kit
142. SDK/APIs Software Development Kit/Application programming interface
143. SD-WAN Software-Defined Wide-Area Network
144. Server Room Sever room and data centre shall mean the same.
145. SFTP Screened Fully Shielded Twisted Pair
146. SIEM Security Information and Event Management
147. SJB Surveillance Junction Box
148. Service Level Agreement; Performance and Maintenance SLA
executed as part of this Master Service Agreement;

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Sr. No Term/Acronyms Description

149. SME Subject matter experts
150. SMPS Switched-Mode Power Supply
151. SOA Service-Oriented Architecture
152. SOP Standard Operating Procedure
153. SoR Schedule of Requirement
154. SSL Secure Sockets Layer
155. SSO Single Sign-On
156. STP Shielded Twisted Pair
157. STQC Standardization Testing and Quality Certification
158. SYSLOG System Logging Protocol
159. TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
160. TEC Tender Evaluation Committee
161. TLS Transport Layer Security
162. TSP Total Service Provider (C-DAC)
163. UAT User Acceptance Testing
164. UDP User Datagram Protocol
165. UHD Ultra High Definition
166. UHF Ultra High Frequency
167. UI User Interface
168. UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
169. URL Uniform Resource Locator
170. USB Universal Serial Bus
171. UTM Unified Threat Management
172. VA Video Analytics
173. VMS Video Management Software/System
174. VNMS Virtual Network Management System
175. VOIP Voice Over Internet Protocol
176. VPN Virtual Private Network
177. WAF Web Application Firewall
178. WAN Wide Area Network
179. Web PIS Web-Based Personnel Information System
180. WMS Web Map Service
181. XLS Excel Spreadsheet
182. ZIPNET Zonal Integrated Police Network

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1.5. Purpose
This document introduces the bidders with essential parameters that will help in understanding
the requirement of C-DAC/ Delhi Police so the intended bidder can participate in the competitive
bid process and thereby formulate a time bound implementation approach.

This Chapter of the RFP will clearly define the foundation of the envisioned project with clear set
of instructions to bid as per standard norms, project terms and conditions (GCC & SCC),
evaluation and selection criterion, timelines, associated payment terms, roles and
responsibilities of stakeholders, etc.

The aim of this system is to capture all activities at the places under surveillance, generate alarms,
warnings in case of any potential threat to women's safety, especially physical / sexual
harassment targeting women, followed by real-time technology aided assistance to women in

The broad aims to achieve through this envisaged project are:

a. Enhanced surveillance and demonstrative presence / visibility in public places by installing
CCTV cameras and deploying dedicated women's mobile police vans (Prakhar Vans) and
Mobile Command Control Vehicle [MCCV].
b. A fast and efficient emergency response program, for assisting women in distress
c. Focus on ensuring rapid availability of professionally trained police personnel to address the
needs of women in distress through the use of technology.

The broad objectives include: Women, Children and Elderly People' Security and Safety- Quick
and effective emergency response system, Improved responsiveness, Effective Policing,
Improved Management, Reduction in crime, Integrations and scalability, Process Commissioning
through ICT (Information and communication Technology), Skill enhancement.

The objectives and intended benefits of this envisaged projects are detailed out with the Scope of
Work in Chapter 4 so as to enable the prospective bidders to understand and relate the project
fundamentals with the project requirements in a better meaningful way.

1.6. Definitions
a. “Acceptance of System”: The system shall be deemed to have been accepted by C-DAC &
Delhi Police, subsequent to its installation, rollout and deployment of trained manpower,
when all the activities as defined in Scope of Work detailed in Chapter 4 of the RFP have been
successfully executed and completed to the satisfaction of C-DAC & Delhi Police.
b. “Applicable Law(s)”: Any statute, law, ordinance, notification, rule, regulation, Judgment,
order, decree, bye-law, approval, directive, guideline, policy, requirement or other
governmental restriction or any similar form of decision applicable to the relevant party and
as may be in effect on the date of the execution of this contract and during the subsistence
thereof, applicable to the Project.
c. "Bid": Offer by the Bidder to fulfil the requirement of the Authority for an agreed price. It
shall be a comprehensive technical and financial response to the RFP.
d. “Bidder” shall mean the Sole Bidder or the JV organization submitting the proposal in
response to this RFP

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e. “C-DAC” means the Centre for Development of Advance Computing, a key stakeholder for
Delhi Safe City Project has been appointed as the Nodal Agency and Total Service Provider
for Delhi Police towards the selection of Implementation Agency, conduction of
implementation approach of Delhi Safe City Project. C-DAC will be acting as an interim
employer for the MSI till the contractual association with the Implementation agency.
f. “MSI” means the Successful Bidder who is selected by C-DAC through this RFP process. The
Successful Bidder shall carry out all the services mentioned in the scope of work of this RFP.
g. “Contract/Agreement” means the Contract/Agreement entered into by and between the
two parties viz. C-DAC and MSI, Sole or Joint Venture, as the case maybe, with the entire
documentation specified in the RFP.
h. “Contract Value” means the price payable to MSI under this Contract for the complete and
proper performance of its contractual obligations.
i. “Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS)” refers to software products that are ready-made and
available for sale, lease, or license to the general public.
j. “JV”: A JV consists of multiple members (not more than three parties) entering into a JV
Agreement for a common objective of satisfying the project requirements & represented by
a legal entity, designated as a "MSI” post declaration of the L1 bidder. At the stage of Bid
Process, the JV can be a non-incorporated entity in the form of mutual agreement among the
parties involved with the purpose of participation only.
k. “Data Centre Site” means the Data Centre sites including their respective Data Centre space,
wherein the delivery, installation, integration, management and maintenance services as
specified under the Scope of Work are to be carried out for the purpose of this Contract.
l. “Document” means any embodiment of any text or image however recorded that includes
any data, text, images, sound, voice, codes, databases or any other electronic documents as
per IT Act 2000.
m. “Deliverables” means Products, infrastructure and services agreed to be delivered by the
Bidder in pursuance of the agreement as defined more elaborately in the RFP,
Implementation and the Maintenance phases and includes all documents related to the user
manual, technical manual, design, process and operating manuals, service mechanisms,
policies and guidelines (such as security related, data migration related), inter alia payment
and/or process related etc., source code and all its modifications.
n. “Effective Date” means the date on which C-DAC issues the Letter of Intent/ Work Order to
proceed subsequent to the Contract is signed, and executed by the Parties hereto.
o. “GCC” means General Conditions of Contract
p. “Goods” means all of the equipment, sub-systems, hardware, software, products accessories,
software and/or other material / items which MSI is required to supply, install and maintain
under the contract.
q. “Intellectual Property Rights” means any patent, copyright, trademark, trade name, service
marks, brands, proprietary information whether arising before or after the execution of this
Contract and the right to ownership and registration of these rights.
r. “Go-Live” means commissioning of Project after installation and commencement of all safe
city components, including training as per scope of work mentioned in this RFP. MSI should
have the approval from C-DAC for user acceptance testing.
s. “Non-Compliance” means failure/refusal to comply with the terms and conditions of the
t. “Non-Responsive” means failure to furnish complete information in a given format and
manner required as per the tender documents or non-submission of tender offer in given
forms/ pro forma or not following procedure(s) mentioned in this tender or any of required

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details or documents is missing or not clear or not submitted in the prescribed format or non-
submission of RFP Document/ tender fee and/ or EMD
u. “Notice” means: a notice; or consent, approval or other communication required to be in
writing under this Contract.
v. “OEM” means the Original Equipment Manufacturer of any equipment / system / software /
product which are providing such goods to C-DAC under the scope of this RFP.
w. “MSI’s Team” means MSI who has to provide goods & services to C-DAC under the scope of
this Contract. This definition shall also include any and/or all of the employees of MSI,
authorized service providers/ partners and representatives or other personnel employed or
engaged either directly or indirectly by MSI for the purposes of this Contract.
x. “NoC” A Network Operations Center (NoC) is defined as the place from which the networks
are supervised, monitored and maintained. It typically has a network operations center, a
room containing visualizations of the network or networks that are being monitored,
workstations at which the detailed status of the network can be seen, and the necessary
software to manage the networks.
y. “Replacement Service Provider” means the organization replacing MSI in case of contract
termination for any reasons
z. “Required Consents” The consents, waivers, clearances and licenses to use Authority
Intellectual Property Rights, rights and other authorizations as may be required to be
obtained for the software and other items that MeitY, GoI & their nominated agencies are
required to make available to Bidder pursuant to this Agreement
aa. “Service Level” The level of service and other performance criteria which will apply to the
Services delivered by the Bidder;
bb. “Sub-Contractor” shall mean the entity named in the contract for any part of the work or any
person to whom any part of the contract has been sublet with the consent in writing of C-DAC
and the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assignees of such person.
cc. “SCC” means Special Conditions of Contract.
dd. “Services” means the work to be performed by the MSI pursuant to this Contract, RFP and to
the contract to be signed by the parties in pursuance of any specific assignment awarded by
ee. “Server Room” or “Data Center” shall have the same meaning.
ff. “Successful Bidder”: The Bidder who is qualified & successful in the bidding process and is
awarded the work.

i. In this Contract/Agreement unless specified otherwise:
a. The clause headings are for convenience of reference only and do not form part of this
b. A reference to a clause number is a reference to all of its sub-clauses;
c. The word “include” or “including” shall be deemed to be followed by “without
limitation” or “but not limited to” whether or not they are followed by such phrases;
d. Unless otherwise specified a reference to a clause, sub-clause or section is a reference
to a clause, sub-clause or section of this Contract including any amendments or
modifications to the same from time to time;
e. A word in the singular includes the plural and a word in the plural includes the
f. A word importing a gender includes any other gender;

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ii. A reference to a person includes a partnership and a body corporate, its successors
and assignees or a reference to legislation includes legislation repealing, replacing or
amending that legislation;
a. Where a word or phrase is given a particular meaning, it includes the appropriate
grammatical forms of that word or phrase which have corresponding meanings.
b. In the event of an inconsistency between the terms of this Contract and the RFP and
the Bid, the terms hereof shall prevail.

1.7. Introduction to the Project- Delhi Safe City

Safe City Need in the National Capital Territory, Delhi
Delhi Police is the law enforcement agency of the National Capital Territory, Delhi,
providing policing services to the citizens of Delhi through 16 districts. Despite the best
efforts of law enforcement agencies, such as dedicated Women helpline Number, Women
PCR Vans, special police unit for women and children, anti-stalking helpline and mobile
applications such as Himmat Plus designed for women safety, women in the national
capital of Delhi tend to feel unsafe in many public spaces.

While safe city is a concept, which is evolving, the Ministry of Home Affairs has issued
advisories, where effective measure to be taken to curb crime against women. Some of the
important features prescribed for increasing security for women in rural and urban places,
inter-alia, include (in terms of Safe City):
a. Surveillance through CCTV and technology-based interventions;
b. Safety in Public Transportation systems

As part of its endeavors to enhance women safety in Delhi with use of all possible means
and resources with utmost efficiency, Delhi Police intends to undertake a Safe City Project
with various analytical and Artificial Intelligence tools for safety in public places in Delhi.

The use of state-of-the-art CCTV monitoring, helps to ensure a cityscape that is safe and
secure for women, is a technology model that has been widely demonstrated across the
globe. To ensure safety and security in places frequently visited by women, such as market
places, highways, bus terminals, metro stations, recreational areas, areas around women
schools/ colleges/ institutions, etc., the need for such a technology enabled surveillance is
more imperative, therefore, Delhi Police has recommended to introduce a 24x7 real-time
Safe City Project in Delhi to ensure women's safety and protection.

Important Stakeholders for important guidance and contributions

The project requires collaboration between multiple stakeholders for its successful
execution. It is therefore important to understand the various stakeholders envisioned to
be part of this project and the role that they are expected to play. Following are the critical
stakeholders whose involvement will drive the project and enable the establishment of
strong project governance:
i. Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA)
ii. Ministry of Women and Child Development (MoWCD)
iii. Delhi Police
iv. C-DAC (Total Service Provider)- Nodal Agency
v. Master System Integrator (Implementation Agency)

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vi. Internet Service Provider (Network Bandwidth Provider Agency)

vii. Civic agencies of Government of National Capital Territory, Delhi (GNCT)
viii. Power Distribution Companies of Delhi

Delhi Police Functioning Structure and administration

Delhi Police is headed by the Commissioner of Police. The entire portfolio of functions is
divided into 16 districts of Delhi NCT. There are 7 Range Offices which regulates the
respective groups of District Offices.

The key decision taking entities regarding Delhi Safe City includes the Spl. Commissioner
of Police at PHQ and Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) at the District level.

Henceforth, the following propositions of Command and Control have been envisaged to
empower PHQ, Districts Offices, and Police Stations for effective facilitation of Decision
Support System:

Sr. No. Office Envisaged Facility

1. PHQ Integrated Command, Control, communication and
Compute (C4i) center
2. Districts Command, Control and Communication (C3i) center
3. Police Station Command and Control (C2i) center

Governance Structure for Safe City Project of Delhi Police

a. National Level Committee (Home Secretary, GoI)
b. State Level Apex Committee under the chairmanship of CP, Delhi
c. Steering Committee chaired by Spl. CP
d. Technical Committee chaired by Spl. CP
e. Purchase Committee chaired by Spl. CP
f. TSP (Total Service Provider/C-DAC) for Project monitoring

1.8. General
a. While every effort has been made to provide comprehensive and accurate background
information, requirements and envisaged solution(s) specifications, Bidders must
conduct their own due diligence and form their own conclusions about the solution(s)
needed to meet C-DAC/ Delhi Police requirements. Bidders and recipients of this RFP
may wish to consult their own legal advisers in relation to this RFP.
b. All information supplied by Bidders as part of their Bids in response to this RFP, may be
treated as contractually binding on the Bidders, on successful award of the assignment
by C-DAC on the basis of this RFP.
c. No commitment of any kind, contractual or otherwise shall exist unless and until a formal
written Agreement has been executed by or on behalf of C-DAC. Any notification of
preferred bidder status by C-DAC shall not give rise to any enforceable rights to the
Bidder. C-DAC may cancel this public procurement at any time prior to a formal written
Agreement being executed by or on behalf of C-DAC.
d. Telex, cable or facsimile Bids will be rejected.
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e. For any assistance, the Bidders can contact the following officer as per their convenience
on the address given below:
Department: MMG Group of C-DAC
Email Id:

1.9. Eligible Bidders

Bids may be submitted by either of the following categories of Bidders only:
The Bidder can be either a Sole Bidder i.e. Single Master System Integrator (MSI) or a JV of
companies as described below.

A JV should not consist of more than three parties. The JV would have the sole responsibility
of ensuring the delivery of products and services mentioned in all chapters of this RFP. The
Sole Bidder/ JV would also be responsible for ensuring the successful execution of integrated
solution including meeting the SLAs. The list of JV Members needs to be declared in the Bid
which cannot be changed by the Bidder later on.

The Member of the JV holding highest stake shall be the Principal Partner.

A JV agreement must be submitted along with the Bid and shall specify the roles &
responsibilities of the JV members.

The Sole Bidder or Joint Venture must comply the Eligibility/Pre-Qualification criteria as
stipulated at Para 2.1.3 Chapter 2 of this document. In case of Joint Venture, the Lead/Principal
Partner shall be liable for all acts and omissions. The Principal Partner shall be responsible for
the successful completion of the Contract/Agreement and C-DAC shall be communicating with
the Principal Partner for all necessary actions. The Principal Partner shall be held liable and
responsible for any breach of any of the terms and conditions of the Contract / Agreement.

The Sole Bidder or a Joint Venture as the bidder, shall hereafter be referred as ‘bidder’ in this

Compliant Bids/Completeness of Response

a. Bidders are advised to carefully study all instructions, forms, terms, requirements
and other information in the RFP document. Submission of the Bid shall be deemed
to have been done after careful study and examination of the RFP document with full
understanding of its implications.
b. Failure to comply with the requirements of this Clause No. 8 may render the Bid non-
compliant and the Bid may be rejected. Bidders must:
i. Include all documents specified in this RFP, in the Bid
ii. Follow the format of this RFP while developing the Bid and respond to each
element in the order as set out in this RFP
iii. Comply with all requirements as set out within this RFP

Bidder to Inform (clarification)

The Bidder shall be deemed to have carefully examined the Terms & Conditions, Scope,
Service Levels, Specifications, and Schedules of this RFP. If Bidder has any
doubts/clarifications as to the meaning of any portion of the conditions or the
specifications, he shall get them clarified before the last date for Submission of Pre-Bid

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Queries, set forth the particulars thereof and submit them to C-DAC in writing in order that
such doubt may be removed or clarifications are provided in the manner set out in the

Bid Preparation Costs

The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation, submission, clarification
of its Bid, attending pre-bid meetings etc., if any.

Pre-Bid Meeting & Clarification

Bidders Queries: In case of any doubts and/ or queries pertaining to technical
solution, specifications terms and conditions of the tender, prospective bidder may send
their queries in writing through e-mail ( The queries, requests
for clarifications etc. must be sent on or before the date given in Fact Sheet and Calendar
of Events on Para 1.3 of Chapter 1. The bidders are requested to go through the entire
Tender Document thoroughly, before raising any query. C-DAC, Pune shall address the
queries raised by the bidders in the pre-bid meeting. The replies to queries would be made
available on CPP Portal and C-DAC’s web site in due course of time.

The pre-bid queries should be submitted in MS excel sheet format given below, along with
name and details of the organization submitting the queries.

Name of Bidder:

Sr. Chapter Para No Page No Clause/ Suggestive input/

No. No Content in the clarification for the
RFP Content in the RFP

C-DAC shall not be responsible for ensuring that the Bidders’ queries have been received
by them. Any requests for clarifications post the indicated date and time shall not be
entertained by C-DAC.

Pre-bid meeting will be held as per details given in Fact Sheet and Calendar of Events, given
para 1.3 of Chapter 1. Maximum of 02 members per Bidder will be allowed to participate
in the Pre-Bid Conference. The representatives attending the pre-bid meeting should carry
appropriate authority letter with them.

Responses to Pre-Bid Queries and Issue of Corrigendum

The responses/replies to pre-bid queries will be uploaded on CPP Portal after the pre-bid
conference. No further clarifications shall be entertained after the date and time of
submission of queries.

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C-DAC shall endeavor to provide timely response to all queries. However, C-DAC makes no
representation or warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of any response made in
good faith. C-DAC does not undertake to answer all the queries that have been posed by
the bidders.

Any modifications of the RFP Documents, which may become necessary as a result of the
Pre-Bid Conference, shall be made by C-DAC exclusively through a corrigendum and in
writing and any such corrigendum shall be deemed to be incorporated into this RFP.
However, in case of any such amendment, the bid submission date may be extended at the
discretion of C-DAC.

Any corrigendum/notification/ responses/replies issued by C-DAC, subsequent to issue of

RFP, shall only be available/hosted on CPP Portal and on C-DAC web site.

RFP Document Fee

RFP can be downloaded from the website URL mentioned in the fact sheet.

RFP Document Fee/ Tender Fee of (As mentioned in the facts sheet) shall be paid at the
time of submission of bid through online mode only. The tender fee shall be non-
refundable and/or non-adjustable.

Without the payment of tender fee, the Bid shall be deemed as incomplete and non-
responsive and shall not be considered. There would be a processing fess which should be
paid through online mode only.

Contents of Bid
The ‘Two e-bid’ system will be followed for this RFP where the Technical Bid and Financial
Bid are required to be uploaded in separate e-packets, as described below.

I: The “Technical e-Bid" documents should be uploaded in e-Packet 1.

II: The “Financial e-Bid “should be uploaded in e-Packet 2.

A. e-Packet No. 1 will contain:

1. Covering Letter as per format given in ‘Annexure 1’
2. A written undertaking from each of the JV members, in case of a JV, duly signed by
the authorized signatory, holding a written power of attorney for this bid on a
stamp paper, authorizing the JV and the authorized signatory to incur liabilities
and receive instructions for and on behalf of any and all JV members, and the entire
execution of the Agreement/Contract, including but not limited to the payments
‘Annexure 11’
3. DD for RFP Document Fee or on-line payment receipt
4. Bid Security/Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) receipt or Declaration as per
Annexure 3.
5. GST registration certificate/s and copy of PAN
6. Copy of certificate of Incorporation/Registration of bidder firm under applicable
Indian law. In case of JV the copy of duly executed JV agreement along with, the
certificates of registration for all members are required. Global companies to

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provide equivalent proof of incorporation/ registration in India as per applicable

7. The copy of registration certificate or a declaration in compliance with the
provisions stipulated in office memorandum F/No/6/18/2019-PPD dated 23 July
2020 issued by public procurement Division, Dept. of Expenditure, Ministry of
Finance, GoI.
8. MoA among the JV Partners showing the area of business their legal arrangement
inter se.
9. Copies of audited balance sheets for the financial years 2019-20, 2018-19 and
2017-18 pertaining to sole bidder/ members of JV (In case of JV)
10. Certificate from the Statutory Auditor/CA on net worth and Profitability for
financial years 2019-20, 2018-19 and 2017-18 pertaining to sole bidder / each
member of JV (In case of JV)
11. Certificate from the Statutory Auditor/CA certifying the annual turnover of sole
bidder/lead partner (In case of JV) in the areas of Supply, Implementation and
Integration of City Surveillance System and/or, Data Centre infrastructure in years
2019-20, 2018-19 and 2017-18.
12. Certificate from the Statutory Auditor/CA on net worth and Profitability for the FY
2019-20, 2018-19 and 2017-18 pertaining to OEM of cameras, ICCC and VMS, FRS,
Video Analytics.
13. Copies of audited balance sheets OR Certificate from the Statutory Auditor/CA
certifying the annual turnover of OEM of cameras, Servers, Storage, Networking &
Security components, ICCC and VMS, FRS, Video Analytics for the FY 2019-20,
2018-19 and 2017-18.
14. Document Check list as Per format given in ‘Annexure 4’
15. List and address of bidder’s office in Delhi or, undertaking from authorized
signatory of bidder to open office with GST registration in Delhi within 60 days
from Contract signing.
16. The details of TAC centre/s in India with toll free number, pertaining to OEMs of
camera, ICCC and VMS, FRS, Video Analytics.
17. Copies of the CMMI level certificates in the name of the sole bidder/JV members
and valid ISO certifications- if applicable.
18. The copies of supply orders, contracts, and agreements or completion /
installation certificates in the name of bidder/s in support of eligibility criteria/
pre-qualification criteria stipulated at para no. 2.2.3 of chapter 2 of this document.
19. The copies of supply orders, contracts, and agreements or completion /
installation certificates in the name/s of respective OEMs of
components/subsystems, in support of eligibility criteria/ pre-qualification
criteria stipulated at para no 2.2.3 of chapter 2 of this document
20. Non-Malicious Code undertaking from OEMs of Camera and Video Analytic
software, as per Annexure – 5.
21. Certificate from Statutory Auditor/Company Secretary/ Board of Directors or Cost
Accountant to the effect that for the purpose of this RFP, the bidding firm complies
with the Order No P-45021/2/2017-PP (BE-II). Dated 4th June, 2020 issued by
Public Procurement Division, Department of Investment and Internal Trade,
Ministry of Commerce, GoI.
22. Certificate from the statutory auditor of the bidding firm towards compliance with
the pre-qualification criteria stipulated at 2.1.3, A.

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23. Certificates of Origin and certificate of country of manufacture pertaining to

Cameras, Servers, VMS, ICCC, UPS, Batteries, IP Phones, and Hand held devices,
Video walls, Laptops, Workstations, Television, Printers, Storage, Power Meters,
DG set, HVAC equipments and networking components offered.
24. Certificate from OEM of cameras in their letterhead confirming that any
component/ hardware / parts / assembly / software including firmware used in
the offered solution (hardware / software) DO NOT COMPLY to - GB28181, GB/T
28181-2011; GB/T28181-2011; GBT 28181- 2011; GBT28181-2011 standards.
25. Address and other details of RMA set up of OEM of camera in India.
26. Certificate from OEM of Cameras stating that OEM is not banned or suspended by
ONVIF in last 5 years from the date of publishing this RFP.
27. Certification from OEM of ICCC towards compliance of eligibility /Pre-qualification
criteria as mentioned in para 2.1.3 of Chapter 2
28. Certification from OEM of VMS towards compliance of eligibility /Pre-qualification
criteria as mentioned in para 2.1.3 of Chapter 2
29. Details of service centre/Lab in India pertaining to OEM’s of Cameras, servers,
Storage, Display Monitors, Video Wall.
30. The details explaining level of understanding of the scope of work and all aspects
of this project.
31. Details pertaining to overall project implementation approach, Phase wise scope
and overlapping of activities, how time lines could be met, availability of qualified
manpower, deployment plan, etc.
32. Availability and utilization of funds, contingency plan
33. Vendor management and plans for procurement of material in time
34. Risk Mitigation Plan/ Strategy/ SLA
35. Technical specifications of major components of the solution.
36. The line diagrams, drawings, GA Layouts, network diagrams, maps etc. as required
for implementation of project.
37. Detailed technical compliance statement as given in Chapter 4.
38. Scalability, Safety, Reliability and Security features of the offered solutions
39. Manpower to be deployed on the project as per the format given at Annexure – 6.
40. Bill of quantities being offered as per format given in Chapter 3 (SoR)
41. Un-priced commercial bid (with prices blocked) actually uploaded on CPP portal,
along with the commercial terms and conditions.
42. Product Certifications pertaining to components, Sub-systems offered as a part of
43. Manufacturers'/Producers’ Authorization Form (MAF) for Cameras, Servers,
Storage, Networking switches, DG Set, HVAC system, UPS, ICCC, and VMS, as per
format given at Annexure – 7.
44. Total responsibility undertaking, as per format given in Annexure - 8.
45. The bidder shall give undertaking towards compliance with eligibility criteria as
para no. 2.1.3.A(i, j, k & l) of chapter 2.

Note: In view of large size of Bid to be submitted the bidders are requested to submit
the above listed documents in the same sequence along with the list of contents.

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B. e-Packet No. 2 will contain:

The Financial bid (.xls file) should be uploaded in e-packet 2. The Financial bid must be as
per format given on CPP Portal.

i. The prices should NOT be indicated in the Technical Bid but should only be
indicated in the Financial Bid.
ii. All the documents submitted towards eligibility of pre-qualification/ eligibility
criteria should be arranged as per the Annexure -14.
iii. All the pages of the Bid must be sequentially numbered. The Bid documents must
contain in the beginning of the document, a list of contents with page numbers.
iv. The original Bid shall be prepared in indelible ink. It shall contain no
interlineations or overwriting, except as necessary to correct errors made by the
Bidder itself. Any such corrections must be initiated by the person (or persons)
who sign(s) the Bids.
v. All pages of the Bid shall be initialed and stamped by the person (or persons) who
signs the Bid.

The bid documents should be addressed to:

Executive Director
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing(C-DAC)
Innovation Park, Panchavati,
Pashan Road, Pune – 411 008.

The Bid shall be uploaded/submitted on CPP Portal by the date and time mentioned in the
Fact sheet.

Validity of Bids
The Bid submitted shall remain valid for a period of 120 days from date of submission. C-
DAC may request for extending the validity without change in the financial Bid. A bid valid
for a shorter period shall stand rejected.

C-DAC may ask for the bidder’s consent to extend the period of validity. Such request and
the response shall be made in writing only. A bidder agreeing to the request for extension
will not be permitted to modify his bid.

Language of Bids
The Bid should be prepared and submitted by the Bidders in English language only. If any
submitted supporting documents are in any language other than English, translation of the
same in English language is to be provided (duly attested) by the Bidders. For purposes of
interpretation of the documents, the English translation shall prevail.

Authentication of Bids
An authorized representative (or representatives) of the Bidder shall initial all pages of
the Pre-Qualification, Technical and Financial Bids.

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Bid should be accompanied by an authorization in the name of the signatory (or

signatories) of the Bid. The authorization shall be in the form of a written power of
attorney accompanying the Bid or in any other form demonstrating that the representative
has been duly authorized to sign.

Amendment of Request for Proposal

At any time prior to the due date for submission of Bid, C-DAC may, for any reason,
whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by prospective
Bidder(s), modify the terms & conditions, quantities, specifications or other requirements
stipulated in RFP document by amendments. Such amendments shall be uploaded on CPP
Portal, through corrigendum and shall form an integral part of RFP document. The
relevant clauses of the RFP document shall be treated as amended accordingly.

It shall be the responsibility of the prospective Bidder(s) to check CPPP/ C-DAC’s website
from time to time for any amendment in the RFP document. In case of failure to get the
amendments, if any, C-DAC shall not be responsible.

In order to allow prospective Bidders a reasonable time to take the amendment into
account in preparing their Bids, C-DAC, at its discretion, may extend the deadline for
submission of Bids. Such extensions shall be uploaded on CPPP/ website of C-DAC.

Bid Price
Financial Bid shall be as per the format provided in the RFP. Bidders shall give the
required details of all applicable taxes, duties, other levies and charges etc. in respect of
direct transaction between C-DAC and the Bidder.

Bidders shall quote for the entire scope of contract on an “overall responsibility” basis such
that the total Bid Price covers Bidder’s all obligations mentioned in or to be reasonably
inferred from the bidding documents in respect of providing the product/services.

Prices quoted by the Bidder shall remain firm during the entire contract period and not
subject to variation on any account. A Bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation
shall be treated as non-responsive and rejected. The applicable rates of GST for each line
item must be mentioned separately.

Deviations and Exclusions

Bids shall be submitted strictly in accordance with the requirements and terms &
conditions of the RFP. The Bids with deviation(s) to the clauses and/or outlined scope
mentioned in the RFP and/or non-submission of required documentations are liable for

Total Responsibility
Bidder should issue an undertaking for taking total responsibility for the defect free
operation with effective SLAs of the proposed solution as per the format mentioned in
Annexure 8.

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Late Bids
a. Bids received beyond the submission date and time mentioned in this RFP shall
summarily be rejected and not considered for evaluation.
b. The Bids submitted by telex/telegram/fax/e-mail etc. shall not be considered. No
correspondence shall be entertained in this regard. Bids submitted only in
accordance with the procedures and guidelines laid down in this RFP shall be
considered valid and due for evaluations.
c. C-DAC shall not be responsible for any non-receipt/non-delivery or delay in delivery
of the documents due to technical snag whatsoever at Bidder’s end, No
correspondence regarding such non-submissions shall be entertained.
d. C-DAC reserves the right to modify and amend any of the above-stipulated

Right to Terminate the Process

C-DAC may terminate the RFP process at any stage during the bidding process and without
assigning any reason whatsoever. C-DAC makes no commitments, express or implied, that
this process guarantees any Bidder the allotment of this project in question. This RFP does
not constitute an offer by C-DAC.

Non-Conforming bids
A Bid may be construed as a non-conforming bids and ineligible for consideration:
a. Non-Compliance of any clause(s) of this RFP.
b. If a Bid does not follow the format requested in this RFP or does not appear to address
the particular requirements of the solution.

Acceptance/ Rejection of Bids

a. C-DAC reserves the right to reject in full or part, any or all Bids without assigning
any reason thereof. C-DAC reserves the right to assess the Bidder’s capabilities and
capacity. The decision of C-DAC shall be final and binding.
b. Bid should be free of over writing. All erasures, correction and/or addition must be
clearly written and duly attested.

In the event of any assumptions, presumptions, key points of discussion, recommendation

or any points of similar nature submitted along with the Bid, C-DAC reserves the right to
reject the Bid and forfeit the EMD.

If there are any discrepancies in the Financial Bid, it shall be subjected to the following:
a. If, in the Price Bid structure quoted for the required goods/services/works, there is
any discrepancy between the unit price and total price (which is obtained by
multiplying the unit price by the quantity), the unit price shall prevail and the total
price corrected accordingly.
b. If there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction of subtotals,
the subtotals shall prevail and the total shall be corrected.
c. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall
d. Any discrepancies found in the offer may be intimated to the Bidder and C-DAC may
request the Bidder requesting clarification for the same within a stipulated
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timeframe. C-DAC reserves all the rights to take appropriate decisions as it may deem
fit upon receiving the clarifications for such discrepancies. The decision taken by C-
DAC on such matter(s) or otherwise shall be final and binding.

All the material/information shared with the Bidder during the course of this procurement
process as well as the subsequent resulting engagement following this process with the
successful bidder, shall be treated as confidential and should not be disclosed in any
manner to any unauthorized person under any circumstances. The employees of the
successful Bidder and JV Members who are proposed to be deployed on the Project need
to furnish a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

Bid Disqualification
The Bid is liable to be disqualified/ a proper explanation may be called in the following
cases or in case Bidder fails to meet the bidding requirements as indicated in this RFP:
a. During validity of the Bid, or its extended period, if any, the Bidder increases its
quoted prices;
b. The Bidder’s Bid is conditional and has deviations from the terms and conditions of
c. Bid is received in incomplete form;
d. Bid is not accompanied by all the requisite documents;
e. Information submitted in Technical Bid is found to be misrepresented, incorrect or
false, accidentally, unwittingly or otherwise, at any time during the processing of the
contract (no matter at what stage) or during the tenure of the contract including the
extension period if any;
f. Financial Bid is enclosed with the same document as Technical Bid;
g. Bidder tries to influence the Bid evaluation process by unlawful/corrupt/fraudulent
means at any point of time during the Bid process;
h. In case any one of the parties of the JV [Lead and/or the JV member(s)] submits
multiple Bid(s) or if common interests are found in two or more Bidders, the Bidders
are likely to be disqualified, unless additional Bids/Bidders are withdrawn upon
notice immediately;
i. If any of the Member Bidder of any JV is also a member in any other Bid, then all the
affected Bids shall be disqualified.

Fraud and Corrupt Practices

a. The Bidders and their respective officers, employees, agents and advisers shall
observe the highest standard of ethics during the Selection Process. Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained in this RFP, C-DAC shall reject a Bid without being
liable in any manner whatsoever to the Bidder, if it determines that the Bidder has,
directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt practice, fraudulent
practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice (collectively
the “Prohibited Practices”) in the Selection Process. In such an event, C-DAC shall,
without prejudice to its any other rights or remedies, forfeit and appropriate the EMD,
as mutually agreed genuine pre-estimated compensation and damages payable to C-
DAC for, inter alia, time, cost and effort of C-DAC, in regard to the RFP, including
consideration and evaluation of such Bid.

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b. Without prejudice to the rights of C-DAC under Clause above and the rights and
remedies which C-DAC may have under the LOI or the Agreement, if a Bidder is found
by C-DAC to have directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged or indulged in
any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or
restrictive practice during the Selection Process, or after the issue of the LOI or the
execution of the Contract such Bidder shall not be eligible to participate in any tender
or RFP issued by C-DAC during a period of 3 years from the date such Bidder is found
by C-DAC to have directly or through an agent, engaged or indulged in any Prohibited

c. For the purposes of this Section, the following terms shall have the meaning herein
after respectively assigned to them:
• “corrupt practice” means (i) the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly
or indirectly, of anything of value to influence the action of any person connected
with the Selection Process (for avoidance of doubt, offering of employment to or
employing or engaging in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, any
official of C-DAC/ Delhi Police who is or has been associated in any manner,
directly or indirectly with the Selection Process or the LOI or has dealt with
matters concerning the Agreement or arising there from, before or after the
execution thereof, at any time prior to the expiry of one year from the date such
official resigns or retires from or otherwise ceases to be in the service of C-DAC/
Delhi Police, shall be deemed to constitute influencing the actions of a person
connected with the Selection Process); or (ii) save as provided herein, engaging
in any manner whatsoever, whether during the Selection Process or after the
issue of the LOA or after the execution of the Agreement, as the case may be, any
person in respect of any matter relating to the Project or the Award or the
Agreement, who at any time has been or is a legal, financial or technical
consultant/adviser of C-DAC/ Delhi Police in relation to any matter concerning
the Project;
o “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts or
disclosure of incomplete facts, in order to influence the Selection Process;
o “coercive practice” means impairing or harming or threatening to impair or
harm, directly or indirectly, any persons or property to influence any
person’s participation or action in the Selection Process;
o “undesirable practice” means (i) establishing contact with any person
connected with or employed or engaged by C-DAC/ Delhi Police with the
objective of canvassing, lobbying or in any manner influencing or attempting
to influence the Selection Process; or (ii) having a Conflict of Interest; and
o “restrictive practice” means forming a cartel or arriving at any
understanding or arrangement among Bidders with the objective of
restricting or manipulating a full and fair competition in the Selection

Conflict of Interest
a. A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest that may affect the Selection Process or
the Solution delivery (the “Conflict of Interest”). Any Bidder found to have a Conflict
of Interest shall be disqualified. In the event of disqualification, C-DAC reserves the
right to take action as per applicable rules.

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b. C-DAC requires that the Bidder provides solutions which at all times hold C-DAC’s/
Delhi Police’ interests paramount, avoid conflicts with other assignments or its own
interests, and act without any consideration for future work. The bidder shall not
accept or engage in any assignment that would be in conflict with its prior or current
obligations to other clients, or that may place it in a position of not being able to carry
out the assignment in the best interests of C-DAC/ Delhi Police.

The Bidder would not be allowed to sub-contract work, except for the following:
a. Facility Management Staff at Ground maintenance, Cleaning, Catering, Vending Space
management, Utilities management, Site Preparation etc. and associated manpower
and site preparation.
b. Sub-contracting shall be allowed only with prior written approval of C-DAC. However,
even if the work is sub-contracted, the sole responsibility of the work shall lie with
the Successful Sole Bidder/ JV Bidder. The Successful Bidder shall be held responsible
for any delay/error/non-compliance etc. of its sub-contracted vendor.

Right to vary quantity

a. At the time of award of contract or during the implementation of project, the quantity
of goods, works or services originally specified in the bidding documents may be
increased/ decreased upto (+/-) 25%. It shall be without any change in the unit prices
or other terms and conditions of the Bid and the bidding documents.
b. If C-DAC/ Delhi Police does not procure any subject matter of procurement or
procures less than the quantity specified in the bidding documents due to change in
circumstances, the Bidder shall not be entitled for any claim or compensation except
otherwise provided in the bidding document.
c. Repeat orders for extra items or additional quantities may be placed, if it is provided
in the bidding document, on the rates and conditions given in the contract if the
original order was given after inviting open competitive bids. Delivery or completion
period may also be proportionally increased.

Withdrawal, Substitution, and Modification of Bids

a. No Bid may be withdrawn, substituted, or modified in the interval between the Bid
submission deadline and the expiration of the Bid validity period specified by the
Bidder in the Bid Submission Form, or any extension thereof agreed to by the Bidder.
b. Any alteration/ modification in the Bid or additional information supplied
subsequent to the Application Due Date, unless the same has been expressly sought
for by the Authority, shall be disregarded.
c. Bids withdrawn shall not be opened and processed further.

Site Visit for preparation of the bid

• The Bidder may wish to visit and examine the site or sites and obtain for itself, at its
own responsibility and risk, all information that may be necessary for preparing the
bid and entering into the Contract. The costs of visiting the site or sites shall be at the
Bidder’s own expense.
• It is strongly recommended that bidders may conduct their own studies and surveys
as per the requirement of RFP wherever necessary, prior to the proposal submission
at their own costs.
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• No site visits shall be arranged or scheduled after the deadline for the submission of
the Bids and prior to the award of Contract.

(End of Chapter – 1)

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Conditions of Contract
2.1. Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)
Signing of Agreement and Release of Payments
The Agreement for project implementation will be signed between selected bidder (Lead
Partner in case of JV) and C-DAC, Pune.

The draft of the Agreement is given in Chapter 6 of this document. However, all the terms
and conditions stipulated in this tender shall also be the part of the Agreement to be

All the invoices should be raised in the name of C-DAC Pune. The payments as stipulated
in the Contract will be released by C-DAC, Pune on approval of competent authority from

Bid Security/ Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)

The bidder must submit declaration towards EMD / bid security, as given in ‘Annexure -
3’ subject to the conditions stipulated therein.

Pre-Qualification / Eligibility Criteria

The bidder must comply with the Pre-qualification/Eligibility criteria stipulated below. C-
DAC reserves the right to disqualify the bidder in case the bidder does not meet any one
or more of the following criteria.

A. Bidder Pre-Qualification Criteria

a. The Sole Bidder/Each Member of JV must be an entity registered in India under
applicable law.
b. The Sole Bidder / Each Member of JV shall be in operations for a period of at least five
(05) years as on published date of RFP.
c. The annual turnover of sole bidder or the turnover of all JV members put together in
each of the last 03 financial year shall be Rs. 300/- Crores.
d. In case of JV, at least 51% of the turnover criteria shall be met by the Lead Partner
(with Management Control in India) and the remaining can be satisfied by the other
JV partners.
e. Sole Bidder or Lead Partner of JV shall have minimum 30% average annual turnover
into in the areas of Supply, Implementation and Integration of City Surveillance
System and/or, Data Centre infrastructure in last three (03) financial years.
f. The Sole Bidder or JV Lead partner shall have positive net-worth in the last 03
Financial Year.
g. All the JV members should have positive net worth as per the audited consolidated
financial statements in each of the last 03 financial years.
h. The sole bidder and all the JV members should be profitable entities at the time of
i. The bidder shall not propose any freeware software/community edition as part of
ICCC project and thus minimize the chances of severe security risks.

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j. The Bidder shall quote only one specific make and model from only one specific OEM,
for each of the goods. Providing more than one option shall not be allowed. All goods
quoted by the Bidder must be associated with item code and names and with printed
literature describing configuration and functionality. Any deviation from the printed
specifications should be clearly mentioned in the offer document by the Bidder.
k. The MAC address/ Serial Number of the surveillance cameras and other necessary
components must be registered in the name of the OEM supplying the equipment’s.
l. Bidder’s solution shall adhere to the model framework of cyber security guidelines
issued by MeitY (Ministry of IT) from time to time
m. The Sole bidder or any member of the JV or OEM(s) or its parent company or allied
business subsidiary companies should not have been
blacklisted/banned/debarred/Non-Performance by GOI/State Govt./PSU/by
prominent foreign nations due to security concerns during the last 05 years from the
date of publishing the bid. A blacklisted /debarred entity in India or in Prominent
Countries shall not be allowed to bid through either any of its Indian
subsidiaries/Channels-Partners/Off-shore or Overseas Establishments.
n. The Sole Bidder or the JV (in case of a JV), should have office in the Delhi/NCR or
should furnish an undertaking that the same would be established within one month
of signing the contract, if project is awarded.
o. The Sole Bidder / Each member of JV shall have any one of the following ISO
Certifications valid at the time of Bidding:
• ISO 9001:2008/ 2015
• ISO 20000:2015 for IT Service Management or equivalent certification
• ISO 27001:2015 for Information Security Management System or equivalent
p. The Sole bidder / any JV members should have CMMI level 3 or better certification
q. The Sole Bidder / Any member in case of JV shall have successfully executed below
mentioned projects in last seven years (excluding civil work):
• At least one order covering Data Center with designed IT load of minimum 30KW
excluding redundancy.
• At least one order/project covering Surveillance projects minimum camera
installation base of 500 IP cameras in outdoor environment for a surveillance
project with a single Town/City.
• At least one order covering Surveillance project including surveillance cameras,
ICCC, VMS, and Video Analytics Software etc.
• At least one order of minimum Rs. 05 Cr covering Command and control center/
City Control Room/ Communication Center
• Orders covering Video analytics/Face Recognition (The cumulative amount of
successfully executed orders/projects should be minimum Rs. 02 Crores)
r. The sole bidder (the Lead bidder and members – in case of JV) must comply with the
requirements stipulated in Office Memorandum: F/No/6/18/2019-PPD dated 23rd
July, 2020, issued by Public Procurement Division, Department of Expenditure,
Ministry of Finance and GoI.
s. The solution offered must comply with the provisions of Order No P-45021/2/2017-
PP (BE-II). Dated 4th June, 2020 issued by Public Procurement Division, Department
of Investment and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce, GoI read with order
number W-43/4/2019-IPHW- MeitY, dated 7th September, 2020 issued by IPWH
division of MeitY, GoI

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B. Pre-Qualification Criteria for OEMs

I. OEMs of Camera, VMS, ICCC, AI based Video Analytics Platform, FRS, ANPR should
have Presence in India for last five years as on the bid issuance date.
II. The OEM(s) of Camera, VMS, ICCC should be a profit-making company and should
have a positive net worth for last 03 years.
III. OEM of Server, Storage and networking components should have TAC support
centre In India and with Toll Free TAC helpdesk Number.

a. Camera OEMs
i. OEM should have a minimum cumulative turnover of Rs. 200 Crores in last
02 financial years from the date of opening of tender.
ii. OEM of IP CCTV cameras should have supplied at least 30,000 IP CCTV
cameras in India or globally during the last 05 years
iii. OEM of IP CCTV camera should have successfully completed at least one
order for supply and installation of 1,000 IP CCTV cameras during the last
05 years.
iv. OEM should have authorized service centre in India
v. OEM should have ISO certifications: ISO 9001; ISO 14000 & OHSAS
18001;2007/ISO 45001
vi. Cameras; Camera Firmware; SDK; APIs etc. shall not contain any embedded
malicious code which may: -
o Inhibit the desired and designed functions of the equipment’s and Solution.
o Tap information regarding network
o There are / will no Trojans, Viruses, worms, Spy wares
o OEM shall be liable under Information Technology Act, 2000 and Indian
Penal Code 1860 in case any Such malicious code in offered / developed
vii. Any component/ hardware / parts / assembly / software including
firmware used in the offered solution (hardware / software) MUST NOT
comply to - GB28181, GB/T 28181-2011; GB/T28181-2011; GBT 28181-
2011; GBT28181-2011 standards. Also, the IP CCTV System MUST NOT have
viii. OEM should have its own Repair/Service-Support center in the country and
must own its RMA set up in India for a minimum of 05 years from the date of
submission of bid (not as joint venture, partnership firms or through any
other association). In case of product failure OEM should replace
malfunction product with equivalent working product immediately till the
repaired or alternate product received.
ix. IP CCTV System OEM for Cameras & VMS must be a member &/or listed in
the ONVIF website. The quoted products must be ONVIF compliant not
conformant. Online verification of OEM in ONVIF website must be available.
No OEM should be banned or suspended by ONVIF within the last five years
from the date of publishing the bid.

b. OEM of ICCC
i. OEM of C4I should have Installation base of at least 05 Safe City Projects /
Smart Cities in India or globally during the last 05 years, at least with one
project with Bigdata Correlation engine/platform.

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ii. OEM of C4I should have supplied at least 3 + Sub System Integration in single
order during the last 05 years in India or globally.
iii. ICCC should have cyber Security certifications from UL or equivalent from
any Indian certifying laboratory

c. OEM of VMS
i. OEM of VMS should have supplied at least 50,000 cameras Licenses in India
or globally in qualifying orders during the last 05 years
ii. OEM certifications
• VMS Should be ONVIF Profile S & G.
• Should also roadmap of ONVIF Profile T/Q. Declaration for the same to
be provided.

d. AI Based Video Analytics Platform

i. OEM must have supplied AI based Video Analytics platform in minimum 02
Safe Cities/Smart Cities with at least 03 AI based Video Analytics use- cases
projects in India and presence from last 05 Years.

e. OEM of Server
i. OEM must have supplied servers in minimum 02 Safe Cities/Smart Cities
projects in India
ii. OEM of server should be validated with offered ICCC and VMS software with
minimum one year of existence

f. OEM of Storage
i. OEM should have successfully completed at least one order for supply and
installation of minimum 08 PiB scale out NAS Storage in India.

g. OEM of UPS
i. Offered Product should be OEM own Designed, Developed & Manufactured,
OEM should have certificate of incorporation in INDIA for >10 Years
ii. At least one order covering minimum installation base of 1000 outdoor UPS
for a project.
iii. OEM Should have ISO 9001 or ISO 14001 certificate for Manufacturing
facility from reputed Agency.
iv. OEM Should have annual turnover of > 100 CR for consecutive 03 Years and
same should be authorize from Reputed Agency.
v. OEM should have its own Repair/Service-Support center in India from the
date of submission of bid (not as joint venture, partnership firms or through
any other association). In case of product failure OEM should replace
malfunction product with equivalent working product immediately till the
repaired or alternate product received.

i. Bidders are advised to submit necessary and sufficient documents in
support of eligibility criteria stipulated above.
ii. C-DAC reserves the right to contact the concerned authority of the client/
end user for verification of the Orders/ Contracts referred by the bidder.

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iii. C-DAC reserves the right to award the Contract in compliance with the Make
in India Initiative /directives issued by GoI and polices towards MSME.

If in the view of bidder, any exemption/relaxation is/are applicable to them from any of
the eligibility/pre-qualification requirements, under any Rules, process, Guidelines,
Directives of Government of India, bidder may submit their claim for the applicable
exemption/relaxation, quoting the valid Rule, process, Guidelines or Directives. In this
case the bidder should submit their request for claiming concession/exemption from any
particular criteria enclosing the necessary and sufficient valid documents along with the
technical bid, in support of their claim.

Opening of Bids
There will be Two Bid-opening events as follows:

Event 1: Opening of Technical Bids (e-packets 1)

The venue, date and time for opening the technical bids shall be as mentioned in the Fact

Event 2: Opening of Financial Bids (e-packet 2)

a. The Financial Bids of only those Bidders will be opened who clear the Pre-
Qualification Bid stage AND who score equal to or more than qualifying marks in
the Technical Bid stage, as explained in para 2.1.8 given below.
b. The date and time for opening of Financial Bid would be communicated to eligible
Bidders only.

Clarification on Bids
During the Bid evaluation, C-DAC may, at its own discretion, ask the Bidder for any
clarification(s) of its Bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing,
and no change in the price or substance of the Bid shall be sought, offered, or permitted.
C-DAC’s decision on the clarification(s) received shall be final and binding.

Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC)

C-DAC shall constitute a Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC) to evaluate the responses of
the Bidders. The Tender Evaluation Committee shall evaluate the responses to the RFP
and all supporting documents/documentary evidence. Inability to submit requisite
supporting documents/documentary evidence by bidders may lead to rejection of their

The decision of the Tender Evaluation Committee in the evaluation of Bids shall be final
and binding. No correspondence will be entertained outside the process of evaluation with
the Committee. The Tender Evaluation Committee may ask for meetings with or
presentation from the Bidders to seek clarifications or confirmations on their Bids.

The Tender Evaluation Committee reserves the right to reject any or all Bids. Each of the
responses shall be evaluated as per the criteria and requirements specified in this RFP.

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Evaluation Process
The steps for evaluation are as follows:
a. Stage 1: Pre-Qualification
i. C-DAC shall carry out the preliminary examination of the technical bid documents
submitted in e-packet 1 to check the compliance with pre-qualification
requirements/ Eligibility Criteria stipulated at para 2.1.3 of Chapter 2 of this
ii. Each of the Pre-Qualification Criteria mentioned in the RFP is MANDATORY.
In case, the Bidder does not meet any one or more of the criteria, the bid shall be
iii. The detailed technical evaluation of the bids shall be carried out only for the
bidders who comply with the pre-qualification Requirements/Eligibility Criteria.

b. Stage 2: Technical Evaluation

i. “Technical Bid” of only the Bidders who succeed in Stage 1 will be evaluated.
ii. C-DAC will further evaluate the Technical Bids of the short-listed Bidders to
determine whether the Technical Bids are substantially responsive. This
evaluation will be based on Quality and Cost Based System (QCBS).
iii. The QCBS evaluation includes 08(Eight) technical parameters (Parameters A to H)
and one Financial parameter (Parameter I). The technical parameters shall carry
maximum marks of 100, as detailed below.
iv. The TEC constituted by C-DAC will be empowered to determine an appropriate
marking system for evaluation of bids. The Technical Score (TS) secured by all
eligible bidders will be a part of technical evaluation report and will be displayed
on CPP Portal, before opening of Financial Bids.

c. Stage 3: Financial Evaluation and QCBS

The Financial bids of only those bidders who secure minimum 15 marks for
parameter G of QCBS table AND overall Technical Score of 70% or more will be

The total prices (All- inclusive) quoted by the bidders (as per price bid format) for all
the four phases including the warranty charges for 05 years, the O & M charges for
three years along with the applicable GST, as per the price bid format will be
considered for the purpose of evaluation and comparison of bids.

The Combined Technical and Financial Score (CTFS) will be calculated by assigning
the weightage in proportion of 70:30 (70 % weightage for Technical parameters and
30 % weightage for price).

The Combined Technical and Financial Score (CTFS) will be calculated by using
following formula:

CTFS = 0.7*TS + (0.3)*(Cmin/Cb * 100)

i. CTFS = Combined Technical and Financial Score (calculated up to two decimal

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ii. TS = Technical score for the bidder under consideration.

iii. Cb = Actual price quoted by the bidder.
iv. Cmin = Lowest price among the financial proposals under consideration.

d. Technical Parameters for QCBS:

A. Data center Design & successful installation by Bidder
The size of Data Center in a single order in the name of the bidder/any JV member
and successfully installed in India, in last 07 years.

Sr. No Size of Data Centre in KW of IT Load Marks

1 DC with designed IT load excluding redundancy: up to - 30KW 06
2 DC with designed IT load excluding redundancy: up to - 40KW 07
3 DC with designed IT load excluding redundancy : up to - 50KW 08
4 DC with designed IT load excluding redundancy: up to - 60KW 09
5 DC with designed IT load excluding redundancy: above – 60KW 10

B. Cumulative Number of IP Cameras successfully installed by the bidder/any JV

member in outdoor environment in maximum 05 orders.

Sr. No Cumulative Number Marks

1 From 500 to 1000 06
2 From 1001 to 1500 07
3 From 1501 to 2000 08
4 From 2001 to 2500 09
5 Above 2500 10

C. Number of orders/projects, each with a min. value of Rs. 05 Cr, successfully

completed by the bidder/any JV member for building integrated command and
control center (ICCC) in India, in last 07 years.

Sr. No Number of orders Marks

1 1 06
2 2 08
3 More than 2 10

D. Previous experience of the bidder/JV Member in implementing the projects

using following software’s in last 07 Years:
i. FRS Software
ii. ANPR Software
iii. Video Analytics Software

Sr. No No. of Applications Marks

1 Any one of the above-mentioned software applications 04
2 Any Two of the above-mentioned software applications 06
3 All of the above-mentioned software application 08

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4 Any Two of the above-mentioned software applications 10

using Unified Integrated Platform

E. Previous Experience (Orders successfully completed) of the OEM’s, ISV’s in

using following components:

Sr. No OEM’s of Parameter Max Marks

1. Cameras Deployment of cameras in a City wide / Outdoor 02
Environment project –
If Single PO comprises of camera Nos
From 1000 up to 2000 cameras – 01 Mark
If Single PO of more than 2000 cameras – 02 Mark
2. Field If One project of min. 50 switches – 0.5 Mark 01
switches If One project of min. 100 switches - 01 Marks
3. Servers OEM should have supplied at least 20 servers in 01
minimum 01 Safe City/Smart city Projects in Last
05 Years - 01 Mark
4. Storage OEM should have supplied the Storage for at least 02
1 Safe /Smart City surveillance projects of at least
10 PB - 01 Mark
Storage should be validated with offered ICCC and
VMS software with minimum one year of
existence -01 Mark
5. ICCC Software Deployment of ICCC software in a Safe /Smart City 02
surveillance projects of cumulative 1,000 cameras
-01 Mark
6. Single user interface for C4i, VMS, Big Data Co
relation engine and Video synopsis application –
01 Mark
7. VMS Software Deployment of VMS software in Safe /Smart City 02
surveillance projects of min 2000 to 5000 cameras
– 01 Mark
8. Deployment of VMS software in Safe /Smart City
surveillance projects of min 5000 above cameras–
01 Mark
9. SDK Well documented SDK for further developments 01
Capabilities and integration with 3rd party systems along with
offered /ICCC online support portal outlining all the 3rd party
application integrations and 24/7 support on SDK Package to
be submitted in ‘Undertaking proforma’ without
any cost implications for 05 Years of project
duration and O&M phase – 01 Marks
10. FRS Software Deployment of FRS software in a Safe /Smart City 01
surveillance projects city wide / Outdoor project
of min 50 FRS channels – 01 Mark

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11. ANPR Deployment of ANPR software in a Safe /Smart 01

Software City surveillance projects city wide / Outdoor
project of min 100 channels – 01 Mark
12. Video Deployment of VA software in a Safe /Smart City 01
Analytics surveillance projects city wide / Outdoor project
Software of min 100 channels – 01 Marks
13. Unified Unified platform 02 project deployed and running 01
Platform – 01 marks
Total 15

F. Evaluation of the Bid Submitted/ Solution offered

Sr. No Description Marks

1 The TEC will evaluate the bidder on the basis of following aspects 20
evident from the bid submitted/ Solution offered:
 Level of understanding of the scope of work and all aspects of
this project.
 Overall project implementation approach, Phase wise scope
and overlapping of activities, How time lines could be met,
availability of qualified manpower, deployment plan
 Availability and utilization of funds, contingency plan
 Vendor management and plans for procurement of material,
Service & Resource within stipulated timeline
 Risk Mitigation Plan/ Strategy/ SLA
 Technical specifications of major components of the solution
 Whether the solution offered by the bidder meets the
mandatory features and functionalities as stipulated in RFP.
Whether solution offers something extra?
 scalability of proposed solution
 Safety and security measures, Reliability of proposed solution
 Innovative approaches – towards minimization of B/W
requirement, OPEX, time of implementation, additional
features of the softwares, any additional suggestion to scale up
the objective of the solution without any financial implication
 Innovative approaches – towards minimization of B/W
requirement, OPEX, time of implementation
 Availability of relevant manpower on the role of bidder,
capability of bidder to deploy adequate manpower for the
project and time schedule for same
 Any specific flaw or weakness in the offered solution
 Co-ordination with MPLS Service Provider (ISP) to meet the
timeline of the project
 Plan to Integrate Community Surveillance & Existing Cameras
in other projects
 SMS Gateway Integration & other Mobile app Integration

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G. Proof of Concept (POC):

Sr. No Description Marks

1. Demonstration and outcome of Proof of Concept activity, as 20
mentioned in the Para 2.1.9 of Chapter 2 of this document.

H. Credentials of the Bidder:

Sr. No Description Marks

1. The TEC shall also assess the bidder’s capability based on 05
following aspects:
 Previous experience (own experience & that of JV members) of
bidder in the area of - CCTV surveillance system, DC
Infrastructure, Use of various surveillance software
applications, projects of similar nature and capacity.
 Whether offering own applications or bought-out
 Awards/ prizes won, success story, noteworthy achievements
 The Expertise and size of the team, the bidder has planned to
deploy for this projects
 Implementation of Large complex network project
 Overall assessment of the Technical Committee

Note: The bidder should submit the relevant documents in e-packet 1, in support of the
criteria stipulated above.

I. Total Price Quoted:

The total price quoted for all the components, equipment’s, sub-systems, hardware,
software, services, allied/incidental charges, warranty charges, O & M charges,
applicable GST, as per scope stipulated in this document shall be considered for
computing Combined Technical and Financial Score (CTFS).

PoC Evaluation Guidelines

As a part of bid evaluation process, the bidder must demonstrate the Proof of Concept
(PoC) towards the solution offered.

The bidder shall be required to demonstrate the parameters and features as stipulated
at para mentioned below. Technical committee will provide technical marks for
each component according to the full compliance and successful demonstration of the
given parameter and features.

C-DAC reserves the right to summarily reject the bids of the bidders’ whose documents
found missing or not submitted along with the bid being required for Technical
evaluation without giving any prior notice. All Equipment technical and functional
specification mentioned should be available in the technical bid and same will be
verified during PoC.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police Approach to be undertaken for the Demonstration of Proof of

Concept (PoC)
 PoC site will be allotted to the Bidder by the C-DAC. PoC site as allotted to the bidder
should be visited and surveyed. Information about PoC Site will be communicated
to Bidder after Opening of Technical Bid.
 All field systems/components/Software installations shall be done post approval
from the C-DAC. The field systems/components should be fixed as per PoC
requirements and submitted in the Bid.
 Power for the field equipment will be provided by the Bidder.
 Bidder will submit wiring diagram so that in case of any power-supply related issue
during the demo, it can be resolved. However, connectivity from the field devices to
PoC site is to be arranged by the Bidder.
 Total power capacity for demo equipment including compute infrastructure must
be calculated in advance. Feasibility of sourcing utility power from allotted
site/room must be checked in advance.
 Power backup via UPS must be provisioned by the Bidder as per site conditions.
 Google Map can be used as GIS map, and field systems/components (or any other
asset) locations should be clearly marked on it with live video streaming.
 Bidder shall provide all the documents required for the Acceptance Test Procedure
(ATP) as per the PoC details mentioned in here under. C-DAC reserves the right to
modify the ATP for PoC as required. Field Components Setup

 PoC must use the same make and model of the field components offered in the Bid.
 The quantity of the field components should be determined based on the site and
PoC requirement as mentioned in this document.
 Before installing field components at the allotted field location, the Bidder is
required to show each field component to PoC Evaluation team members/Delhi
Police, along with BoQ (Make, Model, Serial number and photo of Equipment/OEM
label on the respective field components body) at the time of technical presentation.
 All installation of field equipment in PoC (like cameras, JBs, UPS etc.) must be placed
on poles, as per actual deployment scenario and Bidder shall arrange the required
 Cameras must be tested for all lighting conditions. Network Setup

 PoC must use the same make and model of the edge switch offered by bidders in
their solution.
 Other than Edge switch, it can use any other L2/L3 switches to connect to Server
setup required for PoC setup.
 The network setup must allow exact bandwidth to be provided / measured to each
field systems/components.
 Bidder shall take out real-time bandwidth/network utilization reports from the
 The bidders should use quoted NAC Tool for the demonstration purposes only.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police Software and Server Setup

A complete setup of following software components but not limited to, is mandatory
during the PoC demo:
a. ICCC Software
b. Video Management System
c. Under Unified Platform
o Video Analytics Platform using use-cases (all mentioned in RFP)
o ANPR Application
o Facial Recognition System
d. Surveillance Cameras
e. Mobile Application
f. Video Summarization and Analysis
g. Edge gateway
h. L2 Field Switch
i. L3 Switch (10Gb)
j. NAC
k. EMS
l. Servers
 A set of servers (sized appropriately for PoC setup), which are required to install the
server-side components of the above-mentioned applications must be made
available and installed by the bidder.
 These details should be provided by Bidder or their OEM partners in the bid.
 Entire setup should be integrated, configured & tested at before the PoC
demonstration as per RFP and PoC requirements as mentioned above in PoC
document. Team setup for PoC by bidder

A competent team must be selected and briefed in advance for the PoC
demonstration. The team must have the following members:
i. PoC Lead and SPOC: Should be the PoC Manager/Project Manager/Solution
Architect as proposed by bidder in their technical bid and responsible to
function as chief narrator/demonstrator as well as Single Point of Contact
(SPOC). He/she will carry out the complete PoC demo/tour. He/she must have
complete control over the PoC and must know the RFP requirements well.

ii. Subject Experts: For each of the components, there can be subject matter
experts (SME). These members should be the technical manpower as
proposed in the technical bid. These SME may be from OEM partners (if in-
house knowledge for that OEM equipment is not sufficient). The respective
SMEs of each component is allowed to focus only on their components.
Ideally, the following SMEs are required:
a. Command and Control Expert
b. Security & Surveillance Expert
c. Network & Infrastructure Expert
d. Server Storage/Database Expert
e. MPLS Network Expert (Optical fiber)
f. AI based Video Analytics Platform Expert

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iii. Key Account Manager/Bid Lead: To answer any query related to the exact
offering in the bid (viz-a-viz items offered in PoC)

The PoC Lead should front-end the entire PoC and walk through the entire
demonstration. At appropriate points, he/she should hand over the control to the
respective SME, to enable demonstration of a particular component (if required). Flow for the PoC

There should be a well-defined flow for the PoC. The flow of the PoC must be briefed
through presentation at the start of the PoC, so as to explain about the components
and the features that are going to be demonstrated during the PoC.

The aim of the PoC should be functional compliance as well as operational explanation
of the system. The focus should be on demonstrating the features of the field
systems/components along with their associated software applications that are to be
used in actual work-flow of the city monitoring as per RFP. Hence the flow of PoC
must be drafted accordingly and PoC must be conducted as per the defined flow and
demonstration of field systems/components along with their associated software
applications. PoC Setup Document

A document for the PoC setup and presentation must be prepared and presented
prior to embarking the PoC. The document must include the following:
i. Objective - To define the objective of the PoC, which are intended to be
ii. Site planning: Indicating the location, make, model and quantity of the devices
on the field – including GIS Map showing the field systems/components along
with their field of view (wherever applicable).
iii. Schematic Network Diagram: How the devices, equipment are connected in the
demo area.
iv. Bill of Material (major items) installed for the PoC should be in line with solution
components as mentioned above for PoC Technical evaluation. This document
should be provided with exact quantity of the hardware, software and networking
equipment’s etc. as demonstrated.
v. List of software to be used in PoC demonstration.
vi. Application Screenshots - Photographs/screen capture of the various software
vii. List of Video Recordings supplied - Camera recordings from all CCTV cameras
of PoC should be labelled properly and copied in USB media. The content sheet of
the USB media with Demo/PoC/Presentation Proceeding Location, Camera name,
Location, Resolution, Start Time, Duration, End-Time, Size of File, Name of File,
viii. List of Video Analytics/Alarms -The alarm event logs should be labelled
properly and copied in USB media. The content sheet of the USB media to have
Camera name, Location, Time, Alarm type, Alarm Result/flag, Status/Remarks.
ix. Network Bandwidth observations -Network bandwidth consumed as observed
for the equipment and solutions at various times (e.g. day time, night-time, less

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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movement in FoV, more movement in FoV, etc.) for different resolution settings
at cameras.
x. Technical Parameters / Observations - Technical parameters/Datasheets/
brochures/ literatures of equipment used for PoC for software and hardware
xi. Contact Info - Name, Email and Mobile number of PoC Lead and SME in case any
further clarification is required about the PoC.
xii. Any additional measure to meet the solution requirement and performance by
the MSI must be indicated clearly. PoC setup Requirement

The Bidder must consider the hardware and software listed below for PoC and it
should be of same make and model as proposed in the bid.
Sr. No. Component/ Application software Min. Quantity
1. Fixed Camera 6
2. PTZ Camera 2
3. ANPR Camera 4
4. L2 Field Switch 4
5. 55’’/70’’ 4K Video Wall 1
6. L3 Switch (10G) 1
7. Field UPS As required
8. Junction Box / Enclosure As required
9. ICCC software As required
10. VMS Software As required
11. Video Summarization As required
12. EMS & Help Desk Dashboard As required
13. AI based Video Analytics Platform with Use- Cases As required
14. Facial Recognition System As required
15. ANPR Software As required
16. NAC Tool As required
17. EMS Software As required
18. Servers (Min. 128GB, 40 cores GPU, CPU) As required
19. NAS storage As required
20. Any other component/ accessories required for
As required
successful PoC Demonstration

PoC Demonstration – salient points

The PoC demonstration must mandatorily cater to the following salient points:
i. Major components covered during PoC
ii. Proficiency of Setting up of the system for PoC
iii. Proper deployment & integration of System like VMS & ICCC along with Video
Analytics Platform and the associated use cases.
iv. Demonstration of alert cycle management using all associated hardware and
v. Demonstration of Incident management and its lifecycle using all associated
hardware and software

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vi. Floating of Analytics licenses on multiple cameras using unified platform GUI.
Dynamic Deployment and association of Video analytics use cases including FRS
and ANPR to various cameras using the AI based Video Analytics platform
vii. Technical Compliance of the system demonstrated (viz-a-viz RFP specifications)
viii. Completeness of the PoC document
ix. Capability of the bidder to respond to the queries raised during the PoC
x. Additional Systems demonstrated (if any) – bidder can propose any other
system/solution in line to the RFP requirement for project benefit.
xi. Bandwidth Provisioning and verification
xii. A minimum of 48 streams or better from the cameras and other means available
(Min 12 physical cameras) for POC shall be brought on VMS / C4i platform and
the same should be routed to analytics software for checking the overall
performance of the system in the areas of robustness, availability, analytics
accuracy and error handling capacity of the software along with the performance
of the overall HW parameters like CPU / GPU, Network etc.
xiii. Adequacy of the PoC recordings given in CD/DVD/USB Pen-Drive.

Indicative Network Architecture:

The PoC demonstration should primarily cover the following steps at the minimum
along with the evaluation framework as mentioned below PoC scope and Technical
evaluation parameters.
i. Introduction of the PoC Team.
ii. Brief objectives of PoC and flow/steps in which the PoC will progress.
iii. Summary explanation for the Bill of Material for PoC.
iv. Inspection of all PoC equipment by the evaluation committee and comparison
with Bid proposal.
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v. Actual walk-through of the system covering all components:

a. Camera Equipment
b. Edge Networking
c. Networking and Server information
d. Demonstration of location of equipment on GIS map.
e. Video Management System & Video Recording
f. Storing mechanism of the data / Replication
g. Advanced Video Analytics with supportive Artificial Intelligence System
software using unified platform, FRS, ANPR
h. ICCC Platform & Big Data mining and Co-Relation engine
i. Workflow and Use cases
j. NAC Deployment and integration
k. Any other features as per RFP, related to PoC items
l. Video Summarization and Analysis
m. Integration of all subsystems mentioned in the PoC

vi. Command & Control Centre: The data feeds of the various systems/components
configured under the scope of PoC should be displayed at the workstation of
Operator (Operator 1) along with the ability to view the camera’s live and
recorded video feed on Video Wall. The feeds shall be made available for
recording and storing at the PoC control centre (software, hardware).
vii. Dashboard: The operator (Operator 1) shall be able to present the Alert on the
geospatially enabled maps in the form of visual & audio. Auto pop-up of alert
manager window shall be demonstrated.
viii. Alerts: Below information to be demonstrated by the Alert Manager:
a. Show the target alert
b. Time the alert was created
c. Description of the alert
d. Field Cameras/Systems/Components which created the alert
e. It will have provision to facilitate the operator to locate the sensor on GIS map
f. Provision to acknowledge the alert
g. Provision to close the alert
h. Provision to see detailed view which should include
o Alert description with timestamps
o Live & Recorded video of the camera/data feeds of the other field
o Map section by displaying the sensors and resources
o Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) as mentioned above
ix. Acknowledgement of the alert by operator (Operator 1) in alert manager
x. Demonstration of predefined and relevant SOP in the SOP section by operator
(Operator 1)
xi. Demonstration of specifying the custom comments in the appropriate field by
operator (Operator 1)
xii. Demonstration of performing all the tasks specified in the SOP by operator
(Operator 1)
xiii. Reports: Demonstration of generation and receipt of analysed reports from the
ICCC of the system by the operator (Operator).

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xiv. Integration capabilities (VMS + GIS/Maps + ICCC Software + Field Devices +

Analytics+ FRS + ANPR)
xv. Further Steps: Provide response/ clarifications to Technical evaluation
committee against their queries as per terms of RFP.
xvi. Demonstration of ICCC Mobile Application
xvii. Demonstration of PIU/P-IRIS software features
xviii. Any Additional component/ software/ product required for successful PoC by
xix. Photographs and related documents of furniture to be proposed in all Command
and Control Centers
NOTE: On completion of POC, the Bidder should dismantle the equipment and remove them
from the Location of POC, only when asked by the C-DAC/Technical Evaluation Committee,
and not before that. PoC Scope and Technical Evaluation Parameters

A. Camera: ATP Procedure for POC of FIXED camera; PTZ camera & ANPR camera
Important Instructions to bidders for POC:
 Quoted models/items/part references must be in operation. No item should be end
of life for a minimum period of 8 years from the date of quoting or submitting the
bid. An undertaking cum declaration shall be submitted.
 ‘Original Certificates’ copies duly signed by Power of Attorney (POA) of the
respective Bidder/OEM or Managing Director or Company Secretary or Board of
Directors. The Original POA copy shall have to be attached/ enclosed or showcased
during POC /Technical Bid Evaluation.
 All original Certificates shall have to be furnished during the time of evaluation. All
Certificates shall be allowed which are published on or before the publishing of the
bid. All Certificates specific to quoted product model / product part reference or
product item no. must be submitted (No Series Reference Certificates shall be
 UL Certificate must mention the specific model no quoted and shall be available for
online for verification. No OEM model series’ number or OEM Product Series or
Product category specific Certificates shall be accepted.
 Online ONVIF S; G/ Profile S, G, T must be available for checking & confirmation.
Hard copies shall also be submitted
 Third Party Test certificates of IP67; IK -10; NEMA -4X must be provided. No Self
Declaration shall be admissible.
 CE, FCC, UL/cUL, BIS Certificate must be submitted along with the Bid Document.

B.1. Outdoor Fixed Camera - 4MP

Sr. No Parameters Specifications Method for Testing Demonstrated
during POC / Submitted &
1 Image Sensor 1/3” Progressive Technical Data
Scan CMOS sheet/Product
Sensor or better Manual/OEM
Declaration of
Compliance on Letter
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Head or all duly signed

by POA as required.
POA copy to be enclosed
with Bids
2 Lens 2.8mm – 12mm Technical Data
Lens, Auto / DC / P- sheet/Product
Iris or better, Manual/OEM Declaration of
Varifocal Compliance on Letter Head
or all duly signed by POA as
required. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids
3 Wide Dynamic True WDR of 120dB Technical Data
Range or better sheet/Product
Manual/OEM Declaration of
Compliance on Letter Head
or all duly signed by POA as
required. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids
4 Minimum Color: 0.01Lux Technical Data
Illumination @f/1.6 or better sheet/Product
Manual/OEM Declaration of
Compliance on Letter Head
or all duly signed by POA as
required. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids
5 IR Filter Automatic Built-in Technical Data
IR Cut Filter sheet/Product
Manual/OEM Declaration of
Compliance on Letter Head
or all duly signed by POA as
required. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids
6 ONVIF Profile S & G/ S,G,T Online ONVIF S; G/ Profile S,
G, T must be available for
checking & confirmation.
Hard copies shall also be
submitted duly signed by
POA as required. POA copy
to be enclosed with Bids
7 Operating -30 °C ~ 60 °C, Up to Technical Data
Temperature Humidity 90% sheet/Product
Manual/OEM Declaration of
Compliance on Letter Head
or all duly signed by POA as
required. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids
8 Housing IP67 and IK10 rated Third Party Test
for Outdoor Housing certificates/Reports being
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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duly signed by POA as

required. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids. Original
reports shall also be
9 Certification CE, FCC, UL/cUL, BIS, Third Party Test
NEMA 4X certificates/Reports being
duly signed by POA as
required. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids. Original
reports shall also be
10 EMI EMC Surge test (Level 4) Third Party Test
as per IEC:61000- 4- certificates/Reports being
5(Level 4) duly signed by POA as
required. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids. Detailed
Lab Test report and
certified original report
must be showcased and
11 MTBF Min 100000 Hours Technical Data
or better sheet/Product
Manual/OEM Declaration of
Compliance on Letter Head
or all duly signed by POA as
required. Factory Test
Certificate shall be
submitted. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids
12 Misc. The Camera to be Technical Data
provided by the sheet/Product
OEM/bidder should Manual/OEM Declaration of
not be complying to Compliance on Letter Head
GB28181, or all duly signed by POA as
GB/T28181-2011 required. Factory Test
standards and there Certificate shall be
should be no option submitted. POA copy to be
to activate or enclosed with Bids.
deactivate GB/T
28181 standards in
the camera web
1 Maximum Image 2688 X 1520 or In the Camera browsing
Resolution better window, the variable
resolution should get
reflected and able to define

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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the viewing resolution as

per requirement up to 4MP
or better
2 IR 50mtrs or better to Able to detect & identify a
be considered human / object / vehicle
internal or external from 50mtrs away from the
Camera location during
night time
3 Shutter Speed Auto / Manual, 1/3s Able to define the Shutter
~ 1/30000s or Speed from Camera Web
better Browsing Window
4 Image Quality Support Object Distance at
the end of 50mtr during day
and as well as night
5 Video Streaming Triple Streaming Able to view multiple
Supported or streaming configurations
Individually via Camera web browsing
configurable window
minimum 03 video
6 Video H.265, H.264 Able to view & define
Compression (Dynamic group of multiple streaming on
pictures) or better different video
compression configuration
via Camera web browsing
7 Local Storage SD Card slot with Able to view the local
128GB or better storage capacity via web
support with browsing of Camera
provided 128 GB
8 Image Settings Color, Brightness, Able to view and configure
Sharpness, Contrast, variable image settings via
White balance, we browsing of Camera
Image Mirroring,
Text and image
overlay, BLC/HLC/
AGC required
9 Supported HTTP, Compliance for major
Protocol HTTPS/SSL/TLS, protocol during live POC
TCP, ICMP/RTSP, shall be tested – ONVIF;

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SMTP, Ipv4/Ipv6,
10 Security SSL & TLS; SSH; Shall be tested in
HTTPS; 802.1x NAC; conjunction with proposed
Multiple EAP VMS by installing SSL
methods; AES/DES Certificate for triggering the
TLS to figure out the data
11 Manufacturer MAC ID & Firmware An online inspection shall
Authenticity Authenticity; non- be done through in
compliance to conjunction with necessary
GB28181, offline documents by using
GB/T28181-2011 third party tools to
determine the Duplicate
MAC Address Detection, if
So also, the online
authenticity of Firmware
shall be checked to
determine if it’s a malicious
or modified or duplicate
coded. A live investigation
shall be conducted with
specific tools to verify the
non-compliance of
GB28181, GB/T28181-
12 SD Card Offline Recording The POC must establish the
recording SD recording proof in-
conjunction with quoted
VMS by Bidder.
13 Seamless Server Video Analytics’ POC The POC must establish the
Based Analytics Integration various type of video
Integration analytics as per RFP
integration for live &
recording proof in-
conjunction with quoted
VMS & Video Analytics
System by Bidder.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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B.2. Outdoor PTZ Camera - 4MP, 30x Optical Zoom and Joystick control operations

Sr. No Parameters Specifications Method for Testing Demonstrated

during POC / Submitted &
1 Image Sensor 1/3” CMOS Technical Data
Sensor min 4MP sheet/Product
or better Manual/OEM
Declaration of
Compliance on Letter
Head or all duly signed
by POA as required. POA
copy to be enclosed
with Bids
2 Focal Length 4.5 mm – 135 mm or Technical Data
4.3 mm - 129 mm or sheet/Product
4.8 mm - 144 mm or Manual/OEM Declaration of
6mm -180 mm Compliance on Letter Head
or all duly signed by POA as
required. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids
3 Wide Dynamic True WDR 120dB or Technical Data
Range better sheet/Product
Manual/OEM Declaration of
Compliance on Letter Head
or all duly signed by POA as
required. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids
4 Minimum Color: 0.01Lux Technical Data
Illumination @f1.6 or better sheet/Product
Manual/OEM Declaration of
Compliance on Letter Head
or all duly signed by POA as
required. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids
5 Zooming Optical: 30X Technical Data
Capacity or better Digital: sheet/Product
16X Manual/OEM Declaration of
or better Compliance on Letter Head
or all duly signed by POA as
required. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids
6 PAN & TILT Manual: 180°/s Technical Data
Speed Preset: 240°/s sheet/Product
& Manual/OEM Declaration of
Manual: 120°/s Compliance on Letter Head
Preset: 200°/s or all duly signed by POA as
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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required. POA copy to be

enclosed with Bids
7 MTBF Min 80000 Hours or Technical Data
better sheet/Product
Manual/OEM Declaration of
Compliance on Letter Head
or all duly signed by POA as
required. Factory Test
Certificate shall be
submitted. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids
8 ONVIF Profile S & G/S,G,T Online ONVIF S; G/ Profile S,
G, T must be available for
checking & confirmation.
Hard copies shall also be
submitted duly signed by
POA as required. POA copy
to be enclosed with Bids
9 Operating -30 °C ~ 60 °C, Up to Technical Data
Temperature Humidity 90% sheet/Product
Manual/OEM Declaration of
Compliance on Letter Head
or all duly signed by POA as
required. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids
10 Housing IP67 and IK10 rated Third Party Test
Outdoor Housing certificates/Reports being
duly signed by POA as
required. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids. Original
reports shall also be
11 Certification CE, FCC, UL/cUL, Third Party Test
BIS, NEMA 4X certificates/Reports being
duly signed by POA as
required. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids. Original
reports shall also be
12 EMI EMC Surge test (Level 4) Third Party Test
as per IEC:61000- 4- certificates/Reports being
5(Level 4) duly signed by POA as
required. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids. Detailed
Lab Test report and
certified original report
must be showcased and

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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13 Misc. The Camera to be Technical Data

provided by the sheet/Product
OEM/bidder should Manual/OEM Declaration of
not be complying to Compliance on Letter Head
GB28181, or all duly signed by POA as
GB/T28181-2011 required. Factory Test
standards and there Certificate shall be
should be no option submitted. POA copy to be
to activate or enclosed with Bids.
deactivate GB/T
28181 standards in
the camera web
1 Maximum 2592 × 1520 In the Camera browsing
Image (4MP) or better window, the variable
Resolution resolution should get
reflected and able to
define the viewing
resolution as per
requirement up to 4MP
or better
2 IR Distance 150mtrs or better Able to detect & identify a
human / object / vehicle
from 150mtrs away from
the Camera location during
night time
3 Image Quality Support Object Distance at
the end of 150mtr during
day and as well as night
4 Video Streaming Triple Streaming Able to view multiple
Supported or streaming configurations
Individually via Camera web browsing
configurable window
minimum 03 video
5 Video H.265, H.264, or Able to view multiple
Compression better streaming configurations
via Camera web browsing
6 Preset 256 or better Able to view multiple
streaming configurations
via Camera web browsing
7 Local Storage SD Card slot with Able to view the local
128GB or better storage capacity via web
support with browsing of Camera
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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provided 128 GB
8 Defog Digital Able to view and configure
defogger/defogger variable image settings via
we browsing of Camera
9 Supported IPv4/IPV6, HTTP, Compliance for major
Protocol HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, protocol during live POC
UPnP, SNMP, DNS, shall be tested – ONVIF;
10 Security SSL & TLS; SSH; Shall be tested in
HTTPS; 802.1x NAC; conjunction with proposed
Multiple EAP VMS by installing SSL
methods; AES/DES Certificate for triggering the
TLS to figure out the data
11 Manufacturer MAC ID & Firmware An online inspection shall
Authenticity Authenticity; non- be done through in
compliance to conjunction with necessary
GB28181, offline documents by using
GB/T28181-2011 third party tools to
determine the Duplicate
MAC Address Detection, if
So also, the online
authenticity of Firmware
shall be checked to
determine if it’s a malicious
or modified or duplicate
coded. A live investigation
shall be conducted with
specific tools to verify the
non-compliance of
GB28181, GB/T28181-
12 SD Card Offline Recording The POC must establish the
recording SD recording proof in-
conjunction with quoted
VMS by Bidder.
13 Seamless Server Video Analytics’ The POC must establish the
Based Analytics POC Integration various type of video
Integration analytics as per RFP
integration for live &
recording proof in-
conjunction with quoted

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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VMS & Video Analytics

System by Bidder.

B.3. Outdoor Fixed ANPR Camera with IR Illuminator- 2MP

Sl. No Parameters Specifications Method for Testing during Demonstra
POC ted /
& Verified
1 Shutter Type Global shutter Technical Data sheet/Product
sensor or rolling Manual/OEM Declaration of
shutter sensor with Compliance on Letter Head or
Image stabilization all duly signed by POA as
required. Factory Test
Certificate shall be submitted.
POA copy to be enclosed with
2 OCR Accuracy Camera resolutions Technical Data sheet/Product
as needed by the Manual/OEM Declaration of
solution to achieve Compliance on Letter Head or
highly reliable all duly signed by POA as
results of min 90% + required. Factory Test
capture and OCR Certificate shall be submitted.
accuracy min 90% POA copy to be enclosed with
in both day and Bids
3 Image Sensor 1/2” Progressive Technical Data sheet/Product
Scan CMOS Sensor Manual/OEM Declaration of
2.0 megapixel or Compliance on Letter Head or
better CMOS. all duly signed by POA as
required. Factory Test
Certificate shall be submitted.
POA copy to be enclosed with
4 Lens C/CS or inbuilt with Technical Data sheet/Product
5- 50 mm; Manual/OEM Declaration of
Automatic Built in Compliance on Letter Head or
IR Cut filter all duly signed by POA as
required. Factory Test
Certificate shall be submitted.
POA copy to be enclosed with
5 Wide Dynamic True WDR 120dB or Technical Data sheet/Product
Range better Manual/OEM Declaration of
Compliance on Letter Head or
all duly signed by POA as
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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required. Factory Test

Certificate shall be submitted.
POA copy to be enclosed with
6 Minimum Color: 0.001Lux Technical Data sheet/Product
Illumination @f/1.6 Manual/OEM Declaration of
B/W: 0.001Lux Compliance on Letter Head or
@f/1.6 all duly signed by POA as
Or better required. Factory Test
Certificate shall be submitted.
POA copy to be enclosed with
7 Maximum Image 1920 X 1080 Technical Data sheet/Product
Resolution Manual / OEM Declaration of
Compliance on Letter Head or
all duly signed by POA as
required. Factory Test
Certificate shall be submitted.
POA copy to be enclosed with
8 MTBF Min 100000 Hours Technical Data sheet/Product
or better Manual/OEM Declaration of
Compliance on Letter Head or
all duly signed by POA as
required. Factory Test
Certificate shall be submitted.
POA copy to be enclosed with
9 ONVIF Profile S & G/S,G.T Online ONVIF S; G/ Profile S, G,
T must be available for
checking & confirmation. Hard
copies shall also be submitted
duly signed by POA as
required. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids
10 Operating -30 °C ~ 60 °C, Up to Technical Data sheet/Product
Temperature Humidity 90% Manual/OEM Declaration of
Compliance on Letter Head or
all duly signed by POA as
required. POA copy to be
enclosed with Bids
11 Housing IP67 and IK10 rated Third Party Test
Outdoor Housing certificates/Reports being duly
signed by POA as required.
POA copy to be enclosed with
Bids. Original reports shall also
be showcased.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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12 Certification CE, FCC, UL/cUL, Third Party Test

BIS, NEMA 4X certificates/Reports being duly
signed by POA as required.
POA copy to be enclosed with
Bids. Original reports shall also
be showcased.
13 EMI EMC Surge test (Level 4) Third Party Test
as per IEC:61000- 4- certificates/Reports being duly
5(Level 4) signed by POA as required.
POA copy to be enclosed with
Bids. Detailed Lab Test report
and certified original report
must be showcased and
14 Misc. The Camera to be Technical Data sheet/Product
provided by the Manual/OEM Declaration of
OEM/bidder should Compliance on Letter Head or
not be complying to all duly signed by POA as
GB28181, required. Factory Test
GB/T28181-2011 Certificate shall be submitted.
standards and there POA copy to be enclosed with
should be no option Bids.
to activate or
deactivate GB/T
28181 standards in
the camera web
1 Maximum Image 1920 X 1080 In the Camera browsing
Resolution window, the variable
resolution should get reflected
and able to define the viewing
resolution as per requirement
up to 2MP or better
2 IR Distance 80mtrs, with Able to detect a human / object
internal or external / vehicle from 80mtrs away
IR from the Camera location
during night time
3 Shutter Speed Auto / Manual, 1s ~ Able to define the Shutter
1/30000s or better Speed from Camera Web
Browsing Window
4 Image Quality Support Object Distance at the
end of 80mtr during day and as
well as night
5 Video Streaming Unicast, Multicast, Able to view multiple
Broadcast support streaming configurations via
along with multi Camera web browsing window
stream support
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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6 Video H.265, H.264, or Able to view multiple

Compression better streaming configurations via
Camera web browsing window
7 Local Storage SD Card slot with Able to view the local storage
128GB or better capacity via web browsing of
support with Camera
provided 128 GB
8 Image Settings Colour, Anti-glare Able to view and configure
Brightness, variable image settings via we
Sharpness, Contrast, browsing of Camera
White balance,
Image Mirroring,
Text and image
overlay, HLC, 3D
DNR, Defog, EIS,
ROI, AGC, bmp
9 Supported HTTP, Compliance for major protocol
Protocol HTTPS/SSL/TLS, during live POC shall be tested
Ipv4/Ipv6, ONVIF
10 Security SSL & TLS; SSH; Shall be tested in conjunction
HTTPS; 802.1x NAC; with proposed VMS by
Multiple EAP installing SSL Certificate for
methods; AES/DES triggering the TLS to figure out
the data security.
11 Manufacturer MAC ID & Firmware An online inspection shall be
Authenticity Authenticity; non- done through in conjunction
compliance to with necessary offline
GB28181, documents by using third party
GB/T28181-2011 tools to determine the
Duplicate MAC Address
Detection, if any.
So also, the online authenticity
of Firmware shall be checked
to determine if it’s a malicious
or modified or duplicate coded.
A live investigation shall be
conducted with specific tools

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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to verify the non-compliance of

GB28181, GB/T28181-2011.
12 SD Card Offline Recording The POC must establish the SD
recording recording proof in-conjunction
with quoted VMS by Bidder.
13 Seamless Server Video Analytics’ The POC must establish the
Based Analytics POC Integration various type of video analytics
Integration as per RFP integration for live
& recording proof in-
conjunction with quoted VMS
& Video Analytics System by

B. Compliance of the software solutions to the Tender Specifications

Indicative Reference Design:

Management Failover Recording Server Failover Recording 3rd Party Integrations

Server Management Server Server

Gigabit WAN – Multicast - IGMPv2/v3 Enabled

Community Surveillance Cameras

Fiber OFC
Public Network/


Communi Communi Communi

ty 1 ty 2 ty N
Cameras Switch
UC & C

- MSI has to demonstrate all the features of ICCC and VMS as per specification.
- Demonstrate the ICCC Software solution for multi-monitor displays (2*2 Displays).
- Integration SOP for other software.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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Sr. No Parameters Method for Testing during POC Demonstrated /

Submitted &
1. User Interface and Demonstrate the UC & C operator interface
operator covering the below aspects of the specification
Simplicity a. Overall C4I interface for configurations of
the overall system, Privilege management,
Configurations for ingesting 3rd party
systems like Video analytics, Synopsis etc.
b. Interface for Live, Recording, playback and
Video related alarms and events interface
from UC&C module.
c. Troubleshooting tools for various sub
systems in the areas of VMS, Analytics,
Video Synopsis, Network layer, Cameras,
Cyber security etc. connected with the UC &
C module.
d. Flexibility to configure, manage and
monitor operator screens and
functionalities based on the operator type.
For ex, configurating the system for PTZ
access or certain camera access only to
certain type of operators / analysts. More
use cases must be demonstrated around the
flexibility of the configurations and how
those configurations would impact the
operator interface in real time Command
2. Reliability and Demonstrate the Native failover capabilities of
Failover the UC & C Platform, Clients connection and its
impact during the failure, Impact on the
Database and re connection, Switch over time
between the primary and secondary servers
and impact and Automatic recovery of the
system with no manual intervention when the
Primary DC is up and operational
3. Single User Demonstrate the UC & C interface capabilities
Interface for all the other sub systems including the VMS,
Incident management, Alarm management, 3rd
party meta data, Video synopsis from UC & C
interface etc.
4. 3rd party devicea. Demonstrate the user interface to support
support configure, manage, and monitor 3rd party
devices like Cameras, communication devices,

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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operator to operator voice communication

interface etc.
5. 3rd party software a. Explain / Demonstrate the architecture
integrations and adopted for 3rd party systems integrated via
architecture the SDK and Cyber security methods
adopted to keep the integration secure using
the methods of TLS / Digital certificates as
outlined in the RFP specification.
b. Explain how the life cycle management is
maintained the system reliability is
maintained between the systems when any
future software upgrade is made in the UC &
C module or its sub systems including the
3rd party applications like VMS, Big data
core relation engine, Analytics, Video
synopsis SW etc.
6. Situational a. Demonstrate the online GIS and Offline map
Awareness capabilities of the UC & C module,
module (Maps) configuration capabilities and how simple
the interface is to configure the Maps,
plotting of edge devices like cameras etc.
both on GIS and offline Maps link to GIS in
the format PDF or JPEG.
b. Drill down capabilities of the maps from GIS
to offline maps all the way to floor level.
c. Alarm management capabilities from maps
and ease of operator navigation.
d. Automatic map locations being pointed and
highlighted for specific alarms.
e. Live and Playback of CCTV cameras from
Map interface both online and offline.
f. Pinning capabilities for cameras of interest
specific for investigations.
g. PTZ controls of cameras from MAP
h. Camera Field of View capabilities from UC &
C Map interface
7. UC & C Alarm and a. Demonstrate the capabilities of alarm
Events management with in UC & C interface both
management native and from 3rd party systems like
capabilities Video Analytics, FR, Video synopsis etc.
b. Demonstrate the capabilities for configuring
various types of alarms / events both for
automatic and manually created alarms.
c. Demonstrate the priority settings for each
alarm type, Recipients of all alarms of
specific alarm type, Automatic associated /
nearest camera pop up for both Live and

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

playback specific to the alarm, alarm

thresholds, and Assign a time schedule or a
coverage period to an alarm, auto
acknowledgment of certain type of alarms.
d. Demonstrate automation capabilities like
auto video recording from UC &C interface
upon specific type of alarms being triggered
for ex Potential suspect face detected,
accident, crowd gathering etc.
e. Demonstrate the native tools available to
protect critical alarms stored beyond the
default configured storage period for longer
retention time for Judicial and investigation
f. Demonstrate the Notification capabilities of
alarms which provides controls that
operator can use to sort and filter the
messages that it displays along with custom
colors and sounds configured for specific
alarm type.
g. Demonstrate export functionalities of
Alarms / critical events and all other
associated data to that specific alarm
through email or messaging.
h. Demonstrate the PTZ patters / zoom
capabilities from UC & C interface for
specific alarms For Ex, Analytics alarm for
Chain snatching triggered from VA provider,
SOS calls, PTZ camera pattern auto focused
on the alarm / situation.
8. Incident a. Demonstrate the map-centric (Both online
management and offline maps) approach and detailed
Capabilities overview of incident data, combining
incident history, operator comments,
workflow and operator action logs,
standard operating procedures, relevant
live and playback video, and an aggregated
events sequence of the incident.
b. Demonstrate the Criticality of the Incident
qualified from an Alarm / Event natively or
from 3rd party systems like VA, FR etc.
c. Demonstrate the Automatic and Manual
incident triggers using both MAP and Non-
Map interface with in UC & C.
d. Demonstrate the native Rule engine
configuration and simplicity for configuring
the IF / Then / ELSE / OR/ BOOLEAN logics
for qualifying alarms and incidents for

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operators. Demonstrate using a use case like

Missing object or Camera tempering etc. to
show the rule engine effectiveness and its
impact on the false alarms.
e. Demonstrate the ownership capabilities of
the Alarms / Events and qualified for an
incident within UC & C interface, request or
release the ownership of an incident.
f. Demonstrate guidance for operators in the
form of a standard operating procedure
(SOP) for the response to an incident type.
g. Demonstrate the following as outlined in
the specification –
i. Change the incident state.
ii. Forward the incident.
iii. Transfer the incident to different stake
holder or operator.
iv. Edit the incident
v. Attach additional supporting data like
Camera footage etc. related to specific
to the incident.
vi. Link other similar related incidents.
vii. Attach a document as a URL link to the
incident for postmortem
viii. Link / protect the flagged incident data
from deletion for post investigation and
judicial purposes.
ix. Min 2 end to end use cases
demonstrating the overall alarm
management / Incident management
capabilities of the platform.
x. Demonstrate the overall Incident
reporting, storing and retrieval of the
reports on need basis.
xi. Demonstrate the overall incident export
capabilities for the 2 Use cases
showcased under Point i, with all the
associated information related to the
incident from cameras, recorded
footage, PDF documents, location of the
incident etc. as a part of Incident report
along with encryption capabilities.
xii. All the other features as outlined in the
RFP specification

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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9. BDCR Use cases a. Demonstrate the ease of configuration for

the BDCR tool from UC & C interface.
b. Integrated / interface with Min 4 - 5 data
sources can be simulated for Crime related
data sources and live for CCTV data source
and demonstrate the Co Relation / Data
Mining capabilities from UC & C platform.
c. Demonstrate an end to end use case
situation on how the Co Relation tool
functions to specific incident like CAD Call
and how the data being presented from
different sources relevant to the specific
incident type.
d. Demonstrate the Co Relation tool
capabilities based on Geo location /
Distance and time of incident in mining the
data from various data sources and
presenting in a single pane of glass for
investigation purposes.
e. Demonstrate all the reporting /
dashboarding capabilities within the UC & C
f. Demonstrate all the other features as
outlined in the RFP related to BDCR tools.
10. Reporting Demonstrate all the reporting capabilities as
Capabilities sought in the RFP in dashboard formats
covering the Health status of the devices,
Operators connected, 3rd party devices
connected, Real time alarms, Live incidents,
Cyber Security parameters etc. from the UC & C
11. Proactive a. Demonstrate the ease of configuration and
Intelligence tools management of proactive threat activation
tools within UC & C interface.
b. Activate a specific Alarm / threat from UC &
C or Mobile interface and demonstrate the
proactive action system can take for specific
action related to the threat activated. For Ex,
Bomb alert, Suspicious package / object
detection etc.
12. Mobile App a. Demonstrate the secure link / Cyber
Security hardening capabilities between the
Mobile app and Central UC & C servers.
b. Demonstrate the ability to navigate the
Mobile app using the GIS map interface
c. Demonstrate the live and playback of
recorded video footages of nearest cameras

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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from Mobile app through the tile or GIS view

from the UC & C interface
d. Demonstrate the Alarm management
capabilities from the app
e. Demonstrate the collaboration / tracking
capabilities with in Mobile app.
f. Demonstrate the threat level activation and
de activation capabilities from the mobile
g. Stream live video using Mobile app from UC
& C interface to Command center, activate
the workflow / SOP procedure upon
detection of such activity for further
investigation / incident management.
h. Demonstrate all the other Mobile app
13. External a. Explain the 3rd party systems integrated,
integration methodology.
capabilities b. SDK documentations, Support structure and
14. Cyber Security Use a. Demonstrate the end to end communication
cases. protocols methodology between the
servers, Clients, Mobile app, and 3rd party
b. Demonstrate possible encryption methods
for Data storages and export.
c. Demonstrate the Recorded footage and Live
monitoring watermarking Capabilities.
d. Demonstrate the dashboard capabilities to
track the Cyber Security status of the system
e. Demonstrate the tools available for
Automatic / Schedule patch / SW
upgradation for the UC & C platform.
f. Demonstrate the online / offline Cyber
Security response capabilities

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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B.2. VMS

Sr. No Parameters Method for Testing during POC Demonstrated /

Submitted &
1. Openness Demonstrate the openness of the system by
connecting different make of cameras. Auto
discovery of cameras attached to the network,
assign multiple schedules to a single / group of
2. Monitoring Demonstrate the following monitoring
a. Single Camera View
b. Various Tile Grid View – 1x1 to 8x8
c. Camera Sequence view
d. Change / set specific tile patters for
operators based on their user privileges.
e. Verify the live monitoring on Video Wall.
f. Live, Playback and pinning of critical
cameras from Map Interface for both GIS
and Offline maps.
g. Tile and Map view in single user interface.
h. Tree view of all cameras connected with in
operator interface and easy drag and drop
with live and playback view of respective
i. Demonstrate camera from Community
feeds for all 3 possible design as outlined in
the RFP in single plane of view in the
operator interface.
j. Native tools with live data to trouble shoot
camera streams, network traces, packet
loss, layers of packet loss, bandwidth
consumed etc. all with in the operator
k. Native tools to bookmark important events
/ events for later retrieval on any recorded
camera and to uniquely name each
bookmark in order to facilitate future
searches for easy investigation from
operator interface.
3. PTZ Demonstrate the overall PTZ functionalities.
Functionalities a. PTZ Coordinates Set Zero Position and
obtained from camera.
b. PTZ Specific Commands
c. PTZ Free Look Mode Zooms with Mouse

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d. PTZ pan, tilt, zooms with the PTZ Widget

e. PTZ - on tile - Arrow icon, Iris Close/Open,
Focus Near/far
f. Edit PTZ presets
g. Verify PTZ tour / patterns
h. PTZ - Calibration tool
4. Recording Demonstration of the following features.
a. Display playback video from different
reports from recording servers, bookmark
data, motion-based alarms etc.
b. Digital Zoom functionality for both PTZ and
Fixed cameras.
c. Slow motion (forward and reverse)
d. Fast forward (all speeds)
e. Rewind (includes smooth reverse playback)
f. Previous and next frames navigation
g. While in playback mode, seek two different
places within the timeline
h. Synchronize more than one tile in playback
i. Demonstrate the edge recording within
camera and automatic recording being filled
when there is a network disconnect
between the cameras and Central recording
j. Native tools to protect video data from
deletion based on policies defined,
applicable mainly for the flagged data and
critical incident data use cases.
k. Native tool to take snapshots of live video
and be able to save or print the snapshots,
associate the same to specific alarm or
incident from Operator interface.
l. Native tool to browse through a list of all
bookmarks created on the system and select
any bookmarked event for viewing/
5. Multicast Demonstrate the end to end multicast
Support capabilities for following:
a. Camera configured with Multicast and
demonstrate the camera access from
multiple client stations the same stream
over Multicast with no dependency on the
recording server ‘s.
6. Reliability and Demonstrate the Native failover capabilities
Native Failover without using any third-party application or
windows cluster for the following applications:
a. Demonstrate the Recording server failover
and its impact on the Video footages

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recorded. Playback to check for any video

loss during such failover and fall back in
recording servers.
7. Camera Demonstrate the following use cases for Camera
Authentication Authentication configured based on the rules
Scheme configured -
a. Operator Interface not being allowed to add
video units if basic authentication is enabled
in the camera.
b. Operator interface can define password
policy for cameras and user interface
providing insights if the same policy is not
followed during the configuration of the
c. Operator Interface Validate that cameras
password can be changed directly from the
VMS client all at once or individually.
d. Operator interface having the ability to
notify for new camera Firmware and
upgrading the camera firmware directly
from the same operator interface.
e. Native tools / system capabilities to handle
Brute force attacks for failed logins.
f. Native tools to lockdown the operator client
after specific time of inactivity
g. Native tools to raise alarms / events in the
C4i interface if specific or Operator user
login being failed and capture as part of
Audit trials with in system.
8. Forensic search Demonstrate the following Investigation /
tools Forensic tools –
a. Demonstrate the capability of video search
based on area of interest or object for easy
investigation and large recorded video data
condensed into small time frame video
related to the area of interest or object
selected for play back.
b. Demonstrate camera to camera tracking
tools without manually switching between
cameras to track area of interest or possible
suspects / people.
c. Demonstrate the Video synopsis capabilities
within the operator interface.
d. Demonstrate the FR capabilities with
Metadata overlay for hotlist alarms etc.
9. Community Demonstrate the capability of viewing the
Surveillance streams from community surveillance cameras

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in a single view of Operator interface using the

following medium: -
a. LAN / WAN
b. Edge based IOT Gateway
10. General Features a. Demonstrate the IPv6 capabilities of the
VMS platform.
b. No dependency on camera MAC address for
c. Demonstrate native tools to real time and
scheduled backup of video/ Flagged and
critical data to Near DR Servers/Storage.
d. Interface customization capabilities like
PTZ, tool bars, menu controls etc. based on
specific operator user privileges.
e. Tools for exporting video and a self-
contained video player on various media
such as USB keys, CD/DVD-ROM for
evidence in encrypted and encrypted
f. Native tools to build sequences of video to
create a storyboard and allow the export of
synchronous cameras from operator

B.3. L2 Field Switch

Sr. No Parameters Method for Testing during POC Demonstrate

d / Submitted
& Verified
Compliance to the Network as specified in the Tender Specifications

1. Edge Switches a. To ensure LAN ports being disrupted by

(L2 8 Port Field flooding the switch should be configurable
Switch) to control (Bcast/Ucast/Mcast) storms
b. To ensure flexible, reliable applications
delivery and prioritize traffic, switch
should be configured for QoS Shaping with
8 queues
c. To ensure flexible delivery and power
savings, switch should be configured for
POE power scheduling daily and weekly
per time interval
d. Device should be configured for 802.1x
radius with NAC integration
e. IP and MAC binding should be configured
to ensure all requests from particular IP
address are served only by the endpoint

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having that particular MAC address. This

is to ensure security at edge
f. To reject invalid and malicious traffic, Arp
Inspection to be configured
g. To restrict IP traffic on untrusted Layer 2
ports, Source Guard should be configured
h. Switch should be configured with cable
diagnostics to verify cable length. This is
to ensure optimal distance for
connectivity of camera from PoE switch
i. Integration with camera vendor to ensure
seamless connectivity
j. Switch should be configurable via CLI or
GUI to test device performance for
throughput, latency
k. PIM protocol-based multicast functionality
if provided will be added advantage.
l. Vendor should configure G.8032 protocol
for ring protection and recovery of traffic
in <50 ms. Vendor should configure at
least 4 switches in the ring for this test
2. Bandwidth a. Bandwidth Consumed by Fix Box Camera
validation at 25 FPS (normal time)
b. Bandwidth consumed by Fix Box Camera at
25 FPS (no movement/night period)
c. Bandwidth Consumed by PTZ Camera at 25
FPS (normal time)
d. Bandwidth consumed by PTZ Camera at 25
FPS (no movement/night period)
e. Bandwidth Consumed by ANPR Camera at
25 FPS (normal time)
f. Bandwidth consumed by ANPR Camera at
25 FPS (no movement/night period)

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C. Compliance to the integration requirements as specified in the Tender


Sr. No Parameters Functionality Test in Demonstration Demonstrate

d / Submitted
& Verified
1. ICCC + VMS+ Integration of offered subsystems.
Video Analytics +
+ Mobile Devices
2. Edge Gateway Edge gateway Integration with third party
VMS/NVR along with quoted VMS/ICCC has to
be demonstrated for viewing existing camera
3. EMS Software  Network Fault Management
 Network Performance Management
 Server Performance Monitoring
 Centralized Log Management
 Centralized and Unified Dashboard
 Centralized and Customizable
 Service Level Reporting
 Help Desk for Incident Management
4. NAC  Should be able to integrate with all
makes of manageable network devices
which are capable of supporting open
standards-based protocols required for
NAC operation.

 Must enable diagnosis of network

issues and performance through real-
time NetFlow analysis.

 Must provide port level analysis


 Should be able to perform posture

check for compute end points
(Windows & MAC) for OS health for
parameters like Registry Keys, allowed
process, AV or Firewall Enabled etc.

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D. AI Based Video Intelligence Platform & Video Analytics Use Case Parameters for
Proof of Concept –
Sr. No. Parameters Functionality Test in Demonstration Demonstrate
d / Submitted
& Verified
1. Innovation Any new and out of the box showcase which
can help CDAC and Delhi Police.
2. High Availability Bidder to showcase High Availability and
and Virtualization capability of Video Analytics
Virtualization Platform in case of failure of any one node. The
Support POC documentation should include a
benchmarking reports / case studies to
support the capabilities.
3. New Application Bidder to showcase the following capabilities
Development of the AI based Video Analytics Platform in
Capabilities of detail during the POC –
the Platform  The AI system shall also support native or
third-party developed algorithms and use-
cases that can provide the user with a large
base of use-cases to choose from.
 For new application development, the
system shall provide a developer Software
Development Kit (SDK) for this purpose.
The SDK shall be provided along with
detailed documentation for building end-
to-end use-cases on the system.
 The system shall also allow the user to plug
different AI models in the individual
running of the video analytics use-case.
4. Annotation tool Bidder to showcase the following capabilities
with Project of the AI based Video Analytics Platform in
Management detail during the POC –
capabilities  The system shall have an inbuilt annotation
tool that allows a user to label the images
with relevant information using both
rectangle and polygon drawing facilities.
 The annotation should allow labelling of
images or drawn objects with different
class names. In case of persons, it should
also support labelling of various attributes
such as color of clothing, type of clothing,
age, gender etc. as well.
 The annotation tool should have a
comprehensive project management
feature, including assigning annotation jobs
on a set of images to individual users. The
system should also have support for higher
privileged users who can
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approve/disapprove the annotations done

by the annotators.
 The user should be able to train new deep-
learning models from the annotated data
using the Annotation UI itself. The user-
interface should allow to plug-in the trained
model in any of the relevant Video Analytics
use-cases dynamically at each camera.
 The system should allow the user to plug
newly trained AI models at runtime by
simply selecting the models in the per-
camera configuration page.

5. Training Bidder to showcase the following capabilities

of the AI based Video Analytics Platform in
detail during the POC -
 The system shall allow seamless training by
labelling any objects within the images and
providing them suitable attributes of
multiple types such as class, subclass,
colour, type etc. The system shall allow
training to happen continuously, on
demand or on periodic intervals, which
shall be configurable.
6. Complete Bidder to showcase the following capabilities
visibility of all of the AI based Video Analytics Platform in
the resources detail during the POC -
 The System should provide an intuitive
interface for complete visibility of all the
resources in the system, such as edge-
devices, servers, cameras and their live
status on a GIS Map View. Utilization of all
Analytics Software Licenses including FRS
and ANPR for ease of dynamic deployment
of applications across cameras.
 The system should provide component
level view and health parameters of system
resources such as CPU, GPU, Memory,
7. User Bidder to showcase the following capabilities
Management of the AI based Video Analytics Platform in
detail during the POC -
 The system should support user with a
hierarchical access level, with different
access level for different users demarcated
with respect to cameras, use-cases and the
data. The user access control system should
allow setting of SOP's like CRUD (Create,
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under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Read, Update and Delete) operations for

each user.
8. Deployment of Bidder to showcase the following capabilities
use cases across of the AI based Video Analytics Platform in
any camera detail during the POC -
 The system should allow deployment of any
use case on any camera without any MAC
level or IP level locking. Ideally any use case
should be deployable and redeploy able on
any camera or video source as far as the
camera view supports such use cases to be
 All the Analytics including FRS and ANPR
applications should be deployed across the
cameras using the same Video Analytics
9. Key UI Views Bidder to showcase the following capabilities
of the AI based Video Analytics Platform in
detail during the POC –
Resource Management View:
 The User interface should provide a list of
all the resources available in the system
such as computing servers, edge-
computing devices and cameras.
 The status of each of the devices, whether
they are online/offline should also be
available at all times.
Camera Use case matrix:
 The user interface should have a matrix to
assign, start, stop and schedule any use-
case on any camera.
 The status of active and non-active
analytics should be clearly visible with
colour coded information
10. Common UI for Bidder to showcase the following capabilities
all the analytics of the AI based Video Analytics Platform in
/ use cases detail during the POC -
 The user interface should be a unified
dashboard that shows events from all the
analytics / use cases (Video Analytics use-
cases) and all the cameras in a common UI,
and which gets populated in real time from
event notifications.
11. Configuration Bidder to showcase the following capabilities
per- channel of the AI based Video Analytics Platform in
detail during the POC -
 The system should allow each analytics to
be uniquely configured for every individual
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camera stream, with parameters for

camera calibration, image quality
improvement, night/day settings etc.
 The analytics should be able to run on
different cameras with different settings
(e.g., different Zones for Intrusion, different
lines for line crossing detection, etc.) at
different hours of the day.
 The configuration page should allow a user
to choose any of the available AI models to
detect and classify objects within the image.
The description of the models should
clearly specify performance and hardware
requirements of each of the model.

12. Hardware Sizing MSI will be required to showcase load testing

and of the CPU and GPU per analytics server to
Benchmarking confirm that the video analytics application
will perform satisfactory under the full load of
Video analytics channels and the number of
servers quoted in the BOQ.
 Example - If MSI has quoted in-total 50
servers for running the total load of 5000
video analytics use cases, then the MSI
should demo 1 server load = 5000/50 i.e.
100 channels in the POC. The system should
process the video at the actual camera
resolution at the camera frame rate.
 Supporting documents like case studies /
benchmarking reports with the Server
hardware OEM’s should be submitted along
with the POC documentation.
13. ANPR ANPR Functionality test in demonstration.
 The system should detect and capture
Standardized Plates.
 Detect plates even at night using IR
 Accuracy should be Minimum 95% during
the day assignment of labels to individual
number plates, such as 'VIP', 'offender', etc.
 Generate automatic alarms to alert the
control room personnel for further action.
Evaluation Parameters –
 The solution shall demonstrate the
detection of number plate in standard
format and in different fonts. The solution
provider shall create test cases to detect
different number plates. (Accuracy >90%)
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 The solution provider shall demonstrate

the detection of Number plat using IR
illuminators in the dark during the night.
(Accuracy >90%)
 The solution shall demonstrate the
detection of various vehicles by attributes
like color and type. The solution shall be
able to identify the vehicle type. The
solution shall be demonstrating over a test
video data set.
14. Facial Functionality test in demonstration.
Recognition  Recognition of Full-Face from varying
System angles.
 Recognition of Partial Face from varying
 Match suspected criminal face from pre-
recorded feeds.
 Identify multiple persons of interest in a
single frame in real-time.
 Generate alerts for blacklisted individuals.

Evaluation Parameters –
 The accuracy should be showcased using
surveillance cameras mounted at actual
 The OEM shall show the recognition of full
face of test case using -
o Right part or left part of the face.
o Facial props worn by the case (like
turban, thick beard, etc.)
o The OEM shall show the demo on a
test case to recognize the suspect from
 The pre-recorded feeds
 Create a test database using
dummy images
 From the database created, to
identify the criminal in real time.
 The OEM shall demonstrate identification
of multiple persons in a single frame for
o Blacklisted individuals – The OEM
shall create a test dataset of
blacklisted individuals and using it the
solution shall identify and raise
severity alert. The same shall be
demonstrated in a single frame of
multiple faces.

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o Whitelisted individuals – The OEM

shall create a test dataset of
whitelisted individuals and using it the
solution shall identify and raise
severity alert. The same shall be
demonstrated in a single frame of
multiple faces.
15. Crowd Functionality test in demonstration.
Estimation and  Showcase estimation of crowd in extremely
Management dense environments like public processions
and festivals, rally etc.

Evaluation Parameters –
 The accuracy of detection should be above
85% on the video provided by the
evaluation committee.

16. Person Functionality test in demonstration.

Collapsing The app should detect if a person walking
upright has collapsed or fallen on the

Evaluation Parameters –
 This app should raise an alert if any
pedestrian is Jay walking.
 The app should provide zone wise data of
both the pedestrian movements at zebra
crossings and jay walking with a minimum
of hourly granularity
17. Camera Health Functionality test in demonstration.
Monitoring  The Camera Health Monitoring app should
be able to monitor the status of the camera
and report an alert in case the camera is not
functional or tampered with intentionally or

Evaluation Parameters –
 The accuracy of application be above 90 %
on the video provided by the evaluation
 Alerts should be raised on following
 Camera view tampered with bright light
 Camera scenes gets too dark below a
 The app should raise an alert if the camera
is turned off or connectivity is lost.
 Camera cable pulled. / Connectivity lost.
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*Miscellaneous: Power Arrangement- With respect to the power requirements at field for PoC,
the power arrangements to be ensured by the MSI through adequate Gen-set as an essential part
of the PoC exercise. All arrangements required for POC should be arranged by MSI.

Award of Contract /Order

The Contract will be awarded to the bidder securing highest CTFS. However, C-DAC
reserves the right to discard the bidder securing highest CTFS. The scope of contract will
cover implementation of all phases including warranty for 05 years and O & M for three
years. Delhi Police may enter into a contract for CAMC services, after expiry of warranty
period. However, the prices quoted by the bidder for CAMC services will be binding on
bidder. A contract will be signed on receipt of performance bank guarantee from the
selected bidder. The draft contract form is provided in RFP Chapter 6.

Notification of Award
C-DAC will notify the Successful Bidder confirming the selection of the Bidder. The Bidder
shall confirm the acceptance of the same in writing within 05 (five) days.

Locations for Delivery and Project Implementation

The selected bidder shall be required to carry out the project implementation activities
within the physical boundary of NCT Delhi Police Commissionerate comprising of 16
districts. The locations for DC, near DR, C4i, C3i , C2i, and field locations are indicated in
the location map, and same will be shared post the signing of the Non- Disclosure
agreement with selected bidder.

a. Bidders shall quote for the entire scope of contract on an “overall responsibility” basis
such that the total Bid Price covers Bidder’s all obligations mentioned in or to be
reasonably inferred from the bidding documents in respect of providing the
b. The prices for components/ sub-systems supplied and services to be provided must
be quoted in INR only.
c. Prices must be quoted as per the format uploaded under this RFP on CPP Portal.
d. The prices quoted must be inclusive of all the costs, charges, freight, insurance,
handling charges, packing charges, license fees, labour charges, warranty for three
years and incidental charges till successful completion of project deliverables.
e. The prices towards extended warranty of further two years, Operation and
maintenance for three years and comprehensive AMC (CAMC) for three years should
be quoted separately as given in price bid format.
f. The item wise break up of CAMC charges for three years should be submitted as per
the format given in price bid.
g. The prices must include the charges towards testing, Demonstration of PoC, and
completing the quality acceptance criteria, training etc.

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h. All prices should be quoted excluding applicable GST. Bidder must indicate rates of
current applicable GST separately for each line item.
i. In case of change in Government statutory taxes/ duties, the taxes and / or duties
applicable as on date of supply will prevail.

Performance Security
Within fifteen (15) days from the date of notification of Award, the Successful Bidder shall
at his own expense submit unconditional and irrevocable Performance Security in the
form of Bank Guarantee (PBG) to C-DAC. The PBG shall be from a Nationalized Bank or a
Scheduled Commercial Bank in the format prescribed in the RFP, payable on demand, for
the due performance and fulfillment of the contract by the bidder.

This Performance Bank Guarantee shall be for an amount equivalent to 10% of total
contract value.

C-DAC reserves the right to forfeit the Performance Bank Guarantee, in an event if the
a. fails to meet the overall penalty condition as mentioned in RFP para 2.1.29 of Chapter
2 or any changes agreed between the parties,
b. fails to perform the responsibilities and obligations as set out in the Contract/ Order
to the complete satisfaction of C-DAC,
c. Misrepresents facts/information submitted to C-DAC.

The Performance Bank Guarantee shall be valid till satisfactory completion of warranty
period (Go-live of Phase-3 + 62 months). The Performance Bank Guarantee may be
discharged/returned by C-DAC upon being satisfied that there has been due performance
of the obligations by the Successful Bidder under the Contract.

In the event of the Bidder being unable to service the contract for whatever reason(s), C-
DAC shall have the right to invoke the Performance Bank Guarantee. Notwithstanding and
without prejudice to any rights whatsoever of C-DAC under the contract in the matter, the
proceeds of the PBG shall be payable to C-DAC as compensation for any loss resulting from
the Successful Bidder’s/ MSI’s failure to perform/comply its obligations under the

C-DAC shall notify the Bidder in writing of the exercise of its right to receive such
compensation within 40 days, indicating the contractual obligation(s) for which the
Bidder is in default. C-DAC shall also be entitled to make recoveries from the Bidder’s bills,
Performance Bank Guarantee, or from any other amount due to it, an equivalent value of
any payment made to it due to inadvertence, error, collusion, misconstruction or

In case the Project is delayed beyond the Project Schedule as mentioned in para 2.1.25 of
Chapter 2, the Performance Bank Guarantee shall be accordingly extended by the Bidder
till completion of scope of work as mentioned in Chapter 4 of RFP.

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On satisfactory performance and completion of the order in all respects and duly certified
to this effect by the Project Coordinator, Contract Completion Certificate shall be issued
and the Performance Bank Guarantee would be returned to the Bidder.

Timelines linked with Payment Schedule

The details of complete project is envisaged to be completed in four phases as given below.
Phase 1 includes 06 Districts of Delhi covering 75 Police Stations (C2I) and 1360 Locations. The
Go Live of Phase 1 would be in 09 months. This would also involve ‘as-is assessment’ and the
Blueprinting of a Data Centre, Integrated Command, Control, Communication & Compute center
(C4I) at Police HQ, Command, Control & Communication (C3I) at District Head Quarter and
Command & Control center(C2I) at Police Stations along with respective IT and Non IT
Infrastructure including installation and commissioning of the Filed devices. Phase1 includes the
procurement of 1 MCCV & also Integration of 32 existing Databases.
Phase 2 shall cover additional 04 districts with 45 Police Stations (C2I) with 836 Locations. The
Go Live of Phase 2 would be in 11 months from Kick-Off Date. This would involve commissioning
of near Disaster Recovery Center (nDR), Command, Control & Communication (C3I) at District
Head Quarter and Command & Control center(C2I) at Police Stations along with respective IT and
Non IT Infrastructure including installation and commissioning of the Filed devices. Phase 2
includes the second MCCV procurement.
Phase 3 shall cover additional 06 districts with 62 Police Stations (C2I) and 1155 Locations. The
Go Live of Phase 3 would be in 14 months from Kick-Off Date. This would involve commissioning
of Command, Control & Communication (C3I) at District Head Quarter and Command & Control
center(C2I) at Police Stations along with respective IT and Non IT Infrastructure including
installation and commissioning of the Filed devices.
Phase 2 and Phase 3 will be running concurrently, so that the whole project should be completed
in the given timeline.

Phase 4 Warranty and Operation and Maintenance Phase: The bidder shall carry out the
operation and maintenance services towards the implemented system for the period of 03 years.
The Warranty (05 years) and the O & M (03 years) will run in parallel.

The payments to MSI shall be released in phased manner after the successful completion of the
target milestones for the respective phase. The detailed Phase wise timelines linked with
Payment Schedule for MSI are as under:

S. No. Phase-wise Timeline Payment (%)

A. Selection of the T
B. Work Order/ T+1Week Advance to MSI:
Contract between 10% of the Contract Value will be given against
TSP (C-DAC) and Submission of ABG (Advance Bank Guarantee) of
MSI 10% as per format given in RFP
Performance Security :

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Submission of Performance Security of 10% of the

contract value at the time of Contract signing.
C. Project Kick Off & Team Mobilization
1. Kick-off Meet (MSI), T+3Week
Project Inception
Phase / Team
Mobilization from
issue of WO (MSI)
D. Phase-1(06 Districts) : Project Design, planning and Implementation activity
2. Site Survey (Jointly T +6week
in-between MSI and
ISP), GIS Mapping,
Project Planning
3. Addressing of ROW, T+3 week to
RI Issues for MSI T+18 week
4. Applying for Power T+3 week to
Meters T+ 30 week
5. Delivery of Non-IT T+4 week to 40% of the Order value of the respective Non-IT
items at Site T+18 week items and other material for Phase-1 against
(Procurement & delivery of same at site on Pro-rata basis.
Supply of Material
at C4I, C3I, C2I )
6. Installation of Non T+ 6 week to 10% of the Order value of the respective Non-IT
IT Equipment at T + 22 Weeks items and other material for Phase-1 against
C4I, C3I, C2I installation and commissioning of the same at site on
Pro-rata basis.
7. Procurement & T+ 6 week to 40% of the Order value of the respective JB, Poles,
Supply of JB, Poles, T + 16 Weeks Passive Components for Phase-1 against delivery of
Passive same at site on Pro-rata basis.
Components for
Phase 1
8. Installation of JB & T+ 6 week to 10% of the Order value of the respective JB, Poles,
Poles, Cabling T + 24 Weeks Passive Components for Phase-1 against installation
(Power + Cat6) of 6 and commissioning of the same at site on Pro-rata
District's police basis.
9. Procurement of T + 16 Weeks 40% of the Order value of the respective Camera &
Camera & Switches Switches & UPS for Phase-1 against delivery of same
& UPS at site on Pro-rata basis.
10. Installation of T+ 20 week to 55% of the Order value of the Power Meters on
Power Meters T + 24 Weeks supply & Installation for Phase-1 at site on Pro-rata
11. Installation of T+ 20 week to 10% of the Order value of the respective Camera &
Camera, Switches & T + 24 Weeks Switches & UPS for Phase-1 against installation and
UPS commissioning of the same at site on Pro-rata basis.

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12. SOPs & Helpdesk T+9 week

13. Procurement, T+12 week 40% of the Order value of the respective IT
Supply of IT Equipment & OS, Security Appliance, Security at DC,
Equipment & OS, C4I, C3I, C2I for Phase-1 against delivery of same at
Security Appliance, site on Pro-rata basis.
Security at DC, C4I,
C3I, C2I
14. Installation of IT T+20 week 10% of the Order value of the respective IT
Equipment & OS, Equipment & OS, Security Appliance, Security at DC,
Security Appliance, C4I, C3I, C2I for Phase-1 against installation and
Security at DC , C4I, commissioning of the same at site on Pro-rata basis.
C3I, C2I
15. Procurement, T+18 week 30% of the Order value of the respective Software
Supply of Software application for VMS, ICCC, FRS, PIU, ANPR & VA for
application for VMS, Phase-1 against delivery of same at site on Pro-rata
ICCC, FRS, PIU, basis.
ANPR & VA etc.
16. Installation T+20 week 20% of the Order value of the respective Software
integration of VMS, application for VMS, ICCC, FRS, PIU, ANPR & VA for
VA, ICCC, FRS, PIU, Phase-1 against installation and commissioning of
ANPR etc. the same at site on Pro-rata basis.
Software at C4I, C3I,
17. Installation and T+22 week to 65% of the Installation and Commissioning Charges
Commissioning: T+26 weeks for the Integration, Configuration &
Integration, Operationalization of DC, C2I, C3I, C4I-Testing &
Configuration & Integration with MPLS line links, Camera, DC, C4I,
Operationalization C3I, C2I for Phase-1 against delivery of same at site
of DC, C2I, C3I, C4I- on Pro-rata basis.
Testing &
Integration with
MPLS line links,
Camera, DC, C4I,
C3I, C2I
18. Procurement, T + 3Weeks to 65% of the order value of MCCV after supplying fully
customization, T+20 Weeks furnished / equipped vehicle and on integration and
installation & commissioning of same with the system.
Finalization of
Mobile Command &
Control Vehicle-
(1st MCCV)
19. External T+4 weeks
Integration- Onward

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20. Training T+30 Week
21. Testing & UAT T+30 Week
22. Contingency Period T+32 Weeks
23. Commissioning of T+34Week  10 % of the order amount pertaining to Phase – 1
Phase 1 will be paid within 30 days of Go-Live of Phase –
1. The acceptance certificate issued by C-DAC/DP
must be submitted by MSI for claiming this
E. Phase-2 (04 Districts) : Project Design, planning and Implementation activity
24. Site Survey (Jointly T+18 week to
in-between MSI and T+22 week
ISP), GIS Mapping,
Project Planning
25. Addressing of ROW, T+20 week to
RI Issues for MSI T+30 week
26. Installation of T+ 20 week to 65% of the Order value of the Power Meters on
Power Meters T + 31 Weeks supply & Installation for Phase-2 at site on Pro-rata
27. Delivery of Non-IT T+18 week to 50% of the Order value of the respective Non-IT
items at Site T+34 week items and other material for Phase-2 against
(Procurement & delivery of same at site on Pro-rata basis.
Supply of Material
at C3I, C2I )
28. Installation of Non T+18 week to 15% of the Order value of the respective Non-IT
IT Equipment at T+34 week items and other material for Phase-2 against
C3I, C2I installation and commissioning of the same at site on
Pro-rata basis.
29. Procurement & T+18 week to 50% of the Order value of the respective JB, Poles,
Supply of JB, Poles, T+34 week Passive Components for Phase-2 against delivery of
Passive same at site on Pro-rata basis.
Components for
Phase 2
30. Installation of JB & T+ 18 week to 15% of the Order value of the respective JB, Poles,
Poles, Cabling T + 40 Weeks Passive Components for Phase-2 against installation
(Power + Cat6) of 6 and commissioning of the same at site on Pro-rata
District's police basis.
31. Procurement of T+ 18 week to 50% of the Order value of the respective Camera &
Camera & Switches T + 28 Weeks Switches & UPS for Phase-2 against delivery of same
& UPS at site on Pro-rata basis.

