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Separation expertise

for your success in iron ore
How can we make your iron ore
production more profitable?
How will your business continue to grow despite changing iron ore prices? What
equipment will give you reliable performance with minimal residual moisture?
What will it take to boost capacity at the lowest possible cost?

A solution to improve every process

Having served large producers like Jindal along with smaller op- costs. In one case, this meant increasing throughput to more
erators such as CML Metals and Stoilensky GOK, we know the than 500 t/h per machine, with half the total footprint of tradi-
complex challenges you face. From difficult ore bodies to boost- tional solutions. In a different brownfield project, the result was
ing availability, each solution demands a unique level of expertise. the world’s largest hyberbaric filter in iron ore production, with a
guaranteed residual moisture content of 7% requested at high
The solid/liquid separation experts throughput and clear filtrate.
For all customers, it’s just a matter of reducing investment and
operating costs for high-throughput applications. Other times, the Resources you can count on
aim is to reduce wastewater from tailings treatment in remote de- Whether it’s thickening or filtration, concentrate or tailings, the list
serts. Whatever the situation, the core challenge is to find the most of success stories goes on and on. With thousands of profes-
efficient, reliable solution for your solid/liquid separation needs. sionals and more than one hundred iron ore solutions in opera-
tion, every new challenge is a welcome opportunity. A chance to
Your partner in innovation put our experience, financial strength, and technical resources to
To many customers, we’re known as the partner of choice for work for you.
high-capacity concentrate dewatering with the lowest operating

02 03
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Meeting your needs

with leading iron ore REFERENCES
separation technologies BROAD PORTFOLIO LEADING HIGH-
Full range of solid/liquid THROUGHPUT
separation equipment TECHNOLOGIES
Changing ore grades. Unpredictable prices. (thickening and filtration for Reducing TCO by up to 50%.
Higher throughputs. In many ways, the need to concentrate and tailings
improve efficiency in iron ore dewatering has LOCAL SUPPORT WORLDWIDE
never been more intense. Our approach? To Strategically positioned warehouses
with OEM replacement parts, engi-
surround you with the industry’s most innovative CONSULTING
neered wear parts (consuma-
solid/liquid separation technologies. Providing customer-oriented
bles), and field service.
process solutions.
Application-specific solutions
When working to meet your demands, our focus is clear: Give
Our 360º to boost your bottom line
us your biggest challenges in concentrate and tailings treatment, INNOVATION AND R&D
Innovative filtration technology
approach to iron FEASIBILITY STUDIES
Process simulations and
In fact, we’re constantly finding new ways to improve availability,
and we’ll commit our full range of services and solutions to solv-
ing them.
ensuring highest throughputs ore separation ROI calculations.
boost production rates, and minimize maintenance. Now and for
years to come. Whether it’s reducing the amount of filter cloth
with lowest residual moisture
at lowest costs. starts with and spare parts, cutting equipment footprints by half, or ensuring

It all starts with your needs UPGRADES AND PRO- fully automated operations, even the smallest details can make a
Our aim is to provide you with a comprehensive range of equip- AUTOMATION CESS OPTIMIZATION significant difference to your bottom line.
ment and services. And it all starts by addressing your process Design, supply, and installa- Improvements in perfor-
tion of electrical equipment, mance and safety of exist-
requirements, including consulting, material tests, and feasibility
controls, and instrumenta- ing equipment to extend
Unmatched experience
studies. Once you’ve chosen the right solution, we work closely tion solutions. the productive life. in solid/liquid separation
together to design, service, and optimize its performance and More than just technical innovations, these improvements have
availability. TECHNICAL SUPPORT SUSTAINABLE helped us to meet the growing challenges of a fast-changing glob-
Remote diagnostics to on- TAILINGS TREATMENT al industry. For more than 150 years, our group has steadily grown
site presence to troubleshoot Extracting more value from waste
Leader in high-throughput technologies and fine-tune equipment streams through sustainable,
through acquisitions of well-known suppliers such as Bird/KHD
Over the years we’ve earned a growing reputation for developing performance. cost-effective water and Krauss Maffei. The result is an unparalleled level of expertise
innovative new ways to boost operating margins for an array of recovery. in solid/liquid separation, together with a complete range of sol-
high-throughput applications. Our lowest operating costs have id/liquid separation systems for the most demanding dewatering
provided payback periods in the order of a couple of months. applications.

