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SHIFRINSON (2016) - Deal or No Deal¿ The End of The Cold War and The US Offer To Limit NATO Expansion

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Deal or No Deal?: The End of the Cold War and the U.S.

to Limit NATO Expansion

Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson

International Security, Volume 40, Number 4, Spring 2016, pp. 7-44 (Article)

Published by The MIT Press

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Deal or No Deal?

Deal or No Deal? Joshua R. Itzkowitz

The End of the Cold
War and the U.S. Offer
to Limit NATO

uring the negotia-
tions on German reuniªcation in 1990, did the United States promise the
Soviet Union that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) would not
expand into Eastern Europe? The answer depends on who is being asked.
Russian leaders since the mid-1990s have claimed that the United States vio-
lated a pledge that NATO would not expand into Eastern Europe following
German reuniªcation. More recently, they have argued that Russian actions
during the 2008 Russo-Georgian War and in Ukraine were in part responses to
the broken non-expansion agreement.1 Many U.S. and allied policymakers and
pundits counter, however, that Russian claims of a non-expansion commit-
ment are a pretext for Russian adventurism. From this perspective, the United
States never promised to limit NATO expansion, with NATO itself declaring in
2014: “No such pledge was made, and no evidence to back up Russia’s claims
has ever been produced.”2 Post–Cold War U.S.-Russian relations are thus over-

Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson is Assistant Professor in the Department of International Affairs at the
George Bush School of Government at Texas A&M University.

For help on prior drafts, the author thanks Paul Avey, Stephen Brooks, Jasen Castillo, Keith
Darden, Jennifer Dixon, Jeffrey Engel, Jennifer Erickson, Flavia Gaspbarri, Francis Gavin, Kather-
ine Geohegan, William Inboden, Sean Kay, John Mearsheimer, Simon Miles, Larry Napper, Chris-
tian Ostermann, Kathleen Powers, Joshua Rovner, John Schuessler, James Graham Wilson, William
Wohlforth, and the anonymous reviewers. He is especially indebted to Brendan Green and Marc
Trachtenberg for their feedback. For exceptional research assistance, he thanks Claire Berger,
Hannah Fletcher, and Julie Thompson. An earlier version of this article appeared online in Foreign
Affairs. See

1. Ronald D. Asmus, Opening NATO’s Door: How the Alliance Remade Itself for a New Era (New York:
Columbia University Press, 2002), pp. 3–6; Kenneth N. Waltz, “Structural Realism after the Cold
War,” International Security, Vol. 25, No. 1 (Summer 2000), p. 22; David Herszenhorn, “Away from
Shadow of Diplomacy in Geneva, Putin Puts on a Show of His Own,” New York Times, April 17,
2014; “Direct Line with Vladimir Putin,” April 17, 2014, President of Russia website, http://; Vladimir Putin, “Address by President of the Russian Federation,”
March 18, 2014, President of Russia website,; and “Interview by
the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, in a Special Edition of the Programme ‘Voskresny
vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim’” (Moscow: Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, April 11, 2014),
2. NATO, “Russia’s Accusations—Setting the Record Straight,” fact sheet (Brussels: NATO,
July 2014),
_Russia_en.pdf. See also Steven Pifer, “Did NATO Promise Not to Enlarge? Gorbachev Says ‘No,’”
Brookings Up Front blog, November 6, 2014,

International Security, Vol. 40, No. 4 (Spring 2016), pp. 7–44, doi:10.1162/ISEC_a_00236
© 2016 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

International Security 40:4 8

shadowed by a standoff over the history of U.S.-Soviet relations at the end of

the Cold War.3
Western scholars are similarly divided on the question of what the United
States offered the Soviet Union in 1990. Drawing largely upon public state-
ments and memoirs by Western and Soviet leaders, some scholars in the 1990s
contended that NATO’s eastward expansion violated what Michael MccGwire
termed “top-level assurances” against NATO enlargement.4 More recently,
however, access to declassiªed archival materials has led most scholars to
agree with the historian Mary Sarotte, who writes that “contrary to Russian al-
legations, [Soviet President Mikhail] Gorbachev never got the West to promise
that it would freeze NATO’s borders.”5 Still, current studies are divided into
two schools of thought over the process and implications of the 1990 reuniª-
cation negotiations for NATO’s future. One school largely agrees with U.S.
policymakers that—as Mark Kramer claims—NATO expansion into Eastern
Europe “never came up during the negotiations.”6 As a result, Russian accusa-
tions of a broken non-expansion promise are “spurious.”7 In contrast, a second
school contends that a NATO non-expansion offer that may have applied to
Eastern Europe was discussed brieºy in talks among U.S., West German,
and Soviet leaders in February 1990. This non-expansion proposal was
quickly withdrawn, but given the February meetings, Russian complaints
cannot be entirely dismissed: the United States and the Soviet Union
never struck a deal against NATO expansion, yet Soviet leaders may have
thought otherwise.8

2014/11/06-nato-no-promise-enlarge-gorbachev-pifer; Chris Miller, “Russia’s NATO Expan-

sion Myth,” Cicero Magazine, May 28, 2014,
expansion-myth/; and Michael Ruhle, “NATO Enlargement and Russia: Myths and Realities,”
NATO Review, 2014,
3. Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson, “Put It in Writing: How the West Broke Its Promise to Mos-
cow,” Foreign Affairs, October 29, 2014,
4. Michael MccGwire, “NATO Expansion: ‘A Policy Error of Historic Importance,’” Review of Inter-
national Studies, Vol. 24, No. 1 (January 1998), p. 26.
5. Mary Elise Sarotte, “A Broken Promise? What the West Really Told Moscow about NATO Ex-
pansion,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 93, No. 5 (September/October 2014), p. 96.
6. Mark Kramer, “The Myth of a No-NATO-Enlargement Pledge to Russia,” Washington Quarterly,
Vol. 32, No. 2 (April 2009), p. 41; and Mark Kramer and Mary Elise Sarotte, “Letters to the Editor:
No Such Promise,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 93, No. 6 (December 2014), p. 208.
7. Kramer, “The Myth of a No-NATO-Enlargement Pledge to Russia,” p. 55.
8. Mary Elise Sarotte, “Not One Inch Eastward? Bush, Baker, Kohl, Genscher, Gorbachev, and the
Origin of Russian Resentment toward NATO Enlargement in February 1990,” Diplomatic History,
Vol. 34, No. 1 (January 2010), pp. 119–140; Sarotte, “A Broken Promise?”; Mary Elise Sarotte, 1989:
The Struggle to Create Post–Cold War Europe, rev. ed. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press,
2014), pp. 219–229; Thomas Blanton, “U.S. Policy and the Revolutions of 1989,” in Svetlana
Savranskaya, Thomas Blanton, and Vladimir Zubok, eds., Masterpieces of History: The Peaceful End
Deal or No Deal? 9

Resolving the question of whether the United States advanced a NATO non-
expansion pledge requires analysis of the course and motivations of U.S.
policy toward the Soviet Union in 1990. Given both the United States’ domi-
nance within NATO and its outsized inºuence on the issue of German reuni-
ªcation in 1990, the key to determining whether Russian accusations have
merit is understanding the rationale behind U.S. actions at the time.9 In the
process, an analysis of previous U.S. policy can inform current U.S. and NATO
policy, international relations theory, and diplomatic history. For example, de-
termining whether Russian charges of U.S. betrayal are correct can help ex-
plain whether bellicose Russian actions in Georgia, Ukraine, and elsewhere in
Europe are in part a response to NATO’s post–Cold War expansion or an effort
to alter the status quo in Europe.10 Since the late 2000s, many Western policy-
makers and pundits have attributed Russian actions to a revisionist foreign
policy.11 From this perspective, Russian claims against NATO are misleading;
Russian actions in and around the former Soviet Union represent a Western
failure to halt Russian adventurism; and only a ªrm Western response now can
keep future Russian threats in check. As Anne Applebaum argues, the West’s
cardinal mistake was to “underrate Russia’s revanchist, revisionist, disruptive
potential.”12 Conversely, evidence that Russian accusations are not fabrications
implies that Russia’s actions may stem from feelings of insecurity and real
worries that the West is an unreliable partner. Hard-line measures to deter

of the Cold War in Eastern Europe, 1989 (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2010), pp. 93–
95; Alexander Von Plato, The End of the Cold War? Bush, Kohl, Gorbachev, and the Reuniªcation of Ger-
many, trans. Edith Burley (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), p. 184; and Kristina Spohr, “Pre-
cluded or Precedent-Setting? The ‘NATO Enlargement Question’ in the Triangular Bonn-
Washington-Moscow Diplomacy of 1990–1991,” Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol. 14, No. 4 (October
2012), pp. 24, 48–50.
9. The United States did not cause German reuniªcation, but it did play a dominant role in ensur-
ing that reuniªcation went forward in the face of international opposition and in establishing the
conditions under which it occurred. See Alexander Moens, “American Diplomacy and German
Uniªcation,” Survival, Vol. 33, No. 6 (November/December 1991), pp. 531–545.
10. John J. Mearsheimer, “Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault: The Liberal Delusions That
Provoked Putin,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 93, No. 5 (October 2014), pp. 77–89; and Michael McFaul,
“Moscow’s Choice,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 93, No. 6 (December 2014), pp. 167–171.
11. Daniel J. Fried, testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Protocols to the North
Atlantic Treaty of 1949 on the Accession of the Republic of Albania and the Republic of Croatia, 110th
Cong., 2nd sess., 2008, S. Hrg. 110-507, pp. 6–14; David J. Kramer, testimony before the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee, Hearing on Ukraine—Countering Russian Intervention and Supporting a
Democratic State, 113th Cong., 2nd sess., 2014, S. Hrg. 113-602, pp. 58–60; John Herbst, testimony
before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Hearing on U.S. Policy in Ukraine: Countering Russia
and Driving Reform, 114th Cong., 1st sess., 2015, S. Hrg. 114-77, pp. 51–54; and Stephen Sestanovich,
“Could It Have Been Otherwise?” American Interest, Vol. 10, No. 5 (April 2015), http://www.the-
12. Anne Applebaum, “Don’t Accept Putin’s Version of History,” Slate, October 17, 2014, http://
International Security 40:4 10

Russian aggression such as troop deployments and sanctions will therefore

only increase Russia’s sense of isolation and betrayal.13
An examination of this case is also useful for international relations theory
and diplomatic history. Since the end of the Cold War, analysts have treated
the U.S.-Soviet negotiations over German reuniªcation and NATO’s post–Cold
War continuation as a shining example of how great powers can overcome
past rivalries and ªnd ways to cooperate.14 Although the cooperation narrative
is being challenged as scholars gain increasing access to Western and Eastern
bloc primary sources, it remains inºuential in policy, international relations
theory, and historiographic circles.15 Russian accusations of a broken non-
expansion pledge thus raise fundamental questions over the nature of U.S.-
Soviet and U.S.-Russian relations during and after the end of the Cold War. In
particular, if the United States violated a promise not to expand NATO, then
scholars must further examine the drivers of U.S. foreign policy at the end of
the Cold War and the sources of stable diplomatic settlements writ large.16
Conversely, if Russian claims of a NATO non-expansion pledge are bogus,
and if Russian behavior in places such as Georgia and Ukraine is meant to
upend Europe’s status quo, then scholars must determine why a party to an
accepted diplomatic deal may reject that arrangement in favor of a revisionist
foreign policy.
Drawing on a wider array of U.S. archival materials than prior studies and
applying insights from international relations theory, this article reªnes
and challenges scholarship on a NATO non-expansion pledge by tracing the
evolution of U.S. policy toward the Soviet Union and European security
throughout the 1990 diplomacy on reuniªcation.17 In line with research by

13. Robert Jervis, Perception and Misperception in International Politics (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press, 1976), chap. 3.
14. Philip Zelikow and Condoleezza Rice, Germany Uniªed and Europe Transformed: A Study in
Statecraft (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1995); G. John Ikenberry, After Victory: In-
stitutions, Strategic Restraint, and the Rebuilding of Order after Major Wars (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press, 2001), chap. 7; and Andrew O. Bennett, “Trust Bursting Out All Over: The Soviet
Side of German Uniªcation,” in William C. Wohlforth, ed., Cold War Endgame: Oral History, Analy-
sis, Debates (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003), pp. 175–204.
15. For critiques of the cooperation narrative, see Sarotte, 1989; and Joshua R. Itzkowitz
Shifrinson, “Falling Giants: Rising States and the Fate of Declining Great Powers,” Texas A&M
University, 2016.
16. G. John Ikenberry, “Institutions, Strategic Restraint, and the Persistence of American Postwar
Order,” International Security, Vol. 23, No. 3 (Winter 1998/99), pp. 43–78.
17. Previous studies rely heavily on documents from Russian and European archives,
declassiªcation efforts by the National Security Archive and Cold War International History Proj-
ect, Freedom of Information Act releases from the State Department and Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA), and the private papers of individuals involved in the 1990 negotiations. Employing
these documents, past studies have shown that the topic of NATO expansion came up brieºy in
conversations with U.S., Soviet, and West German leaders at the start of February 1990, only for
Deal or No Deal? 11

