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مذكرة الأستاذة ايمان السيد

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Mubarak Al – Kabeer Educational Area

The English Department

Grade 7 Second Term

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayed
H.O.D Ms. Badria Al- Muttari

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 1 -

Unit Seven
Journey to the Past

Words Part of Meaning Words Part of Meaning

Speech Speech
trade-d (V) ‫يتبجش‬ curiously (Adv) ‫ثفضىل‬
trading (N) ‫تجبسح‬ gladiator (N) ‫يذبسة‬
privileged (Adj) ‫ يًيض‬-‫رو ييضح‬ cheerfully (Adv) ‫ ثبثتهبج‬-‫ثفشح‬
rather (Adv) ‫ بذالمن‬-‫إلى حذ ما‬ chariot (N) ‫عربة ججرها الخيول‬
preserve (V) ‫يذفظ‬ take place – took (Ph V) ‫يذذث‬
realise-d (V) ‫يذسك‬ rule-d (V) ‫يذكى‬
endangered (Adj) ‫مهذد باالنقراض‬ cultural (Adj) ً‫ثقبف‬
cultivation (N) ‫ صساػخ‬-‫دصبد‬ instrument (N) ‫ آداح‬- ‫آنخ‬
restore-d (V) ‫يغتشجغ‬-‫يغتؼيذ‬ include-d (V) ‫ يشًم‬- ‫يتضًن‬
ancient (Adj) ‫قذيى‬ calligraphy (N) ‫فن انخظ‬

A) Choose the correct word from a, b , c and d:

1 – Salting and freezing are good ways to ………………food.
a) preserve b) rule c) include d) restore
2 – The Siberian Tiger is a / an ………………….. as they hunt it badly.
a) cultural b) endangered c) ancient d) privileged
3 – They the action film to find out its horrible end.
a) definitely b) gently c) cheerfully d) curiously
4 – The thermometer is an / a …………… which is used to measure temperature.
a) chariot b) gladiator c) cultivation d) instrument
B) Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

ancient – realise – cheerfully – cultivation – trading

1- The .......................... Egyptians built the pyramids 7000 years ago.

2- The young boy .......................................hugged his father as he gave him a nice gift.
3- South Africa is well-known for diamond .................................
4- Everybody should ……........…….. the real meaning of having a caring family.

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 2 -

Reading Comprehension
Read the following passage then answer the questions below:
UNESCO is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) based in Paris. It searches
for peace and security through international educational, scientific and cultural changes and
improvements .It tries to achieve this in order to increase the worldwide respect for justice ,
human rights and freedom. UNESCO has 195 member states and nine other
members. UNESCO tries to achieve its aims through five major programs:
education, natural sciences, social / human sciences, culture and communication
information. It has many projects. They include literacy, technical, teacher-training
programmes, international science programmes, media , freedom of the press, cultural
history projects, translations and the human rights.
UNESCO's main objective is to contribute to the building of peace, fighting
poverty, sustainable development and cultural dialogue through education, the sciences,
culture, communication and information". Other priorities of the organization include the best
quality Education For All and lifelong learning. It also concentrates on the culture of peace
and building common understanding through information and communication.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:
1- The most suitable title for this passage is ……………………………...
a) The UNESCO b) The UN
c) culture of peace d) fighting poverty
2- The underlined word "major" in the seventh line means…………………….
a) exciting b) effective
c) submissive d) important
3- The underlined word "They" in the eighth line refers to ………………………
a) improvements b) projects
c) programmes d) translations
4-The purpose of the writer in this passage is ....................................
a) to convience us with education. b) to focuss on the role of the UNISCO.
c) to show the educational programmes. d) to explain the projects of the UN.

B) Answer the following questions:

5-What are the main objectives of the UNESCO?
6-How many members does the UNESCO have?
7- How can the UNESCO support the culture of peace ?

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 3 -

The Past Simple Tense

- They walked to school yesterday. – He ate chicken last week.


Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs

(Verb + ed ) (Change Verbs)
play ---- played see ---- saw
cook ---- cooked go ---- went
dance ---- danced read --- read
carry ---- carried feed --- fed

Actions that started and finished in the past.

1- They walked to to school yesterday. Affirmative

- They didn't walk to school yesterday . Negative

2- He ate chicken last week. Affirmative

- He didn't eat chicken last week . Negative

Key words
Yesterday / last / ago / in the past

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Affirmative Negative

They walked yesterday. They didn't walk yesterday.

Regular Verbs

(Verb + ed ) didn't bare V

Irregular Verbs

(Change Verbs )

Yes / No Questions Wh. Questions

* Did you walk yesterday? * When did you walk?

* Yes, I did. * I walked yesterday.
* No, I didn't.

Did + S. + V + ...? Wh. + did + S. + V + ...?

EX. Do as shown in brackets:

1-We visited the museum yesterday. (Make negative)
2- My mother saw my friends at the shopping mall. (Make negative)
3-Ali bought a nice book last Monday. (Make a question)
4- The old man walked very slowly . (Make a question)
5-I went to the circus three times to have fun.

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The Past Continuous

(long action)

We were watching TV.

When Father came back .

(Short action)

(long action)

While he was painting a picture.

Father came back .

(Short action)

When past Simple past continuous.

past continuous when past Simple

While past continuous past simple.

Past simple while past continuous

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Affirmative Negative

Sara was cooking . Sara wasn't cooking.

