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Jb2-Biological Classification (Final)

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1. The two kingdom classification can differentiate

(1) Autotrophs from heterotrophs
(2) Prokaryotes from eukaryotes
(3) Unicellular organisms from multicellular organisms
(4) Plants from animals
2. What is the ratio of kingdoms of whittaker having Eukaryotic organisms and multicellular organisms
(1) 4:3 (2) 1:2 (3) 3:4 (4) 1:1
3. Both autotrophs and heterotrophs are included in these kingdoms of Whittaker's classification
(1) Monera, Plantae (2) Monera, Protista
(3) Monera, Fungi (4) Monera, Animalia
4. Which are not included in the five kingdom classification of Whittaker
(1) Fungi without cell walls
(2) Prokaryotes that lack cell wall
(3) Branched filamentous bacteria
(4) Lichens, viruses, viroids and prions
5. Cell organelle found in all prokaryotes
(1) Mesosomes (2) Chromatophores (3) Ribosomes (4) Dictyosomes
6. The most wide spread group of microorganisms on earth belong to kingdom
(1) Monera (2) Protista (3) Fungi (4) Plantae
7. Archaebacteria differ from Eubacteria by having
(1) Non Histone proteins
(2) Cell membrane with branched chain lipids
(3) Membrane bound nucleus
(4) Membrane bound cell organelles
8. Which of the following is not the characteristic of Archaebacteria
(1) They are most primitive Bacteria (2) Cell wall contains pseudomurein
(3) Can toletate adverse conditions (4) Presence of peptidoglycan
9. Which among the following is not a
(1) Saccharomyces (2) Mycobacterium (3) Oscillatoria (4) Nostoc
10. Red colour of red sea is due to
(1) Red algae (2) Golden algae (3) Blue green algae (4) Dinoflagellate
11. Heterocysts in Anabena and Nostoc help in
(1) Photosynthesis (2) Nitrogen fixation
(3) Sensing the environment (4) Locomotion
12. Blooms in polluted water bodies are due to
(1) Cyanobacteria (2) Chrysophytes
(3) Accumulation of cell walls of Diatoms
(4) Water hyacinth
13. The most primitive organisms showing oxygenic photosynthesis are
(1) Green algae (2) Chrysophytes
(3) Green and purple sulphur bacteria (4) Cyanobacteria
14. Organisms which obtain energy by the oxidation of reduced inorganic compounds are
(1) Photo autotrophs (2) Photo heterotrophs
(3) Chemo heterotrophs (4) Chemo autotrophs
15. Identify a function which is not attributed to mesosomes of bacteria
(1) secretion (2) respiration
(3) DNA replication (4) Determination of shape of cell
16. Helically coiled bacteria are called
(1) Spirilla (2) Cocci (3) Bacilli (4) Vibrios
17. In unfavourable (or) adverse conditions, Bacteria produce resting spores called
(1) Exospores (2) Chlamydospores (3) Oidia (4) Endospores
18. Eubacteria which oxidise inorganic chemicals such as ammonia,nitrate nitrites are
(1) Chemosyntheticautotrophic (2) Chemosynthetic heterotrophic
(3) Photosynthetic autotrophic (4) Photosynthetic heterotrophic
19. Pleomorphic monerans are
(1) Archeabacteria (2) Slimemolds (3) Mycoplasmas (4) Actinomycetes
20. The ribosomes that occur in protists are
(1) 70s type (2) 80s type (3) 1 & 2 (4) None of these
21. Protista is the connecting link between
(1) Plants and animals
(2) Fungi and plants
(3) Monerans and kingdom of multicellular organisms
(4) Fungi and animals
22. Protists reproduce asexually by
(1) Fission (2) Spores (3) Cell fusion (4) Both 1 and 2
23. Find the incorrect statement
(1) Majority of heterotrophic bacteria are Saprophytes
(2) Smallest living cells belong to Mycoplasmas
(3) Indestructable nature of cell wall of diatoms is due to silica
(4) Auxospores of chysophytes are formed due to asexual reproduction
24. Chief producers of the ocean are
(1) Chrysophytes (2) Dianoflagellates (3) Euglenoids (4) Eubacteria
25. Diatoms cell wall is made up of
(1) Silica (2) Cellulose (3) Chitin (4) Murein
26. Characteristic spores of diatoms are
(1) Zoospores (2) Ascospores (3) Auxospores (4) Basidiospores
27. Match the following
List - I List -II
A) Radial symmetry I) Dinoflagellates
B) Mesokaryon II) Pennate diatoms
C) Hormogonia III) Streptomyces
D) Bilateral symmetry IV) Centric diatoms
V) Nostoc
The correct match is
(1) A- IV,B-I,C- V,D- II (2) A-II, B-I,C-V,D- IV
(3) A-II,B-III,C- I,D- IV (4) A-IV,B- V,C- III,D- II
28. Match the following lists
List - I List - II
A) Kieselguhr I) Rejuvenation
B) Auxospore II) Bioluminescence
C) Noctiluca III) Filtration of oils.
