HHS Public Access: Aqueous Plasma Pharmacy: Preparation Methods, Chemistry, and Therapeutic Applications
HHS Public Access: Aqueous Plasma Pharmacy: Preparation Methods, Chemistry, and Therapeutic Applications
HHS Public Access: Aqueous Plasma Pharmacy: Preparation Methods, Chemistry, and Therapeutic Applications
Author manuscript
Plasma Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 April 18.
Author Manuscript
bDepartment of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine, University
of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 80045
Plasma pharmacy is a subset of the broader field of plasma medicine. Although not strictly
defined, the term aqueous plasma pharmacy (APP) is used to refer to the generation and
distribution of reactive plasma-generated species in an aqueous solution followed by subsequent
administration for therapeutic benefits. APP attempts to harness the therapeutic effects of plasma-
generated oxidant species within aqueous solution in various applications, such as disinfectant
solutions, cell proliferation related to wound healing, and cancer treatment. The subsequent use of
plasma-generated solutions in the APP approach facilitates the delivery of reactive plasma species
to internal locations within the body. Although significant efforts in the field of plasma medicine
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have concentrated on employing direct plasma plume exposure to cells or tissues, here we focus
specifically on plasma discharge in aqueous solution to render the solution biologically active for
subsequent application. Methods of plasma discharge in solution are reviewed, along with aqueous
plasma chemistry and the applications for APP. The future of the field also is discussed regarding
necessary research efforts that will enable commercialization for clinical deployment.
plasma pharmacy; aqueous plasma pharmacy; plasma medicine; plasma-activated medium;
plasma-stimulated medium; plasma-activated solution
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I. Introduction
Aqueous plasma pharmacy (APP) falls within the field of plasma medicine, which has been
growing rapidly over the past two decades; scientific advancements have revolved around
the application of nonthermal plasma plume chemistries for a variety of clinical purposes. In
this regard, APP differs from the topical use of plasma plumes onto the surface of body
tissues, which has been more extensively studied and which generally includes the direct
application of low-temperature (nonthermal or “cold”) atmospheric plasmas, such as jets,
Address all correspondence to: Jessica M. Joslin, Symbios Technologies, Inc., Colorado State University Research Innovation Center,
0922 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523; Tel.: 970-492-4328, jessica@symbiostechnologies.com.
Joslin et al. Page 2
plumes, or dielectric barrier discharge systems. Ultimately fundamental plasma physics, life
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science research, and clinical medical applications all intersect in the APP field. Plasma is
defined as an ionized, electronically excited gas containing ions, radicals, and electrons.
Nonthermal plasma indicates that the kinetic energy of the gas atoms, molecules, and ions is
lower than the electrons, which results in minimal temperature increase from room
temperature.1 Plasma medicine approaches involve exposing cells or tissues to plasma
species to induce destruction (in the case of bacteria and cancer cells) or to harness the
therapeutic effects of oxidant plasma species (e.g., to promote angiogenesis and wound
sterilization of planktonic and biofilm bacteria for a variety of surface and topical
applications; (4) promotion of angiogenesis, or the growth of new blood vessels; (5)
transdermal drug delivery methods, as the plasma plume induces poration and thus increases
drug uptake; and (6) bleeding applications, which promotes coagulation during surgical
procedures, or for cutting during electrosurgery.
Notably, many universities and institutes internationally are exploring the versatile
application of plasma species for therapeutic action with emphasis on both fundamental
plasma science and commercial clinical application. Many individual research groups and
institutions have recognized the possibilities of plasma applications in health care. Major
contributors to the plasma pharmacy field include laboratories at Drexel University, George
Washington University, the Leibniz Institute, the Max Planck Institute, Nagoya University,
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Texas A&M University, and others. In addition to academic research, several companies
specialize in plasma tools for use in electrosurgery, such as Bovie Medical Corporation,
Olympus, Plasma Surgical, EP Technologies, and US Medical Innovations.
The AJ Drexel Nyheim Plasma Institute at Drexel University includes the Plasma Medicine
Laboratory, led by a faculty team with expertise across the fields of biology and medicine as
well as electrical, chemical, and mechanical engineering. The Plasma Medicine Laboratory
has led the field with seminal publications on dielectric barrier discharge plasma plumes for
sterilization, cancer treatment, bacterial inactivation, coagulation, angiogenesis, bone fusion,
and a variety of dermal applications including wound, ulcer, and scar treatment.
Other translations work has been performed at George Washington University where Prof.
Keidar's team in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering has led versatile
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plasma research in the field of plasma medicine. More specifically much work has been
published outlining the use of plasma plumes for wound healing; cancer treatment, and
electrosurgery, as well as specialty plasma manufacturing applications.
Additionally, the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP Greifswald e.V.)
has been working over the past decade to investigate the application of plasma-plume
technology for disinfection, in vitro cancer treatment and cell modification, and a variety of
topical dermal applications. Notably, the work at Leibniz has resulted in a spin-off company,
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Neoplas Tools, which specializes in the production and application of a proprietary hand-
held plasma torch pen, the kINPen; they have three product offerings for dermal applications
(e.g. disinfection, wound healing): (1) kINPen® MED for cold tissue-compatible plasma, (2)
kINPen® DENT for dental medicine, and (3) kINPen® VET for veterinary applications.
Most of the work completed thus far in the field of plasma medicine falls within the
following approaches (Fig. 1): (1) treatment of adhered cells in the absence of media; (2)
treatment of cells in the presence of media where the cells are (a) adhered to a substrate or
(b) suspended in the media; (3) treatment of media or saline, which is subsequently applied
to cells; (4) direct treatment of xenografted tumors in animal models; and (5) direct dermal
treatment of animal or human models. Notably, approaches 1–3 include in vitro studies,
while 4 and 5 encompass in vivo work.
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Many previous review articles have been published containing in-depth summaries of the
plasma medicine field3–10; several reviews also specifically cover cancer treatment,11–19
dermatology,20,21 and wound healing.22 Thus, the field of plasma medicine related to
plasma-plume applications directly to cells or tissues is becoming well established; however,
applications of plasma-activated aqueous solutions have been explored less and represent a
more recently emerging field. The focus of this review article is to highlight the recent
advances in the plasma modification of aqueous solutions to result in biologically active
liquids, which subsequently can be applied internally or externally for a variety of
therapeutic applications, referred to as APP. The emerging field of APP is based upon the
transfer of plasma species to aqueous solution, which can then be administered secondarily
to yield therapeutic effects in cells and tissues.23
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Herein, we present (a) methods for plasma discharge in aqueous solution, (b) the chemistry
of plasma species in solution, (c) biomedical applications for plasma-pre-pared bioactive
liquids, and (d) commercial applications and future directions for the field, all presented
within the context of APP. A prior review on plasma pharmacy examined applications in the
preparation of bioactive liquids, pharmaceutical preparations, drug transport, and
biotechnological processes.23 However, since its publication in early 2013, much more has
been learned about the preparation and application of bioactive liquids via plasma processes,
as highlighted below. We also summarize the state of the field regarding methods for plasma
discharge and subsequent solution chemistry, where most work has focused on applications
in water treatment; however, these findings can be extended to apply to APP as well. Table 1
describes the major players in the field of plasma medicine and the multitude of applications
for which plasma systems are being applied. Representative publications from each group
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are shown, and the major applications published by each group are highlighted.
(i.e., ozone, UV, hydrogen peroxide) because multiple oxidation mechanisms are employed
for in situ disinfection and organic compound oxidation.141-143 As such, a variety of plasma
generation systems, including pulsed corona discharge, dielectric barrier discharge, and
contact glow discharge electrolysis, have been investigated for water treatment
applications.144 Additional applications for aqueous plasma include environmental,
chemical, material functionalization, synthesis, and industrial clean-up applications.145,146
Comprehensive reviews are available in the literature that describe the fundamental physics
of various systems;147 herein, we provide a condensed review of these methods within the
context of APP.
