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General Test Information:: Excitation Curve Data

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Company Name: WEG Equipamentos Elétricos S/A

Company Address: CORPOELEC

Order Number: CP:12042633 PEP:120-1400024-121

General test information: Date/Time: 27/8/2014

Test device: CT-Analyzer Device Serial No.: DD434X
File name:
Assessments: OK

Used test settings:

I-pn: 350,0 A Location: Object:
I-sn: 5,0 A Company: Manufacturer:
Rated burden: 20,0 VA / 0,8 Country: Type:
Operating burden: 20,0 VA / 0,8 Station: Serial number: 37203
Applied standard: IEC 61869-2 Feeder/Bay: Core number:
Core type (P/M): P Phase: Tap:
Class: 5P IEC-ID Optional:
ALF: 20,0 Ts:
f: 60,0 Hz max. Rct: 0,327 •

Resistance test: Burden test:

Rmeas (25°C): 0,27403 • Burden: cos •: Z:
Rref (75°C): 0,32683 • Vmeas: Imeas:

Excitation test:
V-kn: 111,627 V I-kn: 0,193299 A Result with rated burden: Result with operating burden:
V-kn 2: #N/D I-kn 2: #N/D ALF: >26,966785 ALFi: >26,6995425 ALF: >26,966785 ALFi: >26,6995425
Ls: 0,0019861H Lm: 1,8915 H Ts: 1,956s Ts: 1,956s
Kr: 92,64 %

Ratio test:
Ratio: 350,0 : 4,98857 • : -0,2285 % ••: 4,1 min Polarity: OK N: 69,99
•c : 0,2675 %

Excitation curve data

Excitation curve data



Es / V


0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10

le / A
Série1 (I-kn,V-kn) (I-kn2,V-kn2) Series 2

Ensaiado por: Adriana Behling Inspetor:

WEG Equipamentos Elétricos S/A

Rua Dr. Pedro Zimmermann, 6751 - 89068-001 - Blumenau - SC - Fone (47) 3337-1000 - Fax (47) 3337-1090 – 1-2
Current ratio error in % at % of rated current
VA/cosPhi 1 5 10 20 50 100 120 200
20 VA/ 0,8 -0,771 -0,380 -0,328 -0,289 -0,252 -0,229 -0,223 -0,207
10 VA/ 0,8 -0,546 -0,241 -0,201 -0,177 -0,152 -0,139 -0,135 -0,127
5 VA/ 0,8 -0,161 -0,131 -0,114 -0,098 -0,089 -0,087 -0,082
2,5 VA/ 1 -0,076 -0,065 -0,059 -0,053 -0,050 -0,049 -0,048

Phase displacement in [min] at % rated current

VA/cosPhi 1 5 10 20 50 100 120 200
20 VA/ 0,8 30,762 10,973 8,539 6,890 5,256 4,098 3,783 3,062
10 VA/ 0,8 29,602 9,271 6,977 5,599 4,358 3,556 3,354 2,793
5 VA/ 0,8 8,517 6,231 4,924 3,813 3,189 3,037 2,617
2,5 VA/ 1 9,020 6,451 5,139 4,041 3,449 3,309 2,926

Error borders according IEC 60044-1 at % of rated current

Mult.Factor 1 5 10
Ratio 20
Error Graph 50 100 120 200
0,60 0,30
0,000 -0,60 -0,30
0 50 100 150 200 250


100% Load
Current deviation [%]

50% Load
25% Load






% I-pn

Tensão Induzida: OK
Dimensional OK

Ensaiado por: Adriana

Behling Inspetor: 0

WEG Equipamentos Elétricos S/A

Rua Dr. Pedro Zimmermann, 6751 - 89068-001 - Blumenau - SC - Fone (47) 3337-1000 - Fax (47) 3337-1090 – 2-2

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