D) Gonyaulax IV) Pellicle
V) Toxins for fishes
The correct match is
(1) A-III, B-II, C-I, D-IV (2) A-III, B-I, C-II, D-IV
(3) A-III, B-I, C-V, D-IV (4) A-III, B-I, C-II, D-V
29. Whirling whips are
(1) Dianoflagellates (2) Euglenoids (3) Mycoplasmas (4) Slime moulds
30. Protistans which can kill fishes by producing toxins are
(1) Euglenoids (2) Dianoflagellates (3) Chrysophytes (4) Slime moulds
31. Red tides in Medeterranian sea are caused by
(1) Chrysophytes (2) Monerans
(3) Dianoflagellates (4) Mycoplasmas
32. Holophytic and Holozic nutrition is exhibited by single individual in
(1) Dinoflagellates (2) Euglenoids (3) Chrysophytes (4) Slime moulds
33. Chemical nature of envelop of Euglena is
(1) Proteinaceous (2) Cellulosic (3) Chitinous (4) Pectinous
34. Reproduction is by longitudinal binary fission found in
(1) Paramecuim (2) Entamoeba (3) Diatoms (4) Euglena
35. Protists without cell wall are
(1) Actinomycetes (2) Mycoplasmas (3) Cyanobacteria (4) Euglenoids
36. A colonial aggregation of immobile non flagellated individual cells can be seen in the life cycle of
(1) Diatoms (2) Euglena (3) Gonyaulux (4) Amoeba
37. In Solanaceae members, bicollateral vascular bundles are found in
(1) Stem (2) Root (3) Leaf (4) Petiole
38. A Solanaceae plant having neither true nor false septum in the ovary is
(1) Capsicum (2) Datura (3) Solanum (4) Nicotiana
39. The number of carpels and locules exist in 2 : 1 ratio in the mature ovaries of
(1) Capsicum (2) Solanum (3) Datura (4) Dolichos
40. Plants with protogynous flowers are
(1) Solanum and Colchicine (2) Allium and Colchicine
(3) Solanum and Lilium (4) Allium and Lilium
41. Tricyclic, tetracyclic & penta cyclic flowers are seen in
(1) Fabaceae (2) Liliaceae (3) Solanaceae (4) Malvaceae
42. Plant having rhizomatous stem leaf tendrils is
(1) Scilla (2) Gloriosa (3) Smilax (4) Asparagus
43. Select the correct matching using the codes given below
List - I List - II
Plant Type of the fruits
A) Capsicum i) Indehiscent pod
B) Asparagus ii) Capsule
C) Arachis iii) Berry
D) Nicotiana iv) Berry
(1) A - iii, B - iv, C - i, D – ii (2) A - i, B - iii, C - iv, D – ii
(3) A - ii, B - i, C - iii, D - iv (4) A - iv, B - ii, C - i, D - iii
44. A distinct monocot character shown by the flowers of Liliaceae is
(1) Fibrous root system (2) Trimerous flowers
(3) Parallel Venation (4) All the Above
45. Match the following list and choose the correct
List - I List - II
A) Climber I) Glory lily
B) Tree II) Garlic
C) Shrub III) Red sanders
D) Herb IV) Sarasaparilla
V) Day king
(1) A-IV,B-I,C-II,D-III (2) A-V,B-IV,C-I,D-III
(3) A-V,B-II,C-I,D-III (4) A-IV,B-III,C-V,D-II
46. Which is the saprophytic protist group among the following
1. protozoans 2. Euglenoids 3. Slime moulds 4. Fungi
47. The spores of slime moulds are
1. dispersed through water 2. Dispersed by air
3. move by flagella 4. Move by celia
48. The character which is not applicable to plasmodium of slime moulds is
1. formation during unfavourable conditions
2. differentiation into fruiting bodies during unfavourable conditions
3. pathogenic nature 4. Growth into several feet
49. Presence of cell wall is found in
1. plasmodium of slime moulds 2. Plasmodium of sporozoam
3. fruiting body of slime moulds 4. Spores of slime moulds
50. Fungi prefer to grow in
1. wet places 2. Dry places 3. Warm humid places 4. Any conditions
51. Find the wrong statement
1. without exception all fungi are filamentous
2. The reserve food material in fungi is glycogen
3. cenocytic hyphae is multinucleate
4. 2 and 3
52. The vegetative means of reproductions found in fungi are
1. Fragmentation 2. Budding 3.Fission 4. All
53. Endogenuous sexual and exogenous asexual spores respectively are
1. Sporangiospores and comidio spores 2. Ascospores and conidiospores
3. Ascospores and basidiospores 4. basidiospores and conidiospores
54. The type of nutrition in bread mould is
1. symbiotic 2. Mutualistic 3.Parasitic 4. Saprophytic
55. Silica shells/depositions are found in the cells of
1. Dinoflagellotes 2. Chrysophytes
3. Marine forms of amoeboid protozoans 4. 1 and 3
56. The reserve food material in fungi is