They were playing. They weren't playing

was wasn't
Verb + ing verb + ing

were weren't


Yes / No Questions Wh. Questions

* Were you watching TV.? * What were you watching?

* Yes, I was. * I was watching TV.
* No, I wasn't.

* Was she watching TV.? * What was she watching?

* Yes, she was. * She was watching TV.

Was / Were + S. + V. ing + ...? Wh. + was / were + S. + V. ing + ...?

EX. Choose the correct answer :

When I got up this morning , my mother .............(was making – were making –
making ) our breakfast.While Dad ......... (were reading – was reading – is reading)

the newspaper, the telephone rang. When I finished having my shower, my little
brothers ............ (was sleeping – are sleeping – were sleeping ) . Everybody ................
(was doing – were doing – doing) different things at that time of the day.

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 7 -

EX. Do as shown between brackets:
1-We were visiting the USA when I saw them. (Make negative)
2-Maha was travelling to London. (Make negative)
3-Ali was meeting his cousin in the mosque. (Make a question)
4-While Maher (wash) his car , a tall man stole his wallet. (Correct the verb)

Used to + inf.
didn't use to + inf,

1- He used to play football , but now he plays tennis.

In the past infinitive

2-She used to ride a bicycle , but now she drives a car .

In the past infinitive

-I used to read books when I was young. Affirmative

- I didn't use to read books when I was young. Negative

* used to A habit in the past

+ inf. that stops or

*didn't use to changes now

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Affirmative Negative

* used to + inf. * didn't use to + inf.


Yes / No Questions Wh. Questions

* Did you use to read books ? * What did you use to read ?

* Yes, I did. * I used to read books.

* No, I didn't.

Did + S. + use to + inf. + ...? Wh. + did + S. + use to + inf. + ...?

EX. Choose the correct answer :

I .................. (use to - used to – am used to ) drink milk when I was young, but I
............... (didn't – don't – doesn't ) use to drink coffee. All children at the same age of mine
used .........( in – for – to ) have the same habit. Now, I .................... (drank – drinks – drink)
many other drinks .
EX. Do as shown between brackets:
1-Sara used to walk for a long time when she was nine. (Make a negative)
2- Ali used to watch action films. (Make a question)

EX.Complete the missing letters to make correct words:
1- There are many sources of the national economy r__ther than tra__ing .

2- C__ltural festivals are held to rest__re the old heritage of the country.

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 9 -


" Life in the past was different from life nowadays. " Plan and write a paragraph of
(8 sentences) about " Life in the past" .

These guide words and phrases may help you:

Homes – electricity –jobs –learn –food – technology


Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 10 -

Life in the past


Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 11 -

Unit Eight
The Work We Do

Words Part of Meaning Words Part of Meaning

Speech Speech
hard-working (Adj) ‫يجتهذ‬ public (N) ‫ على المأل‬-‫على العامة‬
rarely (Adv) ‫نبدسا‬ park ranger (N) ‫حارس حذيقة عامة‬
hidden (Adj) ‫يختفً – يختجأ‬ biologist (N) ‫عالم أحياء بحرية‬
dig up-dug up (Ph V) ‫يذفش‬ runway (N) ‫يهجظ انطبئشح‬
sow -ed (V) ‫يضسع – صسع‬ staff (N) ‫فشيق ػًم‬
value-ed (V) ‫يثمن‬-‫يقذر‬-‫يقيم‬ luggage (N) ‫دقبئت عفش‬
earn-ed (V) ‫يكغت يبال‬ passport (N) ‫جىاص عفش‬
queue-ed (V) ‫يصطف فً طبثىس‬ aisle (N) ‫يًش‬
perform-ed (V) ‫يؤدي ػًم‬ agent (N) ‫يضيف أسضي‬
behaviour (N) ‫عهىك‬ boarding pass (N) ‫بطاقة الصعود للطائرة‬

A) Choose the correct word from a, b , c and d:

1- Let's be ready for travelling and pack our ..............................
a) luggage b) passport c) aisle d) agent
2- They were searching for the …………....……treasure everywhere.
a) hidden b) ancient c) cultural d) hard-working
3- All the actors try to ………........… .well in the play to get the first award.
a) sow b) earn c) queue d) perform
4-Polite students conduct a good ............................ in class.
a) behaviour b) park ranger c) runway d) staff
B) Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

passport – public – rarely – value – dig up

1- In some areas, they ........................... wells to get water .

2- You can't travel abroad without having a ...............................
3- People should follow the rules in the ...……………..… places.
4- It is ............................ sunny in the South Pole.

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 12 -

Reading Comprehension
Read the following passage then answer the questions below:
Fortunately some air tragedies are ended up with happy endings. Once a pilot of a small
plane took off from an airport runway on a training flight. A strong wind blew and hit the
plane to the top of a tree. The two wheels of the plane were knocked off but the plane did
not crash. The pilot sent a radio message to the airport. He did not know how to land. The
airport controller telephoned the airport firemen and told them what to do. A fireman
borrowed a lorry that was waiting at the airport building to collect some goods.
The fireman had an idea which is to let the pilot try to land on the top of the lorry. He
drove the lorry quickly along the runway and the pilot flew down to land. Luckily, he
managed to land on the lorry. Part of the lorry was damaged and the tail of the plane was
broken , but nobody was injured. The pilot was grateful to the fireman. He gladly agreed to
pay for the damage to the lorry driver.

