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Part V - 12 - Handling and Placing GTCC 2020

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PAGE 1> Guide to Concrete Construction — Part V- Section 12 – Handling and Placing

The main aim in handling and placing concrete is to distribute it from the point of delivery on a
construction site to its final location as smoothly and efficiently as site conditions will allow – while at the
same time maintaining it in a condition where it is both workable and free from segregation. This section
describes methods, plant and equipment which may be used to handle and place concrete in a variety
of circumstances.

workability of concrete, immediately prior to

CONTENTS discharge, by the addition of controlled
amounts of water while still allowing some
1. INTRODUCTION .................................. 2 remixing of the concrete. AS 1379
2. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS..... 2 ‘Specification and supply of concrete’ sets out
the conditions under which this may be done.
2.1 WORKABILITY............................ 2
The handling of concrete on site effectively
2.2 SEGREGATION .......................... 3
commences when the concrete is discharged
3 PLANNING ........................................... 3 from the truck (or from any other device used
3.1 SITE ACCESS ............................ 3 to transport it from the batching or mixing
plant). The aim in handling concrete will always
3.2 DELIVERY RATE ........................ 4
be to move it to the point of final placement as
4. DISTRIBUTION METHODS .................. 5 quickly and as efficiently as the site conditions
4.1 GENERAL................................... 5 allow without significantly affecting the plastic
properties of the concrete.
4.2 CHUTES ..................................... 5
A variety of methods, plant and equipment are
4.3 BARROWS ................................. 5
available for this purpose. In choosing a
4.4 CRANE AND BUCKET ................ 6 distribution method, it should be the most
4.5 TREMIE CONCRETE.................. 6 appropriate method for use on that site. Care
should then be taken to plan concrete handling
4.6 PUMPS AND PIPELINES ............ 7 on the site so that, once concreting operations
5. PLACING ........................................... 10 commence, they proceed smoothly and
without delay. Special care should be taken to
5.1 GENERAL................................. 10
ensure that the capacity of handling equipment
5.2 AVOIDING SEGREGATION ...... 10 is sufficient to (a) maintain placing operations
5.3 AIDING COMPACTION ............. 10 at their planned rate and (b) match supply
6. SUMMARY ......................................... 14
STANDARDS ..................................... 14 2. PRELIMINARY


Concrete is most commonly delivered to The required concrete workability will normally
construction sites in a transit-mixer. Even on be determined by the nature of the building
those projects where the concrete is batched element or project in which it is to be placed.
and mixed on site in a dedicated plant (e.g. For example, concrete to be placed in thin or
large highway projects), it will often be most narrow forms needs to be quite workable if it is
convenient to move the concrete from the to be placed and compacted satisfactorily. On
mixing plant to the point of placement in these the other hand, concrete to be placed in
vehicles. They have several advantages, massive sections may have quite low
including (a) they can transport workable workability. Consequently, the method chosen
concrete over quite long distances, and (b) to distribute the concrete from the point of
they permit some adjustment to be made to the delivery to the point of placement in these two