1. Chitin 2. Glycogen 3.Protein 4. Starch
57. Identify the sexual spores of fungi
1. Ascospores 2. Basidiospores 3.Conidiospores 4. Oospores
1. All 2. 1 , 2, 4 3. 1 & 2 4. 3
58. Fruiting bodies of fungi are
1. formed by monokaryotic mycelium 2. Formed by dikaryotic mycelium
3. sites of karyogamy and meiosis 4. 2 and 3
59. Albugo is ____ fungi causing disease in _____
1. saprophytic , wheat 2. Parasitic , maize
3. parasitic , mustard 4. Saprophytic , mustard
60. Aspergillus belongs to the class into which one of th following is also included
1. claviceps 2. Ustilago 3.Alternaria 4.Agaricus
61. The edible fungi is
1. yeast 2. Morels 3.Agaricus 4. All
62. All the mushroom rust &smurt fungi
1. are pathogens 2. Are saprophytes 3. Bear ascocarps 4. Bear basidiospores
63. Which of the following is a slime mould
1. physarum 2. Thiobacillus 3.Anabaena 4.Rhizopous
64. Fungi without mycelium is
1. penicillium 2. Yeast 3. Puccinia 4.Agaricus
65. The dikaryotic stage in fungi is
1. due to delayed karyogamy 2. Binucleoted and diploid
3. bimucleoted and haploid 4. 1 and 3
66. The basis for the fungal kingdom is
1. fruiting bodies 2. Morphology of mycelium
3. mode of spore formation 4. All
67. Rhizopus and yeast are
1. Autophytic 2. Epiphytic 3.Parasitic 4. Saprophytic
68. Columella is the specialiusedsterile structure found in sporangium of
1. ulothrix 2. Rhizopus 3.Penicillium 4.Aspergillus
69. The parasite on crucifers is a
1. Algal fungi 2. Sac fungi 3.Club fungi 4. Bracket fungi
70. Zygospore is
1. Fungal sexual spore 2. Formed by the fusion of gametes in phycomycetes
3. asexual spore of phycomycetes 4. 1 and 2
71. The globular ascocarp without opening is called
1. Perithecium 2. Apothecium 3.Cleistothecium 4.Cleistocarp
72. Conidia on germination produces
1. dikaryotic hyphae 2. Diploid hyphae 3.Monokaryotic hyphae
4. Fruiting body
73. The fungi which is used extensively in bio chemical and genetic work is
1. Drosphila 2. Colletotrichum 3.Trichoderma4.Neurospora
74. Fungal class including mushroom , bracket fungi or puffballs is commonly known as
1. sac fungi 2. Cap fungi 3.Ascomycetes 4. Club fungi
75. Branched and septate mycelium is characteristic of
1. All classes of fungi 2. Except imperfect fungi
3. exceptphycomycetes 4. Only basidiomycetes
76. Sexual reproduction by somatic cell fusion is found in
1. Ascomycetes 2. Deuteromycetes 3. Phycomycetes 4. Basidiomycetes
77. Basidiospore germinates to give
1. Primary mycelium 2. Secondary mecelium
3. Fruiting body 4. Dikaryotic hyphae
78. Alternaria reproduces by
1. Ascospores 2. Basidiospores 3.Conidiospores 4.Zygospores
79. Which class of fungi includes large numbers of decomposers of litter
1. Ascomycetes 2. Basidiomycetes 3.Deuteromycetes 4.phycomycetes
80. In a basidiocarpbasidia develop on
1. Subhymenium 2. Hymenium 3.Trama 4.Pileus
81. The plasmodium of slime moulds is formed during
1. unfavourable conditions 2. Favourable conditions
3. adverse conditions 4. Dry conditions
82. The body of the euglenoids is flexible due to
1. Protein pellicle 2. Cellulosic cellwall
3. Plasmamembrane 4. None
83. The kingdom which shows extensive metabolic diversity in Whittaker’s classification system is
1. Eubacteria 2. Fungi 3.Chrysophytes 4.Monera
84. The bacteria which play great role in nutrient recycling is
1. Cyanobacteria 2. Archeabacteria 3. Chemoheterotrophic bacteria
4. chemoautotrophic bacteria
85. The organisms which form blooms on polluted water bodies are
1. Algae 2. Monera 3.Eubacteria 4. Cyanobacteria
86. Among the following diseases which is not caused by bacteria
1. Common cold 2. Tetanus 3.Typhoid 4. Cholera
87. The main method of reproduction in eubacteria is
1. Budding 2. conjugation3. Binary fission 4. Transformation
88. The obligate anaerobic bacteria are
1. cyanobacteria 2. Eubacteria 3.Mycoplasma 4. Slime moulds
89. Diatomaceous earth is used in
1. polishing 2. Filtration of oils and syrups
3. 1 and 2 4. soap industry
90. Chemo autotrophic bacteria obtain their energy from
1. sunlight 2. Organic substances3. Reduction of inorganic substances
4. oxidation of inorganic substances.
