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EE1071 - Lab Manual

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School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

EE1071 Introduction to EEE Laboratories

Academic Year 2022-2023

Project Lab (S2-B4a-02)

IC Design Lab I (S1-B2b-13)

Dress Code in the Laboratory

 Work shirt that covers the upper torso and arms.
 Lower body clothing that covers the entire leg.
 Closed-toe shoes that cover the top of the foot.

Please access this link:
or scan the QR code below to access EEE CA Guidelines.
The procedure to request for MAKE-UP LAB SESSION is on last page.

Laboratory Manual

Purpose: It was noticed that students, especially those from non-technical background have much
difficulties in conducting their experiments in EEE laboratories. This is mainly due to their unfamiliarity
with EEE laboratory equipment, since many of them may be using these systems for the first time. This
course is therefore designed to help such students familiarise themselves with the EEE laboratory
equipment by way of briefing for each module and then by letting them practice using these equipment in
building simple electrical circuits and in taking measurements. In addition, the students will also be
trained in soldering techniques. Overall, this course is expected to provide enough experience in using
common electrical equipment so that the students will be able to focus on the new experiments when
they advanced to laboratories at higher levels, rather than wasting their time trying to understanding the
function and operation of basic laboratory equipment.
Structure: This series of experiments consists of six modules, lasting three hours each.
Module 1 (L121) - Laboratory Basics. This is in experiments 1 to 6.
Module 2 (L122) - Laboratory Basics. This is in experiments 7 to 10.
Module 3 (L123) - Working with AC Waveforms. This is in experiments 11 to 13.
Module 4 (L124) - Working with AC Waveforms. This is in experiments 14 to 15.
Module 5 (L125) - Soldering and Testing. This is experiment 16.
Module 6 (L126) - Soldering and Testing. This is experiment 16.
Schedule: The objective of this class is not to complete all the experiments for the sake of completing
them, but rather to learn as much as you can from these experiments. Therefore, just complete as many
experiments as you can independently, and be proud of the fact that you did it all on your own. Of
course, if you are really stuck, please ask for help. You will be graded for every module.
Special Feature: A unique feature of this series of experiments is that every student will have the
opportunity to work on every experiment independently. Only major equipment will be shared.
Report Submission: Every student is required to submit a report through NTULearn within one week of
the last module.

Dear Students of EE1071,

This is just a reminder that you will need to submit a report within one week of the last lab (experiment
16).  The report should be about ten pages long and contain the results of all your experiments.  It can
also contain screen shots of the oscilloscope and comparison of the results of experiment against
theory with explanations of deviations between them.
The supervisor of the last lab will grade your report, and will inform you if there are additional
requirements.  The reports are to be submitted into Turnitin.  The procedure for submitting the report
can be found from EE1071 announcement in NTULearn.  
Important note: Report submission is compulsory and necessary to pass to the subject.
Tips: You are advised to take pictures of your circuit and results for reference and report.
List of Experiments

1. Familiarization with the DC Power Supply.........................................................................................3

2. Determining the DC Resistance of a Voltmeter.................................................................................4
3. Determining the DC Resistance of an Ammeter................................................................................5
4. Determination of the Current Required to Light up an LED...............................................................7
5. Resistors Connected in Series............................................................................................................8
6. Resistors Connected in Parallel..........................................................................................................9
7. A Resistive Network.........................................................................................................................10
8. A More Complicated Resistive Network..........................................................................................11
9. Using the Oscilloscope and Function Generator..............................................................................12
10. The RC Circuit................................................................................................................................14
11. The RL Circuit.................................................................................................................................16
12. The RLC Circuit - Voltage across the Inductor................................................................................18
13. The RLC Circuit - Voltage across the Capacitor..............................................................................19
14. The Astable 555 I.C. Oscillator.......................................................................................................20
15. The Ring Counter...........................................................................................................................22
16. Soldering and Testing....................................................................................................................25