Sarotte and others sympathetic to Russian claims, I show that despite the ab-
sence of a formal deal, the United States did raise the issue of NATO expansion
with the Soviet Union during the 1990 negotiations. In contrast to what schol-
ars sympathetic to Russian claims propose, however, I argue that the topic of
NATO expansion was more than just a ºeeting aspect of the negotiations in
February 1990. Additional archival evidence indicates that U.S. ofªcials
repeatedly offered the Soviets informal assurances—a standard diplomatic
practice—against NATO expansion during talks on German reuniªcation
throughout the spring, summer, and fall of 1990. Central to this effort was a se-
ries of bargaining positions through which the George H.W. Bush administra-
tion indicated that Europe’s post–Cold War order would be acceptable to both
Washington and Moscow: NATO would halt in place, and Europe’s security
architecture would include the Soviet Union.18 Collectively, this evidence sug-
gests that Russian leaders are essentially correct in claiming that U.S. efforts to
expand NATO since the 1990s violate the “spirit” of the 1990 negotiations:
NATO expansion nulliªed the assurances given to the Soviet Union in 1990.19
Distinct from what Soviet leaders were told in 1990, however, I also present
new evidence suggesting that the United States used guarantees against
NATO expansion to exploit Soviet weaknesses and reinforce U.S. strengths in
post–Cold War Europe. To do so, the United States adopted positions designed
to give it a free hand in Europe following German reuniªcation—allowing it to
decide whether and how to expand the U.S. presence on the continent—even
while telling Soviet leaders that Soviet interests would be respected. Baldly
stated, the United States ºoated a cooperative grand design for postwar
Europe in discussions with the Soviets in 1990, while creating a system domi-
nated by the United States. Although it remains unclear whether and why

the United States and West Germany to stop explicit discussion of limits on NATO’s future by the
end of the month. Documents that the George Bush Presidential Library (hereafter GBPL) has re-
leased in a declassiªcation review since the late 2000s, however, have added signiªcantly to schol-
ars’ understanding of U.S. decision-making in 1990. This article thus combines the ªndings of past
studies with recently released U.S. government documents to examine U.S. policy toward NATO
expansion and the future of European security throughout 1990. The results provide a fuller pic-
ture of U.S. strategy toward the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War and the origins of Russian
complaints of a broken NATO non-expansion pledge by showing that the substance of U.S.-Soviet
negotiations after February 1990 touched directly on NATO’s future role in European security and
Soviet strategic concerns. On the prior paucity of U.S. government documents on the 1989–90 pe-
riod before the late 2000s, see Sarotte, 1989, p. 247 n. 55. For their declassiªcation efforts, I cannot
praise enough Rachael Altman, Bufªe Hollis, Robert Holzweiss, Mckenzie Morse, Zachary Rob-
erts, Simon Staats, and Elizabeth Staats at the GBPL.
18. See Daniel Deudney and G. John Ikenberry, “The Unraveling of the Cold War Settlement,”
Survival, Vol. 51, No. 6 (December 2009), pp. 46–54.
19. Maxim Kórshunov, “Mikhail Gorbachev: I Am against All Walls,” Russia behind the Headlines,
October 16, 2014,
International Security 40:4 12

Soviet leaders believed the U.S. proposals, this two-pronged strategy helps ex-
plain how the United States exploited the reuniªcation issue to reify its preem-
inence in post–Cold War Europe.20 By extension, the U.S.-Russian dispute over
NATO expansion may be less a product of Soviet/Russian misrepresentation
or misinterpretation of what happened in 1990, and more the result of the di-
vergence between the cooperative approach that the United States presented
to the Soviet Union and the United States’ quieter efforts to maximize its
power in Europe.
The remainder of this article proceeds in six sections. First, I review the
U.S.-Russian dispute over a NATO non-expansion pledge. In the second sec-
tion, I highlight conceptual and historical problems with the non-expansion
pledge debate and suggest a revised standard against which to assess Russian
claims. Drawing heavily from U.S. archival materials, I then review the 1990
negotiations to identify what the United States offered the Soviet Union and
why the terms of this deal could have suggested to the Soviets that NATO
would not expand. Following this, I offer evidence that the United States mis-
led the Soviet Union. In the ªfth section, I reevaluate the non-expansion debate
in light of these ªndings. The article concludes with a discussion of the impli-
cations of the analysis for U.S. and NATO policy, international relations theory,
and Cold War historiography.

The Non-Expansion Pledge Debate

Russian policymakers have claimed for more than two decades that, during
the 1990 negotiations on German reuniªcation, the United States promised the
Soviet Union that NATO would not expand into Eastern Europe.21 Com-
menting on NATO’s preparations for its ªrst round of expansion in the mid-
1990s, for instance, Russian President Boris Yeltsin wrote President Bill Clinton
that “the treaty on the Final Settlement with respect to Germany signed in
September 1990 [. . .] excludes, by its meaning, the possibility of expansion of
the NATO zone to the East.”22 Russian political analyst Sergei Karaganov was
even more explicit in 1995, asserting: “In 1990, we were told quite clearly by
the West that the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and German uniªcation

20. For discussion of the United States’ efforts to reinforce its position in post–Cold War Europe,
see Mary Elise Sarotte, “Perpetuating U.S. Preeminence: The 1990 Deals to ‘Bribe the Soviets Out’
and Move NATO In,” International Security, Vol. 35, No. 1 (Summer 2010), pp. 110–137.
21. Walter B. Slocombe, “A Crisis of Opportunity: The Clinton Administration and Russia,” in
Melvyn P. Lefºer and Jeffrey W. Legro, eds., In Uncertain Times: American Foreign Policy after the
Berlin Wall and 9/11 (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2011), p. 86.
22. Quoted in Luis Tomé, “Russia and NATO’s Enlargement” (Brussels: NATO, June 2000),
pp. 14–15.
Deal or No Deal? 13

would not lead to NATO expansion.”23 In the 2000s and 2010s, Russian
Presidents Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev made similar assertions.
In 2009, for example, Medvedev charged that Russia had received “none of the
things that we were assured, namely that NATO would not expand endlessly
eastward and our interests would be continuously taken into consideration.”
And in 2014 Putin declared, ”[W]e were promised that after Germany’s uni-
ªcation, NATO wouldn’t spread eastward.”24 More authoritatively, Mikhail
Gorbachev has repeatedly argued that the Soviet Union received a non-
expansion pledge. In 2008, for instance, the former Soviet leader argued: “The
Americans promised that NATO wouldn’t move beyond the boundaries of
Germany after the Cold War”; in 2014 he clariªed that although NATO expan-
sion may not have been explicitly discussed in 1990, expansion remained “a vi-
olation of the spirit of the statements and assurances made to us in 1990.”25
In contrast, an array of former U.S. policymakers and pundits reject claims
of a non-expansion pledge.26 Former Secretary of State James Baker, for in-
stance, has repeatedly denied that the negotiations over German reuniªca-
tion included a non-expansion promise.27 Similarly, former National Security
Council (NSC) staffer Philip Zelikow argued in 1995 that “the option of adding
new members to NATO has not been foreclosed by the deal actually made
in 1990.”28 Steven Pifer, who served as the deputy director of the State

23. Quoted in Anatol Lieven, “Russian Opposition to NATO Expansion,” World Today, Vol. 51, No.
10 (October 1995), p. 198.
24. Medvedev quoted in Uwe Klussmann, Matthias Schepp, and Klaus Wiegrefe, “NATO’s East-
ward Expansion: Did the West Break Its Promise to Moscow?” Der Spiegel, November 26, 2009,
promise-to-moscow-a-663315.html; and Putin quoted in Herszenhorn, “Away from Shadow of Di-
plomacy in Geneva, Putin Puts On a Show of His Own.”
25. Adrian Blomªeld and Mike Smith, “Gorbachev: U.S. Could Start New Cold War,” Telegraph,
May 6, 2008; and Kórshunov, “Mikhail Gorbachev.” Gorbachev’s claims have varied subtly over
time: though consistent in arguing that the Soviet Union received a non-expansion pledge, he has
equivocated over how explicitly the issue was discussed. Compare the above with, for example,
Mikhail Gorbachev, Memoirs (New York: Doubleday, 1995), p. 529.
26. There are some exceptions among former policymakers. Former Deputy National Security Ad-
viser Robert Gates, for instance, argued in 2000 that “Gorbachev and others were led to believe
that [NATO expansion] wouldn’t happen.” See “Gates interview, July 23–24, 2000, College Station,
Texas” (Charlottesville: Geoge H.W. Bush Oral History Project, Miller Center, University of Vir-
ginia, 2011), p. 101, Sim-
ilarly, former Ambassador to the Soviet Union Jack Matlock noted in 1995: “We gave categorical
assurances [. . .] that if a united Germany was able to stay in NATO, NATO would not be moved
eastward.” See Matlock quoted in Philip Zelikow, “NATO Expansion Wasn’t Ruled Out,” New York
Times, August 10, 1995.
27. See Baker’s comments in Michael Gordon, “Anatomy of a Misunderstanding,” New York Times,
May 25, 1997; Klussmann, Schepp, and Wiegrefe, “NATO’s Eastward Expansion”; and Bill
Bradley, “A Diplomatic Mystery,” Foreign Policy, August 22, 2009,
28. Zelikow, “NATO Expansion Wasn’t Ruled Out.”
International Security 40:4 14

Department’s Soviet Desk in 1989–90, likewise contends that “Western leaders

never pledged not to enlarge NATO.”29 And in 2014, NATO released a report
asserting that “[n]o pledge was made, and no evidence to back up Russia’s
claims has ever been produced.”30 Many foreign affairs pundits, meanwhile,
have made similar statements. Anne Applebaum, for example, maintains that
“no promises were broken” with NATO’s expansion; James Kirchick has pro-
posed that “Russia’s cries of Western betrayal are really just a smokescreen”;
and Edward Joseph describes the 1990 deals as “at best” ambiguous “with re-
spect to NATO’s further eastward expansion.”31
For their part, scholars examining the 1990 negotiations over German
reuniªcation generally accept that the United States never agreed to forgo
NATO expansion into Eastern Europe.32 Kramer, for instance, concludes that
the record “undermine[s] the notion that the United States or other Western
countries ever pledged not to expand NATO beyond Germany.”33 Working
largely with German documents, Kristina Spohr likewise ªnds that “NATO
enlargement was not precluded” in the negotiations.34 And in arguably the
most extensive research on the subject, Sarotte has repeatedly challenged
claims of a non-expansion promise, concluding in 2009 that “no formal agree-
ments were reached,” as the 1990 negotiations kept “open the door for future
expansion to Eastern Europe.”35 In later work, Sarotte found that Gorbachev
failed “to get assurances in writing [. . . and] missed opportunities to challenge
the United States on the topic later.”36 These ªndings caused her to conclude
that “the Soviet Union could have struck a deal with the United States, but
it did not.”37 Simply put, “Gorbachev never got the West to promise that it
would freeze NATO’s borders.”38
Nevertheless, scholars are divided over whether the diplomatic talks on

29. Pifer, “Did NATO Promise Not to Enlarge?”

30. NATO, “Russia’s Accusations.”
31. Anne Applebaum, “The Myth of Russian Humiliation,” Washington Post, October 17, 2014;
James Kirchick, “NATO Expansion Didn’t Set Off the Ukrainian Crisis,” Foreign Policy, April 8,
2014,; and Ed-
ward P. Joseph, “NATO Expansion: The Source of Russia’s Anger?” National Interest, May 1, 2014, For an excep-
tion, however, see Klussmann, Schepp, and Wiegrefe, “NATO’s Eastward Expansion.”
32. A search of English-language sources using Google Scholar and JSTOR turned up only one
study based on declassiªed sources arguing that the Soviet Union received binding pledges
against expansion. See Von Plato, The End of the Cold War? pp. 178–179, 184.
33. Kramer, “The Myth of a No-NATO-Enlargement Pledge to Russia,” p. 41.
34. Spohr, “Precluded or Precedent-Setting?” p. 52.
35. Sarotte, 1989, p. 228.
36. Sarotte, “Not One Inch Eastward?” p. 139.
37. Ibid., p. 140.
38. Sarotte, “A Broken Promise?” p. 96.
Deal or No Deal? 15

German reuniªcation lend some support to Russian claims of a broken non-

expansion pledge. Especially important are a series of February 1990 conversa-
tions among U.S., Soviet, and West German ofªcials in Moscow during which
U.S. and West German negotiators advanced some kind of verbal offer against
some form of NATO expansion. Scholars agree, for example, that Baker told
Gorbachev and Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze on February 9,
1990, that “there will be no extension of NATO’s jurisdiction or NATO’s forces
one inch to the East,” if Gorbachev consented to German reuniªcation.39 Sub-
sequently, Baker also agreed with Gorbachev’s assertion that “a broadening of
the NATO zone is not acceptable.”40 Reinforcing this message, West German
Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher offered
Soviet leaders similar terms the following day. These talks, moreover, carried
real consequences, as Gorbachev agreed to negotiate the terms of German
reuniªcation following the discussions with Baker and Kohl.41
Still, scholars disagree on the implications of these meetings and, thus,
whether to sympathize with Russian claims of a NATO non-expansion pledge.
One perspective, advanced most directly by Kramer, supports the position of
former policymakers that the February 1990 talks were simply that—talks nar-
rowly focused on NATO’s future in a reuniªed Germany.42 Hence, because the
offer focused on Germany rather than all of Eastern Europe and because noth-
ing was ever codiªed, subsequent Russian complaints about NATO enlarge-
ment lack an empirical basis.43 “No Western leader,” Kramer writes, “ever
offered any ‘pledge’ or ‘commitment’ or ‘categorical assurances’” about NATO
expansion into Eastern Europe.44
An alternate account developed by Sarotte, Thomas Blanton, and Spohr,
however, treats the February 1990 talks as creating understandable confusion
in Russian circles over what the United States promised.45 From this perspec-
tive, some or all of the February discussions may have alluded to limiting
NATO’s future in Eastern Europe.46 As Sarotte describes the discussions, how-

39. Kramer, “The Myth of a No-NATO-Enlargement Pledge to Russia,” p. 48.

40. Blanton, “U.S. Policy and the Revolutions of 1989,” pp. 93, 95.
41. Sarotte, “Perpetuating U.S. Preeminence,” p. 120.
42. Kramer, “The Myth of a No-NATO-Enlargement Pledge to Russia,” pp. 41, 51. Similarly, see
Robert Service, The End of the Cold War, 1985–1991 (New York: PublicAffairs, 2015), p. 432.
43. Kramer, “The Myth of a No-NATO-Enlargement Pledge to Russia,” pp. 51–52.
44. Ibid., p. 41.
45. Sarotte, 1989, pp. 103–115, 219–228; Sarotte, “Not One Inch Eastward?” pp. 127–129; Blanton,
“U.S. Policy and the Revolutions of 1989,” pp. 93–95; and Spohr, “Precluded or Precedent-
Setting?” especially pp. 48–49.
46. There is some disagreement among these authors over whether some or all of the February 9–
10, 1990 talks involved discussion of a non-expansion pledge. Spohr, for example, argues that U.S.
ofªcials focused narrowly on NATO’s future in East Germany, and that it was West German of-
ªcials who broached the general non-expansion issue. Sarotte’s work, on the other hand, appears
International Security 40:4 16

ever, U.S. leaders saw these terms as being raised “speculatively” as part of an
ongoing negotiation and far from a ªnal deal. The United States was thus free
to revise the offer and, by late February, was already moving to sidestep talk of
limiting NATO’s future presence by extending NATO’s jurisdiction over the
former East Germany (i.e., the German Democratic Republic, or GDR).47 Still,
Soviet ofªcials may have seen the early February talks as offering a ªrm guar-
antee against NATO expansion: used to operating in a world where a leader’s
word was his or her bond, they could have believed that they had reached an
agreement in which, once the Soviet Union took steps on reuniªcation, NATO
would not move into Eastern Europe.48 This school of thought thus identiªes
a particular moment in the 1990 negotiations that generated a misunder-
standing whereby Soviet/Russian ofªcials focused on what was verbally pre-
sented to them in early February. In contrast, U.S. ofªcials emphasized the
narrower terms advanced in later conversations and eventually codiªed as
part of the Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany.49 No deal
was reached against NATO expansion, but Russian charges are therefore not
so much misleading as they are a misinterpretation of events.50