91. Examples of insectivorous plants
1) Sundew plant 2) Bladderwort 3) Venus fly trap 4) All the above
92. Which of the following is not a parasitic plants?
1) Cuscuta 2) Rafflesia 3) Orabanche 4) Opuntia
93. In kingdom animalia mode of nutrition is
1) Holozoic 2) Symbiotic 3) Saprophytic 4) Absorptive method
94. Reserve food materials in animals
1) Glycogen 2) Insulin 3) Protein 4) Starch
95. Viroids discovered by
1) Ivanowski 2) M.W. Beijerinck 3) W.M. Stanley 4) T.O. Diener
96. Which statement is correct for viroids?
1) Smaller than viruses 2) Causes potato spindle tuber disease
3) It was found to be free RNA 4) All are correct
97. The name virus that means venom or poisonous fluid was given by
1) Ivanowski 2) Pasteur 3) W.M. Stanley 4) T.O. Diener
98. Which of the following is included in the five kingdom classification of Whittaker?
1) Viruses 2) Viroids 3) Lichens 4) Slime moulds
99. Intracellar obligate parasite is
1) Viruses 2) Spirulina 3) Lichens 4) Chlorella
100. Who showed that viruses could be crystallised and crystals consist largely of proteins?
1) Ivanowski 2) M.W. Beijerinck 3) W.M. Stanley 4) Pasteur
101. Protozoans live as
1) Predator 2) Parasite 3) Freeliving 4) All the above
102. Sub-unit of coat (capsid) of virus is
1) Nucleosome 2) Capsomere 3) Nucleotide 4) Peplos
103. Which disease is caused by viruses?
1) Mumps 2) Small pox 3) Herpes and influenza 4) All of these
104. Contagiumvivumfluidum was proposed by
1) D.J Ivanowski 2) M.W. Beijerinck 3) Stanley 4) Robert Hooke
105. Association between Mycobiont and phycobiont are found in
1) Mycorrhiza 2) Root 3) Lichens 4) BGA
106. Virus replicates on
1) Dead tissue 2) Agar gel 3) Living tissue 4) Culture medium
107. Enzymes are generally absent in
1) Fungi 2) Algae 3) Viruses 4) Cyanobacteria
108. The stalk of the basidiocarp of agaricus is known as
1) Gill 2) Stipe 3) hymenium 4) Pileus
109. At least a half of the total carbon dioxide flxation through photosynthesis on earth is carried out by?
1) Bryophytes 2) Fungi 3) Alage 4) Both 1 and 2
110. Hydrocolloids (water holding) substances from brown algae
1) Algin 2) Carrageen 3) Both 1 and 2 4) Rubber
111. Family name of the HIV
1) Retrovirus 2) Retro capsid 3) Retro viridae 4) Retro viriods
112. Which of the following is source of agar?
1) Gelidium 2) Gymnodium 3) Chlorella 4) Gonyaulax
113. In modern medicine certain neurological diseases were transmitted by agents that are
1) Prions 2) Viriods 3) Virus 4) More than one option is
114. An analogous variant of BSE disease is
1) CJD 2) FLU 2) SARS 4) STD
115. Spiral or ribbon shaped chloroplast present in
1) Spirogyra 2) Oedoganium 3) Chlamudomonas 4) Chlorella
116. Which of the following is not a pathogen
1) Yeast 2) Albugo 3) Puccinia 4) Phytophthora
117. In virusescapsomeres are arranged in the form of
1) helical 2) polyhedral 3) geometric 4) All the above
118. The most notable disease caused by prions is
1) BSE 2) PST 3) TMV 4) YMV
119. Filamentous green algae is
1) volvox 2) kelp 3) ulothrix 4) Chlamydomonas
120. Which algae show anisogamous
1) udorina 2) spirogyra 3) ulothrix 4) more than one option
121. Unicellular green algae rich with proteins
1) Chlamydomonas 2) Chlorella 3) Morchella 4) Mushroom
122. Some of the green algae store food in the form of
1) glycogen 2) insulin 3) oil droplets 4) manitol
123. Example of crustose lichen
1) Parmelia 2) Rhizocarpon 3) Usnea 4) All the above
124. Unicellular green algae with only one chloroplast is
1) Spirogyra 2) Ulothrix 3) Chlamydomonas 4) focus
125. Tadpole shaped virus is
1) Bacteriophage 2) Prion 3) Viroid 4) Phytophage
126. Dikaryotic cells are seen in the life cycle of
1) Ascomycetes 2) Basidiomycetes 3) Paramoecium 4) all the above
127. Doliporc septum is the characteristic feature of
1) Ascomycetes 2) Zygomycetes 3) Basidiomycetes 4) Phycomycetes
128. Heterotroph with zoospores in
1) Chlamydomonas 2) Spirogyra 3) Albugo 4) Chlorella
129. Which of the following is fungal disease?
1) Citrus canker 2) White rust on mustard 3) Vein clearing 4) Potato spindle tuber
130. Coprophilous fungi mostly present in
1) Phycomycetes 2) Ascomycetes 3) Basidiomycetes 4) Deuteromycetes
131. Number of kingdoms in whitteker’s classification without cellulose in their cell walls
1) Three 2) Two 3) One 4) Four
132. Type of organisms not mentioned in Whittaker classification are
A) Fungi B) Lichens C) Prokaryotes
D) Viruses E) Viroids F) Prions
1) B,C,D,E,F only 2) A,C,D,E,F only 3) A,B,C,D,E only 4) B,D,E,F only
133. Photosynthetic autotrophic members belong to how many kingdoms in Whittaker’s system
1) 3 2) 4 3) 1 4) 2
134. Identify the incorrect match
1) Cyanobacteria - oxygenic photosynthesis
2) Mycoplasma - Pleomorphic without cellwall
3) Archaebacteria- Peptidoglycon in cell wall
4) Anabaena - Heterocyst for nitrogen fixation
135. The most primitive organism showing oxygenic photosynthesis are