A) Choose the correct word from a, b , c and d:

1-The underlined pronoun " them " in line 5 refers to ................................

a) the controlers b) the firemen c) the drivers d) the pilots
2. The word " goods " in line 6 means .................................
a) items to be moved b) households c) clothing items d) silverware
3. The main idea of the 2nd paragraph is ......................................
a) an airport building b) a radio message c) a training flight d) an unusual adventure
4. In this story, the writer tries to ...................................................
a) show trainings on air crashes b) focus on the importance of team work
c) entertain the readers d) recommend self learning and experience
B) Answer the following questions:
5.How did the fireman help the pilot?
…………………………………….............................…………………………………… .
6. What happened to the plane?
7. Why was it a lucky landing?

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 13 -


Must +V1

Obligation Strong Advice

-You must fasten your seat belt. –You must see a doctor.
(You are allowed to do) ( You are strongly adviced to do)
(Rules – laws )

Mustn't +V1

Obligation Strong Advice

-You mustn't smoke in public places. –You mustn't shout at others.
(You are not allowed to do) ( You are strongly adviced not to do)

Complete the following sentences with must – mustn't:

1. It's late. You .......................... make so much noise.

2. We .......................... be home by 9 o'clock. The film starts at 9:15.
3. I .................. finish this project today. It has to be handed in by tomorrow.
4. Passengers ............................ talk to the driver while the bus is in motion.
5. This is a dangerous tour. Children ............................... be there with adults.
6. People .............................. use cameras in military areas.
7. We ........................ do more exercise to stay fit.
8. There ........................... be something wrong with the engine of this car.
9. We .............................. give up when we are in trouble.
10.This was a nice evening. We .......................... meet again.
EX. Choose the correct answer:
People ................... ( must - mustn't – won't ) follow the rules in public places. For
example, drivers .................. ( must – mustn't – will ) stop their cars if the traffic signal is red.
At the same time, they ................ (must– can't – mustn't) talk on their mobile phones while

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 14 -


Affirmative Negative
-I have to get up early to go to school. -I don't have to cook . I'm still young.
Don't have to + base V1 (Present)
I-You-We-They + have to + V1

-Sara has to visit Mona who is sick. -Sara doesn't have to work alone.
Doesn't have to + base V1 (Present)
She-He-It + has to + V1

-We had to help at home yesterday. -We didn't have to be alone yesterday.
Didn't have to + base V1 (Past)
I-You-We-They-She-He-It + had to

Strong obligation, when the obligation comes from someone else.

EX. Change into negative:

1-We have to wear jeans at school.

2-Asmaa has to speak French in London.
3- I had to spend my last holiday working .

Complete the missing letters to make correct words:

1-People should have good behav__our when they are in p__blic places.

2-This st__ff of divers and b__ologists is working in the marine field.

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 15 -

EX. Choose the correct answer:

Students................... ( has to - have to - had to) wear their school uniforms. My little

sister .................. ( has to - have to - had to) stay at home with my mother. She is still

young , so she ................ (don't have to - doesn't have to - didn't have to ) go to school every

morning. All of us ....................... (don't have to - doesn't have to - didn't have to ) to go to

work on Friday because it is a public holiday. Last weekend , I ................ ( has to - have to

- had to) be with my family celebrating my elder brother's graduation.

EX. Complete the following sentences with :

( have to- don't have to -has to - doesn't have to -had to – did n't have to ):

1. When you make pizza, you ................................ have some pizza sauce.

2. The secretary ............................... know how to type.

3. A person ..................................... smoke cigarettes to stay alive.

4. People ................................. drink water to stay alive.

5. We .............................. to shout at the others.

6. Khadija ..................................... meet her friends last weekend as she was busy.

EX. Make questions:

1- I have to stay up late to send many emails.


2- Sofia has to practise well three times a week.


3-We had to revise Science yesterday.


Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 16 -


" Every job has its own responsibilities " Plan and write a paragraph of (8 sentences ) about
" An animal trainer" and the things he has to do / doesn't have to do .

These guide words and phrases may help you:

Patient - police - physically strong - computer - office - different


Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 17 -

An animal trainer


Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 18 -

Unit Nine
Jobs and Personality

Word Part of Meaning

Word Part of Meaning
profile (N) ً‫يهف شخص‬
Noble Prize (N) ‫جبئضح نىثم‬
composer (N) ‫ يهذن‬-‫يؤنف‬
contribute-d (V) ‫يغبهى‬
generous (Adj) ‫كشيى‬
Faculty (N) ‫كهيخ‬
imaginative (Adj) ً‫خيبن‬
Voyage (N) ‫سدهخ‬
selfish (Adj) ً‫أنبن‬
Theory (N) ‫نظشيخ‬
organise-d (V) ‫ينظى‬
Citizen (N) ‫يىاطن‬
cabinet (N) ‫خضانخ‬
admire-d (V) ‫يؼجت ة‬
regularly (Adv) ‫ثبنتظبو‬
achievement (N) ‫انجبص‬
sweep-swept (V) ‫ كنظ‬-‫يكنظ‬
Quote (N) ‫قىل يأثىس‬
laundry (N) ‫انغغيم‬
A) Choose the correct word from a, b , c and d :

1- My younger sister wants to be a music ..................... as she likes playing the piano.
a) profile b) composer c) cabinet d) laundry
2-It is really kind and .............................. to share things with the others.
a) generous b) imaginative c) selfish d) hidden
3- Young children always have a dream to join the .................................. of Medicine.
a) citizen b) faculty c) quote d) cabinet
4- There are many complicated .......................... in Maths.
a) theories b) faculties c) citizens d) quotes
B) Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

selfish – organise – voyages – achievement - regularly

1- Doing your work the best way to success.