There are many different methods of producing plasma discharge in solution, but they
generally can be split into two main categories: (1) surface-liquid discharges, where plasma
is discharged in a gas near the surface of the liquid, and (2) direct discharges. where plasma
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is discharged within the solution. Reviews specific to methods of plasma generation provide
great detail regarding these methods.141,147 Some of the main methods for producing plasma
in each of these categories are outlined below, although there are many possible variations
and combinations of these systems. A summary of these methods is shown in Table 2. Any
of the methods below are applicable to the production of plasma-activated solutions for use
in APP.
A. Surface-Water Discharges
1. Gliding Arc Discharge—The gliding arc discharge method features the formation and
movement of an arc discharge between two diverging electrodes in the presence of gas flow,
illustrated in Fig. 2(a). The flow essentially drags the discharge upward, which causes the
arc to extend laterally as it rises, eventually extinguishing as the gap between electrodes
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becomes too great. The discharge has arc and nonthermal glow properties due to its transient
nature. Liquid can be introduced with the feed gas, in which case radicals and other oxidants
are produced by the interaction of the arc, feed gas, and liquid.142 Additionally, it has been
shown that H2O2, O3, HNO3, and other reactive species can be produced by a gliding arc
discharge near the surface of an aqueous solution.148
This method has been shown to be effective when a spray of liquid is introduced with the
feed gas, especially at generating H2O2 and other volatile species. A possible explanation is
that the droplets are much more effective at sequestration of volatiles than a larger body of
liquid due to the increased surface tension. The disadvantage of this type of system is that
scaling to a larger volume of liquid treated is difficult due to the primarily gas phase nature
of the system.
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2. Dielectric Barrier Discharge—In the dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) approach, the
plasma is produced in a gas in close proximity to the surface of the liquid flowing through
the apparatus (Fig. 2b). In its simplest configuration, DBD is the gas discharge between two
electrodes, separated by one or more dielectric layers. The gap between electrodes is usually
on the order of millimeters, with a broad range of voltages required for discharge depending
on the configuration. The presence of the dielectric barrier inhibits the transition from glow
to arc discharge, thus ensuring stable, nonthermal plasma.149 Reactive species produced in
the gas interact with the liquid at the surface region.142 Researchers have found that these
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DBD plasmas can produce a variety of reactive species including, for example, hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2), ozone (O3), and nitric acid (HNO3) in aqueous solutions, which have been
shown to have efficacy for applications including wound treatment and sterilization.148
The most common version of this plasma discharge method is the point-to-plane
configuration. The advantages of this type of system include ease of electrode replacement,
freedom to treat liquids independent of their composition, and ease of plasma generation.
This method is effective because the air surrounding the point electrode acts as an insulator,
which helps focus the current density to the electrode tip thereby generating plasma more
readily. The disadvantage is that this approach creates essentially a surface treatment rather
than a volumetric treatment, so to treat an entire liquid volume, the system must rely on
diffusion or convection. This presents a problem for scale-up, although it has been proven to
be effective at small-scale liquid treatment. More recently, it has been shown that placing the
high-voltage electrode in the aqueous phase and the ground in the gas phase above produces
larger amounts of hydrogen peroxide in the liquid phase and ozone in the gas phase,150
although this configuration still is not scalable for commercial use.
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formation and subsequent electrical breakdown of the fluid between the electrodes, thereby
inducing a plasma. This approach is also used with introduction of feed gas injection which
facilitates the formation of gas bubbles in which plasma is discharged. The gas bubbles are
distributed throughout aqueous solution, enabling higher surface area between the
plasma/gas phase and the surrounding liquid, which facilitates transfer of the oxidant species
to solution. Feed gas injection parameters include the choice of gas composition and gas
flow rate, which subsequently impact the chemistry of the plasma produced, in addition to
enhancing the diffusion of radicals into solution,141 which is addressed in the chemistry
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section of this review. Radicals are formed within the gas bubbles at the water–gas interface,
and it has been demonstrated that radical formation increases greatly when gas was bubbled
into the discharge region.151
A larger-scale solution to this was developed by Manolache et al. in the form of a dense-
medium plasma reactor (DMPR), which is a direct discharge system with multiple
electrodes in parallel.152–154 The voltage drop across the electrodes was equivalent, although
the current density was significantly lower, which reduced wear on individual electrodes.
Additionally, this approach provided a larger treatment and mass transfer area. Johnson et al.
improved this with the tubular high-density plasma reactor (THDPR). which addressed the
problems of scale-up and continuous flow for industrial operations, in addition to exposing
reactive species created by plasma to a much larger volume of liquid.155 The THDPR has
demonstrated excellent disinfection capabilities, with the ability to inactivate bacteria with
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contact times on the order of seconds for power plant cooling tower water applications on
the order of 500 V or less.156 Another benefit to spreading the current density across
multiple electrodes is the potential of reduced heat transfer, which is an important advantage
for some possible plasma applications.
While surface-water systems have generally shown higher yields of reactive species
produced by plasma on a g kW-1 hr-1 basis, the nature of their design makes scale-up to
industrial levels difficult or costly. Direct discharge methods, particularly point-to-plane with
the direct injection of gas and modifications such as multiple electrodes in a cylindrical
system, have the greatest potential for scaling up to a more useful level and also overcome
diffusion limitations associated with above-solution discharges. Additionally, more recent
innovations such as electrode coatings or multiple parallel electrode configurations promise
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to help mitigate longevity problems such as electrode wear.142 Overall, many different
electrical discharge methods are available for preparing plasma-activated solutions for
subsequent therapeutic use. Such technologies enable plasma discharge above or directly in
an aqueous solution, where oxidant plasma species can be transferred to the bulk solution. In
subsequent sections, we describe in more detail which systems are being actively
investigated; however, some of these systems have yet to be thoroughly investigated for APP
performed to determine the physical properties of individual plasma systems; the goal of this
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review, therefore, is not to review each characterization study in depth but to generalize such
findings to be relevant to the field of APP. Several reviews are available that describe the
chemical characterization of species prepared via electrical discharges in
solution;143,144,157,158 herein, we give a comprehensive overview of these findings.
In general, plasma discharges result in several different routes of action (Fig. 3), including
(a) electromagnetic radiation (visible, IR, UV, EMF), (b) high-energy electrons, (c)
intermediate chemical species (radicals, ions), and (d) stable chemical products (ions, low-
molecular-weight products). The identity and quantity of these species is dependent upon
variable system parameters, as discussed in more detail below. While all of these processes
are important to determine which species form in solution during plasma treatment, the
longer-lived oxidant species in solution will ultimately impact cellular function to impart
therapeutic action. Thus, for APP applications, it is necessary to understand which plasma
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parameters will enhance the formation of species that are most therapeutically relevant.
The multitude of reactions possible in plasma plumes and subsequently in aqueous solution
are initiated by electron processes. The high-energy electrons produced experience inelastic
collisions with ambient molecules, atoms, and ions to yield multiple reaction effects,
including excitation (Eq. 1), dissociation (Eq. 2), electron capture (Eq. 3), and ionization
(Eq. 4).
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For example, energetic electrons result in water dissociation to form OH• and H•, among
other physical processes.159 In nonthermal plasma, the plasma does not reach local thermal
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equilibrium, and high-energy electrons are present among non-excited atoms and molecules.
The presence of energetic electrons and parent species (O2, N2, H2O) enables the formation
of primary plasma species, such as radicals, that ultimately result in the formation of
secondary species, namely reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species
In general, species formed in the plasma include radicals (O•, OH•, N•, NO2•, NO•), excited
state species (O3*, N2*, N*), cations (O2+, N2+, N+, O+, NO+), and anions (OH-, O2-,
O-).144 Such species undergo interfacial transfer from the plasma phase to the liquid phase,
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where subsequent chemistries occur within solution to yield species in the aqueous solution
(NO2-, NO3-). Additionally, high-energy electrons formed in the plasma phase can penetrate
into the aqueous solution phase to form solvated electrons.160 The emission of UV light is
due to the relaxation of excited state species, where the presence of UV light can result in
subsequent reactions, such as the formation of H• and OH• from the photolysis of H2O.