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32. Installation of T+ 24 week to 15% of the Order value of the respective Camera &
Camera, Switches & T + 40 Weeks Switches & UPS for Phase-2 against installation and
UPS commissioning of the same at site on Pro-rata basis.
33. Procurement , T+38 week 50% of the Order value of the respective IT
Supply of IT Equipment & OS, Security Appliance, Security at C3I,
Equipment & OS, C2I for Phase-2 against delivery of same at site on
Security Appliance, Pro-rata basis.
Security at C3I, C2I
34. Installation of IT T+40 week 15% of the Order value of the respective IT
Equipment & OS, Equipment & OS, Security Appliance, Security at C3I,
Security Appliance, C2I for Phase-2 against installation and
Security at C3I, C2I commissioning of the same at site on Pro-rata basis.
35. Procurement and T+30 week to 50% of the Order value of the respective Hardware
Supply of Hardware T+35week infrastructure material and software for nDRC for
infrastructure Phase-2 against delivery of same at site on Pro-rata
material and basis.
software for nDRC
36. Setup of nDRC and T+35week to 15% of the Order value of the respective Hardware
integration with T+40week infrastructure material and software for nDRC for
Data Center Phase-2 against installation and commissioning of
the same at site on Pro-rata basis.
37. Procurement, T+20week to 65% of the order value of 2nd MCCV after supplying
customization, T+40week fully furnished / equipped vehicle and on integration
installation & and commissioning of same with the system.
Finalization of
Mobile Command &
Control Vehicle-
(2nd MCCV)
38. Integration, T+41 weeks 65% of the Installation and Commissioning Charges
Configuration & for the Integration, Configuration &
Operationalization Operationalization of C2I, C3I with C4I-Testing &
of C2I, C3I with C4I- Integration of MPLS , Camera , DC, C4I, C3I, C2I for
Testing & Phase-2 against delivery of same at site on Pro-rata
Integration of MPLS basis.
, Camera , DC, C4I,
C3I, C2I ., nDRC
39. External T+42 weeks 25% after 10 Database Integration
Integration (16
40. Training T+41 weeks
41. Testing & UAT T+41 weeks
42. Commissioning of T+42 weeks  10 % of the order amount pertaining to Phase – 2
Phase 2 will be paid within 30 days of Go-Live of Phase –
2. The acceptance certificate issued by C-DAC/DP

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must be submitted by MSI for claiming this

F. Phase-3 (06 Districts) : Project Design, planning and Implementation activity
43. Site Survey (Jointly T+26 week to
in-between MSI and T+32 week
ISP), GIS Mapping,
Project Planning
44. Addressing of ROW, T+28 week to
RI Issues for MSI T+40 week
45. Installation of T+ 28 week to 65% of the Order value of the Power Meters on
Power Meters T + 41 Weeks supply & Installation for Phase-3 at site on Pro-rata
46. Delivery of Non-IT T+26 week to 50% of the Order value of the respective Non-IT
items at Site T+42 week items and other material for Phase-3 against
(Procurement & delivery of same at site on Pro-rata basis.
Supply of Material
at C3I, C2I)
47. Installation of Non T+26 week to 15% of the Order value of the respective Non-IT
IT Equipment at T+42 week items and other material for Phase-3 against
C3I, C2I installation and commissioning of the same at site on
Pro-rata basis.
48. Procurement & T+26 week to 50% of the Order value of the respective JB, Poles,
Supply of JB, Poles, T+42 week Passive Components for Phase-3 against delivery of
Passive same at site on Pro-rata basis.
Components for
Phase 3
49. Installation of JB & T+ 28 week to 15% of the Order value of the respective JB, Poles,
Poles, Cabling T + 46 Weeks Passive Components for Phase-3 against installation
(Power + Cat6) of 6 and commissioning of the same at site on Pro-rata
District's police basis.
50. Procurement of T+ 26 week to 50% of the Order value of the respective Camera,
Camera, Switches & T + 42 Weeks Switches & UPS for Phase-3 against delivery of same
UPS at site on Pro-rata basis.
51. Installation of T+ 24 week to 15% of the Order value of the respective Camera,
Camera, Switches & T + 40 Weeks Switches & UPS for Phase-3 against installation and
UPS commissioning of the same at site on Pro-rata basis.
52. Procurement , T+42 week 50% of the Order value of the respective IT
Supply of IT Equipment & OS, Security Appliance, Security at C3I,
Equipment & OS, C2I for Phase-3 against delivery of same at site on
Security Appliance, Pro-rata basis.
Security at C3I, C2I
53. Installation of IT T+48 week 15% of the Order value of the respective IT
Equipment & OS, Equipment & OS, Security Appliance, Security at C3I,

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Security Appliance, C2I for Phase-3 against installation and

Security at C3I, C2I commissioning of the same at site on Pro-rata basis.
54. Integration, T+50 week 10% of the Order value of the respective IT
Configuration & Equipment & OS, Security Appliance, Security at DC,
Operationalization C4I, C3I, C2I for Phase-3 against installation and
of C2I, C3I with C4I. commissioning of the same at site on Pro-rata basis.

Testing &
Integration with
MPLS, Camera, DC,
nDRC, C4I, C3I, C2I
55. Testing & T+50 weeks
Integration of
MPLS, Camera, DC,
C4I, C3I, C2I
56. External T+50 weeks 25% after 10 Database Integration
Integration ( 16
57. Training T+50 weeks
58. Testing & UAT T+50 weeks
59. Commissioning of T+52 weeks  10 % of the order amount pertaining to Phase – 3
Phase 3 will be paid within 30 days of Go-Live of Phase –
3. The acceptance certificate issued by C-DAC/DP
must be submitted by MSI for claiming this
 The balance amount payable towards the work
completed till Go-Live of Phase -3 will be paid
in two equal installments – one within 30
days of Go-Live of Phase – 3 and second within
60 days of Go-Live of Phase 3, after adjusting
the advance amount on pro-rata basis.
 The penalties, SLAs or any amount deductible as
per Contract terms will be deducted from
payable amount of second installment.
 The ABG will be released at this stage.
G. Phase-4: O&M T+53 weeks The equated quarterly payments towards O & M
:Providing O & M onwards till services will be released at the end of each quarter,
services as per T+209 Weeks on submission of quarterly invoice. The deductible
Para 2.1.27 of or 03 years amounts – if any, towards SLA will be deducted on
Chapter 2 of this after phase -3 quarterly basis from the quarterly payments. The
document go-live copy of certificate issued by C-DAC towards
whichever is satisfactory O&M services rendered by MSI must be
later attached with the invoice.

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a. The bidder shall provide comprehensive warranty towards entire implemented
system including IT hardware, Non-IT hardware, software and services etc. The
warranty shall commence from the date of acceptance of respective system/post Go-
Live of the entire project and shall be operational for a period of minimum 05 years’
whichever is later.
b. Technical Support for Software applications shall be provided by the respective
OEMs for the period of warranty. The Technical Support should include all upgrades,
updates and patches to the respective Software applications.
c. The MSI warrants that the Goods supplied under the Contract are new, non-
refurbished, unused and recently manufactured at the time of delivery; the End of
sale / End of support of any product should not prevail before 18 months of the
commissioning; and shall be supported by the MSI and respective OEM along with
service and spares support to ensure its efficient and effective operation for the
entire duration of the contract.
d. The MSI warrants that the goods supplied under this Contract shall be of the highest
grade and quality and consisted with the established and generally accepted
standards for materials of this type. The goods shall be in full conformity with the
specifications and shall operate properly and safely. All recent design improvements
in goods, unless provided otherwise in the Contract, shall also be made available.
e. The MSI further warrants that the Goods supplied under this Contract shall be free
from all encumbrances and defects/faults arising from design, material,
manufacture or workmanship (except insofar as the design or material is required
by C-DAC's Specifications) or from any act or omission of the MSI, that may develop
under normal use of the supplied Goods in the conditions prevailing at the
respective Datacenter / Server Room Sites.
f. The replacement of faulty hard disks of server, storage and workstation will be on
on-returnable basis.
g. C-DAC shall promptly notify the MSI in writing of any claims arising under this
h. Upon receipt of such notice, the MSI shall, with all reasonable speed, repair or
replace the defective Goods or parts thereof, without prejudice to any other rights
which C-DAC may have against the MSI under the Contract.
i. If the MSI, having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s) within a reasonable
period, C-DAC may proceed to take such remedial action as may be necessary, at the
MSI’s risk and expense and without prejudice to any other rights which C-DAC may
have against the MSI under the Contract.
j. Any OEM specific warranty terms that do not conform to conditions under this
Contract shall not be acceptable
k. The selected MSI shall provide Guarantee/Warranty for all Stores, Equipment,
Services supplied at least for a period of 60 months (05 years i.e. 03 Years
warranty+02 Years extended warranty) from the date of commissioning of the
Systems at the Sites/Locations and that the said system would continue to conform
to the description and quality for all equipment’s/system. If any deviation or
deterioration in description and quality, design, workmanship and performance as
per the agreed specifications is noticed or discovered during the period of warranty
(the decision of the BUYER in that behalf shall be final, and binding on the parties),

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the BUYER shall be entitled to reject the said item, systems or such portion thereof
as may be discovered or noticed.
l. On such rejection, the concerned equipment, systems or portions thereof will be at
the MSI’s risk and all the provisions herein contained related to rejection of said
equipment etc. shall apply.
m. MSI shall replace the said equipment, systems or portions thereof within a period of
48 hours. In such event the remaining warranty period shall apply to the equipment,
systems or portions thereof so replaced from the date of replacement.
n. MSI shall provide 24x7 support with 4 hours response time and 48 hours of
resolution time from the date and time of reporting of an error, during the warranty
and extended warranty period. The defective card/item/equipment should be
repaired/replaced within 48 hours at the location of installation of the said item free
of cost. In case major defects requiring the defective card/item/equipment to be
taken to the MSI workshop, an immediate substitute card/item/equipment will be
provided by MSI for smooth operation of the System and the defective
card/item/equipment should be returned/installed duly repaired within six weeks.
The to and fro transportation charges of the card/item/equipment will be the
responsibility of the MSI.
o. MSI shall replace the defective equipment, systems or portions thereof at the exact
location or place of installation of the said item free of cost.
p. The warranty period will cover the entire Systems deployed at the Sites/Locations
including all perishable, non-perishable and consumable items and equipment’s.
q. MSI is required to provide Software patches from time to time, free of cost during
the warranty period.
r. Further, any bugs/shortcomings detected shall be rectified free of cost during the
warranty period.
s. MSI shall ensure to set up a maintenance base in Delhi with dedicated deployment
of sufficient numbers of engineers round the clock for all Command & Control
Centres (i.e. Data Centre, nDR, C4i, C3i & C2i) having full knowledge of the system to
attend to technical and/or operational problems at each site during the warranty
period (60 months) from the date of commissioning/acceptance of the system(s).
t. Sufficient number of Service Engineers should be deputed round the clock at Data
Centre & C4i to attend to any fault immediately.
u. The Quarterly Preventive Maintenance and diagnostics of the system on all the
locations should be carried out by the MSI.
v. No payment will be made to the MSI towards maintenance, repair, and replacement
etc. of the entire System during the warranty period.
w. During the warranty period, in case any field equipment is damaged by a vehicular
accident (or due to any other reason outside the control of MSI, ISP, Vendor, etc.)
and need repair/replacement, the corresponding equipment will be replaced by
MSI. In such cases, damages are to be borne by the MSI through proper
comprehensive insurance for all equipment.

Operations and Maintenance

The MSI shall provide complete Operations and Maintenance support for the integrated
solution deployed from the date of Go-Live of respective phases and shall be operational
for a period of minimum 03 years’ post Go-Live of the entire project.

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During the Warranty and O&M period, the MSI shall provide all product(s) and
documentation updates, patches/fixes, and version upgrades within 15 days of their
availability/release and should carry out installation and make operational the same at no
additional cost to C-DAC.

In this phase, MSI would be responsible for operations and maintenance of the entire

The following services should be provided by MSI:

a. O&M phase planning and monitoring
b. Ongoing Administration and Maintenance requirements
c. Operation of Monitoring Centre (including Help Desk)
d. VAPT Execution
e. Facility Management Services at Command & Control Centre
f. MIS Reports and Incident Reporting
g. Assistance in Integration with other integrations as and when required by adding
more use-cases
h. Continuous Learning to the system on new alerts and VA systems
i. SLA reporting
j. The MSI is required to ensure that all the required hardware and software
proposed should be capable and meet the required performance as per the RFP.
k. MSI should ensure while execution and operation & maintenance phase, the
industry best practices has to be followed. MSI should adhered to industry
standard checkpoints while execution and after starting the operation phase while
replacement/ re-installing / re-commissioning such as:
• Ensure Project objectives are met during O&M phase pertaining to maintenance
/ operation of hardware, field devices, software and related eco-system etc.
• Ensure to prepare different kind of reports/documents required during O&M
such as preparation of SOPs etc. for effective maintenance of hardware, field
devices, software and related eco-system etc.
• Ensure the safety of the field devices for any damages by providing all necessary
equipment’s/measures (e.g. housing to protect camera, fencing to poll,
conduiting for cables etc.)
• Maintaining all inventory for the items procured in the project during execution
and O&M such maintaining records / registers etc.
• During operation phase, in case any camera is damaged by a vehicular accident
(or due to any other reason outside the control of MSI) and needs repair, then
the MSI will need to repair / have the new camera installed at the incidence.
Damages are to be borne by MSIs in such cases through proper insurance.
During this period, a replacement of the camera to be provided immediately to
meet the camera uptime requirement.
• During O& M Phase, The applications will be customized to meet the project
objectives and the requirements of Police Department. The MSI will ensure that
the best practices for software development and customization are used during
the software development/customization and integration exercise. This would

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at a minimum include:
• Software development/customization/integration based on the functional
requirement specifications, system requirement specifications, software
requirement specifications and solution designs as finalised and approved by
Delhi Police. Wherever necessary, the MSI shall develop additional
functionality/modules on top of products features, in order to meet the Project
• Delivering the Surveillance System, along with all of the necessary modules and
additional functionalities/ integrated products, utilities, system drivers and
documentation consistent with proven standards, including product updates,
technology upgrades and patches to run on the selected operating system(s)
and hardware according to the solution in O&M Phase.
• It is pertinent to mention that application hosted at the Data Center shall be
accessible by the intended users as desired under this Project and the SOPs,
Rules and configuration will be changed as per the requirement in O&M Phase.

The Cost of Operation & Maintenance shall be deemed to cover all costs for performing the
maintenance services including the cost of providing all labour, tools, equipment, facilities,
spare parts, replacement of faulty parts, consumables (excluding diesel/oil and batteries)
and other related materials, documentation, staff training, test equipment and all other
necessary items.

MSI shall ensure that sufficient maintenance staff is deployed to carry out the maintenance
works. Only technically competent and qualified staff shall be deployed for the
maintenance works.

MSI shall ensure for the proper functioning of communication lines and all its equipment,
diagnose communications faults, perform joint testing etc. through Internet Service
Provider (ISP).

MSI shall provide a service escalation list of personnel (including management personnel)
to contact in the event of unsatisfactory restoration or service rendered.

Preventive Maintenance (PM)

Regularly scheduled PM shall be performed at least once in three months or as
recommended in the product support documentation, whichever is earlier. This
maintenance includes all cleaning, lubrication, inspection, testing, calibration, focusing of
field equipment, checking of cable insulation, checking for corrosion of steel support,
painting works to remove rusts, repairing of concrete base of field equipment and
structure, checking of cable clamps and replacement when necessary as well as all
alignment necessary to prevent failures and extend the useful life of the System and
MSI shall ensure that all PM works are properly carried out with minimum interruption to
the operation of the system.MSI shall submit a rolling quarterly maintenance work
program as per an approved checklist. MSI shall also submit a PM report to the C-DAC. The
C-DAC reserves the right to add and delete items on the check list without any additional

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Hardware PM shall include all scheduled servicing actions. Scheduled servicing shall
include accomplishment of periodic inspection, condition monitoring, critical parts
replacements, overhaul, adjustment, calibration, etc. In addition, servicing requirements
(i.e. lubrication, cleaning, housekeeping, pest control etc.) shall also be included under the
general category of schedule servicing. The PM works shall include at least the following:
a. Checking and tightening the supports on all mounting poles and replacing them worn
out. Cleaning of field equipment and focusing alignment cleaning of inside of
equipment housing of dirt, dust etc.;
b. Checking the mounting brackets for all field equipment and replacing them when
damaged or when cracks are observed.
c. Checking metal parts for corrosion, burst-off and repainting them as required.
d. Carrying out cable insulation tests as and when required
e. Checking the condition of earthing, electrical wiring and lightning arrestors and all
outdoor equipment.
f. Checking the foundation, base plate and bolts and nuts of all structure for corrosion,
repainting when required as well as tightening or replacement of damaged bolts and
g. Monitoring, optimization and fine tuning of the systems;
h. Perform system backup and restoration for Command & Control Centres
i. Ensuring security of the System and to report any security violations to C-DAC.
j. Any other work which affects quality of its output.
k. Software PM shall include but not limited to the following:
l. Installation, reconfiguration, testing and implementation of standard corrections,
patches and updates of all software
m. Performing regular backup so as to restore the system in the shortest time possible;
n. In the event that the software support from the vendor is terminated, MSI shall be
responsible for maintaining the affected software at no additional cost and with no
adverse delay to the operation of system.
o. Licenses for all the operating and application software etc. shall be made available to
C-DAC/Delhi Police at no additional cost. The original agreement documents of all the
licenses shall be submitted to C-DAC within week of its renewal.
p. MSI shall be responsible to supply and install the latest anti-virus software and
patches as well as the associated license. The anti-virus software shall include at least
the following features:
 Functions to automatically scan all file inputs, outputs, downloads, program
execution and other system related activities;
 Functions to clear or delete the infected file(s);
 Ability to check specific files for viruses;
 Ability to allow the creation of emergency floppy disk to start and clean infected
boot sector virus; and
 Ability to push signature files and upgrades from one main console to the rest
of the hardware. There shall be no manual updates and upgrades on individual
servers and workstations.
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 MSI shall update the virus definition file as and when new update is available.

Any PM work carried out shall not cause any disruption to the operation of System and all
the communication links. In the event that any System downtime is required during PM
work, MSI shall seek C-DAC’s approval prior to carrying out the works.

MSI shall recommend updates and improvements to the System to ensure the optimal
operation and security of the System. Upon the approval by C-DAC, MSI shall install,
configure and document the updates and/or improvements.

Spares, Consumables and Testing Equipment

MSI shall ensure that adequate spare parts, consumables and testing equipment are
maintained for usage, repairs and replacement and ensure that they are available at all
times throughout the maintenance period, so that the system functioning should not be
affected due to shortage of spare parts.

The cost of the consumables (except diesel for running of the generator after Go-Live of
Phase-1, 2 and 3) spare parts and testing equipment is deemed to have been included in
the Contract Price for the maintenance in the price schedule.

MSI shall at his own expense obtain, store and maintain in serviceable condition the
required number of spare parts and consumable necessary to meet the Maintenance

The MSI will undertake that supplies of necessary maintenance equipment and spare parts
will be made available for all equipment’s as well as the complete system for at least Five
years, from the date of Commissioning/Acceptance of the System, on a continuing basis so
as to ensure 24x7 uninterrupted functioning of the said Projects.

Maintenance Management Facilities

MSI shall ensure to set up a Call Centre and deploy full time maintenance staff for the
maintenance of the system on a 24x7 basis. MSI shall provide a maintenance telephone
number manned by English & Hindi speaking staff to which all Faults can be reported to
at any time.

MSI shall provide C-DAC a list of names, addresses and contact numbers of all staff
employed for the maintenance services and of any other persons who may be at any time
be required to enter the work site to perform works relating to the Contract.

MSI shall ensure that his authorized representatives shall have their mobile phones
switched on at all times to respond to service requests by C-DAC after office hours.

Upon receiving the alert for any fault or Fault reports lodged by other means, MSI shall
ensure that the same is attended quickly within the Response Time, and repair, remove or
rectify the Faults within the Repair Time stated in the Maintenance Standards. C-DAC shall
impose liquidation Damages charges on MSI for failure to respond within Response time
and failing to complete the repair work within the Repair Time, without any justifiable
reason, as specified in the Maintenance Standards.

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In the event MSI’s personal encounters difficulty in rectifying any Fault within the Repair
Time, MSI shall immediately notify C-DAC giving pertinent details including the time by
which it expects to complete the rectification.

Damages to the System as a result of accidents and vandalism shall be included as Faults.
MSI shall response to such Faults that arise from road or other accidents and vandalism
shall be subjected to the Response Time as specified in the Maintenance Standards as
mentioned in this document.

Ad-Hoc Works
TSP may from time to time issue variation to MSI to carry out ad-hoc repair, replacement
and improvement works which are not covered under PM or RM works to relocation of
equipment affected by road works, maintenance of additional equipment and cleaning and
painting of assets.

For accident repair; MSI shall repair the damages as per provision of the contract
mentioned at para No. 2.1.27 (v) of chapter 2 above and subsequently inform the C-DAC
the cost incurred.

Such works also includes up-gradation of any equipment’s viz. cameras, storage,
backup, additional licenses, additional manpower etc., if required necessary for effective
functioning, on chargeable basis, at the rates of the successful bidder.

Brief scope of the proposed Manpower to be deployed under Operation and


Project Manager Responsibility:

 Prepare roll-out plan for deployment & operationalization of equipment

The Project Manager with his team shall prepare the overall Data Center establishment
& their operational plan for this Project. The plan shall comprise deployment of all the
equipment required under the Project. The implementation roll-out plan for setting up
the Data Center shall be approved by the Authority. The detailed plan shall also
comprise of the scalability, expandability and security that the Data Center will
implement under this Project.

 Preparation of Detailed FRD, SRD and SDD for the Surveillance System and
for integration with other systems
The Project Manager/ MSI will document the requirement in detail before the work on
execution begins. Following documents are expected to be delivered as part of this

• Functional Requirements Documentation (FRD), giving complete details of the

functional aspects of the Project.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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• System Requirements Documentation(SRD), giving complete details of the entire

system components and their inter relationships to execute the Project once

• System Design Documentation (SDD), detailing out the design of the Surveillance
System, Command Control Centers in particular, including integration with various IT
enabled systems like Vehicle Tracking, e-Challan system, Delhi Police Himmat App,
CCTNS, Community Surveillance, etc. currently available or being implemented by the
Police Department.

The MSI / Project Manager shall prepare above mentioned documents in discussion with
all key stakeholders (Delhi Police, CDAC, Consultants etc.). It is expected that the
MSI/Project Manager brings in leading international best practices in this field and
ensures that a progressive system is implemented for the IP CCTV Surveillance System in

C4I Expert/ ICCC Expert Responsibility:

C4i Expert will provision to ensure that such video feeds can be streamed to the Command
Control Centers, District Command & Control Center and if required to viewing centers

The Command Control Center (C4i) will also have a room identified for IT Analytics and
Forensic Experts where they will analyze the incriminating video footage and certify its
integrity & chain of custody. These experts along with C4i expert shall oversee the
integration of ANPR with the other relevant databases and also undertake R&D to evaluate
and analyze various analytics related technologies and their implementation over the

C4I Expert shall undertake detail assessment for integration of the Surveillance System
with the Geographical Information System (GIS) so that physical location of cameras, GPS
fitted police vehicles (Vehicle Tracking) are brought out on the GIS map. The primary
objective of such an asset mapping will be to ensure quick and immediate response for
incidents, using the assets available, PCR vans getting shortest possible route options to
reach incident locations and ensuring route optimization. The Expert is required to carry
out the seamless integration to ensure ease of use of GIS in Surveillance System
Applications/Dashboards in Command Control Centers, District level Command and
Control Center ( C4I, C3i, C2i ) & Near DR and by other authorized senior officials. GIS Base
Map will be integrated by the C4i expert with all surveillance cameras and other assets as
per Delhi Police requirements. The Expert should also ensure that GIS application is
integrated with VMS to support the Command Centers to navigate on the map and use it
for better spatial understanding. It should also help higher management of Police
Department to analyses the events on a spatial perspective. GPS integration with GIS is
required to locate all police vehicles (on which GPS units are fitted) on GIS Map. Vehicle
tracking should happen even while any vehicle is parked/stationary/ignition-off. Delhi
Police under its planned initiatives under SMART Policing, has already embarked on a
project for GIS Based Decision support system called Dial112, hence the Expert should
ensure seamless GIS integration under this project and consider to extend the features

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available in Dial112 to this project at all command centers to ensure complete situational
awareness and facilitate decision making and planning.

There are few more requirement/activities of the project which the C4i Expert should

SMS Gateway Integration

MSI shall carry out SMS Gateway Integration with the Surveillance System and develop
necessary applications to send mass message or SMS to groups/individuals, which can be
either manual or system generated. Any external/third party SMS gateway can be used.

Detailed assessment/analysis of video feeds & analytics at Command Control Center

The Command Control Center (C4i) will also have a room identified for IT Analytics and
Forensic Experts where they will analyze the incriminating video footage and certify its
integrity & chain of custody. These experts shall oversee the integration of ANPR with the
other relevant databases and also undertake R&D to evaluate and analyze various
analytics related technologies and their implementation over the years in O&M Phase.

Integration of Community Surveillance/existing camera project through Edge

Gateway on need basis
The C4i expert should be able to prepare and run the solution of integration of community
surveillance camera systems spread across Delhi and also the Existing cameras pof Delhi
Police from Various project on need basis and it should be viewed as per the
need/demand. The prime monitoring of community cameras will be done at District level
Command & Control Center. As the community cameras are located at sensitive areas
hence it is important that these cameras are integrated as a part of this new Surveillance
System on need basis through edge gateway.

System Administrator Responsibility:

Server, Networking & Security equipment will be housed at the DC, to provide the compute
capability to the applications in order to deliver the functionalities as proposed in the
system. The compute capability needs to be designed by the MSI keeping in mind the
compliance to SLAs. The system administrator needs to configure , maintain and manage
the overall system to keep the highest performance level as per functional requirement
and also maintaining the SLA. The Near DR shall be at 5% capacity of the DC analytics &
100% replication of flagged data, the DC- Near DR will remain in Active-Active mode, and
the MSI shall design the RTO and RPO time as per requirements. The detailed calculation
of the proposed design shall be provided as part of the technical proposal.

Database/Storage Administrator Responsibiity:

Storage Administrator/ Database Administrator will have the capability to establish Data
Integration layer which will provide connectivity to all source applications and perform
complex transformations that would be required in the project. An ETL layer will be
created in addition , which would perform extract, transform and load functions. In
addition to ETL layer, it also offers business metadata layer for keeping all the business
metadata related to the organization and the project. The data which is proposed to be

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stored in the crime repository will be of historical nature, further a part of this data will
come from legacy systems which have been in existence for decades, based on the
condition of the data the cleansing activities will be planned. Solution should ensure
accuracy, integrity, consistency, redundancy, de-duplication, clarity, timeliness and
adherence to data integrity rules. The de-duplication engine will remove duplicates, cross-
reference matching records, survive a single complete record, validate and enrich data

Formation of Data Lake:

 Database Administrator will equip police with actionable intelligence and
analytical capabilities and also set up a BI & Analytics engine which will process
the data from data warehouse. Shall perform the planning and process
optimization. Following are the key functionalities envisaged from the this engine
Perform intelligent search and heuristics on the integrated view of information.
 Identification of hidden and unobvious relationships and patterns leading to faster
and accurate investigation and crime prevention.
 Forecast future criminal occurrences and determine areas that can be statistically
defined as Hotspots.
 Generate intelligence using unstructured data.
 Dynamic Risk Assessment for rapidly changing circumstances for an operational
incident, in order to implement the control measures necessary to ensure an
acceptable level for safety
 Optimization of resources and operations.

NOC & Network Analyst Responsibility:

The network analyst will design, maintain, configure & monitor infrastructure like the core
router, Network switch, Firewall, WAF, SD WAN as per functional requirement of the
project. Network Analyst will be in DC and will also responsible for implementation of
Security & Network Policies & Guidelines. He will also be helping CDAC & Third Party
Auditor to help and assist for the reports required for audit purpose. Network Analyst will
be responsible to configure field network & MPLS on Multicast and ensure the MPLS SLA
should be as per the RFP/requirement to ensure data from the field systems and other
locations. The network & security infrastructure will also include the transmission from
DC to Near DR, All the data from Field to respective locations of C3i, C2i, Near DR & C4i.
Security infrastructure will also include secured network and firewall, Antivirus, DLP, MFA
to ensure the information residing at the DC-Near DR is protected from unauthorized
access and malicious attacks from external sources.

Operators /Administrative Staff Responsibility:

There are client stations which include monitoring screens using which the operators at
C4i shall monitor the camera feeds, log incidents and trigger SOPs. Centralized Helpdesk
System should have integration with Network/Server Monitoring Systems so that the
Helpdesk Operators can to associate alarms with Service Desk tickets to help surveillance
operators that for what particular alarms corresponding helpdesk tickets got logged. The
video feeds of surveillance cameras can also be viewed at each Police Stations of their
respective jurisdiction by the operators sitting at C2i, C3i. All analyzed data and actionable

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information / alerts would then be passed on for necessary action from the C4i Operator
to Emergency Operation Centre where the Police Officials will validate and approve the
information should be passed for necessary action to the MDT installed in the PCR vans
(Prakhar) / Police stations through to the upgraded Dial-112 system and Mobile Device.
The command and control is thus envisaged to help communicate, dispatch resources,
coordinate response and carry out the complete incident management by operators at C4i.

The C4i Operator will also monitor, manage and disseminate alerts and information from
all of the disparate video and security systems. The operations center will also conduct
intelligent video analytics processing and third party data mining analysis on real-time
basis. The Operator will have a graphical user interface for search, replay and dubbing
which includes the ability to simultaneously search and replay recorded telephone, VOIP,
Screen recording, GPS data on GIS maps, conventional and digital radio channels as well
as trunked radio communications using captured data from system without any
extraneous process by the operator also.

An operator shall also be able to browse to any 3rd party VMS web interface and access it
from the built-in web interface of this VMS/IP camera.

SOC Administrator:
 Need to Analyze various logs of all devices and Applications
 To perform Threat Intelligence
 Event and Incident Management
 Anomalies pertaining network traffic (LAN /WAN)
 Analyze Application Access Patterns

Liquidated Damages
If MSI fails to supply, install or maintain any or all of the goods and services the period of
Installation, Commissioning, Operation & Maintenance, Warranty and CAMC, C-DAC
without prejudice to its other rights and remedies under the Contract, would deduct from
the amount payable to MSI, as Liquidated Damages, a sum equivalent to half percent (0.5
%) of the price of the delayed goods or unperformed services for each and every week
(part of a week being treated as a full week) of delay until actual delivery or performance,
up to a maximum deduction of Ten (10%) percent of the price of undelivered goods or
unperformed services.

a. The MSI shall note that the Downtime for each Fault occurrence which shall be
considered and computed independently.
i. The Downtime due to system migration, testing, preventive works or other works
as approved by C-DAC or involvement of cameras in third party damage or due to
fault in lease line connectivity (only in case of Master System Integrator or Vendors
other than ISP, but it should be mentioned/indicated/ deducted in the claim of
lease line charges furnished by Internet Service Provider) shall not be considered
as Faults.

Penalties for Non/Under Performance

C-DAC reserves the right to levy and recover the penalties in case of non/under
performance for the reasons attributed to the MSI. The nature, quantum and method of
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computing these penalties shall be based on SLAs described at Para 4.13 Chapter 4 of this

C-DAC may, terminate this Contract in whole or in part by giving MSI a prior and written
notice of 30 days in advance indicating its intention to terminate the Contract under the
following circumstances:
a. Where C-DAC is of the opinion that there has been such Event of Default on the
part of MSI / MSI’s Team which would make it proper and necessary to terminate
this Contract and may include failure on the part of MSI to respect any of its
commitments with regard to any part of its obligations under its Bid, the RFP or
under this Contract.
b. Where it comes to C-DAC’s attention that MSI (or MSI’s Team) is in a position of
actual conflict of interest with the interests of C-DAC/Delhi Police, in relation to
any of terms of MSI’s Bid, the RFP or this Contract.
c. Where MSI’s ability to survive as an independent corporate entity is threatened or
is lost owing to any reason whatsoever, including inter-alia the filing of any
bankruptcy proceedings against MSI, any failure by MSI to pay any of its dues to its
creditors, the institution of any winding up proceedings against MSI or the
happening of any such events that are averse to the commercial viability of MSI. In
the event of the happening of any events of the above nature, C-DAC shall reserve
the right to take any steps as are necessary, to ensure the effective transition of the
sites pilot site to a successor agency, and to ensure business continuity
d. Termination for Insolvency: C-DAC may at any time terminate the Contract by
giving written notice to MSI, without compensation to MSI, if MSI becomes
bankrupt or otherwise insolvent, provided that such termination shall not
prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy which has accrued or shall accrue
thereafter to C-DAC.
e. MSI may, subject to approval by C-DAC, terminate this Contract before the expiry
of the term by giving C-DAC a prior and written notice at least 3 months in advance
indicating its intention to terminate the Contract.
f. MSI is expected to mobilize project team for commencement of work.
Commencement of work means reporting and availability of MSI resources (90%
Key personnel as per the RFP requirement at C-DAC office for the project within
30 days from the Award of the Contract and remaining 10% in next 15 days)

Consequence of Termination
a. In the event of termination of the Contract due to any cause whatsoever, whether
consequent to the stipulated Term of the Contract or otherwise C-DAC shall be
entitled to impose any such obligations and conditions and issue any clarifications
as may be necessary to ensure an efficient transition and effective business
continuity of the project which MSI shall be obliged to comply with and take all
available steps to minimize loss resulting from that termination/breach, and
further allow and provide all such assistance to C-DAC and/ or the successor
agency/ service provider, as may be required, to take over the obligations of MSI
in relation to the execution/continued execution of the requirements of the

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b. Where the termination of the Contract is prior to its stipulated term on account of
a Default on the part of MSI or due to the fact that the survival of MSI as an
independent corporate entity is threatened/has ceased, or for any other reason,
whatsoever, C-DAC, through unilateral re-determination of the consideration
payable to MSI, shall pay MSI for that part of the Services which have been
authorized by C-DAC and satisfactorily performed by MSI up to the date of
termination. Without prejudice to any other rights, C-DAC may retain such
amounts from the payment due and payable by C-DAC to MSI as may be required
to offset any losses caused to C-DAC as a result of any act/omissions of MSI. In case
of any loss or damage due to default on the part of MSI in performing any of its
obligations with regard to executing the Schedule of Requirements under the
contract, MSI shall compensate C-DAC for any such loss, damages or other costs,
incurred by C-DAC. Additionally, members of its team shall perform all its
obligations and responsibilities under the Contract in an identical manner as were
being performed before the collapse of MSI as described above in order to execute
an effective transition and to maintain business continuity. All third parties shall
continue to perform all/any functions as stipulated by C-DAC and as may be proper
and necessary to execute the Schedule of Requirements under the Contract in
terms of MSI’s Bid, the Bid Document and the Contract
c. Nothing herein shall restrict the right of C-DAC to invoke the Bank Guarantee and
other Guarantees furnished solely for the material breach committed / deviation
in contract by the MSI hereunder and pursue such other rights and/or remedies
that may be available to C-DAC under law.
d. The termination hereof shall not affect any accrued right or liability of either Party
nor affect the operation of the provisions of the Contract that are expressly or by
implication intended to come into or continue in force on or after such termination.

Limitation of Liability:
Limitation of MSI’s Liability towards C-DAC:
a. Neither Party shall be liable to the other Party for any indirect or consequential loss or
damage (including loss of revenue and profits) arising out of or relating to the Contract.
b. Except in case of negligence or misconduct on the part of MSI or on the part of any
person or company acting on behalf of MSI in carrying out the Services, MSI’s liability
will be limited to the unpaid amount of total Contract value.
c. However, liability of the bidder in case of death, injury, damage caused to the
personnel/property due to/arising out of/incidental to any
act/omission/default/deficiency of bidder/contractor, will be at actuals.
d. In no event shall either Party, its officers, directors, or employees be liable for any form
of incidental, consequential, indirect, special or punitive damages of any kind.
e. MSI, with respect to damage caused by MSI to C-DAC’s property, shall not be liable to
 For any direct loss or damage that exceeds (A) the total payments payable under
the Contract to MSI hereunder, or (B) the proceeds MSI may be entitled to receive
from any insurance maintained by MSI to cover such a liability, whichever of (A)
or (B) is higher.
f. This limitation of liability shall not affect MSI liability, if any, for damage to Third
Parties caused by MSI or any person or company acting on behalf of MSI in carrying
out the Services.

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a. MSI shall indemnify C-DAC from and against any costs, loss, damages, expense, claims
including those from third parties or liabilities of any kind howsoever suffered, arising
or incurred inter alia during and after the Contract period out of:
 any gross negligence or misconduct act or omission by MSI or any third party
associated with MSI in connection with or incidental to this Contract; or
 any infringement of patent, trademark/copyright or industrial design rights
arising from the use of the supplied goods and related services or any part thereof

b. MSI shall also indemnify C-DAC against any privilege, claim or assertion made by a
third party with respect to right or interest in, ownership, mortgage or disposal of any
asset, property etc. Solely arising out of the actions of MSI and its Sub Contractor
Regardless of anything contained (except for MSI's liability for bodily injury and/ or
damage to tangible and real property for which it is legally liable and its liability for
patent and copyright infringement in accordance with the terms of this Agreement)
the total liability of MSI, is restricted to the total value of the contract.

Security and Safety

a. MSI shall comply with the directions issued from time to time by C-DAC and the
standards related to the security and safety, in so far as it applies to the provision of
the Services.
b. MSI shall upon reasonable request by C-DAC, or its nominee(s) participate in regular
meetings when safety and information technology security matters are reviewed.
c. MSI shall arrange for safe and secure custody/storage of material received/delivered
at site/s, at their own cost and risk. The MSI is advised to secure the said material with
sufficient and suitable insurance cover.

Ownership of Material:
All risks, responsibilities, liabilities in respect of goods delivered at site shall remain
with selected bidder till they are successfully installed and commissioned at site and
taken over by end users. Part deliveries shall not be treated as deliveries. Only full
deliveries of all items ordered will be considered as delivery.

a. MSI shall not, either during the term or after expiration of this Contract, disclose any
proprietary or confidential information relating to the Services/Contract and/or C-
DAC/Delhi Police’s business/ operations, information, Application/software,
hardware, business data, architecture schematics, designs, storage media and other
information / documents without the prior written consent of C-DAC.
b. C-DAC reserves the right to adopt legal proceedings, civil or criminal, against MSI in
relation to a dispute arising out of breach of obligation by MSI under this clause.
c. MSI shall do everything reasonably possible to preserve the confidentiality of the
Confidential Information including execution of a confidentiality agreement with C-
DAC to the satisfaction of C-DAC.
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d. MSI shall notify C-DAC promptly if it is aware of any disclosure of the Confidential
Information otherwise than as permitted by the Contract
e. MSI shall be liable to fully recompense C-DAC for any loss of revenue arising from
breach of confidentiality.
f. For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly clarified that the aforesaid provisions shall
not apply to the following information:
 Information already available in the public domain;
 Information which has been developed independently by the MSI;
 Information which has been received from a third party who had the right to
disclose the aforesaid information;
 Information which has been disclosed to the public pursuant to a court order.
g. Any handover of the confidential information needs to be maintained in a list, both by
MSI & C-DAC, containing at the very minimum, the name of provider, recipient, date
of generation of the data, date of handing over of data, mode of information, purpose
and signatures of both parties.
h. The requirement of this clause shall continue even after termination or completion of
this Contract.

Events of Default by MSI

The failure on the part of MSI to perform any of its obligations or comply with any of the
terms of this Contract shall constitute an event of default (the “Event of Default”) on the
part of MSI. The Events of Default are but not limited to:
a. MSI’s Team has failed to perform any instructions or directives issued by C-DAC
which it deems proper and necessary to execute the scope of work or provide
services under the Contract;
b. MSI’s Team has failed to confirm / adhere to any of the key performance indicators
as laid down in the Key Performance Measures / Service Levels, or if MSI has fallen
short of matching such standards / benchmarks / targets as C-DAC have designated
with respect to the system or any goods, task or service, necessary for the execution
of the scope of work and performance of services under this Contract. The above
mentioned failure on the part of MSI may be in terms of failure to adhere to
performance, quality, timelines, specifications, requirements or any other criteria as
defined by C-DAC;
c. MSI has failed to remedy a defect or failure to perform its obligations in accordance
with the specifications issued by C-DAC, despite being served with a default notice
which laid down the specific deviance on the part of MSI/ MSI’s Team to comply with
any stipulations or standards as laid down by C-DAC; or
d. MSI/ MSI’s Team has failed to adhere to any amended direction, instruction,
modification or clarification as issued by C-DAC during the term of this Contract and
which C-DAC deems fit, proper and necessary for the execution of the scope of work
under this Contract.
e. MSI/ MSI’s Team has failed to demonstrate or sustain any representation or
warranty made by it in this Contract, with respect to any of the terms of its Bid, the
RFP and this Contract.

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f. There is a proceeding for bankruptcy, insolvency, winding up or there is an

appointment of receiver, liquidator, assignee, or similar official against or in relation
to MSI.
g. MSI’s Team has failed to comply with or is in breach or contravention of any
applicable laws.
h. Where there has been an occurrence of such defaults inter alia as stated above, C-
DAC shall issue a notice of default to MSI, setting out specific defaults / deviances /
omissions / non-compliances / non-performances and providing a notice of thirty
(30) days to enable such defaulting party to remedy the default committed.
i. Where despite the issuance of a default notice to MSI by C-DAC, MSI fails to remedy
the default to the satisfaction of C-DAC, C-DAC may, where it deems fit, issue to the
defaulting party another default notice or proceed to contract termination.

Severability and renegotiation

Should any provision of this Contract for any reason be declared invalid or un-enforceable
by an order of any court of competent jurisdiction or any arbitral body pursuant to the
provisions of arbitration hereof, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining
provisions, while remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect as if this
Contract has been executed with the invalid or unenforceable provisions hereof
eliminated. In the event any such provision of the Contract is so declared invalid or
unenforceable, the Parties shall promptly renegotiate in good faith new provisions to
eliminate such invalidity or un-enforceability and to restore this Contract as near as
possible to its original intent and effect.

The failure or neglect by MSI to enforce any of the terms of this Contract shall not be
construed as a waiver of its rights preventing subsequent enforcement of such provision
or recovery of damages for breach thereof.

Fall Clause:
The bidder shall undertake that the price charged/finalized for the store/services
supplied under the tender shall in no event exceed the lowest price at which the bidder
offers the store/services of identical description to the other organization during the
currency of contract. If at any point of time during the period, the seller reduces the sale
price, sells or offer to sell such store/service to any other organization including the Buyer
at a price lower than the price chargeable under the present tender, he shall notify such
reduction within 7 (Seven) days and the price payable under the contract shall stand
correspondingly reduced. An undertaking shall be submitted by the bidder in this regard
with the technical bid.

This document including the Contract Document shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of India and exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Pune would

2.2. General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

Term and Extension of the Contract

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a. The contract with the selected MSI shall remain valid till all the contractual obligations
of the contract are fulfilled/discharged by MSI.
b. The MSI shall be responsible to provide services for a period as stipulated in extension
c. If the delay occurs due to circumstances beyond control of MSI such as strikes, lockouts,
fire, accident, defective materials, delay in approvals or any cause whatsoever beyond
the reasonable control of MSI, a reasonable extension of time shall be granted by C-DAC.
d. C-DAC shall reserve the sole right to grant any extension to the term above mentioned
and shall notify in writing to MSI, at least 3 (three) months before the expiration of the
Term hereof, whether it shall grant MSI an extension of the Term. The decision to grant
or refuse the extension shall be at C-DAC’s discretion and such extension of the
Contract, if any, shall be as per terms agreed mutually between C-DAC and MSI.
e. Where C-DAC is of the view that no further extension of the term be granted to MSI, C-
DAC shall notify MSI of its decision at least 3 (three) months prior to the expiry of the
Term. Upon receipt of such notice, MSI shall continue to perform all its obligations
hereunder, until such reasonable time beyond the Term of the Contract within which,
C-DAC shall either appoint an alternative agency/MSI or create its own infrastructure
to operate such Services as are provided under this Contract.
f. Force Majeure shall not include any events caused due to acts/ omissions of MSI
resulting in a breach/ contravention of any of the terms of the Contract and/or MSI’s
Bid. It shall also not include any default on the part of MSI due to its negligence or failure
to implement the stipulated/ proposed precautions, as were required to be taken under
the Contract.
g. In case, the contract is extended, the MSI shall be responsible for: -
i. MSI shall carry out comprehensive on–site maintenance work including all
required labour, tools, equipment, facilities, material (including temporary
materials), adequate consumables and spares to perform Preventive
Maintenance and Repair Maintenance on all hardware and software.
ii. The period of Maintenance shall be for a period as stipulated in the extension
document, after expiry of the warranty period.
iii. CAMC may be further extended on the rates already offered by the MSI in the Bid.
iv. Contract Agreement for CAMC period will be extended after completion of period
of present agreement, on the rates already offered by MSI within this contract.
v. The payment towards CAMC shall be payable to MSI quarterly after successful
completion of the maintenance service during that period.
vi. The Quarterly Preventive Maintenance and diagnostics of the system on all the
locations should be carried out by the MSI, during the CAMC period.
vii. During the period of CAMC, MSI shall ensure that the service/repair calls are to
be attended within four (04) hours from the time of such calls. The defective
card/item/equipment etc. should be repaired within 48 hours. In case of major
defects requiring the defective card/item/equipment etc. to be taken to
workshop, an immediate substitute card/item/equipment will be provided by the
MSI for the smooth operation of the System and the defective
card/item/equipment etc. should be returned/installed duly repaired within six
weeks. The to and fro transportation of the card/item/equipment etc. will be the
responsibility of MSI.
viii. Delays in attending the calls and or repairing the defective equipment beyond
time limit given in this Clause, without providing the substitute or without

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sufficient reason, will attract penalties. CAMC charges of the delayed period will
not be paid if the delay is more than Six (06) hours from the specified time limit
on pro-rata basis.
ix. In case, MSI fails to perform any of the Services of the Contract within the time
period specified in the tender, the C-DAC shall, without prejudice to its other
remedies under the tender, deduct from, the pending bills/Performance Security,
by way of penalty a sum equivalent to One (01) % for every week (part of a week
being treated as full week) of delay until actual performance up to a maximum of
05% of the undelivered services/equipment.
x. The MSI shall not retract from the responsibilities under the CAMC Contract once
the Agreement is signed. However, in the unlikely case of violation, the C-DAC will
be at liberty to forfeit the Performance Security and make recoveries from the MSI
besides initiating legal proceedings against the MSI.

Dispute Resolution
Any dispute or difference between the parties arising out of this Contract shall in the first
place be settled by mutual negotiations between the Heads of the organizations or their
nominees and their decision shall be final and binding on the organizations.
a. If the dispute or difference is not resolved as per the above clause within 30 days, it
shall be referred to an arbitrator to be mutually agreed by both the parties. The
provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the rules there under shall be
followed. Any statutory modification thereof for the time being in force shall be
deemed to apply to the arbitration proceedings under this clause.

b. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties.

c. The common cost of the arbitration proceeding shall initially be borne equally by the
parties and finally by the party against whom the award is passed. Any other costs or
expenses incurred by a party in relation to the arbitration proceedings shall ultimately
be borne by the party as the arbitrator may decide.

d. The venue of the arbitration shall be Pune. The language of arbitration shall be English.
Courts in Pune only shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to try, entertain and decide
the matters which are not covered under the Arbitration and conciliation Act.

e. Any letter, notice or other communications dispatched to MSI relating to either

arbitration proceeding or otherwise whether through the post or through a
representative on the address last notified to C-DAC by MSI shall be deemed to have
been received by MSI although returned with the remarks, refused 'undelivered'
where about not known or words to that effect or for any other reasons whatsoever.

Time is of the essence

Time shall be of the essence in respect of any date or period specified in this Contract or
any notice, demand or other communication served under or pursuant to any provision of
this Contract and in particular in respect of the completion of the activities by MSI by the
specified completion date herein and/ or the RFP.

Conflict of interest
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MSI shall disclose to C-DAC in writing, all actual and potential conflicts of interest that
exist, arise or may arise (either for MSI or MSI’s Team) in the course of performing the
Services as soon as practical after it becomes aware of that conflict.

MSI shall not make or permit to be made a public announcement or media release
about any aspect of this Contract unless C-DAC first gives MSI its written consent.

a. The all Goods supplied under this Contract shall be comprehensively insured by MSI at
his own cost, against any loss or damage, for the entire period of the Contract. MSI shall
submit to C-DAC, documentary evidence issued by the insurance company, indicating
that such insurance has been taken.

b. MSI shall take out and maintain at its own cost, on terms and conditions approved by
C-DAC, insurance against the risks, and for the coverages, as specified below :

At C-DAC’s request, shall provide evidence to C-DAC showing that such insurance
including all risks insurance for the value of contract has been taken out and maintained
and that the current premiums therefore have been paid.

Employer's liability and workers' compensation insurance in respect of the Personnel of

the Company, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Applicable Law, as well as,
with respect to such Personnel, any such life, health, accident, travel or other insurance as
may be appropriate

c. Insurance requirements
Type of Minimum cover for Insurance
(i) Goods and materials The sum stated in the Agreement
plus 20%
(ii) Loss or damage to equipment Full replacement cost
(iii) Loss or damage to property of Third Full replacement cost
(iv) Personal injury or death insurance
(b) For Third Party Rs 20.00 lakhs at Rs 5.00 lakhs for 4 persons.
(c) For Contractor’s employees or labor In accordance with the statutory
requirements applicable as per the prevalent laws laid down from time
to time by the government of Delhi NCT.

Project Audits and Testing

The following types of Audits are required to be conducted under the project.
a. Internal Audit (Half yearly for Network & Applications and operations) (sr no 2.16 of
price bid format)
b. External Audit (Yearly for Network & Applications and operations) (sr no 2.17 of price
bid format)
c. Third Party Audit
Internal and External Audit will be conducted by MSI as scheduled.
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

C-DAC/Delhi Police will have the right to engage a Third Party for quality assurance. MSI
will have to ensure compliance of the findings made by the third party so engaged, duly
authorized by the C-DAC/Delhi Police, with regard to specifications, Tests, Quality and
Material used for the Safe City Project of Delhi Police.

Though the third party audit will be arranged by C-DAC/Delhi Police, the MSI shall be
responsible for arranging the setup required for such Audits. The MSI should extend their
fullest cooperation for such Audits.

The brief scope for the Audits is as stipulated below.

A. Network Audit
Delhi Police will have the right to engage a Third party for quality assurance. There will be
third party network audit to be conducted on yearly basis by CERT-In empaneled agencies.
Total Service Provider will have to ensure compliance of the advice/suggestions made by
the third party so engaged, dually authorized by the Delhi Police, with regard to
specifications, Tests, Quality and Material used for the Safe City Project of Delhi Police.
However, such advice/ suggestions have to be well within the scope of the project as
framed in this agreement. The MSI will coordinate with ISP to ensure successful closure of
the Audit by maintaining its all infrastructure (hardware and software) platforms up and
running which might impact the purposed Audit adversely bandwidth Estimation.

The network implementation activities, which include laying of OFC and recurring
bandwidth may be opted for distinct and parallel set of activities with respect to the other
bundle of activities mentioned in this DPIP.

B. Security Risk Audits

It must be ensured that ISO 27001 (ISMS) Security Audits must be conducted yearly or as
per the requirement of management to mitigate risk in regular operations and to stay

C. Implementation and Performance Audit

a. The project implementation upon completion will undergo a complete implementation
audit in terms of contractual role and responsibilities of the MSI or ISP. The third party
audit will be conducted by CERT-In empanelled agency on behalf of C-DAC (TSP). The
report will be submitted to Delhi Police.
b. The performance audits by the aforementioned Third Party will be conducted every
year by CERT-IN empanelled agency covering important parameters like networking,
security, desired system performance as per terms of reference of RFP.

The proposed solution by MSI to the RFP requirement should support requirements of the
auditors requiring technical audit of the whole system, which bidder should allow the
auditors to access the system.

The required testing measures include:

a. Factory Acceptance Testing
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

b. User Acceptance Testing/ Final Acceptance Testing and conducting the prelaunch
security audit of applications.

Final Acceptance at Site Test Procedure (FAT Procedure):

The MSI shall submit to the C-DAC the finalized FAT Procedure within 60 days from the
date of signing of contract agreement. The MSI will get approval on FAT Procedure from
C-DAC and assist C-DAC to get it approved from Delhi Police. Inspection and Testing of the
system shall be performed in accordance with the FAT Procedure. The successful
completion of the FAT Procedure will be the sole criterion for Final Acceptance of the
a. For the purpose of taking over the system, Final Acceptance Testing shall be carried
out at Delhi.
b. After the system is fully installed, optimized and ready for the Final Acceptance
Testing, the same will be carried out to validate system features and functional
operation in the field in accordance with the FAT Procedure.
c. An Inspection Team comprising the authorized nominees of the C-DAC respectively
shall carry out the Final Acceptance Testing.
d. The Inspection team shall test the complete system to ensure that the System meets
the Agreed Specifications.
e. After receipt of intimation of completion of FAT procedure and certificate of
inspection by MSI, C-DAC will inspect the project and make a list of deficiencies, if
any, noticed during this inspection and the same will be rectified/removed by the of
f. MSI shall assists C-DAC to get the Final Acceptance of the project from Delhi Police.
Before final acceptance the component wise verification shall be conducted which will
involve scrutiny of documents for various IT / Non-IT components to verify if the
specifications conform to the technical and functional requirements mentioned in the RFP
and subsequent corrigendum. CDAC reserves the right to conduct physical inspection of
the equipment delivered to ensure that they arrive at the sites in good condition and are
free from physical damage and incomplete shipments and shall return the products to the
supplier at the supplier’s expenses if required quality is not maintained. Physical
inspection of hardware will also include physical checking and counting of the delivered
equipment in presence of the Successful Bidder. This equipment will only be acceptable as
correct when each received item corresponds with the checklist that will be prepared by
the Successful Bidder prior to shipment. Any shortfalls in terms of number of items
received may render the delivered equipment incomplete.

After successful installation of equipment in accordance with the requirements in the RFP,
the Successful Bidder would need to carry out testing in 2 different phases - (a) Unit
Testing and (b) Integration Testing. These tests would be carried out based on the test
cases developed and validated by the CDAC. Apart from the functional testing of the entire
system components, the testing would also verify following aspects:

 Configuration Testing (to ensure that all the components are configured properly)
 Security Testing (to review & evaluate security controls)
 Resilience and recovery testing- Resilience testing will confirm that the system can
recover from expected or unexpected events without loss of data or functionality.
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

While recovery testing confirms that the affected system can be restarted successfully
after an outage.
 Use Cases testing.

Transfer of Ownership
MSI must transfer all titles to the assets and goods procured for the purpose of the Project
to C-DAC at the time of Acceptance of System. This includes all licenses, titles, source codes,
certificates, hardware, devices, equipment etc. related to the system designed, developed,
installed and maintained by MSI as a part of the implementation of the Project. MSI is
expected to provide source codes, transfer IPRs and ownership rights of only those
solutions which would be customized by MSI for the use of C-DAC.

Forthwith upon expiry or earlier termination of the Contract and at any other time on
demand by C-DAC, MSI shall deliver to C-DAC, all Documents provided by or originating
from C-DAC and all Documents produced by or from or for MSI in the course of performing
the Services, unless otherwise directed in writing by C-DAC at no additional cost. MSI shall
not, without the prior written consent of C-DAC store, copy, distribute or retain any such

Exit Management Plan

A. An Exit Management plan shall be furnished by MSI in writing to C-DAC within 150 days
from the date of signing the Contract, which shall deal with at least the following aspects
of exit management in relation to the Contract as a whole and in relation to the Project
Implementation, and Service Level monitoring:
i. A detailed program of the transfer process that could be used in conjunction with a
Replacement Service Provider including details of the means to be used to ensure
continuing provision of the services throughout the transfer process or until the
cessation of the services and of the management structure to be used during the
ii. Plans for provision of contingent support to the Replacement Service Provider for a
reasonable period after transfer.
iii. Exit Management plan in case of normal termination of Contract period
iv. Exit Management plan in case of any eventuality due to which Project is terminated
before the contract period.
v. Exit Management plan in case of termination of MSI

B. Exit Management plan at the minimum shall adhere to the following :

i. Three (03) months of support to Replacement Service Provider post termination of
the Contract;
ii. Complete handover of the Planning documents, bill of materials, functional
requirements specification, technical specifications of all equipment, change
requests if any, sources codes, wherever applicable, reports, documents and other
relevant items to the Replacement Service Provider/ C-DAC; Source code for any
modifications done for the project shall be property of the C-DAC / Delhi Police.
iii. Certificate of Acceptance from authorized representative of Replacement Service
Provider issued to MSI on successful completion of handover and knowledge

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

C. In the event of termination or expiry of the Contract, either during Project

Implementation or Service Level monitoring, both MSI and C-DAC shall comply with the
Exit Management Plan.

D. During the Exit Management period, MSI shall use its best efforts to deliver the services.

Intellectual Property Rights

a. Retention of Ownership: Except for the rights expressly granted to the Licensee under
this Contract, the Licensor shall retain all right, title and interest in and to the Licensed
Technology of the software/solution, including all worldwide Technology and
intellectual property and proprietary rights.
b. Preservation of Notice Licensee shall not remove, efface or obscure any copyright
notices or other proprietary notices or legends from any Licensed Technology or
materials provided under this Contract, and shall reproduce all such notices and
legends when incorporating Licensed Technology or materials into any Integrated
c. MSI must ensure that while using any software, hardware, processes, document or
material in the course of performing the Services, it does not infringe the Intellectual
Property Rights of any person/Company. MSI shall keep C-DAC indemnified against all
costs, expenses and liabilities whatsoever, arising out of any illegal or unauthorized use
(piracy) or in connection with any claim or proceedings relating to any breach or
violation of any permission/license terms or infringement of any Intellectual Property
Rights by MSI or MSI’s Team during the course of performance of the Services. MSI’s
liability is excluded regarding any claim based on any of the following (a) anything C-
DAC provides which is incorporated into the Solution; (b) C-DAC’s modification of the
solution; (c) the combination, operation, or use of the solution with other materials, if
the third party claim has been caused by the combination, operation or use of the
d. C-DAC shall own and have a right in perpetuity to use all newly created Intellectual
Property Rights which have been developed solely during execution of this Contract,
including but not limited to all processes, products, specifications, reports and other
documents which have been newly created and developed by MSI solely during the
performance of Services and for the purposes of inter-alia use or sub-license of such
Services under this Contract. MSI undertakes to disclose all such Intellectual Property
Rights arising in performance of the Services to C-DAC, execute all such
agreements/documents and obtain all permits and approvals that may be necessary in
regard to the Intellectual Property Rights of C-DAC.
e. If C-DAC desires, MSI shall be obliged to ensure that all approvals, registrations,
licenses, permits and rights etc. which are inter-alia necessary for use of the goods
supplied / installed by MSI, the same shall be acquired in the name of C-DAC, prior to
termination of this Contract and which may be assigned by C-DAC to MSI for the
purpose of execution of any of its obligations under the terms of the Bid, Tender or this
Contract. However, subsequent to the term of this Contract, such approvals,
registrations, licenses, permits and rights etc. shall endure to the exclusive benefit of C-
f. MSI shall not copy, reproduce, translate, adapt, vary, modify, disassemble, decompile
or reverse engineer or otherwise deal with or cause to reduce the value of the Materials
except as expressly authorized by C-DAC in writing.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

g. The MSI shall indemnify the C-DAC and Delhi Police against all third party claims of
infringement of patent, trademark or industrial design rights arising from the use of the
Equipment or any part thereof.

Failure to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP

Failure of the Successful Bidder to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP shall
constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the LOI, in which event C-DAC may
award the contract to the next best value Bidder or call for new Bids.

In such a case, C-DAC shall forfeit the Performance Bank Guarantee and/or forfeit the EMD
as the case may be of such Successful Bidder/ MSI.

(End of Chapter – 2)

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Schedule of Requirements

3.1. SoR Format

Hardware and Software and Networking Components

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
Integrated Command, Control, Communication and Compute Centre at PHQ
Delhi (C4I)- PHQ (Phase 1 only)
I Hardware components
Video Wall Solution- 70” cubes in
1 a 4 X 4 arrangement 3 Video Nos. 48 48
2 Video Wall Controller Nos. 4 4
LED Monitor- 55” cubes in a 1 X 2
3 Nos. 4 4
4 Workstation for LED Monitors Nos. 2 2
Workstations with 3 nos. 24"
UHD Touch Monitors for C4I
application at multiple rooms on
5 Nos. 16 16
6th & 7th Floor (EoC) Mike +
webcam +speaker along with
operator workstation
6 Video Wall Software Lot. 1 1
Workstations with 3 nos. 24"
UHD touch Monitors for C4I
7 application with Mike + webcam Nos. 21 21
+speaker along with operator
8 Network Colour Laser Printer Nos. 5 5
9 IP Phones Nos. 39 39
Civil, Interior, Electrical,
10 Networking, Carpet, Furniture Lot. 1 1
and Security, Chairs
Display port/ HDMI splitter (for
11 Nos. 50 50
C4i & C3i + C2i)
12 Racks 42U with Smart PDU Nos. 2 2
Workstation for Video wall
13 Nos. 16 16
without Monitor
14 Switch L2 Nos. 14 14
Joystick for PTZ camera at
15 Nos. 39 39
16 55' LED TV Nos. 4 4
Dual TV Stand With Power
17 Nos. 2 2

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
II Software components
C4I Software including following
modules -
Software Component (Unit Price)
1.ICCC Base platform with GIS
engine, reporting, real-time
dashboard, User Interface and
Alarm Management with
unrestricted client connections
2. Threat Level Engine
Nos. 1 1
3. Big data correlation Tool with
crime insights
4. Incident Management, Rules
Engine, Decision Management
and collaboration tool
5.Active directory Integration or
6. Mobile App with unrestricted
Automatic Vehicle Location
19 Nos. 1 1
System (AVLS)
Computer Aided Dispatch
20 Nos. 1 1
Software (CAD)
GPS Location Based Services and
21 Nos. 1 1
Video Management & Recording
Software – 10,000 camera
22 licenses + 1000 cameras floating Nos. 11000 11000
licensing for existing camera
Video Analytics Software for
23 2500 cameras (2 use cases on an Nos. 5000 5000
average per camera)
Face Recognition Software for
24 Nos. 370 370
370 FRS channels
Automatic Number/ License
25 Plate Recognition Software with Nos. 1622 1622
Video Summarization and
26 Nos. 1 1
Forensic Software
PIU (Picture Intelligence Unit)
27 Nos. 1 1
Customized Interface software
28 for integration with Nos. 1 1
1. Community Surveillance
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
3. Himmat plus App
4. Dial 112
and other databases - Total 32
Interfaces (datasets)
29 LDAP Software Nos. 1 1
SQL Server 2019 Standard
30 Nos. 2 2
Enterprise Management System
including SLA Management,
Network Management, Asset
31 Nos. 1 1
Management, Incident & Work
Flow Management, Privilege &
Identity Management.
32 Helpdesk Management Nos. 1 1
33 Security and networking Audits Nos. 1 1
Security Software Tools and
commissioning support of all
34 Lot 1 1
softwares- additional licenses,
Meas Total Qty
Phase 1-
#. Description uring for the
Unit Project
C3i- District Head Headquarters- phase 1, 2 & 3
Workstations with 3 nos. 24"
Monitors for C4I application
1 Nos. 57 24
Mike + webcam +speaker along
with operator workstation
LED Monitor- 55” monitor
2 Nos. 48 18
Workstations for LED Display
3 Nos. 16 6
without Monitor
4 Network Colour Laser Printer Nos. 16 6
5 IP Phones Nos. 57 24
6 Secure Network Device Nos. 16 6
Layer 2 Network Switches - 24
7 Nos. 16 6
8 Network Racks 16U Nos. 16 6
Passive Components required for
completing Networking at each Lump
9 16 6
district headquarter as per Sum
layout and other details.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
10KVA UPS with 30 min battery
10 Nos. 32 12
backup at 80% load
11 Comfort AC 1.5/ 2 Ton Nos. 32 12
Civil, Interior, electrical,
furniture, security required for
12 completing at each district 16 6
headquarter as per layout and
other details.
Modular Furniture for
13 Nos. 57 24
Edge Gateway for Community
14 Nos. 50 20
Joystick for PTZ camera at
15 Nos. 57 24
Phase 2-
#. Description uring Qty.
Workstations with 3 nos. 24"
Monitors for C4I application
1 Nos. 57 14
Mike + webcam +speaker along
with operator workstation
LED Monitor- 55” monitor
2 Nos. 48 12
Workstations for LED Display
3 Nos. 16 4
without Monitor
4 Network Colour Laser Printer Nos. 16 4
5 IP Phones Nos. 57 14
6 Secure Network Device Nos. 16 4
Layer 2 Network Switches - 24
7 Nos. 16 4
8 Network Racks 16U Nos. 16 4
Networking Cost (Passive
9 Nos. 16 4
10KVA UPS with 30 min battery
10 Nos. 32 8
backup at 80% load
11 Comfort AC 1.5/ 2 Ton Nos. 32 8
Civil, Interior, electrical,
12 Nos. 16 4
furniture, security etc.
Modular Furniture for
13 Nos. 57 14
Edge Gateway for Community
14 Nos. 50 12

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No

Joystick for PTZ camera at

15 Nos. 57 14
Phase 3-
#. Description uring Qty.
Workstations with 3 nos. 24"
Monitors for C4I application
1 Nos. 57 19
Mike + webcam +speaker along
with operator workstation
LED Monitor- 55” monitor
2 Nos. 48 18
Workstations for LED Display
3 Nos. 16 6
without Monitor
4 Network Colour Laser Printer Nos. 16 6
5 IP Phones Nos. 57 19
6 Secure Network Device Nos. 16 6
Layer 2 Network Switches - 24
7 Nos. 16 6
8 Network Racks 16U Nos. 16 6
Networking Cost (Passive
9 Nos. 16 6
10KVA UPS with 30 min battery
10 Nos. 32 12
backup at 80% load
11 Comfort AC 1.5/ 2 Ton Nos. 32 12
Civil, Interior, electrical,
12 Nos. 16 6
furniture, security etc.
Modular Furniture for
13 Nos. 57 19
Edge Gateway for Community
14 Nos. 50 18
Joystick for PTZ camera at
15 Nos. 57 19
Total for C3I
Phase 1-
# Description uring Quantity
C2i- Police Stations- Phase 1, 2 & 3
Workstations with 3 nos. 24"
Monitors for C4I application
1 Nos. 240 101
Mike + webcam +speaker along
with operator workstation
LED Monitor- 55” monitor
2 Nos. 81 37
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
Workstations for LED Display
3 Nos. 70 33
without Monitor
4 IP Phones Nos. 240 101
5 Secure Network Device Nos. 182 75
6 Network laser printer Nos. 182 75
Layer 2 Network Switches - 24
7 Nos. 182 75
8 Network Racks 16U Nos. 182 75
Networking Cost (Passive
9 Nos. 182 75
3KVA UPS with 30 min battery
10 Nos. 174 71
backup at 80% load
10KVA UPS with 30 min battery
11 Nos. 8 4
backup at 80% load
12 Comfort AC 1.5 ton Nos. 182 75
Civil, Interior, electrical,
13 Nos. 182 75
furniture, security etc.
Modular Furniture for additional
14 Nos. 58 26
Joystick for PTZ camera at
15 Nos. 240 101
Phase 2-
# Description uring Quantity
Workstations with 3 nos. 24"
Monitors for C4I application
1 Nos. 240 64
Mike + webcam +speaker along
with operator workstation
LED Monitor- 55” monitor
2 Nos. 81 17
Workstations for LED Display
3 Nos. 70 13
without Monitor
4 IP Phones Nos. 240 64
5 Secure Network Device Nos. 182 45
6 Network laser printer Nos. 182 45
Layer 2 Network Switches - 24
7 Nos. 182 45
8 Network Racks 16U Nos. 182 45
Networking Cost (Passive
9 Nos. 182 45
3KVA UPS with 30 min battery
10 Nos. 174 43
backup at 80% load
10KVA UPS with 30 min battery
11 Nos. 8 2
backup at 80% load

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
12 Comfort AC 1.5 ton Nos. 182 45
Civil, Interior, electrical,
13 Nos. 182 45
furniture, security etc.
Modular Furniture for additional
14 Nos. 58 19
Joystick for PTZ camera at
15 Nos. 240 64
Phase 3-
# Description uring Quantity
Workstations with 3 nos. 24"
Monitors for C4I application
1 Nos. 240 75
Mike + webcam +speaker along
with operator workstation
LED Monitor- 55” monitor
2 Nos. 81 27
Workstations for LED Display
3 Nos. 70 24
without Monitor
4 IP Phones Nos. 240 75
5 Secure Network Device Nos. 182 62
6 Network laser printer Nos. 182 62
Layer 2 Network Switches - 24
7 Nos. 182 62
8 Network Racks 16U Nos. 182 62
Networking Cost (Passive
9 Nos. 182 62
3KVA UPS with 30 min battery
10 Nos. 174 60
backup at 80% load
10KVA UPS with 30 min battery
11 Nos. 8 2
backup at 80% load
12 Comfort AC 1.5 ton Nos. 182 62
Civil, Interior, electrical,
13 Nos. 182 62
furniture, security etc.
Modular Furniture for additional
14 Nos. 58 13
Joystick for PTZ camera at
15 Nos. 240 75
Total for C2I
Meas Qty
for each
# Description uring require in
Unit Project
(Phase -1
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
Mobile Command Control Vehicle
(MCCV) comprising of following Nos. 02 1
items per vehicle :
Custom designed & Fabricated
1 Nos. 1
Mobile Command Control Vehicle
Chassis: WB 4200mm (approx.)
2 from reputed OEM like TATA, Nos. 2
Eicher, Ashok Leyland etc.
3 Split Air Conditioner (1Ton) Nos. 1
Interiors design (as per the Lump
4 1
requirement) -sum
Chairs / Seating Arrangement for
5 Nos. 3
two Operator and one ICS
Chairs / Seating Arrangement for
6 Supervisor with mini seating Nos. 1
Console with provision for
7 Nos. 2
Inter- communication Service
8 Nos. 1
19" Rack with shock & vibration
9 Nos. 1
isolators for electronic
10 Mast Nos. 1
11 Storage Nos. 1
12 PC for Operator Nos. 2
13 32" LED Full HD TV Nos. 2
5KVA UPS System with Batteries
14 Nos. 1
for 1 hour backup
7.5 KVA Silent Petrol Generator
15 Nos. 1
Vehicle Mast mounted PTZ
16 Camera with Keyboard and Nos. 1
Vehicle mounted full HD Bullet
17 Nos. 2
Industrial PC based Network
18 Nos. 1
Video Recorder
19 Video Management System Lot 1
Standalone Mobile Hand-held
20 Nos. 1
4 SIM based 4G Aggregator
21 Nos. 1
Device with Dongles
Network Hardware:- - - 1 x
22 Lot 1
24Port GigE Switch

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
32" or better LED Full HD Video
23 Nos. 1
Vehicle Mounted Water
24 Nos. 1
LED Flood Lights with 120-
25 Nos. 3
degree coverage (Mast Mounted)
26 Top Bar Light with Siren Nos. 1
27 PA System with 4 Speakers Nos. 1
28 Fire Extinguisher Nos. 4
29 First-Aid Box Nos. 1
4G Based live TV Streaming
30 Nos. 1
Integration, Testing, Installation,
31 Nos. 1
Commissioning & Training
Interoperable Communication
System with Operator Display,
Pedal PTT, Speakers, GSM
32 Nos.
Modem, PTT Desk Mic & Record-
Replay features.( Radios to be 1
provided by end user)
Provision of Integration of APCO-
33 P25 Radio Communication Nos.
channel at MCCV
4G Aggregator/ Bonding
36 Receiver with Unlimited bonding Lot 1
SIM recurring charges for MCCV
37 Year 5
(16 SIM)- Annual
Total Price of 2 MCCV with 05 Years
Phase 1-
# Description uring Qty
Data Centre- phase 1 only
a Servers
1 C4I Servers at ICCC (PHQ) Nos. 2 2
2 Integration Servers Nos. 3 3
3 Video Management Servers Nos. 2 2
4 Video Recording Servers Nos. 60 60
Video Analytics Servers with 3x
GPU in each server for 2500
5 Nos. 42 42
cameras each having 2 use cases
on an average

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
Face Recognition Servers with 3x
6 GPU in each server for 370 FRS Nos. 20 20
AI Training and Continuous
7 Nos. 2 2
Learning Server
8 ANPR Servers for 1622 Channels Nos. 44 44
PIU (Picture Intelligence Unit)
9 Nos. 2 2
Video Summarization/ Synopsis
10 Nos. 4 4
and Forensics Server
11 Domain Controller, EMS server Nos. 2 2
12 Antivirus Server- AI based Nos.
2 2
13 LDAP Server Nos.
Viewing Center Management
14 Nos. 4 4
15 DLP Server Nos.
2 2
16 MFA Server + PKI Server Nos.
Total Host (combined together
17 Nos. 191 191
as specified above)
b Storage
Scale out Storage for surveillance
1 Nos. 1 1
video data for 30 days - 20 PB
SAN storage for database, boot,
2 Flagged Data and Backup for 90 Nos. 1 1
days - 2 PB
3 SAN Switches Nos. 4 4
c Networking
1 L2 Switch (100 Gbps) WAN Nos. 2 2
Layer 3 Core Switches - 48 ports
2 Nos. 4 4
Layer 2 TOR Switches - 48 Ports
3 Nos. 4 4
10G (Storage)
4 L2/ KVM Management Switches Nos. 15 15
Layer 2 TOR Switches - 48Ports
5 Nos. 15 15
6 Racks with Smart PDU Nos. 30 30
d Security
Firewall- 100 gig streaming
1 Nos. 2 2
IPS & DDos for 65 Gig
2 Nos. 2 2
VAPT for 170000IP bands (IP
3 Nos. 1 1
4 WAF (1 gig internet data) Nos. 2 2

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
5 Secure Network Device Nos. 2 2
6 Anti-APT (sandboxing) Nos. 2 2
7 Anti-virus- AI Based software Nos. 450 450
8 Data Leakage Prevention (DLP) Nos. 450 450
9 SIEM Appliance Nos. 1 1
10 Backup Appliance & Solution Nos. 1 1
11 AAA Server (NAC) Nos. 1 1
12 Network Load Balancer Nos. 1 1
Multi-Factor Authentication
(with Finger print biometric and
13 Nos. 450 450
hard token devices) at all
OS for Servers, Virtualization etc.
Physical Servers 77 -
Nos. 154 154
14 18 server Virtualization Security Nos. 36 36
Windows OS -73 Server Nos. 73 73
Additional items required if any 1 1
1 Layer 2 Network Switch 24 Ports Nos. 2 2
2 Wall mount 9U Rack for Switches Nos. 1 1
Workstation with single Monitor
3 Nos. 3 3
24" for Management
4 IP Phone Nos. 3 3
5 Operator Console Desk Nos. 3 3
SMS Gateway (for alarms &
6 Nos. 1 1
7 Laptop Nos. 5 5
IPPBX / Recording server +
8 Nos. 1 1
Installation , Configuration etc.
9 Nos. 1 1
and overall management
f Non IT Component
UPS (15 minutes backup) - 400
1 Nos. 2 2
2 DG Set - 1000 KVA Nos. 1 1
g Data Center Build
Civil, Interior, Electrical,
Networking, Furniture, Security,
NOVEC, FAS, PAC, HVAC etc. for
1 Nos. 1 1
basement and (DC resided at)7th
floor + 7th Floor strengthening
for (both arms)

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
h Operation and Maintenance
Operation and maintenance cost
1 Years 4 4
for 4 years
Total for Data Centre
Phase 2-
# Description uring Qty
Near Disaster Recovery Center- phase 2 only
1 C4i servers Nos.
2 Video management Servers Nos.
3 Server (Recording) Nos.
4 ANPR Servers Nos. 11 11
5 Domain Controller Nos.
6 Antivirus Server Nos.
7 LDAP Server Nos.
Viewing Centre Management
8 Nos. 1 1
Video Analytics Servers with 3x
9 Nos. 4 4
GPU in each server
Face Recognition Servers with 3x
10 Nos. 3 3
GPU in each server
Storage of application and tagged
11 data (2 PB storage)- SAN/ Nos. 1 1
12 L3 Switch 24 Port 10/25 GB Nos. 2 2
13 L2 Switch 24 Port 1GB Nos. 2 2
14 SAN Switch 12 port Nos. 2 2
15 RACK Nos. 4 4
Firewall- 3 Gig, IPS, DDos, Anti-
16 APT, VAPT, server security- 3 GB Nos. 2 2
17 Network Load Balancer (NLB) Nos. 1 1
Miscellaneous- Virtualization, OS
for servers, etc. details are as
Virtualization Physical Servers Nos. 12 12
Server Virtualization Security Nos. 12 12
Windows OS –Server Nos. 11 11
Civil, electrical wherever
Nos. 1 1
Total for Schedule DRC
Phase 1-
# Description uring Qty

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
Field Devices- phase 1, 2 & 3
1 Outdoor Fixed Camera - 4MP No. 6121 2,585
Outdoor PTZ Camera - 4MP, 30x
2 Optical Zoom and joystick 2246 951
control operations No.
Outdoor Fixed ANPR Camera
3 1622 686
with IR Illuminator- 2 MP No.
Poles - for Cameras with 1 mtr
4 3802 1,677
ARMs for fixed and PTZ No.
Poles - Cantilever Poles for ANPR
5 1559 712
Cameras No.
Network Access Switches - 8 or
6 4633 2,179
more ports No.
7 Gun Shot solution No. 200 200
Public Address System +
loudspeaker at 182(c2i) +16(c3i)
8 +2(c4i) + 100(field) = 300 300 300
identified spots (locations)
centrally regulated at C4i No.
Junction Box - Floor mounted
9 (including last mile passive 1201 729
networking, earthing, etc.) No.
Junction Box - Pole mounted
10 (including last mile passive 3432 1,450
networking, earthing, etc.) No.
11 Cat6A/ E Cable (UTP) Mtr. 550000 232210
Power Cable - Armoured 2 core
12 500000 211100
1.5 square MM Mtr.
Power-cable - Unarmoured 1.5
13 Square MM for Equipment Power 51760 550000
with 3 PIN Top No.
12 port loaded LIU with LC port
14 for OFC Termination at Junction 4633 2,179
Poles No.
8 Port loaded Jack Panel for CAT-
15 4633 2,179
6 Cables No.
SN Duplex LC-LC Duplex Patch
16 9266 4,358
Cord No.
Surge Protector - single port
internet RJ-45 Plug-in Surge
17 10000 4,771
Protector for PoE and PoE+ for
All field cameras and L2 Switches No.
1 Mtr Patch Cord from jack panel
18 21064 10,618
to surge Protector & Vice-Versa No.
19 Field Terminal Connector No. 9989 4,222
Page 130 of 656
RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
16 AMP DP-MCB for Mains
20 4633 2,179
INPUT at Junction Box No.
06-16 combine switch socket Box
21 4633 2,179
for UPS input No.
24 VAC 5 AMP Power supply for
22 1622 686
23 Birds care for camera No. 9989 4,222
Digging, Piping & Re-filling
24 Mtr. 782480 333538
(Trenching and Restoration)
Earthing - 2 Mtrs GI with 25x3 GI
25 strip connectivity to junction 1201 729
boxes No.
Earthing - 1 Mtrs with 8mm GI
26 5361 2,592
wire for connectivity to Boxes No.
1 KVA, 2 KVA UPS (60 minutes
27 4633 2,179
backup) - for camera No.
Mobile hand-held devices for
28 220
Police Officials No. 220
Any Additional Components Lump
29 1
including certification -sum 1
(miscellaneous )
Any Additional Components
including certification (
miscellaneous )
Items/Components consider
under miscellaneous as as
- Transit insurance
- Temporary storage Warehouse
& watchmen cost
- Field device insurance like
camera etc after deployment
- Fencing of poles if required
- Vehicles need to hire for
engineer for supervising purpose
at the time of installation period
and for post installation purpose
as well
- Electrical tape, OFC Marker,
feruling & node points
numbering, OTDR machine, Tie,
cable manager, GI heavy grade
- Toolkit (spanner set,
multimeter, digital analyzer,
Page 131 of 656
RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
screwdriver set, torch etc) at
every police station
- Pest control & sanitization at
c4i,c3i,c2i 2 times in a year
- First aid kit at every control
Phase 2-
# Description uring Qty
1 Outdoor Fixed Camera - 4MP No. 6121 1,538
Outdoor PTZ Camera - 4MP, 30x
2 Optical Zoom and joystick 2246 561
control operations No.
Outdoor Fixed ANPR Camera
3 1622 404
with IR Illuminator- 2 MP No.
Poles - for Cameras with 1 mtr
4 3802 877
ARMs for fixed and PTZ No.
Poles - Cantilever Poles for ANPR
5 1559 395
Cameras No.
Network Access Switches - 8 or
6 4633 1,118
more ports No.
7 Gun Shot solution No. 200 0
Public Address System +
loudspeaker at 182(c2i) +16(c3i)
8 +2(c4i) + 100(field) = 300 300
identified spots (locations)
centrally regulated at C4i No. 0
Junction Box - Floor mounted
9 (including last mile passive 1201 349
networking, earthing, etc.) No.
Junction Box - Pole mounted
10 (including last mile passive 3432 769
networking, earthing, etc.) No.
11 Cat6A/ E Cable (UTP) Mtr. 550000 137665
Power Cable - Armoured 2 core
12 500000 125150
1.5 square MM Mtr.
Power-cable - Unarmoured 1.5
13 Square MM for Equipment Power 51760 550000
with 3 PIN Top No.
12 port loaded LIU with LC port
14 for OFC Termination at Junction 4633 1,118
Poles No.
8 Port loaded Jack Panel for CAT-
15 4633 1,118
6 Cables No.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
SN Duplex LC-LC Duplex Patch
16 9266 2,236
Cord No.
Surge Protector - single port
internet RJ-45 Plug-in Surge
17 10000 2,372
Protector for PoE and PoE+ for
All field cameras and L2 Switches No.
1 Mtr Patch Cord from jack panel
18 21064 4,744
to surge Protector & Vice-Versa No.
19 Field Terminal Connector No. 9989 2,503
16 AMP DP-MCB for Mains
20 4633 1,118
INPUT at Junction Box No.
06-16 combine switch socket Box
21 4633 1,118
for UPS input No.
24 VAC 5 AMP Power supply for
22 1622 404
23 Birds care for camera No. 9989 2,503
Digging, Piping & Re-filling
24 Mtr. 782480 191086
(Trenching and Restoration)
Earthing - 2 Mtrs GI with 25x3 GI
25 strip connectivity to junction 1201 349
boxes No.
Earthing - 1 Mtrs with 8mm GI
26 5361 1,254
wire for connectivity to Boxes No.
1 KVA, 2 KVA UPS (60 minutes
27 4633 1,118
backup) - for camera No.
Mobile hand-held devices for
28 220 0
Police Officials No.
Any Additional Components Lump
including certification -sum 1 1
Any Additional Components
including certification
Items/Components consider
under miscellaneous as follows:
- Transit insurance
- Temporary storage Warehouse
& watchmen cost
- Field device insurance like
camera etc after deployment
- Fencing of poles if required
- Vehicles need to hire for
engineer for supervising purpose
at the time of installation period

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
and for post installation purpose
as well
- Electrical tape, OFC Marker,
feruling & node points
numbering, OTDR machine, Tie,
cable manager, GI heavy grade
- Toolkit (spanner set,
multimeter, digital analyzer,
screwdriver set, torch etc) at
every police station
- Pest control & sanitization at
c4i,c3i,c2i 2 times in a year
- First aid kit at every control
Phase 3-
# Description uring Qty
1 Outdoor Fixed Camera - 4MP No. 6121 1,998
Outdoor PTZ Camera - 4MP, 30x
2 Optical Zoom and joystick 2246 734
control operations No.
Outdoor Fixed ANPR Camera
3 1622 532
with IR Illuminator- 2 MP No.
Poles - for Cameras with 1 mtr
4 3802 1,248
ARMs for fixed and PTZ No.
Poles - Cantilever Poles for ANPR
5 1559 452
Cameras No.
Network Access Switches - 8 or
6 4633 1,336
more ports No.
7 Gun Shot solution No. 200
Public Address System +
loudspeaker at 182(c2i) +16(c3i)
8 +2(c4i) + 100(field) = 300 300
identified spots (locations)
centrally regulated at C4i No.
Junction Box - Floor mounted
9 (including last mile passive 1201 123
networking, earthing, etc.) No.
Junction Box - Pole mounted
10 (including last mile passive 3432 1,213
networking, earthing, etc.) No.
11 Cat6A/ E Cable (UTP) Mtr. 550000 180125
Power Cable - Armoured 2 core
12 500000 163750
1.5 square MM Mtr.
Page 134 of 656
RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
Power-cable - Unarmoured 1.5
13 Square MM for Equipment Power 51760 550000
with 3 PIN Top No.
12 port loaded LIU with LC port
14 for OFC Termination at Junction 4633 1,336
Poles No.
8 Port loaded Jack Panel for CAT-
15 4633 1,336
6 Cables No.
SN Duplex LC-LC Duplex Patch
16 9266 2,672
Cord No.
Surge Protector - single port
internet RJ-45 Plug-in Surge
17 10000 2,851
Protector for PoE and PoE+ for
All field cameras and L2 Switches No.
1 Mtr Patch Cord from jack panel
18 21064 5,702
to surge Protector & Vice-Versa No.
19 Field Terminal Connector No. 9989 3,264
16 AMP DP-MCB for Mains
20 4633 1,336
INPUT at Junction Box No.
06-16 combine switch socket Box
21 4633 1,336
for UPS input No.
24 VAC 5 AMP Power supply for
22 1622 532
23 Birds care for camera No. 9989 3,264
Digging, Piping & Re-filling
24 Mtr. 782480 257856
(Trenching and Restoration)
Earthing - 2 Mtrs GI with 25x3 GI
25 strip connectivity to junction 1201 123
boxes No.
Earthing - 1 Mtrs with 8mm GI
26 5361 1,515
wire for connectivity to Boxes No.
1 KVA, 2 KVA UPS (60 minutes
27 4633 1,336
backup) - for camera No.
Mobile hand held devices for
28 220 0
Police Officials No.
Any Additional Components Lump
including certification -sum 1 1
( miscellaneous )
Any Additional Components
including certification (
miscellaneous )
Items/Components consider
under miscellaneous as follows:
- Transit insurance

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
- Temporary storage Warehouse
& watchmen cost
- Field device insurance like
camera etc after deployment
- Fencing of poles if required
- Vehicles need to hire for
engineer for supervising purpose
at the time of installation period
and for post installation purpose
as well
- Electrical tape, OFC Marker,
feruling & node points
numbering, OTDR machine, Tie,
cable manager, GI heavy grade
- Toolkit (spanner set,
multimeter, digital analyzer,
screwdriver set, torch etc) at
every police station
- Pest control & sanitization at
c4i,c3i,c2i 2 times in a year
- First aid kit at every control
Total for Field level
# Description uring Qty
Technical Manpower as per requirement given in Para…. stipulated….
1 Manager - DC, C4I, C3I and C2I
2 C4I Expert
3 System Administrator
Network and Security Manager
4 along with Field Network
5 Storage Administrator
6 Enterprise & Asset Manager
7 Database Administrator
Total for Technical Manpower
# Description uring Qty
Power Charges
Power Meter Charges
(Installation & Others)

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
Power cabling from meter to site
and miscellaneous
Power meter & connection
charges for Pilot ( 2
Districts)(unit rate is for 3
Total for Power Charges
# Description uring Qty
Operators for O&M phase
Operator- Manpower at C2i for
Phase I,II & III for 03 years
Operator- Manpower at C3i for
Phase I,II & III for 03 years
Operator-Manpower at C4i for
Phase I,II & III for 03 years
Supervisor/Manager -Manpower
4 at C4i for Phase I,II & III for 03
Operator- Manpower at C2i for 2
5 Pilot Districts (approx. 27 Police
Operator- Manpower at C3i for 2
Pilot Districts
Operator- Manpower at C4i for 2
Pilot Districts
Total for Operators for )&M phase
# Description uring Qty.
Any other or miscellaneous
Penta scanning & Certification
Travel Allowance
Warehouse on Rent to store field
Network Dressing
Risk - Power Charges, ROW, RI
Charges, Taxation
2% Inventory spares to maintain
Page 137 of 656
RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Total Phase 1- Model/

Description Unit Make
No Quantity quantity Part No
Additional Requirement in C4I
for Interior
Additional Furniture, Chairs,
Diesel for C4I
Insurance to Manpower working
in the field
Freight Insurance
Light Bar for vehicles & poles
Logo Embossing on every
Battery Replacement, Theft in
the field, etc.
External DVD writer
Any other requirement to meet
the solutioning for the Project
Total for Miscellaneous

Page 138 of 656

RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Civil Works and interiors of C4i

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
A. Demolition and Cartage of Rubbish

B. Civil Works
PCC Up to 75mm/ Repair of existing floor with
1 sqm 695
cement plaster before laying Tiles/ Floor carpet.
2 Cement Sand Plaster sqm 184
3 POP Punning sqm 300
4 Floor/Wall Chasing L/S 2

C. Joinery
P9: Fire rated Partition panelling as per specification
1 sqm 150
and designer
P9A: Fire Rated Partition as per specification and
2 sqmt 310
G: Full height 12mm thk. Toughened double glass
3 sqm 190
4 P10: Modular extruded aluminium Partitions sqm 200
5 Extruded Aluminium Skirting rm 500
6 Pelmet with fire rated board and CILL rm 95
7 Laminated Window Cill 600mm wide fire rated rm 95

D. Doors
1 D1 -Fire rated door - up to 750 x 2100 - nos 4
2 D2 -Fire rated door - 1200 x 2100 nos 2
3 Glass door - 1050 x 2100 nos 7

E. Ceiling
1 Plain Gypsum Ceiling fire rated sqm 520
2 Vertical Bands with fire rated gypsum board rm 140
3 Cove with fire rated gypsum board rm 140
4 Mineral fibre Tile Grid Ceiling - 2' x 2' - Metal ceiling sqm 255
5 baffles Ceiling sqm 405
6 Access Panel of size 2' x 2' nos 6
7 Access Panel of size 6' x 6' nos 1

F. Finishes
1 Light Textured Paint sqm 1,200
2 Laminated Panelling fire rated board sqm 60
3 Corian Cladding 12 mm thk for corner and panelling sqm 45
4 Vinyl Film/ Graphic Panels sqm 25
5 Fabric Acoustic Panelling sqmt 495

Page 139 of 656

RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
6 Colour Back glass Panelling toughened sqm 25

G. Built in storages
1 Full Ht. Storage (Laminated) 400mm Deep fire rated sqm 15

H. Flooring
Raised Access Flooring (Range: 150mm-300mm) top
1 sqm 630
2 Stainless Steel edge trims rm 25

I. Signage
1 General room Signage nos 25
2 General Information Signage nos 15
3 General Luminous Fire Exit Signages nos 10
4 Luminous Fire extinguisher Signage nos 15
5 Luminous Fire evacuation plans nos 8

J. Loose Furniture
1 Running Counter rmt 5

K. Misc. Items
1 Graphics as per designer sq.ft. 2,000
2 BLINDS - Roller with 3% visibility 0
3 Black out blinds 0

L. Electrical
Wiring including termination for the following light
points with 2 x 2.5 sq. mm PVC insulated FRLS copper
conductor wires of 650/1100 Volts grade in
concealed/exposed 16gauge MS conduits as called for
including providing 6-amp flush type switches,
anodized MS box for housing switches approved
White Polycarbonate modular cover plate for switch
boxes and earthing. All the circuit must dressed with
circuit identification tags (the rates include: 6 AMP
switch, 6 AMP socket, Modular Face plate, FRLS Cable
with average length 20-30 m, 16-gauge MS conduits
20-30 meter, All the accessories and Workmanship.)
1 First point controlled by one no. 6 amp switch. Nos 60
Same as item No. 1 above but LOOP POINT i.e. wiring
including termination of point looped from first point
2 Nos 120
with 2 x 1.5 sq. mm PVC insulated FRLS copper
conductor wire of 650/1100 volt grade in

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
concealed/exposed 16-gauge MS conduit and earthing
(controlling switch in item no. 1).
Wiring including termination for the following light
points with 2 x 2.5 sq. mm PVC insulated FRLS copper
conductor wires of 650/1100 Volts grade in
concealed/exposed 16gauge MS conduits as called for
including providing 16-amp flush type switches,
anodized MS box for housing switches approved
White Polycarbonate modular cover plate for switch
boxes and earthing. All the circuit must dressed with
circuit identification tags (the rates include: 6 AMP
switch, 6 AMP socket, Modular Face plate, FRLS Cable
with average length 20-30 m, 16 gauge MS conduits
20-30 meter, All the accessories and Workmanship.)
1 First point controlled by one no. 16 amp switch. Nos 40
Same as item No. 3 above but LOOP POINT i.e. wiring
including termination of point looped from first point
with 2 x 1.5 sq. mm PVC insulated FRLS copper
2 Nos 90
conductor wire of 650/1100-volt grade in
concealed/exposed 16-gauge MS conduit and earthing
(controlling switch in item no. 3).
Wiring including termination for 6-amp socket outlet
point with 2 x 1.5 sq. mm PVC insulated FRLS copper
conductor wires in concealed/exposed 16gauge MS
conduits or existing raceways including providing 6-
amp switch,3 pin 6A shuttered socket, anodised MS
3 Nos 55
box for housing switches sockets, approved White
Polycarbonate modular cover plate and earthing.
(Looped to lighting circuit as shown in drawing). All
the circuit must dressed with circuit identification
Wiring including termination for the following
configuration of outlets for workstations with 3 core x
2.5 Copper conductor, PVC insulated PVC
sheathed wires of 650/1100V grade in existing
conduit/raceway including supplying and fixing
following numbers socket and switch housed in
c. anodized MS box with approved White polycarbonate
modular cover plate as required. NOTE: - For UPS in
one circuit maximum three workstations shall be
looped. Colour coding shall be strictly followed for
wiring. For Raw in one circuit maximum six
workstations shall be looped. All the circuit must be
dressed with circuit identification tags
2 No. 13A, Universal Socket outlets controlled by 1
1 Set 270
No. 16A switch. (UPS power at W/S)
Page 141 of 656
RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
1 No. 6A, round pin outlets, controlled by 1 no.6A
2 Set 90
switch. (Raw power at W/S)
Wiring including termination for 16 amp power
socket outlet points with 2 x 6 sq. mm PVC insulated
FRLS copper conductor wires for the first socket outlet
and 2 x 4 sq. mm PVC insulated FRLS copper conductor
wires for the second outlet of 650/1100 Volts grade in
concealed/exposed 16 gauge MS conduits or existing
3 raceway as called for including providing 16 amp flush Set 20
type combined 6 pin shuttered sockets and switches,
anodised MS outlet boxes for 16 A 6 pin sockets and
switches, approved White Polycarbonate modular
cover plate and earthing.(The item is for set of two
outlets looped together as explained above ) All the
circuit must dressed with circuit identification tags
Wiring including termination for 16-amp power
socket outlet point with 2 x 4 sq. mm PVC insulated
FRLS copper conductor wire of 650/1100 Volts grade
in concealed/exposed 16 gauge MS conduits or in
existing raceway including providing 16 amp flush
4 type combined 6 pin shuttered socket and switch, Nos 10
anodized MS boxes for 16 amp 6 pin socket and switch,
approved White Polycarbonate modular cover plate
and earthing. (Only one outlet shall be connected to
each circuit). All the circuit must dressed with circuit
identification tags
Supplying and fixing of 32 amp 3-pin for 1-phase
industrial socket outlet, Self-locking type of Neptune
5 Balls make including supplying MS boxes of suitable Nos 16
size,32-amp DP MCB and a plug top, complete as
required and as per specifications.
Supplying and fixing of 32 amp 3-phase industrial
socket enclosure, IP 65 including supplying boxes of
6 Nos R.O
suitable size,40-amp TP MCB and complete as
required and as per specifications.
Supplying and fixing in position of the following sizes
of exposed/concealed 16gauge MS conduit including
all accessories complete as required and as per
8 25 mm dia MS conduit RM 150
Supplying, drawing, termination of the following size
of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor wires
650/1100 V grade in existing conduits, complete as
required and as per specifications.
2 x 6 sq. mm with 1 no.2.5 sq. mm PVC insulated
10 RM 180
copper conductor earth wire.
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate


Supplying and fixing in position MS anodised box for
1 data/voice outlet suitable for fixing of RJ 45 jack Nos 180
complete as required.
Supplying and fixing in position following sizes of 16-
2 gauge MS conduits including providing all accessories
concealed/ exposed as required.
25 mm dia MS conduit (For Data/Voice wiring) (16
3 RM 1,000
GAUGE) Complete with all fixing accessories
32 mm dia MS conduit (For Data/Voice wiring) (16
4 RM 200
GAUGE) Complete with all fixing accessories
Supply and fixing of following sizes of MS painted
channel colour coded Orange for power, Blue for Data
,14 gauge, with openable cover and all accessories as
required for fixing on wall/column/ceiling complete
as required including providing junction boxes, bends
and tees as required.
6 300 mm x 50 mm RM 400
7 200 mm x 50 mm RM 120
8 200 mm x 40 mm RM 90
9 100 mm x 50 mm RM 150
Supply and fixing of following sizes of MS painted
channels, 14 gauge, with all accessories as required
including junction boxes of depth more than the
raceway (approx. 65 mm), colour coded with orange
colour for power and blue colour for data, laid in floor
including marking the routing, getting it approved,
10 filling and plastering after laying the raceway,
grouting the raceway to the floor, sealing of raceway
cover, joints and junction boxes complete as required.
Required junction boxes will be provided for smooth
pulling of structured and power cabling. It will be the
responsibility of the contractor to coordinate with
structured cabling contractor for laying of cable.
11 300mm x 40mm (3 mm thick cover) RM 400
12 200mm x 40mm (3 mm thick cover) RM 290
13 100mm x 40mm (2 mm thick cover) RM 150
Supply and fixing in position MS anodised box for T.V.
outlet including white poly carbonate modular cover
14 Nos 120
plate and co-axial type T.V. socket outlet complete as
Supply, drawing, termination of RG-6 co-axial cable
15 RM 100
for TV in existing conduit complete as required.
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
Providing and fixing in position following sizes of MS
conduits including providing all accessories
concealed/ exposed as required along with G.I. pull
wire,14 SWG
17 25 mm dia MS conduit RM 200
Supply and, installation of Novar/ Steel ways make
floor mounted box 250 mm by 250 mm for housing
18 Nos. R. O
UPS power and data/voice boxes complete as


Receiving, storing properly, installation, testing and
a. commissioning of following panels complete as
1 MDB's Set 1
2 UMDB Set 8
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 125
Amp TP MCCB with heavy duty solid neutral link,
3 rotary operating handle, 25 KA service breaking Set 8
capacity with required arrangement of incoming &
outgoing cables required.
Supplying, installing in position, testing and
commissioning of the following Distribution Boards
made of 16-gauge powder coated MS sheet steel, wall
mounted/fully recessed in wall, indoor industrial
type, with dust & vermin proof, hinged and lockable
doors, double door design, complete with inter
connecting wires of proper gauge, aluminium coated
copper thimbles and with the circuit identification
tags, colour coded wiring from Incomer MCB to each
ELCB along with earthing terminal. The DB shall be
suitable for taking cable/conduit as
12-way TPN DB with 30 Nos of 10/20 amps SP MCB's
i.e. 10 Nos. of 10/20 amp SP MCB's arranged in 3
rows arranged in 3 tier one above other and
1 Nos 10
controlled by 1 No. 63 amp TPN MCB and neutral
link. Each row of MCB’s shall be provided with 40-
amp DP ELCB of 100 mA sensitivity.
12-way TPN DB with 30 Nos of 10/20 amps SP MCB's
i.e. 10 Nos. of 10/20 amp SP MCB's arranged in 3
2 rows arranged in 3 tier one above other and Nos 10
controlled by 1 No. 63 amp TPN MCB and neutral
link. Each row of MCB’s shall be provided with 40-

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
amp DP ELCB of 100 mA sensitivity. (All MCB to be
"D" Curve)
10-way TPN DB with 24 Nos of 10/20 amps SP MCB's
i.e. 6 Nos. of 10/20 amp SP MCB's arranged in 3 rows
arranged in 3 tier one above other and controlled by
3 Nos 3
1 No. 63 amp TPN MCB and neutral link. Each row of
MCB’s shall be provided with 40-amp DP ELCB of 100
mA sensitivity.
6-way TPN DB with 18 Nos of 10/20 amps SP MCB's
i.e.6 Nos. of 10/20/32 amp SP MCB's arranged in 3
4 rows arranged in 3 tier one above other and Nos 2
controlled by 1 No. 63 amp TPN MCB and neutral
link. (All MCB shall be D curve)
Sheet metal enclosed 12-way SPN DB with 8 Nos.
10/20 Amp SP MCB and controlled by 1 no. 40 Amp
5 Nos 8
DP MCB with ELCB (100 mA) complete as required.
For emergency lighting.
Supply ,installation, testing and commissioning of
earth pits comprising 600 x 600 x 3 mm. thick Copper
electrode, 50 mm dia medium class GI pipe, GI funnel
with 20 gauge GI wire mesh, masonry chamber with
concrete base, CI manhole cover with frame (300 mm.
6 x 300 mm.) painted with bitumastic paint, test link Nos. 6
joint and alternate packing the mixture of Charcoal
and salt around plate electrode, depth should not less
than 3 meters, The thickness of earthing pipe should
not be less than 2 mm complete as required ,as per
specifications and as per IS: 3043
Supply and fixing in position the following insulated
c. wires including providing all fixing accessories and
effecting proper connections.
1 6 sq. mm. dia pvc insulated copper conductor wire. RM 600
Supplying, unloading, storing, laying, testing and
commissioning of following sizes PVC insulated
(Heavy duty) Copper conductor cables suitable for
working voltage up to and including 1100 Volts, laid
and tied on existing overhead cable trays; or laid and
tied over MS supports in masonry trenches including
d. providing MS supports and clamps for fixing to
supports in an approved manner complete as required
and as per specifications. Circuit identification tag
should be attached with the concerned cable along
with the test report of following sizes of cable to be
submitted by the contractor at the time of delivery of
material at site
1 50 sq. mm. cable, armoured for earthing. RM 1,200
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
2 95 cable unarmoured for UPS RM 600
3 25 cable unarmoured for UPS RM 200
4 50 cable unarmoured for UPS RM 200
Termination of the following sizes of PVC insulated
Copper conductor cable including providing terminal
e. lugs, single compression glands crimping the joints,
providing insulation tape, effecting terminal
connections to the equipment complete as required.
1 50 sq. mm. cable, armoured for earthing. Nos. 12
2 95 cable unarmoured for UPS Nos. 20
3 70 cable unarmoured for UPS Nos. 24
4 50 cable unarmoured for UPS Nos. 8
Supplying, unloading, storing, laying, testing and
commissioning of following sizes of XLPE insulated
(Heavy duty) Aluminium/copper conductor
armoured cables suitable for working voltage up to
and including 1100 Volts, laid and tied on existing
overhead cable trays; or laid and tied over MS
supports in masonry trenches including providing MS
supports and clamps for fixing to supports in an
approved manner complete as required and as per
1 3.5 x 150 Aluminium Cable RM 100
2 3.5 x 70 Aluminium Cable RM R. O
3 4 x 25 Al. Cable RM R. O
4 4 x 16 copper Cable RM 200
5 4 x 10 copper Cable RM 100
6 4 x 6 copper Cable RM 50
7 2 x 10 copper Cable RM 50
2 x 6 copper Cable (For Dedicated earthing of
8 RM 100
Termination of the following sizes of PVC insulated
Aluminium conductor cable including providing
g. terminal lugs, single compression gland, crimping the
joints, providing insulation tape, effecting terminal
connections to the equipment complete as required
1 3.5 x 150 Aluminium Cable Nos. 18
2 4 x 16 copper Cable Nos. 8
3 4 x 10 copper Cable Nos. 4
4 4 x 6 copper Cable Nos. 4
5 2 x 10 copper Cable Nos. 4
2 x 6 copper Cable (For Dedicated earthing
6 Nos. 4
and body earthing of DB's)

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of
Earth box made of 2mm thick MS painted, with a
7 Set 1
glass cover and having 25 x 3 mm Cu strip with
insulators complete as required.
Supply, laying in position & proper connection by
welding/bolting or brazing for the following GI
tape/wires including providing all fixing accessories
and effecting proper connections.
1 25 x 6 mm GI tape RM 800
Supply and installation of following sizes of MS
perforated type cable trays with stove enamel paint of
approved colour and necessary bends, tees, reducer
couplers, dash-fasteners, GI nuts bolts including
cutting, bending, drilling, bolting required suspension
arrangement fabricated from steel etc. complete as
per specifications and as approved by Engineer - in -
charge. The suspension of MS cable tray, only GI or SS
round rods with ceiling anchoring facility should be
1 600 mm wide, 40 mm high (2 mm thick) RM 200
2 450 mm wide, 40 mm high (2 mm thick) RM 400
3 300 mm wide, 40 mm high (2 mm thick) RM 300
4 150mm wide, 40 mm high (2 mm thick) RM 200
5 450 mm wide, 100 mm high (Data Centre) RM 150
6 300 mm wide, 100 mm high (Data Centre) RM R. O


1. The fixtures shall be suitable for single phase, 50
cycles, 230 Volts, A.C. supply system.
2.All fixtures shall be factory wired with copper
conductor wires.
3.All fixtures shall be supplied with Electronic ballasts,
fluorescent lamps/bulbs, as specified.
4.The rate shall be quoted for the Catalogue no.
specified for the fixture however if contractor wants
to supply equivalent then sample shall have to be got
approved from Architect before procurement.
5.All the samples shall be submitted within two weeks
of the issue of work order, for approval from the
6.Supply, unloading storing at site of the following
fixtures with all accessories, such as spring-loaded
side holders, starters, power factor compensators, MS

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
housing to house ballasts, complete with lamps. All the
lamps shall be colour 84 or as approved.
1 Soft light as per designer Nos 80
Suspend/Recessed light line system with 1 x 28 w TL
2 Nos 18
5 Lamp.
3 Cove light, T5 lamp, 4 feet with all accessories Nos 150
4 Cove light, T5 lamp, 2 feet with all accessories Nos 50
5 Linear Light Fixture 4 feet long as per designer Nos 60
Supply, unloading storing at site of following PL lamp
/ halogen fixtures complete with all accessories and
PL lamp / halogen lamps with toroidal transformer,
electronic ballast completes as required.
1 2 x 18W, CFL down lighter OR EQUIVELLENT. Nos 60
2 1 x 18/10 W, CFL down lighter OR EQUIVELLENT. Nos 50
Artlite Cat. No. RL 2784, with 12V, 50W Halogen
3 Nos 10
(Adjustable Light) Wall Washer
4 Ratite Cat. No. RL 6044 Wall lamp Nos RO
5 Intercraft Channel, 1 x 54 W Surface mounted light RM RO
6 Intercraft Channel, 1 x 54 W Recessed light RM RO
7 Intercraft Channel, 1 x 54 W Suspended light RM R.O


The rates for fixing of lighting fixtures shall include all
fixing accessories that are required to make the
installation complete in all respects including the
following: -
1. Providing connecting wires and channel support
wherever required.
2. Internal wiring between accessories.
3.Self-interlocking connector blocks for connecting
a. the wires from fixtures to the points.
4.Earthing of fixtures with 1.5 sq. mm. PVC insulated
copper conductor wire.
5.Approved colour powder coated down rods, clamps
and other components and fixing accessories
wherever required.
6.Testing of fixtures before Installation.
7.Identification tags with a distance not more 3 meters
to be use for circuit identification
Receiving, fixing in position, effecting proper
connections, testing and commissioning of 1 x 36-watt
1 Nos 120
fluorescent fixtures/2 x 36 watt/1 X 18-watt
fluorescent fixtures surface mounted on ceiling or wall

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
mounted or kept in cove/pelmet or suspended from
existing raceway with all fixing accessories as
Receiving, fixing in position, effecting proper
connections, testing and commissioning of 1 x 36 /2 x
36 watt CFL fixtures fixed recessed in ceiling with
2 chains hung from slab with all fixing accessories as Nos 250
required, along with providing PVC flexible conduit
from junction box at slab level to fixture on the false
Receiving, fixing in position, effecting proper
connections, testing and commissioning of PL
lamp/Halogen lamp fixture fixed recessed in ceiling
3 Nos 266
complete as required and with all accessories, along
with providing PVC flexible conduit from junction box
at slab level to fixture on the false ceiling.


Providing temporary construction lighting and power
on the third floor including by using required nos. 1 x
36 Watt phatti type fixtures (minimum 250 Lux),
required flexible double insulated copper wiring,
distribution board, minimum 3 nos. 400 W halogen
flood light, earthing, main panel with incoming MCCB
and required MCCB in the outgoing for distributing the
power thought the duration of the project. It will be
1 the responsibility of Electrical Contractor to distribute LS 1
power to all the contractors working at site. The rates
shall be all inclusive. The material bought by the
contractor shall be the property of the contractor and
after the work is completed it can be taken back by
him. (All item mentioned above, shall be new and of
good quality by considering site safety parameter. Old
and repaired item shall never be allowed to use at

R. Networking
Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of
a. Data and Voice System (4 Node Outlet at Each
Supply & fixing 24-port Loaded, Modular Jack Panel,
1 Each 15
1U (For Data UTP Field Cables)
2 Cat-6 E UTP Cable RM 15000
3 I/O Crimped Each 400
4 4 - Port Face Plate Each 90

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
5 2 - Port Face Plate Each 20
6 Cat-6 UTP Jack with Strain Relief Each 1050
7 Supply & fixing server rack (42 U Size) Each 1
8 Supply & fixing Vertical Wire Manager single side. Each 40
Supply & fixing 2U Horizontal Cable Manager (For
9 Each 16
Field Cables & Switches)
10 Smart PDU 6 AMP x 12 sockets in the Rack Each 16
11 UTP Termination for both ends, labelling, testing. Each 800
25 Years Certification from Tyco / AMP / Penta
12 L.S. 800
AMP Cat 6, UTP Mounting Cords for Data Rack End 4
13 no's 200
Feet (Yellow)
AMP Cat 6, UTP Mounting Cords for Data Rack End 7
14 no's 200
Feet (Yellow)
AMP Cat 6, UTP Mounting Cords for Data Server Rack
15 no's 650
Both end 7 Feet (RED)
16 AV Cabling rmt 1520
17 Rack mounting hardware no's 15
18 Rack fixing ladder for cable no's 15
19 6" PVC Cable Tie (Pack of 100) pkt 112


a. ACS
Access Controller capable of controlling 4doors and
1 Nos 2
2 Finger print reader with lock output. Nos 9
3 Power Supply Nos 18
4 Proximity Reader Nos 9
5 Proximity Card Nos 100
6 Electro Magnetic Lock (Single leaf door) Nos 11
7 Power Supply for Lock Nos 11
8 Magnetic Contact Nos 11
9 Exit Push Button Nos 11
10 Emergency Release Switch Nos 11
11 4 core x 0.75 shielded Cable in PVC conduit Mtrs 1,200
b. FDS
Addressable Fire Alarm Panel (with Auto- Sprinkling
1 No 1
2 Smoke detector Nos. 40
3 Heat detector Nos. 6
4 Manual Pull Station Nos. 1
5 Response Indicator Nos. 6
6 Sounder Nos. 5

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
7 2 core x 1.5 Armoured cable Mtrs. 600
Hand held fire extinguisher Co2 4.5 KG - ISI Approved
8 Nos 10
(for manual operations as per fire safety norms)
1 Master Console with 12 satellites Set 6
2 Wire Bundle Lot 6
3 PVC Conduit Mtrs 100

T. UPS System
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of
microprocessor based 150 KVA/ 200 KW UPS with In
Built Isolation Transformer using Continuous duty,
three phase, Monolithic True Online Double
Conversion UPS using PWM IGBT technology, Dual
Feed input, 3 Phase input 415 V +10% -15%, Online
1 Set 2
mode efficiency of 95% from 25% to 100% loading. 3
phase input and 3 phase output. UPS shall be capable
of operating in parallel redundant load sharing mode
configuration up to 8 units. 15 min. backup with SMF
VRLA Lead Acid- Battery.
Warranty: 5Years
2 UPS Incoming Panel No 1
3 Ups Out going panel No 1
4 Base structure for the UPS and Battery bank No 4
5 Battery Rack as per design approved No 2

U. Carpet
Providing, supplying & installing carpet in the
specified areas as per patterns specifications as
a. Specifications
2 PILE WEIGHT (24.0 oz. per sq. yd.)
3 Pile thickness: 0.76"
4 PILE THICKNESS .132" (3.35 MM.)
a. 5 STITCHES PER INCH 10.7 (42.13 per 10 cm)
7 Tile size - 50cmx50cm
8 Dye method -100% solution dyed only
9 Secondary backing -Thermoplastic Composite Tile
b. Product testing
1 FLAMMABILITY ASTM E 648 Class 1 (Glue Down)
2 CRI RATING Severe Traffic
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
4 SMOKE DENSITY ASTM E 662 Less than 450
c. Adhesive system-Pre-applied - micro encapsulated
tackifier / approved adhesive-Solvent free
1 Trim carpet neatly at walls and around
2 Completed carpet to be smooth and free of bubbles,
puckers and other defects
3 Warranties-Lifetime Ultra Set Modular Warranty,
Lifetime Limited Colourfastness to Light, life time
Limited Colourfastness to Atmospheric Contaminants,
10 Year Stain Warranty, Lifetime Static
4 Product-Modular Square Carpet tile,
5 Cost to include wastages for patterns, plastic
covering protection after installation not less than
100microns thickness, all handling and
6 Layout- Site measurements should be carried out by
the vendor in advance to confirm quantities of carpet
7 Tile based carpet
1 Actual Quantity sqmt 700

V. Modular Furniture (with Chairs) Sub-Total

1800x900mm: Linear workstation
Panel based system, .25mm thk. prelam table top
shade-laminate, powder coating shade; grey - All tiles
1 Nos 38
will be fabric: supported on gable end along with
25mm thk partition. total ht of workstations -
1 No. Three drawer (unequal) fixed pedestal per
work station with one lock for all three drawers
3 all complete with wire management and wire risers
4 Fire Rated material for workstation
5 MEETING TABLE -10 PAX - 2400X1200
Meeting room table of size 2400mmx1200mm
finished with laminate. Providing and fixing of table
made of 25mm thk pre-laminated table top with pvc
edge lipping. Table to have necessary perforated
powder coated metal / laminate modety panel as per
6 Nos 4
architects’ instructions. Table to be supported with
metal powder coated legs. Table to have necessary
cable management with fliptop mechanism 2nos).
Table to have levellers to adjust the heights as per
architects’ instructions.
a Chairs
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
1 Workstations as described above: Nos. 39
2 Meeting chairs: Nos. 49

W. HVAC Sub-Total
1 Nos. 1

C4i Non-IT TOTAL #######

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Civil Works and interiors of C3i

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Quantity Amount
No. Rate
A. Interior Works & Furnishings
1 PCC Upto 75mm/ Repair of existing floor with cement sqm 80
plaster (manual PCC: 1:2:4 mix) before laying Tiles
2 POP Punning sqm 65

1 Plain Gypsum Ceiling sqm 40
2 Tile Grid Ceiling - 2' x 2' - ceiling sqm 40
3 Access Panel of size 2' x 2' nos 1

1 Light Textured Paint sqm 190
2 Laminated Panelling (include 18 mm Commercial sqm 5
board with Grey colour Matt finish laminate)

B. Electrical Works
a. Wiring and sockets- Wiring including termination for
the following light points with 2 x 2.5 sq. mm PVC
insulated FRLS copper conductor wires of 650/1100
Volts grade in concealed/exposed 16gauge MS
conduits as called for including providing 6-amp flush
type switches, anodized MS box for housing switches
approved White Polycarbonate modular cover plate
for switch boxes and earthing. All the circuit must
dressed with circuit identification tags
1 First point controlled by one no. 6 amp switch. Nos 10
2 Same as item No. 1 above but LOOP POINT i.e. wiring Nos 18
including termination of point looped from first point
with 2 x 1.5 sq. mm PVC insulated FRLS copper
conductor wire of 650/1100-volt grade in
concealed/exposed 16 gauge MS conduit and earthing
(controlling switch in item no. 1).
3 2 No. 16A, Universal Socket outlets controlled by 1 No. Set 8
16A switch. (UPS power at W/S)
4 1 No. 6A, round pin outlets , controlled by 1 no.6A Set 4
switch.(Raw power at W/S)
5 Supplying and fixing of 32 amp 3-pin for 1-phase Set 4
industrial socket outlet, Self-locking type of Neptune
Balls make including supplying MS boxes of suitable
size,32 amp DP MCB and a plug top, complete as
required and as per specifications.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Quantity Amount
No. Rate
b. Supplying, drawing, termination of the following size
of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor wires
650/1100 V grade in existing conduits, complete as
required and as per specifications.
1 2 x 6 sq. mm with 1 no.2.5 sq. mm PVC insulated RM 20
copper conductor earth wire.
c. Supplying and fixing in position of the following sizes
of exposed/concealed 16gauge MS conduit including
all accessories complete as required and as per
1 25 mm die MS conduit RM 40


a. Receiving, storing properly, installation, testing and
commissioning of following panels complete as
1 MDB's Set 1
2 UMDB Set 1
b. Supply and fixing in position the following insulated
wires including providing all fixing accessories and
effecting proper connections.
1 6 sq. mm. dia pvc insulated copper conductor wire. RM 40
c. Supplying, unloading, storing, laying, testing and
commissioning of following sizes PVC insulated
(Heavy duty) Copper conductor cables suitable for
working voltage up to and including 1100 Volts, laid
and tied on existing overhead cable trays; or laid and
tied over MS supports in masonry trenches including
providing MS supports and clamps for fixing to
supports in an approved manner complete as required
and as per specifications. Circuit identification tag
should be attached with the concerned cable along
with the test report of following sizes of cable to be
submitted by the contractor at the time of delivery of
material at site
1 50 sq. mm. cable, armoured for earthing. RM 40
d. Termination of the following sizes of PVC insulated
Copper conductor cable including providing terminal
lugs, single compression glands crimping the joints,
providing insulation tape, effecting terminal
connections to the equipment complete as required.
1 50 sq. mm. cable, armoured for earthing. Nos. 40
e. Supplying, unloading, storing, laying, testing and
commissioning of following sizes of XLPE insulated
(Heavy duty) Aluminium/copper conductor armoured
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Quantity Amount
No. Rate
cables suitable for working voltage up to and including
1100 Volts, laid and tied on existing overhead cable
trays; or laid and tied over MS supports in masonry
trenches including providing MS supports and clamps
for fixing to supports in an approved manner complete
as required and as per specifications.
1 2 x 10 copper Cable RM 20
2 2 x 6 copper Cable (For Dedicated earthing of RM 40
f. Termination of the following sizes of PVC insulated
Aluminium conductor cable including providing
terminal lugs, single compression gland , crimping the
joints ,providing insulation tape, effecting terminal
connections to the equipment complete as required
1 4 x 10 copper Cable Nos. 4
2 4 x 6 copper Cable Nos. 4
3 2 x 10 copper Cable Nos. 4
4 2 x 6 copper Cable (For Dedicated earthing and Nos. 4
body earthing of DB's)
5 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Set 1
Earth box made of 2mm thick MS painted, with a glass
cover and having 25 x 3 mm Cu strip with insulators
complete as required.
g. Supply, laying in position & proper connection by
welding/bolting or brazing for the following GI
tape/wires including providing all fixing accessories
and effecting proper connections.
1 25 x 6 mm GI tape RM 40
h. Supply and installation of following sizes of MS
perforated type cable trays with stove enamel paint of
approved colour and necessary bends, tees, reducer
couplers, dash-fasteners, GI nuts bolts including
cutting, bending, drilling, bolting required suspension
arrangement fabricated from steel etc. Complete as
per specifications and as approved by Engineer - in -
charge. The suspension of MS cable tray, only GI or SS
round rods with ceiling anchoring facility should be
1 150mm wide, 40 mm high (2 mm thick) RM 10


a Receiving, fixing in position, effecting proper Nos 30
connections, testing and commissioning of 1 x 36 /2 x
36 watt CFL fixtures fixed recessed in ceiling with
chains hung from slab with all fixing accessories as
required, along with providing PVC flexible conduit
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Quantity Amount
No. Rate
from junction box at slab level to fixture on the false


a. The fixtures shall be suitable for single phase, 50
cycles, 230 Volts, A.C. supply system.
b. All fixtures shall be factory wired with copper
conductor wires.
c. All fixtures shall be supplied with Electronic ballasts,
fluorescent lamps/bulbs, as specified.
d. The rate shall be quoted for the Catalogue no. specified
for the fixture however if contractor wants to supply
equivalent then sample shall have to be got approved
from Architect before procurement.
e. All the samples shall be submitted within two weeks
of the issue of work order, for approval from the
f. Supply, unloading storing and installation at site of the
following fixtures with all accessories as per ceiling
design, such as spring loaded side holders, starters,
power factor compensators, MS housing to house
ballasts, complete with lamps. All the lamps shall be
colour 84 or as approved.
1 2x2 feet or 4 feet light 430 (2X36 W) Nos 4
2 LED 18 Watt Nos 10


a Providing temporary construction lighting and power LS 1
on the third floor including by using required nos. 1 x
36 Watt phatti type fixtures (minimum 250 Lux),
required flexible double insulated copper wiring,
distribution board, minimum 3 nos. 400 W halogen
flood light, earthing, main panel with incoming MCCB
and required MCCB in the outgoing for distributing the
power through the duration of the project. It will be
the responsibility of Electrical Contractor to distribute
power to all the contractors working at site. The rates
shall be all inclusive. The material bought by the
contractor shall be the property of the contractor and
after the work is completed it can be taken back by
him. (All item mentioned above, shall be new and of
good quality by considering site safety parameter. Old
and repaired item shall never be allowed to use at


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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Quantity Amount
No. Rate
1 1800x750mm: Linear workstation Nos 1
Panel based system, .25mm thick.
Pre-lam table top shade-laminate, powder coating
shade; grey - All tiles will be fabric: supported on gable
end along with 25mm thick partition. Height of
workstations - 1200mm 1, No. Three drawer with one
lock, all complete with wire management and wire
risers Fire Rated material for workstation
The requisite certifications include: ASTM D2571 (for
surface burning), ANSI/NEMA LD3 certified scratch-
resistant laminate.
2 Chair Nos 1

Civil Works and interiors of C2i

S No. Description Unit Qty. Amount
a. Civil Works
1 Manual PCC (1:2:4 mix) Up to 75mm/ Repair of sqm 10
existing floor with cement plaster before laying
2 Floor Tiles (C2i average area is 600 to 800 SQFT L/S 1
but in most of the site Floor tile work was done so
repair and match with existing tile cost will be
Lump sum)
1 Plain Gypsum Ceiling sqm 20
2 Mineral fibre Tile Grid Ceiling size: 2' x 2' - sqm 20
3 Access Panel of size 2' x 2' nos 1
1 Light Textured Paint sqm 84
B Electrical Works

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

S No. Description Unit Qty. Amount
a. Wiring including termination for the following
light points with 2 x 2.5 sq. mm PVC insulated
FRLS copper conductor wires of 650/1100 Volts
grade in concealed/exposed 16gauge MS conduits
as called for including providing 6-amp flush type
switches, anodized MS box for housing switches
approved White Polycarbonate modular cover
plate for switch boxes and earthing. All the circuit
must dress with circuit identification tags (the
rates include: 6 AMP switch, 6 AMP socket,
Modular Face plate, FRLS Cable with average
length 20-30 m, 16 gauge MS conduits 20-30
meter, All the accessories and Workmanship.)
1 First point controlled by one no. 6 amp switch. Nos 2
2 Same as item No. 1 above but LOOP POINT i.e. Nos 4
wiring including termination of point looped from
first point with 2 x 1.5 sq. mm PVC insulated FRLS
copper conductor wire of 650/1100-volt grade in
concealed/exposed 16-gauge MS conduit and
earthing (controlling switch in item no. 1).
b. Wiring including termination for the following
light points with 2 x 2.5 sq. mm PVC insulated
FRLS copper conductor wires of 650/1100 Volts
grade in concealed/exposed 16gauge MS conduits
as called for including providing 16-amp flush
type switches, anodized MS box for housing
switches approved White Polycarbonate modular
cover plate for switch boxes and earthing. All the
circuit must dressed with circuit identification
tags (the rates include: 16 AMP switch, 16 AMP
socket, Modular Face plate, FRLS Cable with
average length 20-30 m, 16 gauge MS conduits 20-
30 meter, All the accessories and Workmanship.)
1 First point controlled by one no. 16 amp switch. Nos 2
2 Same as item No. 3 above but LOOP POINT i.e. Nos 4
wiring including termination of point looped from
first point with 2 x 1.5 sq. mm PVC insulated FRLS
copper conductor wire of 650/1100-volt grade in
concealed/exposed 16-gauge MS conduit and
earthing (controlling switch in item no. 3).

