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Frequently Asked Questions For A 34 2022 - Final - 4

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Modifications to Maritime Complementary

Services Tariffs
Advisory to shipping A-34-2022

March 2023

March 24, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Question Answer
1050.0270 – 0274 - Change in transit reservation date
If a vessel is booked with more than 60 days but The tariff to be applied would be the Change
vessel will not arrive on time and requires a reservation date fee, which replaces the previous
change in transit reservation day, is there a “cancellation fee”, applied to vessels when
cancellation fee? requested changes in reservation date.
Is this charge different from the change in transit This charge represents the same service offered
date? Will it be applied whenever the customer today. We are only creating a separate charge for
booked a vessel and then participates either in a internal records, instead of applying the current
special competition or auction to change the cancellation charge.
transit date?
If the intention to book an original date was not That has not changed with this new tariff.
approved, would the void still be applicable?
1050.0232 – 0236 - Substitution of vessels with booking slots with another non-
booked vessel
Will this surcharge apply on top of the No, it will not. This will be the only charge for
cancellation charge if a vessel requests a substitution depending on the days in advance.
substitution with less than 7 days prior to the This new tariff is replacing the cancellation fee that
booking date? currently applies to vessels that are involved in
substitutions. It is not a surcharge.
1050.0420 – Cancellation charge for awarded Auction slot
If a vessel cancels an auction slot, is it charged The vessel will be charged only with the
‘Cancellation charge for awarded auction slot’ as Cancellation charge for awarded auction slot,
well as ‘Cancellation charge and LNG surcharge’? which is 100% of the awarded slot. The only change
in this tariff is the increase from 90% of the
auctioned amount to 100%.
1050.0440 – 0460 - Daily surcharge per day of high demand (reservation and
Under which conditions would the Panama Canal The day of high demand will depend on the
identify a day as high demand? number of booking requests received for a specific
day based on our data analyses. The Canal will
review traffic behavior every 6 months to
determine the day of high demand. If any change is
required, the industry will be notified.
Please explain the concept of daily surcharge per This surcharge will be applied to Neopanamax
day of high demand and give an example. vessels that obtain a reservation and transit on the
day previously determined as “high demand” by
the ACP.
For example, assuming the Canal announce
“Saturdays” as the day of high demand starting on
November 2023, all booked vessels transiting on