Predictive models demonstrate that hydrogen (H2) formation can occur via hydrogen radical
For electrical discharges directly in aqueous solution, a variety of reactions occur between
water molecules and electrons, including numerous rotational excitation, vibrational
excitation, dissociation, ionization, and attachment processes.158 As such, direct aqueous
discharges represent an attractive approach for the preparation of plasma-activated solutions.
Electrical discharges produced directly in aerated water yield similar potent species (OH•,
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H•, O•) as well as stable oxidant products, such as ozone (O3) and hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2). Combined, the oxidant species that form in plasma plumes and aqueous electrical
discharges represent some of the most potent oxidant species due to their high oxidation
potentials. Notably, the hydroxyl radical (OH•) is discussed widely in the literature as being
a critical player for in situ reactivity as it has a high oxidation potential compared to other
plasma species; although short-lived, OH• is a critical species formed in the plasma-gas
phase, which can diffuse to the aqueous phase or form via subsequent aqueous reactions.162
Critical to solution reactivity is the presence of excess H2O, which results in a series of
reactions that are described in Table 3 along with pertinent rate constants as reviewed by
Malik et al.144 Overall, chemistries in plasma, gas, and aqueous phases, as generalized in
Fig. 4, are versatile and dictated by interfacial diffusion processes. Considering the short
lifetimes and high reactivities of the radicals and electrons formed, these processes occur on
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As a result of the complex chemistry ongoing in the aqueous phase during plasma discharge,
many short-lived intermediates form, which ultimately result in the formation of stable end
products, such as H2O2 and O3, which can go on to participate in oxidative effects for
therapeutic or other applications. Ozone is formed predominantly due to the reaction of
diatomic oxygen (O2) with oxygen radical (O•) in the presence of a third collision partner, M
(such as O2 or N2), according to Eq. 5.163
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Additional reactions are possible due to the presence of N2 in systems that use air as the feed
gas, ultimately resulting in production of NxOy species, both short-lived and stable. In
plasma, nitrogen and oxygen gas combine to form nitric oxide (NO) according to Eq. 8.
Further, NO reacts with O2 to form nitrogen dioxide (NO2) according to Eq. 9. In general,
NOx species formed in the air discharge will transfer to the aqueous phase, where reaction
with water results in NO2- and NO3- accompanied by H+ formation, which results in pH
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Under these acidic conditions, HNO2 undergoes further reaction to result in the formation of
nitric oxide (NO•), nitrogen dioxide (NO2•), nitrosonium ion (NO+), and other NxOy species
(e.g., N2O, N2O3, and N2O4), including peroxynitrite (ONOO-) due to reaction of H2O2 and
In general, many factors impact the aqueous plasma species that form in solution. including
(1) the choice of feed gas (if used), (2) choice of plasma system and the system power input,
(3) the solution properties (pH, conductivity, and composition), and (4) time parameters, as
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discussed in detail below. Such parameters can be manipulated to tailor the resultant solution
chemistries for subsequent therapeutic application.
A. Feed Gas
As described previously, OH•, H•, and O• production is enhanced for gas bubble
configurations, where increased production correlated to increased rate of gas bubbling.144
Additionally, H• is favored with argon as the feed gas, but minimized when oxygen gas is
used, where O• is instead the major radical product. As such, to enhance the formation of
RNS, N2-containing feed gas sources can be used, such as pure N2 to maximize RNS
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formation, or house air, which contains both N2 and O2. To enhance chemistries involving
O• for ROS species formation, oxygen feed gas is suggested, whereas inert argon gas favors
H• chemistries. The use of aqueous bubble discharge systems has yielded a wide range of
H2O2 generation rates, ranging from 0.002 to 2 g/h for Ar (pulsed corona and multi-
electrode systems) to 0.01 g/h for air (DC discharge) and ∼2 g/h for O2 (pulsed systems).164
For saline solutions containing sodium chloride (NaCl), a DC microplasma jet discharge
resulted in predominantly sodium hydroxide (NaOH) formation in solution with oxygen or
argon gas, whereas nitric acid (HNO3) formation dominated for air or nitrogen gas.148 Thus,
the use of O2 or Ar gas can lead to alkaline solutions, whereas air or N2 gas will yield acidic
solutions Overall, the feed gas can be tuned to achieve different target therapeutic oxidant
species that are favored for therapeutic action. For instance, to target a more highly oxidizing
plasma-treated solution, oxygen or air feed gas can be used to favor ROS species, while
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given N2/O2 feed gas system; additionally, for a dielectric barrier (DB) system, ozone
generation was increased when using a single DB versus double DBs.166 Similar energy
yields were required for H2O2 production across multiple plasma platforms, including RF,
pulsed, AC, and DC, thus suggesting a radical quenching rate-limiting step at the plasma-
liquid interface; the energy yield was improved by employing discharges in bubbles,
presumably due to overcoming diffusion limitations by increasing the surface area of the
plasma-liquid interface.164 Earlier studies employing a pulsed streamer corona discharge
treatment of aqueous (DI water) solution indicated that the time-averaged power input
greatly impacted the formation of plasma species; more specifically, OH• and e-(aq)
concentrations increased in a nonlinear fashion with respect to average power input, while
H2O2 formation increased linearly167 Other studies indicate a linear increase in O3
concentration when using a point-to-plane discharge in solution up to ∼20 kV, past which
point a linear decrease in O3 concentration was observed.168 Notably, certain plasma setups,
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such as plasma discharge above solution, experience diffusion limitations that limit the
concentration of plasma species formed in solution. However, certain setups that maximize
the surface area between the plasma region and the aqueous phase result in more facile
transfer of species to solution, such as systems that involve plasma discharge into gas
bubbles.151 To maximize the oxidizing capacity of plasma-prepared solutions, the choice of
plasma configuration and applied power is critical. For instance, O3 has been identified as a
key species responsible for therapeutic activity, as described in later sections; thus, O3 levels
can be increased by increasing applied voltage. As more is learned about the cellular
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mechanism of action and which species are most therapeutic, such parameters can be tuned
C. Solution Composition
In general, the solution conductivity and the presence of any solutes will greatly dictate the
resultant chemistry in solution. The conductivity of the aqueous solution has been shown to
play an important role in the production of aqueous species.144 More specifically, weak
radical (OH•) emission intensity was observed for low conductivity solutions (1 μS/cm), but
the radical emission intensity and discharge properties strengthened and streamer channel
length increased with an increase in the solution conductivity in the range 10–80 μS/cm, past
which point the radical emission intensity weakened.151 Additionally, in the same study, the
choice of KOH over KC1 as the solution ions resulted in stronger radical emission due to
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possible pH effects where OH• levels increase at neutral or alkaline pH. Other work has
shown that, despite the use of different electrode geometries to facilitate corona discharge in
solution, similar spectral features were generated for a given solution conductivity, thus
implying that that solution chemistry may dictate aqueous plasma species more so than the
choice of electrode configuration.169 A recent review outlined the variable levels of H2O2,
NO2-, and NO3 formed in solution when exposed to a dielectric barrier discharge system at
variable pH and salt content. H2O2 levels were ∼0.1 mM for deionized (DI) water,
phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution, and saline; however, higher concentrations of
NO2- and NO3- formed in PBS at pH 6.5 versus DI water at pH 2.7.165 Another review
highlights several studies employing direct electrical discharges in solution, whereby the
solution conductivity and pH along with power consumption led to variable levels of plasma
species such as H2O2 and OH•.158 In the presence of saline solution containing NaCl,
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mechanisms have been deduced involving atomic oxygen reactions with chloride to
yield •Cl2- or ClO- species, where the chlorine chemistries dominated H2O2-mediated
reactions.170 In the presence of solutes in the aqueous phase, variable oxidation reactions
occur mainly due to OH• reactions. In general, it is critical to recognize how the parameters
of the initial aqueous solution, such as composition and pH, will impact which species form.
For instance, as described below, much APP work related to cancer treatment has involved
activation of cell media, where subsequent stability issues have been recognized. It will be
critical to determine whether the plasma activation is most effective before or after the
addition of reagents, and whether components, such as cell nutrients, are actually required.