Informal Agreements, Politics, and the Non-expansion Pledge Debate

At the heart of the non-expansion pledge debate is the question of what consti-
tutes an agreement in world politics. Although they disagree over the speciªcs
of what was discussed in the February 1990 talks, both schools of thought sug-
gest that only formal, written, and codiªed agreements matter when assess-
ing diplomatic deals. Spohr, for example, argues: “If no de jure promises on

inconsistent: in some places, she claims that U.S. and West German ofªcials “afªrmed that NATO
would not move eastward at all,” but elsewhere comes close to the position of former
policymakers by arguing that the talks “focused on the question of whether or not NATO would
extend itself over the GDR.” This article shows that NATO expansion to all of Eastern Europe was
raised by U.S. ofªcials from the start of the process. See Spohr, “Precluded or Precedent-Setting?”
pp. 24–30; Kramer and Sarotte, “Letters to the Editor,” p. 209; Sarotte, “Not One Inch Eastward?”
p. 137; and Sarotte, 1989, pp. 114–115.
47. Sarotte, “Not One Inch Eastward?” p. 128; and Sarotte, 1989, p. 114.
48. Sarotte, “Not One Inch Eastward?” pp. 127, 139.
49. “Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany” in Sherrill Brown Wells, ed., Ameri-
can Foreign Policy Documents, 1990 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of State, 1991), doc. 191.
50. Sarotte, “Not One Inch Eastward?” pp. 128–129, 137–139; Sarotte, “A Broken Promise?” pp. 91,
96; and Angela E. Stent, Russia and Germany Reborn: Uniªcation, the Soviet Collapse, and the New Eu-
rope (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1999), pp. 140–141. Spohr is more equivocal on
whether Russian charges are misinterpretations or misrepresentations, arguing that Soviet leaders
may have misunderstood the 1990 talks, but concluding that Russian complaints signal “an effort
by Russian ofªcials to use history to legitimize current political positions.” See Spohr, “Precluded
or Precedent-Setting?” p. 54; and Christopher Clark and Kristina Spohr, “Moscow’s Account of
NATO Expansion Is a Case of False Memory Syndrome,” Guardian, May 24, 2015, http://www
Deal or No Deal? 17

NATO’s future membership and size were made, then there was nothing that
subsequently could be judged as having been ‘betrayed’” by NATO ex-
pansion.51 Similarly, former Secretary of State Baker, Kramer, and Zelikow em-
phasize that the Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany is
silent on the question of NATO expansion beyond East Germany.52 Likewise,
Sarotte stresses that Soviet leaders failed to obtain “written assurances”
against NATO expansion; the United States and West Germany only “brieºy
implied” that a non-expansion deal “might be on the table.”53
The real issue, however, is not whether a formal agreement ruled out NATO
expansion—even Russian leaders claiming a broken promise do not argue that
the Soviet Union received a formal deal. Instead, the question of a non-
expansion pledge involves whether various informal, even implicit, state-
ments of U.S. policy in 1990 can be viewed as promises or assurances against
NATO expansion, and whether discussions among U.S., Soviet, and West
German ofªcials related solely to East Germany or to Eastern Europe as a
whole. Here, even studies acknowledging that U.S. policymakers in February
1990 brieºy discussed limits on NATO’s future presence risk understating the
signiªcance of U.S.-Soviet bargaining in 1990 by missing the importance of
informal deals to politics, in general, and to Cold War diplomacy, in particu-
lar. In U.S. domestic politics, for example, an informal offer can constitute a
binding agreement provided one party gives up something of value in consid-
eration of payment in goods or services.54 A similar principle applies to inter-
national politics: not only are formal agreements often the codiªcation of
arrangements that states would make regardless of a formal offer, but if pri-
vate and unwritten discussions are meaningless, then diplomacy itself would
be an unnecessary and fruitless exercise.55 Instead, a host of behaviors associ-
ated with international bargaining and political understandings with other
states, including interactions with foreign leaders and conciliatory diplomatic
gestures, are based on what another side does or says independent of formal
arrangements.56 More generally, analysts have long understood that states do

51. Spohr, “Precluded or Precedent Setting?” p. 48.

52. Kramer, “The Myth of a No-NATO-Enlargement Pledge to Russia,” p. 53; Zelikow, “NATO Ex-
pansion Wasn’t Ruled Out”; and Baker quoted in Sarotte, 1989, pp. 114, 273 n. 105.
53. Sarotte, “Not One Inch Eastward?” p. 138; and Sarotte, “A Broken Promise?” p. 91.
54. Arthur Corbin, Joseph Perillo, and John Murray Jr., Corbin on Contracts, Vol. 2, LexisNexis On-
line, 2015, Part B; and Arthur Corbin, Joseph Perillo, and John Murray Jr., Corbin on Contracts,
Vol. 3, LexisNexis Online, 2015, Topic 1. I thank Daniel Adler, Keith Edwards, Eric Lorber, and
Marc Trachtenberg for help on this point.
55. Jana Von Stein, “Do Treaties Constrain or Screen? Selection Bias and Treaty Compliance,”
American Political Science Review, Vol. 99, No. 4 (November 2005), pp. 611–622.
56. Andrew H. Kydd, Trust and Mistrust in International Relations (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Uni-
versity Press, 2005); and Keren Yarhi-Milo, Knowing the Adversary: Leaders, Intelligence, and Assess-
ment of Intentions in International Relations (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2014).
International Security 40:4 18

not need formal agreements on which to base their future expectations; as

Secretary of State John Kerry acknowledged, even non-”legally binding”
agreements constitute a “necessary tool” of foreign policy.57 Put simply, ex-
plicit and codiªed arrangements are neither necessary nor sufªcient for actors
to strike deals and receive political assurances.
Moreover, informal agreements and understandings were especially impor-
tant during the Cold War. The 1962 Cuban missile crisis, for example, was re-
solved in part through an informal agreement whereby the United States and
the Soviet Union each removed missiles near the other’s territory.58 In the
1970s and 1980s, an unofªcial alliance developed between the United
States and China, as each turned to the other to balance Soviet ambitions in
Europe and Asia.59 And as Marc Trachtenberg shows, Europe’s Cold War or-
der emerged from tacit U.S. and Soviet initiatives in the 1950s and 1960s that
helped the two sides ªnd ways to coexist within a divided Europe.60 Ulti-
mately, informal arrangements abounded during the Cold War as the United
States and the Soviet Union competed for power, inºuence, and security.61
The theoretical, political, and contextual importance of informal arrange-
ments has large implications for understanding U.S.-Soviet diplomacy in 1990.
First, it suggests that the evidence employed in current studies already raises
questions about the ofªcial view that the Soviet Union never received a NATO
non-expansion pledge. Given that U.S. and West German leaders may have of-
fered a verbal commitment against NATO expansion in February 1990, and
that they received something of consequence in return (i.e., Gorbachev’s agree-
ment to negotiate German reuniªcation),62 the February talks may be even
more important than prior studies recognize. If a non-expansion offer was
advanced, then both diplomatic practice and international relations theory
suggest that the U.S. and West German discussions with the Soviet Union pro-
duced a strategically meaningful agreement, regardless of whether the terms
were formalized.
Second, even scholarship acknowledging the importance of the February

57. Charles Lipson, “Why Are Some International Agreements Informal?” International Organiza-
tion, Vol. 45, No. 4 (October 1991), pp. 495–538; and Michael Gordon, “Kerry Criticizes Republican
Letter to Iranian Leaders on Nuclear Talks,” New York Times, March 11, 2015.
58. Barton Bernstein, “Reconsidering the Missile Crisis: Dealing with the Problems of American
Jupiters in Turkey,” in James Nathan, ed., The Cuban Missile Crisis Revisited (New York: St. Martin’s,
1992), pp. 94–96.
59. Robert S. Ross, Negotiating Cooperation: The United States and China, 1969–1989 (Stanford, Calif.:
Stanford University Press, 1997).
60. Marc Trachtenberg, A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945–1963
(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1999).
61. Lipson, “Why Are Some International Agreements Informal?” pp. 497–499; and John Lewis
Gaddis, “The Long Peace: Elements of Stability in the Postwar International System,” International
Security, Vol. 10, No. 4 (Spring 1986), pp. 132–141.
62. Sarotte, “Perpetuating U.S. Preeminence,” p. 120.
Deal or No Deal? 19

1990 talks may miss other guarantees against NATO expansion advanced later
that year. Notably, Sarotte, Blanton, and other scholars who treat the February
1990 offer as strategically signiªcant nevertheless argue that subsequent shifts
in the U.S. negotiating position meant that the earlier offer was overtaken by
events. If, however, informal agreements carry strategic signiªcance, then sim-
ply arguing that the U.S. position later changed is not sufªcient to show that a
non-expansion pledge was compromised. Rather, the importance of informal
understandings means that to fully evaluate whether the United States
pledged to forgo NATO expansion, one must understand the substance of
the diplomatic arrangements undergirding German reuniªcation in general.
Doing so requires determining what U.S. and allied leaders conveyed to Soviet
leaders to convince the Soviet Union to agree to German reuniªcation, identi-
fying the conditions under which Western policymakers indicated reuniªca-
tion would take place, showing how this deal evolved throughout 1990, and
placing these arrangements in the context of U.S.-Soviet relations at the end of
the Cold War. Only then can one address the underlying issue in the NATO ex-
pansion debate: whether Soviet/Russian leaders are correct that the United
States offered informal guarantees against NATO expansion throughout 1990.

Suggesting a Settlement: The Diplomacy of 1990

A fuller reading of the diplomatic record shows that the Soviet Union repeat-
edly received assurances against NATO expansion into Eastern Europe. These
promises were a central feature of U.S.-Soviet negotiations throughout 1990, as
diplomatic bargaining evolved from a U.S. and West German effort to engage
the Soviet Union on German reuniªcation to shaping the substance of the
deal and ultimately the formal terms that the Soviet leadership accepted in
September 1990. That said, there is also strong evidence showing that the
United States misled the Soviet Union in the 1990 talks. As Sarotte ªrst noted,
a growing body of evidence indicates that U.S. policymakers suggested limits
on NATO’s post–Cold War presence to the Soviet Union, while privately plan-
ning for an American-dominated post–Cold War system and taking steps that
would attain this objective.

background to a deal: holding the u.s. line

The possibility of German reuniªcation became an active U.S. policy consider-
ation in the second half of 1989 amid mounting unrest in East Germany.63

63. The possibility of German reuniªcation was of concern to the Bush administration from early
1989. Initial U.S. efforts, however, focused on limiting the risk that reuniªcation would undermine
West Germany’s relationship with NATO and preventing the Soviet Union from using reuniªca-
International Security 40:4 20

Throughout the fall of 1989, U.S. policymakers feared that a collapse of East
German authority would precipitate a scramble to reunify the two Germanys.
Such action would threaten European stability by raising the question of
whether a reuniªed Germany would be allied with the United States or the
Soviet Union, whether it would become a neutral actor, or whether it would
emerge as part of an altogether new European security arrangement.64 Unless
Germany reuniªed within NATO, the United States’ inºuence in Europe
would be signiªcantly diminished.
The fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, transformed concerns about
Germany’s future from hypothetical worries into political realities. Immedi-
ately, U.S. policymakers sought to ensure that any new arrangements between
East Germany and West Germany not undermine the latter’s commitment to
NATO.65 Pursuing this objective, however, risked a strategic confrontation
with the Soviet Union, as a reuniªed Germany within NATO represented what
U.S. National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft termed “the Soviet Union’s
worst nightmare”—a situation that would “rip the heart out of the Soviet secu-
rity system.”66 Preventing this outcome had long been a primary Soviet inter-
est and, into late 1989, U.S. policymakers concluded that the Soviet Union
retained two options to achieve this end. First, the Soviet Union and its
Warsaw Pact allies could use force to block reuniªcation.67 Although not nec-
essarily likely, Soviet intervention was “among the World War III scenarios”
that U.S. policymakers took seriously.68 Second, short of using force, the Soviet

tion as propaganda against the West. For early U.S. discussion, see Robert L. Hutchings, American
Diplomacy and the End of the Cold War: An Insider’s Account of U.S. Diplomacy in Europe, 1989–1992
(Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 1997), pp. 97–98; and Frank Costigliola, “An
‘Arm around the Shoulder’: The United States, NATO, and German Reuniªcation, 1989–1990,”
Contemporary European History, Vol. 3, No. 1 (March 1994), pp. 95–96. For U.S. concerns, see Brent
Scowcroft to the President, “The NATO Summit,” March 20, 1989, folder “NATO Summit—May
1989,” box CF00779, Kanter Files, GBPL; and Robert Zoellick, “NATO Summit—Possible Initia-
tives [Zoellick Draft],” May 15, 1989, folder 5, box 108, Baker Papers, Seeley Mudd Manuscript
Library (hereafter SMML), Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey.
64. Scowcroft, “The NATO Summit”; Zoellick, “NATO Summit—Possible Initiatives”; and R.G.H.
Seitz to the Secretary, “The Future of Germany in a Fast-Changing Europe,” October 10, 1989,
box 38, Soviet Flashpoints, George Washington University National Security Archive (hereaf-
ter NSA). For discussion of the United States’ preference for the status quo, see Sarotte, 1989,
pp. 26–27.
65. Robert Hutchings to Brent Scowcroft, “The German Question,” and enclosure “Handling the
German Question at Malta and Beyond,” November 20, 1989, folder “Malta Summit Papers (Prep-
aration) December 1989 [1],” box CF00717, Rice Files, GBPL.
66. Brent Scowcroft to the President, “The Soviets and the German Question,” November 29, 1989,
folder “German Uniªcation (November 1989),” box 91116, Scowcroft Files, GBPL. For similar dis-
cussion based largely on European sources, see Kristina Spohr, “Germany, America, and the
Shaping of Post–Cold War Europe,” Cold War History, Vol. 15, No. 2 (April 2015), pp. 225–229.
67. Spohr, “Germany, America, and the Shaping of Post–Cold War Europe,” pp. 225–229.
68. State-Defense-NSC Working Group, “GDR Crisis Contingencies,” November 6, 1989, and ac-
companying note from Robert Blackwill to Brent Scowcroft, November 7, 1989, folder “German
Deal or No Deal? 21

