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Quarterly Examination

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Cong. Ding Tanjuatco Street

Tanay, Rizal, Philippines
S.Y. 2021-2022



A. Read the statement carefully. Write (C) if the statement describes a harmful effect of household
materials. Write (X) if the statement does not describe a bad effect.

_______1. Clean used glass, plastic, and metal containers so that you can reuse them for storage of different
things at home.
_______2. Buy more household cleaners and disinfectants on sale.
_______3. Old people are the only one who is responsible for the proper disposal of wastes to protect and
conserve the environment.
_______4. Wear proper protection equipment when using harmful materials.
_______5. Inhaling a harmful substance.

B. Read the statement carefully. Choose the best answer.

1. It is the process of breaking down the food into soluble substances that can be absorb by the body.
a. Digestion b. Chewing c. Absorption

2. What internal organ is known as the “storage” or “holding organ” of the digestive system?
a. Small Intestine b. Esophagus c. Stomach

3. What creamy substance is continuously churns the mixture of food?

a. Gastric Juice b. Chyme c. Slime

4. What is the largest internal organ of the body?

a. Liver b. Skin c. Kidney

5. What is the hard outer covering of the bone?

a. Compact bone b. Spongy bone c. Collagen

C. Identify the internal organs that perform each of the following functions (2 pts each)

1. Digestion of food

2. It controls heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure and involuntary movements

3. Separating waste materials from the blood

4. Provide a place for gas exchange

5. It helps control the movement of our body

D. Read each sentence carefully and choose the best answer from the provided given.

Cerebrum Alveoli Deoxygenated Blood

Carbon Dioxide Left Atrium Tendon

Oxygenated Blood Bones Nephrons

Defecation Large Intestine Gastric Juices

______________1. It is where the lungs and the blood exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.

______________2. It protects the internal organs of the body.

______________3. It is one of the four chambers of the heart. This receives blood full of oxygen from the

______________4. The excretion of feces or stool in the body.

______________5. It works as cleaners by filtering approximately 2,000 liters of blood each day.

______________6. It controls the voluntary movements of your muscles and perform other mental activities.

______________7. It is located at each end of a muscle and attaches muscle to bone.

______________8. The liquid that the stomach secretes.

______________9. It is the blood that came from the lungs and enters the left atrium.

______________10. It absorbs water and salts from the material that has not been digested as food, and get
rid of any waste products left over.
E. Look at the picture below. Identify the passageway of air through the different parts of the respiratory
system. (2 pts each)





Cong. Ding Tanjuatco Street
Tanay, Rizal, Philippines
S.Y. 2021-2022



A. Read the statement carefully. Choose the correct answer.

1. It is the mass per unit volume of a material.
a. Density
b. Volume
c. Mass

2. The capability of a material to be hammered into thin sheets.

a. Hardness
b. Ductile
c. Malleable

3. It is a liquid mixture in which the minor component (the solute) is uniformly distributed within the major
component (solvent).
a. Solution
b. Colloid
c. Suspension

4. The particles that do not distributed evenly.

a. Mixtures
b. Homogeneous Mixture
c. Heterogeneous Mixture

5. It is a substance that is made from more than one element.

a. Element
b. Compound
c. Mixture

B. Answer the following questions (5pts each)

1. How do we know if a certain material will float or sink?

2. What is a boiling point? Explain how it affects the molecules in a substance.

3. Give at least three examples on how does the chemical change identify? Explain why.
4. What is a mixture? Give an example.

5. In your own words, explain the difference between solution, colloid and suspension.

C. Read the statement carefully. Identify the following question. (2 pts each)
1. Separating of mixtures by the use of magnet.

2. When two immiscible liquids (substances that do not dissolve in each other) are
put together, the denser liquid settles below the other. The less dense can be poured out.

3. Particles of a solid matter neither dissolve or settle in a liquid, the mixture can be
filtered using any material which is fine enough to hold the solid particle.

4. A process that scientists used to separate many liquid mixtures. Mixture is dissolved in a
liquid or gas, and the solution dissolves quickly and travels up toward a solid material.