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

S No. Description Unit Qty. Amount
3 Wiring including termination for 6-amp socket Nos 2
outlet point with 2 x 1.5 sq. mm PVC insulated
FRLS copper conductor wires in
concealed/exposed 16gauge MS conduits or
existing raceways including providing 6-amp
switch,3 pin 6A shuttered socket, anodised MS box
for housing switches sockets, approved White
Polycarbonate modular cover plate and earthing.
(Looped to lighting circuit as shown in drawing).
All the circuit must dressed with circuit
identification tags
c. fixing following numbers socket and switch
housed in anodised MS box with approved White
polycarbonate modular cover plate as required.
NOTE: - For UPS in one circuit maximum three
workstations shall be looped. Colour coding shall
be strictly followed for wiring. For Raw in one
circuit maximum six workstations shall be looped.
All the circuit must be dressed with circuit
identification tags
1 2 No. 16A, Universal Socket outlets controlled by 1 Set 2
No. 16A switch. (UPS power at W/S)
2 1 No. 6A, round pin outlets, controlled by 1 no.6A Set 4
switch. (Raw power at W/S)
3 Wiring including termination for 16 amp power Set 2
socket outlet points with 2 x 6 sq. mm PVC
insulated FRLS copper conductor wires for the
first socket outlet and 2 x 4 sq. mm PVC insulated
FRLS copper conductor wires for the second
outlet of 650/1100 Volts grade in
concealed/exposed 16 gauge MS conduits or
existing raceway as called for including providing
16 amp flush type combined 6 pin shuttered
sockets and switches, anodized MS outlet boxes
for 16 A 6 pin sockets and switches, approved
White Polycarbonate modular cover plate and
earthing.(The item is for set of two outlets looped
together as explained above ) All the circuit must
dressed with circuit identification tags (the rates
includes 16 AMP switch, 16 AMP socket, Modular
Face plate, 2x 6 SQ. MM FRLS Cable with average
length 20-30 m, 16 gauge MS conduits 20-30
meter, All the accessories and Workmanship.):

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

S No. Description Unit Qty. Amount
4 Supplying and fixing of 32 amp 3-pin for 1-phase Nos. 2
industrial socket outlet, Self-locking type of
Neptune Balls make including supplying MS boxes
of suitable size,32-amp DP MCB and a plug top,
complete as required and as per specifications.
d. Supplying and fixing in position of the following
sizes of exposed/concealed 16gauge MS conduit
including all accessories complete as required and
as per specifications.
1 25 mm die MS conduit RM 40
e. Supplying, drawing, termination of the following
size of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor
wires 650/1100 V grade in existing conduits,
complete as required and as per specifications.
1 2 x 6 sq. mm with 1 no.2.5 sq. mm PVC insulated RM 20
copper conductor earth wire.
a. Receiving, storing properly, installation, testing
and commissioning of following panels complete
as required.
1 MDB's Set 1
b. Supply and fixing in position the following
insulated wires including providing all fixing
accessories and effecting proper connections.
1 6 sq. mm. dia pvc insulated copper conductor RM 20
c. Supplying, unloading, storing, laying, testing and
commissioning (SITC) of following sizes PVC
insulated (Heavy duty) Copper conductor cables
suitable for working voltage up to and including
1100 Volts, laid and tied on existing overhead
cable trays; or laid and tied over MS supports in
masonry trenches including providing MS
supports and clamps for fixing to supports in an
approved manner complete as required and as per
specifications. Circuit identification tag should be
attached with the concerned cable along with the
test report of following sizes of cable to be
submitted by the contractor at the time of delivery
of material at site.
1 50 sq. mm. cable, armoured for earthing. RM 5

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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S No. Description Unit Qty. Amount
d. Termination of the following sizes of PVC
insulated Copper conductor cable including
providing terminal lugs, single compression
glands crimping the joints, providing insulation
tape, effecting terminal connections to the
equipment complete as required.
1 50 sq. mm. cable, armoured for earthing. Nos. 4
e. Supplying, unloading, storing, laying, testing and
commissioning of following sizes of XLPE
insulated (Heavy duty) Aluminium/copper
conductor armoured cables suitable for working
voltage up to and including 1100 Volts , laid and
tied on existing overhead cable trays; or laid and
tied over MS supports in masonry trenches
including providing MS supports and clamps for
fixing to supports in an approved manner
complete as required and as per specifications.
1 4 x 6 copper Cable RM 5
2 2 x 10 copper Cable RM 5
f. Termination of the following sizes of PVC
insulated Aluminium conductor cable including
providing terminal lugs, single compression gland,
crimping the joints, providing insulation tape,
effecting terminal connections to the equipment
complete as required
1 4 x 10 copper Cable Nos. 4
2 4 x 6 copper Cable Nos. 4
3 2 x 10 copper Cable Nos. 4
4 2 x 6 copper Cable (For Dedicated earthing Nos. 4
and body earthing of DB's)
5 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Set 1
Earth box made of 2mm thick MS painted, with a
glass cover and having 25 x 3 mm Cu strip with
insulators complete as required.
6 25 x 6 mm GI tape RM 20
7 Supply and installation of following sizes of MS RM 2
perforated type cable trays with stove enamel
paint of approved colour and necessary bends,
tees, reducer couplers, dash-fasteners, GI nuts
bolts including cutting, bending, drilling, bolting
required suspension arrangement fabricated from
steel etc. (100 mm to 300 mm with 40 mm height)
Complete as per specifications and as approved by
Engineer - in - charge. The suspension of MS cable
tray, only GI or SS round rods with ceiling
anchoring facility should be used.
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

S No. Description Unit Qty. Amount
a. Supply, unloading storing and installation at site
of following PL lamp / halogen fixtures complete
with all accessories and PL lamp / halogen lamps
with toroidal transformer, electronic ballast
completes as required.
1 LED 18-watt light Nos 4
1 Panel based system, Pre-lam table top shade- Nos 1
laminate, with drawer fixed pedestal per work
2 Chair Nos 1

Civil Works and interiors of Data Centre

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
A Civil Works
1 PCC Up to 75mm/ Repair of existing floor with cement sqm 810
plaster before laying Tiles/ Floor carpet.
2 Cement Sand Plaster sqm 146
3 Floor/Wall Chasing L/S 2

1 P8: Partition Above false ceiling with one layer of sqm 145
gypsum on both sides
2 P9: Fire rated Partition panelling sqm 448
3 P9A: Fire Rated Partition sqmt 95
4 G: Full height 12mm thick. Toughened double glass sqm 12
5 P10: Modular extruded aluminium Partitions rm 12
6 Extruded Aluminium Skirting rm 120

1 D1 -Fire rated door - up to 750 x 2100 nos 6
2 D2 -Fire rated door - up to 1200 x 2100 nos 1
3 D1 -Fire rated door - up to 900 x 2100 nos 1

1 Plain Gypsum Ceiling fire rated sqm -
2 Vertical Bands with fire rated gypsum board rm -
3 Cove with fire rated gypsum board rm -
4 Tile Grid Ceiling - 2' x 2' - Metal ceiling rm 390
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate

1 Light Textured Paint sqm 1952
2 Laminated Panelling fire rated board sqm 48

1 Full Ht. Storage (Laminated) 400mm Deep fire rated sqm 8

1 Raised Antistatic Access Flooring ( Range: 300mm- sqm 460
2 Stainless Steel edge trims rm 16
3 Base structure for additional support of raised floor sqm 395

1 General Information Signage nos 12
2 Luminous Fire evacuation plans nos 4

1 Guard Table - 1500 X 700 WIT HPEDESTAL nos 1
2 CHAIRS nos 4
3 Running counter in DATA Centre (BMS Room) nos 4


2 Graphics as per designer sqft 250


Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Double
skin AHUs of following capacities.
1 13,000 CFM @ 50mm SP - Floor Mounted Nos 2
Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of
circular inline duct mounted fans for exhaust air having
backward/ forward curve impeller directly driven with
single phase motor complete with bird screen. The fan
shall have following capacities:
1 600 cfm @ 10 mmwg for Ladies Toilet Exhaust Nos. -
2 700 cfm @ 10 mmwg for Gents Toilet Exhaust Nos. -
3 650 cfm @ 15 mmwg for Cafeteria Exhaust Nos. -
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
Providing and fixing in position the following MS heavy
class pipes cut to required lengths and installed with all
welded joints. Providing and fixing in position the
necessary fittings like elbows, tees, reducers, hanging
arrangements including vibration isolation
arrangements etc. as required.
1 125 mm dia RM 20
2 80mm dia RM 20
3 40mm dia RM 50
d. Providing and fixing in position the following wafer
type Butterfly Valves complete with companion flanges,
nuts, bolts, gaskets etc. as required. Butterfly valves
shall conform to PN -16 rating as per specifications.
Quoted price shall be inclusive of insulation as per the
1 80mm dia Nos. 2
e. Providing and fixing in position the following Ball
Valves as per the specifications. Quoted price shall be
inclusive of insulation as per the specifications.
1 40mm dia Nos. 2
f. Providing and fixing in position the following specified
make balancing valves. Balancing valves shall conform
to PN-16 rating as per the specifications. Quoted price
shall be inclusive of insulation as per the specifications.
1 125 mm dia Nos. 1
2 80mm dia Nos. 1
g. Supply, Installation, Testing & commissioning of two
way diverting valves with modulating motor,
transformer, copper control wiring & temperature
sensors for AHUs. The valves shall be of the following
1 125 mm dia Nos. 1
2 80mm dia Nos. 1
h. Providing and fixing in position the following 'Y'
strainers complete with insulation for AHUs & FATUs.
1 125 mm dia Nos. 1
2 100mm dia Nos. R.O.
3 80mm dia Nos. 1
4 Providing and fixing in position industrial type pressure Nos. 4
gauges constructed out of SS 304 material. SS siphon
shall be factory insulated with closed cell elastomeric
insulation in tubing form. Pressure gauges shall be
factory fitted with a ball valve at the tube.
5 Supply and fixing in position V-form industrial type Nos. 4
thermometers as per the specifications.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
i. Providing and fixing in position the following GI
medium class pipes for condensate drain cut to
required lengths & installed with all screwed joints and
providing and fixing in position the necessary elbows,
tees & reducers.
1 50mm dia RM 20
2 40mm dia RM 20
3 25mm dia RM 20
Supply, installation and testing of factory fabricated
ductwork of galvanised sheet metal, fire retardant
gaskets, slip on flanges, GI fully threaded rods, GI
channel supports etc. in accordance with the approved
shop drawings and specifications.
1 26-gauge GSS SqM 60
2 24 gauge GSS SqM 60
k. Supply, Fabrication at site, Installation and Testing of
sheet metal ducts in accordance with the approved
shop drawings and specifications.
1 0.63mm (24 gauge) GSS SqM 10
2 0.8 mm (22 gauge) GSS SqM 10
3 1.0mm (20 gauge) GSS SqM 10
4 1.25mm (18 gauge) GSS SqM 10
5 Supply, Installation and Testing of 125mm deep Anti- Nos 3
vibration Flexible Joints made out of imported fire-
retardant fabric with extruded aluminium frame/
flange on both sides of approved make.
6 Supply, Installation and Testing of multi blade type key Sqm 5
operated louver dampers of G.I. steel sheet for collars to
be provided with suitable links, levers and quadrants
for manual control of volume of air flow and for proper
balancing of the air distribution system as per the
approved shop drawings and specifications.
7 Supply, Installation and Testing of multi-blade box type SqM 3
G.I. steel sheet dampers for ducts to be provided with
suitable links, levers and quadrants for manual control
of volume of air flow and for proper balancing of the air
distribution system as per the approved shop drawings
and specifications.
l. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of
smoke cum fire dampers of at least 90-120 minutes’ fire
rating as per the approved shop drawings and
specifications. Interlocking of fire dampers using
copper control wiring shall be affected as required
1 Bare fire dampers SqM 4

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
2 Actuator with control panel, temperature sensor and No 6
spring return action and suitable for 8 NM Torque.
m. Supply, Installation, Testing and Balancing of square
supply air diffusers as per the approved shop drawings
and specifications. Each diffuser shall be equipped with
fixed air distribution grid, removable key-operated
volume control damper. The diffusers shall be anti-
smudge ring/flush type.
1 Powder coated extruded aluminium diffusers of Sqm 5
approved colour & shade of following sizes:
n. Supply, Installation, Testing and Balancing of square
diffusers same as supply air diffusers but without
volume control dampers for return air as per the
approved shop drawings & specifications.
1 Powder coated extruded aluminium diffusers of Sqm 5
approved colour & shade of following sizes:
2 Supply, Installation and Testing of extruded aluminium RMT 45
powder coated linear grilles for supply/ return air.
o. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of pre-
insulated factory fabricated flexible ducts inner as well
as outer skin constructed out of aluminium sheet. Ducts
shall be of following sizes
1 300mm dia RM 20
2 250mm dia RM 90
3 200mm dia RM 20
4 150mm dia RM 20
5 Supply, Installation and Testing of extruded aluminium SqM 1
powder coated air transfer grilles to be provided at
toilets & kitchen doors.
6 Supply, Installation and Testing of fresh air grilles of SqM 1
powder coated / anodized extruded aluminium with
filters, inlet louvers dampers and bird screen, as per
approved shop drawings and specifications.
Supply and Application of acoustic lining/ internal
thermal insulation of supply air ducting with fibre glass
insulation 48 Kg/cum density and as per the
specifications and drawings.
1 25mm thick Sq. 45
q. Supply and Application of external thermal insulation of
ducting using closed cell elastomeric insulation with
adhesive, longitudinal & transverse joints sealed with
adhesive as per specifications.
1 6 mm thick SqM 550
r. Supply and Application of 50mm thick expanded
polystyrene insulation in tubing form/ flat sections of
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
20 Kg/cum density for chilled water piping finished
with 24 G Al sheet cladding and as per the specifications
1 125 mm dia RM 20
2 80mm dia RM 20
3 40mm dia RM 50
s. Supply and Application of 9 mm thick closed cell
elastomeric insulation in tubing form for condensate
drain piping as per the specifications.
1 50mm dia RM 20
2 40mm dia RM 20
3 25mm dia RM 20
t Supply and Application of thermal/acoustic lining of
walls & ceiling of AHU rooms using fibre glass
insulation 32 Kg/cum density, mounted on a suitable
frame work made out of 24 G GI sheet channels,
covered with RP tissue and finished with 24 gauge
perforated aluminium sheet as per the specifications.
1 50mm thick SqM 70

a-1 Name of Work :- Supply, installation, testing &
commissioning of precision Air-conditioning unit (7 x
Part A (PAC High Side & Low Side)
Precision Air Conditioning Units - For server room
(With Heater & and Humidifier)
a-2 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of
microprocessor based, Precision Air Conditioning Unit
comprising Indoor & outdoor units interconnected with
refrigerant piping. The indoor evaporator unit, shall be
BOTTOM discharge. The fan section should be below
false floor to provide high power savings compared to
fans inside the cabinet. The fans should be mounted in a
separate cabinet and the cabinet should be located
under the false floor.
The Indoor fan shall be with centrifugal blowers with
latest innovative EC fan technology with “COMPOSITE
Blade material “, and other accessories, in all respect.
95% down to 5 micron filters with filter section &
minimum 4 row deep slant type copper cooling DX-coil
with aluminium fins, SS drain tray duly insulated, high
technology fixed speed scroll compressor suitable for
R407C refrigerant, Compressor refrigerant circuit (Two
compressors with Independent Circuits) shall have
vibration absorbers at suction & discharge lines, with
strip type reheated & steam electrode humidifier.
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
Compressor EER should not be less than 11.1 Btuh /
Watt (COP not less than 3.25 at ARI conditions),
electronic expansion valve & electrical control panel, all
inside a cabinet.
The Indoor cabinet shall be with double skin side
panels & front & back panels shall be with 25mm thick
acoustic mineral wool insulation. The outdoor air
cooled condensing unit shall be oversized to handle
high ambient conditions. Condenser shall have copper
condensing coil with aluminium fins.
The outdoor condenser shall have EC fans which will
vary speed depending upon ambient temperature and
suitable for vertical or horizontal hot air discharge as
per the site conditions. Separate condenser unit shall be
provided for each refrigerant circuit. A heat rejecting
coil block shall be constructed out of copper tubes with
expanded aluminium fins to give a good mechanical
bond for maximum heat transfer. The number of fins
shall not be less than 12 fins per inch. The minimum
face area of the coil should be more than 1.3 sq.m. and
should be minimum 3 Rows deep. Fins thickness shall
not be less than 0.1 mm and shall be provided with
epoxy /suitable weather proof coating. A minimum of
two numbers axial flow fans (dia 500) directly driven
by Electronically Commutated (EC) fan motor unit with
variable speed drive shall be provided for each
condenser unit. Condensers with AC fan motors are
strictly not accepted as EC fan motors are more efficient
than AC fan motors.
The condenser unit shall suitably design for noise level
≤ 75 dB at a distance of 1 meter away from outdoor
The outdoor condenser must be provided with
Electronically commutated motors which must include
micro-controller with option to set ambient
temperatures / system pressure etc. The logic of
operation of EC motor must be to maintain a constant
discharge pressure in the circuit irrespective of ambient
The Condenser unit shall be suitable for round-the-
clock operation.
The body of the condenser unit shall be made out of 16
SWG (1.6mm) corrosion resistant G.I. Sheet. The entire
stand shall be supported by epoxy coated frame.
The condensers should have anti-corrosive coating
from factory. The indoor unit shall also have heater. The

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
external static pressure of fan shall not be less than
10mm Wg. The controller of the unit shall be intelligent.
The controller shall also have auto sequential operation
of Precision Air Conditioning Units.
PAC shall have at least two dry contacts for remote
alarms. The quoted price shall be inclusive of
interconnected insulated refrigerant piping, insulated
drain piping with in the room & from each machine,
vibration isolation pads and associated electrical &
control cabling between indoor & outdoor units and MS
base frame / MS Platform duly painted with black
enamel paint for mounting of condensing units and
suitable vibration isolation pads.( Each unit should have
a inbuilt card for Bacnet/Modbus output for BMS
The raised flooring height from true floor shall have to
be 600 MM
a-3 The Unit shall be with Two Fixed scroll Compressor
with two independent refrigerant circuit
a-4 The unit shall be suitable for 380-415 Volts / 50HZ /3
Phase supply.
a-5 The refrigerant piping of copper duly insulated with
13/19mm thick nitrile rubber class "O" having K value
as 0.032 W/ m Deg. K shall be to the extent of 30M
(Max.) one way on each unit. Bidder to include suitable
size (dia) of this much length of piping in the BOQ. (20M
horizontal + 10M of Vertical piping).
a-6 Units shall also be suitable to deliver the desired
capacity after deration for such a distance of piping.
deration for such a distance of piping.
a-7 Bidder to include suitable size (dia) extra length of
piping in the BOQ along with kit (solenoid valve, NRV,
extra oil charge & extra refrigerant charge.
a-8 Water connection shall be provided at one point with in
5m in the room. The entire onward piping up to the
machines shall be done by other agency.
a-9 Drain piping with insulation and connection up to 10 M
the nearest drain point in the room shall be included.
The drain piping shall be of 25mm dia GI 'B' Class duly
insulated with 9mm thick nitrile rubber.
a- The interconnecting copper conductor control & power
10 cabling with earthing between indoor & outdoor units
of adequate size & quantity to be considered along with
GI cable tray.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
a- The incoming copper cabling along with earthing from
11 the indoor isolator to AC unit shall also be accounted
for in the scope of work.
a- Outdoor Unit's power isolator in weather proof IP66
12 Plastic enclosure mounted on the outdoor unit itself for
power ON/OFF to outdoor.
a- Nitrogen testing, vaccumising and testing and
13 commissioning of the unit complete in all respect.
a- Each unit should have a inbuilt card for Bacnet/Modbus
14 output for BMS monitoring.
a- The unit shall have water leak detection sensing tape
15 with alarm initiation system, on detection of water
leakage under the machine in the vicinity.
a- The unit shall have a feature to trip off automatically in
16 the event of receiving a fire signal from the fire
detection system. The necessary cabling between the
fire relay control module with in the space/room and
the unit's controller shall be considered
1 20 TR actual capacity Floor Discharge Type Precision Nos 7
AC Units for Data centre. (1W + 1S) at 45°C outdoor
temperature. Inside design conditions Cold Aisle
Condition = 20 +/- 1⁰C Return Air Condition = 30 Deg C
[The cost of (a). Installation, Testing & Commissioning
charges for complete Precision Air Conditioning Unit &
(b) Handling & Positioning of units at site (Without
Crane) to be included in the quoted price.]
modulator Grilles) COMPRISING OF :
1 Top Cover, GI Powder Coated with perforations to Nos. 80
deliver airflow of 1000 CFM, with aerofoil aluminium
damper, suitable to take the load of the rack up to
800kgs per tile of size 595mmX595mm, provision for
fitment and operation of microprocessor controller
with display.
2 Actuator to modulate the vanes from 0 to 100% to take Nos. 40
feedback from the sensors.
3 Microprocessor controller or PLC based interface with Nos. 40
programmable control logic protocol, including two
sensors to modulate the airflow from 0 to 100% based
on the rack temperature and regulating the right
amount of air volume. The average of both sensors to be
input for actual conditions to the control logic. Display
to be settable for temperature, communication on
Modbus to be available.
c Supply, installation, balancing and commissioning of
fabricated at site GSS sheet metal rectangular/round
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under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
ducting complete with neoprene rubber gaskets ,
elbows, splitter dampers, vanes, hangers, supports etc.
as per approved drawing and specification of following
sheet thickness complete as required.
1 22 gauge (0.83 mm) sqmtr 45
2 24 gauge (0.63 mm) sqmtr 45
1 Refrigerant R 407C Kgs 450
2 Refrigeration Piping: Supply, Installation, Testing & RM 320
Commissioning of high-pressure copper refrigerant
piping suitable for R 407c refrigerant of suitable size as
required and duly insulated with 19mm/13mm thick
closed cell elastomeric insulation in tubing form
inclusive of glass cloth and UV treatment as per
specification/requirement. External Refrigerant piping
shall be laid on GI covered cable trays. Piping inside
occupied spaces shall be supported using GI ladder type
cable trays. The cost of GI covered cable tray and
supports to be included in the quoted price. Entire
refrigerant piping work be carried out in accordance
with the specifications.
e Control & Transmission Wiring: Supply and fixing of
PVC insulated armoured COPPER cables 1100 Volts
grade from main panel boards to various equipment
through walls/ceiling with appropriate clamps, cable
termination, and fixing arrangements, cable tray/ms
conduit etc. as per specifications and drawings.
1 3 c x 4 sqmm RM 320
f Humidifier Piping: Supplying, laying/ fixing, testing and
commissioning of G.I 'B' class pipe with 19 mm nitrile
insulation of following sizes for drain water piping on
surface / underground (including fabrication of bends,
tees, reducers) with support and fittings as per
standard specification complete as required for
humidifier connection.
1 25 mm O.D.(insulation : 13 mm) RM 140
2 32 mm O.D.(insulation : 13 mm) RM 140
3 Supply, Fabrication and Installation of MS frame using No's 16
channels/angle iron sections as required for IDU & ODU
stand for PAC units. The frame work shall be applied
with red oxide primer and thereafter, two coats of
enamel paint of approved colour. The general
arrangement drawing for frame work shall be got
approved from the Architects/Structural Engineers
prior to commencement of fabrication.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
g Drain Piping
Supply & Installation of heavy duty PVC drain pipe with
min. wall thickness of 4 mm with insulation. Insulation
shall be of 6 mm thick sleeve of nitrile
rubber/polyethylene foam having K valve 0.027 W/mk
at a mean temp. of 10°C and min. density of 26 Kg/m3.
Insulation on drain pipe shall be carried out only where
the pipe is running within the wall. Exposed pipe shall
be without insulation. The insulation joints shall be
properly sealed with rubber based adhesive to ensure
proper bonding.
1 50 mm dia RM 40
2 40 mm dia RM 40
3 32 mm dia RM 60
4 25 mm dia RM 60
h Power Cable
Supply, laying, affecting connections and Testing of the
following sizes of 1.1 KV armoured PVC insulated
copper conductor cables. Cables shall be inclusive of all
clamps, saddles, screws, cable identification tags, cable
terminal joints including terminal lugs, insulating tapes,
affecting terminal connections to the equipment as per
the specifications and as required. Quoted price shall be
inclusive of GI perforated cable tray, support.
1 4C x 25 Sq mm copper Cable RM 400
2 Providing & fixing of thermal insulation with aluminium sqmtr 1480
foil faced nitral rubber/closed cell expended
polyethylene insulation of following thickness class 'O'
(25-30kg/m3) on existing surface with dendrite etc.
complete as required. (for Floor / Walls/ Ceiling
Insulation) - 19mm Nitrile rubber with Silver Coating

M Electrical Works
a Wiring and sockets
Wiring including termination for the following light
points with 2 x 2.5 sq. mm PVC insulated FRLS copper
conductor wires of 650/1100 Volts grade in
concealed/exposed 16gauge MS conduits as called for
including providing 6 amp flush type switches,
anodized MS box for housing switches approved White
Polycarbonate modular cover plate for switch boxes
and earthing. All the circuit must dressed with circuit
identification tags
1 First point controlled by one no. 6 amp switch. Nos 30
2 Same as item No. 1 above but LOOP POINT i.e. wiring Nos 40
including termination of point looped from first point
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under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
with 2 x 1.5 sq. mm PVC insulated FRLS copper
conductor wire of 650/1100-volt grade in
concealed/exposed 16 gauge MS conduit and earthing
(controlling switch in item no. 1).
b Wiring including termination for the following light
points with 2 x 2.5 sq. mm PVC insulated FRLS copper
conductor wires of 650/1100 Volts grade in
concealed/exposed 16gauge MS conduits as called for
including providing 16-amp flush type switches,
anodized MS box for housing switches approved White
Polycarbonate modular cover plate for switch boxes
and earthing. All the circuit must dressed with circuit
identification tags
1 First point controlled by one no. 16 amp switch. Nos 5
2 Same as item No. 3 above but LOOP POINT i.e. wiring Nos 15
including termination of point looped from first point
with 2 x 1.5 sq. mm PVC insulated FRLS copper
conductor wire of 650/1100-volt grade in
concealed/exposed 16 gauge MS conduit and earthing
(controlling switch in item no. 3).
3 6-amp socket outlet point with 2 x 1.5 sq. mm PVC Nos 25
insulated FRLS copper conductor wires in
concealed/exposed 16gauge MS conduits or existing
raceways including providing 6-amp switch,3 pin 6A
shuttered socket, anodised MS box for housing switches
sockets, approved White Polycarbonate modular cover
plate and earthing. (Looped to lighting circuit as shown
in drawing). All the circuit must dressed with circuit
identification tags
c Wiring including termination for the following
configuration of outlets for workstations with 3 core x
2.5 Copper conductor, PVC insulated PVC
sheathed wires of 650/1100V grade in existing
conduit/raceway including supplying and fixing
following numbers socket and switch housed in
anodised MS box with approved White polycarbonate
modular cover plate as required. NOTE: - For UPS in
one circuit maximum three workstations shall be
looped. Colour coding shall be strictly followed for
wiring. For Raw in one circuit maximum six
workstations shall be looped. All the circuit must be
dressed with circuit identification tags
1 2 No. 16A, Universal Socket outlets controlled by 1 No. Set 25
16A switch.(UPS power at W/S)
2 1 No. 6A, round pin outlets, controlled by 1 no.6A Set 10
switch. (Raw power at W/S)
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
3 Wiring including termination for 16 amp power socket Set 5
outlet points with 2 x 6 sq. mm PVC insulated FRLS
copper conductor wires for the first socket outlet and 2
x 4 sq. mm PVC insulated FRLS copper conductor wires
for the second outlet of 650/1100 Volts grade in
concealed/exposed 16 gauge MS conduits or existing
raceway as called for including providing 16 amp flush
type combined 6 pin shuttered sockets and switches,
anodised MS outlet boxes for 16 A 6 pin sockets and
switches, approved White Polycarbonate modular cover
plate and earthing.(The item is for set of two outlets
looped together as explained above ) All the circuit
must dressed with circuit identification tags
4 Wiring including termination for 16 amp power socket Nos 10
outlet point with 2 x 4 sq. mm PVC insulated FRLS
copper conductor wire of 650/1100 Volts grade in
concealed/exposed 16 gauge MS conduits or in existing
raceway including providing 16 amp flush type
combined 6 pin shuttered socket and switch, anodised
MS boxes for 16 amp 6 pin socket and switch, approved
White Polycarbonate modular cover plate and earthing.
(Only one outlet shall be connected to each circuit). All
the circuit must dressed with circuit identification tags
5 Supplying and fixing of 16/20 amp 3-pin for 1-phase Nos R.O
industrial socket outlet including supplying MS boxes of
suitable size,32 amp SP MCB and a plug top, complete
as required and as per specifications.
6 Supplying and fixing of 32 amp 3-pin for 1-phase Nos 224
industrial socket outlet, Self-locking type of Neptune
Balls make including supplying MS boxes of suitable
size,32 amp DP MCB and a plug top, complete as
required and as per specifications. (DATA CENTRE)
7 Supplying and fixing of 32 amp 3-phase industrial Nos R.O
socket enclosure, IP 65 including supplying boxes of
suitable size, 40 amp TP MCB and complete as required
and as per specifications.
d Supplying and fixing in position of the following sizes of
exposed/concealed 16gauge MS conduit including all
accessories complete as required and as per
1 25 mm dia MS conduit RM 150
e Supplying, drawing, termination of the following size of
FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor wires 650/1100
V grade in existing conduits, complete as required and
as per specifications.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
1 2 x 6 sq. mm with 1 no.2.5 sq. mm PVC insulated copper RM 180
conductor earth wire.


a Anodized box
1 Supplying and fixing in position MS anodised box for Nos 180
data/voice outlet suitable for fixing of RJ 45 jack
complete as required.
b Supplying and fixing in position following sizes of 16
gauge MS conduits including providing all accessories
concealed/ exposed as required.
1 25 mm dia MS conduit (For Data/Voice wiring) (16 RM 1000
GAUGE) Complete with all fixing accessories
2 32 mm dia MS conduit (For Data/Voice wiring) (16 RM 200
GAUGE) Complete with all fixing accessories
c Supply and fixing of following sizes of MS painted
channel colour coded Orange for power, Blue for Data
,14 gauge, with openable cover and all accessories as
required for fixing on wall/column/ceiling complete as
required including providing junction boxes, bends and
tees as required.
1 300 mm x 50 mm RM 200
2 300 mm x 40 mm RM 100
3 200 mm x 50 mm RM 120
4 200 mm x 40 mm RM 90
5 150 mm x 50 mm RM R.O
6 100 mm x 50 mm RM 150
7 450 mm x 200 mm MS powder coated RM 120
d Supply and fixing of following sizes of MS painted
channels, 14 gauge, with all accessories as required
including junction boxes of depth more than the
raceway (approx. 65 mm), colour coded with orange
colour for power and blue colour for data, laid in floor
including marking the routing, getting it approved,
filling and plastering after laying the raceway, grouting
the raceway to the floor, sealing of raceway cover, joints
and junction boxes complete as required. Required
junction boxes will be provided for smooth pulling of
structured and power cabling. It will be the
responsibility of the contractor to coordinate with
structured cabling contractor for laying of cable.
1 300mm x 40mm (3 mm thick cover) RM 300
2 200mm x 40mm (3 mm thick cover) RM 210
3 100mm x 40mm (2 mm thick cover) RM 150

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
4 Supply and fixing in position MS anodised box for T.V. Nos 40
outlet including white poly carbonate modular cover
plate and co-axial type T.V. socket outlet complete as
5 Supply , drawing, termination of RG-6 co-axial cable for RM 100
TV in existing conduit complete as required.
e Providing and fixing in position following sizes of MS
conduits including providing all accessories concealed/
exposed as required along with G.I. pull wire,14 SWG
1 25 mm dia MS conduit RM 200
2 Supply and ,installation of Novar/ Steel ways make Nos. R.O
floor mounted box 250 mm by 250 mm for housing UPS
power and data/voice boxes complete as required.
f-2 Design, manufacture, testing at works & supply of 2 mm
thick MS sheet steel fabricated cubicle type Panel dust
and vermin proof complete with hinged and lockable
doors. All the panels shall be floor mounted and dead
front construction complete with interconnections by
copper tapes/ wires and painting.
f-3 Each outgoing feeder shall be provided with one no. ON
indication lamp. All MCBs shall be C curve type, except
UMDB/ USDB in which MCB shall be D curve type.
f-4 Multifunction, Ammeter, Voltmeter meters installed in
MDB/UMDB shall be BMS Compatible, capable of
delivering Bacnet, Modbus or Lon works protocol etc.
f-6 Incoming
f-7 1 No. 800 amp FP MCCB, with microprocessor based
release, minimum 25 KA service breaking capacity and
Trip setting as required with phase setting at 50%. The
two incomers and bus coupler shall be interlocked.
f-8 Indicating Panel
f-9 The Indicating panel of each incomer shall be provided
with the following :
f- Digital Ammeter ,CT's , Digital Voltmeter
f- 3 Nos. phase indicating lamps; backed up with HRC
11 fuse/MCB.
f- 2 Nos. ON/OFF indicating lamp on incomer feeder for
12 indicating the status of feeder.
f- Bus Bar
f- Outgoing
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
f- Each outgoing feeder shall be provided with ON
15 indication lamp.
f- 4No. 225 amp FP MCCB, with microprocessor based
16 release, minimum 25 KA service breaking capacity and
Trip setting as required.
f- 8 Nos. 63 A FP MCB,10 KA breaking capacity.
g-2 Incoming
g-3 1 nos 800 amp TP + 200% neutral MCCB, with
microprocessor based release, minimum 25 KA service
breaking capacity and Trip setting as required.
g-4 Indicating Panel
g-5 The Indicating panel of each incomer shall be provided
with the following :
g-6 Digital Ammeter ,CT's , Digital Voltmeter
g-7 3 Nos. phase indicating lamps; backed up with HRC
g-8 2 Nos. ON/OFF indicating lamp on incomer feeder for
indicating the status of feeder.
g-9 Bus Bar
g- 1 No. 800 amp TPN Copper Bus bar of suitable length
10 with current density of 1.0 with neutral
bus bar double size of phase bus bar.
g- Outgoing
g- Each outgoing feeder shall be provided with ON
12 indication lamp.
g- 4 No. 220 amp FP MCB & 2 no of 63 amp DP MCB with
13 10 KA service breaking capacity as required.
Receiving, storing properly, installation, testing and
commissioning of following panels complete as
1 MDB's Set 1
2 UMDB Set 2
3 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 225 Set 4
Amp TP MCCB with heavy duty solid neutral link, rotary
operating handle, 25 KA service breaking capacity with
required arrangement of incoming & outgoing cables

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
i Supplying, installing in position, testing and
commissioning of the following Distribution Boards
made of 16-gauge powder coated MS sheet steel, wall
mounted/fully recessed in wall, indoor industrial type,
with dust & vermin proof, hinged and lockable doors,
double door design, complete with inter connecting
wires of proper gauge, aluminium coated copper
thimbles and with the circuit identification tags, colour
coded wiring from Incomer MCB to each ELCB along
with earthing terminal. The DB shall be suitable for
taking cable/conduit as incoming/outgoing.
1 14 way TPN DB with 36 Nos of 10/20 amps SP MCB's i.e. Nos R.O
12 Nos. of 10/20 amp SP MCB's arranged in 3 rows
arranged in 3 tier one above other and controlled by 1
No. 63 amp TPN MCB and neutral link. Each row of MCB’s
shall be provided with 40 amp DP ELCB of 100 mA
2 12 way TPN DB with 30 Nos of 10/20 amps SP MCB's i.e. Nos 3
10 Nos. of 10/20 amp SP MCB's arranged in 3 rows
arranged in 3 tier one above other and controlled by 1
No. 63 amp TPN MCB and neutral link. Each row of MCB’s
shall be provided with 40 amp DP ELCB of 100 mA
3 12 way TPN DB with 30 Nos of 10/20 amps SP MCB's i.e. Nos 3
10 Nos. of 10/20 amp SP MCB's arranged in 3 rows
arranged in 3 tier one above other and controlled by 1
No. 63 amp TPN MCB and neutral link. Each row of MCB’s
shall be provided with 40 amp DP ELCB of 100 mA
sensitivity.(All MCB to be "D" Curve)
4 10 way TPN DB with 24 Nos of 10/20 amps SP MCB's i.e. Nos 10
6 Nos. of 10/20 amp SP MCB's arranged in 3 rows
arranged in 3 tier one above other and controlled by 1
No. 63 amp TPN MCB and neutral link. Each row of MCB’s
shall be provided with 40 amp DP ELCB of 100 mA
5 6 way TPN DB with 18 Nos of 10/20 amps SP MCB's i.e.6 Nos 10
Nos. of 10/20/32 amp SP MCB's arranged in 3 rows
arranged in 3 tier one above other and controlled by 1
No. 63 amp TPN MCB and neutral link. (All MCB shall be
D curve)
6 Sheet metal enclosed 12 way SPN DB with 8 Nos. 10/20 Nos 14
Amp SP MCB and controlled by 1 no. 40 Amp DP MCB
with ELCB (100 mA) complete as required. For
emergency lighting .
7 Supply ,installation, testing and commissioning of earth Nos. 6
pits comprising 600 x 600 x 3 mm. thick Copper
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under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
electrode, 50 mm dia medium class GI pipe, GI funnel
with 20 gauge GI wire mesh, masonry chamber with
concrete base, CI manhole cover with frame (300 mm. x
300 mm.) painted with bitumastic paint, test link joint
and alternate packing the mixture of Charcoal and salt
around plate electrode, depth should not less than 3
meters, The thickness of earthing pipe should not be less
than 2 mm complete as required ,as per specifications
and as per IS: 3043
j Supply and fixing in position the following insulated
wires including providing all fixing accessories and
effecting proper connections.
1 6 sq. mm. dia pvc insulated copper conductor wire. RM 600
k Supplying, unloading, storing, laying, testing and
commissioning of following sizes PVC insulated (Heavy
duty) Copper conductor cables suitable for working
voltage up to and including 1100 Volts, laid and tied on
existing overhead cable trays; or laid and tied over MS
supports in masonry trenches including providing MS
supports and clamps for fixing to supports in an
approved manner complete as required and as per
specifications. Circuit identification tag should be
attached with the concerned cable along with the test
report of following sizes of cable to be submitted by the
contractor at the time of delivery of material at site
1 50 sq. mm. cable, armoured for earthing. RM 500
2 95 cable unarmoured for UPS RM 400
3 25 cable unarmoured for UPS RM 300
4 50 cable unarmoured for UPS RM 200
5 225 cable for UPS distribution panel RM 590
l Termination of the following sizes of PVC insulated
Copper conductor cable including providing terminal
lugs, single compression glands crimping the joints,
providing insulation tape, effecting terminal
connections to the equipment complete as required.
1 50 sq. mm. cable, armoured for earthing. Nos. 12
2 95 cable unarmoured for UPS Nos. 18
3 70 cable unarmoured for UPS Nos. 24
4 50 cable unarmoured for UPS Nos. 8
5 225 cable for UPS distribution panel Nos. 24
m Supplying, unloading, storing , laying, testing and
commissioning of following sizes of XLPE insulated
(Heavy duty) Aluminium/copper conductor armoured
cables suitable for working voltage up to and including
1100 Volts , laid and tied on existing overhead cable
trays; or laid and tied over MS supports in masonry
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
trenches including providing MS supports and clamps
for fixing to supports in an approved manner complete
as required and as per specifications.
1 3.5 x 150 Aluminium Cable RM 200
2 3.5 x 70 Aluminium Cable RM R.O
3 4 x 25 Al. Cable RM R.O
4 4 x 16 copper Cable RM 150
5 4 x 10 copper Cable RM 50
6 4 x 6 copper Cable RM 50
7 2 x 10 copper Cable RM 50
8 2 x 6 copper Cable (For Dedicated earthing of RM 100
n Termination of the following sizes of PVC insulated
Aluminium conductor cable including providing
terminal lugs, single compression gland , crimping the
joints ,providing insulation tape, effecting terminal
connections to the equipment complete as required
1 3.5 x 150 Cable Nos. 50
2 3.5 x 70 Cable Nos. R.O
3 4 x 25 Nos. R.O
4 4 x 16 Cable Nos. 6
5 4 x 10 copper Cable Nos. 80
6 4 x 6 copper Cable Nos. 40
7 2 x 10 copper Cable Nos. 40
8 2 x 6 copper Cable (For Dedicated earthing and Nos. 40
body earthing of DB's)
9 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Earth Set 4
box made of 2mm thick MS painted ,with a glass cover
and having 25 x 3 mm Cu strip with insulators complete
as required.
o Supply, laying in position & proper connection by
welding/bolting or brazing for the following GI
tape/wires including providing all fixing accessories
and effecting proper connections.
1 25 x 6 mm GI tape RM 1400
2 25 x 3 mm Cu tape RM 600
p Supply and installation of following sizes of MS
perforated type cable trays with stove enamel paint of
approved colour and necessary bends, tees, reducer
couplers, dash-fasteners, GI nuts bolts including cutting,
bending, drilling, bolting required suspension
arrangement fabricated from steel etc. complete as per
specifications and as approved by Engineer - in -
charge. The suspension of MS cable tray, only GI or SS

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
round rods with ceiling anchoring facility should be
1 600 mm wide, 40 mm high (2 mm thick) RM 220
2 450 mm wide, 40 mm high (2 mm thick) RM 400
3 300 mm wide, 40 mm high (2 mm thick) RM 300
4 150mm wide, 40 mm high (2 mm thick) RM 200
5 450 mm wide, 100 mm high (Data Center) RM 150


a-1 The rates for fixing of lighting fixtures shall include all
fixing accessories that are required to make the
installation complete in all respects including the
a-2 Providing connecting wires and channel support
wherever required.
a-3 Internal wiring between accessories.
a-4 Self-interlocking connector blocks for connecting the
wires from fixtures to the points.
a-5 Earthing of fixtures with 1.5 sq. mm. PVC insulated
copper conductor wire.
a-6 Approved colour powder coated down rods, clamps and
other components and fixing accessories wherever
a-7 Testing of fixtures before Installation.
a-8 Identification tags with a distance not more 3 meters to
be use for circuit identification
1 Receiving, fixing in position, effecting proper Nos 120
connections, testing and commissioning of PL
lamp/Halogen lamp fixture fixed recessed in ceiling
complete as required and with all accessories, along
with providing PVC flexible conduit from junction box
at slab level to fixture on the false ceiling.


a-1 The fixtures shall be suitable for single phase, 50 cycles,
230 Volts, A.C. supply system.
a-2 All fixtures shall be factory wired with copper
conductor wires.
a-3 All fixtures shall be supplied with Electronic ballasts,
fluorescent lamps/bulbs, as specified.
a-4 The rate shall be quoted for the Catalogue no. specified
for the fixture however if contractor wants to supply
equivalent then sample shall have to be got approved
from Architect before procurement.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
a-5 All the samples shall be submitted within two weeks of
the issue of work order, for approval from the Architect.
a-6 Supply, unloading storing at site of the following
fixtures with all accessories, such as spring loaded side
holders, starters, power factor compensators, MS
housing to house ballasts, complete with lamps. All the
lamps shall be colour 84 or as approved.
1 2x2 LED Light Fixture Nos 120


1 Providing temporary construction lighting and power LS 1
on the floor including by using required nos. 1 x 36
Watt phatic type fixtures (minimum 250 Lux), required
flexible double insulated copper wiring, distribution
board, minimum 3 nos. 400 W halogen flood light,
earthing, main panel with incoming MCCB and required
MCCB in the outgoing for distributing the power
through the duration of the project. It will be the
responsibility of Electrical Contractor to distribute
power to all the contractors working at site. The rates
shall be all inclusive. The material bought by the
contractor shall be the property of the contractor and
after the work is completed it can be taken back by him.
(All item mentioned above, shall be new and of good
quality by considering site safety parameter. Old and
repaired item shall never be allowed to use at site.)

R Networking
a Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of Data
and Voice System.
( 4 Node Outlet at Each Location ).
1 Supply & fixing 24-port Loaded , Modular Jack Panel, 1U Each 32
(For Data UTP Field Cables)
2 Cat-6 E UTP Cable . RM 6000
3 Supply & fixing Slime line RJ45 jack Each 120
4 4 - Port Face Plate Each 30
5 Cat-6 UTP Jack with Strain Relief Each 120
6 AMP Cat 6, UTP Mounting Cords for Data Rack End 4 no's 200
Feet (Yellow)
7 AMP Cat 6, UTP Mounting Cords for Data Rack End 7 no's 200
Feet (Yellow)
8 AMP Cat 6, UTP Mounting Cords for Data Server Rack no's 480
Both end 7 Feet(RED)


a Access Control System
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
1 Access Controller capable of controlling 4 doors and 4 Nos 3
2 Finger print reader with lock output. Nos 7
3 Power Supply Nos 7
4 Proximity Reader Nos 7
5 Proximity Card Nos 100
6 Electro Magnetic Lock (Single leaf door) Nos 6
7 Power Supply for Lock Nos 6
8 Magnetic Contact Nos 6
9 Exit Push Button Nos 3
10 Emergency Release Switch Nos 3
11 4 core x 0.75 shielded Cable in PVC conduit Mtrs 400
b Fire Detection System
1 Addressable Fire Alarm Panel No 1
2 Smoke detector Nos. 30
3 Heat detector Nos. 6
5 Manual Pull Station Nos. 1
6 Response Indicator Nos. 6
7 Sounder Nos. 5
8 Fire Exit Signage Nos 10
10 2 core x 1.5 Armoured cable Mtrs. 400
11 Hand held fire extinguisher Co2 4.5 KG - ISI Approved Nos 10
c Water Leak Detection System
1 4 Zone Water Leak detection panel with battery. UL Nos. 1
2 Water Leak detection module Nos. 18
3 Water leak detection cable sensor (15 Mtrs) Nos. 10
4 Electronic Hooter Nos. 2
5 2 core x 1.5 Armoured cable Mtrs 100
1 Single Zone Laser Focus Detector - VLF 250 Nos 1
2 Power Supply Unit for above Detector Nos 1
3 Aspiration Tubes Mtrs 100
4 Capillary Tubes Nos. 6
5 Air Termination Nozzles Nos. 2
6 Electronic Hooter Nos. 1
7 2 core x 1.5 Armoured cable Mtrs. 100
e Rodent Repellent System
1 Master Console with 12 satellites Set 6
2 Wire Bundle Lot 6
3 PVC Conduit Mtrs 100
f Building management System
1 BMS GUI Software to monitor critical alarms No 1
2 Temperature & Humidity Sensor Nos. 8
3 4 core x 0.75 shielded Cable in PVC conduit Mtrs 1200
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. Unit
Description Unit Qty. Amount
No. Rate
4 Communication cable in PVC Conduit Mtrs 1200
g Public Address System
1 PA System Lot Lot 1
1 100 Litre cylinder with Valve / SITC of CCOE / NOVEC Nos 8
1230 Cylinders 100 Ltrs.
2 Novec 123 supply kg 840
3 Primary Completer Kit complete with Solenoid & Gauge Nos 1
Assembly, Discharge Tube, Manual Pneumatic Actuator,
Flex Hoses, Warning Sign, Nameplate and Connectors.
4 Discharge Nozzle Nos 14
5 Pressure Switch Nos 1
6 Cylinder strap, warning sign stickers Lot 1
7 M.S. Seamless pipes as per ASTM A 106 Gr. B, schedule Nos 1
40 with necessary fittings.
8 Hooter Nos 1
9 Manual Release Switch Nos 1
10 Abort Switch Nos 1
11 2 Zone Gas Release Panel Lot 1
12 Supply installation of Circuit Integrity Cable for fire Mtr 290
suppression, power and Signalling.
13 Supply installation of Analogue Photoelectric Type no's 14
Smoke Detector.

T 7th Floor strengthening for both arms


(End of Chapter 3)

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

: Specifications and allied Technical Details

4.1. Executive Summary
At a Glance- summarized scope for implementation
This project involves the convergence of multiple type of fields camera feeds to a common
centralized point which is the Data Center. The DC is located at Police Headquarter, Delhi
Police, Jai Singh Road, near Bangla Sahib Gurudwara, New Delhi 110001.
There will be Fixed Box, PTZ and ANPR cameras deployed across Delhi serving for the
purpose of Women, Child and elderly people safety. The camera feeds will travel from source
to destination through a multi-cast enabled MPLS cloud environment across all multi-cast
enabled devices. The network backbone & last mile connectivity is the responsibility of the
Internet Service Provider. All the District Head Quarters and Police Stations will communicate
with the DC through a Hub-&-spoke model.
At the Data Center, Tier III provisions will be ensured with High Availability measures for IT
and Non- IT associated components. The DC will be prepared with highly secured
environment which will enable all Video Management algorithms facilitating and bridging all
Video Analytics, Facial Recognition, ANPR outcomes to communicate with VMS clients located
at all DHQs and Police Stations in the placed Work Stations.
The VMS will act as a central bridging point in between the Command & Control, Visualization
layer (Video-wall and display screens) and the storage at DC with real time replication at near
Data Recovery site.
The Video Analytics using AI and ML methodologies is the driving force behind the success of
this project and the useful impacts of all the investments done in the envisaged project. The
MSI is subjected to write and execute well considered SoPs and workflows of all the use-cases
as desired to make this project a success. The implemented platform will be used to leverage
video feeds from existing/ planned cameras in other schemes as well, henceforth all the data
lake formulations and approach should be clearly defined considering scalable aspects.
The system will be integrated with the existing Government Data sets of various departments
(32 No.) which will be coordinated with MSI for seamless integrations and outcome driven
The project implementation has to be conducted in a time bound professional way so as to
meet the desired results meeting all the outlined objectives with clear Aim and vision of the
project by Delhi Police.

4.2. Aim, Objectives and Benefits of Delhi Safe City to be realized through MSI
The Scope of Work for the project as envisaged is focused on the following aspects:
The aim of this system is to capture all activities at the places under surveillance,
generate alarms, warnings in case of any potential threat to women's safety, especially
physical, targeting women, followed by real-time technology aided assistance to women
in distress.
The broad aims to achieve through this envisaged project are:
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

i. Enhanced surveillance and demonstrative presence / visibility in public places by

installing CCTV cameras and deploying dedicated women's mobile police vans (Prakhar
Vans) and Mobile Command Control Vehicle [MCCV].
ii. A fast and efficient emergency response program, for assisting women in distress
iii. Focus on ensuring rapid availability of professionally trained police personnel to
address the needs of women in distress through the use of technology.
The objective of the proposed project is to:
i. Ensure, through use of technology, prompt availability of professionally equipped
police personnel to reach women in distress.
ii. Increased and demonstrative presence/visibility in public places through
installation of CCTV cameras in deployment of dedicated safety mobile Police Vans
(Prakhar Vans).
iii. Quick and effective response system to address the needs of women in distress.
iv. 24x7 CCTV monitoring of public areas frequently visited by women and susceptible
to female crime.
v. Integration of location-based services and crime and criminal databases with CCTV
feeds for prompt and effective resolution of women safety issues at public places.
vi. Analysis of video and creation of actionable warnings/alerts for preventive and
curative actions.
Following are the key objectives and intended outcomes, which have been kept in mind
for women's safety:
i. Security and Safety- Quick and effective emergency response system
a. Live surveillance and alerts in case of an incident through a network of cameras
b. Greater coverage and surveillance of public places frequently used by women within
the city, with more eyes on the streets

c. Supporting operations to meet any contingency situation

d. Prevention and detection of street crimes against women and apprehending
offenders to deter criminal activities.
ii. Improved responsiveness
a. Providing women with easy access to the police for quick and effective response,
along with improved visibility, transparency and concern
b. Improved response times and a general reduction of crime propensity in the area
c. Improved response in case of women related distress situation
d. Enhancement in prediction capability through AI based analytics, which will help in
preventive and predictive measures
e. Providing surveillance in areas having higher concentration of women residences
based on Hot Spots, especially of students and working women (e.g. localities having
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

women hostels, paying guest accommodations, etc.)

f. Identification of Areas prone to crime against women or crime targeting women
such as snatching incidences, eve teasing etc.
g. Identification of areas frequented by women, such as girls’ Schools/Colleges,
Market places, transport hubs, etc.
h. Provide emergency service assistance to women in distress.
iii. Effective Policing
a. Mitigating threats of crimes against women
b. Assisting in the management and policing of large-scale events (gatherings like
events and political/religious rallies) and putting a check on anti-social elements
c. Assisting police investigation by integrating the analytical tools
d. Assisting in preserving the electronic evidences for criminal and civil actions in the
iv. Improved Management
a. Decision making tool in maintaining law and order in the city
b. Acting as a tool for Police and other government agencies in monitoring and
maintaining their functions
c. Providing a framework to all the stakeholders, so that there is proportionality and
transparency in their use of surveillance
d. Ensuring scalability and interoperability of systems
v. Reduction in crime
a. A reduction in the number of complaints
b. Helps to reduce fear of crime in the area and prevents crime by deterring criminal
activity by detecting such activity and helping to identify and apprehend offenders,
leading to their prosecution
c. Reduction in number of cases or crime against women
d. Under monitoring of camera the personal behavior changes so this will result in at
least at those spots change in behavior that are under threat
e. Reduction in the number of assaults on police officers
f. Officer skill enhancement through the review of performance at incidents
g. Reduction in officer time spent on paperwork with the help of search operation
using AI platform
vi. Integrations and scalability
a. Integration of various existing database CCTNS, Traffic e-challans, PCC, ERSS-112
etc. which help in training of data and implementing AI algorithm for women safety
b. Identification of sensitive hot spots in the city
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c. Ensures scalability and interoperability of systems

d. Integration of existing / proposed cameras of different CCTV projects of Delhi
vii. Process Commissioning through ICT (Information and communication
a. Installation of CCTV surveillance covering the priority hot spot areas
b. Automated number plate recognition i.e. ANPR to be deployed in extremely
sensitive areas around hotspots of crime
c. Intensive patrolling in vulnerable areas beyond the identified hot spots
d. Provides greater coverage of surveillance within the city
viii. Skill enhancement
The system as envisaged, will enhance the skills of operations through ICT
interventions, which will enable Police Personnel to effectively utilize technology to
monitor and reduce crime and with efficiently achieving the objectives.
Intended Benefits

The benefits of the Safe City Project of Delhi Police are as follows:

a. Increased and demonstrative presence/visibility in public places through

installation of CCTV cameras
b. Quick and effective response system to address the needs of women in distress.
c. Increased public confidence in policing
d. A reduction in the number of crimes against women and allegations against police
e. De-escalation of anti-social behavior
f. Ability to deploy BWV in areas not covered by other forms of CCTV
g. Officer skill enhancement through the review of performance at incidents
h. Integration of various existing database CCTNS, Traffic e-challans, PCC, ERSS-112
and etc. which help in training of data and implementing AI algorithm for women
i. Identification of sensitive hot spots at regular intervals
j. Installation of CCTV surveillance covering the hot spot
k. Automated number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras to be deployed in selected
l. Intensive patrolling in vulnerable areas beyond the identified hot spots
m. Provides greater coverage of surveillance within the city
n. Ensures scalability and interoperability of systems
o. Acts as a crime deterrent in sensitive zones like procession routes and public
gathering spots
p. Assists the police in gaining evidential quality recording of incidents
q. Helps in controlling incident escalations by providing improved response time.
r. Helps to reduce fear of crime in the area and prevents crime by deterring criminal
activity by detecting such activity and helping to identify and apprehend offenders,
leading to their prosecution

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4.3. Delhi Safe City- Targeted Impact & Outcome on Delhi Police and Citizens
through successful Project Implementation by MSI
With the advance envisaged surveillance solution for Delhi, the number of eyes to monitor the
crime incidents on field will increase substantially. The number of case detections are likely to
increase with the rise in the number of cameras commissioned on ground. In such scenario the ICT
driven system comprises of Intelligent and Smart systems like different Command & Control (C4i,
C3i, C2i) platform, VNMS (Virtual Network Management System) layers, applications and inter-
operability, etc. will serve beneficial and impactful as follows:

i. There will be an immediate assistance to the enquiry officer or investigating officer on

ground from the C4i, C3i and C2i
ii. Collaborative monitoring ensured a safe and secure environment for women safety
iii. Video summarization with the photo image help the investigating officer to expertise the
process of investigation.
iv. Better situation alert generation in case of women related distress situation
v. Increase in number of alerts generated for women specific areas
vi. Reduction in response time by the law enforcement agencies to handle the situation or
to track and identify criminals
vii. Increased response (through system generated alerts) to women safety issues at public
viii. Reduction in ‘Response Time’ of emergency response vehicles in respect of women
related distress situations.
ix. Improved prediction capability of any women safety related incident, leading to better
preventive action, thus causing reduction in actual incidents involving women safety.
x. The number of preventive actions taken against individuals with apprehension of
participating in crime against women or crime targeting women
The desirable outcomes in safe city projects relate to increased comfort for women to move in
public spaces with reduced threat perceptions. Critical outcomes of the Safe City projects, inter-
alia include:

i. Increase in approachability of women to police stations for counselling and reporting

crime (as evidenced in footfalls)
ii. Increase in confidence of women to visit public places (evidenced in increased footfalls),
even in early mornings and late night
iii. Reduction in crimes against women in cities
iv. Reduction in response time by the law enforcement agencies to react to crisis or to track
and identify criminals and safety audits by Third party agency at regular intervals.

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4.4. Key components- Project Requirement & understanding for MSI

The Key components of the project are focused for the following prime purpose:
i. 24x7 CCTV monitoring of public areas frequently visited by women and susceptible to
female crime.
ii. Integration of location-based services and crime and criminal databases with real time
CCTV feeds for prompt and effective resolution of women safety issues at public places.
iii. Analysis of real-time video and creation of actionable warnings/alerts for preventive
and curative actions.
The following below are the components envisaged under the Scope of Work to be executed in
order to meet the project objective and operational outcomes:
Under the project approximately 10,000 CCTV cameras are to be installed. CCTV feed sharing
with field units in real time: police patrol vans like Prakhar vans, emergency police station
officers, beat patrolling personnel, emergency response vehicles, etc. involved in redressing
women's safety-related situation of distress.
Other field devices
Beside camera there are other field devices such as the industrial grade Switches, OFC
network, poles with cantilevers/ arms, junction boxes, Gun-shot detection system (200 No.)
and Public Address System with loudspeaker (300 No.), etc. Also, there will be provision of
220 Mobile Hand-Held Devices for Police Officials to have dedicated interface with platform.
Data Center, near Data Recovery site & Integrated Command, Control,
Communication & Compute (C4i)
The Data Center, near Data Recovery site and Command & Control is important component
of this project. Multi-level command & control at Police Station (C2i), District Offices (C3i)
and Police Headquarter (C4i) for successful information sharing, coordinating decision-
making and implementation in order to resolve women's safety- related circumstances of
distress promptly.
All police stations, district offices & headquarter will be connected to Data Center for viewing
and retrieval of stored video footage as and when require. Data Center, which stores the
entire lot of live streaming feeds and the triggered transactional data at one place. Provision
for two Emergency Operation Centers (EOC) incorporated with C4i as a specialized command
room for dealing with serious issues related to women's security in real time.
The Data Center has been envisaged at PHQ with all necessary hardware and software
deployments to operate the system on real time basis, effectively and efficiently. A backup of
flagged/ incident flagged / Incident stored data will be preserved in a nearby site termed as
near Data Recovery site.
Databases Integration
Existing databases such as Traffic, Crime & Criminal related database e.g. CCTNS, e-challan
system, VAAHAN, SARTHI etc. will be integrated in the proposed system for the real-time
monitoring and tagging of suspicious persons and generating warnings.
The integration plugins of various external datasets which will communicate with our
envisaged system will be regulated through a PIU exchange. All the data being bi-directionally
shared among the applications (envisaged and any external) will be logged and indexed in
the PIU along with all the triggers and meaningful structured data records will be managed
by PIU for quick customized post analyses search modules. Also, the PIU exchange will enable
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quick learning of the system to get matured based on the AI and ML methodologies defined
and the catalogues of the data exchange with external are external datasets.

Integration of different Govt. Applications & Systems

The integration of Safe City platform with other existing applications will be an integral part
of this project implementation. The integration will ensure optimum and best utilization of
available databases to enable productive analyses.
There will be database integration of various other applications with the envisaged system
for inter-operable effective actions of Delhi Police. The major applications for integrations
with the envisaged system include:

i. Emergency response support system integration (ERSS, dial 112) for real-time
updates on emergencies focused on women's safety
ii. Integration with Himmat Plus SOS mobile App. for real time inputs from women in
distress. The inputs include location, auto-video of distress scene, etc.
iii. Provision of aggregation of audio-visual feeds from specific ground sources –
private / public IP-based CCTV devices, etc. mapped through the C4i on need basis.
iv. Himmat Plus App caller’s mobile camera feed and their real-time collaboration
with on-site staff working to resolve a woman's distress in a public place
v. ITMS feed
vi. AFIS, e-Sarthi, eVaahan and e-Beat Book
vii. Provision for Integration of other CCTV Surveillance cameras installed/proposed
in other projects of Delhi Police
Integration of existing or other camera feeds into the system
This layer also incorporates the integration of existing or any other CCTV cameras for either
viewing/ analytics at C4i. For the integration activity, edge gateways (2 No. at each District
or more as per the requirement at Police Stations based on the existing viewing and storage
facilities) have been provisioned which will interface with the existing NVRs at Police Stations
recording old IP cameras feed and integrate them with the envisaged system.
It must be noted in order to use video streams and operate analytics on the existing cameras’
feed, the regular camera feeds from newly envisaged Safe City Cameras will be dropped
momentarily. There will be no provision of additional hardware and licenses at the Data
Centre for parallel viewing of camera feeds under different schemes. Same methodology for
any other department will be adopted which is required to use the envisaged platform.
Considering this aforementioned methodology for integration of cameras from other
departments, 800 cameras from NDMC will be covered as PILOT integration. Based on the
successful results through integration of these cameras, feasibility of integration of cameras
from other departments/ projects like IGI Airport, Railways, Metro, etc. will be examined and

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AI, ML & Video Analytics Tools

The Video Analytics shall be based upon Machine Learning and Deep Learning framework.
Facial recognition system, Automatic Number Plate Recognition, Video Analytics such as
People detection, vehicular analytics etc. with specific time-stamped video feeds recorded by
CCTV cameras in public places for real-time identification of crime & criminal details.
The outcomes derived from the Analytical Platform and the related structured data along
with the datasets and application data handshake with other existing Government
Applications will create a data lake/ container which will facilitate effective and considered
outcomes of analyses on the metadata fields. Also, to facilitate big data analyses with other
applications the learning platform will bring more efficiency as the system get matured.
Video Management & Facial Recognition System
A VMS has to be provisioned at Data Center which will work with the ICCC platform and
coordinate with the available agents at C3i and C2i for bringing every captured feed from
cameras into a visual layer for the use of police Personnel.
Facial recognition system, analytic applications for people, object and vehicle detection with
automatic number plate readers have been provisioned with specific time-stamped video
feeds recorded by CCTV cameras in public places for real-time identification of crime &
criminal details.
Video analytic tool and other applications like FRS, ANPR will be installed centrally at Data
Center to work upon the camera feeds. This will help Police officials to conduct customized
result-oriented analytics related to people and vehicles related to different attributes, facial
recognition measures, etc.
Mobile Command Control Vehicle (MCCV) & Prakhar Vans
There will be 2 Mobile Command Control vehicles equipped with all hardware and software
feature and interface with C4i to take immediate actions on field as per the inputs received from
field level cameras.
Also, there are 88 Prakhar vans across NCT, Delhi which will be operating under SOP are
interfaced on MDT to handle all concerns regarding women and elderly people. The SOP
regarding this will be defined by Delhi Police.
Cyber Security
Project comprised of a highly complex, interdependent network of devices, systems,
platforms etc., which leads to cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, firewall, Intrusion
Detection & Prevention, Anti-Virus, Network Traffic Analyzer (NTA), Behavioral Analysis &
Anomaly Detection Tool, and End Point Detection etc. are an essential component for Cyber

GIS Maps
The Map view is a fully functional GIS view of the facility. It provides functionality to allow
the security operator to manage the view of the facility in order to provide better situational
awareness during an incident.
The GIS maps will be created using various useful layers like camera positioning, nearby
building structures, hotspots based on criminal activity trend, etc. GIS maps incorporating
layers of utilities and resources across Delhi will help in accurate decision making by

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implementing and operationalizing the envisaged project in coordination with other

departments, urban local bodies, etc.
Network Backbone
Network Connectivity is one of the most important components of the project. All Police
Stations and District Offices will be connected to Data Center for viewing and retrieval of
stored video footage as and when require for evidence, based on their right. Using IP/MPLS
connectivity from an Internet Service Provider with required redundancy and symmetrical
bandwidth, the cameras will be connected to the system through a wired network. The video
feeds from the cameras will be transported via secured IP / MPLS / Fiber Optic network to
the respective Police Stations, District Offices, Data Center and Command & Control Center.
There are two Network Setup
Internal & External – Responsibility of MSI – The cable laying from Junction Box to Camera,
the multi cast enabled network setup from camera to Servers, Storage through all security
devices and connecting entire IT infrastructure under defined SLA, monitoring and
maintaining the entire network and delivering the required desired network performance
External – Last Mile connectivity – Providing multi cast enabled MPLS network till Junction
Boxes and connecting all the Police stations (C2i), District Police Head Quarters (C3i), Police
Head quarter (C4i), Near DR & DC through MPLS network and providing required bandwidth
under defined SLA and providing Internet facility for connecting multiple databases running
at different locations at Delhi.
C-DAC/Delhi Police will provide necessary details/documents and would undertake to
provide assistance, to the extent of writing letters to concerned agencies, for getting
necessary approvals from civic agencies for various schemes both prior to execution and after
completion. However, MSI, ISP, Vendor, etc. will be responsible to apply for
approvals/permissions from civic agencies, pursue and completing of all formalities with
such civic agencies

Type of components:
The proposed solution will offer Delhi Police the flexibility to adopt new technology to meet
evolving operational requirements, including real-time decision-making and networked
Command & Control. This include:
a. Cameras & Sensors
i. Outdoor CCTV Surveillance Cameras – Fixed and PTZ
ii. Automatic Number plate recognition Camera – ANPR
iii. Camera mounted Two Mobile Command Control Vehicle
iv. Mobile phone / App based Surveillance
v. Community Camera feeds on need basis
vi. Prakhar Vans fitted with roof top mounted cameras
vii. Other sensors – Gun shot detection, etc.
b. Network Layer
i. Network Back Bone Infrastructure – MPLS, Switching, Routing Fiber Back bone
ii. Last Mile Connectivity – OFC, 4G / 5G

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c. Enterprise Computing
i. Servers
ii. Storage and Back up
iii. Virtualization
iv. Other IT components
v. Load Balancer, Firewall, L3 switches

d. Application Portfolio
i. Integrated Command & Control Center –ICCC
ii. Video Management System (VMS)
iii. Mobile Command Control Vehicle
iv. GIS
v. Video Analytics and Social Analytics
vi. Picture Intelligence Unit (PIU)

4.5. Implementation Approach- Essential & Planned approach by MSI

There will be four phases in our implementation approach. 06 Dist. needs to be completed in first
phase within 09 months of awarding the contract / issuing the LOI; whereas it has been decided
to prepare 02 districts as a pilot phase of the project within 5 months of awarding the contract to
MSI; and another 4 Districts implementation will be completed in phase two within 11 months &
last 6 Districts will be completed in 14 Months respectively from the day of awarding the contract.
The documentation and completion certificate will be completed before or at the time of Go-Live
of entire project. Phase four will Operation and maintenance phase, which will be of three years
duration, and it will start after project Go-live.
Two districts out of Phase I (in coordination among MSI and ISP) will be implemented on priority
to ensure PILOT execution. The timeline for the PILOT will be 4.5 months from the contract
There will be four phases in our implementation approach. 06 Dist. needs to be completed in first
phase (Phase –I) within 09 months of awarding the contract / issuing the LOI; whereas it has
been decided to prepare 02 districts as a pilot phase of the project within 5 months of awarding
the contract to MSI; and another 4 Districts implementation will be completed in phase two
(Phase-II) within 11 months & last 6 Districts will be completed in 14 Months respectively from
the day of awarding the contract. The documentation and completion certificate will be
completed before or at the time of Go-Live of entire project. Phase four will Operation and
maintenance phase, which will be of three years duration, and it will start after project Go-live.
Two districts out of Phase I (in coordination among MSI and ISP) will be implemented on priority
to ensure PILOT execution. The timeline for the PILOT will be 4.5 months from the contract
The details of complete project is envisaged to be completed in four phases as given below.
Phase 1 includes 06 Districts of Delhi covering 75 Police Stations (C2I) and 1360 Locations. The
Go Live of Phase 1 would be in 09 months. This would also involve ‘as-is assessment’ and the
Blueprinting of a Data Centre, Integrated Command, Control, Communication & Compute center
(C4I) at Police HQ, Command, Control & Communication (C3I) at District Head Quarter and
Command & Control center(C2I) at Police Stations along with respective IT and Non IT

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Infrastructure including installation and commissioning of the Filed devices. Phase1 includes the
procurement of 1 MCCV & also Integration of 32 existing Databases.
Phase 2 shall cover additional 04 districts with 45 Police Stations (C2I) with 836 Locations. The
Go Live of Phase 2 would be in 11 months from Kick-Off Date. This would involve commissioning
of near Disaster Recovery Center (nDR), Command, Control & Communication (C3I) at District
Head Quarter and Command & Control center(C2I) at Police Stations along with respective IT and
Non IT Infrastructure including installation and commissioning of the Filed devices. Phase 2
includes the second MCCV procurement.
Phase 3 shall cover additional 06 districts with 62 Police Stations (C2I) and 1155 Locations. The
Go Live of Phase 3 would be in 14 months from Kick-Off Date. This would involve commissioning
of Command, Control & Communication (C3I) at District Head Quarter and Command & Control
center(C2I) at Police Stations along with respective IT and Non IT Infrastructure including
installation and commissioning of the Filed devices.
Phase 2 and Phase 3 will be running concurrently, so that the whole project should be completed
in the given timeline.
Phase 4 Warranty and Operation and Maintenance Phase: The bidder shall carry out the
operation and maintenance services towards the implemented system for the period of 3 years.
The Warranty (5 years) and the O & M (3 years) will run in parallel.
The following districts and the Data Centre setup are the priority requirements of Delhi Police to
be implemented first during phase I:
1. East
2. North
3. North-West
4. South
5. South West
6. West
Following 04 district and its Police stations along with nDR have been covered in Phase-2
1. Dwarka
2. Rohini
3. New Delhi
4. South East
Following 06 district and its Police stations have been covered in Phase-3
1. Central
2. North-East
3. Outer
4. Outer North
5. Railway
6. Shahdara
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Phase- 4 will be Operation & Maintenance Phase which will start after Go Live of all the
The Data Centre setup with all the civil part (non-IT) and establishment of compute, security and
network layer will be conducted for full completion from day one of the commencement of
implementation activities, except the progressive elements as per phase-wise need basis, which
1. Placing servers inside the rack chassis.
2. Installation of ToR switches.
3. Passive cabling and infrastructure management at DC
4. Installation and commissioning of Field Network layer and progressive aggregation of
throughput at DC
5. Procurement of software licenses based on phase wise progress and requirement as per
district-wise cumulative load.
6. Installation of equipment and commissioning of nDRC in the tailing stage.
7. MSI has to strictly follow CIS guidelines to deploy Data center system’s, all command
controls and field devices etc. with CIS level-1 benchmarking while go-live & First security
audit conduction is whichever is expected. All policy methodology has to be design and
approved from C-DAC and followed from day-1.
CIS Hardened Images (for all operating systems has to be followed while installations for
windows and Linux flavour’s) can be used to securely configured virtual machine images
or Host OS based on CIS Benchmarks hardened to either a Level 1 at the beginning of
project execution and Level 2 CIS benchmark after deployment of all the application’s if
required by security audit.
The implementation in a staggered approach will realize a substantial saving on the warranty
terms associated with every hardware and software element of the project requirement.

MSI’s key responsibilities under the Scope of Work

The summary of MSI responsibilities is as follows:

 Initiation and Planning for each Phase

a. Define Project Implementation Plan as per phased approach.
b. Conducting site survey, obtaining necessary permissions, developing system
requirements, standard operating procedures, etc.
c. Finalization of exact locations of the Cameras, Junction Boxes, Pole, Power Metres at
different junctions
d. Finalization and submission of a detailed scalable & secured technical architecture and
submission of detailed project plan which includes
○ Deployment of the Team, Project Manager, Their Roles & Responsibility
○ Responsibility Matrix of the stakeholders
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○ Approach & Methodology to be adopted

e. Risk & Its mitigation
f. Detailed project Plan, Specifying dependencies between various projects
activities/Sub activities, Coordination with Civic agencies, & The timeline of the project
g. Quality Management plan
h. Communication Plan
i. Stakeholder management plan
j. Finalize the detailed Technical Architecture in coordination with ISP, Coordination &
Execution Plan for seamless Integration
k. Design the LAN connectivity diagrams for 3351 Locations from each Junction Box to
Pole, From Power Meter to Junction Box & Prepare the Implementation plan in
coordination with ISP
l. Design the Architecture, Concept of Operations for C4i, C3i, C2i & Datacenter and
prepare the 3D Diagrams, DC Floor Strengthening Plan
m. Assessment of IT Infrastructure and Non-IT Infrastructure requirements, assessment
of business processes, assessment of software requirements, assessment of
integration requirements, assessment of connectivity requirement all locations
(including buildings).
n. MSI will adopt latest finishing items and construction materials so that better finish
and quality is achieved at reasonable cost.
o. Formulation of solution architecture, detailed design of Women Centric safe city
solutions, development of test cases (Unit, System Integration and User Acceptance),
SoP documentation
p. Finalization of Bill of Material for the Tier 3 Datacenter, Near DR, C4i, C3i, C2i for
designing & Building
q. Finalization of Bill of Material of Cameras, UPS, Field Switches, PA system, Gun Shot
Solution, Mobile Devices etc.
r. Finalization of Bill of Material of Application Softwares
s. Prepare the Approach & Methodology document for Integration
○ Datacenter Equipment/Hardware Integration
○ Near DR Equipment/Hardware Integration
○ C4i Equipment Integration
○ C3i Equipment Integration
○ C2i Equipment Integration
○ Field Equipment Integration
○ Field Equipment to C4i, C3i & C2i Integration (Hardware Integration)
○ New Application Software Integration
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○ Existing Database Integration

○ Overall Application Integration & Installation
○ GIS, CAD Integration
○ AVLS Integration
t. Plan to Integrate Community Surveillance & Existing Cameras in other projects
u. SMS Gateway Integration & other Mobile app Integration
v. Inventory management for all items/ equipment, software, licenses, Warranty, CAMC
Certificates, etc.
w. MSI will define the formats for data exchange between various services and systems
in agreement with TSP (C-DAC).
x. MSI shall ensure that system confirms technical specifications, however,
equipment/items of better version may be acceptable.
y. Any other, meeting the RFP requirement.
 Implementation
a. Phase-wise time bound procurement and implementation. The phase-wise
implementation schedule and targets are mentioned in para 5.1 of this chapter of the
b. Obtain all necessary Legal/Statuary Clearance for Installing Poles & Junction Boxes
c. Provisioning for Electricity
d. Develop, Deploy, Test & Commission the surveillance system
e. Supply, Install & Configure all User Level Components (Active & Passive)
f. Installation of DC, Near DR IT Infrastructure
g. Supply & Installation of MCCV
h. Installation of Video wall, Workstations, LEDs, UPS, TV at C4i, C3i, C2i, DC and NOC
i. Project Implementation & Phase wise Planning
j. Physical Setup of ICCC as per the layout approved by Delhi Police.
k. Helpdesk setup, procurement of equipment, edge devices, COTS software (if any),
licenses. Physical Security and Housekeeping setup
l. IT and Non-IT Infrastructure installation, development, testing and production
environment setup
m. Safety and security of IT and Non-IT Infrastructure
n. Establishment and configuration of Network Connectivity in coordination with ISP
(provided by service provider) as per service level between PHQ (C4I), 16 DHQ (C3I),
182 Police Stations (C2I), Near DR and various other applications for integration.

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o. Software Application customization (if any), development of bespoke solution (if any),
data migration, integration with third party services/application (if any) User
Manuals, training curriculum and training materials Role-based training(s)
p. Preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for operation of the system and
to ensure implementation/ operation of the system as per SOPs

q. SOP preparation in consultation with C-DAC, implementation, Integration with GIS

Platform, Integration of solutions with Command and Control Center, KPI
Development. SOP needs to be approved by Delhi Police.
r. Information Security Policy, Backup Policies
s. Portal to monitor project activities.
t. Training to Police Officials
u. Testing Phase
○ Unit & Integration Testing
○ End to End Testing
○ Regression Benchmarking Testing
○ User Acceptance Testing
v. UAT and Phase Wise Go-Live
w. Final Acceptance Test & GO Live
x. Submission of System Documents, User Documents
○ Project Commencement Documentation
○ Equipment Manual
○ Training Manual
○ Installation Manual
○ User Manual
○ System Manual
○ Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) Manual
y. Testing Phase
○ Unit & Integration Testing
○ End to End Testing
○ User Acceptance Testing
○ Roll Out
z. Facilitating UAT and conducting the prelaunch security audit of applications.
aa. Integration of the various services & solution with ICCC platform Develop provisions
for a scalable system

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bb. MSI shall furnish a progress report periodically (monthly) of project activities etc.
indicating date of start, date of completion and progress made till the date of report
(approximate percentage of work done).
cc. MSI will ensure that safety code, as per applicable laws, including health and sanitary
arrangement for the deployed staff/personnel, has been complied with.
dd. MSI shall maintain a site order book and inspection book containing the details of
orders issued at site and their compliance. The same shall be opened for checking by
TSP or any agency authorized by Delhi Police or Delhi Police itself.
ee. Any other, meeting the RFP requirement.
ff. Responsibility towards ISP work handshake:
o Marking of the final pole locations at the junctions
o Power availability & MCB 16amp on junction box for ISP’s network devices
o Power meter & power cable availability
o Providing Multiple switch strip inside the junction Box
o Outdoor IP65/66/67 junction box with 5 years warranty and support
o Making of platform for the pole and pole installation
o Approval of designs from customer and civic bodies
o Space inside the junction box with the gap of 1U between the devices.
o Hot air exhaust and cooling system inside the junction box
o MSI should design the junction box to block the dust & External Particles
o Regular preventive maintenance of the junction boxes which involves
maintenance of basic hygiene
o Chemical earthling availability and maintenance
o UPS power with 1 hour battery backup for all installed devices
o Connectivity between camera and switch
o Connectivity between switch & MUX/router
o Providing High security lock system in junction boxes to ensure the safety and
security of the devices
o Installing Junction boxes at a minimum height of 6 feet above the ground
o Ladder to install the mux in junction box
o Lightening arrester with GI strip
o Providing access for the ISP team at each junction/pole & DC/DR location
o Supporting and coordinating with the ISP in facilitating ROW/Digging and
network extension
o permissions from different authorities

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o CPE device configuration

o Warning signboards at each junction point
o Acrylic Board mentioning this area in surveillance
o Cross connect availability in DC & DR locations and other if applicable
o Integration of CE and ISP devices
o Providing safety & security at the junction locations
o Ensuring no access to trespasser or any other than the authorized person at the
o locations
o Providing cable conduit with in junction box
o First Level Troubleshooting needs to be done by the MSI engineer
o Electrician if required at all locations must be arranged by the MSI.

Post Implementation (Operation & Maintenance)

a. Deploying manpower Security of ICCC premises Annual technical support
b. Preventive, repair maintenance and replacement of hardware and software
c. Provide a centralized Help Desk and Incident Management Support till the end of
contractual period Recurring refresher trainings for the users and Change
Management activities
d. Provide required access and information for Audits
e. Preventive, repair maintenance and replacement of non-ICT components
f. Overall maintenance of the ICCC facility and continuity of operations as per SLAs.
g. Monitoring of Network Connectivity (provided by service provider) as per service
level and report the non- compliance.
h. Submit Quarterly Reports
i. Adhere to defined SLAs
j. Any other, meeting the RFP requirement.
k. Setting up the Help Desk for O&M
l. Manpower Deployment for O&M Phase
m. Preparing the Document and Reporting Mechanism
n. Completing the documentation of Warranty, License & Agreement
o. Pent scanning & Network Dressing & Internal Audit
p. Third Party Administrator (TPA)
q. Security & Network Audit - Format & SOPs
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r. Helpdesk Management
s. Reporting & Dashboards
t. SLA Management - ISP & MSI
u. Setting up Governance Team
v. Exit Management
w. Closure of the contract
Note: Any additional item/hardware/software/services etc. required for successful
completion and operation of the system shall be provided by the MSI, without any additional
cost to the project.
 Support and warranty:
Operations and Maintenance phase will require technical support and comprehensive
warranty on 24*7 *365 basis for all hardware and software parts as envisaged in the project.
A comprehensive warranty applicable on goods supplied under this contract shall be
provided for the period mentioned in the document.
The MSI has to ensure comprehensive maintenance with OEM warranty and the AMC for all
the component items under this project. The electronic/ online warranty of the items is a
criterion wherein the OEM has to officially email the adherence of the warranty terms for the
defined time period with Delhi Police and the MSI. It will be the prime responsibility of the
MSI to ensure seamless and uninterrupted functioning of the system with all compliances as
per project requirements and thereby regulate the OEM(s) accordingly.

 Standards of Performance
The MSI shall provide the services and carry out their obligations under the Contract with
due diligence, efficiency and professionalism/ethics in accordance with generally accepted
professional standards and practices. The MSI shall always act in respect of any matter
relating to this contract. The MSI shall abide by all the provisions/Acts/Rules/Regulations,
Standing orders, etc. of Information Technology and other relevant legality as prevalent in
the country. The MSI shall also ensure to maintain the standards laid down by User
department from time to time for carrying out work in office or at public places.
The MSI will ensure that there is no damage caused to any private or public property in
execution of work in field. In case such damage is caused, MSI shall immediately bring it to
the notice of TSP(C-DAC) and TSP(C-DAC) will inform Delhi Police office in writing and MSI
will pay necessary charges towards fixing of the damage. C-DAC instructs MSI that no traffic
congestion/public inconvenience is caused while carrying out work at public places.
The MSI shall ensure that its employees/representatives or the agencies hired by them to
carry out the contract don’t breach privacy of any citizen or establishment during the course
of execution or maintenance of the project.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

 Deployment of adequate Key Personnel and support Staff by MSI

It is very crucial for MSI to deploy adequate required manpower for the time bound success
of project implementation along with sufficient helpdesk, Technical Support, training and
facility staff to bring efficient outcomes of the system operability.
The deployment of man-power must not come out as an inefficient and adversely impacting
parameter towards the project success. C-DAC reserves the rights to ask for immediate
replacement of the deployed man-power with regards to the inefficient performance as per
the requirement of the project. Inefficient performance may attract termination of the
Key Personnel shift to Scope of Requirement
a. Initial Composition; Full Time Obligation; Continuity of Personnel
Bidder shall ensure that each member of the Key Personnel devotes substantial working time
as per the staffing schedule/ manpower plan to perform the services to which that person
has been assigned as per the Bid.
Bidder shall not make any changes to the composition of the Key Personnel and not require
or request any member of the Key Personnel to cease or reduce his or her involvement in the
provision of the Services during the defined term of the engagement unless that person
resigns, is terminated for cause, is long-term disabled, is on permitted mandatory leave
under Applicable Laws or retires. In any such case, C-DAC’s prior written consent would be
b. Evaluations of Personnel
Bidder shall carry out an evaluation of the performance of each member of the Key Personnel
in connection with the Services at least once in each Contract Year. Bidder shall provide
reasonable written notice to C-DAC of the date of each evaluation of each member of the Key
Personnel. C-DAC shall be entitled to provide inputs to the Bidder for each such evaluation.
Bidder shall promptly provide the results of each evaluation to C-DAC, subject to Applicable
c. Replacement
In case any proposed resource resigns, then the Bidder has to inform C-DAC within one week
of such resignation.
Bidder shall promptly initiate a search for a replacement to ensure that the role of any
member of the Key Personnel is not vacant at any point in time during the contract period,
subject to reasonable extensions requested by Bidder to C-DAC.
Before assigning any replacement member of the Key Personnel to the provision of the
Services, Bidder shall provide C-DAC with:
 a resume, curriculum vitae and any other information about the candidate that is
reasonably requested by C-DAC; and
 An opportunity to interview the candidate.
The Bidder has to provide replacement resource of equal or better qualification and
experience as per the requirements of this RFP.

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If C-DAC objects to the appointment, Bidder shall not assign the individual to that position
and shall seek an alternative candidate in accordance with the resource requirements of this
The Bidder needs to ensure at least 4 weeks of overlap period in such replacements. C-DAC
will not be responsible for any knowledge transition to the replacement resource and any
impact/escalation of cost incurred by the bidder due to resource replacement.
d. High Attrition causing adverse impacts to Project flow
If in the first 6 month period from the Contract Effective Date in case of replacement of the
projected man power resourcing, a penalty of INR 2,00,000 for first fifteen days and INR
10,000 per day can be imposed on the Bidder (for one replacement) till appropriate and
approved replacement is done. Bidder shall:
e. Provide C-DAC with a reasonably detailed explanation as to the reasons for such change,
including, where applicable and permitted, notes from any exit interviews conducted by
Bidder with any departing member of the Key Personnel; and
f. If such change to Key Personnel has or is likely to have any material adverse impact on the
provision of the Services or any substantial part thereof, undertake, at its own costs, such
remediation acts as are reasonably necessary in order to improve the retention of the Key
Personnel including making reasonable changes to the human resources policies and
procedures applicable to the Key Personnel (including those related to compensation,
benefits and other conditions so that they are competitive with the market) as may be
necessary to ensure that such policies and procedures comply with Good Industry Practice.

 Compliance with labour regulations

The MSI shall pay fair and reasonable wages to the workmen employed by him, for the
contract undertaken by him and comply with the provisions set forth under the Minimum
Wages Act and the Contract Labor Act 1970 and other relevant provisions of the Law.

 Operation Power charges

Operational power charges for the field electrical meter will be paid by Delhi Police after
readiness & final acceptance of the site. MSI will be responsible of arranging the power for
installation, implementation & testing of the site till final acceptance by Delhi Police/ C-DAC.
Field Electrical Meters will be issued in the name of Delhi Police. One time electrical meter
connection installation & implementation, cabling charges and the operation & maintenance
Incident management, complaint logging for any fault in meter or field electrical connections
will be responsibility of MSI during the entire contract period. The power connections
(electrical meters) charges will be paid by MSI and the recurring power charges will be borne
by the Delhi Police from Go-Live phase respective to each phase. Appointed MSI will
coordinate the execution of connections with Electrical Department. The DG gen set, UPS will
be installed at Delhi Police Head Quarter at approved site and the operational expenses of
fuel consumed by DG gen set till the time of acceptance will be borne by MSI.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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 Important milestones
a. Planning & Implementation
The MSI is responsible for the entire execution of the project as per the defined terms,
conditions, Scope of Work in the RFP.
b. Commissioning (phase-wise)
The implementation will be conducted and executed in a phase-wise manner as per the
aforementioned clause. Henceforth, it is pertinent to note that every phase has to be
commissioned progressively till the completion of the entire scope of implementation. The
MSI is purely responsible to adhere to the timelines in fulfilling the purposeful phased
approach. All the co-ordinations with the stakeholders, civic agencies, ISP, Project
Management Consultant, etc. has to established effectively so as to drive the time bound
commissioning as a key and responsible stakeholder of the project portfolio.
c. Go-Live
The cumulative and collective commissioning of the phases along with the successful final
User Acceptance and Final Level Testing done by the end customer, will ear-mark the
project as live and operation for public services, as envisaged. This stage will be called as
Go-live milestone of the project.
d. Operations & Maintenance
The selected MSI shall responsible to operate and maintain the provided solution for the
envisaged requirement of Delhi Police. The detailed responsibilities of MSI towards O&M
activity are given at para 2.2.28 chapter-2 of this document.
During the O&M phase, MSI has to deploy following key personnel for fulfilling the
essential requirement of minimum Technical Manpower in working shifts:
a. Manager - DC, C4I, C3I and C2I- 1 No.
b. C4I Expert- 2 No.
c. System Administrator- 6 No.
d. Network and Security Manager along with Field Network Technician- 10 No.
e. Storage Administrator- 4 No.
f. Enterprise & Asset Manager- 2 No.
g. Database Administrator- 1 No.

4.6. Physical Layouts of Civil Infrastructure Areas with essential components as

The below mentioned details are the essential parameters to help visualizing the envisaged
outcome. The details of the estimated and required quantities to execute the work can be seen in
the SoR chapter 3 of the RFP.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

C4i (Integrated Command, Control, Communication & Compute) at


C4i at PHQ 6th and 7th Floor (with DC)

i. C4i will act as Central Viewing station from where around 10% of 10000 cameras
can be monitored by 21 Operators and 1 supervisor sequentially. The operators
will view and analyses the alerts, Also, C4i will have two Emergency Operation
Centers where these alerts will be managed and controlled by Police Officers.
ii. The Video wall will comprise of 70" DLP Laser 4K technology
iii. 16 Workstations are also installed for viewing cameras sequentially at Video wall.
Applications from Data Center like VMS client, GIS, ICCC client, video wall
controller software, Edge gateway integration, Unified Platform etc. will be
deployed on workstations which will be placed behind Video wall, one workstation
will be having 3 outputs (VGA/HDMI/DVI) which will connect to 3 inputs of video
wall controller. Accordingly, there will be 16 number of workstations with 3
outputs each. So, total 48 outputs of workstations will connect to 48 inputs
(VGA/HDMI/DVI) of video wall controller inputs and can be centrally managed by
operator at C4i.
iv. There will be 4 TV installed with stand; The TV will be placed in pair next to Video-
wall at both the sides to view news.
v. The array pattern of the modules will be 3 sets adjacent to each other as depicted
in the enclosed layout of C4i. Hence, total DLP modules to be installed will be 48
vi. 04 Video Wall Controllers will be used, One Controller for 15 nos. 70" display units/
vii. 2 sets of LED Monitor- 55” cubes in a 1 X 2 arrangement to be installed Conference
Rooms on 06th floor and 7th floor
viii. 21 Workstations with 3 nos. 24" UHD Touch Monitors for C4I application will be
used, – on 6th Floor
ix. All Enterprise hardware, software and analytics applications will be deployed at
C4i and agents will be running at DHQ, Police Stations, Prakhar Vans & MCCV. Apart
from this, we also have provisioned to integrate 32 Datasets of different existing
applications of Delhi Police. Databases will be integrated at PHQ through open
standard API / SDK based approach. We also have provisioned integration of
Community Surveillance system on need basis and other CCTV projects of Delhi
x. C4i will be designed on an acoustic framework with State-of Art facilities.
xi. It will be equipped with essential audio and voice recording and communication
mediums like IP phones, wireless, Rex Phones, automatic voice loggers with SMS
gateway services, etc.

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xii. The ceiling fire door and floor drawings of C4i arena at 6th and 7th floors with DC
(at 7th floor) will be shared post the signing of the Non- Disclosure agreement with
xiii. C4i Design and Standards with the compliance sheet are detailed in section 4.8.15
of Chapter 4 of this RFP.
xiv. The details of the location and coordinates of the sites will be shared post the
signing of the Non- Disclosure agreement with MSI.
xv. Video-wall for Integrated Command & Control Operations at C4i in PHQ.

Figure: Indicative Video Wall Layout at PHQ (C4I)- 4*4 array (3 No.)

C3i for DHQs (at 16 locations)

There will be District Command & Control Centers located at 16 different locations across
Delhi covering all Districts:

i. The C3i will comprise of 55" LED monitor screen that will be arranged in 1*3 array
pattern along with Workstations to Display LED Monitor Wall inputs.

ii. 16 locations of C3i will have workstations each with 3 Nos. of Monitors (24") for
C4i application as per the requirement to ensure 10% viewing at a moment. The
total quantity of Workstations and LED screen is indicated as follows:

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

WS at C3i- (Keeping the

monitoring of Police
NAME OF LED TV Workstation for
Phase Station approach, WS
are considered at C3i
East 3 1 4
North 3 1 2
Phase I

North-West 3 1 4
South 3 1 5
South West 3 1 4
West 3 1 5
New Delhi 3 1 1
Phase II

Rohini 3 1 4
Dwarka 3 1 4
South East 3 1 5
North-East 3 1 4
Phase III

Outer 3 1 4
Outer North 3 1 3
Railway 3 1 1
Shahdara 3 1 4
Central 3 1 3
Total 48 16 57

iii. 16 number of SD-WAN router, 1 at each DHQ for Load balancing, Traffic
prioritization, ease of manageability, better monitoring and troubleshooting of all
the locations.
iv. 10 KVA UPS with 30 Mins. Battery backup at 80% load, 2 AC’s of 1.5/ 2-ton
capacity in HA (round and robin) at each C3I etc.
v. Each C3i DHQ will be provided with 1 Network Colour Laser Printer.
vi. C3i Electrical and Lighting fixtures’ layouts will be shared post the signing of the
Non- Disclosure agreement with MSI.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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vii. Video Wall at DHQs (uniform- illustration):

Figure: Video Wall & Work Station- Depiction at DHQ

Figure: Video Wall & Work Station- Depiction at DHQ

C2i (182 locations- Police Stations)

Police Station located at 182 different locations (as given in Table 3):
i. 182 locations of C2i will have respective workstations with set of 3 nos. 24" UHD
Monitors for C4I application, workstations at each C2I (Police Station). Total of 258
workstations are spread across all Police Stations based upon the quantity of
camera feeds per Station.
ii. The following table shows the number of work stations and display screen (55”) at
Police Stations:
Sr. Number of Police Workstations No of
No. Stations Required Workstation
A With 30% Viewing (Uniform View)
137 Police Station 1 Workstation 137 Nos
37 Police Station 2 Workstations 74 Nos
4 Police Stations 3 Workstations 12 Nos
2 Police Station 4 Workstations 8 Nos
1 Police Station 6 Workstation 6 Nos
B With 100% Viewing

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1. Kamala market 3 Workstations 3 Nos

Police station
2. Total Workstation 240

70 out of 182 Police Stations will be equipped with 55” LED screen (59 PS with 1 LED screen
and 11 PS with 2 LED screen). The screens will be allocated to the Police Stations depending
upon the no. of cameras (less than 50- no LED screen, equal and greater than 50 till 99- 1 LED
screen, equal and more than 100- 2 LED screens) at the respective station as mentioned in
the above table.
i. 182 number of SD-WAN router for Load balancing, Traffic prioritization, routing,
ease of manageability, better monitoring and troubleshooting of all the locations.
ii. SD-WAN router considering Minimum 500 Mbps throughput with scalability etc.
iii. 3KVA UPS (174 Nos) and 10 KVA UPS (08 Nos) with 30 min battery backup at 80%
load, 1 AC of 1.5/2 ton capacity at each C2i
iv. Each Police Station will be provided with 1 Network Black & White Printer.
v. The Police station is monitoring old/existing CCTV’s as well as new CCTV’s and the
future viewing shall be adequately provisioned in scalable and modular fashion.
Existing/Proposed project viewing will be available on need basis.
vi. Workstations layout at 182 police stations (C2i)

4.7. System Functional Requirements and Key Performance Indicators

Essential System Functional Requirements at various layers:
With a view of enabling varied and respective stakeholders to operate specified Safe City
Project Components, it is proposed to create multiple Viewing Centers for various
surveillance cameras installed across the city which will cater City Surveillance and
Helpdesk in an integrated manner. The architecture of the complete network of smart
elements is as follows:

Figure: Layout for C2i (Police station)

Figure: Control Room C2I – Single Seating Workstation

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

i. Street IT Infrastructure Layer –The sensor layer will help Delhi Police to gather
information about events and incidents happening in Delhi or capture information
from the edge level devices i.e. cameras.
ii. Network Layer –The secured network layer will serve as the backbone for the
project and provide connectivity to gather data from cameras and communicate
video feeds to viewing centers as well as Data Center for further analytics.
iii. Data Center Layer – The Data Center layer will house centralized computing
power required to store, process and analyse the data to decipher actionable
information. This layer includes servers, storage, ancillary network equipment
elements, security devices and corresponding management tools. A disaster
recovery site, which includes minimal capacity of servers, storage, network
equipment and security management systems will be used to store all flagged data
If Data Center stopped functioning for some reason in that case flagged data will
be safe and can be recovered at any moment.
iv. Application Layer- The applications layer will include applications like Integrated
Command & Control Center software, Video Management Software etc. that will be
used to view camera feeds at viewing centers using secured mechanism and alerts
can be generated and communicated to all the Command & Control centers
through Data Center, ICCC application / enterprise management system to
monitor and manage all IT infrastructure and field devices deployed in Delhi.
v. Integration Layer –While aspects of ambient and monochrome conditions within
the Delhi will be gathered through various cameras deployed as a part of the
solution, some data will come from other government and non-government
agencies. It is through the integration layer – that data will be exchanged to and
from the under lying architecture components and other data from system
developed by government (such as CCTNS, ITMS, Challan database, etc.) and non-
government agencies.
vi. Command, Control, Center Layer – The command center will enable citizens and
administrators alike to get a holistic view of city conditions, and make informed
vii. Security Layer –As ambient conditions, all field devices are now connected
through a network, security of the entire system becomes of paramount
significance and the system integrator will have to provide: Infrastructure
security, Network security, Identity and Access Management, and Application
Essential & Key Performance Indicators of the envisaged system
Key performance indicators for safe cities. This deliverable also explores the issues,
challenges and developments of key performance indicators (KPIs) for safe cities. From
the existing sets of city indicators present in many standards and projects, indicators for
evaluating safe city performance, building on the current ISO programmed, are proposed
in this document.
The evaluation framework should contain quantifiable and measurable outcome
indicators. There is a need to measure performance not only by cities themselves; Key
Performance Indicators may be used by different stakeholders of the safe sustainable
cities and communities such as:

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

 No of additional CCTVs installed – It will increase the number of alerts generated

for specific cases
 Uptime of surveillance system– The implementation of CCTV cameras with UPS for
60 Mins backup and 128 Gb SD Card which will have 4-5 days backup of camera feeds
will help to improve uptime and also it will increase the number of incidents reported
at early stage and will reduce drastically later.
 Integration with Location based Services with CCTV Feeds – The response time
will improve and using location-based services will help to reach and also to track
the criminal or women in distress.
 Integration with Crime & Criminal database- This will be up & running which will
help to find the criminal as the FIR details will be available online
 Availability of real time Video Analytics, Audio & Video Feed integration - This
will help to watch the women and crime in real time as the alerts will be generated
 Provision of Emergency Operation Centre – Having Emergency Operation Centre
in C4I will improve the responsiveness and enable them to take instant decision in
case of crime and criminals spotted.
 Integration with ERSS – The entire database of ERSS, Dial 112, 1091, 1098 will be
available online and also will be updated as per new alerts generated in safe city
project; it will help to have consolidated database to have effective use of ERSS
 Integration with Himmat Plus App, Predictive Analysis – This will enhance the
prediction capability to find out Criminals and Crime locations. It will also be updated
with database and will be easy to track the incidents and location.
 City residents and non-profit organizations – enabling them to understand the
development and progress of Safe Cities
 Evaluation and ranking agencies, including academia – supporting them in
selection of relevant KPIs for assessing the contribution from ICT in the
Outcome indicators should measure result or progress towards it audit logs, henceforth,
there should be a standardized indicator framework. It will allow Delhi Police for the
benchmarking and learning from the other cities in a similar position and can give a more
objective idea of areas for development. If measures are repeated for a certain time
against the same indicators it allows a city to monitor its progress, and focus its future
investment. If results are report publicly they can help a city be more transparent. ISO
37120 defines the benefits of standardized indicators as:
 Better Alert Generation in case of Women in Distress situation
 Improvement in reporting of women related issues
 Improved response in case of women related distress situation
 Enhancement in prediction capability
 International benchmarks and targets
 Local benchmarking and planning
 Informed decision-making for policy makers

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 Learning across cities

 Leverage for funding by cities with senior levels of government
 Framework for sustainability planning
FY Financial Expenditure Output Output Baseline Target Achievement Data Notes
Outlay Against Indicator Source
outlay To be

F Financial Expendit Projected Outcome Base Target Achievement Medium Medium Data Notes
Y Outlay ure Medium Indicator -line Term Term Source
Outlay to Target Achieveme
tracked nt

Functional Architecture Framework for Delhi Safe City Project

Figure: Essential Functional Components of Delhi Safe City Project

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

4.8. Component-wise Functional Requirements (with KPIs) and Technical

ICCP (Integrated Command & Control Center Platform) for C4i at PHQ

Functional Requirements of ICCC at C4i

i. The Integrated Command & Control Center (ICCC) will be an enterprise class IP-
enabled centralized application, will support the seamless unification of various
Public Safety elements including Video Management System (VMS), Integrated
Video Analytics System, Automatic Number Plate Recognition system (ANPR),
Facial Detection & Recognition System (FRS), Picture Intelligence Unit, Incident
management, Emergency Response System, Criminal tracking, Community
Surveillance, Record management and integration with other Govt. databases on a
single platform. The ICCC user interface (UI) applications shall present a unified
security interface for the management, configuration, monitoring, co-relation,
intelligence and reporting of various embedded systems and associated edge
ii. The ICCC platform must be a true unified management experience for critical
infrastructure, simplifying control room operation and system integration,
minimizing total cost of ownership, and increasing operational efficiency critical
to rapid decision-making.
iii. The ICCC Platform will maximize real-time monitoring and control efficiency from
one workstation through the synchronized control of high-resolution blueprints,
images, streaming camera data and system alerts which allows for interaction
between all relevant data. There will be 20 Workstations for operators who render
the services of ICCC Platform to showcase the video feeds (live streaming) along
with the triggers and alerts generated by Analytical servers on the Video wall.
iv. The ICCC will be open architecture based, highly scalable and able to integrate
multiple disparate systems seamlessly on a common platform. The ICCC will
provide a real time Common Operating Picture (COP) of the area involving all
agencies using a simple Operator / User friendly interface.
v. The ICCC platform will support various sensors like Cameras, GPS, Voice devices,
Storage devices, Sensor inputs from other Utility applications/ systems. The ICCC
platform will provide a dashboard functionality to manage workflows by
integrating information from different agencies and systems to facilitate
responsive decision making in City.
vi. The ICCC platform will provide a cross-agency collaboration tool to support instant
communication between various user groups and authorities. It will facilitate an
Intelligent Fusion Center to conduct all Big Data Co-relation among various
integrated datasets for interoperability.
vii. The ICCC platform will be an IP enabled solution. All communication between the
servers and other clients will be based on standard TCP/IP protocol and will use
TLS encryption with digital certificates to secure the communication channel. The
ICCC platform will protect against potential database server failure and continue
to run through standard off-the-shelf solutions. The ICCC platform will support
native and off-the-shelf failover options without any dependency on external
application for both Hardware and Application level fail over.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

KPI- Integrated Command & Control Center System

The following are the indicative functional requirements of ICCC required for safe city
operations. MSI is expected to use all the functionalities of IOT platform/City Operations
Platform for holistic management of Delhi Safe city applications and integrate
applications within the scope of this RFP.
The required features of Integrated Command & Control Center for Safe city Delhi are
as follows:
a) Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) Platform.
b) Integrated Dashboard – Provision for generating configurable reports through
dashboard and also real time monitoring and Alert Systems.
c) Video Wall & Controller System & Workstation for Operators
d) Operator Workstation and Accessories Ex. Telephone, fax, inter-com etc.
e) Alerting system service through SMS gateway, etc.
f) Integration with 32 datasets of existing application of different projects of Delhi
g) Helpdesk Service and Emergency Operation Centers on 24X7 basis.
h) Necessary Civil, Electrical work including furniture, acoustics design including
Air-conditioning for Data Center, fire safety, and Command & Control Center.
i) Key functionalities of ICCC

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ICCP and Application Architecture

The Layered Architecture of Integrated Command & Control Center is as follows:

Incident Management through ICCP- workflow

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

C4i platform (software)- Technical Requirements and Compliance Sheet

for MSI (to provide compliance report with the bid)
S. No Technical Specification Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
A General
1. The Unified Command & Control Platform (UC&C) shall be an
enterprise class IP-enabled Cloud ready application. The UC&C shall
support the seamless unification of various Public Safety elements IP
video management system (VMS), IP automatic number plate
recognition system (ALPR), Incident management, Emergency
response system. Criminal tracking, record management with future
scalability to include Traffic management solutions also under a
single platform. The UC&C user interface (UI) applications shall
present a unified security interface for the management,
configuration, monitoring, co - relation, intelligence and reporting of
various embedded systems and associated edge devices.
2. The platform must be Cloud ready from day 1 and must have the
ability to host either in total or some of the modules in a private cloud
environment approved by Meity.
3. The platform must have native failover with no dependency on
external virtualized or clustered applications. The failover must
support both local & over geographical redundancy for all the
modules outlined under the UC & C platform.
4. The UC&C platform must be a true unified management experience
for critical infrastructure, simplifying control room operation and
system integration, minimizing total cost of ownership, and
increasing operational efficiency critical to rapid decision-making.
5. The UC&C Platform Shall Maximize real-time monitoring and control
efficiency from one workstation through the synchronized control of
high-resolution blueprints, images, streaming camera data, and
system alerts which allows for interaction between all relevant data
6. Allows simple and accessible Integration with other independent
control systems through a single Unification point with consistent
user interface and better operational efficiency.
7. UC&C shall be open architecture based, highly scalable and able to
integrate multiple disparate systems seamlessly on a common
8. UC&C system shall provide a real time Common Operating Picture
(UC&C) of the area involving all agencies using a simple Operator /
User friendly interface.
9. The system shall support various sensors like Cameras, GPS, Voice
devices, Storage devices, Sensor inputs from other Utility
applications/ systems

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10. The UC&C platform shall provide a dashboard functionality to

manage workflows by integrating information from different
agencies and systems to facilitate responsive decision making in City.
11. The UC&C platform should provide a cross-agency collaboration tool
to support instant communication between various user groups and
12. The ICCC software should have biometric authentication facility for
operators using the software.
B UC&C Architecture:
The Application shall be an IP enabled solution. All communication
between the servers and other clients shall be based on standard
TCP/IP protocol and shall use TLS encryption with digital certificates
to secure the communication channel.
2 The Application shall protect against potential database server failure
and continue to run through standard off-the-shelf solutions.
3 The Application shall support up to one thousand instances of Clients
connected at the same time. However, an unrestricted number of
Clients can be installed at any time
4 The Application shall support an unrestricted number of logs and
historical transactions (events and alarms) with the maximum
allowed being limited by the amount of hard disk space available.
5 The UC&C Application shall support native and off-the-shelf failover
options without any dependency on external application for both
Hardware and Application level fail over.
C Native Map module (Both GIS and Offline Maps):
1 The GIS MAP shall support the following file format PDF, JPG, PNG
Web Map Service (WMS) defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium
2 It shall be possible to configure a mixed set of maps made of GIS,
online providers and private imported files and link them together.
3 The UC&C shall provide a map centric interface with the ability to
Command & Control all the system capabilities from a full screen map
4 It shall be possible to span the map over all screens of the UC&C client
station. In the scenario where the map is spanned over all the screens
of the UC&C client station it shall be possible to navigate the map
including pan and zoom, and the map’s moves shall be synchronized
between all screens. Spanning the map over multiple screens must
provide the same Command & Control capabilities than in a single
screen display.
5 The GIS MAP shall provide the ability to display layer of information
in Keyhole Mark-up Language (KML) format.
6 It shall be possible to monitor the state of entities on the map. It shall
be possible to customize the icons of any entities represented on the
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7 The GIS MAP shall offer a smart selection tool to access the video. By
clicking the location, the user wants to see, the GIS MAP will
automatically select the cameras that can see this location and move
the PTZ towards that location. This smart selection tool shall take
obstacles into consideration and not display cameras that cannot see
the location because of a wall.
8 It shall be possible to select a location by drawing a zone of interest
on the GIS MAP, and to display all the entities that are part of that zone
of interest at once.
9 The user shall be able to select and display the content of multiple
UC&C entities on the map in popup windows.
10 The GIS MAP shall provide the following search capabilities:
11 Search within the map by entity name, street name, or point of
12 Drag and drop entities from the UC&C to the map to center their
13 Map to support event-based response actions for decision making in
case of any emergency / critical situation
15 CCTV feeds to be viewed on the Map in case of any event triggers
D Alarm management:
1 The UC&C shall support the following Alarm Management
2 Create and modify user-defined alarms. An unrestricted number of
user-defined alarms shall be supported.
3 Assign a time schedule or a coverage period to an alarm. An alarm
shall be triggered only if it is a valid alarm for the current period.
4 Set the priority level of an alarm and its reactivation threshold.
5 Define whether to display live or recorded video, still frames or a mix
once the alarm is triggered.
6 Provide the ability to display live and recorded video within the same
video tile using picture-in-picture (PiP) mode.
7 Provide the ability to group alarms by source and by type.
8 Define the recipients of an alarm. Alarm notifications shall be routed
to one or more recipients. Recipients shall be assigned a priority level
that prioritizes the order of reception of an alarm.
9 The workflows to create, modify, add instructions and procedures,
and acknowledge an alarm shall be consistent for various systems.
10 The UC&C shall also support alarm notification to an email address or
any device using the SMTP protocol.
11 The ability to create alarm-related instructions shall be supported
through the display of one or more HTML pages following an alarm
event. The HTML pages shall be user-defined and can be interlinked.
12 The user shall can acknowledge alarms, create an incident upon
alarm acknowledgement, and put an alarm to snooze.

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13 The user shall be able to spontaneously trigger alarms based on

something he or she sees in the UC&C system Dashboard.
14 UC&C platform should generate Notification, Alert and Alarm
messages as per the incidences / events that are received, that should
be visible within the Dashboard and the Field Responder Mobile App
or web services/portal if required
15 1. All system messages (notifications, alerts and alarms) should
always be available from the Notifications View, which provides
controls that operator can use to sort and filter the messages that it
16 2. ICCP platform should support to deliver message to a set of
subscribers. The Notification service should support min two types of
notification methods:
a. Email notification
b. Short Messaging Service (SMS) notification
E Incident management (IM) module:
1 The IM MODULE shall be seamlessly embedded and must be a native
module in the UC&C Platform.
2 The UC&C and IM MODULE shall be forward compatible so upgrade
of one does not prevent from using the other.
3 The IM MODULE shall be seamlessly compatible with the UC&C and
any of its components including VMS, ALPR, Big Data Co relation tool
and external SDK integrations with 3rd party systems.
4 The IM MODULE shall offer the following native operational tools:
a. Incident management
b. Document management
c. Rules Engine
d. Workflow automation
e. Standard operating procedures
f. Incident monitoring operator interface
g. Incident reports
5 The IM MODULE shall provide situational intelligence to the operator
with a map-centric approach and detailed overview of incident data,
combining incident history, operator comments, workflow and
operator action logs, standard operating procedures, relevant live
and playback video, and an aggregated events sequence of the
6 The IM MODULE shall log all configuration changes in an audit trail
with before and after configurations.
7 The IM MODULE shall log all the user activities that are executed
during the time that an incident is active.
8 The IM MODULE shall provide the ability to configure incidents in a
test mode that would allow user with the appropriate privilege to
validate different parameters before activating the incident
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9 The IM MODULE shall be the interface that displays all situations as

10 The IM MODULE Incident management shall provide the ability to
trigger incidents manually or automatically, based on a correlation of
11 An incident shall be the holistic description of the situation and
support the following attributes:
a. Visual:
 Colour
 Icon.
b. Incident management shall provide the ability to customize incident
types using a set of imported icons.
c. Sound
d. Incident category. Incident category shall allow an operator to
organize incident types in a logical tree
e. The location can be an entity (camera, door, zone, area) or a
geographical coordinate.
f. A priority level
g. A description
h. States
i. Standard operating procedures.
j. History of activities.
k. Attach Entities. Entities related to the source of events triggering the
incident shall be automatically associated to the incident.
l. Attached documents. Documents and URLs providing more
information or guidance on the incident and its management.
12 The Incident management shall provide management of incident
ownership. It shall be possible to explicitly request or release the
ownership of an incident. Ownership of an incident shall be provided
immediately to an operator who starts working on an incident.
13 A supervisor shall be able to view all incidents that are under his
supervision and see the ownership of each incident. In the same view,
the supervisor shall also be provided with real-time information
about who is currently monitoring an incident.
14 The IM MODULE shall notify the supervisor when an operator skips a
step in the standard operating procedure (SOP).
15 For each incident, it shall be possible to open the incident details. The
incident details will open on a configurable screen and provide, based
on the incident type configuration, the following information:
1. A layout of all live and playback video related to the incident,
including the camera associated to the source and location of the
incident, as well as the local map centered on the incident location.
2. History of the incident including:
a. All events related to the incident

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b. System workflow activities

c. Operator actions for the incident
d. Comments about the incident
16 Operators shall be able to perform the following actions:
1. Change the incident state.
2. Forward the incident.
3. Transfer the incident.
4. Edit the incident:
a. Change the description
b. Change the priority level
c. Release the ownership
5. Attach additional entities to the incident.
6. Link related incidents.
7. Attach a document as a URL link to the incident.
8. Link the flagged incident data.
17 The IM MODULE shall provide the ability to dispatch an incident to a
user or group of users. Dispatching an incident to a restricted number
of users will secure the access to information.
18 The IM MODULE shall allow the distribution of specific tasks
(managed as sub- incidents) that are associated to a unique incident,
to different teams. Procedures can be performed in parallel.
19 Incident supervisors shall be able to see all sub-incidents associated
with a main incident.
20 The IM MODULE shall offer a task to manage and generate reports.
The ability to run a report is a user privilege.
21 It shall be possible to query the incident history filtering by:
a. Incident type
b. Incident state
c. Location
d. Priority
e. Trigger time range
f. Incident owner
d. Description
22 The result of a report query shall provide a list of incidents as well as
a visual of these incident locations on the map. When more than one
incident is reported at the location, the GUI will cluster these
incidents on the map.
23 For closed incidents, the incident shall be in read-only mode with the
exception of adding links to related incidents.
24 The Report task shall also report the user activity log of the UC&C for
the time in which the operator was owner of the incident and was
monitoring it, in order to provide a view of all actions taken towards
the resolution of this incident.
25 The IM MODULE shall offer all reports in a visual presentation format
(such as pie charts, lines, columns, and rows) native within the
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platform with no necessary for additional external tools or software

26 The IM MODULE shall support the following report formats:
b. PDF
c. XML
d. Custom format
27 The IM must have native document management tool and UC&C
platform shall provide the ability to dynamically index documents to
an incident in order to improve the efficiency of access to information
for an operator.
28 A document shall be automatically attached to an incident if the
document properties match the incident properties. The following
properties shall be available:
a. Incident type
b. Schedule
c. Location. Location can be an entity or an area.
d. User or user group of the operator monitoring the incident.
29 The IM MODULE shall offer the ability to automatically link a
document to a step in a standard operating procedure.
30 Document Management shall provide a file system to store all
documents as well as the document URLs for the use of third-party
file systems.
31 The Incident Management module should have facility to configure a
sequence of events using logical AND /OR /NOT operators to trigger
and incident.
32 Configuring the Rules Engine shall be graphical without need for a
33 It shall be possible to configure a complex sequence of rules by
applying the occurrence, the interval, and event filtering.
34 It shall also be possible to script the rules in advance and import them
into the system later.
35 The IM Module shall provide a native Workflow Engine to automate
the response to an incident type.
36 The IM Module shall provide a graphical workflow designer. No
scripting competence shall be required to implement a workflow.
37 It shall be possible to define a workflow for each incident type. The
workflow shall be a series of activities that are sequentially executed.
38 The IM Workflow Engine tool shall provide a framework to create
custom activities that allow integration into a global business process.
39 The IM Module shall provide guidance for operators in the form of a
standard operating procedure (SOP) for the response to an incident
40 The SOP shall be interactive and offer an operator-acknowledgement-
audit for each
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SOP step.
41 The SOP shall be dynamic and provide the ability to adapt the next
steps in a procedure based on the responses to previous steps in the
42 The IM Module shall provide the ability to skip a step of the SOP and
request a justification for skipping the step.
43 Each step shall be optionally associated to a document in the form of
a URL, or a document in a supported format (such as Word, PDF, or
44 The tool shall track the elapsed time for each step of the SOP, as well
as the total elapsed time from the initial response to resolution and
enable the authorities to determine the steps which are getting
delayed and plan the training needs for the crime analysts and UC &
C operators.
45 The IM MODULE shall provide the ability to configure standard
options when defining dynamic steps of the SOP.
46 A maximum delay shall be allowed for a user to initiate the procedure.
Automated actions associated with this time to response threshold
shall be configurable.
47 A minimum time shall be allocated for a user to complete the
procedure. Closing the incident before passing this time to resolution
threshold shall trigger automated actions.
48 A visual indicator shall be displayed when maximum time to response
or the maximum time to resolution for the incident is exceeded.
F Big Data and Co Relation Tool (BDCR)
1 The UC & C platform either native or through external module must
have the below big data mining and Co Relation tools
2 The BDCR must have a native Correlation engine which can assesses
both temporal and geospatial data from multiple data sets like CCTNS,
Court management, Dial 112 / emergency call system, Video
Analytics, VMS, ANPR systems, GIS, Vehicle location systems, FRS and
any other public safety or crime intelligence tools.
3 The crime analyst or the operator in the Command Center through
the UC & C module should be able to query data specific to incidents
and gather all the meaningful information related to incident from
discreet data sets through the native Correlation tool.
4 The tool must generate correlation data for specific incident based on
specific Query or Geospatial location-based analysis.
5 The tool must provide relevant information during any incident
Based on geospatial and temporal criteria, by detecting and
displaying all relevant information from cameras,
people, vehicles, and events that would be interest to specific incident
or crime and also needs immediate attention.
6 The tool must support native following Crime analytics and Insights
module for proactive policing, Authority may want to activate this
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module on need basis when the needed technology platforms like

centralized data lake etc. are available – Prediction can happen for the
following entities (indicative)
a. Crimes - Using historical crime data, determining when certain
areas will be more vulnerable, identifying geographical features.
b. Offenders - Criminal groups, Criminal profiles, juvenile offenders
likely to become major criminals.
c. Perpetrator identities - Patterns in crimes done by the offender,
profiling the kind of weaponry he keeps
d. Point in time Analysis on areas like resource invested Vs Crimes
going down in specific areas / Districts.
e. Crime victims - Identifying groups likely to be hurt (religious
targets), people at risk of domestic violence, etc.
f. Time and Geography - Patterns in the area which is likely to
experience unrest and time of the day, week or year within which a
particular geography should be kept in check.
G Reporting:
1 The UC&C shall support report generation (database reporting) for
various systems Unified into the platform access control, ALPR, video,
and intrusion.
2 The workflows to create, modify, and run a report shall be consistent
for all systems.
3 The UC&C shall support the following types of reports:
4 Alarm reports.
5 Video-specific reports (archive, bookmark, motion, and more).
6 Configuration reports
7 ALPR-specific reports (mobile ALPR playback, hits, plate reads,
reads/hits per day, reads/hits per ALPR zone, and more).
8 System Health activity and health statistics reports for proactive
9 Generic Reports, Custom Reports and Report Templates
10 The user shall be able to customize the predefined reports and save
them as new report templates. There shall be no need for an external
reporting tool to create custom reports and report templates.
Customization options shall include setting filters, report lengths, and
timeout period. The user shall also be able to set which columns shall
be visible in a report. The sorting of reported data shall be available
by clicking on the appropriate column and selecting a sort order
(ascending or descending).
11 The UC&C shall support comprehensive data filtering for most
reports based on entity type, event type, event timestamp, custom
fields, and more.
12 The user shall be able to click on an entity within an existing report
to generate additional reports from the Monitoring UI.

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13 The UC&C shall support the following actions on a report: print

report, export report to a PDF/Microsoft Excel/CSV file, and
automatically email a report based on a schedule and a list of one or
more recipients.
14 Reporting function is part of Command & Control dashboard
visualization tool. It shall provide information about status of the
Command & Control on managing the security incidents across the
locations. Reporting function should enable operator to create
reports in either graphical format or flat tabular format. Reports shall
be created automatically or manually by operator whenever
required. The reports should be generated and exported as a
Microsoft word excel format or an acrobat format by operator.
15 It shall be possible to generate a report from UC & C interface based
on the profiles defined for the Incident management and associated
tools defined with in IM Module.
a. The profile report shall be exportable and printable.
b. Profile reports shall allow filtering on profile identifier, initiators,
recipient, and modification time.
c. Columns for the profile reports shall be configurable.
G Real Time Dashboard:
1 Real time dashboard should provide the real-time information about
the security situation so called Situational Awareness for the
Authorities and senior officials in a single go.
2 The Monitoring UI shall dynamically adapt to what the operator is
doing. This shall be accomplished through the concept of widgets that
are grouped in the Monitoring UI dashboard.
3 Widgets shall be mini-applications or mini-groupings in the
Monitoring UI dashboard that let the operator perform common tasks
and provide them with fast access to information and actions. ICCC
software should have drag and drop facility for all widgets for user to
move the required alerts and other windows on priority basis.
4 Analysts / Operators shall be allowed to view dashboards if they are
granted the appropriate privilege. Modification to the dashboards
should also be allowed to users granted the appropriate privilege.
5 a. Dashboard widget types shall be:
• Image: provides the ability to display an image (JPG, PNG, GIF, and
BMP) on a dashboard.
• Text: provides the ability to display a text on a dashboard. The text
style shall be configurable, so font, size, colour, and alignment can be
specified by the user.
• Tile: provides the ability to display any entity of the USP inside of a
• Web page: provides the ability to display a URL on a dashboard.
b. Entity Count: provides the ability to display the total number of a
specific entity type in the UC&C.
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c. f. Reports: provides the ability to display the results of any saved

reports in the system. The results shall be displayed either by
showing the total number of results in the report, a set of top results
from the report, or a visual graph from the data returned by the
6 It shall be possible to extend the widgets of a dashboard using the
SDK. This will provide the ability to develop custom widgets to the
G Threat Level Indication:
1 UC&C should display the threat level based on the number of alerts
and criticality of the alerts using color coded display. It should also
follow a pre-defined system to alert different users on different
hierarchy based on the criticality of alerts. It should be possible to
activate various threat situations from Web / Mobile client
application for those users with appropriate privileges.
H Incident Management & Reporting:
1 The UC&C shall support the configuration and management of events.
A user shall be able to add, delete, or modify an action tied to an event
if he has the appropriate privileges.
2 The UC&C shall receive all incoming events from one or more Unified
Systems. The UC&C shall take the appropriate actions based on user-
define event/action relationships.
3 Incident reports shall allow the security operator to create reports on
incidents that occurred during a shift. Both video-related and other
Unified Systems related incident reports shall be supported.
4 The operator shall be able to create standalone incident reports or
incident reports tied to alarms.
5 The operator shall be able to link multiple video sequences to an
incident, access them in an incident report.
6 It shall be possible to create a list of Incident categories, tag a category
to an incident, and filter the search with the category as a parameter.
7 Incident reports shall allow the creation of a custom form on which
to input information on an incident.
8 Incident reports shall allow entities, events, and alarms to be added
to support at the report’s conclusions.
9 Incidents reports shall have facility for generating escalation matrix
for alerts and incidents.
H Configuration User Interface:
1 The Configuration UI application shall allow the administrator or
users with appropriate privileges to change the system configuration.
2 The configuration of all embedded systems shall be accessible via the
Configuration UI.
3 The Configuration UI shall have a home page with single-click access
to various tasks.

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4 The Configuration UI shall include a variety of tools such as

troubleshooting utilities, import tools, and a unit discover tool,
amongst many more.
5 The Configuration UI shall include a static reporting interface to:
View historical events based on entity activity. The user shall be able
to perform such actions as printing a report and troubleshooting a
specific access event from the reporting view.
View audit trails that show a history of user/administrator changes
to an entity.
6 Common entities such as users, schedules, alarms and many more,
can be reused by all embedded systems in platform.
7 The application must have single user unified interface for
configurations of all the systems of Video, ANPR and Emergency
8 There should not be any limitation on the number of end client
licenses for the UC & C application.
I Smartphone and Tablet App General Requirements:
1 The UC&C shall support mobile apps for various off-the-shelf
smartphones and tablets. The mobile apps shall communicate with
the Mobile Server of the UC&C over any WIFI or mobile network
2 All the communication between the mobile apps and UC&C platform
will be on HTTP and by adding TLS encryption on https.
J Mobile app Functionalities:

1  Ability to logon/logoff the UPS using an authorized use profile of the

 Ability to change the picture or the password of the user of the mobile
 Ability to view the current Threat Level of the system.
 Ability to change the current Threat Level of the system.
 Ability to execute hot actions configured in the user profile.
 Ability to view below minimum edge devices Unified with the UC&C
· Cameras
· ii. ALPR cameras
· GIS and Offline Maps
· Iv. Ability to navigate the system hierarchical view of the edge devices
& entities with ability to search entities in the system.
2 It shall be possible to download the mobile apps from the Central
application store (Apple iTunes App Store, Google Play, Windows
K System Health Monitor:

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1 The UC&C shall monitor the health of the system, log health-related
events, and calculate statistics.
2 Detailed system care statistics will be available through a web-based
dashboard providing health metrics of UC&C entities and roles,
including Uptime and mean-time-between-failures.
3 Health events shall be accessible via the SDK (can be used to create
SNMP traps with external EMS / NMS systems).
L UC&C Audit and User Activity Trails:
1 The UC&C shall support the generation of audit trails. Audit trails
shall consist of logs of operator/administrator additions, deletions,
and modifications.
2 Audit trails shall be generated as reports. They shall be able to track
changes made within specific time periods. Querying on specific
users, changes, affected entities, and time periods shall also be
3 For entity configuration changes, the audit trail report shall include
detailed information of the value before and after the changes.
4 The UC&C shall support the generation of user activity trails. User
activity trails shall consist of logs of operator activity on the UC&C
such as login, camera viewed, badge printing, video export, and more.
5 The UC & C shall support the following actions on an audit and activity
trail report: print report and export report to a PDF/ Microsoft
Excel/CSV file.
M Third Party System Unification:
1 Directory service like MS – AD or Similar integration shall permit the
central user management of the UC&C users, user groups and other
Access control groups.
2 The UC&C shall support multiple approaches to integrating third
party systems and other Safe City application. These shall include:
Software Development Kits (SDKs), Driver Development Kits (DDKs),
REST-based Web Service SDK and RTSP Service SDKs.
3 A UC&C SDK shall be available to support custom development for the
4 The SDK shall enable end-users to develop new functionality (user
interface, standalone applications, or services) to link the UC&C to
third party business systems and applications such as Badging
Systems, Human Resources Management Systems (HRMS), and
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems.
5 The SDK shall provide an extensive list of programming functions to
view and/or configure core entities such as: users and user groups,
alarms, custom events, and schedules, and more.
N Cyber Security Requirements:
1 The UC&C Application shall be an IP enabled solution. All
communication between the Servers, Clients and external systems
shall be based on standard TCP/IP protocol and shall use TLS
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encryption with digital certificates to secure the communication

2 The Application shall limit the IP ports in use and shall provide the
Administrator with the ability to configure these ports.
3 The VMS system Unified with the UC&C application shall support only
secured media stream requests, unless explicitly configured
otherwise. Secured media stream requests shall be secured with
strong certificate-based authentication leveraging RTSPS (aka RTSP
over TLS). Client authentication for media stream requests is claims-
based and may use a limited lifetime security token.
4 All other needed best practices for best Cyber Security Standards
must be followed and adopted in the development, deployment and
adoption phases of the project.
5 The OEM of UC&C application shall have an online or offline Cyber
Security emergency response center to update on latest
vulnerabilities and provide needed assistance during any cyber-
attacks on the system. Details of response center must be available on
the OEM global website.
6 All other needed best practices for best Cyber Security Standards
must be followed and adopted in the development, deployment and
adoption phases of the project.

Video Management System

Functional Requirements of VMS
i. The proposed Video Management System (VMS) shall provide a complete end-to-
end solution for security & surveillance application. The VMS shall be an enterprise
class IP based application with Server-client architecture. The VMS shall support
cameras using the industry standards ONVIF Profile S, and Profile G. The VMS shall
have Management Servers, Recording Servers and Client Interface as integral part
of the solution.
ii. The VMS will be accompanied with the stack of recording servers is capable to
record the live streaming flow of HD videos with appropriate codec and
certifications in place. The recording servers under the supervision of VMS will
render SDK services through media gateway upon the unicast stream of video per
camera entered in DC in order to provide dedicated encrypted stream to the
analytical servers, FRS servers and ANPR servers.
iii. The Analytical platform will revert back the derived outcomes to the VMS which
will be forwarded to the VMS clients located in the user workstations at C4i, Police
Station and District Offices as per the defined jurisdictions. Also, the MCCV will be
equipped with one of the VMS client of the central VMS platform to receive triggers
for necessary and immediate field actions.
iv. The VMS and C4i servers will conduct Out-of-Band Management (OOBM)
Operations with the Analytical platform to enable users to be facilitated with
triggered based structured outcomes at the video wall.

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v. The Surveillance System shall not have any limit on the number of cameras to be
connected for Surveillance, Monitoring and Recording. Any increase in the no. of
cameras shall be possible by augmentation of Hardware components.
vi. Police personnel/ operators shall have following access to the video feeds of the
cameras according to the role-based access assigned to them:
• Viewing of the live Camera Video Streams (Approx. 10% of 10000 Camera)
based on access rights
• Viewing rights to the stored feeds, stored on Primary / Secondary Storage
• Viewing of video feeds from collaborative public CCTV surveillance system
• Viewing of video feeds basis upon the Alerts / Exceptions / Triggers raised by
Video Analytics, FRS, ANPR and PIU system
• Trail Report on specific person / object / vehicle for a specific period / location
• Personalized Dashboard (depending upon role-based access level defined to
the police personnel/ operators, detailed requirement finalization will be done
during Pre-Implementation stage)
• Provide search of recorded video. Advanced search should be possible based
on various filters like alarm / event, area, camera, etc.
• Export rights of video / other critical incident data based on appropriate rights
and privileges
• Ability to back up data stored in DC to Near DR on demand/ schedule based
KPI- VMS performance requirements
i. The Police Stations, District Offices, PHQ will be provided with Video Management System
(clients) in policy based association with the central VMS server at Data Center, with
necessary computing and controllers to manage all the raw data feeds coming from the
cameras of the respective territories for viewing under jurisdiction through multi-cast
enabled MPLS network.
ii. The Video Management System at Police Head Quarters will be equipped with C4i
computing with all media servers regulated with central management server aligned with
Database servers and adequate storage requirement. The envisaged multi-cast cameras will
be equipped with in-built Network Video Storage (edge level storage) which will serve for
continual storage pattern in case of failure or downtime with respect to any server as a part
of this essential architecture.
iii. There will be a provision of the single master server at C4i that will handle 10,000 new
cameras, recording servers and unlimited users to access data. The Master Server will have
manual and automatic mode for assigning cameras to the available recorder servers as per
District or PHQ requirements. In automatic mode, the cameras will be assigned based on the
compute capability of the recorder server. In manual mode, the system will allow the
operator to assign the cameras. In both cases it will be possible to utilize all the recorder
servers including the redundant one.
iv. The Video Analytic and Artificial Intelligence tools will be capable to conduct real time
analyses of the video feed and post data analyses of the triggered or tagged data from the
big data pool. The Post Data Analyses will be provisioned with video summarization tool
and methodologies by reducing timeframe of actual video substantially. This video synoptic
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and summarization methodology will support Police Personal in investigation studies with
minimal time consumption based on customized search facility. In order to keep the real
time streaming and recording uninterrupted with possible downtime during Post Data
Analyses when multiple users access same feed, a streaming server will be provisioned to
route the accessibility without hampering the real time input efficiency.
v. VMS will be camera agnostic. The IP details of each camera linked with the VMS so that the
segregation of the real time streaming from respective cameras will be maintained and
facilitate to store the continuous data feeds in the logical units of pre-defined virtualizations
in the servers. Subsequently, the storage will also be linked with the same pattern indexing
which will be helpful while retrieval during post analyses.
vi. The viewing of the feeds will cater up to 10% of 10,000 cameras at a given point of time.
This will enable the optimum and efficient use of provisioned bandwidth to minimize the
recurring bandwidth expenditure. The VMS will periodically check the gaps in live recording
of the cameras based on broken time periods of continuous feeds and will check with the
on-board storage of the camera. In case of a gap, the VMS will synchronize the video
recording on the on-board storage with the VMS storage through ONVIF Profile G standards.
vii. The VMS will support multi-site deployments with centralized monitoring of the videos,
video analytics and system health alerts.
• Support matrix view at full frame rate
• Support digital zoom of the cameras from central site.
• Control PTZ cameras from central monitoring client application
• Ability to pick and choose the selected cameras from remote sites.
• Ability to search and retrieve the archived video from the remote site with intelligent
motion-based search
• Download multiple video segments from multiple sites efficiently
• Multi-layer maps support
• System health dashboard for all connected systems. The VMS will ensure performance
checks of all cameras to alert upon the deficiency in flow of camera feeds, if any.
• User and rights management with audit trail and logs
• The VMS will ensure calibration of the camera feed to show case on the video wall or
monitor displays.
Video Management Server for Camera feeds
i. The Video Management Server will provide centralized management of all IP cameras in the
city. The database will support more than 20000 cameras / IP end points in a single server.
The Management Server will provide with 1:1 redundancy. The Fail over and Fall-back
Management Server will be on hot standby, ready to take over during the primary
Management Server fails. No manual action from the user will be required. The fail over time
will not be beyond 1 Min and there should not be any loss in the Live and Recorded Videos
of the connected cameras.
ii. The Video Management Servers shall be capable to be running in virtualisation / Physical
server environment in the DC. The Standby VMS server will support data recovery scenarios
where a server can be in another building and only take over if Primary server become
offline. Both Primary and Secondary must be based on a single instance Active – Active
architecture. The Standby Server will support real-time synchronization of the
configuration databases for high reliability.