Union could play to German nationalist aspirations and propose that talks on
reuniªcation be conditioned on altering the reuniªed state’s relationship with
NATO.69 Kohl’s decision on November 28, 1989, to propose a plan for reuni-
ªcation in a speech to the West German parliament without consulting the
United States or mentioning NATO lent credence to this concern, suggesting
that West German leaders might compromise their country’s existing rela-
tionship with NATO to secure Soviet support for reuniªcation.70
A path to reunify Germany without weakening West Germany’s relation-
ship to NATO or risking conºict with the Soviet Union only appeared at
the start of 1990, as the Soviet threat to use force declined.71 By late January
1990, the collapse of Communist authority in Eastern Europe owing to the
Revolutions of 1989 led U.S. policymakers to conclude that Soviet forces “were
fast being pushed out” of the region.72 Even if it wanted to, the Soviet Union
was, as then–NSC staff member Condoleezza Rice described, “unable to
reextend its tentacles” into the region.73 If the Soviet Union were to stop re-
uniªcation or guide the process in ways that would harm U.S. interests, it
would have to do so at the bargaining table. Indeed, the longer the issue of
German reuniªcation went unaddressed, the more likely it was that Soviet
leaders would seize the agenda to gain diplomatic inºuence over its eventual
terms.74 As the German people lobbied for reuniªcation and East Germany

Reuniªcation 11/89–6/90 [1],” box CF00182, Blackwill Files, GBPL; and Brent Scowcroft to the
President, “The Future of Perestroika and the European Order,” undated [late November/early
December 1989], folder “Malta Summit Papers (Preparation) December 1989 [3],” box CF00717,
Rice Files, GBPL.
69. Seitz, “The Future of Germany in a Fast-Changing Europe”; and Scowcroft, “The Soviets and
the German Question.”
70. George Bush and Brent Scowcroft, A World Transformed (New York: Random House, 1998),
pp. 194–198.
71. As Kohl’s late November 1989 speech indicates, U.S. and West German leaders began explor-
ing possible options for reuniªcation in the last two months of 1989. These efforts helped each side
consider possible strategies, but remained nascent and uncoordinated. Into early 1990, the United
States was still searching—as Zelikow and Rice recount—for “answers to the hard questions about
how German reuniªcation might come to pass.” See Zelikow and Rice, Germany Uniªed and Europe
Transformed, pp. 156, 172–175. For discussion of American uncertainty, see Brent Scowcroft to the
President, “U.S. Diplomacy for the New Europe,” December 22, 1989, folder “German Uniªcation
(December 1989),” box 91116, Scowcroft Files, GBPL; Robert Hutchings to Brent Scowcroft, “Re-
sponding to a Soviet Call for a German Peace Conference,” and enclosure to the President, [un-
dated, circa January 15, 1990], folder “German Reuniªcation—2⫹4,” box CF01414, Hutchings
Files, GBPL.
72. Robert Hutchings to Brent Scowcroft, “Your Breakfast with Kissinger: Managing the German
Question,” January 26, 1990, folder “German Reuniªcation 11/89–6/90 [1],” box CF00182,
Blackwill Files, GBPL; and William Webster (CIA Director) and Harry Soyster (Defense Intelli-
gence Agency Director), testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Hearing on
Threats Facing the United States and Its Allies, 101st Cong., 2nd sess., 1990, S. Hrg. 101-780, pp. 57–62.
73. Condoleezza Rice to Brent Scowcroft, “Showdown in Moscow?” February 1, 1990, folder
“USSR—Gorbachev,” box CF00719, Rice Files, GBPL.
74. Robert Hutchings to Brent Scowcroft, “Germany,” January 30, 1990, and enclosure, Brent
International Security 40:4 22

unraveled, the United States faced growing incentives to take the initiative
on reuniªcation while blocking Soviet opportunism.75 Alongside their West
German counterparts, U.S. policymakers decided to explore the following
questions: (1) would the Soviet Union accept reuniªcation, (2) what would it
take to bring the Soviets to the bargaining table, and (3) most important, what
would the Soviet Union demand—especially with regard to Germany’s rela-
tionship with NATO—in return for allowing reuniªcation to proceed?76

“iron-clad guarantees” against expansion, january–february 1990

Efforts to establish a concrete framework for negotiating whether and how
German reuniªcation would occur began in earnest with a speech by
West German Foreign Minister Genscher. Speaking in Tutzing, West Germany,
on January 31, 1990, Genscher advanced a quid pro quo: there would be “no
extension of NATO territory to the East, i.e., nearer the borders of the Soviet
Union” if the Soviets allowed reuniªcation.77 Genscher, a political rival of
Kohl, may have had domestic reasons for trying to seize the lead on reuniªca-
tion, but his proposal echoed interest among other Western ofªcials in explor-
ing whether the Soviets would accept reuniªcation in exchange for limiting
NATO’s reach.78 During talks with Secretary of State Baker in Washington on
February 2, 1990, Genscher elaborated that, under his plan, “NATO would not
extend its territorial coverage to the area of the GDR nor anywhere else in
Eastern Europe.”79 Baker subsequently embraced Genscher’s idea and sup-
ported it both publicly and in private.80

Scowcroft to the President, “A Strategy for German Uniªcation,” n.d., document 9000922, NSC PA
Files, GBPL.
75. Sarotte, 1989, pp. 68–86, 92–102.
76. Robert Blackwill to Brent Scowcroft, “The Beginning of the Big Game,” February 7, 1990,
folder “German Reuniªcation 11/89–6/90 [1],” box CF00182, Blackwill Files, GBPL.
77. Frank Elbe and Richard Kiessler, A Round Table with Sharp Corners: The Diplomatic Path to Ger-
man Unity (Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos, 1996), p. 79.
78. Sarotte, “Not One Inch Eastward?” p. 122; Scowcroft, “A Strategy for German Uniªcation”;
Brent Scowcroft to the President, “Trip Report: Wehrkunde Conference in Munich, FRG February
3–4 1990,” folder “German Reuniªcation 11/89–6/90 [1],” box CF00182, Blackwill Files, GBPL.
Genscher led the liberal Free Democratic Party in uneasy partnership with Kohl’s Christian Demo-
cratic Union. With FRG elections scheduled later in 1990, Genscher had reason to distinguish his
policy from Kohl’s.
79. This account is drawn from the State Department’s description of the Baker-Genscher meeting.
See Secretary of State to American Embassy Bonn, “Baker/Genscher Meeting February 2,” Febru-
ary 3, 1990, folder “Germany—March 1990,” box CF00775, Kanter Files, GBPL. Note that it contra-
dicts reports on the meeting in some of the literature that describe the talks as applying only to
East Germany and not the rest of Eastern Europe. Compare, for example, the account here
to Spohr (who claims that the Genscher-Baker meeting left “the territories east of the GDR un-
touched”) and Zelikow and Rice (“Baker understood Genscher to say [. . .] that NATO’s territorial
coverage would not extend to the former GDR”). See Spohr, “Precluded or Precedent-Setting?”
p. 18; and Zelikow and Rice, Germany Uniªed and Europe Transformed, p. 176.
80. Zelikow and Rice, Germany Uniªed and Europe Transformed, pp. 176–177; Elbe and Kiessler,
Deal or No Deal? 23

The U.S.–West German position on NATO non-expansion served as the ba-

sis for meetings in Moscow on February 7–9, 1990, between U.S. ofªcials, led
by Secretary of State Baker, and their Soviet counterparts.81 In line with de-
scriptions of these meetings by Kramer, Sarotte, Spohr, Zelikow and Rice,
and others, the partially declassiªed U.S. transcripts indicate that Baker re-
peatedly linked German reuniªcation to a NATO non-expansion pledge.82 On
February 9, 1990, for example, Baker told Shevardnadze that the United States
was seeking a reuniªed Germany that would remain “ªrmly anchored” in
NATO, while promising “iron-clad guarantees that NATO’s jurisdiction or
forces would not move eastward.”83 Baker returned to these points in a meet-
ing with Gorbachev and Shevardnadze later that day. In it, Baker acknowl-
edged “the need for assurances to countries in the East” and pledged
that “there would be no extension of NATO’s jurisdiction for forces of
NATO one inch to the east” if Germany reuniªed within NATO.84 In this lat-
ter meeting, Baker even asked Gorbachev whether the Soviet Union preferred
a reuniªed Germany that was neutral or one that maintained “ties to NATO
and assurances that there would be no extension of NATO’s current jurisdic-
tion eastward.”85
Although the relevant section of the U.S. transcript is redacted, the Soviet
record of the conversation further indicates that when Gorbachev informed
Baker that “a broadening of the NATO zone is not acceptable,” Baker quickly
agreed.86 Having seemingly reached an understanding, Gorbachev ended the
discussion on a positive note, telling Baker that “what you have said to me
about your approach and your preference is very realistic. So let’s think about
that.”87 Signiªcantly, Baker publicized the quid pro quo in a press conference,
saying that the United States proposed “there should be no extension of NATO
forces eastward in order to assuage the security concerns of those of the East of

A Round Table with Sharp Corners, p. 88; and Thomas Friedman, “U.S. Backing West Germany’s
Unity Idea,” New York Times, February 7, 1990.
81. Zelikow and Rice, Germany Uniªed and Europe Transformed, pp. 176–179; and Sarotte, 1989,
pp. 105–107.
82. Kramer, “The Myth of a No-NATO-Enlargement Pledge to Russia,” pp. 47–49; Sarotte, “Not
One Inch Eastward?” pp. 128–129; Sarotte, 1989, pp. 110–111; Spohr, “Precluded or Precedent-
Setting?” pp. 21–26; and Zelikow and Rice, Germany Uniªed and Europe Transformed, pp. 179–185.
83. Memorandum of Conversation (hereafter Memcon), “Second One-on-One, the Secretary,
Eduard Shevardnadze,” February 9, 1990, box 38, Soviet Flashpoints, NSA.
84. Memcon, “Secretary Baker, President Gorbachev, Eduard Shevardnadze,” February 9, 1990,
box 38, Soviet Flashpoints, NSA.
85. Ibid.
86. “Record of Conversation between Mikhail Gorbachev and James Baker, February 9, 1990,” in
Savranskaya, Blanton, and Zubok, Masterpieces of History, doc. 119.
87. Memcon, “Secretary Baker, President Gorbachev, Eduard Shevardnadze.” To be clear,
Gorbachev emphasized that Baker should not ask for the Soviet “bottom line” at that moment. In
context, however, Gorbachev seems to have taken Baker’s proposal as representing the minimum
terms on which additional negotiations could occur.
International Security 40:4 24

Germany [sic],” and that reunifying Germany in NATO was “not likely to hap-
pen without there being some sort of security guarantees with respect to
NATO’s forces [. . .] or the jurisdiction of NATO moving eastward.”88
Other administration ofªcials echoed Baker’s offer. In a conversation whose
details came to light in 2013, Deputy National Security Adviser Robert Gates
accompanied Baker to Moscow and discussed similar terms in a meeting with
Soviet intelligence chief Vladimir Kryuchkov on February 9, 1990.89 As the de-
classiªed transcript of the discussion reveals, Gates afªrmed that “we support
the Kohl-Genscher idea of a united Germany belonging to NATO but with no
extension of military presence to the GDR. This would be in the context of con-
tinuing force reductions in Europe. What did Kryuchkov think of the Kohl/
Genscher proposal under which a united Germany would be associated with
NATO, but in which NATO troops would move no further east than they now
were? It seems to us to be a sound proposal.”90 The transcript of the conversa-
tion also shows that Kryuchkov, unlike Gorbachev, was not enthusiastic about
the U.S.–West German proposal. Nevertheless, this does not detract from the
importance of Gates’s offer. Not only did Gates advance a parallel pledge to
Baker’s, but his praise for the plan as a “sound proposal” suggested broad U.S.
support for a deal in which NATO would move no further east that Soviet
leaders could not have missed. Tellingly, Gates’s discussion with Kryuchkov
also belies the notion that Baker’s offer was merely speculative; instead, it in-
dicates more support within the Bush administration for the NATO non-
expansion pledge than Sarotte and others suggest.91 Meanwhile, Kohl met
with Gorbachev in Moscow on February 10, 1990, telling the Soviet leader
that “naturally NATO could not extend its territory” into East Germany. That
same day, Genscher told Shevardnadze that “NATO will not expand itself to
the East.”92
Thus, by mid-February 1990, U.S. and West German ofªcials had proposed

88. Department of State, Press Release, “Press Conference of James Baker III Following U.S.-USSR
Ministerial Meetings, Moscow, USSR, February 9, 1990,” PR No. 14, February 16, 1990, folder 20,
box 161, Baker Papers, SMML.
89. Prior studies have not mentioned Gates’s presence on the trip, whereas participants’ memoirs
mention Gates’s presence but omit the substance of his discussion. See Robert M. Gates, From The
Shadows: The Ultimate Insider’s Story of Five Presidents (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1996),
pp. 490–492; and Zelikow and Rice, Germany Uniªed and Europe Transformed, p. 184. Details of
Gates’s conversation only emerged with the 2013 declassiªcation of Memcon, “Robert M. Gates
and V.I. Kryuchkov,” February 9, 1990, folder “Gorbachev (Dobrynin) Sensitive July–December
1990 [1],” box 91128, Scowcroft Files, GBPL.
90. Memcon, “Robert M. Gates and V.I. Kryuchkov.”
91. This makes sense: it is unlikely that Baker would negotiate over as important a subject as Ger-
many’s future without signiªcant intra-administration coordination. On Baker’s speculation, see
Sarotte, 1989, p. 114; and Baker’s comments in Gordon, “Anatomy of a Misunderstanding.”
92. Kohl quoted in Sarotte, 1989, p. 112; and Genscher quoted in Spohr, “Precluded or Precedent-
Setting?” p. 30.
Deal or No Deal? 25

the outlines of a new strategic landscape to Soviet policymakers. In the nascent

deal, Germany would reunify, the Soviet Union would retrench, and NATO
would not move into the former East Germany or points beyond. The State
Department itself suggested the trade-off, informing its embassies that “[t]he
Secretary made clear that [. . .] we supported a uniªed Germany within NATO,
but that we were prepared to ensure that NATO’s military presence would not
extend further eastward.”93 In any ordinary sense of the term “eastward,” all
of the countries to which NATO expanded in the 1990s would remain outside
the Western orbit. Soviet leaders were effectively promised that Soviet cooper-
ation on Germany would be met by Western restraint.
The U.S.–West German pledges had dramatic consequences, as Gorbachev
agreed to allow German reuniªcation to proceed immediately following his
conversation with Kohl on February 10.94 In doing so, Gorbachev was not sim-
ply conceding to Western demands. Rather, in an environment where informal
arrangements were commonplace, the Soviet leader was agreeing to the U.S.-
backed offer by making the concession sought by the United States and West
Germany. During a subsequent conference in Ottawa on February 13, 1990, the
Soviet leadership reinforced the point by accepting U.S. proposals for “Two-
Plus-Four” talks to facilitate the security aspects of German reuniªcation.95 In
short, within one week of meeting Baker, Gates, and other Western leaders
in Moscow, the Soviet leadership began moving in the very direction sought
by the United States on the basis of U.S.–West German proposals.