1) Chrysophytes 2) Green algae
3) Green and purple bacteria 4) Cyanobacteria
136. A moneran which can utilize , and
1) Mycoplasma 2) Streptomyces 3) Nostoc 4) Euglena
137. Photosynthetic, chemosynthetic, and heterotrophic modes of nutritions found in different members
of this kingdom
1) Animalia 2) Fungi 3) Plantae 4)Monera
138. In which of the following kingdom R-H- Whittaker included both chemo autotrophs and photo
antotrophs together
1) Monera and protista 2) Monera, protista&plantae
3) Monera only 4) Monera and plantae
139. Scientist classified the plants into trees, shrubs and herbs
1) Linnaeus 2) Aristotle 3) Haeckel 4) Copeland
140. Scientist proposed two kingdom classification
1) Whittaker 2) Aristotle 3) Linnaeus 4) Haeckel
141. Multicellular loose tissue organisms are
1) Monera 2) Protista 3) Fungi 4) Animalia
142. The main criteria for whittaker’s classification is
1) Cell structure &thallus organisation
2) Mode of nutrition and reproduction
3) Phylogenetic relationships
4) All the above
143. chitin cellwall is present in
1) Monera 2) Protista 3) Fungi 4) Plantae
144. All prokaryotic organisms were grouped together under
1) Protista 2) Monera 3) Fungi 4) Plantae
145. Whittaker placed unicellular eukaryotic organisms under
1) Monera 2) protista 3) plantae 4) Animalia
146. Sole members of the kingdom monera are
1) Bacteria 2) Virus 3) Plants 4) None of these
147. The cellwall material in bacteria is known as
1) Peptidoglycon 2) Murein 3) Mucopeptide 4) All the above
148. Akinetes of cyanobactaria are
1) Hormogonia 2) Thin walled aplanospores
3) Thick walled zoospores 4)Thick walled aplanospores
149. Chlorophyll a is found in
1) Autotrophic bacteria 2) Mycoplasma
3) Cyanobacteria 4) None of the above
150. Hormogonia are asexual reproductive structures formed by
1) Algae 2) Fungi 3) Archaebacteria 4) Cyanobacteria
151. Organisms found in extreme temperatures are
1) Eubacteria 2) Archaebacteria3) Fungi 4) Mycoplasma
152. Bacteria that have organic molecules for energy and as a source of carbon are known as
1) Chemoheterotrophs 2) Photoautotrophs
3) Photoheterotrophs 4) Chemoautotrophs
153. Bacteria multiply mainly by
1) Transverse binary fission 2) Longitudinal binary fission
3) Oidia 3) Conjugation
154. Peptiodglycon cell wall is found in
1) Archaebacteria 2) Eubacteria 3) Cyanobacteria 4) Both 2 and 3
155. Cyanophyceae members vegetatively multiply by
1) Akinetes 2) Fragmentation3) Hormogonia 4) All the above
156. Bacteria reproduce sexually by
1) Endospore 2) conidia 3) Binary fission 4) Transformation
157. In cyanobacteria reproduction is
1) Asexual and vegetative 2) Asexual and sexual
3) Vegetative and sexual 4) Sexual only
158. Bacteria and blue green algae are similar due to the
1) Presence of mitochondria 2) Chemosynthetic mode of nutrition
3) Presence of flagella 4) Presence of nucleoid
159. Which of the following Is not found in all bacterial cells
1) Cell membrane 2) Nucleoid 3) Ribosomes 4) Capsule
160. Organism called methanogens are most abundant in a
1) Sulphur rock 2) Cattle yard 3) Polluted stream 4) Hot spring
161. Fruit showing edible thalamus are
1) Apple, custard apple, Guava 2) Apple, strawberry, pear
3) Pear, pineapple, strawberry 4) Jackfruit, Guava, pineapple
162. Perisperm differs from endosperm in
1) Being a diploid tissue
2) Fusion of secondary nucleus with several sperms
3) Being a haploid tissue
4) Having no reserved food
163. Coconut water from tender coconut is
1) Immature embryo 2) Free nuclear endosperm
3) Innermost layer of the seed coat 4) Degenerated nucellus
164. Seed formation without fertilization in flowering plants involves the process of
1) Budding 2) Somatic hybridization
3) Apomixis 4) Sporulation
165. In citrus adventive embryos are derived from
1) Integuments 2) Nucellus 3) Synergids 4) Zygotic embryo
166. Select the incorrect statement w. r. t. Mycoplasma
1) They lack cell wall
2) These cannot live without oxygen
3) These are pathogenic both in animals and plants
4) These are the smallest living cells
167. Read the following statements w. r. t. diatoms
(I) In diatoms, the cell walls form two thin overlapping shells which fit together as in a soap box
(II) The cell wall is embedded with silica and thus the walls are indestructible
(III) The fossilized diatoms are called diatomaceous earth
(IV) Diatoms are the main herbivores in the oceans
(V) Diatomaceous earth is porous and gritty
How many of the above statements is/are incorrect
1) One 2) Four 3) Three 4) Two
168. The body of slime moulds
1) Moves along the decaying twigs and leaves engulfing organic material
2) Do not form plasmodium
3) Forms plasmodium and can maximally grow up to 2 cm
4) Are usually green coloured
169. Match the columns
Column-I Column-II
A Plasmodium I Diatoms
B Mixotrophic nutrition II Euglenoids
C Red tide III Dinoflagellates
D Oceanic chief producers IV Slime moulds