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Video Recording Server(s) for Camera feeds

i. In the centralized scheme of solution, the Video Recording Servers will be running
centrally in the best possible efficient environment in DC. Each Video Recording Server
Host will be able to handle at least 960 Mbps of Video bandwidth in virtualized or
physical environment to meet the project requirement.
ii. The recording Servers will have N:1 redundancy. The Fail over and Fall-back Recording
Server will be on hot standby, ready to take over during the primary Recording Server
fails. No manual action from the user will be required. There should not be any loss in
the Live and Recorded Videos of the connected cameras due to failover.
iii. There will be 10% additional servers to handle the interim storage / database /failover
Storage requirement for Camera Video Streams
i. In the centralized scheme of solution, there will be centralized storage for all cameras at
DC. The centralised storage has been planned at DC to store all camera feeds for 30 days
24/7 at 4MP resolution or at the highest resolution available from the camera at 25 FPS
with H.265 video compression.
ii. The recordings of all cameras will happen at DC. In Case DC goes down, data of 5% critical
camera location will travel to near DR, which has provision of scalability. 5% of Analytics
and ANPR feeds and 100% storage of Tagged Data will be stored in active-active mode at
near Data Recovery Centre. DC & nDR will have storage capacity of 30 days and 7 days
iii. Additional storage capacity for the flagged data at DC which will be replicated to DR. The
video feeds related to incidents and important in nature and which may be required for
evidence purposes will be flagged by the operator. The flagged video feeds will be archived
in the storage for at least 90 days or as defined SOP by the police officials. A pool of mixed
drive to form a tier to keep video data for 24/48 hours on SSDs for better response during
playback is required.
CCTV Monitoring requirement at C4i, C3i and C2i
i. The VMS and its associated clients shall support Direct Multicast of video streams from the
Cameras. The application shall redirect video streams to active viewing clients on the
network using multicast UDP directly from cameras and the architecture shall not use
multicast streaming via recording servers or any other servers. This will achieve
bandwidth usage optimization in the city-wide network and increase the overall compute
capacity of recording servers.
ii. The VMS client workstations must support GPU based decoding for open standard video
compression like H.265 etc.
iii. The failover for VMS client workstations between the management servers hosted at DC
must be seamless during any of the Management server of ICCC or VMS goes down.
iv. At C4i, 10% of 10,000 cameras that is approx. 1000 cameras to be monitored live.
Considering 16 cameras in one 70" screen, 48 screens will be displaying 768 cameras live
on the video wall and 20 Operators and 01 supervisors will be able to view 320 cameras,
sequentially. Operators will be able to swap or switch any camera from operator desk to
video wall.
v. At C3I, 10% of the cameras of that district, max approx. 100 cameras to be monitored live
sequentially. C3I will have 1x3 matrix of 55” monitor displays along with operator
workstations with 3 nos. 24” monitors each (57 WS across all 16 C3i).
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vi. At C2I, the operators will be able to monitor up to 30% cameras on operator
workstation(s) per police station, The C2i where the number of reporting cameras are
equal or more than 50 no. will be equipped with LED screen for magnified viewing of the
camera feed in case of alert generation. Two LED screens are provisioned for the C2i where
reporting cameras are equal or more than 100 no.
Edge Community Surveillance / SWAT teams Gateway
a. 50 edge gateway devices will be procured as an integral part of the Project Solution. It
will be used for connecting the feeds of existing cameras reporting to Police Stations/
Police District offices/ NDMC Control Room. The Edge Gateway appliances will connect
the external set of cameras that will be used as per need basis.
b. The primary purpose of the gateway is to provide critical situational awareness
solution by accessing live video camera feeds during any crisis operations or in the
community surveillance solution requirements.
c. The gateway with embedded software will have the ability to connect with 3rd party
VMS software / NVR systems deployed in the private and public institutions and act as
a gateway to get the live cameras feeds in to ICCC VMS application.
d. The gateway will have an ability to stream at least 200 cameras from each of the
deployment site live into the Command centers or any other locations where the C4i /
VMS application is made available.
e. Live video feed streaming should not have any dependency in any format on the 3rd
party VMS or NVR solutions deployed in the private or public institutions where such
gateways would be deployed.
f. The communication between Edge gateway and VMS / C4i application at command
center or any other location will be secured and encrypted.
g. The gateway will have the native intelligence to stream live video with dependency only
on the network infrastructure of the 3rd party system and under no circumstances the
solution should depend / intervene on the 3rd party solution deployed except accessing
the live video feeds from the CCTV cameras deployed at sites.
h. The device / software will be Cyber securely hardened.
i. The requirement of 50 Edge- Gateways will be increased as per the requirement.

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a. VMS Operations at Data Center- Video feed (data) architectural flow

b. Video Management- Video Wall and Workstation operations

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VMS and Recording Software- Technical Requirements and Compliance Sheet for MSI (to
provide compliance report with the bid)
S. No Technical Specification Compliance
(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
A VMS General Requirements
1 Licenses: 10,000 camera licenses + 1000 (floating licensing for
integration of 15000 Existing cameras of Delhi Police
2 The VMS application must seamlessly Integrate with the ICCC platform
including the sub modules like Incident management and Big data
tools for all the functionalities outlined.
3 The VMS shall be based on a true open enterprise architecture that
shall allow the use of non-proprietary workstation and server
hardware, non-proprietary network infrastructure and non-
proprietary storage. The VMS application provider must support at
least 50 + brands of Cameras and the list of integrations must be listed
on the global web site of the application provider.
4 The VMS shall integrate cameras using dedicated driver or using the
industry standards ONVIF Profile S and Profile G. The same must be
listed on the ONVIF website.
5 The Security application shall offer a complete and scalable video
surveillance solution which allows cameras to be added on a unit-by-
unit basis. The database shall support more than 50000 cameras / IP
end points in a single Hardware machine.
6 The Proposed VMS Solution Shall support native Fail over with in
application with no dependency on any external application for both
hardware and application redundancy. The native fail over
architecture must be for both management and recording servers.
7 The Fail over and Fall-back management and recording Server shall be
on hot standby, ready to take over during the primary management
server fails. No manual action from the user shall be required. The fail
over time should not be beyond 1 Min and there should not be any loss
in the Live video and recorded video.
8 The Standby VMS server shall support disaster recovery scenarios
where a server can be in another geographic area (or building) and
only take over if Primary server become offline. Both Primary DC and
Secondary DC must be based on a single instance Active – Active
9 The Standby Server shall support real-time synchronization of the
configuration databases for high reliability.
10 The Application shall offer a plug and play type hardware discovery
service with the following functionalities:
11 Automatically discover Video surveillance units as they are attached
to the network.
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12 Discover Surveillance units on different network segments, including

the Internet, and across routers with or without network address
translation (NAT) capabilities.
13 The Application shall have the capacity to configure the key frame
interval (I-frame) in seconds or number of frames.
14 The Application shall allow for multiple recording schedules to be
assigned to a single camera.
15 The Application shall support Direct Multicast from Camera. For
network topologies that restrict the Application from sending
multicast UDP streams, the application shall redirect audio/video
streams to active viewing clients on the network using multicast UDP
directly from cameras and the architecture should not use Multicast
streaming via recording servers or any other servers and increase the
overall compute capacity of Recording servers.
16 The Application shall allow important video sequences to be protected
against normal disk clean-up routines.
17 The application shall have the following options when protecting a
video sequence: Until a specified date, for a specified number of days,
indefinitely (until the protection is explicitly removed for evidence).
18 The application shall support edge recording capabilities with ability
to playback the video recorded at different speeds and ability to
offload the video recorded on the application server on schedule, on
event, or manually to store it on the recording server.
19 The proposed software shall be scalable to support live viewing and
automatic transfer of video recorded to the cloud on demand basis
from UC&C user interface, based on the age of the video for future
scalability and the hosted Cloud Platform must be among the approved
vendors as per the MeiTY approved GI Cloud initiative from Govt of
India. The proposed application must provide a single interface to
monitor, collaborate and action for both on premises and cloud
devices like cameras, ANPR devices etc.
20 The Application shall be capable to handle both IP v4 and IP v6 Unicast
and Multicast traffic with both PIM - SM and PIM - DM support.
21 The application management server should not have any limitation on
the no of recording servers added on one single management / fail
over server. Any limitations must be clearly specified by the bidder.
22 There should not be any dependency on the end point MAC address for
licensing for ease of operations.
23 VMS Software must be capable and certified to run on Physical or
Virtualized Environment
24 The VMS Platform must have the capability to real time and scheduled
backup video/ Flagged and critical data to Near DR Servers/Storage
25 The VMS platform must have the flexibility to deploy rules for storing
and avoiding data deletion of the flagged data, critical data, & Incident
reports based on the criticality of the data.
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B Client Interface
1 The Monitoring UI shall support the role of a Unified Security Interface
that can monitor various Video, ALPR, and other system events and
alarms, as well as view live and recorded video.
2 VMS shall enable seamless integration with video analytics systems
like face recognition, intrusion detection, crowd monitoring;
Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system, other traffic
management applications; and other typical video analytics
3 The system shall have a single API interface for sending Analytics
event alerts and other Maintenance Alerts over HTTP protocol to
external systems such as Command & Control Application, Incident
Management System, etc.
4 The Client Viewer shall allow digital zooming on live view as well as
on replay view on Fixed as well as PTZ Cameras.
5 The Client Viewer shall support the use of standard PTZ controller or
3-axis USB joysticks for control of pan, tilt, zoom and auxiliary camera
6 The Client Viewer shall have the capability to receive multicast
streams if a pre-set number of clients are requesting the same live
view camera. The system shall have the capability to detect if the
network becomes unreliable and to automatically switch to unicast to
ensure that the operator is able to receive video.
C User workspace customization:
1 The user shall have full control over the user workspace through a
variety of user-selectable customization options. Administrators shall
also be able to limit what users and operators can modify in their
workspace through privileges.
2 Once customized, the user shall be able to save his or her workspace.
3 The user workspace shall be accessible by a specific user from any
client application on the network.
4 Display tile patterns shall be customizable.
5 Event or alarm lists shall span anywhere from a portion of the screen
up to the entire screen and shall be resizable by the user. The length of
event or alarm lists shall be user-defined. Scroll bars shall enable the
user to navigate through lengthy lists of events and alarms.
6 The Monitoring UI shall support multiple display tile patterns (e.g. 1
display tile (1x1 matrix), 16 tiles (8x8 matrix), and multiple additional
7 Additional customization options include: show/hide window panes,
show/hide menus/toolbars, show/hide overlaid information on video,
resize different window panes, and choice of tile display pattern on a
per task basis.
8 The Monitoring UI shall provide an interface to support the following
tasks and activities common to Various systems
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9 Monitoring the events from a live security system

10 Generating reports, including custom reports.
11 Monitoring and acknowledging alarms.
12 Creating and editing incidents and generating incident reports.
13 Displaying dynamic graphical maps and floor plans as well as
executing actions from dynamic graphical maps and floor plans
Unified with UC&C.
14 The live video viewing capabilities of the Monitoring UI shall include:
15 The ability to display all cameras attached to the system both Public,
Collaborative monitoring and Cloud based entities.
16 The ability to drag and drop a camera into a display tile for live
17 The ability to drag and drop a camera from a map into a display tile for
live viewing.
18 Support for digital zoom on live camera video streams.
19 The ability for audio communication with video units with audio input
and output.
20 The ability to control pan-tilt-zoom, iris, focus, and Presets.
21 The ability to bookmark important events for later retrieval on any
archiving camera and to uniquely name each bookmark in order to
facilitate future searches.
22 The ability to start/stop recording on any camera in the system that is
configured to allow manual recording by clicking on a single button.
23 The ability to activate or de-activate viewing of all system events as
they occur.
24 The ability to switch to instant replay of the video for any archiving
camera with the simple click of button.
25 The ability to take snapshots of live video and be able to save or print
the snapshots.
26 The ability to browse through a list of all bookmarks created on the
system and select any bookmarked event for viewing.
27 Tools for exporting video and a self-contained video player on various
media such as USB keys, CD/DVD-ROM and Proposed Evidence
management and Collaboration system. This video player shall be easy
to use without training and shall still support reviewing video
28 Tools for exporting video sequences in standard video formats, such
as ASF, MP4
29 The ability to encrypt exported video files with industry standard
30 A tool building and exporting a set of videos into a single container.
This tool shall allow the operator to build sequences of video to create
a storyboard and allow the export of synchronous cameras.
D Cyber Security Requirements:

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1 The VMS shall support only secured media stream requests, unless
explicitly configured otherwise. Secured media stream requests shall
be secured with strong certificate-based authentication leveraging
RTSPS (aka RTSP over TLS). Client authentication for media stream
requests is claims-based and may use a limited lifetime security token.
2 The VMS shall offer the ability to encrypt the media stream, including
video, audio, and metadata with authenticated encryption. Media
stream encryption shall be done at rest and in transit and be a
certificate-based AES 128-bit encryption.
3 The VMS shall allow encryption to be set on a per camera basis for all
or some of the cameras.
4 Provide up to 20 different certificates for different groups of users who
have been granted access to decrypted streams.
5 Use Secure RTP (SRTP) to encrypt the payload of a media stream in
transit and allow multicast and unicast of the encrypted stream.
6 Use a random encryption key and change periodically.
7 Allow encrypted streams to be exported.
8 The VMS shall support end to end encrypted streams with cameras
supporting Secure RTP (SRTP) both in unicast and multicast from the
9 The Application shall support digitally sign recorded video using
2048-bit RSA public/private key cryptography.
10 The Application shall protect archived audio/video files and the
system database against network access and non-administrative user
11 Media encryption shall support with latest industry standards - AES-
12 The application must support encryptions at the rest and not only on
the exported videos footage
13 The proposed VMS platform must have international recognized
certifications to prove the Cybersecurity standards adaption. Bidders
to submit the certifications along with the technical bid.
E User Authentication support:
1 The system shall support logon using the user name and password
credentials shall allow distributed viewing of multiple cameras on the
system on any monitor.
2 System shall be integrated with dual factor authentication using
LDAP/ AD and fingerprint based biometric devices for User
3 The system shall include flexible access rights and allow each user to
be assigned several roles where each shall define access rights to
4 The System shall provide a feature-rich administration client for
system configuration and day to- day administration of the system.

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5 The VMS shall support mobile apps for various off-the-shelf devices.
The mobile apps shall communicate with the Mobile Server of the VMS
over any Wi-Fi or cellular network connection.
6 All communication between the mobile apps and central server shall
be based on standard TCP/IP protocol and shall use the TLS
encryption with digital certificates to secure the communication
F Other essential Functionalities:
i. Core
a. The mobile app should a COTS based app from the VMS provider being
made available from the day 1 and must be easily be downloadable
from IOS and Android stores online.
b. Ability to display a geographic map with VMS entities geo-located on
the map.
c. Ability to view any camera configured on the map.
d. Ability to search cameras or location on the map.
e. Ability to view live and recorded video from the cameras of the central
recording server.
f. Ability to display live and recorded video side-by-side for a specific
g. Ability to perform digital zoom on cameras.
h. Ability to perform actions on cameras such as add a bookmark, control
a PTZ, control the iris/focus function, save a snapshot, start/stop
i. Ability to use the camera of the smartphone and stream a live video
feed to a video recorder in the system.
j. Ability to locate the mobile app user on map and provisioning to
message and collaborate in real time with the central command center
or field staff.
2 It shall be possible to extend to the widgets of a dashboard using the
SDK. This will provide the ability to develop custom widgets to the
3 The VMS shall support the following actions on a dashboard: print
dashboard, export dashboard to PNG file, and automatically email a
report based on a schedule and a list of one or more recipients.
4 The VMS shall support the following operations:
a. Adding an IP device
b. Updating an IP device
c. Updating basic device parameters
d. Adding/removing channels
e. Adding/removing output signals
f. Updating an IP channel
g. Removing an IP device
h. Enabling/disabling an IP channel

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i. Refreshing an IP device (in case of firmware upgrade)

j. Multicast at multiple aggregation points
G Community Surveillance Module:
1 Architecture overview:
The feeds city wide Surveillance system and feeds from Community
surveillance (Invested by Public property owners in the premises)
shall also be viewed at the Command & Control Center though the
UC&C platform.
ii. It is envisaged that about 10,000 cameras from community
surveillance feeds would be extended from various district police
stations across the city of Delhi.
iii. The feeds from Community surveillance cameras could be fed into city
UC & C platform through below 3 means and the solution must be
ready to consume all the format of feeds and provide native
intelligence within the UC & C platform –
 Through LAN / WAN from each community operator or a set of
community operators to the nearest police station of each district and
further federated to the Command & Control UC & C platform. The
solution must be capable of viewing the streams both at the local police
station levels or Viewing centers or other District police stations and
Command centers.
 Community surveillance camera connected via Public cloud network
and further connected to the Command center UC & C platform and
VMS module.
 An Edge based intelligent IoT gateway solution with ability to sniff the
CCTV feeds, which can be installed by community owners and
streamed in to the District police stations or directly to the Command
Center UC & C and VMS module. Such gateways streaming to either
local District police stations or Central command center would be
based on the availability of LAN / WAN connectivity and the
architecture must be flexible enough to support both design
2 The UC & C and VMS module must be flexible to adapt all the possible
architectures outlined above and the operators must get a unified view
of the CCTV feeds irrespective of the architecture through which the
community camera feeds are extended to Police network.

Video Analytics
The Video Analytics shall offer a suite of analytics rules with Artificial Intelligence to provide
automatic detection of a range of motion and non-motion behavior of persons, objects and
There shall be a provision of Analytics and Artificial Intelligence through Machine and Deep
learning solutions on video feeds received from at least 2500 cameras out of total envisaged
number of cameras. There should be provision of 2 used cases (minimum) per camera.
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Functional Requirements and KPIs- AI based Video Analytics process

i. Each of the video analytics use case shall be able to run on a unified video
intelligence platform of the system. Where the platform shall have the capability
to support several multi-vendor/OEM video analytics applications that can be
deployed on any camera or video-feed seamlessly.
ii. Each of the video analytics use-case shall be structured as an independent module
through dedicated SoP that can be deployed on any camera feed using a simple
user interface utility, providing a complete visibility of the use cases and which
cameras they are running on. The platform should have utility of scheduling each
use case on individual camera.
iii. The user should be able to easily select the camera by tag, groups or locations and
schedule applications on any camera.
iv. System will ingest Petabytes of Data in Storage Repository–
• Intelligence inputs from field officers
• Internet Data
• Interrogation Reports
• Criminal Records
• Videos and Images from CCTV cameras, Satellites etc.
v. Custom Predictive Models trained on client’s training set (AI and ML Models) –
• Similar criminal profiles
• Similar events clusters
• Alerts for specific crimes
• Identify themes and trends
• Track hotspots and dangerous areas
• Force deployment
• Sensitive Locations
vi. Visual and Analytical platform to carry out analytics (Analysis) –
• Track the complete profile of an individual
• Track compromised assets
• Track events and main suspects
• Track organizations and their actions
• Identify linkages between events and individuals
• Identify chronology of an event
• Charts and Reports to identify upcoming trends
vii. Performance Indicators for the Video Analytics:

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• Detection Rate (> 99%)

• True Positive Rate + True Negative Rate (>95%)
• False Positive Rate (<5%)
• False Negative Rate (<5%)
viii. All the scalability measures in terms of increase in no. of cameras or use-cases will
be under the MSI responsibility.
KPI- Video Analytics (Use-Cases)
Video Analytics will be performed on metadata fields on a data lake of the envisaged
system. The data will also be gathered from different datasets to be integrated. Big Data
solution with its built Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms
will be capable of assisting Police Officials to work in tandem and collaborative manner in
all three following scenarios:
• Retrospective (Post Incident),
• Preventive
• Predictive measures.
The various Analytic solutions as envisaged as an effective outcome of the system includes:
People detection
 The most important priority of city surveillance systems is on the people themselves
focusing upon the prime objective of this project i.e. safety of Women and Children.
The objective is to keep people safe and prevent accidents or criminal activities. Not
all activities are easy to detect. For example, it is very difficult to detect if two people
are fighting as this can take many different forms. However, many associated
behaviors can be detected.
 For instance, if a person enters in any restricted area or any unattended baggage or
kept beyond some threshold time etc. If crowds gather suddenly, this could be a
symptom of some unusual activity as well. Having a system that can monitor various
types of human behavior can help the city’s officials ensure the safety of their citizens.
The following can be the people driven use-cases:
a. Crowd Detection & Headcount
 The analytic should have the capability of detection of a crowd within the Field of
View of the camera. It should be possible for the operator to define the number of
persons including gender identification within the crowd scenario.
 The analytic should generate the crowd formation alert with estimate of the
number of persons in the crowd based on the headcount.
 Based on the trend evaluations for the defined area on the criminal and suspicious
activities, predictive analyses should be performed for effective forecasting
towards possible threat bearing activities towards Women and Children.
b. Person Falling Detection
The analytic should detect the person falling all of a sudden in the field of view of
the camera and does not get up within the pre-configured duration of time. The
analytic should be able to detect one or more persons falling simultaneously.
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c. Protection and security towards women in isolation

The analytics will ensure suspicious behavior activity for women in isolation/
deserted area or possibly when traced surrounded by men in such identified
Also, the women raising and waving hand in such aforementioned situations will
be tracked and alert will be generated at ICCC Platform for immediate extension
of SoS help.

Vehicular analytics
a. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR- Vehicle Surveillance)
Through the inputs received from ANPR cameras, the system should capture the
number plate of two-wheeler and four-wheeler vehicles. The analytic should be able
 Read and convert the license plate number into a text string of the vehicle with
95% detection accuracy.
 Store the JPEG image of the license plate in the database with other metadata such
as time stamp, location, camera, etc.
 Classify the vehicles in categories such as four-wheeler light and heavy motor
vehicles, three wheelers, auto rickshaws and two wheelers
 Detect colour of the vehicle (in day time)
 Set separate recording duration for event information (number plate as text),
media clips (pre and post event recording) and ANPR- VEHICLE SURVEIILANCE
picture snapshot.
 Software should also raise an alert in case of any vehicle not having any number
b. Suspect Vehicle Detection
It should be possible to store the number plates of the vehicles under various lists
such as stolen, suspicious, blacklisted, etc. The analytic should detect such vehicles in
the field of view of the cameras in real time by matching the number plate.
c. Vehicle Search
The analytic should provide the feature to search the vehicles based on the attributes
that includes number plate (partial or full), class of the vehicle (four-wheeler light
and heavy motor vehicles, three wheelers, auto rickshaws and two wheelers, etc.),
color of the vehicle and location.
d. Missing Number Plate Detection
• The system should be able to detect if there is any vehicle in the camera view
without a properly installed number plate or no number plate at all.
• The system should have capability to let the user search for all such vehicles
through a UI based filtering system.

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• The user should be able to search and track any such vehicle using various vehicle
as mentioned above.

Health monitoring of Field Cameras and Network

There will be a policy defined management at the central level (Data Center) for
continuous health monitoring of field level devices and the network layer of the
• Camera Status: The Camera Health Monitoring application should be able to monitor
the status of the camera and report an alert in case the camera is not functional or
tampered with intentionally or unintentionally.
• View Obstruction: It should detect and raise an alert if the camera view is obstructed
by any foreign object. The user should be able to adjust the threshold parameters of
extent of obstruction in terms of percentage of camera view
• Bright Light Shown: The app should be able to detect and raise an alert if the camera
view is tampered with bright lights. The system should specifically identify it as a
camera tampering event with light shining.
• Camera View Changed: It should raise an alert if the camera view is changed/moved
• Illumination Too Low: It should raise an alert if the camera scenes gets too dark
below a threshold.
• Camera Connectivity: It should raise an alert if the camera is turned off or
connectivity is lost.
• The proposed solution must automatically discover manageable elements connected
to the network and map the connectivity between them. The Network Fault
Management consoles must provide the topology map view from a single central
• The proposed solution must automatically discover manageable elements connected
to the network and map the connectivity between them. The Network Fault
Management consoles must provide the topology map view from a single central
• The proposed system must support multiple types of discovery including IP range
discovery, Seed router-based discovery & Trap-Based Discovery
• The system should provide discovery & inventory of heterogeneous physical network
devices like Layer-2 & Layer-3 switches, Routers and other IP devices and do mapping
of LAN & WAN connectivity with granular visibility up to individual ports level.
• The system must be able to support mapping and modelling of the infrastructure
grouped by network connectivity, physical location of equipment and user groups

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Analytics for Police Investigation Support

a. Investigation Scene Rebuilding
For quick investigation of the alerts, it should be possible to configure cameras in
small functional group(s). In case of an alert in any one camera in the group, live video
from other cameras in the group should be popped up automatically on the operator
b. Smart Archived Video Search
• The investigation feature should provide the feature to select a region within the
field of view of the camera to show only the frames pertaining to the motion
detected in the selected region.
• It should also have a feature to search the archived video based on the image

Predictive Analytics through Media Platforms

• It is envisaged to have a unique state-of-art multi-dimensional analytics solution for
women and child safety in Delhi. The solution combines, Telecom CDRs, videos &
facial images from surveillance cameras, social media data points, enterprise search
from varied range of datasets including RTO, ITMS data, etc.
• With regards to the location details of a target or a person under threat needing help,
these multi-dimensional data points will be processed and analysed in real time on
Big Data Analytics platform at the C4i.
• The following cross domain analytics will bring down the response time drastically,
thereby increasing the probability of aversion of crime against women, children, old-
aged and differently-abled people.
a. Call Detail Record (CDR)– On request Basis: This will cover the following
• Analyses date, time and location of voice calls made & received, nos. which went silent
after incident, location trail of suspects, and link analysis of calls made and received
by victims and suspects.
• Analysis of call dumps of a particular Telecom tower or group of towers in the vicinity
of incident location.
• The suspect nos. from this solution can be fed to Video Analytics to check for visuals
and near real time location trail and vice versa.
• This will be catered through ERSS/ Dial 112 application.
b. Enterprise Search
It enables Police Personnel to carry out unified intelligent search across multiple data
silos and disparate databases to check for criminal or questionable background across
different State and central records, modus operandi, FIRs, jail records, immigration
entries, hospital treatments, RTO records, etc. Alerts can be generated and sent across the
mapped hierarchies of officials to take time bound decisions and actions.

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VA- Technical Requirements and Compliance Sheet for MSI (to provide compliance
report with the bid)
AI based Video Analytics - Overall System Specifications
(Yes/ No)
Key Description with
comments, if
Each of the video analytics use case shall be able to
run on a unified video intelligence platform. Where
Unified Video
the system shall have the capability to support
1 Intelligence
several multi-vendor/OEM video analytics
applications that can be deployed on any camera or
video-feed seamlessly.
Each of the video analytics use-case shall be
structured as an independent module that can be
deployed on any camera using a simple user
interface utility, providing a complete visibility of
the use cases and which cameras they are running
Dynamic on.
The platform should have utility of scheduling each
use case on individual camera.
The user should be able to easily select the camera
by tag, groups or locations and schedule
applications on any camera.
The Video Analytics system shall be compatible
with the latest technological advancements in the
domain of computer vision and AI. Hence, it shall
Advanced AI
3 be able to quickly adapt to newer libraries and AI
advancements. All the analytics and use-cases shall
be based on advanced AI technology, and shall not
depend on traditional algorithms.
The system shall be fully compatible with popular
Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence
Libraries and frameworks including but not limited to such as
frameworks OpenCV, OpenVINO, Tensorflow, CAFFE, Pytorch,
MXNet, TensorRT, Keras and Darknet. from day
The system shall allow seamless training by
Training new labelling any objects within the images and
models providing them suitable attributes of multiple
types such as class, subclass, color, type etc. The
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system shall allow training to happen

continuously, on demand or on periodic intervals,
which shall be configurable.
The system shall have an inbuilt annotation tool
that allows a user to label the images with relevant
information using both rectangle and polygon
drawing facilities.
The annotation should allow labeling of images or
drawn objects with different class names. In case of
persons, it should also support labeling of various
attributes such as color of clothing, type of clothing,
age, gender etc. as well.
The annotation tool should have a comprehensive
project management feature, including assigning
annotation jobs on a set of images to individual
6 Annotation users. The system should also have support for
higher privileged users who can
approve/disapprove the annotations done by the
The user should be able to train new deep-learning
models from the annotated data using the
Annotation UI itself. The user-interface should
allow to plug-in the trained model in any of the
relevant Video Analytics use-cases dynamically at
each camera.
The system should allow the user to plug newly
trained AI models at runtime by simply selecting
the models in the per-camera configuration page
The System shall have a library of standardized AI
models developed by the OEM of the Video
Analytics System, academic institutions and
members of the developer community. These
models shall be used for comparing and
benchmarking the performance of newly
7 Model Comparison developed models. The system shall allow for both
qualitative and quantitative comparison of models,
i.e. it shall allow the end user to compare individual
parameters of the model (such as learning rate) as
well as the overall performance of the model on
any given dataset when compared to a
standardized model.

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Autonomously objective metrics shall be available

to be evaluated and Insights into the performance
of each algorithm, model and their versions shall
Monitoring and be made available to key stakeholders or users as
analytics defined. Visual map of composition, workflow,
usage analytics, resource utilization, failure points
etc. would be made available to provide complete
control of A.I. workload.
The system shall be able to use algorithms and
unsupervised deep learning methods to provide
alerts and useful actionable insights from live
9 deep learning
streaming video feed data. System shall have
capability to automatically analyze hours of video
data for defining own rule.
The system shall be capable of fully self-learning
with no initial programming input by the end user.
The solution shall learn what normal behavior is
Self-learning for people, vehicles, machines, etc. and the
Capabilities environment based on its own observation of
patterns of various characteristics such as size,
speed, reflectivity, color, grouping, vertical or
horizontal orientation and so forth.
The System shall provide the following key results
from the use case
Event Notifications: The result of each of the use
case shall be in the form of events that contain the
screenshot with other metadata describing the
event, such as detected objects, timestamp,
camera/video that generated the event and all
other metadata representing the event from
different use cases. The User Interface shall have a
Key UI View and grid and list view with all the events from different
functionalities use cases, cameras etc. These features should be
supported through a mobile application to be
utilized by various field users.
The system should support customization of alerts,
video feeds, and priority-based alerts for
individual users from day one.
Resource Management View: The User interface
shall provide a list of all the resources available in
the system such as computing servers and
cameras. The status of each of the devices, whether

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they are online/offline shall also be available at all

AI Training Tool: The User interface shall have a
training tool to annotate and label images from the
events to train new AI models and update the
existing ones. The training tools shall also contain
a list of all the models available in the system,
which can be plugged into any AI use case easily.
Use case deployment matrix: The user interface
shall have a matrix to assign, start, stop and
schedule any use case on any camera. The status of
active and non-active use cases shall be clearly
visible with color coded information.
All the licenses should be able to operate in floating
mode for all cameras.
Data Analytics Dashboard: The user interface shall
also have an analytics dashboard listing all the
patterns of events from different cameras with a
heat-map of number of events on an hourly basis.
Picture Intelligence Unit – UI Interface and
Functional requirements:
Video Intelligence platform should have inbuilt
intelligence capabilities to deliver the analytics
requirement of the PIU. This is envisaged to be a
video forensic unit/ R&D Setup for Video Content
Analysis. It will use live camera feeds, criminal and
crime scene photographs/ videos etc. as evidence.
It will ensure video analytics, continuous time
stamp and non-tampering of electronic evidence as
per laws.
Video Synopsys UI- The Video Intelligence shall
provide an intuitive UI for Vide Synopsys. Able to
analyze all the recorded video files and provide the
operator with synopsis video for quick review and
investigation thereby reducing viewing time
considerably. The video files from all the 3rd Party
Video Management Software (VMS) shall be

Common UI for all The user interface shall be a unified dashboard that
12 shows events from all the Video Analytics use-
the use-cases
cases and all the cameras in a common UI, and

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which gets populated in real time from event

The User interface of the system shall be a web
interface that can be accessed from any system in
Web based
13 the local area network with login credentials. It
shall allow multiple users to log in at the same time,
and receive real-time alerts and notifications.
The User interface shall allow a user to view the
Live Video live video stream from any camera with overlaid
Interface information of regions, objects, people and
vehicles based on each of the use-case
The system shall allow each use-case to be
uniquely configured for every individual camera
stream, with parameters for camera calibration,
image quality improvement, night/day settings etc.
Each use-case shall be able to run on different
Configuration per- cameras with different settings (e.g., different
15 use-case per- Zones for Intrusion, different lines for line crossing
camera level detection, etc.) at different hours of the day.
The configuration page shall allow a user to choose
any of the available AI models to detect and classify
objects within the image. The description of the
models shall clearly specify performance and
hardware requirements of each of the model.
The Video Analytics system UI should have an in-
build camera-calibration tool that can take user
inputs such as reference-heights, reference depths
and floor landmarks to calibrate the camera. The
calibration tool should have an option to use the
GPS coordinates of the camera location.
Camera Once the camera is calibrated, each detected object
16 should also be assigned real-world coordinates
Calibration Tool
with respect to the Camera GPS coordinates.
This functionality should be available for each
camera added in the VA system
The OEM should ensure that there should not be
any geometric distortions on the deployed

17 The use case on each camera shall allow setting up

configuration of multiple detections zones such as

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lines and regions that can be used to define

perimeters, regions of interest.

Key configuration The configuration user interface shall allow

parameters adjusting various sensitivity and confidence
parameters to adjust each video-analytics use-
case’s performance with respect to the physical
deployment of the camera.
The system shall allow a user to filter and retrieve
all the events based on any combination of the
following parameters:
Filtering and - Time of the event
- Objects in the event
- Type of the use-case
- Camera Location etc.
The architecture shall clearly demonstrate the
Transparent and technology stack with layers of the core platform,
Open Architecture data governance and interface to different
software applications.
The algorithms powering the video intelligence
system shall possess capability to operate parallel
Highly parallel and
20 and distributed manner across a cluster of
machines. Both training of AI algorithms and
inference shall be distributed.
The system shall support user with a hierarchical
access level, with different access level for different
users demarcated with respect to cameras,
21 User Management locations and the data. The user access control
system shall allow setting of SOP's like CRUD
(Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations for
each user.
The system shall allow deployment of any use case
on any camera without any MAC level or IP level
Deployment of
locking. Ideally any use case shall be deployable
22 use-case across
and redeploy able on any camera or video source
any camera
as far as the camera view supports such use cases
to be deployed.
The System shall be a real-time video analytics
Video engine that utilizes advanced image processing
23 algorithms to turn video into actionable
intelligence. The AI based Video Analytics system
shall consist of video-processing & analytics engine
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that works seamlessly both on saved videos or

camera streams in real-time and provide events to
the user based on the use-case basis. The system
shall be compatible with all ONVIF compliant IP
cameras with H.264/H.265 video decoding.
All the video streams shall be processed centrally
at the Data Center with one or more servers for
video processing. The user shall be able to log in to
the system through the central dashboard to
Centralized access all the data from all the servers. The
24 Deployment processing of videos as well as alert generation
Support shall be done on premise. At no point in time shall
the data from the site be shared over the internet
or sent over to the cloud. The System UI shall only
be accessible using workstations and terminals
available on premises.
The AI system shall also support third-party
developed algorithms and use-cases that can
provide the user with a large base of use-cases to
choose from.
If a new use-case needs to be developed based on
Video Intelligence, the system shall provide a
Support for third-
25 developer Software Development Kit (SDK) for this
party use-cases
purpose. The SDK shall be provided along with
detailed documentation for building end-to-end
use-cases on the system.
The system shall also allow the user to plug
different AI models in the individual running of the
video analytics use-case.
The technology stack shall be modular and scalable
based on containerized micro services. Each use-
case shall be orchestrated as a stand-alone micro
service, which communicates with a central server
for exchanging of the data.
Flexible A.I. micro services components shall be agnostic to
Technology Stack language used in technology stack. It shall work
with any language, framework, and library of
choice without any impact on the rest of the
architecture. This type of flexibility will ensure
lower friction for collaboration and deployment of

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Algorithms being containerized shall ensure both

interoperability and portability, allowing for code
to be written in any programming language or any
version of library and framework but then
seamlessly exposes a single API to be integrated
and ported with multiple modules/AI components
of diverse stack. It shall seamlessly integrate with
other components and shall be portable/
replicable easily across the machines
The Video Analytics shall be based upon Machine
Learning and Deep Learning framework.
To save the duplication of the video storage, the
analytics should flag the video for the configurable
duration of time pre and post event in the Video
Management System. It should be possible for the
operator to jump to the alert flag in the archived
video for detailed investigation of the event.
It shall be possible to run the analytic as per
hourly/daily/weekly schedule. There should be a
provision to define multiple such schedules. It
should be possible to set the schedule to any
analytic use case. It should be possible to assign
multiple analytics on the same camera.
It is possible to generate email or a text message to
General VA the designated recipients in case critical alerts are
specifications generated. The application shall escalate the alert
to the designated users through email or a text
message in case the alert is not acknowledged by
the operator in a specified period of time.
It shall enable common configuration settings in a
batch mode on multiple cameras.
The application shall allow searching the analytics
events based on priority, date and time (from and
to) and camera. It should be possible to generate
statistical analysis of various use cases across the
time of the day.
The analytics shall enable the operator to define an
unlimited number of detection regions per camera.
The system shall allow setting each region
independently to be ‘Active for Analytics’ for any
given period of time of the day.

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The analytics events shall be stored in the

database. In case the events are purged, the purged
events stored to external files for later reference.
For Vehicular and ANPR Analytics, it is possible to
deploy the analytics in centralized architecture
where all the feeds from the cameras are available
in the Data Center and analyzed centrally.
The system shall have a single client application
for setting analytics, live viewing, archived viewing
and the administrator functions.
Accuracy may be evaluated using following KPIs:
a. Detection Rate (> 99%)
b. True Positive Rate + True Negative Rate (>95%)
c. False Positive Rate (<5%)
d. False Negative Rate (<5%)
VA output
There should have feature to improve the accuracy
28 Accuracy
overtime with further continuous learning and also
based on the input received from the field officer’s
incident reports (captured by the system and
matrix generated through the system rather
than the manual exercise) and improvement of
AI models. The OEM should take this feedback and
upgrade the algorithm to show accuracy
improvement quarterly basis.

Video Analytics Use Case Specifications: -

A. AI based Crowd Estimation and Management
(Yes/ No) with
S. No. Key Description
comments, if
Crowd Estimation and Management (CEM) Video
Intelligence system shall allow estimation of crowd density
within the camera view. This is an important tool for
1 understanding the crowd movement and management for
the security and facilities management agencies. System
shall raise an alert if the crowd density within a camera
view is above a certain threshold.
Deployme The CEM System shall be a purely computer vision and
nt artificial intelligence-based system that be deployed on all

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the existing and new CCTV cameras, including box cameras

and PTZ cameras.
The system shall be completely independent of the
make/model of the cameras and be compatible with ONVIF
3 compatibil
compliant cameras. The CEM system shall support H264,
H264+, H265 and MJPEG video streaming from cameras.
The CEM system shall have 85% average accuracy in
4 estimation of crowd on public databases and/or real time
on datasets
situation to be given during proof of concept time
The CEM system shall have an ability to annotate multiple
regions within the camera view and the user shall be able
Ability to
to specify crowd thresholds for each of the regions
5 define
separately. If within any region the crowd density
estimation if above the user defined threshold, the system
shall raise an alert.
The system shall raise alerts in case of the following:
- The CEM system shall raise an alert if the density of crowd
is above a user-defined threshold.
- The system shall raise an alert in case of erratic movement
detected within the crowd
6 Alerts
- The system shall raise an alert if there is any chance of
stampede or overcrowding due to increase in flow rate and
erratic movement
- The system shall trigger alarm if more than desired
density is observed near specified regions of interest.
Crowd flow The CEM system shall also provide a data of crowd flow
7 estimation from one user-defined region to the other, in case of two
data regions selected by the user.
The CEM system shall have an MIS system with a detailed
report and dashboard on crowding events and data at a
minimum of hourly granularity.
Data - The system shall report Crowd Density and
8 representa direction to load-balance various gates.
tion - The system shall provide detailed counts of total
visitors in hourly/daily/weekly/monthly and overall.
- The system shall also provide IN and OUT counters
for all the visitors
The CEM system shall have an option of generating real
time heat maps of crowd density.

9 Heat Maps

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B. AI Based Camera Health Monitoring

(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
S. No. Key Description any
The Camera Health Monitoring app should be able to
Camera monitor the status of the camera and report an alert in case
Status the camera is not functional or tampered with intentionally
or unintentionally.
It should detect and raise an alert if the camera view is
obstructed by any foreign object. The user should be able
2 Obstructio
to adjust the threshold parameters of extent of obstruction
in terms of percentage of camera view
The app should be able to detect and raise an alert if the
camera view is tampered with bright lights. The system
3 Light
should specifically identify it as a camera tampering event
with light shining.
Camera It should raise an alert if the camera view is
4 View changed/moved suddenly.
Illuminatio It should raise an alert if the camera scenes gets too dark
n Too Low below a threshold.
Camera It should raise an alert if the camera is turned off or
6 Connectivit connectivity is lost.
Notificatio The health monitoring app should notify the user with the
n with type of camera health issue, namely: View Obstruction,
Health Bright Light Shown, Camera View Changed, Low
Type Illumination and loss of connectivity
Sensitivity It should have provision to adjust the sensitivity of
8 Manageme detection on each camera

C. App Specification - Abandoned Object

(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
S. No. Key Description any

The system shall be capable of detecting left objects that

1 have remained stationary for a period of time that is
Detections considered suspicious by the user.
The system shall be capable of performing the left object
2 detection despite drastic light changes and the casting of
shadows in front of the left objects.
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3 The system shall have the ability to detect multiple objects

that are left stationary in a scene.

Multiple The system shall be able to detect multiple objects each

object with its own timer as per the defined detection time. If
4 detection multiple objects are abandoned in the scene one after the
other and alarm shall be raised for each object (one after
the other) once that object has been left in the scene for
longer than the detection time.
Configurati The user shall have the ability to configure the detection
5 on of time to suit the environment.
The system shall be able to immediately review the event
6 Event
(with a click of a single jump- to-event button) to recognize
the person who has left the object.

D. App Specification – Person Collapsing

(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
S. No. Key Description any

App The app should detect if a person walking upright has

detection collapsed or fallen on the ground.
Configurab The user should be able to configure the amount of time
le beyond which if the person is on the ground, the system
parameter should raise an alert.
This app should raise an alert if any pedestrian is Jay
3 The app should provide zone wise data of both the
pedestrian movements at zebra crossings and jay walking
with a minimum of hourly granularity.

Video summarization and Analysis

Functional Requirements & KPIs:
i. Artificial Intelligence based video analytics are crucial to increase efficiency of
proposed Integrated Command & Control Center being built as part of Delhi Safe
City Project. These live video feeds and responses to incidents reported needs to
be analysed for better policing. Artificial Intelligence (AI) based analytics that can
handle “Active Surveillance”. This specific section covers the technical use case
aspects of “AI-based Video Review & Investigation System”
ii. The proposed solution should help in making Video Searchable, Quantifiable and
Actionable, reviewing long duration of video in short time; quantitatively analyse
video to derive actionable insights for data driven safety, security and operational

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decision making. The proposed system should be state of the art image processing
technology essentially creating condensed summaries of original, full length video
recordings, while preserving all objects and events of interest. These should be
presented either simultaneously or in rapid succession, regardless of the time
point and sequence in which they occurred, effectively providing operators with a
clear view of activities and enabling them to rapidly review and home in on events
of interest.
iii. While keeping human operators "in the loop" the system should provide operators,
what they need to quickly scan through video data to find suspicious, out of the
ordinary or potentially criminal aspects. After detecting an object of interest, the
user shall be able to select to see the object in its original form in the original video
which can then be exported.
iv. Video Summarization tool based on attributes and meta data field will facilitate to
reach to relevant and meaningful content for the defined search meeting the
requirements for effective post investigation analyses within shorter time span.

Video Summarization- Technical Requirements and Compliance Sheet for

MSI (to provide compliance report with the bid)
Compliance (Yes/
Specification No) with
comments, if any
System shall be able to analyze all the recorded video files and
provide the operator with Summarization video for quick review
1. and investigation thereby reducing viewing time considerably.
The video files from all the 3rd Party Video Management Software
(VMS) shall be supported.
System shall support: -
Investigation case management
Video summarization (extraction and superimposition of video
2. objects over original scenes to allow simultaneous display of
events that occurred at different times)
Multi-camera search, enabling the pinpointing of objects of
interest via appearance similarity as well as a broad range of filter
Multi-camera search, enabling the pinpointing of objects of
3. interest via appearance similarity as well as a broad range of filter
Shall support Video File exports from all kind of 3rd Party VMS and
4. even the video files recorded from a Mobile Or any other kind of
Analog Camera.
5. System shall be able to enhance safety and security with quick
rapid human response to critical events recorded on video
Shall support Video File exports from all kind of 3rd Party VMS and
6. even the video files recorded from a Mobile Or any other kind of
Analog Camera.

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Shall automatically extracts objects from the original video and

7. efficiently reconstructs and superimposes them back in the
original scene, simultaneously displaying events that have
occurred at different times.
System shall rapidly pinpoint people and vehicles of interest, using
8. an extensive range of appearance and movement filters, across
multiple video sources from different cameras installed in the
9. Shall Instantly locate people, vehicles, and items of interest by
searching for similar looking objects.
10. System shall display time-stamps for various objects in the video
continuously, while the summarization is played.
Shall provide a web-browser (Preferably Google Chrome)
11. interface to upload the video files, generate the Summarization &
for the management of multiple investigation cases
System shall provide density control while replaying the
Summarization video. Density refers to the number of events
shown concurrently when playing a Summarization.
12. The density control shall increase or decrease the number of
events shown at once also changing the event density shall alter
the run time duration of the video Summarization thereby
enabling quick review time.
13. Time Range - Limit the search criteria to specific time ranges

14. Source - Limit objects to specific cameras or files

Class – Video Summarization shall be shown based on People,

Two-Wheeled Vehicles, Other Vehicles and Animals
15. - People Class: Man, Woman and child.
- Two-Wheeled Vehicle Class: Bicycle and Motorcycle
- Other Vehicles Class: Car, Pickup, Van, Truck, Bus, Train,
Airplane, and Boat
attributes – Shall be able to select the attributes within a class to
refine the search
16. - Bags: Backpacks, Hand-held Bags
- Hats: Hats, No Hats
- Upper Wear: Short/No Sleeves, Long Sleeves
- Lower Wear: Long, Short
Colour - Identify objects according to any combination of Brown,
17. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Lime, Cyan, Purple, Pink, White, Grey
and Black
18. Size - Select objects based on their actual (real-life) size from a
histogram of sizes relevant to a specific case
19. Speed - Select objects based on their actual speed from a histogram
of speeds relevant to a specific case

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20. Dwell - Select objects dwelling for longer than a certain period in
a scene
Area - Identify objects included or excluded within one or more
21. user-defined 3- or 4-sided polygon areas. The user shall be able to
set the minimum duration the object spends inside the area.
Path - Identify objects traveling along one or more user-defined
22. paths. The user shall be able to set the minimum duration the
object spends inside the area.
Appearance similarity – System shall be able to do filter and
23. display only the objects matching similar-looking people (People
Similarity) or Vehicles (Vehicle Similarity).
24. Supported Video Resolution – Minimum CIF and Maximum 4K

Visual Layers – System shall provide statistical visual analysis of

25. object activity & dwell areas and popular event paths in a
26. Supported Frame Rate – 8-30 FPS

27. Shall support video file formats like .AVI, .MKV, .MPEG4, MOV,
WMV, DVR, ASF, RT4, DIVX, .264, .H264, .H265, .GE5, .TS, .3GP

Facial Recognition System

Functional Requirements:
i. The FRS application shall install for the cameras positioned at the entry/ exits of
public places/ city, High Security Areas, Places of Worship, etc.
ii. There will be 370 cameras across all the cameras identified for FRS application at
any point of time. The licenses/ channels acquired for FRS application will be used
to randomly select any camera out of 6121 cameras (for Video Analytics) to run
FRS limited to 2 cameras per Police Station (370 Nos.) cameras simultaneously.
iii. Analyses on Video and Facial Images: This will cover the following features:
• It analyses facial images to match with suspects/targets and victims and raise
alerts in the event of match. The solution will be capable of capturing facial
images at distance 15 to 20 ft. and even at tilted angles of incidence unlike
other solution requiring direct facing incident images.
• The solution will have many built in algorithms like detecting crowd
movement in a particular direction, presence or absence in a frame alert,
tracking movement of target/suspect or victim across multiple camera
locations and raising alert.
• Alone female /child present in a frame. Identified suspects or victim’s identity
can be searched through Enterprise search, and fed to social media
analytics/CDR analytics for cross domain analytics.
iv. The height of the camera from Ground / Floor shall be 8-10 feet.
v. Capture zone to be channelized to capture Frontal Face of the people. Although,
one caught, the application should have the capability to make minimum 15
iterations with different illumination levels and varied angles.
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vi. As a precautionary measure the camera should not be placed/ pointed directly to
strong light sources like sunlight, headlight or spotlight.
vii. Face Recognition System shall work on real time and offline mode.
viii. The system shall have the best suited technology employed for 1:1 (one to one)
and 1: N (one to many) matching applications for various purposes.
KPI- Facial Recognition System
i. The areas for which the camera feed will be used as input for FRS module will be
identified considering:
• Highly prone area for criminal activities against women, child, elderly people
as per criminal records;
• Public places with substantial walking head-counts
• High Security zones and a few Government Offices under critical surveillance
• Accuracy in bad lightening and weather conditions may be evaluated using
following KPIs:
- Detection Rate (> 70-80%)
- True Positive Rate + True Negative Rate (>75%)
- False Positive Rate (<25%)
- False Negative Rate (<25%)
ii. FRS should be able to
• integrate with CCTNS & other databases,
• generate Alerts based on predefined parameters
• integrate with watch list
• search on-line and off-line in video and images
• Generate Reports and Manage data

iii. Other essential KPIs:

Sr No Aspect
1 Measuring following KPI (Key Performance Indicators)
1. Detection Rate
2. Number of True Positives
3. Number of False Positives
4. Number of True Negatives
5. Number of False Negatives
All vendors will be provided with a recorded video to ensure common
ground along with suspects who can be enrolled. Above outcomes will
be measured and compared among all vendors to check the accuracy.
2 Measuring following KPI (Key Performance Indicators)
1. Detection Rate
2. Number of True Positives
3. Number of False Positives
4. Number of True Negatives
5. Number of False Negatives

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All vendors will be provided with a live stream with similar Field of View
to ensure common ground along with suspects who can be enrolled.
Above outcomes will be measured and compared among all vendors to
check the accuracy.
3 Simultaneous detection of multiple faces in crowd: All vendors will be
provided with a crowded video and outcomes will be recorded.
4 Deep Learning based algorithm: All vendors will have to demonstrate
learning capabilities within their algorithm.
5 Global Threshold, Camera wise threshold and watch list wise threshold
6 Real Time back search for newly enrolled subjects
7 Video & Image evidence of suspects
8 Easy Monitoring of System Health
9 Multiple detections to be collated using intuitive methods
10 Privacy as per GDPR compliance
11 Integration with leading VMS vendors
12 Integration with any sensor

FRS- Technical Requirements and Compliance Sheet for MSI (to provide
compliance report with the bid)
S No. Key Description Compliance
(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
1. Detection Face Recognition System shall work on real time
and offline mode for identifying or verifying a
person from various kinds of inputs from digital
image file and live video source from any IP
video streaming sensor like IP Camera, Body
Worn Cameras, Mobile handset cameras,
UAV/Drones etc.
2. Deep Learning FRS must be a latest generation Convolutional
Technology Neural Networks based facial and person
tracking technology with Real-time 1:1 (one to
one), 1: N (one to many) and N:N (many to
many) matching application for various
purposes for non- voluntary face detection &
recognition in the open crowded scenarios.
3. Live and Offline FRS shall be able to capture face images from
Mode live & pre-recorded CCTV feeds received and
generate alerts if a blacklist (face from suspect
list) match is found.

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S No. Key Description Compliance

(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
4. Detections in The system shall be able work to detect more
crowd than 20 faces in crowd on moderate face
rotation either horizontal or vertical. It should
support a yaw angle of -40 to +40 degrees, a
pitch angle of -30 to +30 degrees and a roll angle
of -30 to +30 degrees.
5. Detection of The FRS shall recognize partial faces with
partial faces varying angles from multiple videos
simultaneously from Video clips, Group
Photographs and VMS Playback directly from
FRS Client Interface. FRS shall be able to process
uploaded pre-recorded video feeds with a speed
of up to X20, depending on the proposed hosting
hardware and the video quality
6. Ability to add The system shall be able to add photographs
reference obtained from law enforcement agencies to the
Images criminals’ repositories tagged for sex, age, scars,
tattoos etc. for future searches.
7. Support for The system shall support diverse graphic &
cameras/video video formats as well as live cameras. FRS shall
formats support day/night operation with ability to
detect faces both in colour and in black/white
mode by using any H.264, H.265 Fixed IP and
PTZ Cameras with IR Illuminators without any
special configurations required
8. User- FRS must support a user management module
management that enables different user level groups to
support various permission levels.
FRS client shall have ability to share recognition
data like images & videos with multiple users
and operators for better reference, alarm &
incident management.
9. Image FRS system must have capability to enroll
Enhancement whatever images fed in the system with image
Capabilities enhancement and ability to verify the quality of
the enrolled images with different colour
indicator for low quality images enrolled in
watch list/database.
10. Image Format The system shall be able to utilize any of the file
support formats like JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF etc. format
for enrolment.
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S No. Key Description Compliance

(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
11. De-duplication FRS shall be able to check if new enrolled face is
already enrolled in the database before
registering the new enrolled face in the system.
Also, the system shall be able to find a previous
detection of a POI (person of interest) upon
enrolment to watch list (retrospective search)
in less than 2 sec.
12. Enrolment of The system shall have option to automatically
faces enroll face images from CCTV cameras/video
source. This functionality should also be
provided through the Video Intelligence
platform in addition to the FRS application.

The system should also have an option for Bulk

Enrollment either from file system or a 3rd
party databases such as UID, SAARTHI, IT,
13. Categories of The system shall have capacity to create
database faces different categories of people with option to
customize the matching threshold for different
14. Full HD Support The system shall be able to work on full HD
Camera video with maximum performance.
15. Implementatio The system shall be able to be implemented on
n IT hardware like Server or Workstation.
16. OS Support The FRS algorithm should be able to use proven
open source tools and technologies like Linux to
bring down the total cost of ownership of the
solution. FRS running on any other OS should be
supplied with Pre-Licensed Server based latest
version OS like Microsoft Server 2016 and
Microsoft SQL as needed by the application
17. Database The system shall employ database system like
Support MS SQL/ MYQL/ Leading Open Source
Database/Sybase/ Mongo DB/ Postgres/Oracle
etc. The FRS system should natively integrate
with Video Intelligence platform and use a
common database of the platform, so that
common queries can be made on the common
database for faces detection and other events.

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S No. Key Description Compliance

(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
18. Algorithm The Vendor should have any performance
Benchmarking benchmarking certificate. NIST certificate will
be preferred.
19. Performance The system must perform a full 1: N search of
the probe image in under 5 seconds against a
database of up to 50 mn face records.
20. Mobile FRS Software vendor shall have mobile
Application application of the same FRS software to support
Support iOS and android based smart field devices.
Mobile application shall be capturing the face of
suspect in field and sending back to the FRS
server for matching. Matching result shall be
shown on the mobile application screen with
matching score. There shall be provision in
mobile application to stream mobile device
camera as video streamer.
21. Detection System shall be able to detect the faces across
robustness the multiple CCTV video sources for online
(real-time) and offline modes regardless of
following conditions:
a. Changes in Facial expression
b. Changes in facial hair or hairstyle
c. Changes by moderate aging (up to 15 years)
d. Partially hidden faces or occluded faces like
wearing dark glasses mask etc.
e. Changes in lighting conditions
22. Search Simple Search UI that facilitates quick and easy
Capabilities access to the collection of events recorded by
the system without the constant monitoring by
operators and must perform a full 1: N search of
the probe image in under 2 seconds against a
database of up to 5-8 Million POIs. It shall
support following
a. Search previous events by images from
previous detections
b. Search previous events by images uploaded
by operator
c. Search previous events by enrolled names
d. Search previous events by date and time
e. Search previous events by watch list group
f. Search in Watch list by image
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S No. Key Description Compliance

(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
23. Retrospective FRS shall have capability of Search backwards
Search for previous detections and/or recognitions
(events) of the detected person without
enrolment from live CCTV & other forensic
videos / offline videos
24. Up to 5 nearest FRS shall have ranking features to show next 5
matches closest & similar subjects in the Watch list with
support nearest score to the detection. This option
enables you to review POIs that are potential
matches for this detection for efficient system
25. OEM owned The FRS OEM should have ownership of Face
algorithm Recognition Engine /Algorithm for any custom
specific development as required by client
26. Map feature FRS must allow tracking of person on maps to
be uploaded in the system for cameras
connected to FRS and shall highlight the camera
location on the map for each detection/alert.
27. SDK/API for FRS shall provide an SDK/API for integration
integration with any third-party software like C4I
(Command, Control Communication & Compute
Center). API must be available with a full set of
documentation of each method with
accompanying sample code. All FRS function
shall be fully accessible via API.
28. Video Alert FRS shall be able to play a short video clip of the
moment of face detection without dependency
on VMS which can be
downloaded/exported/saved for evidence
29. Timeline of FRS shall provide timeline sequence of all
detections detections of subject with date, time & location.

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S No. Key Description Compliance

(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
30. Email FRS shall support email Alerts via Gmail,
Integration Outlook or via an Exchange SMTP service.
Different recipients can be defined for different
Camera Groups. User shall be able to define how
frequently recognition/detection emails are
sent, the email subject and the email sender
(among other things). The email itself includes
the timestamp of the detection, the score, the
description, the reference image (defined in the
Watch list) and the detected image.
31. Minimum FRS Application Engine must be able to run a
hardware minimum of 20 FRS Camera Channels per
support Server. (Server with 128 GB RAM, 3 NVIDIA
Tesla T4 card with 40 cores.) Other optimized
and better sizing shall be accepted.
32. Use of AI FRS shall use extensive AI Technology and
accelerator perform video processing on GPUs like NVIDIA;
hardware INTEL or similar as per design & sizing vetted by
AI FRS Algorithm OEM. The number of servers
to be supplied, shall be based on the number of
camera channels on which the FRS needs to be

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) S/W - Vehicle

Functional Requirements & KPIs
The System shall automatically detect a vehicle in the camera view using video detection and
activate license plate recognition.
The System shall automatically detect the license plate in the captured video feed in real-time.
The system shall perform OCR (optical character recognition) on characters of the license
plate (English alpha-numeric characters in standard fonts).
The ANPR system should work on 95% accuracy parameters for capturing and 90% accuracy
of OCR on the standard fonts.
The System shall store JPEG image of vehicle and license plate and enter the license plate
number into PostgreSQL database along with date time stamp and site location details.
System shall be able to detect and recognize the English alpha numeric License plate in
standard fonts and formats of all vehicles including cars, HCV, and LCV.
The system shall be able to process and read number plates of vehicles with speed up to 120
km/hr. or above.
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The system shall be robust to variation in License Plates in terms of font, size, contrast and
color and shall work with good accuracy.
The system shall support Black list / White list configuration: The system shall have option to
input certain license plates according to the hot listed categories like “Wanted”, “Suspicious”,
“Stolen”, etc. by authorized personnel
The system shall be able to generate automatic alarms to alert the control room personnel for
further action, in the event of detection of any vehicle falling in the hot listed categories.
A single compressed stream shall also be sent to server for recording and general video
analytics purpose
The system shall have capability to integrate with Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system via
The system shall have capability to queue all pending incidents (of detection of blacklisted
vehicles) so that CAD operators can attend them one by one

ANPR- Technical Requirements and Compliance Sheet for MSI (to provide
compliance report with the bid)
(Yes/ No) with
S No. Description
comments, if
The ANPR Platform shall be an enterprise class IP-enabled
security and safety software solution.
The ANPR Platform shall support the seamless Integrate with
the proposed C4i platform.
The automatic number plate recognition Software will be part
3 of the supplied system, Success rate of ANPR will be taken as
95% or better for both day and night time.
The ANPR Platform shall allow the user to Protect a Read or Hit
from deletion for a configurable period of time.
The ANPR Platform shall allow the user to correct a Plate Read
The ANPR Platform shall present the user with a Simple Wizard
for Hotlist creation.
The ANPR Platform shall allow the user to create a Hotlist
7 without the need for any attribute information other than
license plate number.
The ANPR Platform shall allow the user to search the
configured hotlists for any data in any of the specified fields.
The ANPR Platform shall allow the user to generate a read
report specifically targeted to those reads that generated a hit.
The ANPR Platform shall allow for map-based viewing of real-
time read monitoring.

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The ANPR Platform shall allow the user to search for full or
partial license plate numbers.
The ANPR Platform shall allow the user to search for a license
plate by using wildcards.
The ANPR Platform shall allow the user to automate
13 downloading Hotlists from a FTP/SFTP or HTTP/HTTPS server
using username/password/certificate authentication.
The ANPR Platform shall allow the user to customize the format
of the Reports displayed on-screen.
Reporting, including creating custom report templates and
incident reports.
The ANPR Platform shall be an IP enabled solution. All
communication between the SSM and ANPR Platform shall be
16 based on standard TCP/IP protocol and shall use TLS
encryption with digital certificates to secure the
communication channel.
The ANPR Platform shall protect against potential database
17 server failure and continue to run through standard off-the-
shelf solutions.
The ANPR Platform shall manage the central database that
18 contains all the system information and component
configuration of the ANPR Platform.
The ANPR Platform shall authenticate users and give access to
19 the ANPR Platform based on predefined user access rights or
privileges, and security partition settings.
The ANPR Platform shall support the
configuration/management of the following components
specific to ANPR:
• ALPR units and cameras.
20 • Hotlists and Wanted vehicles
• It shall be possible to view video associated to ALPR
events when viewing a report.
• Pattern of vehicle number plates if found new to be
incorporated and given to OCR additions.
The ANPR Platform shall support the following types of
reports: ALPR-specific reports (mobile ALPR playback, hits,
plate reads, reads/hits per day, reads/hits per ALPR zone, and
The ANPR Platform shall support the configuration and
management of users and user groups. A user shall be able to
add, delete, or modify a user or user group if he or she has the
appropriate privileges.

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The ANPR Platform shall support the generation of audit trails.

23 Audit trails shall consist of logs of operator/administrator
additions, deletions, and modifications.
Audit trails shall be generated as reports. They shall be able to
track changes made within specific time periods. Querying on
specific users, changes, affected entities, and time periods shall
also be possible.
For entity configuration changes, the audit trail report shall
25 include detailed information of the value before and after the
The ANPR Platform shall support the generation of user activity
trails. User activity trails shall consist of logs of operator
26 activity on the ANPR Platform such as login, ALPR event
viewed, hotlist edits, camera viewed, badge printing, video
export, and more.
The ANPR Platform shall be an IP enabled solution. All
communication between the SSM and ANPR Platform shall be
27 based on standard TCP/IP protocol and shall use TLS
encryption with digital certificates to secure the
communication channel.
The ANPR Platform shall monitor the health of the system, log
health-related events, and calculate statistics.
Calculates availability for clients, servers and
ALPR/access/video units for efficient SLA management
A web-based, centralized health dashboard shall be available to
remotely view unit and role and status of the ANPR devices.
Detailed system care statistics will be available through a web-
31 based dashboard providing health metrics of ANPR Platform
including Uptime and mean-time-between-failures.
32 ANPR Platform should integrate with Vaahan Database via C4I.
ANPR should have at least 1 Deployment in India in any Law
33 Enforcement Project. Necessary Document evidence to be
Vehicle Search: Shall have an option to search vehicles by
a. vehicle colour
b. vehicle colour +license plate
34 c. vehicle make and type
d. date & time
e. location
f. type of Vehicle

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Number plate missing detection:

a. The system should be able to detect if there is any
vehicle in the camera view without a properly installed number
plate or no number plate at all.
35 b. The system should have capability to let the user search
for all such vehicle through a UI based filtering system
c. The user should be able to search and track any such
vehicle using various vehicle search criteria as mentioned in
the point above.

Picture Intelligence Unit (PIU)/ P-IRIS

Functional Requirements & KPIs
Picture Intelligence Unit (PIU) will maintain all Audit Trails and logs of all instances, triggers
and incidental data derived out of VA platform, FRS Engine, ANPR Engine and the activities
governed by the VMS. PIU will not replicate the incidental data however, will keep the track
record of all such activities as a common directory which provide convenience during post
investigation analyses.
Picture Intelligence Unit (PIU) shall be given access to the databases of Passport, CCTNS,
Prisons, AMBIS or open source databases or any similar database available with the State
Government and Central Government. It shall also create a repository of photographs
obtained from various police sources like Newspapers, Photos during raids, Photos sent by
people, etc. Such photographs would be tagged for sex, age, scars, tattoos, etc. so that these
become searchable. Some of the approaches to be used by the Picture Intelligence Unit for
implementation of Facial Recognition System would be as follows:
a. Match a suspect/criminal photograph with these databases.
b. Search photographs from the database meeting certain suspect features.
c. Match a suspected Criminal face with Video Feeds of specific camera locations or
with the feed received from private or other public organization’s video feeds.
d. Whenever there is a requirement at any of the Police team to check the identity of
an individual, Police Station would make such a request to PIU, who in turn would
search the databases available with it to match the individual. Such databases
would either be accessed through web services or in a downloaded manner. Full
audit trail of reports and data provided will be maintained.
e. PIU would also try to access information from third parties — for example, banks,
telecom companies, credit companies, etc. PIU shall also liaison with other
institutes & agencies doing R&D work on Facial Recognition & related
technologies. It is expected that the Systems Integrator look at this Picture
Intelligence Unit as a Research & Development Center to test the best and latest
technologies and ensure its continuous enhancement. MSI is required to analyse
the futuristic requirements for the effective functioning of PIU and propose tools
like Data mining (application of statistical techniques and programmatic
algorithms to discover previously unnoticed relationships within the data).
f. Using the Key UI and integration capabilities of the Video intelligence platform,
PIU shall oversee the integration of ANPR with the other relevant databases
g. Picture Intelligence Recording and Investigation System (P-IRIS) is a video
forensic unit for Video Content Analysis. It will use live camera feeds, criminal and
crime scene photographs/ videos etc. as evidence in investigation of crime
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h. P-IRIS shall be set up at the PHQ level

i. P-IRIS shall be given access to the databases of CCTNS, Visitor image database or
any similar database available with State Government and Central Government
j. It shall also create a repository of photographs obtained from various police
sources like Newspapers, Photos during raids, Photos sent by people, etc. Such
photographs shall be tagged for sex, age, scars, tattoos, etc., so as to create a data
repository of photographs.
k. P-IRIS Facial Recognition System shall be as follows:
 Match a suspect/criminal photograph with these databases
 Search photographs from the database meeting certain suspect features.
 Match a suspected criminal face with video feeds of specific camera locations
or with the video feed received from private or other public organization
 Whenever there is a requirement at any of the Police Station to check the
identity an individual, Police Station would make such a request to P-IRIS, who
in turn would search these databases to match the individual. Such databases
would either be accessed through web services or in offline manner.
l. P-IRIS shall oversee the integration of ANPR System with other relevant datasets
like eVAAHAN, eSAARTHI, RTO, etc. as a feature of video forensic unit. P-IRIS shall
oversee the integration of ANPR with the other relevant databases like VAHAN.
m. The PIU/ P-IRIS will act as data exchange for within Data Centre applications as
envisaged in the system and the data exchange bi-directionally with any external
n. The PIU/ P-IRIS server will index all data exchange bidirectional among all
datasets and all the alarms with structured data in the system. This will facilitate a
comprehensive data-lake search module.
o. PIU/ P-IRIS system must have capability to enroll whatever images fed in the
system with image enhancement and ability to verify the quality of the enrolled
images with different colour indicator for low quality images enrolled in
p. Further, it shall also evaluate the use of various emerging applications and also
customize these applications for effective deployments. Such applications shall
• Unidentified object detection
The left-out object detection application automatically identifies any foreign
physical object for example bags, boxes or any object kept/left un-attended in
the user defined region of interest or in the field of view of a surveillance
camera. Alert for the Object detected in an area of interest that has been left
more than specified time span.
• Motion / intrusion detection
Motion / intrusion detection can be used to detect unauthorized entry, for
example, if a member of staff leaves by an unapproved exit.
Specific areas of interest can be defined in a scene and searched automatically
through a recording to identify and view any significant motion that occurred
during the recording.

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This is useful when searching for motion in a quiet area throughout a long
period of recorded video.
It can be tuned using parameters such as object size and sensitivity.
• Noise level detection (gunshot, explosion, shattering of glass etc.)
Gunshot detection application shall be provisioned in order to capture the
instances severe crimes related to bullet fire. The system shall be capable
enough to capture the Gun shot sound in the noisy conditions of roads in Delhi.
It is to be considered that the Gun-shot application would be operated for the
camera locations where the Police Administration has firm trends of such
probable crimes only, considering the low accuracy of the solution in the
current demographics of Delhi NCT.
• Camera Vandalism and tamper detection
In a city surveillance scenario, it can become harder to understand whether
cameras are still functioning as initially intended or viewing the scenes for
which they were configured. Changes in camera view may arise as a result of
natural causes such as dirt build up over time or through malicious
interference from people who would prefer that their actions are not recorded.
Camera Tamper Detection can be applied to cameras individually, as required.
Each condition listed above can be enabled or disabled and tuned per camera
so that it suits the environment and scene being monitored.
Digital Video Manager (DVM) includes the ability to detect whether a camera
has been tampered with under the following conditions:
 Changed Field of View (FOV): It can be very hard for an operator monitoring
many cameras to realize quickly, that a camera is no longer observing the scene
originally intended. This could be because the camera was bumped or
intentionally moved to avoid detection. Either way, the changed FOV algorithm
will detect and alarm this change.
 Camera Blurred: Camera vision may blur over time due to dust build up or
through intentional defocus by someone wishing to avoid detection or hoping
to degrade recorded evidence to avoid identification. The algorithm provides
a means of detecting when the scene is blurred and thus assists in maintaining
the integrity of the system though detection of malicious tampering or timely
 Camera Calibration: The Video Analytics system UI should have an in-build
camera-calibration tool that can take user inputs such as reference-heights,
reference depths and floor landmarks to calibrate the camera. The calibration
tool should have an option to use the GPS coordinates of the camera location.
 Camera Blinded: This algorithm detects whether a camera has either been
blinded by a bright light source or had the lens covered. Both scenarios may
involve an attempt to avoid detection or identification from recorded video.
DVM is now able to detect and alarm when this occurs.
• People / Mass movement
Crowd formation detection: System estimates the density of people in a scene and
generates an alert as soon as the density in any defined area crosses a certain limit.

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Crowd estimation: Once a crowd is formed, it statistically estimates the location of

the crowd, number of individuals in the scene, their distribution, and statistics of
their location in a zone (particularly suitable in a game field environment).
Crowd dispersion detection: Detects sudden random movement of a crowd in the
scene to alert a potential safety and security threat.
During processions etc. as the crowd starts gathering and Detection reaches
certain level, these cameras should automatically popup along with alarm and start
monitoring from ICCC by dragging these cameras on video wall.

• Image extraction
System will have ability to extract image from video recording

• Search camera feeds for person/ vehicle

The search module of P-IRIS shall be designed with integration of above mentioned
databases like crime and traffic related databases such as CCTNS, Criminal Dossier,
CCIS, ZIPNET, Automated Fingerprint Identification System, e-challan, VAHAAN,
SAARTHI, e-FIR Stolen Vehicles, Wanted Vehicles in Robber etc. which have the
capability to perform forensic data analytics and cyber threat intelligence to analyze
and anticipate the likely threats which would, increase the readiness.
q. P-IRIS shall have following types of searches:
• Person search: Search a person by the conditions of time period, camera, and
structured information. System shall have the ability to do single attribute and
combined attribute search on a person's features or clothing, such as baldness, hat,
glasses, sun glasses, hair color, skin tone, texture, etc.
• Face Search:
• It shall be able to search/match a suspect/criminal photograph with database
created using photograph images available with Criminal Dossier, CCTNS, ZIPNET,
Automated Fingerprint Identification System or any other image database of
criminal available with Delhi police
• Compare and search the face picture uploaded from the local PC, into the captured
library, or in the blacklist library and get the face pictures matching the similarity
• Search by structural information (age, gender, wearing glasses).
• View the search results: original pictures, picture details, and video playback.
Export the face picture and structural information.
• Sort the search result from high similarity to low similarity
• Compare the similarity between one or more specified pictures and the one in the
blacklist library
• Export the face picture and structural information

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• Vehicle Search:
• Search for a particular vehicle based on its registration no. (the last four digit) from
the database
• The system shall allow the advance search with different set of criteria while
conducting post incident analysis/investigations.
• The System shall allow the user to search for appearance of any particular vehicle
given its License plate number.
• The system shall allow the user to search for vehicles based on its color.
• If a vehicle is involved in theft, the cameras shall capture the picture of its driver
and number plate of the vehicle which will help to nab the thieves

P-IRIS/ PIU- Technical Requirements and Compliance Sheet for MSI (to
provide compliance report with the bid)
(Yes/ No)
S No. Specification with
comments, if
A Picture Intelligence Unit
This is envisaged to be a video forensic unit/ R&D Setup for
Video Content Analysis. It will use live camera feeds, criminal
1 and crime scene photographs/ videos etc. as evidence. It will
ensure video analytics, continuous time stamp and non-
tampering of electronic evidence as per laws.
Picture Intelligence Unit (PIU) shall be given access to the
databases of Passport, CCTNS, Prisons, AMBIS or any similar
database available with the State Government and Central
Government. It shall also create a repository of photographs
obtained from various police sources like Newspapers,
Photos during raids, Photos sent by people, etc. Such
photographs would be tagged for sex, age, scars, tattoos, etc.
so that these become searchable. Some of the approaches to
be used by the Picture Intelligence Unit for implementation
of Facial Recognition System would be as follows:
PIU system must have capability to enroll whatever images
fed in the system with image enhancement and ability to
3 verify the quality of the enrolled images with different colour
indicator for low quality images enrolled in watch
4 Match a suspect/criminal photograph with these databases.
Search photographs from the database meeting certain
suspect features.

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Match a suspected Criminal face with Video Feeds of specific

6 camera locations or with the feed received from private or
other public organization’s video feeds.
Whenever there is a requirement at any of the Police team to
check the identity of an individual, Police Station would make
such a request to PIU, who in turn would search the databases
7 available with it to match the individual. Such databases
would either be accessed through web services or in a
downloaded manner. Full audit trail of reports and data
provided will be maintained.
PIU would also try to access information from third parties
— for example, banks, telecom companies, credit companies,
etc. PIU shall also liaison with other institutes & agencies
doing R&D work on Facial Recognition & related
technologies. It is expected that the Systems Integrator look
at this Picture Intelligence Unit as a Research & Development
Center to test the best and latest technologies and ensure its
continuous enhancement. SI is required to analyze the
futuristic requirements for the effective functioning of PIU
and propose tools like Data mining (application of statistical
techniques and programmatic algorithms to discover
previously unnoticed relationships within the data). SI needs
to propose one of the most advanced (+ tried & tested) Facial
Recognition System.
Uptime SLA would be applicable to this application, but no
performance SLA is fixed since the technology is still under
9 R&D. MSI needs to customize the application to the local
conditions & carry out continuous enhancements during
operational phase.
PIU shall oversee the integration of ANPR with the other
relevant databases. Further the PIU shall also evaluate the
use of various emerging technologies and their features such
as Video Analysis Module.
B Experts in PIU Team
MSI has to provide adequate team to operationalize PIU and
train the Police Personnel to make optimum utilization of the
same. Minimum requirement of the team to be proposed by
SI for PIU is as follows:
01 Facial Recognition Analyst (with min. 1 year of relevant
01 video Analytic Analyst (with min. 1 year of experience in
video analytics (other than facial recognition)

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01 IT Forensic Expert (with min. 2 years of experience in IT

Forensic). Forensic Experts shall be responsible for
preparing the incriminating video clips and shall also certify
its integrity & chain of custody.
The above experts would be deployed for a period of 2 years,
from the starting of PIU of the project. It may also be required
from time to time for these experts to depose in the court of
law. These experts will analyze the incriminating video
footage and certify its integrity & chain of custody. These
5 experts shall oversee the integration of ANPR with the other
relevant databases and also undertake R&D to evaluate and
analyze various analytics-related technologies and their
implementation during the project period. All the necessary
software, tools required for undertaking this activity should
be provided by the bidder.
C Publishing of Guideline Documents by PIU
PIU shall be responsible for preparing various guideline
documents/manuals for the appropriate use of video data
and for uniform operationalization of Surveillance systems
across the city at different private/public institutions. An
indicative list of such guideline documents / manuals to be
prepared by the PIU is given below:
Guideline document/manual to standardize file Formats,
compression types, interfaces, to be used by various agencies
2 (such as Fire Dept., Ambulance Dept., Other Public
Institutions, Pvt. Institutions, etc.) concerned with video /
photograph recording & storage.
Guidelines for video data handling for submission of the
video data to judiciary as legal evidence.
Guideline document / manual for setting up of Video
4 Surveillance System by Private and Public institutions within
the city.

Geographical Information System (GIS)

Functional Requirements & KPIs
It is envisaged that as part of the Safe City Project, integration of the CCTV Surveillance System
with the Geographical Information System (GIS) will be carried out, so that physical location
of cameras, GPS fitted police vehicles, Prakhar Vans, MCCV, equipment, etc. are brought out
on the GIS map. It will be a seamless integration to ensure ease of use of GIS in Command &
Control Center’s, Police Stations & by higher management. Delhi Police holds maps
nevertheless, it is recommended that the maps should be at a minimum 0.6-meter resolutions
or better with all CCTV surveillance cameras located on the map apart from the updated map
of all buildings, utilities and roads. The GIS maps will be provided by C-DAC being used by
team of ERSS 112 project. Different Layers for Camera Pole & Heights and other parameters

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need to be added as per safe city requirement in current updation. Different layers, which are
proposed to be covered under GIS are as follows:
a. CCTV Cameras
b. Movement/Location of Prakhar Vans and MCCV
c. Buildings / Structures
d. Police Stations, Transport Hubs
e. Important Government / Public Buildings, schools, colleges, hospitals etc.
f. Public Places like Gardens, Grounds, Markets, etc.
g. Roads, Bus Stands. - Bridges, Flyovers - Footpaths - Women Hostels, Paying-Guest
h. Halting points of Emergency Response Vehicles.
i. Counselling Center’s for victims of crime against women.
j. Optical Fiber Cable network.
k. Metro high tension wire, BSES, NDPL electrical wire
l. Gas pipeline
Web based GIS application features
a. It shall provide complete view of CCTV, facilities, and alarms in an easy-to-use and intuitive
GIS-enabled graphical interface with a powerful workflow and business logic engine.
b. The map will define the boundaries of the jurisdiction limits of respective police Stations and
District Headquarters.
c. MAPs shall be Open Geospatial compliant (OGC) compliant
d. Panoramic images: Application shall allow display and navigation of 360-degree panoramic
images synced with map.
e. The system shall integrate with GIS and map information and be able to dynamically update
information on the GIS maps to show status of resources.
f. Shall allow all resources, CCTV & others on the map to be georeferenced such that they have
a real-world coordinate.
g. Shall visually display a camera sensor with related camera orientation, camera range and
camera field of view angle (wherever this information of CCTV is available).
h. Shall visually differentiate CCTV on map through different color and icon identifiers based on
their type and working condition.
i. Shall immediately view alarm details (including description, video, etc.) and investigate the
alarm from the map based on the API provided through Video analytic engine.
j. Shall allow user to choose camera from map to view live video and the data
k. It shall be possible to selectively display the objects according to type of object and event type
in order to avoid information overload through pre-defined filter settings that automatically
apply during event handling
l. Identification and display of Road and surrounding assets on geo-referenced panoramic
images with attribute information display
m. Selection of an object on the map and interactively display the corresponding panoramic
image with related attributes.

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n. Shall facilitate navigation around 360° views of panoramic images

o. User will be able to view panorama images for the identified locations on map.
p. User can press the zoom in and zoom out button to perform zoom operation on panorama.
q. Navigate to 360° view by panning around panorama.
r. Move to next panorama.
s. Jump to the desired location to view Panoramic images
t. Geo-spatial analysis: Search to find the features around and along a particular location or
u. Map Navigation: The application shall have a seamless navigation over the digitalized map
v. Feature identification: The user shall be able to view attribute information of map features.
w. Measurement: The user shall able to measure the area and distance.
x. Layers: Being GIS application, application shall have different published layers on the base
map e.g. roads, POI, CCTV etc.
y. Allow one box search to locate the CCTV, locations and other assets on the map as well as on
panoramic images.
z. Thematic view: Application shall have the thematic presentation on the map layers/features.
aa. Multiple User Access – Allows multiple users to access the system with their unique user ids
and passwords.
bb. Provision to define access rights by administrator to different users / groups.
cc. Integration of GIS web application with other application through API or database
dd. Shall allow show/hide different layers on GIS map as per need. i.e. If user wants to see only
camera layer and hospital layer on base google map to see nearest hospital where incident

GIS- Technical Requirements and Compliance Sheet for MSI (to provide
compliance report with the bid)
Enterprise GIS Software
S. No Technical Specification Compliance
(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
1 Should be capable of maintaining data history, version
management and conflict detection.
2 Should support database check in – check out / replication
functionalities hence maintaining the parent child relationship of
Master Database.
3 Software should have inbuilt utility for checking availability of server
software updates/patches
4 Software should support Geo-data service and Geometry service
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5 Software should support Cloud Environments like Amazon Web

Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure
6 Software should support deployment on-premises on physical
hardware, in a private cloud using VMware or other virtualization
technologies, or in the cloud using an Infrastructure as a Service
provider (IaaS) such as e.g. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure,
IBM Soft Layer, etc.
7 The software should support feature data (Point, line, polygon) as
input data type and tabular data
8 GIS system should be capable to manage maps, satellite images, GIS
data of various point of interest information, infrastructure and
assets etc.
9 It should provide access to free Online 2D, 3D, Street, Base map,
imagery Services for location reference.
10 GIS system should have a portal for administration that lets
administrators to add, update, manage and maintain city GIS data and
user management, Content Sharing and capability to build various GIS
11 Software should have the feature to create web sites using template
or wizard. It should support adding widgets which can easily be
configured minimizing customization.
12 The application should provide an out-of-the-box, configurable
mobile application that allows dynamic query and update server data
remotely. The mobile application should be able to integrate with GPS
13 The software should be able to seamlessly visualize and share data,
maps, apps, 3D scenes with other members in organization
14 The software should be able to share map and layer packages to be
used in desktop GIS application.
15 The software should provide a map viewer to create, save, share maps
and provide analysis tools for clustering, aggregation, proximity
analysis, data enrichment, etc.
16 The software should record various usage statistics for items, users
and groups, and reports this in activity dashboards and access / usage
reports to administrators and or select users.
17 The software should provide an embedded interactive app for
designing and building web responsive applications with no
requirement of programming.
18 The software should support user-friendly applications for map
centric field data collection, form-based surveys and maintaining field
crew workforce, etc.
19 Should be capable of Content Management (like, Manages content
locations and marks relevant content as Authoritative) and
Organization User Management (e.g. User can manage all aspects of
inviting and managing User, including adding to groups and resetting
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passwords) for Managing content for different projects and role

based-access management.
20 Software allows Users to sign in with built-in accounts and accounts
managed in multiple SAML-compliant identity providers configured
to trust one another to manage users that may reside within or
outside your organization
21 The GIS server should be highly scalable
22 Software should support deployment in clustered environments:
Active-Active, Active-Passive.
23 The software should provide open API to visualize the published
24 Should support multiple number of Editing and viewing by desktop,
web browser and mobile clients.
25 Server application should record various service statistics, such as
total requests, average response time, and timeouts, and reports this
information in Manager console for better monitoring and
performance optimization of services
26 Should have Web Editing Application Functionalities like
simultaneous Feature editing, isolated editing in separate versions,
Undo/Redo operations, snapping by layer, snapping to new
geometry, settable snapping, modify, merge, split operations, specify
an Exact X,Y location, modify and create attribute values, maintain
attribute values through defined rules (Domain) etc.
27 Should support server-side Geo-processing tasks
28 The software should provide open API to visualize the published
29 The software should provide open API to visualize the published
30 Should support multiple number of Editing and viewing by desktop,
web browser and mobile clients.
31 Server application should record various service statistics, such as
total requests, average response time, and timeouts, and reports this
information in Manager console for better monitoring and
performance optimization of services
32 Should have Web Editing Application Functionalities like
simultaneous Feature editing, isolated editing in separate versions,
Undo/Redo operations, snapping by layer, snapping to new
geometry, settable snapping, modify, merge, split operations, specify
an Exact X,Y location, modify and create attribute values, maintain
attribute values through defined rules (Domain) etc.
33 Should support server-side Geo-processing tasks
34 The software should provide open API to visualize the published
35 Should support multiple number of Editing and viewing by desktop,
web browser and mobile clients.
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36 The Server software should support Replication across multiple

commercial databases in connected and disconnected environments
37 Server should be able to support read-only site mode. (This is
intended to disable publishing new services and blocks most
administrative operations during production.)
38 Software should support a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) (GIS
on the enterprise service bus).
39 It should have ready to use apps for Field, Office, and community and
Application developers.
40 The software should provide SDKs to build and deploy native
applications on a variety of popular platforms and devices including
Android, IOS, Java, .NET, QT etc.
41 The application server and database servers must be supported on
both Windows & Linux platform.
42 Should support standard Web server / application server like IIS,
Apache, Tomcat, Web Sphere, Web logic etc.
43 Server based GIS Software should offer server-based analysis and
Geo-processing. This should include vector, scripts, and tools; and
synchronous processing.
44 Server Software should run as a native 64-bit application and should
support Windows 64-bit and Linux operating systems 64-bit.
45 Should support Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and open web
services: including Map, WMS, WFS, WCS, KML and Geo-JSON
46 Should have out of the box Web Application Functionalities like pan,
zoom, identifying features on a map, measure distance, interactive
north arrow, magnification window, overview window, find place,
query attribute, search attribute, editing, geo-processing tasks,
adding base maps etc.
47 Should support browser-based access for viewing, editing and
analyzing of Geo-Spatial Data
48 Software should allow character-by-character auto-complete
suggestions to be generated as a user types an address in a client
application for Geocoding of addresses
49 Server Software should support rapid encoding and decoding for any
pixel type for image service caches.
50 Server administrator should be able to prevent unauthorized users
from accessing cached pages by disabling of caching of service-
related information by the web browser
51 Software should allow to export data from the feature service to a file
geo spatial database or SQLite database using custom clients.
52 software should support to automatically generate diagrams and
manage physical and logical network, Access, create, update, and edit
Schematic Diagrams
53 System tools can analyze patterns and aggregate data in the context
of both space and time -Space-time (spatiotemporal) analysis
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54 Server Software should support Dynamic map service

55 Server Software should support Cached service – Map, Image
56 Server Software should support print and Schematic services
57 Server Software should support Geocoding service
58 Server Software should support Geo-processing service and run
custom Geo-processing models
59 Support for geo spatial databases and Query layers –
 Amazon RDS for Microsoft SQL Server or Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL
 IBM DB2 or Informix
 Microsoft Azure SQL Database or Microsoft SQL Server
 Oracle
 PostgreSQL
60 Server Software should support Big Data File Shares like Apache
Hadoop HDFS, Apache Hive, Local File Shares (CSV, Shape file)
61 Server Software should support Raster File Share like - AWS S3,
Microsoft Azure Storage, Local File Shares
62 Server Software should support for Query Layers: ALTIBASE,
Dameng, IBM Netezza, SAP HANA, SQLite and Teradata
63 Software should support simple scripting syntax to control feature
rendering, label text etc. that can be used across the platform
64 Software should support Token model authentication and the built-
in User Store
65 Should have built in user management along with Active Directory
and LDAP
66 Should support Web-tier authentication by the web server such as
Integrated Windows Authentication or even leverage an
organization's existing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
67 Should support the option to use Enterprise Logins -
68 Integrate with a SAML 2.0 Identity Provider (IdP) to provide Web
Single Sign On
69 Software should support to encrypt data-in-transit by enabling
70 Log events of interest such as who is publishing services for the
Logging and Auditing purposes. should support to enable spatial
database in SAP HANA
71 Server Software should be capable of running advanced Geo-
processing tools
72 Should have an inbuilt web gateway option to be configured and
option to use different gateways like HTTP load balancer and network
router devices
73 Should have Geo-processing framework, Geo-processing tools, core
analysis functionalities

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Other Essential Functional and Technical requirements for C4i


Enterprise Management System including SLA Management, Network Management,

Asset Management, Incident & Work Flow Management, Privilege & Identity

Functional Specifications

Sr No Description
1 EMS including other essential featured systems like Dash-boarding, SLA Management,
Network Management, Asset Management, Incident & Work Flow Management, Privilege &
Identity Management, etc. will be implemented as an approach of collaborative framework
by OEMs.
2 For effective operations and management of IT Operations, there is a need for an industry-
standard Enterprise Management System (EMS). Given the expanse and scope of the
project, EMS becomes very critical for IT Operations and SLA Measurement. Some of the
critical aspects that need to be considered for operations of IT setup of are:
 Network Fault Management
 Network Performance Management
 Server Performance Monitoring
 Centralized Log Management
 Centralized and Unified Dashboard
 Centralized and Customizable Service Level Reporting
 Help Desk for Incident Management
3 The Monitoring Solution should provide Unified Architectural design offering seamless
common functions including but not limited to:
• Event and Alarm management,
• Auto-discovery of the IT environment,
• availability and Performance monitoring
• Correlation and root cause analysis
• Service Level Management, notifications
• Reporting and analytics
• Automation and Customization
The proposed solution must be featured in Gartner/IDC reports. Documentary proof must
be provided at the time of submission.
4 There should be a tight integration between infrastructure metrics and logs to have the
single consolidated console of Infrastructure & security events.
5 Consolidate IT event management activities into a single operations bridge that allows
operator quickly identify the cause of the IT incident, reduces duplication of effort and
decreases the time it takes to rectify IT issues.

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6 The Operator should be able to pull up security events related to a given Configuration Item,
from a single console which also has NOC events, and use the security events to triage the
problem. This way the Operator gets consolidated system/network event details and
security events (current and historical) from the same console and save time in
troubleshooting / isolating the issue.
7 The operator should be able to build correlation rules in a simple GUI based environment
where the Operator should be able to correlate cross domain events
8 The solution shall provide future scalability of the whole system without major
architectural changes.
9 The Solution shall be distributed, scalable, and multi-platform and open to third party
integration such as Cloud, Virtualization, Database, Web Server, Application Server
platforms etc.
10 All the required modules should be from same OEM and should be tightly integrated for
single pane of glass view of enterprise monitoring
11 The solution must provide single integrated dashboard to provide line of business views
and drill down capabilities to navigate technical operators right from services to last
infrastructure components
12 Consolidated dashboard of the proposed EMS solution must be able to do dynamic service
modelling of all business-critical production services & use near-real time Service Model for
efficient cross domain event correlation.
13 The proposed solution must provide SDK/Rest API for North bound and South Bound
Integrations E.g. Forwarding specific metric data to third party database, Notifications to
third party systems such as Jira, AutoDesk, Slack
14 Proposed NMS solution must have deployment reference of monitoring & managing
10,000+ network nodes in at least 3 deployments across Govt./PSU/Large Enterprise.
15 The Solution should provide all the modules as a single monitoring engine to correlate
events in real-time from Networks, Servers and Applications
The solution should be virtual appliance and deployable on Linux operating systems to
reduce the overall TCO
16 The solution should run without any propriety database license for datastore - Datastore
must be bundled within EMS (E.g. popular time-series, no-sql, hbase based monitoring
systems) to reduce the TCO
17 The solution should provide High Availability (HA) at datacenter site
18 The solution should have inbuilt role-based access module to enable multiple users with
different groups to create dashboards specific to their department
19 The Solution should have way to control and define permission such as read/write for set
of devices rather than all the devices for the ease of use.
20 Calculates availability for clients, servers and ANPR/access/video units for efficient SLA
21 Detailed system care statistics will be available through a web-based dashboard providing
health metrics of ANPR Platform including Uptime and mean-time-between-failures.

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EMS package- Technical Requirements and Compliance Sheet for MSI (to provide
compliance report with the bid)
S No. Description Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
Consolidated Dashboard
1 The platform must provide complete cross-domain visibility of IT
infrastructure issues
2 The platform must consolidate monitoring events from across layers
such as Network, Server, Application, Database etc.
3 The solution should support single console for automated discovery
of enterprise network components e.g. network device, servers,
virtualization, cloud, application and databases
4 The solution must support custom dashboards for different role users
such as Management, admin and report users
5 The solution must allow creating custom data widget to visualize data
with user preferences e.g. Refresh time, time span, background
colour, unit conversion
6 The solution must support multiple visualization methods such as
gauge, grid, charts, Top N etc.
7 The solution should provide superior view of infrastructure health
across system, networks, application and other IT Infrastructure
components into a consolidated, central console
8 There should be only one dashboard/interface to collected
network/server/application/log data after correlation and
consolidation across the IT landscape to reduce/correlate number of
Element & Network Performance Management (EMS/ NMS/ NTA)
1 The proposed solution platform shall provide a single integrated
solution for comprehensive management of the wired/wireless
access, and rich visibility into connectivity and performance
assurance issues.
2 The EMS must conduct Performance Monitoring, Performance
Management Control, and Performance Analysis of every network
element into the system.
3 There will be a policy driven protocol (management) to check the
health of edge devices.
4 The EMS should conduct the monitoring and management of the
coordinated configuration of multiple devices
5 The EMS must ensure FCAPS compliance: coordinated Fault
Management, Configuration Management, Accounting Management,
Performance Management and Security Management across the
associated elements in the network.

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6 The design functionality shall facilitate creation of templates used for

monitoring key network resources, devices, and attributes. Default
templates and best practice designs are provided for quick out-of-the-
box implementation automating the work required to use OEM
validated designs and best practices.
7 The proposed solution must provide comprehensive and integrated
management of IT infrastructure components to maximize the
availability of IT services and SLA performance.
8 The proposed solution must provide the complete view of the
Topology and network elements. The NMS shall have the ability to
include the network elements and the links in the visual/graphical
map of the department. The visual maps shall display the elements in
different colour depending upon the status of the element. It is
preferable that green color for healthy and amber/yellow color for
degraded condition and red for unhealthy condition is used.
9 The proposed solution must have suitable system level backup
mechanism for taking backup of NMS data manually as well as
10 The proposed solution must keep historical data at raw level without
averaging for minimum of six month
11 The proposed solution must provide the visual presentation of the
Network Element's status and the alarms. It shall also present the
complete map of the network domain with suitable icons and in
suitable color like green for healthy, red for non-operational, yellow
for degraded mode of operation etc.
12 The proposed solution must provide Health Monitoring reports of
the network with settable periodicity -@24 Hrs, 1 week, 1 month.
13 The proposed solution must provide the graphical layout of the
network element with modules drawn using different colors to
indicate their status
14 The proposed solution must provide calendar view which allows the
operator all the schedule activities such as Reports, Inventory scans
etc. It shall also allow to define scheduled report for uptime, link
status etc.
15 The proposed solution should have multiple alerting features to get
the notification via email, SMS and third-party systems
16 The proposed solution must support listening to traps and syslog
events from the network devices with retention period upto 6
17 The proposed solution must support defining the data retention
period to control storage
18 The solution must support custom device template to support
Generic SNMP devices

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19 The solution must provide discovery & inventory of heterogeneous

physical network devices like Layer-2 & Layer-3 switches, Routers
and other IP devices and do mapping of LAN & WAN connectivity with
granular visibility up to individual ports level.
20 It shall provide Real time network monitoring and Measurement
offend-to-end Network performance & availability to define service
levels and further improve upon them.
Fault Management
1 The proposed solution must should provide out of the box root cause
analysis with multiple root cause algorithms inbuilt for root cause
analysis. It should also have a strong event correlation engine which
can correlate the events on the basis of event pairing, event
sequencing etc.
2 The Platform must include an event correlation automatically fed
with events originating from managed elements, monitoring tools or
data sources external to the platform. This correlation must
• Event filtering
• Event suppression
• Event aggregation
• Event annotation
3 The proposed solution should provide out of the box root cause
analysis with multiple root cause algorithms inbuilt for root cause
analysis. It should also have a strong event correlation engine which
can correlate the events on the basis of event pairing, event
sequencing etc.
4 Powerful correlation capabilities to reduce number of actionable
events. Topology based and event stream-based correlation should
be made available.
5 The solution must offer relevant remedy tools, graphs in context of a
selected fault alarm/event
6 The proposed monitoring solution should have capability to
configure actions-based rules for set of pre-defined alarms/alerts
enabling automation of set tasks.
7 The Platform must support Event or Alarm Correlation integrations
with service desk to trigger automated creation of incidents,
problems management
8 The solution should classify events based on business impact and also
allow defining custom severity levels and priority metrics such as Ok,
Critical, Major, Down, Info etc. with color codes
9 The solution should allow creation of correlation or analytics rules for
10 The proposed solution must provide default event dashboard to
identify, accept and assign generated alarms

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Log Management
1 The proposed solution must provide a common classification of event
irrespective of the log format
2 The proposed solution must provide the ability to store/ retain both
normalized and the original raw format of the event log as for forensic
purposes for the period of 3 months and allow to extend it to further
with additional hardware without any disruption to the ongoing data
3 The proposed solution should provide a minimum log compression of
8:1 for ensuring log compression to reduce overall log index storage
space for the raw log format
4 The log data generated should be stored in a centralized server. The
period up to which the data must be available should be customizable.
5 The proposed solution must support logs collected from commercial
and proprietary applications. For assets not natively supported, the
solution should provide the collection of events through
customization of connectors or similar integration
6 The proposed solution must support log collection for Directories (i.e.
AD, LDAP), hosted applications such as database, web server, file
integrity logs etc. using agents
7 The Log receiver or log collection component must store the data
locally if communication with centralized collector/receiver is
8 The proposed solution must support log collection from Network
infrastructure (i.e. switches, routers, etc.). Please describe the level of
support for this type of product.
9 The system shall support the following log formats for log collection:
Windows Event Log, Syslog, Access Log Data, Application Log data,
Any Custom Log data, Text Log (flat file), JSON Data
10 The solution should be able to collect raw logs in real-time to a
Central log database from any IP device including:
• Networking devices(router/switches/voice gateways)
• Security devices (IDS/IPS, AV, Patch Mgmt., Firewall/DB Security
• Operating systems(Windows 2003/2008,Unix,linux,AIX)
• Virtualization Platforms(Microsoft HyperV, VMware
Vcenter/VSphere 4.X, vDirector, Citrix)
• Databases(Oracle/SQL/MYSQL/DB2)
11 The collection devices should support collection of logs through
syslogNG and also provide native Windows Agents as well as
Agentless (PowerShell) connectors
12 The proposed solution must provide alerting based upon established

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13 The proposed solution must provide SDK and Rest API to write
custom connectors and collectors to pull log and monitoring data
from third party system
14 The proposed solution must provide UI based wizard and capabilities
to minimize false positives and deliver accurate results.
15 The proposed solution must collect, index the log messages and
support full-text searching for forensic investigation
16 The proposed solution must support the ability to take action upon
receiving an alert. For example, the solution should support the
ability to initiate a script or send an email message.
17 The solution must provide pre-defined log correlation rules to detect
suspicious behavior
18 The solution must support real-time and scheduled alerting time-line
while creating a log policy to catch specific log pattern
19 The solution should support applying regex pattern in real-time to
extract vendor specific log data for reporting and alerting purpose
20 The system shall have the capability to drag and drop building of
custom search queries & reports
21 The system shall be capable of operating at a sustained 5000 EPS per
collection instance. The system shall provide the ability to scale to
higher event rates by adding multiple collection instance
Service Desk - Incident Management
1 The proposed helpdesk system shall provide flexibility of logging,
viewing, updating and closing incident manually via web interface
2 The proposed helpdesk solution should have achieved Pink VERIFY
certification on at least 6 available ITIL processes. Documentary
proof must be provided at the time of submission.
3 Each incident shall be able to associate multiple activity logs entries
via manual update or automatic update from other enterprise
management tools.
4 The proposed helpdesk system shall be able to provide flexibility of
incident assignment based on the workload, category, location etc.
5 The proposed solution should automatically provide suggested
knowledge base articles based on Incident properties with no
6 The proposed solution should automatically suggest available
technicians based on workload, average ticket closure time assigning
tickets with no programming
7 The proposed solution should tightly integrate with monitoring
system to provide two-way integration - E.g. when system down
alarm created, it should automatically create ticket and assign it to
technician, in case system comes up before ticket is resolved by
technician, it should automatically close the ticket to minimize human

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8 The proposed system must not create more than one ticket for same
recurring alarm to avoid ticket flooding from Monitoring system
9 Each escalation policy shall allow easy definition on multiple
escalation levels and notification to different personnel via web-
based console with no programming
10 The proposed helpdesk system shall be capable of assigning call
requests to technical staff manually as well as automatically based on
predefined rules, and shall support notification and escalation over
11 The proposed solution should allow administrator to define ticket
dispatcher workflow which automatically assign incoming tickets
based on rules defined in workflow. E.g. Network fault keyword
tickets gets assigned to network technician automatically within NOC
12 The proposed helpdesk system shall provide grouping access on
different security knowledge articles for different group of users.
13 The proposed helpdesk system shall have an updateable knowledge
base for technical analysis and further help end-users to search
solutions for previously solved issues
14 The proposed solution should allow Technician to relate Incidents to
Problem, Change and vice versa to have better context while working
on any of ticket type
15 The proposed helpdesk system shall support tracking of SLA (service
level agreements) for call requests within the help desk through
service types.
16 The proposed helpdesk system shall integrate tightly with the
Knowledge tools and CMDB and shall be accessible from the same
login window
Asset Inventory Management
1 A configuration management database shall be established which
stores unique information about each type Configuration Item CI or
group of CIs.
2 The proposed solution allows scheduling periodic report to check
current software and hardware inventory
3 The proposed solution must allow attaching CI record to generated
service tickets
4 The Proposed solution should provide end to end Asset Life Cycle
Management: Makes it easier to handle the complete life cycle of an
asset, that is, all stages/modules from procurement to disposal
5 The Proposed solution should support maintaining AMC/Warranty
Information with Alerting when about to expire also provide Asset
Deletion capabilities enabled with workflow engine

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6 The Proposed solution should support Software License Metering:

Helps to understand the software license compliance and the use of
unauthorized software in the organization and helps to act
proactively to curb illegal usage and problems associated with it.
7 The proposed solution should provide Asset Dashboards/Reporting:
Graphical representation all the assets based on Category, location,
aging of the asset, customer, which can be further level down to the
incident record ID
8 The proposed solution should provide out of the box purchase and
contract management modules to support end to end asset life cycle
Service Level Reporting
1 The solution should provide reports that can prove IT service
quality levels, such as application response times and server
resource consumption
2 The system reports should be accessible via web browser and
Reports can be published in PDF and csv format
3 The solution most have an integrated dashboard, view of Contract
Parties & current SLA delivery levels and view of Services & current
SLA performance
4 The solution must provide Reports that can be scheduled to publish
automatically or they can be produced on demand
5 The solution should be able to report in the context of the business
services that the infrastructure elements support—clearly showing
how the infrastructure impacts business service levels
6 The solution should provide Business Service Management
functionality to track Service quality by logically grouping Network,
Server and Application components. The solution should provide
correlation between Network, Server and Application to identify the
business impact from the specific event or alarm
7 The solution must provide way to define key performance indicators
(KPIs) within the Service Quality report.
8 The solution must provide SLA measurement to track service quality
from both Availability and Performance perspective.

Infrastructure cabling and connection monitoring

Compliance (Yes/
S No. Parameters No) with
comments, if any
1. The solution should be capable of tracking device history for
networked end devices including the following forensics details:
2. When device was first connected to the network
3. If and when it was removed from the network
4. If and when it was moved from one physical location to another
5. How long it has been active or inactive.
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6. Asset, configuration and change management

7. The solution should be fully complying with ANSI/TIA 606-B
(including B-1) and ISO/IEC 18598 standards.
8. The solution should deliver physical connectivity information to the
management software.
9. The solution should be a complete Real Time Interconnect Solution
and should provide alerts for:
10. Patch cord connections or disconnections from the patch panel.
11. Patch cord connections or disconnections from the switch.
12. Inter-changing of patch cords at the switch side.
13. Inter-changing of patch cords at the panel side.
14. There should use of DAC/ Multi-mode cables to ensure maximum
possible reduction in latency parameters.
15. These alerts should be patching connection or disconnection alerts.
These should show exact information about the panel port or switch
port which got disconnected or connected and end to end link
16. The Physical Layer Management solution should be strictly based on
the physical detection of patch cord connectivity.
17. The solution should provide the capability of electronically tagging
any network equipment such as network printer, servers, IP Camera,
desktop, switches, modems, etc.
18. The system should be robust and should report the patching
connectivity information as complete ONLY when the two ends of the
same patch cords are connected and should not get confused by any
subsequent insertion of any other patch cord.
19. The solution should provide the technician an easy method of
patching with- out imposing any specific sequence rules/order for the
patching, thus allowing the technician to carry patching work orders
as in the case of a non-intelligent solution.
20. Patch cord removal from Panel / Switch side should be monitored
and alerts like email/SMS should be sent if any end of the patch cord
is removed.
21. The solution should provide the capability to automatically
connecting to a remote database sites as well as to a local database.
22. The solution shall be able to maintain a record of the rack capacity
and utilization including:
23. Total rack space and occupied rack space
24. Total number of available intelligent panel ports
25. Total number of non-intelligent panel ports
26. Total number of switch ports and “switch utilization”
27. Total number of PDU power outlets (if installed at site)
28. Total number of environmental sensors (if installed at site)

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29. The solution should be able to monitor on-line of patch cord removal
from either side:
30. Between intelligent panels
31. Between intelligent panel to active device like Switch.
32. The solution should have the following visual indications:
33. LED above each port - indicating patching, patching work order
pending and correcting bilking mode in case of patching mistake.
34. LED per each patching frame – indicating panel status.
35. Sound – in case of patching or removal of a cord between either
intelligent panels or between intelligent panels to a switch.
36. All Changes of the telecommunications infrastructure facilities and
networked devices should be maintained within the intelligent
infrastructure management system to keep track of current activities
and completed activities including:
37. Real time tracking of authorized and unauthorized patching activities
38. Generation of move, add, change work orders
39. Providing means for retrieval of work orders at racks with intelligent
equipment using port LEDs, tablet, etc.
40. Automated tracking of work order completion
41. Scheduled work order and work order history
42. Monitoring and alerting on connected information
43. The Intelligent Physical Layer Management Solution should have
guidance lights per port. The light guidance is mandatory for tracing
the two ends of any patch cord, executing planned work orders and
for remote management.
44. The lights per port on the panels should be powered from the
scanning devices and should not require a separate power supply.
45. The intelligent panels should have the necessary intelligent hardware
and light indicators integrated within the panels. Retrofits are not an
46. The panels should be passive and the panels should not require any
power for operation of the intelligent management solution.
47. The Intelligent Physical Layer Management solution should be
scalable and the design should enable maximum usage of its
components e.g. scanning devices, by sharing of same components
over multiple racks when required.
48. The solution should be simple, effective and as automated as possible
requiring minimum human intervention. For e.g. for executing work
orders the solution should depend on light guidance only without
need for reading instructions from any media/display.
49. The solution should provide patching information based only on
physical connectivity information and not thorough any other way.
50. The solution should be web based and not require any clients to be
installed on end devices. All features should be available through this
web explorer only.
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51. All scanning devices monitoring the intelligent panels should be 1U

only to allow maximum usage of rack space. Also they should have the
capability to be shared among more racks.
52. The scanning devices should automatically detect the panel type; the
scanning devices are connected to, and should also automatically
detect the connectivity between the scanning devices. This is
necessary for automatic & error free real time detection & installation
of hardware components in the software.
53. The solution should offer flexibility to extend the panel scanning
capability to distances more than 100 feet (one rack) in order to cover
multiple racks.
54. Since all the upper & center units of the rack (critical real estate space
in rack) will be required to mount panels or switches to provide a
hassle free environment for their control and installation, the
scanning devices would be mounted either at the top or bottom of the
rack. Hence it is important that the scanning devices should carry a
design such that they require minimum interaction during any work
order execution and do not force any change in the rack design to
enable their functioning.
55. The solution should be efficient and should not require use of
multiple media for providing or verifying of the same information or
carrying out a work order. Any work order execution should be
achieved by means of lights without requiring any other interface.
This is essential to ensure easy usage of the system.
56. The solution should provide an easy way for tracing panel port
connectivity information even at the rack level without directly
interacting with any panel port / software. This is important to
provide information during network outage.
57. The implementation of the intelligent solution should not hamper or
should not be hampered by the progress in the other cabling, patching
& active installation. The solution should be capable to be installed at
any time during the network installation and testing.
58. The solution should provide the capability of monitoring port
availability status on network equipment including switches, patch
panels and telecommunication outlets should be monitored in real
time for the purpose of detecting unexpected or unauthorized
59. The intelligent management software should use standard database
so that the solution should be able to communicate and exchange data
with other systems using standard protocols and database formats.
This is to provide easy integration and customised reporting to other
systems. Integration can be done via: SDK, SNMP traps, XML, database
sharing and web services.

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60. Server provisioning feature should be supported and built in the

solution at the time of implementation. For this the solution should
be ready and should not require to build integration module to
integrate to IP power strips to get information of the power being
consumed in the racks in real time.
61. The solution should be ready to connect to devices which control
various parameters in the Datacenter / Hub room environment
(temperature sensors, humidity sensors, door access sensors, etc.)
and provide this information to the software in real time and help in
server provisioning.
62. The system should provide Servers Health like the real time power
being consumed by a server and information like ambient
temperature inside the servers ,by an out of band access or network
method without additional requirement of sensors or hardware.
63. The solution should offer as a built in feature the possibility to report
any unauthorized MAC outside the white list of MACs allowed on the
64. The solution should be capable to block switch ports automatically on
intrusion detection. This capability however should be selectable by
the user depending on the critical nature of the location.
65. The solution should provide visual representation of the datacenter
environment for:
66. Power consumption
67. Space availability
68. Temperature, humidity and other related environment sensor
69. The solution should have inbuilt dashboard. The solution should offer
users to customize their own dashboard like switch utilization, panel
utilization etc.
70. The solution should be provided with an unlimited user licenses. This
is important to enable use by multiple users.
71. The single scanning hardware unit should be able to connect to panels
in multiple Racks.
72. The work order execution should be achieved by LEDs on panel ports.
No other interface should be required for execution of the work order.
73. The solution connectivity, between the different scanning appliances,
should be based on standard RJ-45.
74. The solution should have built in reports for all physical layer
monitoring, and also for Data Center operations like power
consumption, temperatures, rack status and various other sensors
75. The intelligent solution must offer all copper and fiber options (RJ-45,
LC, and MPO/MTP)
76. The solution should support tablet/smart phone in order to present
the work orders.
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77. It should have the ability to connect and provide datacenter

environment reports like power consumption in racks in real time,
temperatures within racks, rack door closures, water level sensing
78. All Copper & Fiber components should be from the same OEM vendor.
79. All Components Passive and active Components should be RoHS
(Restriction of Certain Hazardous Substances) complied.
80. Declaration –RoHS Compliant should clearly be mentioned on
datasheets of each Passive Components (Copper & Fiber).
81. FRLS cables to be used for power related connections.
82. There should be 15-year performance warranty and Application

Helpdesk Management

Functional requirements

MSI will be required to establish the help-desk and provide facilities management services to
support the Police officials in performing their day to day functions related to this system.
The helpdesk management system will be fully integrated with the enterprise monitoring
(EMS) and network management system. The system will be accessed by the Police officials
for raising their incidents and logging calls for support.
The key functionalities of the helpdesk would include the following:
1. Service help desk management with respect to all the trigger, alarms related to fault, and
incident reported for anomaly and issues in operations of the hardware and software
domains of the project architecture.
2. The service helpdesk will be primarily responsible for ensuring adhering to the SLA
terms and bridge in-between the Enterprise Management System and the SLA
compliance parameters.
3. There must be a handholding mechanism for Delhi Police Personnel in terms of regular
operations considering all ticket closures, Incident management, Project Management to
ensure uninterrupted support to Delhi Police. The system must be capable of:
a. Incident records can be created and changed through web interface, Event
Management, NMS/EMS, CRMs, ERPs or any 3rd party system, Mobile App, Email etc.
b. Support for notification and escalation: System should support Incident Hierarchic
Escalation; Hierarchic Escalation rules should support based on Severity or Priority.
For Ex. Based on Incident Priority the Auto Escalation time to Higher Level should be
c. It should support tracking of SLA (service level agreements) for call requests within
the helpdesk through service types. It should be able to attach multiple SLA profiles,
Multiple SLA Metrics, should be able to adjust the SLA based on Authorized workflow

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d. Have a predefined out-of-the-box process for problem management that is compliant

with best practice frameworks such as ITIL.
e. The Helpdesk will ensure User manuals for all the Hardware and Operations at C4i,
C3i and C2i with all the associated Standard Operating Procedures before Go-Live of
phase I.
Technical Specifications
(Yes/ No) with
S No Parameters
comments, if
The proposed helpdesk system shall provide flexibility of
1 logging, viewing, updating and closing incident manually via
web interface
The proposed helpdesk solution should have achieved
PinkVERIFY certification on at least 6 available ITIL processes.
Documentary proof must be provided at the time of
Each incident shall be able to associate multiple activity logs
3 entries via manual update or automatic update from other
enterprise management tools.
The proposed helpdesk system shall be able to provide
4 flexibility of incident assignment based on the workload,
category, location etc.
The proposed solution should automatically provide
5 suggested knowledge base articles based on Incident
properties with no programming
The proposed solution should automatically suggest available
6 technicians based on workload, average ticket closure time
assigning tickets with no programming
The proposed solution should tightly integrate with
monitoring system to provide two-way integration - E.g. when
system down alarm created, it should automatically create
ticket and assign it to technician, in case system comes up
before ticket is resolved by technician, it should automatically
close the ticket to minimize human efforts
The proposed system must not create more than one ticket for
8 same recurring alarm to avoid ticket flooding from Monitoring
Each escalation policy shall allow easy definition on multiple
9 escalation levels and notification to different personnel via
web-based console with no programming
The proposed helpdesk system shall be capable of assigning
call requests to technical staff manually as well as

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automatically based on predefined rules, and shall support

notification and escalation over email
The proposed solution should allow administrator to define
ticket dispatcher workflow which automatically assign
11 incoming tickets based on rules defined in workflow. E.g.
Network fault keyword tickets gets assigned to network
technician automatically within NOC team
The proposed helpdesk system shall provide grouping access
12 on different security knowledge articles for different group of
The proposed helpdesk system shall have an updateable
13 knowledge base for technical analysis and further help end-
users to search solutions for previously solved issues
The proposed solution should allow Technician to relate
14 Incidents to Problem, Change and vice versa to have better
context while working on any of ticket type
The proposed helpdesk system shall support tracking of SLA
15 (service level agreements) for call requests within the help
desk through service types.
The proposed helpdesk system shall integrate tightly with the
16 Knowledge tools and CMDB and shall be accessible from the
same login window

Centralized- Field UPS Health

IP Power SE Standard UPS Centralized Health Monitoring & Network Management software.

S Specification Compliance
No. (Yes/ No) with
comments, if
1 Software should Support multi-brand multi-UPS
centralized monitoring and management
2 Maintenance, monitoring and management of the wide
distributed UPS power supply and its surrounding
environment should become very easy and efficient. A
variety of UPS brands and models should be monitored at
the unified platform, making the management simple and
3 It should Support all-day real-time UPS monitoring and
4 It should support 365 days × 24-hour real-time continuous
monitoring. UPS operating conditions should be easy to
master and the quality and efficiency of the management
should greatly enhance.
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5 Real-time detection of each network UPS’s main power,

battery, inverter work, bypass, self-test and other working
conditions should be supported by software.
6 Software should Display detailed and intuitive data and
real-time image of UPS status, data and graphically intuitive
and clearly showing each network UPS’s voltage, frequency,
load, battery and other parameters of the real-time status
information to help users understand the current situation
of electricity supply quality.
7 Software should be Capable of remote control and
maintenance of UPS power, and can set its regular
automatic control, maintenance, preservation, such as the
battery discharges and other conditions when there is no
need for users to visit on-site, which means you can conduct
regular operation and maintenance of the remote UPS,
which greatly reduce the difficulty of the UPS management
work, enhance the work efficiency, making the
management of the UPS greatly improved and let the UPS
battery acquire better maintenance and extend the battery
life. Also, all control actions of the users have to be logged
and it is easy to manage and trace.
8 Real-time response to UPS's alarm information should be
provided in software.

Procurement of Licenses
The licenses of all the software domain features will be perpetual. They will be valid
initially for phase 1 duration, followed by 3 years’ validity based on the associated
performance parameters of the system.

LDAP Software
It will be Windows / Linux Based Active Directory.

Audit trails and incident logs

The systems should have following features for logs and reports:
a. Reports such as camera uptime availability, camera recording percentage, recording status,
critical events, incident video, etc.
b. Allow the operator to raise support ticket from the VMS client itself.
c. Continuous log of Server Status Messages, Camera Connectivity, Storage Status, Recording
ON/OFF, User Activity Logs, etc. which should be accessed from the workstations using
different filters.
d. Detailed listing of all active or incoming alarms with available filters for time period, alarm
source, operator and alarm state.

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e. Ability to reassign alarms to other operators based on: change of state for one/multiple or all
alarms, change of alarm priority, entering incident-specific log information and the
suppression (snooze function) of alarms.
f. Ability to preview, view live or playback recorded images.
g. Automatically close an alarm based on a corresponding event.
h. Generate audit trail reports by incident.
i. Give full audit trail of the user activities in the system.
j. The system log should be searchable by Level, Source and Event Type.
k. The Audit Log should record remote user activity (searchable by User name, Audit ID, Source
and Location)
l. The Alert Log should record alerts triggered by rules (searchable by Alert type, Source and
Event type)
m. The Event Log should record event-related information (searchable by Service name, Source
and Event type)
n. The Rule Log should record rules in which the Make new <log entry> action been specified
(searchable by Service name, Source, Event type and Rule name)
o. Bandwidth utilization logs.

Hardware equipment at C4i

Video Wall Solution- 70” cubes in a 4 X 4 arrangement - 3 Video Walls
S No. Item Specification Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any

1. Display Wall Individual 70"±5%

Cube Size
2. Projection Technology DLP Rear Projection with each cube
having 4K-UHD resolution
3. Individual Video Wall 15360 x 8640
4. Cube Depth Less than 600 mm
5. Light Source Laser
6. Light Output of 2200 Lumens or more
projection engine
7. Brightness Uniformity 95%
8. Dynamic Contrast ratio 100,000:1
9. Dust Proof Projection Engine to be certified IP6X
by a third-party laboratory to ensure
prevention from ingress of dust
ensuring long life of the video wall

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10. Power Supply Dual Redundant Power Supply Built in

inside the cubes
11. Half Gain viewing angle Horizontal ± 36°, Vertical ± 34°
12. Normal mode: 60 000h
13. Eco mode: 90,000 Hours
14. Inputs 1 x Display Port 1.2, 1 x HDMI 2.0
15. 100 - 240 VAC, 60 - 50Hz, (below
values are for 230V; 110V +5%)
16. Normal mode Less than 350 Watt
17. Normal mode Less Than 1200 BTU/h
18. Operating conditions 5 Degrees to 35 Degrees C
19. Humidity Up to 80% non-condensing
20. Temperature 10°C-40°C | 50°F-105°F
21. Temperature 0°C-40°C | 32°F-105°F
22. Video Wall and cube Management through IP and handheld
Control Remote Control for quick access
23. Screen Backing 3-layer screen with hard backing
24. Pixel clock 162 Mhz
25. 0.2 mm or lower at temperatures
Screen to Screen Gap
between 20~25 deg C.
26. Screen Half-gain Viewing Hor: ±36 degrees
27. Angle Ver: ±34 degrees

Video Wall Controllers (For C4i)

S No. Item Specifications Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
1. Display controller Each Controller to be able to control
each PHQ video wall with a total
resolution of 15360 x 8640
2. Redundancy in the Power supply and HDD should be
controller redundant in the controller
3. Platform Windows 10 with processor with
Quad core 3 Ghz or Core i7/Xeon
4. RAM 16 GB
5. Chassis Type 19" Rack mount industrial chassis
6. Network 2 Network Ports
7. Resolution Support for 16 outputs with 4K-UHD resolution
Outputs per output
8. Inputs Each of the two Controllers should be
equipped with minimum 16 inputs of
DP/HDMI supporting 4K-UHD
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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9. Scalability The system should be able to add

additional inputs as required in the
future using additional chassis/cards
10. Redundancy Redundant Hot Swappable in RAID
11. Redundancy Redundant Hot Swappable Power
12. 24 x 7 operation The controller shall be designed for
24 x 7 operation
13. Others The Video Wall and the Controller
should be of the same make to
ensure better performance and
14. OEM Certification All features and functionality should
be certified by the OEM.
The Display Modules, Display
Controller & Software should be
from a single OEM.
15. Ticker There should be a possibility in the
controller to create user defined
multiple tickers. It should also be
possible to place these tickers
anywhere on the wall
16. Control The system should have the
capabilities of interacting
(Monitoring & Control) with various
applications on different network
through the single Operator
Workstation. It shall be possible to
launch layouts, change layouts in real
time using Tablet

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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Video Wall Software

S No. Item Specifications Compliance
(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
1. Layouts The software should be able to pre configure
various display layouts and access them at
any time with a simple mouse click or
schedule/timer based.
2. Sources The software should be able display multiple
sources anywhere on video wall in any size.
3. Workspace The video wall administrator should be able
Allocation to allocate workspace to each operator
4. Software features Video Wall Control Software shall allow
commands on wall level or cube level or a
selection of cubes:
5. • Switching the entire display wall on or off.
6. • Snap sensitivity to ensure quick and
accurate aligning of sources
7. • Fine-tune colour of each cube
8. License Should have a software license key to protect
from unauthorized use
9. Authentication Should offer 4 levels of authentication
10. Scaling Each source should be capable of being scaled
to required size
11. Display The software should be able to create layouts
and launch them as and when desired
12. Remote Control The Display Wall should be controllable from
Remote PC also.
13. Offline Layouts Should be possible to create offline layouts
14. Layout Scheduler All the Layouts can be scheduled as per user
15. Layout Scheduler Software should support auto launch of
Layouts according to specified time event by
16. Layout It should be possible to create layouts
Management comprising of screen scrapped content of
Workstations, DVI inputs, URLs configured as
17. Layouts Can be pre-configured or changed in real time
18. Scheduling It should be possible to schedule specific
Layout based on time range

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19. OEM Certification All features and functionality should be

certified by the OEM.
20. The Display Modules, Display Controller &
Software should be from a single OEM.