D. Time
A recent review describes the time scales associated with variable plasma processes, such as
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diffusion, reaction, thermal conduction, speed of light, and radiation, all of which are critical
to the time-dependent formation of variable primary and secondary plasma species.157
Aqueous concentrations of plasma-induced H2O2 and O3 increased with discharge time until
eventually a saturation level was reached.169 For example, a study considering O3
production specifically indicated that O3 concentration in solution increased with increasing
treatment time up to ∼20 min, past which point O3 generation was no longer favored and the
O3 levels started to decrease due to purging of O3 into the gas phase via O2 bubbling. This
observation was explained due to an increase in solution conductivity with increasing plasma
treatment time due to dissolved ionic species that formed in solution; the increased
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conductivity of the solution thus reduced intensity of the spot discharge and increased
streamer production, whereby O3 production was reduced.168 Other studies show a linear
relationship between oxidant concentration (H2O2, NO3-, NO2-) and discharge treatment
time for up to 30 min for an aqueous solution at pH 6.9 exposed to an air discharge
plasma.165 Further, concentrations of H2O2, NO3-, NO2- were monitored up to 300 s post-
discharge time where, at lower pH (3.3), H2O2 and NO2- levels dropped while NO3- levels
increased; however, at higher solution pH, the oxidant levels remained constant post-plasma
treatment. Other effects that are pronounced with increased plasma treatment include the
acid effect, wherein a drop in solution pH occurs and can proceed on a rapid timescale
(order of minutes).143 The plasma exposure time is critical to determine which species form
and in what concentrations; additionally, the length of time between solution preparation and
application to a cell or tissue will dictate which species remain in solution for subsequent
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therapeutic activity.
A multitude of complex chemical reactions occur in plasma plumes and subsequently the
plasma-treated aqueous solution. Many factors impact the identity and concentration of
species that form in solution, as well as their lifetime, including choice of plasma system,
feed gas, power input, composition of the aqueous solution, and time parameters. The use of
aqueous plasma systems should enable a specific set of reactions that can be harnessed for
the most optimized and effective water treatment or use for subsequent therapeutic
applications in the case of APP. However, because so many factors impact the subsequent
solution chemistry, it is common to achieve competitive rather than specific reactions.143
Additionally, because the plasma chemistry is so diverse and complex, the ability to achieve
specific chemical products can be difficult. However, using the aforementioned parameters
as applied to water treatment, much can be learned about tuning solution chemistries for
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medical applications specifically. Notably, some of the plasma species discussed above have
been characterized in different plasma plume and plasma-treated aqueous systems using
various methods; however, much basic research is still needed to understand the complex
reactivity and abundance of species present in activated solutions prepared by multiple
different discharge methods.
A. Disinfectant Solutions
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In general, the use of plasma discharges in water for direct in situ disinfection operates on
the multimechanistic approach in which active oxidant species, UV, ozone, and hydrogen
peroxide all act in concert to inactivate microbes.146 In some studies, H2O2 has been
identified as a critical oxidant species due to its ability to interact with UV radiation and
shock waves to form OH• radicals in bulk solution,171 where OH• has been implicated as a
major antimicrobial player.172 Other work has suggested O3 as the dominant species
responsible for disinfection,173 while some studies suggest H2O2 and acidified nitrite
(HNO2) as key players.165,174–176 One study found nitric oxides to be predominant long-
lived species produced by plasmas for disinfection.114 However, work involving the
application of plasma-treated water to wounds or surfaces for disinfection will likely harness
the action of multiple stable oxidant species in solution, and will be dependent upon the
types and concentrations of oxidants formed depending upon the initial solution and plasma
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parameters employed.
The use of “plasma activated water” (PAW) for secondary disinfection was investigated by
Naitali et al. through a series of studies employing gliding electrical discharges, shown in
Fig. 1(a). In 2007, they studied both direct (in situ treatment of contaminated aqueous
solutions) and indirect (preparation of PAW for ex situ secondary aqueous disinfection)
methods of bacterial inactivation and found that plasma treatment time was critical for both
configurations.177 More specifically, for a given 20-min contact time for Hafnia alvei
exposed to PAW, a longer plasma exposure period during initial PAW preparation yielded
more effective secondary disinfection, such as a 2- or 10-min exposure time, resulting in 3.7-
or 7-log disinfection, respectively. Follow-up work with H. alvei considered the impact of
various exposure times using 5 min PAW as well as varying initial concentrations (CFU) of
planktonic H. alvei.178 First-order inactivation kinetics were observed, most likely rate-
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limited by mass transfer of the active disinfection species into solution, where longer
treatment times yielded a greater log-reduction in CFU; further, the starting concentration of
H. alvei was critical, where a decrease in initial CFU concentration yielded faster
inactivation kinetics. Further, bacteria adhered to substrates were less susceptible to
treatment compared to planktonic bacteria in solution, which follows expectations because
biofilm bacteria are usually more difficult to treat. Additional work considered the use of
PAW to treat various bacteria strains, including S. epidermidis, L. mesenteroides, H. alvei,
and a yeast model, S. cerevisiae.179 Again, treatment was generally more effective for the
planktonic form of each strain compared to the adherent form; also, bacterial inactivation
was more effective than yeast treatment. Another study implicated nitrite as a major species
in PAW, while also considering a synergistic effect of nitrate and H2O2.180 In other
discussions, Naitali has implicated ONOOH/ONOO- as a critical part of the disinfection
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Plasma-activated saline solution has also been investigated for secondary disinfection
applications. More specifically, work out of Leibniz Institute indicated that a surface
dielectric barrier discharge treatment of a NaCl solution yielded at least 7-log disinfection of
E. coli, which was similar to the disinfection kinetics observed for directly treated E. coli in
saline solution.182 Further, a 30-min-old solution yielded less facile disinfection kinetics but
still yielded >4-log reduction, thus indicating that the lifetime of the solution is an important
parameter. This work further suggested NO2- and H2O2 as the major stable species, but other
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species such as O3, ONOO-, OH•, NO•, and NO2• were suggested. While the lifetime of
radicals is very short, some of these species may be available for cellular action via
decomposition of other oxidant species in solution.
The shelf life of the PAW solution is critical to understand the stability of plasma species in
solution and subsequent antibacterial effects. Plasma-activated solutions have been
demonstrated to maintain long-term antibacterial efficacy on the order of days.183 For a 3-h
contact time, disinfection efficacy was maintained for 2-day-old PAW; however, efficacy
dropped by ∼1 log by 4 days, and ∼2 log by 7 days. For a 15-min exposure time, however,
efficacy dropped by ∼5 log for both 1- and 2-day-old solutions. Thus, disinfection efficacy
can be maintained, but it is dependent upon contact time between PAW and E. coli. Over the
course of the 7-day study, solution composition did vary in terms of NO2- and H2O2 levels
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dropping, which correlated to loss of disinfection efficacy; however, likely different species
exist on different time scales that still enable disinfection for 2+ day-old PAW solutions. In
other work, plasma-activated solutions of water and saline exhibited antimicrobial effects
after 4 weeks of storage, despite significant loss of initial H2O2 and O3 by the end of the
storage period.184 Additionally, preparing solutions of similar oxidant concentration did not
yield the same disinfection effects as the plasma-activated solutions, indicating that the
versatile chemistry induced by plasma is required for optimum effects. Other studies have
indicated that the ratio of aqueous NO2- to H2O2 in addition to plasma discharge parameters
are critical to establish long-term antibacterial effects of saline solutions.84 To further extend
the shelf life of PAW solutions, it has been demonstrated that the addition of N-acetyl-
cysteine (NAC) prior to plasma treatment resulted in solutions with a shelf life of 2 years;
however, the mechanism is unclear.185 These results indicate the potential for these plasma-
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activated solutions to be prepared in advance for subsequent shipment, storage, and clinical
use; however, if shelf-life limitations become apparent in future work, the commercial focus
may shift to on-site generation for direct use upon preparation.