1) A = (IV), B = (II), C = (III), D = (I) 2) A = (I), B = (IV), C = (III), D = (II)
3) A = (I), B = (II), C = (III), D = (IV) 4) A = (IV), B = (III), C = (I), D = (II)
170. A research scholar observed a slide under a powerful microscope and observed the following characters
for the concerned organisms
(I) A well defined nucleus
(II) Biflagellate condition with one flagellum lying longitudinally and the other transversely
(III) Unicellular structure
(IV) Cell wall present
The scholar would conclude this as
1) Dinoflagellate 2) E. coli 3) Plasmodium 4) Slime mould
171. The causal organisms of sleeping sickness and kala – azar belong to which of the following groups of
1) Flagellated protozoans 2) Sporozoans
3) Ciliated protozoans 4) Amoeboid protozoans
172. Select the correct statement about slime moulds
1) saprophytic, plasmodium with cell wall, spores dispersed by air currents
2) saprophytic, plasmodium without cell wall, spores with true cell wall and dispersed by air currents
3) parasitic, plasmodium without cell wall, spores dispersed by air current
4) parasitic, plasmodium without cell wall, spores with true cell wall and dispersed by water current
173. White spots seen on mustard leaves are due to a
1) sac fungus 2) algal fungus 3) club fungus 4) imperfect fungus
174. Which of the following is not a fungus
1) Puccinia 2) Penicillium 3) Polyporus 4) Physarum
175. Asexual reproduction in phycomycetes (Class of fungi) occur by
1) Zygospore 2) Conidia and ascospore
3) Sporangiospores 4) 1 and 3
176. Which of the following is extensively used in biochemical and genetic work
1) Aspergullus 2) Neurospora 3) Claviceps 4) Agaricus
177. A dikaryon is formed due to
1) Syngamy 2) Plasmogamy 3) Karyogamy 4) both 2 and 3
178. Members of phycomycetes are found in
(I) Aquatic habitats (II) On decaying wood
(III) Moist and damp places (IV) As obligate intracellular parasites
Choose from the following options
1) All of the above 2) I and IV only 3) II and III 4) I and III
179. Select the correct statement
1) Cell wall of Diatoms is noncellulosic and indestructible
2) Dinoflagellates, euglenoids and slime moulds are placed under kingdom Monera
3) Members of kingdom protista are primarily aquatic
4) Dinoflagellates are the chief ‘producers’ in the oceans
180. ________are saprophytic protists, whose body moves along decaying twigs and leaves engulfing organic
1) Euglenoids 2) Dinoflagellates 3) Chrysophytes 4) Slime moulds
181. Auxospores and fruting bodies respectively by
1) diatoms and fungi 2) slime mould and fungi
3) slime mould and diatoms 4) Fungi and diatoms
182. Choose the correct statement w.r.t Mycoplasma
1) They are pleomorphic 2) Cannot survive without oxygen
3) Smallest cells, sensitive to penicillin 4) Are pathogenic to only animals
183. All eukaryotic unicellular organisms belong to
(1) Monera (2) Protista (3) Fungi (4) Bacteria
184. Chief producers of the ocean are
(1) Chrysophytes (2) Dinoflagellates (3) Euglenoids (4) Eubacteria
185. Diatomaceous earth is used in
1) Polishing 2) Filtration of oils and syrups
3) Production of Antibiotics 4) 1 and 2
186. Kingdom Protista does not include
(1) Photosynthetic algae (2) Blue green algae
(3) Slime moulds (4) Chrysophytes
187. Cell wall has stiff cellulose plates on the surface of cells in
(1) Gonyaulax (2) Euglena (3) Diatoms (4) Slime moulds
188. Euglenoids have ....... instead of cell wall.
(1) Siliceous frustule (2) Pellicle (3) Capsule (4) Cell membrane
189. Longitudinal binary fission is found in
(1) Amoeba (2) Paramecium (3) Euglena (4) None
190. Sleeping sickness is caused by
(1) Entamoeba(2) Paramoecium (3) Trypanosoma (4) Plasmodium
191. Diatomaccous earth is indestructible due to cell walls embedded by
(1) Calcium (2) Silica (3) Zinc (4) Phosphorus
192. Characters of both animals and plants are found in
(1) Viruses (2) Bacteria (3) Euglena (4) Mycoplasma
193. Diatomaccous earth is used in
(1) Purification of uranium (2) Filtration and purification of liquids
(3) Insulation and sound proofing (4) Both 2 and 3
194. Decomposer protists are
(1) Dinoflagellates (2) Protozoans (3) Chrysophrytes (4) Slime moulds
195. Photosynthetic planktons are
(1) Chrysophytes (2) Dinoflagellates(3) Slime moulds (4) 1 and 2
196. Chrysophytes, Euglenoids, Dinoflagellates and Slime moulds are included in the kingdom
1) Monera 2) Protista 3) Fungi 4) Animalia
197. Identify the correct match from the given table.
List-1 List-2
A) Amoeboid protozoans p) Plasmodium
B) Flagellated protozoans q) Paramoecium
C) Ciliated protozoans r) Trypanosoma
D) Sporozoans s) Entamoeba
1) A-p, B-q, C-r, D-s 2) A-s, B-r, C-q, D-p 3) A-s, B-q, C-p, D-r 4) A-s, B-r, C-p, D-q
198. Choose the incorrect match from following
(1) Diatoms - Chief producers in oceans.
(2) Dinoflagellates - Plated cell wall
(3) Euglenoids - Identical pigments to higher plants.
(4) Slime mould - True wall found in vegetative stage.