PAGE 2> Guide to Concrete Construction — Part V-Section 12 – Handling and Placing Version 1.0
situations may be quite different in terms of To avoid segregation during transport, the
delivery capacity and delivery process. concrete should be cohesive and thoroughly
mixed. As far as practicable, jolting and
The equipment chosen must be able to
vibration of the concrete while distributing it
maintain the concrete in the required
around the site should be minimised and the
workability condition. High temperatures and concrete should be discharged vertically and in
high winds can cause concrete to lose
a controlled manner into its final position in the
workability while being transported to, and
forms, or into the distributing equipment.
moved around, the site – high temperatures by
accelerating the rate at which the concrete With flowing (Super Workable) concretes
stiffens and high winds by causing it to lose becoming more common, this creates an even
moisture and dry out. It is generally necessary greater risk of segregation. Attention to
for processes used to handle concrete on site appropriate concrete mix design and good
to keep the concrete ‘cool’ and to prevent it control of admixture use will lower the risk of
from drying out. (For further information on this segregation with these high-workability mixes.
aspect see Section 18 ‘Hot- and Cold-Weather
Corrective measures for losses of workability in
excess of those anticipated depend on why 3.1 SITE ACCESS
such losses occurred. With a slight workability
reduction, remixing may be enough to restore Access to the site by trucks delivering the
workability. In high temperature environments concrete, either to the distribution equipment or
or in cases of long transport distances, the use to the point of placement, is an important factor
of retarders may be appropriate. Similarly, in avoiding delays and interruptions to placing
slump retention admixtures may need to be activities.
considered in the basic mix design. The use of
In planning access to the site, important
water addition on site to restore slump is
considerations are:
problematic, particularly if it is uncontrolled.
While this is the simplest approach, and the • Ground conditions, e.g. Its ability to
one often favoured by pump operators and/or support loaded trucks;
placers, it can have significant impacts on • Headroom and ground clearances –
concrete strength and durability and may lead particularly around power lines;
to issues with excessive drying shrinkage – not • Availability of adequate turning circles;
to mention potentially exceeding maximum • Access to discharge chutes by
W/C ratios that may have been specified.
distribution equipment;
(NOTE: Coloured concretes, where coloured oxides
• Holding area for trucks awaiting
have been used, are particularly sensitive to slump
loss. Extra water additions in these cases not only discharge;
affect general concrete performance, but also affect • Suitable site ingress and egress.
colour consistency.)
Typical dimensions of typical concrete trucks
are shown in Figure 12.1.
A prime consideration in planning access to the
site is to avoid the delays caused by delivery
Segregation in concrete is the separation of the
trucks having to manoeuvre whilst on site,
coarse aggregate from the mortar. This
particularly when a continuous flow of concrete
typically results in the hardened concrete being
is required.
non-uniform and with weak/porous or
honeycombed areas, and an increased
likelihood that strength and durability
requirements will not be achieved.

PAGE 3> Guide to Concrete Construction — Part V-Section 12 – Handling and Placing Version 1.0
Figure 12.1 – Typical 6-m3 and 8-m3 Transit Mixers (all dimensions are in millimetres)

3.2 DELIVERY RATE The rate should not be so high that concrete
cannot be adequately compacted and/or
The delivery rate which can be achieved on a finished, e.g. in thin walls and columns.
site is determined, in part, by the access to the
One of the primary concerns involved in
site, i.e. the rate at which the delivery trucks
organising the delivery of concrete to a project
can move on and off the site (Figure 12.2).
site is safety. Truck movements increase the
More often, however, it is determined by the
risks of safety incidents. To reduce these risks,
rate at which the concrete can be placed. The
certain measures need to be taken, including
ideal rate will be where the work proceeds
(1) designated zones for vehicle movement, (2)
smoothly and the formation of unplanned
use of spotters when trucks are reversing onto
construction joints (including cold joints) does
(say) a concrete pump, (3) ensuring a minimum
not occur. Too high a rate is also problematic.
600 mm spacing is observed between trucks

PAGE 4> Guide to Concrete Construction — Part V-Section 12 – Handling and Placing Version 1.0
delivering concrete at a pump, and (4) safe where the free-fall of the concrete exceeds two
areas for testers to operate in when sampling metres, additional controls should be provided
loads of concrete. (Figure 12.4).

Figure 12.2 – Access to the Site (and particularly the

ease with which delivery vehicles can move on and Figure 12.3 – Delivery from a Transit mixer Chute is
off it) has a Significant Influence on the Overall the Quickest, Most Convenient and Economical
Concrete Supply Rate12.1 Method of Distribution



The methods for distributing concrete on site

range from simple (e.g. barrows) to
sophisticated (e.g. pumps). Whatever the
method chosen, it should be capable of moving
the concrete uniformly, without delay, and at a
rate appropriate to the method of placing. Figure 12.4 – Discharging from Long Chutes (i.e. –
longer than standard transit mixer chutes)