An additional benefit for using PAW is that these versatile oxidant-containing solutions are
less prone to developing antibiotic resistance compared to traditional small-molecule
antiseptics and antibiotics.84 This approach has been proposed in light of the complex
plasma species involved that suggest multiple modes of disinfectant action, where plasma
treatment in general has been implicated for broad spectrum bacterial kill.186 Antibacterial
resistance is currently an overwhelming issue in the healthcare arena; thus, the development
of plasma-activated aqueous solutions with the capability to address this problem and
effectively reduce bacterial loads will be hugely beneficial.
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Overall, the exact mechanism of PAW for disinfection is unknown. Variable plasma systems
have been employed to prepare such solutions, and different species, such as H2O2, NO3-,
and NO2- have been implicated, along with importance of the acid effect. Disinfection has
been demonstrated to be more effective using PAW versus mock solutions prepared with
individual or mixed species, thus demonstrating the versatile nature of the plasma activation
that leads to disinfection. These solutions also have demonstated stability and bactericidal
properties even after up to 4 weeks of storage, despite significant drops in measured oxidant
concentrations. Accelerated aging studies further indicate that the presence of certain
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additives can extend the shelf life on the order of years. In general, much is still unknown
about the exact mechanism(s) involved and more work is required to understand how
systematically to prepare optimized PAW solutions for the best disenfection results.
In 2010, work by Kalghatgi et al. described the effect of direct plasma treatment using a
dielectric barrier discharge system on porcine aortic endothelial cells in the presence (50 μL)
of medium to “prevent drying” of cells during treatment.40 Low doses of plasma (4 J cm-2 at
up to 30 s treatment time) yielded cell proliferation after treatment, whereas higher plasma
doses (8 J cm-2 at ≥60 s treatment time) yielded cell death. Furthermore, fibroblast growth
factor-2 (FGF2) was enhanced after plasma treatment, likely due to ROS-mediated FGF2
release, thus yielding proliferative effects. This study demonstrates the direct correlation
between treatment time and ROS concentration, thus yielding proliferative or inhibitive
cellular effects related to angiogenesis applications.
Work by Hamaguchi used a low-frequency plasma jet with He feed gas, where the tip of the
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plasma jet was just in contact with the surface of 100 μL aliquots of Dulbecco's Modified
Eagle Medium (DMEM) in a 96-well plate format.187 The effects of plasma-treated DMEM
on human synoviocyte (HS) cells was explored in three different scenarios: (1) direct plasma
exposure of DMEM containing cultured cells; (2) direct plasma exposure of DMEM
containing adhered cells, whereby the media was immediately exchanged for fresh, non–
plasma-treated DMEM; and (3) direct plasma treatment of DMEM only, followed by culture
of cells in the plasma-treated medium. In each case, an optimized treatment time was found
that would enhance cell proliferation (on the order of 60 s); however, plasma overexposure
resulted in cell death. In general, a correlation between cell proliferation and solution
oxidative stress was found where a subsequent simulation model indicated that an increase
in ROS/RNS species (such as OH• and NO•) directly affected HS proliferation. As such,
when considering the variety of solution chemistries that can be tuned by various plasma
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parameters (as discussed above), it is beneficial to target oxidant levels that will be
beneficial to kill bacteria, while not harming healthy cells, similar to the below discussion
regarding selective cancer cell treatment. Thus, for a given application, such as wound
healing, target oxidant levels must be determined that will induce therapeutic effects while
avoiding cell-damaging effects.
Earlier work at the Leibniz Institute by Hoentsch et al. considered the effects of both direct
and indirect argon plasma jet aqueous exposure of murine epithelial cells (mHepR1).188 For
direct treatment, mHepR1 cells were suspended in cell culture medium (DMEM) for various
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plasma exposure times (30, 60, and 120 s), whereas the indirect treatment involved plasma
treatment of DMEM alone (30, 60, and 120 s), followed by mHepR1 culture in the plasma-
treated medium. The effects of plasma treatment times were assessed via cell viability and
morphology. After only 30 s of mHepR1 direct plasma treatment in DMEM, significant
morphological changes were observed. Whereby the cells were no longer adherent thus
inhibiting monolayer formation; similar effects were found for indirect plasma-activated
DMEM treatment alone for 30, 60, and 120 s before cell exposure. For both direct and
indirect methods, an increase in plasma exposure time yielded lower cell viability, where
effects were more pronounced for the direct method. In general, cellular impacts of plasma-
treated media were established concerning impact on morphology, viability, and tight
junction formation, but no analysis of the aqueous species was performed to inform which
radicals or compounds were responsible for these effects. These results point to the need to
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better understand the relationship between aqueous plasma species in solution and cellular
effects; if, for instance, direct plasma treatment of epithelial cells in media diminished cell
viability, this level of plasma exposure could be detrimental to the epithelium and to wound
healing suggesting that milder conditions would be more suitable. As a follow-up to this
work, studies also were published considering the stability of plasma-treated DMEM for
subsequent application to mHepR1 cells.81 Plasma-treated DMEM effects of changing cell
morphology, viability, and tight junction formation were found for solutions even when
stored for up to 7 days at 37°C prior to cell exposure in vitro. To inform the impact of
medium composition on cells, pH, H2O2, and O2 were assessed immediately after plasma
treatment and after 1 day of storage. Overall, the pH dropped slightly but remained rather
consistent after storage, whereas H2O2 levels decreased dramatically (by ∼90%) after 24 h,
and O2 levels in solution increased after storage. Based on these findings, it was assumed the
RNS/ROS are critical to the bioactivity of the plasma-treated DMEM, but due to a sharp
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drop in H2O2 levels after storage but maintenance of the cellular effects, it was assumed the
species other than H2O2 are critical to impact the cellular effects observed. Additionally, the
observed effects on cellular morphology and viability are not desirable for wound healing
applications. Thus, this suggests the need to further identify the exact composition of the
solution and understand which configurations, such as <30 s of plasma treatment, will yield
a solution that does not yield undesirable effects. However, this work was critical to establish
the prolonged therapeutic effects that are possible for plasma-treated media even after
storage for up to 1 week.
Further work by Winter et al. of the Leibniz Institute indicated that the concentration of
H2O2 in the liquid phase after plasma treatment via an atmospheric pressure argon plasma
jet correlated directly with the viability of adhered human skin cells.80 Complete cell-growth
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medium (RPMI) was plasma treated in a 60-mm-diameter Petri dish at variable treatment
times ranging from 0 to 100 s, where the plasma jet was moved constantly across the
medium surface at a nozzle-liquid distance of 9 mm. Additionally, the rate of H2O2
production in the gas phase matched that of net H2O2 production in the liquid phase, where
the H2O2(g) solubility in the liquid phase was a key step. Other species studied by laser
induced fluorescence (OF) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies
indicated that OH• and O2•- did not vary significantly with treatment, thus indicating H2O2
as a critical species in initiating proliferation of skin cells. Due to its longer half-life in
solution compared to other shorter-lived species such as OH• or O2•-, H2O2 is able to remain
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in solution on the timescale required for direct cellular exposure. In this study, H2O2
concentrations in plasma-treated RPMI solution were achieved at 0.8, 2.9, and 9.0 mg/L due
to variations in argon gas humidity and treatment time. H2O2 levels were maintained for up
to 1.5 hours post-treatment regardless of initial H2O2 concentration; however, past 1.5 hours
H2O2 concentration decreased based upon the starting concentration. The addition of H2O2
stabilizers significantly increased the stability of the H2O2 in solution. Despite experimental
evidence indicating H2O2 as having a major role in initiating cell proliferation, additional
species are also involved, but they were not quantified in this work. This research with
human skin cells, wherein proliferative effects were observed, contrasts sharply with the
Leibniz research in which plasma-treated media imparted undesirable morphological and
viability effects, including loss of cell adhesion ability, for murine epithelial cells. Thus,
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these findings demonstrate the dependence of therapeutic effects on the cell line
investigated, treatment time employed, and specific parameters of the system that will result
in different plasma species in solution. Thus, a more thorough understanding of the aqueous
plasma species and resultant solution chemistry is required to enable tailoring of the solution
properties for a given application, as with traditional medicine approaches. While further
exploratory work in the field is required, current findings also suggest a wide range of
possibilities for future uses of plasma techniques for APP applications.