2-You should make a plan and .........................your ideas before writing.
3-Always avoid being ……………………! It is a bad habit.
4-Ibn Battota was known for his long travels and sea ...........................

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 19 -

Reading Comprehension
Read the following passage then answer the questions below:
Morals and values are vital to create an amazing character. Manners too are of great
importance as they help us know what we are supposed to do or what we are not supposed to
do . People are classified into two types according to their manners. They are either well-
mannered or ill - mannered. We say that a person has good manners if he or she behaves
politely, helpfully and kindly to others.
Undoubtedly , a great deal of examples are given to children to be followed in order to
be well mannered. Parents always advise them never laugh at people when they are in
trouble. Instead, they should try to help them. When people are waiting for a bus, or in a
post office, they should take turns. Children shouldn't push to the front. They must say
'please or excuse me ' when making a request and 'thank you or God Bless you ' when they
receive something. They must stand up when speaking to the elderly. They are not allowed
to interrupt other people when they are talking. They mustn't speak with mouth full of food.
A) Choose the correct word from a, b , c and d:
1- The word " them " in line 7 refers to ............................. .
a) parents b) children c) people d) manners
2- The word "Manners" in line 1 means ..................................... .
a) behaviours b) characters c) belongings d) examples
3-The main idea of the 1st paragraph is ........................................
a) bad manners b) good manners c) types of manners d) elder people
4- The writer in this passage tries to ................................
a) focus on the importance of manners b) show how to behave badly
c) express his personal experience d) recommend solutions to a problem
B) Answer the following questions:

5) Why are manners important?

6) What should you say when you have a request?
7) How do people describe the well mannered?

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 20 -



1- Should + V1 shouldn't + V1
-You should eat healthy food. –You shouldn't eat too much.

2- Why don't you + V1

-Why don't you join a club?

EX. Match the statements to the advice.

1. I've got a headache. A. You should do some exercise.
2. I'm cold. B. He shouldn't stay up so late.
3. The game starts at three o'clock. C.You should stay in bed.
4. He's always tired in the morning. D. You should put on a jumper.
5. I don't feel well. E. We should leave at two-thirty.
6. I want to lose weight. F. You shouldn't sit so close to the TV.

EX. Complete the following sentences with " should - shouldn't ":

1. It's cold. You ........................... wear a heavy coat.

2. She's always tired. She ........................... go to bed late every night.
3. .......................... we leave now?
4. You ......................... eat some fruit or vegetables every day.
5. The students ........................... use their mobile phones in the exam.
6. You ........................... ask the teacher to help you if you don't understand the lesson.
7. People ............................. drive fast in the town centre.
8. ........................ I buy the dress or the skirt?
EX. Choose the correct answer:
Mothers ................... ( should - shouldn't - don't have to ) be patient when dealing with
children. They .................. ( must - should - shouldn't ) shout at their faces if they commit
mistakes, but they................ ( should - shouldn't - had to ) always advise and guide them
to learn how to perfectly deal with their problems .

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 21 -

Adverbs describe the actions or the verbs
( Adjectives + ly = Adverbs )

* Add (- ly ) to most adjectives to form adverbs.

slow slowly
quick quickly N. or Adj. Adverb
Example: Nice Nicely
1- Asma is a slow runner. She runs slowly. Careful Carefully
Happy Happily
* Remove the (y) and add (ily) to Simple Simply
the Adj. with letters like p , t , s + y. Full Fully
noisy noisily True Truly
happy happily
Friend Friendly
1- Ayman lives a happy life. He lives happily. Fast Fast
Hard Hard
* Irregular Adjectives Good Well
* good well - Doha is a hard worker. She works hard.
* hard hard - Maha is a good pupil. She studies her lessons well.
* fast fast - Ali is a fast runner. He can run fast.

EX. Complete the following sentences with the suitable adverbs: :

1- Salma is a good reader . She can read ……………………..
2- Dana is a fast swimmer. She swims ……………………….
3- We are a happy family. We always live ……………………
5- Ali has a quick way to do things. He does everything ………............
6- The workaholics do their best and work achieve their goals.
7- Good people always behave ............................................ in situations.
8- Don't drive your car ............................................... in the crowded areas.
9- The baby walks ......................................
10-Careful drivers drive their cars ........................................

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EX. Complete the following sentences (Adjectives or adverbs):
1. The bus driver was ................................... injured. (serious)
2. Ali is .................................... clever. (extreme)
3. This hamburger tastes ................................ (awful)
4. Be .................................. with this glass of milk. It's hot. (careful)
5. Jassim looks .............................. What's the matter with him? (sad)
6. Dana is .................................. upset about losing her keys. (terrible)
7. This pizza smells ............................ (good)
8. Our basketball team played ................................. last Friday. (bad)
9. Don't speak so ............................. I can't understand you. (fast)
10. My mother ................................. opened her present. (slow)
EX. Choose the correct answer :
In the jungle , there are different animals. The tortoise is very slow. It walks ...............
(slowly – slow – slower ) , but the lion and the tiger are very strong. They try to catch the
other small animals ............................. (violently – violent – more violent ) . The birds there
can sing .................................. ( beautiful – less beautiful – beautifully)
EX. Make questions :
1-The old man walks slowly.
2-The little boys can run fast.
3-I cook salty dishes perfectly.