LED Monitor- 55” Display in a 1 X 2 arrangement

S. No. Parameter Specification Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
1. Technology LED Based
2. Screen Size 55 inches diagonally (± 0.4 inches)
3. Resolution 4k (3840 x 2160 at 60 Hz)
4. Viewing Angle 178° / 178°
5. Brightness 350 cd/m² (typical)
6. Contrast Ratio 4000:1 (typical)
7. Aspect Ratio 16:9
8. Input 2 x HDMI 2.0
1 x Display Port
1 x VGA
2 x USB Ports
9. Remote Asset 1 x RJ45
Management 1 x RS232
10. Duty Cycle 12/7
11. Certifications UL/EN/CE/IEC/BIS certification for Safety
and CE/FCC Certifications for EMC &
12. Warranty As mentioned in RFP

Workstation for LED Monitors


Sr. Parameters Specifications Compliance

No (Yes/ No) with
comments, if
1. Form Factor Tower
2. Processor Intel Xeon Processor, 8 Cores, 16MB Cache,
3.8Ghz base frequency, 4.7Ghz Turbo
frequency or higher processor
3. Operating System Windows 10 Pro, 64bit or latest
4. Office Microsoft office standard edition latest.
5. Chipset Intel Workstation Chipset 400 Series or

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6. Memory 32GB in combination of (4x8GB) DDR4

2666MHz Memory or higher
7. Hard Drive 256GB SSD
8. Graphic Card Nvidia Quadro P2200 GPU or higher
9. Keyboard & Mouse Wired Keyboard & Mouse (Same make as
10. Monitor Should be able to support min 3x 55” Led
Monitor mentioned above
11. PSU 80PLUS Gold Certified Energy Star
12. Expansion Slots Minimum "1" PCIe x16 Gen3; "2" PCIe
x4/x8 Gen3 and "1" M.2 or more
13. Network Card Dual Intel Ethernet Connection
10/100/1000 or better
14. I/O 4 - USB 3.1
1 - USB 3.1 Type C
1 - Audio Jack/ Microphone & Headphone
4 - DisplayPort
2 - RJ45 Network Connector
15. Warranty As mentioned in RFP

Workstations with 3 nos. 24" UHD Touch Monitors for C4I application at multiple rooms
on 6th & 7th Floor (EoC) Mike + webcam +speaker along with operator workstation

Sr. No Parameters Technical Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any

1. Form Factor Tower

2. Processor Intel Xeon Processor, 8 Cores, 16MB
Cache, 3.8Ghz base frequency, 4.7Ghz
Turbo frequency or higher processor
3. Operating System Windows 10 Pro, 64bit or latest
4. Office Microsoft office standard edition latest.
5. Chipset Intel Workstation Chipset 400 Series or
6. Memory 32GB in combination of (4x8GB) DDR4
2666MHz Memory or higher
7. Hard Drive 256GB SSD
8. Graphic Card Nvidia Quadro P2200 GPU or higher
9. Keyboard & Mouse Wired Keyboard & Mouse (Same make as

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10. Monitor Should be able to support min 3x 24” Full

HD Monitor (min 23.8” diagonal screen
size). Monitor should be of same make as
of workstation.
11. PSU 80PLUS Gold Certified Energy Star
12. Expansion Slots Minimum "1" PCIe x16 Gen3; "2" PCIe
x4/x8 Gen3 and "1" M.2 or more
13. Network Card Dual Intel Ethernet Connection
10/100/1000 or better
14. I/O 4 - USB 3.1
1 - USB 3.1 Type C
1 - Audio Jack/ Microphone & Headphone
4 - DisplayPort
2 - RJ45 Network Connector
15. Warranty As mentioned in RFP

S No. Parameters Technical Specifications

1. Size 23.8"/ 24” LED Monitor

2. Resolution 1920 X 1080 resolution Anti-glare, IPS,
16.7 Million colors
3. Aspect Ratio 16:9 Aspect Ratio,
4. Brightness 250 cd/m² Brightness,
5. Mount Tilt and Height-adjustable stand, pivot
6. Ports 1 x DisplayPort, 1 x HDMI, 1 x VGA, 5 x
USB, 72% color gamut,
7. Certification TCO Certified
8. Prerequisite Should be of the same make as of the
9. Warranty As mentioned in RFP

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Workstations with 3 nos. 24" UHD Touch Monitors for C4I application Mike + webcam
+speaker along with operator workstation

Sr. No Parameters Technical Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any

1. Form Factor Tower

2. Processor Intel Xeon Processor, 8 Cores, 16MB
Cache, 3.8Ghz base frequency, 4.75Ghz
Turbo frequency or higher processor
3. Operating System Windows 10 Pro, 64bit or latest
4. Office Microsoft office standard edition latest.
5. Chipset Intel Workstation Chipset 400 Series or
6. Memory 32GB in combination of (4x8GB) DDR4
2666MHz Memory or higher
7. Hard Drive 1 TB SATA
8. Graphic Card Nvidia Quadro P2200 GPU or higher
9. Keyboard & Mouse Wired Keyboard & Mouse (Same make as
10. Monitor Should be able to support min 3x 24” Full
HD Monitor (min 23.8” diagonal screen
size). Monitor should be of same make as
of workstation.
11. PSU 80PLUS Gold Certified Energy Star
12. Expansion Slots Minimum "1" PCIe x16 Gen3; "2" PCIe
x4/x8 Gen3 and "1" M.2 or more
13. Network Card Dual Intel Ethernet Connection
10/100/1000 or better
14. I/O 4 - USB 3.1
1 - USB 3.1 Type C
1 - Audio Jack/ Microphone & Headphone
4 - DisplayPort
2 - RJ45 Network Connector
15. Warranty As mentioned in RFP
16. Monitor
S No. Parameters Technical Specifications

1. Size 23.8"/ 24” LED Touch Screen Monitor

2. Resolution 1920 X 1080 resolution Anti-glare, IPS,
16.7 Million colors

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3. Aspect Ratio 16:9 Aspect Ratio,

4. Brightness 250 cd/m² Brightness,
5. Mount Tilt and Height-adjustable stand, pivot
6. Ports 1 x DisplayPort, 1 x HDMI, 1 x VGA, 5 x
USB, 72% color gamut,
7. Certification TCO Certified
8. Prerequisite Should be of the same make as of the
9. Warranty As mentioned in RFP

Workstation for Video wall without Monitor


Sr. Parameters Technical Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No No) with
comments, if any
1. Form Factor Tower
2. Processor Intel Xeon Processor, 8 Cores, 16MB Cache,
3.8Ghz base frequency, 4.7Ghz Turbo
frequency or higher processor
3. Operating System Windows 10 Pro, 64bit or latest
4. Office Microsoft office standard edition latest.
5. Chipset Intel Workstation Chipset 400 Series or
6. Memory 32GB in combination of (4x8GB) DDR4
2666MHz Memory or higher
7. Hard Drive 256GB SSD
8. Graphic Card Nvidia Quadro P2200 GPU or higher
9. Keyboard & Mouse Wired Keyboard & Mouse (Same make as
10. Monitor Should be able to support video-wall
11. PSU 80PLUS Gold Certified Energy Star
12. Expansion Slots Minimum "1" PCIe x16 Gen3; "2" PCIe
x4/x8 Gen3 and "1" M.2 or more
13. Network Card Dual Intel Ethernet Connection
10/100/1000 or better
14. I/O 4 - USB 3.1
1 - USB 3.1 Type C
1 - Audio Jack/ Microphone & Headphone
4 - DisplayPort
2 - RJ45 Network Connector
15. Warranty As mentioned in RFP
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Network Colour Laser Printer

Sr. No Item Specifications Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
1. Resolution (black) Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi or better
2. Resolution (color) Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi or better
3. Paper trays, standard 3
4. Print technology Laser
5. Display 4-line LCD (color graphics)
6. Number of print 4 (1 each black, cyan, magenta, yellow)
7. Connectivity 2 Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Host ports; 1 Hi-Speed
USB 2.0 Device port; 1 Gigabit Ethernet
10/100/1000T network port; 1 Hardware
Integration Pocket; 2 internal USB Host
8. Processor speed Minimum 700 MHz or better
9. Paper handling input, 100-sheet multipurpose tray, 500-sheet
standard input tray 2, 500-sheet heavy media input
tray 3
10. Paper handling output, 250-sheet output bin
11. Duplex printing Automatic (standard)
12. Hard disk Standard, 250 GB minimum (AES 128
13. Print speed, black Up to 33 ppm
14. Memory Minimum 512 or higher
15. Media sizes supported Tray 1: A4, RA4, A5, B5 (JIS), B6 (JIS), 10 x
15 cm, A6, 16K, envelopes (B5, C5 ISO, C6,
DL ISO); custom: 76 x 127 to 216 x 356 mm;
Tray 2: A4, A5, B5 (JIS), B6 (JIS), 10 x 15 cm,
A6, 16K; custom: 102 x 148.5 to 216 x 297
mm; Tray 3: A4, RA4, A5, B5 (JIS), 16K;
custom: 148.5 x 216 to 210 x 356 mm
16. Microsoft Windows 7 Professional(64bit),
Compatible operating Windows 8 Pro (64 Bit), Windows 8.1,
systems Windows 10, Server 2008 R2, Server 2012
R2, MAC OS 9.0, MAC OS X, Linux

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IP Phones
Sr. No Parameter Specification Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
1. Protocols/Standards SIP RFC3261, TCP/IP/UDP, RTP/RTCP,
802.1x, TLS, IPV6
2. Network Interfaces Dual switched auto-sensing 10/100/1000
Mbps Gigabit Ethernet ports with integrated
3. Graphic Display Min 2.5-inch
4. Bluetooth Yes, integrated
5. Feature Keys 8-line keys with up to 4 SIP accounts
6. Video Codec Support for G.729A/B, G.711µ/a-law, G.726,
G.722(wide-band), in-band and out-of-band
DTMF (in audio, RFC2833, SIP INFO)
7. Auxiliary Ports RJ9 headset jack
8. Telephony Features Hold, transfer, forward, 4-way conference,
call park, call pickup, shared-call
appearance /bridged-line-appearance,
downloadable phonebook, call waiting, call
log XML
9. HD audio Yes, HD handset and speakerphone with
support for wideband audio
10. Language Support English
11. Upgrade/Provisioning Firmware upgrade via TFTP / HTTP /
HTTPS, mass provisioning using TR-069 or
AES encrypted XML configuration file
12. Power Input:100-240V; Output: +12V, 0.5A
Integrated Power-over-Ethernet (802.3af)
Max power consumption: 6.4W (power
adapter) or 6.49W (PoE)
13. Security QoS Layer 2 QoS (802.1Q, 802.1P) and Layer
3 (ToS, DiffServ, MPLS) QoS User and
administrator level passwords, 256-bit AES
encrypted configuration file, SRTP, TLS,
802.1x or better
14. Compliance FCC: Part 15 (CFR 47) Class B CE: EN55022
Class B; EN55024 Class B; EN61000-3-2;
EN61000-3-3; EN60950-1 RCM: AS/ACIF
60950.1or Equivalent Indian Standards

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Display port/ HDMI splitter (for C4i & C3i + C2i)

These are tentative HDMI Splitter if required to be provided. Extra Features added to meet
the solution requirement

Racks 42U with Smart PDU

Compliance (Yes/
Sr No Specification Minimum Requirement No) with
comments, if any
42 U X 600mm X 1200mm (H x W x D)
rack should have metal frame
supporting more than 1300 Kgs of
static load and more than 1000 kg of
dynamic load.
Single front door and split rear door should
have the perforation of more than 75% to
provide the maximum airflow eliminating
the need of additional FHU in the rack.
Doors shall have lift of hinges for tool less
1 General
field reversibility.
Rack should have integrated hole pattern
for easy installation of top panel
accessories have removable opening for
cable entry and shall accommodate 2000
cat 6 cables to suffice the cabling
Rack should have two pair of 19-inch EIA
mounting rail with U marking on front and
rear of each rail for ease of installation.
Rack should have dual purpose full height
depth adjustable PDU/Cable management
brackets and should be mounted in the
zero U space.
PDU/Cable management brackets shall
2 Cable Manager
have button mount keyholes throughout to
accommodate the tool less mounting of
rack PDU’s of various heights and
accessories mounting holes for tool less
cable mounting accessories.
Rack should have split side panels with
single locking slam latch for quick and easy
3 installation and maintenance, single
person removal and installation eliminates
Panel the manpower dependencies.
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42 U rack frame height that allows access

through standard doors on four swivel
4 casters, rack shall have the levelling feet
and shall be accessible form the top of the
Caster & Levelling frame for easy adjustment.
Rack shall have the necessary hardware
accessories ((50 each M6 cage nuts and
screws), Cage nut installation tool, edge
protection for top panel cable entry,
Hardware Accessories Rack shall have necessary baying brackets
/ Installation ease and the bolt down kits
Rack frame design should allow 2.5 inch
more usable space in the rack for the
proper equipment placement and ease of
Rack should have the powder coated black
Powder Coating color,
Rack shall have EIA, UL, RoHS, REACH
Certification certified
Rack shall have two power distribution
8 unit, vertically mounted on the rear of the
Power Distribution rack to power on the devices in the rack.
Monitored, Unit Level, 32Amps, 230V, 1
Phase, 7.3KW, Vertical, 30 IEC C13, 6 IEC
C19, Locking Sockets, 3m power Cord with
2P+E (IP44)
The PDU shall have locking outlets - cable
locking mechanism so that it should not
require the locking cable to secure the
cables connected to the PDU
PDU shall have Input and Breaker level
current monitoring. Local high visibility
Power Distribution LED display.
Unit PDU shall have Phase (A) Monitoring (kWh,
W, VA, PF, V, A) Power Measurements
Compliant with ANSI C12.1 and IEC 62053-
21 at 1% Accuracy Class Requirements and
Circuit / Breaker Monitoring (A)
Circuit/Breaker Current Measurements
Independently Tested and Verified at 2%
The PDU shall support the mobile app for
the power monitoring and should be easy
to be shared in various formats

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The PDU shall be upgrade ready so that it

can be changed to monitored PDU without
downtime, by simply changing the Field
replaceable IMD unit.
PDU shall have button mounting option for
easy toolless installation and reinstallation
of the PDU’s
PDU shall have colored outlets to
differentiate the outlets based on the
The PDU should be CE certified.
Both rack and PDU should come with 5
Rack years of default warranty

Layer 2 Network Switch- 24 Ports

Compliance (Yes/
S No.. Technical Specifications of L2 Switch No) with
comments, if any
1. Should have required accessories for mounting.
2. Should have 24 x 10/100/1000 Base-T ports & 2xSFP+ ports. 2x
single mode 1GbE transceivers to be provided in switch
3. Should have min. 190Watt PoE budget. Stacking cables to be included
in each switch.
4. Should have non-blocking switch fabric
5. Should have minimum 16000 MAC addresses, minimum 500 VLANs.
6. Should have 1GB Flash & 1GB CPU memory
7. Should support 64 LAG, load balancing, double VLAN tagging.
8. Should have dual firmware images on board. USB port for easy config
& firmware image upload
9. Should support Time Based ACLs, MAC based ACLs from day 1.
10. Should have Flow based QoS, DiffServ, port based QoS, WRR, strict
queue scheduling
11. Should support UDLD, STP, RSTP, MSTP.
12. Should support STP, MSTP, minimum 8 hardware queues per port, SP
queuing or equivalent, LLDP-MED.
13. Should have 802.1x, RADIUS, TACACS+, IGMP v1/v2/v3 snooping
14. Should support SFPs for 10km, 80km distance
15. Should have Private VLAN & Auto VLAN
16. Should Support SNMP, RMON, SSH, telnet, web management, network
management software.
17. RSPAN, Private VLAN, captive portal
18. Power supply/adaptor/cords to be parts of supply

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19. Switch should have min. 130Watt PoE budget

20. RoHS, Energy Efficient Ethernet, REACH compliance. FCC Class A;
NRTL UL; FDA 21 CFR, EN 61000-4-5: Surge
21. The switch & transceivers should be from the same OEM
22. Seamless Integration: For Seamless Integration and Interoperability
all the switches and SFP Modules should be fully compatible for
smooth functioning of the system

Joystick for PTZ camera at Workstation

Sr. Specification Description Compliance
No (Yes/ No) with
comments, if
1 VMS Compatibility The Joystick must be compatible with all
distributed network video management
2 Technology Six-degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) sensor -
Intuitively and precisely navigate digital
models or camera positions in 3D space.
3 Design The full-size, soft-coated hand rest
positions the hand comfortably, and 15
large, soft-touch, function keys allow quick
access to frequently used commands.
4 Quick View Keys Fingertip access to 12 views makes it easier
to switch cameras
5 Function Keys Easy access to 4 application commands for
an optimized workflow.
6 Display Provides a visual reminder of function key
assignments on your computer screen
7 Modifier Fingertip access to Ctrl, Shift, Alt and Esc
keys saves time by reducing the need to
move your hand between mouse and
8 Numpad Allows direct numerical input into your
application using your standard mouse
rather than the Joystick
9 System flexibility The Joystick must be part of an integrated
system and shall be configured so any
number can be added to the system. When
combined with user interfaces (UIs),
network storage managers (NSM's),
encoders, IP cameras, and video consoles,
the Joystick forms an integral part of a

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complete network-based video control

10 Input Connector type Universal Inter changeable
(power Supply)
11 Joystick Interface USB 2.0
12 Cable USB
13 Joystick Module Fully proportional PTZ, variable speed;
with zoom, iris and focus controls
14 Operating temperature 0° to 40°C

55 Inch LED TV
Sr.No Standard HDR (High Dynamic Range) Compliance
(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
1. Display Type Ultra HD 4K
2. Screen Size (Diagonal) 138.8 cm (55 inch) minimum
3. Screen Resolution Minimum - 3840 x 2160 - Ultra HD
4. HDMI & USB Ports Minimum 2 USB Ports and 3 HDMI Ports
5. TV Connectivity Ethernet, Built-in Chromecast and WiFi
6. Speaker Output Power Minimum 2 X 10 Watts

Dual TV Stand with Power Distribution

Sr.NO Product Features Compliance
(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
1. Screen size Fits (2) 30” – 60” Screens
2. Material Steel, Aluminium
3. Finish Powder-Coated, Anodized
4. Bracket Type Tilting, Rotating
5. Orientation Portrait, Landscape
6. Placement Style Floor Standing
7. Features Wheels, Tilting, Adjustable Height
8. Weight 30KG minimum load capacity.
9. Shelf Minimum – 2
10. Electrical 4 Electrical Outlets with Switch and
cable manager

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Civil Works and interiors of C4i

C4i Design and Standards

Sr. No Specifications (Yes/ No), with
remarks, if any
This facility being the first of its kind, scale & prestige it is mandatory
for the bidder to provide Designer Control Room Solutions without
compromising on the safety and functionality of the facility. Materials
having the adverse impact on the environment and nature shall be
deemed unacceptable. To ensure an integrated solution, to qualify as
1. per the international control room design & safety norms; main bidder
shall bring one single professional Control Room Interior Solution
Provider on board with an experience of designing, manufacturing and
installing at least five control rooms interiors with control desks.
Supporting work orders and completion / appreciation certificates to
be enclosed along with the bid.
The scope of the project includes designing; engineering, supply &
installation of 24X7 mission critical Control Center Interiors. As this is
a project of National repute, this state-of-the art facility & all its
components viz Frameless glass partition, modular ceiling, flooring,
control desk, modular paneling, ceiling luminaries’ and its wiring etc.
shall be treated as a part of one single solution. Main bidder to submit
MAF (Manufacturer's Authorization Form) from professional Control
Room Interior Solution. The professional control room solution
provider must have experience of supplying a cumulative value of at-
least 1000 square meter of metal wall paneling & 1000 square meter
of designer metal false ceiling for control room application in past
three financial years, the professional control room agency must have
experience of designing, manufacturing and installing at least five
police control rooms interior projects with control desks
The entire design proposal must be modular, Flexible, Dynamic,
Scalable, Expandable and re-deployable to accommodate any
technological changes / future needs which are not envisaged now.
Modularity enables in quick and easy up-gradation. It is mandatory for
the main bidder that the control room interior solution provider
supplies all elements & executes all the activities like ceiling, flooring,
control desks, paneling, partitions & illumination to avoid interface &
quality related issues.
Control room solution provider with an experience of doing at-least
4. Two control room studies will be preferred. Control room solution
provider declaration and reference PO copies to be submitted.
Modular Paneling - Self inter lockable metal panels with front sheet of
Preformed Textured galvanized sheet with a coating to avoid rust.

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Control Room Interior shall be Green guard gold Certified (Modular

Metal Ceiling, Flooring & Modular Metal wall paneling).
Integrated Ceiling & Paneling: UL/NABL/Government approved test
7. laboratory certified audited certified design feature of Modular Metal
Ceiling & Paneling for integrated look of interior application
The Modular Metal Paneling, Modular Control Desks and Designer
Metal Ceiling shall be RoHS certified to ensure restriction of hazardous
8. substance so that the final product does not contaminate the
environment. Valid RoHS Certificate to be submitted along with the
technical bid by NABL/Government approved test laboratory.
Sound transmission class (STC) value should be 35 for Wall Paneling
& Partition test report from reputed agency
Tiles Perforation – UL/NABL/Government approved test laboratory
certified audited certified design feature on modular wall paneling tile
10. having clean perforations and providing smooth finish on front fascia
of tiles. Valid UL audit certificate to be submitted along with the
technical bid.
UL/NABL/Government approved test laboratory certified audited
certified design feature of Load bearing capacity of Paneling - Paneling
structure shall have load carrying capacity of 300 Kg to hold any
display unit on clamp having minimum length of 750mm. Valid UL
audit Certificate / /NABL/Government approved test laboratory
certified audited certified to be submitted along with the technical bid.
UL/NABL/Government approved test laboratory certified audited
12. certified design feature of Modular wall Paneling tile having secure
locking arrangement for equidistant mounting.
The control room solution provider shall propose three colour options
13. in advance during approval stage and shall change the approved
colour scheme in future at no cost.
Paneling/cladding tiles shall be designed to achieve shape and design
as per the design consultant with the combination of acrylic panels
with lights, designed to enhance visual feel, with provision for easy
installation and maintenance.
Ceiling Material - Factory made acoustic modular metal false ceiling of
powder coated panels.
Factory made acoustic modular metal false ceiling of powder coated
panels. Make shall comprising of perforated and non-perforated metal
panels made through CNC laser Cutting, bending & punching.
Customized 3-D metal ceiling as per the enclosed control room image
Ceiling in viewing gallery: The baffle ceiling shall be made of GI/MS
sheet or extruded Aluminum. The ceiling baffles planks shall have
integrated illumination channel which shall be processed on Machine
to have dimensions to suit control room illumination requirement.

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Modular perforated metal plank false ceiling should have Noise

18. absorption coefficient (NRC) value 0.60 per IS:8225-1987, test report
from reputed agency to be submitted
The non-uniform gaps (up to 750mm) between the designer metal
19. Ceiling and the adjacent walls / partition shall be covered with calcium
silicate ceiling.
False Flooring: Top surface shall finish with Carpet flooring. top
20. surface should be finished with durable & environment friendly
acoustic carpet pasted with special glue.
Carpet flooring- Minimum 4 mm thick acoustic carpet flooring shall
meet the requirement of EN 1307 (shall have Impact sound of
minimum Lw = 19 dB as per (ISO 717-2)). Flooring shall be decorative
type of approved shade, pattern, texture and design and of approved
manufacturer with sound absorption of 0.1 as per ISO 354. Dimensions
shall be as per the final approved design and site requirement.
Metal Doors (with OR without Vision Panel): - With door hinges and
locking arrangements and both way handle. Prepare with rigid thermo
22. fused film metal panels. Specification: 0.6mm thick Metal panel sheets,
cavity filled with honeycomb inside adequate quantity. Material of the
partition and that of metal door will remain the same.
12mm thick frameless tempered clear glass door: - With door spring
and locking arrangements and both way handle and patch fittings.
Illumination: - Control Room illumination shall be designed as per ISO
11064 norms. To ensure an integrated solution, to qualify as per the
international control room design & safety norms; main bidder shall
bring one single professional Control Room Interior Solution Provider
24. on board with an experience of designing, manufacturing and
installing at least twenty control rooms interiors with control desks.
These packages should have been executed on or before Bid release
date. Supporting work orders and completion / appreciation
certificates to be enclosed along with the bid.
Table-top: - The material of the working surface should be minimum
25 mm thick MDF with High Pressure ANSI/NEMA LD3 certified
scratch-resistant Laminate. The EPD (Environmental product
25. declaration) of control desk must be verified in accordance with ISO
14025 for Impacts on Environment by Console. Valid document must
be submitted along with the bid. to be audit certified by
NABL/Government approved test laboratory.
Console Structure - To allow future extension and expansion, a weld
free system shall be proposed. Interconnecting joints shall not be
visible. The structure shall allow easy assembly of Hinged Shutters,
Slat wall, Gland Plate, Monitor arms in extremely rigid manner.
The Console OEM should be an FSC Certified manufacturer from a
27. reputed certifying agency. The professional agency should have valid
Trademark registration issued by Government of India for the console
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offered. Valid Trademark certificate should be attached along with the

technical bid.
The Control Desk cable manager opening, and rear edge of desktop
shall be protected from minimum 5mm high no spill edge, it shall come
above desktop surface to prevent liquid from spilling inside the
CPU/Equipment Cabinet. Material of edge shall be Polyurethane.
Monitor Arm: - UL/NABL/Government approved test laboratory
certified design feature of monitor arm assembly shall have auto lock,
push & remove feature for quick release of VESA mounts and modular
arm extensions
Slat Wall: The slat wall shall have provision to install acrylic sheet /
glass panel above it. This sheet / panel shall bear laser cut company
logo on the upper left corner and shall be programmable to indicate
illuminated emergency indication feature.
Modular metal wall panels (at a height of 1.2 meters from floor) and
peripheral metal ceiling tiles shall have integrated illuminated
31. indicators. These indicators can be changed to different colours like
blue, green and red during different control room scenarios viz. VIP
visits, shift change and emergency respectively.
32. Provide live data of Humidity & temperature of the control room.
Two exhaust fans shall be provided in every cabinet. Both the fans
shall automatically start upon crossing the threshold temperature.
Interactive Desk: One touch table of 55” (diagonal size) shall be
provided in viewing gallery for visitor’s interface with the control
34. room environment for process understanding of control room. The
horizontal touch screen shall become vertical at a touch of a button for
multi-purpose use.
A prototypical design approach must be adopted for design of control
centers & consoles so, it must be prepared in strict compliance to ISO
11064 i.e. Ergonomic Design of control centers. Professional control
room interior solution provider to submit an ergonomic study report
including control room & desk along with the bid. The study must
cover, Lux level reports as per industry acceptable illumination levels,
35. spatial arrangement for efficient & safe movement of operators within
the control room during normal and emergency situations, Ideal
viewing angles (of operators) to ensure little head movement and
minimal eye movement. All these considerations must be shown in the
drawings during bid submission and the report must be signed by an
ergonomist who has an experience of doing at-least Two projects of
control room ergonomic study.
The requirements must be elaborated via a smart virtual-reality
36. module with auto-recommendation during design approval stage
before commencement of job.

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To achieve acoustics without deteriorating the aesthetical appeal of

37. the control room it is necessary that the wall paneling tiles have clean
micro-perforations all over the surface.
To ensure operator’s well-being it is mandatory that the wall
paneling/claddings, modular metal ceilings, false floor finishes &
control desk emit low VOCs (within permissible limits) hence, these
shall be tested & certified as per standard method for testing and
evaluation of volatile organic chemical emissions from indoor sources
using environmental chambers. The control room interiors (modular
metal ceiling, false flooring, control desk & modular metal wall
paneling) must be compliant with the BIFMA X7.1 standard and BIFMA
e3 credits or Government approved test laboratory certified audited
The modular metal paneling, modular control desks and designer
metal ceiling must comply to the lead-free directive to ensure
restriction of hazardous substances so that the final product does not
39. contaminate the environment. The final product i.e. designer metal
ceiling, modular metal paneling, control desk does not contain
hazardous substances. Valid document to be submitted along with the
Console should have certificate of safety for commercial furnishings
along with 200 kg of load carrying capacity on the working surface.
Material like wall paint, gypsum, wood, laminate cladding and fabric
should not be used in control room interiors. Conventional office
interior shall be deemed unacceptable. From fire safety point of view
the metal ceiling tile & metal wall paneling tiles shall be class A fire
rated as per the norms of comparative measurements of surface flame
spread and smoke density measurements with that of select grade red
oak and fiber-cement board surfaces under the specific fire exposure
conditions. Valid document to be submitted along with the bid.
It is mandatory for the main bidder that the control room interior
solution provider supplies all elements & executes all the activities like
ceiling, flooring, control desks, paneling, partitions & illumination to
avoid interface & quality related issues.

The Other details are enclosed in Chapter-3 of this RFP

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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Infrastructure at C3i (District Head Quarters)

Workstations with 3 nos. 24" Monitors for C4I application Mike + webcam +speaker along
with operator workstation
Sr. No Parameters Technical Specifications Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
1. Form Factor Tower
2. Processor Intel Xeon Processor, 8 Cores, 16 MB
,Cache, 3.8 Ghz base frequency,4.7 Ghz
Turbo frequency or higher processor
3. Operating System Windows 10 Pro, 64bit or latest
4. Office Microsoft office standard edition latest.
5. Chipset Intel Workstation Chipset 400 Series or
6. Memory 32GB in combination of (4x8GB) DDR4
2666MHz Memory or higher
7. Hard Drive 1 TB SATA
8. Graphic Card Nvidia Quadro P2200 GPU or higher
9. Keyboard & Mouse Wired Keyboard & Mouse (Same make as
10. Monitor Should be able to support min 3x 24” Full
HD Monitor (min 23.8” diagonal screen
size). Monitor should be of same make as of
11. PSU 80PLUS Gold Certified Energy Star
12. Expansion Slots Minimum "1" PCIe x16 Gen3; "2" PCIe
x4/x8 Gen3 and "1" M.2 or more
13. Network Card Dual Intel Ethernet Connection
10/100/1000 or better
14. I/O 4 - USB 3.1
1 - USB 3.1 Type C
1 - Audio Jack/ Microphone & Headphone
4 - DisplayPort
2 - RJ45 Network Connector
15. Warranty As mentioned in RFP
Sr. No Parameters Technical Specifications Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
1. Size 23.8"/ 24” LED Monitor
2. Resolution 1920 X 1080 resolution Anti-glare, IPS,
16.7 Million colors
3. Aspect Ratio 16:9 Aspect Ratio,
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4. Brightness 250 cd/m² Brightness,

5. Mount Tilt and Height-adjustable stand, pivot
6. Ports 1 x DisplayPort, 1 x HDMI, 1 x VGA, 5 x USB,
72% color gamut,
7. Certification TCO Certified
8. Prerequisite Should be of the same make as of the
9. Warranty As mentioned in RFP

LED Monitor- 55” Display

S. No. Parameter Minimum Specification Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
1. Technology LED Based
2. Screen Size 55 inches diagonally (± 0.4 inches)
3. Resolution 4k (3840 x 2160 at 60 Hz)
4. Viewing Angle 178° / 178°
5. Brightness 350 cd/m² (typical)
6. Contrast Ratio 4000:1 (typical)
8. Aspect Ratio 16:9
9. Input 2 x HDMI 2.0
1 x Display Port
1 x VGA
2 x USB Ports
10. Remote Asset 1 x RJ45
Management 1 x RS232
11. Duty Cycle 12/7
12. Certifications UL/EN/CE/IEC/BIS certification for Safety
and CE/FCC Certifications for EMC &
13 Warranty As mentioned in RFP

Workstations to Display Wall inputs

Sr. No Parameters Technical Specifications Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
1. Form Factor Tower
2. Processor Intel Xeon Processor, 8 Cores, 16 MB
Cache, 3.8 Ghz base frequency, 4.7 Ghz
Turbo frequency or higher processor
3. Operating System Windows 10 Pro, 64bit or latest

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4. Office Microsoft office standard edition latest.

5. Chipset Intel Workstation Chipset 400 Series or
6. Memory 32GB in combination of (4x8GB) DDR4
2666MHz Memory or higher
7. Hard Drive 256GB SSD
8. Graphic Card Nvidia Quadro P2200 GPU or higher
9. Keyboard & Mouse Wired Keyboard & Mouse (Same make as
10. Monitor Should be able to support 55” LED
monitors mentioned
11. PSU 80PLUS Gold Certified Energy Star
12. Expansion Slots Minimum "1" PCIe x16 Gen3; "2" PCIe
x4/x8 Gen3 and "1" M.2 or more
13. Network Card Dual Intel Ethernet Connection
10/100/1000 or better
14. I/O 4 - USB 3.1
1 - USB 3.1 Type C
1 - Audio Jack/ Microphone & Headphone
4 - DisplayPort
2 - RJ45 Network Connector
15. Warranty As mentioned in RFP

Network colour Laser Printer

Sr. No Item Specifications Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
1. Resolution (black) Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi or better
2. Resolution (color) Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi or better
3. Paper trays, standard 3
4. Print technology Laser
5. Display 4-line LCD (color graphics)
6. Number of print 4 (1 each black, cyan, magenta, yellow)
7. Connectivity 2 Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Host ports; 1 Hi-Speed
USB 2.0 Device port; 1 Gigabit Ethernet
10/100/1000T network port; 1 Hardware
Integration Pocket; 2 internal USB Host
8. Processor speed Minimum 700 MHz or better

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9. Paper handling input, 100-sheet multipurpose tray, 500-sheet

standard input tray 2, 500-sheet heavy media input
tray 3
10. Paper handling output, 250-sheet output bin
11. Duplex printing Automatic (standard)
12. Hard disk Standard, 250 GB minimum (AES 128
13. Print speed, black Up to 33 ppm
14. Memory Minimum 512 or higher
15. Media sizes supported Tray 1: A4, RA4, A5, B5 (JIS), B6 (JIS), 10 x
15 cm, A6, 16K, envelopes (B5, C5 ISO, C6,
DL ISO); custom: 76 x 127 to 216 x 356 mm;
Tray 2: A4, A5, B5 (JIS), B6 (JIS), 10 x 15 cm,
A6, 16K; custom: 102 x 148.5 to 216 x 297
mm; Tray 3: A4, RA4, A5, B5 (JIS), 16K;
custom: 148.5 x 216 to 210 x 356 mm
16. Microsoft Windows 7 Professional(64bit),
Compatible operating Windows 8 Pro (64 Bit), Windows 8.1,
systems Windows 10, Server 2008 R2, Server 2012
R2, MAC OS 9.0, MAC OS X, Linux

IP Phones
Sr. No Parameter Specification Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
1. Protocols/Standards SIP RFC3261, TCP/IP/UDP,
DNS (A record, SRV, NAPTR), DHCP,
SIMPLE, LLDP, LDAP, TR-069, 802.1x,
2. Network Interfaces Dual switched auto-sensing 10/100/1000
Mbps Gigabit Ethernet ports with
integrated PoE
3. Graphic Display Min 2.5-inch
4. Bluetooth Yes, integrated
5. Feature Keys 8-line keys with up to 4 SIP accounts
6. Video Codec Support for G.729A/B, G.711µ/a-law,
G.726, G.722(wide-band), in-band and out-
of-band DTMF (in audio, RFC2833, SIP
7. Auxiliary Ports RJ9 headset jack
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8. Telephony Features Hold, transfer, forward, 4-way conference,

call park, call pickup, shared-call
appearance /bridged-line-appearance,
downloadable phonebook, call waiting,
call log XML
9. HD audio Yes, HD handset and speakerphone with
support for wideband audio
10. Language Support English
11. Upgrade/Provisioning Firmware upgrade via TFTP / HTTP /
HTTPS, mass provisioning using TR-069 or
AES encrypted XML configuration file
12. Power Input:100-240V; Output: +12V, 0.5A
Integrated Power-over-Ethernet (802.3af)
Max power consumption: 6.4W (power
adapter) or 6.49W (PoE)
13. Security QoS Layer 2 QoS (802.1Q, 802.1P) and
Layer 3 (ToS, DiffServ, MPLS) QoS User
and administrator level passwords, 256-
bit AES encrypted configuration file, SRTP,
TLS, 802.1x or better
14. Compliance FCC: Part 15 (CFR 47) Class B CE: EN55022
Class B; EN55024 Class B; EN61000-3-2;
EN61000-3-3; EN60950-1 RCM: AS/ACIF
60950.1 or equivalent Indian standard

Secured Network Devices

- Solution should support build in NGFW feature (Anti Spyware, IPS, Anti-Virus and
application control) to protect network against threats or external NGFW solution can be
quoted separately

Sr. No Features Specification Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
1 General Proposed vendor must be placed in
Leader and Challengers Quadrant in
Gartner SD-WAN or leader Gartner
quadrant for Enterprise Firewall. NSS
recommended vendor shall be

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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The SDWAN device should be supplied

with hot swappable Fan tray and
redundant hot swappable Power supplies
and shall support IPv6 like application
identification, Zone protection,
management etc. from Day-1
1 SDWAN Architecture Proposed SDWAN solution should have
management-based architecture and if
management appliances/solution goes
offline the SDWAN solution should keep on
functioning without any issues. Must
support build in GUI as well for any onsite
changes if required.
2 The bidder shall propose at least one
management solution as asked above.
3 Management architecture should have
option to be deployed in HA if required in
4 Management architecture should support
on premise Model as well as have option of
hosting on cloud.
5 There should not be any impact on SDWAN
data forwarding capability in case of
complete disconnection of management
6 Management architecture should support
Virtual Firewall/multi-tenancy and the
proposed device shall minimally have
Common Criteria and Internet Computer
Security Association (ICSA) Certification
and should not have any wireless code in
the offered device or its family in hardware
or software. No work around this will be
7 Management architecture should support
rich policy constructs to manipulate
routing information, access control,
segmentation, Application control.
8 Solution should provide transport
independence and should allow to use any
transport like MPLS, Internet,
3G/4G/broadband, Point to Point link etc.
9 Licensing of SD-WAN solution must be
based on device capacity not on bandwidth
capacity / restriction

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10 Architecture must support zero touch

deployment, so that minimum effort is
required to deploy the solution
Operations It should support multi-cast Network
Network would be functional at the time of
connectivity failure between controller
and branch device.
System Should able to support of network
elements to deploy any kind of topologies
such as any-to-any, Hub-spoke and Partial
System should able to support Multiple
WAN Links utilization and detecting
blackouts & brownouts by supporting
active / active load balancing & Fast
session failover
System must support Diverse WAN
including T1, E1, LTE, PPPoE, DSL, Fibre
and Ethernet
1 Security Management and SDWAN solution should
2 communicate over encrypted channel
3 Solution must support templates to be
applied to the groups of police station
4 SDWAN Router should support strong
encryption like AES 256 or higher
supported even over IPSec tunnel and it
should support sub second path failover
and recovery
6 Proposed solution must support creation
7 of logical separate sub-domain within
single physical devices to separate
different kind of networks.
8 SDWAN solution should support
integration with cloud based/appliance-
based security solutions or should have
inbuilt security features like content
filtering and antivirus
9 SDWAN solution should support split
tunneling to provide direct internet access
from branch
10 SDWAN solution shall have built in feature
to protect CPU under DoS/DDos attacks

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11 SDWAN architecture should support

application identification at layer-7 and
should able to identify minimum 3000
applications natively or minimum
throughput as mentioned above. It should
also allow to define custom applications as
per requirement
1 Routing and QoS SDWAN solution should allow minimum 2
service providers at branch locations and 4
service providers at DC.
2 SDWAN solution should support BGP and
Static routing
3 SDWAN solution should support
performance SLA based on latency, packet
loss, jitter or all 3 combined
4 SDWAN edge devices should support
802.1Q, sub interface, Inter VLAN routing
5 SDWAN solution should support rule-
based routing based on Application, user,
user group, source, destination or
combination of any of them
6 SDWAN Solution should support rule
creation based on Application or source
address or destination address and each
rule should have option to use different
performance SLA
7 SDWAN should support QoS based on
8 SDWAN device should support FEC
(Forward Error correction) and DSCP
9 SDWAN device must support BGP
additional path support and route-map
10 SDWAN device solution must support Auto
1 Management Management solution should be
appliance/VM which must support around
300 SDWAN devices at Day 1 scalable to
1000. If VM option is quoted than server
should be given along with all the
necessary licenses
2 Management solution should have built in
GUI which can be accessed by any popular
browser and no extra software must be
required to open management GUI access
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3 Should have template option to push

common policy across all SDWAN solution
4 Must have dashboard showcasing all the
SDWAN solution across the network with
their latency and link status
5 Centralized management should have open
APIs to integrate with third party
6 Centralized management should support
role-based access
7 Management must support IPSec wizard
which can push VPN configuration to
various SDWAN devices with the routing
information updates.
1 Logging & Reporting The Logs and Reporting platform must be a
dedicated same OEM appliance and
VM/software running on server will not be
2 The Logs and Reporting platform support
running on-demand and scheduled reports
3 Should have minimum 10 TB of Hard Drive
Capacity in RAID 1, for logging and
reporting if provided as separate
management as from firewall.
4 Real-time display of information allows
you to follow real-time trends in network
usage such as the source IP address and the
destination URL for HTTP traffic or IM
message traffic.
5 All log files and messages are searchable
and can be filtered to drill down and locate
specific information.
6 The logging Appliance should support
multiple types of report format PDF, HTML,
CSV and XML.
1 Licensing All license for Monitoring, management,
VPN and Logging should be quoted. Vendor
should quote all the license from day one
related to proper SD-WAN deployment and
all the feature requested above.
2 License for any unmentioned feature which
require proper deployment and
functioning of SD-WAN must be quoted.
Vendor shouldn't have any hidden charges

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1 Performance The SDWAN device at C3i should have

Parameter minimum 10x 1GE RJ45 ports and 4x 1G
SFP or better and 4X10 SFP+ Optical ports
to cater to connectivity from multiple
service providers.
Additional HA ports, Console and OOB
should be provided extra.
SFPs Transceivers should be populated as
per solution requirement from Day1.
2 IPSec encryption throughput should be 2
3 Minimum 50K new session per second, 1
Mn concurrent session, 2000 Site to Site
4 SDWAN device should support minimum 2
Gbps of Threat Protection Throughput
including Firewall, IPS, Application Control
and antivirus Protection enabled with
mix/application mix production traffic
5 Minimum 2 Gbps of Application Control
Throughput on SDWAN device the device
should have Redundant Power Supplies
and hot swappable fan tray.

Layer 2 Network Switches - 24 Ports

S No. Features Description of Specs Compliance
(Yes/ No)
comments, if
1. Interface Minimum of 24 ports 10/100/1000 Base-T and
requirements 4x 10G SFP+ ports
2. 1 x Out of Band IP based management Port, 1
Console Port, USB Port / External Flash
3. support stacking for upto 8 switches with
minimum 40 Gbps stacking.
4. Have Redundant Power Supply support and
variable speed fan to adjust to varying weather
conditions in campus
1. Design & Each switch should have minimum 128 Gbps or
Performance more with non-blocking architecture and
Forwarding rate of 95 Mpps
2. Should be equipped with minimum 1GB RAM and
1GB flash
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3. Should have LED indicator for per port status,

FAN, PSU and Management Status
4. 0°C to 50°C operating temperature and 10% to
95% relative humidity
5. Hardware and software configuration have for
Ipv6 from day one
1. Switching / Should have 16 K MAC Address, 4000 active Vlans
2. Routing Should support 10 K ARP entries
3. 802.1D spanning Tree and PVST+, 802.1w, 802.1s,
should have BPDU Guard or equivalent feature on
edge port to auto disable port for a configurable
time period to if an accidental loop occurs in the
4. Audio Video Bridging to enable reliable, real-time
audio/video transmission over Ethernet
5. Should support aggregating and load balancing of
traffic to two or more peer switches within same
6. Should support G.8032 standard based protocol
for ring backbone
7. Should have Port based VLAN, MAC based VLAN,
private vlan and 802.1 AK for dynamic VLAN
8. Should have Local, Remote and multisession port
mirroring (minimum 4 session)
9. Support Standard based protocols for lossless
transport of real time data with dynamic QoS
10. Should have 8 Hardware QoS Queues per port
11. Should have traffic rate limiting with Configurable
bandwidth granularity of 8 KBps
12. Should have Link Layer Discovery Protocol
(802.1ab) to allow recognition of third-party
network devices and LLDP MED for auto
13. Should have MAC address tracking and
notification for mac address addition, delete or
movement in the Network
14. Should support policy-based routing and
15. Should have basic dynamic routing protocols like
RIP from day one and be upgradeable to OSPF,

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16 Must Support RFC 3619 for sub 50 ms failover

and it should seamlessly integrate with Core and
17 Should have Configurable multicast session limit
per port
1. Security Local authentication database for RADIUS
Authentication for 802.1x login
2. Should have MAC security – Lockdown & Limit
and MAC address tracking with syslog & snmp
3. Should have SSH-2, SCP, SFTP for secure
4. Should have dynamic arp inspection, DHCP
snooping, Private VLAN, SYN attack protection,
GARP protection
5. Should have ASIC based traffic flow analysis
based on Netflow/ sFlow/ Ipfix
6. Should have minimum 1 K ACL entry support and
Time-Based ACL
1. Management Should have scheduled archiving / uploading of
configuration and system log to a central server
2. Should support inbuilt DHCP server and Client for
quick configuration of endpoints and switch
3. Telnet server, ssh server, Ping and traceroute
over Ipv6
4. Should have L2 Traceroute, L2 Ping and Multicast
5. Web, Console and CLI management
6. Dual firmware and configuration rollback
7. Should be SDN capable with Open stack support
and OpenFlow API support, should support IEEE
8 Inbuilt browser-based bandwidth monitoring
9. Should support Energy Efficient Ethernet 802.3az
1. Certification Model should have safety and standards
certifications as below: IEC & CISPR certificates as
below : IEC61000-4-6:2008/EN61000-4-6:2009,
IEC61000-4-8:2009/EN61000-4-8:2010 , EN
55022:2010 Class A, CISPR 22:2008 Class A,
CISPR24:201 OCIassA, Radiated Immunity
10V/criteria, UL60950-1 2ndEd, CE 2.0 Compliant
or equivalent Indian standards
2. Seamless Integration: For Seamless Integration
and Interoperability all the switches and SFP

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Modules should be fully compatible for smooth

functioning of the system

Network Racks 16U

Sr. Parameter Specification Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
1 Rack Mount Depth Standard Depth: 29" (736 mm)
2 Adjustment Range: 6" to 30" in 1"
increments (152 - 762 mm)
3 Internal Space: 37.25" (946 mm)
4 Front Space: 1.5" (38 mm) *
5 Rear Space: 6.75" (171 mm) *
6 Weight Capacity 1200 lbs. (544 kgs)
7 Rated capacity on leveling feet (without
8 Rack Outside 40" x 24" x 36.58" (1016 x 607 x 930 mm)
9 Dimensions DxWxH
10 Included Hardware (2) keys
11 Hole Type EIA 3/8" square holes
12 Rack Post Shape L Shape
13 Rack Ventilation 80% perforation on doors.
14 Rack Doors Removable, Lockable and Reversible.
15 Rack Sides Removable and Lockable
16 Smart closet feature Integrated Solution having Cooling,
Biometric Secure, Safety & Security and
Monitoring at Rack level.
17 Cooling Options 500W or more

10KVA UPS with 30 min battery backup at 80% load

Sr. No Specifications Requirement Compliance
(Yes/ No) with
comments, if any
1. Capacity 10 KVA / 9 KW
2. Technology IGBT (Rectifier & Inverter both); ECO
Mode required
Inbuilt Input Isolation Transformer
3. Wave form & Freq Pure Sine wave & shall have frequency
converter converter mode
4. Display LCD

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5. Input power factor 0.99 at 100% Linear load

6. Input configuration 3Ph, L-N+PE, +/- 10% on full load
7. UPS Shall have inbuilt Input Isolation
8. Frequency (Input) 45 to 55 Hz frequency (or 54 to 66 Hz
for 60Hz Output)
9. Frequency (output) 50Hz or (selectable to 60Hz)
10. Output Voltage 220/230/240Vac shall be available
with +/-1% regulation
11. Output Voltage < = 3% max full linear load
12. Output Power factor 0.9
13. Crest factor 3 or better
14. AC-AC Efficiency Online Mode: Greater than or equal to
88% @ Full Rated Load & Battery
Fully charged
15. Transfer time Main- 0
16. Transfer time Inverter- 4 msec
17. Output Connection Hardwired Terminal Block required
18. Monitoring software Shall be provided for monitoring of
for UPS UPS from remote along with SNMP
Card, this project being of high
security & safety the SNMP card. shall
be in compliance to global cyber
security i.e. UL 2900-1 and IEC 62443-
4-2 both as mandatory requirement
or equivalent Indian standards
19. Communication SNMP
20. Port RS 232
21. Battery Type 12V SMF.
22. Battery backup 10KVA UPS with 30 min battery
backup at 80% load (9984 VAH or
23. Charger Shall be minimum 10% of the offered
Battery AH
24. Battery Flexibility 32 to 40 Battery Flexibility required
25. EPO Shall be available

Environmental Parameter

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under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

A Operating temperature 0-40 deg C

B Other
Indication required -> Over
Temperature, Load on Battery,
Battery low, Mains ON
C Humidity 5% to 95% no-condensing
D Noise Level 70 dBA max.
E Mounting Tower type only (Rack Mount type not
F EPO Shall be available
26 Protection IP20
27 LCD Display
27.a Measurements (On Input & Output Voltage, Input &
LCD) Output Frequency, Bypass: Voltage &
Frequency, DC Voltage, Remaining
28 Manufacturer Manufacturer -> ISO 9001, ISO 14001,
OEM Plant should have water & air
pollution control clearance certificate
from respective govt. agency.
UPS OEM should have registered
office in India from last 10 years
(certificate of incorporation to be
29 Product CE Certified
30 Management Supports Windows 7 / 8 or latest, Linux, Unix

Comfort AC 1.5/2 Ton

- Comfort AC 1.5/2 Ton is mention under Non-IT part of C3i

Edge Gateway for Community Surveillance

Compliance (Yes/
Sr. No Technical Specification No) with
comments, if any
1. IoT based edge gateway devices will be procured as an integral part
of the project solution. It will be used for connecting the feeds of
existing cameras reporting to Police Stations/Police District offices or
will act as a hub for the SWAT team. The Edge Gateway appliances
will be placed in the offices as per need basis.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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The primary purpose of the gateway is to provide critical situational

awareness solution by accessing live video feeds from surveillance
system installed in public and private institutions.

The gateway with embedded software will have the ability to connect
with 3rd Party VMS software/NVR System deployed in the public or
private institutions and act as a gateway to get the live cameras feeds
into ICCC/ C4I/ VMS application is made available.

Live video feed streaming should not have any dependency in any
format on the 3rd Party VMS or NVR Systems deployed in the private
or public institutions where such gateway would be deployed.

The communication between Edge Gateway and VMS/C4I application

at command centers or any other location will be secured and

The Gateway will have the native intelligence to the stream live video
with dependency only on the network infrastructure of the 3rd party
system and under no circumstances the solution depend/ intervene
on 3rd party solution deployed except accessing the live video feeds
from the CCTV cameras deployed at sites.

The device/ software must be Cyber Security hardened.

 Intel SOC based chipset
 Min 4 GB or better memory
 Min 32 GB SSD or better storage
 Min 2*HDMI Ports
 Min 2*1 G LAN Ports
 Min 2*USB Ports
 Min 1*PCI Expansion slot
 Operating Temperature 0-50 Degrees
 Mounting Options: Wall, VESA or DIN Rail Based
 Must be light and easy to carry

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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Joystick for PTZ camera at Workstation

Sr. Specification Description Compliance
No. (Yes/ No) with
comments, if
1. VMS Compatibility The Joystick must be compatible with all
distributed network video management
2. Technology Six-degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) sensor -
Intuitively and precisely navigate digital models
or camera positions in 3D space.
3. Design The full-size, soft-coated hand rest positions the
hand comfortably, and 15 large, soft-touch,
function keys allow quick access to frequently
used commands.
4. Quick View Keys Fingertip access to 12 views makes it easier to
switch cameras
5. Function Keys Easy access to 4 application commands for an
optimized workflow.
6. Display Provides a visual reminder of function key
assignments on your computer screen
7. Modifier Fingertip access to Ctrl, Shift, Alt and Esc keys
saves time by reducing the need to move your
hand between mouse and Joystick
8. Numpad Allows direct numerical input into your
application using your standard mouse rather
than the Joystick
9. System flexibility The Joystick must be part of an integrated
system and shall be configured so any number
can be added to the system. When combined
with user interfaces (UIs), network storage
managers (NSM's), encoders, IP cameras, and
video consoles, the Joystick forms an integral
part of a complete network-based video control
10. Input Connector Universal Inter changeable
type (power
11. Joystick Interface USB 2.0
12. Cable USB
13. Joystick Module Fully proportional PTZ, variable speed; with
zoom, iris and focus controls
14. Operating 0° to 40°C
Civil Works and interiors of C3i

The details are enclosed in Section 3.1.3 of Chapter-3 of this RFP

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Infrastructure at C2i (Police Station)

Workstations with 3 nos. 24" Monitors for C4I application Mike + webcam +speaker along
with operator workstation
Sr. No Parameters Technical Specifications Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
1. Form Factor Tower
2. Processor Intel Xeon Processor, 8 Cores, 16 MB Cache,
3.8 Ghz base frequency, 4.7 Ghz Turbo
frequency or higher processor
3. Operating System Windows 10 Pro, 64bit or latest
4. Office Microsoft office standard edition latest.
5. Chipset Intel Workstation Chipset 400 Series or
6. Memory 32GB in combination of (4x8GB) DDR4
2666MHz Memory or higher
7. Hard Drive 1 TB SATA HDD
8. Graphic Card Nvidia Quadro P2200 GPU or higher
9. Keyboard & Mouse Wired Keyboard & Mouse (Same make as
10. Monitor Should be able to support min 3x 24” Full
HD Monitor (min 23.8” diagonal screen
size). Monitor should be of same make as of
11. PSU 80PLUS Gold Certified Energy Star
12. Expansion Slots Minimum "1" PCIe x16 Gen3; "2" PCIe
x4/x8 Gen3 and "1" M.2 or more
13. Network Card Dual Intel Ethernet Connection
10/100/1000 or better
14. I/O 4 - USB 3.1
1 - USB 3.1 Type C
1 - Audio Jack/ Microphone & Headphone
4 - DisplayPort
2 - RJ45 Network Connector
15. Warranty As mentioned in RFP
Sr. No Parameters Technical Specifications Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
1. Size 23.8"/ 24” LED Monitor
2. Resolution 1920 X 1080 resolution Anti-glare, IPS,
16.7 Million colors
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3. Aspect Ratio 16:9 Aspect Ratio,

4. Brightness 250 cd/m² Brightness,
5. Mount Tilt and Height-adjustable stand, pivot
6. Ports 1 x DisplayPort, 1 x HDMI, 1 x VGA, 5 x USB,
72% color gamut,
7. Certification TCO Certified
8. Prerequisite Should be of the same make as of the
9. Warranty As mentioned in RFP

LED Monitor- 55” Display

S No. Parameter Minimum Specification Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
1. Technology LED Based
2. Screen Size 55 inches diagonally (± 0.4 inches)
3. Resolution 4k (3840 x 2160 at 60 Hz)
4. Viewing Angle 178° / 178°
5. Brightness 350 cd/m² (typical)
6. Contrast Ratio 4000:1 (typical)
7. Aspect Ratio 16:9
8. Input 2 x HDMI 2.0
1 x Display Port
1 x VGA
2 x USB Ports
9. Remote Asset 1 x RJ45
Management 1 x RS232
10. Duty Cycle 12/7
11. Certifications UL/EN/CE/IEC/BIS certification for Safety
and CE/FCC Certifications for EMC &
12. Warranty As mentioned in RFP

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Workstations for Display LED without Monitor


Parameters Technical Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
Form Factor Tower
Processor Intel Xeon Processor, 8 Cores, 16MB Cache,
3.8Ghz base frequency, 4.7Ghz Turbo
frequency or higher processor
Operating System Windows 10 Pro, 64bit or latest
Office Microsoft office standard edition latest.
Chipset Intel Workstation Chipset 400 Series or
Memory 32GB in combination of (4x8GB) DDR4
2666MHz Memory or higher
Hard Drive 256GB SSD
Graphic Card Nvidia Quadro P2200 GPU or higher
Keyboard & Mouse Wired Keyboard & Mouse (Same make as
Monitor Should be able to support 55” LED
monitors mentioned
Expansion Slots Minimum "1" PCIe x16 Gen3; "2" PCIe
x4/x8 Gen3 and "1" M.2 or more
Network Card Dual Intel Ethernet Connection
10/100/1000 or better
I/O 4 - USB 3.1
1 - USB 3.1 Type C
1 - Audio Jack/ Microphone & Headphone
4 - DisplayPort
2 - RJ45 Network Connector
PSU 80PLUS Gold Certified Energy Star
Warranty As mentioned in RFP

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IP Phones
Sr. No Parameter Specification Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
1. Protocols/Standards SIP RFC3261, TCP/IP/UDP,
DNS (A record, SRV, NAPTR), DHCP,
SIMPLE, LLDP, LDAP, TR-069, 802.1x,
2. Network Interfaces Dual switched auto-sensing 10/100/1000
Mbps Gigabit Ethernet ports with
integrated PoE
3. Graphic Display Min 2.5-inch
4. Bluetooth Yes, integrated
5. Feature Keys 8-line keys with up to 4 SIP accounts
6. Video Codec Support for G.729A/B, G.711µ/a-law,
G.726, G.722(wide-band), in-band and out-
of-band DTMF (in audio, RFC2833, SIP
7. Auxiliary Ports RJ9 headset jack
8. Telephony Features Hold, transfer, forward, 4-way conference,
call park, call pickup, shared-call
appearance /bridged-line-appearance,
downloadable phonebook, call waiting,
call log XML
9. HD audio Yes, HD handset and speakerphone with
support for wideband audio
10. Language Support English
11. Upgrade/Provisioning Firmware upgrade via TFTP / HTTP /
HTTPS, mass provisioning using TR-069 or
AES encrypted XML configuration file
12. Power Input:100-240V; Output: +12V, 0.5A
Integrated Power-over-Ethernet (802.3af)
Max power consumption: 6.4W (power
adapter) or 6.49W (PoE)
13. Security QoS Layer 2 QoS (802.1Q, 802.1P) and
Layer 3 (ToS, DiffServ, MPLS) QoS User
and administrator level passwords, 256-
bit AES encrypted configuration file, SRTP,
TLS, 802.1x or better
14. Compliance FCC: Part 15 (CFR 47) Class B CE: EN55022
Class B; EN55024 Class B; EN61000-3-2;
EN61000-3-3; EN60950-1 RCM: AS/ACIF

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60950.1 or equivalent Indian standard

Secured Network Devices (SD-WAN Enabled Routers)

Sr. No Features Specifications Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
1. General Proposed vendor must be placed in Leader
and Challengers Quadrant in Gartner SD-
WAN or leader Gartner quadrant for
Enterprise Firewall. NSS recommended
vendor shall be preferred.
2. The SDWAN device should be supplied
with Redundant hot swappable Power
supply shall support IPv6 like application
identification, Zone protection,
management etc. from Day-1
1. SDWAN Proposed SDWAN solution should have
Architecture management-based architecture and if
management appliances/solution goes
offline the SDWAN solution should keep on
functioning without any issues. Must
support build in GUI as well for any onsite
changes if required.
2. The bidder shall propose at least one
management solution as asked above.
3. Management architecture should have
option to be deployed in HA if required in
4. Management architecture should support
on premise Model as well as have option of
hosting on cloud.
5. There should not be any impact on SDWAN
data forwarding capability in case of
complete disconnection of management
6. Management architecture should support
Virtual Firewall/multi-tenancy and the
proposed device shall minimally have
Common Criteria and Internet Computer
Security Association (ICSA) Certification
and should not have any wireless code in
the offered device or its family in hardware
or software. Any work around this will not
be accepted.

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7. Management architecture should support

rich policy constructs to manipulate
routing information, access control,
segmentation, Application control.
8. Solution should provide transport
independence and should allow to use any
transport like MPLS, Internet,
3G/4G/broadband, Point to Point link
9. Licensing of SD-WAN solution must be
based on device capacity not on bandwidth
capacity / restriction
10. Architecture must support zero touch
deployment, so that minimum effort is
required to deploy the solution
1. Operations It should support multi-cast network
2. Network would be functional at the time of
connectivity failure between controller
and branch device.
3. System Should able to support of network
elements to deploy any kind of topologies
such as any-to-any, Hub-spoke and Partial
4. System should able to support Multiple
WAN Links utilization and detecting
blackouts & brownouts by supporting
active / active load balancing & Fast
session failover
5. System must support Diverse WAN
including T1, E1, LTE, PPPoE, DSL, Fibre
and Ethernet
1. Security Solution should support build in NGFW
feature (Anti Spyware, IPS, Anti-Virus and
application control) to protect network
against threats or external NGFW solution
can be quoted separately
2. Management and SDWAN solution should
communicate over encrypted channel
3. Solution must support templates to be
applied to the groups of police station
4. SDWAN Router should support strong
encryption like AES 256 or higher
supported even over IPSec tunnel and it

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should support sub second path failover

and recovery.
6. Proposed solution must support creation
of logical separate sub-domain within
single physical devices to separate
different kind of networks. The proposed
device should be having at least 10 physical
7. SDWAN solution should support
integration with cloud based/appliance-
based security solutions or should have
inbuilt security features like content
filtering and antivirus
8. SDWAN solution should support split
tunneling to provide direct internet access
from branch
9. SDWAN solution shall have built in feature
to protect CPU under DoS/DDos attacks
10. SDWAN architecture should support
application identification at layer-7 and
should able to identify minimum 3000
applications natively or minimum
throughput as mentioned above. It should
also allow to define custom applications as
per requirement
1. Routing and QoS SDWAN solution should allow minimum 2
service providers at branch locations and 4
service providers at DC.
2. SDWAN solution should support BGP and
Static routing
3. SDWAN solution should support
performance SLA based on latency, packet
loss, jitter or all 3 combined
4. SDWAN edge devices should support
802.1Q, sub interface, Inter VLAN routing
5. SDWAN solution should support rule-
based routing based on Application, user,
user group, source, destination or
combination of any of them
6. SDWAN Solution should support rule
creation based on Application or source
address or destination address and each
rule should have option to use different
performance SLA

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7. SDWAN should support QoS based on

8. SDWAN device should support FEC
(Forward Error correction) and DSCP
9. SDWAN device must support BGP
additional path support and route-map
10. SDWAN device solution must support Auto
1. Management Management solution should be
appliance/VM which must support around
300 SDWAN devices at Day 1 scalable to
1000. If VM option is quoted than server
should be given along with all the
necessary licenses
2. Management solution should have built in
GUI which can be accessed by any popular
browser and no extra software must be
required to open management GUI access
3. Should have template option to push
common policy across all SDWAN solution
4. Must have dashboard showcasing all the
SDWAN solution across the network with
their latency and link status
5. Centralized management should have open
APIs to integrate with third party
6. Centralized management should support
role-based access
7. Management must support IPSec wizard
which can push vpn configuration to
various SDWAN devices with the routing
information updates.
1. Logging & The Logs and Reporting platform must be a
Reporting dedicated same OEM appliance and
VM/software running on server will not be
2. The Logs and Reporting platform support
running on-demand and scheduled reports
3. Should have minimum 10 TB of Hard Drive
Capacity, in RAID 1 for logging and
reporting if provided as separate
management as from firewall.
4. Real-time display of information allows
you to follow real-time trends in network
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usage such as the source IP address and the

destination URL for HTTP traffic or IM
message traffic.
5. All log files and messages are searchable
and can be filtered to drill down and locate
specific information.
6. The logging Appliance should support
multiple types of report format PDF, HTML,
CSV and XML.
1. Licensing All license for Monitoring, management,
VPN and Logging should be quoted. Vendor
should quote all the license from day one
related to proper SD-WAN deployment and
all the feature requested above.
2. License for any unmentioned feature which
requires proper deployment and
functioning of SD-WAN must be quoted.
Vendor shouldn't have any hidden charges
1. Performance The SDWAN device at DC should have
Parameter minimum 8x 1GE RJ45 ports Optical ports
to cater to connectivity from multiple
service providers.
Console and OOB should be populated as
per solution requirement from Day1.
2. IPSec encryption throughput should be
500 Mbps.
3. Minimum 4K new session per second,
50,000 concurrent session, 500 Site to Site
4. SDWAN device should support minimum
200 Mbps of Threat Protection Throughput
including Firewall, IPS, Application Control
and antivirus Protection enabled with
Enterprise mix/Application Mix
production traffic
Minimum 500 Mbps of Application Control
Throughput on SDWAN device. The device
should have Redundant Power Supplies.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Layer 2 Network Switches - 24 Ports

(Yes/ No)
S No. Features Description of Specs with
comments, if
Minimum of 24 ports 10/100/1000 Base-T and 4x
10G SFP+ ports
1 x Out of Band IP based management Port, 1 Console
Port, USB Port / External Flash
support stacking for upto 8 switches with minimum
3. requirements
40 Gbps stacking.
Have Redundant Power Supply support and variable
4. speed fan to adjust to varying weather conditions in
Each switch should have minimum 128 Gbps or more
1. with non-blocking architecture and Forwarding rate
of 95 Mpps
Should be equipped with minimum 1GB RAM and
1GB flash
Design &
Should have LED indicator for per port status, FAN,
3. Performance
PSU and Management Status
0°C to 50°C operating temperature and 10% to 95%
relative humidity
Hardware and software configuration have for Ipv6
from day one
Should have 16 K MAC Address, minimum 500 active
Vlans minimum
2. Should support 10 K ARP entries
802.1D spanning Tree and PVST+, 802.1w, 802.1s,
should have BPDU Guard or equivalent feature on
edge port to auto disable port for a configurable time
period to if an accidental loop occurs in the network
Audio Video Bridging to enable reliable, real-time
audio/video transmission over Ethernet
Switching /
Should support aggregating and load balancing of
5. traffic to two or more peer switches within same
Should support G.8032 standard based protocol for
ring backbone
Should have Port based VLAN, MAC based VLAN,
7. private vlan and 802.1 AK for dynamic VLAN
Should have Local, Remote and multisession port
mirroring (minimum 4 session)
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Support Standard based protocols for lossless

9. transport of real time data with dynamic QoS
10. Should have 8 Hardware QoS Queues per port
Should have traffic rate limiting with Configurable
bandwidth granularity of 8 KBps
Should have Link Layer Discovery Protocol (802.1ab)
12. to allow recognition of third-party network devices
and LLDP MED for auto configuration
Should have MAC address tracking and notification
13. for mac address addition, delete or movement in the
14. Should support policy-based routing and switching
Should have basic dynamic routing protocols like RIP
on day one and be upgradeable to OSPF, PIM, VRRP
Must Support RFC 3619 for sub 50 ms failover and it
16 should seamlessly integrate with Core and
Should have Configurable multicast session limit per
Local authentication database for RADIUS
Authentication for 802.1x login
Should have MAC security – Lockdown & Limit and
2. MAC address tracking with syslog & snmp
Should have SSH-2, SCP, SFTP for secure
Should have dynamic arp inspection, DHCP snooping,
4. Private VLAN, SYN attack protection, GARP
Should have ASIC based traffic flow analysis based on
Netflow/ sFlow/ Ipfix
Should have minimum 1 K ACL entry support and
Time-Based ACL
Should have scheduled archiving / uploading of
configuration and system log to a central server
Should support inbuilt DHCP server and Client for
quick configuration of endpoints and switch
Telnet server, ssh server, Ping and traceroute over
3. Management
Should have L2 Traceroute, L2 Ping and Multicast
5. Web, Console and CLI management
6. Dual firmware and configuration rollback

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Should be SDN capable with Open stack support and

7. OpenFlow API support, should support IEEE
8. Should support Energy Efficient Ethernet 802.3az
9 Inbuilt browser-based bandwidth monitoring
Model should have safety and standards
certifications like IEC & CISPR as below : IEC61000-
4-6:2008/EN61000-4-6:2009, IEC61000-4-
1. 8:2009/EN61000-4-8:2010 , EN 55022:2010 Class A,
CISPR 22:2008 Class A, CISPR24:201 OCIassA,
Certification Radiated Immunity 10V/criteria, UL60950-1 2ndEd,
CE 2.0 Compliant or equivalent Indian standards
Seamless Integration: For Seamless Integration and
Interoperability all the switches and SFP Modules
should be fully compatible for smooth functioning of
the system

Network Racks 16U

Sr. Parameter Specification Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
1. Rack Mount Depth Standard Depth: 29" (736 mm)
2. Adjustment Range: 6" to 30" in 1"
increments (152 - 762 mm)
3. Internal Space: 37.25" (946 mm)
4. Front Space: 1.5" (38 mm) *
5. Rear Space: 6.75" (171 mm) *
6. Weight Capacity 1200 lbs. (544 kgs)
7. Rated capacity on leveling feet (without
8. Rack Outside 40" x 24" x 36.58" (1016 x 607 x 930 mm)
9. Dimensions DxWxH
10. Included Hardware (2) keys
11. Hole Type EIA 3/8" square holes
12. Rack Post Shape L Shape
13. Rack Ventilation 80% perforation on doors.
14. Rack Doors Removable, Lockable and Reversible.
15. Rack Sides Removable and Lockable
16. Smart closet feature Integrated Solution having Cooling,
Biometric Secure, Safety & Security and
Monitoring at Rack level.
17. Cooling Options 500W or more

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3KVA UPS with 30 min battery backup at 80% load

Compliance (Yes/
Sr. No Specifications Requirement No) with
comments, if any
1. Capacity 3KVA
IGBT (Rectifier & Inverter both); ECO Mode
2. Technology
3. Form Factor Rack or Tower Type
4. Wave form Pure Sine wave
5. Display LCD
Input power factor
6. 0.99 at 100% Linear load
Single Phase with ground (Input Voltage
7. Input configuration
range 160VAC~275VAC)
45-55Hz / 54-66Hz (extendable to
8. Frequency (Input)
40~70HZ when load < 60%)
45-55Hz / 54-66Hz (extendable to
9. Frequency (output)
40~70HZ when load < 60%)
10. Output Voltage Single phase with ground.
Output Voltage < 1% THD@ linear load
Distortion <5% @non-linear load
12. Output Power factor Unity
13. Crest factor 3:1 or better
14. AC-AC Efficiency 95% @ 230V output with typical load
Transfer time Main-
15. 0 ms
Transfer time
16. 0 ms
17. Output Connection Hardwired Terminal Block required
Monitoring software Shall be provided for monitoring of UPS
for UPS from remote along with SNMP Card.
19. Communication SNMP
20. Port RS 232
21. Battery Type 12V SMF as per 3KVA
6KVA UPS with 30 min battery backup at
22. Battery backup
80% load (4950 VAH or more)
Shall be minimum 10% of the offered
23. Charger
Battery AH
23.1 Battery Flexibility 16 to 20 Battery Flexibility required
24 Environmental Parameter
A 0-40 deg C
temperature range

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Indication required -> Over Temperature,

B Other
Load on Battery, Battery low, Mains ON
C Humidity 0% to 95% no-condensing
D Noise Level 70 dBA max.
E Mounting Rack or Tower type
F EPO Shall be available
25 Protection IP20
26 LCD Display
Input & Output Voltage, Input & Output
Measurements (On
26.1 Frequency, Bypass: Voltage & Frequency,
DC Voltage, Remaining time
Manufacturer -> ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OEM
Plant should have water & air pollution
control clearance certificate from
27 Manufacturer respective govt. agency.
UPS OEM should have registered office in
India from last 10 years (certificate of
incorporation to be provided)
28.A Product CE Certified
Management Windows® 2000/ 2003 /XP/Vista/ 2008,
Supports /Software Windows® 7 / 8, Linux, Unix

10KVA UPS with 30 min battery backup at 80% load

Sr. No Specifications Requirement Compliance (Yes/ No)
with comments, if any
1. Capacity 10 KVA / 9 KW
IGBT (Rectifier & Inverter both); ECO
2. Technology Mode required
Inbuilt Input Isolation Transformer
Wave form & Pure Sine wave & shall have frequency
Freq converter converter mode
4. Display LCD
Input power
5. factor 0.99 at 100% Linear load
6. 3Ph, L-N+PE, +/- 10% on full load
UPS Shall have inbuilt Input Isolation
7. configuration
Frequency 45 to 55 Hz frequency (or 54 to 66 Hz
(Input) for 60Hz Output)
9. 50Hz or (selectable to 60Hz)
220/230/240Vac shall be available
10. Output Voltage
with +/-1% regulation

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Output Voltage
11. < = 3% max full linear load
Output Power
12. 0.9
13. Crest factor 3 or better
Online Mode: Greater than or equal to
14. 88% @ Full Rated Load & Battery Fully
Transfer time
15. 0
Transfer time
16. 4 msec
17. Hardwired Terminal Block required
Shall be provided for monitoring of
UPS from remote along with SNMP
18. software for
Card, this project being of high security
& safety the SNMP card.
19. Communication SNMP
20. Port RS 232
21. Battery Type 12V SMF.
10KVA UPS with 30 min battery
22. Battery backup backup at 80% load (9984 VAH or
Shall be minimum 10% of the offered
23. Charger
Battery AH
24. 32 to 40 Battery Flexibility required
25. Environmental Parameter
A temperature 0-40 deg C
Indication required -> Over
Temperature, Load on Battery, Battery
B Other
low, Mains ON

C Humidity 5% to 95% no-condensing

D Noise Level 70 dBA max.
Tower type only (Rack Mount type not
E Mounting
F EPO Shall be available
Protection IP20
26. LCD Display

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under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

a. Measurements Input & Output Voltage, Input & Output

(On LCD) Frequency, Bypass: Voltage &
Frequency, DC Voltage, Remaining
Manufacturer -> ISO 9001, ISO 14001,
OEM Plant should have water & air
pollution control clearance certificate
b. Manufacturer from respective govt. agency.
UPS OEM should have registered office
in India from last 10 years (certificate
of incorporation to be provided)
c. Product CE Certified
d. Supports Windows 7 / 8 or latest, Linux, Unix

Network laser printer

Compliance (Yes/
Sr. No Item Specifications No) with
comments, if any
Print speed black
1. Up to 25 ppm
(normal, A4)
2. Print quality black (best) Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi
3. Print technology Monochrome Laser
4. Duty cycle (monthly, A4) Up to 15,000 pages
Recommended monthly
5. volume 250 to 2000
6. Standard memory Minimum 128 MB
7. Processor speed Minimum 700 MHz
Paper handling
8. Up to 250-sheet input tray
Paper handling
9. Up to 150-sheet output bin
10. Media sizes supported A4, A5, A6, B5, postcard
Paper, transparencies, postcards,
11. Media types supported
envelopes, labels
Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port with USB data cable,
12. Standard connectivity
with RJ45 connectivity
13. Duplex printing Automatic (standard)

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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Microsoft Windows 7 Professional(64bit),

Windows 8
14. Compatible operating Pro (64 bit), Windows 8.1, Windows 10,
systems Server 2008 R2, Server 2012 R2, MAC OS
9.0, MAC OS X, Linux
Input voltage 220 to 240 VAC (+/- 10%), 50
15. Power requirements: Hz (+/- 2
Power consumption
16. during Less than 500W
17. Energy Efficiency BEE or Energy Star certified
18. Front operating Panel Graphical LCD display

Civil Works and interiors of C2i

The details are enclosed in Section 3.1.4 of Chapter-3 of this RFP
Comfort AC 1.5 Ton
- Comfort AC 1.5 Ton is mention under Non-IT part of C2i

Joystick for PTZ camera at Workstation

Sr. No Specification Description Compliance (Yes/ No)
with comments, if any
1. VMS The Joystick must be compatible
Compatibility with all distributed network
video management components.
2. Technology Six-degrees-of-freedom (6DoF)
sensor - Intuitively and precisely
navigate digital models or
camera positions in 3D space.
3. Design The full-size, soft-coated hand
rest positions the hand
comfortably, and 15 large, soft-
touch, function keys allow quick
access to frequently used
4. Quick View Fingertip access to 12 views
Keys makes it easier to switch
5. Function Keys Easy access to 4 application
commands for an optimized
6. Display Provides a visual reminder of
function key assignments on
your computer screen
7. Modifier Fingertip access to Ctrl, Shift, Alt
and Esc keys saves time by

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reducing the need to move your

hand between mouse and
8. Numpad Allows direct numerical input
into your application using your
standard mouse rather than the
9. System The Joystick must be part of an
flexibility integrated system and shall be
configured so any number can
be added to the system. When
combined with user interfaces
(UIs), network storage
managers (NSM's), encoders, IP
cameras, and video consoles, the
Joystick forms an integral part of
a complete network-based video
control system
10. Input Connector Universal Inter changeable
type (power
11. Joystick USB 2.0
12. Cable USB
13. Joystick Module Fully proportional PTZ, variable
speed; with zoom, iris and focus
14. Operating 0° to 40°C

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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Data Center and near Date Recovery Site Requirements

DC- Functional requirements & KPIs
Data Center will be the data bank and data engine with tier III architecture which stores the
entire lot of live streaming feeds and the triggered transactional data at one place. All the
field data from the field level devices will flow through robust Network and will be collected
in the data bank for definite time period.
This Data Center will facilitate Police Officials to access the Data against Women and Child
crime cases, suspicious acts, investigations, etc. to reach to a logical and evidence-based
conclusions and reporting.
a. Data Center being created at PHQ should be of type Tier III.
b. The DC will be provided with an input of adequate bandwidth (46.75 gig
approximately) that will be terminated to a MUX with multiple channels through a
MPLS cloud.
c. Considering the integration of camera under the existing scheme, an additional 4 Gbps
bandwidth has been provisioned for 1000 camera.
d. The MUX will provide an input to the L2 switches of 100GB throughput with
consolidated (Multiple ISP connections) to single termination required for seamless
and stable inputs from cameras. The MUX will provide an input to the L2 switches of
100GB throughput with consolidated ISP Multiple connections to single termination.
e. L2 48 port Switches are ToR switch and will be able for interconnection of multiple
f. L2 48 Port switches will be used for NAS Storage and Server Connectivity with
considering the distributed clustered Architecture Scale-Out Storage. 48 ports provide
approx. 50 VMs a non-blocking path (in HA) to communicate with the storage.
g. SD-WAN will be the first security check for all data packets through every channel
entering into Data Center.
h. SD-WAN gateway and controller provisioning at Data Center. It will be captive
arrangement under the custody of Delhi Police. The SD WAN gateway router will
function in HUB & Spoke model with its branch SD-WAN routers located at police
Station and DHQs. The SD-AN gateway will ensure the following:
i. First level check on the packet flow at DC and branch offices, the branch offices
will need not to be equipped with firewalls.
ii. The SD-WAN will provide security from the internet-based threats to the DC
through exposure from mobile applications.
iii. It will complement the load balancing actions of a dedicated Network Load
Balancer in case of multiple ISP on a multicast network. Also, it will ensure
aggregation and redundancy with NLB and core switch.
i. The SD-WAN router will segregate the bandwidth into 1 gig of private internet and 69.574
Gig of intranet facility. However, 1 gig of dedicated bandwidth on internet through VPN
sub-netting will be provisioned for interfacing the system with other applications like
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ITMS, CCTNS, etc. Also, the visuals of the VMS will be provisioned for Police Officials on
the Mobile gadgets with device MAC binding and login credentials through a VPN tunnel.
j. The firewall/ UTM/ IPS will be provisioned considering 1000 VPN connections. This
Firewall will ensure external and internal security concerns.
k. The L3 switches of 48 port each will be provisioned for conducting distribution of
multiple VLANs.
l. A unified storage will be provisioned at the Data Center, which will cater to the raw inputs
from field cameras and sensors for a periodicity of 30 days scale-out storage with min 12
to 24 controller architecture multiple controllers chosen to as to have a maximum of 2:1
ratio between VMS servers (VM's/physical) and controller This ensures that if a
controller fails, and the VMS servers it was servicing move to another controller, the
controller does not get chocked. The linear scalability of performance and capacity of
every drive bay added, performance will increase by the same amount till the maximum
capacity of the storage required. This Storage will be complimented with additional
storage of 2 PiB to store the tagged and identified data from Video Analytics (VA) and
VMS management tools for a period of 180 days.
m. The Computing will be conducted in Racks equipped with precision cooling and power
load factors as required.
n. Bidder has to provide all the required network active and passive components. Network
cables, Patch cords (with different colors for 1G, 10G and as per network topology), and
patch panels (active). Bidders has to follow standard structured cabling mechanism.
Bidder has to consider power cables as per quoted iPDU’s.
o. The necessary servers / applications for DC (C4i) will undergo / would be compliant to
virtualization layers.
p. The servers will be classified for CPU and GPU logical methodologies as per the
requirement of operations. The direct streamlined logical Video Management
calculations will be done through machine learning approach with CPU logics which will
conduct physical to virtual scenario in 1:1 ratio. With respect to deep learning
calculations for Visual Analytics and Artificial intelligence at ICCC platform, a combination
of CPU and GPU logics will be required. Henceforth, the system will require a combination
of Central Processing and Graphical Processing based servers.
q. The required solution for Safe City needs to Media recording servers for distributed load
factors at Data Center along with the Management Servers. Video Analytics Servers with
3x GPU in each server for 2500 cameras each will be required to handle all deep learning
structured load with capability of managing minimum 2 use-cases per camera. Each GPU
on the machine is capable to handle 40 use-cases on the camera' metadata. Therefore,
one server is capable to handle 120 use-cases. Total no. of prime 5000 use-cases require
(5000/120) = 42 servers
r. The Face Recognition server must be capable to manage minimum 15 / 20 channels
(cameras) simultaneously. Total envisaged cameras for FRS will be 370 no. Each FRS
server is capable to execute operations on 20 channels/ cameras. Henceforth, total no. of
FRS servers to handle 370 cameras need (374/20) = 19 servers, also, keeping 1 server for
failover redundancy provision results to total no. of 20 servers to be provisioned.

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s. The ANPR- Vehicle Surveillance server must be capable to manage minimum 30/40
channels (cameras) simultaneously. Each ANPR server will have 40 cores. Each core will
cater to 1 ANPR channel/ camera. Henceforth, total 41 servers required, keeping failover
redundancy in operation, 44 No. of ANPR analytical servers are provisioned with Open
source platform.
t. There will be requirement of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) / Active
Directory for enterprise wide user management, domain with anti-virus servers and
viewing center servers.
u. There should be dedicated/shared rack space available in the Data Center for the City
Surveillance Infrastructure. As of now provision of 30 racks will be made. However, the
scalable arrangement for 36 racks will done.
v. It should have access control system implemented for secured access.
w. In case the Data Center services are to go down due to any unforeseen circumstance, the
Command Center should have access to the critical / flagged data stored in near DR for
the last 90/180 days or up to a storage capacity of 2PiB.
x. Receiving Power: Commercial power substation next to DC; UPS: UPS system with N+N
redundancy (dual supply to rack floor for all IT equipment).
y. Monolithic UPS arrangement for dual supplies to IT load has been provisioned. 2 UPS of
400 KVA have been considered for the requirement of 350 KVA at DC for IT load. There
will be adequate redundant arrangement for power solutions as follows:
 Ensure redundancy with pool of 800 KVA capacity;
 Dual sources being terminated at the rack floor for all IT equipment to ensure power
backup of 15+15 (30) min collectively from both UPS. Power Provision: Dual power
feed, PDU sources to each rack, Power supply to a rack as per requirement;
 The above-mentioned arrangement will also ensure fall back arrangement for
additional 150 KVA/200 KW requirements of C4i and PAC respectively.
 The stack of SMF batteries along with the UPS arrangement will be made in the
building' basement under AHU provisions.
z. Generator: Gen-set with N+N/1 redundancy for ensuring power generation backup
arrangement parallel to streaming raw input requirement of 750 KVA that includes 350
KVA for IT load, 150 KVA for C4i and 200 KVA for PAC. Provision of 1000 KVA power
generation will made on High Availability Mode.
aa. Cooling Features: The system will provision for raised floor AC equipment
bb. Extension of Server Infrastructure Zone: This zone has host servers, server racks, storage
racks and networking components like routers, switches to passive components. All the
infrastructure shall be extended as per requirement.
cc. Extension of UPS and Electrical Zone: Zone will have all the Un-Interrupted Power Supply
units, Power Distribution Units (PDUs) to feed the UPS. It will be extended with Power
Backup requirement and place UPS and Electrical Load extension. This shall also house
all the batteries accompanying the UPS components.

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dd. The near Data Recovery site will be capturing the storage of application and structured
data (tagged) only as a backup facility for Data Center. The management server for C4i
could be considered for hosting in near DR facility for high reliability and failover.
ee. The Electrical SLD and panelling drawing will be shared post the signing of the Non-
Disclosure agreement with MSI.
ff. Internal Security audit - Half yearly for Network & Applications and operations
gg. External Security audit - Yearly for Network and Applications and operations
hh. Storage at Data Center:
The Storage at Data Center from all the Field Level Devices will be classified in three
sections, as follows:
i. Open consolidated- Public data;
ii. Incident based data;
iii. Core- critical data
Schematic for scale out Storage cluster Network (Open consolidated- Public data):

Figure: Scale-out Storage Cluster

It is being assumed that the structural data and battery room and the space allocated for
outdoor units for cooling system along with vibration and noise level is being indicated to
Delhi police and is currently under evaluation.
Approximately 20 PiB (Depending on the solution proposed) Scale out storage is needed
to cater to continuous streams of HD videos from cameras. This will facilitate riddance
from allocation of File System to a camera and handling the complexity of shifting the
allocation as saturation occurs. The scale out concept will reduce the wastage of the file
system remaining unused for the pre-defined time limits for recording data before
weeding out. All the unstructured and the structured, cropped videos, snapshots, other
bookmarked files by users will reside in other scale-out storage which can be defined for
longer retention policy.
Storage will be capable of more than 25 GBPS throughput- at 100 % write on SMB2 and
higher version for handling the camera feed and other work load. It will be configured with
20PiB usable capacity in single file system, using equal to or less than 12 TB or more (NL-

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ii. Controllers and Architecture:

Storage will be distributed clustered Architecture written for Scale-Out Storage
operations, scale out storage will be configured with minimum 12 controllers of the same
type. Over all storage cluster will be upgradable to min 2 x numbers of Storage
controllers/Storage nodes, without any disruptions/downtime to production workflow
for performance, capacity enhancement, software/firmware upgrades. All storage
nodes/controllers will be active for all Storage shares, contributing in performance and
capacity of the system. The scale out storage will be configured with minimum 1.5 TB
(total) federated/globally coherent or better, DRAM based cache/memory.

jj. DC Architecture

Figure: DC Architecture

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kk. Rack Floor- servers, storage & security Appliances inside racks

Figure: Rack Floor Architecture- IT Load Distribution

ll. SAN Storage Cluster Network (for Incident based and core data):
Host Connectivity of storage:
SAN Storage will be used to store Management VM’s, Data Backup of tag data, configured VM’s
image Backup data, OS ISO Data, infrastructure configuration backup, Surveillance application
backups etc. The solution shall be configured efficiently for quick restoration of required data.
The activities shall include but is not limited to
a. Backup of operating system, database and application
b. Monitoring and enhancement of the performance of scheduled backups, schedule regular
testing of backups and ensure adherence to related retention policies
c. Real-time monitoring, log maintenance and reporting of backup status on a regular basis
It will be a SAN/unified storage using FC connectivity with Storage Operating System
optimized for end to end to handle different types of drives like SSD, SAS/NL-SAS technology
with built in QoS (Quality of Services) for optimal utilization of resources across the array. The
storage will be of capacity 2000TB (2 PiB) Usable Capacity, out of which 400TB Usable
Capacity using SSD Drives on RAID6/RAID 5

Concept design & layouts

Data Center (DC) at PHQ 7th floor:
DC will occupy around racks of capacity as per given space, as safe city requirements are
concern 33 racks of space including all servers, storage and Network components in
centralized architecture framework will be required.
DC will occupy BMC room along with common NOC and SOC room for maintenance of Data
Center IT Equipment’s. Total 20TR PAC x 7 quantity equals to 140TR PAC will be used for

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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cooling, whereas 400 KVA UPS for Power to IT load with HA will be used. Power requirement
for given infrastructure is around 260 KVA.
Racks and Power are extended looking towards future expansion in Data Center at single
point of time.
Figure: DC at PHQ

Data Center will be equipped with Access Control- Biometric Entry/ Exit protocols for
ensuring authorized access.

Figure: DC Access (biometric)- (Indicative diagram)

Date Center will be provisioned with leading NOVEC Fire Protection System.
NOVEC 1230 fluid is a sustainable fire extinguishing clean agent that helps protect continuity
of operations and high value assets. It will be non-conductive and will leave no residue, putting
out fires while preserving both assets and operations. NOVEC Gas Fire Suppression system for
the UPS room will be provisioned separately.

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Figure: Fire Protection Layout

Figure: Fire Protection Layout

Raised Flooring and other essential components of DC

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Figure: DC raised flooring

Figure: Hot & Cold Aisle Mechanism- flooring & ceiling

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

DC- Technical Requirements and Compliance Sheet for MSI

a. C4I Server
S No. Parameter Specifications Compliance
(Yes/ No) with
comments, if any
Make & Model
1. Form Factor 1U rack mounted with sliding rails
2. Processor Up to two Intel® Xeon® Scalable
2nd Gen processors, up to 20
cores/processor @ 2.5 Ghz base
freq. or equivalent or better.
3. Memory slots 16 DDR4 DIMM slots, speed up to
2666MT/s or better
4. Memory configured Minimum 256 GB, scalable to 512GB
5. Disks supported Front drive bays: Up to 10 x 2.5”
SAS/SATA (HDD/SSD) with up to 2
NVMe SSD or higher.
6. RAID Controller 12Gbps PCIe 3.0 with RAID 1, 5, 10, 50
with 8GB Cache Memory on single /
Multiple controllers.
7. Disks configured 3x 600GB 15K RPM SAS drives or
8. 1G Networking 2 x 1 Gbps Copper Ethernet with
features Additional Dedicated Mgmt. Ethernet
interface port with 3 mts. Length
factory crimped copper Ethernet patch
cords for each port including 1 mgmt.
9. 10G Networking 4 x 10G Copper Ethernet ports with 3
features mts. Length 10G factory crimped
copper Ethernet patch cords for each
10. FC HBA Dual port 16 Gbps FC HBA with two no.
of each 3 mts. Or 5 mts FC patch cables,
Quoted HBA should support quoted
SAN Switch and Storage
11. Certified for OS Windows Server 2016 or higher,
VMWare vSphere, vCenter, Red Hat
Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server
12. Power Supply Platinum rated redundant Power

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13. Management Support for integration with Microsoft

integration System Center, VMware vCenter, BMC
14. Power & temperature Real-time power meter, thresholds,
alerts & capping with historical power
counters. Temperature monitoring
15. Pre-failure alert Should provide predictive failure
monitoring & proactive alerts of actual
or impending component failure for
fan, power supply, memory, CPU, RAID,
16. Configuration & • Real-time out-of-band hardware
Management performance monitoring & alerting
• Agent-free monitoring, driver
updates & configuration, power
monitoring & capping, RAID
management, monitoring of FC, HBA &
system health if added will be
• Out-of-band hardware & firmware
• Zero-touch auto configuration to auto
deploy a baseline server configuration
17. LCD/LED panel Should display system ID, status
information and system error code
followed by descriptive text on LED
Indicator / LCD Panel.
18. HTML5 support HTML5 support for virtual console &
virtual media without using Java or
ActiveX plugins
19. Server security Should have a cyber resilient
architecture for a hardened server
design for protection, detection &
recovery from cyber attacks
Should protect against firmware which
executes before the OS boots

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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Should provide effective protection,

reliable detection & rapid recovery
- Signed firmware updates
- Support for Hardware root of trust /
Silicon based hardware root of trust
- Secure default passwords
- Configuration and firmware drift
- Secure alerting
- Rapid OS recovery
Configuration upgrades should be only
with cryptographically signed
firmware and software
Should provide system lockdown
feature to prevent change (or “drift”) in
system firmware image(s) & prevent
malicious modification of server
20. Warranty As mentioned in RFP. .

b. Integration Servers

S No. Parameter Specifications Compliance

(Yes/ No) with
comments, if any
Make & Model ----
1. Form Factor 1U rack mounted with sliding rails
2. Processor Up to two Intel® Xeon® Scalable
2nd Gen processors, up to 20
cores/processor @ 2.5 Ghz base
freq. or equivalent or better.
3. Memory slots 16 DDR4 DIMM slots, speed up to
2666MT/s or better
4. Memory configured Minimum 256 GB, scalable to 512GB
5. Disks supported Front drive bays: Up to 10 x 2.5”
SAS/SATA (HDD/SSD) with up to 2
NVMe SSD or higher.
6. RAID Controller 12Gbps PCIe 3.0 with RAID 1, 5, 10,
50 with 8GB Cache Memory on
single / Multiple controllers.
7. Disks configured 3x 600GB 15K RPM SAS drives or

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8. 1G Networking features 2 x 1 Gbps Copper Ethernet with

Additional Dedicated Mgmt.
Ethernet interface port with 3 mts.
Length factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
including 1 mgmt. port
9. 10G Networking 4 x 10G Copper Ethernet ports with
features 3 mts. Length 10G factory crimped
copper Ethernet patch cords for
each port
10. FC HBA Dual port 16 Gbps FC HBA with two
no. of each 3 mts. Or 5 mts FC patch
cables, Quoted HBA should support
quoted SAN Switch and Storage
11. Certified for OS Windows Server 2016 or higher,
VMWare vSphere, vCenter, Red Hat
Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server
12. Power Supply Platinum rated redundant Power
13. Management Support for integration with
integration Microsoft System Center, Vmware
vCenter, BMC Software
14. Power & temperature Real-time power meter, thresholds,
alerts & capping with historical
power counters. Temperature
15. Pre-failure alert Should provide predictive failure
monitoring & proactive alerts of
actual or impending component
failure for fan, power supply,
memory, CPU, RAID, NIC, HDD
16. Configuration & • Real-time out-of-band hardware
Management performance monitoring & alerting
• Agent-free monitoring, driver
updates & configuration, power
monitoring & capping, RAID
management, external storage
management, monitoring of FC, HBA
& system health if added will be
• Out-of-band hardware & firmware
• Zero-touch auto configuration to

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

auto deploy a baseline server

configuration profile

17. LCD/LED panel Should display system ID, status

information and system error code
followed by descriptive text on LED
Indicator / LCD Panel.
18. HTML5 support HTML5 support for virtual console
& virtual media without using Java
or ActiveX plugins
19. Server security Should have a cyber resilient
architecture for a hardened server
design for protection, detection &
recovery from cyber attacks
Should protect against firmware
which executes before the OS boots
Should provide effective protection,
reliable detection & rapid recovery
- Signed firmware updates
- Support for Hardware root of trust
/ Silicon based hardware root of
- Secure default passwords
- Configuration and firmware drift
- Secure alerting
- Rapid OS recovery
Configuration upgrades should be
only with cryptographically signed
firmware and software
Should provide system lockdown
feature to prevent change (or
“drift”) in system firmware image(s)
& prevent malicious modification of
server firmware
Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

c. Video Management Servers

S No. Parameter Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
Make & Model
1. Form Factor 1U rack mounted with sliding rails

2. Processor Up to two Intel® Xeon® Scalable 2nd Gen

processors, up to 20 cores/processor @ 2.5
Ghz base freq. or equivalent or better
3. Memory slots 16 DDR4 DIMM slots, speed up to
2666MT/s or better
4. Memory configured Minimum 256 GB, scalable to 512GB
5. Disks supported Front drive bays: Up to 10 x 2.5” SAS/SATA
(HDD/SSD) with up to 2 NVMe SSD or
6. RAID Controller 12Gbps PCIe 3.0 with RAID 1, 5, 10, 50 with
8 GB Cache Memory on single / Multiple
7. Disks configured 3x 600GB 15K RPM SAS drives or higher.

8. 1G Networking 2 x 1 Gbps Copper Ethernet with Additional

features Dedicated Mgmt. Ethernet interface port
with 3 mts. Length factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
including 1 mgmt. port
9. 10G Networking 4 x 10G Copper Ethernet ports with 3 mts.
features Length 10G factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
10. FC HBA Dual port 16 Gbps FC HBA with two no. of
each 3 mts. Or 5 mts FC patch cables,
Quoted HBA should support quoted SAN
Switch and Storage
11. Certified for OS Windows Server 2016 or higher, VMWare
vSphere, vCenter, Red Hat Enterprise
Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
12. Power Supply Platinum rated redundant Power Supply

13. Management Support for integration with Microsoft

integration System Center, VMware vCenter, BMC
Software etc.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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14. Power & temperature Real-time power meter, thresholds, alerts

& capping with historical power counters.
Temperature monitoring
15. Pre-failure alert Should provide predictive failure
monitoring & proactive alerts of actual or
impending component failure for fan,
power supply, memory, CPU, RAID, NIC,
16. Configuration & • Real-time out-of-band hardware
Management performance monitoring & alerting
• Agent-free monitoring, driver updates &
configuration, power monitoring &
capping, RAID management, external
storage management, monitoring of FC,
HBA & system health if added will be
• Out-of-band hardware & firmware
• Zero-touch auto configuration to auto
deploy a baseline server configuration
17. LCD /LED panel Should display system ID, status
information and system error code
followed by descriptive text on LED
Indicator / LCD Panel.
18. HTML5 support HTML5 support for virtual console &
virtual media without using Java or ActiveX
19. Server security Should have a cyber resilient architecture
for a hardened server design for
protection, detection & recovery from
cyber attacks
Should protect against firmware which
executes before the OS boots
Should provide effective protection,
reliable detection & rapid recovery using:
- Signed firmware updates
- Support for Hardware root of trust /
Silicon based hardware root of trust
- Secure default passwords
- Configuration and firmware drift
- Secure alerting
- Rapid OS recovery

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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Configuration upgrades should be only

with cryptographically signed firmware
and software
Should provide system lockdown feature
to prevent change (or “drift”) in system
firmware image(s) & prevent malicious
modification of server firmware
20. Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

d. Video Recording Servers

S No. Parameter Specifications Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
1. Make & Model ------
2. Form Factor 1U rack mounted with sliding rails

3. Processor Up to two Intel® Xeon® Scalable 2nd

Gen processors, up to 20
cores/processor @ 2.5 Ghz base freq. or
equivalent or better
4. Memory slots 16 DDR4 DIMM slots, speed up to
2666MT/s or better
5. Memory configured Minimum 128 GB, scalable to 512GB

6. Disks supported Front drive bays: Up to 10 x 2.5”

SAS/SATA (HDD/SSD) with up to 2
NVMe SSD or higher.
7. RAID Controller 12Gbps PCIe 3.0 with RAID 1, 5, 10, 50
with 8 GB Cache Memory on single /
Multiple controllers.
8. Disks configured 3x 600GB 15K RPM SAS drives or higher.

9. 1G Networking features 2 x 1 Gbps Copper Ethernet with

Additional Dedicated Mgmt. Ethernet
interface port with 3 mts. Length factory
crimped copper Ethernet patch cords
for each port including 1 mgmt. port
10. 10G Networking 4 x 10G Copper Ethernet ports with 3
features mts. Length 10G factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
11. FC HBA Dual port 16 Gbps FC HBA with two no.
of each 3 mts. Or 5 mts FC patch cables,
Quoted HBA should support quoted SAN
Switch and Storage

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

12. Certified for OS Windows Server 2016 or higher,

VMWare vSphere, vCenter, Red Hat
Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise
13. Power Supply Platinum rated redundant Power Supply

14. Management Support for integration with Microsoft

integration System Center, VMware vCenter, BMC
15. Power & temperature Real-time power meter, thresholds,
alerts & capping with historical power
counters. Temperature monitoring
16. Pre-failure alert Should provide predictive failure
monitoring & proactive alerts of actual
or impending component failure for fan,
power supply, memory, CPU, RAID, NIC,
17. Configuration & • Real-time out-of-band hardware
Management performance monitoring & alerting
• Agent-free monitoring, driver updates
& configuration, power monitoring &
capping, RAID management, external
storage management, monitoring of FC,
HBA & system health if added will be
• Out-of-band hardware & firmware
• Zero-touch auto configuration to auto
deploy a baseline server configuration
18. LED/LCD panel Should display system ID, status
information and system error code
followed by descriptive text on LED
Indicator / LCD Panel.
19. HTML5 support HTML5 support for virtual console &
virtual media without using Java or
ActiveX plugins
20. Server security Should have a cyber resilient
architecture for a hardened server
design for protection, detection &
recovery from cyber attacks
Should protect against firmware which
executes before the OS boots

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Should provide effective protection,

reliable detection & rapid recovery
- Signed firmware updates
- Support for Hardware root of trust /
Silicon based hardware root of trust
- Secure default passwords
- Configuration and firmware drift
- Secure alerting
- Rapid OS recovery
Configuration upgrades should be only
with cryptographically signed firmware
and software
Should provide system lockdown
feature to prevent change (or “drift”) in
system firmware image(s) & prevent
malicious modification of server
21. Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

e. Video Analytics Servers

Video Analytics Servers with 3x GPU in each server for 2500 cameras each having 2 use
cases on an average.
S No. Parameter Specifications Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
Make & Model
1. Rack Height 2U rack mounted with sliding rails

2. Processors Up to two Intel® Xeon® Scalable 2nd Gen

processors, configured with 20
cores/processor @ 2.5 Ghz base freq. or
equivalent or better
3. Memory 128 GB RAM 2666 MT/s support up to
512GB RAM, should have min. 24 DIMM
4. Hard Drives 5x 600GB 15K RPM SAS drives should be
configured. Should support up to eight
hard disk drives (SAS, SATA, SSD)
5. GPU Configured Should be configured with 3 nos. of Nvidia
Tesla T4 GPU. or equivalent or better
6. GPU Support Should support upto 6 single wide GPU’s

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

7. RAID Controller 12Gbps PCIe 3.0 with RAID 1, 5, 10, 50 with

8 GB Cache Memory on single / Multiple
controllers or higher will be added
8. 1G Networking 2 x 1 Gbps Copper Ethernet with Additional
features Dedicated Mgmt. Ethernet interface port
with 3 mts. Length factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
including 1 mgmt. port
9. 10G Networking 4 x 10G Copper Ethernet ports with 3 mts.
features Length 10G factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
10. Redundant Power Dual, Hot-plug, Redundant Power Supply
11. Management Support for integration with Microsoft
integration System Center, VMware vCenter, BMC
12. Power & temperature Real-time power meter, thresholds, alerts
& capping with historical power counters.
Temperature monitoring.
13. Pre-failure alert Should provide predictive failure
monitoring & proactive alerts of actual or
impending component failure for fan,
power supply, memory, CPU, RAID, NIC,
14. Configuration & • Real-time out-of-band hardware
Management performance monitoring & alerting
• Agent-free monitoring, driver updates &
configuration, power monitoring &
capping, RAID management, external
storage management, monitoring of FC,
HBA & system health if added will be
• Out-of-band hardware & firmware
• Zero-touch auto configuration to auto
deploy a baseline server configuration
15. LED/LCD panel Should display system ID, status
information and system error code
followed by descriptive text on LED
Indicator / LCD Panel.
16. HTML5 support HTML5 support for virtual console &
virtual media without using Java or ActiveX
Page 379 of 656
RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

17. Server security Should have a cyber resilient architecture

for a hardened server design for
protection, detection & recovery from
cyber attacks
Should protect against firmware which
executes before the OS boots
Should provide effective protection,
reliable detection & rapid recovery using:
- Signed firmware updates
- Support for Hardware root of trust /
Silicon based hardware root of trust
- Secure default passwords
- Configuration and firmware drift
- Secure alerting
- Rapid OS recovery
Configuration upgrades should be only
with cryptographically signed firmware
and software
Should provide system lockdown feature
to prevent change (or “drift”) in system
firmware image(s) & prevent malicious
modification of server firmware.
Should maintain repository for firmware
and should be able to rollback, if required.
18. Certified for OS Windows Server 2016 or latest, VMWare
vSphere & vCenter, Red Hat Enterprise
Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
19. Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

f. Face Recognition Servers with 3x GPU in each server for 370 FRS Channels

S No. Parameter Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
Make & Model
1. Rack Height 2U rack mounted with sliding rails

2. Processors Up to two Intel® Xeon® Scalable 2nd Gen

processors, configured with 20
cores/processor @ 2.5 Ghz base freq. or
equivalent or better

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

3. Memory 128 GB RAM 2666 MT/s support up to

512GB RAM, should have min. 24 DIMM
4. Hard Drives 5x 600GB 15K RPM SAS drives should be
Should support up to eight hard disk
drives (SAS, SATA, SSD)
5. GPU Configured Should be configured with 3 nos. of Nvidia
Tesla T4 GPU or equivalent or better
6. GPU Support Should support up to 6 single wide GPU’s
7. RAID Controller 12Gbps PCIe 3.0 with RAID 1, 5, 10, 50
with 8 GB Cache Memory on single /
Multiple controllers or higher will be
added advantage.
8. 1G Networking 2 x 1 Gbps Copper Ethernet with
features Additional Dedicated Mgmt. Ethernet
interface port with 3 mts. Length factory
crimped copper Ethernet patch cords for
each port including 1mgmt. port
9. 10G Networking 4 x 10G Copper Ethernet ports with 3 mts.
features Length 10G factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
10. Redundant Power Dual, Hot-plug, Redundant Power Supply
11. Management Support for integration with Microsoft
integration System Center, VMware vCenter, BMC
12. Power & temperature Real-time power meter, thresholds, alerts
& capping with historical power counters.
Temperature monitoring.
13. Pre-failure alert Should provide predictive failure
monitoring & proactive alerts of actual or
impending component failure for fan,
power supply, memory, CPU, RAID, NIC,
14. Configuration & • Real-time out-of-band hardware
Management performance monitoring & alerting
• Agent-free monitoring, driver updates &
configuration, power monitoring &
capping, RAID management, external
storage management, monitoring of FC,
HBA & system health if added will be
• Out-of-band hardware & firmware

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

• Zero-touch auto configuration to auto
deploy a baseline server configuration

15. LED/LCD panel Should display system ID, status

information and system error code
followed by descriptive text on LED
Indicator / LCD Panel.
16. HTML5 support HTML5 support for virtual console &
virtual media without using Java or
ActiveX plugins
17. Server security Should have a cyber resilient architecture
for a hardened server design for
protection, detection & recovery from
cyber attacks
Should protect against firmware which
executes before the OS boots
Should provide effective protection,
reliable detection & rapid recovery using:
- Signed firmware updates
- Support for Hardware root of trust /
Silicon based hardware root of trust
- Secure default passwords
- Configuration and firmware drift
- Secure alerting
- Rapid OS recovery
Configuration upgrades should be only
with cryptographically signed firmware
and software
Should provide system lockdown feature
to prevent change (or “drift”) in system
firmware image(s) & prevent malicious
modification of server firmware.
Should maintain repository for firmware
and should be able to rollback, if required.
18. Certified for OS Windows Server 2016 or latest, VMWare
vSphere & vCenter, Red Hat Enterprise
Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
19. Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

g. AI Training and Continuous Learning Server

S No. Parameter Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
1. Make & Model (Specify)

2. Form Factor 3U/ 4U rack mounted with sliding rails

3. Processor Support up to Four Intel® Xeon® Scalable

2nd Gen processors, configured with 20
cores/processor @ 2.5 Ghz base freq. or
equivalent or better.
4. Memory slots 48x DDR4 slots – RDIMM, LRDIMM,
NVDIMM (only on baseboard up to 12
5. Memory configured 512 GB scalable to 2TB

6. Disks supported Upto 24 2.5” Drives and upto 12 NVMe

SSD capable universal slots
7. RAID Controller 12Gbps PCIe 3.0 with RAID 1, 5, 6,10, 50
with 8 GB Cache Memory on single /
Multiple controllers.
8. Disks configured 6x 600GB 15K RPM SAS drives should be
configured. Or higher
9. Flexible Onboard NDC 1G/10G/25G

10. 1G Networking 2 x 1 Gbps Copper Ethernet with

features Additional Dedicated Mgmt. Ethernet
interface port with 3 mts. Length factory
crimped copper Ethernet patch cords for
each port including 1 mgmt. port
11. 10G Networking 4 x 10G Copper Ethernet ports with 3 mts.
features Length 10G factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
12. Certification and Microsoft Windows Server, Hyper-V,
compliances VMWare, Red Hat Enterprise Linux
(RHEL), SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
13. Power Supply Platinum rated redundant Power Supply
or better
14. Management Support for integration with Microsoft
integration System Center, VMware vCenter, BMC
15. GPU Config Should come pre-configured with 4X
NVIDIA V100 or A100 (better

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

performance card can be provided by

16. Power & temperature Real-time power meter, graphing,
thresholds, alerts & capping with
historical power counters. Temperature
monitoring & graphing
17. Pre-failure alert Should provide predictive failure
monitoring & proactive alerts of actual or
impending component failure for fan,
power supply, memory, CPU, RAID, NIC,
18. Configuration &
 Real-time out-of-band hardware
performance monitoring & alerting
 Agent-free monitoring, driver updates &
configuration, power monitoring &
capping, RAID management, external
storage management, monitoring of FC,
HBA & system health if added will be
 Out-of-band hardware & firmware
 Zero-touch auto configuration to auto
deploy a baseline server configuration
19. LED/LCD panel Should display system ID, status
information and system error code
followed by descriptive text on LED
Indicator / LCD Panel.
20. HTML5 support HTML5 support for virtual console &
virtual media without using Java or
ActiveX plugins
21. Server security Should have a cyber resilient architecture
for a hardened server design for
protection, detection & recovery from
cyber attacks
Should protect against firmware which
executes before the OS boots
Should provide effective protection,
reliable detection & rapid recovery using:
- Signed firmware updates
- Support for Hardware root of trust /
Silicon based hardware root of trust
- Secure default passwords
- Configuration and firmware drift
Page 384 of 656
RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

- Persistent event logging including user
- Secure alerting
- Rapid OS recovery
Configuration upgrades should be only
with cryptographically signed firmware
and software
Should provide system lockdown feature
to prevent change (or “drift”) in system
firmware image(s) & prevent malicious
modification of server firmware
22. Intrusion alert Intrusion alert in case chassis cover being
23. Certified for OS Windows Server 2016, VMWare, Red Hat
Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise
24. Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

h. ANPR Servers for 1622 Channels

S No. Parameter Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
1. Make & Model

2. Form Factor 1U rack mounted with sliding rails

3. Processor Up to two Intel® Xeon® Scalable 2nd Gen

processors, up to 20 cores/processor @
2.5 Ghz base freq. or equivalent or better
4. Memory slots 16 DDR4 DIMM slots, speed up to
2666MT/s or better
5. Memory configured Minimum 128 GB, scalable to 512GB

6. Disks supported Front drive bays: Up to 10 x 2.5”

SAS/SATA (HDD/SSD) with up to 2 NVMe
SSD or higher.
7. RAID Controller 12Gbps PCIe 3.0 with RAID 1, 5, 10, 50
with 8 GB Cache Memory on single /
Multiple controllers.
8. Disks configured 3x 600GB 15K RPM SAS drives or higher.
9. 1G Networking 2 x 1 Gbps Copper Ethernet with
features Additional Dedicated Mgmt. Ethernet
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

interface port with 3 mts. Length factory

crimped copper Ethernet patch cords for
each port including 1 mgmt. port
10. 10G Networking 4 x 10G Copper Ethernet ports with 3 mts.
features Length 10G factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
11. Certified for OS Windows Server 2016 or higher, VMWare
vSphere, vCenter, Red Hat Enterprise
Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
12. Power Supply Platinum rated redundant Power Supply
13. Management Support for integration with Microsoft
integration System Center, VMware vCenter, BMC
14. Power & temperature Real-time power meter, thresholds, alerts
& capping with historical power counters.
Temperature monitoring
15. Pre-failure alert Should provide predictive failure
monitoring & proactive alerts of actual or
impending component failure for fan,
power supply, memory, CPU, RAID, NIC,
16. Configuration & • Real-time out-of-band hardware
Management performance monitoring & alerting
• Agent-free monitoring, driver updates &
configuration, power monitoring &
capping, RAID management, external
storage management, monitoring of FC,
HBA & system health if added will be
• Out-of-band hardware & firmware
• Zero-touch auto configuration to auto
deploy a baseline server configuration
17. LED / LCD panel Should display system ID, status
information and system error code
followed by descriptive text on LED
Indicator / LCD Panel.
18. HTML5 support HTML5 support for virtual console &
virtual media without using Java or
ActiveX plugins
19. Server security Should have a cyber resilient architecture
for a hardened server design for

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

protection, detection & recovery from

cyber attacks
Should protect against firmware which
executes before the OS boots
Should provide effective protection,
reliable detection & rapid recovery using:
- Support for Hardware root of trust /
Silicon based hardware root of trust
- Signed firmware updates
- Secure default passwords
- Configuration and firmware drift
- Persistent event logging including user
- Secure alerting
- Rapid OS recovery
Configuration upgrades should be only
with cryptographically signed firmware
and software
Should provide system lockdown feature
to prevent change (or “drift”) in system
firmware image(s) & prevent malicious
modification of server firmware
20. Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

i. Video Summarization and Forensics Server

S No. Parameter Specifications Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
1. Make & Model

2. Rack Height 2U rack mounted with sliding rails

3. Processors Up to two Intel® Xeon® Scalable 2nd Gen

processors, configured with 20
cores/processor @ 2.5 Ghz base freq. or
equivalent or better.
4. Memory 128 GB RAM 2666 MT/s support up to
512GB RAM, should have min. 24 DIMM
5. Hard Drives 5x 600GB 15K RPM SAS drives should be
Should support up to eight hard disk
drives (SAS, SATA, SSD)

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

6. GPU Configured Should be configured with 3 nos. of Nvidia

Tesla T4 GPU (better performance card
can be provided by supplier)
7. GPU Support Should support upto 6 single wide GPU’s
8. RAID Controller 12Gbps PCIe 3.0 with RAID 1, 5, 10, 50
with 8GB Cache Memory on single /
Multiple controllers.
9. 1G Networking features 2 x 1 Gbps Copper Ethernet with
Additional Dedicated Mgmt. Ethernet
interface port with 3 mts. Length factory
crimped copper Ethernet patch cords for
each port including 1 mgmt. port
10. 10G Networking 4 x 10G Copper Ethernet ports with 3 mts.
features Length 10G factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
11. Redundant Power Dual, Hot-plug, Redundant Power Supply
12. Management Support for integration with Microsoft
integration System Center, VMware vCenter, BMC
13. Power & temperature Real-time power meter, thresholds, alerts
& capping with historical power counters.
Temperature monitoring.
14. Pre-failure alert Should provide predictive failure
monitoring & proactive alerts of actual or
impending component failure for fan,
power supply, memory, CPU, RAID, NIC,
15. Configuration & • Real-time out-of-band hardware
Management performance monitoring & alerting
• Agent-free monitoring, driver updates &
configuration, power monitoring &
capping, RAID management, external
storage management, monitoring of FC,
HBA & system health if added will be
• Out-of-band hardware & firmware
• Zero-touch auto configuration to auto
deploy a baseline server configuration
16. LED/LCD panel Should display system ID, status
information and system error code

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

followed by descriptive text on LED

Indicator / LCD Panel.
17. HTML5 support HTML5 support for virtual console &
virtual media without using Java or
ActiveX plugins
18. Server security Should have a cyber resilient architecture
for a hardened server design for
protection, detection & recovery from
cyber attacks
Should protect against firmware which
executes before the OS boots
Should provide effective protection,
reliable detection & rapid recovery using:
- Support for Hardware root of trust /
Silicon based hardware root of trust
- Signed firmware updates
- Secure default passwords
- Configuration and firmware drift
- Persistent event logging including user
- Secure alerting
- Rapid OS recovery
Configuration upgrades should be only
with cryptographically signed firmware
and software
Should provide system lockdown feature
to prevent change (or “drift”) in system
firmware image(s) & prevent malicious
modification of server firmware.
Should maintain repository for firmware
and should be able to rollback, if required.
19. Certified for OS Windows Server 2016 or latest, VMWare
vSphere & vCenter, Red Hat Enterprise
Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
20. Warranty As mentioned in RFP. .

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

j. PIU (Picture Intelligence Unit) Server

S No. Parameter Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
1. Make & Model -----

2. Rack Height 2U rack mounted with sliding rails

3. Processors Up to two Intel® Xeon® Scalable 2nd Gen

processors, configured with 20
cores/processor @ 2.5 Ghz base freq. or
equivalent or better.
4. Memory 128 GB RAM 2666 MT/s support up to
512GB RAM, should have min. 24 DIMM
5. Hard Drives 5x 600GB 15K RPM SAS drives should be
Should support up to eight hard disk
drives (SAS, SATA, SSD)
6. GPU Configured Should be configured with 3 nos. of Nvidia
Tesla T4 GPU (better performance card
can be provided by supplier)
7. GPU Support Should support upto 6 single wide GPU’s

8. RAID Controller 12Gbps PCIe 3.0 with RAID 1, 5, 10, 50

with 8GB Cache Memory on single /
Multiple controllers.
9. 1G Networking 2 x 1 Gbps Copper Ethernet with
features Additional Dedicated Mgmt. Ethernet
interface port with 3 mts. Length factory
crimped copper Ethernet patch cords for
each port including 1 mgmt. port
10. 10G Networking 4 x 10G Copper Ethernet ports with 3 mts.
features Length 10G factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
11. Redundant Power Dual, Hot-plug, Redundant Power Supply
12. Management Support for integration with Microsoft
integration System Center, VMware vCenter, BMC
13. Power & temperature Real-time power meter, thresholds, alerts
& capping with historical power counters.
Temperature monitoring.
14. Pre-failure alert Should provide predictive failure
monitoring & proactive alerts of actual or

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

impending component failure for fan,

power supply, memory, CPU, RAID, NIC,
15. Configuration & • Real-time out-of-band hardware
Management performance monitoring & alerting
• Agent-free monitoring, driver updates &
configuration, power monitoring &
capping, RAID management, external
storage management, monitoring of FC,
HBA & system health if added will be
• Out-of-band hardware & firmware
• Zero-touch auto configuration to auto
deploy a baseline server configuration
16. LED/LCD panel Should display system ID, status
information and system error code
followed by descriptive text on LED
Indicator / LCD Panel.
17. HTML5 support HTML5 support for virtual console &
virtual media without using Java or
ActiveX plugins
18. Server security Should have a cyber resilient architecture
for a hardened server design for
protection, detection & recovery from
cyber attacks
Should protect against firmware which
executes before the OS boots
Should provide effective protection,
reliable detection & rapid recovery using:
- Support for Hardware root of trust /
Silicon based hardware root of trust
- Signed firmware updates
- Secure default passwords
- Configuration and firmware drift
- Persistent event logging including user
- Secure alerting
- Rapid OS recovery
Configuration upgrades should be only
with cryptographically signed firmware
and software

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Should provide system lockdown feature

to prevent change (or “drift”) in system
firmware image(s) & prevent malicious
modification of server firmware.
Should maintain repository for firmware
and should be able to rollback, if required.
19. Certified for OS Windows Server 2016 or latest, VMWare
vSphere & vCenter, Red Hat Enterprise
Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
20. Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

k. Domain Controller, EMS Server

S No. Parameter Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
Make & Model ------
Form Factor 1U rack mounted with sliding rails
Processor Up to two Intel® Xeon® Scalable 2nd Gen
processors, up to 20 cores/processor @
2.5 Ghz base freq. or equivalent or better
Memory slots 16 DDR4 DIMM slots, speed up to
2666MT/s or better
Memory configured Minimum 256 GB, scalable to 512GB
Disks supported Front drive bays: Up to 10 x 2.5”
SAS/SATA (HDD/SSD) with up to 2 NVMe
SSD or higher.
RAID Controller 12Gbps PCIe 3.0 with RAID 1, 5, 10, 50
with 8 GB Cache Memory on single /
Multiple controllers.
Disks configured 3x 600GB 15K RPM SAS drives or higher.
1G Networking 2 x 1 Gbps Copper Ethernet with
features Additional Dedicated Mgmt. Ethernet
interface port with 3 mts. Length factory
crimped copper Ethernet patch cords for
each port including 1 mgmt. port
10G Networking 4 x 10G Copper Ethernet ports with 3 mts.
features Length 10G factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
FC HBA Dual port 16 Gbps FC HBA with two no. of
each 3 mts. Or 5 mts FC patch cables,
Quoted HBA should support quoted SAN
Switch and Storage

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Certified for OS Windows Server 2016 or higher, VMWare

vSphere, vCenter, Red Hat Enterprise
Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
Power Supply Platinum rated redundant Power Supply
Management Support for integration with Microsoft
integration System Center, VMware vCenter, BMC
Power & temperature Real-time power meter, thresholds, alerts
& capping with historical power counters.
Temperature monitoring
Pre-failure alert Should provide predictive failure
monitoring & proactive alerts of actual or
impending component failure for fan,
power supply, memory, CPU, RAID, NIC,
Configuration & • Real-time out-of-band hardware
Management performance monitoring & alerting
• Agent-free monitoring, driver updates &
configuration, power monitoring &
capping, RAID management, external
storage management, monitoring of FC,
HBA & system health if added will be
• Out-of-band hardware & firmware
• Zero-touch auto configuration to auto
deploy a baseline server configuration
LED / LCD panel Should display system ID, status
information and system error code
followed by descriptive text on LED
Indicator / LCD Panel.
HTML5 support HTML5 support for virtual console &
virtual media without using Java or
ActiveX plugins
1. Server security Should have a cyber resilient architecture
for a hardened server design for
protection, detection & recovery from
cyber attacks
Should protect against firmware which
executes before the OS boots

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Should provide effective protection,

reliable detection & rapid recovery using:
- Signed firmware updates
- Support for Hardware root of trust /
Silicon based hardware root of trust
- Secure default passwords
- Configuration and firmware drift
- Secure alerting
- Rapid OS recovery
Configuration upgrades should be only
with cryptographically signed firmware
and software
Should provide system lockdown feature
to prevent change (or “drift”) in system
firmware image(s) & prevent malicious
modification of server firmware
Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

l. Antivirus Server and LDAP server

S No. Parameter Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
Make & Model ------
Form Factor 1U rack mounted with sliding rails
Processor Up to two Intel® Xeon® Scalable 2nd Gen
processors, up to 20 cores/processor @
2.5 Ghz base freq. or equivalent or better
Memory slots 16 DDR4 DIMM slots, speed up to
2666MT/s or better
Memory configured Minimum 256 GB, scalable to 512GB
Disks supported Front drive bays: Up to 10 x 2.5”
SAS/SATA (HDD/SSD) with up to 2 NVMe
SSD or higher.
RAID Controller 12Gbps PCIe 3.0 with RAID 1, 5, 10, 50
with 8 GB Cache Memory on single /
Multiple controllers.
Disks configured 3x 600GB 15K RPM SAS drives or higher.
1G Networking 2 x 1 Gbps Copper Ethernet with
features Additional Dedicated Mgmt. Ethernet
interface port with 3 mts. Length factory
crimped copper Ethernet patch cords for
each port including 1 mgmt. port
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

10G Networking 4 x 10G Copper Ethernet ports with 3 mts.

features Length 10G factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
FC HBA Dual port 16 Gbps FC HBA with two no. of
each 3 mts. Or 5 mts FC patch cables,
Quoted HBA should support quoted SAN
Switch and Storage
Certified for OS Windows Server 2016 or higher, VMWare
vSphere, vCenter, Red Hat Enterprise
Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
Power Supply Platinum rated redundant Power Supply
Management Support for integration with Microsoft
integration System Center, VMware vCenter, BMC
Power & temperature Real-time power meter, thresholds, alerts
& capping with historical power counters.
Temperature monitoring
Pre-failure alert Should provide predictive failure
monitoring & proactive alerts of actual or
impending component failure for fan,
power supply, memory, CPU, RAID, NIC,
Configuration & • Real-time out-of-band hardware
Management performance monitoring & alerting
• Agent-free monitoring, driver updates &
configuration, power monitoring &
capping, RAID management, external
storage management, monitoring of FC,
HBA & system health if added will be
• Out-of-band hardware & firmware
• Zero-touch auto configuration to auto
deploy a baseline server configuration
LED / LCD panel Should display system ID, status
information and system error code
followed by descriptive text on LED
Indicator / LCD Panel.
HTML5 support HTML5 support for virtual console &
virtual media without using Java or
ActiveX plugins

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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Server security Should provide effective protection,

reliable detection & rapid recovery using:
- Signed firmware updates
- Support for Hardware root of trust /
Silicon based hardware root of trust
- Secure default passwords
- Configuration and firmware drift
- Secure alerting
- Rapid OS recovery
Configuration upgrades should be only
with cryptographically signed firmware
and software
Should provide system lockdown feature
to prevent change (or “drift”) in system
firmware image(s) & prevent malicious
modification of server firmware
Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

m. Viewing Management Server

S No. Parameter Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
Make & Model
Form Factor 1U rack mounted with sliding rails
Processor Up to two Intel® Xeon® Scalable 2nd Gen
processors, up to 20 cores/processor @
2.5 Ghz base freq. or equivalent or better
1. Memory slots 16 DDR4 DIMM slots, speed up to
2666MT/s or better
Memory configured Minimum 128 GB, scalable to 512GB
Disks supported Front drive bays: Up to 10 x 2.5”
SAS/SATA (HDD/SSD) with up to 2 NVMe
SSD or higher.
RAID Controller 12Gbps PCIe 3.0 with RAID 1, 5, 10, 50
with 8 GB Cache Memory on single /
Multiple controllers.
Disks configured 3x 600GB 15K RPM SAS drives or higher.
1G Networking 2 x 1 Gbps Copper Ethernet with
features Additional Dedicated Mgmt. Ethernet
interface port with 3 mts. Length factory
crimped copper Ethernet patch cords for
each port including 1 mgmt. port

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10G Networking 4 x 10G Copper Ethernet ports with 3 mts.

features Length 10G factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
FC HBA Dual port 16 Gbps FC HBA with two no. of
each 3 mts. Or 5 mts FC patch cables,
Quoted HBA should support quoted SAN
Switch and Storage
Certified for OS Windows Server 2016 or higher, VMWare
vSphere, vCenter, Red Hat Enterprise
Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
Power Supply Platinum rated redundant Power Supply
Management Support for integration with Microsoft
integration System Center, VMware vCenter, BMC
Power & temperature Real-time power meter, thresholds, alerts
& capping with historical power counters.
Temperature monitoring
Pre-failure alert Should provide predictive failure
monitoring & proactive alerts of actual or
impending component failure for fan,
power supply, memory, CPU, RAID, NIC,
Configuration & • Real-time out-of-band hardware
Management performance monitoring & alerting
• Agent-free monitoring, driver updates &
configuration, power monitoring &
capping, RAID management, external
storage management, monitoring of FC,
HBA & system health if added will be
• Out-of-band hardware & firmware
• Zero-touch auto configuration to auto
deploy a baseline server configuration
LED/LCD panel Should display system ID, status
information and system error code
followed by descriptive text on LED
Indicator / LCD Panel.
HTML5 support HTML5 support for virtual console &
virtual media without using Java or
ActiveX plugins

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Server security Should have a cyber resilient architecture

for a hardened server design for
protection, detection & recovery from
cyber attacks
Should protect against firmware which
executes before the OS boots
Should provide effective protection,
reliable detection & rapid recovery using:
- Support for Hardware root of trust /
Silicon based hardware root of trust
- Signed firmware updates
- Secure default passwords
- Configuration and firmware drift
- Persistent event logging including user
- Secure alerting
- Rapid OS recovery
Configuration upgrades should be only
with cryptographically signed firmware
and software
Should provide system lockdown feature
to prevent change (or “drift”) in system
firmware image(s) & prevent malicious
modification of server firmware
Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

n. DLP (Data Leak Protection), PKI + MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) server

S No. Parameter Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
Make & Model
Form Factor 1U rack mounted with sliding rails
Processor Up to two Intel® Xeon® Scalable 2nd Gen
processors, up to 20 cores/processor @
2.5 Ghz base freq. or equivalent or better
Memory slots 16 DDR4 DIMM slots, speed up to
2666MT/s or better
Memory configured Minimum 256 GB, scalable to 512GB
Disks supported Front drive bays: Up to 10 x 2.5”
SAS/SATA (HDD/SSD) with up to 2 NVMe
SSD or higher.

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RAID Controller 12Gbps PCIe 3.0 with RAID 1, 5, 10, 50

with 8 GB Cache Memory on single /
Multiple controllers.
Disks configured 3x 600GB 15K RPM SAS drives or higher.
1G Networking 2 x 1 Gbps Copper Ethernet with
features Additional Dedicated Mgmt. Ethernet
interface port with 3 mts. Length factory
crimped copper Ethernet patch cords for
each port including 1 mgmt. port
10G Networking 4 x 10G Copper Ethernet ports with 3 mts.
features Length 10G factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
FC HBA Dual port 16 Gbps FC HBA with two no. of
each 3 mts. Or 5 mts FC patch cables,
Quoted HBA should support quoted SAN
Switch and Storage
Certified for OS Windows Server 2016 or higher, VMWare
vSphere, vCenter, Red Hat Enterprise
Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
Power Supply Platinum rated redundant Power Supply
Management Support for integration with Microsoft
integration System Center, VMware vCenter, BMC
Power & temperature Real-time power meter, thresholds, alerts
& capping with historical power counters.
Temperature monitoring
Pre-failure alert Should provide predictive failure
monitoring & proactive alerts of actual or
impending component failure for fan,
power supply, memory, CPU, RAID, NIC,
Configuration & • Real-time out-of-band hardware
Management performance monitoring & alerting
• Agent-free monitoring, driver updates &
configuration, power monitoring &
capping, RAID management, external
storage management, monitoring of FC,
HBA & system health if added will be
• Out-of-band hardware & firmware
• Zero-touch auto configuration to auto
deploy a baseline server configuration

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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LED / LCD panel Should display system ID, status

information and system error code
followed by descriptive text on LED
Indicator / LCD Panel.
HTML5 support HTML5 support for virtual console &
virtual media without using Java or
ActiveX plugins
Server security Should provide effective protection,
reliable detection & rapid recovery using:
- Signed firmware updates
- Support for Hardware root of trust /
Silicon based hardware root of trust.
- Secure default passwords
- Configuration and firmware drift
- Secure alerting
- Rapid OS recovery
Configuration upgrades should be only
with cryptographically signed firmware
and software
Should provide system lockdown feature
to prevent change (or “drift”) in system
firmware image(s) & prevent malicious
modification of server firmware
Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

Storage and backup solution

a. Scale out NAS Storage with rack for surveillance video data for 30 days – 20 PB
S No. Feature Specification Compliance
(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
1 Controllers Storage Should be distributed clustered Architecture
and clustered Architecture written for Scale-Out NAS
Architectu Storage operations. Proposed Storage solution
re should be based on Appliance and not general-
purpose servers or software-define storage.
Scale out storage should be configured with
minimum 12 controllers of the same type
Offered storage must be certified/referenced with at
least 3 VMS vendors including the offered VMS in
this project, public documentation related best
practices of offered storage with these 3 VMS
vendors to be submitted.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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The storage cluster should support linear scalability

of performance and capacity i.e. for every drive bay
added, performance should increase by the same
amount till 2x capacity of the quoted storage
All storage nodes/controllers must be active for all
Storage shares, contributing in performance and
capacity of the system
Storage Controllers should have processors as per
OEM design and application benchmarking.
2 Onboard The scale out storage must be configured with
Memory minimum 1.5 TB (total) federated/globally coherent
or better, DRAM based cache/memory example.
Distributed and write should be protected with BB
(Beaver Builder ) Cache/ D-staging to a flash drive
3 Operating Scale-Out Storage operating system should have
System distributed specialized Operating System by OEM(s),
dedicated for serving data efficiently and
customized for True Scale-Out Storage. Entire data
should automatically balance across proposed
controllers/nodes within each tier without any
administrative intervention, or requirement of
third-party software
4 Network The scale out storage cluster should be offered with
Ports minimum 10/25 Gbps, 40G/100G SFP+ ports (Total
aggregate front end throughput of 960 Gbps or
better), and cluster should be scalable to 4x the
number of offered ports. Interconnect switches for
internode communication should be proposed in
5 Disk Storage cluster should have capability to support
support different kinds of disks tiers likes SSD, SAS,
SATA/NL-SAS drives within single filesystem.
6 Redundanc - The Scale-Out Storage should have self-optimizing
y with No architecture so the system does not require
Single - manual defragmentation or consistency check like
Point of ‘fsck’ in the event of an ungraceful shutdown of the
Failure cluster to ensure higher uptime.
- All video data should be striped across all storage
controllers in the proposed storage system, so that
performance of all controllers can be utilized for all
read and write operations.

- Redundant and Hot replaceable modules:

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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Controllers, Hard Disk Drive and power supplies

(230V AC, 50 Hz.)

- The Complete multi-controller Storage System

Solution should be fully redundant, configured in
High Availability mode and should NOT have any
Single Point of Failure (SPOF).
7 Total - Scale out storage should be configured with 20 PiB
Storage usable capacity in a single filesystem, using equal to
Capacity or less than 12TB or more NL-SAS/SATA/SSD HDD.
Additional 10% usable space should be reserved, or
equivalent number of disks should be provided, as
hot spares.

- Offered scale out storage should be capable of

providing a throughput of greater than 25GBps at
100% write on SMB2 and higher versions, for
handling the camera feed and other workloads. OEM
Sizer tool output needs to be provided on OEM
letterhead for the same showing capacity and

- The storage should be scalable upto 2x the capacity,

and performance, with same drive size, in a single
filesystem/name space.
8 Capacity/p - There should not be any downtime or migration
erformanc activity required in the event it is needed to add
e additional capacity or additional performance to the
Expansion storage system.
- In the event of addition of storage
controller/storage node to storage solution, existing
data should be rebalanced across all nodes of storage
controllers/storage nodes automatically. This
should be done with low priority avoiding any
impact to client performance.
- Addition of storage controller/ storage nodes
should not require any complicated configuration of
new controller/node. It should be done easily,
seamlessly and without having any impact to user
- The storage file system shall not require metadata
performance tuning.
- The system must be able to support policy-based
tiering to different storage tiers within Storage sub-

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9 Protection - 20PiB usable capacity should be configured with

Levels protection level which can protect data against
simultaneous 3 disks failures, without data
unavailability and data loss

- Should have capability to change the protection

level on-the-fly without impacting the workflow of
- Should be able to assign protection level on cluster,
directory or file level.
10 Protocol - Network protocol Support: • Must provide access
Support for a variety of operating systems (UNIX, Linux,
Windows) using native OS protocols. All protocols
required for solution, must be included without
additional licenses and hardware.

- Should support user security mechanisms like AD,

11 File File Locking for Data protection from corruption
Locking & while sharing files between UNIX and Windows
Filtering users. (Should support simultaneous multiple
client’s access to the storage without any data

12 Client Load Storage System should have capability to load

Balancing balance client connectivity across these multiple
controllers so that all clients get distributed across
all existing controllers/nodes to avoid any
performance hotspot.
13 Heterogen Operating system support RedHat Linux/Suse
ous Linux/ Windows Servers 2003/2008 or later,
support for Windows 7 or later. Unix Based operating systems
end user like SUN Solaris/ HP Unix/ IBM AIX
14 Manageme Support the management, administration and
nt configuration of the whole storage platform through
Interface a single management interface along with CLI
15 Security - The system must support encrypting data at rest.
- The system must be able to support WORM
-Should be able to assign protection level on cluster,
directory or file level
- The system must support multiple multitenant
access zones for different Active Directories and

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LDAP. Each Access zone must simultaneously

support local, Active Directory and LDAP users.
- The system must support Role Base Access Control
with Integration with Active Directory and LDAP
- The system must be able to support System
Auditing for system as well as supported protocols.
- The system must support multiple DNS.
- The system should have file system integrity and
data integrity checks built in to prevent data loss due
to bit rate and other soft errors
16 Warranty As mentioned in RFP, Detailed BoQ with part codes
for hardware and OEM support services should be
submitted along with bid. Appliance
software/Hardware L1 to L3 support from same
Resolution time: NBD for continuation of the I/O to
and fro from the storage and all storage related
17 Investmen Storage System quoted by the OEM to be in the
t Leaders Quadrant in the latest Gartner Magic
Protection Quadrant for Distributed File and Object Storage
Arrays Report and Storage System OEM should be in
the Top5 Global latest revenue report from IDC

b. SAN / Unified Enterprise storage for 180 days – 2 PB (Storage for DB, boot, Flagged
Data & Backup for 180 days)
Functional Requirement:
This Storage will be used for storing DMZ virtual machines and VMS VM's which will be running
on virtual environment. The NVMe or SCM technology must be supported for future and
mentioned in the web-site for any of the product descriptions of OEM.