04 05
Where we fit into
your production line
When it comes to thickening and filtration in the iron ore industry, getting the right
end product at the right cost is no simple task. Whether it’s magnetite or hematite,
goethite, limonite, or siderite, all types of rock demand their own approach. Thanks
to our comprehensive range of separation solutions, we’re able to supply complete
dewatering plants.

In designing a new beneficiation plant or extension and mod- When the highest volumes are critical, our innovative hyperbaric
ernization, our engineers draw on decades of experience from disc filter generates extremely high throughputs at the low specif-
all types of mechanical and thermal systems. They can also pro- ic residual moisture content and clear filtrate needed for further
vide and optimize multiple technologies for specific applications – processing – all at substantially lower operating costs. Just one
from belt and filter presses to vacuum belt, drum, and disc filters, example of how we help you streamline your production, even in
and even thickeners and plants for water recovery. the most demanding applications.
ANDRITZ hyperbaric disc filter



How can we boost

your capacity?
As the demand for iron ore rises, so does
the need for higher capacities. Maybe it’s Thickener Hyperbaric disc filter Thickener Heavy duty belt press
processing huge volumes of low-grade ore
with minimal residual moisture. Or doubling
your throughput with a high-capacity filter
press. In either case, we have an innovative
solution to make it both possible and prof- Horizontal vacuum Vacuum disc filter Filter press Horizontal vacuum
itable. belt filter belt filter

Filter press Vacuum drum filter Solid bowl centrifuge

ANDRITZ filter press

06 07
>500 t/h


Concentrate dewatering

Higher throughput, lower cost

Whether you’re producing iron ore pellets, filter cakes, or feed for other processes,
reliability is everything. In addition to consistently high throughputs with specific
lowest moisture content, you need continuous operation around the clock, with
no downtime.

Since nearly all of our customers are in remote locations where

personnel and resources are scarce, there’s no room for chance.
Without exception, they need a solution that’s innovative enough
to increase margins from the start, and robust enough to keep n Reduced footprint and surface area by up
them that way for years to come. to 18 times
n Increased settling rate by up to 18 times
n Reduced flocculant consumption by up to 50%

Profitable high-capacity filtration n Designs for ultra-high rate, high rate, conventional,

and paste
Thanks to the reliable performance of our filtration solutions, we
can help to reduce everything from energy consumption and filter
cloth to spares and personnel costs, day in and day out. Our hy-
perbaric filter, for example, is capable of capacities of 500 t/h with FILTRATION

filtration of very fine material – all in one dependable, fully auto-

mated machine. The end result? A clear filtrate, residual moisture
of as little as 6%, and up to 50% in reduced total cost of owner-
n Highest throughputs of n Throughputs of >150 t/h n Filtration rates improved n Throughputs of n SmartFIX filter cloth
>500 t/h with fast opening mech- by up to 100% >1.5 t/m2/h per unit mounting system for 30%
Reducing your footprint in thickening n Clear filtrate with
<0.1% solids
n Residual moisture: <6%
n Flexible operation

n D rier filter cakes due to

n O ptimized ratio of foot-

print to filtration area

increase in filter cloth
lifetime and 20% reduced
For many applications, both water and space are also in short solid matter in filtrate
n Residual moisture: <6% n Fully automated un- infinitely variable drying n Clear filtrate
n D rum design for con-
 50% lower TCO loading zone n Minimal required system
supply. This is why we’ve constantly reduced the radius of our n

n Reliable operation even

sistent application of
n Reliable operation even volume
dewatering aids
thickeners while increasing their throughput by up to 18 times. for fine particle size for fine particle size n Minimized specific
n Flexible adjustment of
distribution distribution volume and enlarged
Their size, design and ancillaries are optimized for your specific n Steam pressure filtration n Efficient filter cloth wash- cake-forming zone
cake forming and cake
drying angle
application, either to maximize throughput or minimize flocculant by our patented system ing device

consumption and clear underflow.