Experiment 1: Familiarization with the DC Power Supply

AIM: This experiment aims to familiarize the user with the use of the DC power supply.
PRECAUTIONS: First, make sure that the “current” and “voltage” control knobs on the power supply are
turned to the extreme anti-clockwise position.
1. Make sure that both the tracking knobs are disengaged. This will ensure that the master and slave
power supplies can be controlled independently.
2. Turn on the power supply.
3. Set the voltage of the power supply to 5V. (Do not vary the voltage control knob at first step, set it at
extreme anti-clockwise direction)
Notice that when the “current” control knob is set to the extreme anti-clockwise position, varying the
voltage knob does not change the voltage supplied by the power source. To ensure the supply of a
constant voltage turn the “current control” knob slightly so that the indicator switches from CC
(Constant Current) to CV (Constant Voltage). The current knob limits the maximum current that
flows into the circuit, thereby acting as a circuit protector. After this step, turn the “voltage control”
knob to set the voltage of the power supply to 5V.
4. Measure the DC voltage of the of the power supply using a multimeter.
i. Make sure that the multimeter’s probes terminal setup connections configuration are correct and
consistent for measuring DC voltages before connection with power supply.
ii. After step (i), connect the multimeter with power supply in correct polarity, then select the voltage
knob to measure the DC voltage.
Voltage set on the power Measured voltage (V)
supply (V)

Experiment 2: Determining the DC Resistance of a Voltmeter

AIM: This experiment aims to measure the DC resistance of a voltmeter.

NOTE: Ideally voltmeters should have infinite resistance. But real voltmeters have only a finite
resistance, as you will soon discover.
1. DC power supply.
2. Digital multimeter.
1. Variable resistor, R = 20 MΩ.
1. Connect the circuit as shown below:


2. Configure the multimeter to be used as a voltmeter.

3. Set the resistor R = 0 by shorting the resistor's leads.
i. Record the voltage indicated by the meter. This step is to accurately measure the voltage across
the power supply.
4. Remove the short across the resistor.
5. Increase the resistance R so that the meter reading drops by about half of the original value. Record
this voltage.
PRECAUTIONS: After step 5, make sure switch off power supply and make sure that the
“multimeter’s probes” terminal setup connections configuration is correct to measure resistance.
6. Remove the variable resistor R from the circuit and with the multimeter configured as an ohmmeter,
measure its resistance.
1. Voltage of the DC power supply as measured by the voltmeter = _____ V.
2. Resistance R at which the voltage drops to half of the original value = _____ M Ω.
NOTE: This measured resistance is the internal resistance (R V) of the voltmeter, assuming that the
internal resistance of the power supply is negligible. This will not affect the accuracy very much since the
internal resistance of the power supply is normally very small compared to the other resistances in the

Experiment 3: Determining the DC Resistance of an
AIM: To measure the DC resistance of an Ammeter.
NOTE: An ideal ammeter has zero resistance. However, real ammeters are not ideal and have some
finite resistance.
1. DC power supply.
2. Digital multimeter.
1. Resistor, R = 1 kΩ.
1. Connect the circuit as shown below:
PRECAUTIONS: Make sure that the multimeter’s probes terminal setup connections configuration is
correct to measure voltage before connection with power supply.

2. Record the voltage indicated by the meter. This step is to accurately measure the voltage across the
power supply.
3. Connect the circuit as shown below:
PRECAUTIONS: Make sure that the multimeter’s probes terminal setup connections configuration is
correct to measure current before connection with power supply. To measure the current through a
resistor, the ammeter must be in series with the resistor.

i. Configure the multimeter as an Ammeter by connecting the cables to measure current.

ii. Select the DC current knob to measure DC current.
4. Record the current through the Ammeter.
5. Remove the resistor from the circuit and measure its actual resistance by configuring the multimeter
as an Ohmmeter.
NOTE: Use the measured readings to calculate the internal resistance of the ammeter, assuming that the
internal resistance of the power supply is negligible. This method will cause inaccuracies in the results

since the internal resistance of the power supply is of the same order of magnitude as the other
resistances used in the circuit.
A more accurate method involves making use of the power supply as a current source rather than a
voltage source. However, this method may damage the power supply if the experiment is not carried out
properly. For this reason, we will not endeavour to do it in this class.
Vpower-supply = Iammeter x (R + Rammeter)
1. Measured voltage of the DC power supply = ____ V.
2. Measured resistance of the resistor, R = ____ Ω.
3. Measured current through the resistor, I _________________ mA
4. Calculated internal resistance of the Ammeter = ____ Ω.

Experiment 4: Determination of the Current Required to
Light up an LED

AIM: To determine the current required to light up an LED.