5. A mixture of liquids is heated on a flask.

D. Read the statement carefully. Write T if the statement is TRUE and F it the statement is FALSE.

_________1. Substances have components that are hard to identify as they are chemically combined.

_________2. Boiling point is the temperature at which solid begins to melt.

_________3. The rapid escape of gas is called effervescence.

_________4. If two phases are immiscible, they will dissolve in each other.

_________5. A mixture that separates on standing is called colloid.

_________6. Tyndall effect is the scattering of a beam of light by a medium containing small suspended

_________7. The symbol in the element is usually the first one or two letters of the name.

_________8. Compounds can be seen in the Periodic Table of Elements.

_________9. Berzelius is the one who devised the Periodic Table of Elements.

_________10. Diamond is made up of pure carbon.

E. Identify the name of each compound. (2 pts each)

1. NaCl

2. H2SO4

3. HCl

4. NH3

5. C12H22O11
Cong. Ding Tanjuatco Street
Tanay, Rizal, Philippines
S.Y. 2021-2022



A. DIRECTION: Identify the correct answer based on the following questions (2pts each)

1. It gives the compactness of the particles as they occupy space in the substance.

2. It is observed whenever the source of waves is moving relative to an

3. A light that consists of colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and

4. A method that creating different colors by mixing different light colors.

5. It is caused by vibration of matter.

______________6. It can be defined as the thermal energy that is being transferred from one
object to another.

______________7. Describes how the temperature of a certain amount of substance changes when it
either absorbs or releases heat.

______________8. When the gas turns back to liquid, the process is called ___________.

______________9. What is the equivalent value of 1 calorie to joule?

______________10. It is an object used for measuring the heat of chemical reactions or physical
changes as well as heat capacity.

B. DIRECTION: Choose the best answer based on the questions

1. It is the production and emission of light by a living organism.

a. Bioluminescence b. Incandescent c. Fluorescent

2. It is the powder coating the interior of the bulb or tube

a. Phosphor b. Mercury c. Neon

3. What color would a green box be in red light?

a. Black b. Yellow c. Cyan
4. Which of the following has the highest frequency and the shortest wavelength?
a. Visible Light b. Radio waves c. Infrared

5. In a 20°C what was the speed travel of sound?

a. 342 m/s b. 365 m/s c. 340 m/s

6. If a boy is running toward a source of sound of frequency, what kind of frequency will he
a. Equal b. Lower c. Higher

7. In fiction movies, sound travels through the universe, Is this correct depiction of the
behavior of sound?
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe

8. Which one of these statements is correct?

a. Red is a secondary color
b. Orange is a primary color
c. Cyan is a secondary color

9. It has a high-pressure tube that contains halogen gases and a tungsten filament.
a. Tungsten-Halogen Lights
b. Incandescent Light
c. Fluorescent Light

10. A device used to measure temperature.

a. Scale b. Thermometer c. Hydrometer

C. DIRECTION: Compute the following (3pts each)

1. Convert 115 °C to K

2. Convert 120 °C to F

3. A siren of an ambulance at rest wails at 1400 Hz. The temperature that day gave a record of 210C.
What is the amount of sound frequency emitted by the siren as perceived by a nurse who is
approaching the vehicle at a brisk walk speed of 1.67 m/s?
D. DIRECTION: Answer the following (5 pts each)

1. How does the Doppler Effect work? Explain briefly.

2. Explain why light can reach even in the universe while sound cannot.

E. DIRECTIONS: Read the statement carefully. Write T if the statement about the type of light Is correct and
make the statement correct if it is incorrect. (2 pts each)

1. Incandescent Light is not very efficient because less than 10% of its energy is being converted to visible
light and the rest goes to the emission of heat.

2. There is a powder coating the interior of the bulb or tube called mercury.

3. Neon Lights consist of sealed, electrified glass tube that is filled with neon gases and other inert gases.

4. LPS means Low Pressure Sodium

5. In Tungsten-Halogen Lights, the presence of halogen gases especially fluorine and bromine protect the
tungsten filament from blackening.
Cong. Ding Tanjuatco Street
Tanay, Rizal, Philippines
S.Y. 2021-2022


DIRECTION: Read the statement carefully. Choose the correct answer from the box to answer the following

Rocks Sedimentary Rocks

Igneous Rocks Metamorphic Rock

1. - A naturally occurring solid mixture of one or more minerals, or organic matter.

2. -Volcanoes erupt,bringing magma to earth's surface, it is called lava.The lava
cools and becomes?
3. -Many layers of small pieces of earth collect on top of each other in layers.
These layers are pressed down more and more until the bottom layers slowly turn into hard rock also
called “sandwich rocks”.
4. - Rocks that have "morphed" or changed into another kind of rock. These rocks
were once igneous or sedimentary rocks.
5. - It is the hardest type of rocks.

DIRECTION: Read the statement carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and if it is incorrect make the
statement correct. (2 pts each)
1. Earth is a dynamic body with many separate, but highly interacting parts or spheres.

2. Geosphere: comprises the solid Earth and includes both Earth’s surface and the various layers
of the Earth's interior.

3. Atmosphere: solid envelope that surrounds the Earth and does not constitute the
transition between it and the vacuum of space.

4. Hydrosphere: includes all water on Earth (including surface water and groundwater)

5. Biosphere:the life zone of the Earth and includes all living organisms, and all organic
matter that has not yet decomposed.

6.The atmosphere consists of four unique layers (troposphere,stratosphere,mesosphere,

and thermosphere).