S No. Item Description of Requirement Compliance

(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
1. Market Storage quoted by the OEM to be in leaders or
Recognition / challengers’ quadrant in the latest Gartner
Credibility report of general-purpose storage system

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2. SAN Storage Hybrid storage system with Storage Operating

Architecture System optimized for end to end to handle
different types of drives like SSD, SAS / NL-SAS
technology with built in QoS (Quality of Services)
for optimal utilization of resources across the
array. The storage should also support
automated data tiering between these 3 quoted
types of drives.
3. Dual active-active controllers each populated
with dual socket of intel Xeon Processor
4. Scalability Offered storage should support scale up for
future capacity and performance enhancements
5. Data Deduplication and Compression functionalities
Efficiency should be supplied and supported on SSD
Features capacity with all required licenses. Admin should
be able to enable/disable reduction for
individual volumes/application

6. Controller Support for scalability to additional controller

Scalability pairs (up to 6 pairs or better) to enhance
capacity and performance when needed.
7. Encryption Option should be available to support FIPS 140-
2 certified self-encrypting drives (SEDs). Or
encryption at controller level with license will be
8. Drive Minimum 500 disk drives should be supported
Scalability within the proposed Controller Pair and Offered
storage shall be scalable to 1000 Drives within
the same storage
9. The system should allow dynamic expansion of
volumes / pools without any application
10. The system should be powerful enough to
support capacity scalability up to 4PB RAW
capacity by adding disks without degrading the
11. Cache Minimum protected 256GB DRAM cache across
dual controller, Scalable to 2TB or more either by
adding memory into existing controllers or by
Adding controllers in cluster/federation of

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12. Ports Minimum 16 x 32 Gbps/ 32 x16 Gbps Frontend

FC Ports across the proposed controllers and
should be scalable up to 24 Nos of FC Ports or
higher. Should also be configured with 8 x
10Gbps SFP+ iSCSI Ports. The back-end of the
array must be 8 x 12/4 x 25 Gbps or higher SAS
ports per array. It should also support
configuring native 10Gbps ports for storage-
based replication.
13. Capacity The storage must be supplied with 2000TB
Usable Capacity in below configuration:
14. 400TB Usable Capacity using SSD Drives on
15. 1600TB Usable Capacity using minimum 7.2k
rpm NL-SAS Drives on RAID6
16. 1 Hot spare for every 30 Drives should be
17. Performance The array should be configured to deliver
minimum of 100,000 IOPS with 32 KB block size
& 50:50 read: write ratio. The storage system
should be scalable to more than 1,00,000 IOPS by
adding more controllers.
18. Data The array should natively be thin provisioned
Protection with built-in space efficient snapshots, clones for
Features optimal utilization and performance of the array
19. RAID Support The storage should support industry standard
RAID levels like RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, RAID 10 or better;
The storage should support combination of
multiple RAID Levels in a single array.
20. Remote The System must be supported and supplied
Replication with Replication license for synchronous and
Features Asynchronous replication using FC or iSCSI/IP.
The Solution must offer storage-based
replication for 1:1, 1: many and many:1 from day
1. The storage should additionally support
feature of creating active-active storage
environment across 2 physically separate
21. Data Security The LUN security & masking software to be
provided and configured to protect LUNs
configured to heterogeneous hosts running
different OS

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22. Management The Array must be supplied with comprehensive

GUI based Management software which is
HTML5 based along with storage analytics
utilities for current and historic data analysis.
The Management software should work with
Multiple arrays, Multiple sites.
23. The storage should have features like remote
diagnostics and performance monitoring,
automated alerts, reports and notifications.
24. The Management software should be with single
console-based performance management
software to manage & monitor replication, live &
historical usage of the array including FE ports,
BE ports, controller, disk drives etc.
25. OS & other The Storage Management Software shall be
Software certified to work with VMware vSphere Metro
Support Storage Cluster, VMware SRM
26. The must be certified to support current
versions of OS like Microsoft Windows Server,
Red Hat Linux, VMware, Native files, Block
Protocols, etc.
27. Purpose and This dedicated storage section will serve the
compatibility purpose of DMZ which will ensure better back
plane throughput and compatibility of
controllers and storage (20 PB) mentioned in the
28. Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

c. SAN Switches

S No. Feature Technical Specifications Compliance

(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
1. Switch Architecture The proposed SAN Switches should
have 2U form factor with minimum 48
Nos. of 32Gbps Ports or higher. Should
have redundant power supplies and
2. Fiber Channel Ports Should be configured with 48 x 32Gbps FC
Ports or higher on day one
3. Autosensing The proposed ports should have
capabilities autosensing capabilities to 32/16/8 Gbps
FC connectivity

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4. Trucking capabilities The switch should support trucking with

up to eight 32 Gbps ports per ISL trunk
5. Performance Should support aggregate bandwidth of
4Tbps or higher
6. Port Types Should support D_PORT (Clear Link
supported Diagnostic Port), E_PORT, EX_PORT,
7. Media/Transceiver Should support hot-pluggable Fibre
Types Channel SFP+ at 32 Gbps SWL/LWL and
SFP+ at 16 Gbps SWL/LWL/ELWL
8. USB Port Should have at least One USB port per
control processor for firmware download,
support save, and configuration upload or
9. Management Should have switch management feature
with support for e HTTP, SNMP v1/v3 (FE
MIB, FC Management MIB), SSH; Auditing,
Syslog; Command Line Interface (CLI);
SMI-S compliant
10. Security Should support DH-CHAP (between
switches and end devices), FCAP switch
authentication; HTTPS, IPSec, IP filtering,
LDAP with Ipv6, OpenLDAP, Port Binding,
RADIUS, TACACS+, user-defined Role-
Based Access Control (RBAC), Secure
Copy (SCP), Secure RPC, Secure Syslog,
SFTP, SSH v2, SSL, Switch Binding, Trusted
Switch. Should also support up to 12 in-
flight encryption and compression ports.
11. Cables Fc cables can be provided along with SAN
switches with different lengths to cater
server connectivity. Or if provided along
with the server
12. Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

d. Backup Appliance and Backup software solutions

S No. Description Compliance

(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
1. Proposed disk-based backup appliance should be able to interface
with various industry leading server platforms, operating systems

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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and Must support LAN/SAN based D2D backup and VTL backup
simultaneously via NFS v3, CIFS, FC, OST and NDMP protocols.
2. Proposed appliance should support global and inline data
duplication using automated variable block length deduplication
3. Proposed appliance should be offered with protocols like VTL,
OST, CIFS and NFS. All of the protocols should be available to use
concurrently with global deduplication for data ingested across all
of them.
4. Proposed appliance should support industry leading backup
software like EMC Networker, Symantec NetBackup, Commvault
and HP Data Protector etc. and should Support deduplication at
backup server/ host / application level so that only changed
blocks travel through network to backup device.
5. Proposed appliance should be sized appropriately for backup of
front end data 150 TB (50% DB and 50% File System) data as per
below backup policies:
 Daily Incremental Backup – retained for 4 weeks in disk
based backup appliance.
 Weekly Full Backup for all data types – retained for 3
months in disk based backup appliance.
 Monthly Full Backups – Retained for 12 Months in the
same disk-based backup appliance.
 Yearly Full Backups – Retained for 7 years in the same
disk-based backup appliance.
The Purpose-built backup appliance should be quoted
with adequate capacity with 15% YoY data growth and
3% daily change rate for entire duration of 5 years
 Any additional software or backup storage capacity (in
addition to minimum 150 TB usable capacity) or any other
component required as per sizing needs to be provided by
the OEM & bidder during the entire warranty period of 5
6. Proposed Appliance should have the capability to tier backup data
in deduplicated format to an external cloud storage (on premise /
public cloud).
7. Proposed appliance should have the ability to perform different
backup, restore, replication jobs simultaneously and Must
supports communications and data transfers through 8GB SAN, 10
Gb & 1 Gb ethernet LAN over copper and SFP+. The proposed
backup appliance should be offered with min. 2 x 1Gbps NIC, 4 x
10Gbps NIC and 4 x 16Gbps FC ports and should support
redundant controller for high availability of appliance in future.
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8. Proposed appliance should support minimum backup throughput

of 30 TB/hr while maintaining a single deduplication pool with
RAID 6 and min. one hot spare disk as well.
9. Proposed appliance should support different retentions for
primary and DR backup storage and should support instant copy
creation on remote site for better DR readiness with support for
transmitting only deduplicated unique data in encrypted format
to remote sites.
10. Proposed appliance should support retention lock (WORM)
feature which ensures that no data is deleted accidently and
support for point-in-time copies of a LUN or volumes with
minimal performance impact.
11. Proposed disk appliance should be offered with battery backed up
RAM / NVRAM for protection against data loss in power failure
scenario and continuous automated file system check to ensure
data integrity.
12. Proposed appliance should Support Enterprise Applications and
Database Backups without integration with Backup Software, for
better visibility of Backups to Application and database Owners,
thus ensuring faster and direct recovery on application/database
level. This integration should be available for Oracle, SAP, SAP
HANA, DB2, MS SQL, Hadoop, MongoDB, Cassandra etc.
13. Proposed appliance should support bi-directional, many-to-one,
one-to-many, and one-to-one replication.
14. Proposed appliance should support 256-bit AES encryption for
data at rest and data-in-flight during replication. It should offer
internal and external key management for encryption.
15. Proposed appliance should be offered RAID-6 with SAS/SATA/NL-
SAS disk drives along with hot-spare disks in the ratio of 15:1 or
16. Proposed appliance should be offered with Multi-Tenancy
features which provides a separate logical space for each tenant
user while maintaining a global deduplication across data from all
tenant users.
17. Warranty: As mentioned in RFP.

18. Proposed backup software should be available on various OS

platforms like Windows, Linux, HP-UX, IBM AIX, Solaris etc. The
backup server should be compatible to run on both Windows and
Linux OS platforms
19. The backup software should be able to encrypt the backed-up data
using 256-bit AES encryption on the backup client and should not
demand for additional license, any such license if needed should
be quoted for the total number of backup clients asked for.

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20. The backup solution should also support online LAN Free SAN
based backups of databases through appropriate agents;
Important Applications being Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server,
Exchange, SharePoint, IBM DB2 UDB, Informix, Lotus
Notes/Domino, MySQL, SAP, SAP HANA & Sybase etc.
21. Should able to dynamically break up large save sets into smaller
save sets to be backed up in parallel to allow backups to complete
faster for Windows, Unix and Linux clients.
22. Should have in-built calendar-based scheduling system and also
support check-point restart able backups for file systems. It
should support various level of backups including full,
incremental, differential, synthetic and virtual synthetic backups
23. The proposed backup software should have the capability to
enable WORM on the backup sets from the backup software
console on proposed disk backup appliance
24. The solution must support client-direct backup feature for file
system, applications and databases to reduce extra hop for backup
data at backup/media server to cater stringent backup window.
25. Bidder should provide 150TB capacity-based licenses. SI need to
provide backup solution on the offered IT Infra stack from single
OEM for backup software & purpose-built backup appliance.
26. Must have Agent/Modules for online backup of applications and
databases such as MS SQL, Oracle, Exchange, Lotus, DB2, Informix,
Sybase, SharePoint, Meditech and SAP. Must support NAS and
storage array-based snapshot backup for off host zero downtime
and zero load on the primary backup client with wizard-based
27. Backup Solution must support multi tenancy feature for creation
of distinct data zones where the end users have access without
being able to view data, backups, recoveries, or modify in other
data zones.
28. Backup Solution should also have configurable ReST API support
for management, administration and reporting on backup
infrastructure via custom applications and out of box integration
with VMWare vRealize Automation for complete orchestration.
29. The proposed backup software should support restore a single
VM, single file from a VM, a VMDK restore from the same
management console for ease of use.
30. Proposed backup software should not need a physical proxy
server for VMWare backups and should have a minimum of 16
concurrent sessions capability for the VMWARE VM machines
image-based backups with single virtual proxy. It should support
instant access of a VM machine.
31. The proposed solution should have inbuilt feature for extensive
alerting and reporting with pre-configured and customizable
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formats. The proposed solution must have capability to do trend

analysis for capacity planning of backup environment not limiting
to Backup Application/Clients, Virtual Environment, Replication
32. The proposed backup software should be able to recreate backed
up data from existing volumes from metadata backups. The
solution should offer recovery of specific volumes for recovery
from metadata in case of a disaster recovery.
33. The proposed Backup software should have the capability for
Block based backups with granular recovery capability for
Windows, Linux, Hyper-V, VMWARE and Exchange for faster
backups on supported Disk platforms.
34. The proposed backup solution should provide search capability
from a web portal to allow search for a single file from complete
backup store.
35. The solution should be capable of integration with active directory
infrastructure for ease of user rights management along with role-
based access control to regulate the level of management.
36. The solution should have the capability to manage and monitor
backups at remote locations from a single backup server, where
clients can backup data to a local disk backup device without the
need of local media server or sending primary backup copy over
the WAN.
37. The solution should have the capabilities to backup as well as
archive data to cloud with cloud service providers like Azure /
Amazon etc. In addition to this if data has to be moved from Cloud
A to Cloud B the solution should be capable of cloud portability.
38. Proposed backup software should be in the leader’s quadrant of
2017 Gartner report for Enterprise Backup software and recovery
39. Software updates and patches: For the period of minimum 5 years.
40. Use of Source and Target Based De-duplication for Backups. In
order to improve the backup performance and reduce the disk
footprint for storing backup data, the disk-appliance solution
proposed by the Bidder must support inline global de-duplication
and must integrate with the backup software to facilitate client
direct backups to the backup disk with source based de-
duplication to reduce data transfer over IP and FC Networks.
41. Replication of the Backup Data. The backup solution at DC shall
allow automated scheduled replication to remote site (DR) for
facilitating Disaster Recovery copy of backup data at DC.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Storage- write & read operations

Networking- Data Center

a. L2 Switch (100 Gbps) WAN

Sr.# Specifications Compliance

(Yes/ No) with
comments, if

A General Features
1. High Density Wire-speed Layer3 Enterprise Class Switch
2. 19” rack mountable – 1RU
3. Should have high-availability feature for active-active & active-
passive operation from day-1
B Interfaces
1. 12x40GbE & 12x100GbE & above ports from day-1. Additionally,
it should support 2x10GbE SFP+ native ports. All ports should be
populated with Multi-mode transceivers.
2. As per solution requirement the switch should support 1G, 10G,
25G, 40G & 100G transceivers from day-1. Bidder need to size the
quantities of transceivers accordingly to solution
3. 1 RJ45 console port, 1 RJ45 management port
4. USB port for external storage
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5. HA cables to be included as part of solution

C Performance
1 Minimum Switch Fabric Capacity: 4 Tbps or better
2 Minimum forwarding rate of 1.4Bpps or better
D Architecture
1 Should have redundant hot-swap power supplies & fans
2 32MB packet buffer memory
3 Modular operating system, OpenFlow 1.3 for software defined
4 CLI commit, Uplink Failure Detection, BFD, Zero Touch
5 Leaf/Spine fabric architecture using BGP EVPN, VXLAN.
E High Availability
1 VRRP, active-active, active-passive operation
2 Scripting function, control plane services, automation features,
DevOps framework
3 LAG load balancing based on L2, Ipv4 or Ipv6 headers
F Layer 2 features
1 128 LAG groups with 16 ports per LAG
2 128K ARP table, 160K MAC addresses
3 Port, subnet based 802.1Q VLANs. The switch should support
4000 VLANs
4 132K MAC addresses
5 The switch should support IEEE 802.1w RSTP and IEEE 802.1s
G Routing Protocols
1 BGPv4, OSPF v1/v2/v3, VXLAN routing from Day 1
2 Ipv6 routing & VRF-Lite feature from day-1
H Security Features
1 Layer 2-4 Access Control Lists
2 RADIUS with EAP, 802.1X with RADIUS,
4 Streaming Telemetry, Control Plane Services
5 WRR, deficit round robin, WRED, SP
6 sFLow, NTP
I Traffic Policing
1 Ingress/Egress shaping and policies
2 Filter, mark and limit traffic flows
3 Minimum 8 hardware queues per port
4 Policy based traffic classification based on MAC Address, Port,
DSCP, IP Address, VLAN
J Multicast

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1 MLD v1/v2
2 IGMP v1, v2, v3, IGMP Snooping
K Network Management
1 SNMP, RESTCONF APIs, Zero Touch Deployment (ZTD), Ansible,
Puppet, Chef, SaltStack
2 Ipv6 Management support telnet, FTP, TACACS, RADIUS, SSH, NTP
L IEEE Standards
1 802.3ae, 802.3x, 802.3z, 802.1Qbb, 802.1Qaz
2 IEEE 802.3ad LACP, 802.3ab LLDP, LAG loadbalancing
3 IEEE 802.1p CoS Prioritization
4 NTPv4, DHCPv4 server & relay
M Power Rating & Certifications
1 Should operate on AC power ~50Hz. Power consumption should
not be more than 650 Watts under full load.
2 RoHS, Ipv6 ready for host and router, Fresh Air Compliant
N Connectivity required
1 Required number of switches to be proposed in HA, SFPs from the
to be from same OEM
2 Switch should support direct attach cables, breakout cables of
same OEM
3 Cables – ethernet cabless to be provided with switch for each port
with throughput define.
4 Seamless Integration: For Seamless Integration and
Interoperability all the switches and SFP Modules should be fully
compatible for smooth functioning of the system
O Event Management: There has to be a feature of Management
Module/ tool to establish link with EMS platform.

b. Layer 3 Core Switches – 48 ports 100G

S No. Technical Specifications Compliance
(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
A General Features
1 High Density Wire-speed Layer3 Switch
2 19” rack mountable – 2RU Switch can be chassis or fixed form Factor.
3 Should have high-availability feature for active-active & active-
passive operation from day-1
B Interfaces
1 Wire rate 48x100GbE & above OSFP28 ports, all ports should be
populated with Multi-mode transceivers.
2 As per solution requirement bidder need to type & no. of transceivers
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2 1x RJ45/USB console port, 1x ethernet management port

3 USB port for external storage
4 HA cables to be included as part of solution
C Performance
1 Minimum Switch Fabric Capacity: 12.8Tbps or better
2 Latency 300ns
D Architecture
1 Should have redundant hot-swap power supplies & fans
2 40MB packet buffer memory.
3 Modular operating system, OpenFlow 1.3
4 CLI commit, Uplink Failure Detection, BFD, Zero Touch Deployment.
5 Should support Leaf/Spine fabric architecture using BGP EVPN,
E High Availability
1 VRRP, active-active, active-passive operation
2 Software upgrades with minimal traffic disruption during the
3 LAG load balancing based on L2, Ipv4 or Ipv6 headers
F Layer 2 features
1 128 LAG groups with 16 ports per LAG
2 128K ARP table, 160K MAC addresses
3 Port, subnet based 802.1Q VLANs. The switch should support
4000 VLANs
4 130K or better MAC addresses
5 The switch should support IEEE 802.1w RSTP and IEEE 802.1s
G Routing Protocols
1 BGPv4, OSPF v1/v2/v3, VXLAN routing from Day 1
2 Ipv6 routing & VRF-Lite feature from day-1
H Security Features
1 Layer 2-4 Access Control Lists
2 ACLs – port based/VLAN based.
3 Integrated security features like DHCP relay, Control Plane DoS
4 Streaming Telemetry, Control Plane Services
5 802.1X Network Security and Authentication
I Traffic Policing
1 Ingress/Egress shaping and policies
2 Filter, mark and limit traffic flows
3 Minimum 8 hardware queues per port
4 Policy based traffic classification based on MAC Address, Port,
DSCP, IP Address, VLAN
J Multicast
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1 H/W based Ipv4 or Ipv6 Multicasting (minimum 10000 group

2 IGMP v1, v2, v3, IGMP Snooping
3 Protocol Independent Multicast – Sparse Mode and PIM – SSM
K Network Management
1 Ansible, Puppet, Chef, SaltStack, RESTCONF APIs
2 Ipv6 Management support telnet, FTP, TACACS, RADIUS, SSH,
L IEEE Standards
1 802.3ae, 802.3x, 802.3z
2 IEEE 802.3ad LACP, 802.3ab LLDP
3 IEEE 802.1p CoS Prioritization
4 802.1Qbb, 802.1Qaz
M Power Rating & Certifications
1 Should operate on AC power ~50Hz. Power consumption should
not be more than 1200Watts under full load.
2 RoHS, Ipv6 ready, FCC CFR 47 Part 15, EN 61000-4-5: Surge
N Connectivity required
1 The switch & transceivers should be from the same OEM
2 Cables - – ethernet cables to be provided with switch for each port
with throughput define.
3 Seamless Integration: For Seamless Integration and
Interoperability all the switches and SFP Modules should be fully
compatible for smooth functioning of the system
P Event Management: There has to be a feature of Management
Module/ tool to establish link with EMS platform.

c. Layer 2 TOR Switches (For NAS storage) – 48 Ports 10G

(Yes/ No) with
Sr No. Technical Specifications of ToR Switch
comments, if
A General Features
1 High Density Wire-speed Layer3 Switch
2 19” rack mountable – 1RU
Should have high-availability feature for active-active & active-
passive operation from day-1
B Interfaces
Wire rate 48x10 GbE SFP28 ports and 6x100GbE QSFP28 ports. All
ports should be populated with Multi-mode transceivers.
As per solution requirement the switch should support 1G, 10G,
2 25G, 40G & 100G transceivers from day-1. Bidder need to size the
quantities of transceivers accordingly.
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3 1 RJ45 console port, 1 RJ45 management port

4 USB port for external storage
5 HA cables to be included as part of solution
C Performance
1 Minimum Switch Fabric Capacity: 4Tbps or better
2 Latency 850ns
D Architecture
1 Should have redundant hot-swap power supplies & fans
2 32MB packet buffer memory.
3 Modular operating system, OpenFlow 1.3
CLI commit, Uplink Failure Detection, BFD, Zero Touch
Should support Leaf/Spine fabric architecture using BGP EVPN,
E High Availability
1 VRRP, active-active, active-passive operation
Software upgrades with minimal traffic disruption during the
3 LAG load balancing based on L2, Ipv4 or Ipv6 headers
F Layer 2 features
1 128 LAG groups with 16 ports per LAG
2 128K ARP table, 160K MAC addresses
Port, subnet based 802.1Q VLANs. The switch should support 4000
4 132K MAC addresses
The switch should support IEEE 802.1w RSTP and IEEE 802.1s
G Routing Protocols
1 BGPv4, OSPF v1/v2/v3, VXLAN routing from Day 1
2 Ipv6 routing & VRF-Lite feature from day-1
H Security Features
1 Layer 2-4 Access Control Lists
2 ACLs – port based/VLAN based.
Integrated security features like DHCP relay, Control Plane DoS
4 Streaming Telemetry, Control Plane Services
5 802.1X Network Security and Authentication
I Traffic Policing
1 Ingress/Egress shaping and policies
2 Filter, mark and limit traffic flows
3 Minimum 8 hardware queues per port
Policy based traffic classification based on MAC Address, Port,
DSCP, IP Address, VLAN
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J Multicast
H/W based Ipv4 and Ipv6 Multicasting (minimum 10000 group
2 IGMP v1, v2, v3, IGMP Snooping
3 Protocol Independent Multicast – Sparse Mode and PIM – SSM
K Network Management
1 Ansible, Puppet, Chef, SaltStack, RESTCONF APIs
2 Ipv6 Management support telnet, FTP, TACACS, RADIUS, SSH, NTP
L IEEE Standards
1 802.3ae, 802.3x, 802.3z
2 IEEE 802.3ad LACP, 802.3ab LLDP
3 IEEE 802.1p CoS Prioritization
4 802.1Qbb, 802.1Qaz
M Power Rating & Certifications
Should operate on AC power ~50Hz. Power consumption should
not be more than 650 Watts under full load.
2 RoHS, Ipv6 ready, FCC CFR 47 Part 15, EN 61000-4-5: Surge
N Connectivity required
1 The switch & transceivers should be from the same OEM
Cables – ethernet cables to be provided with switch for each port
with throughput define.
Seamless Integration: For Seamless Integration and
O Interoperability all the switches and SFP Modules should be fully
compatible for smooth functioning of the system
Event Management: There has to be a feature of Management
Module/ tool to establish link with EMS platform.

d. Layer 2 switch – KVM Management switches

(Yes/ No) with
S No. Features Specification
comments, if
Minimum of 24 ports 10/100/1000 Base-T and
4x 10G SFP+ ports
1 x Out of Band IP based management Port, 1
Console Port, USB Port / External Flash
support stacking for upto 8 switches with
3. requirements
minimum 40 Gbps stacking.
Have Redundant Power Supply support and
4. variable speed fan to adjust to varying weather
conditions in campus

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Each switch should have minimum 128 Gbps or

1. more with non-blocking architecture and
Forwarding rate of 95 Mpps
Should be equipped with minimum 1GB RAM
and 1GB flash
Design &
Should have LED indicator for per port status,
3. Performance
FAN, PSU and Management Status
0°C to 45°C operating temperature and 10% to
95% relative humidity
Hardware and software configuration have for
Ipv6 from day one
Should have 16 K MAC Address, 500 active
802.1D spanning Tree and PVST+, 802.1w,
802.1s, should have BPDU Guard or equivalent
2. feature on edge port to auto disable port for a
configurable time period to if an accidental loop
occurs in the network
Audio Video Bridging to enable reliable, real-
time audio/video transmission over Ethernet
Should support aggregating and load balancing
4. of traffic to two or more peer switches within
same VLAN
5. Should support MSTP protocol
Should have Port based VLAN, MAC based
VLAN, private vlan and support GVRP
Should have Local, Remote and multisession
Switching / port mirroring (minimum 4 session)
Routing Support Standard based protocols for lossless
8. transport of real time data with dynamic QoS
9. Should have 8 Hardware QoS Queues per port
Should have traffic rate limiting with
Configurable bandwidth granularity of 64 KBps
Should have Link Layer Discovery Protocol
(802.1ab) to allow recognition of third-party
network devices and LLDP MED for auto
Should have MAC address tracking and
12. notification for mac address addition, delete or
movement in the Network
Should support policy-based routing and
Should have basic dynamic routing protocols
like RIP, OSPF, PIM, VRRP on day one
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Should have Configurable multicast session

limit per port
Local authentication database for RADIUS
Authentication for 802.1x login
Should have MAC security – Lockdown & Limit
2. and MAC address tracking with syslog & snmp
Should have SSH-2, SCP, SFTP for secure
Should have dynamic arp inspection, DHCP
4. snooping, Private VLAN, SYN attack protection,
GARP protection
Should have ASIC based traffic flow analysis
based on Netflow/ sFlow/ Ipfix
Should have minimum 1 K ACL entry support
and Time-Based ACL or Port-based ACL
Should have scheduled archiving / uploading of
configuration and system log to a central server
Should support inbuilt DHCP server and Client
for quick configuration of endpoints and switch
Telnet server, ssh server, Ping and traceroute
over Ipv6
Should have L2 Traceroute, L2 Ping and
Management Multicast Traceroute
5. Console and CLI management
6. Dual firmware and configuration rollback
Should be SDN capable with Open stack support
7. and OpenFlow API support, should support
IEEE P802.1Qaz
Should support Energy Efficient Ethernet
Model should have safety and standards
certifications as below:
IEC61000-4-8:2009/EN61000-4-8:2010 , EN
55022:2010 Class A, CISPR 22:2008 Class A,
CISPR24:2010ClassA, Radiated Immunity
10V/criteria, UL60950-1 2ndEd, CE 2.0
Compliant or equivalent Indian Standards.
Seamless Integration: For Seamless Integration
and Interoperability all the switches and SFP
Modules should be fully compatible for smooth
functioning of the system

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

There has to be a feature of Management

1 Module/ tool to establish link with EMS

e. Layer 2 TOR Switches – 48 Ports 10G

Technical Specifications of ToR Switch Compliance (Yes/
S No.. No) with
comments, if any
A General Features
1 High Density Wire-speed Layer3 Switch
2 19” rack mountable – 1RU
Should have high-availability feature for active-active & active-
passive operation from day-1
B Interfaces
Wire rate 48x10 GbE SFP28 ports and 6x100GbE QSFP28 ports. All
ports should be populated with Multi-mode transceivers.
As per solution requirement the switch should support 1G, 10G, 25G,
2 40G & 100G transceivers from day-1. Bidder need to size the
quantities of transceivers accordingly.
3 1 RJ45 console port, 1 RJ45 management port
4 USB port for external storage
5 HA cables to be included as part of solution
C Performance
1 Minimum Switch Fabric Capacity: 4Tbps or better
2 Latency 850ns
D Architecture
1 Should have redundant hot-swap power supplies & fans
2 32MB packet buffer memory.
3 Modular operating system, OpenFlow 1.3
4 CLI commit, Uplink Failure Detection, BFD, Zero Touch Deployment.
Should support Leaf/Spine fabric architecture using BGP EVPN,
E High Availability
1 VRRP, active-active, active-passive operation
Software upgrades with minimal traffic disruption during the
3 LAG load balancing based on L2, Ipv4 or Ipv6 headers
F Layer 2 features
1 128 LAG groups with 16 ports per LAG
2 128K ARP table, 160K MAC addresses
Port, subnet based 802.1Q VLANs. The switch should support 4000
4 132K MAC addresses

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5 The switch should support IEEE 802.1w RSTP and IEEE 802.1s MSTP
G Routing Protocols
1 BGPv4, OSPF v1/v2/v3, VXLAN routing from Day 1
2 Ipv6 routing & VRF-Lite feature from day-1
H Security Features
1 Layer 2-4 Access Control Lists
2 ACLs – port based/VLAN based.
Integrated security features like DHCP relay, Control Plane DoS
4 Streaming Telemetry, Control Plane Services
5 802.1X Network Security and Authentication
I Traffic Policing
1 Ingress/Egress shaping and policies
2 Filter, mark and limit traffic flows
3 Minimum 8 hardware queues per port
Policy based traffic classification based on MAC Address, Port, DSCP,
IP Address, VLAN
J Multicast
H/W based Ipv4 and Ipv6 Multicasting (minimum 10000 group
2 IGMP v1, v2, v3, IGMP Snooping
3 Protocol Independent Multicast – Sparse Mode and PIM – SSM
K Network Management
1 Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Salt Stack, RESTCONF APIs
2 Ipv6 Management support telnet, FTP, TACACS, RADIUS, SSH, NTP
L IEEE Standards
1 802.3ae, 802.3ba, 802.3bj, 802.3x, 802.3z
2 IEEE 802.3ad LACP, 802.3ab LLDP
3 IEEE 802.1p CoS Prioritization
4 802.1Qbb, 802.1Qaz
M Power Rating & Certifications
Should operate on AC power ~50Hz. Power consumption should not
be more than 650 Watts under full load.
2 RoHS, Ipv6 ready, FCC CFR 47 Part 15, EN 61000-4-5: Surge
N Connectivity required
1 The switch & transceivers should be from the same OEM
Cables - – ethernet cables to be provided with switch for each port
with throughput define.
O Integration
Seamless Integration: For Seamless Integration and Interoperability
1 all the switches and SFP Modules should be fully compatible for
smooth functioning of the system
P Event Management:
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under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

There has to be a feature of Management Module/ tool to establish

link with EMS platform.

f. Secure Network Device (SD-WAN Gateway Router)

Solution should support build in NGFW feature (Anti Spyware, IPS, Anti-Virus and application
control) to protect network against threats or external NGFW solution can be quoted
S No. Features Specification Compliance
(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
1 General Proposed vendor must be placed in Leader and
Challengers Quadrant in Gartner SD-WAN or
leader Gartner quadrant for Enterprise Firewall.
NSS recommended vendor shall be preferred.
The SDWAN device should be supplied with
Redundant hot swappable Fan trays/ multiple fan
module and Power supply and solution shall
support Ipv6 like application identification, Zone
protection, management etc. from Day-1
1 SDWAN Proposed SDWAN solution should have
Architecture management-based architecture and if
management appliances/solution goes offline the
SDWAN solution should keep on functioning
without any issues. Must support build in GUI as
well for any onsite changes if required
2 The bidder shall propose at least one management
solution as asked above
3 Management architecture should have option to
be deployed in HA if required in future.
4 Management architecture should support on
premise Model as well as have option of hosting on
5 There should not be any impact on SDWAN data
forwarding capability in case of complete
disconnection of management
6 Management architecture should support Virtual
firewall/ multi-tenancy and the proposed device
shall minimally have Common Criteria and
Internet Computer Security Association (ICSA)
Certification and should not have any enabled
wireless code in the offered device or its family in
hardware or software.

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7 Management architecture should support rich

policy constructs to manipulate routing
information, access control, segmentation,
Application control.
8 Solution should provide transport independence
and should allow to use any transport like MPLS,
Internet, 3G/4G/broadband, Point to Point link
9 Licensing of SD-WAN solution must be based on
device capacity not on bandwidth capacity /
10 Architecture must support zero touch
deployment, so that minimum effort is required to
deploy the solution
Operations It should support multi-cast network
Network would be functional at the time of
connectivity failure between controller and
branch device.
System Should able to support of network
elements to deploy any kind of topologies such as
any-to-any, Hub-spoke and Partial mesh.
System should able to support Multiple WAN Links
utilization and detecting blackouts & brownouts
by supporting active / active load balancing & Fast
session failover
System must support Diverse WAN including T1,
E1, LTE, PPPoE, DSL, Fibre and Ethernet
1 Security Management and SDWAN solution should
2 communicate over encrypted channel
3 Solution must support templates to be applied to
the groups of police station quickly
4 SDWAN Router should support strong encryption
like AES 256 or higher
5 PACKET REDISTRIBUTION must be supported
even over IPSec tunnel and it should support sub
second path failover and recovery
6 Proposed solution must support creation of logical
7 separate sub-domain within single physical
devices to separate different kind of networks.
8 SDWAN solution should support integration with
cloud based/appliance-based security solutions or
should have inbuilt security features like content
filtering and antivirus
9 SDWAN solution should support split tunneling to
provide direct internet access from branch

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10 SDWAN solution shall have built in feature to

protect CPU under DoS/DDos attacks
11 SDWAN architecture should support application
identification at layer-7 and should able to identify
minimum 3000 applications or as per throughput
mention above natively. It should also allow to
define custom applications as per requirement
1 Routing and SDWAN solution should allow minimum 2 service
QoS providers at branch locations and 4 service
providers at DC.
2 SDWAN solution should support BGP and Static
3 SDWAN solution should support performance SLA
based on latency, packet loss, jitter or all 3
4 SDWAN edge devices should support 802.1Q, sub
interface, Inter VLAN routing
5 SDWAN solution should support rule-based
routing based on Application, user, user group,
source, destination or combination of any of them
6 SDWAN Solution should support rule creation
based on Application or source address or
destination address and each rule should have
option to use different performance SLA
7 SDWAN should support QoS based on application
8 SDWAN device should support FEC (Forward
Error correction) and DSCP matching
9 SDWAN device must support BGP additional path
support and route-map
10 SDWAN device solution must support Auto VPN
1 Management Management solution should be appliance/VM
which must support around 300 SDWAN devices
at Day 1 scalable to 1000. If VM option is quoted
than server should be given along with all the
necessary licenses
2 Management solution should have built in GUI
which can be accessed by any popular browser
and no extra software must be required to open
management GUI access
3 Should have template option to push common
policy across all SDWAN solution
4 Must have dashboard showcasing all the SDWAN
solution across the network with their latency and
link status

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5 Centralized management should have open APIs

to integrate with third party management
6 Centralized management should support role-
based access
7 Management must support IPSec wizard which
can push vpn configuration to various SDWAN
devices with the routing information updates.
1 Logging & The Logs and Reporting platform must be a
Reporting dedicated same OEM appliance and VM/software
running on server will not be accepted.
2 The Logs and Reporting platform support running
on-demand and scheduled reports
3 Should have minimum 10 TB or more of Hard
Drive Capacity in RAID1, for logging and reporting
if provided as separate management as from
4 Real-time display of information allows you to
follow real-time trends in network usage such as
the source IP address and the destination URL for
HTTP traffic or IM message traffic.
5 All log files and messages are searchable and can
be filtered to drill down and locate specific
6 The logging Appliance should support multiple
types of report format PDF, HTML, CSV and XML.
1 Licensing All license for Monitoring, management, VPN and
Logging should be quoted. Vendor should quote all
the license from day one related to proper SD-
WAN deployment and all the feature requested
2 License for any unmentioned feature which
require proper deployment and functioning of SD-
WAN must be quoted. Vendor shouldn’t have any
hidden charges
1 Performance The SDWAN device at DC should have minimum
Parameter 4x40 QSFP+/QSF28, 10x 10GE SFP+ slots and 10x
GE RJ45 ports to cater to connectivity from
multiple service providers. SFPs Transceivers
should be populated as per solution requirement
from Day1. HA ports, Console and OOB should be
taken extra
2 Threat Prevention Throughput of 30 Gbps on
enterprise mix/ Application mix and IPSec
encryption throughput should be minimum 25
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3 Minimum 400K new session per second, 30Mn

concurrent session, 15K Site to Site VPN Tunnels,
20K Concurrent SSL VPN Users.
4 The device should have Internal Redundant Power
Supplies and redundant hot swappable fan trays

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

g. Racks with Smart PDU

Compliance (Yes/
Sr No Specification Minimum Requirement No) with
comments, if any
42 U X 600mm X 1200mm (H x W x D)
rack should have metal frame
1 supporting more than 1300 kgs of
static load and more than 1000 kg of
dynamic load.
Single front door and split rear door
should have the perforation of more
2 than 75% to provide the maximum
airflow eliminating the need of
additional FHU in the rack.
Doors shall have lift of hinges for tool
3 General
less field reversibility.
Rack should have integrated hole
pattern for easy installation of top
panel accessories have removable
opening for cable entry and shall
accommodate 2000 cat 6 cables to
suffice the cabling requirements.
Rack should have two pair of 19-inch
EIA mounting rail with U marking on
front and rear of each rail for ease of
Rack should have dual purpose full
height depth adjustable PDU/Cable
management brackets and should be
mounted in the zero U space.
PDU/Cable management brackets
Cable Manager shall have button mount keyholes
throughout to accommodate the tool
7 less mounting of rack PDU’s of various
heights and accessories mounting
holes for toolless cable mounting
Rack should have split side panels
with single locking slam latch for
quick and easy installation and
maintenance, single person removal
and installation eliminates the
Panel manpower dependencies.

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42 U rack frame height that allows

access through standard doors on four
swivel casters, rack shall have the
levelling feet and shall be accessible
form the top of the frame for easy
Caster & Levelling adjustment.
Rack shall have the necessary
hardware accessories ((50 each M6
cage nuts and screws), Cage nut
installation tool, edge protection for
top panel cable entry, T30 / Phillips L
key, T30 extension driver.
Accessories /
Rack shall have necessary baying
11 Installation ease
brackets and the bolt down kits
Rack frame design should allow 2.5
inch more usable space in the rack for
the proper equipment placement and
ease of access.
Rack should have the powder coated
Powder Coating black color, RAL 7021.
Rack shall have EIA, UL, RoHS, REACH
Certification certified
Rack shall have two power
distribution unit, vertically mounted
on the rear of the rack to power on the
Power Distribution devices in the rack.
Monitored, Unit Level, 32Amps, 230V,
1 Phase, 7.3KW, Vertical, 30 IEC C13, 6
IEC C19, Locking Sockets, 3m power
Cord with 2P+E (IP44)
The PDU shall have locking outlets –
cable locking mechanism so that it
17 should not require the locking cable to
secure the cables connected to the
Power Distribution PDU
Unit PDU shall have Input and Breaker
18 level current monitoring. Local high
visibility LED display.
PDU shall have Phase (A) Monitoring
(kWh, W, VA, PF, V, A) Power
Measurements Compliant with ANSI
C12.1 and IEC 62053-21 at 1%
Accuracy Class Requirements and
Circuit / Breaker Monitoring (A)

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Circuit/Breaker Current
20 Measurements Independently Tested
and Verified at 2% Accuracy.
The PDU shall support the mobile app
for the power monitoring and should
be easy to be shared in various
The PDU shall be upgrade ready so
that it can be changed to monitored
22 PDU without downtime, by simply
changing the Field replaceable IMD
PDU shall have button mounting
23 option for easy toolless installation
and reinstallation of the PDU’s
PDU shall have colored outlets to
24 differentiate the outlets based on the
25 The PDU should be CE certified.
Both rack and PDU should come with
Rack 5 years of default warranty

S No. Description Compliance (Yes/
No) with
comments, if any
A. The system should be based on server-gateway architecture running
on Linux OS supporting Analog, Digital, IP, SIP and Wireless
System shall be non‐blocking and open standard (based on H.323 and
SIP). The call control system should be fully redundant solution and
should provide 1:1 redundancy.
The servers should be of industry standard make COTS product. The
proposed server configuration should be capable of supporting at
least 3000 extensions in future without changing the hardware. The
expansion should not require any additional hardware or clustering of
multiple PBX.
The server should have the following minimum specifications in
Virtual or physical environment: 12 cores @ 2.4 GHz base, 32 GB RAM,
3Gbps network connectivity.
The system should be capable of deployment on virtualized platforms
like VMWare/Hyper-V etc.
System should provide call control, mobility, IM and presence, Web-
Collaboration, Messaging and centralized licensing.

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The system should support standards-based multi-site networking,

using QSIG, H.323 trunks or advanced networking, to interoperate
with other PABX’s, allowing feature transparency.
Voice CODEC support G.711, G.729, G.729a & G.722 or any less
utilization bandwidth across WAN and LAN
Video CODEC: H.264 or Equal
System should have built-in SIP and H.323 gatekeeper functionality
without the need to put any additional hardware
System should support SIP trunking to Internet Telephony Service
Providers, allowing non-SIP phones to make SIP calls
Multiple building is planned in the campus and the same system
should support at least 100 remote sites on the same platform through
The system should provide complete inbuilt encryption capabilities or
features without any external firewall, with the ability to encrypt all
traffic (media and call control signaling) between IP phones, soft
phones, call controllers and all other associated endpoints via a strong
encryption algorithm like IPSec or SRTP etc.
System should be able to provide centralized voicemail with the
option of Distributed centralized voicemail in case of connectivity
The system should support BRI/ PRI/ T1/ E1/Analog/IP/SIP Trunks.
The communication server should offer BHCC (Busy Hour Call
Completion) of at least 20000 per server to ensure superior traffic
handling capacities.
The offered system should be modular in design. The architecture of
IP PBX should be capable of seamless migration to its maximum
capacity by simply adding licenses/peripheral cards on the set of
control server without compromising on any functions/ features of
this system or any degradation of service.
The system should be able to provide hybrid end points i.e. both IP
and TDM. They should also provide support for 100% TDM endpoints.
The proposed communication system should have a highly secured,
encrypted IP supporting hybrid Trunks e.g. Analog CO, Digital Trunks
(BRI and PRI), IP Trunks (H.323/SIP)
System should have in built-in DHCP Server, which should be able to
give IP Addresses to the endpoints.
System should support built-in Remote access server (RAS)
System should support DiffServ for QoS (Quality of service) for the
voice packets traveling over data networks
System should support standards-based CTI integration with 3rd
party applications
System should support WebRTC based application for Web
Collaboration users for Windows and Mac OS
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Should support Active Directory integration for directory

synchronization and user authentication.
The equipment quoted by bidder must be SIP compliant
The offered system should have a valid TEC approval. TEC approval
certificate copies for ISDN connectivity should be enclosed along with
the offer.
The offered solution should provide the following features as a part of
its telephony functions.
Call Coverage
Call Forwarding
Call Hold
Call Intrude
Call Park
Ring Back When Free
Suspend Call Waiting
Distinctive and Personalized Ringing
Toggle Calls
Account Codes
Call Barring
Bridged Appearance
Group Paging
Hot Desking
Mobile Twinning
Multiple Appearance Directory Number (MADN)
Intrusion Warning Tone
Alternate Route Selection
Flexible numbering Schemes
Time of Day and Date Routing of Calls
Call Recording
PIN Restricted Calling
Time Profiles
Queue announcements
Call Detail Recording
SMDR (Station Messaging Detail Record)
Fax on demand integration
Station Call – User can dial any extension anywhere in central location
and other distributed location by dialing simple extension number.
Support Tone dialing from an extension.
Authorization Codes ‐ 5‐7-digit authorization code to make outgoing
toll calls for ensuring no misuse of the system.
Automatic Call Back – User can register ACB feature to any extension
of the offered system.
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Call pickup within the group as well as outside the group

Alternate Routing – Automatically re‐route calls which encounter a
busy trunk on the initial route. Automatic digital translation is carried
out by the system. Provides the possibility of reaching external
destinations via different routes.
Call Detail Recording – Records detailed call information on all
incoming and outgoing calls on specified trunk groups and stations,
including those administered for intra‐switch recordings, and send
this information to any printer of time/duration as and when
required. Necessary hardware and software if required to be quoted
Class of Service – Defines whether or not voice terminal users may
access the following features and functions:
Automatic Call‐back, Call Forwarding, Call Forward, Busy/Don’t
Answer, Data Privacy, Extended Forwarding, Extended Call Forward
Busy/Don’t Answer, Priority Calling, Restrict Call Forwarding Off‐Net,
Personal Station Access, Trunk –to‐Trunk, Transfer Restriction
Override, Off‐Hook Alert & Console Permission.
DID/DOD (Direct Inward/Outward Dialing) – The proposed system
must support direct inward dialing for external parties to call in.
Direct Inward Station Access – This feature must be optionally
available, allowing an outside caller to access switch features by
dialing a special telephone number without attendant assistance, it
should permit access to the server and long-distance facilities from
off‐premise stations. For security, there should be the option of
turning off this feature.
Day/Night Trunk Control – To reduce cost and improve system
security it should be possible to restrict the access to certain trunks
depending on time of day.
Distinctive Ringing – To provide audibly different ringing patterns
between internal, external and special feature calls.
Flexible numbering plan – Support up‐to 2‐15 Digit for an extension
number and allow phone number assigned to a station to a station to
be changed through software.
System Abbreviated Dialing ‐ To have the ability to store a list of
frequently called numbers that will be available on a systemwide basis
to all users.
The system should support internal MOH (Music on Hold), which
should be uploaded using the .Wav file and should have an audio input
port for external MOH connectivity.
CLI (Caller Line Identification) facility (CLIP/CLIR) ‐ Calling Numbers
(internal & external) should be displayed on all Analog extensions
(FSK support phone).

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Web collaboration for desktop and application collaboration,

whiteboarding and document sharing. It should be possible to escalate
from an audio call to web collaboration. It should provide a document
library possible to upload documents, presentations and pictures to a
document library for quickly sharing during a web collaboration
C Voice Gateway
GW should support X.21/V.35 WAN Interface.
GW should have relays for door entry systems.
GW should be 19” rack mountable.
GW should have in-built 2 port auto-sensing LAN Switch (Layer 3)
GW should have Integral Static or Dynamic (RIP I/II) routing for both
Internet and Branch-to-Branch solutions
GW should support Frame Relay WAN protocol
GW should support the following protocols: PPP, ML-PPP, CHAP, PAP,
GW should be able to provide redundancy to all users in case of failure
of redundant servers
GW should support at least 148 DSP channels on each gateway.
For a seamless integration GW should be of same make of IPPBX
D Terminal Support
System should support the following type of terminals
Analog Phones
Digital Phones
IP Handphones
IP/SIP Softphones
Video Hard/Softphone
Wireless IP Phones (802.a/b/g/n)
3rd party SIP phones RFC3261 Compliant
E Trunk Support
System should support following types of trunks:
Analog Trunks
T1/ E1/ E1R2
F Voicemail Features
System should have inbuilt voice mail system
Voicemail to email option should be available
System should support unified messaging with Microsoft Exchange or
any IMAP compliant email application.
System should support voicemail access through web-browser
External Fax server integration should be possible.
VM should support text-to-Speech functionality
VM should support Dial-by-Name functionality

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VM should support Auto Attendant

IVR functionality should be available
G Conferencing Features
The campus will have various departments each with a capacity of 50-
60 people. Each department can have it conference call. 6-7 such
departments can have parallel calls at any given time. So, system
should have built-in 64*8 party Ad-Hoc or Meet-Me audio
conferencing bank from day 1.
Multiple conferences with variable number of users should be possible
within each of the conferencing banks.
System should be able to generate detailed reports about the
System should be able to send emails to all the participants giving
them the conferencing details
System should support PIN based security for conference calls.
System should support scheduling of conference call.
H Management Interface
System should be able to be configured and administered using a GUI
based application
System should support SNMP based network management
In case SNMP management is not available, system should be capable
of sending event notifications to up-to 3 email addresses, each with a
different set of alarms
I UC Functionalities
Same Unified Communications (UC) client that provides users with
real time collaboration capabilities
Support for Windows and MaC OS
Support for Android and iOS devices Smartphones
The Softphone should provide full call control from an iPhone or
Android powered smartphone.
Make and receive phone calls and instant messages, host and attend
audio conferences.
See employee availability via presence, and use Geo-tracking to
determine the location in the field.
All of this is done using the corporate directory, so there are no
personal cell phone numbers will be involved.
The Softphone application should be downloadable from Google Play
store or Apple iTunes without any additional cost for any number of
Solution should provide a “presence” application for users, so that
they can see the availability status of their contacts in their contact
The common supported status for this application should be available,
busy, idle, away etc.

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The instant messaging application should support manual setting of

user status to: Available, Away, Do Not Disturb (DND) etc.
Shall provide support for open protocols like XMPP.
2.8” (diagonal) color display—320 x 240 pixels
Multiple line phone with four red / green line / feature indicators
around display
4 Context Sensitive Soft Keys
Hard buttons for phone, messages, contacts, history, home, navigation
cluster, headset, speaker, volume, mute
LEDs for speaker, mute, headset, message, history
Wideband audio in handset and wired headset
Full duplex speakerphone & Handset
Ergonomic hearing aid compatible handset supports TTD acoustic
Message waiting indicator
Mute key with optional mute alerting
IC call alerting with 360—degree visibility
Rich, classic, alternate, and downloadable ringtones
Dual—position stand, optional wall—mount stand
Gigabit Ethernet (10 / 100 / 1000) line interface
Second Ethernet interface 10 / 100 / 1000 Mbps
PoE Class (IEEE 802.3af) registers as class 1 device and supports
Optional AC to 5-volt power supply
SIP protocol support
Standards—based codec support: G.711, G.726, G.729A / B, G.722,
Configurable via Web Interface
Support for TLS / SRTP for encryption
Recent Call Log (100 entries) / Contact List (250 entries)
IP Phone should be from the same OEM of PBX
K IP Phone Type 2
8” Capacitive Touch color display
Resolution: 1280 X 800 pixel
24 bits color depth
An integrated camera (A mechanical camera shutter that covers the
camera lens)
Standards-based codec support: G.711, G.726, G.729A/B, G.722, H 264,
No mechanical dial-pad
Message Waiting Indicator
1X RJ9 analog headset port or higher
1X 3.5 mm audio jack socket or higher

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1X USB Type-C port or higher

1X Handset cradle connector
Power over Ethernet EEE 802.3af (Class 3) or 802.3at (Class 4)
SIP protocol support
Downloadable ring tones
Downloadable Wallpapers
End users can install third party applications on Google Play™ store.
The system administrator can restrict installation of certain
16 GB flash memory
Dual Port RJ45 connected Ethernet
Wireless access point mode
5GHz Wireless 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
L Analog Phone
1. - FSK & DTMF Dual mode – Type 1
- Open listening & hands-free talking
- Handset Volume Adjustable
- Mute function (With melody)
- 50 entries for CLIP
- Real time clock
- Last 5 number redial.
- Adjustable ringer Volume & tone Sequence
- 10 Repertory Keys
- Call Duration display
M Citizen Notification
Notification Formats
System must Support Voice Call Notification – Office Phone, Cell
Phone, Home Phone
System must support SMS, Email, Speakers / Paging
User Contact Lists
System must offer Web based self-service management
It should be possible by administrator to define attributes (location,
role, etc.) for users
It should support CSV File Upload for contacts
Message Configurations
System should support One-way Notification & ACK
System should be able to notify and respond and Notify to Conference
to all stake holders
System should support auto Escalation or cascading chains of
notifications whenever needed
Administration Portal (Web Application)
User/Group Mgmt.
Partition Mgmt for different departments

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Conferencing Configuration
Security Configuration
Channel (Device) Configuration & Mgmt.
Communications Resource Mgmt.
Broadcast Trigger Configuration
Inbound Call Trigger Configuration
Message Inbox Configuration
Operations Portal (Web Application)
System Admin must be able to define Notification Scenario for quick
management and for the tight integration IPPBX and Notification
system must be from same OEM
System admin must be able to do Message Mgmt. (Pre-recorded,
“record on the fly”, Text-To-Speech)
User / Group Profile Mgmt.
Escalation Configuration
Security Configuration
Message Broadcast (Priority)
Audit logs and Reports (Web and PDF formats), Data and Analytics
System must be able to reach 500 people within 10 minutes to play 30
second voice announcements.
N. Video End point
Video Standards: H.263, H.264, H.265
The Video Conferencing unit should support inbuilt 1+8 Full HD Multi
Party Conferencing
Should support 30 fps & 60fps (frames per second) with 1080p
resolution from day one
Video Features: Ability to send and receive two live simultaneous
video sources in a single call, so that the image from the main camera
and PC or document camera can be seen simultaneously
Should support H.239 and BFCP protocols with 1080p resolution
Video Output: Should have at least 2 HDMI / DVI (High Definition
Multimedia Interface) output to connect Full High Definition display
devices such as LCD / LED and projectors for both Video and Content.
(Dual Monitor Support)
It should be possible to display the main video on one HD screen and
the presentation / dual video on the other HD screen
Video Input: Should have at least one HD video Input to connect HD
camera with full functionalities as mentioned in the camera
Should have DVI (Digital Video Interface) input to connect PC / Laptop
directly to the Video conferencing system and display resolutions
WXGA / HD720p along with PC Audio
Audio standards: G.711, G.722, G.722.1, 64 kbps MPEG-4 AAC-LD or
equivalent standards must be supported.

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Audio Inputs: Should support minimum 2 Microphone inputs. 1 needs

to be supplied from day one.
1 LAN / Ethernet – 10/100/1000 Mbps
IP – at least 6 Mbps bandwidth support
Security: Password protected system menu
ITU-T standards-based Encryption of the video call
Camera: Minimum of 12X Optical zoom
1920 x 1080 pixels progressive @ 30fps
Should have at least 70 degrees field of view (horizontal)
The Camera and codec should be from the same manufacturer
The end point should support local recording from day 1 through DVR,
USB, etc.
1. The Bridging should be running on the standard Intel servers on
standard Virtualized platforms. The hardware, software and
virtualization software should be supplied and supported by a single
2. From day one the bridge must provide 10 full HD video ports @1080p
30 fps and 30 audio conference ports
3. All necessary hardware to support the above capacity needs to be
supplied from day one. Bridge must have a redundant power supply
4. All the 10 ports must be able to connect different sites at different
bandwidths and protocols. H.264 AVC standard must be supported at
the minimum to connect all the 10 sites.
5. The bridge should support room-based video end points, users joining
from browsers’ supporting WebRTC and HTML5 and its own clients.
In case additional components are required for this functionality, all
additional components required to have this functionality has to be
included in the solution
6. The bridge should have the capability to host meetings with internal
and external participants in a secure way such that it should co-exist
with the enterprise security policies
7. The bridge should have components such as the Web Server for Web
RTC, Scheduler as part of the offering from day one.
8. Should support H.263, H.263+, H.263++, H.264, WebRTC video
9. Should support video resolution from SD to Full HD to join into a
10. Along with the Support for basic algorithms like G.711 and G.722.1
the bridge should also support wideband Audio protocols like MPEG 4
11. Must support the ability to allow Video conferencing devices, Clients
on Mobile phones, Smart phones and Laptops to join into conference.
These clients can be inside the WAN network or even on the Internet
without a VPN.
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12. The bridge should support transcoding of different Audio/video

13. The bridge should have H.239/BFCP protocol for sending and
receiving dual video streams (Presenter + Presentation).
14. The bridge must also support advanced continuous presence such
that the site that is “on-air” to be seen on a larger window and the
other sites are seen in smaller quadrants
15. The bridge must be a secure Non-PC Hardware with a strong
operating system. The Hardware and software must be from the same
16. The bridge should support 128 Bit strong AES encryption for calls and
H.235/SHA1 for authentication
17. It should be possible for outside agencies (for state government,
central government, police department, etc.) to join the bridge for
multi-party video conference call securely over internet
18. They should be able to join the bridge using standards-based VC
endpoints using internet (as long as these endpoints are exposed to
internet) securely.
19. It should be possible to connect 5 such external endpoints / locations
concurrently at any given point of time.
20. It should use secure firewall traversal technology.
21. It should support any standards-compliant SIP or H.323 video
conferencing endpoints
22. It should support for H.323 SIP Interworking Encryption and H.323
SIP Interworking Duo Video
23. It should use standards-based firewall traversal methods –
24. The MCU should support viewing of minimum 25 parties in
continuous presence mode.
25. There should be seamless integration between Video IP phone and
Video End point for point to point and multipoint conferences. For this
both the components should be from the same OEM
26. MCU should support 50 software licenses to be deployed on iOS or on
android from day 1
P Installation, Configuration etc. and overall management of all
associated infrastructure under the responsibility of MSI

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Network Operation Center (NoC)

i. Workstation with single Monitor 24” for Management

Sr. Parameter Specifications Compliance (Yes/
No No) with
comments, if any
Form Factor Tower/ Rack
1. Processor Intel Xeon Processor, 8 Cores, 16 MB
Cache, 3.8Ghz base frequency, 4.7 Ghz
Turbo frequency or higher processor
2. Operating System Windows 10 Pro, 64bit or latest

3. Office Microsoft office standard edition latest.

4. Chipset Intel Workstation Chipset 400 Series or
5. Memory 32GB in combination of (4x8GB) DDR4
2666MHz Memory or higher
6. Hard Drive 1 TB SATA HDD
7. Graphic Card Nvidia Quadro P2200 GPU or higher
8. Keyboard & Mouse Wired Keyboard & Mouse (Same make
as PC)
9. Monitor Should be able to support min 3x 24”
Full HD Monitor (min 23.8” diagonal
screen size). Monitor should be of same
make as of workstation.
10. PSU 80PLUS Gold Certified Energy Star
11. Expansion Slots Minimum “1” PCIe x16 Gen3; “2” PCIe
x4/x8 Gen3 and “1” M.2 or more
12. Network Card Dual Intel Ethernet Connection
10/100/1000 or better
13. I/O 4 – USB 3.1
1 – USB 3.1 Type C
1 – Audio Jack/ Microphone &
4 – DisplayPort
2 – RJ45 Network Connector
14. Warranty As mentioned in RFP.
1. Size 23.8”/ 24” LED Monitor

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2. Resolution 1920 X 1080 resolution Anti-glare, IPS,

16.7 Million colors
3. Aspect Ratio 16:9 Aspect Ratio,
4. Brightness 250 cd/m² Brightness,
5. Mount Tilt and Height-adjustable stand, pivot
6. Ports 1 x DisplayPort, 1 x HDMI, 1 x VGA, 5 x
USB, 72% color gamut,
7. Certification TCO Certified
8. Prerequisite Should be of the same make as of the
9. Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

j. Layer 2 Network Switch 24 Ports

S.No. Specification (Yes/ No) with
comments, if any
1 Should have required accessories for mounting.
2 Should have 24 x 10/100/1000 Base-T ports & 2xSFP+ ports. 2x
single mode 1GbE transceivers to be provided in switch
3 Should have min. 190Watt PoE budget. Stacking cables to be
included in each switch.
4 Should have non-blocking switch fabric
5 Should have minimum 16000 MAC addresses, minimum 500
6 Should have 1GB Flash & 1GB CPU memory
7 Should support 64 LAG, load balancing, double VLAN tagging.
8 Should have dual firmware images on board. USB port for easy
config & firmware image upload
9 Should support Time Based ACLs, MAC based ACLs from day 1.
10 Should have Flow based QoS, DiffServ, port based QoS, WRR, strict
queue scheduling
11 Should support UDLD, STP, RSTP, MSTP.
12 Should support STP, MSTP, minimum 8 hardware queues per
port, SP queuing or equivalent, LLDP-MED.
13 Should have 802.1x, RADIUS, TACACS+, IGMP v1/v2/v3 snooping
14 Should support SFPs for 10km, 80km distance
15 Should have Private VLAN & Auto VLAN
16 Should Support SNMP, RMON, SSH, telnet, web management,
network management software.

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17 RSPAN, Private VLAN, captive portal

18 Power supply/adaptor/cords to be parts of supply
19 Switch should have min. 130Watt PoE budget
20 RoHS, Energy Efficient Ethernet, REACH compliance. FCC Class A;
NRTL UL; FDA 21 CFR, EN 61000-4-5: Surge
21 The switch & transceivers should be from the same OEM

k. IP Phone

S. Parameter Specification Compliance (Yes/

No No) with
comments, if any
1. Protocols/Standar SIP RFC3261, TCP/IP/UDP, RTP/RTCP,
record, SRV, NAPTR), DHCP, PPPoE,
LLDP, LDAP, TR-069, 802.1x, TLS,
2. Network Interfaces Dual switched auto-sensing
10/100/1000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet
ports with integrated PoE
3. Graphic Display Min 2.5-inch
4. Bluetooth Yes, integrated
5. Feature Keys 8-line keys with up to 4 SIP accounts
6. Video Codec Support for G.729A/B, G.711µ/a-law,
G.726, G.722(wide-band), in-band and
out-of-band DTMF (in audio, RFC2833,
7. Auxiliary Ports RJ9 headset jack
8. Telephony Hold, transfer, forward, 4-way
Features conference, call park, call pickup,
shared-call appearance /bridged-line-
appearance, downloadable phonebook,
call waiting, call log XML
9. HD audio Yes, HD handset and speakerphone
with support for wideband audio
10. Language Support English
11. Upgrade/Provision Firmware upgrade via TFTP / HTTP /
ing HTTPS, mass provisioning using TR-
069 or AES encrypted XML
configuration file
12. Power Input:100-240V; Output: +12V, 0.5A

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Integrated Power-over-Ethernet
(802.3af) Max power consumption:
6.4W (power adapter) or 6.49W (PoE)
13. Security QoS Layer 2 QoS (802.1Q, 802.1P) and
Layer 3 (ToS, DiffServ, MPLS) QoS User
and administrator level passwords,
256-bit AES encrypted configuration
file, SRTP, TLS, 802.1x or better
14. Compliance FCC: Part 15 (CFR 47) Class B CE:
EN55022 Class B; EN55024 Class B;
EN61000-3-2; EN61000-3-3;
EN60950-1 RCM: AS/ACIF S004;
60950.1or Equivalent Indian
l. SMS Gateway

S Parameter Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No. No) with
comments, if any
1. Processor type: ARM A53 1.2GHz (quad-core)
2. Network interface: Ethernet 10/100/1000 TX (1xRJ45)
3. Internal storage: 4GB eMMC storage
4. Other interfaces: 1x HDMI, 2x USB, 4xDI, 4x DO, 1x 1
5. Power consumption: max 20W
6. Noise level: Fanless
7. Built-in 4G modem: 2x RF Bands:
8. LTE FDD: 1-5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 20, 25,
26, 28, 29, 30 (Rx only), 66
9. LTE TDD: 38, 40, 41
10. 3G: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 or better
11. SIM card standard: mini
12. Antenna connector: SMA-J
13. External Antenna: 2x Omnidirectional 2Bi antenna
with magnetic foot
Cable length 3m
14. Temp & Humidity Accuracy ± 0,5 °C, ±2 %RH
15. Power supply: Voltage ranges: 100–240 V AC
Frequency: 50–60Hz
16. Approvals: CE, FCC, IC, GCF (for RF-module),
PTCRB (for RF-module),
RCM (for RF-module)

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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17. LTE standard: Cat. 11: max 600Mbps download/

75Mbps upload (disabled/enabled)
18. SENDING/RECEIVING • incoming transmission rate: up to
• outgoing transmission rate: up to
60 SMS/min
20. operating System: Linux/Windows
21. built-in Apache2 web server
• built-in PostgreSQL database
• built-in Postfix server
• built-in SNMP agent
• responsive web interface
• watchdog mechanism for 4G
• failover mechanism support (HA

m. Laptop

S No. Item Laptop Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any

1 Processor 6th Generation Intel® Core i7 processor

6600U Up to 3.4 GHZ 4 MB Smart Cache
with Integrated 2GB Graphics or better
2 Chipset Integrated with processor
3 Memory 8 GB DIMM DDR4 2133MHz; 2 slots
supporting up to 16GB
4 Display 14-inch Non-Touch HD (1366x768)
Anti-Glare LCD with Front camera
5 Optical drive NO DVD R/W
6 Hard disk drive 1 TB Serial ATA Hard Drive
7 Graphics Integrated 2GB Graphics
8 Accessory Power Adaptor, Laptop Bag, Power Cord
9 Digital media reader SD, SDHC, SDXC
10 Battery Up to 7 Hours backup.
11 Connectivity 1 x USB 2.0, 2 x USB 3.0, Bluetooth,
Microphone, Wi-Fi integrated adapter,
Integrated10/100/1000 LAN, HDMI

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port & VGA Port, LAN connectivity –

External adapter for connectivity.
12 Security TCG Certified/FIPS 140-2 TPM 1.2 (Win
7, 8.1, 10. Field upgradable Spring 2016
to TPM 2.0 with Win10)
TCG Certified/FIPS 140-2 TPM 2.0
available Spring 2016 (Win 10 only)
13 Wireless Mouse Wireless Mouse from Same OEM
14 OS Microsoft Windows 10 Professional 64
15 office Microsoft office standard edition latest
16 Weight up to 2 kg
17 Warranty As mentioned in RFP.
18 Back-Pack OEM Original Back-Pack

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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Non – IT Components
n. UPS (15 minute backup) - 400 KVA

Compliance (Yes/
S. No Feature Specification No) with
comments, if any
400 KVA Online Double Conversion (IT
1 Capacity Application) with In-Built Isolation
IGBT (Rectifier & Inverter both); ECO Mode
Continuous duty, three phase, solid state
2 Technology
UPS. Each 400KVA UPS should be one single
standalone UPS. No Parallel arrangement
shall be accepted
Wave form & Freq Pure Sine wave & shall have frequency
converter converter mode
4 Display LCD
Input power factor
5 0.99 at 100% Linear load
6 3Phase, L-N+PE, +/- 10% on full load
Input configuration
7 UPS Shall have inbuilt Input Dust Filters
8 Frequency (Input) 40 to 72 Hz frequency
9 Frequency (output) 50Hz +/ - 3%
380/400/415 Vac shall be available with
10 Output Voltage
+/-1% regulation
Output Voltage
11 < 1.5% max full linear load
12 Output Power factor Unity
13 Crest factor 3:1 or better
Online Mode: Greater than or equal to 95%
14 AC-AC Efficiency @ Full Rated Load & Battery Fully charged
in load range 30% to 100% load.
Transfer time Main-
15 0
Transfer time Inverter-
16 4 msec
17 Output Connection Hardwired
Shall be provided for monitoring of UPS
from remote along with SNMP Card, this
project being of high security & safety the
Monitoring software
18 SNMP card shall be in compliance to global
for UPS
cyber security standards i.e UL 2900-1 and
IEC 62443-4-2 both as mandatory
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SNMP for monitoring over LAN

Environment Monitoring Probe for
monitoring Temp. & Humidity in UPS room
19 Communication
through SNMP Software
Backnet Card for monitoring through
Building management system
20 Port RS 232
SMF VRLA Lead Acid- Battery with Five
21 Battery Type
years on site warranty
Overall solution design is N+N, Each UPS
will be loaded 50% of rated load. Battery
22 Battery backup
Back-up shall be minimum 15 Minutes @0.9
PF for each UPS.
23 Environmental Parameter
Operating temperature
0-30 degrees C(KVA=KW)
range for UPS
Indication required -> Over Temperature,
Load on Battery, Battery low, Mains ON
Humidity 5% to 95% no-condensing
Noise Level <75 dBA @ 75% loading
Mounting Tower type
EPO Shall be available
IP20 with Washable dust filters at Air Inlet
24 Protection
25 LCD Display
Input & Output Voltage, Input & Output
Measurements (On
26 Frequency, Bypass: Voltage & Frequency,
DC Voltage, Remaining time
Manufacturer -> ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OEM
Plant should have water & air pollution
control clearance certificate from respective
27 Manufacturer govt. agency.
UPS OEM should have registered office in
India from last 10 years (certificate of
incorporation to be provided)
28 Product CE Certified and Made in India
Management Supports Windows® 2000/ 2003 /XP/Vista/ 2008,
/Software Windows® 7 / 8, Linux, Unix

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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o. DG Set – 1000 KVA

Sr. no Feature Specification Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
1 General Requirement The diesel generator set should be of 1000
KVA. The service provider shall be
responsible for regular operations and
maintenance of the DG set.
The service provider shall be responsible
for but not limited to:
• Fuel
• Preventive maintenance
• Corrective maintenance
• AMC, if any
• Replacement of any parts etc.

Auto Starting DG Set mounted on a common

base frame with AVM (Anti- Vibration) pads,
residential silencer with exhaust piping,
complete conforming to ISO 8528
specifications and CPCB certified for
b) KVA rating as per the requirement to
provide the supply for ICCC and Data Center
2 Engine Radiator cooled, multi cylinder, 1500 RPM
diesel engine, with electronic/manual
governor and electrical starting
arrangement complete with battery,
conforming to BS 5514/ ISO 3046/ IS 10002
High Speed Diesel (HSD)
3 Fuel High Speed Diesel (HSD)
4 Alternator Self-exciting, self-regulating type alternator
rated at 0.8 PF or better, 415 Volts, 3 Phase,
4 wires, 50 cycles/sec, 1500 RPM,
conforming to IS 4722/ BS 5000, Windings
of 100% Copper, class H insulation,
Protection as per IP 23.

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5 AMF (Auto Main AMF Panel fitted inside the enclosure, with
Failure) Panel the following: It should have the following
• Time indication for hours/minutes of
• Fuel Level in fuel tank, low fuel indication
• Emergency Stop button
• Auto/Manual/Test selector switch
• Incoming and outgoing voltage
• Current in all phases
• Frequency
• KVA and power factor
6 Acoustic Enclosure The DG set shall be provided with acoustic
enclosure / canopy to reduce the sound
level and to house the entire DG set (Engine
& Alternator set) assembly outside (open-
air). The enclosure must be weather
resistant powder coated, with insulation
designed to meet latest MOEF/CPCB norms
for DG sets, capable to withstand climate.
The enclosure must have ventilation
system, doors for easy access for
maintenance, secure locking arrangements
7 Fuel Tank Capacity It should be sufficient and suitable for
containing fuel for minimum 12 hours
continuous operation, Complete with level
indicator, fuel inlet and outlet, air vent,
drain plug, inlet arrangement for direct
filling and set of fuel hoses for inlet and

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Civil, Interior, Electrical, Networking, Furniture, Security, NOVEC, FAS, PAC,

HVAC etc. for basement and 7th floor + floor strengthening
The details are enclosed in Section 1.5 of Chapter-3 of this RFP

Near Data Recovery Center (nDRC)

a. Near DR Center- nDRC will act on active backup arrangement for the DC operations
related to critically identified minimum 250 cameras by Delhi Police.
b. It will be a down-sized replica of DC which will work in Active-active operations for
c. DC & nDR Block Diagram:

Figure: DC & nDR Block Diagram

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

d. Near DR Architecture for Delhi Safe City

Near DRC- Technical Requirements and Compliance Sheet for MSI

C4i servers, Video management Servers; Server (Recording); ANPR Servers;

Domain Controller; Antivirus Server; LDAP Server

Sr. No Parameter Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
1. Make & Model
2. Form Factor 1U rack mounted with sliding rails
3. Processor Up to two Intel® Xeon® Scalable 2nd Gen
processors, up to 20 cores/processor @ 2.5
Ghz base freq. or better or equivalent
4. Memory slots 16 DDR4 DIMM slots, speed up to
2666MT/s or better
5. Memory configured Minimum 256 GB, scalable to 512GB
6. Disks supported Front drive bays: Up to 10 x 2.5” SAS/SATA
(HDD/SSD) with up to 2 NVMe SSD or
7. RAID Controller 12Gbps PCIe 3.0 with RAID 1, 5, 10, 50 with
8GB Cache Memory on single / Multiple

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8. Disks configured 3x 600GB 15K RPM SAS drives or higher.

9. 1G Networking 2 x 1 Gbps Copper Ethernet with Additional
features Dedicated Mgmt. Ethernet interface port
with 3 mts. Length factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
including 1 mgt. port
10. 10G Networking 4 x 10G Copper Ethernet ports with 3 mts.
features Length 10G factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
11. FC HBA Dual port 16 Gbps FC HBA with two no. of
each 3 mts. Or 5 mts FC patch cables,
Quoted HBA should support quoted SAN
Switch and Storage
12. Certified for OS Windows Server 2016 or higher, VMWare
vSphere, vCenter, Red Hat Enterprise
Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
13. Power Supply Platinum rated redundant Power Supply
14. Management Support for integration with Microsoft
integration System Center, VMware vCenter, BMC
15. Power & temperature Real-time power meter, thresholds, alerts
& capping with historical power counters.
Temperature monitoring
16. Pre-failure alert Should provide predictive failure
monitoring & proactive alerts of actual or
impending component failure for fan,
power supply, memory, CPU, RAID, NIC,
17. Configuration & • Real-time out-of-band hardware
Management performance monitoring & alerting
• Agent-free monitoring, driver updates &
configuration, power monitoring &
capping, RAID management, external
storage management, monitoring of FC,
HBA & system health if added will be
• Out-of-band hardware & firmware
• Zero-touch auto configuration to auto
deploy a baseline server configuration
18. LED/LCD panel Should display system ID, status
information and system error code

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followed by descriptive text on LED

Indicator / LCD Panel.

19. HTML5 support HTML5 support for virtual console &

virtual media without using Java or ActiveX
20. Server security Should have a cyber resilient architecture
for a hardened server design for
protection, detection & recovery from
cyber attacks
Should protect against firmware which
executes before the OS boots
Should provide effective protection,
reliable detection & rapid recovery using:
- Signed firmware updates
- Support for Hardware root of trust /
Silicon based hardware root of trust
- Secure default passwords
- Configuration and firmware drift
- Secure alerting
- Rapid OS recovery
Configuration upgrades should be only
with cryptographically signed firmware
and software
Should provide system lockdown feature
to prevent change (or “drift”) in system
firmware image(s) & prevent malicious
modification of server firmware
21. Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Viewing Centre Management Server

Sr. Parameter Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No No) with
comments, if any
1. Make & Model
2. Form Factor 1U rack mounted with sliding rails
3. Processor Up to two Intel® Xeon® Scalable 2nd Gen
processors, up to 20 cores/processor @ 2.5
Ghz base freq. or better or equivalent
4. Memory slots 16 DDR4 DIMM slots, speed up to
2666MT/s or better
5. Memory configured Minimum 128 GB, scalable to 512GB
6. Disks supported Front drive bays: Up to 10 x 2.5” SAS/SATA
(HDD/SSD) with up to 2 NVMe SSD or
7. RAID Controller 12Gbps PCIe 3.0 with RAID 1, 5, 10, 50 with
8 GB Cache Memory on single / Multiple
8. Disks configured 3x 600GB 15K RPM SAS drives or higher.
9. 1G Networking 2 x 1 Gbps Copper Ethernet with Additional
features Dedicated Mgmt. Ethernet interface port
with 3 mts. Length factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
including 1 mgt. port
10. 10G Networking 4 x 10G Copper Ethernet ports with 3 mts.
features Length 10G factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
11. FC HBA Dual port 16 Gbps FC HBA with two no. of
each 3 mts. Or 5 mts FC patch cables,
Quoted HBA should support quoted SAN
Switch and Storage
12. Certified for OS Windows Server 2016 or higher, VMWare
vSphere, vCenter, Red Hat Enterprise
Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
13. Power Supply Platinum rated redundant Power Supply
14. Management Support for integration with Microsoft
integration System Center, Vmware vCenter, BMC
15. Power & temperature Real-time power meter, thresholds, alerts
& capping with historical power counters.
Temperature monitoring

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16. Pre-failure alert Should provide predictive failure

monitoring & proactive alerts of actual or
impending component failure for fan,
power supply, memory, CPU, RAID, NIC,
17. Configuration & • Real-time out-of-band hardware
Management performance monitoring & alerting
• Agent-free monitoring, driver updates &
configuration, power monitoring &
capping, RAID management, external
storage management, monitoring of FC,
HBA & system health if added will be
• Out-of-band hardware & firmware
• Zero-touch auto configuration to auto
deploy a baseline server configuration

18. LED/LCD panel Should display system ID, status

information and system error code
followed by descriptive text on LED
Indicator / LCD Panel.
19. HTML5 support HTML5 support for virtual console &
virtual media without using Java or ActiveX
20. Server security Should have a cyber resilient architecture
for a hardened server design for
protection, detection & recovery from
cyber attacks
Should protect against firmware which
executes before the OS boots
Should provide effective protection,
reliable detection & rapid recovery using:
- Signed firmware updates
- Support for Hardware root of trust /
Silicon based hardware root of trust
- Secure default passwords
- Configuration and firmware drift
- Secure alerting
- Rapid OS recovery
Configuration upgrades should be only
with cryptographically signed firmware
and software

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Should provide system lockdown feature

to prevent change (or “drift”) in system
firmware image(s) & prevent malicious
modification of server firmware
21. Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

Video Analytics Servers with 3x GPU in each server

Sr. Parameter Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No No) with
comments, if any
1. Make & Model -------
2. Rack Height 2U rack mounted with sliding rails
3. Processors Up to two Intel® Xeon® Scalable 2nd Gen
processors, configured with 20
cores/processor @ 2.5 Ghz base freq. or
better or equivalent
4. Memory 128 GB RAM 2666 MT/s support up to
512GB RAM, should have min. 24 DIMM
5. 5x 600GB 15K RPM SAS drives should be
Hard Drives
Should support up to eight hard disk drives
6. GPU Configured Should be configured with 3 nos. of Nvidia
Tesla T4 GPU
7. GPU Support Should support upto 6 single wide GPU’s
8. RAID Controller 12Gbps PCIe 3.0 with RAID 1, 5, 10, 50 with
8 GB Cache Memory on single / Multiple
9. 1G Networking 2 x 1 Gbps Copper Ethernet with Additional
features Dedicated Mgmt. Ethernet interface port
with 3 mts. Length factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
including 1 mgt. port
10. 10G Networking 4 x 10G Copper Ethernet ports with 3 mts.
features Length 10G factory crimped copper
Ethernet patch cords for each port
11. Redundant Power
Supply Dual, Hot-plug, Redundant Power Supply
12. Management Support for integration with Microsoft
integration System Center, VMware vCenter, BMC
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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13. Power & temperature Real-time power meter, thresholds, alerts

& capping with historical power counters.
Temperature monitoring.
14. Pre-failure alert Should provide predictive failure
monitoring & proactive alerts of actual or
impending component failure for fan,
power supply, memory, CPU, RAID, NIC,
15. Configuration & • Real-time out-of-band hardware
Management performance monitoring & alerting
• Agent-free monitoring, driver updates &
configuration, power monitoring &
capping, RAID management, external
storage management, monitoring of FC,
HBA & system health if added will be
• Out-of-band hardware & firmware
• Zero-touch auto configuration to auto
deploy a baseline server configuration
16. LED/LCD panel Should display system ID, status
information and system error code
followed by descriptive text on LED
Indicator / LCD Panel.
17. HTML5 support HTML5 support for virtual console &
virtual media without using Java or ActiveX
Should have a cyber resilient architecture
for a hardened server design for
protection, detection & recovery from
cyber attacks
Should protect against firmware which
executes before the OS boots
Should provide effective protection,
reliable detection & rapid recovery using:
- Signed firmware updates
- Support for Hardware root of trust /
Silicon based hardware root of trust
- Secure default passwords
- Configuration and firmware drift
- Persistent event logging including user

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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- Secure alerting
- Rapid OS recovery
Configuration upgrades should be only
with cryptographically signed firmware
and software
Should provide system lockdown feature
to prevent change (or “drift”) in system
firmware image(s) & prevent malicious
modification of server firmware.
Should maintain repository for firmware
and should be able to rollback, if required.
Certified for OS Windows Server 2016 or latest, VMWare
18. vSphere & vCenter, Red Hat Enterprise
Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
19 Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Face Recognition Servers with 3x GPU in each server

Sr. No Parameter Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
1. Make & Model
2. Rack Height 2U rack mounted with sliding rails
3. Processors Up to two Intel® Xeon® Scalable 2nd Gen
processors, configured with 20
cores/processor @ 2.5 Ghz base freq. or better
or equivalent
4. Memory 128 GB RAM 2666 MT/s support up to 512GB
RAM, should have min. 24 DIMM slots
5. 5x 600GB 15K RPM SAS drives should be
Hard Drives
Should support up to eight hard disk drives
6. GPU Configured Should be configured with 3 nos. of Nvidia
Tesla T4 GPU
7. GPU Support Should support upto 6 single wide GPU’s
8. RAID Controller 12Gbps PCIe 3.0 with RAID 1, 5, 10, 50 with 8
GB Cache Memory on single / Multiple
9. 1G Networking 2 x 1 Gbps Copper Ethernet with Additional
features Dedicated Mgmt. Ethernet interface port with 3
mts. Length factory crimped copper Ethernet
patch cords for each port including 1 mgmt.
10. 10G Networking 4 x 10G Copper Ethernet ports with 3 mts.
features Length 10G factory crimped copper Ethernet
patch cords for each port
11. Redundant Power
Supply Dual, Hot-plug, Redundant Power Supply
12. Management Support for integration with Microsoft System
integration Center, VMware vCenter, BMC Software
13. Power & Real-time power meter, thresholds, alerts &
temperature capping with historical power counters.
Temperature monitoring.
14. Pre-failure alert Should provide predictive failure monitoring &
proactive alerts of actual or impending
component failure for fan, power supply,
memory, CPU, RAID, NIC, HDD

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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15. Configuration & • Real-time out-of-band hardware

Management performance monitoring & alerting
• Agent-free monitoring, driver updates &
configuration, power monitoring & capping,
RAID management, external storage
management, monitoring of FC, HBA & system
health if added will be advantage.
• Out-of-band hardware & firmware inventory
• Zero-touch auto configuration to auto deploy
a baseline server configuration profile
16. LED/LCD panel Should display system ID, status information
and system error code followed by descriptive
text on LED Indicator / LCD Panel.
17. HTML5 support HTML5 support for virtual console & virtual
media without using Java or ActiveX plugins
Should provide effective protection, reliable
detection & rapid recovery using:
- Signed firmware updates
- Support for Hardware root of trust / Silicon
based hardware root of trust
- Secure default passwords
- Configuration and firmware drift detection
- Persistent event logging including user
- Secure alerting
- Rapid OS recovery
Configuration upgrades should be only with
cryptographically signed firmware and
Should provide system lockdown feature to
prevent change (or “drift”) in system firmware
image(s) & prevent malicious modification of
server firmware.
Should maintain repository for firmware and
should be able to rollback, if required.
18. Certified for OS Windows Server 2016 or latest, VMWare
vSphere & vCenter, Red Hat Enterprise Linux,
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
19. Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

Storage of application and tagged data (2 PB storage)- SAN/ Unified

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Sr. No Item Description of Requirement Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
1. Market Recognition / The OEM Should be present in Gartner
Credibility Leader Quadrant for General Purpose Disk
Array Report Consecutively in last 5 years
report will be added advantage.
2. Purpose and This dedicated storage section will serve
compatibility the purpose of DMZ which will be from the
same OEM of the storage (20PiB) above
mention box in order to ensure better back
lane throughput and compatibility of
3. SAN / Unified Storage Hybrid storage system with Storage
Architecture Operating System optimized for end to end
to handle different types of drives like SSD,
SAS & NL-SAS technology with built in QoS
(Quality of Services) for optimal utilization
of resources across the array. The storage
should also support automated data tiering
between these 3 types of drives.
4. Dual active-active controllers each
populated with dual socket of intel®
Xeon® Processor.
5. Scalability Offered storage should support scale up for
future capacity and performance
6. Data Efficiency Deduplication and Compression
Features functionalities should be supplied and
supported on complete capacity with all
required licenses. Admin should be able to
enable/disable reduction for individual
7. Controller Scalability Support for scalability to additional
controller pairs (up to 6 pairs or better) to
enhance capacity and performance when
8. Encryption Option should be available to support FIPS
140-2 certified self-encrypting drives
9. Drive Scalability Minimum 500 disk drives should be
supported within the proposed Controller
Pair and Offered storage shall be scalable to
1000 Drives or above in cluster/federation
of arrays.
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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10. The system should allow dynamic

expansion of volumes / pools without any
application downtime.
11. The system should be powerful enough to
support capacity scalability up to 8PB RAW
capacity by adding disks in cluster
12. Cache Minimum 256GB DRAM cache across dual
controllers, Scalable to 1TB or more either
by adding memory into existing controllers
or by Adding controllers in
cluster/federation of arrays.
13. Ports Minimum 16 x 32 Gbps Frontend FC Ports
across the proposed controllers and should
be scalable up to 24 Nos of FC Ports or
higher. Should also be configured with 8 x
10Gbps SFP+ iSCSI Ports. The back-end of
the array must be 8 x 12 Gbps or higher SAS
ports per array. It should also support
configuring native 10Gbps ports for
storage-based replication.
14. Capacity The storage must be supplied with 2000TB
Usable Capacity in below configuration:
15. 400TB Usable Capacity using SSD Drives on
16. 1600TB Usable Capacity using minimum
7.2K rpm NL-SAS Drives on RAID6
17. 1 Hot spare for every 30 Drives should be
18. Performance The array should be configured to deliver
minimum of 70,000 IOPS with 64KB block
size & 50:50 read: write ratio. The storage
system should be scalable to more than
1,00,000 IOPS by adding more controllers
in cluster/federation mode.
19. Data Protection The array should natively be thin
Features provisioned with built-in space efficient
snapshots, clones for optimal utilization
and performance of the array
20. RAID Support The storage should support industry
standard RAID levels like RAID 0, 1, 5, 6,
RAID 10 or better; The storage should
support combination in a single array.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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21. Remote Replication The System must be supported and

Features supplied with Replication license for
synchronous and Asynchronous replication
using FC or iSCSI. The Solution must offer
storage-based replication for 1:1, 1: many
and many:1 from day 1. The storage should
additionally support feature of creating
active-active storage environment across 2
physically separate sites/datacenters.
22. Data Security The LUN security & masking software to be
provided and configured to protect LUNs
configured to heterogeneous hosts running
different OS
23. Management The Array must be supplied with
comprehensive GUI based Management
software which is HTML5 based along with
storage analytics utilities for current and
historic data analysis. The Management
software should work with Multiple arrays,
Multiple sites.
24. The storage should have features like
remote diagnostics and performance
monitoring, automated alerts, reports and
25. The Management software should be with
single console-based performance
management software to manage &
monitor replication, live & historical usage
of the array including FE ports, BE ports,
controller, disk drives etc.
26. OS & other Software The Storage Management Software shall be
Support certified to work with Vmware vSphere
Metro Storage Cluster, Vmware SRM and
additional support for Native Files, Block
Protocols etc.
27. The must be certified to support current
versions of OS like Microsoft Windows
Server, Red Hat Linux, Vmware
28. Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

L3 Switch 24 Port 10/25 GB

Compliance (Yes/
Sr.No. Technical Specifications of ToR Switch No) with
comments, if any
A General Features
1 High Density Wire-speed Layer3 Switch
2 19” rack mountable – 1RU
Should have high-availability feature for active-active & active-
passive operation from day-1
B Interfaces
Wire rate 24x 10/25 GbE SFP28 ports and 4x100GbE QSFP28 ports.
All ports should be populated with Multi-mode transceivers.
As per solution requirement the switch should support 1G, 10G, 25G,
2 40G & 100G transceivers from day-1. Bidder need to size the
quantities of transceivers accordingly.
3 1 RJ45 console port, 1 RJ45 management port
4 USB port for external storage
5 HA cables to be included as part of solution
C Performance
1 Minimum Switch Fabric Capacity: 2Tbps or better
2 Latency 900ns
D Architecture
1 Should have redundant hot-swap power supplies & fans
2 32MB packet buffer memory.
3 Modular operating system, OpenFlow 1.3
4 CLI commit, Uplink Failure Detection, BFD, Zero Touch Deployment.
Should support Leaf/Spine fabric architecture using BGP EVPN,
E High Availability
1 VRRP, active-active, active-passive operation
Software upgrades with minimal traffic disruption during the
3 LAG load balancing based on L2, Ipv4 or Ipv6 headers
F Layer 2 features
1 128 LAG groups with 16 ports per LAG
2 128K ARP table, 160K MAC addresses
Port, subnet based 802.1Q VLANs. The switch should support 4000
4 132K MAC addresses
5 The switch should support IEEE 802.1w RSTP and IEEE 802.1s MSTP
G Routing Protocols
1 BGPv4, OSPF v1/v2/v3, VXLAN routing from Day 1
2 Ipv6 routing & VRF-Lite feature from day-1

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H Security Features
1 Layer 2-4 Access Control Lists
2 ACLs – port based/VLAN based.
Integrated security features like DHCP relay, Control Plane DoS
4 Streaming Telemetry, Control Plane Services
5 802.1X Network Security and Authentication
I Traffic Policing
1 Ingress/Egress shaping and policies
2 Filter, mark and limit traffic flows
3 Minimum 8 hardware queues per port
Policy based traffic classification based on MAC Address, Port, DSCP,
IP Address, VLAN
J Multicast
1 H/W based Ipv4 and Ipv6 Multicasting
2 IGMP v1, v2, v3, IGMP Snooping
3 Protocol Independent Multicast – Sparse Mode and PIM – SSM
K Network Management
1 Ansible, Puppet, Chef, SaltStack, RESTCONF APIs
2 Ipv6 Management support telnet, FTP, TACACS, RADIUS, SSH, NTP
L IEEE Standards
1 802.3ae, 802.3x, 802.3z
2 IEEE 802.3ad LACP, 802.3ab LLDP
3 IEEE 802.1p CoS Prioritization
4 802.1Qbb, 802.1Qaz
M Power Rating & Certifications
Should operate on AC power ~50Hz. Power consumption should not
be more than 460 Watts under full load.
2 RoHS, Ipv6 ready, FCC CFR 47 Part 15, EN 61000-4-5: Surge
N Connectivity required
1 The switch & transceivers should be from the same OEM
Cables - – ethernet cables to be provided with switch for each port
with throughput define.
Seamless Integration: For Seamless Integration and Interoperability
3 all the switches and SFP Modules should be fully compatible for
smooth functioning of the system

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L2 Switch 24 Port 1GB

(Yes/ No) with
S No. Features Description of Specs
comments, if
Minimum of 24 ports 10/100/1000 Base-T and 4x
10G SFP+ ports
1 x Out of Band IP based management Port, 1
Console Port, USB Port / External Flash
support stacking for upto 8 switches with
3. requirements
minimum 40 Gbps stacking.
Have Redundant Power Supply support and
4. variable speed fan to adjust to varying weather
conditions in campus
Each switch should have minimum 128 Gbps or
1. more with non-blocking architecture and
Forwarding rate of 95 Mpps
Should be equipped with minimum 1GB RAM and
1GB flash
Design &
Should have LED indicator for per port status, FAN,
3. Performance
PSU and Management Status
0°C to 45°C operating temperature and 10% to
95% relative humidity
Hardware and software configuration have for
Ipv6 from day one
1. Should have 16 K MAC Address, 500 active Vlans
802.1D spanning Tree and PVST+, 802.1w, 802.1s,
should have BPDU Guard or equivalent feature on
2. edge port to auto disable port for a configurable
time period to if an accidental loop occurs in the
Audio Video Bridging to enable reliable, real-time
audio/video transmission over Ethernet
Should support aggregating and load balancing of
Switching /
4. traffic to two or more peer switches within same
5. Should support MSTP protocol
Should have Port based VLAN, MAC based VLAN,
private vlan and support GVRP
Should have Local, Remote and multisession port
mirroring (minimum 4 session)
Support Standard based protocols for lossless
8. transport of real time data with dynamic QoS
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9. Should have 8 Hardware QOS Queues per port

Should have traffic rate limiting with Configurable
bandwidth granularity of 64 KBps
Should have Link Layer Discovery Protocol
(802.1ab) to allow recognition of third-party
network devices and LLDP MED for auto
Should have MAC address tracking and
12. notification for mac address addition, delete or
movement in the Network
Should support policy-based routing and
Should have basic dynamic routing protocols like
RIP, OSPF, PIM, VRRP on day one
Should have Configurable multicast session limit
per port
Local authentication database for RADIUS
Authentication for 802.1x login
Should have MAC security – Lockdown & Limit and
2. MAC address tracking with syslog & snmp
Should have SSH-2, SCP, SFTP for secure
Should have dynamic arp inspection, DHCP
4. snooping, Private VLAN, SYN attack protection,
GARP protection
Should have ASIC based traffic flow analysis based
on Netflow/ sFlow/ Ipfix
Should have minimum 1 K ACL entry support and
Time-Based ACL or Port-based ACL
Should have scheduled archiving / uploading of
configuration and system log to a central server
Should support inbuilt DHCP server and Client for
quick configuration of endpoints and switch
Telnet server, ssh server, Ping and traceroute over
Should have L2 Traceroute, L2 Ping and Multicast
Management Traceroute
5. Console and CLI management
6. Dual firmware and configuration rollback
Should be SDN capable with Open stack support
7. and OpenFlow API support, should support IEEE
8. Should support Energy Efficient Ethernet 802.3az

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Model should have safety and standards

certifications as below:
6:2009,IEC61000-4-8:2009/EN61000-4-8:2010 ,
EN 55022:2010 Class A, CISPR 22:2008 Class A,
CISPR24:2010ClassA, Radiated Immunity
10V/criteria, UL60950-1 2ndEd, CE 2.0 Compliant
or equivalent Indian Standards.
Seamless Integration: For Seamless Integration
and Interoperability all the switches and SFP
Modules should be fully compatible for smooth
functioning of the system

SAN Switch 12 port

Compliance (Yes/
Sr. No Feature Technical Specifications No) with
comments, if any
The proposed SAN Switches should have
1U form factor with minimum 24 Nos. of
1. Switch Architecture
32Gbps Ports or higher. Should have
redundant power supplies and fans.
Should be configured with 24 x 32Gbps FC
2. Fiber Channel Ports
Ports or higher on day one
The proposed ports should have
3. autosensing capabilities to 32/16/8 Gbps
FC connectivity
The switch should support trunking with
4. Trunking capabilities
up to eight 32 Gbps ports per ISL trunk
Should support aggregate bandwidth of
5. Performance
768Gbps or higher
Should support D_PORT (Clear Link
6. Port Types supported Diagnostic Port), E_PORT, EX_PORT,
Should support hot-pluggable Fiber
7. Channel SFP+ at 32 Gbps SWL/LWL and
SFP+ at 16 Gbps SWL/LWL/ELWL
Should have at least One USB port per
control processor for firmware download,
8. USB Port
support save, and configuration upload or

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Should have switch management feature

with support for e HTTP, SNMP v1/v3 (FE
9. Management MIB, FC Management MIB), SSH; Auditing,
Syslog; Command Line Interface (CLI);
SMI-S compliant
Should support DH-CHAP (between
switches and end devices), FCAP switch
authentication; HTTPS, Ipsec, IP filtering,
LDAP with Ipv6, OpenLDAP, Port Binding,
RADIUS, TACACS+, user-defined Role-
10. Security
Based Access Control (RBAC), Secure Copy
(SCP), Secure RPC, Secure Syslog, SFTP,
SSH v2, SSL, Switch Binding, Trusted
Switch. Should also support up to 12 in-
flight encryption and compression ports.
Fc cables can be provided along with SAN
switches with different lengths to cater
11. Cables
server connectivity. Or if provided along
with the server
12. Warranty As mentioned in RFP.

Compliance (Yes/
Sr No Specification Minimum Requirement No) with
comments, if any
42 U X 600mm X 1200mm (H x W x D) rack
should have metal frame supporting more
than 1300 kgs of static load and more than
1000 kg of dynamic load.
Single front door and split rear door should
have the perforation of more than 75% to
provide the maximum airflow eliminating
the need of additional FHU in the rack.
Doors shall have lift of hinges for tool less
General field reversibility.
Rack should have integrated hole pattern
for easy installation of top panel
accessories have removable opening for
cable entry and shall accommodate 2000
cat 6 cables to suffice the cabling
Rack should have two pair of 19-inch EIA
5. mounting rail with U marking on front and
rear of each rail for ease of installation.

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Rack should have dual purpose full height

depth adjustable PDU/Cable management
brackets and should be mounted in the
zero U space.
PDU/Cable management brackets shall
Cable Manager
have button mount keyholes throughout to
accommodate the tool less mounting of
rack PDU’s of various heights and
accessories mounting holes for toolless
cable mounting accessories.
Rack should have split side panels with
single locking slam latch for quick and easy
8. Panel installation and maintenance, single
person removal and installation eliminates
the manpower dependencies.
42 U rack frame height that allows access
through standard doors on four swivel
9. Caster & Levelling casters, rack shall have the levelling feet
and shall be accessible form the top of the
frame for easy adjustment.
Rack shall have the necessary hardware
accessories ((50 each M6 cage nuts and
screws), Cage nut installation tool, edge
protection for top panel cable entry.
Hardware Accessories Rack shall have necessary baying brackets
/ Installation ease and the bolt down kits
Rack frame design should allow 2.5 inch
more usable space in the rack for the
proper equipment placement and ease of
Rack should have the powder coated black
13. Powder Coating
Rack shall have EIA, UL, RoHS, REACH
14. Certification
Rack shall have two power distribution
15. Power Distribution unit, vertically mounted on the rear of the
rack to power on the devices in the rack.
Monitored, Unit Level, 32Amps, 230V, 1
Phase, 7.3KW, Vertical, 30 IEC C13, 6 IEC
C19, Locking Sockets, 3m power Cord with
Power Distribution 2P+E (IP44)
Unit The PDU shall have locking outlets – cable
locking mechanism so that it should not
require the locking cable to secure the
cables connected to the PDU
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PDU shall have Input and Breaker level

18. current monitoring. Local high visibility
LED display.
PDU shall have Phase (A) Monitoring (kWh,
W, VA, PF, V, A) Power Measurements
19. Compliant with ANSI C12.1 and IEC 62053-
21 at 1% Accuracy Class Requirements and
Circuit / Breaker Monitoring (A)
Circuit/Breaker Current Measurements
20. Independently Tested and Verified at 2%
The PDU shall support the mobile app for
21. the power monitoring and should be easy
to be shared in various formats
The PDU shall be upgrade ready so that it
can be changed to monitored PDU without
downtime, by simply changing the Field
replaceable IMD unit.
PDU shall have button mounting option for
23. easy toolless installation and reinstallation
of the PDU’s
PDU shall have colored outlets to
24. differentiate the outlets based on the
25. The PDU should be CE certified.
26. Rack As mentioned in RFP.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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Firewall- 3 Gig, IPS, DDos, Anti- APT, VAPT, server security- 3 GB throughput

Sr. (Yes/ No) with
No comments, if
Firewall architecture should be DC grade with Data and control plane
are different and should be in the Gartner Challengers/ Leaders from
1 last 5 years and the OEM must have "Recommended" rating with min
97% Evasion proof capability and Security Effectiveness as per 2019
NSS Labs Firewall Comparative Test Report. Will be added advantage.
Firewall appliance should be supplied with at least 4x40GE QSFP, 8x
10GE SFP+, 10x GE RJ45.
3 SFP Transceivers to be populated as per solution requirement
Firewall should have IPSec VPN throughput of 3 Gbps. The effective
next generation firewall throughput should be 3 Gbps in real time/
Enterprise/ Application traffic mix to cater bandwidth requirement
of multiple 1 Gig interface so as to ensure IDS for monitoring
4 malicious activity or defined policy violations. It should be scalable to
4.5 Gbps in future.
The Firewall must be capable to conduct operations of internal
firewall with regards to application and structured data that will be
residing in the DMZ.
The Threat prevention (FW, IPS, User identification, AVC, Antivirus,
logging and Antimalware) throughput should be at least 3 Gbps on
Mix / Application Mix Production traffic and should be scalable to 4.5
5 Firewall should support 100K new sessions per second, from day 1
Firewall should support 3 Million maximum concurrent sessions,
from day 1- minimum 2 million sessions.
Firewall should support 1K site-to-site VPN tunnels & 1K Client to Site
VPN tunnels
The appliance should be secure in itself with certifications NDPP/
EAL4, FIPS/ICSA. Extra certificate will be added advantage like NEBS
The Firewall solution should support LLDP, ECMP, NAT64, and
DNS64 & DHCPv6.
The proposed system shall be able to operate on either Transparent
(bridge) mode to minimize interruption to existing network
infrastructure or NAT/Route mode. Both modes can also be available
concurrently using Virtual Contexts. Minimum 1 Virtual Firewall
licenses to be provided with the solution and should be scalable to 5
Virtual Firewalls in future
The physical interface shall be capable of link aggregation, otherwise
known as the IEEE 802.3ad standard, allows the grouping of
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interfaces into a larger bandwidth ‘trunk’. It also allows for high

availability (HA) by automatically redirecting traffic from a failed link
in a trunk to the remaining links in that trunk.
High Availability: Active/Active and Active/Passive. The proposed
system shall have built-in high availability (HA) features without
11 extra cost/license or hardware component. Firewall should support
ether channel or equivalent functionality for the failover control &
date interfaces for providing additional level of redundancy.
The proposed system should have integrated Traffic Shaping
functionality. The proposed firewall shall have native network traffic
12 classification which identifies applications across all ports
irrespective of port/protocol/evasive tactics. The firewall should
support QoS and Policy based routing on the basis of application.
The Firewall should have integrated SSL VPN solution to cater to
13 1000 SSL VPN concurrent users. Tunnels (SSL, IPSec, and XAUTH) –
1K from day 1.
Concurrent SSL Decryption sessions – 250000. This should be
substantiated with document from public website or testing/R&D
14 report data. Declaration on letterhead will not be accepted. The
proposed firewall shall be able to identify, decrypt and evaluate SSL
Tunnel traffic in an inbound and outbound connections
15 Should support SSL decryption on Ipv6
The proposed system should support
b) PPTP Pass through or VXLAN inspection
c) L2TP VPN or GRE Tunnel and inspection of headers with 802.1Q
17 The device support inbuilt hardware VPN acceleration
The device shall support stateful session maintenance in the event of
a fail-over to a standby unit.
The management solution must have the native capability to optimize
19 the security rule base and offer steps to create application-based
The proposed solution must allow single policy rule creation for
application control, user-based control, host profile, threat
prevention, Anti-virus, file filtering, content filtering, QoS and
scheduling at single place within a single rule and not at multiple
locations. There must not be different places and options to define
policy rules based on these parameters.
Should have separate real time logging base on all Traffic, Threats,
User IDs, URL filtering, Data filtering, Content filtering, unknown
malware analysis, Authentication, Tunneled Traffic and correlated
log view base on other logging activities

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Should support the report generation on a manual or schedule (Daily,

22 Weekly, Monthly, etc.) basis, also should allow the report to be
exported into other format such as PDF, HTML, CSV, XML etc.
Should have built in report templates base on Applications, Users,
23 Threats, Traffic and URLs and should create reports based on user
Should be able to create custom report base on custom query base
any logging attributes
On device management service should be able to provide all the
mentioned features in case of central management server failure
Firewall should provide application detection and authentication for
The proposed solution should support the ability to create QoS policy
on a per rule basis:
-by source address
-by destination address
28 -by application
-by static or dynamic application groups (such as Instant Messaging
or P2P groups)
-by port and services
The proposed system shall have the ability to detect, log and take
action against network traffic based on over 3000 application
29 Firewall should support operating in routed & transparent mode
The proposed firewall must support the following routing protocols:
30 - Static, RIP v2, OSPFv2/v3, Application based PBR, BGP v4 with
graceful restart
Firewall appliance should have integrated redundant hot swappable
power supply and hot swappable fan tray.
Proposed Firewall should not be proprietary ASIC-based in nature &
should be open
architecture based on multi-core CPU’s to protect & scale against
dynamic latest security threats.
34 Data Leakage Prevention
The proposed system shall allow administrator to prevent sensitive
data from leaving the network. Administrator shall be able to define
sensitive data patterns, and data matching these patterns that will be
blocked and/or logged when passing through the unit.
35 High Availability
The proposed system shall have built-in high availability (HA)
features without extra cost/license or hardware component
The device shall support stateful session maintenance in the event of
a fail-over to a standby unit.

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High Availability Configurations should support Active/Active and

Active/ Passive
36 Logging & reporting
A dedicated appliance or management software to be proposed with
the solution for logging, analysis, and reporting into a single system,
37 delivering increased knowledge of security events throughout the
network for centralized security event analysis, forensic research and
Event Management: There has to be a feature of Management
Module/ tool to establish link with EMS platform & SIEM.

Network Load balancer

S No. Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
1. The Load Balancer shall distribute traffic efficiently while ensuring
high application availability. It shall monitor server health to
determine that application servers are not only reachable but alive. If
the Load Balancer detects issues, it shall automatically remove
downed servers from the server pool and rebalance traffic among the
remaining servers. It shall be appliance based and shall facilitate
multi-vendor, multi-application environment and shall support third-
party products
2. The Load Balancer shall deliver the high availability required by
modern Data Centers. It should support Active/Passive or Active /
Active HA configurations. The Load Balancer shall automatically
synchronize configurations between the pair and automatically
failover if any fault is detected with the primary unit
3. The load balancer shall be built on high-performance hardware,
designed for Data Centers. It shall deliver application traffic of all
types and scalable to meet the throughput needs of the most
demanding applications
4. The Load Balancer shall support offloading of SSL connections and
should support Certificate format such as “OpenSSL/Apache, *.PEM”,
“MS IIS, *.PFX”, and “Netscape, *.DB” etc. or better.
5. Should provide support for cache rules/filters to define granular
cache policies based on cache-control headers, host name, file type,
max object size, TTL objects etc.
6. The Load Balancer Shall have full traffic control and be able to route
requests to servers based on region, device, browser, or a number of
other factors. This enables organization to deliver customized
application responses to users.

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7. Should be high performance purpose built next generation multi-

tenant hardware with NFV and SDN support. Platform should support
multiple network functions including Server Load balancing,
Application Security, Secure remote access and AAA network
functions with dedicated hardware resources for each virtual
8. Appliance should provide real time Dynamic Web Content
Compression to reduce server load and solution should provide
selective compression for Text, HTML, XML, DOC, Java Scripts, CSS,
PDF, PPT, and XLS Mime types.
9. The server load balancer should deliver 5Gbps L4 Throughput from
day one and scalable to 40Gbps on same hardware with license
10. The server load balancer should have dedicated SSL card to support
Minimum 28,000 ECC TPS (ECDSA-SHA256) & 40,000 SSL TPS 2K
11. The sever load balancer should support Minimum 128GB RAM, 4TB
HDD and should have minimum 4x1GbE copper ports, 4x10GbE SFP+
ports. Two 1G Copper dedicated management interface
Features required for Load Balancer
12. Local Application Switching, Server load Balancing, HTTP, TCP
Multiplexing, Compression, Caching, TCP Optimization, Filter-based
Load Balancing, Transparent Deployments, Content-based Load
Balancing, Persistency, HTTP Content Modifications, QoS, Support for
connection pooling to TCP request, Support for distributed denial-of-
service (DDos) protection
13. Security features
14. Solution should support DDos attacks from day one like Protocol
Attack: SSL invalid packet, SSL handshake attack, SSL renegotiation,
HTTP invalid packet attack – Application Attacks: HTTP slow attack,
HTTP flood attack, long form submission, Challenge Collapsar (CC),
Hashdos, DNS NXDomain flood – Network Attacks: SYN flood, ICMP
flood, Ping of Death, Smurf, IP option – HTTP & DNS ACL rules, ACL
blacklist – Monitoring and Logging: PUSH/ ACK flood, FIN/RST flood,
Connection flood, UDP flood – Machine learning of traffic patterns and
automatic configuration of HTTP/DNS thresholds to defend against
anomalous traffic
15. Should support machine authentication based on combination of
HDD ID, CPU info and OS related parameters i.e. mac address to
provide secure access to Data Center resources.
16. Supports SAML secure application access – Supports web single sign-
on (SSO) – Serves as a SAML SP (service provider)
17. Solution should capable of blocking access through anonymous
services (TOR, VPN, open proxies, anonymizers)
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18. Solution Must Prevents modifying the form data and cookies on the
client side by controlling their invariability between the request and
the response with Cookie Signing, Form Signing and AJAX requests
Load Balancer Features
19. It should have the capability of Rate shaping & QoS Support to
optimize and handle heavy Layer 4 through 7 traffic loads while
delivering Latency Sensitive Applications
20. It should support integrated antivirus module for scanning of
malicious content in files uploads and should be able to integrate with
the proposed on-premise Anti-APT, SIEM, DLP solution to scan for
zero-day malwares from Day 1
High Availability
21. It should have feature of Global Server Load Balancing between
different Data Centers without any additional license, from Day 1.
22. The solution should provide comprehensive and reliable support for
high availability and N+1 clustering based on stateful session failover
with Active-active & active standby unit redundancy mode. Also
support Single System Image for Load Balancer Function to create a
single VIP (single ADC instance) out of any number of dedicated,
virtualized or virtual ADV appliances to provide ultimate flexibility in
scaling out.

Miscellaneous- Virtualization, OS for servers, etc.

Virtualization Physical Servers 12
12 server Virtualization Security
Windows OS -11 Server
- 12 Physical Servers using two sockets in total 24 (12*2) quantity required for
virtualization servers
- 12 physical servers using two sockets in total 24 (12*2) quantity required for
security of DMZ virtualization servers
Microsoft Windows OS for Virtualization Servers
- 11 Physical Servers each having 4 VM’s (Total 44 VM’s). For each server we need
to consider license for 40+40=80 cores (5 licenses of 16 cores)
- Windows Server Data Center Edition 64-bit latest version

Compute Virtualization
S No. Specifications Compliance
(Yes/ No)
if any
1. Virtualization Sits directly on the virtualization server hardware with no
Solution dependence on a general-purpose OS for greater reliability

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& security and should be Leaders/challengers in the

Gartner’s Magic Quadrant latest.
2. Guest OS Windows client, Windows Server, Linux (at least Red Hat,
Support SUSE, Ubuntu and CentOS, Solaris x86) etc. OS vendor
should provide certification and support for hypervisor.
3. Live Live Virtual Machine migration between different
Migration generations of CPUs in the same cluster and without the
need for shared storage option and long distances from one
site to another with no disruption to users or loss of
services, eliminating the need to schedule application
downtime or business downtime.
4. Live migration of VM disk from one storage array to
another without any VM downtime. Support this migration
from one storage protocol to another eg: FC, NFS, iSCSI,
5. Availability Proactive High availability capability that utilizes server
health information and migrates VMs from degraded hosts
before problem occurs, should optimize power
consumption by turning off hosts during the reduced
6. Migration of VMs in case one server fails all the Virtual
machines running on that server shall be able to migrate to
another physical server running same virtualization
7. It should support affinity and anti-affinity rules to set
constraints that restrict placement of a virtual machine to
a subset of hosts in a cluster and to keep virtual machines
paired or separated with capability of native backup and
restoration of the virtualization management server.
8. Solution should have single reboot to dramatically reduce
the upgrade times by skipping a host reset and help to
reduce patching and upgrade times by rebooting the
hypervisor without rebooting the physical host, skipping
time- consuming hardware initialization
9. Zero downtime, zero data loss and continuous availability
for the applications running in virtual machines in the
event of physical host failure, without the cost and
complexity of traditional hardware or software clustering
10. Performance Add CPU, Memory & devices to virtual machines on the fly
when needed, without disruption or downtime of working
VMs for both windows and Linux based VMs.
11. Create a cluster out of multiple storage datastores and
automate load balancing by using storage characteristics to
determine the best place for a virtual machine’s data to
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reside, both when it is created and when it is used over

12. Support for persistent memory, exposing it as block
storage or as memory, to enhance performance for new as
well as existing apps should provide configuration
compliance reports/alerts/dashboards for the underlying
hypervisor platform
13. Should be able to dynamically allocate and balance
computing capacity across collections of hardware
resources aggregated into one unified resource pool with
optional control over movement of virtual machines like
restricting VMs to run on selected physical hosts.
14. The Solution should offer virtual load balancers with L4–
L7 load balancer with SSL offload and pass-through, server
health checks
15. Should support network and storage QoS to ensure
performance on per VM basis
16. Security VM-level encryption with no modifications in guest OS to
protects unauthorized data access both at-rest and live
vMotion and also provides secure boot for protection for
both the hypervisor and guest operating system by
ensuring images have not been tampered with and
preventing loading of unauthorized components.
17. Solution should protect every Virtual Machine with a
stateful distributed firewall integrated into the host
architecture and provide near line rate firewall
18. Solution should enable creation of security groups and
security policies/ rules based on constructs like machine
name, OS type, IP address, Logical Switches, Security Tags
19. The security policies should follow the Virtual Machines as
it moves within and between the virtual infrastructure so
that there is no need of creation of security policies again
for the applications once they move inside and across the
20. Integration of 3rd party endpoint security to secure the
virtual machines with offloaded antivirus, antimalware,
firewall and hips solutions without the need for agents
inside the virtual machines.
21. Solution should support TPM 2.0 hardware modules and
adds a virtual TPM device to shield guest OS from Operator
or in-guest attacks
22. The security policies in the virtualization layer must be tied
to the application, which means whenever any application
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is moved from one virtualized server to another, even

between different VLANs, the security policies should
follow the application and there should be no need to
redefine the security policies for the application at the new
location. Also, when the application is deleted, all the
security policies related to the application should also be
23. Storage Support boot from iSCSI, FcoE, and Fibre Channel SAN.
support Integration with Storage API’s providing integration with
supported third-party data protection, multi-pathing and
disk array solutions.
Solution should have capability similar of Virtual Volumes
which enables abstraction for external storage (SAN and
NAS) devices making them Virtualization aware and it
should allow common management across storage tiers
and dynamic storage class-of-service automation via a
policy-driven control plane
24. Management The solution should offer converged visibility and analytics
that tie together compute, network, storage and security
and provide Physical to Virtual Correlation and
troubleshooting, report the amount of East-West, North-
South, Internet, virtual machine to virtual machine, virtual
machine to physical traffic within the datacenter
Monitoring of OS level resources (CPU, disk, memory,
network) for any OS and physical hardware resources of
the hosts. These monitoring capabilities combined with
patented analytics should extend operational visibility and
proactive management capabilities across OS.
25. The solution should offer comprehensive flow assessment
and analytics and security groups and firewall rules
suggestion for the purpose of implementing a zero-trust
security within the data-center, provide a converged view
of virtual and physical network, provide end to end
topological view of path between two virtual machines. It
should support leading hardware vendors as well.

The solution shall provide the ability to identify and report

on over-sized, under-sized, idle and powered-off virtual
workloads such that the environment can be right-sized
and resources can be reclaimed
26. Virtual Span across a virtual Datacenter and multiple hosts should
Switch be able to connect to it. This will simplify and enhance
virtual-machine networking in virtualized environments
and enables those environments to use third-party
distributed virtual switches.

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27. The solution should be capable to of multisite networking

(Layer 2 extension) irrespective of underlying physical
topology for active active DC & DR purposes, container
network and security for container to container L3
networking and micro segmentation for microservices etc.
28. The solution should support reduction in Recovery Time
Objective when the VMs are brought up from DC to DR,
without the need to redo the IP-addresses, the default
gateway router should be stretched across data centers,
also the firewall policy should also be applied across DC &
DR automatically, so that when Virtual Machines move
from DC to DR there is no need to reconfigure the firewall
29. In-built enhanced host-level packet capture tool which will
provide functionalities like span, rspan, erspan and will
capture traffic at uplink, virtual switch port and virtual NIC
level. It should also be able to capture dropped packets and
trace the path of a packet with time stamp details.
30. The Solution should provide distributed routing (OSPF &
BGP), VXLAN based logical virtual switching, NAT function,
server load balancer, Software L2 bridging to physical
environments, L2 & L3 VPN, site-to-site IPSEC VPN
services, distributed L2-L4 stateful firewall at vNIC level.
31. VM based Efficient array-agnostic replication of virtual machine data
Replication over the LAN or WAN. This Replication should simplify
management enabling replication at the virtual machine
level and enabling RPOs as low as 15 minutes.
32. Operations Solution should provide integrated smart alerts for health,
Management performance and capacity degradation to identify building
performance problems before they affect end users ,should
be able to collect and analyze all types of machine-
generated log data, for example, application logs, network
traces, configuration files, messages, performance data and
system state dumps.
33. Solution should provide capacity analytics to identify over-
provisioned resources so they can be right-sized for most
efficient use of virtualized resources and “What If”
scenarios to eliminate the need for spreadsheets, scripts
and rules of thumb to provide automated root cause
analysis and should allow connecting to data-center
ecosystem components e.g., operating systems,
applications, storage arrays, firewalls, network devices,
etc., providing a single location to collect, store, and analyze
logs at scale

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34. It should include proactive smart alerts with self-learning

performance analytics Capabilities with Customizable
Dashboards, Reports and Views to provide real-time
insight into infrastructure behavior, upcoming problems,
and opportunities for efficiency improvements
35. Disaster Solution should provide DR automation solution delivered
Recovery from virtualization manager console for automated
Automation failover, failback and recovery of application VMs in proper
sequence to other data center with single click
36. Solution should provide solution to perform non-
disruptive DR drill/testing of recovery plan for full and
selected applications every six months without impacting
production applications running in primary environment.
37. OEM Support Direct OEM L1, L2, L3 24x7x365 days with unlimited
incident support and 30mins or less response time
including the unlimited upgrades and updates. For 5 years

4.9 Minimum baseline for security parameters

The minimum baseline of secured environment for the envisaged system will be ensured by
protection from external and internal sources with various security tools like External and
internal Firewalls, DDos, Anti-APT, IPS, VAPT, Server and Application security measures, etc.
Establishing privacy and trust
Considering the secured parameters in place, it will be the prime responsibility of MSI to establish
a trust for privacy policies to be adopted by every user of the system. The security parameters
will be updated from time to time with effective patch management modules and training
sessions will also sensitize the users for quick adoption of the updated approaches in the system
to ensure safeguarding against possible threats.
Cyber Security Components in Command Center / DC & Near DRC
i. Firewall:
Firewall solution is first line of Defense and segmentation. The firewall protection for
Safe City Project will be combination of traditional firewall with other Network Device
filtering functionalities for the Incident, transaction data, data over HTTP, only. The
appliance-based security platform should be capable of application visibility, and
control, VPN functionality, intrusion preventions and advanced threat protection like
deep packet inspection, etc. in a single appliance. This appliance should ideally consume
1 RU/2 RU space to utilize space in command center optimally.
a. For better integration with other security solutions this should be based on open
architecture based on multi-core CPU’s to protect & scale against dynamic latest
security threats.

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b. Supports multiple mechanisms for issuing alerts (e.g., SNMP, e-mail, SYSLOG).
c. Denial of Service Attack (DDos) solution should be part of this FW, and DDos
throughput shall be clearly mentioned in this.
ii. Internal & External Firewall with IDS and Intrusion Prevention Detection (IPD):
Firewall solution is first line of Defense and segmentation. The firewall protection of
Enterprise grade for Safe City Project will be combination of traditional firewall with
support of other Network Device filtering functionalities for the Incident, transaction
data, data over HTTP, only.
 For better integration with other security solutions this should be based on open
architecture based on multi-core CPU’s to protect & scale against dynamic latest
security threats.
 Supports multiple mechanisms for issuing alerts (e.g., SNMP, e-mail, SYSLOG).
The solution architecture at Data Center will incorporate both type of firewalls for
protection against the internal and external threats. Using Firewalls and Intrusion
Prevention Systems such attacks and theft should be controlled and well supported (and
implemented) with the security policy. All provisions for security of field equipment as
well as protection of the software system from hackers and other threats needs to be
ensured. Web Application (Internet) Firewall of 2 GB will be provisioned which will cater
to the DMZ security requirement at virtualization layer at the server levels.
 External Firewall: Unauthorized access has to be blocked; henceforth adequate
capacity throughput requirement has to be handled by the external firewall to
safeguard the North-South information flow with unauthorized accessibility. It will
ensure a seamless throughput of SSL encrypted application and structured data.
The perimeter firewall of adequate 50 Gig throughput for passing the video feeds
necessarily required for VA platform. It will be required to manage the secured
sessions. The effective bandwidth requirement will be 100 Gig so as to ensure IDS
for monitoring malicious activity or defined policy violations. Also, considering the
capability of this aggregation firewall which will primarily handle North-West
consolidated data flow, it can also be configured along with East-West firewall
operations pertaining to the requirement for incidental data for DMZ.
 Internal Firewall: The second layer of protection of unauthorized access will be
ensured by internal firewall to handle East-West traffic flow within Data Center.
The internal firewall must proactively provide visibility and protection from
internal threats, and it must be fast enough to keep up with the demands of internal
traffic. It must ensure:
i. Minimizing the attack surface using micro-segmentation, which divides the
network into granular zones that are secured separately
ii. Using intelligent automation to deploy and update security policies based on
audit logs.

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iii. Intrusion Prevention Detection System & VAPT

The IPS solution can be a purpose-built dedicated appliance or a subset of firewall
The IPS must be able to support granular security policy enforcement based on the
following methods: Per IPS device (all segments), Per physical segment unidirectional
and bidirectional.
The IPS filter must support network action set such as Block (drop packet), Block (TCP
Reset), Permit, Trust, Notify, Trace (Packet Capture), Rate Limit and Quarantine &
proposed IPS solution must support signatures, protocol anomaly, vulnerabilities and
traffic anomaly filtering methods to detect attacks and malicious traffic & should support
VA scanners to fine tune the IPS policy
The centralized management server must be an appliance based on a hardened OS
shipped by-default and system shall allow the latest update to be manually, automatically
or based on schedule with central management and reporting.
IPS with a throughput capacity to conduct its operation for entire stack of input feeds
from cameras to be ascertained for identifying intrusion checks, session breaks, VAPT
profiling for a better matured security, etc.
Vulnerability Assessment and Penetrating Testing (VAPT) must ensure series of tests on
the system architectural associated IP devices throughout the network. Continual
security assessments should be conducted so that the vulnerable areas are exposed and
quantification and the prioritization of such instances can be done. VAPT will behave as
a risk assessment tool which will ensure the following steps:
 Cataloguing assets and capabilities (resources) in a system
 Assigning a quantifiable value (or at least rank order) and importance to those
 Identifying the vulnerabilities or potential threats to each resource
 Mitigating or eliminating the most serious vulnerabilities for the most valuable
iv. Web Application Firewall:
The solution shall have web application firewall (or WAF) functionality to filter,
monitor, and block HTTP traffic to and from a web application. Such data relates to the
feeds and inputs coming from internet based sources which covers the inter-operability
with other applications (external), communication to MCCV, Public Address Systems,
Prakhar Vans, etc.
WAF shall be able to filter the content of specific web applications. By inspecting HTTP
traffic, it shall prevent attacks stemming from web application security flaws, such as
SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), file inclusion, and security misconfigurations.
Web Application firewall is essentially required to safeguard the DMZ from threats
originating through the internet exposure due to mobile interfaces and the integration
of the system with other (external) data sets.

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v. Other Essential security parameters

a) Anti-Virus
Anti-Virus for End Point Security (desktop & mobile users (controlling end users
(clients) at C3i and C2i also through central manager)- all desktop workstations, mobile
devices, etc.
E-mail is most preferred threat vector for attackers and safe city must have robust and
reliable solution in place to protect their e-mail users. Solution must:
i. Inspect all incoming and outgoing emails, and detect and protect against Spam,
spoofing, virus, malware, including scanning of different file attachment types
like doc, xml, txt, ods, ppt, zip etc. including compressed files.
ii. Support for scanning of password protected files/ attachments and provide
sandboxing capabilities for suspicious files.
iii. Support for Data Loss Prevention and have the capability to define rules to
protect crucial data of the organization.
iv. Support for IPv4 and IPv6 and able to leverage telemetry feeds from threat
intelligence feeds that can analyses threat sources in email, both inside and
outside, as well as other sources such as Web Security, IPS, Firewall, File
History, and Advanced Malware.
v. Include an integration mechanism, preferably in the form of open APIs and/or
standard interfaces, to enable integration with firewall, IPS, SIEM solutions,
ticketing systems etc. of major OEMs.
b) Authentication Solutions for Safe Access of Digital Assets for Safe City Project:
The Safe City Project environment is different from normal IT set up where in
citizens, city administrators, officers, System Integrators and other people shall be
accessing various services via connecting various ways of communication. This is
imperative to authorize before they connect to city network and get access to
various applications and services. These users demand access to city resources
using more mediums than ever before, including personal laptops, tablets, and
smartphones, and from home networks and mobile networks. Henceforth, it
becomes important to deploy Authorization solution which can perform following
i. Authorization, Authentication and Accounting (AAA) of network connections.
Should provide risk-based context driven user authentication.
ii. Role-based control for a user, device, or application post-authentication. This
means that a given user and their device are placed into their corresponding
permission and authorization algorithms.
iii. Confidentiality and containment of intellectual property through policy
iv. Identity and asset management considering every element of the system
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v. Should be able to perform end point posture analysis and share contextual data
with vulnerability reporting in order to identify and prioritize vulnerability of
end point and to take appropriate action and time bound remediation.
vi. Solution must have very robust inbuilt context-sharing platform that should
deliver deeper level of contextual data, collected by this envisaged solution for
Safe City Project, to external and internal ecosystem partner solutions in order
to accelerate these solutions’ capabilities across the network. This solution
should share data with other Network devices such as Firewalls and packet
capture system solutions.
vii. Multi-Factor Authentication: Safe City Project Authorities must adopt Zero
Trust Model to protect application and access to these application from
unauthorized users. This infrastructure is being used by variety of users such
as internal employees, contractors and various other authorities such as
electricity and water departments. These users will have divers set of tools to
access these applications hosted in DC/DR/Cloud and may log-in from any
location. This solution must have below functionalities to avoid any cyber
 Validate Users with more than their credentials by utilizing strong multi-
factor authentication.
 Validate their Device, making sure that this is trustworthy and secure.
 Grant the minimum level of permission their workers need to do their job.
c) Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Considering the requirement of a certifying authority PKI has been provisioned
which will complement the authorization in coordination with NAC It has been
provisioned vide a VM layer.
d) Management and Reporting
i. Organizational Asset Data source management, log retention, security alert
monitoring, incident response, governance reports.
ii. Real time digital traps based contextual solution across entire
organizational assets especially covering critical assets
iii. Real time vulnerability detection & Patch Management. Real time
Compliance assessment and non-compliance fix based mitigation.
iv. Monitoring of any privilege use activity and critical user access
v. Real time detection of incoming and outgoing traffic within the organization
network and remediation planning
vi. Real time glass door monitoring, analysis, Triage, Incident Mgmt.
Monitoring and collating Threat Intelligence and cyber news and Security
vii. Basic Security tool administration and customer requests.