1. DC power supply.
2. Digital multimeter.
1. Resistor, R1 = 1 kΩ.
2. Variable resistor, R2 = 20 MΩ.
3. Red LED (3mm)
1. Connect the circuit as shown below:

i. Make sure that the variable resistor is adjusted to its maximum value before connecting it to the
2. Turn on the power supply and decrease the resistance of the variable resistor by turning on its knob
until the LED just begin to light up.
3. Record the voltage across the LED and measure the resistance of the variable resistor after
removing it from the circuit.
NOTE: Do not be too worried about the exact value at which the LED lights up. An approximate
value will suffice. This is because different people may see this point differently.
VR1+R2 = Vpower-supply - VLED
ILED = VR1+R2/(R1+R2)
1. Voltage across the LED when it just lights up = ____ V.
2. Value of the variable resistor at which the LED just lights up = ____ Ω.
3. Calculated current through the LED = ____ A.

Experiment 5: Resistors Connected in Series

AIM: To measure the voltage across and current through resistors in a series network.
1. DC power supply.
2. Digital multimeter.
1. Resistor, R1 = 560 Ω.
2. Resistor, R2 = 1.5 kΩ.
3. Resistor, R3 = 1 kΩ.
1. Connect the circuit as shown below:

2. Measure the voltage across each resistor.

3. Measure the current through each resistor.
NOTE: To measure the current through a resistor, the ammeter must be in series with the resistor.
4. Compare the measured results with the calculated values.
Measured Calculated

Experiment 6: Resistors Connected in Parallel

AIM: To measure the voltage across and current through resistors in a parallel network.
1. DC power supply.
2. Digital multimeter.
1. Resistor, R1 = 3 kΩ.
2. Resistor, R2 = 3.9 kΩ.
3. Resistor, R3 = 5.1 kΩ.
1. Connect the circuit as shown below:

2. Measure the voltage across each resistor.

3. Measure the current through each resistor.
NOTE: To measure the current through a resistor, the ammeter must be in series with the resistor.
4. Compare the measured results with the calculated values.
Measured Calculated

Experiment 7: A Resistive Network

AIM: To measure the voltage across and current through resistors in a resistive network.
1. DC power supply.
2. Digital multimeter.
1. Resistor, R1 = 1 kΩ.
2. Resistor, R2 = 390 Ω.
3. Resistor, R3 = 470 Ω.
1. Connect the circuit as shown below:

2. Measure the voltage across each resistor.

3. Measure the current through each resistor.
NOTE: To measure the current through a resistor, the ammeter must be in series with the resistor.
4. Compare the measured results with the calculated values.
Measured Calculated

Experiment 8: A More Complicated Resistive Network

AIM: To measure the voltage across and current through resistors in a resistive network.
1. DC power supply.
2. Digital multimeter.
1. Resistor, R1 = 560 Ω.
2. Resistor, R2 = 1 kΩ.
3. Resistor, R3 = 1.5 kΩ.
4. Resistor, R4 = 1 kΩ.
1. Connect the circuit as shown below:

2. Measure the voltage across each resistor.

3. Measure the current through each resistor.
NOTE: To measure the current through a resistor, the ammeter must be in series with the resistor.
4. Compare the measured results with the calculated values.
Measured Calculated

Experiment 9: Using the Oscilloscope and Function

AIM: To learn how to operate an oscilloscope and a function generator.

1. Oscilloscope.
2. Function generator.
1. Resistor, R1 = 1 kΩ.
2. Resistor, R2 = 100 Ω.
1. Connect the voltage divider circuit as shown below:

2. Set the function generator to output a 1 kHz sine wave with amplitude = 2 V p-p and DC offset = 0.
3. Display the function generator output on channel 1 of the oscilloscope.
4. Display the voltage across the resistor R2 on channel 2.
5. Display and measure these voltages simultaneously.
6. Adjust the oscilloscope such that both traces are as large as possible on the vertical scale, and two
periods are shown in the horizontal scale.
7. Measure the period of both waveforms.
8. Compare the voltage measured with calculated values.
9. Compare the measured waveform period with those set in the function generator.
10. Swap R1 (1 kΩ)/ R2(100 Ω) and measure the voltage across R1 (1 kΩ).

1. Sketch the waveforms in your laboratory logbook.
2. Volts/div setting in the oscilloscope = ____ V/div.
3. Seconds/div setting in the oscilloscope = ____ seconds/div.

Measure Calculated
Waveform period

Experiment 10: The RC Circuit

AIM: To display the voltage across the capacitor in a RC circuit.