7. The atmosphere reaches over 570 kilometers (348 miles) up from the surface of the
8. The atmosphere is primarily composed of nitrogen (about 78%) and carbon dioxide and (about
21%). Other components exist in small quantities.

9. The stratosphere (10 to 50 km), contains ozone that protects life on the planet by
filtering harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.

10.The mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere are zones of diffuse atmospheric

components in the far reaches of the atmosphere.

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the correct answer in the blank.





DIRECTION: Read the statement carefully. Choose the best answer.

1. The gases of the atmosphere readily exchange with those dissolved in water bodies(e.g.oceans,
lakes, etc.)
a. Hurricanes b. Biosphere c. Geosphere d. Hydrosphere

2. The atmosphere supplies oxygen and carbon dioxide that form the basis of life processes
(photosynthesis andrespiration).
a. Hurricanes b. Biosphere c. Geosphere d. Hydrosphere

3. Gases in the atmosphere react with water to produce weak acids that aid in the breakdown of rock.
a. Hurricanes b. Biosphere c. Geosphere d. Hydrosphere

4. (Atmosphere) sweep across the ocean (hydrosphere) and onto the land (geosphere), damaging the
dwellings of people (biosphere) who live along the coast.
a. Hurricanes b. Biosphere c. Geosphere d. Hydrosphere

5. Is structured into a hierarchy known as the food chain (all life is dependent on the first tier – mainly
the primary producers that are capable of photosynthesis).
a. Hurricanes b. Biosphere c. Geosphere d. Hydrosphere

DIRECTION: Enumerate the following.

1 - 4. Enumerate the Earth’s 4 System

1-3. Three (3) Types of Rocks

1-5. Give at least five (5) Energy Resources

1-3. Give at least three (3) ways on how we identify minerals on its Physical Properties
DIRECTIONS: Read the question carefully. Answer each question briefly. (5 pts each)

1. Explain how Geothermal Power Plant works

2. Why does the Earth call a protoplanet before it became a planet?

3. Explain how Solar System formed

4. How the internal arrangement of atoms in the minerals affects its properties.
Cong. Ding Tanjuatco Street
Tanay, Rizal, Philippines
S.Y. 2021 - 2022


DIRECTION: Read the statement carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and if it is incorrect make the
statement correct. (2 pts each)

1. Earth is a dynamic body with many separate, but highly interacting parts or spheres.

2. Geosphere: comprises the solid Earth and includes both Earth’s surface and the various layers
of the Earth's interior.

3. Atmosphere: solid envelope that surrounds the Earth and does not constitute the
transition between it and the vacuum of space.

4. Hydrosphere: includes all water on Earth (including surface water and groundwater)

5. Biosphere:the life zone of the Earth and includes all living organisms, and all organic
matter that has not yet decomposed.

6.The atmosphere consists of four unique layers (troposphere,stratosphere,mesosphere,

and thermosphere).

7. The atmosphere reaches over 570 kilometers (348 miles) up from the surface of the
8. The atmosphere is primarily composed of nitrogen (about 78%) and carbon dioxide and (about
21%). Other components exist in small quantities.

9. The stratosphere (10 to 50 km), contains ozone that protects life on the planet by
filtering harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.

10.The mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere are zones of diffuse atmospheric

components in the far reaches of the atmosphere.

DIRECTION: Read the statement carefully. Choose the correct answer from the box to answer the following

Rocks Sedimentary Rocks

Igneous Rocks Metamorphic Rock

1. - A naturally occurring solid mixture of one or more minerals, or organic matter.

2. -Volcanoeserupt,bringingmagmatotheearth'ssurface, itiscalledlava.The lava
cools and becomes?
3. -Manylayersofsmallpiecesofearthcollectontopofeachotherinlayers. These
layers are pressed down more and more until the bottom layers slowly turn into hard rock also called
“sandwich rocks”.
4. - Rocks that have "morphed" or changed into another kind of rock. These rocks
were once igneous or sedimentary rocks.
5. - It is the hardest type of rocks.

DIRECTIONS: Read the question carefully. Answer each question briefly. (5 pts each)

1. Explain the principle of biological succession in relation to geologic time scale?

2. Why does the Earth call a protoplanet before it became a planet?

3. Explain how the Solar System formed.

4. In Earth’s 4 system give an example of a system interactions and explain how did they interact to each other?

5. Give an example of factors that affects chemical weathering, explain how it affects chemical weathering?

DIRECTION: Write CW if the given statement is Chemical Weathering and PW for Physical Weathering. Write your
answer on the space provided.