Complete the missing letters to make correct words:

1-Imag __native ideas always lead to great achi__vements. .

2-They org__nise an activity to encourage people to do sports reg__larly.

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 23 -


"Peole can get prizes for their great achievements. " Plan and write a paragraph of ( 8
sentences) about " The Noble prize" .

These guide words and phrases may help you:

great minds - achievements - inventions - contribute - society - respect


Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 24 -

The Noble Prize


Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 25 -

Unit Ten
Travels and Exploration

Word Part of Meaning Word Part of Meaning

speech speech
silver (N) ‫فضخ‬ neatly (Adv) ‫ثتشتيت‬
ambitious (Adj) ‫طًىح‬ create-d (V) ‫يخهق‬
repair-ed (V) ‫يصهخ‬ brilliant (Adj) ‫و‬
engine (N) ‫يذشك – يىتىس‬ mausoleum (N) ‫ضشيخ‬
submarine (N) ‫غىاصخ‬ concert (N) ‫فشقخ يىعيقيخ‬
quality (N) ‫جىدح‬ population (N) ‫انكثبفخ انغكبنيخ‬
issue (N) ‫يىضىع‬ impatiently (Adv) ‫ثفبسؽ انصجش‬
film-ed (V) ‫يصىس فيهى‬ seagull (N) ‫نىسط‬
facinated (Adj) ‫ينجهش‬

A) Choose the correct word from a, b, c and d:

1- The car .............................. suddenly broke down on the way to the company.
a) silver b) engine c) mausoleum d) concert
2- Bethhooven used to .......................special pieces of music.
a) repair b) film c) create d) issue
3- She is totally .................... by her elder sister who was a tallanted fashion designer.
a) ambitious b) brilliant c) facinated d) selfish
4- China is a big country with a great ...................................
a) population b) seagull c) quality d) submarine
5- The children .................jumped over their father to see their presents.
a) impatiently b) neatly c) rarely d) regularly

B) Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

neatly - Seagull – repair – brilliant - quality

1- During sales, we can buy things in a good price and …………………........

2-Why don't you go to the mechanic to.................................your old car.
3-You should think of a ………………...… idea to improve your reading skill.
4-.……………….. are beautiful white sea animals with long legs.

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 26 -

Reading Comprehension
Read the following passage then answer the questions below:
Although not the longest river in America, the Rio Grande is one of the most
important. But, unlike other rivers, it is not used for shipping. In fact, what makes the Rio
Grande so important is its location. Since 1846, it has been the official border of Texas and
Mexico. It is either the fourth or fifth longest river system in North America. The river starts
in Colorado and extends downward to the Gulf of Mexico. Its name is Spanish that means
the “Big River,” but the Rio Grande is actually known as Rio Bravo in Mexico. “Bravo”
translates as “furious,” . The name makes sense . Because of its twists and turns, it certainly
seems to be angrier than most rivers!
The Rio Grande today is mostly used as a source of drinking water for Texans and
Mexicans. More important, it is a symbol of cooperation between the two nations. Although
the Rio Grande separates their borders , it is therefore a symbol of friendship and peace
between two peoples.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:
1-According to the passage, the purpose of the writer is to .....................................
a) show the importance of the Rio Grande for drinking most of the United States.
b) focus on the Rio Grande as the border of Texas and Mexico.
c) tell us about the longest river system in the United States.
d) emphasise the Rio Grande as a river known by two different names.
2) The underlined pronoun "it" in line (2) refers to .................................
a) Colorado b) the Rio Grande
c) Mexico d) Texas
3) The underlined word " furious " in line (7) means ......................................
a) angry b) dry
c) large d) narrow
4) The main idea of the 1 paragraph is .......................................
a) Texans and Mexicans b) a symbol of friendship
c) a unique river d) the Rio Grande location
B) Answer the following questions
5) How is the Rio Grande used today?
6) What makes the Rio Grande so important ?
7) Why is the Rio Grande unlike other rivers?

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 27 -

Relative clauses

This is the boy who / that swims well. This is the dog which / that I like.


This is the school which was built in 2000.

(as a building)

A holiday is the time when we enjoy.

This is the school where we learn.

(as a place)

EX. Complete the following with : (Who – which – when – where)

1. I am looking for someone ......................... can watch my cat while I go on vacation.

2. The police needed details ....................... could help identify the robber.
3. I’d like to take you to a café ....................... serves excellent coffee.
4. The person ........................ always gives and shares the others is not selfish.
5. I saw the shoes ....................... you bought last week on sale for less this week.
6. Those are the winners .......................... will receive money and other prizes.
7. This is the hospital ............................. was built in 2005.
8. This is the hospital .......................... my uncle works.

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 28 -

EX. Join the following sentences:

1.The cyclist won the race . He trained hard.


2. I bought a book yesterday . It is very interesting.


3.The team leaders scored the goals. They will be at tomorrow’s meeting.


4.We eat Spagetti. It is one of my family’s favorite meals.


5.It is Friday. We have a holiday on Friday.


6.This is the house . We live in this house.


7.This is the house . My father bought last year.


EX. Choose the correct answer from a , b ,c and d:

July and August are the months . .......................(which - when - where ) students are

free of their studies. They can join a summer club ........................... (which - when - where )

are made to meet new people ................................... (who - when - where ) can help them

exchange experiences . Such summer clubs are considered wonderful places ..................