On most sites, the transit-mixer chute is the 4.3 BARROWS

initial means of delivering concrete on site –
either to another method of distribution or direct Barrows and small handcarts/buggies are an
into its final position (Figure 12.3). ‘Off the appropriate means of moving concrete on
chute’ delivery is ideal for elements such as small sites or where only small quantities of
strip footings, house floor slabs, road concrete have to be placed (Figures 12.5 and
pavements and low retaining walls, provided: 12.6). These methods are labour intensive and
have largely been replaced by more-efficient
• Truck access to within chute radius is methods. Other limitations are that:
• The element is below truck tray level; • Only a low placing rate of about
• Free-fall of concrete does not exceed 1-1.5 m3/h can be achieved;
two metres in height. • The travel distance is limited to about
50 m for continuous work.
Chutes can also be a useful means of
distributing concrete from a higher to a lower When used, care should be taken to provide
level. In such applications, care must be taken near level, smooth runways and access ways
that the chute has sufficient slope for the to avoid jolting which may promote segregation
concrete to flow freely. A minimum slope of the concrete.
between 1:2 and 1:1 is often suggested. With
long chutes, those which slope steeply, or

PAGE 5> Guide to Concrete Construction — Part V-Section 12 – Handling and Placing Version 1.0
concrete is discharged from a height of more
than about two metres.

Figure 12.5 – Barrows, despite their limitations, are

the Most Suitable Distribution Means on Small

Figure 12.7 – Crane Buckets and ‘Kibbles’ are

easily filled from Transit Mixers12.3

Figure 12.6- Small Handcarts and Buddies (of about

100-litre capacity) have been largely superseded by
more Efficient Methods


The use of a crane and bucket or skip or ‘kibble’ Figure 12.8 – Hand-operated Gates on Crane
Buckets give control over Concrete Discharge
are appropriate means of handling concrete on
sites where adequate crane time is available,
other access is limited and/or a concrete mix
The placing rate is dependent on the bucket
which is difficult to pump is required. Buckets
capacity and the height and distance from the
or skips of 1-2 m3 capacity are most commonly
pick-up point. For example, about 13 m3/h
used (Figure 12.7). There are 'lay-down'
could be placed on a tenth-floor level using a
varieties that may be filled readily from a truck-
1 m3 bucket, while about 20 m3/h could be
mixer. Normally, they have hand-operated
placed using a 2 m3 bucket. On a fifth-floor
discharge gates which permit sufficient control
level, the placing rates would only be about
of location and discharge (Figure 12.8).
10% higher.
On large mass concrete projects, buckets of up
to 6 m3 capacity may be employed with the
discharge gates operated by compressed air. 4.5 TREMIE CONCRETE
In discharging buckets and skips, care must be
taken that formwork and reinforcement are not Tremie concrete refers to the delivery of
damaged by the impact of the concrete. High suitable concrete from a hopper and through a
impact forces and an increased risk of long pipe – most often used for placing
segregation are possible consequences if the concrete underwater or at depth in concrete
piles. The concrete is initially unloaded into an
above-ground hopper and from there it flows

PAGE 6> Guide to Concrete Construction — Part V-Section 12 – Handling and Placing Version 1.0
through the vertical pipe down to the required
depth. As concrete flows from the bottom of the
pipe, more concrete is added to the hopper so
that a continuous feed is established. As the
concrete flows from the bottom of the tremie
the pipe is gradually lifted while ensuring that
the end of the tremie tube remains within the
body of the concrete being placed, usually to a
depth of about 1 metre. The concrete around
the end of the tremie effectively seals the pipe
and, in the case of placing concrete under
water, prevents the water washing paste from
the concrete being delivered. It is necessary for
the concrete to have appropriate flow capability
for this method to work properly (Figure 12.9).
Further discussion on tremie concrete is
provided in Part VI, Section 21 of this Guide.

Figure 12.10 – Concrete Distribution by Pump (from a

discharge point in street where permitted) is the Most
Common Method

Figure 12.9 – Tremie Pipe being filled from Above-

ground Hopper12.4


General – Concrete pumps and pipelines are

perhaps the most widely used of all methods of
distributing concrete on construction sites
Figure 12.11 – Fixed Pumps generally have the
(Figure 12.10) in Australia today. The ready Highest Pumping Capacity and are the usual Choice
availability of mobile pumps, and their relative for Major Projects12.5
reliability, make them an efficient and
economical means of transporting concrete,
even on quite small sites. Usually, however, concrete pumps are mobile
and are often fitted with an articulated boom
A wide rage of pump types are available, which enables the unit to deliver concrete over
generally trailer- or truck-mounted, although a radius of 30 m or more (Figure 12.12). Such
fixed installations are not uncommon where the units require little set-up and are especially
pump has to be in frequent operation versatile in the range of applications they can
(Figure 12.11) or where it is used over longer handle. They may also be coupled to fixed
periods of time. pipelines for delivering concrete over greater
distances, say 60 m vertically and up to 300 m