“special military status” for east germany, february–april 1990

While Baker and Gates were meeting with the Soviet leadership to sketch the
outlines of the non-expansion pledge, its contents were coming under scrutiny
from within the U.S. government for appearing to leave all of East Germany—
which would soon become part of uniªed Germany—outside NATO security
guarantees.96 To clarify the U.S. position, Bush sent Kohl a letter on February 9,
1990, explaining that the United States wanted a “uniªed Germany [. . .] in the

93. Secretary of State, “Brieªng on U.S.-Soviet Ministerial,” February 13, 1990, State Department
Freedom of Information Act website (hereafter DOS/FOIA),
94. “Delegationsgespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Generalsekretär Gorbatschow” [Federal
Chancellor Kohl’s delegation talk with General Secretary Gorbachev], in Hanns Jürgen Küsters
and Daniel Hofmann, eds., Deutsche Einheit: Dokumente zur Deutschlandpolitik (Berlin: Directmedia,
2004), doc. 175. I thank Simon Miles for this translation. For more on Gorbachev’s concession, see
Sarotte, “Not One Inch Eastward?” pp. 131–132.
95. “Two Plus Four Statement Made during the Open Skies Conference, Ottawa, 14 February
1990,” in Adam Daniel Rotfeld and Walther Stützle, eds., Germany and Europe in Transition (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1991), p. 168.
96. Spohr, “Precluded or Precedent-Setting?” pp. 24–25; and Sarotte, 1989, pp. 124–125. See also
James A. Baker III, The Politics of Diplomacy (New York: G.P. Putnam’s, 1995), pp. 233–234.
International Security 40:4 26

Atlantic alliance” in which East Germany would enjoy “special military

status” within NATO.97 Seeking to address this issue further, U.S. and West
German leaders met at Camp David on February 24–25, 1990, and agreed on
revised terms to present to the Soviet Union. Now, the United States and West
Germany would offer the former East Germany “special military status”
within a reuniªed Germany:98 NATO would have “jurisdiction” over the area
even if NATO military structures did not extend to former East German ter-
ritory.99 All of reuniªed Germany would then formally be in NATO and cov-
ered by NATO security guarantees. Scholars including Sarotte, Kramer, and
Spohr, as well as former policymakers consider this revised offer a major shift
in U.S. policy: in proposing to extend NATO security guarantees to all
of Germany, the United States was closing off Soviet opportunities to codify
the NATO non-expansion pledge and voiding prior assurances against
NATO expansion.100
Given the importance of informal bargains in diplomatic negotiations, how-
ever, and taking into consideration the diplomacy around the late February
1990 talks, I argue that the proposal for special military status for East
Germany reinforced, rather than overturned, U.S.–West German assurances
against NATO expansion. On one level, the proposal left unanswered the
question of how the offer related to prior pledges against NATO expansion.
This may be partly because U.S. ofªcials were themselves unclear as to what
special military status entailed:101 it was only in the spring of 1990 that the

97. Sarotte, “Not One Inch Eastward?” pp. 129–130; and “Schreiben des Präsidenten Bush an
Bundeskanzler Kohl 9. Februar 1990” [Letter from President Bush to Chancellor Kohl, February 9,
1990], in Küsters and Hofmann, Deutsche Einheit, doc. 170.
98. Zelikow and Rice, Germany Uniªed and Europe Transformed, pp. 214–215. The idea of a “special
military status” was initially raised by NATO Secretary General Manfred Worner and discussed
inside the U.S. government concurrent with the early February Baker-Gorbachev talks. It took un-
til late February, however, for the idea to solidify and for the United States to communicate the of-
fer to the Soviet leadership. See Zelikow and Rice, Germany Uniªed and Europe Transformed,
pp. 184–187, 214–215; Brent Scowcroft to the President, “Meetings with German Chancellor
Helmut Kohl,” February 24–25, 1990, and enclosed talking points, “Points to be Made for Meetings
with FRG Chancellor Helmut Kohl,” folder “[Helmut] Kohl Visit—February 1990,” box CF00774,
Kanter Files, GBPL; Memcon, “Telephone Conversation with President Mikhail Gorbachev of the
Soviet Union,” February 28, 1990, GBPL online,ªles/memcons-
99. Memcon, “Meeting with Helmut Kohl, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany,” sec-
ond meeting, February 25, 1990, GBPL online,
100. See, for example, Zelikow, “NATO Expansion Wasn’t Ruled Out”; Kramer, “The Myth of a
No-NATO-Enlargement Pledge to Russia,” pp. 49–52; and Sarotte, “Not One Inch Eastward?”
pp. 132–136.
101. Robert Blackwill to Brent Scowcroft, “Europe,” February 9, 1990, folder “German Uniªca-
tion,” box CF00716, Rice Files, GBPL; U.S. Department of State, “Interview of the Honorable James
Baker on ‘This Week with David Brinkley’ with Guest Interviewers George Will and Sam
Deal or No Deal? 27

United States proposed that special military status meant that there would be
“no NATO forces in the territory of the GDR” as Soviet forces withdrew from
the area; only in the summer did Soviet and Western negotiators agree on the
details of East Germany’s future military position.102 Thus, during the press
conference following the February 24–25 Camp David meetings, Bush de-
clared in general terms that “the former territory of [East Germany] should
have a special military status, that it would take into account the legitimate se-
curity interests of all interested countries, including those of the Soviet
Union.”103 Nor did a telephone conversation between Bush and Gorbachev on
February 28 help clarify the issue. During the call, Bush told Gorbachev that
“the uniªed Germany should remain in NATO; that American troops will re-
main in Europe as long as the Europeans want them; and that there needs to be
a special status for the former territory of the GDR.” Further, the president
pledged that the United States would recognize the “legitimate security inter-
ests” of all parties.104 Notably, in highlighting limits to NATO’s future role in
Germany and recognizing the need to acknowledge Soviet “security interests,”
Bush was echoing comments by Baker and Gates during their February 9 talks
with the Soviet leadership. Combined, the new terms could be interpreted as
explaining how NATO would avoid expanding eastward if Germany reuniªed
within NATO.105
Also important is the strategic backdrop against which the 1990 negotiations
occurred. Just as policymakers in the early Cold War recognized that control of

Donaldson, February 18, 1990,” PR No. 20, February 20, 1990, folder 22, box 161, Baker Papers,
102. Quote from A. Goodman, F. Miles, and R. George, “Theme Paper: German Uniªcation,”
May 23, 1990, DOS/FOIA. By August–September 1990, negotiators further agreed that a special
military status meant that non-German NATO forces would not be permanently stationed on
former East German territory, and that even West German units assigned to NATO could move
into the area only after Soviet forces withdrew. For the evolving U.S. position, see B.P. Hall, “Secu-
rity Issues in the Two-Plus-Four,” April 5, 1990, folder “German Reuniªcation 11/89–6/90[2],”
box CF00182, Blackwill Files, GBPL; James Baker et al., “Memorandum of Conversation,” May 18,
1990, folder “Gorbachev [Dobrynin] Sensitive 1989–June 1990 [Copy Set] [2],” box 91127,
Scowcroft Files, GBPL; and Robert Hutchings to Brent Scowcroft, “German Uniªcation: New Prob-
lems at End Game,” August 27, 1990, folder “United Germany [2],” box CF01414, Hutchings Files,
GBPL. For ªnal terms, see “Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany.”
103. George H.W. Bush, “The President’s News Conference Following Discussions with Chancel-
lor Helmut Kohl of the Federal Republic of Germany,” February 25, 1990, in Gerhard Peters and
John Woolley, eds., American Presidency Project,
104. Memcon, “Telephone Conversation with President Mikhail Gorbachev of the Soviet Union.”
105. There is some evidence that Soviet leaders interpreted the special military status offer in this
manner: as Zelikow and Rice report, Shevardnadze did not seem to realize even in mid-March
1990 that “Washington and Bonn had already dropped the [Tutzing] formula and were now taking
an even less compromising stance.” See Zelikow and Rice, Germany Uniªed and Europe Transformed,
p. 231.
International Security 40:4 28

a uniªed Germany was the key to dominance in Europe, so did policymakers

in 1989–90 recognize that East Germany and West Germany were the respec-
tive hearts of the Warsaw Pact and NATO.106 As Gorbachev told Kohl in
Moscow on February 10, “When you say that NATO would disintegrate with-
out Germany, this also applies to the Warsaw Pact.”107 Added to the fact that
NATO is foremost a military alliance, offering the former East Germany spe-
cial military status takes on new meaning: if NATO’s two largest members
were willing to limit their military presence in the former East Germany, then
the Soviet Union had good reason to believe that prior pledges against NATO
expansion would be upheld regardless of whether NATO jurisdiction formally
covered East German territory. Indeed, even as discussion of special status for
East Germany was in its early stages, Rice underscored the relationship be-
tween Western offers and Soviet concerns, writing to Scowcroft in mid-
February 1990: “Moscow’s primary concern will be that there be no further
shift—in perception or reality—in the East-West strategic balance.”108 Con-
ferring special status on East Germany could thereby signal that U.S. and West
German leaders were willing to limit NATO’s future relationship with the
Soviet Union’s most important ally and, in turn, the rest of Eastern Europe.
Logically, if NATO did not militarily move into the territory of this ally, then it
would be unlikely to move further east to include less important states.

“a transformed alliance,” march–august 1990

Having ºoated a non-expansion pledge in February 1990 and clarifying
that this offer might include special status for the former East Germany, U.S.
policymakers in the spring and summer of 1990 offered the Soviet Union addi-
tional terms that reinforced the assurances against NATO enlargement. These
included promises that the Soviet Union would not be strategically isolated in
post–Cold War Europe, that NATO would not exploit Soviet weaknesses, and
that Europe’s post–Cold War security architecture would be increasingly inclu-
sive. The resulting bargaining thereby used discussions over the future of

106. On early Cold War concerns, see Trachtenberg, A Constructed Peace; and State Department
Policy Planning Staff, “Resume of World Situation,” PPS/13, February 6, 1947, in Anna Kasten
Nelson, ed., The State Department Policy Planning Staff Papers, Vol. 1 (New York: Garland, 1983),
pp. 132–134.
107. “Gespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Generalsekretär Gorbatschow Moskau, 10. Februar
1990” [Meeting of Federal Chancellor Kohl with General Secretary Gorbachev, Moscow, Febru-
ary 10, 1990], in Küsters and Hofmann, Deutsche Einheit, doc. 174. Thanks go to Simon Miles for
108. Condoleezza Rice to Brent Scowcroft, “Preparing for the German Peace Conference,” Febru-
ary 14, 1990, and enclosure to the President, “Preparing for the Six Power German Peace Confer-
ence,” folder “German Reuniªcation 11/89–6/90 [1],” box CF00182, Blackwill Files, GBPL.
Deal or No Deal? 29

European security to underscore the non-expansion deal by implying limits on

NATO’s post–Cold War role and the United States’ post–Cold War dominance.
The Bush administration recognized that fear of NATO encroachment and
loss of international prestige drove Soviet opposition to German reuniªcation
in NATO; as Baker commented in June 1990, “The Soviet Union doesn’t want
to look like losers [sic].”109 The consequences of this situation became espe-
cially clear beginning in March of that year, when Soviet policymakers ad-
vanced a set of demands to buttress Soviet power and limit NATO’s post–Cold
War dominance in Europe as the price for German reuniªcation.110 As the Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency reported, these demands included calls to disband the
Warsaw Pact and NATO, as well as to slow reuniªcation until the two alliances
could be replaced with an “all-European security structure” centered on
the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE).111 These de-
mands put pressure on the United States to advance an alternative “package”
to convince the Soviet Union to agree to German reuniªcation without sacriªc-
ing NATO.112
First presented by Baker during a mid-May 1990 visit to Moscow, the U.S.
package—which became known as the “Nine Assurances”—combined points
raised in earlier discussions into a single deal.113 For the purposes of this anal-
ysis, the three most important elements were promises (1) to gradually
strengthen the CSCE by providing it with mechanisms designed to suggest
that it might evolve into a pan-European security institution that would com-
plement NATO and aid in the “development of a new Europe”; (2) to limit mil-