(which - when - where ) those students can share enjoyable moments with the others.

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 29 -

Prepositions of place

EX. Choose the correct answer from a , b ,c and d:

In my class, the board is always ............... ( on - in front of - above ) the Students. I

sit ............... ( under - between - next to ) Mona , but my friend Sara is sitting ........................

( between - above - behind ) Maha and Dana. We all work hard and help each other

Prepositions of time

in On At By
- the morning - on Sunday -10:00 a.m - by 6:00
- the after noon - on Friday - 6:00 p.m (before 6:00)
- the evening (days) -7:30
(day's times)
- in February - on December 1st - at 10 o'clock -car / bus
(months) - on May 3 - at half past six -plane / taxi
-in 2000 (date) - at aquarter to five (transports)

EX. Choose the correct answer from a , b ,c and d:

I have a special daily routine. I always get up early ............... ( on - in - at ) 6:00

............... ( in - by - on) the morning. I join my friend Mona to go to school together

.................. ( in - by - on) bus. We study many subjects ............ ( in - by - at) school.

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 30 -


1- Yes / No Questions:
 Yes, there are books in the bag.

Are there books in the bag? Helping / Modal Verbs:

(am – is – are –
 No , the boy was not reading the story. was – were –)
(have – has – had)
Was the boy reading the story? (can – could –
will –would –
 Yes, I swim well in the swimming pool. shall – should –
may -might – must )
Do you swim well in the swimming pool?

 Yes, Ali wants to be a teacher of English.

Does Ali want to be a teacher of English?

 Yes, Ali played football well.

Helping / Modal V. + S + V ......... ?
Did Ali play football well.

 No, We did n't visit Dubai.

Did you visit Dubai?

Ex. Make ( Yes / No )questions:

1-They like soccer. ..................................................................................
2- He was born in this town. ..................................................................................
3-They are nice. .................................................................................
4-They went to the swimming pool. .................................................................................
5-She wastes her money on jewelery. .................................................................................
6-He decided to study German. .................................................................................
7- They should revise their lessons. ................................................................................

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 31 -

2- Wh. Questions:

1- Maha was reading a book.

What was Maha reading?

2- Sara will play in the garden.

Where will Sara play?

3- We go to school to learn.

Why do you go to school?

4- Salma goe s to school by bus .

How does Salma go to school?

5-Ali washed the car yesterday.

When did Ali wash the car?

6-Maha cooks delicious food.

Who cooks delicious food.

Wh + Helping / Modal V. + S + ......... ?

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 32 -

7- This dress is 50 KD.

How much is this dress?

8- I drink three litres of water every day.

How much water do you drink every day?

How many litres of water do you drink every day?

EX. Make Questions:

1- Salim bought three T. shirts yesterday.
2- There are five rooms in my house.
3- This car costs 12000 KD.
4- My brother travels to London to study.
5- Dana added little sugar in her tea.
6-We were studying English at 10:00 yesterday.
7-Salma was playing computer games.
8-Sara can go shopping at the weekend.
9-I finished my homework at 6 o'clock.
10-Sami saves money in the bank.

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 33 -

Complete the missing letters to make correct words:
1- This submar__ne needs a strong __ngine to work perfectly .

2- The silv__r ring which I bought is of a good qualit__ .


" Al-Khiran Resort is a wonderful place to visit." Plan and write a paragraph of (8 sentences
) about "Al- Khiran Resort "

These guide words and phrases may help you:

family – collect shells – seagull – friends – facinated - enjoy


Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 34 -

Al-Khiran Resort


Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 35 -

Unit Eleven
Energy and recycling

Word Part of Meaning Word Part of Meaning

speech speech
vally (N) ‫وادي‬ pollution (N) ‫تهىث‬
steep (AdJ) ‫ينذذس‬ gadget (N) ‫أداح‬-‫جهبص‬
cautiously (Adv) ‫ثذزس‬ container (N) ‫وػبء‬
mayor (N) ‫ػًذح‬ several (Adj) ‫ػذيذ‬
pump (N) ‫يضخخ‬ renewable (Adj) ‫يتجذد‬
operate-d (V) ‫يشغم‬ Coal (N) ‫فذى‬
attach-ed (V) ‫يشفق‬ Tiny (Adj) ‫صغيش جذا‬
flow up (Ph V) ‫ينهًش‬ deposit (N) ‫ساعت‬
recycle (V) ‫يؼيذ تصنيغ‬ solar (Adj) ‫شًغي‬
impact (N) ‫تأثيش‬ powerfully (Adv) ‫ثقىح‬
reduce-d (V) ‫يقهم‬ windmill (N) ‫طبدىنخ هىاء‬

A) Choose the correct word from a, b , c and d:

1- Parents' behaviour has a great ………………..on children's life.
a) vally b) mayor c) pump d) impact
2- Solar power is a ……………….source of the unlimited natural sources of energy.
a) steep b) several c) renewable d) tiny
3- Volcanos can erupt violently and destroy buildings around.
a) powerfully b) cautiously c) impatiently d) neatly
4- To save energy ,we should ... ……….. the amount of paper or plastic we use daily
a) attach b) operate c) pump d) reduce

B) Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

tiny – container – gadget – recycle - cautiously

1- Firemen are ………….....……... trying to save the family in the building on fire..
2- Scientists invented a very ........................... robot that can be put in the human body.
3- Don't throw your old .................................. if they don't function well.
4- We should .............................. the old newspapers , plastic botlles and paper bags.