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viii. Vulnerability Scanning and policy Compliance scanning.

ix. Dashboard and Reporting.
e) Authentication and Self testing of system
All the Equipment and system should be in built provision of self-authentication
and self-testing wherever possible.
vi. Network Traffic Analyzer (NTA) /Behavioral Analysis & Anomaly Detection Tool
for the City Network:
The rise of unknown malware compromising internal systems, devastating DDos
attacks, APTs and threats bypassing traditional security have changed the cybersecurity
landscape. Building perimeter walls and relying on signature- based solutions is not
enough anymore. Only a detailed awareness of network behavior and a proactive fight
against cyber threats can give control over the city IT environment back to
This Solution should have but not limited to below functionalities:
a) Visibility dentity Awareness
· NTA Solution should provide the internal network visibility and actionable
insight required to quickly identify and troubleshoot a wide variety of
network issues. Additionally, NTA integrates user information with network
traffic statistics to deliver detailed intelligence into user activity anywhere
across the network.
· NTA Solution should also collect and analyse device through integration with
the NAC (Network Access Control) devices.
b) Troubleshooting
NTA Solution should also offer the flexibility and capability to drill down into
the end user, MAC, flows, interface utilization and a wide array of other host
statistics needed for rapid incident resolution.
c) Forensics and Incident Response
By collecting, analysing and storing large amounts of flow data, NTA System
provides a full audit trail of all network transactions for detecting anomalous
traffic and performing more effective forensic investigations.
vii. Workload Protection in Safe City Project Environment:
i. The secure tool should provide application insights and inventory across DC's
using auto generated application discovery and dependency mapping for
workloads in various Dev, Test, Pre-Prod, Prod and other DC zones. It should
always provide application blueprint for continuously changing application
relationships and interdependencies.
ii. It should generate a whitelist policy based on real-time application behaviour and
keep the policies up-to- date as applications evolves and more applications are
added and modified. The tool should enforce that generated application whitelist
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policy consistently across bare-metal, virtual and container workloads. It should

track policy compliance.
iii. It should always provide application blueprint for continuously changing
application relationships and interdependencies.
iv. The tool should have the capability to track every process executed on the server
and map behaviour deviations instantaneously to malware execution patterns. It
should provide high fidelity alters for both systems generated and user defined
v. It should provide real time traffic search and analysis capability for tracking and
monitoring application and network performance on a per flow basis between all
DC and external endpoints for real time and historic traffic flow.
vi. It should detect multiple forms of process behaviour deviations such as shellcode,
raw socket creation, user Login suspicious behaviour, restricted File Access, file
Access from a different user, unseen Command etc.
viii. Advance Security for End Point Detection and Remediation:
Endpoints are often entry points for advanced persistent threats (APT) and targeted
attacks. Advanced persistent threats and customized targeted malware attack toolkits
are intentionally bypassing traditional signature-based antivirus solutions. Endpoint
detection and response solutions do traditional signature-based technologies for richer
behavior-based anomaly detection and visibility across endpoints.
Anti-APT Solution for Endpoints should provide enhanced visibility, context and
control to prevent attacks, so that if malware gets in, it should be detected at earliest
and respond before any damage to the system. These advance solutions must use a
framework of vulnerability detection engine, including one-to-one signatures, fuzzy
fingerprinting, machine learning and an AV detection engine. Also, this must get
integrated to sandbox solution which automatically analyzes unknown files against
behavioral indicators to detect malicious files, block and quarantine.
The unidentified traffic signatures by the Firewall or IPS will be sent to Anti-APT unit
which will inspect and monitor the anomaly and suspicious activity of the packet within
a focused VLAN environment. All identified threats are blocked at the periphery of DC
by Anti-APT unit.
ix. Web Security/ Proxy Solution:
With the emergence of Web 2.0 and social media, web has become very important threat
vector for cyber criminals. The web security should be important aspect of our cyber
security solution and shall have following critical features:
 Must be a hardened Web Proxy, Caching, Web based Reputation filtering, URL
filtering, Antivirus and Anti-malware appliance.
 Solution should support for Anti Malware/Anti-Virus engine that can scan HTTP,
HTTPS and FTP traffic for web-based threats, that can range from adware,

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browser hijackers, phishing and pharming attacks to more malicious threats

such as rootkits, Trojans, worms, system monitors and Key loggers
 The solution should provide Web Reputation Filters that examine every request
made by the browser (from the initial HTML request to all subsequent data
requests) – including live data, which may be fed from different domains to
assign a web-based score to determine the likelihood that it contains URL-based
x. Gateway Level Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus Security Solution:
E-mail is most preferred threat vector for attackers and Safe City Project must have
robust and reliable solution in place to protect their e-mail users.
i. Solution must inspect all incoming and outgoing emails, and detect and protect
against Spam, spoofing, virus, malware, including scanning of different file
attachment types like doc, xml, txt, ods, ppt, zip etc. including compressed files
ii. Support for scanning of password protected files/ attachments and provide
sandboxing capabilities for suspicious files.
iii. Support for Data Loss Prevention and have the capability to define rules to
protect crucial data of the organization.
iv. Support for IPv4 and IPv6 and able to leverage telemetry feeds from threat
intelligence feeds that can analyse threat sources in ingress and egress emails,
as well as other sources such as Web Security, IPS, Firewall, File History, and
Advanced Malware.
v. Must include an integration mechanism, preferably in the form of open APIs
and/or standard interfaces, to enable integration with firewall, IPS, SIEM
solutions, ticketing systems etc. of major market players.

xi. SIEM (Security Information and Event Management):

Security Information and Event Management Unit will fulcrum all security measures.
Every security appliance and the policy framework, functional SoPs will converge to
SIEM. The appliance will be configured for central management with modules available
with every security appliance/ VM to facilitate single event management dashboard.
The SIEM solution must collect logs from security and network devices, servers and
application security logs. The MSI will be expected to perform the following as part of
the SIEM implementation.
i. SIEM tool to collect logs from the identified devices/applications/databases etc.
ii. Develop parsing and normalization rules for non-standard logs
iii. Implement correlation rules based on inbuilt functionality of the SIEM.
iv. SIEM solution must be integrated with a Ticketing or Incident management tool.
v. SIEM solution must provision for all logs retention and must maintain log for
mutual agreed duration.
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vi. C-DAC will ensure that the MSI must appropriately account for the log storage as
part of the solution.
xii. Cyber- Security Incident Response Service:
Safe cities have opened new avenues for attackers who can indulge in disruption. There
is need of comprehensive incident response plan to handle any eventuality of espionage
in better and well documented manner.
Service Provider should provide the following services to Customer in the event of an
information security breach or disruptive cyber incident, such as protection from a
Distributed Denial of Service (“DDos”) attack occurring anywhere within the customer
IT System. The services are as follows:
i. Incident scoping.
ii. Analysis of malware to determine nature, origin, and scope of intrusion or
iii. Review of logs (network, system, application audit, etc.).
iv. Real time monitoring in (for example to search for threat actor activity, malicious
network indicators, backdoor communications, data exfiltration).
v. Real time corrective actions or recommendations as necessary to protect the
vi. Collaboration with UT System and / or outside legal counsel, public relations and
crisis management firms.
vii. Collection of evidence in a manner that protects the chain of custody. H. Data
recovery and restoration requirements for damaged systems.
viii. Data recovery and restoration actions required from backup systems.
ix. Provide recommendations of process or system changes to prevent a repeat of
the incident.
x. Provide comprehensive incident reporting at the conclusion of the incident.
xi. Provide Executive Summaries.
xii. Provide executive level briefings.
xiii. Work with UT internal audit staff to provide relevant points for audit plans.
xiv. During an engagement, OEM will be required to provide:
a) A written status report of activities completed, findings, and planned
activities no less frequently than weekly;
b) Provide the UT System with an inventory of all copies made of files or
configurations from workstations, servers, or network devices
xiii. Privilege Identity Management: Security concerns in Identity and Access

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Including user Authentication, Authorization implementation will also include

Directory Service for Authentication and Authorization of Service User. Solution will
integrate with External Directory Services and gets Token/Identity from Directory
Security Platform shall have strong security mechanism such as the use of advance
encryption/digital certificates/ authentication to ensure that only authorized
personnel have access to critical information, prevent man-in-the-middle attacks, and
that the data is kept private.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) security system that verifies a user’s identity by
requiring multiple credentials should be accessed while dealing with the critical data
from the archives. It is a critical component of Identity and Access Management (IAM).
xiv. Server Security
It should provide effective protection using: Hardware Root of Trust, signed firmware
updates, secure default passwords, Persistent event logging including user activity,
Secure alerting, Automatic BIOS recovery, Rapid OS recovery, System erase and
supporting Spine - Leaf architecture to optimize the east - west traffic flow inside the
Data Center.
xv. Security Risk Audits (Third Part Audit)
It must be ensured that ISO 27001 (ISMS) Security Audits (Third Party) must be
conducted as mentioned in this RFP to mitigate risk in regular operations and to stay
xvi. Privacy Protection
Since the envisaged data would be captured and analysis of sensitive data pertaining to
residents and citizens will happen. Henceforth, privacy protection and ethical use of
personal data must be ensured as per Data Protection Bill/ Act.
The logical depiction for the same is shown in the diagram below: -

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Figure: Privacy Protection Layout

xvii. Application security

a. The security policies in the virtualization layer must be tied to the Surveillance
application, which means whenever any application is moved from one virtualized
server to another, even between different VLANs, the security policies should be
followed throughout the application migration and there shouldn’t be any need to
redefine the security policies for the application at the new location. Also, when the
application is deleted, all the security policies related to the application should also
be removed.
b. Detailed visibility into specific application processes and their associated network
c. Single console to configure Network & Security polices across a heterogeneous
environment where application can run on hypervisor, virtualised server and
containers (apply stateful layer 4 firewall at the edge to protect traffic flow between
external and internal application and databases which will reside on virtualisation
layer sitting directly on the hardware not on the guest OS).
 Security Policy Management
a. Report the amount of East-West, North-South, virtual machine to virtual
machine, virtual machine to physical traffic within the data center
b. Provide a converged view of virtual and physical network, provide end to end
topological view of path between two virtual machines. It should support
leading hardware vendors as well.
i. Edge device security
a. Be able to control and manage your edge devices (edge systems/gateways and things)
b. Extend IT security standards to the edge infrastructure with granular visibility and
control for all connected devices, applications and networking.

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c. Rapidly configure and securely deliver updates/patches to firmware and software

with fine grained control over approvals, scheduling, activation and installation
xviii. Work Flow- secured Management
i. The system must be equipped with mobile application platform to enable sharing
triggers to the field/ beat officer, SHO, DCP on real time of incident occurrence.
ii. Along with the triggers, the concerned officer must be able to get the snapshot of
the incident along with the access to mobile interface of the real time multi-cast
video stream of the camera at incident location.
iii. All the mobile devices for access to the system will be registered and whitelisted
in the system, mac-binded over private VPN network.
iv. Any attempt for unauthorized access to the system will be immediately tracked
and the connection, if established will be terminated. The mobile gateway will
send an immediate SMS to all the officers mapped in a pre-defined escalation

xix. Safeguarding, Anti-vandalism and anti-tampering mechanisms for edge devices:

Effective and suitable mechanisms to be ensured for monitoring upon the vandalism,
tampering, etc. with the field device’ operations like Central Policy Manager at DC for
infrastructure and network monitoring, installation of vandalism proof cameras.
xx. Other security parameters:
a) The message exchange between various applications in the Safe City Project should
be fully encrypted and authenticated. Any application outside the Data Center (DC)
should talk to the applications hosted in the data center only through predefined
APls and via encrypted channel.
b) The Safe City Project architecture should be capable of managing heterogeneous
data, which would be continuously communicated through numerous devices
following different protocols. ln order to ensure that the flow of data between
devices does not run into latency issues, appropriate protocols need to be deployed
so as to minimize latency. The following communication protocols could be used for
the different layers for data flow;
c) Between applications and back end systems: HTTP, SQL, FTP, HLS, SNMP, SOAP,
d) Between back end systems and field devices: Message Queue Telemetry Transport
(MQTT), xMPP, RESTful HTTP, Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), SNMP,
lPv4/6, BACnet, LoNworks, Low Power Wide Area Network (LoRa), Fixed, 4Gl5G,
Wi-Fi, WiMax,2Gl3G From field devices: ZigBee olP, ETSI LTN, lPv4/6,6LowPAN,
ModBus, Wi-Fi, 802.15.4, enocean, LoRA, RFID, NFC, Bluetooth, DashT' Fixed, ISM &
short-range bands.

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e) From a network security perspective all information that flows on the network
should be encrypted to ensure safety and privacy of confidential data. The devices
at each endpoint of the network should be authenticated (using mechanisms based
on attributes one of which could use passwords). The authentication system so used
on these endpoint devices should ensure that only authorized users are sending
data over the network, and there is no rogue data that is sent to the control systems
to generate false alarms or sabotage the systems
f) All the mobile, external devices as required in the system to use data from the Data
Center for effective Decision Support System by the stakeholders will be MAC
bound and proper authentication through login credentials will be provided to
access the encrypted database.
g) Manageability - Ease of configuration, ongoing health monitoring, and failure
detection are vital to the goals of scalability, availability, and security and must be
able to match the growth of the environment. Network should be auto/manual
configurable for various future requirements for the ease of maintenance /
h) Interoperability - The system should have capability to take feed from cameras
installed by private / Govt. at public places, digitize (if required) & compress (if
required) this feed & store as per requirements.
i) Open Standards - Systems should use open standards and protocols to the extent
j) Single-Sign On- The application should enable single-sign-on so that any user once
authenticated and authorized by system is not required to be re-authorized for
completing any of the services in the same session. For employees of the
department concerned, the browser based application accessed on the intranet,
through single-sign-on mechanism, will provide access to all the services of the
departments concerned (based on their roles and responsibilities), Help module,
basic and advanced reporting etc. Similarly, for external users (citizens, etc.), based
on their profile and registration, the system shall enable single-sign on facility to
apply for various services, make payments, submit queries /complaints and check
status of their applications
k) Support for Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) based Authentication and
Authorization- The solution shall support PKI based Authentication and
Authorization, in accordance with IT Act 2000, using the Digital Certificates issued
by the Certifying Authorities (CA).
l) The Security solution will build a zero-trust security architecture where
appropriate security controls are available for every Surveillance
m) Solution will protect every Surveillance application/ workload with a state full
distributed in firewall.
n) Security solution should protect workload at the NIC level with a full stateful
firewall engine at a very granular level based on constructs such as MAC, IP, ports,
objects and tags, active directory groups, Security Groups, etc.
o) The network will provide distributed routing (OSPF & BGP), virtual switching, NAT
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function, Software L2 bridging to physical environments, L2 & L3 VPN services.

p) The solution should be capable to provide agentless guest introspection services
like Anti-Malware etc. and Network introspection services like IPS/IDS, edge load
balancing, multi-site networking (Layer 2 extension) irrespective of underlying
physical topology for active - active DC & DR purposes, container network and
security for container to container L3 networking and micro segmentation for
micro-services etc.
q) Solution provide traffic visibility, end point monitoring for visibility up to layer 7
for network monitoring and automating application security rules, firewall
planning & management, network virtualization operations & troubleshooting
r) Solution will support reduction in Recovery Time Objective when the failover / fall
back are brought up from DC to DR, without the need to redo the IP-addresses, the
default gateway router should be stretched across data centers, also the firewall
policy should also be applied across DC & DR automatically.
s) Each gateway connected to Edge devices uses authorised Access Control Lists for
ongoing communicating with the server to reduce spoofing and device sessions use
an HMAC-based authentication token for continued communication with the server
and should detect anomalies by monitoring configurable device metric thresholds
and initiate remediation actions with rule-based alerts and API based integrations
with 3rd party tools.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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Security zone- Perimeter & Internal (HA) Architecture

Security Parameters- Technical Requirements and Compliance Sheet for MSI

(to provide compliance report with the bid)


S No. Specifications Compliance

(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
1. Firewall architecture should be DC grade with Data and control plane
are different and Gartner quadrant from last 5 years shall be preferred.
2. Firewall appliance should be supplied with at least 4x100GE
QSFP28/40GE QSFP+, minimum 10x 10GE SFP+, 2x GE RJ45 and
SFP Transceivers to be populated as per solution requirement
3. Next Generation Firewall Throughput should be at least 100 Gbps for
Enterprise Mix / Application mix production traffic and should be
scalable to 150 Gbps in Future

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4. Firewall should have IPSec VPN throughput of 50 Gbps. The effective

next generation firewall throughput should be 100 Gbps in real time/
Application/Enterprise traffic mix to cater bandwidth requirement of
100 Gig interface so as to ensure IDS for monitoring malicious activity
or defined policy violations. It should be scalable to 100 Gbps or better

The Firewall must be capable to conduct operations of internal firewall

with regards to application and structured data that will be residing in
the DMZ. Also, it should facilitate the coordinative flow of 2 Gig SSL
data (traffic) to IPS.
5. Firewall should support 5K site-to-site VPN tunnels & 10K Client to
Site VPN tunnels
6. The appliance should be secure in itself with certifications NDPP/
EAL4, FIPS/ICSA. Extra certificate will be added advantage like NEBS
7. The Firewall solution should support LLDP, ECMP, NAT64, DNS64 &
8. The proposed system shall be able to operate on either Transparent
(bridge) mode to minimize interruption to existing network
infrastructure or NAT/Route mode. Both modes can also be available
concurrently using Virtual Contexts. Minimum 10 Virtual Firewall
licenses to be provided with the solution and should be scalable to 225
Virtual Firewalls in future
9. The physical interface shall be capable of link aggregation, otherwise
known as the IEEE 802.3ad standard, allows the grouping of interfaces
into a larger bandwidth ‘trunk’. It also allows for high availability (HA)
by automatically redirecting traffic from a failed link in a trunk to the
remaining links in that trunk.
10. The Firewall should have integrated SSL VPN solution to cater to 5000
SSL VPN concurrent users.
11. The proposed device should minimally attain Common Criteria and
Internet Computer Security Association (ICSA) Certification.
The proposed system should support
c) GRE, VX LAN inspection
d) SSL and SSH decryption for both inbound and outbound apart from
video streaming Data
12. The device support be open based and not on the basis of proprietary
Application specific integrated circuit.
13. The Firewall Threat Prevention (FW + AVC + IPS+ Antivirus +Anti
Malware) throughput should be 60 Gbps for Enterprise Mix /
Application mix production traffic and should be scalable to 100 Gbps
in Future
14. FIREWALL solution should have capability to protect against Denial of
Service (DOS) and DDOS attacks. Should have flexibility to configure
threshold values for each of the Anomaly. DOS and DDOS protection
should be applied and attacks stopped before firewall policy look-ups.
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15. FIREWALL should have a configurable action like terminate a TCP

session by issuing TCP Reset packets to each end of the connection, or
silently drop traffic in addition to sending a alert and logging the
16. Antivirus
17. The threat prevention (FW + AVC + IPS + Antivirus +Antimalware)
throughput should be at least 60 Gbps on Enterprise Mix / application
Production traffic
18. The proposed system should be able to block, allow or monitor only
using AV signatures and file blocking based on per firewall policy
based or based on firewall authenticated user groups with
configurable selection of the following services:
20. The proposed system should be able to block or allow oversize file
based on configurable thresholds for each protocol types and per
firewall policy.
21. The FIREWALL solution should not have any wireless code in the
offered device or its family in hardware or software and should be able
to integrate with the proposed on-premise Anti-APT solution to scan
for zero-day malwares from Day 1
22. Application Control
23. The proposed system shall have the ability to detect, log and take
action against network traffic based on over 3000 application
24. The application signatures shall be manual or automatically updated
25. The administrator shall be able to define application control list based
on selectable application group and/or list and its corresponding
actions and should also support policy-based routing on the basis of
26. Data Leakage Prevention
27. The proposed system shall allow administrator to prevent sensitive
data from leaving the network. Administrator shall be able to define
sensitive data patterns, and data matching these patterns that will be
blocked and/or logged when passing through the unit.
28. High Availability
29. The proposed system shall have built-in high availability (HA) features
without extra cost/license or hardware component
30. The device shall support stateful session maintenance in the event of
a fail-over to a standby unit.
31. High Availability Configurations should support Active/Active and
Active/ Passive
32. Logging & reporting
33. A dedicated appliance with minimum 10TB or more storage RAID
1/5/6 to be proposed with the solution for logging, analysis, and
reporting into a single system with 500 device licenses from day-1,
delivering increased knowledge of security events throughout the
network for centralized security event analysis, forensic research and
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WAF (QTY No.2 in HA)

(Yes/ No) with
S No. Specification
comments, if
The proposed appliance should provide minimum 2Gbps WAF
(HTTPs) throughput
2 The proposed appliance should have:
3 Traffic ports: 6 x 10G QSFP+ and 6 x 10G SFP+ ports and 4TB HDD
Should support 25M HTTP Request Per Second 100000 SSL TPS with
RSA2K Key and 75000 with ECC
Device should have Sub Millisecond Latency
Should support 25 Million HTTP request per second & 10 Million L7
request per second
The proposed appliance should have 32GB RAM and scalable upto
The proposed appliance should have virtual administrative domains
feature that support multiple tenant environments.
The proposed device should have 5 Virtual Instances from Day 1 and
scalable upto 20 Virtual Instances.
WAF should have the flexibility to be deployed and perform in the
following modes: Active mode, passive mode, Transparent mode,
8 proxy mode, Sniffer and Forensic mode.
 Reverse proxy
 Out of Path (OOP) support
9 The WAF should be able to bypass the traffic in case of its failover.
The proposed solution should support standard VRRP (RFC – 2338) or
equivalent for High Availability.
The WAF should support the following escalation modes:
a) Active,
b) Bypass,
c) Passive
12 Should support custom signatures
13 Provide ability to allow/deny URL access
14 The device should support for Ipv4 and Ipv6 traffic
Auto Policy Optimization and learning
• Zero Day Attack Blocking – Extended Mode
• Security Filter Auto Policy Generation
15 a) Full Auto
b) Auto Enabled
c) Auto Refinements
• Auto Discovery
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Should have the capability to Auto-Learn Security Profiles required to

protect the Infrastructure.
17 Should provide a statistical view on collected application traffic
18 Policies must be automatically generated from auto learn results
WAF should continue to provide protection even while in learning
Following Threats should be protected by the proposed WAF solution:
Parameters Tampering
Cookie Poisoning
SQL Injection
Session Hijacking
20 Buffer Overflow Attacks
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Brute Force Attacks
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Path (directory) Traversal
Malicious file upload
21 The proposed WAF should support the Activity Tracking.
22 WAF should support the Historical Security Reporting from Day 1
23 Ability to identify and notify system faults and loss of performance
24 Should support Log Aggregation
25 Should support multiple log formats such as CSV, Syslog, TXT, etc..
26 Should support inbuilt Reporting and sending the report via E-Mail
27 Should support report formats in PDF/HTML/WORD/RTF, etc..
28 Reports should be customizable.
29 Report Distribution Automatically via email
Event Management: There has to be a feature of Management Module/
tool to establish link with EMS platform & SIEM.
The solution must be able to handle OWASP Top 10 attacks, Anti-Bot
31 Mobile DDos protection and application layer encryption and API
authentication and API Gateway protection
The proposed solution should have capability of BOT detection and
Protection beyond signatures and reputation to accurately detect
32 malicious and benign bots using client behavioural analysis, server
performance monitoring, and escalating JavaScript/ CAPTCHA
challenges/Device Fingerprinting
The solution must protect against FTP, SMTP, HTTP, HTTPS and
Application layer Dos and DDOS attacks including stress-based DOS
and Heavy URL attacks.

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WAF should support inbuilt capability or via integration with 3rd

party solution to protect against the mobile/tablet application-based
attacks through Anti-Bot Mobile SDK which whitelist establish trust
based on an embedded software package within the application code
and corresponding cookie verification to protect application against
attacks generated from mobile
The solution must support integration with third party DAST tool to
perform virtual patching for its protected web applications. The
33 solution must support integration with leading DAST solutions like
WhiteHat, QualysGuard, and IBM etc. to virtually patch web
application vulnerabilities
The proposed solution should support below services to protect and
manage access to applications:
• Identity Federation and SSO – Creates a single point of policy-based
access for cloud and on premise/private applications with MFA
• Client and Web-based SSL VPN Access – Policy-based access to
network VPN service through web-plugins or clients on mobile and
desktop operating systems.
• Web Portal Access to Applications – Open web applications to users
instead of opening up your network.
• Desktop Application and VDI Support – Policy-based access to
virtualized applications through a single, consolidated gateway along
with native VDI support and a customizable, web portal.
• Secure Web Gateway Proxy Services – Provides web-based malware
protection and URL filtering through Secure Web Gateway Services
Offered solution should be EAL or NDPP (Network Device Protection
Profile) certified under Common Criteria Program for security related
34 OEM of WAF product should be ISO-9001, ISO-27001 certified

(Yes/ No) with
S No. Specification
comments, if
The solution should be able to communicate bi-directionally with the
proposed FIREWALL solution for automatic blocking/threat update
The solution should support deep packet inspection of SSL encrypted
traffic (including HTTPS) for both incoming and outgoing
The solution should provide detection, analysis and remediation
capability against APT & SSL based APT attacks.

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The solution must employ an on premise (not on cloud) analysis

engine using virtual execution to detect zero day and unknown threats
and must not be signature based. But should have option to work in
hybrid mode if required.
The proposed solution should be able to detect and prevent advanced
Malware, Zero-day attack, spear phishing attack, drive by download,
watering hole and targeted Advanced Persistent Threat without
relying on just Signature database.
The proposed solution should perform dynamic real-time analysis of
advanced malware to confirm true zero-day and targeted attacks. No
file should be sent to third party systems or cloud infrastructure
system for analysis and detection of Malware
The proposed solution should automatically detect and confirm
7 multistage zeroday malware and targeted attacks without prior
knowledge of the malware.
The proposed solution should utilize a state-full attack analysis to
detect the entire infection lifecycle, and trace the stage-by-stage
analysis of an advanced attack, from system exploitation to outbound
malware communication protocols leading to data exfiltration.
The proposed solution should analyze advanced malware against a
9 cross-matrix of different operating systems and various versions of
pre-defined applications.
The solution must support pre-populated Licensed copies of Operating
10 systems and applications/software’s (like Microsoft Office). There
should be no requirement for the customer to buy additional license.
The proposed solution should have the ability to analyse, detect and
block malware in common file formats including but not limited to
executables, JAVA, PDF, MS Office documents as per the OEM policy,
11 links in email and ZIP/RAR/7ZIP/TNEF archives to prevent advanced
Malware and Zeroday attacks and should be able to convert unknown
to known in 300 seconds post detection and should be mentioned on
public website.
The proposed solution should be able to analyse email attachments
and malicious links for static and dynamic analysis
The solution should provide reports in (but not limited to) PDF/CSV
14 The solution should support for SIEM log integration.
The solution should be able to schedule reports and also provide the
15 flexibility to generate on-demand reports like daily/weekly/monthly/
yearly/specific range (day and time) etc.
16 Minimum number of Interfaces – 4x GE RJ45 ports
17 Number of VM’s should be at least 25 on Day1, scalable to 50 VMs
The APT appliance should be able to process minimum of 150000
18 files/month and scalable to 3,00,000 files/month (either web or mail
or both)
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19 High Availability & Maximum Scalability up to 20 devices in cluster

The solution should have dual AC power supply fully populated
20 (within box) and 2 TB in RAID 1 from day one and should have at least
4 extra bays for future scalability

Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

(Yes/ No)
Specification with
comments, if
1 The IPS solution must be a purpose-built dedicated appliance or a
subset of proposed firewall appliance should be capable handling
seamless throughput of 50 Gbps scalable to 100 Gbps
2 The device must have separate dedicated interface for management
and device must have inbuilt internal Redundant Power Supply (RPS)
and redundant hot swappable fan trays
3 Intrusion Prevention solution should have in built or external zero-day
threat protection with customize simulation environment and should
integrate with the asked APT solution.
4 The device must have functionality of hardware-based fail-open or
option to disable software features. NIPS must also have fail-open
feature, in built or external which must allow traffic to pass through
uninterrupted when power failure occur on the NGIPS.
5 The device must accurately detect intrusion attempts and discerns
between the various types and risk levels including unauthorized
access attempts, pre-attack probes, suspicious activity, DoS, DDos,
vulnerability exploitation, brute force and zero-day attacks.
6 The IPS must protect against the following categories: - Exploits,
Identity Theft/Phishing, Reconnaissance, Security Policy, Spyware,
Virus, Vulnerabilities and should support inspection of headers with
802.1Q for specific Layer 2 security group tag (SGT) values and drop
the packet based on Zone Protection profile
7 The proposed IPS must be able to support granular security policy
enforcement based on the following methods: Per application (all
segments), Per physical segment unidirectional and bidirectional.
8 The IPS filter must support network action set such as Block (drop
packet), Block (TCP Reset), Permit, Trust, Notify, Trace (Packet
Capture), Rate Limit & proposed IPS solution must support signatures,
protocol anomaly, vulnerabilities and traffic anomaly filtering
methods to detect attacks

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The IPS should have native protection against credential theft attacks
(without the need of endpoint agents) with ability to prevent the theft
and abuse of stolen credentials.
9 The centralized management server must be an appliance based on a
hardened OS shipped by-default and system shall allow the latest
update to be manually, automatically or based on schedule with
central management and reporting.
10 Must have 4 x 10 G interface, 2 X 100 Gbps and 8 x 1 G copper port. IPS
Should have bypass capability considering internal issues i.e. memory
hang, firmware crash etc.
11 The single device must have minimum Inspected throughput of 60
Gbps scalable to 120 Gbps for all kinds of real world/ enterprise mix/
application mix traffic in Active-Active or Active-Passive mode.
12 The proposed IPS must be able to control the known bad host such as
spyware, botnet C2 server, spam and so on based on country of origin,
exploit type and the reputation score
13 The solution must use prevention techniques and provide zero-day
protection against worms, Trojans, spyware, key loggers, and other
malware from penetrating the network.
14 Latency must be <50 microseconds considering variable size of data
packet sizes in concurrent sessions. Must support 4000,0000
concurrent sessions scalable to 6000,0000
15 NIPS solution should have inbuilt or external zero-day threat
simulation and then create IOC’s within 5 minutes post detection and
revert back to inline device to block threats on real time.
16 The NIPS solution should be able to categorized traffic based on geo-
17 The NIPS solution should be able to filter (restrict/allow) traffic based
on application protocol, web application, client application & server
18 The centralized management server if provided as separate from
asked Firewall management, should provide dashboard for various
summary i.e. top attackers, top targets, categories of attack, categories
of traffic based on geolocation/application protocol/os
19 The centralized management server should have facility to generate
reports such i.e. events reports, intrusion events, malware events etc.
and same should be exported to excel and pdf.
20 The centralized management server should have ability to monitor its
& NIPS health.
21 The solution should have facility to schedule the reports
22 The solution should have facility to rollback update and should not
impact the environment.
23 The NIPS Should support Ipv6 from day one.
24 All features should be fully functional from day one and should be
loaded with all necessary license required.
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25 Accurately detects intrusion attempts and discerns between the

various types and risk levels including unauthorized access attempts,
pre-attack probes, suspicious activity, DoS, DDos, vulnerability
exploitation, brute force, hybrids, and zero-day attacks.
26 The NIPS solution should be able to prioritizes risky hosts and users,
including active botnets, through the identification of anomalous
network behavior
27 Event Management: There has to be a feature of Management Module/
tool to establish link with EMS platform & SIEM.


(Yes/ No) with
S No. Specification
comments, if
DDos mitigation solution should be a dedicated appliance (not a part
of Router or IPS or Next Generation firewall solution). Also, IPS, Next
Generation firewall and Anti-DDos should be from different OEM for
better security purpose
Dedicated appliance based DDOS Mitigation solution with:
i) Legitimate throughput handling of 100Gbps with 100 Million
concurrent connections
ii) Mitigation Capacity of 80 Gbps
ii) Inspection Ports supported: 4 x 40G QSFP+ and 16 x 10G SFP+
Dedicated appliance-based solution with DDos flood prevention rate/
Syn Cookies per second of 200 Million and support of handling 100000
SSL-CPS on RSA 2K Key and 75000 SSL-CPS on ECC with 50Gbps of SSL
BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS using behavioral algorithms and automation
to defend against threats, including Mirai DNS Water Torture, Burst
4 and Randomized attacks, should provide DNS based DDos attack
protection for individual record type like A, AAAA, CNAME, PTR, MX,
NS and TXT
POSITIVE SECURITY MODEL should have advanced behavior-analysis
technologies to separate malicious threats from legitimate traffic
ZERO DAY ATTACK PROTECTION should be provided by behavior-
6 based protection with automatic signature creation against within
seconds of unknown, zero-day DDos attacks.
CUSTOM TAILORED HARDWARE must be proposed using dedicated
7 DoS Mitigation platform which off-loads high volume attacks,
inspecting without impacting user experience.

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Behavioral DoS (Behavioral Denial of Service) Protection should

defend against zero-day network-flood attacks, detect traffic
anomalies and prevent zero-day, unknown, flood attacks by
identifying the footprint of the anomalous traffic.

8 Network-flood protection should include:

• TCP floods—which include SYN Flood, TCP Fin + ACK Flood, TCP
Reset Flood, TCP SYN + ACK Flood, and TCP Fragmentation Flood
• UDP flood
• ICMP flood
• IGMP flood
All layer 3, 4, and 7 DoS/DDos threats including flood/sweep with
Src/Dst IP address awareness, UDP/DNS/HTTP/TCP/SIP/SYN/
ACK/RST/FIN using sub-second detection, network behavior
analysis, 120+ DDos vectors, application anomaly detection, dynamic
filtering, protocol analysis, source tracking, control policies, and
Should have inbuilt advance and Hardware accelerated purpose-built
TLS stack for Key exchange and bulk inspection; RC4, DES, 3DES,
SHA, SHA2 ciphers
The proposed appliance should support Geo-location blocking
OEM has to provision for knowledgeable and specialized security
experts to provide 24x7, TAC services for the network facing denial-
of-service (DoS) attack in order to restore network and service
operational status.”
Centralized Monitoring and Reporting solution should be provided
from Day 1
Event Management: There has to be a feature of Management
Module/ tool to establish link with EMS platform & SIEM.
The proposed solution shall meet following DNS protection
• Should support DNSSEC
• DNS DDos threshold alerting
• DNS query limit for individual record type like A, AAAA, CNAME, PTR,
• DNS NX-Domain attack protection
• DNS TCP active authentication

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Data- Leakage Prevention

S No. Specification Compliance

(Yes/ No)
comments, if
1. Must offer comprehensive customer/server security by protecting
enterprise networks which includes virus protection, spyware,
rootkits, bots, grayware, adware, malware and other computer borne
threats or mixed threat attacks or any emerging cyber-attacks or
zero-day attack protection.
2. Solution must clean computers of file-based and network viruses plus
virus and worm remnants (Trojans, registry entries, viral files)—
through a fully-automated process.
3. Must be able to reduce the risk of virus/malware entering the
network by blocking files with real-time compressed executable files.
4. Must include capabilities for detecting and removing rootkits
5. Must provide Real-time spyware/grayware scanning for file system
to prevent or stop spyware execution
6. Must have Assessment mode to allow first to evaluate whether
spyware/grayware is legitimate and then take action based on the
7. To address the threats and nuisances posed by Trojans, the solution
should be able to do the following but not limited to:
a) Terminating all known virus processes and threads in memory
b) Repairing the registry
c) Deleting any drop files created by viruses
d) Removing any Microsoft Windows services created by viruses
e) Restoring all files damaged by viruses
f) Includes Clean-up for Spyware, Adware etc.
8. Must be capable of cleaning viruses/malware even without the
availability of virus clean- up components. Using a detected file as
basis, it should be able to determine if the detected file has a
corresponding process/service in memory and a registry entry, and
then remove them altogether.
9. Must provide Outbreak Prevention to limit/deny access to specific
shared folders, block ports, and deny write access to specified files
and folders on selected customers in case there is an outbreak
10. Behavior Monitoring:
11. a) Must have behavior monitoring to restrict system behavior,
keeping security related processes always up and running
12. b) Enable certification that a software is safe to reduce the likelihood
of false positive detections or equivalent

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13. Must provide Real-time lock down of customer configuration allow or

prevent users from changing settings or unloading/uninstalling the
14. Users with the scheduled scan privileges can postpone, skip, and stop
Scheduled Scan.
15. CPU/memory (physical or virtual) usage performance control during
16. a) Checks the CPU usage level configured on the Web console and the
actual CPU consumption on the computer
17. b) Adjusts the scanning speed if: The CPU usage level is Medium or
18. c) Actual CPU consumption exceeds a certain threshold
19. Should have a manual outbreak prevention feature that allows
administrators to configure port blocking, block shared folder, and
deny writes to files and folders manually
20. Should have Integrated spyware protection and clean-up
21. Should have the capability to assign a customer the privilege to act as
a update/master relay agent for rest of the agents in the network
22. Shall be able to perform different scan Actions based on the virus
type (Trojan/ Worm, Joke, Hoax, Virus, other)
23. shall be able to scan only those file types which are potential virus
carriers (based on true file type)
24. Should be able to detect files packed using real-time compression
algorithms as executable files.
25. shall be able to scan Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) File
26. Must provide Web threat protection by the following ways:
27. a) Must be able to protect the endpoints from Web threats by
blocking access to and from malicious sites based on the URL’s
reputation ratings
28. b) Must extend Web threat protection to the endpoints even when
they disconnect from the network, i.e. regardless of the location
29. c) Must have the capabilities to define Approved URLs to bypass Web
Reputation policies
30. d) Must provide real-time protection by referencing online database
with millions of rated Web domains
31. e) Configure Web reputation policies and assign them to individual,
several, or all end users’ machine.
32. Must be capable of uninstalling and replacing existing customer
antivirus software and to ensure unavailability of any residual part of
the software.
33. Security Compliance should leverage Active Directory services to
determine the security status of the computers in the network
34. Must provide File reputation service

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35. a) Must be able to check the reputation of the files hosted in the
36. b) Must be able check the reputation of the files in webmail
37. c) Must be able to check the reputation of files residing in the
38. Must protect customers and servers on the network, high
performance network virus scanning, and elimination.
39. Must provide the flexibility to create firewall rules to filter
connections by IP address, port number, or protocol, and then apply
the rules to different groups of users
40. Must have smart feedback to enable feedback from the customer
agents to the threat research Centers of the vendor.
41. Uses any alternate method other than the conventional pattern-based
scanning with the following features:
42. a) Provides fast, real-time security status lookup capabilities in the
43. b) Reduces the overall time it takes to deliver protection against
emerging threats
44. c) Reduces network bandwidth consumed during pattern updates.
The bulk of pattern definition updates only need to be delivered to
the cloud or some kind of repository and not to many endpoints
45. d) Lowers kernel memory consumption on endpoints. Consumption
increases minimally over time.
46. Should be able to deploy the Customer software using the following
47. a) Customer installation Package (Executable & Installer Package
Format), should support silent installer, unmanaged customers,
specific installer for servers
48. b) Web install page
49. c) Login Script Setup
50. d) Remote installation
51. e) From a customer disk image
52. Must provide a secure Web-based management console to give
administrators transparent access to all customers on the network
53. The management server should be able to download updates from
different source if required.
54. Must reduce network traffic generated when downloading the latest
pattern by downloading only incremental patterns.
55. Must have the flexibility to roll back the Virus Pattern and Virus Scan
Engine if required via the web console
56. Should have role-based administration with active directory
57. a) To create custom role type

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58. b) To add users to a predefined role or to a custom role

59. Should have integration with the Active directory 2008/2012 or
60. Shall support grouping of customers into domains for easier
administration & Endpoint security solution should provide
vulnerability protection, which should scan the machine and provide
CVE number visibility and accordingly recommend rule for virtual
patch against vulnerability.
61. Establish separate configuration for internally versus externally
located machines (Policy action based on location awareness)
62. Should have a monitoring feature which sends a customized alert
message to specified recipients when log counts from customer IPS,
customer firewall, and/or network virus logs exceed certain
thresholds, signaling a possible attack.
63. Must be able to send a customized notification message to specified
recipients when firewall violations exceed certain thresholds, which
may signal an attack
64. Should perform Boot & Rootkit scan and cleaning, Endpoint security
solution should have capability of AV, Vulnerability protection, HIPS,
Firewall, Device control, virtual Patching and integrated DLP with pre
and post machine learning execution for malware analysis.
65. Virus definition files should be lighter so that same can be
transmitted to remote locations having minimum of 64kbps link or
the update pattern size should be less than 200Kb
66. AV should be seamlessly implemented on all the variants of the
Operating System.
67. System should be configured in such a way that at no case no
endpoints/remote agents will be able to communicate with OEM
cloud for obtaining updates through internet.
68. In case of bot infection, bot removal tools also to be facilitated to
clean the infected machine
69. The solution should have latest machine learning technology in built
from day one.
70. The solution should have the option of the endpoint vulnerability
shielding in the network.
71. The solution should have ransomware protection in built.
72. Event Management: There has to be a feature of Management
Module/ tool to establish link with EMS platform & SIEM.

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(Yes/ No) with
S No. Specification
comments, if
1 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetrating Testing (VAPT) must
ensure series of tests on the system architectural associated IP devices
throughout the network.
2 Continual security assessments should be conducted so that the
vulnerable areas are exposed and quantification and the prioritization
of such instances can be done.
3 Accurately detect vulnerabilities through rapid network mapping and
regular, scheduled scans across all of your devices
4 Test for and identify emerging network vulnerabilities to prevent
external agents from accessing them
5 Proactively discover vulnerabilities in web and mobile applications
using authenticated and un-authenticated scanning, protecting the
system from unauthorized access.
6 VAPT will behave as a risk assessment tool which will ensure the
following steps:
A. Cataloguing assets and capabilities (resources) in a system
B. Assigning a quantifiable value (or at least rank order) and importance
to those resources
C. Identifying the vulnerabilities or potential threats to each resource
D. Mitigating or eliminating the most serious vulnerabilities for the most
valuable resources
7 Event Management: There has to be a feature of Management Module/
tool to establish link with EMS platform & SIEM.

SIEM Appliance (Should work in HA Mode)

S No. Description Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
1. The SIEM solution should provide a dedicated appliance with
provision of scaling up with distributed architecture and should
have minimum 100 TB of built-in/DAC storage capable of processing
20000 EPS with scalability to 30000 EPS in future. And 1Gbps
capture rate scalable to 5GBPS without appliance change. The
solution should have no limitation of number of devices for

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2. The SIEM solution must be able to store both the raw event log as
well as the parsed event log/normalized data. Storage should be
sized to provide 1-year online log storage at central site. Both raw
logs and normalized logs should be made available with minimum
100 TB usable of storage expandable to 200 TB provided by OEM on
the same appliance.
3. SIEM solution should maintain minimum 90 days of logs (both raw
and normalized) in an uncompressed format to allow for fast
searching, threat hunting, and investigation. Data beyond 90 days
should be compressed with minimum 50% or better compression to
save storage requirement. All the data should be available online for
min 1 year
4. The SIEM & Log Monitoring solution should be from a different OEM
other than the Prevention Security solutions like F/W, IPS, HIPS, AV,
DLP. So that it can detect threats missed by other existing tools using
the security defense in depth strategy.
5. The solution must have the ability to capture live network traffic at
1 Gbps and import PCAP files using the same infrastructure and it
must be able to detect malicious payload in network traffic
• Detect and reconstruct files back to its original type
• Detect hidden or embedded files
• Detect and flag out renamed files
• Complete session reconstruction with support for HTTP/2
6. The solution should be a purpose-built OEM appliance-based system
with following dedicated components:
a. Management & Reporting
b. Normalization and Indexing
c. Integrated Correlation Engine for logs and packets.
d. Data Management
7. The SIEM should provide a unified analytics interface that allows the
same query language to Analyse both log data and raw packet data.
Both raw, parsed and enriched data must be passed to the SIEM
solution from the collectors. Processing of event data should be
performed by parsers on the system. All parsers should be able to be
modified and customized.
8. Devices can be monitored without agents via SSH, telnet WMI, JMX
and PowerShell. Solution should support more than 350 integrations
out of the box for monitoring the complete environment. Kindly
provide documentation for the same.
9. Ability to integrate with Threat Intelligence (TI) feeds with support
10. The solution should provide out of the box reports, at no additional
and SANS critical controls

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11. The solution should have the ability to export and import
dashboards, reports and rules. Also, solution should be able to create
custom reports and dashboard as per requirement with role-based
access control.
12. SIEM solution should support Single Sign On, SAML 2.0 and AD for
enterprise authentication with role-based access control.
13. The solution should provide an integrated SOC dashboard and
Incident analysis system that could provide a single view into all the
analysis performed across all the different data sources including
but not limited to logs, endpoint and packets. The Tool should have
role-based access control mechanism and handle the entire security
incident lifecycle.
14. Solution should analyze following application types:
b. Email and attachments: EML
c. Document files: DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, PDF, WPD
d. Images: JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG
e. Config, system files: REG, DLL, CONF, CPP, ELF, EXE
f. Compressed archives: ZIP, GZIP, RAR
15. Should be able to provide complete packet-by-packet details
pertaining to one or more session of interest including Session
replay, page reconstruction, image views, artefact & raw packet and
object extractions.
16. Should store RAW packet DATA and normalized packet data and
correlate that with logs in the correlation engine to find threats such
1) Payload based attacks
2) Encrypted tunnels
3) Extract exe/pdf/JavaScript/malicious files for analysis
4) Full session reconstruction
5) Uncompress http payload and detect malicious content on the
17. Should support data obfuscation and data privacy requirements. The
solution should support to identify PII/sensitive information in
popular protocols to detect data exfiltration. Also, the appliance
should support data at rest encryption capabilities to mitigate theft
18. The proposed solution should automatically resolve the
unsupported device events by extracting known / key meta [IP
Address, Username, Email address etc.] of an event without having
to write the parser.
19. The Solution should have a centralized management for various
components from a single GUI.

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AAA Server (NAC)

S Specifications Compliance
No. (Yes/ No) with
comments, if
1. Dedicated redundant Hardware Appliances. Should be supplied with
20000 AAA (Endpoint licenses)
2. Should be able to integrate with all makes of manageable network
devices which are capable of supporting open standards-based
protocols required for NAC operation
3. Must provide Network Access Control and visibility in single pane of
glass for the entire infrastructure from day 1 spread across multiple
Network Locations / Zones
4. Must allow system-level operations such as device discovery, event
management, logging and application maintenance to be performed
5. Must provide the capabilities to modify, filter, and create your own
flexible views of the network.
6. Must allow for graphing or viewing in table format and multiple OIDs
that are user selectable.
7. Must allow scheduled events or tasks that the user can perform
behind the scenes or schedule an event for another time in the
8. Must provide a utility to view and select MIB objects from a tree-
based representation and include a compiler for new or third-party
9. Must support RADIUS and LDAP Authentication for users/devices of
the application.
10. Must have SNMP MIB compile capability to integrate any SNMP
compliant device
11. When integrated with security devices such as IDS it must be able to
isolate and quarantine the attacker without disruption to other
users, applications and business critical systems
12. When integrated with security devices such as IDS it must be able to
dynamically deny, limit or change the characteristics of the user’s
access to the network
13. Must provide a web interface that contains reporting, dashboards,
troubleshooting and monitoring tools.
14. Must enable diagnosis of network issues and performance through
real-time NetFlow analysis.
15. Must provide port level analysis capability

16. Must provide customizable reports

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17. Solution should have capability to integrate with IoT solutions

18. Should have the capability to integrate with 3rd party vendors

19. If required, solution should be deployable in a distributed mode with

different units for Different Locations for ease of management,
Authorization and Policy Control. All individual Units should be
integrated to one central Control Unit with hierarchical management
access or role-based access like admin, operator etc.
20. Solution must utilize standards-based authentication mechanisms
enabling non-intelligent devices the ability to connect to the network
and receive the proper network services.
21. Should be able to gather Detailed identity and access information
with OS and device fingerprinting for Blackberry, iOS, Android,
Windows, Linux and more
22. Should be able to perform posture check for compute end points
(Windows & MAC) for OS health for parameters like Registry Keys,
allowed process, AV or Firewall Enabled etc. Should include licenses
towards posture check for the above mentioned no. of devices.
23. Detect and protect any device with IP address without the need for
a client application on each endpoint including detection of VoIP
phones, printers, wireless devices, machinery, cameras, sensors etc.
24. Support event logging of Device Access and Activity Time Stamp
25. Device search functionality by attributes such as user name / OS type
/ IP- MAC address / System Name
26. Must support automated onboarding and self-registration of all IP
end points.
Must also offer the option of sponsorship capabilities to validate
guest registration without involvement of IT staff.
27. Must Support location-based Registration portals to redirect Users
entering through common location to different portals for different
Network Zones
28. Must support automated context-based policy provisioning of
network services for mobile devices
29. Solution must support User Validation as well as device Validation
for two factor security against an AD or LDAP database. Support
integration with multiple LDAP / AD servers
30. Ipv6 support for NAC implementation in networks with Ipv6 end
systems- preferred.
31. Support Management Access Authentication and Authorization for
Network Device Access
32. Support Manipulation of Radius Attributes for Authentication as
well as Radius Accept
33. Must be able to create correlated topology based on LLDP, SNMP, L2
and L3 protocol connectivity hierarchy
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34. Must allow system-level operations such as device discovery, event

management, logging and application maintenance to be performed
35. Must support RADIUS or LDAP Authentication for users of the
36. Must be able to define policies to rate-limit bandwidth, throttle the
rate of new network connections, prioritize based on Layer 2 or
Layer 3 QoS mechanisms, apply packet tags, isolate/quarantine a
particular port or VLAN, and/or trigger pre-defined actions.
37. Must provide a tool to search and locate the physical location of
connected devices and end users, quickly and easily.
38. Must allow IT administrators to easily define a number of pre-
configured network policies, and designate select personnel to
activate/deactivate these policies as appropriate
39. Must be able to provide a centralized history of firmware and
configuration changes and other inventory management operations
made to a device.
40. Must be able to download text-based (ASCII format) configuration
templates to one or more devices.
41. Must provide capability to bind together the username, IP address
and MAC ad- dress, and physical port of each endpoint for forensic
42. Must provide an interface with troubleshooting and monitoring
tools (Ping / Traceroute, SSH, Telnet, Http/s)
43. Must provide event logs for the entire infrastructure of Network
44. Must enable diagnosis of network issues and performance through
real-time Flow analysis (sflow / Netflow / jFlow)
45. Must provide user customizable reports creation
46. Must be able to interact with network security devices and push
template based automated response to security events and thus
remediating real time threats
47. Must provide open XML APIs for integration with third party
48. Must support the ability to monitor end-system events and view the
health results from an end-system’s latest assessment scan.
49. Must provide easy-to-use dashboards and detailed views of the
health of the end systems attached or trying to attach to the network.
50. Must provide the ability for analysts to be able to easily tailor the
dashboard views to present the information in their preferred

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51. Should be capable of reporting for historical and real-time data.

Should be equipped with Custom report designer to meet the needs
of specific data attributes and periodic email of the same to relevant
Administrative team.
52. VLAN steering via RADIUS IETF attributes and VSAs
53. VLAN steering and port bouncing via SNMP
54. Ability to perform caching of MAC address post guest authentication
to avoid the need for guest to re-authenticate during the period of
their visit (3G like user experience after first authentication via
captive portal).
55. Policy model should support incorporation of several contextual
elements including identity, endpoint health, device, authentication
method & types, and conditions such as location, time, day, etc.
56. AAA framework must allow for the complete separation of
Authentication and Authorization sources. For example,
authentication against Active Directory but authorize against an
external SQL database.
57. All external facing interfaces are programmable, which means APIs
are available to extend the system to support different
authentication protocols, identity stores, health evaluation engines
and port and vulnerability scanning engines.
58. The solution Must be an easy-to-deploy hardware platform that
utilizes identity-based policies to secure network access and
includes an integrated set of capabilities bundled under one policy
• Built-in guest management and device/user onboarding
• Web based management interface with Dashboard
• Reporting and analysis with custom data filters
• Data repository for user, device, transaction information
• Rich policies using identity, device, health, or conditional elements
• Deployment and implementation tools.
59. Must support flexible licensing model based on required
functionality (i.e. Profile, Onboard, Posture, Guest Access).
60. Correlation of user, device, and authentication information for easier
troubleshooting, tracking etc.
61. Platform must be deployable in an out-of-band model and support
for clustering with N+1 redundancy model.
62. Flexibility to operate all features/functions on any appliance in the
63. Web-based, interface that includes several productivity tools such as
a configuration wizard and preconfigured policy templates.

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64. Support any type of networking equipment (wired, wireless, VPN)

and a variety of authentication methods (802.1X, MAC auth, Web
65. Ability to take advantage of a phased implementation approach by
starting with one element of access management (role based) and
later incorporating added security measures (endpoint health).
66. Must incorporate a complete set of tools for reporting, analysis, and
troubleshooting. Data from access transactions can be organized by
customizable data elements and used to generate graphs, tables, and
reports. Must correlate and organize user, authentication, and
device information together.
67. Solution must have fully integrated support for Microsoft NAP
allowing health and posture checks on Windows endpoints without
the need to install an agent.
68. Agent-based enforcement – bouncing a managed interface and
sending custom messages. Also, control access to different networks
via whitelist and blacklist. License as per requirement.
69. Must be able to join multiple Active Directory domains to facilitate
70. Event Management: There has to be a feature of Management
Module/ tool to establish link with EMS platform & SIEM.

Network load balancer

S Specifications Compliance
No. (Yes/ No) with
comments, if
A Architecture
1 The Load Balancer shall distribute traffic efficiently while ensuring
high application availability. It shall monitor server health to
determine that application servers are not only reachable but alive.
If the Load Balancer detects issues, it shall automatically remove
downed servers from the server pool and rebalance traffic among
the remaining servers. It shall be appliance based and shall facilitate
multi-vendor, multi-application environment and shall support
third-party products
2 The Load Balancer shall deliver the high availability required by
modern Data Centers. It should support Active/Passive or Active /
Active HA configurations. The Load Balancer shall automatically
synchronize configurations between the pair and automatically
failover if any fault is detected with the primary unit
3 The load balancer shall be built on high-performance hardware,
designed for Data Centers. It shall deliver application traffic of all

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types and scalable to meet the throughput needs of the most

demanding applications
4 The Load Balancer shall support offloading of SSL connections and
should support Certificate format such as “OpenSSL/Apache, *.PEM”,
“MS IIS, *.PFX”, and “Netscape, *.DB” etc. or better.
5 Should provide support for cache rules/filters to define granular
cache policies based on cache-control headers, host name, file type,
max object size, TTL objects etc.
6 The Load Balancer Shall have full traffic control and be able to route
requests to servers based on region, device, browser, or a number of
other factors. This enables organization to deliver customized
application responses to users.
7 Should be high performance purpose built next generation multi-
tenant hardware with NFV and SDN support. Platform should
support multiple network functions including Server Load
balancing, Application Security, Secure remote access and AAA
network functions with dedicated hardware resources for each
virtual instance.
8 Appliance should provide real time Dynamic Web Content
Compression to reduce server load and solution should provide
selective compression for Text, HTML, XML, DOC, Java Scripts, CSS,
PDF, PPT, and XLS Mime types.
9 The server load balancer should deliver 160Gbps L4 Throughput
10 The server load balancer should have dedicated SSL card to support
Minimum 76,000 ECC TPS (ECDSA-SHA256) & 110,000 SSL TPS 2K
11 The sever load balancer should support Minimum 512GB RAM, 4TB
HDD and should have minimum 16x10GbE SFP+ ports, 4x40GbE
QSFP+ ports. Two 1G Copper dedicated management interface
B Features required for Load Balancer
12 Local Application Switching, Server load Balancing, HTTP, TCP
Multiplexing, Compression, Caching, TCP Optimization, Filter-based
Load Balancing, Transparent Deployments, Content-based Load
Balancing, Persistency, HTTP Content Modifications, QoS, Support
for connection pooling to TCP request, Support for distributed
denial-of-service (DDos) protection
Security features
13 Solution should support DDos attacks from day one like Protocol
Attack: SSL invalid packet, SSL handshake attack, SSL renegotiation,
HTTP invalid packet attack – Application Attacks: HTTP slow attack,
HTTP flood attack, long form submission, Challenge Collapsar (CC),
Hashdos, DNS NXDomain flood – Network Attacks: SYN flood, ICMP
flood, Ping of Death, Smurf, IP option – HTTP & DNS ACL rules, ACL
blacklist – Monitoring and Logging: PUSH/ ACK flood, FIN/RST flood,
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Connection flood, UDP flood – Machine learning of traffic patterns

and automatic configuration of HTTP/DNS thresholds to defend
against anomalous traffic
14 Should support machine authentication based on combination of
HDD ID, CPU info and OS related parameters i.e. mac address to
provide secure access to Data Center resources.
15 Supports SAML secure application access – Supports web single
sign-on (SSO) – Serves as a SAML SP (service provider)
16 Solution should capable of blocking access through anonymous
services (TOR, VPN, open proxies, anonymizers)
17 Solution Must Prevents modifying the form data and cookies on the
client side by controlling their invariability between the request and
the response with Cookie Signing, Form Signing, AJAX requests
C Load Balancer Features
18 It should have the capability of Rate shaping & QoS Support to
optimize and handle heavy Layer 4 through 7 traffic loads while
delivering Latency Sensitive Applications
19 It should support integrated antivirus module for scanning of
malicious content in files uploads and should be able to integrate
with the proposed on-premise Anti-APT, SIEM, DLP solution to scan
for zero-day malwares from Day 1
D High Availability
20 It should have feature of Global Server Load Balancing between
different Data Centers without any additional license, from Day1.
21 The solution should provide comprehensive and reliable support for
high availability and N+1 clustering based on stateful session
failover with Active-active & active standby unit redundancy mode.
Also support Single System Image for Load Balancer Function to
create a single VIP (single ADC instance) out of any number of
dedicated, virtualized or virtual APV appliances to provide ultimate
flexibility in scaling out.

Multi-Factor Authentication (with Finger print biometric and hard token devices)
at all workstations
Miscellaneous- Virtualization, OS for servers, etc.
Virtualization licensing socket Base -
- 77 Physical Servers using two sockets in total 154 (77*2) quantity required for
virtualization servers
- 18 physical servers using two sockets in total 36 (18*2) quantity required for security
of DMZ virtualization servers

Microsoft Windows OS for Virtualization Servers

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- 73 Physical Servers each having 4 VM’s (Total 308 VM’s). For each server we need to
consider license for 40+40=80 cores (5 licenses of 16 cores)
- Windows Server Data Center Edition 64-bit latest version

The proposed virtualization solution should support mobile device management of

minimum 320 devices i.e. mainstream versions of Windows CE, Windows 10, Android,
iOS along with zero day support for any new Windows, Android, iOS OS upgrade versions.

Police Department should be able to centrally push all policies and send notifications to
all devices and should provide capability to support multiple active directories, exchange,
and other integration services as required by department.

Compute Virtualization
S No. Specifications Compliance
(Yes/ No)
if any
1. Virtualization Sits directly on the virtualization server
Solution hardware with no dependence on a general-
purpose OS for greater reliability & security and
should be Leaders/challengers in the Gartner’s
Magic Quadrant latest.
2. Guest OS Windows client, Windows Server, Linux (at
Support least Red Hat, SUSE, Ubuntu and CentOS, Solaris
x86) etc. OS vendor should provide certification
and support for hypervisor.
3. Live Live Virtual Machine migration between
Migration different generations of CPUs in the same
cluster and without the need for shared storage
option and long distances from one site to
another with no disruption to users or loss of
services, eliminating the need to schedule
application downtime or business downtime.
4. Live migration of VM disk from one storage
array to another without any VM downtime.
Support this migration from one storage
protocol to another eg: FC, NFS, iSCSI, DAS.
5. Availability Proactive High availability capability that
utilizes server health information and migrates
VMs from degraded hosts before problem
occurs, should optimize power consumption by
turning off hosts during the reduced demand
6. Migration of VMs in case one server fails all the
Virtual machines running on that server shall be

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able to migrate to another physical server

running same virtualization software.
7. It should support affinity and anti-affinity rules
to set constraints that restrict placement of a
virtual machine to a subset of hosts in a cluster
and to keep virtual machines paired or
separated with capability of native backup and
restoration of the virtualization management
8. Solution should have single reboot to
dramatically reduce the upgrade times by
skipping a host reset and help to reduce
patching and upgrade times by rebooting the
hypervisor without rebooting the physical host,
skipping time- consuming hardware
9. Zero downtime, zero data loss and continuous
availability for the applications running in
virtual machines in the event of physical host
failure, without the cost and complexity of
traditional hardware or software clustering
10. Performance Add CPU, Memory & devices to virtual machines
on the fly when needed, without disruption or
downtime of working VMs for both windows
and Linux based VMs.
11. Create a cluster out of multiple storage data
stores and automate load balancing by using
storage characteristics to determine the best
place for a virtual machine’s data to reside, both
when it is created and when it is used over time.
12. Support for persistent memory, exposing it as
block storage or as memory, to enhance
performance for new as well as existing apps
should provide configuration compliance
reports/alerts/dashboards for the underlying
hypervisor platform
13. Should be able to dynamically allocate and
balance computing capacity across collections
of hardware resources aggregated into one
unified resource pool with optional control over
movement of virtual machines like restricting
VMs to run on selected physical hosts.

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14. The Solution should offer virtual load balancers

with L4–L7 load balancer with SSL offload and
pass-through, server health checks
15. Should support network and storage QoS to
ensure performance on per VM basis
16. Security VM-level encryption with no modifications in
guest OS to protects unauthorized data access
both at-rest and live vMotion and also provides
secure boot for protection for both the
hypervisor and guest operating system by
ensuring images have not been tampered with
and preventing loading of unauthorized
17. Solution should protect every Virtual Machine
with a stateful distributed firewall integrated
into the host architecture and provide near line
rate firewall throughput.
18. Solution should enable creation of security
groups and security policies/ rules based on
constructs like machine name, OS type, IP
address, Logical Switches, Security Tags etc.
19. The security policies should follow the Virtual
Machines as it moves within and between the
virtual infrastructures so that there is no need
of creation of security policies again for the
applications once they move inside and across
the Datacenter.
20. Integration of 3rd party endpoint security to
secure the virtual machines with offloaded
antivirus, antimalware, firewall and hips
solutions without the need for agents inside the
virtual machines.
21. Solution should support TPM 2.0 hardware
modules and adds a virtual TPM device to shield
guest OS from Operator or in-guest attacks
22. The security policies in the virtualization layer
must be tied to the application, which means
whenever any application is moved from one
virtualized server to another, even between
different VLANs, the security policies should
follow the application and there should be no
need to redefine the security policies for the
application at the new location. Also, when the
application is deleted, all the security policies

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related to the application should also be

23. Storage Support boot from iSCSI, FcoE, and Fibre
support Channel SAN. Integration with Storage API’s
providing integration with supported third-
party data protection, multi-pathing and disk
array solutions.
Solution should have capability similar of
Virtual Volumes which enables abstraction for
external storage (SAN and NAS) devices making
them Virtualization aware and it should allow
common management across storage tiers and
dynamic storage class-of-service automation
via a policy-driven control plane
24. Management The solution should offer converged visibility
and analytics that tie together compute,
network, storage and security and provide
Physical to Virtual Correlation and
troubleshooting, report the amount of East-
West, North-South, Internet, virtual machine to
virtual machine, virtual machine to physical
traffic within the datacenter
Monitoring of OS level resources (CPU, disk,
memory, network) for any OS and physical
hardware resources of the hosts. These
monitoring capabilities combined with
patented analytics should extend operational
visibility and proactive management
capabilities across OS.
25. The solution should offer comprehensive flow
assessment and analytics and security groups
and firewall rules suggestion for the purpose of
implementing a zero-trust security within the
data-center, provide a converged view of virtual
and physical network, provide end to end
topological view of path between two virtual
machines. It should support leading hardware
vendors as well.

The solution shall provide the ability to identify

and report on over-sized, under-sized, idle and
powered-off virtual workloads such that the
environment can be right-sized and resources
can be reclaimed

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26. Virtual Span across a virtual Datacenter and multiple

Switch hosts should be able to connect to it. This will
simplify and enhance virtual-machine
networking in virtualized environments and
enables those environments to use third-party
distributed virtual switches.
27. The solution should be capable to of multisite
networking (Layer 2 extension) irrespective of
underlying physical topology for active-active
DC & DR purposes, container network and
security for container to container L3
networking and micro segmentation for micro
services etc.
28. The solution should support reduction in
Recovery Time Objective when the VMs are
brought up from DC to DR, without the need to
redo the IP-addresses, the default gateway
router should be stretched across data centers,
also the firewall policy should also be applied
across DC & DR automatically, so that when
Virtual Machines move from DC to DR there is
no need to reconfigure the firewall policies
29. In-built enhanced host-level packet capture tool
which will provide functionalities like span,
rspan, erspan and will capture traffic at uplink,
virtual switch port and virtual NIC level. It
should also be able to capture dropped packets
and trace the path of a packet with time stamp
30. The Solution should provide distributed routing
(OSPF & BGP), VXLAN based logical virtual
switching, NAT function, server load balancer,
Software L2 bridging to physical environments,
L2 & L3 VPN, site-to-site IPSEC VPN services,
distributed L2-L4 stateful firewall at vNIC level.
31. VM based Efficient array-agnostic replication of virtual
Replication machine data over the LAN or WAN. This
Replication should simplify management
enabling replication at the virtual machine level
and enabling RPOs as low as 15 minutes.
32. Operations Solution should provide integrated smart alerts
Management for health, performance and capacity
degradation to identify building performance
problems before they affect end users, should
be able to collect and analyze all types of

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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machine-generated log data, for example,

application logs, network traces, configuration
files, messages, performance data and system
state dumps.
33. Solution should provide capacity analytics to
identify over-provisioned resources so they can
be right-sized for most efficient use of
virtualized resources and “What If” scenarios to
eliminate the need for spreadsheets, scripts and
rules of thumb to provide automated root cause
analysis and should allow connecting to data-
center ecosystem components e.g., operating
systems, applications, storage arrays, firewalls,
network devices, etc., providing a single
location to collect, store, and analyze logs at
34. It should include proactive smart alerts with
self-learning performance analytics Capabilities
with Customizable Dashboards, Reports and
Views to provide real-time insight into
infrastructure behavior, upcoming problems,
and opportunities for efficiency improvements
35. Disaster Solution should provide DR automation
Recovery solution delivered from virtualization manager
Automation console for automated failover, failback and
recovery of application VMs in proper sequence
to other data center with single click
36. Solution should provide solution to perform
non-disruptive DR drill/testing of recovery plan
for full and selected applications every six
months without impacting production
applications running in primary environment.
37. OEM Support Direct OEM L1, L2, L3 24x7x365 days with
unlimited incident support and 30mins or less
response time including the unlimited upgrades
and updates. For 5 years

4.10 Field Devices

Functional requirements and essential needs
A. Cameras and sensors
a) The camera layer will behave to help the city administration gather information
about the ambient city and monochrome city conditions or capture information
from the edge level devices.
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b) The cameras will serve as the eye of policing across the Delhi NCT. The cameras
must ensure faster convergence, stable network, utilizing multipath, Quality of
experience and handover of traffic to multiple users, segregation of different users
/ Police Stations at network layer.
c) The cameras need to work on 24 Hours throughout the year during all weather
conditions and shall also provide continuous multi-cast seamless feeds from the
installed locations with wide Field of View to capture all coverage in the Data
d) Each camera will work on high bandwidth (average 5 Mbps per camera
approximately with H.265 compression) with robust infrastructure to provide
stable and sharp streaming at the video wall layer.
e) The output of the camera feeds will be stored directly at the Data Center through
redundant connectivity measures adopted over multiple ring and mesh topologies
to connect all locations.
f) The multi-casted field cameras will pool in the entire lot of feeds on a multi-cast
enables MPLS cloud of the identified cloud and broadcast the streams at all Police
Stations, District Offices and PHQ, based upon the respective jurisdictions defined
in an operational rule-based network engine.
g) The cameras will be the combination of 6121 Fixed Box cameras (4 MP), 2246 Pan-
Tilt-Zoom cameras (4 MP) and 1622 Automatic Number Plate Recognition
Cameras with IR illuminators (2 MP).
h) The fixed box cameras should have sharp, instant and concentrated Field of View
as desired. It should have Max Image Resolution 2688 X 1520 or better and Lens
2.8 to 12mm lens, Auto/DC/P-IRIS, or better varifocal motorized.
i) FB Camera should have more than 120dB Wide Dynamic Range to get better
visibility in extremely bright and dark environments. The camera should be
effectively eliminating glares and managing over-exposure conditions.
j) The monochrome city conditions during night must be captured within minimum
100m distance with supreme night visibility. The illumination should have
capability of varied angle long range. Which automatically adjust IR lighting
intensity to ensure better identifications during night. The quality of the feeds
must maintain with the desired H.265 codec compression at 25/30 FPS.
k) The PTZ cameras must have adequate widespread Field of View, which will be
regulated and controlled from the C4i.The PTZ cameras must have Optical Zoom
30X or better and Digital Zoom 16X or better. There will be provision of PTZ
cameras to be deployed for entry/exits of public places, dark areas in consultation
with Delhi police.
l) The ANPR- Vehicle Surveillance cameras must ensure highly reliable results of min
90% + capture and OCR accuracy min 90% in both day and night. The ANPR-
Vehicle Surveillance camera has to conduct H.265 codec compression at 25/30
FPS. There will be provision of external IR illuminator with required accessories.

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m) All cameras must be equipped with capabilities to monitor and provide alert
during instances of vandalism, theft, etc. The housing should be vandal-proof with
IP-67 weather-proof and IK 10 enclosure.
n) The cameras will be equipped with embedded cyber security measures and should
not be classified with GB28181, GB/T28181-2011 standards which primarily
facilitate the OEM to access the camera from anywhere globally and ingest outside
videos in the network.
o) The camera should be capable to manage smart of the moving objects to minimize
the effective bandwidth requirement and reduce storage space requirement.
p) The camera should have the capability to rotate the aspect ratios to adjust the
image from x:y to y:x formats as required for the Video Wall.
q) Safe city Logo and Delhi Police logo will be embossed/etching (in colour) in each

B. Civil and Hardware

Supply & Installation of Camera Infrastructure:
Based on detailed field survey as mentioned above, MSI will ensure the supply, install
and commission the surveillance and monitoring systems at the identified locations
and also undertake necessary work towards its testing. MSI will ensure the industry
leading practices during the implementation phase w.r.t positioning and mounting the
cameras, poles and junction boxes. MSI will ensure that, check-points that need to be
adhered by the MSI while installing / commissioning cameras are as follows:
a) Ensure that surveillance and monitoring objective is met while positioning the
camera such that the required field of view is being captured as finalized in field
b) Ensure that camera is protected from on field challenges of weather, physical
damage and theft.
c) Make proper adjustments so as to have the best possible image / video captured.
d) Ensure that the pole is well placed for vibration resistance adhering to the road
safety norms.
e) Deployment of Collisions preventive barriers around the junction box & pole
foundation in case it’s installed in collision prone place.
f) Deployment of Appropriate Safe City logo of Delhi Police on poles and junction
boxes, to warn mischief mongers against tampering with the equipment at the
g) Appropriate unique code is to be given to each pole, which will be painted on
respective pole.

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C. Installation of Poles/Cantilevers
a) The MSI will ensure that all installations are done as per standards with final
check & satisfaction of the Delhi Police. For installation of CCTV Cameras, PTZ
Cameras, Public Address System, etc. MSI will ensure that they shall provide
appropriate poles & cantilevers and any supporting equipment.
b) MSI to supply, install, configure and integrate surveillance cameras at the
identified locations and thereafter undertake necessary work towards their
c) MSI will ensure that the poles erected to mount cameras are good, both
qualitatively and aesthetically (the drawings have to be pre-approved by the
Delhi Police).
d) MSI will ensure the industry leading practices while positioning and mounting
the cameras and ensure that the pole / mast implementation is vibration
resistant. Arrangements for bird scare spikes on top of camera shall be made
to prevent birds from sitting on top of camera box.
e) The poles shall be installed with base plate, pole door, pole distributor block
and cover.
f) MSI will ensure the base frames and screws shall be delivered along with poles
and same will be installed.
g) MSI will ensure, in case the cameras need to be installed beside or above the
signal heads, suitable stainless-steel extensions for poles need to be provided
and installed, so that there is clear line of sight.
h) MSI will be responsible to undertake required structural analysis regarding the
regulated load conditions and considering the respective wind load while
installing the poles / cantilevers for cameras
i) MSI will provide structural calculations and drawings for the approval of
Competent Authority. The design shall match with common design standards
as applicable under the jurisdiction of Delhi Police.
j) MSI will make sure that component-wise certifications by Competent
Authorities (for safety security, IT and Non-IT parameters) for ensuring
adequate performance levels for the project.
k) MSI will ensure that the OEM will be required to provide Manufacturing
Authorization Form/ Certificate with the Country of Origin details for every
product being provided as a part of Project requirement.
l) MSI will ensure that OEM will submit Factory Acceptance Certification for all
its products.
m) The certification of the field equipment like poles for
successful installation in terms of seismic strength, durability, etc. and the
building floor strength a third-party inspection can be conducted through
Government/ PSU Authorized Institutions/agencies like CPWD, IIT- Delhi, IIT-
Powai, IIT-Kharagpur, PDIL, EIL, RITES etc. Certifications for project
components are incorporated in para 4.17 for Chapter 4 of this RFP.

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n) MSI will coordinate with concerned authorities / municipalities for installation

to expedite the work.
o) Poles and cabinet shall be so designed that all elements of the field equipment
could be easily installed and removed.
p) MSI will ensure the physical look of the installation area returns to neat & tidy
conditions after installation of poles, cantilevers etc. The placement shall be
designed keeping in mind the normal flow of vehicular traffic and pedestrian
movement is not disturbed.
q) The indicative drawing of pole and cantilever with foundation work is
provided below:

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Figure: Indicative drawing of pole and cantilever

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Figure: Top View of Pole on Field

D. Outdoor Cabinets / Junction Boxes

a) Each location shall be fitted with outdoor cabinets dimensioned to host all
equipment necessary to operate surveillance systems in this project.
b) MSI will reserve additional room in the location controller cabinet to
accommodate the future system requirements.
c) The size of outdoor cabinet / Junction Boxes shall be sufficient to house all the
system components, which may be installed at the location or nearby. Ingress
Protection should be Outdoor – IP55 or better for Junction Box to be dustproof
and impermeable to splash-water. It shall be suitable for Delhi’s environmental
conditions and it shall have provision for two types of cabinet as follows:
 Power cabinet: This cabinet shall have the provision to house the electricity
meter and the redundant power supply system
 Control cabinet: This cabinet shall house the controllers for all the field
components at that particular location e.g. ANPR, PTZ, Fixed cameras etc.
d) Internal cabinet cabling shall be designed for an easy connection and
disconnection of the equipment and power
e) The cabinets shall be of robust construction and shall include 3-point spring
loaded locking mechanism with Pad lock and protective cover (Allen key) to
prevent unauthorized access to the field equipment
f) Temperature and Humidity Control: All enclosure compartments shall be
equipped with a natural convection air circulation system via provision of air
circulation filters that shall not require maintenance and shall allow free
circulation of air inside the enclosures to prevent overheating as well as the build-
up and effects of humidity and heat, without permitting the entry of elements that
might endanger system operation

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g) MSI will ensure to place all the hardware inside the junction boxes that could
withstand temperatures prevalent in Delhi throughout the year
h) MSI will ensure security of Junction Box from vandalism & theft by using complete
welded structure with fixed rear and side panels.

E. Civil and Electrical Works

a) MSI will be responsible for carrying out all the civil & Electrical work executed and
setting up all the field components of the system including:
 Preparation of concrete foundation for MS-Poles & cantilevers
 Laying of GI Pipes (B Class) complete with GI fitting
 Hard soil deep digging and backfilling after cabling
 Soft soil deep digging and backfilling after cabling with added rocks/ coarsen
 Chambers with metal cover at every junction box, pole and at road crossings
 Concrete foundation from the Ground for outdoor racks, if required

b) MSI will provide distance from junction box to the cameras through the
aggregation point. Since this component has dependency on approval from local
authorities, MSI will also plan this requirement well in advance & submits the
application to the concerned electricity City distribution agency with requisite
fees, as applicable
c) MSI will carry out all the electrical work required for powering all the components
of the system
d) Electrical installation and wiring shall be under standard guidelines to the
electrical codes of India
e) MSI will make provisions for providing electricity to the cameras (ANPR, PTZ, and
Fixed) via SJB (Surveillance Junction Box), housing the UPS/SMPS power supply,
with minimum backup in coordination with Delhi Police and the Electrical
Department. The power will be fetched from the nearby transformer as guided by
the Electrical Department.
f) For the Fixed Box cameras, MSI will provision for drawing power through PoE+
(Power over Ethernet) and for the ANPR cameras MSI will provision for drawing
power through POE, POE+, while PTZ cameras shall be powered through dedicated
power cable laid separately along with STP/SFTP cable if additional power is
g) Registration of electrical connections at all field sites shall be done in the name of
the Delhi Police.
h) Electricity meters will reside inside the power cabinet as per BSES/NDPL

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i) The power connections (electrical meters) charges will be paid by MSI and the
recurring power charges will be borne by the Delhi Police from Go-Live phase
respective to each phase. Appointed MSI will coordinate the execution of
connections with Electrical Department.
F. Earthing and Lightning Proof Measures
a) MSI will comply with all the Technical Specifications taking into account lightning-
proof and anti-interference measures for system structure, equipment type
selection, equipment earthing, power and signal cable laying. MSI will describe the
planned lightning-proof and anti- interference measures in their Technical Bid.
b) Corresponding lightning arrester shall be erected for the entrance cables of power
line, video line, data transmission cables
c) All interface board and function board, interfaces of equipment shall adopt high
speed photoelectric isolation to reduce the damage to integrated circuit CMOS
(Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor chip due to the surge suppression
d) Install the earthing devices for the equipment, including lightning earthing,
protection earthing and shielded earthing. All earthing shall meet the related
industry standards
e) The earthing cable shall be installed in a secure manner to prevent theft and shall
be rust proof. Earthing down lead and the earthing electrode shall be galvanized.

G. UPS for field devices

a) As an acute necessity of the power backup arrangement for uninterrupted
operations of field devices such as switches, cameras Gun-shot detection sensors,
etc. the provision of adequate capacity UPS is recommended.
b) The UPS should be capable to provide 60 min. of power backup in field which will
be placed inside the Junction Box with the set of batteries.
c) A UPS of 1 KVA, 2 KVA load for every pole mounted and floor mounted Junction
Box respectively is considered.
A. Field Devices- Technical Requirements and Compliance Sheet for MSI (to
provide compliance report with the bid)

A. Outdoor Fixed Camera - 4MP

Compliance (Yes/
Sr. No Parameter Specification No) with
comments, if any
1. Image sensor 1/3"Progressive Scan CMOS or better
2. Max Image Resolution 2688 X 1520 or better
3. Lens 2.8 to 12mm lens, Auto/DC/P-IRIS, or
better varifocal
4. True Day and Night Yes
5. Wide Dynamic Range True WDR of 120dB or better
6. Minimum Illumination Color: 0.01Lux @f/1.6 or better,
/ Light Sensitivity B/W: 0.05Lux @f/1.6(IR on) or better

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IR Filter
7. IR Filter Automatic Built in IR Cut filter
8. IR Distance IR distance-50 Mtr. Or better
9. Shutter Speed Auto/Manual, 1/3~1/ 30000s or better
10. Video Compression H.264, H.265 (Dynamic group of pictures)
or better
11. Resolutions and frame Minimum 4MP with 25/30fps or Better
rates (H.265)
12. Video Streams Individually configurable minimum 03
video streams
13. Streaming Method Unicast, Multicast, Broadcast support along
with multi stream support
14. Local storage SD Card Slot with 128 GB or better Support
with provided 128 GB card
15. Image Settings Colour, Brightness, Sharpness, Contrast,
White balance, Backlight compensation,
Image Mirroring, Text and image overlay,
BLC/HLC/ AGC required
16. Supported Protocol HTTP, HTTPS/SSL/TLS, TCP, ICMP/RTSP,
UPnP/ARP/DNS, SMTP, Ipv4/Ipv6.
17. Ethernet Port RJ‐45 (10/100Base‐T) Mbps or Better

18. ONVIF Profile S, G / Profile S, G, T

19. Operating Temp -30 °C ~ 60 °C, Up to Humidity 90%
20. HLC, BLC Aut
21. IR – Internal/External IR 50 meters to be considered Internal or
22. Housing IP 67 Rated IK 10 rated for outdoor use
23. Certifications CE, FCC, UL/cUL, BIS, NEMA 4X
24. Power Requirement POE+
25. Mounting Accessories For pole and surface mount with L/C
26. EMI EMC Surge test (Level 4) as per IEC:61000-4-
5(Level 4)
27. Audio 1 Channel Audio IN/ 1 Channel Audio Out
or Built In MIC/ 1 Channel Audio Output,
Support two-way audio (Optional)
28. MTBF Min 100000 Hours or better

29. Defogger Digital defogger/Defogger

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30. Misc. The Camera to be provided by the

OEM/bidder should not be complying to
GB28181, GB/T28181-2011 standards and
there should be no option to activate or
deactivate GB/T 28181 standards in the
camera web page/settings.

B. Outdoor PTZ Camera - 4MP, 30x Optical Zoom and Joystick control
Compliance (Yes/
Sr. No Parameter Specification No) with
comments, if any
1. Image sensor 1/3-in. CMOS & Minimum 4 MP
2. NUMBER OF PIXELS 2592 × 1520 (4MP)
(H × V) 30X or better
3. Optical Zoom 30X or better
4. Digital Zoom 16X or better
5. Min. Illumination Color: 0.01 lux @f1.6 or better
B/W: 0.05 lux (with IR on) @f1.6 or better
6. WDR True WDR 120 db or better
7. Focal Length 4.5 mm – 135 mm or 4.3 mm - 129 mm or
4.8 mm - 144 mm or 6mm -180 mm
8. Max Aperture F1.6 – F5.0
9. IR Distance 150 m or better
10. Defog On/Off
11. PAN Travel 360° endless
12. TILT Travel 0 to 90°, auto flip 180°
13. Manual PAN Speed Up to 180°/s or better
14. Manual TILT Speed Up to 120°/s or better
15. Preset Speed Pan: 240°/s; Tilt: 200°/s or better
16. Presets 256 or better
17. Image Rotation Flip
18. Language support English
19. Compression H.264, H.265 or better
20. Streaming Capability Individually configurable minimum 03
video streams (multicasting)
21. Frame Rate 25/30 FPS
22. Day and Night Automatic, Color, Mono
23. White Balance Auto / Manual
lamp/Sodium lamp
24. Ethernet RJ‐45 (10/100Base‐T)

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25. Protocols IPv4/IPV6, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP,

26. Streaming Method Unicast, Multicast, Broadcast support along
with multi stream support
27. Local Storage SD Card Slot with 128 GB or better Support
with provided 128 GB card
In the event of failure of connectivity to the
central server the camera shall record
video locally on the SD card automatically.
28. Power 24 VAC, 3 A (±10%), PoE+ (802.3at)/POE+
29. Mount Wall / Pole Mount
30. Working Temperature -30 °C ~ 60°C, up to Humidity 90%
31. ONVIF Profile S, G /Profile S, G, T
32. Certifications CE, FCC, UL/cUL, BIS, NEMA 4X
33. Mounting Accessories For pole and surface mount with L/C
34. EMI EMC Surge test (Level 4) as per IEC:61000-4-
5(Level 4)
35. Housing IP 67 Rated IK 10 rated for outdoor use
36. Audio 1 Channel Audio IN/ 1 Channel Audio Out
or Built In MIC/ 1 Channel Audio Output,
Support two-way audio (Optional)
37 HLC, BLC Auto
38 MTBF Min 80000 Hours or better
39 Defogger Digital defogger/Defogger
40 Misc. The Camera to be provided by the
OEM/bidder should not be complying to
GB28181, GB/T28181-2011 standards and
there should be no option to activate or
deactivate GB/T 28181 standards in the
camera web page/settings.

C. Outdoor Fixed ANPR Camera with IR Illuminator- 2MP

Compliance (Yes/
S.No. Specification No) with
comments, if any
ANPR 2 Mega pixel camera / Sensor (True day and night): one per
lane to be used to capture all vehicles including 2 wheelers. All types
1. of number plates reflective type and standard type should be
captured. Vehicle image also should be captured under all
conditions. Image compression JPEG. Connectivity Ethernet.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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Camera resolutions as needed by the solution to achieve highly

2. reliable results of min 90% + capture and OCR accuracy min 90% in
both day and night.
3. Color images for day, monochrome images for night
Global shutter sensor or rolling shutter sensor with Image
5. Lens: True Mega pixel or better, Day & night, IR corrected, lens.
Flash power should be sufficient to capture vehicle images also at
6. night which can help ANPR Camera to capture retro reflective and
non-reflective number plates.
Cameras should be able to detect Number plates of Vehicle upto 120
Kmph without any distortion in image.
Image sensor 1/2” Progressive Scan CMOS Sensor 2.0
megapixel or better CMOS.
9. Max Image Resolution 1920x1080 or better
10. Lens C/CS or inbuilt with 5- 50 mm or better
11. True Day and Night Yes
12. Wide Dynamic Range True WDR of 120dB or better
Minimum Illumination Color: 0.001Lux @f/1.6
13. / Light Sensitivity B/W: 0.001Lux @f/1.6
Or better
14. IR Filter Automatic Built in IR Cut filter
IR Distance IR distance- 80 Mtr. Or better; Inbuilt or
External IR
Shutter Speed 1-1/30000s or better; slow & auto shutter
17. Video Compression H.264, H.265 or better
Resolutions and frame All resolution streams with 25/30fps or
rates (H.265) Better
Video Streams Individually configurable minimum 03
video streams or more
Streaming Method Unicast, Multicast, Broadcast support
along with multi stream support
Local storage SD Card Slot with 128 GB or better Support
provided with 128 GB card
Image Settings Colour, Anti-glare Brightness, Sharpness,
Contrast, White balance, Backlight
22. compensation, Image Mirroring, Text and
image overlay, HLC, 3D DNR, Defog, EIS,
ROI, AGC, bmp format,
DynDNS, SMTP, Ipv4/Ipv6.

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24. Ethernet Port RJ‐45 (10/100Base‐T) Mbps or Better

25. ONVIF Profile S, G / Profile S, G, T
Operating Temp -30 °C ~ 60 °C, Humidity 90% or less (non-
27. HLC, BLC Auto
IR – Internal/External IR 80 meters to be considered Internal or
external or better
29. Input / Output Min 2/2 or better
30. Housing IP 67 Rated IK 10 rated for outdoor use;
31. Certifications CE, FCC, UL/cUL, BIS, NEMA 4X
32. Power Requirement Power Over Ethernet (P.O.E.),POE+
Mounting Accessories For pole and surface mount with L/C
EMI EMC Surge test (Level 4) as per IEC:61000-4-
5(Level 4)
Audio 1 Channel Audio IN/ 1 Channel Audio Out
35. or Built In MIC/ 1 Channel Audio Output,
Support two-way audio (Optional)
36. MTBF Min 100000 Hours or better
37. Defogger Digital defogger/Defogger
Misc. The Camera to be provided by the
OEM/bidder should not be complying to
GB28181, GB/T28181-2011 standards
and there should be no option to activate
or deactivate GB/T 28181 standards in the
camera web page/settings.

D. Poles - for Cameras with 1 mtr ARMs for Fixed & PTZ

Sr.No. Parameter Technical Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
1. General Requirement Hot dip galvanized pole with silver coating
of 86 micron as per IS:2629 with suitable
bottom and top thick HT plate along with
base plate and suitable arm bracket and
with J type foundation bolts. Fabrication in
accordance with IS 2713 (1980), Ground
based security GI MS pole with accessories
to mount the PTZ and bullet/fixed cameras
2. Material Mild Steel (M.S) Tubular Pipe (B-Class) as
per IS-1239 (Part-1)-193 or Mild Steel hot
dip galvanized with Yellow Painted with
two layered.
3. Diameter and Outer diameter 125mm or better
Thickness Thickness 3.96 mm +- 5% tolerance
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4. Base Plate MS hot dip galvanized 15 mm thick (300

mm by 300 mm) with four MS hot dipped
20 mm dia. foundation bolts
5. Foundation Pole would be fixed on an adequate and
strong Foundation to withstand city
weather conditions and wind speed of 180

Foundation –
RCC blocks with 10 mm tor steel size 500
mm by 500mm by 1800mm. foundation
bolts (4 no’s ,16mm dia. ,700 mm length)
precasted in RCC block.

Casting of civil foundation with foundation

bolts to ensure vibration free (video feed
quality should not be impacted due to wind
in different climatic conditions)
6. Height Height of the pole shall be as per
requirement of the location varying from
6m or higher.
7. Arm / Overhang If required System Integrator can provide
around 1 mtrs. ARM
8. Lighting Protection Copper lighting arrestor at top of the pole
14mm diameter.
9. Earthing Chemical/salt earth pit with depth of 10
10. Seismic dampeners, Seismic dampeners required as per Delhi
anti-corrosion seismic zone.
warranty, Load Warranty of anti-corrosion of min 10 years
Capacity, Wind Velocity or better
capacity Wind velocity = Min 180 KMPH (pole
mounted at ground level).
Required structural certificated based on
the loading etc.
Load capacity = ONE PTZ with two bullet
cameras and one junction box of 12U (if
pole mount) and 16 U (if floor mount)
Wind loads as per IS: 875
11. Design Standard and IS: 800-2007 and min 10 years life or better
Design life
12. Accessories like As per the final drawings and with
Washer, Screws, Nut approval by recognized institution. Metal
Bolts and other Climb blocker need to be installed on every
required accessories pole, conceal cabling & wiring should be

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E. Poles - Cantilever Poles for ANPR camera

Sr.No. Parameter Technical Specifications Compliance

(Yes/ No) with
comments, if
1. General Requirement Hot dip galvanized pole with silver
coating of 86 micron as per IS:2629 min
10 cm diameter pole and suitable bottom
and top thick HT plate along with base
plate suitable for wind speed 50 m/sec
with suitable arm bracket and with J type
foundation bolts. Fabrication in
accordance with IS 2713 (1980) with
accessories to mount four to six bullet
/ANPR cameras
2. Material Mild Steel (M.S) Tubular Pipe (B-Class) as
per IS-1239 (Part-1)-193 or Steel E350
grade or Mild Steel hot dip galvanized
with Yellow Painted with two layered.
3. Diameter and Outer diameter 125mm or better
Thickness Thickness 3.96 mm +- 5% tolerance
4. Base Plate MS hot dip galvanized 16 mm thick (400
mm by 400 mm) with four MS hot dipped
20 mm dia foundation bolts.
5. Foundation Pole would be fixed on an adequate and
strong Foundation to withstand city
weather conditions and wind speed of
180 km/hr.

Foundation –
RCC blocks with 10 mm tor steel size 500
mm by 500mm by 1800mm. foundation
bolts (4 no’s ,16mm dia. ,700 mm length)
precasted in RCC block.

Casting of civil foundation with

foundation bolts to ensure vibration free
(video feed quality should not be
impacted due to wind in different climatic

6. Height Height of the pole shall be as per

requirement of the location varying upto
7. Arm / Upto 5 mtr. with guy rope with extension
Overhang/Cantilever arm dia. of 73 mm /3.05 mm thickness GI

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–MS pole attached with main pole via

fledge joint/fledge thickness 14mm.
8. Lighting Protection Copper lighting arrestor at top of the pole
14mm diameter or better.
9. Earthing Chemical/salt earth pit with depth of 10
10. Design Standard and IS: 800-2007 and minimum 10 years of
Design life life or better
11. Seismic dampeners, Seismic dampeners required as per Delhi
anti-corrosion seismic zone.
warranty, Load Warranty of anti-corrosion of min 10
Capacity, Wind Velocity years or better
capacity Wind velocity = Min 180 KMPH (pole
mounted at ground level).
Required structural certificated based on
the loading etc.
Load capacity = four to six bullet cameras
and one junction box of 12 U (if pole
mount) and 16 U (if floor mount).
Wind loads as per IS: 875
12. Accessories like As per the final drawings with approval
Washer, Screws, Nut by recognized institution. Metal Climb
Bolts and other blocker need to be installed on every pole,
required accessories conceal cabling & wiring should be there

F. Network Access Switches - 8 or more ports

Sr. No Type: Layer 2 Manageable Industrial Grade Compliance (Yes/

switch. No) with
comments, if any
1. Ports Minimum 8 x of 10,100,1000 RJ45
interfaces with POE+ Supporting IEE
802.3af and 802.3 at standards and 4 x 1G
SFP interface and 2x1G single mode optix
on day one. Simultaneous active port count
should be 12 or more. Support EEE on all
copper ports
2. Performance and It should be industrial grade switch which
Reliability should operate at wider temperature range
(-10 to 60 deg) or better withstands
greater shock, vibrations, temperature and
EMI/EMC tests. It should have non-
blocking wire-speed architecture. It should
be architected to support real time
applications like voice, video, data by
having distributed architecture. Should
support IP 30 rating.
MTBF value not less than 20/25 years
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3. Power POE Budget – 240 watts.

4. VLAN support a. Minimum 1024 active VLANS
b. Dynamic VLAN with VTP / MVRP /PIM
c. IP subnet VLAN
d. 802.1v
e. 802.1ad (q-in-q)
f. Private VLAN
5. Security a. 802.1x support
b. MAC-based Authentication
c. DHCP Server ipv4 & ipv6, Client, Relay,
Snooping, option 82/Relay,
d. ACL based on L2, L3, L4 rules
e. IP source Guard
f. Storm Control for unicast, broadcast and
g. Cable diagnostics to measure cable
h. Ipv4 & ipv6 sFlow Agent
6. Surveillance Traffic a. 8K MAC table
handling Features b. 8 QoS queues per port, DSCP remarking
c. NTP over IPv6.
D. Bandwidth control rate limit, Per VLAN
port mirror
e. Ring Protocol for fast failover. Link loss
recovery < 50ms
f. IGMP snooping - v1, v2, v3, MLD
snooping, MVR/PIM
7. Management a. GUI - should be supplied with software
for mass configuration of switches.
b. IP v6 compatible and management with
support for SSH, Telnet, SNMP, RMON
c. Support Syslog for alarm
d. Dedicated Management port with
industry standard CLI
e PoE management - Scheduling of Power
Delivery, Power limit by device type and
Power delivery prioritization
f. Switch Port Analyzer per VLAN
g. RADIUS (Authentication and
Accounting), TACACs+ 3.0 , RMON I and II,
DNS Server, Client and Proxy, Configurable
LLDP-MED values
h. Support for RFC 2544 or better
8. Certification a. EN 61000-4-5 Surge
b. EN 60950c
c. RoHS and WEEE compliant
d. NEMA- TS2

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9. Operating conditions temperature -10° ~ 60°C, humidity 5% to

95% (Non-condensing)
10. Accessories: Should be supplied with mounting bracket,
DIN rail, power cord, console cable and
installation guide with each switch.
11. Warranty and Support As mentioned in RFP with support and OS
12. Seamless Integration Seamless Integration: For Seamless
Integration and Interoperability all the
switches and SFP Modules should be fully
compatible for smooth functioning of the

G. Junction Box - Floor placed and Pole mounted (including last mile passive
networking, Earthing, etc.)

S.No Parameter Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
1. Ingress Protection Outdoor – IP55 or better, Floor mount
Dimension -16U (800 W x (16U) x 800 D),
Pole Mount -12U (600Wx(12U)x600D (in
2. Cooling Force Cooling Thorough Fan with filter
provisions. Fan and filter housing unit min
02 (top/side mounted) or better. The final
number of fans will be decided by thermal
calculations of actual load.
3. Mounting Both Pole & Floor Mount
Pole/ Floor mounting arrangements with
support bracket and other accessories like
Nut bolts, washers etc. as required
4. Material Galvanised Iron (GI) Sheet - 120GSM,
Galvanised Iron (GI) sheet gauge for
 Floor mount JB- 1.6 mm or better
 Pole Mount JB- 1.2- 1.5 mm
Surface treatment PP Coating 80-120
Nano ceramic coated, electro-phoretic (EC)
dip coat primed and then powder coated
5. Temperature Inside cabinet temperature should be
maintained between 0 to 40°C or better
6. Locking 3-point spring loaded locking mechanism
with Pad lock and Allen key with anti-
rusting metal protective cover
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Opening leaver/handles should be made of

7. Weight Weight bearing capacity should be Min 90
Kg for floor mount, for Pole Mount 65 Kg
8. Service & Professional and Prompt
9. Anticorrosion Minimum 10 years or better from date of
Warranty & JB Life installation at site

10. Others  Removable high-quality EPDM gasket for

IP rating
 Rain canopy 75 mm on top with front
projection of the enclosure such that rain
water or water lodging should not
penetrate in Junction Box
 Horizontal/Vertical PDU
 Caging for security of Junction Box from
vandalism and theft
11. Design The design of the JB both Pole and Surface
to be submitted.
12. Safe City Logo & DP Safe city Log and Delhi Police logo will be
Logo embossed/etching (in color) in each JB

H. Gun Shot solution-200 No

a. Functional requirement

Gunshot application should be provisioned in order to capture the instances threatening

severe crimes related to bullet fire. The application should be capable enough to capture
the Gun shot sound in the noisy conditions of roads in Delhi. It is to be considered that
the Gun-shot application would be operated for the camera locations where the Police
Administration has firm trends of such probable crimes only considering the low
accuracy of the solution in the current demographics of Delhi NCT.

This solution should be capable for analyzing the object movement speed, sound transfer
rate, thermal effect, etc. considered for better success rate of the application.
Key result areas:
a. Gunshot detectors which are large acoustic needs to be positioned across 200 poles
out of all envisaged locations covering more criminal prone areas across the city. They
form an expansive geographic network that cover whole neighbourhoods.

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b. Gunshot detectors sense several unique characteristics of gunshots to recognize the

sound of a bullet blast, the “crack” of a projectile moving at supersonic speeds, and a
visible muzzle flash.
c. When someone fires a gun, multiple sensors must detect the noise and record the
precise moment of the sound reached the sensor. The volume of the shot and tiny
differences in the time it took the sound to reach the sensor must be able to establish
the distance of the shot from each detector. The system must be capable to use this
information to triangulate the location of the shooter.
d. Gunshot detection- Technical Requirements and Compliance Sheet for MSI (to
provide compliance report with the bid)

Compliance (Yes/
Sr. No Specification No) with
comments, if any
Built using AI that runs entirely on the edge
Up to 80% accurate at up to 200 feet; AI technology enables increased
accuracy over time in an environment
AI allows the system to detect a broad range of gunshot types
Up to 1000 feet of localizable acoustic range
Receive real-time acoustic alerts sent via email and text

I. Public Address System + loudspeaker

At 182(c2i) +16(c3i) +2(c4i) + 100(loudspeaker in field) = 300 identified spots (locations)

centrally regulated at C4i
a. Functional Requirements

The network PA works very much similarly to computer networks where packets of data are
transmitted from one node to another with each of them having a unique IP address in the
network system. The nodes will then only pick up the packets that solely addressed to them.
The network PA can also be integrated with other building services or subsystems that are
TCP/IP compliant like PA system at C2i can be instructed from C4i/C3i and other building
management system to provide instantaneous voice assisted response and feedback from
each system. The PA system should have at least featured like:
i. All the elements of the system are IP compatible.
ii. PS/Districtwide announcements based on the selection of channel and all call
emergency announcements can be made through the PA system.
iii. This IP based P A system can be accessed from anywhere and everywhere and
forward required messages. It should have the capability to control individual
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PAS i.e. to make an announcement at select location (1:1) or multiple locations (1:
many). The PAS should also support both, Live and Recorded inputs
iv. PA system shall be connected at C2i, C3i and C4i level. In addition to this PA
system for Mobile Command Control Vehicle (MCCV) can also be provided in
order to have the connectivity centrally.
b. PAS - Technical Requirements and Compliance Sheet for MSI (to provide compliance
report with the bid)

S No. Public Address System (PAS) Compliance

(Yes/ No) with
comments, if any
1. The Public Address System (PA) shall be capable of addressing
citizens at specific locations from the ICCC.
2. The proposed system shall contain an IP-based announcing
control connected to the ICCC.
3. Public Address system shall be used at intersections, public
places, market places or those critical locations as identified by
Delhi Police to make important announcements for the public.
4. The system shall contain an IP based amplifier and uses PoE
power which shall drive the speakers (If amplifier required more
power supply should be provided externally through junction box
provisioning). The system shall also contain the control software
which shall be used to control/ 5monitor all the components of
the system which in6clude Controller, Calling Station & keypad,
Amplifier (Mixing & Booster).
5. It shall be able to broadcast messages across all PA systems or
specific announcement could be made to a particular location
supporting single zone / multi zone operations.
6. The system shall also deliver pre-recorded messages to the loud
speakers attached to them from CD/DVD Players & Pen drives for
public announcements.
7. The system shall contain an IP-based amplifier and uses PoE
power that could drive the speakers. The system shall also
contain the control software that could be used to
control/monitor all the components of the system that includes
Controller, Calling Station & keypad, Amplifier (Mixing &
8. PA system’s master controller shall have function keys for
selecting the single location, group of locations or all locations,
simple operation on broadcasting to any terminal or separated
9. PA system’s master controller should facilitate multiple MIC
inputs and audio inputs.

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10. Scope of Work

11. The broad scope of work to be covered under this sub module will
include the following, but is not limited to:
12. MSI will install IP based Public Address System as part of the
information dissemination system at 200 locations (the location
details will be shared & finalized with the successful MSI) in the
city. These systems shall be deployed at identified junction to
make public interest announcements.
13. The system deployed shall be IP based and have the capability to
be managed and controlled from the ICCC
14. MSI, in consultation with Delhi Police can propose alternate
locations apart from the locations mentioned in this RFP for
installing the PA system where their effectiveness in
communicating information about traffic conditions in Delhi
Police will be maximized.
15. Delhi Police shall review and approve the proposed locations. MSI
will install the PA system on the approved locations.
16. Should have the capability to control individual PAS i.e. to make
an announcement at select location (1:1) and all locations (1:
many) simultaneously.
Public Address System Technical Parameters
S No. Parameter Compliance
(Yes/ No) with
comments, if any
1. Should have the capability to control individual PAS i.e. to make
an announcement at select location (1:1) or multiple locations (1:
many). The PAS should also support both, Live and
Recorded inputs
2. Field Side Equipment

3. IP amplifier with minimum 50 Watts, Class D.

4. Native IP connectivity, no convertors to be used

5. 0 to 55 C Temperature rating for Amplifier

6. Automatic Volume Control

7. Frequency Response: 50Hzto 15000 Hz for Amplifier

8. 2Inputs and 1 Output relay contacts in Amplifier

9. Speaker: Minimum 2 Speakers 20 W capacity

10. Frequency Response of Speaker 350 -10,000Hz

11. Line Monitoring Facility for speakers

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12. IP 55 Housing for amplifier

Control room Side Equipment

1. Central Software based server application capable of working on
virtual environment/cloud
with 100% redundancy for DC & nDR
2. Access control mechanism would be also required to establish so
that the usage is regulated.
3. Integration with VMS and Command & Control center or any
other component if required
4. PA Master Controller to have facility for multiple mic inputs,
direct dialing buttons, LCD screen
5. Software Client for making Calls to PA and ECB

6. Automatic Volume Control, Call recording of all PA

announcements with date and time
7. Transmission bandwidth16000 KHz.

8. Operating temperature for control desk 0 to +60C

J. UPS (60 Minutes backup)- 1KVA, 2KVA with 60 mins. Backup on 80% Load

Sr. Parameter Specifications Compliance

No (Yes/ No) with
comments, if
1. 1.0 KVA / 900 W, 2.0 KVA / 1600 W (It will
be placed in field so required rigid UPS)
2. IGBT (Rectifier & Inverter both); ECO
Mode required
3. Wave form & Freq Pure Sine wave & shall have frequency
converter converter mode
4. Display LCD
5. Input power factor
0.99 at 100% Linear load
6. 1Ph, L-N+PE (176 to 300Vac) +/- 3% on
full load & shall support upto 110Vac for
60% load).
7. Input configuration UPS Shall have inbuilt OVCD protection.
OVCD shall be capable to withstand 430
VAC for minimum 24 Hours. (OVCD is Over
Voltage Cut Off Device)
8. 45 to 55 Hz frequency (or 54 to 66 Hz for
Frequency (Input)
60Hz Output)

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9. Frequency (output) 50Hz or (selectable to 60Hz)

10. 200/208/220/230/240Vac shall be
Output Voltage
available with +/-1% regulation
11. V threshold / Output
< = 2% max full linear load
Voltage Distortion
12. Output Power factor 0.9
13. Crest factor 3:1 or better
Online Mode: Greater than or equal to
88% @ Full Rated Load & Battery Fully
14. charged
AC-AC Efficiency
ECO Mode: greater than or equal to 97% @
Full Rated Load & Battery Fully charged

15. Transfer time Main-

16. Transfer time Inverter-
4 msec
17. Minimum 10Amps X 4 Nos. – C13 Type
Output Connection
inbuilt to the UPS back.
18. Monitoring software Shall be provided for monitoring of UPS
for UPS from remote along with SNMP Card
19. Communication SNMP Card
20. Port RS 232
21. Battery Type 12V SMF
Battery backup 1KVA UPS with 1 Hr battery backup at
22. 80% load using 30 minutes
(Min VAH 775)

23. Shall be minimum 10% of the offered

Battery AH
a Environmental Parameter
0-40 deg C or better. It should sustain in
Delhi Environment, conformal coating for
1. Operating temperature
PCB Boards
Fire Retardant material to be used for PCB
Assemblies used in making the UPS
Indication required -> Over Temperature,
2. Load on Battery, Battery low, Mains ON

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3. Humidity 0% to 95% no-condensing

4. Noise Level 52 dBA max
Tower type /Rack Mount type (preferably
5. Mounting standard 19-inch Rack mount)

6. EPO Shall be available

24. Protection IP20
25. LCD Display
Measurements (On Input & Output Voltage, Input & Output
25.a LCD) Frequency, Bypass: Voltage & Frequency,
Remaining time & Battery Level Indicator,
Load Level indicator, Fault codes, UPS
alarm enable or disable.
Manufacturer -> ISO 9001, ISO 14001,
OEM Plant should have water & air
pollution control clearance certificate
26. Manufacturer from respective govt. agency.
UPS OEM should have registered office in
India from last 10 years (certificate of
incorporation to be provided)
27.A Product BIS certification
Management Supports Windows® 2000/ 2003 /XP/Vista/ 2008,
/Software Windows® 7 / 8, Linux, Unix

K. Mobile hand held devices for Police Officials

S Features Minimum Specifications Compliance

No. (Yes/ No) with
comments, if
1. Technology GSM
2. Processor core Octa core
3. Processor speed (in GHz) 2.3
4. Operating system Android 8.x Oreo GMS certified
5. Chipset Qualcomm / Mediatek / Exynos /
Snapdragon / Spreadtrum
6. RAM Size (in GB) Minimum 8
7. Internal Storage (in GB) 128 or better
8. Storage Expandable up to (in GB) 512
9. Display size (in inch) 6.3 inch or better
10. Display type LCD Touch Screen / LED Backlit
Touch Screen / Amoled Touch
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Screen / Retina / Retina HD / IPS

Touch/Super Amoled Touch
11. Display Resolution (Horizontal x FHD (Minimum 1920 x 1080)
Vertical) (Pixel)
12. Sun light readability (Nits) – 400
13. Display protection Corning Gorilla Glass 4 or better
and equivalent
14. Rear Camera Resolution (Mega 24
Pixel) – Minimum
15. Front Camera Resolution (Mega 24
Pixels) – Minimum
16. SIM Card Slots Dual SIM slot with separate
memory card slot
17. OTG support Yes, with cable
18. Connectivity 4G VoLTE
19. Wi-fi Connectivity 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
20. Bluetooth Connectivity 4.3 or higher
21. GPS GPS with AGPS
22. Battery Capacity (mAH) 4000
23. Type of Battery Lithium-ion or better
24. Accessories: One wall charger Yes
with USB charging and Data
transfer cable
25. Accessories: One ear phone Yes
26. The tool to manage devices data Yes
security push device policies
push custom apps reports
management of applications and
devices for example white list or
blacklist applications URLs
control device functionality as
camera Bluetooth WIFI,4G
Enabled, Private APN for SIM
27. Admin portal to manage smart Yes
mobile phones remotely to enroll
u- enroll deploy and configure all
mobile devices applications and
security policies
28. Onsite Service and warranty As mentioned in RFP

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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4.11 Mobile Command Control Vehicle

A. Chassis and Interior

S No. Technical Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
A. Chassis
1. Air-Conditioned Bus shall be from a reputed vendor
2. Wheelbase: approx. 4200 mm wheelbase
3. Ground Clearance: minimum 190mm
4. Overall Length: minimum 7000mm or more
5. Steering: Power Steering
6. Brakes: Airbrake or better
B. Engine
1. Compliant to present vehicle standards
2. Emission: As per the registration criteria in Delhi
3. Fuel: CNG
C. Vehicle Interior
The vehicle shall accommodate:
Two Operator Consoles with 32” Display
One ICS Console

Seating arrangement for 2 Operators and 1 ICS person

Seating arrangement for 1 Supervisor and a mini seating area
Mast for PTZ Camera
LED Flood Lights
Generator for Electronics
Air Conditioning for Operations Area
Minimum 5 KVA UPS with 60min Power backup
Roof Mounted PA Speakers
Shock mounted rugged 19" rack with storage space
Integrated Operator Console with 32” Display shall be provided
2. separately for two operators. The chairs with swivel and fastened to
the floor of the section.
The monitors for the surveillance computers shall be mounted in
3. such a manner that it is convenient for viewing by the seated
surveillance personnel.
Static electronic equipment shall be housed in a 19" rack with the
necessary power sockets. The electronic equipment shall be housed
4. such that it is safely fastened when the vehicle is moving and does
not fall out. The rack shall 19" with shock & vibration isolators for
safety of electronic equipment.

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The vehicle body shall be strong enough to support a mast mounted

PTZ camera.
The vehicle shall be air-conditioned with a 1 Ton Split Air
Conditioner of reputed OEM
Vehicle shall be provided with rear parking camera and sensors.
7. There shall be 2 cameras installed on the sides of the vehicle to
monitor vehicle security
There shall be storage for stationary and other electronic equipment
when not in use.
Vehicle External Painting shall be done based on Police's
LED Lights to be provided in the Driver, Power and Operator area.
10. Each cabin to have one smaller LED Light powered by Vehicle
Battery. Balance to be powered by UPS.
The mast would be deployed only when the vehicle is stationary and
would be retracted when vehicle starts moving. The mast should be
self-supporting, having a head load of 25 Kgs or more and should be
able to operate in wind speeds of 50 Kmph
D. Electrical
The electrical sub-system in the vehicle shall allow power to be
drawn from the generator or external raw power available at
1. operations site. Accordingly, MCBs, change-over switches, and other
equipment shall be installed to make this possible. Industrial Raw
AC Power socket to be supplied and installed externally.
The vehicle shall have electrical cabling to power computer systems,
telecommunications equipment, networking equipment, and
surveillance equipment. Concealed ducting needs to be provided in
the vehicle body, for electrical and network cabling. The duct panels
should be easily accessible by a technician, for maintenance
E. Lighting
Each workstation area should be well-lit. LED Lights shall be
provided in the Driver, Mast and Operations Cabin. Each cabin to
have one smaller LED Light powered by Vehicle Battery. Balance to
be powered by UPS.
F. Power Generation
The power generation shall happen through the 7.5 KVA petrol
1. genset unit installed inside the vehicle or when available the power
shall be drawn from the raw power available at the site.
The power to the electronic equipment shall be given thru the UPS
and Stabilizer. The generator power should be routed through the
UPS, for charging the batteries. The UPS and the generator should
be accommodated inside the van

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B. 5KVA UPS System with Batteries for 1 hour backup

S No. Technical Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
Pure Sinewave UPS: To supply power to the electronic equipment in
the Vehicle for up to 60 minutes.
2. 1 phase input – 1 phase output UPS
3. LCD panel information
4. Rating: 5 KVA or better
5. Peak Efficiency: > 80%
6. ISO Certified
B. UPS Battery
1. SMF batteries with deep discharge technology
2. Battery type: SMF
3. Powers 5 KVA UPS for up to 60 minutes
4. Fully sealed construction
5. Nominal Voltage: 12V

C. 7.5 KVA Silent Petrol Generator Set or better

S No. Technical Specifications Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
A. Generator Set Silent Type
1. Generator-set to power the electronic equipment, accessories, and
2. Starting System: Recoil / Electric or better
3. Rated output (50 Hz): 7.5 KVA or better
4. Rated voltage @ 50 Hz: 230 or better
5. Continuous Operating Time: minimum 4 hrs. at full capacity or better
6. Fuel Tank Capacity: 16 Ltr. (minimum) or better
7. ISO Certified

D. PC for Operator / Industrial PC based Network Video Recorder

S. No. Classification Description Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
10th Generation Intel Core i7-10510U
1. Processors
16GB DDR4@2666 MHz Non-ECC Memory
2. Memory
or better

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3. Graphics NIVDIA Quadro K620 2GB or better

4. Hard Drives 8 TB SATA HDD 7200RPM

4 - USB 2.0
1 – VGA
5. Standard i/o Ports 1 - RJ45
1 - Audio line-in / microphone
1 - Audio line-out
6. Operating System Windows 8 Prof. or better

E. Vehicle Mast mounted PTZ Camera with Keyboard and Joystick

S. No. Classification Description Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
1/1.9’’ Progressive Scan CMOS or better
Optical zoom: 23X; Digital zoom: 16X or
1. General Resolution: 1920x1080. 2MP or better
IP66 or better Compliant
Up to 80m IR Light Source
2. Focal Length 5.9-135.7mm, 23X or better

3. Angle of View 59.8°-3.0°(Wide-Tele) or better

Min. Working
4. 10-1500mm (Wide-Tele) or better
Auto iris, Auto focus, Auto white balance,
Backlight compensation and auto day &
night switch
5. Camera Function
Min. Illumination: Color:0.002Lux @
(F1.5, AGC ON), B/W:0.0002Lux @
(F1.5, AGC ON)
Image processing: shall support defog,
6. Smart Functions HLC/BLC
Smart codec: low bit rate, ROI

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H.265,H.264,MJPEG video compression

H.264&H.265 encoding with
Baseline/Main/High profile
ROI(Region of Interest) encoding
Built-in Web server
7. Network Functions
Multiple network protocols supported:
IPv4/Ipv6, HTTP, HTTPS, 802.1X, QoS,
PAL: CIF (704×576)/2CIF (704×288)/CIF
8. Video Resolution
(352×288)/QCIF (176×144)
NTSC: 30fps; PAL: 25fps
Network Connection: 10/100M self-
9. Connections
adaptive Ethernet port
Network Protocols: ATP, Telnet, ODP,
PT Movement Range: Pan: 360° endless,
Tilt: +90°~-90° or better
PT Movement Speed: Pan: 0.1°-80°/s, Tilt:
0.1°-40°/s or better
10. Pan & Tilt Functions PT Number of Preset: 300
PT Patrol: 8 patrols, up to 32 presets per
PT Pattern: 4 patterns, with the recording
time not less than 10 minutes per pattern
11. Power DC12V, Max. 40W

12. IR Up to 150m IR Light Source

Automatically adjusted, depending on the
zoom ratio
13. Housing IP67 rated IK10 rated for outdoor unit

14. Certifications CE, FCC, UL/cUL, BIS, NEMA 4X

The Camera to be provided by the
OEM/bidder should not be complying to
GB28181, GB/T28181-2011 standards
15. Misc.
and there should be no option to activate
or deactivate GB/T 28181 standards in
the camera web page/settings.

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F. Vehicle mounted full HD Bullet Cameras

S. No. Classification Description Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
Resolution 2 MP Full HD 1080p or better
Camera Type Fixed
Video H.264,H.265 or better
3. compression
Frame rate Min. 25 fps
Image Sensor 1/2.8" progressive scan CMOS or better
Minimum Colour: 0.05 lux, B/W: 0.01 lux
6. Illumination @F1.6
S/N Ratio: ≥ 50dB
Day/Night Mode Colour, Mono, Auto
Wide Dynamic True WDR
9. Range
Color, brightness, sharpness, contrast,
white balance, exposure control,
Auto adjustment
10. backlight compensation, Gain Control,
Electronic Image Stabilization


12. . Housing IP67 rated IK10 rated for outdoor unit
Certifications CE, FCC, UL/cUL, BIS, NEMA 4X
The Camera to be provided by the
OEM/bidder should not be complying to
GB28181, GB/T28181-2011 standards
14. Misc.
and there should be no option to activate
or deactivate GB/T 28181 standards in
the camera web page/settings.

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G. Video Management System

S. No. Classification Description Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
Unlimited Users & Roles - Custom defined
roles: a.) Individual camera access, b.)
View/Delete video Clips, c.) Administration
1. User Management
Detailed user activity logging
Lost password retrieval
Min. 16 Camera Flow View, a.) Live View
Displays, Native Resolution, b.) Split
Screen, c.) Full Screen
Live Video Patrols, a.) Select
Cameras/Time to Display, b.) Highlight on
2. Video Viewing
Motion Detection, c.) Play Audio Alert on
Digital Pan, Zoom and Tilt
Video Viewing shall be possible from
Android based smart phone.
Record Video and Images, a.) On Demand,
Video Recording &
3. b.) On Motion Detection, c.) On Scheduled
Day and Time, d.) 24x7x365
Schedule Types, a.) Video Recording, b.)
4. Scheduling
Alerts, c.) Backups
Compression (H.264, H.265)
5. Camera Settings
Frame Rate (5-30fps)
Bit Rate (64kbps-4.6mbps)
Auto Low Light Mode
Environment Settings
Flicker Settings
Back-up & Storage External Backup, a.) NAS
Backup, a.) On Demand, b.) On Custom
Schedule, C.) By Media Type
Automatic Purge, a.) By Number of Days,
b.) By % of HDD Capacity
Supported Devices Windows PC, IE Web Browser (v7.0+)

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The minimal analytics features should be

part of the VMS for the cameras.
8. Analytics
Performance degradation due to the
placement of cameras would be acceptable.

H. Standalone Mobile Hand Held Device

S. No. Features Minimum Specifications Compliance

(Yes/ No) with
comments, if any
1. Technology GSM
2. Processor core Octa core
Processor speed (in GHz)
3. 2.3
4. Operating system Android 8.x Oreo GMS certified
Qualcomm / Mediatek / Exynos /
5. Chipset
Snapdragon / Spreadtrum
6. RAM Size (in GB) Minimum 8
7. Internal Storage (in GB) 128 or better
Storage Expandable up to (in
8. 512
9. Display size (in inch) 6.3 inch or better
LCD Touch Screen / LED Backlit
Touch Screen / Amoled Touch
10. Display type Screen / Retina / Retina HD / IPS
Touch/Super Amoled Touch
Display Resolution (Horizontal
11. FHD (Minimum 1920 x 1080)
x Vertical) (Pixel)
Sun light readability (Nits) –
12. 400
Corning Gorilla Glass 4 or better
13. Display protection
and equivalent
Rear Camera Resolution (Mega
14. 24
Pixel) – Minimum
Front Camera Resolution (Mega
15. 24
Pixels) – Minimum
Dual SIM slot with separate
16. SIM Card Slots
memory card slot
17. OTG support Yes with cable
18. Connectivity 4G VoLTE
19. Wi-fi Connectivity 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
20. Bluetooth Connectivity 4.3 or higher
21. GPS GPS with AGPS
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Battery Capacity (mAH)

22. 4000
23. Type of Battery Lithium-ion or better
Accessories: One wall charger
24. with USB charging and Data Yes
transfer cable
25. Accessories: One ear phone Yes
The tool to manage devices data
security push device policies
push custom apps reports
management of applications
and devices for example white
26. list or blacklist applications Yes
URLs control device
functionality as camera
Bluetooth WIFI,
4G Enabled, Private APN for
Admin portal to manage smart
mobile phones remotely to
enroll u- enroll deploy and
27. Yes
configure all mobile devices
applications and security
28. Onsite Service and warranty As mentioned in RFP

I. Interoperable Communication System (ICS)

S. No. Classification Description Compliance

(Yes/ No) with
comments, if any
The system should be able to support up-to
4 radio interfaces.
The system shall be scalable to support one
operator position operating in a fixed or
1. System Capacity mobile environment and accessing a small
number of communications resources in an
integrated dispatch or call-taking
environment and accessing multiple
The console dispatch system shall employ
an end-to-end digital architecture from the
2. System Architecture
resource interfaces to the operator
workstations that is capable of integrating

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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in a single switch all radio and telephone

voice communications.
Dispatch workstations shall consist of an
operator control unit to manage all audio
communications between the operator
position and the switching equipment, and
a Windows-based personal computer (PC)
to provide operators access to and control
of system resources and functions.
Workstation PCs shall run under the
Dispatch workstation
3. Microsoft Windows operating system Each
and User Interface
workstation shall be equipped with a touch
panel-based display, keyboard, mouse or
trackball, external or embedded speakers,
and associated input and control devices
(headsets, handsets, microphones,
footswitch, dual jack boxes, etc.) as
described elsewhere in this tender
Radio Interface The system shall support various trunking
4. Support and wireless interfaces.
The system shall support various signaling
5. Signaling Protocols
The system shall support various
6. Telephony Protocols telephony protocols including 2-wire POTS
and PSTN/PABX and GSM Modems
Each dispatch workstation shall be capable
of being equipped with hardware and/or
software-based instant recall recorders
(IRR). A software-based IRR shall be a
Windows application capable of recording
all operator audio in standard WAV file
format and offering immediate playback
Instant Recall
7. and short-term storage of operator audio
communications. It shall be possible to
store audio WAV files on the workstation
PC, network server, and/or on a network
storage device (e.g., CD-RW). The ability to
play back a call shall not be limited by the
availability of the network or a system-
wide recording device.
The console dispatch system shall include a
Dispatch Console User Windows-based user interface (UI)
8. Interface application that gives operators access to
and control of system resources and

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functions. The UI application shall run on

the workstation PC and shall be
configurable to provide the specific
functionality needed for an operator to
perform his/her duties.
The UI shall present the various line and
function controls using icons representing
traditional screen-based buttons whose
appearance can be configured according to
location on the screen, size, color, labeling
(font style and color), and image (bitmap).
In addition, operators shall be able to
access multiple screens presenting
different line and function controls simply
by clicking on tabs that, when selected,
present new resource views. The
appearance (color, font, three dimensional
effects) of buttons will change as required
to indicate the state of the line or function
to the operator (e.g., selected line, activity
on a channel, etc.).
The UI shall include embedded windows
that allow operators to access and display
intranet and/or internet HTML pages and
to navigate Web-based resources, subject
to administrative control.
The Integrated Dispatch Console System
9. Channels shall support 4 Radios (APCO-
P25/UHF/DMR/GSM) connection.
The console dispatch system shall provide
the means to monitor system diagnostics
System Diagnostics &
10. via the configuration software. In addition,
LEDs on the DSU will supply diagnostic
Configuration software shall be provided
that runs on a Windows-based PC that can
be interfaced to the electronics directly.
11. Configuration Software
The software shall be used to configure the
system and to monitor the status of system
Operator Display
Pedal PTT
12. Accessories
PTT Desk Mic

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The proposed ICS should accommodate up-

to 4 communication media.
These would be provided for installation
on MCCV along with all accessories.

The communication media would be of

13. Interfacing following type :
One DMR Radio
One UHF Radio
One APCO P25 Radio
(DMR, UHF & APCO P25 Radio would be
provided by Delhi Police)

J. 4 SIM based 4G Aggregator Device with Dongles

S. No. Description Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any

4G Aggregator device shall have following features:

3G/4G/LTE Downlink & Uplink Bonding in Peer mode
Dynamic DNS Load Balancing
Support for 4 Nos of USB LTE Dongles
Shall have Virtual interfaces with WAN and Traffic Management
Shall support LAN, WAN & USB Ports
Max Throughput of 1 Gbps at the receiver end
Cloud based, SNMP & Remote Syslog based Device Management
Internet Bonding Receiver Box for the Control Room shall also be
proposed with Static IP and Internet Broadband Connectivity

K. 24 Port GigE Switch

S. No. Classification Description Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any

24 X 10/100/1000 Mbps Gigabit ports

2 SFP Port
Auto MDI/MDIX cross-over for all ports
1. Switch Secure store-and-forward switching
Full/half-duplex for Ethernet/Fast
Ethernet speeds
IEEE 802.3x Flow Control

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Plug-and-play installation
Patch cables should be provided to connect
the surveillance equipment as per the
network diagram

L. LED Flood Lights with 120-degree coverage (Mast Mounted)

S. No. Description Compliance (Yes/

No) with
comments, if any
Total System Wattage (W) – 120
Application: Outdoor
Dispersion Angle in degrees: 120
LED Type: High Power LED
Input Voltage in Volts: (90V to 300 V): 230 VAC
Weight: Max 5Kg
IP Rating: IP65 Compliant
M. First-Aid Box

S. No. Description Compliance

(Yes/ No) with
comments, if any

 Plastic Transparent Box SJF P5 :1

 Adhesive Plaster 19 X 72mm :10pcs
 Adhesive Plaster 25 X 72mm :5pcs
 Adhesive Plaster Round :3pcs
 Microporous Tape 1.25x5mt :1pcs
 Wound Cleaning Swabs: ALC :5pcs
 Antiseptic Wipes :5pcs, Electrolyte Powder :3pcs
 Sterile Burn Dressing 5cm :2pcs, Gauze Bandage 5cmx3mtr
1. :1pcs
 Sterile Gauze Swab 10 Cm :1pcs, Sterile Gauze Swab 7.5cm :1pcs
 Burn Dressing Medium 10cm :1pcs, Sterile Adhesive Plaster
6x10cm :1pcs, Sterile Eye Pad Oval :2pcs, Elastic Gauze Bandage
6x1m :1pcs
 Absorbent Cotton 15gms :1pcs, Scissor 7cm :1pcs
 Dusting Powder 10g :1pcs, Antiseptic Cream 10gms :1pcs
 Safety Pin :10pcs, Antiseptic Solution 50ml :1pcs
 Tweezer Plastic :1pcs, Tincture Iodine 20ml :1pcs

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 First Aid Book :1pcs, Sugar Sachet :3pcs

 Common Salt Sachet :3pcs

N. Fire Extinguisher

S. Description Compliance
No. (Yes/ No) with
comments, if any
 Gross Weight: 2.3 Kg or more
 Empty Weight: 1.3 Kg or more,
 Can Height: 298MM or more,
 Diameter: 86.5MM or more Discharge time: Minimum 8 Secs,
 Discharge Mechanism: Controllable,
 Range: Minimum 2 Meters,
1.  Applicable on: Class A, B, C and electrically started Fire, (A Rating:
1A, B Rating: 8B, )
 Can Construction: Deep drawn & CO2 Mig welded, Valve
 Construction: Forging & Machining,
 Internal Coating of Can: Epoxy Powder coating,
 External Coating of Can : Epoxy Polyester Powder coating,
 Certification: ISI Approved

4.12 Network- Connectivity Backbone

The Networking infrastructure and the associated bandwidth measures to operate the entire
infrastructure on field for video stream dissemination from field devices to Data Center,
integration with external Govt. datasets and conduction of Post Analytical Operations with all
security parameters in place will be the responsibility of the Internet Service Provider (ISP). The
ISP will be the Networking Agency, who will be appointed through a distinct Competitive Bid
There will be a tri- partite /quad partite mutual agreement, which will facilitate the field works
related to network establishment for Project requirement in a conducive and speedy execution
with respect to coordination with various Municipal bodies/ agencies across the NCT and the

A. Planning & Execution

The MSI will ensure all coordination help to the ISP to execute list of activities for laying of
fiber cables for installation of the network backbone work to ensure desired last mile
Connectivity starting from site survey of respective locations, laying and installation of
various cables, hardware, UAT, Testing and signoff. All the ISP dependencies on the MSI for
final stitching of the solution requirement to operationalize the system will be addressed pro-
actively with the objective that the project does not suffer towards the tailing stages of the

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The following essential activities to be coordinated by the MSI as per the requirement (if any)
to enable ISP for execution of implementation activities and services to ensure time bound
completion of under mentioned infrastructure laying targets:
i. ROW application to be submit in various Municipal and Development Offices.
ii. ROW demand note received from authority.
iii. DD/BG preparation.
iv. DD/BG submission to authority for permission.
v. Liasioning with authority for ROW permission
vi. Liasioning with authority for vehicle entry permission of HDD machine shifting.
vii. Pits digging to start HDD machine
viii. Manual digging or with HDD machine depends the track is hard rock/concrete/simple
ix. Duct laying started post ROW receive
x. Cable laying started post ducting
xi. Fiber termination work post cable laying
xii. Splicing work of fiber.
xiii. Pits Closer
xiv. Chamber installation
xv. Route marker installation
xvi. AT offering and clearance by fiber project team
xvii. Ensure the availability of space and power at each node.
xviii. ISP material installation & commissioning.
xix. Termination and integration of fiber.
xx. SFP installation
xxi. Patch cord installation
xxii. Node integration & RFS certificate for media provisioning.
xxiii. Testing the circuit in presence of customer.
xxiv. UAT at sites in presence of customer.
xxv. Signoff after successful completion of testing.
xxvi. Circuit Hand over

Total bandwidth estimation for the envisaged network in centralized Architecture

B. Bandwidth estimated requirement

S. Type of Bitrate Frame Compre Qty. Police DHQs Total bandwidth
No. Cameras (Mbps) Rate ssion Stations (C3i) with average
(C2i ) 30% viewing at
C2i and 10%
viewing at C3i
1. Fixed 5 25 H.265, 6121 182 16 Average
Cameras – consumption of
4 MP 80 Mbps for
2. PTZ 5 25 H.265, 2246 viewing at a time
Cameras – at each Police
4 MP Station

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3. ANPR 3 25 H.265 1622

Cameras –
2 MP
Total Cameras 9989 17270 Mbps considering 16 cameras
viewing on a Workstation screen at a
Total bandwidth moment (keeps on moving for cyclic
set of view frames for all cameras).
Following are the other factors for bandwidth calculation:

Other Factors for Bandwidth Calculations

S No. Bandwidth category Requirement

1 Total bandwidth required for the architecture (N)- 17270
new cameras at 182 C2i (Police Stations) 30%
Viewing and at 16 C3I (DHQ)- 10% Viewing
2 Total bandwidth required for the architecture (N)- 46756
new cameras at C4i and DC - 10% viewing
3 Total Bandwidth required between DC and Near DR 2048
4 Total Bandwidth required for integration of 3500
cameras under different existing schemes
5 Total bandwidth requirement 69574

Total bandwidth estimation is 69.5 Gig considered per year after the declaration of Go-live of
phase-I. This provision will enable the live uninterrupted broadcasting (multi-casting) streaming
at PHQ, DHQ and Police Station levels and parallel retrieval/ extraction of the transactional data
from the Data Center at DHQ on the same infrastructure network. There will be provision of 1 Gig
internet bandwidth.

4.13 Service Level Agreement for Project Implementation for MSI

Service Levels
Service Level Agreement (SLA) shall become the part of Agreement between Authority and the
MSI. SLA defines the timely delivery of the deliverables and the correctness of the same based on
the agreed Performance Indicators as detailed in the RFP scope. The MSI must comply with
Service Levels requirements to ensure adherence to Project timelines, quality and availability of

The purpose of this Service Level Agreement (hereinafter referred to as SLA) is to clearly define
the levels of service which shall be provided by the MSI to Authority for the duration of this

The MSI must supply software/automated tools to monitor all the SLAs mentioned below.