1. Ice expanding on the cracks of the stone.

2. Plants roots Growing on cervices of a mountain.

3. Acid rain increase the acidity of a rock.

4. Water flows downstream and hitting the rocks.

______________5. Oxygen on the atmosphere causes the iron to corrode

DIRECTION: Identify the following Physical Properties of Minerals

1.The physical `properties of minerals that break along smooth,flat surfaces and
every fragment has the same general shape.

2. The physical properties of minerals that break at random with rough or jagged

3. How easily a mineral scratches material.

_______________4. We find a minerals color and component by rubbing it on a white ceramic plate.

5. It refers to the way a mineral reflects light from its surface.

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the correct answer in the blank.

Cong. Ding Tanjuatco Street
Tanay, Rizal, Philippines
S.Y. 2021-2022


DIRECTION: Identify the following (2 points each)

1. It is a specific magnitude of a physical quantity that has been adopted by


2. It is the modern form of the metric system.

3. It is the unit of measurement derived from the seven base units specified by
the International System of Units (SI).

4. It is a specifier or mnemonic that is prepended to units of measurement to

indicate multiples or fractions of the units.

5. The number of digits in a value, often a measurement, that contribute to the

degree of accuracy of the value.

6. It is used to change one set of units to another.

7. It is a placed before the symbol of a unit to specify the order of magnitude of a


8. What year does the International Committee agree with the used of SI units?

9. The most widely used set of units by scientist that defines a measurement.

10. The symbols used for the SI units are written in if they are named
after a person.

DIRECTION: Enumerate the following

1-7. Seven base units

1-3. Give at least 3 rules in Significant Figures

DIRECTION: Count all the significant figure in each given number

1. 8000 6. 12.09
2. 0.306 7. 8.867
3. 10.0 8. 4.00
4. 0.000234 9. 185
5. 50007 10. 30.0987576

DIRECTION: Answer the following question (5 points each)

1. Why do we need to know the certain number for each equivalent unit?

2. Why do we need to know and understand the system of measurement?

DIRECTION: Compute the following. Show your solution. (2 points each)


1. 500 + 1.367 =
2. 6.467 – 3.46 =
3. 9.5 x 6 =
4. 300 – 47. 465 =
5. 3.543 – 2.6 =
1. 39.36 inches – feet
2. 12.45 cm – decameter
3. 15,000 decimeters – meter
4. 0.038 km – cm
5. 680 mL – m3
6. A= L = 15.2cm, W= 3.78cm, H= 24cm - m3
7. 27 yrs. – seconds
8. 41.2 cm2 - m2
9. 41.2 mm2 - cm2
10. 3000 m3 - L
Cong. Ding Tanjuatco Street
Tanay, Rizal, Philippines
S.Y. 2021-2022



A. Isulat ang TAMA kung tama at kung hindi tama ay ipaliwanag kung bakit. (2 puntos bawat isa)

1. Bago malaman ang personal na pagpapaunlad ng sarili ay hindi na kailangan ang

proseso nang pag-iimbentaryo ng mga personal na kahinaan at kalakasan.

2. Marapat na magkaroon nang mga positibong kaibigan upang maitaas mo ang iyong
tingin sa sarili
3. Gumawa nang mga gawain na higit sa iyong kakayahan upang maitaas ang iyong
4. Ang isa sa mga katangian ng positibong konsepto sa sarili ay ang pagiging
5. Mahalagang maunawaan mo na kailangan ang disiplina, pagtitiyaga, pagsasanay at
dedikasyon upang maisagawa ang pagpapaunlad ng sarili.
6. Ang iyong pananaw ang magdedesisyon kung ano ang dapat mong maramdaman o gawin.
7. Ang tamang pagpaplano ay isinasagawa nang maayos upang mabago ang mga
nakagawiang hindi kanais-nais.

8. Gawing batayan ang iyong mga kalakasan sa pagganap ng mga tungkulin.

9. Ang unang paraan ng tamang pagpaplano tungo sa sariling pag-unlad ay alamin ang
iyong kalakasan at kahinaan.

10. May dalawang uri nang pagpaplano, ito ang long-term plan at short-term plan.

B. Sagutin ang sumusunod na mga tanong (5 puntos bawat isa)

1. Sa pagpili nang kurso sa hinaharap, ano sa tingin mo ang mga batayan na dapat mong isaalang-alang?

2. Ang pagtanggap ba sa puna nang ibang tao ay makakatulong sa atin? Bakit?

3. Sa iyong pananaw, bakit tayo sinasabing bukod-tanging nilalang?

4. Magbigay nang tatlong halimbawa kung paano nakatulong ang pagpaplano nang
maaga sa iyo?

5. Bakit mahalagang paganahin ang isip at kilos-loob sa bawat desisyon na gagawin natin?

C. Buuin ang acrostic ng mga salitang iyong naiisip o naalala tuwing naririnig o nababasa moa ng
salitang “responsibilidad.” (10 puntos)


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