PAGE 7> Guide to Concrete Construction — Part V-Section 12 – Handling and Placing Version 1.0
horizontally. For greater distances, more • Some pump mixes may give increased
powerful pumps are required. concrete drying shrinkage;
• High slump concrete mixes may have a
susceptibility to segregate when
• Downhill pumping is difficult and will
require a more cohesive concrete mix
design to prevent segregation.

Pump Selection – The rate of delivery which

can be achieved will depend on the type of
pump and its power; the distances to be
pumped horizontally and vertically; the number
Figure 12.12 – Mobile Concrete Pumps are quick of bends; and the type of concrete mix. Smaller
to Set up and Versatile in their Range of
pumps may deliver up to 10 m3/h and high-
performance units deliver up to 80 m3/h.
However, this rate can be compromised in
In tall city buildings, concrete has been practice because of the need to move and
pumped to heights of 200 m or more and on reposition pipelines.
large flat sites, for horizontal distances of up to
The selection of a suitable pump will depend
1,000 m. Such installations require quite rigidly
on the maximum required output and pumping
fixed pipelines to withstand the considerable
pressure. The output required is a function of
pressures involved. In these situations, ‘piston
the placing rate and the actual time the pump
pumps’ are generally the pump of choice.
will be operating. Thus, if an overall placing
While the main focus on concrete pump rate of 30 m3/h is required but the pump will be
capability is on high delivery rates, there are in use for only 45 minutes in each hour, the
situations where reliable delivery at low rates is required output will be (30 × 60/45) = 40 m3/h.
required, e.g. for delivering block fill. In these
The required pumping pressure will depend on
situations, a ‘squeeze’ or ‘peristaltic’ pump
type, which can deliver reliably at rates as low
as 1 m3/hr, can be used. • Required output as determined above;
The advantages of using pumps include: • Pipeline diameter (often controlled by the
maximum aggregate size);
• High output; • Total equivalent length of the pipeline
• Versatility and flexibility (they can (actual horizontal length plus an
distribute concrete both vertically and equivalent horizontal length for vertical
horizontally and require little space); pipe distances, bends and any reducer
• Continuous distribution; piping or hydraulic placing boom that
• Short set-up time; may be used);
• Low labour requirement. • Plastic properties of the concrete (often
expressed as its slump).
It should, however, be noted that:
From this information the required pumping
• Concrete mix designs need to pressure can be determined from a nomograph
appropriate, particularly for tall buildings such as that shown in (Figure 12.13).
or for long transfer distances;

PAGE 8> Guide to Concrete Construction — Part V-Section 12 – Handling and Placing Version 1.0
Figure 12.13 – Nomograph for Determining the Required Pumping Pressure

The pumping power required can be Pipelines should be adequately supported and
calculated from the equation: fixed in position since quite substantial forces
(thrusts) can be generated as the concrete is
Power (kW) = Output (m3/h) × Pressure forced through the lines. Joints should be
(MPa)/2.5 …..Eq.12.1 watertight as loss of paste from the mix can
The design of a successful pumping operation lead to blockages. The wall thickness of the
requires an experienced operator. Of pipe should be adequate for the pressures that
paramount importance is preplanning and, in will be experienced. Pipelines should also be
particular, close liaison between the placing readily accessible for maintenance and
contractor, the pump operator and the concrete cleaning should a blockage occur.
Once commenced, concrete pumping should
Pumping Operations – Before pumping be continuous to avoid blockages in the
commences, the pump and pipelines must be pipeline. If concrete is to be discharged directly
lubricated by coating the internal surfaces with into the forms or on-grade in flatwork, sufficient
a cement-based slurry, pumped through the manpower and equipment to compact and
pipes at the rate of about 2.5 litres of slurry per finish the concrete must be available. It is very
metre of pipeline. After pumping is completed, important that the rate of pumping matches the
the pipelines must be cleaned out as soon as rate of placing and finishing.
possible as any paste residue will lead to
While 'pumpable' concrete mixes are now
increased pipe friction and may eventually
readily available, it is still required that the
cause blockages.
concrete supplier be notified 'of the intended