109. Baker quote from “Draft Memcon for President’s Meeting and Dinner with Chancellor Kohl,”
June 8, 1990, folder “Germany—Federal Republic of—Correspondence [1],” box CF01413,
Hutchings Files, GBPL. For Soviet concerns, see [no author listed; appears to be Robert Zoellick],
“Two Plus Four: Advantages, Possible Concerns, and Rebuttal Points,” February 21, 1990, box 38,
Soviet Flashpoints, NSA; and “Notes from Jim Cicconi re: 7/3/90 pre–NATO Summit brieªng at
Kennebunkport,” July 3, 1990, folder 3, box 109, Baker Papers, SMML.
110. Hannes Adomeit, “Gorbachev’s Consent to Uniªed Germany’s Membership in NATO”
(Berlin: German Institute for International and Security Affairs, December 11, 2006), p. 10.
Gorbachev’s foreign policy sought what he termed a “Common European Home” based on collec-
tive security and conºict resolution measures (particularly via the CSCE), economic integration,
and plans for NATO and the Warsaw Pact to draw closer together as political rather than military
alliances. See Marie-Pierre Rey, “‘Europe Is Our Common Home’: A Study of Gorbachev’s Diplo-
matic Concept,” Cold War History, Vol. 4, No. 2 (January 2004), pp. 33–65.
111. Central Intelligence Agency, “Soviet Policy on German Uniªcation,” [no date; prepared for
May 29, 1990 brieªng], folder “Chron File: May 1990—June 1990 [3],” box CF01309, Burns Files,
GBPL. For details, see, inter alia, Roger George to Robert Zoellick and Dennis Ross, “The Two Plus
Four Tightrope,” March 12, 1990, folder “2⫹4 Germany #3 [1],” box CF00721, Rice Files, GBPL;
State Department, “German Uniªcation—Two Plus Four Process,” May 25, 1990, folder “Chron
File: May 1990–June 1990 [3],” box CF01309, Burns Files, GBPL; and James Baker, “June 22 Two-
Plus-Four Ministerial in Berlin,” DOS/FOIA.
112. Zelikow and Rice, Germany Uniªed and Europe Transformed, pp. 250–265, 450 n. 25.
113. Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, pp. 268–275.
International Security 40:4 30

itary forces in Europe via the Conventional Forces in Europe negotiations; and
(3) to transform NATO into an increasingly “political” organization.114 At
a time when Soviet leaders were seeking “a new security structure” and
“some guarantee of security” given changes in Europe,115 the United States de-
signed these terms to “underscore our commitment to seek to meet Soviet con-
cerns.”116 After all, if the CSCE were to become a vibrant security institution, if
NATO were to take on an increasingly political role, and if interlocking institu-
tions were to ensure the United States and the Soviet Union a place in the
“New Europe,” then NATO’s eastward expansion would be unlikely as NATO
became less important to European security.117
Efforts to reassure the Soviet Union and downplay NATO’s dominance oc-
cupied a prominent place in discussions over Europe’s future throughout the
spring of 1990. Even before revealing the Nine Assurances, Bush used a speech
in Stillwater, Oklahoma, on May 4, 1990, to highlight steps that the United
States and NATO planned to take to build a more cooperative Europe.118 Meet-
ing with Shevardnadze on May 5, Baker tied promises on the CSCE, military
reductions, and NATO transformation to Soviet concerns over NATO’s future
and German reuniªcation, telling the Soviet foreign minister that U.S. propos-
als “would not yield winners and losers. Instead, [they] would produce a
new legitimate European structure—one that would be inclusive, not exclu-
sive.”119 Baker was still more direct when presenting the Nine Assurances to
Gorbachev on May 18. During their talks in Moscow, Baker explained that the
United States did not want any “unilateral advantage” from the diplomatic ne-
gotiations, promised “a different kind of NATO,” and pledged that the United
States was committed to building the pan-European security institutions de-

114. Baker et al., “Memorandum of Conversation.” For additional discussion of these points, see
Condoleezza Rice to Brent Scowcroft, “Issues for Camp David,” and enclosed brieªng cards,
June 1, 1990, folder “Washington Summit June 1990 [2 of 4],” box CF00717, Rice Files, GBPL; James
Baker, “My Meeting with Gorbachev,” May 18, 1990, DOS/FOIA; “Baker Handwritten Notes from
May 1990 Camp David Summit,” May 31, 1990, folder 1, box 109, Baker Papers, SMML.
115. Soviet comments in, respectively, Baker et al., “Memorandum of Conversation”; and
Memcon, “Meeting with Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze,” April 6, 1990, GBPL online,—Shevardnadze.pdf.
116. State Department, “German Uniªcation—Two Plus Four Process.” Accompanying docu-
ments suggest that Zoellick briefed Bush on this report on May 29. See Brent Scowcroft to the Pres-
ident, “Brieªng on Germany—the Future of Europe,” May 27, 1990, folder “Chron File: May 1990–
June 1990 [3],” box CF01309, Burns Files, GBPL.
117. Quote is from Rice, “Issues for Camp David,” enclosed brieªng cards. Author’s analysis.
118. George H.W. Bush, “Remarks at the Oklahoma State University Commencement Ceremony
in Stillwater,” May 4, 1990, GBPL online,
119. James Baker, “My Meeting with Shevardnadze,” May 5, 1990, folder “Gorbachev (Dobrynin)
Sensitive 1989–June 1990 [Copy Set] [2],” box 91127, Scowcroft Files, GBPL.
Deal or No Deal? 31

sired by the Soviet Union.120 Bush reinforced these assurances when meeting
the Soviet leadership in Washington on May 31–June 2, arguing (per his talk-
ing points) that NATO, the CSCE, and the European Commission (EC) made
up “the cornerstone of a new, inclusive Europe,” while a Conventional Forces
in Europe agreement represented “the gateway to developing a new political
and security structure in Europe.” At a basic level, the United States claimed
not to want—as Bush told Gorbachev on May 31—“winners and losers” but
instead a Soviet Union “integrated [. . .] into the new Europe.”121
The intended takeaway from these negotiations appears clear: given Bush’s
February 1990 acknowledgment that German reuniªcation would accommo-
date the “legitimate interests” of all parties, Soviet acceptance of the U.S. terms
might result in a reuniªed Germany within NATO, but the Soviet Union’s
broader concern with limiting NATO encroachment would be respected.122 In-
deed, the State Department itself predicted on the eve of the May 31–June 2
Washington Summit that “Gorbachev will be open to using CSCE to guaran-
tee pan-European security and diminish the need for military alliances or
Germany’s membership in NATO, [but] is likely to insist on establishing pa-
rameters for Germany itself,” including limits on the German military.123 Al-
though the United States and the Soviet Union differed over speciªcs, U.S.
calls to build the CSCE, limit military forces, and transform NATO thus played
to Soviet interests by suggesting a post–Cold War Europe amenable to Soviet
concerns. As Baker explained to his NATO colleagues in Brussels in early May
1990, “[A]daptation of NATO, the EC, and the CSCE to new European reali-
ties” avoided “a loss to Moscow” and helped prevent “creating the image of
winners and losers.”124 He was even clearer when suggesting the possibility
of institutionalizing the CSCE, telling Shevardnadze in Moscow on May 18,
that “it can create a sense of inclusion not exclusion in Europe [. . .] I see it as
being a cornerstone over time in the development of a new Europe.”125 Nor
was this just Baker’s personal effort: analysts from France, the United
Kingdom, the United States, and West Germany were explicit in their calcu-

120. Baker et al., “Memorandum of Conversation.”

121. Memcon, “Meeting with President Gorbachev,” May 31, 1990, folder “Gorbachev (Dobrynin)
Sensitive July–December 1990 [1],” box 91128, Scowcroft Files, GBPL; and Rice, “Issues for Camp
David,” brieªng cards.
122. Memcon, “Meeting with President Gorbachev.”
123. State Department, “Gorbachev’s Summit Agenda: Looking Ahead,” May 29, 1990, DOS/
124. U.S. Mission NATO, “Secretary Baker’s May 3 NAC Intervention,” May 10, 1990, DOS/
125. Baker et al., “Memorandum of Conversation.”
International Security 40:4 32

lated appeals to Soviet interests, concluding that the Soviet Union would ac-
cept reuniªcation in NATO “provided it is coated with sufªcient sweeteners”
about cooperative security and included “appropriate assurances” about ac-
commodating Soviet security concerns.126 These efforts also appear to have
resonated to some degree with Soviet leaders, as Gorbachev “made clear” in a
meeting with Baker in May that “he approved [Western proposals] very
much.” In June Shevardnadze told Baker that a revamped CSCE was “laying
the basis for substantive guarantees of stability” in Europe.”127
Even if Western proposals did not fully meet Soviet demands, the Soviets
thus still had good reason to believe that the United States was, at minimum,
suggesting a future in which NATO would be unlikely to expand further east.
The point of U.S. proposals was not that NATO would disappear, but that
Europe would become more cooperative and more integrated. By implication,
NATO was unlikely to enlarge beyond Germany as it became less relevant to
Europe’s security landscape.128

a deal with non-expansion elements, july–october 1990

The diplomatic discussions came to a head in July 1990. Early that month,
Western leaders met in London to consider NATO’s future. Discussions over the
preceding weeks suggested that the Soviet position on Germany might change
“depending on steps taken by NATO,” as Soviet leaders sought changes in
NATO policy that would allow them “to tell our people that we face no
threat—not from Germany, not from the US, not from NATO.”129 To reinforce
the narrative of an integrated Europe acceptable to the Soviet Union, the
United States sponsored the “London Declaration on a Transformed North
Atlantic Alliance,” whereby NATO’s members pledged to “enhance the politi-
cal component of our Alliance.”130 Equally important, the Declaration called

126. P. John Weston to J. Stephen Wall, “Meeting of the One Plus Three in Brussels on 10 April,”
April 11, 1990, in Patrick Salmon, Keith Hamilton, and Stephen Twigge, eds., Documents on British
Policy Overseas, series 3, Vol. 7: German Reuniªcation, 1989–1990 (New York: Routledge, 2010), doc.
127. James Baker, “My Meeting with Gorbachev,” May 19, 1990, DOS/FOIA; “Memcon from
6/22/90 mtg w/USSR FM Shevardnadze, Berlin, FRG,” June 22, 1990, box 38, Soviet Flashpoints,
128. As Zoellick explained in May 1990, because Soviet leaders linked German membership in
NATO “to a fundamental question of strategic balance,” U.S. policymakers sought to indicate
“that we are trying to meet legitimate Soviet concerns and that we want uniªcation to contribute
to stronger cooperation in Europe.” See State Department, “German Uniªcation—Two Plus Four
129. “Notes from Jim Cicconi re: 7/3/90 pre–NATO Summit brieªng at Kennebunkport”; and
“Memcon from 6/22/90 mtg w/USSR FM Shevardnadze, Berlin, FRG.”
130. NATO, “London Declaration on a Transformed North Atlantic Alliance,” July 5–6, 1990,
Deal or No Deal? 33

for the CSCE to “become more prominent in Europe’s future, bringing to-
gether the countries of Europe and North America,” while NATO govern-
ments committed to “working with all in the countries in Europe [. . .] to create
enduring peace on this continent.”131 The goal, as Bush explained, was to
shape “Soviet attitudes on the vital questions Moscow must answer in the next
few months” and, as Baker expressed in a cable to Shevardnadze, to showcase
NATO’s willingness to “work with the Soviet Union to build a new Europe
characterized by peaceful cooperation.”132
Against this backdrop, Gorbachev and Kohl met in mid-July 1990 to dis-
cuss Germany’s future. At the time, neither the U.S. nor West German leader-
ship expected a drastic shift in Soviet policy.133 To their surprise, however,
Gorbachev moved to settle the terms of German reuniªcation. During succes-
sive meetings with Kohl in Moscow and the Caucasus, Gorbachev agreed that
a reuniªed Germany would remain within NATO, that NATO security guar-
antees would cover the former East Germany, and that Soviet troops would
withdraw quickly from East Germany.134 In return, Kohl offered loans to the
Soviet Union and pledged that neither NATO nuclear weapons nor non-
German NATO troops would move into the former East Germany.135 Al-
though subsequent U.S. pressure led to permission for non-German NATO
forces to enter the former GDR in an emergency after the Soviets withdrew,
this basic deal—with NATO security guarantees extending to the former
GDR and non-German forces banned from permanent stationing on for-
mer East German territory—became the core of the Final Settlement with
Respect to Germany, signed in September 1990.136 On October 3, 1990, East and
West Germany ofªcially reuniªed.
In sum, it was amid Western and, especially, U.S. suggestions of an inte-

131. In retrospect, cynics might argue that the United States was engaging in bait-and-switch:
promising not to expand NATO only to reverse course afterward. I address this argument below.
132. “President’s Intervention on the Transformation of the North Atlantic Alliance,” July 1990,
folder “NATO: London Summit—July 1990,” box CF01526, Lowenkron Files, GBPL; and James
Baker, “Message from Secretary Baker to FONMIN Shevardnadze,” July 12, 1990, folder “London
Summit July 1990,” box 901/CF01646, Gordon Files, GBPL.
133. Zelikow and Rice, Germany Uniªed and Europe Transformed, pp. 331–332; and Christopher
Mallaby to Douglas Hurd, “My Telno 837: Kohl’s Visit to Moscow,” July 12, 1990, in Salmon, Ham-
ilton and Twigge, Documents on British Policy Overseas, series 3, Vol. 7, doc. 215.
134. Sarotte, 1989, pp. 177–184.
135. Sarotte, “Perpetuating U.S. Preeminence,” pp. 132–133; and Von Plato, The End of the Cold
War? pp. 291–300.
136. Robert Hutchings to Brent Scowcroft, “German Uniªcation: Soviet Draft Settlement Docu-
ment,” September 4, 1990, ªle “German Reuniªcation [1],” box CF01414, Hutchings Files, GBPL;
and “Secretary’s Letter to Genscher: Bilateral Issues,” September 5, 1990, folder “Germany, Federal
Republic of—Correspondence [1],” box CF01413, Hutchings Files, GBPL. Thanks go to Bob
Hutchings for clarifying the September–October arrangements.
International Security 40:4 34

grated and mutually acceptable post–Cold War Europe that Gorbachev con-
sented to German reuniªcation within NATO. The United States did not
formally commit to forgo NATO expansion, but its efforts throughout 1990 to
engage the Soviet Union implied the existence of a non-expansion deal; as
Gorbachev subsequently noted, assurances against NATO expansion were
part of the “spirit” of the 1990 debates.137 Ultimately, if Europe was to be
linked by a new set of security institutions while NATO was militarily con-
strained and had an increasingly political focus, then formal non-expansion
guarantees were superºuous. The structure of the deal would sufªce: prom-
ises of new institutions, a transformed NATO, and an alliance with a circum-
scribed role in the former GDR suggested that NATO expansion was off
the table.