199. In fungi, the cell wall is mainly composed of
(1) Pectin (2) Cellulose (3) Hemicellulose (4) Chitin
200. Coenocytic, multinucleated, aseptate mycelium is found in
(1) Ascomycetes (2) Basidiomycetes (3) Deuteromycetes (4) Phycomycetes
201. Mycorrhiza is
(1) Symbiotic association between algae and fungi
(2) Symbiotic association between fungi and animal
(3) Symbiotic association between plant and animal
(4) Symbiotic association between fungi and roots of higher plants
202. Which is the saprophytic protist group among the following
1. protozoans 2. Euglenoids 3. Slime moulds 4. Fungi
203. The vegetative means of reproductions found in fungi are
1. Fragmentation 2. Budding 3. Fission 4. All
204. The reserve food material in fungi is
1. Chitin 2. Glycogen 3. Protein 4. Starch
205. Albugo is ____ fungi causing disease in _____
1. saprophytic , wheat 2. Parasitic , maize
3. parasitic , mustard 4. Saprophytic , mustard
206. Rhizopus and yeast are
1. Autophytic 2. Epiphytic 3. Parasitic 4. Saprophytic
207. The globular ascocarp without opening is called
1. Perithecium 2. Apothecium 3. Cleistothecium 4. Cleistocarp
208. Zygospore is
1. Fungal sexual spore 2. Formed by the fusion of gametes in phycomycetes
3. asexual spore of phycomycetes 4. 1 and 2
209. The fungi which is used extensively in bio chemical and genetic work is
1. Drosphila 2. Colletotrichum 3. Trichoderma 4. Neurospora
210. The plasmodium of slime moulds is formed during
1. unfavourable conditions 2. Favourable conditions
3. adverse conditions 4. Dry conditions
211. Which one of the following is a slime mould?
1) Anabaena 2) Rhizopus 3) Physarum 4) Thiobacillus
212. Ergot of rye is caused by a species of:
1) Claviceps 2) Phytophthora 3) Uncinula 4) Ustilago
213. Which pair of the following belongs to Basidiomycetes?
1) Morchella and Mushrooms 2) Birds nest fungi and puffballs
3) puffballs and Claviceps 4) peziza and stinkhorns
214. Which one of the following statements about mycoplasma is wrong?
1) They cause diseases in plants 2) They are also called PPLO
3) They are pleomorphic 4) They are sensitive to pencillin
215. Mannitol is the stored food in :
1) Gracilaria 2) Chara 3) Porphyra 4) Fucus
216. Phylogenetic system of classification is based on :
1) floral characters 2) evolutionary relationships
3) morphological features 4) chemical constituents
217. Which one of the following organisms is not an example of eukaryotic cells?
1) Amoeba proteus 2) Paramecium caudatum
3) Escherichia coli 4) Euglena viridis
218. Viruses have :
1) DNA enclosed in a protein coat 2) prokaryotic nucleus
3) single chromosome 4) both DNA and RNA
219. Which of the following matches are correct:
1) Agaricus Parasitic fungus Basidiomycetes
2) Phytophthora Aseptate mycelium Basidiomycetes
3) Alternaria Sexual reproduction absent Deuteromycetes
4) Mucor Reproduction by conjugation Ascomycetes
220. Viroids differ from viruses in having :
1) DNA molecules without protein coat 2) RNA molecules with protein coat
3) RNA molecules without protein coat 4) DNA molecules with protein coat
221. Which among the following is not a prokaryote?
1) Nostoc 2) Mycobacterium 3) Saccharomyces 4) Oscillatoria
222. Afterkaryogamy followed by meiosis, spores are produced exogenously in:
1) Agaricus 2) Alternaria 3) Neurospora 4) Saccharomyces
223. Which of the following organisms are known as chief producers in the oceans?
1) Cyanobacteria 2) Diatoms 3) Dinoflagellates 4) Euglenoids
224. How many flagella are present in Euglena?
1) 2 2) 1 3) 3 4) 0
225. Chrysophytaincludes :
1) diatoms only 2) desmids and diatoms
3) dinoflagellate and desmids 4) desmids only
226. Little leaf of brinjal is caused by :
1) virus 2) mycoplasma 3) fungus 4) alga
227. Yeasts are included in :
1) Ascomycetes 2) Basidiomycetes
3) Phycomycetes 4) Deuteromycetes
228. Which of the following is not the feature of phycomycetes?
1) Members have coenocytic, aseptate hyphae
2) Members asexually reproduce by zoospores and aplanospores
3) Members are found in aquatic habitats
4) All Dikaryonic stage is present in life cycle
229. Moneranstaht do not have cell wall and smaller known organisms are
1) Methanogens 2) Archaebacteria
3) Mycoplasma 4) Cyanobacteria
230. Cell wall of spores in slime moulds is made up of
1) chitin 2) cellulose 3) callose 4) protein
231. Statement I :Basidiocarps are called fungus flowers.
Statement II : The beautiful fruit bodies are found in Basidiomycotina
1) Statement I & Statement II are correct
2) Statement I is correct & Statement II is false
3) Statement I is false & Statement II is correct
4) Statement I and Statement II are wrong
232. Single-celled eukaryotes are included in :
1) Monera 2) Protista 3) Fungi 4) Archaea
233. Infectious agent which is smaller than virus and having no protein coat is
1) Virion 2) Viroids 3) Prions 4) Mycophages
234. Gentic material of TMV is
1) DNA 2) Protein 3) RNA 4) 1 or 3
235. Statement I : Slime moulds are commonly called fungus animals.
Statement II : These fungi are eaten by animals.
1) Statement I & Statement II are correct
2) Statement I is correct & Statement II is false
3) Statement I is false & Statement II is correct
4) Statement I and Statement II are wrong
236. Lichens are :
1) Parasites 2) Saprophytes 3) Symbionts 4) Chemotrophs
237. A dikaryon is formed when
1) meiosis is arrested
2) the two haploid nuclei do not fuse immediately
3) cytoplasm does not fuse
4) none of the above
238. Agaricus belongs to the class
1) Ascomycetes 2) Phycomycetes
3) Basidiomycetes 4) Deuteromycetes
239. Potato spindle tuber disease is caused by:
1) a nematode 2) a virus 3) a bacterium 4) a viroid
240. Mad cow disease is caused by
1) Proteins 2) DNA 3) RNA 4) Both 2 & 3
241. The genetic material of rabies virus is
1) double stranded RNA 2) single stranded RNA
3) double stranded DNA 4) single stranded DNA’