Reuter et al. further considered the impact of feed gas and ambient gas humidity on the
aqueous plasma species formed and subsequent impact on human skin cells (HaCaT
keratinocytes).189 In general, ozone levels decreased with increasing humidity, whereas
H2O2 levels linearly increased with increasing humidity. The impact on HaCaT viability was
unaffected based on varying humidity in the shielding gas, but a significant decrease in
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viability was found for increasing humidity in the feed gas. Specifically, for the feed gas
humidity, the loss of HaCaT viability was attributed to HaCaT viability to decreased ozone
and increased H2O2 production, thus implicating O3 and H2O2 as critical aqueous plasma
species that impact skin cell viability. Earlier Leibniz work, also with HaCaT cells, indicated
that direct cell treatment in the presence of medium to reduce cell viability was accompanied
by a significant downregulation of E-cadherin and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR),
with a lesser impact on α2- and β1-integrins, and no impact on intercellular adhesion
molecule 1 (ICAM-1).190 Overall, this work informs the impact of plasma treatment on cell-
surface adhesion molecules that are critical to wound healing.
In general, work on cell proliferation due to plasma-activated solutions has indicated that
different routes of treatment can be employed (direct v. indirect), and that stable species,
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such as H2O2 and O3, are dominant in the resulting aqueous chemistry. Choice of feed gas,
feed gas humidity levels, and treatment time are critical parameters to tune to achieve
optimum proliferation related to wound healing and dermal applications. However, much
remains unknown regarding the exact cellular mechanisms and all of the critical aqueous
plasma species involved. Future systematic studies are required to determine how given
plasma systems can be tuned to achieve chemistries that target specific desired cellular
C. Cancer Treatment
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The clinical application of plasma species is of particular interest for selective cancer
treatment. Despite significant advances in chemotherapeutic approaches over the past several
decades with the advent of new drugs and advanced combinatorial therapies,191 cancer is
still the second leading cause of death in the United States.192 A recent review highlighting
emerging cancer therapies points out several limitations to current chemotherapeutic
approaches in addition to limited efficacy, such as pathogenesis complications, drug
resistance, cytotoxicity to normal healthy cells and tissues, side effects, inadequate delivery
methods to the tumor site, and high recurrence rates of certain cancer types.193 As such, all
of these combined factors imply the critical need for new multi-functional cancer treatments
to overcome issues associated with traditional treatment options. The success of any new
cancer treatment depends on its ability to selectively target cancer cells while minimizing
cytotoxicity to normal cells; plasma-related treatment may be an effective and unique
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For plasma plume direct treatment of cancer and normal cells in vitro, many different cancer
types have been considered, including cervical,24 colon,27,132 glioblastoma,132 head and
neck,30 oral,28 liver,33 breast,42,49 bladder,50 pancreatic,75 prostate,127 and ovarian
cancers,97 as well as melanoma32,34,129,135 and leukemia.111,116 General direct plasma
plume work has indicated both cancer cell apoptosis and necrosis, where necrotic pathways
were implicated at higher exposure times.111,116 However, most studies have indicated
apoptotic mechanisms that involve oxidative stress, DNA damage,27,41,89,118,132 and
mitochondrial dysfunction.24,30,118 These references, and others cited in Table 1, have
generally indicated that the involvement of ROS and RNS result in the following effects on
cancer cells: cell detachment, inhibition of cell growth, impact on cell migration and
invasiveness, clonogenicity, dose-dependent induction of apoptosis and/or necrosis, cell
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cycle arrest, senescence, induction of intra- or extra-cellular ROS production, and down-
regulation of integrins. In general, the extent of therapeutic anti-cancer effects has been
directly correlated to the plasma treatment time as the most critical parameter, although the
exact mechanism is unknown. It has been suggested that the plasma species, such as H2O2
and NO•,35,194 are able to interfere with the cancer cell-cycle regulation, as well as result in
DNA damage, apoptosis, and cell membrane damage.18 Due to the variable ROS/RNS and
subsequent routes of action, it has been suggested that the use of plasmas for cancer
treatment is less likely to result in the development of drug resistance compared with other
cells.196 As shown in Fig. 5, normal cells maintain redox homeostasis through a balance of
ROS generation via pro-oxidants and elimination via antioxidants to maintain basal ROS
levels for proper physiological function. In general, moderate increases in ROS levels can
promote helpful processes, such as cell proliferation and differentiation. However, too much
ROS, as represented by the threshold value, will impart oxidative damage to lipids, proteins,
and DNA, leading to toxic cellular effects. The quantitative values associated with the ROS
levels that are damaging to cancer cells but innocuous to normal cells vary depending upon
the specific cell types and the identity of the ROS involved. Thus, the y-axis in Fig. 5
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conceptually depicts ROS levels from low to high, with a threshold above which anti-
proliferative effects are observed for cancer cells but not for normal cells. Normal cells can
be exposed to a given amount of exogenous ROS stress due to reserves of antioxidants to
prevent cellular ROS levels from reaching the fatal threshold. Cancer cells already exist at an
increased ROS generation due to metabolic abnormalities and oncogenic signaling which is
believed to lead to many cancer characteristics, including cancer cell proliferation,
disruption of cell death signaling, and chemoresistance. When both cancer and normal cells
are exposed to exogenous ROS levels, normal cells are able to maintain homeostasis,
whereas cancer cells are pushed past the ROS threshold. Overall, cancer cells are more
vulnerable to external oxidative stress than normal cells, thus enabling selective cancer cell
destruction in the presence of oxidative species, such as those provided by a plasma-treated
aqueous solution. Key to the investigation of plasma-induced anti-cancer applications will be
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the identification of the threshold ROS values required to selectively target cancer cells
while leaving normal cells unharmed, which will likely vary depending upon the specific
type of cancer. Such ROS-mediated approaches to targeting cancer treatment may overcome
issues with traditional chemotherapies, such as cytotoxicity and chemoresistance.
In general, direct plasma plume treatment has significant clinical limitations as its geometry
makes it most suitable for treating surface sites, such as skin cancer. One review describing
direct plasma applications for prostate cancer specifically proposes delivery of plasma plume
species to a tumor site transperineally with an accompanying transrectal ultrasonography
(TRUS) probe.19 However, this is a relatively complex mode of access to the tumor site, and
one can imagine that general application of such a plasma plume approach to other types of
internal cancer sites may be even more difficult compared to a prostate tumor. On the other
hand, transfer of plasma species to the aqueous phase can create bioactive solutions that are
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adhered breast cancer cells (Fig. 1, Scenario 2a), where DNA damage impacted cell viability
in a dose-dependent manner.122 Other work led by Old Dominion University considered
treating free-floating media suspensions of leukemia cells (Fig. 1, Scenario 2b) to induce
cell morphology and viability results in a dose-dependent manner.107 However, as
mentioned, the true goal of APP is to transfer plasma species to solution for subsequent
application to cells or tissues. As such, below we present recent studies pertinent to the field
for cancer treatment specifically. Table 4 highlights the major studies reviewed herein that
focus on the plasma activation of cell media for secondary indirect application of plasma
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species to cancer cells, which have been investigated only within the past five years.
the growth medium. The limited 18-h window, past which point the solution lost its potency,
suggests that on-site production of the PAM may be necessary for commercialization and
clinical use. A follow-up publication in 2012 explored the mechanism of action against
glioblastoma cells in more detail; major findings indicated complete downregulation of
survival and proliferation signaling networks (e.g., AKT, ERK, and mTOR survival/
proliferation pathways; CD44 membrane-bound receptor), while the control fibroblasts were
comparably unaffected.96 Other work has indicated similar findings for paclitaxel/cisplatin-
resistant ovarian cancer cells, where the addition of N-acetyl-cysteine inhibited antitumor
effects, presumably due to ROS scavenging, thus implicating ROS as the main players.98
This study explored both in vitro effects as well as the treatment of xenografted tumors in an
in vivo nude mouse model, where significant reduction in tumor growth was exhibited.