ANDRITZ filter disc

08 09
“With just four hyperbaric
CIP nozzles decanter
disc filters from ANDRITZ
we can handle more than
1,000 tons of dry solids per hour.
No other supplier could match
these volumes with such low
installation and maintenance


Hyperbaric disc filter installation

Twice the capacity, half the footprint

Why it pays to think big Doing more with fewer units A boost in capacity and efficiency
For Jindal, it was not just the limitations of conventional technol- Instead, the customer chose to install four continously operating
ogies that posed a challenge. With difficult hematite iron ore, it hyperbaric disc filters (HBFs) from ANDRITZ, thereby dramatically
Over 1,000 tons per hour. 8-9% residual moisture. At the lowest possible cost. In 2011, was also the very fine particle size distribution and high Blaine reducing energy costs and excess buffer capacity of pumps and
a large Indian iron ore producer named Jindal had reached a turning point. To meet number that made vacuum filtration economically unsustainable. conveying systems. Other expenses, such as for up- and down-
these demands, a more innovative approach was necessary. One that would enable A throughput requirement as ambitious as theirs, it was calculat- stream interfaces, were also reduced – in this case by up to 30%.
continuous operation, reduced operating costs, and more than twice the throughput ed, would demand as many as 8-10 filter presses – along with the In total, it all amounted to a solution so compact, efficient, and
per unit compared with conventional solutions. added buffer capacity, energy costs, and machine footprint this reliable that two additional HBFs have since been commissioned
would entail. to make the production site more profitable than ever before.

10 11
Getting more
from the
toughest ore
It’s no secret. Demand for pellets is high,
but ore body grades are low. As these two
challenges converge, only the most ro-
bust fine particle dewatering solutions will

This is why, for decades, we’ve tested, op-

timized, and refined our solid/liquid sepa-
ration technologies for some of the world’s
most difficult ore bodies. As at one site in
Sweden, where four ANDRITZ disc filters
have delivered on their lab-scale promises
every day of every year – since 1981.

On-site they call our solution “amazingly

trouble-free”. We call it decades of reliable
performance. Guaranteed.

12 13
>20 t/h

100,000 h REDUCTION

Tailings dewatering

Creating more value from waste WIDTH PER UNIT

Wherever water or tailing ponds are scarce, it’s crucial to recover as much water as
possible before recirculation. It all comes down to making the most of your waste
streams with the most efficient solutions for thickening, dewatering, and disposal.

Thanks in part to our many years of experience in municipal and For example, we can supply an optimized horizontal vacuum belt
industrial waste treatment, we’re no strangers to extracting value filter for coarse materials. Or a fully automated centrifuge where
from waste water. In iron ore production, we’ve refined our solu- space is limited. Depending on your requirements for volume,
tions to produce drier tailings reliably and efficiently and allow you cake dryness, regulatory standards and more, our tailings dewa-
to conserve both water and transportation costs. tering solutions make it possible to cut operating costs by reduc-
ing volume by more than 80%.

“A customer in
South Africa needed to
n Reduced footprint n Reduced flocculant
dewater 840 t/h of magnetite
and surface area by
up to 18 times
n Increased settling
n Designs for ultra-high

rate, high rate, con-

with 7% cake moisture content.
rate by up to 50% ventional, and paste
We were the only supplier who
could achieve this, and with an
impressive 98% availability.”

n Throughputs of >100 t/h n Up to 100% improved n Small footprint n Throughput of >20 t/h ANDRITZ SEPARATION
 Fast opening mechanism filtration rates  No buffer tanks necessary per meter working width
n n

or conventional design n Flexible operation n Operation at 1,600 G-force n Dry content up to 80%

n Residual moisture: <10% n Excellent washing or less for extended lifetime n Maximum water recovery

n Fully automated unloading efficiency n Reduced operating costs (with thickeners)

n D rier filter cakes due to infinitely n Low energy consumption
n Reliable operation even for

fine particle size distribution variable drying zone

n Efficient filter cloth washing


14 15
Local support
Responsive local service
centers and field
service technicians