1. Oscilloscope.
2. Function generator.
1. Resistor, R = 10 kΩ.
2. Capacitor, C = 0.01 μF, 0.1 μF.
1. Connect the circuit as shown below:

2. Set the function generator to output a square wave with amplitude = 1 V p-p and DC offset = 0.
3. Use C = 0.01 μF.
4. Display the function generator output on channel 1 of the oscilloscope.
5. Display the voltage across the capacitor C on channel 2 of the oscilloscope.
6. Display these voltages simultaneously.
7. Adjust the oscilloscope such that both traces are as large as possible on the vertical scale, and two
periods of the waveforms are shown on the horizontal scale.
8. Calculate the value of the time constant τ=RC in millisecond, adjust the frequency of the function
generator so that the waveform shown the capacitor almost fully charged at 5τ and discharge fully at
9. Using the cursor measurement provided in the oscilloscope, find out the measure τ from the
waveform displayed.
10. Repeat the above steps using C = 0.1 μF.

1. Sketch the waveform for a complete cycle in your logbook.
2. Record the following values:
Volts/div Seconds/div Tau (τ) Frequency
C = 0.01 μF
C = 0.1 μF

3. For each value of the capacitor, observe the output waveform when you increase and decrease the
frequency of the input waveform.

Experiment 11: The RL Circuit

AIM: To display the voltage across the resistor, and then across the inductor in an RL circuit.
1. Oscilloscope.
2. Function generator.
1. Resistor, R = 100 Ω.
2. Inductor, L = 220 μH, 1 mH.
1. Connect the circuit as shown below:

2. Set the function generator to output a square wave with amplitude = 1 V p-p and DC offset = 0.
3. Use L = 220 μH.
4. Display the function generator output on channel 1 of the oscilloscope.
5. Display the voltage across the resistor R on channel 2 of the oscilloscope.
6. Display these voltages simultaneously.
7. Adjust the oscilloscope such that both traces are as large as possible on the vertical scale, and that
at least two periods of the waveforms are shown on the horizontal scale.
8. Adjust the frequency of the function generator so that the waveform shown has definite flat sections
at both the top and the bottom parts. This is the frequency of the function generator at the transition
frequency where the waveform starts to display the flat region.
9. Repeat the above steps using L = 1 mH.
10. For each value of inductance, adjust the frequency of the function generator such that the waveform
shown has definite flat sections at both the top and the bottom parts.
11. Now modify the circuit by swapping the positions of the resistor and inductor as shown below:

12. Repeat steps 3 to 10, but display the voltage across the inductor (instead of the resistor) on the
1. Sketch the waveform for a complete cycle in your logbook for both cases - when resistor voltage is
displayed on the oscilloscope and when the inductor voltage is displayed on the oscilloscope.
2. Record the following values (when the voltage is taken across either the resistor or the inductor):
Volts/div Seconds/div Frequency
L = 220 μH
L = 1 mH

NOTE: Take readings only when the waveform corresponding to the voltage across either the resistor or
the inductor has definite flat sections at both the top and the bottom parts.

Experiment 12: The RLC Circuit - Voltage across the

AIM: To display the voltage across the inductor in an RLC circuit.

1. Oscilloscope.
2. Function generator.
1. Resistor, R = 220 Ω.
2. Inductor, L = 3.3 mH.
3. Capacitor, C = 0.01 μF.
1. Connect the circuit as shown below:

2. Connect channel 1 of the oscilloscope to display the voltage at the output of the function generator.
3. Connect channel 2 of the oscilloscope to display the voltage across the inductor.
4. Adjust the period of the square wave so that the damped sinusoidal waveform decreases to a
negligible value before the next square-wave pulse occurs.
1. Draw the transient sinusoidal waveform in your laboratory logbook.
2. Record the following values:
Waveform from function generator Waveform across inductor
Time period

Experiment 13: The RLC Circuit - Voltage across the

AIM: To display the voltage across the capacitor in an RLC circuit.