PAGE 9> Guide to Concrete Construction — Part V-Section 12 – Handling and Placing
method of placement' (see Clause of off the reinforcement and form-faces, resulting
AS 1379). Not all concrete mixes can be in segregation. The means of avoiding this risk
pumped successfully. For example, mixes vary with the type of distribution equipment
required to have very low shrinkage being used (Figure 12.15).
characteristics may be difficult to pump
because of limitations on the fines content of
the mix. Similarly, 'pumpable' mixes may not be 5.3 AIDING COMPACTION
the best suited to very high standards of off-
form finish. Low slump concretes are generally To aid proper compaction of the concrete, care
not easily pumpable. should be taken to place concrete in layers
which are of a suitable depth for the
compaction equipment being used. Layers that
5. PLACING are too deep make it virtually impossible to
adequately compact the concrete to full depth,
5.1 GENERAL with the risk of leaving entrapped air that
creates voids and prevents the concrete from
As is the case when handling concrete, certain achieving its potential or required strength and
fundamental considerations govern placing durability performance.
techniques. First and perhaps foremost is the
need to avoid segregation (separation of the The two main types of compaction equipment
paste and aggregate materials) of the concrete are (1) immersion (poker) vibrators
caused by using improper techniques. Second (Figures 12.16 and 12.17), and (2) vibrating-
is the need to ensure thorough compaction of beam screeds (Figure 12.18). The effective
the concrete. Whilst compaction requirements radius of action of an immersion vibrator
are discussed in more detail in Section 13 depends on its operating frequency and
‘Compaction’, the manner in which concrete is amplitude as well as the diameter of the
placed can have a significant influence on its vibrator shaft. The common sizes found in
ability to compact under vibration. normal concrete construction work have a
radius of action between 200 mm and 350 mm.
This means, in practice, concrete should be
5.2 AVOIDING SEGREGATION placed in uniform layers ranging from 250 mm
to 400 mm, depending on the vibrator being
The most important rules for avoiding used. To ensure each layer is properly merged
segregation during the placing of concrete, in together, the vibrator should penetrate about
any element, are: 150 mm into the lower layer of previously
compacted concrete (Figure 12.19).
• Concrete should be placed vertically and
from as near as possible to its final The effective depth of compaction of vibrating-
position; beam screeds depends on the beam weight, its
• Concrete should not be made to flow into amplitude, its frequency and the forward
position. Where concrete must be moved speed. For the commonly available range of
it should be shovelled into position. surface vibrators, the maximum effective depth
is 200 mm.
Other techniques for avoiding segregation (NOTE: For slabs between 150 mm and 200 mm
during placing depend on the type of element thick, immersion vibrators should be used adjacent
being constructed and on the type of to all construction joints and edges to supplement
distribution equipment being used. the vibrating screed in these areas.) For slabs
greater than 200 mm thick, immersion vibrators
For flatwork and slabs incorporating ribs and should be employed to compact the concrete and
beams (i.e. shallow forms) the techniques the vibrating-beam screed used to finish it
shown in (Figure 12.14) should be adopted. (Figure 12.19).)
For walls and columns (i.e. deep, narrow
forms), problems occur when the concrete is
dropped from too great a height and ricochets

PAGE 10> Guide to Concrete Construction — Part V-Section 12 – Handling and Placing Version 1.0
Figure 12.14 – Placing Techniques for Flatwork

PAGE 11> Guide to Concrete Construction — Part V-Section 12 – Handling and Placing Version 1.0
Figure 12.15 – Placing Techniques for Walls and Columns

Figure 12.16 – Action of Immersion Vibrator12.7

Figure 12.17 – Immersion Vibrator in Use on Slab12.8

PAGE 12> Guide to Concrete Construction — Part V-Section 12 – Handling and Placing
Figure 12.18 – Vibrating Screed in Use12.9

Figure 12.19 – The Depth of the Layers in which Concrete

is placed Dictates the Requirements and Methods
necessary to achieve Effective Compaction

PAGE 13> Guide to Concrete Construction — Part V-Section 12 – Handling and Placing Version 1.0

Method Application Comment

Chute Where work is below the level May be direct from transit mixer if work is within radius of
of truck tray; its chute;
Ideal for strip footings, house Free fall of concrete should not exceed 2 m without
floor slabs, road pavements, additional end controls.
low retaining walls, etc.