Caveat Emptor: Private Signs of U.S. Ambitions

There is growing evidence that the United States was insincere when offering
the Soviet Union informal assurances against NATO expansion. As Sarotte
ªrst observed, declassiªed materials from U.S. archives suggest that U.S.
policymakers used the diplomacy of German reuniªcation to strengthen
the United States’ position in Europe after the Cold War.138 Yet, whereas
Sarotte implies that the effort to expand the United States’ presence in Europe
began only in late February or March 1990, a review of the James Baker Papers,
materials in the National Security Archive, and documents released by the
George Bush Library since the late 2000s suggest that the impetus for an ex-
panded U.S. footprint—especially into Eastern Europe—began closer to the
turn of 1989–90.139

the false promise of accommodation

The United States’ effort to maximize its inºuence reºected the Bush adminis-
tration’s general strategy for what it thought the United States should do in re-
sponse to the collapse of Soviet power; it did not reºect a fully articulated plan
of action.140 Nevertheless, U.S. policies were structured to block Soviet inºu-
ence over German reuniªcation while still giving the appearance of accommo-
dating Soviet concerns. Under these circumstances, Soviet troops would be
gone from Central and Eastern Europe, Soviet inºuence would be reduced,

137. Kórshunov, “Mikhail Gorbachev.”

138. Sarotte, “Perpetuating U.S. Preeminence,” pp. 118, 135.
139. Ibid., p. 118; and Sarotte, “Not One Inch Eastward?” p. 137.
140. Shifrinson, “Falling Giants,” chap. 3.
Deal or No Deal? 35

and the Soviet Union would be in no position to challenge U.S. policies. The
United States could then decide whether to support NATO enlargement while
enjoying outsize inºuence within NATO itself.141 Put simply, U.S. policy-
makers intended that the results of German reuniªcation would give the
United States a free hand by consolidating a reuniªed Germany—the great
prize of Cold War Europe—within NATO, and blocking any deal that would
foreclose American options in Europe’s new strategic landscape. As Bush
observed when meeting the West German leadership at Camp David on
February 24–25, 1990, “[T]he Soviets are not in a position to dictate Germany’s
relationship with NATO. What worries me is talk that Germany must not stay
in NATO. To hell with that! We prevailed and they didn’t. We can’t let the
Soviets clutch victory from the jaws of defeat.”142
Contrary to what U.S. ofªcials told their Soviet interlocutors, the Bush ad-
ministration privately looked to use the collapse of Soviet power in Central-
Eastern Europe to enhance U.S. preeminence on the continent.143 This policy,
moreover, appeared to make strategic sense at a time when no one expected
the Soviet Union to disintegrate and U.S. planners had to prepare for a world
in which the Soviet Union might remain the largest military threat in
Europe.144 Even before meeting the West German leadership at Camp David
in late February 1990, Baker was ebullient over the prospect of reunifying
Germany within NATO, noting in the margins of a brieªng paper that, relative
to the concessions the United States and West Germany would have to offer,
“you haven’t seen a leveraged buyout until you’ve seen this one!”145 The key
to this end, as the paper elaborated, was structuring the diplomatic process to
create the appearance of U.S. attentiveness to Soviet interests, but actually
avoiding a Soviet “veto” and giving Gorbachev “little real control” over the
terms of German reuniªcation.146 The objective was to ensure Soviet acquies-
cence to a reuniªed Germany within NATO and thus maintain U.S. involve-

141. By 1992, senior U.S. ofªcials were publicly discussing the merits of NATO enlargement. See
James M. Goldgeier, Not Whether but When: The U.S. Decision to Enlarge NATO (Washington, D.C.:
Brookings Institutions Press, 1999), p. 18.
142. Quoted in Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, p. 253.
143. Prior to 1990, the United States was interested in maximizing power at the Soviet Union’s ex-
pense but feared the dangers of trying to overturn the European status quo, leading it to pursue a
more cautious strategy. See Shifrinson, “Falling Giants,” chap. 3; and Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shif-
rinson, “The Malta Summit and U.S.-Soviet Relations: Testing the Waters amidst Stormy Seas,”
Cold War International History Project e-Dossier No. 40 (Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Cen-
ter for International Scholars, July 2013),
144. Scowcroft, “Points to Be Made for Meetings with FRG Chancellor Helmut Kohl.”
145. [no author listed; appears to be Robert Zoellick], “Two Plus Four.”
146. Ibid. See also Rice, “Preparing for the German Peace Conference.”
International Security 40:4 36

ment in Europe through the alliance.147 Similarly, Scowcroft wrote to Bush

before the May–June 1990 Washington Summit that the United States needed
to underline to Gorbachev the “critical link” between “a forthcoming Soviet
foreign policy—particularly regarding Germany—and further improvements
in U.S.-Soviet relations.”148 The senior-most U.S. leaders, in other words, were
focused on garnering the strategic advantages of moving a reuniªed Germany
into a U.S.-dominated alliance, and were even willing to threaten the overall
state of U.S.-Soviet relations in support of this objective.
Reºecting this thinking, a State Department ofªcial could quip in March
1990 that the Two-Plus-Four negotiations represented a “two by four,” because
they offered “a lever to insert a uniªed Germany in NATO whether the
Soviets like it or not.” Assuming that the United States began reaching out to
other former Soviet clients in Eastern Europe while Soviet military retrench-
ment continued, the United States could then see “the outlines of the new
Europe, with Germany inside NATO [. . .] and a revived ‘active buffer’ be-
tween the Germans and the Russians.”149 The United States was therefore not
going to accommodate the Soviet Union so much as take advantage of the op-
portunity to position itself for achieving maximum leverage in post–Cold War
Europe. Already in late December 1989, Scowcroft was advising Bush that the
United States was at a “strategic crossroads” and would either “ªnd a way to
keep up with the intensifying pace of diplomatic interaction” in Europe or ªnd
itself excluded from continental politics. Central to resolving this dilemma was
ensuring that a reuniªed Germany maintained its ties to NATO while moving
into Eastern Europe’s “power vacuum” to facilitate “a much more robust
and a constructive U.S. role in the center of Europe.”150 NSC staffers Robert
Hutchings and Robert Blackwill elaborated on this perspective in mid-January
1990, writing to Scowcroft that German reuniªcation and an expanded U.S.
presence in Europe were mutually reinforcing.
The United States needs to stand between Germany and Russia in central
Europe. If and as our military presence recedes, we will need to ªnd ways
of replacing it with a much greater political, diplomatic, cultural, and commer-
cial presence.
A strong U.S. presence in Eastern Europe will also be an important means of

147. Interagency paper on Two-Plus-Four enclosed with Robert Blackwill to Brent Scowcroft,
“State Department Papers on the Two Plus Four Talks,” February 23, 1990, folder “German
Reuniªcation 11/89–6/90 [1],” box CF00182, Blackwill Files, GBPL; Rice, “Preparing for the Ger-
man Peace Conference”; and Scowcroft, “Meetings with German Chancellor Helmut Kohl.”
148. Brent Scowcroft to the President, “Your Meeting with Gorbachev,” n.d. [content indicates it
was developed for the Washington Summit], folder “POTUS Mtg w/Gorbachev May–June 1990
[1 of 2],” box CF01308, Burns Files, GBPL. Thanks to Flavia Gaspbarri for this document.
149. Harvey Sicherman to Robert Zoellick and Dennis Ross, “Our European Strategy: Next Steps,”
March 12, 1990, folder 14, box 176, Baker Papers, SMML.
150. Scowcroft, “U.S. Diplomacy for the New Europe.”
Deal or No Deal? 37

shaping the process, now seemingly irreversible, of German reuniªcation. By

increasing our own inºuence in Eastern Europe, we can better manage an east-
ward drift in FRG [Federal Republic of Germany] policy and better position
ourselves to affect the future of a reuniªed Germany.
Finally, Eastern Europe is a key to strengthening our future position in
Europe as a whole. Our ability to maintain a strong political consensus in the
Alliance and to develop a partnership with the EC [European Community]
will depend importantly on our playing a major role in Eastern Europe.151

reinforcing nato and debating enlargement

Against this backdrop, calls from East European leaders starting in the winter
of 1990 for a NATO presence in the region intersected with the United States’
interest in deepening its involvement in post–Cold War Europe. In a late
February 1990 meeting in Budapest, for example, Deputy Secretary of State
Lawrence Eagleburger heard from Hungary’s foreign minister “that a new
NATO could provide a political umbrella for Central Europe”; similar calls
from Poland followed shortly thereafter.152 By mid-March, the United States’
interest in Eastern Europe and Eastern Europe’s interest in NATO started to
overlap, as the United States began thinking of NATO as the vehicle through
which it might “organize” Eastern Europe.153 In July, Baker himself acknowl-
edged the possibility of NATO’s eastward expansion, arguing that a revamped
CSCE would provide a “‘half-way house’ for governments who want out of
the Warsaw Pact [. . .] but can’t join NATO and EC (yet).”154 Given that U.S.
policymakers were simultaneously promising to emphasize NATO’s political
nature so as to render NATO acceptable to the Soviet Union, Baker’s comment
suggests the dual nature of U.S. strategy.155
Other U.S. positions support this assessment of the administration’s two-
pronged approach. For example, even as Bush and Baker suggested in the
spring of 1990 that the CSCE would provide a way of overcoming Cold War
divisions,156 State Department ofªcials maintained in June that “CSCE must

151. Robert Hutchings to Brent Scowcroft, “U.S. Policy in Eastern Europe in 1990,” January 10,
1990, folder “Soviet Power Collapse in Eastern Europe (December 1989–January 1990),” box 91125,
Scowcroft Files, GBPL.
152. Lawrence Eagleburger, “Impressions from Hungary, Poland, Austria, and Yugoslavia,”
March 1, 1990, folder “Soviet Power Collapse in Eastern Europe (February–March 1990),”
box 91125, Scowcroft Files, GBPL; Sarotte, 1989, p. 140; and Asmus, Opening NATO’s Door, p. 13.
153. Sicherman, “Our European Strategy”; and Sarotte, “Perpetuating U.S. Preeminence,”
pp. 118–119.
154. James Baker, “JAB Notes from 7/4–5/90 G-24 Ministerial Mtg., Brussels, Belgium & 7/5–6/
90 Economic Summit, London, UK: CSCE,” July 1990, folder 3, box 109, Baker Papers, SMML.
155. Also informative is Baker’s press conference on June 4, 1990, in which he refused to disavow
the possibility that NATO would become an “all European” security institution. See James Baker,
“Press Brieªng by James Baker Enroute ANDREWS AFB to Shannon, Ireland,” June 4, 1990,
box 163, folder 16, Baker Papers, SMML.
156. “Memcon from 6/22/90 mtg w/USSR FM Shevardnadze, Berlin, FRG”; and Baker, “JAB
International Security 40:4 38

complement NATO, not replace it.”157 Likewise, Baker privately cautioned

Bush, Scowcroft, and other senior policymakers in July that the “real risk to
NATO is CSCE”;158 U.S. support for transforming CSCE into a powerful insti-
tution was correspondingly lukewarm.159 By the time Germany ofªcially re-
uniªed in October 1990, U.S. efforts to reinforce NATO dominance and limit
the CSCE’s inºuence had crystallized. On October 5, an interagency review
concluded that “the key U.S. interest is to ensure that NATO remains the cen-
tral pillar of Europe’s security architecture.”160 And on October 9, senior NSC
ofªcials argued that NATO needed to be strengthened to prevent European
attention from shifting to the CSCE while ensuring that NATO remained
the “central institution in providing for Europe’s defense” and managing
“East-West security policy.”161
Meanwhile, NATO’s eastward expansion increasingly became part of dis-
cussions of U.S. options in Europe. By late October 1990, ofªcials from the
NSC, State Department, intelligence community, and Defense Department
were asking: “Should the United States and NATO now signal to the new de-
mocracies of Eastern Europe NATO’s readiness to contemplate their future
membership?”162 Although U.S. policymakers at the time decided against ex-
panding NATO, the State Department Policy Planning Staff and the Ofªce of
the Secretary of Defense still sought to keep NATO’s “door ajar and not
give the East Europeans the impression that NATO is forever a closed club.”163
Even those opposed to NATO expansion at that moment acknowledged that
U.S. policy might change, and they agreed to reserve all American options “as

Notes from 7/4–5/90 G-24 Ministerial Mtg., Brussels, Belgium & 7/5–6/90 Economic Summit,
London, UK: CSCE.”
157. [No author], “NATO Summit: CSCE Proposals,” June 28, 1990, ªle “NATO Summit—
Kennebunkport—July 1990,” box CF01646, Gordon Files, GBPL (emphasis in the original).
158. “Notes from Jim Cicconi re: 7/3/90 pre–NATO Summit brieªng at Kennebunkport.”
159. In contrast, Baker told Soviet ofªcials that the CSCE “can serve as a pan-European security
structure without supplanting NATO.” Hence, whereas U.S. strategists intended CSCE to be a sec-
ond-tier organization, presentation of the U.S. position suggested that NATO and CSCE would be
complements. See “Memcon from 6/22/90 mtg w/USSR FM Shevardnadze, Berlin, FRG.”
160. [No author], “Enhancing NATO’s Political Role in Support of Security,” October 5, 1990,
folder “NATO—Strategy [6],” box CF00293, Wilson Files, GBPL.
161. Philip Zelikow and Adrian Basora to Brent Scowcroft, “Objectives for Our Strategic Dialogue
with the French,” October 9, 1990, folder “File 148 NATO Strategy Review #2 [1],” box CF01468,
Zelikow Files, GBPL; and David Gompert to Brent Scowcroft, “Thoughts on the Future of the Alli-
ance,” October 9, 1990, folder “File 148 NATO Strategy Review #2 [1],” box CF01468, Zelikow
Files, GBPL.
162. David Gompert to Reginald Bartholomew et al., “Agenda for the Meeting of the European
Strategy Steering Group on Monday, October 29, 3:00–5:00 PM,” October 26, 1990, folder “File 148
NATO Strategy Review #2 [3],” box CF01468, Zelikow Files, GBPL.
163. Philip Zelikow to Robert Gates, “Your Meeting of the European Strategy Steering Group, on
Monday, October 29, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm,” October 26, 1990, folder “NATO—Strategy [4],”
box CF00293, Wilson Files, GBPL.
Deal or No Deal? 39

the political situation in Europe evolves.”164 Considering that the ofªcials most
interested in exploring NATO expansion were among the closest advisers to
decisionmakers such as Secretary of State Baker and Secretary of Defense Dick
Cheney, these discussions are particularly revealing:165 not only was NATO ex-
pansion under consideration, but policymakers with access to the highest lev-
els of U.S. strategic decisionmakers were seeking to examine the issue further.
Thus, whereas U.S.-Soviet bargaining throughout 1990 was meant to convince
the Soviets that the United States would not expand NATO en route to creating
a cooperative Europe, the October 1990 discussions show that the United
States was already loosening the non-expansion pledge by holding NATO
expansion hostage to (1) Soviet behavior, and (2) debates within the U.S. gov-
ernment over U.S. interests. Distinct from what the United States told the
Soviet Union, non-expansion was not sacrosanct; under certain circumstances,
the United States would consider enlarging NATO.