Further work indicated the selective PAM treatment of ovarian clear cell carcinoma, which is
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Recently, three additional studies were published by the Nagoya team. In one study, the
effects of PAM on lung, liver, and breast cancer lines were investigated based upon
variations in the medium composition.100 Pyruvate presence in the media decreased ROS
availability, leading to less effective antitumor effects, where H2O2 was identified as a
critical player in apoptosis. In contrast to the 2011 glioblastoma work, this study indicated a
caspase-independent apoptotic pathway, where mitochondrial stress and membrane effects
were instead indicated due to H2O2 and other reactive species. Furthermore, PAM
maintained its potent therapeutic effects after 1 week of storage at -80 °C, thus indicating the
possibility of storing bioactive solutions for later administration. Because H2O2 was
identified in this study as a critical oxidant species, storage of the solution at extremely low
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temperature (-80°C) in the dark would facilitate stabilization. Another 2015 study
considered the impact of PAM on the cell morphology and proliferation rate of gastric
cancer cells.101 The impact on cancer cells was dependent upon plasma exposure time
during PAM preparation, the cell line, and the initial cell concentration. Some cell lines were
more resistant to PAM treatment, but this could be overcome by increasing the plasma
treatment time during preparation. In this work, the caspase 3/7 pathway was activated by
PAM, leading to selective apoptosis; glutathione synthesis was also implicated. Caspases
represent a family of protease enzymes that are essential to programmed cell death,
including either initiator or executioner roles in apoptosis. The most recent Nagoya study
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investigated four different pancreatic cancer cell lines in vitro, where apoptosis was
implicated via morphological changes and caspase 3/7 activation.103 Additional in vivo
studies using a xenograft mouse model demonstrated significant tumor reduction (similar to
their 2013 study) upon subcutaneous injection of PAM at the tumor site. The Nagoya team
has indicated that further research is required to understand the exact mechanism of action
by which PAM is effective against cancer cells.104
Other work has investigated the plasma treatment of cell media to prepare bioactive
solutions for administration to cancer cells. For example, Schmidt et al. recently reported
that, more so than metabolic, apoptotic, and cell-cycle effects, plasma-treated medium
impacted tumor cell motility and colony formation.83 Gene analysis implied disorganization
of the actin cytoskeleton via multiple signaling pathways, where interestingly genes related
to cell adhesion, structure, and cell junction activity were more highly affected than those
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Work from the Keidar group at The George Washington University has examined the use of
cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) to treat media, referred to as “plasma-stimulated medium”
(PSM). They describe the PSM as a cocktail of various reactive species, which selectively
targets cancer cells. One study indicated effects on cancer cell treatment due to the levels of
fetal bovine serum (FBS) in the media.61 In general, increased levels of FBS in solution
increased the cell viability when exposed to PSM, while, for a given FBS concentration,
increased plasma treatment time decreased cell viability. It was therefore concluded that the
presence of FBS plays a protective role for the cancer cells. Considering the known effect of
plasma species on amino acids (e.g., preferential reactions that decrease sulfur-containing
and aromatic amino acids),197 it is possible that the plasma treatment of media will result in
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ROS scavenging during treatment due to higher FBS levels, which will result in lower levels
of ROS ultimately available to cells during exposure. Additionally, plasma impacts on the
proteins and additives in solution could subsequently impact availability of cell nutrients.
Other work by Yan et al. demonstrated that PSM targeted both glioblastoma and breast
cancer cells, where glioblastoma cells were more resistant to treatment due to faster
consumption of effective reactive species.66 It was suggested that H2O2 is a critical ROS in
PSM responsible for anti-cancer effects. Key to this work was a systematic review of several
operating parameters during PSM preparation that optimized the potency of the resultant
solution. More specifically, increasing the volume of media during-treatment yielded lower
ROS/RNS levels, whereas using a larger well for a given medium volume enhanced solution
potency, presumably due to an increase in the interfacial surface area between the plasma
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plume and medium volume during treatment which enhanced plasma-to-liquid transfer of
species. Similarly, holding the plasma plume closer to the medium during treatment
enhanced PSM potency, again due to interfacial transfer effects. Another key feature of this
work considered which ammo acid residues would consume relevant plasma species
required for subsequent therapeutic action of PSM. Of the 20 amino acids studied, cysteine
and tryptophan exhibited the strongest reactivity towards PSM plasma species, and cysteine
prevented anti-cancer effects the best. Follow-up work identified methionine in addition to
Overall, the use of plasma-activated solutions for subsequent application to cancer cells (in
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vivo or in vitro) has been indicated to yield selective antitumor effects across a range of
cancer types and has been attributed to ROS effects. In general, the potency of the bioactive
solution is related to plasma exposure time, but the effects also vary by cell line. Preliminary
knowledge has been gathered about the mechanism of action due to apoptosis; however,
much work is still required to identify the exact mechamsm(s) involved based upon
differences in the plasma treatment, aqueous solution composition, and cancer cell line of
interest. Additionally, stability and subsequent anti-cancer effects are dependent upon the
amino acid compositions of the media, and temperature also has an impact on the stability of
the solution during storage.
aqueous plasma species that can result in subsequent therapeutic action. The combination of
plasma species appears to be more potent than any individual chemical component or
mixtures of certain compounds when added versus being plasma generated, which high-
lights the importance of such a synergistic, multifaceted therapeutic approach. Because
much is still unknown about the exact mechanism of action for applications in disinfection,
cell modification, and cancer treatment, it is critical to identify these species and
subsequently understand which are most critical to the end application such that plasma
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chemistry can be tuned to favor the species and solution conditions that are most effective.
A recent book chapter by von Woedtke discussed one of the main hurdles in the field of
plasma pharmacy, the ability to measure the aqueous plasma species with accuracy.174 For
plasma-prepared bioactive solutions to succeed in commercial applications, it will be critical
to identify exactly the composition of these solutions for their subsequent therapeutic use.
This research will require advanced analytical methods that are selective and sensitive for a
given species of interest, thus enabling a detailed understanding of the plasma-solution
mechanisms that give rise to therapeutic effects. The quantification of an oxidant species,
such as H2O2, in the presence of other oxidant species, such as O3 is compounded in
difficulty for this application due to the multiple transient species, including radicals and
short-lived intermediates, which may be present in the plasma-activated solution as a
function of solution lifetime. Thus, the analytical methods of choice must be performed to
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capture an understanding of these system complexities while being selective and sensitive. A
thorough understanding of solution composition, mechanism of action, and therapeutic
indications will be critical to pass regulatory review, such as via the U.S. Food & Drug
Administration (FDA). The aqueous chemistry will be heavily dependent upon the initial
solution composition. Most of the work to date has been performed with saline solutions or
well-established cell media formulations; it will be of great interest to explore additional
aqueous formulations, such as plasma treatment of water alone where cell nutrient additives
and additional reagents are added post-treatment. The identity of solution additives and
whether they are added pre- or post-plasma treatment will greatly impact solution chemistry.
Part of understanding the exact chemistries and mechanisms of action will be a more
thorough evaluation of different aqueous plasma discharge methods, as discussed in section
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II of this review. More specifically, most of the PAM/PSM studies related to cancer have
been performed using liquid surface plasma plume exposure. Instead, however, it may lead
to more promising chemistries and more effective therapeutics to use methods that directly
discharge plasma into solution, with or without bubbles. Exploring various plasma methods
and devices also will require thorough plasma diagnostics to understand the electrical,
optical, thermal, and chemical properties of each system and subsequent impact on aqueous
chemistry and the interfacial transfer kinetics that impact the concentration of plasma
species that make it to the aqueous phase. The development of various commercial devices
for generating plasma-activated solutions also will require attention to regulatory aspects.
