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Impact of Ict in Smart Sustainable Cities

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• Introduction
– Arriving at a definition
– Motivation and goal
– How can cities be made sustainable?
– Focus Group on SSCs
• City ‘Dimensions’ and Attributes
– Environment and sustainability
– Services
• Data Management
• Smart Services
• Infrastructure
• Exercises
Motivation for Smart Sustainable
• Population Growth has been 1.2% pa
over the last 50 years
• In 2007 the number of people living in cities surpassed the
number of people living in rural areas
– Socio-economic development in urban areas is a factor leading to
migration to cities
• Studies have demonstrated that cities are accountable for
approximately 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions* as
well as 60-80% of global energy consumption**
What happens when a City is not Smart and
Infrastructure grows but is not well-connected,
resulting in
– traffic jams
– missed buses, trains and flights
– adverse impact on climate and city skyline
– Interoperability challenges
– Lack of coordinated response to disaster
– sources of information are not available
– shortages of supply occur
• Electricity, water and
– duplication of resources
– others
Specification for a Smart Sustainable City
• A Smart Sustainable City is a city that leverages the
ICT infrastructure in an adaptable, reliable,
scalable, accessible, secure, safe and resilient
manner in order to:
– Improve the Quality of Life of its Citizens
– Ensure tangible economic growth such as higher standards of living and employment
opportunities for its citizens.
– Improve the well-being of its citizens including medical care, welfare, physical safety and
– Establish an environmentally responsible and sustainable approach which "meets the
needs of today without sacrificing the needs of future generations".
– Streamline physical infrastructure based services such as transportation (mobility),
water, utilities (energy), telecommunications and manufacturing sectors.
– Reinforce prevention and handling functionality for natural and man-made disasters
including the ability to address the impacts of climate change.

Provide an effective and well balanced regulatory, compliance and governance
mechanisms with appropriate and equitable policies and processes in a standardized
What is the Main Goal of a SSC?
To enhance the quality of life of its citizens across
multiple, interrelated dimensions, including
– the provision and access to
• water resources
• energy
• transportation and mobility
• education
• environment
• waste management
• housing
• livelihoods (e.g. jobs)
….utilising ICTs as the
Challenges facing SSCs
• Urban migration
• Environmental degradation
• Climate change impacts
• Aging infrastructure
• Limited resources

ICTscan act as a platform to help overcome these challenges and take advantage of
emerging opportunities
City Dimensions and Attributes
Core Pillars of a Smart Sustainable City
City ‘Dimensions’
• Broadly speaking, there are three overarching
and closely interrelated ‘dimensions’ at the
core of a city:
– Environment and Sustainability
– City Level Services
– Quality of Life
Scope of “City Level Services” Dimension
Scope of “Quality of Life Dimension”

• Reflects on how citizens or inhabitants of a city perceive their

own sense of well-being
–Is migration to urban areas in search of better employment
and living conditions justified?
• The multidimensional nature of the Quality of Life
incorporates basic needs
–water, food, shelter, health, jobs (economy), safety and
security, education, culture, environment, social equity,
technology and innovation
Smart Services
Smart Energy
• Smart Energy Management Systems use
– sensors
– advanced meters
– digital controls
– analytic tools
• to automate, monitor, and control the
two-way flow of energy
Smart Buildings
•Smart building management systems with
up-to-date information can make intelligent
modifications to
– improve building energy efficiency
– reduce wastage
– make optimum usage of water
• Occupant satisfaction is increased
– for both new-build and existing buildings
through simple retrofit programs
Smart Transport
• Smart transportation management systems
– collect information about mobility patterns
• enabling city managers to check that existing
infrastructure is being used optimally
• improves the level of citizens' lifestyle in the
transportation of goods, services and people