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The Service Level agreements have been logically segregated in the following categories:

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

SLA would be applicable in the Implementation, operations and maintenance phase of the project.
SLA would be applicable on:
a. Implementation phase related performance levels
b. C4i, C3i, C2i and City surveillance related performance levels
c. Helpdesk SLA for O&M phase
d. Data center activities
For the purposes of this service level agreement, the definitions and terms are specified in the
contract along with the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:
a. “Uptime” shall mean the time for the specified services / components with the specified
technical service standards are available to the user department. Uptime, in percentage, of
any component (Non - IT & IT) can be calculated as:
Uptime = {1- [(Downtime) / (Total Time Maintenance Time)]} * 100
b. “Downtime” shall mean the time for which the specified services / components with specified
technical and service standards are not available to the user department and excludes
downtime owing to Force Majeure & Reasons beyond control of MSI.
c. "Incident" refers to any event like non availability of services/partial availability of the
services/performance downgrades which leads to disruption in normal operations of the
entire System.
d. "Helpdesk shall mean the 24x7x365" support centre which shall handle Fault reporting,
Trouble Ticketing and related enquiries during this contract.
e. "Resolution Time" shall mean the time taken to resolve /fix the reported incident. This shall
include resolving by means of diagnosing, troubleshooting, fixing and escalating to the next
level. The details or reports of the outcome shall be informed to the next higher levels

Measurement of SLA
The SLA metrics provided specifies performance parameters as baseline performance, lower
performance and breach. All SLA calculations will be done on quarterly basis. The SLA also
specifies the penalties for lower performance and breach conditions.

Payment to the MSI is linked to the compliance with the SLA metrics. The matrix specifies three
levels of performance, namely,
 The MSI will get 100% of the Contracted value (Net Project Cost) if all the baseline
performance metrics are compiled and the cumulative credit points are 100
 The MSI will get lesser payment in case of the lower performance. (For e.g. if SLA
point score is 80 then the MSI will get 20% less on the quarterly payment)
 If the performance of the MSI in respect of any parameter falls below the
prescribed lower performance limit, debit points are imposed for the breach.

The credit (+) points earned during the quarter will be considered for computing penalty. The
quarterly payment shall be made after deducting the penalties as mentioned above.

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The SLA parameters shall be measured as per the individual SLA parameter requirements and
measurement methods, through appropriate SLA Measurement tools to be provided by the MSI
and manual calculation on the sample data on the basis the SLA measurement methodology
approved and audited by the Authority or its appointed Consultant for accuracy and reliability.

The Authority shall also have the right to conduct, either itself or through any other MSI as it may
deem fit, an audit/revision of the SLA parameters. The SLAs defined, shall be reviewed by the
Authority on an annual basis after consulting the MSI, Project Management Consultants and other
experts. All the changes would be made by the Authority after consultation with the MSI and
might include some corrections to reduce undue relaxation in Service levels or some corrections
to avoid unrealistic imposition of penalties, which are noticed after project has gone live.

Total penalties to be levied on the MSI shall be capped at 10% of the Total Project Cost. However,
the Authority would have right to invoke termination of the contract in case the overall penalties
equals 10% of Total Project Cost. Penalties to be levied during Post Implementation period shall
be capped at 10% of the Total Project Cost. The Authority would also have right to invoke
termination of contract in case cumulative debit point (breach points) are above 30 in two
consecutive quarters.

a. Performance Penalty for not meeting a measurement parameter
b. Time delivery of the Scope of Work
Definition Timely delivery of deliverables would comprise entire Bill of
Quantity and the application systems, and as per successful User
Acceptance Test (UAT) of the same
Service Level All the deliverables defined in the contract has to be submitted On-
Requirement time on the date as mentioned in the contract with no delay

Measurement of To be measured in Number of weeks of delay from the timelines

Service Level mentioned in the section “Project Timelines”

Penalty for non- Penalty in percentage mentioned below para specified in the
achievement of SLA subsequent SLA tables as per various activities under the SLA norms.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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Measurements & Targets

a. Implementation phase related performance levels
Sr. No. Measurement Definition Target Severi Penalty Amount per instance of
ty non- compliance/ fault
1 Team MSI must Within 7 ___ 1) Delay beyond 7 calendar
mobilization mobilize its days days = 0.5% of the contract
and complete value
commenceme project team 2) Delay beyond 15-30 calendar
nt of work as expected. days = 0.6% of the contract
3) Delay beyond 30 days = 0.7%
of the contract value per week
or may lead to Termination of
the Contract at the discretion of

Data Center and Surveillance related Performance Levels/ Camera Feed and Quality:

The SLA metrics provided specifies performance parameters as baseline performance, lower
performance and breach. All SLA calculations will be done on quarterly basis. The SLA also
specifies the liquidated damages for lower performance and breach conditions. Payment to
the MSI is linked to the compliance with the SLA metrics for various components involved.
The matrix specifies three levels of performance namely,
a. The MSI will get 100% of the Contracted value if all the baseline performance metrics
are compiled and the cumulative credit points are 100.
b. The MSI will get lesser payment in case of the lower performance.
 If SLA point score is 80 then the MSI will get 15% less on the quarterly payment
 If SLA point score is 70 then the MSI will get 20% less on the quarterly payment
 If SLA point score is 50 then the MSI will get 25% less on the quarterly payment
The calculation of the credit score based on different line items as per SLA requirement can
be seen in table given below.
If the performance of the Agency in respect of any parameter falls below the prescribed lower
performance limit, which is ‘breach’ category, 50% penalty will be imposed on the quarterly
SLA for the breach or termination of the contract in case of 2 consecutive ‘breach’

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Table 1: SLA Performance Level

S. Performance Area Baseline Lower Performance Breach

No Metric Poi Metric Poi Metric Poi
nts nts nts
1. Camera, Video Feed Uptime and Quality
1 Uptime per camera 97% 15 >= 92% to 10 < 92% -10
(live feed available <97%
irrespective of
bandwidth or last
mile issues, which
are in control of
2 Viewing center at 97% 14 >= 92% to 4 < 92% -13
police station shall <97%
display live camera
feed available from
selected cameras
for viewing) at any
given time
3 Quality of Video 98% 10 >= 94% to 3 < 94% -8
feeds (Bad feeds <98%
due to Video Jitter,
dim, blurred,
obstructed, non-
aligned feeds
5 Video stream => 40ms 5 > 40-50 ms 3 >50 ms -5
Latency refers to
the average time
required for
transmission of
video feed from one
point to another
2. Application Performance
1 Overall 99% 6 >= 96% to 2 < 96% -6
application(s) <99%
availability at
Police Station &
Command &
Control Center

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S. Performance Area Baseline Lower Performance Breach

No Metric Poi Metric Poi Metric Poi
nts nts nts
2 Maximum time for < 2 sec 1 2.01 – 4.0 secs 0.5 > 4 sec -1
User Login at
Command Center
3 Maximum time for < 5 sec 1 5.01 – 10.0 secs 0.5 > 10 sec -
Surveillance 1.5
opening, this
includes any
deployed for the
project at
Command Center
4 Menu Navigation, <2 sec 1 2.01 – 5.0 secs 0.5 >5 secs -1
Opening, Screen
(Average) at
Command Center
5 Retrieval of video <4 sec 2 4.01 – 6.0 secs 0.5 >6 secs -1
feeds at Command
6 Reports Generation Simple 1 Simple 0.5 Simple -1
Response Time query - < complexity complexit
(Alerts/MIS/Logs 5secs Query = 5.01 – y Query =
etc.) Medium 10 secs > 10 secs
y query - Medium Medium
<30 secs complexity complexit
High query = 10.01 – y query =
Complexi 15 secs > 15 secs
ty query -
< 1min High High
Complexity Complexi
query = < 15.1 ty query =
sec – 1 min > 1 min
7 PTZ Lag time < 3 sec 1 3.01 – 5.0 secs 0.5 >5 secs -1
(movement at
and actual moving
indication through
video feed viewed

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S. Performance Area Baseline Lower Performance Breach

No Metric Poi Metric Poi Metric Poi
nts nts nts
8 Maximum time for < 5 sec 0.5 5.01 – 10.0 secs 0.2 >10 secs -
successful camera 5 0.5
modification (in
online mode)
3. Video Analytics Performance
1 ANPR for Standard 80% 1.5 79.99% to 70% 0.5 < 70 % -1
Roman Number
plates (3 wheelers
& above)
2 ANPR for Non- 60% 1.5 49.99% to 60% 0.2 < 60 % -
Standard Roman 5 1.3
Number plates (3
wheelers & above)
3 ANPR for Standard 70% 0.3 69.99% to 60% 0.1 < 60 % -
Roman Number 5 0.3
plates (2 wheelers)
4 ANPR for Non- 50% 0.2 49.99% to 40% 0.1 < 40 % -
Standard Roman 0.2
Number plates (2
4. End-User Equipment Uptime
1 Monitoring 99% 3 >= 97 % to 1 < 97 % -3
workstations at <99%
Command Center &
Viewing Center
2 Video wall 99% 3 >= 97 % to 1 < 97 % -3
5. Underlying IT Infrastructure Uptime/Availability at Data Center
1 Production Servers 99.982% 4 >= 99.5 % to 2 < 99.5 % -10
Uptime <99.982%
2 Storage System 99.982% 3 >= 99.5 % to 1.5 < 99.5 % -8
Uptime <99.982%
3 Physical Security Fully 1 Lacunae shown 0.5 For every -2
complian in compliance Noncomp
t procedures liance
4 CCTV surveillance 99% 1 97%-99% 0.5 < 97% -1
of Data Center area
5 DG,HVAC,UPS,WLD, 99.982% 1 >= 99.5 % to 0.5 < 99.5% -1
Electrical system 99.982%

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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S. Performance Area Baseline Lower Performance Breach

No Metric Poi Metric Poi Metric Poi
nts nts nts
including panels
,Fire detection and
suppression system
etc.- uptime
6. Security /Patch Services for IT Infrastructure
1 Security rules 0 1 1-4 violations 0.2 > 4 -1
update within 2 violations 5 violations
hours of approved of service
change paramete
management rs
2 Anti-virus, Anti- 0 1 1-4 violations 0.2 > 4 -1
spyware, Anti-spam violations 5 violations
updates within 24 of service
hours of request paramete
3 Critical Patches – 0 0.5 1-4 violations 0.2 > 4 -
within 48 hours of violations 5 violations 0.5
patch release. of service
4 Non Critical Up to 1 0.5 2-5 violations 0.2 > 5 -
Patches – within 15 violations 5 violations 0.5
days of patch of service
release paramete
7. Technical Helpdesk, Issue Resolution
1 Average Speed of <= 10 1 10 to 14 secs 0.2 > 14 sec -1
Answer secs 5
2 Average Call Lost 0 – 0.5 1 0.5 – 2 % 0.5 >2% -1
3 Resolution of 60 2 60.01 to 120 1 >120 min -2
Critical Issue (that minutes min
impacts more than
one production
services & higher
mgmt. call)
4 Resolution of 120 1.5 120.01 to 240 0.7 >240 min -1
Medium Level Issue minutes min 5
(that does not
impact production
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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S. Performance Area Baseline Lower Performance Breach

No Metric Poi Metric Poi Metric Poi
nts nts nts
10 50 -
0 10

Note: During post-implementation period, in case the pole /outdoor cabinets or any other field
equipment is damaged by a vehicular Accident (or due to any other reason outside the control of MSI)
and needs repair/replacement, then the corresponding equipment to be replaced by MSI as per the
SLAs defined in this section. In such cases, damages are to be borne by MSI through proper
comprehensive insurance for all the equipment during contract period.

SLA Matrix of Spares for Maintenance and Attendance

The detailed escalation matrix for the entire project needs to be provided by MSI (Phase wise)

S. No Measurement Definition Target Severity Level

Spares and Maintenance
1 Repair / replacement of MSI should keep Within 24
infrastructure equipment minimum 5% spare at business hours of
including: any given point of projectlogging
a. Cameras execution. complaints
b. Network Equipment >1 to <=2 INR 250 per
c. Server Infrastructure calendar days of day for
d. Storage Devices equipment should be logging each component
e. Workstations replaced or repaired complaint
f. UPS (field Unit) after complaint logging
g. All other field devices from purchaser officials More than 2 INR 1000 per day
calendar days of for each
Measurement Tool: logging component
System generated call log complaint
at Helpdesk
Helpdesk availability
2 Availability of Resources for [(Total number of man >=98 %
IT Help Desk at location days available for a calculated on
month) / (Agreed Total monthly
number of man days in a basis
month)] *100 <= 96% to >98%
up time
There shall be no measured on
instance when all the monthly basis
resources for IT <= 90 % to >96%
Helpdesk are up time
unavailable. This may 3
measured on
lead to Severity Level 8 monthly basis
penalty at
The discretion of the <90.0% up time 4
Purchaser. measured on a
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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Measurement Tool: SLA

Monitoring tool for
Online attendance

Security Breach SLA

Note: This SLA for Security Breach is applicable over and above the SLAs mentioned in above table
Security of the video feeds and the overall system is quite important and
MSI shall be required to ensure no compromise is done on the
same. Security Breach types considered for this SLA are

 Availability of Video feeds to any other user than those

authorized by Delhi Police Department, and provided passwords
 Availability of any report / data to any other user than those
authorized by the Police Department and provided passwords
 Successful hacking of any active component on the network by
any unauthorized user
 Or any other privacy rule is broken as per Govt. of India
Service Level Security compliance of the system should be 100%
Measurement of Any reported security breach shall be logged into the SLA Management
Level solution as a security breach
Service Parameter

Breach in supply of Technical Manpower

Note: This SLA for supply of Technical Manpower is applicable over and above the SLAs mentioned
in the above table
MSI is required to propose the details of the required technical manpower
(as mentioned in Scope of work Section). It is vital that such manpower is
available to Authority and performs to the expected levels. The current SLA
breach shall specify penalty amount for non-availability of these manpower
Service Level Availability of the required manpower should be 100%
Measurement of Following instances would be considered as SLA non-compliances:
Level  Replacement of a profile by the MSI (only one replacement per
Service Parameter profile would be permitted per year)
 Non-deployment of the profile for more than 1 month. Authority
reserves the right to ask Service Provider to replace the profile if
the performance / commitment is not up to the mark
Note: Replacement due to reasons not in control of MSI
(like resignation of the resource, accident, etc.) would not be counted in
the permissible one replacement.

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Explanation Notes for SLA Matrix

A. Camera Availability

Camera Availability means availability of the camera feed to the command

centres/Viewing centres
Measurement of [(Total average Uptime of all the Cameras in a quarter) (Total Time in a
Level quarter)] *100
Service Parameter

B. Application Availability
Application availability refers to the total time when the Application is
available to the users for performing all activities and tasks
Measurement of [(Total Uptime of the Application in a quarter) / (Total Time in a
Level quarter)] *100
Service Parameter
C. Quality of Feed
“Poor Quality video feed” means blurred, jiggered, dim or unclear video.
Camera Feed Error Resolution time is the time taken to improve the feed to
Definition satisfactory levels after it has been detected & logged by the Surveillance
System / administrative officials. Logging of such calls would be through
helpdesk system
The average availability of the quality of feed should be at 99.94%. This
Service Level
period is excluding the period of unavailability of camera. (i.e. the camera
video quality would be judged for the period its available)
Measurement of [(Total average Uptime of all the Cameras in a quarter Total time logged
Level for poor quality video feed) / (Total average Uptime of all the Cameras in a
Service Parameter quarter)] *100

D. Issue Resolution
Issue Resolution SLA shall monitor the time taken to resolve a complaint /
query after it has been reported to the MSI
Service Level Different Issues/Queries shall be classified as in following three categories
Requirement as defined above.
Critical: Issue that impacts more than one production services / is raised
by higher management / is impacting high importance areas
Medium: has a potential to impact or may get escalated to top management
if not resolved quickly
Low: impact on services

SLA Reporting System:

All the SLA reporting will be based on system generated reports through EMS/ NMS.
The selected MSI shall design, implement/customize the Enterprise Management System (EMS)
and shall develop any additional tools required to monitor the performance indicators listed
under SLA prescribed in this DPIP. The Acceptance Testing & Certification agency shall verify the
accuracy and completeness of the information captured by the SLA monitoring system
implemented by the MSI and shall certify the same. The EMS deployed for system, based on SLAs,
shall be configured to calculate the monthly transaction-based payout by Delhi Police to MSI. The
MSI has to provide an end to end Service Level Management System for the Data Center and other
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components under its responsibility. The reports will be submitted to TSP (C-DAC) as the nodal
acceptance testing and certifying authority. The MSI will:
a. Provide end-to-end, comprehensive, modular and integrated management of IT
infrastructure components to maximize the availability of IT services and SLA
b. The management system needs to aggregate events and performance information
from the domain managers and tie them to service definitions. This capability is
critical for the administrators to have a complete view of the performance and
availability of various application services being managed.
c. The proposed tools should automatically document problems and interruptions for
various IT services offered and integrate with the service level management system
for reporting on service level agreements (SLAs).
d. The system must be capable of managing IT resources in terms of the business
services they support, specify and monitor service obligations, and associate
users/Departments/ Organizations with the services they rely on and related
Service/Operational Level Agreements.
e. Provide a detailed service dashboard view indicating the health of each of the
departments / offices in the organization and the health of the services they rely on
as well as the SLAs.
f. Provide a high level view for executives and other users of the system using a real
time business services Dashboard.
g. Provide an outage summary that gives a high level health indication for each service
as well as the details and root cause of any outage.
h. Support for a User Definition Facility to define person(s) or organization(s) that uses
the business Services or is a party to a service level agreement contract with a service
provider or both. The facility must enable the association of Users with Services and
i. The Service Level Agreements (SLAs) definition facility must support defining a set of
one or more service Guarantees that specify the Service obligations stipulated in an
SLA contract for a particular time period (weekly, monthly, and so on). Guarantees
supported must include one that monitors service availability (including Mean Time
to Repair (MTTR), Mean Time between Failure (MTBF), and Maximum Outage Time
thresholds) and the other that monitors service transaction response time.
j. SLA violation alarms must be generated to notify whenever an agreement is violated
or is in danger of being violated.
k. Provide the capability to designate planned maintenance periods for services and
take into consideration maintenance periods defined at the IT resources level. In
addition, the capability to exempt any service outage from impacting an SLA must be
A historical reporting facility that will allow for the generation of on-demand and scheduled
reports of Business Service-related metrics with capabilities for customization of the report

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Service Level Change Control

a) General

It is acknowledged that this Service levels may change as C-DAC’s business needs evolve
over the course of the contract period. As such, this document also defines the following
management procedures:

a. A process for negotiating changes to the Service Levels

b. An issue management process for documenting and resolving particularly difficult issues.
c. C-DAC and MSI management escalation process to be used in the event that an issue is not
being resolved in a timely manner by the lowest possible level of management.

Any changes to the levels of service provided during the term of this Agreement shall be
requested, documented and negotiated in good faith by both parties. Either party can
request a change.

b) Service Level Change Process:

The parties may amend Service Level by mutual agreement in accordance. Changes can be
proposed by either party. Unresolved issues shall also be addressed. MSI’s representative
shall maintain and distribute current copies of the Service Level document as directed by C-
DAC. Additional copies of the current Service Levels shall be available at all times to
authorized parties.

c) Version Control / Release Management:

All negotiated changes shall require changing the version control number. As appropriate,
minor changes may be accumulated for periodic release or for release when a critical
threshold of change has occurred.

4.14 CHANGE Management- Training, Capacity Building

A critical success factor for the success of the project is to get the buy in of the employees and
the management by ensuring that they are aware of the benefits that accrue to them out of
the project implementation. The MSI will conduct all Change Management sessions for
efficient and effective transition of the Department with the envisaged system in place.
As safe city project aims at creating a comprehensive and integrated system for enhancing
the efficiency and effectiveness of the Video/CCTV surveillance system through adoption of
IT-enabled-state-of-the-art tracking system around public and property safety, it is
important the MSI communicate with the employees to ensure their support and eliminate
any miscommunication. Further, pervasive use of Technology should be done which requires
not only re-skilling the officers but also introducing them to different set of ethics and rules.
This may also lead to the change in the organization structures of existing organizations.
Thus, change management and capacity building are an imperative part for the success of safe
city project which is a key responsibility of the appointed MSI.
Capacity Building for “Safe city project will aim to engender an environment which is apposite
for its successful implementation. Capacity Building Framework would primarily include:
Planning for Capacity Building (Training)

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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a. Identify Audience & Training Needs

b. Arrange for Requisite Infrastructure
c. Monitor & Evaluate Effectiveness
d. Ensure Sustainability of the CB Programs

Change management
a. It is crucial that change management and capacity building programmes by MSI
form an integral part of the Women Centric safe city project. These initiatives will
acquaint the stakeholders to the proposed system and its associated processes.
b. Furthermore, it will motivate, train and empower the security agency officials to
adopt revised/ automated methods of working and appreciate the resultant
benefits through the ICCC and VMS systems.
c. Change management methodology by MSI must keep every stakeholder informed
about the changes in the process flow and information management systems. It
will empower the officials with the necessary skills and attitude in order to
facilitate them in performing their duties in a more effective manner.
Capacity building
It is prudent to build the capacities of the departmental officials who are involved in the
operations and decision making, by disseminating the necessary knowledge and skills for
smooth implementation of the envisaged processes. It is equally important to generate an
attitude that is receptive to a technology based delivery of services. Merely developing,
redefining processes and implementing technology will deliver the quality of services
envisaged. Henceforth, The MSI will ensure that the concerned officials learns to operate the
redesigned services, and efficiently deliver the desired outputs.
Based on the needs and the objectives of the project, training programs would be organized
by the MSI with qualifying criterion under the following themes:
a. Creating awareness about the benefits of Safe City Project and specialized
application skills.
b. Role-based training for people at different levels of monitoring and control.
c. “Train the Trainer” programs, where members of the staff would be trained to
enable them to conduct further training programs, thus helping build up scalability
in the training program and also reducing the dependency on external vendors for
d. System Administrator training: a few members of the staff with high aptitude shall
be trained to act as system administrators and trouble-shooters for Delhi police.
e. MSI shall train officers and other staff nominated by the Delhi Police in different
aspects of equipment usage, operations, maintenance and repair at each location
f. The MSI shall at every stage of installation; testing and commissioning provide all
facilities for adequate training of the TSP & Delhi Police’s personnel who may be
deputed to work on the Projects.
g. The System Administration and Maintenance Training Program will be structured
so as to train Delhi Police Officers/ Personnel.
h. The user operational training program will be structured so as to train Delhi Police’s
supervisory and training personnel per site.
i. MSI will provide complete details on the training programs to be offered including:

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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a) Material to be covered,
b) Number of hours of training per operator or technician or supervisors for
each specific course; along with all the supporting documents.

j. MSI shall provide training to the staff of Delhi Police/TSP. The training part should
cover the following aspects:
 The system architecture and networking different features of ACD, main switch
and servers.
 Description of call takers, dispatcher console, IP/ digital voice logger, storage, GIS
/GPS map etc.
 Vehicle sub system capabilities with GIS Operation & GPS capability,
portable/mobile devices
 Description of various links and their bandwidth etc.
 Description of all functional assemblies of the system, including controls,
indicators and monitoring system.
 Tune up procedures for the system and adjustment of operating parameters and
other Operation and maintenance procedures.
 Practical replacement procedures/practices for major assemblies, to the
experienced technicians of police in the complete trouble shooting and
maintenance of the equipment, both at the board replacement and preferably at
the board repair level
 MIS reports for system health check-up & operation, dashboard features etc.
 Inventory Management System.
 All trainings to be completed before Go-live.

Training Audience
Based on the nature of their responsibilities and their requirements from safe city project,
Personnel can be classified into the following categories for training purposes:
a. Key senior officers: Additional Commissioner of Police and above
b. Other senior level officers: Asst. Commissioner of Police to Deputy Commissioner
of Police at the district level.
c. Key officers (Inspector /Sub-Inspector / Assistant Sub-Inspector)
d. Lower level officers (Head Constable and Constables), for monitoring at each
police station, district and C4I level.

Training Topics
Training will be imparted on following topics:
1. Change management
2. Team work and Project management
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

3. Gender sensitizations
4. IT systems and computers
5. Data Center & Network administration
6. Hardware & its maintenance
7. Dashboards and their features along with SOP’s
8. VMS
10. Analytics
11. Cyber security
12. EMS
Other Capacity Building Initiatives
a. Throughout the duration of the implementation of safe city project, Delhi Police
shall try and leverage to the extent possible, existing training institutions
including Police Training College, Recruitment training Center, IT training Center
and other CCTNS training institutes to train the existing and new recruits in the
Delhi Police in order to compensate the additional requirement of trained
personnel with the expansion of the project year on year.
b. Delhi Police will also explore possibilities of partnering with academic
institutions for training programs where appropriate.
c. In addition to the training of the Delhi Police Recruits it is suggested that people
with IT education background be directly hired for Data Center & Network
Administration and Hardware Installation and Maintenance aspects of the
d. Delhi Police shall be laying increased focus on e-Learning, which makes learning
process more engaging and effective. E-Learning systems typically enhance
effectiveness by:
i. Imparting lessons through graphics, visuals, etc.
ii. Use of animation clips to describe a process using audio visual aids
iii. Inter Intelligent questioning and taking feedbacks
iv. Rolling back to any other previous topics to get a better understanding
Training Schedule

Sr. No. Name of the Training Program No. of Days Batch Size
1 Change management Workshop – 1 25-30
2 Change management workshop -Automated 1 25-30
Operation and Team Work Skills for ICCC
3 Training on ICCC Operations 2 25-30
4 Work Shop on Gender Sensitization & Police 1 40-50
Distress Response Vehicle (Prakhar Van and
the likes) Usability
5 Data Center & Network Administration 2 15-20
Enterprise & Asset Management
Cyber Security
6 Basic Knowledge -Hardware and Software 1 30-40

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Sr. No. Name of the Training Program No. of Days Batch Size
7 Management Information System (Higher 1 15-20

4.15 DC & C4i drawings

The details of the drawing and other details will be shared post the signing of the Non- Disclosure
agreement with MSI.

4.16 Layout drawings of C3i

a. Electrical Layout at C3i office locations at DHQ (indicative)

b. Lighting Fixtures’ Layout at C3i office locations at DHQ (indicative)

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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4.17 Certifications for Project components

a. All the mandatory component-wise certifications by Competent Authorities (for safety

security, IT and Non IT parameters) for ensuring adequate performance levels for the project
have been defined in the Technical Specifications laid down in the RFP chapter 4.
b. All the certifications will be furnished by the OEM as a part of the submitted bid which will be
an essential parameter for Technical Evaluation.
c. The OEM will be required to provide Manufacturing Authorization Form/ Certificate with
the Country of Origin details for every Product being provided as a part of Project
requirement. It will be the prerogative of the end customer to reject any particular country of
origin for product lines offered for the project by the vendor.
d. The OEM will submit Factory Acceptance Certification for all its products along with the
aforementioned certifications.
e. The above described certificates will not only benchmark the quality parameters however
would also enable to conduct vendor selection without any dispute.
f. The bidder will also be required to provide compliance for all the specifications for the
offered product with respect to each functionality laid down in RFP.
g. Also, the installation of every equipment will be considered commissioned and accepted upon
successful Final Testing and User Acceptance Certification.
h. Considering, the certification of the field equipment like poles for successful installation in
terms of seismic strength, durability, etc. and the building floor strength a third party
inspection can be conducted through Government/ PSU Authorized Institutions like IIT- Delhi,
IIT-Powai, IIT-Kharagpur, PDIL, EIL, RITES.
i. Further, the entire project will be subjected to STQC and a Third-Party Implementation Audit

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by CERT-IN empaneled agency before Go-live operations, which will certify the project
implementation as good to proceed with Operation and Maintenance phase in line with the
RFP. Also, Third Party Security and Network Performance Audits will be performed every
quarter of year by CERT-IN empaneled agency

The summary of all certifications enlisted for every component as below.

S No. Key Components Certifications

1 Green guard gold Certified (Modular Metal Ceiling,
C4i Design and Standards Flooring & Modular Metal wall paneling)
Integrated Ceiling & Paneling: UL certified
The Modular Metal Paneling, Modular Control Desks and
Designer Metal Ceiling shall be RoHS certified
Test certification for ASTM D2571 for the surface
burning characteristics of Modular furniture
Tiles Perforation – UL certified
UL Certified design feature of Load bearing capacity of
UL Certified design feature of Modular wall Paneling
Illumination: - Control Room illumination shall be
designed as per ISO 11064 norms.
Table-top: ANSI/NEMA LD3 certified scratch-resistant
The Console OEM should be an FSC
Certified manufacturer
Monitor Arm: - UL certified
VideWall Controller All features and functionality should be certified by the
and software OEM.
LED Monitor- 55” cubes UL/EN/CE/IEC/BIS certification for Safety
in a 1 X 2 arrangement and CE/FCC Certifications for
EMC & Immunity.
4 Workstations'- PSU 80PLUS (Gold Certified) Energy Star Compliant
5 Monitor: TCO Certified
Network Color Laser
6 BEE or Energy Star certified
TLS encryption with digital certificates to secure the
7 communication channel.
Secured media stream requests shall be secured with
C4i software- Cyber strong certificate-based authentication leveraging RTSPS
Security Requirements (aka RTSP over TLS).
AES 128-bit encryption
8 Face Recognition The Vendor should have any performance
Software for 370 FRS benchmarking certificate. NIST certificate will be
channels preferred.

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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Service Helpdesk - Pink VERIFY certification on at least 6 available ITIL

Incident Management processes
Layer 2 Network Efficiency and safety: RoHS, EN 61000-4-5/EN 61000- 3-
Switches - 24 Ports 2/ EN 61000-3-11
10KVA UPS (for C3i) & 3
KVA (for C2i) with 60 min &
11 ISO 9001, ISO 14001, CE Certified
30 min battery backup at
80% load
Certified for OS: Windows Server 2016 or latest, VMWare
12 Server vSphere & Viewing Center, Red Hat Enterprise Linux,
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
Security- Write Once Read Many (WORM) compliant to
13 Storage SEC17a-4.
OS & other Software Support- It must be certified to
support OS like Microsoft Windows Server, HP UX, Red
Hat, VMware, Citrix XenServer, IBM AIX, Oracle Solaris,
Oracle Linux, Novell NetWare, SLES, etc.
L2 Switch (100 Gbps) WAN RoHS, IPv6 ready for host and router, Fresh Air
Layer 2 TOR Switches - 48 RoHS, FCC CFR 47 Part 15, EN 61000-4-5: Surge,
Ports 10G NDcPP/EAL2
Rack shall have EIA, UL, RoHS, REACH certified
16 Racks with Smart PDU The PDU should be CE certified.
Web Application
17 ICSA certified WAF functionality.
Key Manager for
18 Level 3 Certified HSM Card in Appliance or VM
Outdoor Fixed Camera - 4MP
19 CE, FCC, UL/cUL, BIS, NEMA 4X compliant
Outdoor PTZ Camera - 4MP,
20 CE, FCC, UL/cUL, BIS, NEMA 4X compliant
30x Optical Zoom
Outdoor Fixed ANPR
21 Camera with IR CE, FCC, UL/cUL, BIS, NEMA 4X compliant
Illuminator- 2MP
Pole - for Cameras with 1
mtr ARMs for Fixed Bix &
22 PTZ cameras and with Design and foundation Should be certified from
cantilever for ANPR camera government organization or government empaneled
Network Access
IP 30 rating, DIN Rail Mountable, NEMA-
23 Switches - 8 or more ports
TS2 certification.
24 Junction Box (Surface Mount
/ Pole Mount)
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Certified from NABL Accreted Labs

25 UPS (1KVA / 2 KVA)

Note: Equivalent Indian Standards for all items/equipment will be acceptable; wherever

4.18 Coordinates of all Police Stations (C2i locations)- district wise and the
status of civil infrastructure
The details of the location and coordinates of the sites will be shared post the signing of the Non-
Disclosure agreement with MSI.

4.19 Location details of 3351 field sites and the respective number of
deployable cameras
The details of the location and coordinates of the sites will be shared post the signing of the Non-
Disclosure agreement with MSI.

4.20 Details of the poles to be erected/ installed (5361 no.)

The details of the location and coordinates of the poles to be installed will be shared post the
signing of the Non- Disclosure agreement with MSI.

4.21 Important Instructions for Application Software

 If Linux* is quoted as OS, support subscription for 3+2 years shall be included.
 If bidder is proposing any open source software it should be enterprise version with support
subscription for 3+2 years.
 All the quoted software and appliances should support offline update mechanism towards
patch, firmware, license for software updates
 All the quoted software license should be perpetual in nature.
 The SDK shall provide an extensive list of programming functions to view and/or configure
core entities such as: users and user groups, alarms, custom events, and schedules, and more.
 The OEM shall have well documented SDK
 The OEM shall have a structured support program in place to support 3rd party developers
using SDK. The program details must be shared along with the technical bid
 The OEM must have well defined support by the means of online portal , Chat and Toll free
no to support the SDK developers on timely basis
 The documentations and development process must be published online by the respective

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 SDK shall be made available within 2 weeks of release of the new version
 There must be backward version compatibility with the SDK‘s for at least 3 major releases
and all the release notes must be made available online for the development community.
 All type of API shall be developed by vendor within the quote cost.
 MSI will provision min 10 additional application integrations at no extra cost, during the
terms of the contract after Go-Live
 MSI shall provide all software on common platform for integrations.
(End of Chapter – 4)

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: Price Bid Format
The bidders must submit the financial bid (.xls file) as per the format given below.
Name of the Bidder/ Bidding Firm / Company :

(This BoQ is for all the phases put together the order will be placed phasewise )

GS Exten Exten
U T ded ded
Compreh Compreh Compreh TOT
ni on Warr Warr
GST ensive ensive ensive GST in % Total AL TOTAL
t U anty anty
in % AMC 1st AMC 2nd AMC 3rd on Compreh AMO AMOUN
Sl. Qua Ra ni 4th 5th
Item Description Units on Year in Year in Year in Compreh ensive UNT T
No. ntity te t Year Year
Warr Rs. Rs. Rs. ensive AMC in in In
in Ra Rs. Rs.
anty (Lump (Lump (Lump AMC Rs. Rs. Words
Rs te (Lum (Lum
Sum) Sum) Sum)
. in p p
% Sum) Sum)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Integrated Command, Control, Communication and Compute Center at PHQ Delhi (C4i)
A.Hardware Component
Video Wall Solution- 70” cubes in a INR
1.01 4 X 4 arrangement 3 Video Walls 48 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Video Wall Controller INR
1.02 4 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
LED Monitor- 55” cubes in a 1 X 2 INR
1.03 arrangement 4 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Workstation for LED Monitors INR
1.04 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Workstations with 3 nos. 24" UHD
Touch Monitors for C4i application
at multiple rooms on 6th & 7th
1.05 16 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Floor (EoC) Mike + webcam
+speaker along with operator
Video Wall Software INR
1.06 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Workstations with 3 nos. 24" UHD
Touch Monitors for C4i application
1.07 21 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
with Mike + webcam +speaker
along with operator workstation
Network Colour Laser Printer INR
1.08 5 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

IP Phones INR
1.09 39 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Display port/ HDMI splitter (for C4i INR
1.11 & C3i + C2i) 50 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Racks 42U with Smart PDU INR
1.12 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Workstation for Video wall without INR
1.13 Monitor 16 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Switch L2 INR
1.14 14 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Joystick for PTZ camera at INR
1.15 Workstation 39 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
55'’ LED TV 0.00 INR
1.16 4 Nos 0.00 Zero
Dual TV Stand with Power 0.00 INR
1.17 distribution 2 Nos 0.00 Zero
Integrated Command, Control, Communication and Compute Centerat PHQ Delhi (C4i)
B.Sofware Component
C4I Software including following
modules - Software Component
1. ICCC Base platform with GIS
engine, reporting, real-time
dashboard, User Interface and
Alarm Management with
unrestricted client connections
2. Threat Level Engine INR
2.01 3. Big data correlation Tool with 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
crime insights Only
4. Incident Management, Rules
Engine, Decision Management and
collaboration tool
5. Active directory Integration or
6. Mobile App with unrestricted
Automatic Vehicle Location System INR
2.02 (AVLS) 1 Nos 0.00 Zero
0.00 Only
Computer Aided Dispatch Software INR
2.03 (CAD) 1 Nos 0.00 Zero
0.00 Only
GPS Location Based Services and INR
2.04 GIS Software 1 Nos 0.00 Zero
0.00 Only

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Video Management & Recording

Software – 10,000 camera licenses 1100
2.05 Nos 0.00 Zero
+ 1000 cameras floating licensing 0
for existing camera integration 0.00
Video Analytics Software for 2500 INR
2.06 cameras (2 use cases on an average 5000 Nos 0.00 Zero
per camera) 0.00 Only
Face Recognition Software for 370 INR
2.07 FRS channels 370 Nos 0.00 Zero
0.00 Only
Automatic Number/ License Plate INR
2.08 Recognition Software with 1622 Nos 0.00 Zero
licensing 0.00 Only
Video Summarization and Forensic INR
2.09 Software 1 Nos 0.00 Zero
0.00 Only
2.1 PIU (Picture Intelligence Unit) 1 Nos 0.00 Zero
Software 0.00 Only
Customized Interface software for
integration with
a. Community Surveillance
2.11 1 Nos 0.00 Zero
d. Himmat plus App
e. Dial 112 and other databases -
Total 32 databases 0.00
2.12 LDAP Software to cater the offered 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
solution Only
SQL Server 2019 Standard License INR
2.13 for offered solution 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Enterprise Management System
including SLA Management,
Network Management, Asset
2.14 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Management, Incident & Work
Flow Management, Privilege &
Identity Management.
Helpdesk Management INR
2.15 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Internal Audit: Half yearly for
network and applications and
2.16 10 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
operations (reffer para 2.2.7 of
chapter 2 of RFP)
External Audit: Yearly for network
and applications and operations
2.17 5 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
(reffer para 2.2.7 of chapter 2 of
Security Software Tools and INR
2.18 commissioning support of all 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
software- additional licenses, etc. Only

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

3 District Command, Control & Communication Center at 16 District Headquarters (C3I)

Workstations with 3 nos. 24" INR
3.01 Monitors Mike + webcam +speaker 57 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
along with operator workstation Only
LED Monitor- 55” monitor displays 0.00 INR
3.02 48 Nos 0.00 Zero
Workstations for LED Display 0.00 INR
3.03 without Monitor 16 Nos 0.00 Zero
Network Colour Laser Printer 0.00 INR
3.04 16 Nos 0.00 Zero
IP Phones 0.00 INR
3.05 57 Nos 0.00 Zero
Secure Network Device - SD WAN 0.00 INR
3.06 Router 16 Nos 0.00 Zero
Layer 2 Network Switches - 24 0.00 INR
3.07 Ports 16 Nos 0.00 Zero
Network Racks 16U 0.00 INR
3.08 16 Nos 0.00 Zero
Networking Cost (Passive 0.00 INR
3.09 Components) 16 Nos 0.00 Zero
10KVA UPS with 30 min battery 0.00 INR
3.1 backup at 80% load 32 Nos 0.00 Zero
Comfort AC 1.5/ 2 Ton 0.00 INR
3.11 32 Nos 0.00 Zero
Edge Gateway for Community 0.00 INR
3.13 Surveillance 50 Nos 0.00 Zero
Joystick for PTZ camera at 0.00 INR
3.14 Workstation 57 Nos 0.00 Zero
4 Local Monitoring Center at 182 Police Stations (C2i)
Workstations with 3 nos. 24"
Monitors for C4i application Mike +
4.01 240 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
webcam +speaker along with
operator workstation
LED Monitor- 55” monitor displays INR
4.02 81 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Workstations for LED Display INR
4.03 without Monitor 70 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

IP Phones INR
4.04 240 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Secure Network Device - SD WAN INR
4.05 Router 182 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Network laser printer INR
4.06 182 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Layer 2 Network Switches - 24 INR
4.07 Ports 182 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Network Racks 16U INR
4.08 182 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Networking Cost (Passive INR
4.09 Components) for each C2i as per 182 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
the solution offered Only
3KVA UPS with 30 min battery INR
4.1 backup at 80% load 174 Nos 0.00 Zero
0.00 Only
10KVA UPS with 30 min battery INR
4.11 backup at 80% load 8 Nos 0.00 Zero
0.00 Only
Comfort AC 1.5 Ton INR
4.12 182 Nos 0.00 Zero
0.00 Only
Joystick for PTZ camera at INR
4.14 Workstation 240 Nos 0.00 Zero
0.00 Only
5 Mobile Command Control Vehicle (MCCV)- For 02 Vehicles
Chassis: WB 4200mm (approx.) INR
5.01 from reputed OEM like TATA, 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Eicher, Ashok Leyland etc. Only
Custom designed & Fabricated INR
5.02 Mobile Command Control Vehicle 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Split Air Conditioner (1Ton) INR
5.03 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Interiors design (as per the INR
5.04 requirement)- for 02 Vehicles 1 Lump-sum 0.0 0.00 Zero
Chairs / Seating Arrangement for INR
5.05 two Operator and one ICS 6 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Chairs / Seating Arrangement for INR
5.06 Supervisor with mini seating area 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Console with provision for display INR
5.07 4 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Inter- communication Service INR

5.08 Console 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
19" Rack with shock & vibration INR
5.09 isolators for electronic 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Mast INR
5.1 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Storage INR
5.11 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
PC for Operator INR
5.12 4 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
32" LED Full HD TV INR
5.13 4 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
5KVA UPS System with Batteries INR
5.14 for 1 hour backup 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
7.5 KVA Silent Petrol Generator Set INR
5.15 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Vehicle Mast mounted PTZ Camera INR
5.16 with Keyboard and Joystick 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Vehicle mounted full HD Bullet INR
5.17 Cameras 4 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Industrial PC based Network Video INR
5.18 Recorder 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Video Management System INR
5.19 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Standalone Mobile Hand-held INR
5.2 device 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
4 SIM based 4G Aggregator Device INR
5.21 with Dongles 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Network Hardware:- - - 1 x 24Port INR
5.22 GigE Switch 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
32" or better LED Full HD Video INR
5.23 Display 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Vehicle Mounted Water Dispenser INR
5.24 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

LED Flood Lights with 120-degree INR

5.25 coverage (Mast Mounted) 6 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Top Bar Light with Siren INR
5.26 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
PA System with 4 Speakers INR
5.27 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Fire Extinguisher INR
5.28 8 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
First-Aid Box INR
5.29 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
4G Based live TV Streaming Device INR
5.3 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Integration, Testing, Installation, INR
5.31 Commissioning & Training 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Interoperable Communication
System with Operator Display, INR
5.32 Pedal PTT, Speakers, GSM Modem, 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
PTT Desk Mic & Record-Replay Only
Provision of Integration of APCO- INR
5.33 P25 Radio Communication channel 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
at MCCV Only
4G Aggregator/ Bonding Receiver INR
5.34 with Unlimited bonding License 1 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
SIM recurring charges for MCCV INR
5.35 (16 SIM)- Annual 5 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Price of MCCV Vehicle INR
5.36 2 Nos 0.0 0.00 Zero
Data Centre
a. Servers
C4I Servers at ICCC (PHQ) INR
6.01 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Integration Servers INR
6.02 3 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Video Management Servers INR
6.03 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Video Recording Servers INR
6.04 60 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Video Analytics Servers with 3x

GPU in each server for 2500
6.05 42 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
cameras each having 2 use cases on
an average
Face Recognition Servers with 3x INR
6.06 GPU in each server for 370 FRS 20 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Channels Only
AI Training and Continuous INR
6.07 Learning Server 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
ANPR Servers for 1622 Channels INR
6.08 44 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
PIU (Picture Intelligence Unit) INR
6.09 Server 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Video Summarization/ Synopsis INR
6.1 and Forensics Server 4 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Domain Controller, EMS server INR
6.11 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Antivirus Server- AI based INR
6.12 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
6.13 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Viewing Center Management INR
6.14 Server 4 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
DLP Server INR
6.15 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
MFA Server + PKI Server INR
6.16 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
b. Storage INR
6.17 Scale out Storage for surveillance 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
video data for 30 days - 20 PB Only
SAN storage for database, boot, INR
6.18 Flagged Data and Backup for 90 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
days - 2 PB Only
SAN Switches INR
6.19 4 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
c. Networking INR
6.2 L2 Switch (100 Gbps) WAN 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Layer 3 Core Switches - 48 ports INR
6.21 100G 4 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Layer 2 TOR Switches - 48 Ports INR

6.22 10G 4 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
L2/ KVM Management Switches INR
6.23 15 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Layer 2 TOR Switches - 48 Ports INR
6.24 10G 15 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Racks with Smart PDU INR
6.25 30 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
d. Security INR
6.26 Firewall- 100 gig streaming 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
throughput Only
IPS & Ddos for 65 Gig throughput INR
6.27 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
6.28 VAPT for 170000IP bands (IP 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Schema) Only
WAF (1 gig internet data) INR
6.29 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Secure Network Device - SD WAN INR
6.3 Router 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Anti-APT (sandboxing) INR
6.31 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Anti-virus- AI Based software INR
6.32 450 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Data Leakage Prevention (DLP) INR
6.33 450 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
SIEM Appliance INR
6.34 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Backup Appliance & Solution INR
6.35 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
AAA Server (NAC) INR
6.36 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Network Load Balancer INR
6.37 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Multi-Factor Authentication (with INR
6.38 Finger print biometric and hard 450 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
token devices) at all workstations Only

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Virtualization license for 77 INR

6.39 Physical Servers using 02 Sockets 154 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
each server Only
18 server Virtualization license for INR
6.4 18 servers using 02 Sockets each 36 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
server (Used for DMZ) Only
Windows/Linux* OS (for 73 Server)
a. OS Licenses for VMS Servers
(Widows Data Center addition/
Linux* with 3+2 years support
subscription) - 2 INR
6.41 b. OS Licenses for Recording 73 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Servers (Widows Data Center Only
addition/ Linux* with 3+2 years
support subscription) - 60
c. Widows Data Center addition
licenses - 11
6.43 Layer 2 Network Switch 24 Ports 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Wall mount 9U Rack for Switches INR
6.44 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Workstation with single Monitor INR
6.45 24" for Management 3 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
IP Phone INR
6.46 3 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Operator Console Desk INR
6.47 3 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
SMS Gateway (for alarms & INR
6.48 notifications) 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Laptop INR
6.49 5 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
IPPBX / Recording server + INR
6.5 software 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Installation, Configuration etc. and INR
6.51 overall management 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
f. Non IT Component INR
6.52 UPS (15 minutes backup) - 400 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
KVA Only
DG Set - 1000 KVA INR
6.53 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
g. Operation and Maintenance INR
6.54 Operation and maintenance cost for 4 Years 0.00 0.00 Zero

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

4 years for Data Centre Non-IT

Equipment only
7 Near Disaster Recovery Center Hardware
C4i Servers,Video management
Servers,Server (Recording),ANPR INR
7.01 Servers,Domain 11 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Controller,Antivirus Server,LDAP Only
Viewing Centre Management INR
7.02 Server 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Video Analytics Servers with 3x INR
7.03 GPU in each server 4 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Face Recognition Servers with 3x INR
7.04 GPU in each server 3 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Storage of application and tagged INR
7.05 data (2 PB storage)- SAN/ Unified 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
L3 Switch 24 Port 10/25 GB INR
7.06 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
L2 Switch 24 Port 1GB INR
7.07 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
SAN Switch 12 port INR
7.08 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
7.09 4 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Firewall- 3 Gig, IPS, DDoS, Anti- INR
7.1 APT, VAPT, server security- 3 GB 2 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
throughput Only
Network Load Balancer (NLB) INR
7.11 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
a) Virtualization Physical Servers INR
7.12 12 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
b) Server Virtualization Security INR
7.13 12 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
c) Windows OS Server INR
7.14 11 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
d) Civil, electrical wherever INR
7.15 required 1 Lots 0.00 0.00 Zero
8 Field Devices

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Outdoor Fixed Camera - 4MP INR

8.01 6121 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Outdoor PTZ Camera - 4MP, 30x INR
8.02 Optical Zoom and joystick control 2246 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
operations Only
Outdoor Fixed ANPR Camera with INR
8.03 IR Illuminator- 2 MP 1622 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Poles - for Cameras with 1 mtr INR
8.04 ARMs for fixed and PTZ 3802 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Poles - Cantilever Poles for ANPR INR
8.05 Cameras 1559 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Network Access Switches - 8 or INR
8.06 more ports 4633 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Gun Shot solution INR
8.07 200 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Public Address System +
loudspeaker at 182(C2i) +16(C3i) INR
8.08 +2(C4i) + 100(field) = 300 300 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
identified spots (locations) Only
centrally regulated at C4i
Junction Box - Floor mounted INR
8.09 (including last mile passive 1201 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
networking, earthing, etc.) Only
Junction Box - Pole mounted INR
8.1 (including last mile passive 3432 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
networking, earthing, etc.) Only
Cat6A/ E Cable (UTP) INR
8.11 Mtr. 0.00 0.00 Zero
Power Cable - Armoured 2 core 1.5 INR
8.12 square MM Mtr. 0.00 0.00 Zero
Power-cable - Unarmoured 1.5 INR
8.13 Square MM for Equipment Power Mtr. 0.00 0.00 Zero
with 3 PIN Top Only
12 port loaded LIU with LC port for INR
8.14 OFC Termination at Junction Poles 4633 Nos. 0.00 0.00 Zero
8 Port loaded Jack Panel for CAT-6 INR
8.15 Cables 4633 Nos. 0.00 0.00 Zero
SN Duplex LC-LC Duplex Patch Cord INR
8.16 9266 Nos. 0.00 0.00 Zero
Surge Protector - single port INR
8.17 internet RJ-45 Plug-in Surge Nos. 0.00 0.00 Zero

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Protector for PoE and PoE+ for All

field cameras and L2 Switches
1 mtr. Patch Cord from jack panel INR
8.18 to surge Protector & Vice-Versa Nos. 0.00 0.00 Zero
Field Terminal Connector INR
8.19 9989 Nos. 0.00 0.00 Zero
8.2 at Junction Box 4633 Nos. 0.00 0.00 Zero
06-16 combine switch socket Box INR
8.21 for UPS input 4633 Nos. 0.00 0.00 Zero
24 VAC 5 AMP Power supply for INR
8.22 ANPR IR 1622 Nos. 0.00 0.00 Zero
Birds care for camera INR
8.23 9989 Nos. 0.00 0.00 Zero
Digging, Piping & Re-filling INR
8.24 (Trenching and Restoration) Mtr. 0.00 0.00 Zero
Earthing - 2 Mtrs GI with 25x3 GI INR
8.25 strip connectivity to junction boxes 1201 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Earthing - 1 Mtrs with 8mm GI wire INR
8.26 for connectivity to Boxes 5361 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
1KVA, 2KVA UPS (60 minutes INR
8.27 backup) - for camera 4633 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Mobile hand held devices for Police INR
8.28 Officials 220 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Any Additional Components
including certification required for
the field devices such as:
- Transit insurance
- Temporary storage Warehouse &
watchmen cost
- Field device insurance like camera
etc. after deployment
- Fencing of poles if required INR
8.29 - Vehicles need to hire for engineer 1 Lot 0.00 0.00 Zero
for supervising purpose at the time Only
of installation period and for post
installation purpose as well
- Electrical tape, OFC Marker,
feruling & node points numbering,
OTDR machine, Tie, cable manager,
GI heavy grade conduit,
- Toolkit (spanner set, multimeter,
digital analyser, screwdriver set,

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

torch etc) at every police station

- Pest control & sanitization at C4i,
C3i, C2i - 2 times in a year
- First aid kit at every control room
Operations & Management - Indicative Technical Manpower -MSI can give price of manpower in each head as per the requirement in Phase-I, Phase-II, Phase-III, Phase -IV and TO
Manager - DC, C4i, C3i and C2i: 1 INR
Per person
9.01 manager for Contract Period 3 0.00 0.00 Zero
Per year
C4i Expert: 2 for Contract Period INR
Per person
9.02 6 0.00 0.00 Zero
Per year
System Administrator: 6 for INR
Per person
9.03 Contract Period 18 0.00 0.00 Zero
Per year
Network and Security Manager INR
Per person
9.04 along with Field Network 30 0.00 0.00 Zero
Per year
Technician: 10 for Contract Period Only
Storage Administrator: 4 for INR
Per person
9.05 Contract Period 12 0.00 0.00 Zero
Per year
Enterprise & Asset Manager : 2 for INR
Per person
9.06 Contract Period 6 0.00 0.00 Zero
Per year
Database Administrator: 1 for INR
Per person
9.07 Contract Period 3 0.00 0.00 Zero
Per year
10 Operation power charges
Power Meter Charges (Installation INR
10.01 & Others)(minus of pilot district) 3788 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
Power cabling from meter to site INR
10.02 and miscellaneous 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Power meter & charges for Pilot (2 INR
10.03 Districts) (unit rate till go-live of 845 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
1st phase) Only
11 Training and Change management
Training schedule for trainees INR
11.01 ((5080 trainees) 1 Nos 0.00 0.00 Zero
12 Manpower Deployment
Operator at C2i: 240 operators for INR
Unit Rate
12.01 03 years 720 0.00 0.00 Zero
Per Annum
Operator at C3i: 57 operators per INR
Unit Rate
12.02 shift * 3 shifts for 03 years 513 0.00 0.00 Zero
Per Annum
Operator at C4i: 21 operators per INR
Unit Rate
12.03 shift * 3 shifts for 03 years 189 0.00 0.00 Zero
Per Annum

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Supervisor/Manager at C4i: 3 for INR

Unit Rate
12.04 03 years 9 0.00 0.00 Zero
Per Annum
Operator- Manpower at C2i for 2 INR
Unit Rate
12.05 Pilot Districts (approx. 27 Police 41 0.00 0.00 Zero
Per Annum
Station) (till Go live of Phase 1) Only
Operator- Manpower at C3i for 2 INR
Unit Rate
12.06 Pilot Districts (till Go live of Phase 27 0.00 0.00 Zero
Per Annum
1) Only
Operator- Manpower at C4i for 2 INR
Unit Rate
12.07 Pilot Districts (till Go live of Phase 15 0.00 0.00 Zero
Per Annum
1) Only
Media campaigning and citizen
Media campaigning and citizen INR
13.01 awareness 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
14 Miscellaneous
Pentascanning & Certification INR
14.01 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Insurance INR
14.02 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Travel Allowance INR
14.03 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Watchmen INR
14.04 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Warehouse on Rent to store field INR
14.05 material 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Network Dressing INR
14.06 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Risk - Power Charges, ROW, RI INR
14.07 Charges, Taxation 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
2% Inventory spares to maintain INR
14.08 SLA 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Additional Requirement in C4i for INR
14.09 Interior 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Additional Furniture, Chairs, Tables INR
14.1 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Diesel for C4i till Go-live INR
14.11 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

Insurance to Manpower working in INR

14.12 the field 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Freight Insurance INR
14.13 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Light Bar for vehicles & poles INR
14.14 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Logo Embossing on every INR
14.15 equipment 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Battery Replacement, Theft in the INR
14.16 field, etc. 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
External DVD writers INR
14.17 5 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Others INR
14.18 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
C4I Non-IT (Details of Non-IT
components are given in the RFP
and Refrence is given in the
items below, cumulative price
should be mentioned against
Demolition and Cartage Of Rubbish INR
15.01 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C4i) Only
Civil Works(Chapter- INR
15.02 3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil Works and 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
interiors of C4i) Only
Joinery INR
15.03 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C4i) Only
Doors INR
15.04 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C4i) Only
Ceiling INR
15.05 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C4i) Only
Finishes INR
15.06 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C4i) Only
Built in storages INR
15.07 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C4i) Only
Flooring INR
15.08 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C4i) Only

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Signage INR
15.09 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C4i) Only
Loose Furniture INR
15.1 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C4i) Only
Misc. Items INR
15.11 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C4i) Only
Electrical INR
15.12 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C4i) Only
15.13 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Civi+B26l Works and interiors of
15.14 DB, CABLES AND EARTHING 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
(Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil Only
Works and interiors of C4i)
15.15 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C4i) Only
15.16 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C4i) Only
15.17 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
(Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil
Works and interiors of C4i)
Networking INR
15.18 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C4i) Only
15.19 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C4i) Only
UPS System INR
15.2 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C4i) Only
Carpet INR
15.21 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C4i) Only
Modular Furniture (with Chairs)
15.22 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
(Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil
Works and interiors of C4i)
HVAC Sub-Total INR
15.23 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.2>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C4i) Only
16 C3I Non-IT

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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Interior Works & Furnishings INR

16.01 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.3>Refer Civil 16 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C3i) Only
Electrical Works INR
16.02 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.3>Refer Civil 16 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C3i) Only
16.03 DB, CABLES AND EARTHING 16 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
(Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.3>Refer Civil Only
Works and interiors of C3i)
16.04 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.3>Refer Civil 16 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C3i) Only
16.05 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.3>Refer Civil 16 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C3i) Only
16.06 16 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
(Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.3>Refer Civil
Works and interiors of C3i)
16.07 57 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
(Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.3>Refer Civil
Works and interiors of C3i)
17 C2I Non-IT
17.01 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.4>Refer Civil 182 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C2i) Only
Electrical Works INR
17.02 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.4>Refer Civil 182 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of C2i) Only
17.03 DB, CABLES AND EARTHING 182 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
(Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.4>Refer Civil Only
Works and interiors of C2i)
17.04 182 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
(Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.4>Refer Civil
Works and interiors of C2i)
17.05 240 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
(Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.4>Refer Civil
Works and interiors of C2i)
18 DC Non-IT
Civil Works INR
18.01 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of Data Centre) Only
18.02 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of Data Centre) Only

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18.03 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of Data Centre) Only
18.04 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of Data Centre) Only
18.05 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of Data Centre) Only
18.06 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of Data Centre) Only
18.07 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of Data Centre) Only
18.08 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of Data Centre) Only
18.09 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of Data Centre) Only
18.1 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of Data Centre) Only
18.11 DISTRIBUTION, INSULATION 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
(Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil Only
Works and interiors of Data Centre)
18.12 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of Data Centre) Only
Electrical Works INR
18.13 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of Data Centre) Only
18.14 CABLING 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
(Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil Only
Works and interiors of Data Centre)
18.15 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of Data Centre) Only
18.16 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of Data Centre) Only
18.17 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
(Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil
Works and interiors of Data Centre)
Networking INR
18.18 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of Data Centre) Only

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18.19 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
(Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil
Works and interiors of Data Centre)
Floor strengthening INR
18.2 (Chapter-3>3.1>3.1.5>Refer Civil 1 Lump-sum 0.00 0.00 Zero
Works and interiors of Data Centre) Only
Any Additional item, equipment
or services not covered above
and required to complete the
19.01 Details of the item, equipment or 1 per Year 0.00 Zero
services 0.00 Only
AMC charges for two years
starting from approx. March
20 2023, for following items of 88
nos of Prakhar Vans already
supplied to Delhi Police.
20.01 MDT (Mobile Data Terminal) - 88 2 per Year 0.00 0.00 Zero
Nos. Only
20.02 Finger Print Scanner Compatible 2 per Year 0.00 0.00 Zero
with MDT - 88 Nos. Only
20.03 2 per Year 0.00 0.00 Zero
Communication Device - 88 Nos. Only
20.04 2 per Year 0.00 0.00 Zero
Body Worn Camera - 88 Nos. Only
20.05 2 per Year 0.00 0.00 Zero
Battery - 88 Nos. Only
20.06 2 per Year 0.00 0.00 Zero
Vehicle Mounted Camera - 352 Nos. Only
20.07 Mobile Network Video Recorder 2 per Year 0.00 0.00 Zero
(MnVR) - 88 Nos. Only
20.08 2 per Year 0.00 0.00 Zero
GPS, Software Only
Total in INR
Figures 0.00 Zero
Quoted Rate INR Zero Only
in Words

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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(End of Chapter – 5)

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Contract Form (Draft)
This is a draft agreement and contract terms and conditions will be finalized after mutual
discussion with selected MSI and Stakeholder. However, by and large, the terms and conditions
of the Contract shall be in-line with those stipulated in this RFP document.

This Agreement is made and executed at _____ on this ________


Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, an autonomous Society of the Ministry of

Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India, registered under the
Societies Registration Act, 1860 and the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950 having its registered
office at ____________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “C-DAC”) which expression shall,
unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include its
successors and assigns,


_______________________, an Indian Company, incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013 and
having its office at _____________________, through its authorized signatory, ______________, (hereinafter
referred to as “_________”) which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning
thereof, be deemed to mean and include its subsidiaries and Affiliates and their respective
representatives, successors and assigns,

C-DAC and _____ hereinafter individually referred to as a “Party” or together the “Parties”

Whereas C-DAC had published a Request for Proposal No. CDACP/Safe City/2020/313 dated xx
December, 2020 for appointment of Main System Integrator (hereafter referred as MSI) for
supply, installation and commissioning of CCTV City Surveillance System as a part of Safe City
project of Delhi Police.

Whereas, M/s (MSI) being interested in execution of said work, participated in the tendering
process and submitted their techno-commercial offer.

And Whereas, M/s (Name of MSI) having visited and carefully and completely inspected and fully
familiarized the scope and responsibilities, represented to C-DAC that they have the required
professional skills, personnel and technical and financial capability and resources, have agreed
to execute the work as per the scope of work stipulated in this Contract (along with Annexures),
the same be treated and read as part and parcel of this Contract.

And Whereas, M/s (MSI) hereby agrees to execute the said work and subject to the conditions set
forth herein, for Rs. (amount), excluding the applicable GST, (all of which are collectively
hereinafter referred to as the “said Conditions” and forming a part and parcel of this Contract).
RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

And whereas, based on representation made by M/s (MSI), C-DAC agreed to avail the services of
M/s (MSI) for completion of aforesaid work, and hence the parties agreed to enter into the
present contract.
Now hereby it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as under:
1. Definitions: (As per para 1.6 of chapter 1.)
2. Scope of Contract:
M/s (MSI) shall upon and subject to the conditions of the Contract, execute and complete the
work shown upon and described in the schedule of requirements(As given in Annexure xx
attached) and as per said specifications, at agreed rates.
C-DAC shall pay M/s (MSI) as per this contract for the work completey done to the satisfaction
of C-DAC that may become payable at times and in manner hereinafter specified in the said
3. Order of precedence of documents:
a. Contract Agreement
b. Latter of Intent
c. C-DAC’s RFP No ________________________ dated _____ read with the corrigenda published
d. The techno-commercial bid submitted by M/s (MSI) subject to acceptance by C-DAC
4. Locations for Delivery and Project Implementation mentioned in para 2.1.13 of chapter 2
5. Performance Security mentioned in para 2.1.15 of chapter 2
6. Timelines linked with Payment Schedule mentioned in para 2.1.16 of chapter 2
7. Warranty mentioned in para 2.1.17 of chapter 2
8. Operations and Maintenance mentioned in para 2.1.18 of chapter 2
9. Liquidated Damages mentioned in para 2.1.19 of chapter 2
10. Penalties for Non/Under Performance mentioned in para 2.1.20 of chapter 2
11. Termination mentioned in para 2.1.21 of chapter 2
12. Consequence of Termination mentioned in para 2.1.22 of chapter 2
13. Limitation of Liability mentioned in para 2.1.23 of chapter 2
14. Indemnity mentioned in para 2.1.24 of chapter 2
15. Security and Safety mentioned in para 2.1.25 of chapter 2
16. Confidentiality mentioned in para 2.1.26 of chapter 2
17. Events of Default by MSI mentioned in para 2.1.27 of chapter 2
18. Severability and renegotiation mentioned in para 2.1.28 of chapter 2
19. Non-Waiver mentioned in para 2.1.29 of chapter 2
20. Fall Clause mentioned in para 2.1.30 of chapter 2
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under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

21. Jurisdiction mentioned in para 2.1.31 of chapter 2

22. Other paras stipulated in RFP

NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable consideration, the adequacy of which is hereby

acknowledged, the Parties covenant and agree as follows:

6.1. Scope of work

a. Scope of the work is defined in RFP Chapter 4 of the Bid.
b. MSI is required to provide such goods, services and support as C-DAC may deem fit
proper and necessary, during the term of this Contract and includes all such processes
and activities which are consistent with the proposals set forth in the Bid, the RFP and
this Contract and are deemed necessary by C-DAC, in order to meet its business
requirements (hereinafter ‘Scope of Work’).

6.2. Key Performance Measurements

a. Unless specified by C-DAC to the contrary, MSI shall deliver the goods, perform the
services and carry out the Scope of Work in accordance with the terms of this Contract,
Scope of Work and the Service Specifications as laid down under Service Level Agreement
in (4.13 of Chapter 4) of this Contract.
b. C-DAC in consultation with Delhi Police may amend any of the terms and conditions in
relation to the Contract / Service Specifications and may issue any such directions which
are not necessarily stipulated therein if it deems necessary for the fulfilment of the
Schedule of Requirements.

6.3. Commencement and Progress

a. MSI shall subject to the fulfillment of the conditions precedent above, commence the
performance of its obligations within 7 days from the date of execution of this Contract,
in a manner as per the Scope of Work (Chapter 4).
b. MSI shall proceed to carry out the activities / services with diligence and expedite in
accordance with any stipulation as to the time, manner, mode, and method of execution
contained in this Contract.
c. MSI shall be responsible for and shall ensure that all activities/services are performed in
accordance with the Contract, Scope of Work and Service Specifications and that MSI’s
Team complies with such Specifications and all other standards, terms and other
stipulations/conditions set out hereunder.

6.4. Standards of performance

MSI shall perform the Services and carry out its obligations under the Contract with due
diligence, efficiency and economy, in accordance with generally accepted techniques and
best practices used in the industry and with IT standards recognized by international
professional bodies and shall observe sound management, engineering and security
practices. It shall employ appropriate advanced technology and engineering practices
and safe and effective equipment, machinery, material and methods. MSI shall always act,
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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

in respect of any matter relating to the Contract, as faithful advisors to C-DAC and shall,
at all times, support and safeguard C-DAC's legitimate interests in any dealings with Third

6.5. Approvals and Required Consents

a. C-DAC shall extend necessary support to MSI to obtain, maintain and observe all relevant
and customary regulatory and governmental licenses, clearances and applicable
approvals (hereinafter the “Approvals”) necessary for MSI to provide the Services. The
costs of such Approvals shall be borne by MSI. Both Parties shall give each other all co-
operation and information reasonably required.
b. C-DAC shall also provide necessary support to the MSI in obtaining the Approvals. In the
event that any Approval is not obtained, MSI and C-DAC shall co-operate with each other
in achieving a reasonable alternative arrangement as soon as reasonably practicable for
MSI, to continue to process its work with as minimal interruption to its business
operations as is commercially reasonable until such Approval is obtained, provided that
MSI shall not be relieved of its obligations to provide the Services and to achieve the
Service Levels until the Approvals are obtained if and to the extent that MSI 's obligations
are dependent upon such Approvals.

6.6. MSI’s Obligations

a. MSI’s obligations shall include all the activities as specified by C-DAC in the Scope of Work
and other sections and Annexures of the RFP and Contract and changes thereof to enable
C-DAC to meet the objectives and operational requirements. It shall be MSI’s
responsibility to ensure the proper and successful implementation, performance and
continued operation of the proposed solution in accordance with and in strict adherence
to the terms of his Bid, the RFP and this Contract.
b. In addition to the aforementioned, MSI shall provide services to manage and maintain the
said system and infrastructure.
c. MSI will prepare reports in accordance with SLAs signed with the respective ISPs of ISP
network uptime and outage. These reports shall help the TSP to release the payments to
the ISP based on the service availability
d. Responsibility of MSI's operations team to raise the tickets towards any network issues
with the respective ISP.
e. MSI shall deploy all such Key Personnel whose resume was submitted to C-DAC as a part
of its Bid and evaluated at the RFP stage. C-DAC reserves the right to interview the
personnel proposed that shall be deployed as part of the Project team. If found unsuitable,
C-DAC may reject the deployment of the personnel. But ultimate responsibility of the
efficient Project implementation shall lie with MSI.
f. C-DAC reserves the right to require changes in personnel which shall be communicated
to MSI. MSI with the prior approval of C-DAC may make additions to the Project team
immediately. MSI shall provide C-DAC with the resume of personnel and provide such
other information as C-DAC may reasonably require. In case of change in its team
members/ personnel including Key Personnel, for any reason whatsoever, MSI shall also
ensure that the exiting members are replaced with at least equally qualified and
professionally competent members/ personnel in comparison to the personnel whose

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RFP- for selection of MSI for implementation and O&M of surveillance System
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replacement is being sought. C-DAC may interview the resources suggested by MSI before
their deployment on board the Project.
g. MSI shall ensure that none of the Key Personnel and manpower exit from the Project
during first 6 months of the beginning of the Project. In such cases of exit a penalty for
such replacements shall be imposed on the MSI as per below table.

Manpower Penalty (in INR)

Project Manager 2,00,000/-
DC/ DR- Cloud Expert 1,50,000/-
Command Center Design Expert 1,00,000/-
GIS Expert 80,000/-
Solution Architect 80,000/-
ITMS Expert 80,000/-
Software Management Expert 80,000/-
IT/ ICT Infrastructure Expert 80,000/-
Database Architect 80,000/-
IT/ Cyber Security Expert 80,000/-

h. In case of change in its personnel/ team members, MSI shall ensure a reasonable amount
of time overlap in activities to ensure proper knowledge transfer and handover /
takeover of documents and other relevant materials between the outgoing and the new
i. MSI shall ensure that MSI’s Team is competent, professional and possesses the requisite
qualifications and experience appropriate to the task they are required to perform under
this Contract. MSI shall ensure that the Services are performed through the efforts of
MSI’s Team, in accordance with the terms hereof and to the satisfaction of C-DAC. Nothing
in this Contract relieves MSI from its liabilities or obligations under this Contract to
provide the Services in accordance with C-DAC’s directions and requirements and as
stated in this Contract and the Bid to the extent accepted by C-DAC and MSI shall be liable
for any non-performance, non-compliance, breach or other loss and damage resulting
either directly or indirectly by or on account of its Team.
j. Typical Scaled site Plan and Equipment layout Plan for the System to be deployed at each
location shall be prepared by the MSI. The layout shall show interconnecting cable
routings between various equipment of the System.
k. The MSI shall ensure that MCCV,C2i, C3i, C4i designs has to be approved by C-DAC before
actual implementation.
l. The MSI shall ensure that all necessary approvals/permissions required for installation
of equipment at the locations (except C2i, C3i, C4i, Data Centre & near DR) identified
under the project and laying of cables, etc., are obtained from the concerned civic agencies
within the timelines fixed. The C-DAC shall, to the extent of writing letters to the
concerned agencies, provide all necessary assistance in obtaining the required
approvals/permissions from civic agencies, for installation of equipment/items at the
locations identified. However, MSI will be responsible to apply for approvals from civic
agencies, pursue and completing all formalities with the civic agencies.
m. MSI shall ensure that earthing arrangements for all the equipment shall be completed as
per standard practice

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under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

n. Before the equipment(s)/system(s) are taken over by the C-DAC, MSI shall supply
installation, operation, repair and maintenance manuals of the equipment/system. This
shall include the following: -
● System interface Drawings,
● System interconnection and Block Diagrams,
● User Operation Manuals
● Equipment Maintenance manuals.
● As Build-up Drawings
o. MSI shall be fully responsible for deployment / installation / development/ procurement
of network fiber and integration of all the software and hardware components and
resolve any problems / issues that may arise due to integration of components.
p. MSI shall ensure that the OEMs supply equipment/ components including associated
accessories and software required and shall support MSI in the installation,
commissioning, integration and maintenance of these components during the entire
period of contract. MSI shall ensure that the COTS OEMs supply the software applications
and shall support MSI in the installation / deployment, integration, roll-out and
maintenance of these applications during the entire period of contract. It must clearly be
understood by MSI that warranty and O&M of the system, products and services
incorporated as part of system would commence from the day of Go-Live of system as a
complete Safe city solutions including all the solutions proposed. MSI would be required
to explicitly display that it shall have a back to back arrangement for provisioning of
warranty/ O&M support till the end of contract period with the relevant OEMs. The
Annual Maintenance support shall include patches and updates the software, hardware
components and other devices.
q. Deployment and patch management software has to be included which should support
both windows* and Linux* environments.
r. MSI should setup an Acceptance lab, which will be used to induct any IT hardware,
software, Network and associated components. The following activities will be carried
out in the Acceptance lab:
 Physical inspection
 Confirming the COO, COA, COM
 Sanitization of software including firmware of appliances for various vulnerabilities
 Patching of the systems and software
 Behavioral analysis of various systems and software on the network
 Compatibility with respect to the existing infrastructure deployed under Safe City
s. Bidder need to specify the software, hardware and network components factored under
the Acceptance lab
t. NMS software & license supply shall include all the features mentioned under NMS shall
also include Policy deployment, Firmware deployment on all or selected network
u. All the software licenses that MSI proposes should be perpetual software licenses. The
software licenses shall not be restricted based on location and C-DAC should have the
flexibility to use the software licenses for other requirements if required.

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under Safe City Project of Delhi Police

v. All the OEMs that have been proposed by MSI should have Dealer/Manufacturer
possession licenses and the OEM shall confirm and provide the Authorization certificates
in the name of the Dealer.
w. C-DAC reserves the right to review the terms of the Warranty and Annual Maintenance
agreements entered into between MSI and OEMs and no such agreement/contract shall
be executed, amended, modified and/or terminated without the prior written consent of
C-DAC. An executed copy of each of such agreements/contracts shall, immediately upon
execution be submitted by MSI to C-DAC.
x. MSI shall ensure that none of the components and sub-components are declared end-of-
sale or end-of-support by the respective OEM till 18 months from the date of
commissioning. If the OEM declares any of the products/ solutions end-of-sale
subsequently, the MSI shall ensure that the same is supported by the respective OEM for
contract period.
y. The quoted make & model of component should be available on the global website.
z. If a product is de-supported by the OEM for any reason whatsoever, from the date of
Acceptance of the System till the end of contract, MSI should replace the products/
solutions with an alternate that is acceptable to C-DAC at no additional cost to C-DAC and
without causing any performance degradation.
aa. Obtaining necessary Licenses shall be the responsibility of the MSI. However, all the
Licenses shall be in the name of Delhi Police.
bb. MSI shall ensure that the OEMs provide the support and assistance to MSI in case of any
problems / issues arising due to integration of components supplied by him with any
other component(s)/ product(s) under the purview of the overall solution. If the same is
not resolved for any reason whatsoever, MSI shall replace the required component(s)
with an equivalent or better substitute that is acceptable to C-DAC without any additional
cost to C-DAC and without impacting the performance of the solution in any manner
cc. MSI shall ensure that the OEMs for firmware and software install all type of updates,
patches, fixes and/or bug fixes for the firmware or software from time to time at no
additional cost to C-DAC.
dd. MSI shall ensure that the OEMs for hardware servers/ equipment or MSI's trained
engineers conduct the preventive maintenance on a Quarterly basis and break-fix
maintenance in accordance with the best practices followed in the industry. MSI shall
ensure that the documentation and training services associated with the components
shall be provided by the OEM partner or OEM’s certified training partner without any
additional cost to C-DAC.
ee. The training shall be conducted using official OEM course curriculum mapped with the
hardware/ software Product’s to be implemented in the project.
ff. MSI and their personnel/representative shall not alter/ change/ replace any hardware
component and/or under warranty or O&M of third party without prior consent of C-
gg. MSI shall provision the required critical spares/ components at the designated
Datacenter Sites/ office locations of C-DAC for meeting the uptime commitment of the
components supplied by him.
hh. MSI’s representative(s) shall have all the powers requisite for the execution of Scope of
Work and performance of Services under this contract. MSI’s representative(s) shall liaise
with C-DAC’s representative for the proper coordination and timely completion of the
works and on any other matters pertaining to the works. MSI shall extend full co-

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operation to C-DAC’s representative in the manner required by them for supervision/

inspection/ observation of the equipment/ goods/ material, procedures, performance,
progress, reports and records pertaining to the works. He shall also have complete charge
of MSI’s personnel engaged in the performance of the works and to ensure compliance of
rules, regulations and safety practice. He shall also cooperate with the other service
providers/vendors of C-DAC working at C-DAC’s office locations & field locations and DC
& DR sites. Such MSI’s representative(s) shall be available to C-DAC’s Representative at
respective Datacenter during the execution of works.
ii. MSI shall be responsible on an ongoing basis for coordination with other vendors and
agencies of Delhi Police in order to resolve issues and oversee implementation of the
same. MSI shall also be responsible for resolving conflicts between vendors in case of
borderline integration issues.
jj. MSI is expected to set up a project office in Delhi. The technical manpower deployed on
the Project should work from the same office. However, some resources may be required
to work from the client office/sites of Delhi Police during the contract period.
kk. Bandwidth and connectivity taken exclusively for the facility by MSI shall be the sole
property of Delhi Police and as per TRAI guidelines, any move by MSI for resale of
bandwidth connectivity is not allowed.
ll. MSI shall develop the plan and design documents and the same shall be submitted by MSI
for approval by C-DAC. MSI shall commence the installation after obtaining the approval
from C-DAC.
 Sites would include Server Room, Command and Control Center at various sites in
Delhi. The list of locations and the facility to be developed will be shared after
signing the NDA document.
 C-DAC’s representative upon receipt of request from MSI intimating commencement
of activities at various locations shall give to MSI access to as much of the Sites as
may be necessary to enable MSI to commence and proceed with the installation of
the works in accordance with the program of work. Any reasonable proposal of MSI
for access to Site to proceed with the installation of work in accordance with the
program of work shall be considered for approval and shall not be unreasonably
withheld by C-DAC. Such requests shall be made to C-DAC’s representative in writing
at least 7 days prior to start of the work.
 At the site locations, C-DAC’s representative shall give to MSI access to as much as
may be necessary to enable MSI to commence and proceed with the installation of
the works in accordance with the program of work.
mm. MSI hereby declares that the systems sold to the C-DAC/ Delhi Police under this
contract shall be of the best quality and workmanship and shall be strictly in accordance
with the specifications and particulars contained/ mentioned in the contract and agreed

nn. Start of Installation

MSI shall co-ordinate with C-DAC and stakeholders for the complete setup of sites
before commencement of installation of other areas. MSI shall also co-ordinate
regarding Network / Bandwidth connectivity in order to prepare the installation plan
and detailed design / architectural design documents.

oo. Reporting Progress

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 MSI shall be responsible for the execution of the Contract, shall monitor the progress
of all the activities and shall submit to the C-DAC, progress reports during the
implementation phase.
 Formats and frequency for all above mentioned reports and their dissemination
mechanism shall be discussed and finalized along with project plan. C-DAC may
change the formats, periodicity and dissemination mechanism for such reports.
 During the implementation phase, meetings shall be held between the
representatives of C-DAC and MSI once in every 15 days to discuss the progress of
implementation. After the implementation phase is over, the meeting shall be held as
desired by C-DAC, to discuss the performance of the Contract.
 MSI shall ensure that the respective solution teams involved in the execution of work
are part of such meetings.
 Several review committees involving representative of C-DAC and representative
officials of MSI shall be formed for the purpose of this project. These committees shall
meet at intervals, as decided by C-DAC later, to oversee the progress of the
 All the goods, services and manpower to be provided/deployed by MSI under the
Contract and the manner and speed of execution and maintenance of the work and
services are to be conducted in a manner to the satisfaction of C-DAC’s representative
in accordance with the Contract.
 C-DAC reserves the right to inspect and monitor/ assess the progress/ performance
of the work / services at any time during the course of the Contract. C-DAC may
demand and upon such demand being made, MSI shall provide documents, data,
material or any other information which C-DAC may require, to enable it to assess the
progress/ performance of the work / service.
 At any time during the course of the Contract, C-DAC shall also have the right to
conduct, either itself or through another agency as it may deem fit without any notice
to MSI, an audit to monitor the performance by MSI of its obligations/ functions in
accordance with the standards committed to or required by C-DAC and MSI
undertakes to cooperate with and provide to C-DAC/ any other agency appointed by
C-DAC, all Documents and other details as may be required by them for this purpose.
 Should the rate of progress of the works or any part of them at any time fall behind
the stipulated time for completion or is found to be too slow to ensure completion of
the works by the stipulated time, or is in deviation to Bid requirements/ standards, C-
DAC’s representative shall so notify MSI in writing.
 MSI shall reply to the written notice giving details of the measures he proposes to take
to expedite the progress so as to complete the works by the prescribed time or to
ensure compliance to RFP requirements. MSI shall not be entitled to any additional
payment for taking such steps. If at any time it should appear to C-DAC or C-DAC’s
representative that the actual progress of work does not conform to the approved
plan, MSI shall, at the request of C-DAC’s representative, prepare a revised plan
showing the modification to the approved plan necessary to ensure completion of the
works within the time for completion or steps initiated to ensure compliance to the
stipulated requirements
 The submission seeking approval by C-DAC or C-DAC’s representative of such plan
shall not relieve MSI of any of his duties or responsibilities under the Contract.
 In case during execution of works, the progress falls behind schedule or does not meet
the RFP requirements, MSI shall deploy extra manpower/ resources to make up the
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progress or to meet the RFP requirements. Plan for deployment of extra man power/
resources shall be submitted to C-DAC for its review and approval. All time and cost
effect in this respect shall be borne, by MSI within the Contract Value.
 MSI representative shall prepare and distribute Service Level Performance reports in
a mutually agreed format by the 5th working day of subsequent month. The reports
shall include “actual versus target” Service Level Performance, a variance analysis and
discussion of appropriate issues or significant events. Performance reports shall be
distributed to C-DAC management personnel as directed by C-DAC.
 Also, MSI may be required to get the Service Level Performance reports audited by
independent Auditor with necessary approval of C-DAC. All related costs will be borne
by the MSI.

pp. Knowledge of Server Room, Command and Control Center

 MSI shall be granted access to the Server Room, Command and Control Center, for
inspection by C-DAC and its representatives before commencement of installation.
The plan shall be drawn mutually at a later stage.
 MSI shall be deemed to have knowledge of the Server Room, Command and Control
Center,, and its surroundings and information available in connection therewith and
to have satisfied itself the form and nature thereof including, the data and information
contained in the Bidding Documents and the RFP, the physical and climatic conditions,
the quantities and nature of the works and materials necessary for the completion of
the works, the means of access, etc. and in general to have obtained itself all necessary
information of all risks, contingencies and circumstances affecting his obligations and
responsibilities therewith under the Contract and his ability to perform it. However,
if during pre-installation survey / during delivery or installation, MSI and/or C-DAC
detects physical conditions and/or obstructions affecting the work, MSI shall take all
measures to overcome them.

qq. Project Plan

 MSI should have submitted along with the Bid proposal the Project Plan meeting with
the Project completion time as specified in the Bidding document. Modified Project
Plan shall be submitted by the MSI, within 15 calendar days Issuance of LoI, for C-
DAC’s approval. MSI shall submit the detailed Project Plan with details of the project
showing the sequence, procedure and method in which he proposes to carry out the
works for its approval. The Plan so submitted by MSI shall conform to the
requirements and timelines specified in the Contract. C-DAC and MSI shall discuss and
agree upon the work procedures to be followed for effective execution of the works,
which MSI intends to deploy and shall be clearly specified. The Project Plan shall
include but not limited to project organization, communication structure, proposed
staffing, roles and responsibilities, processes and tool sets to be used for quality
assurance, security and confidentiality practices in accordance with industry best
practices, project plan and delivery schedule in accordance with the Contract.
Approval by C-DAC’s Representative of the Project Plan shall not relieve MSI of any of
his duties or responsibilities under the Contract.

 If MSI’s work plans necessitate a disruption/ shutdown in C-DAC’s operation, the plan
shall be mutually discussed and developed so as to keep such disruption/shutdown

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to the barest unavoidable minimum. Any time and cost arising due to failure of MSI to
develop/adhere such a work plan shall be to his account.

rr. Adherence to safety procedures, rules regulations and restriction

a. MSI’s Team shall comply with the provision of all laws including labor laws, rules,
regulations and notifications issued thereunder from time to time. All safety and labor
laws enforced by statutory agencies and by C-DAC shall be applicable in the performance
of this Contract and MSI’s Team shall abide by these laws including PF, ESI and Medical
Insurance etc.
b. Access to the Server Room, Command and Control Center shall be strictly restricted. No
access to any person except the essential members of MSI’s Team who are authorized by
C-DAC and are genuinely required for execution of work or for carrying out management/
maintenance shall be allowed entry. MSI and Team shall be having the access restricted
to the equipment supplied under this Contract or any of the Equipment’s as provided by
C-DAC. MSI shall maintain a log of all activities carried out by each of its team personnel.
c. No access should be given to any staff of MSI, except the essential staff who has genuine
work-related need. All such access should be logged in a loss free manner for permanent
record with unique biometric identification of the staff to avoid misrepresentations or
d. MSI shall take all measures necessary or proper to protect the personnel, work and
facilities and shall observe all reasonable safety rules and instructions. MSI’s Team shall
adhere to all security requirement/ regulations of C-DAC during the execution of the
work. C-DAC’s employee also shall comply with safety procedures/ policy.
e. MSI shall report as soon as possible any evidence, which may indicate or is likely to lead
to an abnormal or dangerous situation and shall take all necessary emergency control
steps to avoid such abnormal situations.

ss. Statutory Requirements

During the tenure of this Contract MSI or his team including JV members, its successors and
assigns, shall follow all the security, safety and statutory requirements as per the applicable
law, act and/ or rules/regulations, or any amendment thereof governing inter-alia customs,
stowaways, foreign exchange etc. and shall keep C-DAC indemnified in this regard.

6.7. C-DAC’s Obligations

a. C-DAC or its nominated representative shall act as the nodal point for implementation of
the contract and for issuing necessary instructions, approvals, commissioning,
acceptance certificates, payments etc. to MSI.
b. C-DAC shall ensure that timely approval is provided to MSI as and when required, which
may include approval of project plans, implementation methodology, design documents,
specifications, or any other documents necessary in fulfillment of this Contract provided
that MSI is in compliance with the requirements under various policies and as per the
terms of the Contract.
c. C-DAC’s representative shall interface with MSI, to provide the required information,
clarifications, and to resolve any issues as may arise during the execution of the Contract.
C-DAC shall provide adequate cooperation in providing details, coordinating and
obtaining of approvals from various governmental agencies, in cases, where the
intervention of C-DAC is proper and necessary.

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d. C-DAC may provide on MSI’s request, particulars/ information or documentation that

may be required by MSI for proper planning and execution of work and for providing
services covered under this Contract and for which MSI may have to coordinate with
respective vendors.
e. C-DAC shall provide to MSI only sitting space and basic infrastructure not including,
stationery and other consumables at Delhi Police’s office locations.
f. C-DAC reserves the right to procure the hardware including devices on quarterly basis in
first year based on actual deployment and O&M shall be applicable whenever the devices
are procured and deployed till end of the contract.
g. Site Not Ready: C-DAC hereby agrees to make the project site ready as per the agreed
dimensions and specifications, within the agreed timelines. C-DAC agrees that MSI shall
not be in any manner liable for any delay arising out of C-DAC’s failure to make the site
ready within the stipulated period.

6.8. Payment Terms

a. The MSI should raise the tax invoice for supply and installation of material actually
supplied and installed while claiming payments at each stage, based on the unit prices
quoted, along with the acceptance report issued by C-DAC/Delhi Police.
b. C-DAC will take judicious decision on invoices submitted(along with inspection report)
by MSI regarding acceptance or rejection of material delivered and/or services provided
under this Project within 30 days and payment will be released to the MSI of the accepted
amount after proportionate adjustment of the advance.
c. C-DAC shall make payments to MSI at the times and in the manner set out in the Payment
schedule as specified in the Payment Schedule mentioned in para 2.1.25 of Chapter 2
subject to the penalties as mentioned under para 2.1.29 of Chapter 2.
d. All payments agreed to be made by C-DAC to MSI in accordance with the Price Bid shall
be inclusive of all statutory levies, duties, taxes and other charges whenever
levied/applicable, if any, and C-DAC shall not be liable to pay any such levies/ other
charges under or in relation to this Contract and/or the Services.
e. Payment during the period of Extended Warranty i.e. 4th year and 5th year from the date
of Acceptance of the System/completion of Warranty Period, will be payable on quarterly
basis, after completion of that period.
f. The applicable TDS/TCS will be deducted from the payable amount.
g. No invoice for extra work/change order on account of change order shall be submitted
by MSI unless the said extra work /change order has been authorized/approved by C-
DAC in writing in accordance with Change Control Note.
h. In the event of C-DAC noticing at any time that any amount has been disbursed wrongly
to MSI or any other amount is due from MSI to C-DAC, C-DAC may without any prior notice
and without prejudice to its rights to recover such amounts by other means after notifying
MSI or deduct such amount from any payment falling due to MSI. The details of such
recovery, if any, shall be intimated to MSI. MSI shall receive the payment of undisputed
amount under subsequent invoice for any amount that has been omitted in previous
invoice by mistake on the part of C-DAC or MSI.
i. All payments to MSI shall be subject to the deductions of tax at source under Income Tax
Act, and other taxes and deductions as provided for under any law, rule or regulation of
the land. All costs, damages or expenses which C-DAC may have paid or incurred, for
which under the provisions of the Contract, MSI is liable, the same shall be deducted by

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C-DAC from any dues to MSI. All payments to MSI shall be made after making necessary
deductions as per terms of the Contract and recoveries towards facilities, if any, provided
by C-DAC to MSI on chargeable basis.

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6.9. Ownership and Retention of Documents

a. C-DAC shall own the Documents, prepared by or for MSI arising out of or in connection
with this Contract and its execution thereof.
b. Forthwith upon expiry or earlier termination of this Contract and at any other time on
demand by C-DAC, MSI shall deliver to C-DAC all documents provided by or originating
from C-DAC and all documents produced by or for MSI in the course of performing the
Services, unless otherwise directed in writing by C-DAC at no additional cost. MSI shall
not, without the prior written consent of C-DAC store, copy, distribute or retain any such

Ownership of Work Product. The parties hereby acknowledge that the Work Product,
and all documentation, information, systems, and other results developed in connection
with the Work Product, will, to the extent permitted by Law, be a "work made for hire"
within the definition of Section 101 of the Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. 101) and will
remain Delhi Police's exclusive property.

Assignment of Work Product. If and to the extent that any Work Product is not deemed
to be a work made for hire within the definition of the Copyright Act, at the completion
and acceptance of the Safe City Project, MSI shall promptly assign to C-DAC all its right,
title, and interest in and to the Work Product, including any Intellectual Property rights.

Cooperation. During and after the Term, on C-DAC's reasonable request, MSI shall
provide all assistance necessary and desirable for C-DAC to establish, preserve, and
enforce its rights, title, and interest in and to the Work Product.

6.10. Information Security

a. MSI shall not carry any written/printed document, layout diagrams, CD, hard disk,
storage tapes, other storage devices or any other goods /material proprietary to C-DAC/
Delhi Police into / out of any location of Service without written permission from C-DAC.
b. MSI shall not destroy any unwanted documents; defective tapes/media present at any
location on their own. All such documents, tapes/media shall be handed over to C-DAC.
c. All documentation and media at any location shall be properly identified, labeled and
numbered by MSI. MSI shall keep track of all such items and provide a summary report
of these items to C-DAC whenever asked for.
d. Access to C-DAC’s data and systems, Internet facility by MSI at any location shall be in
accordance with the written permission of C-DAC. C-DAC shall allow MSI to use facility in
a limited manner subject to availability. It is the responsibility of MSI to prepare and equip
himself in order to meet the requirements.
e. MSI must acknowledge that C-DAC/Delhi Police’s business data and other C-DAC/Delhi
Police proprietary information or materials, whether developed by C-DAC/Delhi Police
or being used by C-DAC/Delhi Police pursuant to a license agreement with a third party
(the foregoing collectively referred to herein as “proprietary information”) are
confidential and proprietary to C-DAC/Delhi Police; and MSI along with its team agrees
to use reasonable care to safeguard the proprietary information and to prevent the
unauthorized use or disclosure thereof, which care shall not be less than that used by MSI

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to protect its own proprietary information. MSI recognizes that the goodwill of C-DAC
depends, among other things, upon MSI keeping such proprietary information
confidential and that unauthorized disclosure of the same by MSI or its team could
damage the goodwill of C-DAC, and that by reason of MSI’s duties hereunder. MSI may
come into possession of such proprietary information, even though MSI does not take any
direct part in or furnish the services performed for the creation of said proprietary
information and shall limit access thereto to employees with a need to such access to
perform the services required by this Contract. MSI shall use such information only for
the purpose of performing the said services.
f. MSI shall, upon termination of this Contract for any reason, or upon demand by C-DAC,
whichever is earliest, return any and all information provided to MSI by C-DAC, including
any copies or reproductions, both hardcopy and electronic.
g. By virtue of this Contract, MSI team may have access to personal information of C-
DAC/Delhi Police and/or a third party. C-DAC/Delhi Police has the sole ownership of and
the right to use, all such data in perpetuity including any data or other information
pertaining to the citizens that may be in the possession of MSI team in the course of
performing the Services under the Contract

6.11. Records of contract documents

a. MSI shall at all-time make and keep sufficient copies of the process manuals, operating
procedures, specifications, Contract documents and any other documentation required
for him to fulfil his duties under the Contract.
b. MSI shall keep on the Site at least three copies of each and every specification and
Contract Document, in excess of his own requirement and those copies shall be available
at all times for use by C-DAC’s Representative and by any other person authorized by C-
DAC’s Representative.

(End of Chapter – 6)

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: Standard Formats

7.1. Annexure – 1: Covering Letter

Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Executive Director
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing(C-DAC)
Innovation Park, Panchavati,
Pashan Road, Pune – 411008

Subject: Request for Proposal for selection of Master System Integrator for
Implementation of Delhi Safe City Project

Ref: RFP No _____________________________________________________________________________

Dear Sir,

We, <<name of the undersigned Bidder), having read and examined in detail all the bidding
documents in respect of “Request for Proposal No. ___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ for Selection of Master System Integrator for
Implementation of Delhi Safe City Project do hereby submit our techno-commercial bid
comprising of e-packets 1 and 2.

We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this bid are true and we accept
that any misinterpretation contained in it, may lead to our disqualification.

We agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of the RFP document. We would hold the terms
of our proposal valid for 120 days as stipulated in the RFP document.

We also undertake that we/any of the member of the JV are not blacklisted or debarred from
bidding process, by any Department/Office of the GoI or of any State Government, PSU,
Autonomous Organization of GoI, as on date of submission of the bids and that there have been
no regulatory actions initiated / pending against us as on the date of release of RFP.

We also undertake that we/any of the member of the JV do not have any conflict of interest or
hostile interest in principle against C-DAC and/or Delhi Police and we accept that any
misinterpretation, misleading, false statements with respect to may lead to our disqualification
and debarment. We also confirm that we shall not attract conflict of interest in principle in future

It is hereby confirmed that I/We are entitled to act on behalf of our

company/corporation/firm/organization and empowered to sign this document as well as such
other documents, which may be required in this connection.

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It is hereby declared and confirmed that I/we are authorized to act on behalf of other members
of the JV and empowered to sign this document as well as such other documents, which may be
required in this connection.

We declare that all the services shall be performed strictly in accordance with the RFP

We confirm that the information contained in this response or any part thereof, including its
exhibits, and other documents and instruments delivered or to be delivered to C-DAC is true,
accurate, verifiable and complete. This response includes all information necessary to ensure that
the statements therein do not in whole or in part mislead C-DAC in its evaluation process.

We hereby declare that in case the contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the contract
Performance Bank Guarantee in the form prescribed in this RFP.

We hereby declare that , while preparation and submission of this bid, we have not acted in
concert or in collusion with any other Bidder or other person(s) and also not done any act, deed
or thing, which is or could be regarded as anti-competitive. We further confirm that we have not
offered nor will offer any illegal gratification in cash or kind to any person or organization in
connection with the instant bid.

We understand that our Bid is binding on us and that you are not bound to accept a Bid you

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,
(Signature of the Sole Bidder/ JV Bidder Members)
Printed Name


Business Address:

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7.2. Annexure – 2: Format for Power of Attorney to Authorized Signatory

[To be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of the appropriate value in accordance with
relevant Stamp Act. The stamp paper to be in the name of the company who is issuing the
power of attorney.]

We, M/s.______ (name of the bidding firm or company with address of the registered office) hereby
constitute, appoint and authorize Mr. or Ms.______ (Name, Designation and residential address) --
----------- (please mention the name of his organization/company), in his official and personal
capacity, who’s whose signature is appended below, as our Attorney to do in our name and our
behalf all or any of the acts, deeds or things necessary or incidental to your RFP No.
_________________________________________ for the Safe City Project of Delhi Police, including signing
and submission of the RFP response, participating in the meetings, responding to queries,
submission of information or documents and generally to represent us in all the dealings with C-
DAC or any other Government Agency or any person, in connection with the works until
culmination of the process of bidding till the Project Agreement is entered into with successful
bidder/proposed MSI and thereafter till the expiry of the Project Agreement.

We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said Attorney pursuant
to this power of attorney for conducting and completion of the Project and that all acts, deeds and
things done by our aforesaid Attorney shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us
and legally binding on us.

Specimen signature of the Person holding Power of Attorney:

For (Name of Bidder)

Authorised Signatory
Name, Designation, mobile #
(Add in the case of a JV:

The bid is being submitted for and on behalf of Joint Venture comprising of ___________, _________
and ___________.)

We declare that we are authorized to sign this Power of Attorney.

Dated this the _____ day of ______ 2020

(Signature and Name/s of authorized signatory/ Signatories of Sole Bidder/ JV Members- as


Seal of firm Company

Witness 1: Witness 2:


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7.3. Annexure – 3: Undertaking towards EMD

Subject: Undertaking as per GFR – 2017, Rule 170(iii)

Executive Director
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing(C-DAC)
Innovation Park, Panchavati,
Pashan Road, Pune – 411008

Dear Sir,

We, the undersigned, offer to implement the CCTV surveillance project, in response to your RFP
No _________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

We are hereby submitting our proposal for same, which includes Technical bid and the Financial
Bid through As a part of eligibility requirement stipulated in said tender
document, we hereby submit a declaration in lieu of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD), as given

1. Our bid shall remain valid for 120 days from the date of submission and that we will not
withdraw or modify our bid during the validity period,

2. In case, we are declared as successful bidder and an order is placed on us, we will submit the
acceptance in writing within 7 days of placement of order on us.

3. In case, we are declared as successful bidder and an order is placed on us, we undertake, to
submit a Performance Bank Guarantee, as per terms stipulated in the RFP.

4. In case of failure on our part to comply with any of the above said requirements, we are aware
that we shall be declared as un-eligible for said tender and /or debarred from any future
bidding process of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, MHA or any other
Government entity for a period of minimum one year.

5. The undersigned is authorized to sign this undertaking.

Yours sincerely,
Authorized Signatory:

Name and Title of Signatory:


Mobile No:

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7.4. Annexure – 4: Documents Check-List

Sr. No. Checklist Item Compliance Page No. and

(Yes/No) Section No. in the
1. Technical Bid Covering Letter
2. Technical Bid Check-List
3. Bid Security/Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
4. Bid Security/Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
receipt or Declaration
5. RFP Document Fee Receipt
6. GST registration certificate/s
7. Copy of PAN
8. Certificate of Incorporation / Registration under
applicable Indian Laws. In case of JV, the
certificates of all members are required.
9. Registration certificate or a declaration in
compliance with the provisions stipulated in
office memorandum F/No/6/18/2019-PPD
dated 23 July 2020 issued by public procurement
Division, Dept. of Expenditure, Ministry of
Finance, GoI
10. A written undertaking from each of the JV
members, in case of a JV, duly signed by the
authorized signatory, holding a written power of
attorney for this bid on a stamp paper,
authorizing the JV to incur liabilities and receive
instructions for and on behalf of any and all JV
members, and the entire execution of the
Contract, including but not limited to the
11. MoA among the JV Partners showing the area of
business (If applicable) and their internal
arrangement per se.
12. Copies of audited balance sheets for the financial
years 2019-20, 2018-19 and 2017-18 pertaining
to sole bidder/ members of JV (In case of JV)
13. Certificate from the Statutory Auditor/CA on net
worth and Profitability for financial years 2019-
20, 2018-19 and 2017-18 pertaining to sole
bidder / each member of JV (In case of JV)
14. Certificate from the Statutory Auditor/CA
certifying the annual turnover of sole bidder/lead
partner (In case of JV) in the areas of Supply,
Implementation and Integration of City
Surveillance System and/or, Data Centre

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infrastructure in years 2019-20, 2018-19 and

15. Certificate from the Statutory Auditor/CA on net
worth and Profitability for financial years 2019-
20, 2018-19 and 2017-18 pertaining to OEM of
cameras, ICCC and VMS.
16. Certificate from the Statutory Auditor/CA
certifying the annual turnover of OEM of cameras,
ICCC and VMS for the FY 2019-20, 2018-19 and
17. Anti-Collusion Certificate
18. List and address of bidder’s office in Delhi or,
undertaking from authorized signatory of bidder
to open office with GST registration in Delhi
within 60 days from Contract signing.
19. The details of TAC centre/s in India with toll free
number pertaining to OEMs of camera, ICCC and
20. Copies of the valid ISO /CMMi certificates in the
name of the sole bidder/JV members
21. Non-blacklisting certificate for Bidder (In case of
JV, this needs to be provided by each of the JV
22. The non-blacklisting certificate pertaining to
OEMs of Cameras, Servers, VMS, ICCC, storage
and networking components
23. supply orders, contracts, and agreements on
completion / installation certificates in the name
of bidder/s issued by end user in support of
eligibility criteria/ pre-qualification criteria
24. The copies of supply orders, contracts, and
agreements on completion / installation
certificates in the name/s of respective OEMs of
components/subsystems, issued by end user in
support of eligibility criteria/ pre-qualification
25. Non-Malicious Code undertaking from OEMs of
Camera and Video Analytic software
26. Certificate from Chartered Accountant or Cost
Accountant to the effect that for the purpose of
this RFP, the bidding firm complies with the
Order No P-45021/2/2017-PP (BE-II). Dated 4th
June, 2020 issued by Public Procurement
Division, Department of Investment and Internal
Trade, Ministry of Commerce, GoI.
27. Certificates of origin and certificate of country of
manufacture pertaining to Cameras, Servers,
VMS, ICCC, UPS, IP Phones, and Hand held
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devices, Video walls, Laptops/workstations,

Television, Printers, Joystick, Storage and
networking components.
28. Certificate from OEM of cameras in their
letterhead confirming that any component/
hardware / parts / assembly / software including
firmware used in the offered solution (hardware
/ software) DO NOT COMPLY to - GB28181, GB/T
28181-2011; GB/T28181-2011; GBT 28181-
2011; GBT28181-2011 standards.
29. Address and other details of RMA set up OEM of
camera in India
30. Certificate from OEM of Cameras that OEM is not
banned or suspended by ONVIF
31. Certification from OEM of ICCC towards
compliance of eligibility /Pre-qualification
32. Certification from OEM of VMS towards
compliance of eligibility /Pre-qualification
33. Details of service centre/Lab in India pertaining
to OEM’s of Cameras, servers, Storage, Display
Monitors, Video Wall.
34. Documents related to understanding of the scope
of work and all aspects of this project.
35. Documents related to project implementation
approach, Phase wise scope and overlapping of
36. Documents related to availability and utilization
of funds, contingency plan
37. Documents related to vendor management and
plans for procurement of material in time
38. Documents related to risk Mitigation Plan/
Strategy/ SLA
39. Technical specifications of major components of
the solution
40. Detailed technical compliance sheet
41. Documents related to Scalability, Safety,
Reliability and Security features of the offered
42. Manpower deployment details as per RFP
43. Bill of quantities
44. Product Certifications pertaining to components,
Sub-systems offered as a part of solution.
45. Manufacturers'/Producers’ Authorization Form
46. Total responsibility undertaking
47. Pre-Qualification Criteria Document Index List

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7.5. Annexure – 5: Undertaking for Non-Malicious Code

(To be issued by OEMs of Cameras, VMS, Server, Storage, Network Equipment and ICCC)

Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Executive Director
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing(C-DAC)
Innovation Park, Panchavati,
Pashan Road, Pune – 411008.

Subject: Request for Proposal for selection of Master System Integrator for
Implementation of Delhi Safe City Project

Dear Sir,

This refers to the bid submitted by M/s (Name of Bidder) in response to your RFP No.
___________________________________________________________________________ for Selection of Master
System Integrator for Implementation of Delhi Safe City Project.

We, (Name of OEM) as the OEM of (Name of the Product) offered for said requirement, hereby
certify that (Name of the Product) to be supplied through M/s (Name of Bidder) for Safe City
project of Delhi Police, shall not contain any embedded malicious code which may cause any
breach of confidentiality, infringement of Intellectual Property rights, loss, damages of
whatsoever nature and detrimental to the interest of C-DAC and/or Delhi Police.

We are aware that we shall be liable under information Technology Act, 2000 and Indian Penal
Code 1860 in case any such malicious code is found in our offered products.

The undersigned is authorized to sign this undertaking.

Yours sincerely,
Authorized Signatory:

Name and Title of Signatory:


Mobile No:

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7.6. Annexure – 6: Manpower Plan

Till Go-Live (Implementation)

Manpower distribution
S. No. Name Role Month wise time to be spent by each
personnel (in days) Total
Month Month Month Month
1 2 3 … … 12
1 Project Manager
2 DC/ DR- Cloud Expert
Command Center Design
3 Expert
4 GIS Expert
5 Solution Architect
6 ITMS Expert
Software Management
7 Expert
IT/ ICT Infrastructure
8 Expert
9 Database Architect
10 IT/ Cyber Security Expert

Note: Proposed Resources/Key personnel should be deployed onsite and penalty shall be
applicable as per RFP.

After Go-Live (Operation & Maintenance)

S. No. Manpower/ Role Years

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

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Details of Resources proposed

Name of Qualification Total
S. Proposed Highest (ex. PMI or ITIL
the (E.g. B.Sc. or B.E. Experience
No. Role degree or TOGAF or
Resource or MCA or (in years)
CCNP etc.)











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Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Team Members

1. Proposed (only one candidate shall be nominated for each position)
position or

2. Date of Birth Nationality

3. Education Qualification Name of Degree Obtained Year of

School or Passing
College or

4. Years of

5. Areas of (as required for the Profile)

Expertise and
no. of years of
experience in
this area

6. Certifications

7. Employment Employer Position From To


[Starting with present position and last 2 firms, list in reverse order,
giving for each employment: dates of employment, name of employing
organization, positions held.]
8. Detailed Tasks (List all tasks to be performed under this project)

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Relevant Work Undertaken that best illustrates the experience as

required for the Role
Project 1
Name of assignment
Main project features
Position held
Activities performed

Project 2
Name of assignment
Main project features
Position held
Activities performed

Project 3
Name of assignment
Main project features
Position held
Activities performed

Project 4
Name of assignment
Main project features
Position held
Activities performed

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7.7. Annexure – 7 : Manufacturers' Authorization Form

(This form has to be provided by the OEMs of the Cameras, Servers, Storage, Networking &
Security components, Junction Box, VMS, ICCC, FRS, VA, ANPR, GIS, Video Summarization, EMS,
NAC, Help Desk Management, DG set, UPS and HVAC system. This letter to C-DAC should be on
the letterhead of the manufacturer and should be signed by a person competent and having
the power of attorney to bind the manufacturer.)


Executive Director
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing(C-DAC)
Innovation Park, Panchavati,
Pashan Road, Pune – 411008.

Subject: Manufacturer's Authorization Form

Ref: RFP No_____________________________________________________________________________________________

Dear Sir,

We_________ (Name of the OEM) who are established and reputable manufacturers of_______ (List
of Goods) having factories or product development centers at the locations__________ or as per list
attached, do hereby authorize M/s ____________ (Name and address of the Bidder) to bid, negotiate
and conclude the contract with you against RFP No ______________________________________________
___________________________________ for the above goods manufactured or developed by us.

We hereby extend, our warranty for the hardware goods supplied by the Bidder and/ or
maintenance or support services for software products against this invitation for bid
by_______________________ (Name of the Bidder) as per requirements and for the duration of contract
as specified in this RFP.

We also confirm that our offered product will not be end of life for minimum of 18 months from
the date of commissioning and the support for such offered product/s will be available for
minimum of 5 years from the date of bidding.

For OEM of Camera: The well documented SDK shall provide an extensive list of programming
functions to view and/or configure core entities such as: users and user groups, alarms, custom
events, and schedules, and more.
1. We have a structured support program in place to support 3rd party developers using
SDK. The program details are shared along with the technical bid
2. We will provide well defined support by the means of online portal, Chat and Toll-free no
to support the SDK developers on timely basis
i. SDK shall be made available within 2 weeks of release of the new version

Country of Origin of OEM: ___________________

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Country of Manufacture of Item:

For OEM of ICCC:

1. We have India / Global development program for 3rd party developers using our SDK.
2. We will provide well documented SDK for further developments and integration with
3rd party systems along with online support portal outlining all the 3rd party
integrations and 24/7 support on SDK package
3. We confirm that ICCC has native frameworks for public safety technologies like FRS,
Analytics, VMS, PA, Traffic congestion, ANPR, Big Data Co Relation and Community

Country of Origin of OEM: ___________________

Country of Manufacture of Item:

The undersigned is authorized to sign this undertaking.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of: _________ (Name of the OEM)

Authorised Signatory

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7.8. Annexure – 8: Total Responsibility Certificate


Executive Director
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing(C-DAC)
Innovation Park, Panchavati,
Pashan Road, Pune – 411008

Dear Sir,

This is to certify that we undertake the total responsibility for the defect free operation of the
proposed solutions as per the requirement of the RFP for the duration mentioned in all the
chapters of the RFP.

(Authorised Signatory)

7.9. Annexure - 9: Unconditional and Irrevocable Performance Bank Guarantee


Ref: _________________ Date _________________

Bank Guarantee No. ______________________



<Phone Nos.>
<Fax Nos.>
<Email id>

Whereas, <<name of the Successful Bidder and address>> (hereinafter called “the Successful
Bidder” or “Master System Integrator”) has undertaken, in pursuance of LOI no. <Insert LOI No.>
dated <Date> to provide Implementation services for <<name of the assignment>> to C-DAC
(hereinafter called “C-DAC”)

And whereas it has been stipulated by in the said LOI that the Successful Bidder shall furnish you
with a bank guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein as security for
compliance with its obligations in accordance with the contract;

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And whereas we, <Name of Bank> a banking company incorporated and having its
head/registered office at <Address of Registered Office> and having one of its office at <Address
of Local Office> have agreed to give the Successful Bidder such a bank guarantee.

Now, therefore, we hereby affirm that we are guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of the
Successful Bidder, up to a total of Rs.<Insert Value> (Rupees <Insert Value in Words> only) and
we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the Successful Bidder to be
in default under the contract and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits
of INR <Insert Value> (Rupees <Insert Value in Words> only) as aforesaid, without your needing
to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein.

We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Successful Bidder
before presenting us with the demand.

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the Contract
to be performed there under or of any of the contract documents which may be made between
you and the Successful Bidder/ Master System Integrator shall in any way release us from any
liability under this guarantee and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or

This Guarantee shall be valid until <<Insert Date>>)

Notwithstanding anything contained herein:

I. Our liability under this bank guarantee shall not exceed INR <Insert Value> (Rupees <Insert
Value in Words> only).

II. This bank guarantee shall be valid up to <Insert Expiry Date>)

III. It is condition of our liability for payment of the guaranteed amount or any part thereof arising
under this bank guarantee that we receive a valid written claim or demand for payment under
this bank guarantee on or before <Insert Expiry Date>) failing which our liability under the
guarantee will automatically cease.

Date _________________
Place _________________ Signature _________________
Witness _________________ Printed name _________________

(Bank's common seal)

Seal: Date:

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7.10. Annexure – 10: Non-Blacklisting Declaration by JV Members

(To be provided on the Company letter head)


Executive Director
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing(C-DAC)
Innovation Park, Panchavati,
Pashan Road, Pune – 411008

Subject: Self Declaration of not been blacklisted in response to the Request for Proposal
for selection of Master System Integrator for Implementation of _______________________ for

Ref: RFP No. __________________________________________________________________________________________

Dear Sir,

We confirm that our {company or firm}, M/s ____________, is currently and during the period of last
05 years, not blacklisted in any manner whatsoever by any of the State or UT and or Central
Government in India on any ground including but not limited to indulgence in corrupt practice,
fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice.

(Signature of the JV Member)

Printed Name
Seal Date:
Place: Business Address:

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7.11. Annexure – 11: Brief company profile (required for both bidder and JV

S No. Particulars Description

1. Name of Bidder
Whether bidding as a Sole Bidder or as a JV
If Bidding as a JV, names of JV members
2. Legal status of Bidder (Company etc.)
3. Whether the Sole Bidder (or Lead bidder
and/or any member/s of JV – in case of JV) are
from any country which share land border with
India. If yes, please give details.
4. Main business of the Bidder
5. Registered office address
6. Delhi office Address
7. Incorporation date and number
8. GST Number
9. PAN details
10. Primary Contact Person (Name, Designation,
address, mobile number, fax, email)
11. Secondary Contact Person (Name, Designation,
address, mobile number, fax, email)
12. EMD details
13. Role in JV (if applicable) Brief scope of work in the JV

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7.12. Annexure - 12: Change Control Note

Change Control Note CCN Number:

Part A: Initiation
Date of Initiation:
Details of Proposed Change
(To include reason for change and appropriate details/specifications. Identify any
attachments as A1, A2, and A3 etc.)
Authorized by C-DAC Date:
Received by the MSI Date:

Change Control Note CCN Number:

Part B: Evaluation
(Identify any attachments as B1, B2, and B3 etc.)
Changes to Services, payment terms, payment profile, documentation, training, service
levels and component working arrangements and any other contractual issue.
Brief Description of Solution:




Charges for Implementation:

(including a schedule of payments)

Other Relevant Information:

(including value-added and acceptance criteria)

Authorized by the MSI Date:


Change Control Note CCN Number :

Part C: C-DAC to Proceed
Implementation of this CCN as
submitted in Part A, in accordance with
Part B is: (tick as appropriate)

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Requires Further Information (as
follows, or as Attachment 1 etc.)
For C-DAC and its nominated Agencies For MSI
Signature Signature
Name Name
Title Title
Date Date

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7.13. Annexure – 13: JV Agreement


[On Non-judicial stamp paper of INR 100 duly attested by notary public]

This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) entered into this day of [Date] [Month] [Year ]at
[Place] amongst

M/s __________________________________, having our principal place of business or registered office at

_________________, acting through __________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Sole Bidder/ JV
Bidder” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context include its successors and
permitted assigns)

1. M/s __________________________________, having our principal place of business or registered office

at _________________, acting through __________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “JV Member 1”
which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context include its successors and permitted


2. M/s __________________________________, having our principal place of business or registered office

at _________________, acting through __________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “JV Member 2”
which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context include its successors and permitted

The parties are individually referred to as Party and collectively as Parties.

WHEREAS C-DAC, Pune, India has issued a Request for Proposal No ________________________________
___________________________________________ (RFP) inviting Bids/proposals from interested Bidder for
Selection of Master System Integrator for Delhi Safe City Project:

AND WHEREAS the Parties have had discussions for formation of a JV for bidding for the said
Project and have reached an understanding on the following points with respect to the Parties'
rights and obligations towards each other and their working relationship.



i. The purpose of this Agreement is to define the principles of collaboration among the Parties

a. Submit a response jointly to Bid for the “Request for Proposal for surveillance system
under Delhi Safe City Project” as a JV.
b. Sign Contract in case of award.
c. Provide and perform the supplies and services which would be ordered by C-DAC pursuant
to the execution Contract.

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ii. This MoU shall not be construed as establishing or giving effect to any legal entity such as, but
not limited to, a company, a partnership, etc. It shall relate solely towards C-DAC for “Request
for Proposal for surveillance system under Delhi Safe City Project” and related execution
works to be performed pursuant to the Contract and shall not extend to any other activities.

iii. The Sole Bidder/ Principal JV Bidder shall be solely and severally responsible and bound
towards C-DAC for the performance of the works in accordance with the terms and conditions of
the RFP document, and Contract. The other JV Members shall support the Sole Bidder/Principal
JV Bidder in successful implementation of the objectives.

iv. The Principal Partner shall be liable for all acts and omissions. The Principal Partner shall be
responsible for the successful completion of the Contract / Agreement and C-DAC shall be
communicating with the Principal Partner for all necessary actions. The Principal Partner shall
be held liable and responsible for any breach of any of the terms and conditions of the Contract /

v. ------------------------------------ (Name of Party) shall act as the Sole Bidder/ Principal JV Bidder.
As such, it shall act as the coordinator of the Party’s combined activities and shall carry out the
following functions:
a. To ensure the Technical, Financial and administrative co-ordination of the Project
work and the services to be rendered in relation thereto
b. To lead the contract negotiations of the Project work with C-DAC.
c. The Principal JV Bidder member is authorized to receive instructions and incur
liabilities for and on behalf of all other JV Members.
d. In case of an award, act as channel of communication between C-DAC and the Parties
to execute the Contract
vi. That the Parties shall carry out all responsibilities jointly and severally as Master System
Integrator in terms of the Contract.
vii. That the broad roles and the responsibilities of each Party at each stage of the Bidding shall
be as below:

Party A: ________________________________________________
Party B: ________________________________________________
Party C: ________________________________________________

vii. That the Parties affirm that they shall implement the Project in good faith and shall take all
necessary steps to see the Project through expeditiously.
viii. That this MoU shall be governed in accordance with the laws of India and courts in Delhi shall
have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate disputes arising from the terms herein.

In witness thereof the Parties affirm that the information provided is accurate and true and have
caused this MoU duly executed on the date and year above mentioned.

(Party of the first part) (Party of the second part) (Party of the third part)


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7.14. Annexure – 14: Pre-Qualification Criteria Document Index List

References of all the documents pertaining to Pre-Qualification/Eligibility Criteria must be
indexed as per the format given below.

Sl. No. Pre-Qualification Criteria Page No. and Section No. in the Bid

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7.15. Annexure – 15: Integrity Pact

(Format of Integrity Pact)




Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), a Scientific Society of Ministry of

Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Govt of India, registered under the Societies
Registration Act of 1860 and the Bombay Public Trusts Act of 1950, having its registered office at
C-DAC Innovation Park, Panchavati, Pashan, Pune 411008, hereinafter referred to as “C-DAC”
which expression shall mean and include, unless the context otherwise requires, his successors
in office and assigns of the First Part.


M/s ________ , a company/ firm/ individual (status of the company) constituted in accordance with
the relevant law in the matter and having its registered office at __________________ represented by
Shri ________, hereinafter referred to as “The Bidder/Contractor” which expression shall mean and
include, unless the context otherwise requires, his successors and permitted assigns of the
Second Part.

WHEREAS C-DAC proposes to procure under laid down organizational procedures, contract/s for
---------------- (Name of the work/ goods/ services) and the Bidder/Contractor is willing to offer
against NIT No. ______________


To avoid all forms of corruption by following a system that is fair, transparent and free from any
influence/prejudiced dealings prior to, during and subsequent to the currency of the contract to
be entered into with a view to: -

Enabling C-DAC to obtain the desired said (work/ goods/ services) at a competitive price in
conformity with the defined specifications by avoiding the high cost and the distortionary impact
of corruption on public procurement, and

Enabling the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) to abstain from bribing or indulging in any corrupt practice
in order to secure the contract by providing assurance to them that their competitors will also
abstain from bribing and other corrupt practices and C-DAC will commit to prevent corruption,
in any form, by its officials by following transparent procedures.

1.0 Commitments of C-DAC

1.1 C-DAC undertakes that no official of C-DAC, connected directly or indirectly with the contract,
will demand, take a promise for or accept, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe,

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consideration, gift, reward, favour or any material or immaterial benefit or any other
advantage from the Bidder/Contractor, either for themselves or for any person, organization
or third party related to the contract in exchange for an advantage in the bidding process, bid
evaluation, contracting or implementation process related to the contact.

1.2 C-DAC will, during the pre-contract stage, treat all the Bidders/Contractors alike, and will
provide to all the Bidders/Contractors the same information and will not provide any such
information to any particular Bidder/Contractor which could afford an advantage to that
particular Bidder/Contractor in comparison to other Bidders/Contractors.

1.3 All the officials of C-DAC will report to the appropriate Authority any attempted or completed
breaches of the above commitments as well as any substantial suspicion of such a breach.

1.4 In case any such preceding misconduct on the part of such official(s) is reported by the Bidder
to C-DAC with full and verifiable facts and the same is prima facie found to be correct by C-
DAC, necessary disciplinary proceedings, or any other action as deemed fit, including criminal
proceedings may be initiated by C-DAC or Independent External Monitor and such a person
shall be debarred from further dealings related to the contract process. In such a case while
an enquiry is being conducted by C-DAC the proceedings under the contract would not be

2.0 Commitments of the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)

The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt
practices, unfair means and illegal activities during any stage of its bid or during any pre-contract
or post-contract stage in order to secure the contract or in furtherance to secure it and in
particular commit itself to the following :-

2.1 The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not offer, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe,
gift, consideration, reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other advantage,
commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of C-DAC, connected directly or
indirectly with the bidding process, or to any person, organization or third party related
to the contract in exchange for any advantage in the bidding, evaluation, contracting and
implementation of the contract.

2.2 The Bidder/Contractor further undertakes that it has not given, offered or promised to
give, directly or indirectly any bribe, gift consideration, reward, favour, any material or
immaterial benefit or other advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any
official of C-DAC or otherwise in procuring the Contract or forbearing to do or having done
any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of the contract or any other contract with
Employer for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation
to the contract or any other contract with C-DAC.

2.3 The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) shall disclose the name and address of agents and
representatives and Indian Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) shall disclose their foreign principals
or associates.

2.4 The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) shall disclose the payments to be made by them to

agents/brokers or any other intermediary, in connection with this bid/contract.

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2.5 The Bidder, either while presenting the bid or during pre-contract negotiations or before
signing the contract, shall disclose any payments he has made, is committed to or intends
to make to officials of C-DAC or their family members, agents, brokers or any other
intermediaries in connection with the contract and the details of services agreed upon for
such payments.

2.6 The Bidder/Contractor will not collude with other parties interested in the contract to
impair the transparency, fairness and progress of the bidding process, bid evaluation,
contracting and implementation of the contract.

2.7 The Bidder/Contractor will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt practice,
unfair means and illegal activities.

2.8 The Bidder/Contractor shall not use improperly, for purposes of competition or personal
gain, or pass on to others, any information provided by C-DAC as part of the business
relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business details, including
information contained in electronic data carrier. The Bidder/Contractor also undertakes
to exercise due and adequate care lest any such information is divulged.

2.9 The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) commits to refrain from giving any complaint directly or
through any other manner without supporting it with full and verifiable facts.

2.10 The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) shall not instigate or cause to instigate any third person to
commit any of the actions mentioned above.

2.11 If the Bidder/Contractor or any employee of the Bidder/Contractor or any person acting
on behalf of the Bidder/Contractor, either directly or indirectly, is a relative of any of the
officers of C-DAC, or alternatively, if any relative of an officer of C-DAC has financial
interest/stake in the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) firm(excluding Public Ltd. Company listed
on Stock Exchange), the same shall be disclosed by the Bidder/Contractor at the time of
filling of tender.

The term ‘relative’ for this purpose would be as defined in Section 2(77) of the Companies
Act 2013.

2.12 The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) shall not lend to or borrow any money from or enter into any
monetary dealings or transactions, directly or indirectly, with any employee of C-DAC.
2.13 The Bidder/supplier shall follow all rules and regulations of India.

3.0 Previous Transgression

3.1 The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last
three years immediately before signing of this Integrity Pact, with any other company in
any country in respect on any corrupt practices envisaged hereunder or with any Public
Sector Enterprise / Government Department in India.

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3.2 The Bidder agrees that if it makes incorrect statement on this subject, Bidder can be
disqualified from the tender process or the contract, if already awarded, can be terminated
for such reason.

4.0 Earnest Money (Security Deposit)

The provision regarding Earnest Money/Security Deposit as detailed in the Notice Inviting
Tender (NIT) and Instruction to Bidders (ITB) section of the Bid Document is to be referred.

5.0 Sanctions for Violations

5.1. Any breach of the aforesaid provisions by the Bidder/Contractor or any one employed by it
or acting on its behalf shall entitle C-DAC to take action as per the procedure mentioned in
the “Guidelines on Banning of Business Dealings” and initiate all or any one of the following
actions, wherever required:-

(i) To immediately call off the pre contract negotiations without assigning any reason or
giving any compensation to the Bidder/Contractor. However, the proceedings with the
other Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) would continue.
(ii) The Earnest Money Deposit (in pre-contract stage) and/or Security Deposit/Performance
Bond (after the contract is Signed) shall stand forfeited either fully or partially, as decided
by C-DAC and C-DAC shall not be required to assign any reason thereof.
(iii) To immediately cancel the contract, if already signed, without giving any compensation
to the Contractor. The Bidder/Contractor shall be liable to pay compensation for any loss
or damage to C-DAC resulting from such cancellation/rescission and C-DAC shall be
entitled to deduct the amount so payable from the money(s) due to the
(iv) To encash the Bank guarantee, in order to recover the dues if any by C-DAC, along with
interest as per the provision of contract.
(v) To debar the Bidder/Contractor from participating in future bidding processes of C-DAC,
as per provisions of “Guidelines on Banning of Business Dealings” which may be further
extended at the discretion of C-DAC.
(vi) To recover all sums paid in violation of this Pact by Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) to any
middleman or agent or broker with a view to securing the contract.
(vii) In cases where irrevocable Letters of Credit have been received in respect of any
contract signed by C-DAC with the Bidder/ Contractor, the same shall not be
(viii) Forfeiture of Performance Security in case of a decision by C-DAC to forfeit the same
without assigning any reason for imposing sanction for violation of this Pact.

5.2. C-DAC will be entitled to take all or any of the actions mentioned at para 6.1 to 6.8 of this Pact
also on the Commission by the Bidder/Contractor or any one employed by it or acting on its
behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the Bidder/Contractor), of an offence as
defined in Chapter IX of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 or Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
or any other statute enacted for prevention of corruption in Employer’s country.

5.3. The decision of C-DAC to the effect that a breach of the provisions of this Pact has been
committed by the Bidder / Contractor shall be final and conclusive on the Bidder / Contractor.
However, the Bidder/Contractor can approach the Independent External Monitor(s)
appointed for the purposes of this Pact.

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6.0 Independent External Monitor(s)

6.1. C-DAC may appoint Independent External Monitor(s) (hereinafter referred to as Monitors)
for this Pact.
6.2. The task of the Monitors shall be to review independently and objectively, whether and to
what extent the parties comply with the obligations under this Pact.
6.3. The Monitors shall not be subject to instructions by the representatives of the parties and
perform their functions neutrally and independently.
6.4. Both the parties accept that the Monitors have the right to access all the documents relating
to the project/procurement, including minutes of meetings. The right to access records
should only be limited to the extent absolutely necessary to investigate the issue related to
the subject tender/contract.
6.5. As soon as the Monitor notices, or has reason to believe, a violation of this Pact, he will so
inform ED/DG of C-DAC and request C-DAC to discontinue or take corrective action, or to take
other relevant action. The Monitor can in this regard submit non-binding recommendations.
Beyond this the Monitor has no right to demand from the parties that they act in a specific
manner, refrain from action or tolerate action.
6.6. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) accepts that the Monitor has the right to access without
restriction, to all Project documentation of C-DAC including that provided by the
Bidder/Contractor. The Bidder/Contractor will also grant the Monitor, upon his request and
demonstration of a valid interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to his project
documentation. The same is applicable to Subcontractor(s). The Monitor shall be under
contractual obligation to treat the information and documents of the
Bidder/Contractor/Subcontractor(s) with confidentiality.
6.7. C-DAC will provide to the Monitor sufficient information about all meetings among the parties
related to the project provided such meetings could have an impact on the contractual
relations between the parties. The parties will offer to the Monitor the option to participate
in such meetings as and when required.
6.8. The Monitor will submit a written report to the ED/DG of C-DAC within 10 days from the date
of reference or intimation to him by C-DAC/Bidder and should the occasion arise, submit
proposals for correcting problematic situations.
6.9. The word ‘Monitor’ would include both singular and plural.

7.0 Facilitation of Investigation

In case of any allegation of violation of any provisions of this Pact or payment of commission, C-
DAC or its agencies shall be entitled to examine all the documents including the Books of Accounts
of the Bidder/Contractor and the Bidder/Contractor shall provide necessary information and
documents in English and shall extend all possible help for the purpose of such examination.

8.0 Law and Place of Jurisdiction

This Pact is subject to Indian Law. The place of performance and jurisdiction is the Registered
Office of C-DAC. The arbitration clause provided in the tender document/contract shall not be
applicable for any issue/dispute arising under Integrity Pact. The decision of C-DAC regarding
breach of this Pact shall be final and binding on Bidder/Contractor.

9.0 Other Legal Actions

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9.1. The actions stipulated in this Integrity Pact are without prejudice to any other legal action
that may follow in accordance with the provisions of the extant law in force relating to any
civil or criminal proceedings.

9.2. Changes and supplements as well as termination notice need to be made in writing.

9.3. If the Contractor is a partnership or a consortium or a joint venture, this pact must be signed
by all partners of the consortium/joint venture.

10.0 Validity
10.1 The validity of this Integrity Pact shall be from date of its signing and extend upto 5 years
or the complete execution/completion of the contract to the satisfaction of both C-DAC and
the Bidder/Contractor/Seller, including warranty period, whichever is later. In case
BIDDER is unsuccessful, this Integrity Pact shall expire after six months from the date of
the signing of the contract or six months from the date of opening of price bids, whichever
is earlier.

10.2 Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid, the remainder of this
Pact shall remain valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their
original intention.

The Parties hereby sign this Integrity Pact at ____________ on ____________.

Employer Bidder (Authorised Person)

Name of the Officer (Name of the Person)
Designation Designation
Place---------------- Place--------------
Date--------------- Date--------------

Witness1.__________________ Witness1.___________________
(Name and address) (Name and address)

(End of Chapter & and End of Document)

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