An additional hurdle for the field will be to develop commercialization strategies that enable
aqueous plasma systems and/or solutions to be available for clinical use. Such strategies can
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include off-site generation of activated solutions, which can be shipped and stored prior to
use. For this approach to work, much more work is needed to understand the stability of
aqueous plasma species and the time effects on the solution composition and subsequent
therapeutic efficacy for a number of applications. This includes a better understanding of
preparation and storage conditions that will enable longer shelf life of the aqueous solutions
such that they can be stored and shipped to clinicians. Another obstacle to
commercialization is the small scale of current plasma-activated solution production
methods. The creation of systems that can treat higher volumes of solution will be critical to
intraperitoneal routes, among others, where the solution can be delivered at the site of
interest, such as a tumor. It is also possible to sell small plasma devices for on-site
generation of plasma-prepared bioactive solutions in a systematic and reproducible fashion,
where the bioactive solution can be prepared on-site immediately prior to patient
Looking ahead, it is anticipated that the field of APP will extend beyond the applications
described above. Plasma-treated solutions have been implicated in electrosurgery
applications,159,200 as well as to enhance the germination, growth rates, and overall
nutritional quality of various plants.201 Many other disease states are known to be related to
oxidative stress, such as neurological, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal disorders in
addition to inflammatory and degenerative diseases.202 Thus, APP may eventually be
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indicated that cold plasma therapy can be combined with electrochemotherapy for enhanced
therapy for melanoma treatment.78 Beyond implying combinatorial cancer treatments, work
has also suggested that the plasma plume treatment of chemoresistant cancer cells will
restore cell responsiveness, thus overcoming chemoresistance issues.90 These combined and
enhanced chemotherapy applications can certainly be applied to plasma-activated solutions.
In conclusion, the field of APP is still in its early stages, but plasma-activated solutions have
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The authors gratefully acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation (NSF grant no. 1256582), the
American Society for Engineering Education/NSF Small Business Postdoctoral Research Diversity Fellowship, and
the National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute (NIH grant no. R43CA203273) and National Institute of
General Medical Sciences (NIH grant no. R43GM121092).
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Fig. 1.
Approaches to plasma medicine include (1) direct plasma plume treatment of cells; (2) direct
plasma plume treatment of cells in the presence of media where the cells are (a) adhered or
(b) suspended in media; (3) plasma treatment of aqueous solution for secondary application
to cells; (4) direct plasma treatment of xenografted tumors in animal models; and (5) direct
dermal treatment of wounds and other topical ailments.
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Fig. 2.
The following plasma discharges are pictorially represented: (a) gliding arc discharge, (b)
dielectric barrier discharge, (c) surface-water point-to-plane glow discharge, (d) surface-
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water plane-to-plane glow discharge, (e) direct discharge without feed gas injection, and (f)
direct discharge with feed gas injection.
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Fig. 3.
Plasma discharges initiate multiple mechanisms, including electromagnetic radiation, high-
energy electrons, intermediate chemical species, and stable chemical species.
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Fig. 4.
Variable species are formed in the plasma, gas, and aqueous phases to ultimately result in a
variety of aqueous plasma species that can be applied for therapeutic action.
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Fig. 5.
The basal ROS levels are higher for cancer cells compared to normal cells, thus application
of exogenous ROS species in plasma-activated solutions will push cancer cells over the ROS
threshold, while normal cells are able to maintain homeostasis via antioxidant pathways.
The actual ROS threshold level will vary depending upon the cell type and specific ROS
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Fig. 6.
Future work in the field of APP requires more research regarding plasma treatment, aqueous
chemistry, and bioapplications.
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Table 1
A summary of the various laboratories and institutes involved in plasma medicine research, predominantly the
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application of plasma plume technologies for topical (e.g., dermal) applications, and/or to perform in vitro cell
assay experiments
George Washington University Fibroblast modification; wound healing; cancer (in vitro); %54–%67
Heinrich-Heine University Skin infection, wound healing %68
Kanazawa University Wound healing %69
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Cancer (in vitro) %70
Kwangwoon University Plasma Bioscience Research Center Cancer (in vitro) %71–%73
Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology Dermal applications; cancer (in vitro) %74–%88
Max Planck Institute Dermal applications; cancer (in vitro) %89–%91
McGill University Cancer (in vitro) %92,%93
Nagoya University Cancer (in vitro); anti-fungal; macular degeneration %94–%104
National Institute for Laser, Plasma, and Radiation Physics Cancer (in vitro) %105
Old Dominion University Fungal decontamination, cancer (in vitro) %106,%107
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Plasma Engineering Research Lab, Texas A&M Surface decontamination, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, wound %108–%117
treatment, cancer (in vitro)
Pohang University Melanoma %118,%119
Pusan National University Melanoma %120
Queen's University Belfast Centre for Plasma Physics Nosocomial infection prevention, biofilm eradication, cancer (in %121–%128
Shahid Beheshti University Melanoma %129
Umversite' d'Orleans Subcutaneous tumor treatement (murine model) %130–%134
University of Buffalo Melanoma %135,%136
University of Campinas Fibroblast modification %137
University of Iasi Dermal applications %138
University of Notre Dame Cancer (in vitro) %139
York Plasma Institute, University of York Cancer (in vitro) %140
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Table 2
A summary of the main plasma discharge methods
Author Manuscript
Dielectric barrier discharge Plasma discharges from an Exposes liquid to reactive species More complicated apparatus;
internal electrode through a more effectively than point/plane-to- higher power usage; lower
porous dielectric barrier and into plane approaches; can be continuous liquid flow
a gas/water mix flow; some scale-up potential
Surface-water point-to-plane Pointed electrode at high voltage Simpler system that does not require Plasma generated species
above solution with a grounded as much power as direct discharges; only have contact with the
plane electrode in solution easy to generate plasma; air as an surface of the solution;
electrode insulator difficult to scale
Direct discharge without feed Usually point-to-plane, with a Less complex system; feed gas or Joule heating required to
gas injection vapor layer (formed at a certain special electrodes not required; produce vapor around
voltage) coating electrode plasma-generated species have direct electrodes for discharge
contact with solution facilitation; heavy electrode
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Direct discharge with feed gas Usually point-to-plane with Bubbles enable better tuning of Extensive electrode wear;
injection special electrodes at high voltage chemistry via feed gas and enhance possible quenching of
that release gas to facilitate diffusion of plasma into solution; plasma from liquid
plasma Joule heating not required to induce
vapor around electrode; can be
modified into a continuous flow
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Table 3
Prevalent chemical reactions that occur during electrical discharge in aqueous solution
and corresponding rate constants
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Table 4
Summary of the various studies considering plasma-activated media solutions for cancer treatment, both in vitro and in vivo
Institute Year Cancer Cell Line Normal Cell Line Result Ref.
Joslin et al.
Normal brain astrocytes, Selective apoptosis (caspase 3/7), AKT kinase down-
2011 %95
human (ACBRI-371) regulation)
Glioblastoma, human (U251SP)
Normal fibroblasts, human Down-regulation of survival/proliferation signaling
2012 %96
(WI-38) networks, selectivity
2013 Ovarian cancer (paclitaxel/cisplatin resistant) N/A Anti-tumor effects demonstrated, in vitro and in vivo %98
Ovarian clear cell carcinoma (TOV21G, ES-2, Peritoneal mesothelial cells,
2014 CCC selective apoptosis %99
SKOV3) human
Nagoya University
Lung (A549), liver (HepG2), and breast (MCF-7) Media composition effects; apoptosis (mitochondrial
2015 N/A %100
cancer lines dysfunction)
Gastric cancer (NUGC4, CS-2-NU, MKN28, Normal fibroblasts, human
2015 Selective apoptosis (caspase 3/7); cell line effects %101
MKN45) (WI-38)
Normal pancreatic duct
Pancreatic cancer (PANC-1, Capan-2, BxPC-3, MIA Selective apoptosis (caspase 3/7, cell morphology); in
2015 epithelial cells, human %103
PaCa-2) vitro and in vivo
Leibniz Institute 2015 Melanoma (SK-Mel-147) N/A Cell migration and adhesion more affected than apoptosis %83
2014 Glioblastoma, human (U87) N/A FBS concentration and temperature storage effects %61
Glioblastoma (U87) and breast cancer (MDA- Potency based on cell line, optimized plasma treatment
2015 N/A %66
George Washington University MB-231, MCF-7) parameters, cysteine involvement
Glioblastoma (U87), pancreatic, and (PA-TU-8988T) Amino acid scavenging of ROS and implications on
2016 N/A %67
breast (MDA-MB-231) cancers potency and storage