u.s. dominance and the diplomacy of 1990

To be clear, there is no evidence that the United States was actively planning to
expand NATO into Eastern Europe in 1990, and it is debatable whether policy-
makers in Washington would have reinforced the preeminence of the United
States at unlimited cost to U.S.-Soviet relations.166 Still, the available evidence
suggests a sharp disjuncture between what the United States told the Soviet
Union and what U.S. policymakers privately intended. For Soviet and other
external audiences, U.S. policymakers depicted a world in which the United
States would forgo NATO expansion and craft a mutually acceptable European
order. Privately, however, U.S. policymakers sought to expand the United
States’ presence in Central-Eastern Europe; they discounted the importance of
the cooperative and pan-European security structures presented to the Soviet
Union; and they opposed arrangements that would foreclose future U.S. op-

164. Ibid.
165. Ibid. The report notes that “OSD [Ofªce of the Secretary of Defense] and State’s Policy
Planning Staff (and possibly Zoellick)” were in favor of keeping NATO’s door “ajar,” whereas ca-
reer State Department ofªcials and NSC members were opposed. For the importance of OSD
ofªcials, the Policy Planning Staff, and Zoellick to United States policy at the time, see Zelikow
and Rice, Germany Uniªed and Europe Transformed, p. 23; and “Richard Cheney interview, March
16–17, 2000, Dallas, Texas” (Charlottesville: George H.W. Bush Oral History Project, Miller Center,
University of Virginia), pp. 40, 76–80,
166. Even as the United States helped reunify Germany and prepared for possible NATO expan-
sion, U.S. leaders were concerned with Gorbachev’s political survival. If forced to choose between
helping Gorbachev stay in ofªce or reinforcing U.S. preeminence, it is debatable which option the
United States would have pursued. For an appreciation of the dilemma, see Brent Scowcroft to
the President, “Turmoil in the Soviet Union and U.S. Policy” August 18, 1990, folder “USSR Col-
lapse: U.S.-Soviet Relations thru 1991 (August 1990),” box 91118, Scowcroft Files, GBPL.
International Security 40:4 40

tions in Europe. As part of this effort, the United States was also actively con-
sidering expanding NATO despite assurances to the contrary.
Overall, and as State Department Counselor Robert Zoellick described in
June 1990, U.S. policy was designed to “give an impression of movement” on
European security and to offer Gorbachev “some things to make him more
comfortable w[ith] the process” of German reuniªcation.167 Meaningfully lim-
iting NATO’s future, however, was not the real goal. Rhetoric and substance
diverged as the United States suggested that it would respond to Soviet con-
cerns, yet took practical steps to reinforce U.S. dominance in Europe. Appro-
priately, Bush had previewed this dual approach early on, telling Kohl at
Camp David: “We are going to win the game, but we must be clever while we
are doing it.”168 Even as diplomatic talks with the Soviet Union proceeded, the
United States was moving to circumvent many of the promises made during
the 1990 negotiations.

A Broken Promise

Contrary to the claims of many policymakers and analysts, there is signiªcant

evidence that Russian assertions of a “broken promise” regarding NATO ex-
pansion have merit.169 Applying insights from international relations theory to
both new and preexisting evidence on the 1990 negotiations suggests that
Russian leaders are essentially correct: NATO expansion violated the quid
pro quo at the heart of the diplomacy that culminated in German reuniªca-
tion within NATO.170 There was no written agreement precluding NATO
expansion, but non-expansion guarantees were still advanced in 1990, only to
be overturned.
Scholars and policymakers versed in realist theory and the practice of real-
politik might argue that U.S. policy is unsurprising. Ultimately, interna-
tional politics take place in a competitive realm in which diplomatic deals are
often most durable when backed by the threat of force.171 The Cold War itself
showcased this issue. For forty-ªve years, the United States and the Soviet

167. “Notes from Jim Cicconi re: 7/3/90 pre–NATO Summit brieªng at Kennebunkport.”
168. Memcon, “Meeting with Helmut Kohl, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.”
169. See, inter alia, Baker quoted in Gordon, “Anatomy of a Misunderstanding”; Zelikow, “NATO
Expansion Wasn’t Ruled Out”; Pifer, “Did NATO Promise Not to Enlarge?”; NATO, “Russia’s Ac-
cusations”; Kramer, “The Myth of a No-NATO-Enlargement Pledge to Russia”; Sarotte, “A Broken
Promise?”; and Sarotte, “Not One Inch Eastward?”
170. Ironically, this matches more with what analysts without access to declassiªed materials oc-
casionally claimed in the 1990s than with what later studies argue. See MccGwire, “NATO Expan-
sion,” p. 26.
171. Geoffrey Blainey, The Causes of War, 3rd ed. (Basingstoke, U.K.: Macmillan, 1988).
Deal or No Deal? 41

Union sought to expand at the other’s expense, constrained largely by the

punishment each could inºict on the other.172 Faced with the decline of Soviet
power in 1989–90, Soviet policymakers could have expected the United States
to seek a Soviet retreat on terms that would give the United States a free hand
in Europe. Such a victory would not only allow the United States to shape the
region to suit U.S. objectives, but would enable U.S. policymakers to accom-
modate or disregard Soviet concerns as American interests dictated. This
changed distribution of power meant that if the United States decided to ex-
pand NATO, the Soviet Union would have great difªculty preventing it.173
At the same time, however, Western scholars and policymakers should not
be surprised that contemporary Russian leaders resent the United States’ post–
Cold War efforts and are willing to prevent further NATO expansion—by
force, if necessary. Just as the United States’ relatively strong position in
the 1990s and 2000s allowed U.S. ofªcials to sidestep the assurances given the
Soviet Union in 1990, Russia currently has more options than it did in the past
to oppose Western efforts in Ukraine and other areas to which NATO is con-
sidering expanding.174 More important, just because a state has the capacity to
revise a prior arrangement does not make it advantageous to do so. Not only
can states often improve their security by cooperating with one another rather
than competing, but violating diplomatic arrangements today can make states
compete more intensely in the future.175 Hence, even if some Russian revision-
ism was inevitable as Russia began its slow recovery after the 1991 collapse of
the Soviet Union, the broken non-expansion arrangement likely makes Russia
compete harder, while reducing the likelihood that Russian leaders will trust
Western diplomatic initiatives.


This article has made two main claims. First, during the diplomacy surround-
ing German reuniªcation in 1990, the United States repeatedly offered the
Soviet Union informal assurances against NATO’s future expansion into
Eastern Europe. In addition to explicit discussion of a NATO non-expansion

172. Trachtenberg, A Constructed Peace.

173. There is some evidence that Gorbachev eventually realized what had happened. He told
Kohl in September 1990 that he felt “like he had fallen into a trap.” See Sarotte, 1989, p. 191.
174. Mearsheimer, “Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault”; and Lawrence Freedman,
“Ukraine and the Art of Crisis Management,” Survival, Vol. 56, No. 3 (May 2014), pp. 7–42.
175. Charles L. Glaser, “Realists as Optimists: Cooperation as Self-Help,” International Security,
Vol. 19, No. 3 (Winter 1994/95), pp. 50–90; and Robert F. Trager, “Long-Term Consequences of Ag-
gressive Diplomacy: European Relations after Austrian Crimean War Threats,” Security Studies,
Vol. 21, No. 2 (May 2012), pp. 232–265.
International Security 40:4 42

pledge in February 1990, assurances against NATO enlargement were epito-

mized and encapsulated in later offers to give East Germany special military
status in NATO, to construct and integrate the Soviet Union into new
European security institutions, and to generally recognize Soviet interests
in Eastern Europe. Because prior studies (1) focus heavily on developments in
February 1990 alone, and (2) equate an international promise with the formal
deals reached between states, they miss the central role that an informal
NATO non-expansion pledge played throughout the 1990 diplomacy around
German reuniªcation.
Second, the United States privately entertained greater ambitions for domi-
nating post–Cold War Europe than many former policymakers and scholars
have detailed. Around the turn of 1989–90, U.S. policymakers began to ac-
tively explore ways of projecting U.S. power and inºuence into Eastern
Europe, and soon focused on NATO as the vehicle to achieve this end. Thus,
U.S. policymakers worked to ensure that the diplomatic deals around German
reuniªcation substantively kept open U.S. and NATO options in post–Cold
War Europe. The result was a bifurcated strategy, as the United States pre-
sented assurances to the Soviet Union that were meant to look powerful, while
the United States maneuvered to dominate post–Cold War Europe.
Understanding the dual nature of U.S. policy in 1990 and the resulting
Russian antipathy has implications for history, theory, and policy. First, the re-
vised history of the diplomacy of German reuniªcation highlights the need for
further research into U.S.-Soviet diplomacy at the end of the Cold War. Numer-
ous analysts consider the diplomacy of German reuniªcation indicative of
broader U.S.-Soviet cooperation at Cold War’s end.176 This study shows,
however, that the cooperation narrative has empirical problems: even as
the United States pledged to address Soviet security concerns, it staked out
self-interested positions for post–Cold War Europe. Key elements of the
Cold War settlement—the fate of Germany and NATO—were thus subject
to signiªcantly more competition and maximization of U.S. power than is
often appreciated.
Second, the case calls for additional research into the sources of international
cooperation and competition. As noted, U.S.-Soviet relations at the end of the
Cold War are often held up by international relations theorists as a leading
example of great power cooperation despite past mistrust. Scholars have
attributed burgeoning U.S.-Soviet cooperation to several sources, including
Soviet efforts at reassuring the United States by engaging in costly arms reduc-

176. Ikenberry, After Victory, chap. 7; Bennett, “Trust Bursting Out All Over”; and Robert Zoellick,
“Two Plus Four: The Lessons of German Uniªcation,” National Interest, Fall 2000, p. 19.
Deal or No Deal? 43

tions;177 growing economic incentives to reduce U.S.-Soviet competition;178 di-

minished U.S. threat perceptions vis-à-vis the Soviet Union owing to Soviet
domestic reforms;179 and the restraining effect of Western institutions on U.S.
foreign policy.180 On the core issue of German reuniªcation and NATO’s fu-
ture, however, the case shows that the United States exploited Soviet weak-
nesses despite presenting a cooperative façade. As a result, it suggests that
international cooperation may be difªcult to obtain, even when a host of theo-
ries predict that cooperation should occur. Given the difªculties these theories
face in this keystone case, future work is necessary to reexamine whether and
why cooperation is possible in world politics.
Finally, this article highlights the need to reconsider U.S.-Russian relations
in the post–Cold War era. There are numerous reasons to condemn Russian be-
havior in Georgia and Ukraine, as well as against states in Eastern Europe, but
Russia’s leaders may be telling the truth when they claim that Russian actions
are driven by mistrust. This possibility has largely been obscured by discus-
sion of whether an explicit, codiªed deal constrained NATO’s future. Because
absence of a deal is not evidence that a deal was absent, NATO’s eastward
march may have left Russia feeling isolated by upending the informal arrange-
ment of 1990. Ironically, the State Department recognized this risk as early
as October 1990, arguing against NATO expansion on the grounds that “we
are not in a position to guarantee the security of these countries [. . .] and
do not wish in any case to organize an anti-Soviet coalition whose frontier is
the Soviet border. Such a coalition would be perceived very negatively by the
Soviets and could lead to a reversal of current positive trends in Eastern
Europe and the USSR.”181
As a result, calls to deter Russia by reinforcing NATO’s eastern presence and
leaving NATO’s door open to states including Georgia and Ukraine are likely
to deepen Russian insecurity.182 In contrast, efforts to reassure Russia may pro-
duce a more stable U.S.-Russian relationship. Of course, Russia’s deep sense of

177. Kydd, Trust and Mistrust in International Relations, chap. 8.

178. Dale C. Copeland, “Trade Expectations and the Outbreak of Peace: Détente 1970–1974 and
the End of the Cold War 1985–1991,” Security Studies, Vol. 9, Nos. 1–2 (Autumn/Winter 1999), esp.
pp. 46–56.
179. Mark L. Haas, “The United States and the End of the Cold War: Reactions to Shifts in Soviet
Power, Policies, or Domestic Politics?” International Organization, Vol. 51, No. 1 (Winter 2007),
pp. 145–179.
180. Ikenberry, After Victory, chap. 7.
181. State Department, “NATO’s Future Political Track of the Strategy Review: Questions to Ask
Ourselves,” October 22, 1990, box CF00293, folder “NATO—Strategy [5],” Wilson Files, GBPL.
182. Eric Schmitt and Steven Lee Myers, “U.S. Is Poised to Put Heavy Weapons in Eastern Eu-
rope,” New York Times, June 13, 2015; “Ukraine Sets Sights on Joining NATO,” Associated Press,
April 9, 2015; and “Bolstering a Vulnerable Russian Neighbor: Georgia Is Making a Case for NATO
Membership,” editorial, New York Times, September 11, 2014.
International Security 40:4 44

betrayal means that the optimal moment for reassurance may have lapsed.
Nevertheless, reassurance may still be preferable, as it holds the potential to
(1) transform perceptions of the United States, (2) empower moderates
among Russian policymakers, and (3) avoid steps that would continue justify-
ing Russian aggression. As other analysts suggest, the key is to ªnd ways of
forgoing additional NATO expansion and, unlike in 1990, prevent circum-
vention.183 One approach might be to give a more prominent decisionmaking
role to NATO members that are less enthusiastic than the United States about
buttressing or expanding NATO’s East European presence and foreswearing
military deployments, such as those announced in early 2016, to Eastern
Europe.184 Also, U.S. and allied policymakers should refrain from treating
Russian accusations of a broken non-expansion pledge as deceptive. The
United States therefore faces a dual task in improving U.S.-Russian relations:
not only must it accept its role in overturning the 1990 guarantees, but the leg-
acy of having done so means that policymakers must overcome Russian mis-
trust and worries that the United States will reverse course yet again.185

183. Mearsheimer, “Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault”; and Henry Kissinger, “To Settle
the Ukraine Crisis, Start at the End,” Washington Post, March 5, 2014.
184. Germany, for instance, has been more reluctant than the United States to confront Russia over
Ukraine. See Paul Belkin, Derek E. Mix, and Steven Woehrel, “NATO: Response to the Crisis in
Ukraine and Security Concerns in Central and Eastern Europe” (Washington, D.C.: Congressional
Research Service, July 31, 2014), p. 4. On military deployments, see Rick Lyman, “Eastern Europe
Cautiously Welcomes Larger U.S. Military Presence,” New York Times, February 2, 2016.
185. Policymakers such as Michael McFaul argue in part that because the issue of NATO expan-
sion did not arise in U.S.-Russian negotiations before the Ukraine crisis, Russian actions cannot be
explained by NATO expansion. See McFaul, “Moscow’s Choice.” This article challenges such rea-
soning: Russian leaders might still have harbored suspicions over U.S./NATO ambitions because
of the legacy of the broken NATO non-expansion pledge.

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