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 36 -

Reading Comprehension
Read the following passage then answer the questions below:

A material is what something is made of. There are 5 basic materials. They are metal,
glass, wood, cloth and plastic. There are some other materials. But they are not widely used.
Metal is very heavy, hard and strong. We use it to make forks , knives, keys and cars. Glass
is very smooth. It is not as heavy as metal. It is hard. But it is not strong. It breaks very
easily! We use it to make windows and glasses because it is clear and we can see through it.

Wood is lighter than metal and glass. It is not as strong as metal. But it is much stronger
than glass. We use wood to make chairs, tables and pencils. Cloth is very light. It is much
lighter than wood. And it is very soft. It is used to make clothing and blankets. Now , let’s
talk about plastic. Plastic is also very light. But it is different from cloth. Sometimes it is
soft.Sometimes it is hard. Plastic can be used to make thin plastic bags and bicycle helmets.

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:

1- The main idea of the 2nd paragraph is .....................................
a) chairs are made of wood. b) cloth is used for balankets.
c) plastic is important. d) wood, cloth and plastic.
2- The underlined pronoun "they" in line ( 2) refers to ...............................
a) wood and glass b) the 5 basic materials
c) the other materials d) plastic and cloth
3- The underlined word " helmets " in line (10 ) means ..........................
a) a covering for the face b) strong metal gloves
c) a protective gear for the head d) very long sleves
4- The purpose of the writer in this passage is ...............................
a) tell us about using cloth to make things. b) show the importance of wood.
c) focus on the five basic materials. d) concentrate on windows and glasses.

B) Answer the following questions:

5- What is metal used for?

6- Why are windows made of glass?
7- How is wood different from metal and glass?

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 37 -

The present simle passive

1- Hani plays football every day. (Active)

S V O (sing.)

-Football is played by Hani every day. (Passive)

O (is + P.P ) by S

2- The scientist does experiements in the lab. (Active)


-Experiements are done by the scientist in the lab. (Passive)

O (are + P.P) by S


Active Passive

S+ V+O+C O + is / are + by + S + C

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 38 -

EX. Choose the correct answer :
Every thing .................. (does - is done –are done ) in a good way at home . The dishes
................ (is cleaned – are cleaned - cleaned ) well . Food .........( are cooked – is cooked-
cooks ) and served nicely. The babies .................... ( fed –are fed – is fed) with some
delicious food.
EX. Change the following sentences into passive:
1- Mr. Ali runs a business in a well-known company.
2- I recite the Holy Quraan every day.
3- My mother folds the blankets to tidy our rooms.
4-This job requires lots of duties and effort .
8- Mirrors reflect the sun rays .

The past simle passive


1- My mother baked a delicious cake for us. (Active)

S V O (sing.) C

* A delicious cake was baked by my mother for us. (Passive)


2- I bought some new clothes for the kids. (Active)

S V O (Pl.) C

* Some new clothes were bought for the kids. (Passive)


O + is / are + by + S + C

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 39 -

EX. Choose the correct answer :
Every thing .................. (does - is done –are done ) in a good way at home . The dishes
................ (is cleaned – are cleaned - cleaned ) well . Food .........( are cooked – is cooked-
cooks ) and served nicely. The babies .................... ( fed –are fed – is fed) with some
delicious food.
EX. Change into passive:
1- They built some new buildings for the people in this area. .
2- Dr. Ali carried out many successful operations.
3- I sent a message to my friend yesterday.
4- Aisha chopped the fresh vegetables to make green salad.
5- They rewarded the leaders of the teams in the celebration.

Question Tags
1. Sara is dancing, isn't she.

2. Salim isn't at home, is he?

3. The cat was playing, wasn't it?

4. The old man wasn't walking quickly, was he?

5. We are with you, aren't we?

6. My friends were at school yesterday, weren't they?

7. The elephant can lift heavy things, can't it?

8. We will come tomorrow , won't we?

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 40 -

- It is a short question.
- At the end of a sentence.

- Positive Negative
- Nouns Pronouns
EX. Add tag questions:
1-Salim is a funny boy, ……………………….?

2- Your brother isn't coming tonight, ……………………… ?

3- Fatma was speaking English and French, ………………..…………..?

4- You were in the club yesterday evening , ……………………...… ?

5- Hassan and Ali weren't excited with the new game , ……………………. ?

6- We are shifting to a new house, ……………………………... ?

7- Our teacher will be at school tomorrow , ……………………..?

8- We can find out the answers , …………………?

9- Kuwait is a very modern country, …………………?

10-Salim and Ali won't be late for the meeting , ……………………..?

Complete the missing letters to make correct words:

1- Oil and co__l are nonrene__able sources of energy.

2- Try to o__erate this complicated gadget c__utiously.

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 41 -

Be going to

*I am going to study medicine in London this year.

* Mother is going to meet her friends tonight.

* The doctors are going to work hard preparing for the next surgery.

(be)going to+inf. plans decided before the moment of speaking.

Going to future expresses a conclusion regarding the immediate future or an action in the near
future that has already been planned or prepared.

Positive Negative question

I I am going to speak. I am not going to speak. Am I going to speak?

you / we / they You are going to speak. You are not going to speak. Are you going to speak?

he / she / it He is going to speak. He is not going to speak. Is he going to speak?