242. The term “Black mould” indicates the presence of
1) Black coloured hyphae in Rhizopus
2) Black coloured pigments in hyphae
3) Black pin head like structures present on the mycelium of rhizopus
4) Black coloured rhizoidal hyphae
243. Sexual reproduction in fungi may occur by means of
1) sporangiospore, oospore and ascospore
2) zoospore, oospore and ascospore
3) sporangiospore, ascospore and basidiospore
4) oospore, ascospore, basidispore&zygospores
244. The cell wall is absent in
1) dinoflagellates 2) diatoms 3) euglenoids 4) none of these
245. The outer covering of which organism is used as abrasive for metal polishing?
1) Dinoflagellates 2) Radiolarinas 3) Sponge 4) Diatoms
246. The viruses which infect bacteria is known as
1) Zoophages 2) Bacteriophages
3) Cyanophages 4) Phytophages
247. Algae have cell wall made up of :
1) cellulose, galactans and mannans 2) hemicelluloses, pectins and proteins
3) chitins, cellulose and proteins 4) cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectins
248. Read the given list:
Volvox, Polysiphonia, Dictyota, Fucus, Porphyra, Chara, Chlamydomonas
How many algae do not show flagella in the life cycle?
1) 3 2) 2 3) 4 4) 5
249. Presence of two equal flagella in apical region of spores is the feature of:
1) Rhodophyceae 2) Pheophyceae 3) Chlorophyceae 4) Cyanophyceae
250. Which one of the following cannot fix Nitrogen?
1) Nostoc 2) Azotobacter 3) Spirogyra 4) Anabaena
251. Which type of sexual reproduction is found in volvox?
1) Isogamous 2) Anisogamous 3) Oogamous 4) All of these
252. Cingulum is groove present in cell wall of :
1) slime mould 2) BGA 3) dinoflagellates 4) diatoms
253. Viruses are explain as “ contagiumcivumfluidum” by
1) Beijerinck 2) Pasteur 3) Stanley 4) Ivanowsky
254. Which of the following is mesokaryotic organism?
1) Dinoflagellate 2) Diatom 3) Euglenoid 4) Cyano bacteria
255. Perithecium refers to
1) Flask shaped ascocarp with apical opening
2) cup shaped ascocarp
3) Fruiting body of basidiomycetes
4) Eye spot of euglenoids

1) 4 2) 1 3) 2 4) 4 5) 3 6) 1 7) 2 8) 4 9) 1 10) 3
11) 2 12) 1 13) 4 14) 4 15) 4 16) 1 17) 4 18) 1 19) 3 20) 3
21) 3 22) 4 23) 4 24) 1 25) 1 26) 3 27) 1 28) 4 29) 1 30) 2
31) 3 32) 2 33) 1 34) 4 35) 4 36) 2 37) 1 38) 1 39) 1 40) 1
41) 2 42) 2 43) 1 44) 2 45) 4 46) 3 47) 2 48) 3 49) 4 50) 3
51) 1 52) 4 53) 2 54) 4 55) 4 56) 2 57) 2 58) 4 59) 3 60) 1
61) 4 62) 4 63) 1 64) 2 65) 4 66) 4 67) 4 68) 2 69) 1 70) 2
71) 3 72) 2 73) 4 74) 4 75) 3 76) 3 77) 1 78) 3 79) 3 80) 2
81) 2 82) 1 83) 4 84) 4 85) 4 86) 1 87) 3 88) 3 89) 3 90) 4
91) 4 92) 4 93) 1 94) 1 95) 4 96) 4 97) 2 98) 4 99) 1 100) 3
101) 4 102) 2 103) 4 104) 2 105) 3 106) 3 107) 3 108) 2 109) 3 110) 1
111) 3 112) 1 113) 1 114) 1 115) 1 116) 1 117) 4 118) 1 119) 3 120) 1
121) 2 122) 3 123) 2 124) 3 125) 1 126) 4 127) 3 128) 3 129) 2 130) 2
131) 2 132) 4 133) 1 134) 3 135) 4 136) 3 137) 4 138) 3 139) 2 140) 3
141) 3 142) 4 143) 3 144) 2 145) 2 146) 1 147) 4 148) 4 149) 3 150) 4
151) 2 152) 1 153) 1 154) 4 155) 4 156) 4 157) 1 158) 4 159) 4 160) 2
161) 2 162) 1 163) 2 164) 3 165) 2 166) 2 167) 1 168) 1 169) 1 170) 1
171) 1 172) 2 173) 2 174) 4 175) 3 176) 2 177) 4 178) 4 179) 3 180) 4
181) 1 182) 1 183) 2 184) 1 185) 4 186) 2 187) 1 188) 2 189) 3 190) 3
191) 2 192) 3 193) 4 194) 4 195) 4 196) 2 197) 2 198) 4 199) 4 200) 4
201) 4 202) 3 203) 4 204) 2 205) 3 206) 4 207) 3 208) 2 209) 4 210) 2
211) 3 212) 1 213) 2 214) 4 215) 4 216) 2 217) 3 218) 1 219) 3 220) 3
221) 3 222) 1 223) 2 224) 1 225) 2 226) 2 227) 1 228) 4 229) 3 230) 2
231) 1 232) 2 233) 2 234) 3 235) 3 236) 3 237) 2 238) 3 239) 4 240) 1
241) 2 242) 3 243) 4 244) 3 245) 4 246) 2 247) 1 248) 2 249) 3 250) 3
251) 3 252) 3 253) 1 254) 1 255) 1

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