Put 150 years of

OEM experience
to work OEM spare parts
Wear and spare parts from
OEMs or in OEM quality
Need to optimize your process? Boost availability? in local inventories

Ensure non-stop productivity? When you work with

ANDRITZ SEPARATION, you gain access to one of
the world’s largest OEM manufacturers for solid/liquid
separation. Put our in-depth knowledge of separation
equipment and processing to work for you.
Repairs & upgrades
Optimization of machine
Vast experience through large installed base and process performance,
repair work, retrofitting,
With an installed global base of more than 55,000 solid/liquid sepa-
and modernization
ration solutions and systems, you can imagine that we take service
seriously. Wherever these customers are located, we work very closely
with them to maximize uptime and boost efficiency.

Well-known OEM brands Service agreements

Some customers know us as the people with ANDRITZ SEPARATION Preventive maintenance, from
on our overalls. Others have come to understand that we are the OEM be- contracts for spare parts,
maintenance, inspections,
hind former brand names like Netzsch Filtration, 3Sys Technologies, Bird, and repairs to upgrades
KHD Humboldt Wedag, Rittershaus & Blecher, Guinard, Lenser, KMPT, and operation
Escher Wyss, Royal GMF Gouda, Frau­tech, and Sprout Bauer, companies
who all have been acquired by ANDRITZ. But frankly, we are capable of ser-
vicing and supplying spare parts for nearly all brands of solid/liquid separa-
tion equipment on the market.
Local support backed by global expertise and rentals
Certified second-hand
Our service philosophy is simple: One phone call, one contact person, one
and rental machines
dedicated team that speaks your language and knows your equipment and
process. This is not an empty promise. It is backed by a network of 550 ser-
vice specialists for solid/liquid separation equipment and systems as well as
service centers all around the world.

A true full-service provider Automation

Whether you need spare parts, rentals, local service, repairs, upgrades, or Automation tools to improve
modernization of your equipment, ANDRITZ SEPARATION is a 360-degree processes and plants,
both technically and
service partner. From initial consulting through to service agreements, plant economically
optimization, automation, and training programs, we are always looking for
ways to minimize downtime and increase predictability in operations while
raising your overall production efficiency. In short, we’ve got you covered.

Operator training and tailored
seminars for operating and
maintenance personnel

16 17
Where do you
want to go TO M O RROW?

Now you’ve seen how ANDRITZ SEPARATION

can improve your filtration process: More than
2,000 solid/liquid separation experts and a
range of reliable, innovative systems, all backed
by a 150-year track record.

Let’s sit down and see how we can take your

operations to the next level. Contact us today.

18 19


Phone: +27 (11) 466 2361 Phone: +61 (3) 8773 4888 Phone: +43 (316) 6902 2318 Phone: +55 (47) 3387 9110
Fax: +27 (86) 636 2122 Fax: +61 (3) 8773 4899 Fax: +43 (316) 6902 92318 Fax: +55 (47) 3387 9103


Phone: +65 (6512) 1800 Phone: +86 (757) 6663 3419 Phone: +1 (817) 465 5611
Fax: +65 (6863) 4482 Fax: +86 (757) 6663 3448 Fax: +1 (817) 468 3961
All data, information, statements, photographs and graphic illustrations in this leaflet are without any obligation and raise no liabilities to or form part of any sales contracts of ANDRITZ AG or any
affiliates for equipment and/or systems referred to herein. © ANDRITZ AG 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this copyrighted work may be reproduced, modified or distributed in any form or by
any means, or stored in any database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of ANDRITZ AG or its affiliates. Any such unauthorized use for any purpose is a violation of the relevant
copyright laws. ANDRITZ AG, Stattegger Strasse 18, 8045 Graz, Austria KAB Iron ore 1.0/01.2014 GB

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