• In addition, ICT can help to reduce the overall

need for transportation and travel by offering
virtual alternatives to physical movements
Smart Water #1
• Studies suggest that approximately
783 million people lack access to clean water
2.5 billion lack access to adequate sanitation
• The management of water systems is a growing
–utilizing, adopting and integrating advanced
information technology (IT) remains in the
developmental stage
–hence the Focus Group on Smart Water
Management was set up by ITUT/SG5 and had
its first meting in Dec 2013
Smart Water #2
Some key technologies under
studyin FG-SWM are
–Smart Pipes and Sensor Networks
–Smart Metering
–Communication Modems
–Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
–Cloud Computing
–Supervisory Control and Data Management (SCADA) –
Models, Optimization, and Decision-Support Tools –
Web-based Communication and Information System
Smart Waste
• The challenge:
–With the ever growing increase in
consumer goods, wastage has
increased exponentially
• The responses:
–Source reduction, proper identification of waste categories and development
of appropriate ways to re-use for the waste
–Smart Waste Management
•Implementing waste tracking systems to monitor and control the
movement of different kinds of waste
•Sorting of waste without the operator coming into contact with it
•Leveraging technology to collect and share data from source to
transportation to disposal of waste.
•Connecting various smart waste management systems with local waste
management service providers

Smart Physical Safety and Security

• The challenge
–Cities will continue to grow, resulting in
more and more anonymous threats
• The responses
–Existing security technology such as video
surveillance, video analytics, and biometrics will
remain the main focus of a city's security
–How to manage information flow and analyse
the data are the main areas for improvement in
the next generation of security*
Smart Healthcare
• The Objective
– To improve the productivity of the service provided at the
point of contact of patients
• The method
– Convert health related data into clinical and business
‘Progressive’ organizations and cities are working togetheron their
• healthcare data to enable secure communications and information
• Related Activity in this area
– ITU Focus Group to study Machine-to-Machine (FG-M2M)
communications was established under the management
of ITU-T Study Group 11 in February 2012
• A "gap analysis" for vertical market M2M service layer needs, initially
focusing on applications and services for the health-care market.
• Identification of a minimum common set of M2M service layer
requirements and capabilities, initially focusing on e-health
applications and services.

Smart Education #1

• Motivation
– In the long run, education may be the most important
smart city service of all, for adults as well as for
• The method
– The role of Schools and Universities is therefore a key
element to consider in the design of smart education
Smart Education #2
This Figure, adapted from Intel*, summarizes some of the key contributions of ICT
tools to education

Potential Impact of ICT on

ICT Infrastructure
ICT Infrastructure

• In the context of Smart Cities, ICT

Infrastructure is a very wide topic
and includes most aspects of ICT,
both hardware and software
• Smart City ICT infrastructure includes
– Network Infrastructure, Software Applications, Cloud Computing /
Data Platforms and Access Devices
• Communications related applications
– Building Management, Smart Grids, Physical Safety and Security,
Emergency Response, Traffic and
“Internet of Things (IoT)”
IoT can be viewed as a global infrastructure for the
information society, the technology that
connects not just humans with things but also
things with every other thing
–By 2020, 30 billion thingswill be inter-connected, with each
item having a
unique IP address
–Sensors or RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device) tags
will connect
thingsthrough the internet to a server (rather like your email
operates today
but without the human interfaces)
–Recommendation ITU-T Y.206058* provides an overview of
the concept

Source: ITU
Mobile Broadband

3 Module 1: ICT role & roadmap for smart sustainable

9 cities
Data Security
• Cities access a lot of information through the
ICT system
– Hence more knowledge but more vulnerability to
data security issues
– The more complex a system is, the higher is the
need for cities to protect the data

Important services requiring a high degree of
security include energy, transportation and
• Hackers can wreak havoc on these systems and people
using them become vulnerable
Response Mechanisms
A smart city should carry out risk assessment
with respect to its susceptibility to natural
disasters and should have strategies in place to deal
with situations to which it is highly susceptible
– Included are both human induced disasters as well as
resilience to natural disasters such as flooding, extreme
weather, as well as heat and water stress all linked to
climate change
• A smart city's disaster resiliencesolutions should cover
– observation systems, information gathering capabilities, data analysis and decision
making aids
– these components need to be matched with an intelligent and interoperable warning
system to enable cities to respond effectively
• Emergency/Disaster Response Mechanisms
– Depend heavily on the municipality's uses of ICT infrastructure, including
mobile networks, to efficiently receive, process, analyze and re-
distribute data, and mobilize various city services
– (Note. It is most important that these infrastructures are resilient if they are to be
useful in event of a disaster!)

• The end goal for a SSC is to achieve a sustainable

urban environment without sacrificing comfort and
convenience / quality of life of citizens through the
use of information and communication technologies
Thank You

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