March 24, 2023

Saturday will be charged an extra 10% applied to
the reservation charge based on vessel dimensions.
The surcharge does not include auction since the
auction base price for days of high demand already
has a 10% increase.
How will the “high demand surcharge” be notified High demand days will be announced in a timely
to the agents? manner through an Advisory to Shipping.
If a vessel is booked with sufficient time before The surcharge for day of high demand will be
this “demand” is deemed, will the surcharge still applicable for reservations requests beginning
apply? January 1st, 2023.
Or the surcharge is only applicable for vessels
applying once the “demand condition” was
already established?
1050.0620 – 0623 - Just in time (JIT)
Will the 50% of the booking fee apply as soon as Exactly as today, the fee is 50% of booking and
JIT is requested or only if the JIT is awarded. applies if a vessel is awarded the JIT and it arrives
Will the JIT charge apply now for regular and The JIT service applies to all vessel categories. For
Neopanamax? Neopanamax vessels, the procedure is still under
Is the JIT surcharge on top of the late arrival No, it is not an additional charge. The
surcharge that is currently assessed? $2,000/$4,000/$10,000 charges are for the JIT
What is the regulation for a Neopanamax to Although the tariff has been created, the details
request a JIT? regarding the procedures will be communicated
later through an Advisory to Shipping.
1050.0480 – 0485 - Transit Date Advancement for Booked Vessels
If we have a pre-booked slot for a specific day, can That is correct. If the booking has been made for a
then the transit date be advanced if we pay Neopanamax vessel, you may request an
$10,000? advancement and, if awarded, you would be
charged $10,000. For a Panamax vessel, the tariff
is $5,000.
Would this tariff be applicable only for full This service is currently only available to full
containers as it currently is? Could any market container vessels. The ACP is analyzing the
segment request an advancement in the transit possibility of extending this service to other market
date? segments.
Would this tariff be applicable on Canal’s This tariff will apply only when the customer
convenience? requests the transit advancement.
Will this tariff be charged when the request is The tariff would be applied if the transit
done or only if awarded? advancement request is awarded. If, due to the
vessel’s fault, the vessel cannot transit on the
advancement date, the tariff will be applied.
1080 - Port Captain inspections
What are the Port Captain Inspection tariffs for? This charge applies to vessels that do not comply
Do they apply to all kinds of vessels? with the requirements of the transit vessel
inspection program or requires the CPC to respond
to incidents related to vessel´s mechanical failure.
March 24, 2023
What are the criteria to differentiate levels 1,2, The levels of inspection are described as follows:
and 3 at the CPC Inspection tariff? Level 1: CPC inspection of vessel´s draft,
visibility, High Mast Lighting (HML), suitability
of nighttime transit through the Cut, handline
or softline lockages and CPC inspections due to
navigation equipment malfunction, safety
and/or operational issues.
Level 2: CPC inspection of a dead tow of any
size, CPC conducting a sea trial due to vessel
engine or steering deficiencies and other CPC
inspections related to the safe operation in the
Level 3: When the CPC boards and maneuvers
a vessel due to vessel mechanical malfunction
during transit, or to manage incidents,
accidents, and casualties in the Canal.
Who decides the level of the CPC inspection? The Canal Port Captain would decide the level of
inspection based on reports from other inspections
(i.e., Boarding officer, Transit Vessel Inspector), or
from reports received from the Canal Pilot.
When would the agent be informed? The agent would be informed as it is informed
today, by phone and e-mail whenever the CPC finds
it necessary to perform an inspection.
1085 - Emergency equipment availability and surveillance services
Could you, please, confirm whether the It will apply only for transits of dangerous cargo
emergency equipment availability and classified under the Precautionary Designators PD1
surveillance services will be charged to every or PD3. You may find more information regarding
transit? Precautionary Designators in Notice to Shipping N-
01-2022, Section #17.
The Canal already has a security fee of $1,250.00 The charge of availability of emergency equipment
that should cover all security for the ship during and surveillance service at critical points in the
transit. Please explain in detail if the security fee locks is a new fee. It entails a service that is
is going to be increased to $2,000.00 or if it is an provided for every transit of a vessel classified
additional fee for our transit. under the Precautionary Designators PD 1 and PD
Could you please explain us the difference in The Security Charges (1081.001 and 1081.002)
coverage implied under the following two tariffs: have existed because of all the security measures
Security Charge for Transiting Vessels (1081.001 the Panama Canal adopted with the
and 1081.002), and Emergency Equipment implementation of the ISPS Code. It is not based on
Availability and Surveillance Services (1085.0001) the risks of the vessel’s cargo. The new tariff is
based on a service which was already provided to
vessels designated as PD 1 and PD 3, because of
the risks involved with the cargo for these vessels.
Regarding the tariff for the use of ambulance and It will apply only during an emergency event,
fire truck during an emergency event, what is it regardless of the type and size of the vessel
for? Is it applied to all kinds of vessels? involved.

March 24, 2023

1086 - Disruption charge
What is the Disruption charge for? Is it applied to The disruption charge will be applied to vessels
all kinds of vessels? whose transits are aborted or interrupted, due to
conditions or deficiencies presented prior to or
during transit or harbor movements. It will apply
only to vessels with length overall (LOA) over 125
What determines a disruption? Is it a vessel The following are some examples of conditions or
deficiency? deficiencies that may trigger the application of the
Disruption charge (it must be understood that this
is not a clear-cut list, as there may be other
deficiencies that may cause the application of the
disruption charge):
1. Boarding Facilities that do not comply with
regulations or obstructions in access for pilots and
Canal´s personnel.
2. Non-compliance with fuel change regulations
for transit.
3. Issues with draft and trim of the vessel
(overdraft; excessive list, down by the head, drag;
less than minimum draft, etc.).
4. Engine and/or steering problems (before or
during transit).
5. Maximum speed less than 8 knots.
6. Non-compliance with the minimum visibility
7. Unsanitary conditions (inadequate sanitary
facilities; galley; pilot cabin; mooring areas).
8. Language barrier of Master/Officers
interference with ACP pilots or Canal crew.
9. Winch(es) and/or windlass problem(s) or lines
deficiencies (wires; insufficient amount or length,
10. Protrusions that affect transit conditions.
11. Vessel’s equipment malfunction (anchors, air
conditioning system, Rudder angle (RAI) or
revolutions per minute (RPM) indicators, gyro,
wipers, VHF radio, Automatic Identification System
(AIS), radars, navigational lights control, telegraph,
and whistle).
12. Inaccurate information reported by vessel
related to draft, cargo, or other.
13. Other deficiencies that affect transit schedules
or transit operations.