Barrows and Suitable for small projects Labour intensive;

hand carts such as domestic construction. Low placing rate (typically 1-1.5 m3/h);
Maximum distance about 50 m for continuous work;
Requires relatively level, smooth access.

Crane and Suitable for mass concrete Adequate crane time must be available;
bucket structures and heavyweight Limitations dependent on bucket size, crane capacity and
concretes; reach.
Can be used when concrete is
unsuitable for pumping.

Tremie For placement of concrete The concrete needs to readily flow from the delivery
under water or in deep piles. hopper down the tremie pipe;
The tremie pipe should remain about 1 metre below the
surface of the concrete being placed to prevent paste
being washed out of the mix.

Pumps and Versatile and flexible – can Require little space;

pipelines distribute concrete both High output;
vertically and horizontally. Continuous distribution;
Short set-up time;
Low labour requirement;
Not suitable for all concretes;
Possibility of increased concrete shrinkage;
Downhill pumping is difficult.

12.2 Photo adopted from the United States

Marine Corps, Public Domain license,
1) AS 1379 – The specification and
supply of concrete
2) AS 3600 – Concrete structures 12.3 Photo adopted from ‘Cement truck, and
bucket, at the excavation SE of Victoria and
Richmond, 2017 08 18 -c’, by booledozer,
licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0
End Notes: Universal Public Domain Dedication,
12.1 Photo adopted from ‘Construction Site,
Construction’, licensed under Creative nt_truck,_and_bucket,_at_the_excavation_SE
Commons Zero - CC0, _of_Victoria_and_Richmond,_2017_08_18_- c_(35893422913).jpg

PAGE 14> Guide to Concrete Construction — Part V-Section 12 – Handling and Placing
12.4 Photo adopted from ‘Tremie concrete
placement at Olmsted’ by LouisvilleUSACE,
licensed under Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY
8947270312 Level 10
163 -175 O’Riordan Street
12.5 Photo adopted from ‘Liebherr Stationary Mascot NSW 2020
concrete pump THS 70 D-K. In the
background: Liebherr Piling and drilling rig LRB
355 in Dornbirn (Vorarlberg, Austria)’, by POSTAL ADDRESS
Asurnipal, licensed under the Creative PO Box 124
Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Mascot NSW 1460
International license, Telephone: (02) 9667 8300
Level 14, 300 Ann Street,
12.6 Photo adopted from Radomil, licensed Brisbane QLD 4000
Telephone: (07) 3227 5200
under the Creative Commons Attribution-
Share Alike 3.0 Unported license, VICTORIA
ete_Pump_RB.JPG Suite 910/1 Queens Road
Melbourne VIC 3004
12.7 Photo adopted from ‘Worker uses a Telephone: (03) 9825 0200
concrete vibrator to ensure the correct
consistency in the concrete’, by USCapitol,
public domain license, WESTERN AUSTRALIA 45 Ventnor Avenue
on_Renewal_Project_- West Perth WA 6005
Telephone: (08) 9389 4452

12.8 Photo adopted from ‘Vilas Road Concrete

Pour April 19, 2018’, by Oregon Department of
Level 30, Westpac House
Transportation, licensed under Attribution 2.0 91 King William Street
Generic (CC BY 2.0), Adelaide SA 5000 Telephone: (02) 9667 8300

12.9 Photo adopted from ‘Wacker Neuson TASMANIA

Vibrationsbohle P 35A’, by Baumeister 99, PO Box 1441
licensed under the Creative Commons Lindisfarne TAS 7015
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license, Telephone: (03) 6491 2529

Since the information provided is intended for general

guidance only and in no way replaces the services of
professional consultants on particular projects, no legal
liability can be accepted by Cement Concrete & Aggregates
Australia for its use.

© Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia

PAGE 15> Guide to Concrete Construction — Part V-Section 12 – Handling and Placing Version 1.0

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