1. Oscilloscope.
2. Function generator.
1. Resistor, R = 220 Ω.
2. Inductor, L = 3.3 mH.
3. Capacitor, C = 0.01 μF.
1. Connect the circuit as shown below:

2. Connect channel 1 of the oscilloscope to display the voltage at the output of the function generator.
3. Connect channel 2 of the oscilloscope to display the voltage across the capacitor.
4. Adjust the period of the square wave so that the damped sinusoidal waveform decreases to a
negligible value before the next square-wave pulse occurs.
1. Draw the transient sinusoidal waveform in your laboratory logbook.
2. Record the following values:
Waveform from function generator Waveform across capacitor
Time period

Experiment 14: The Astable 555 I.C. Oscillator

AIM: To understand the operation of the 555 I.C. based Oscillator

1. DC power supply.
2. Oscilloscope.
3. Digital multimeter.
1. Resistor: R1 = 390 Ω, R2 = 390 Ω, R3 = 1 kΩ
2. Variable resistor: R4 = 500 kΩ.
3. LED: D1= Red, D2= Green
4. Capacitor: C1 = 0.001μF, C2 = 10μF
5. I.C.: U1 = 555
1. Connect the circuit as shown below on the breadboard (Use only one corner of the breadboard,
leaving rest of the breadboard for expansions in Experiment 15):

2. Turn on the power supply and adjust the variable resistor value from the maximum to the minimum
while observing both LEDs.
3. Adjust the variable resistor to a value such that the LED turns on and off at approximately once a
4. Observe the 555 I.C. output (Pin no.3) waveform using the Oscilloscope and read off the frequency.
5. Remove the variable resistor from the circuit and measure the variable resistor value using a Digital
6. Put the variable resistor back into the circuit.

f = 1/T = 1.44/ {(R3+ 2xR4)x C2}
1. Measured frequency = ____ Hz.
2. Measured value of the variable resistor = ____ Ω.
3. Calculated frequency = ____ Hz.
1. Compare the measured frequency values with the calculated ones, and if there are differences,
suggest some possible explanations.
2. Suggest a method to obtain a frequency of exactly 2Hz.

Experiment 15: The Ring Counter

AIM: To build an advanced digital circuit with the use of a shift register.
1. DC power supply.
1. Resistor: R5 , R6 , R7, R12= 1 kΩ; R8 , R9 , R10= 22 kΩ; R13 to R16= 390 Ω
2. LED: D3 to D6= Red
3. Capacitor: C3 , C4 , C5 , C7 , C8 = 0.1μF
4. I.C.: U2 = 4013; U4 = 74374
5. Switches: Clock, Reset, Set = Push to On
1. Connect the circuit shown below on the breadboard (by adding on to the circuit used in
experiment 14):
(i). C7 should be connected to Pins no. 7 and 14 of the 4013 IC as close as possible.
(ii) C8 should be connected to Pins no. 10 and 20 of the 74374 IC as close as possible.
2. Turn on the power supply and observe the LEDs D3 to D6. If all the LEDs are not off,
hold down the Reset switch and press and release the Clock switch until all the LEDs
are off.
3. Press the Set switch once and observe the LED D3.
4. Press and release the Clock switch continuously while observing the LEDs D3 to D6.
5. Turn off the power supply.
6. Remove only C3 and repeat step 2 to 4.
7. Turn off the power supply.
8. Remove R5, R8 and the "Clock" switch from the breadboard and connect the open
end of R12 to the output (pin no.3) of the 555 IC.
9. Turn on the power supply and observe the LEDs D3 to D6. Now hold down the Reset
switch and wait until all the LEDs are turned off.
10. Press the Set switch once and observe the LED D3, followed by D4 to D6.

Explain observations of the following steps:
1. Step 3:
2. Step 4:
3. Step 6:
4. Step 10:

Experiment 16: Soldering and Testing

AIM: To enable students to practice soldering, and to learn how to test circuits implemented on
1. Soldering equipment (Iron, Flux, Solder, Sponge, Water Dispenser, etc.)
2. DC power supply.
3. Oscilloscope.
4. Function generator.
1. Veroboard
2. Veroboard Track Cutter
3. Test Pin
4. All components used in experiment 15.
1. Implement soldering of circuit components in experiment 15 on Veroboard (exclude R5, R8,
R12, C3 and the "Clock" switch from the circuit).
2. Set the signal of the function generator at appropriate waveform, frequency, amplitude and
offset level. Connect the signal output to the test pin of U2 (i.e. IC 4013, Pin 11-Clock).
3. Turn on the power supply and observe the LEDs D3 to D6. Now hold down the Reset switch
and wait until all the LEDs are turned off.

4. Press the Set switch once and observe the LEDs D3 to D6.

5. Record the observation and turn off the power supply.


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