March 24, 2023

What determines if the disruption is low or high 1. The low impact tariff applies when a vessel
impact? scheduled for transit with pilot (s) on board
from the anchorages, adjacent ports to the
Canal entrance or mooring stations, and prior
to getting underway the transit is aborted due
to a deficiency of vessel, or at the request of
the vessel.
2. The high Impact tariff applies when a vessel is
scheduled for transit with pilot (s) on board
and underway or during transit or harbor
movements, and at the request of the vessel or
due to fault (s) attributable to the vessel, it is
unable to continue its original schedule. It also
applies to vessels that, due to their special
conditions or characteristics require the
approval from the Office of the Canal Port
Captain to begin or continue their transit with
restrictions that adversely affect transit
Please describe what exactly would be considered The Non-Self-Propelled Vessel (dead tow / dead
to apply the Disruption charge for a vessel without ship) disruption charge will be applied to vessels
self-propulsion (dead tows)? that transit under this type of navigational
arrangement. This tariff will not be applicable for
the Intra Maritime Cluster segment, neither
integrated barge or articulated barge (treat as one
vessel). Herewith we describe the concepts
mentioned in the description of the tariff:
• Non-Self-Propelled Vessel: A vessel which
neither has installed means of propulsion nor has
installed means of propulsion which does not
function during transit.
• Dead Tow: A vessel which does not have
installed means of propulsion.
• Dead Ship: A vessel has installed means of
propulsion which do not function during transit.
Who decides when to apply a high or low-impact The application of this tariff depends on the
disruption charge? conditions found by the pilot on board the vessel.
It will be determined by the Canal Port Captain
(CPC). The impact level will depend on if the vessel
was in the channel at the time of transit
cancellation or just underway. If the vessel was in
the channel, then the high-impact charge will

March 24, 2023

1088 - Approval of Vessels Plans Service Charge
What is the ‘Approval of Vessels Plans Services These service charges are applied to the revision
charge for? Is it applied all kinds of vessels? for approval of vessel plans of either new
constructions or existing vessels without approval,
or plan modifications for approved vessels, to
ensure compliance with the Regulation on
Navigation in Panama Canal Waters.
The Approval of Vessel Plans Service Charge applies
per vessel (hull or project number).
The Modification of approved plans refers to
previously approved plans and modifications made
to the vessel.
The Validation of approved plans is a request for
information about hull number approved plans.
What exactly would apply under special service of The service would entail an urgent approval
approval at customer´s request? request made by a customer due to an imminent
vessel transit or visit to drydock or vessel delivery.
It would be provided up to 96 hours after the
How would this tariff work? Currently once the The process remains as it is nowadays. Shipping
plans are sent to the ACP for review, there is no agents, shipowners or ship representatives would
ETA or itinerary known. Would it now be required request the approval of vessel plans services by
to create an ETA for a plan to be reviewed? email to The Transit Operations Division attaching
vessel plans and documents
( Then, they would
receive an email with all the information related to
the payment process. Once we receive the
payment confirmation via email, we would deliver
the service requested.
It will not be required to create a visit for the plan
to be reviewed.
1500 - Fresh water surcharge
What exactly is being modified on this surcharge? The Canal is modifying only the variable fee, so the
fixed fee will stay as it is nowadays. The Canal is
not changing the calculation of the fee but the
formula that generates the percentage to be paid.
We would like to know how to calculate the You may calculate the variable component using
variable component. the formula in the “tariff” column of the “Tariff
Changes summary table” in the link provided at the
end of advisory A-34-2022.
How can we know the Gatun Lake level used to The official depth level of Gatun Lake is published
calculate the variable component of this tariff? daily in the Panama Canal website (“Gatun Water
Level Indicators” in the “Customer Information
section in The level to be
applied for the tariff calculations, using the day
prior to the transit.

March 24, 2023

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