EX. Complete the following with the correct form of " going to "

1. I ...................... (fly) by plane tomorrow.

2. W hat time ............................. ( the train / leave ) this evening?
3. ( you/travel ) ........................ to Paris tomorrow?
4. I .................................. (go ) to the cinema tonight.
5. They .................................. (have ) breakfast at 07.30
6. We ............................ (go out ) this weekend.
7. What time ..................................... (they/start ) work?
8. The library ....................................... (open ) at 8.30
9. The parents ................................ (have ) a meeting on Saturday.

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 42 -


"Energy is vital to survive in our life. " Plan and write a paragraph of ( 8 sentences ) about
" Energy " .

These guide words and phrases may help you:

sources – renewable –solar - non-renewable – oil – save


Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 43 -



Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 44 -

Unit Twelve
Predicting the Future

Word Part of Meaning Word Part of Meaning

speech speech
prominent (Adj) ‫هبو‬-‫ثبسص‬ polar (Adj) ً‫قطج‬
publication (N) ‫منشورات‬-‫نشر‬ ice cap (N) ‫قًخ جهيذيخ‬
calendar (N) ‫تقىيى‬-‫سصنبيخ‬ coast (N) ‫عبدم‬
honour (V) ‫يكشو‬ enormous (Adj) ‫ضخى‬-‫هبئم‬
reward-ed (V) ‫يكبفئ‬ rise (V) ‫تشتفغ‬
idiom (N) ‫يصطهخ‬ homeless (Adj) ‫ثال يبوي‬
heavily (Adv) ‫ثغضاسح‬-‫ثشذح‬ download (V) ‫يحمل من النث‬
recall-ed (V) ‫يسحرد‬-‫يسحذعى‬
degree (N) ‫دسجخ‬
prediction (N) ‫تىقغ‬-‫تنجؤ‬ disaster (N) ‫كبسثخ‬
forecast (N) ‫اننششح انجىيخ‬ hurricane (N) ‫اػصبس‬
environmental (Adj) ً‫ثيئ‬

A) Choose the correct word from a, b , c and d:

1- You can surf the net if you want to ………….. some pictures for your project.
a) recall b) download c) rise d) honour
2- Nowadays, women play a ……………….role in all the fields in our society.
a) prominent b) homeless c) polar d) environmental
3- A volcano is a natural .............................which can't be stopped by people.
a) hurricane b) disaster c) icecap d) degree
4- Before the ....................of books, people used to record their history on the stone.
a) predicton b) idiom c) calendar d) publication

B) Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

rewarded - enormous – forecast – heavily – coast

1-It was rainning ...............................this morning.

2-In the evening ..............................., they always tell us about tomorrow's weather.
3-They waste an / a ................................... amount of food daily.
4-The policemen ............................. the man who helped to arrest the criminal.

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 45 -

Reading Comprehension
Read the following passage then answer the questions below:
A robot is a special kind of machine that moves and follows the instructions that come
from a computer. That is why it neither makes mistakes nor gets tired. It never complains.
Some robots can help make cars in factories. Some other are used to explore dangerous
places such as volcanoes. They can help women do all the housework. Also , they can be
used to o answer telephone calls. Long ago, over 2,000 years ago, a famous poet called
Homer imagined robots. His robots were made of gold.They cleaned things and they made
things. Nobody was able to make a real robot.
The first real robot was made in 1961. It was called Unimate. It was used to help make
cars. It looked like a giant arm. Today , it is used everywhere. In the future, we will have
even more robots. They will do difficult and dangeroud things that we can’t do. Robots will
help us fight fires , fight wars , fight sickness and do all the tasks that we don't or can't do.

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:

1- The main idea of the 2nd paragraph is ...................................
a) robots in the past b) robots nowadays
c) robots in the future d) robots through ages
2- The underlined pronoun " They" in line (4) refers to ...................................
a) women b) robots
c) instructions d) places
3- The underlined word " explore " in line (3) means .............................
a) get out b) clean up
c) blew up d) find out
4- In this passage , the purpose of the writer is to ...................................
a) focus on the places where robots work b) show how life is better with robots
c) tell us how useless robots are d) entertain us with robots stories

B) Answer the following questions

5- Why will people need robots in the future?
6- How do roborts work?
7- What do robots do ?

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 46 -

Certainty and Possibility in the Future

o I got the passport. I will travel to London tomorrow.

Sure / certain

o Many regions could become deserts.


o Sara could come with us to Al- Khiran. She finished her project.

Will / won't
+ Could / couldn't May/ may not
V1 + +
V1 V1

(certainty / uncertainty) (Possibility) (Possiblity)

EX. Choose the correct answer :

Tomorrow , we ....................... travel (will – could – may) to Bahrain with my father

on business . We ................... ( couldn't – won't – may not ) go by car because my father

can't drive for long distances. My mother .............. (may – will - could ) visit her old friend

whom she missed so much . I don't know if my father .................. (could – may – will ) take

us in a tour in the place as he is really busy.

Complete the missing letters to make correct words:

1- Oil and co__l are nonrene__able sources of energy.

2- Try to o__erate this complicated gadget c__utiously.

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 47 -


"Life in the future will be different." Plan and write a paragraph of ( 8 sentences ) about
" Life in the future " .

These guide words and phrases may help you:

memories - live - weather - schools - technology - better


Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 48 -

Life in the future


Best Wishes

Prepared By: Mrs. Eman Sayyed Page - 49 -

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